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September 23, 1850

Dear John,

I thought I'd write and tell you of my life here in Mississippi. It's great! My wife and I run a slave discipline camp here. Five years ago I discovered that many slave owners were unable to provide the discipline necessary to keep their slaves in line. So I offer a service. If slaves are misbehaving, they are sent to me and I see to it that they are sent back docile and obedient.

The method is simple. I make their lives at the camp so miserable that they behave at home for fear that if they do not they will be sent back here. And that's what's so nice about this job. I get pleasure from inflicting pain and humiliation on niggers. Not only that but my wife and partner does too.

Between us we can easily break the uppityest nigger in just a few weeks. Our rates are reasonable and based on the pleasure we can expect from the slave. We give especially low rates for high-yeller females and for males with large cocks--Helen loves to abuse big nigger cocks. We usually get the slaves young, because that's when they need training the most. We recommend that they be sent to us just as they reach sexual maturation, since that's when they tend to be most uppity. Younger and they defer to their elders naturally, older and they have been beaten into submission.

Let me give you a description of my day. At this time there are 10 niggers here for discipline--four females and six males. They are between 15 and 17 years old. Helen and I enter the main room at 9 am where the niggers have been trussed to the walls all night. They are groaning with the agony of a night of stretched muscles. It will only get worse for them. I yank on the ropes that pull them to full spread-eagled position well away from the wall. They are kept stark naked. She and I strip to perform our duties-we don't want to get our clothes sweaty or blood-soaked.

In anticipation of my duties my 12-inch long, 3-inch diameter cock is rock hard. My huge indefatigable cock is the main reason for my success in teaching female niggers their place in life. Helen's nipples are erect with arousal and jut straight out from her magnificent, firm tits. Her cunt is already dripping pleasure-juice onto her legs. The slaves that have been here a few days are already cringing, wild-eyed with fear. They are terrified of us because they know what awaits them. The new male and female, however, are still insolent. They won't be that way long.

I start in on a high-yeller cunt that has been here for about a month and is due to go home today. She has almost white features. Her skin is a delicate brown and she has magnificent tits and a fantastic ass. I can almost cum just looking at her. As I move threateningly toward her she begins to moan and beg-"I be good massa, I be good, I be good. I suck you cock. I eat you jizz. Please massa, don't hurt me no more. I do whatever you or my massa want. Anything at all. I be a good nigger. I suck when you want. I keep my cunt open for you. I bend over so you fuck my asshole. I do all you want good. Please don't hurt me no more. Please, oh please." Deaf to her entreaties I begin to whip her with a leather belt as hard as I can. I whip her ass and her tits. Her legs are spread apart so I can torture her cunt too. She writhes and screams and continues to beg. "I be good. I do whatever my master want. Anything he say, just don't whip me no mo'." I'm just getting warmed up though and my cock gets harder and harder as I continue to whip her and hear her screams of pain.

Finally I stop and release the rope holding her hands. She collapses to her knees. I step toward her and thrust my throbbing cock into her face. She takes it into her mouth and begins to suck. I whip her again. "More tongue, nigger!" Her tongue works furiously and after a few minutes more my balls erupt and a geyser of jizz roars through my cock into her mouth. She knows that if she doesn't swallow every drop we will start over and this time with a cane that raises horrible, long-lasting welts. She slurps and gobbles my cum eagerly. When I am spent I whip her a dozen more strokes for good measure and leave her a sobbing, defeated heap in her corner. She is ready to return to her master.

Helen who has been fingering her cunt as she enjoyed my torture of the female is now ready to work over a buck nigger. He has a good body and his soft cock is a thick 7 inches long. He too has been here for almost a month and has long since been reduced to a pitiful whimpering wreck. Before she even begins beating him he is begging for mercy " Please missus. Don't beat me no mo' Missus. I always be good from now on. I do what massa and missus tell me. I lap and suck like they want." She is as deaf to his pleas as I was to the high-yeller bitch. She whips his ass and every once in a while rips at his balls. That really elicits screams of pain. Her tits bob enticingly as she works and I can see her twat-juice oozing from her cunt as she works in a state of feverish pleasure. The buck keeps screaming and begging, "I be good missus, I beat off like you like and suck you cunt." After a few more lashes, one to his balls, Helen lets him sag to his knees. He grabs his cock and starts beating off as he knows he must if he is to avoid more pain. Helen struts in front of him her legs enticingly apart displaying her juicy cunt. She caresses her nipples so that they stand boldly out from her proud tits. The nigger cannot but react and soon he is hard. His cock doesn't swell with excitement, it just gets hard. He keeps pumping and finally cums. He knows to catch his jizz in his hand and he knows not to spill a drop or he too will feel the dreaded cane. Helen orders him to lap up his jizz and he meekly complies. Then, with him spent and in no position to receive pleasure from the act, she steps forward seizes his woolly-nigger head and forces his lips to her eager cunt. I can see his tongue working feverishly as she urges him on with firm blows of the belt. She cums with a roar of pleasure while beating him furiously. Then she shoves him away from her and returns him to the painful spread-eagled position. He too is ready for return.

It is my turn again. Watching Helen work has recharged my cock and it is once again rampant. I move toward the new girl. She is a magnificent piece. Her tits are new and jut straight out of her body. She still has the roundness of puppy fat. Her ass is delightfully round. Her cunt is framed by a light bush of black curly hair. Her cunt lips are visible and their pink makes an exciting contrast to her ebony skin. I fling her to the floor. I drive a fist into her stomach and while she is gasping for air drive my rock hard cock straight into her dry cunt ripping and tearing as I go. The pain for her is tremendous and exhilarating for me. I pound away driving in and out with the full length of my 12-inch cock. I pull out and hit her viciously on the side of the head. She nearly passes out giving me time to flip her over and drive my cock up her asshole to the hilt. This really hurts her, as she has had no time to relax her sphincter. I can feel the blood flowing around my cock. It feels wonderful as I drive in and out with the full extension of my 12-inch tool. Her screams incite my balls to boiling and I erupt, flooding her asshole with jizz.

She is not cowed enough to be trusted with a cock in her mouth, so that when I am done I reach for the cowering bitch I have just finished whipping and make her clean my tool with her mouth. The taste of shit, blood and jizz is disgusting to her but she has been thoroughly broken. She performs her assignment with the enthusiasm she knows she must show. Helen forces one of the senior bucks to his knees at the asshole of the bitch I have just butt-fucked. She makes him clean my jizz from the slave's asshole. She has an ingenious method for enforcing obedience. She grips the slave's balls in her hand-one testicle per hand -- and yanks them apart twisting and crushing as she does so. The bucks are in agony and obey her orders with alacrity. The blood, shit and jizz are soon as cleaned from the slave's asshole as they are from my still turgid cock.

When I have had my cock cleaned I return to the new bitch. I take two fake cocks-the French call them dildoes --and drive them up her bleeding cunt and ass. I have fashioned them from wood and finished them to be smooth so they don't produce irreparable harm. They have been greased with hog fat. But they are half again as large as my own monster cock and they cause new and intense pain as I force them home. They have straps attached to them and I fasten these straps around the bitch to keep them in place.

I then tighten the ropes to pull her to a spread-eagled position. She is in the shape of an X supported by ropes tied to her wrists. Her legs are off the floor and pulled down and out with other ropes. The strain on her arms and shoulders is tremendous and after only a few minutes she will begin to experience excruciating pain.

I don't wait for this pain to set in however. I take the three foot long cane, chosen to be thin so as to cause maximum welting, and begin beating her as hard as I can all over her body. I avoid hitting the same place twice and try to avoid overlapping strokes that would cause permanent scarring. The cane whistles through the air. The sound itself scares the slaves who have felt its sting. I beat her ass, her thighs, her calves; I whip her legs up the front. She is already screaming and trying futily to avoid the blows. But the ropes keep her in position. I pay particular attention to her ass. Then I work on her back until it's a mass of horizontal painful welts. Her screams get louder and her begging more intense. "Please massa, stop massa. Oh it hurts, I can't stand it. I be good. I do what you want." I ignore her. I am not done reinvigorating my cock using the sounds of her screams. I move to her front and work on her tits. Over and over I swing the cane as hard as I can assuring that the outer three inches of the cane-the part traveling the fastest-hits my target. Her soft tit flesh is badly welted and she redoubles her screams. I have become very expert and whip the individual nipples with accuracy. She screams even louder. Finally I deliver a series of deliberate well-spaced blows to her cunt. Each blow elicits a high-pitched scream followed by a long drawn out wail of pain. I end up with two savage lashes at her clitoris-the most sensitive part of her body. The screams of pain from the clit blows fill the room and rush to my cock. The sounds die out and she is reduced to whimpering. She has screamed herself out. She hangs in the ropes blubbering and sobbing. Her welts will heal during the next few days-she is young after all-but her mind has been changed. She now knows how fearfully I can and will hurt her. She is one step on the way to being a good nigger who knows her place-on her knees before the white man's cock with her mouth open and sucking.

It is Helen's turn again. She moves on the new buck. She arranges the ropes so that he is trussed over what we call a fuck frame. It is a rail about three feet high. The slave stands on one side of it and his legs are tied at the floor wide apart. His arms are then pulled to three-foot high posts in front of the frame forcing the slave to bend at the middle with his torso horizontal. The beauty of this is that the mouth and asshole are in a perfect position for fucking. If a female slave is trussed in the device it also exposes her cunt. Her tits hang straight down and can be whipped or mauled at our pleasure. The device is wonderful for holding slaves in position while we torture them.

With her new buck in place she beckons to the best-trained buck she just finished with. He knows what to do. He takes some hog grease from the barrel and coats his 7" cock which he has gotten hard in anticipation of his duties. He steps behind the new buck and drives his cock to the hilt in the nigger's asshole. The buck screams, opening his mouth wide. Helen takes this opportunity to force a wood piece into his mouth that prevents him from closing his jaw but leaves his throat and tongue accessible. The assfucking niigger pumps until he comes and then goes to the front and forces his cock in the new nigger's mouth. Helen orders the new buck to suck and begins whipping his ass with the cane. She delivers her blows with wicked effect and the new boy is soon sucking as fast as he can.

A second buck is brought forward and he too drives his cock into the asshole of the defenseless boy. The trussed slave screams and writhes but cannot escape. Again he cleans the shit and jizz coated cock as Helen rains down blows to his ass with the cane. A third time the slave is butt and mouth fucked. The other slaves are not yet trustworthy enough so three will do.

I take this opportunity to drive the new nigger cunt to the buck's cum filled asshole. I force her mouth under his dripping shitthole and order her to swallow. To enforce my order I grab her tits and squeeze as hard as I can at the same time twisting them viciously. She screams as if she thinks I am about to rip them off, which I am trying my best to do. Her open mouth receives the flood of blood and cum mixed with shit. She gags but swallows.

Helen now takes one of our 18-inch dildoes and thrusts it menacingly in the buck's face as she coats it liberally with grease. She steps to his ass and puts the dildo against his asshole as he moans and begs for mercy. Helen waits, letting his fear build and build and for his pleas to get louder and more desperate. Her cunt juices are pouring down her thighs and her nipples are nearly an inch long with excitement. Suddenly she rams the full 18 inches of fake cock up the nigger's ass and he screams with pain before passing out.

While she waits for the buck to revive, Helen beckons the second most-trained nigger buck to her feet. He knows what she wants. He kneels before her and pounds his dick until he spurts his pitiful jizz into his hand. All the while Helen is raining blows from the belt on his back and ass. He eats it, lapping his hand clean and then places his mouth to Helen's cunt and starts sucking and lapping. I can hear the sound of his tongue slurping her twat juices. Helen beats him with increasing fury and in a paroxysm of lust and power has a shuddering orgasm. She grabs the nigger by his hair and pulls him to his feet. She knees him savagely in the balls. As he collapses writhing to the ground in agony she moves to her throne and relaxes in it with her shoulders arched to shove her great tits forward and her legs spread so that I, and all the slaves, can see her well-sucked cunt.

It is time to prepare the female slut for return to her master. I untie her and take her to the bath. It is a large pool of water constantly refreshed. I submerge her and have her wash her body thoroughly. I then wash selected parts of her a second time. I soap my hands and rub her tits thoroughly with the slippery suds. I wash her ass and asshole and then wash her cunt inside and out. I then have her wash my body from head to toe with particular attention to my cock and balls. When she is finished washing I have her check the cleanliness of my cock using her mouth and pump a final load of my jizz down her throat-final that is if she behaves herself from now on.

I hear her master arriving on his stallion and push her from the water. I don my light robe and having attached a dog collar and leash to the naked cunt lead her to her master. Mr. Daniels is obviously impressed by the demeanor of his slave. I know the change is remarkable. The wench approaches with her head down. She falls to her knees before him and begs "Please take me home Massa. I be good from now on. I do anything you want. Please let me suck you cock to show you how good a cock-slave I am." Daniels says, "Suck away bitch and if you do it well, I'll consider taking you home. If you don't I'll leave you here for another few weeks of training." The frantic girl nearly rips his pants off in an attempt to release his cock. She gets it out and immediately buries it in her throat. I can see and hear her tongue working feverishly. She slurps and laves and sucks, the lascivious sounds can probably be heard across the yard. Daniels explodes in her mouth and she expertly swallows every drop.

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Jessica smiled for the passengers as they disembarked the plane, stretching their tired muscles after the long flight from Madrid. "Thank you for flying with Soixante-Trois Airlines," Jessica gushed in her practised overly-saccharine 'stewardess's voice'. "Enjoy your stay in London!" "I live here, you dumb valley girl," one of the passengers snorted as he passed Jessica with a backward glance. "That's the west coast, you moron," Jessica whispered under her breath, out of earshot...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 11

"Thank you, please fly with us again!" Jessica said, a wide smile on her scarlet lips as she waved the hundred-plus passengers off the aeroplane. Most of the men and women simply ignored the American girl, tired as they were from their flight, but a few acknowledged her with a smile, making Jessica giggle happily. Once all the passengers has disembarked, Jessica returned to the aeroplane, straightening her tight red skirt and elegant pillbox hat before performing her post- flight...

3 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 14

"Happy birthday dear Rachel..." The assembled crowd sang as the birthday girl cringed behind her voluminous blonde hair, "happy birthday to you... To you... To you... To you to you to you... To you... To you... To you to you to you!" Rachel giggled at the crowd's use of the tune of Cyndi Lauper's hit 'Girl Just Wanna Have Fun' to extend her embarrassment further, before brushing her hair out of her face and blowing out the 29 candles that had been placed on her cake- which was, of...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 21

"Here she comes!" Hayley squeaked excitedly as the black London taxi pulled onto the street. Sophie fidgeted nervously in her loose dress, forcing a smile on her face as she prepared to hold up the banner that she and many of her friends had spent the previous evening making. "Everybody ready?" One of the two identical ginger-haired Scottish women asked, smiling as everyone nodded affirmatively. "On three," the other ginger-haired Scotswoman said. "Ready? One,...

2 years ago
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The Slut of The South

“Katara?” he ventured. Katara looked over at him. “Yes, Aang?” she said. Aang hesitated. “What is it, Aang?” she asked. “I don’t quite know how to ask this,” Aang said sheepishly. It was all part of the plan; the faked innocence and shyness. Katara looked at him steadily. “Just say it,” she said, “I won’t bite, Aang.” Aang hesitated. “You’re a really horny girl, aren’t you, Katara?” he asked finally. There was a moment of silence and Aang was afraid for a second that he had jumped the gun....

1 year ago
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Heading South

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends.Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or pub...

2 years ago
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Heading South

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no 'stick in the mud' when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at a bar or pub...

4 years ago
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Living in Nevada a Long Time Ago 5 Headed South

After 8 years in Nevada and my life being in total disarray I said FUCK IT and headed south. I had lost track of Linda and Bonnie..still married to TJ and wondering at 51 years old what to do.. I ended up at the beach in Mexico where I had lots of history working in and around the Shrimp Fleet and lots of partying. I had a very good friend who owned a ship yard and was the Don Juan of the town. He had three kids all from different women and could party with the best of them. We, Leo...

3 years ago
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Going South

Hop 1 After having been home a few months and recuperated from having gone round the world in my Corsair, a World War II fighter, I started thinking about the Southern route. Many planes transferred from the States to Europe, especially the North African and Southern European Theatre, by flying across the Atlantic from Brazil to Africa. I'd see parts of the world I had missed the first time and avoided a couple places I didn't want to see again. I looked at the distances from island to...

1 year ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 5 South

As I had predicted, Snort managed to get half his heifers pregnant in the first four days. Tally and I decided to split the herd into six lots before he did the rest. Five lots had ten cows in each. Half were pregnant, and the other half were not. The sixth lot included the other ten girls and Snort. If the owners of the first five lots wanted Snort to finish the job, they would have to pay his new owner. Else, they could put them to their own bulls. We considered this fair and the feedback...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 3

"...And the emergency exits can be found here, here and here," Marie announced in English and in French as all four stewardesses on board the luxurious aeroplane performed the hand and arm gestures. "If you need anything at all, our expert team of stewardesses will be only too happy to oblige," Marie continued. "Your stewardesses for this flight are Chloe," Marie gestured to a petite dark-haired girl, who bobbed a quick curtsey, "Sara," Marie gestured to a tall girl- over 6 feet tall...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 10

"Everyone's staring at me again," Jessica moaned, relaxing back into her chair. "Staring at US," Paige said. "And let them stare. Nothing they can do about it, they can hardly throw us off the plane now, can they?" "God knows there are people who'd want to," Jessica replied. "America may have legalized gay marriage, but that doesn't mean everyone in America agrees with the Supreme Court." "It's still the land of the free," Paige retorted. "And I for one am glad to be going back...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 12

"You know," Paige said as she settled into her plush airline seat, "I kinda wish more people were staring. I mean, come on, just look at us! We're hot!" "We ARE," Jessica giggled. "But I'm quite happy for you to be the only person staring at me right now." Jessica smiled as she fixed her gaze on her lover's porcelain legs and her slender, feminine figure encased in its tight grey pencil dress. Paige had been taking oestrogen for fifteen months- ten more than Jessica herself- and with...

1 year ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 24

Sophie had a wide grin on her face as she stood among her colleagues, all of whom were wearing the same blue uniform as her. The uniform, especially the corset, was just as uncomfortable as it had been the first time Sophie had worn it 15 months earlier, but she had long since stopped caring about that. She had long since stopped feeling like an outsider in the uniform, as though she, as a genetic male, didn't belong in the group of beautiful professional women. And she had long since...

1 year ago
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Dante the male succubus

Dante was sitting at the far end of the table with racheal behind him resting her big tits on the back of his head. Racheal was a huge slut she always wore tight shirts that showed off her big tits and really short skirts that showed off the fact she dosen't wear panties. She was only 5 foot tall but she had a curvy body that drove the guys nuts except dante, which drove her crazy. She had even flashed her pussy to the class trying to get dante's attention if he noticed (or cared) he didn't...

2 years ago
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Dante The Male succubus part 2

I look around, im laying on a red couch in what i believe is a living room. A flat screen tv mounted on the wall across the room, a coffee table with well coffee on top of it and a note. I try to make my way over to the table but i stumble and fall but befor i hit the ground somethin catches me. " Careful darlin you might get hurt." I turn my head and see Dante holding me up. " Wh...Where did you come from?" I ask stunned by his sudden appearence. "Really love, I figured this would of...

3 years ago
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Damn, I had just flooded my panties with a hot load of cum - well not MY panties, my daughter's panties. What was I going to do, they were such petty panties, soft, lacy nearly see through and my hard cock looked so good in them now, they were a sticky soggy mess - how could I put them back in her panty drawer. Then just as things could not get any worse my stepdaughter, walked in on me.... Shit happens So, she caught me, 45 years old, slim, and fit, wearing the...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 19

"...Happy birthday Amy-lie," the assembled crowd sang in their loud, alcohol-fuelled voices. "Happy birthday to you!" The crowd cheered as the two young women at the front of the room- both of whom worse bright sashes with the logo 'birthday girl' written on them- blew out the two candles on the large cake in front of them. "Ah, thank you, thank you!" Amy giggled. "But you are NOT calling us that!" "I have been called worse," Amelie shrugged as she barely suppressed a giggle. "But...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 25

"Honestly, there were times I thought this day would never come," Sophie said as she fidgeted nervously in her smart blue pencil dress and matching designer heels. "And I definitely never pictured it being under these circumstances." "Well, regardless of the circumstances, you definitely deserve to feel proud," Amy advised her friend, who smiled in response. "Definitely," Hayley concurred. "Just a pity you can't take any of the credit for it..." Sophie nodded sadly as she gazed out...

1 year ago
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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 4

October, 1948 Eighth grade and Miss Jernnigan. All during seventh grade, I had heard stories about Miss Jernnigan and her math class. She was reputed to be the hardest, meanest teacher you could ever hope not to meet. She even made you learn how to extract square roots! Of all the useless skills, that had to lead the parade! On top of everything else, she didn't "grade on a curve." If you scored 64 on a test, you got an "F," no matter what your classmates scored. Man, she was...

4 years ago
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My White boyvisit to the South

I was your average city girl. Never been to the south a day of my life nevertheless did I want to go. But I promised my Great aunt I’d come to visit her since I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years since I was 9. I was the typical 19 year old. In college, studying, lots of tests and more studying. Definitely no time for niggaz. Hadn’t had a date since I was 17 as a matter of fact. I guess the benefit of visiting down South would be the peace and quiet time I would get to relax and get some...

3 years ago
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Sarah Goes Down South

Sarah Goes Down (South) By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This is a continuation of Sarah Smile The sun broke through the windows, pulling Sarah out of her slumber. She lay in bed, running her hands across her panties and bra, and thought fondly about the bathroom at Sbarros, and about how she pleased Billy again on the cab ride home, and how he took her again on the sofa before they retreated to his bed to sleep in each others arms. When Billy walked in from work that night,...

1 year ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Fifteen Heading South

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 15, Heading South) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 16 Going South

Drew MacIntosh found himself in the main incident room, staring at the board that still had the timeline showing the vigilante incidents. With no new leads, Drew was working other cases now but he continually came back to the vigilante. The Crimewatch programme had been a big disappointment. Drew had held out high hopes that someone out there knew something, had that vital little clue that would unlock the case, but there had been only a trickle of calls and none of them threw up anything...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 2

Jim reached over and rolled down the window on the passenger-side door as he made his way slowly through the cornfield. The ultra-high-tech 980-cc three-cylinder engine made almost no noise as he drove, and the sound of the buzzing insects in the cornfield was the only thing he could hear. He crept along for a couple of minutes at barely 10 mph, and then began to feel very foolish. "This has to be a joke. Why am I doing this?" He thought about backing up, but up ahead was a sign, and he...

2 years ago
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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 5

"Ladies and gentlemen," the posh English accent announced over the airplane's tannoy, "I'd like to thank you for flying Soixante-Trois airlines, and on behalf of the company, I'd like to wish you all a safe stay in Paris and a very Merry Christmas!" "Joyeux Noel!" Jessica said to the passengers as they disembarked the plane, barely giving the attractive young stewardess in her tight blue skirt and high-heeled shoes a second look as they stepped out into the cold December air. Once all...

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Dantes Birthday Present

Dante was a large, muscular man. He was dark complected, and dressed like he had walked out of an American Eagle ad. He liked his women small, but thick. Scarlet was 5’2, with long, curly red hair. She had medium sized breasts, and a very voluptuous ass. She was wearing nothing but a pair of black thigh highs and a pair of black pumps. She was shaved clean for the occasion. The girl, Vanessa, had blonde hair that hung to her waist. She wore it in loose curls that framed her pretty...

1 year ago
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Giantess World

GiantessWorld! So is it a Disney porn site or is it a porn site that features female giants? does actually have those Disney fonts as their logo, and yes, the Giantess does actually mean female giants. Now, some of you might confuse that green Oger Fiona from Shrek as one, but no! Giantess World is a literotica site that features stories written and submitted by users that revolve around stories that have giants and giantesses in them. So yeah, these are kind of sex fables of...

Sex Stories Sites
3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 19

Earth time: Thursday, 1 PM, September 30, 2010 Central Daylight Savings Time "That's it Jim," Cindy link-thought. She was standing up against one of the front-room windows. Having rocks thrown at her head was now such a frequent occurrence; she wasn't even flinching when they would bounce off the glass. "I've got all eleven of them either in front of me or in their shelter. Go!" Jim came out of the closet and closed the door, then quickly walked six meters across the back-room. There...

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Chantelle Chapter 3

Chantelle - Chapter 3 I had a disturbed sleep thinking about the turn my life had suddenly taken - from an innocent perversion of enjoying my daughter's panties to losing control to my 19-year stepdaughter after she found me enjoying them too much. Now she wants me clean shaven of all body hair. I must pretend to my wife that I have a sudden interest in the gym and body building as a reason for removing my body hair. Okay, I thought time to start the day, and as I got out of bed l...

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SoixanteTrois Airlines part 20

Sophie fidgeted as the excitement of the crowd around her began to intensify. It wasn't the first wedding that she'd attended- not by a long way- but it still brought with it a clutch of new feelings. For starters, when Sophie had attended weddings in the past, she'd been dressed in a smart suit, a tie and lace-up shoes, a far cry from the smart pencil dress, high-heeled pumps and elegant hat she'd donned earlier in the day. She'd been sat with family during the last wedding, whereas...

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