Hi Honey free porn video

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Author’s note: All inventions are figments of my imagination.{br}

When I saw her there I said “Hi honey.”

I am Ralph Winston, I was 30 when I saw her there. We had been married for a little over two years. I was not nor am I now male-model material. I am 6’1” tall and weigh 175 lbs. To stay in condition I ride a road bike about 20 miles a day for exercise. I practice Krav Maga and Tai Chi to help with coordination and upper body tone.

She is Andi (Andrea) Salles-Winston, she was 28 at that time.

We met in one of the usual ways. I was sitting in a coffee shop on the campus where I am a teaching assistant. By teaching while finishing my degrees, I was retiring most of my student loans. At the time I was working on my master’s in computer science, and 24 years old. She walked in with her arms full of books and there wasn’t an empty table or booth in the place. I was at a table for four, and by myself. She looked around, spotted me and asked if she could put her stuff down until she got her coffee.

I said yes.

She put her books down, got her coffee, sat down, and we introduced ourselves. We talked for a half-hour or so and I excused myself to get to my next lab. I jokingly told her I had several brilliant students who would take over the world if I wasn’t there to rein them in. We exchanged cell phone numbers and I left.

Andi (she asked me to call her that) called that evening and we talked some more. She told me she was a junior in the business program looking to get a BA in business administration with a minor in Spanish. She was a full-ride scholar, so when she graduated she would not have any large debts. She mentioned that she had heard of me and seen me around campus.

I explained that other than writing my dissertation I was finished with my masters. I explained that once it was awarded, I would move to the private sector. I wanted to concentrate on electronic and video security.

We ended the call with me asking her if she would like to go to a bluegrass festival the upcoming Saturday afternoon. She said yes.

We dated for all of the rest of the school year and I was awarded my degree. I found a job on campus to update the security cameras, and to eliminate as much as possible blind spots on the exterior of buildings and walkways. Andi was thrilled that I would be close by for her senior year.

A small fly landed in the ointment when Andi started her senior year. I called and asked her for a date one week in October and she declined, citing the need to study for a test.

Well, that night I was in a local campus pub, ‘The BrewHaus’, when she walked in with a guy on her arm. I was angry, but other then the fact she lied, we had not committed to each other. I sat back and watched as the guy tried to do a tonsillectomy on her with his tongue.

I finished my beer and went to the bathroom. As I left; I made it a point to walk past them and say hi to Andi. I didn’t even slow down and walked out the door.

Andi left more than 25 messages on my phone over the next two weeks. I deleted them all. She finally stopped calling, but her next tactic was to try to find my car. Luckily, I had purchased a different one the week before she turned down a date. Campus security had stopped her several times when she left notes on cars similar to what I used to have.

Finally, I was over the worst of my mad, but not over the fact that she felt she needed to lie. I texted her from a burner phone and said I would meet her at the library at 2:00 PM the next Monday. Then I added, at 2:05 if she wasn’t there, I was gone.

She was there at 1:45 and I watched from a side alcove until she left at 2:30. I then texted ‘how does it feel to be lied to?’ then threw the burner phone in a trash dumpster behind the campus kitchen.

That was not the end of the story. I saw Andi several times on campus. She finally ambushed me when I was investigating a faulty camera on one of the pathways from the main campus to the athletic fields. She stopped me as I was placing a ladder next to the camera location.

“Ralph, can I talk to you?” she asked; “I really have to say some things to you.”

“Alright, no games, no lies, The BrewHaus 7:30 tonight not 7:35, 7:30. Now I have to get to work.

At 7:30 she walked in the door with the guy. I got up said hi again and walked out.

She cornered me again at work again, and I held up my hand when she started to speak.

“What part of no games is bringing a boyfriend to talk to a boyfriend?” I continued; “You didn’t owe me anything but honesty, we were never committed to each other, but you flat out lied to me. If you try to tell me that that guy was helping you study, why were you in a bar and why was he checking the contents of your stomach with his tongue in a public place?”

She didn’t answer, she just turned and walked away.

I ran into Andi a year later. She had graduated and was working as a salesperson at a local electronics wholesaler. I was now the head of electronic and computer design for a small company in the town I grew up in and my mother still lived in.

The company specialized in miniaturization of security equipment. We made video cameras so small that the Go Pro was a giant. Our cameras were as small as the eye of a little girl’s teddy bear. And the microphones that went with them could be hidden in a tie tack or lapel pin. One of the best-sellers was a lapel pin mic that looked like an American Flag and it had a 25-foot range. It transmitted up to 300 feet away.

Our company was one of Andi’s customers. When she was escorted to my office, she saw me, turned, and walked out. I went after her.

“Andrea stop, if you are here on business, we can conduct business. This is a working enterprise after all.”

She turned around and I saw tears in her eyes.

“Go to the ladies room and compose yourself, I will be in my office.”

When she returned she was all business. She did not get an order that day, but it was because of what she was selling we had already in inventory. I did promise to keep her company in mind when we need to replenish our stock.

Andi came to the office about once a month. She did make some sales in my department. The line of products that she was pushing was the best value in the market at the time. Business dealings were all that happened.

After about a year, a new rep showed up. He was a slimy, slippery type. He was probably a good salesman, but he rubbed me wrong, and his products had not changed with the competition.

He introduced himself as Carl Weatherman, and he lost all chances of making a sale when he first words out of his mouth. “Ralphie, (I hate being called Ralphie) I have a great deal for you.”

“You can call me Mr. Winston, you have now introduced yourself so can I call you asshole?”

Carl’s jaw dropped and after a second or two I saw some anger.

Before he could respond, I said; “Sir, you are in my office trying to sell me something. How does pissing me off with your disrespect make that agenda possible?”

“I guess I stepped into it here didn’t I?”

“Yes. Now, do you have any new or upgraded products for me to look at? We have found a new source that outperforms your products on both applications and price.”

“Right now, no new products and the upgrades are still in testing.”

He did not get any sales, and when the sales manager from the company called me asking why I didn’t order any of their products. I told him why. “Your salesman is a disrespectful, arrogant jerk, and we found better products cheaper. Unless you improve your products we will not be buying any products in my department. I have also heard that your new salesman has made a lot of the other department heads angry. I know that we have a history, but I can not in good faith buy an inferior product that costs more.”

I missed Andi, except for that one time, she was always professional, and never tried to sell me anything that she knew I wouldn’t use.

Carl did not last for even three months. Andi called to set an appointment to talk. She came in and we had a sit-down. She came with the company president. They had a briefcase and a sample case. We set down at the conference table.

The president asked; “What will it take to get your business back?”

I started “A lot, the reason you lost the business in the first place is price and quality. Another problem with your product line is that the current catalog does not have what we need for our new products. As I told you on the phone, until I see improvement in quality and price for our legacy products, and new components for our new products, we can’t purchase from you.

That being said, I have been authorized to give you samples of the new line, and the improved legacy products. You have ninety days to submit your components and prices. Will that help?”

“Yes that will help. I also have our upcoming catalog of components. Please look it over. Also, if you find a product you want, we are offering you a 10% discount on all orders for a year. And of course, we still offer 2 10 net 30*.”

He continued; “I think that we have our work cut out for us. Thanks for meeting with us. I know that several of the other department heads will follow your lead.”

With that, they got up to leave. Andi trailed; as she got to the door she turned and asked. “Please call me, I want to talk to you.”

I nodded and they left.

That night I called Andi. She was subdued. “Ralph, I am so sorry I screwed up. I wish I could truthfully say that I was studying that night. I messed up. Please, can we try again?”

“Let me make sure what you are asking.” I said with a little vehemence; “If I am hearing correctly, you want to resume dating me; is that right? Will it be exclusive or not? Is it to see if we are destined to be together long term?”

“Yes to both of them. I want to be with you. While we are together it will be exclusive. I think that we have a good chance to have a long term relationship. I believe that we might possibly get married someday. My feelings are that strong.”

Now I had to show my level of anger at the lie. “So I am to take your word that we are exclusive like I took your word you were studying for a test the last time I believed you?”

“Yes, I know I screwed up the last time, but I want to see you away from business time again. I have some strong feelings that I can’t forget. Please let us try again.”

“Ok, I guess we can try. I never stopped liking you, I just stopped trusting you. When do you want to come and get me and what are we going to do?”

“Well, you got me.” She said with a laugh; “I am going to a charity dinner auction for a no-kill shelter for horses, dogs, and cats. I’ll pick you up at 7:00 PM on Saturday. It is not formal, so a suit is fine.”

“I will be waiting.”

With that, we started back together again. We dated for over eight months. I never had any reason to think Andi was not serious about our relationship.

It was Valentine’s Day and we were at a very upscale restaurant when I asked Andi to marry me. The look she gave me showed some anxiety and confusion. She said “I am not sure I am ready to get married. If I say yes to anyone, it will be you.”

I did not say another word. I got up, paid the bill, handed Andi a couple of twenty-dollar bills. “I’m sorry you feel that way. If you don’t mind, hell even if you do mind, your answer means no to me. You wanted to see if we are compatible, your hesitation makes me think you don’t think so, or at least you haven’t decided. You wanted to see if there was a long term relationship possibility. Not anymore, at least for me as of now. I release you from exclusivity. The money should get you a cab back to your apartment. I am leaving you to think about it.”

I went home. I was hurt and disappointed. I was also confused.

I had finally had enough. I decided that seeing Andi even in a business relationship would make me uncomfortable, so I applied for and got a job at a company a couple of states and a few hundred miles away. It was actually an upgrade. The salary was more, and it was a strictly 40 hour a week job. My mother wasn’t happy, but I saw her a couple of times a month and on all the major holidays.

I did not see Andi for over a year. I finally had to go back to my old company for a minor problem with my leaving. Andi was calling on my replacement, and when she came out of his office I was sitting in the waiting area.

She saw me, hesitated for a step or two, squared her shoulders and rushed out.

We concluded our meeting and straightened out the problem. I decided to drive back as I would arrive shortly after dark, and I was not scheduled to work the next day. As I was leaving the building, Andi was sitting in the entrance lobby.

“Ralph, could we talk?” She looked desperate.

I angrily replied, perhaps too loudly; “No, we can’t talk; you rushed out when you saw me like your ass was on fire. That was insulting, disrespectful, and par for the course of your actions toward me. That is not a hurt I wish to revisit. Please just forget you ever knew me and maybe the pain will go away.”{br}

I started to walk away when she tugged at my shirt sleeve. “Please Ralph, I am begging you. Please.”

She sounded so pathetic and as desperate as she had looked when I came out of the elevator.

“I will let you talk on two conditions. First, we will take no more than ten minutes. Then second, when we are done with that ten minutes you can tell me why I should agree to anything you say after you have lied, played games and then insulted me. Can you agree to that? If not let go of my sleeve and let me go as I have a five-hour drive to get back home.

She gulped; “What made you such an angry hard case? When we were dating you were the sweetest man I have ever known.”

“9 minutes 30 seconds”

“All right, I am a despicable person. I am a waste of space. I am a stupid, spoiled little girl. I have told myself all of that and more for the past year-plus. I wanted to say yes, but I couldn’t. I wanted to go with you that night I got caught with the asshole from college, but I already agreed to go with him. I lied because I was ashamed.

“When you saw me with him, I saw the hurt I caused I knew I had blown it for us to be together. Then when you taught me about lying, I was angry. I brought the asshole along to rub it in your face, but you refused to let me. You did the right thing and I did the wrong thing. Now I think that things are probably not going to work out between us.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everything, and then I turned my back on you upstairs. It was so you wouldn’t see me cry. I guess this is really goodbye. I want to say one more thing that I know won’t mean much; but I love you, and I have loved you, I just can’t seem to commit.”

“Ok, you have said your piece. Goodbye Andrea, I loved you from about two weeks after we started dating, I just can not take the hurt anymore. Please if you see me again and I don’t see you, would you please turn and walk away. If I see you, I will do the same. As far as I am concerned, this should be the last contact we have. Ever.”

Andi had tears rolling down her cheeks, and she nodded and headed for the restroom.

I got in my car and drove to the hotel that I was staying at. I was not going to drive all that way back to my house angry.

When I got up the next morning, I thought about the confrontation with Andi. I decided that maybe we needed to actually talk without me being as hard-ass pissed at her as I was. I still had strong feelings for her, and I also knew that my temper let me say things that could have been left unsaid.

I didn’t know if her cell phone number had changed, but I tried it. It went to voice mail. “Andi; this is Ralph. I want to see you and see if we can talk without me ripping strips of skin off your back. I was angry yesterday, and I stayed in town. I feel we at least need to see if I can apologize for some of the hurtful things I said. My new cell number is XXX-5764. I will absolutely be leaving tomorrow morning if you do not call back.”

About 3:45 that afternoon she called back. “Ralph, did you mean it when you said you wanted to talk.”

“Yes I did, I was out of line yesterday. I was angry and seeing you brought back all of the hurt. I am asking if I can take you to dinner tonight. After that, I would like to go somewhere quiet, even here in the hotel lobby, and have the talk we should have had yesterday. Would you let me do that please?”

She said yes, we set a time, I got her address and ended the call. I called down to the desk to find a good semi-fancy place to eat. They told me of one. I called and made reservations.

We had a great meal, and even with the elephant in the room, the conversation was civil and quiet. When I drove her to my hotel and we sat in the lobby and talked about ourselves and our future.

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Movie Theater Gangbang

Introduction: A young mans first bareback gangbang (This all happened today 5/15/11, its still night so I count it as the 15th) I had just got out of a 5yr relationship. Losing my fiance was one of the hardest and worst things to ever happen to me. I lost all interest in women and sex for 3 long months. Until I saw the post online. Adult Movie Theater Slut Looking She wanted anyone, any cock, to fill her up bareback with hot cum. Her husband wanted to see how much she could take, and just...

2 years ago
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A Simple Black Plan

Sandra listened to her daughter with shock at first. She couldn't believe she was saying such things. The girl wanted to make their white rich neighbors, the Van Horns, their slaves. She had it all planned out already and was showing her a tape of Jennifer (Mrs. Van Horn) seducing the paperboy in her backyard which she had recorded with her new cam only days earlier. She taught it was unfair for her mother to work so hard to try to make a living while the neighbors could screw around and enjoy...

3 years ago
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My Life and Loves I take Flight Repost

My father, on the other hand, was mad from the beginning. After the second night, I could hear him up in his drinking room, throwing things and yelling at her in his drunken rage, “That ungrateful, fuckin’ slut of a whore! After all I’ve done for her! She ran off with that no account bastard biker son-of-a-bitch and now he’s shoving it in her little cunt and I hope he wears it out. That fuckin’ cunt!” I just couldn’t figure out why he was taking it so personally. I mean, father...

3 years ago
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First time i came

In this one, i will be mentioning about the starting part of my journey towards sexual gratification. I was in my teens then. This all happened a few months before i lost my virginity with my first boyfriend. Mom had informed me the necessary things long ago realated to periods and all.However being from an orthodox household, i was always curious. The problem was which information to trust, and which not to. When it came to socializing i was quite shy back then. Sundays were spent mostly...

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Fuzz the Cat Ch 02

Fuzz’s presence in Maria’s life quickly settled into a routine. Every day when she came home from school Growl would immediately pounce on her at the door. Fuzz waited calmly until Growl was done with his clownish antics before lightly jumping down from his perch on the back of the sofa and greeting her with a dignified purr. Then Maria would pick him up and they’d all go into the family room to watch TV, Fuzz on her lap and Growl at her feet, his pink tongue often tickling her dangling toes. ...

1 year ago
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Thangaiyin Thozhiyai Matter Adithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana 19 vayathu pennai usar seithu matter pota kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En thangaiku oru thozhi irupaal aval peyar saranya vayathu 19 aagiyathu, vayathu thaan siriyathu aval mulai periyathu. Soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum, en veetil adikadi vanthu poval. Ennai adikadi sight adipaal, avalai enaku migavum pidikum. Naan pesinaal en idam sirithu pesuvaal, en amma ilatha pozhuthu thaan...

3 years ago
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My friends little sister

My friend Will and his family moved into town about 3 years ago. Since then he and I have become really great friends, I even gotten onto pretty good terms with his family, his parents are both funny people and they always seem happy to see me, but it’s his sister that I’m really a fan of.Katie was a walking, talking apparition of sex and lust. She was a few years younger than us, but that never mattered to me. She was tanned to such a perfect colour of bronze; her skin looked like honey to me....

2 years ago
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My kamwali bai

This is a story that started 6 yrs ago. I consider screwing my maid within a fortnight of employing them and till date I have had scores of them. However, this one proved a hard nut to crack, partly because I was also being extra cautious. I had employed this lady who was 30 yrs of age with 3 kids, she was a small make boobs were like fried eggs but she had a nice rump which somehow caught my attention since it had a vertical shift when she walked around. Apart from which she was vey hygienic &...

1 year ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 18 A Party of Five

To make certain you haven't gotten confused, I'll rerun the principal players. Simone Berger: First generation American. German Irish descent. 19, student of anthropology at MSU. Attributes: Brainy, deep red hair, violet eyes. Perfection personified. 5 feet 2. 32D. Unpronounceable name. Called Ship by choice: 14,000, polite Alien entity on assignment to Earth. Attributes: Cloning, melding, shapeshifting, androgenistic. Chose to clone Simone for the visit to Mother. Barbara Belant: Native...

4 years ago
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Stork Flu

Early in the 21st Century, the world was struck by a major pandemic. Initially, the symptoms manifested as a typical flu, and the world treated it as such. However, as symptoms lingered, and preventative measures failed, the scientific community took notice. Quickly, they found that it was a new pathogen not only proved itself to be incredibly drug resistant. By the time the best minds in the world finally got a firm grasp of it, the disease had already spread to every continent thanks to air...

3 years ago
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Player Retired

Dave Stebbins came home from school Thursday afternoon like he always did. He was tired and bored, anxious to get home and do something fun for a change. Like the great majority of young men from households in the U.S., he tolerated school. He had the potential of being a good student but school, learning, and the way the teachers presented the subject matter did not excite him. As a result he did the bare minimum to get by. His parents were of hardworking stock, but both his father and mother...

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My Moms Friend

I was never what you would call "popular" with the ladies. I was never fighting through throngs of girls. So it wasn't really a surprise when after my 19th birthday I still hadn't ever had a serious girlfriend or lost my virginity. I was always more into computers than real people anyway, or at least that is what I tried to tell myself. Which leads me to my mom's best friend. They had met while they were in college, and while my mom had settled down and had children Janet had never really lost...

Erotic Fiction
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 41 Haying 2

A strange transition took place that I’d not actually witnessed before, at least nothing like this instance. It was after noon and the four sisters were in the realm and Lilly with her boys, gone, somewhere, across and over, who knows what how. I didn’t know but I was loving this. Things just got more interesting as time went on. I had no idea just how much we’d be doing beside hauling hay with the implied mischief of these four actual gremlins in the field. Bucking bales with supernatural...

3 years ago
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My Day of Punishment

My Day of Punishment Getting out of bed, I stumble to the bathroom to shower wishing that I could climb back into bed to be with Master. I quickly get the temperature of the water right and climb in. Washing my hair, I start thinking of Master still a sleep in bed and of the great sex we had last night. Becoming turned on I lathers my body lingering over my breasts and pussy. As I slide my finger up my pussy, I start to moan softly. Working my finger in my pussy fast and hard I begin to...

2 years ago
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Squirting Orgasm With Sex Doll

My name is Rahul and I am 33 years old based in Mumbai, this story is about 2 years old, during peak summers of Mumbai Before that let me tell you one thing that you are reading this story, because you strongly feel that there is something which you are not satisfied with, you have not had your dream of fantasies come true so far and you have made compromises in your life to live that way. But you get this life once, all you lovely people should live their life to the fullest, no suppressed...

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Cyber Friends No More Ch 02

The fantasy continues… Extremely pleased, she looks her new found lover in the eyes, and after a long thank you kiss, she continues kissing her way down to his chest, gently licking and sucking and gently biting his nipples. He watches as this beautiful woman, who only yesterday was an unfulfilled fantasy of his, kisses, licks and sucks her way down his stomach. He parts his legs even more to give her access to his now rock-hard penis. She kisses his inner thighs, underneath his balls,...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 5

The Druid College was opening in two days, and Druids were arriving from all over the country to attend the opening. This was a historic event as it was the first Druid College in a thousand years or more. When John Carter had become the Grand Druid it was a private rebirth of the Druids. The establishment of the school represented the public rebirth of the Druids. Ed walked into the administration building and looked around. He had not seen it since the interviews of initial faculty, and...

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Interracial incest orgy

“No, I’m not doing it, now please shut up,” said an exasperated Sally Collins to her husband who for the hundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a black man so he could watch. “You’re fucking sick, do you know that, now leave me alone and let me get on with dinner.” Sally was a very attractive thirty four year old housewife, she was married to Bruce, a successful businessman, they had two children, Aaron fifteen and Annmarie, fourteen. Sally and Bruce...

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Unexpected Love Ch 01

When I woke up this morning, the sky was gray and rain was falling down onto the pale landscape of Norwood Ohio. Ohio is one of those states where you have no idea what the weather is going to be like. One day it’s like sunny California, and the next day it snows, and then the next day it pelts out rain that makes you think you’re living in a black and while film. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t really enjoy the Andy Griffith show till it came in color. The only reason why I loved Ohio...

3 years ago
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Acompanhantes garotas de programa e escorts em Li

Fotos certificadasCom TD positivosCom vídeoAplicarbela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo em Limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. bela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo...

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Snowball fight

It all started when I was around 14 years old, just getting used to growing up and learning about my sexuality. I was interested in trying new things, especially with girls. I lived in a pleasant town, with lots of friends in my neighborhood. But one stood out. A few houses down lived a Stacey, who was a year younger. Though she hadn’t developed fully, she was a striking figure with milky, smooth skin and fiery red hair that I couldn’t stop thinking about. She was small, about 4 feet 8 at the...

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Epic Afri’s got “Epic” right there in the name, self-proclaiming their site to have some truly grand and remarkable pornography. Big-headed brags are nothing new in the business, but how many of those other sites have a shit-ton of big black cocks to sling around in every single video? Honestly, I’d be intrigued even if they said they just had mediocre African smut, but they got me on the hook with the awe-inspiring name. Epic!But is it truly epic? That was the obvious question as I pulled up...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 25

3 ravaged on a train I am a school girl who travels by train, regularly (for this role, I was made up to look younger). One day, as usual I get to the train and since the train is almost full, I travel standing. After a few stops, I am the only woman left on the train. Then, the guy behind me (say A) starts molesting my boobs. As I struggle to break away from him, more guys join him and two of them (say B and C) hold my hands aside and the guy A unbuttons my bounce, pulls it down, removes my...

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first India woman I have had

Kmart is close by and few years back I am in paint and a woman with k**s and I guess mother or mother in law came by. India woman with the dot and wrapped clothing. She smiled and looked at my face and crotch. I smiled back and went on with my shopping. No idea how she could get away from the k**s, much less the other older woman. Later she was at check out and long line, I looked and pointed to the back of the store. She told old woman something and walked ot meet me. I just started walking to...

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A Promising Slave

From the comfort of the bed, Adrian looked Claire up and down, taking in the captivating sight. It had taken a while for the two of them to get her into her current outfit, but now that it was finally complete, he could see that it had been worth it. He started by taking in her feet. She was wearing shiny ankle high ballet boots with impossibly tall heels and tiny padlocks dangling down from the top. Slowly working his way up her body, he took in the beauty her curves, emphasised by her...

4 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 3 Original Research

Allison was thinking. She had spent a couple of hours after work reading the papers that Cerys had given her and searching on the Internet. It seemed like there was an infinite range of things that might be included in a contract like the one Cerys was looking for. It all depended on what sort of dominant / submissive relationship they had going, what sort of kinks they enjoyed and what Cerys wanted out of it. Actually, Allison thought, I guess it depends what he wants out of it too. To...

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Older sisterr and Younger brotherr Shower

visit on www.papahaxx.com website to see more top rated stories like these16-year old brother has always dreamed about fucking his 18-year old sister, little did he know that something meant to clean would turn so dirty! BODY:It was 2:00AM and Jonas was lying awake in bed, thinking about his older sister who slept in the room right next to his. Mom and Dad were away for the weekend and had left Jonas and Tanya home alone. Jonas had a nice 7in. tool, which was a nice size for him since he was...

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TeenCreeper Tiffany Watson Police Brutality

Horny dirty blond slut Tiffany Watson is toying with her tight ass when a loud sounds startles her. Investigating the noise further unnerves her so she calls the cops who almost puut her mind at ease. Later when she’s alone again she gets a disturbing lewd call from Creeper. Thinking Officer Brick will protect her she dares Creeper to try to get inside her house. Stupid slut! You can’t depend on cops and Creeper is already inside! In a flash he grabs her and takes her on a wild ride...

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A tale of male seduced by shemalefrom rohitraj

Hi I am Rohit,I am young,very fair and handsome,well educated decent person age 26 years almost 6 feet tall living in Hyderabad,India.I am a great fan of Indiansexstories.net site and always read the sexual stories.....and compliment the people who write so long stories......i always wanted to share my encounters......but alas i dint met a single encounter.....but recently.....met an exciting one....which i am going to reveal to you people......This is my first story and i request you people...

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