Six-Months TurnaroundChapter 16 free porn video

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The next morning Cliff and Sandy were having their usual morning coffee when Kelly arrived. They looked at her carefully. Cliff reached into his wallet and extracted the still-folded ten-dollar bill and gave it to Sandy. "You won it fair and square."

Kelly was bleary-eyed, but her eyes glowed. "What is that bill you two keep passing back and forth? You were doing it all last night, too."

Cliff looked at her and said, "You obviously need coffee badly. How do you drink it, Kelly?"

"Just black this morning, please."

Cliff was already on his feet and headed for the coffee pot, leaving the girls alone.

"Kelly Cameron, how does Kevin look this morning? Better than you do, I hope."

"He's worse! He couldn't ... Sandra Donnell, what are you saying?"

"Oh, nothing," she said blithely. "You asked about the ten dollars, though, and I was just answering you. It was a small wager I made with Cliff. I just said you two would spend the night together and obviously you did. That's all."

Kelly tried to glare at Sandy, but ended up grinning. "Sandra Donnell, I would like to hate you but it's very hard. Yesterday was absolutely the greatest day of my life! It started off well with you and Cliff and just got better. And the way it ended ... Wow! Professionally, financially, and personally!

"Sandy, Kevin has a real brain! And he's not frightened of me. I have spent my entire social life on the sidelines, just watching. I have always been so jealous of the airheads who go gaga over any guy who just opens his mouth. I've even tried it, but can't make it work. Sooner or later I'll say something — or show I know something — that's out of character, and I'm dead. But not last night."

Sandy got up and shook hands with the other girl. "I know just what you mean. With me it's the same result but for a different reason. I was always a tomboy, so I ended up every guy's best friend's little sister. It's a great prescription for romance! The guys pat me on the head and ask me if I want to throw a football around."

"Oh, I see!" Kelly said brightly. "That's what you and Cliff do all night! Throw a football around? Of course. Sandy, I FedEx'd your check down to Chicago last night. Now I'm going to call the office and put out the word on the broad tape about Murphy getting a trial order from Magna. I hope you don't mind me cluttering up your office, though?"

"Not in the least! You have done a tremendous amount for the company in the last twenty-four hours. Kelly, I'm not sure either of us said anything but we certainly recognize that the call from Magna came as a direct result of your broad-tape release. Thank you."

Cliff returned with the coffee, and the girls took theirs. Kelly got on the phone and called her office. She spoke to several different people, one after the other, and finally hung up. "That was funny. I sent your check to Jack Snyder, and FedEx did its thing. He was still staring at it when I called. His reaction was identical to mine: He's never seen a personal check for two million dollars. I gave them your fax number so they can send us a copy of the broad tape piece on Murphy and Magna when it runs.

"Then I talked to Bill. Trading has just opened in New York, and it's looking very interesting." She changed the subject. "Sandy, were you at Michigan in the MBA program?"

"Yes, why?"

"Because I think I remember seeing some reference to you in the alumni bulletin. I guess I must have been ahead of you by a couple of years. This is what I always dreamed of. Securities can be pretty dull sometimes, but now you can feel a real dynamic at work. You can feel the market. And Murphy is small enough, and the stock float is small enough— Wait a minute!"

She picked up the phone again and called Bill on the trading desk. "Bill, I forgot something. No one knows this, but watch the Murphy volume! Because of the family control of the company, they never paid much attention to the stock or the stock price. They never traded it. But Bill, there are only one million shares, and — this is the secret — Sandra Donnell already owns or controls about 75 percent of it.

"There are only about 250,000 shares out of the family's hands. What happens if a panicked short sells and can't deliver? If there just aren't any shares to be had? Let's face it: You guys don't normally think about the total number of shares outstanding." She listened for a few minutes and grinned. "Thanks, Bill. Keep in touch."

She hung up the phone. "Bill thinks it may have started already. He's started pushing, and the stock is at thirty-two. He thinks volume has already been as much as 100,000 shares this morning! He can't be sure, of course because it's hard to get the total shares by issue until the exchange closes. But guys, there were 60,000 shares traded yesterday. And that's the official number. "If Bill is anywhere near right, all but about 90,000 shares of tradable stock have changed hands in less than twenty-four hours! He asked me to thank you, too."

"What do we do now, Kelly?" Cliff asked.

"We wait and keep the pressure on. If I'm right, Murphy Manufacturing will be suspended from trading within a couple of days. There are five days to settlement, the day the seller has to deliver the stock he sold. If he doesn't have it, he has to get it ... at any price! Do you follow me?"

"I sure do!" Sandy said. "The next few days are absolutely critical. Let's just enjoy the coffee, shall we?"

She grinned and took the cups for refills. She came back later and dashed back out again. When she returned the second time she had papers in her hand. "I think this is what we've been waiting for," she said as she gave copies to the other two. She had made copies of the faxed Dow-Jones news wire and they all read the release.

A moment later Cliff cheered. "I think this is going to do it! I just wonder ... Kelly, do you know George Simpson of Ajax Industries?" he asked.

"Sure do," she replied, making a face. "Why?"

Cliff explained his former relationship with Stephanie and the circumstances surrounding the loss of the Magna business: Ajax breaking its policy and cutting price to meet Murphy with the private understanding they would meet any Murphy price.

"Kelly, let's say you're George Simpson. You see on the broad tape that Magna is receiving test quantities from Murphy. What do you do, if anything?"

"I just might go berserk! I just might call Magna and tell them they can't buy from Murphy." Kelly replied looking very thoughtful. "Excuse me again. Do I have to leave quarters with the treasurer for all of these phone calls? I'm really sorry. I should be using my credit card."

"You do and I'll kill you!" Sandy said quickly. "You're making money for us in big bunches."

Kelly looked in her notebook and dialed a number in Chicago. The phone was answered moments later. "Hi, Bill. It's Kelly Cameron from Snyder Securities. I just saw a piece on the broad tape that Murphy Manufacturing is shipping test quantities of valves and rings to Magna. I thought you folks at Ajax had all that business, or at least all of yours plus what used to be Murphy's. Do you have a comment?"

She listened for a few moments and then spoke again. "Thanks, Bill, but I'm not in my office. I just called in, and they told me. Can I call you back in ... say, an hour? Thanks a lot. I'll do that." She hung up the phone.

"I think I just waved the red cape in front of the bull. Bill is in financial public relations at Ajax. George Simpson can't react to what he doesn't know. He'll know in a matter of minutes. Do you mind if I take a walk so you people can get some work done?"

Sandy grinned at her friend and said with a wink, "Kevin's office is down the hall on the right. I hear his couch is very comfortable."

"Sandra Donnell, you are terrible!" Kelly said. But she went down the hall looking at offices on the right.

Forty minutes later Cliff's phone rang. It was Jack Crowther calling from Magna. "Hi, Jack, how are you? I've got the answers for you, I think. My people tell me if you want normal trial quantities we can ship in five days. Is that good enough?"

"That's great, Cliff." He gave Cliff the plant location to which the test quantities were to be shipped. "There's something else, though. I guess I stuck my neck out to my top management a few minutes ago. I'm taking your personal assurance on the Kaga quality thing."

"I'm glad you reminded me, Jack. What's your fax number? I received the permission from Japan I expected and will be happy to fax you a copy of the managing director's letter to me. You can have it in seconds." Cliff jotted down the number, and Sandy went to the fax machine. "It's on its way. Now what's this business about sticking your neck out?"

"Cliff, this is all in confidence, okay? I'll tell you what you can use later. Apparently George Simpson at Ajax just went berserk. I gather there was a broad-tape announcement that you had been asked to submit test quantities of rings and valves."

"I hope that wasn't premature?" Cliff asked.

"According to our general counsel, you had to make the announcement. Obviously, it doesn't amount to much at our end, but it certainly does at yours. No, he says what you did was not only correct, it was legally required. That's not the problem."

Crowther paused for a moment to collect his thoughts and then continued, "Cliff, in some ways we're a strange company. People think we're slow moving, and I guess it's generally a fair comment. However, we don't like to be pushed around. Simpson went right to our Chairman. He told him if we bought ten cents worth of product from Murphy, Ajax would cut us off across the board. It's fair to say our Chairman was not pleased. I gather he told Simpson some unpleasant places he could go and said we buy from the most qualified supplier. Period!

"Just a minute, Cliff. I just got the Kaga letter, and I want to read it." There was silence on the phone for a few minutes. Then Cliff heard Jack yell "That's it!" and tell his secretary to make a copy of the fax and hand-carry it to the Chairman immediately.

"Thanks, Cliff. My neck's off the block. That letter says exactly what you told me and a lot more. I just asked my secretary to take it to the Chairman personally. Here's the deal: I told him you were now a fully-qualified supplier of top-quality components ... based on the letter I hadn't seen until just this minute. He instructed me to set up a phase-in schedule for Murphy parts, scaling up to a volume that would be your old volume plus all of Ajax's. As a purchasing officer, I feel like a fool, but can you do it for approximately your old price? Let's say the old price, plus 5 percent?"

"That's a fair price, Jack. Yes, we can handle the work. I'll get you the timing as soon as possible. Obviously, the key consideration is availability of machine tools from Micronics. Now, Jack, what announcement can I make? Your counsel nailed it: It may not be material to you, but it sure as hell is to us. What you're talking about will triple Murphy's gross sales. Hell, we'll be over a billion in sales! Now what am I authorized to say?"

"You can say you have received a letter of intent from Magna Motors to purchase parts at a volume equal to triple your former level. You'll have the letter in less than five minutes on your fax. The order is guaranteed for twenty-four months from the date of achieving full-scale production. In other words, Cliff, the time it takes you to scale up to our production requirements doesn't count against the contract term. Murphy is price-protected with prices scaled to the Department of Commerce Producer Price Index. Is that fair?"

"That's more than fair, Jack. It's a deal, and you're going to be amazed at the quality you get. Our people tell me you have never seen product as good as we'll be shipping. Thanks for the confidence. I'll be back to you as soon as we know about the production scaling."

He looked up at Sandy. "Did you get the drift of the call? We're back in with Magna at a scale triple our old volume at a five-percent price increase, with price protection, and a twenty-four month supply contract! It's absolutely unheard of. It's just never done!"

Kelly had returned to the office to call Ajax back. Cliff briefed her on his call from Crowther at Magna. "Do you know what you have done, young lady? In less than 24 hours — on your initiatives — we've gone from no place to Magna's top supplier. And Kelly, in confidence I'll tell you our costs have come down to such an extent, we will absolutely mint money on this contract!"

Sandy had left the office. When she returned, she again had papers in her hand. They were copies of the Magna letter that had just been received.

Kelly read it and then read it again. "This is unreal! Letters like this are just not sent in the automotive industry. Orders are forward rolling with some leads, but they are almost never long term. Well, it's back to the telephone."

Again she called her office in Chicago.

While she did, Cliff and Sandy talked. Finally, Sandy grinned and nodded. She tapped Kelly on the shoulder and asked to speak to Jack Snyder before she hung up. Kelly nodded and continued to dictate an announcement of the Magna contract. She asked for Jack Snyder and passed the phone to Sandy.

"Jack, this is Sandy Donnell again. Kelly tells me you got my check this morning. Jack, I have a request to make. Kelly doesn't know anything about this. You have two million dollars of my money. I don't know if you're aware of the fact she put in $250,000 of her own. I know a broker is always supposed to execute a client's order ahead of his own. I want to change that: On the Murphy purchases, I'm going fifty-fifty with Kelly until she runs out of money. Of course, anything beyond that is obviously mine. I want that to be effective with the first orders yesterday. If you need something in writing, just fax me up what you want me to say, and I'll sign it.

"Jack, I can't tell you how important Kelly has become to me. She's certainly worth a lot more than the commission she'll get on my trades. Understand? Incidentally, she's handling my entire portfolio which is in process of being transferred to you. Okay? Thanks so much." She hung up and laughed at Kelly whose jaw had dropped.

"Sandy, that's too much. I mean ... things just don't happen like this. You're in a rough, tough, dirty-fingernails kind of business. You're not supposed to behave this way!"

"Kelly," Cliff interjected, "let me tell you something about Sandy. The company means everything to her. Money doesn't. I really think she sweats Monopoly money in the board game more than her own. We've been living together for months now. I can tell you she lives on her pay as a secretary, for God's sake. Believe it or not, I never thought of her dividend income until you mentioned it yesterday. I suspect the only time she does, either, is at tax time. Strange, perhaps, but very true.

"Of course the real reason she did it is when Murphy stock goes in the tank, you two go together. Sandy's a cautious investor. She likes her broker to be in it with her." He grinned with the last words.

Kelly just shook her head and picked up the phone and called Ajax. "Bill, it's Kelly again. Any reaction? By the way there is something that just came to our office from Murphy. They announced a two-year supply contract from Magna Motors. Apparently it's all of their old volume plus all of yours." She listened for a few moments. "I'm sure it will be on the broad tape."

She continued listening and then said, "I understand, Bill. Look, I'm not going to use what you just said. Why don't you go back to Simpson ... No, wait a minute. I like you, and I don't want you to get fired. Give me your fax number and I'll have the office fax you a copy of the broad-tape announcement when it comes over. I'll call you late this afternoon. Thanks."

She leaned back in Cliff's chair, then sat bolt upright. "My God, I'm dumb!"

Sandy and Cliff looked at her in bewilderment as she grabbed her attaché case and took out her financial calculator along with a pad of paper. She started going over her numbers, checked them again, and picked up the phone. "Kathy, it's Kelly. Get out a flash to all our customers and put it on the broad tape if Dow-Jones will take it.

"I am predicting earnings for Murphy Manufacturing of at least $30 per share pretax for next year, rising to $100 pretax the year following. The basis is estimated sales well above $1 billion within two years, coupled with substantially improved operating margins. I think 10 percent pretax on sales is possible. And for God's sake, bury anything at all negative on Murphy I ever wrote. I'm a raging bull! Okay? Thanks."

She hung up the phone and grinned. "My God, what a jackass! It hadn't even occurred to me, and that's what they pay me for! You people are about to mint money! The present stock price is ridiculously low against your earnings prospects. Sandra Donnell, your damned stock will be trading around five-hundred in a year or so! My God, that's a value to you of over three-hundred million dollars!"

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Six Months

After all those years of longing to be free, stuck in relationships with women that frowned upon my cross dressing, I was still very much relishing my freedom. I was dressing every moment I could, the minute I got home from work every single day, a mini dress, heels and stockings were what I craved so desperately. I had been living alone now for a couple of years and would have thought he urge would have sated by now but I still hungered to be feminine at every moment. I am five foot six,...

4 years ago
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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 12

Early the next week, Cliff had a rare staff meeting to review the company’s condition subsequent to the Magna cancellation. He was surprised to find that things were as good as they were. The sale of stores had progressed far faster than he had expected. They had concluded the sale of the western stores and a surprising number of buyers — three — were interested in all or parts of their northeastern properties. The search for new business had gone remarkably well. They had made up almost...

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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 8

Cliff didn’t see Sandy at her desk when he got to the office Monday morning. He smiled to himself, figuring he had worn her out. He felt very tired but wonderful. Sunday had been a physically exhausting day. She had been variously joyful, impish, questing, loving, funny, romantic, and, it seemed, all possible combinations of them. The one thing she had never done was take herself seriously after her first disclosures. He had returned to his own apartment late Sunday night. Going into his...

2 years ago
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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 9

Three weeks later, the second session of the rings and valves meeting was convened. In the meantime, copies of all the notes from the first session had been circulated to the participants. Cliff presided as they reviewed the notes page by page. When they reached the basis of competition, no one had more than minor word changes. Additional material on Murphy and its position in the business was added to the notes based on work done by participants between the two sessions. Then, after lunch,...

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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 13

Three weeks had passed, and they were good ones for Murphy Manufacturing. As expected, two days after the visit to Kaga, Cliff received a firm order for production quantities. Quality of production was even better as the crew got used to the new system. Finally, the previous Friday they had heard that the preliminary tests on the new piston rings were very promising. Cliff had asked for the PA system to be set up as it had been when the Kaga order was first discussed. He addressed the...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 7

It took three weeks for Sam’s passport to arrive. For Aidan and come to that, for Sam as well, they were three weeks of heaven. For one thing, now that she had discovered how ecstatic sex could be, she was, he had to say, enthusiastic. They coupled daily at least. September was a busy month at work, but Vicky insisted on taking the extra work to leave him free to go home to Sam. He knew just how much he owed her for that, but as she said, when she was ill after the holiday he lost Julie to...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 21

Aidan was puzzled when his news about Julie wiped the smile from Vicky’s face. “Come with me,” she said seriously. “There’s something I want you to see.” Vicky took Aidan to her office, sat him in front of her desk and called up her email server, found the correspondence and turned the screen towards him. “I got a surprise last night at home,” she said grimly. “Read these.” He read, his brow furrowing as the import of what was written became clear. “Sam? She’s in London? Working in...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 2

The following week was depressing with regular rain and showers; it did nothing for Aidan’s mood. Vicky went back to her own flat on the Tuesday of that week. Aidan had fed her and got her strength back, and they were both back at work on the Thursday, advertising for more staff. Aidan was surprised he’d heard nothing from Kevin: it was so unlike him. Aidan surmised that perhaps Kevin was knee deep in marriage counselling or divorce, and began to feel regret and guilt at his impulsive action...

3 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 4

On Samantha’s urging, Aidan told her his story, starting with his childhood with Kevin, school, university and accountancy exams. He told her of his parents and their sacrifices for the brothers. “Like you, in High School I had girl friends. I learned a lot from those girls. I learned casual sex doesn’t suit me. It just wasn’t me. I wanted more from girls – I wanted a relationship. I had a thing with a girl at the end of High School, but we went separate ways to different...

3 years ago
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Six Of The Best

Six of the Best! The Headmaster forgets, Emily makes an error, Oswald hasan opportunity. By Alex Oswald Turnbull grew up in a small country town, where he acquired only avery limited social sophistication but did well enough in the local schoolto win a scholarship at London University. There he acquired an only slightlyexpanded social sense but did well enough to gain a good degree in mathematics.Despite the fact that he was a friendly and attractive-looking young man, hehad managed only a few...

4 years ago
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SixChapter 2 The Accident

He and Cheryl, his wife of five years, were standing at the taxi rank, waiting for cab. It being 1am, a lot of people were out drinking and getting cabs and going home. They waited patiently, his arm around her shoulder. His jacket was over her shoulders as it had just started to drizzle with rain. Three weeks of dry weather and now the clouds were finally collecting; the lawn would get the watering it needed, he was saying. It made the roads more slippery as the water lifted the slight...

2 years ago
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Six Little Words

SIX LITTLE WORDS SIX LITTLE WORDS Book 1Chapter 1 Six little words, barely a sentence had changed their relationship forever.? ?I like to get tied up? she had told him casually.? Like someone would say ?I like to jog?, or ?I like strawberry ice cream?. ?Would you care to elaborate on that?? he asked.? ?If that?s not plain enough for you? she replied, a little snappy, obviously embarrassed at being caught.? The chains attached to her wrists jingled as she gestured while talking.? ?I...

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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 18

It was a Monday evening in late August. Cliff was trying to watch a preseason Monday Night Football game while Sandy was trying to distract him. They were both having fun when Sandy's phone rang. It was Sam Johnson calling from his car out front. There was trouble at the plant, and he wanted them to return there with him at once. He offered to take them in his car. Sandy put her clothes back on with some reluctance, and Cliff rearranged his. As they drove towards the plant Sam explained...

2 years ago
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SixMonths TurnaroundChapter 19

Several weeks later, all of the pieces were fitting into place. There was a conference in progress in Cliff's office. Sandy had made some changes in the executive office layout. In just a couple of weeks she would be elected Chairman of the company and an office was being built for her next to Cliff's. Cliff had teased her because her furnishings were quite modern. He pretended to grump, "It's going to cost us a fortune to redecorate the entire executive floor. No one cared as long as...

3 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 6

Sam asked for milk. Aidan grabbed two glasses and filled them. She was already on her way to her room; he followed her. He had to enter her bedroom to give her the milk. She turned and smiled. “We don’t have to be up early tomorrow,” she said. He took her meaning. He now had no excuse for leaving, and anyway, he didn’t want an excuse. He wanted to stay. He simply put the milk down and moved to ‘his’ side of the bed, putting his own drink down on the bedside table. When he turned back, she...

2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 8

Next day at work, Aidan’s face must have given his feelings away, for Vicky asked him what was the matter. He told her that Sam’s passport had arrived and that they had booked her flight back to Canada. She was to leave on the following Tuesday. Since Vicky knew most of their friends as well as the ‘office family’, the news spread like wildfire, and by Friday morning Vicky told Aidan that Sam and he were invited to a farewell party on Saturday evening at Giles’ house. Giles was a party...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 9

Aidan went from the airport straight to work after his farewell to Samantha. Despite the sunshine, life felt bleak and miserable, and there was a great yawning gap in his life. The expression on his face betrayed his feelings, and Vicky took one look at him as he entered the building and showed her sympathy and concern. “Should you be here?” she asked. “You could take the rest of the day off, you know. The rush is over.” “No,” he replied, “I need to keep busy; take my mind off it.” “You...

4 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 10

Aidan woke up on Thursday morning, the last day of October, Halloween, feeling good, so good that he did a double check to see if the feeling was real or if it would evaporate like the morning dew. It didn’t. He felt optimistic and, he was sure, happy, and he knew he could trust those feelings. He sang in the shower and hummed a merry tune over breakfast. He felt almost giddy at the prospect of a day without depression. He looked out of the window, and seeing a bright break in the clouds...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 11

“Aidan?” Julie said, after he identified himself on the phone. “Caroline says you’ll meet me.” “Yes, that’s right,” he said guardedly. “Thank you,” she said. “When would be convenient?” It sounded to him as if they were making a business or medical appointment. “Tomorrow?” he hazarded. “How about the Hare and Hounds?” There were too many people who knew him at the Plough and he wanted this to be private, otherwise he knew he would never hear the end of it. “Fine,” she said. That word...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 12

Vancouver: a conversation “Mom? Did you phone Aidan Redmond after I got back from Europe?” “Why honey? Is something wrong?” “You knew I didn’t want you to phone.” “But Sam, sweetie, Daddy and I couldn’t let it go without thanking him.” “You remember he stopped writing?” “Why, yes, but didn’t you write and ask him about that?” “He never replied. I put a note in his Christmas card, and I got an email from him this morning.” “Well, I’m glad he’s writing to you again.” “He isn’t. Mom,...

3 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 13

Giles was hosting a New Year’s Eve party at his ‘modest manor’ as he put it. Aidan was invited and Giles enquired whether ‘that incredible woman you had with you last time’ would be coming over for the celebrations. No she wouldn’t, Aidan told him, but, on a whim, invited Julie. Well, not quite a whim: he felt a little guilty about neglecting her over the Christmas period. “Are you doing anything for New Year’s Eve?” he asked her. “No,” she answered, her interest aroused. “Fancy going to...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 14

He awoke on Wednesday the first day of the year to find, not a pair of breasts pressed against his back, nor his erection (which was real) pressed between the cheeks of a female bottom, but the stroking of a hand over his hair and the word tea spoken in his ear from a female body standing nakedly next to the bed. He rolled onto his back and sat up, his bare chest gaining a predatory lustful look from the said female, which in turn enhanced his erection. “Kathy!” he said in surprise. “How...

2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 15

January as always was busy, very busy. Hours were long and everyone was worked hard. There was little time for entertainment, though they managed to get to the Plough on Wednesday nights which was a necessary relief of tension. Aidan heard nothing from Julie, though he was so busy he hardly thought about her at all. While the rest of the staff had Saturdays and Sundays off, Vicky and Aidan worked all day Saturdays. On Sundays he slept and relaxed, though he would often go for a walk, telling...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 17

After the May Bank holiday, in the offices of Redmond and Compstall things settled down. June and the summer beckoned, when things became easier and slacker for the accountants. Kathy seemed very happy with her new boyfriend, and Vicky and Brendan had started to plan a spring wedding for the following year. Things were less complicated for Aidan as well. There was the Wednesday night meet for the staff, which now included partners, fiancés and friends. Vicky and Aidan met one evening a week...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 18

Ottawa early July “Mz Grogan, it seems you really are fluent in four languages. You would be surprised how many interviewees say they are fluent, but only have a working knowledge. All our interviewers were impressed. Congratulations.” “Thank you, Mr Desmodine.” They were sitting in his office in Ottawa, the headquarters of ITI, an international company specialising in expert translators and interpreters for governments and multi-national companies. Sam was at last committed to find a job...

2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 19

Against all Sam’s inner protestations that there was no chance Aidan would contact her, either because Julie did not tell him, or because he simply did not want to know since he had gone back to Julie, Sam was on tenterhooks for that week and the week following. There was, as expected, no contact made, and as the third week began Sam felt her spirits plummeting as if a great gap were opening deep within her. At the end of that week as she climbed into bed, the tears came and with them a...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 20

November Aidan and Vicky returned from their London trip feeling a mixture of triumph and fear. They agreed the outing had been a resounding success, and now it was a question of how to manage a much wider extension of the business. Fortunately the commissions were to begin with the new financial year in April, though there would have to be more meetings before that. Once again they needed to hire more staff. Fortunately an adjoining office suite had become vacant on their floor of the...

1 year ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 22

St Valentine’s Day. Strangely it was the first thing that came into Aidan’s mind as he awoke at the late hour of ten o’clock. He gave himself a wry smile in the bathroom mirror, as he thought of the loss of Sam, and the impending showdown and loss of Julie. The very reverse of all that Valentine’s day purports to be, he told himself. “Yad Enitnelav” he said out loud and laughed at his own stupidity, as he reversed the letters of the feast day, but that cheerful moment passed instantly, as...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 23

On hearing Julie trying to get into the flat, Aidan and Samantha rolled out of bed. “You get dressed,” Sam said going into the bathroom and getting a bathrobe. “I’ll go and let her in,” she said with a devilish grin. Aidan didn’t feel very humorous, but saw her determination and agreed, and Sam left the bedroom for the flat door. He dressed quickly and went to the living room. Meanwhile, Sam took her time undoing the snib, so that Aidan could get dressed. She then opened the door. Standing...

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