Diver Down Chapter 3
- 4 years ago
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Micah got a little weak in the throat on her last comment. Here he was falling in love with a woman for the first REAL time in his life, and without reason, she didn't trust him. He was ready to cash in his chips. His heart couldn't take the ripping and tearing she was doing. While she was clearly attracted to him, she treated his advances like dog crap on her shoe. He would have to move on.
Micah drew a big breath and exhaled attempting to speak, but his voice broke as if to get emotional. He coughed to hide his emotions faux pas.
"Well then, I guess we are through here, again. I kind of wish the kick in the teeth on the phone had been enough for me, but I thought if we saw each other again, things might change, but they haven't. Let's go, I'll bring you home." Micah said dropping a $20 bill on the table and getting up.
"That's it? You're through with me? I thought we were going to work on this." Kate said still sitting while Micah walked away.
Micah turned and looked at her, astonished at her words.
"What is there to work on? You don't trust me. The cornerstone of a relationship is trust. If you doubt everything I do or say, I can't function in this relationship. You are a beautiful, smart and sweet girl. Never let a man take advantage of you. Come on, I have a 3 hour drive home." He said extending his hand to help her up.
"MICAH!! That's IT? We have nothing else to talk about? You're bringing me home. FINE! You walk out on me now and don't ever come looking for me again!!" She shouted at him.
"DON'T WORRY!" He pan faced. "I've done nothing to deceive you or make you doubt my honor, except be good looking. Well, I'm sorry, I'll grow a wart on my nose. Until I do, I'm going home."
Micah went to his car with Kate close behind. He stopped ahead of her and turned to her.
"You stopped in your tracks when I saw you and touched where I kissed your heart. You ran and jumped in my arms and hugged and kissed me and apologized for calling my act phony. But, all the while you felt you couldn't trust me. I hope you're intelligent enough to realize how shallow that is." He said forcefully.
He decided those would be his last words. He was so smitten by her that it hurt him to say hurtful things to her. He would just bring her home and flush her from his life. He existed 24 years before the last 3 weeks without her; he could learn to go on.
Micah opened the car door, let Kate in, and closed it. He got in his side and found the way to the interstate. He drove the 2 exits west and got off and headed to her apartment. They were both silent so far.
"I trust you." Kate said softly.
There was no reaction from Micah.
"I TRUST you." Kate said a little louder.
He turned down her block and pulled into the parking lot's 5-minute waiting zone.
"MICAH, I DO TRUST YOU." She shouted at him.
Micah said nothing. He just looked down at the floor just in front of the brake pedal.
"You have no reaction?" Kate said. She waited for a reaction, then continued. "I fucked up! OK? I said something that my instinct tells me to believe, but I know in my heart of hearts can't be true. I've rushed to sleep with the 3 guys I thought were serious about me. I didn't sleep with them because I loved them; I did it because I thought they loved me. I knew I didn't love them, but I did it to see if it would make me love them. I let them use me. I promised myself I would never say, "I love you" to anyone, because I didn't want to be owned. I didn't want them to feel the guilt I felt every morning after I had sex with someone I didn't love, or wasn't sure of. A couple weekends ago I gave you oral sex. I know it wasn't for long, and I know I didn't do it right, but there is no denying I had your penis in my mouth. I expected to feel used and awful in the morning. It was the first time I had done that. It was something I said I would NEVER do. In the morning I was glad and proud of myself, because I made you happy and I experienced an exciting rush from making you happy. I trusted you; I wanted to say, "I love you". My defense was, to deny it all, protect my heart, and make sure I didn't say those 3 words, to protect myself. After talking to you the other day I thought I pushed you away, and I was glad. A day later I ached for you, hating myself for what I said. The heart you kissed?... it soared when I saw you today. By the time we got to be alone together, my defense was telling me not to get too close, because I know there is a magic connection between us." Kate said, pouring out her heart without emotion to color her words.
"I want to say," she continued, "that I know it has been a short time, but some things you are sure of. I love you, Micah. I love you and will trust you until I have a reason not to. But, I don't expect that to happen. I'm sorry for putting you through this. I was willing to deny myself the love of my life for the vanity of saving myself from possible heartbreak. I was afraid to take the chance on you. Breaking your heart was my pre-emptive strike. I'm a chickenshit sometimes, but your resolve makes me strong. YOU were willing to walk away and let your life go on if you couldn't win my trust or me. I couldn't do that, I wanted you to feel the heartbreak I was only going to risk."
Micah kept his blank stare to the floor of the car. She had said all the words he wanted to hear. He hadn't wanted to say "I love you" so soon to her, even though he realized it was true. He hadn't wanted to scare her away by saying it too soon, but now the situation had changed.
Kate had moved over in the seat and knelt up on it. She put her face next to his. "If this is the last goodbye, I want to kiss you, and say I'm sorry for screwing up. If this is the second hello for us, let this be the first kiss." She said as she pecked him on the cheek.
"How do I know you won't change your mind again? You've had me on a yo-yo, afraid to let yourself be yourself. Kate, caring for someone, and I mean REALLY caring for someone, is new to me. Most women have been exits on the interstate for me. I knew that I traveled too much to get attached, so I protected myself by not getting emotionally involved. You make me want to change that. But, I can't take the heartbreak, without a reason. How do I know?" Micah asked.
Kate didn't hesitate. She knelt forward in the seat toward him and reached for the bottom of his shirt. In one motion she pulled it out of his pants and up over his chest. She leaned over and kissed him right he had kissed her, over her heart.
"You know because I have kissed your heart. I have never kissed anyone's heart before. We've kissed each other's heart now. Those kisses will stay there until the owner takes them back, OK?" Kate said pulling his shirt back down.
Micah smiled and put his arms around her. They held each other tightly until Kate broke the clinch.
"Let's go up my apartment, I think my roommate is home, but I know she's going out tonight. I'm not letting you out of my sight for awhile." Kate said.
Micah parked the car and they went up the stairs, arm and arm, to her apartment. Her roomie, Shelly, was still there and Kate introduced them. Shelly was busy ironing and getting ready for a night out. Micah and Kate sat in the parlor area and talked, sipping wine coolers. When she went to the kitchen for a refill, Shelly cornered her.
"Wow, where did you find him? He is a fox! Is this the guy you met at work? If he is, do not, I repeat, do not, let him go." Shelly said to Kate.
Kate smiled and gave her a look, a look that said she knew she was right.
"Just hurry up and get going, OK?" was all Kate said.
Once Shelly left, Kate went and locked the door. She came back to the parlor and sat next to Micah on the love seat.
"Here we are again." Kate said smiling. "Can we finish what we started a few weeks ago?"
"If that's what you want, Kate. You know how I feel, and I think I know how you feel, as well." Micah said.
Kate melted into his arms and kissed him. He kissed her back and soon he was laid back on the sofa with Kate lying over him as they necked and petted. Micah stopped for a moment and asked, "Can we go to your bedroom? It will be much more comfortable there."
"I thought you might never ask." She said with a smile.
Arm and arm they went to her room. They stood next to the bed and kissed and began a long body feel and grope of each other. Kate went to pull him back onto the bed, but Micah stopped her.
"What?" was all she said to inquire.
Micah reached to her waist and took the sides of her pullover and tugged at it. Out of her waist, it went over her head easily. Micah looked at the sports bra that held her pretty little tits, and unsnapped the front. He couldn't resist holding each breast and pinching at the nipples.
Boldly he reached down and unsnapped her jeans and lowered the zipper. He peeled them down as she helped by stepping out of them. He hooked his fingers in the sides of her panties and removed them as well.
He stood back and looked at her, and then took her into his arms.
"You are so beautiful, so comely." He said.
"Comely?" she asked.
"Perfect, fine to the eye." He answered.
Kate giggled, saying, "I thought it had something to do with sex."
Micah shook his head as Kate brought her hands to his shirt, already out of his waist, and pulled it over his head. She ran her fingers over his chest, taking in his smell and feel. She reached for his belt and unbuckled it, then undid his snap and lowered his zipper. The weight of his belt caused his pants to fall to the floor. She knelt to take off his socks, and couldn't help notice the hardening cock bobbing before her eyes. His socks off, she began to get up and, without touching it with her hand, kissed the tip of his cock.
"More later, OK?" she promised as she stood. She put her arms around him and fell back onto the bed. They luxuriated in the feel of each other's skin and body warmth.
"I have never seen a man totally naked before, and you are the only man to ever see me totally naked. I'm glad it's you." Kate said to him blushing.
"You've had sex with 3 other men, and I assume more than once, and never been nude or with a man nude?" he asked.
"Please! The backseats of cars, on blankets in the weeds; I wasn't treated very well, and I had no self- respect. It was something I felt I had to do if a guy said he loved me." She said.
"I WILL change that, I promise you will remember tonight for the rest of your life." Micah said assuredly.
"I hope you can say the same in the morning. I'll do my best." Kate said.
"Just let it happen, don't worry, don't try. Let your feelings fly you." He said, making her feel at ease.
They continued to hold and hug each other while looking each other in the eye.
"If this is all you want to do, we can do that." Micah said. "Don't feel pressured into anything with me, either."
"No, Micah, I want to be with you. I want you to have me." Kate responded.
Micah responded by kissing her full on the lips and dipping his tongue in her mouth to taste her. She responded in kind. Micah lifted himself a little and moved his torso so he could reach her breasts with his mouth. He longed to suck on her long nipples and they grew appreciably under his tongue. Kate hummed long and shrill as if feeling something new were being done to her. He was able to suck each nipple and then lift his face to her lips when he wanted. The tips of her pert tits were getting the attention they longed for, but she had never gotten.
Kate had an excited fear of what the night might bring, but trusted Micah to make her happy. Two weeks ago, with a few fingers in just a few minutes he had made her more satisfied than ever. Now, she was willing to let him have at her body.
Micah rose up a bit and began to move down her body, stopping at her navel to lick, tickle and tease. She knew what was coming, and she had never felt the sensation of oral sex. She knew that girls shaved their pussies to further enjoy oral sex, but she had shaved hers to accommodate a bathing suit and to streamline herself for speed swimming.
She felt his hot breath across her abdomen and belly as he trailed kisses to his target. He parted her legs a bit and he looked up at her face. Her eyes tried to look behind her and her upper teeth overbit her lower lip.
"Kate my sweet," he said, "Look at me and calm your fears. Watch me; let's lock our eyes to each other's. They say you can see the soul through the eyes. You say you trust me, take my eyes and do that." Micah said as his tongue flicked out to part and taste her lips.
He licked harder and more determined to part her little wings and taste her musk. The salt from the residue of her urine made his mouth pucker and water. He transferred that wetness back as he ran his tongue from the bottom of her slit, losing sight of her eyes for a split second, to the top of her slit parting and flattening her lips. His lips formed a kiss for her clit, which had made itself prominent. She sucked her breath deeply at the insinuation of his tongue to her clit. Her eyes glowed and her lips curled to a smile. Their eyes stuck together as he began to massage her clit with his tongue. Every few sucks and licks he would dip lower with his tongue to taste more of the dew she was producing. Soon her breathing became heavy and she puffed through her mouth, he knew she was close. Did he back off and tease, or did he make her earth move? Not knowing what her orgasm would feel like, his curiosity made him go for broke with her clit.
Her glued eyes looked almost pained as orgasm crept up on her. Her mouth formed an O as she began to vocalize.
"Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Hnnnnnnn, OHHHHH, OHHHHH, HNNNNNNN," her cries became urgent.
She drew up her elbows on the bed to raise her torso as orgasm swept her and she wanted to keep her eyes on his.
"Annnngh, ha, ha, hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn," she came hard and juicy.
Micah relented with his clit assault and gently licked the outer sides of her wings, waiting for her to stop floating. She sighed and he sucked her nether lips into his mouth, lightly chewing them. Her eyes seemed to encourage him. He licked the length of her slit over and over, topping each lick with a touch to her clit. Another orgasm was imminent.
"God, you're going to kill me. Feel like I gonna explode. Nnnnnnt!" Kate said to him as she began to feel the wave.
"Want me to stop?" he said between licks.
"NO!! Ohhhhh, Ohhhhh, Hnnnnnnn, OHHHHH, OHHHHH, HNNNNNNN." She moaned as she came again.
Finally she could take no more and wanted him to stop. As she pushed against him, he only pressed his face into her harder. She knew the urgency of not being able to stand the sensitivity in her clit and pussy.
"No Micah, please, please, PLEASE" she shouted as she overpowered him and was able to turn over to her side, sticking her ass right in his face.
"Hddddddd, Hddddddd." Her breaths came deep and throaty.
Micah could not resist the picture in front of him. The cutest ass he had ever seen. He lifted his head and took a big mouthful of her right buttock and sucked and chewed, then the left. Then he did something he had never done before to any woman. He looked at her little asshole and decided it was too cute not to kiss. With her rolled to her side she was prostrate with her cheeks wide open and the target inviting. He drilled his tongue in her little hole, licking and probing. She hunched and groaned. He was excited by the taste of her private little hole. Musky, much like a pussy, but sweetness was there. It was a strange but distinct flavor. "Surely body wastes could not taste like this." He thought.
He had an aversion to a woman's most private hole all of his sexual life. His first sexual experience was with a divorced older woman who spent much of her time with his cock in her mouth. Occasionally she would lick his asshole, and then stick her finger in to rub his prostrate. He always found a shit stain on the sheet where she had wiped off her finger. From that experience, he had no urge to do the same to her or any other woman.
However, Kate's ass was something to behold. So perfect, so beautiful. He continued his licking and tongue probing and it seemed to open. She loved the rimming as she made little puppy sounds, but finally she turned over again.
"Micah stop, that feels so good, but strange. Where did that come from?" she asked.
"I couldn't resist, I've never done that before, BUT YOU'RE SO CUTE back there!!" Micah said.
Kate lay there and occasionally shuddered with after shocks. The after shocks pulled her right up off the bed, like she was being touched with an electrical prod. Finally she was able to compose herself enough to look over and see Micah there, just staring at her as she enjoyed the remnants of her orgasm.
Her look to him turned to lust as she rose up and threw herself on his chest and hugged her face to his.
"Would it scare you if I told you that I loved you so soon?" Kate asked him.
"No, because I've already said it to you, and I've never said it to really mean it before. We have it all Kate. Lets just keep it honest and not hurt each other. If we do that and it works, it will be great." Micah said to her.
Kate was still kissing his face when he felt her hand seeking out his cock, grabbing it and squeezing it gently.
"Am I supposed to put this in my mouth now to make it hard so you can make love to me?" she said sheepishly with a tiny smile.
"It's hard enough now to stick through the wall, Kate!" he emphasized.
"Can I put it in my mouth just to feel it throb again." She asked half serious, half kidding, without knowing how to approach the situation.
"Kate anything you did with it would be great." He answered, frustrated.
Kate slid her head down his chest until his cock stood before her. She bent it up toward his stomach, close to her lips. She snaked out her tongue to lick and taste test again. Micah started and the cock jumped from her hand.
"Ooooo it's alive!" She said.
"Let me watch your eyes, like I watched yours." Micah suggested.
Kate moved down between his legs, much as he did to her. She examined his penis up close and stroked it. She touched her tongue on it to read his eyes. Only when she touched the underside pinch of the head, did he jump. She kept her smiling face fixed to his eyes and opened her mouth to take some of his cock in.
Watching a woman who didn't really know what she was doing, sort of "on the job training", was driving Micah crazy. He knew she was enjoying feeling him in her mouth, but he also knew she was worried that she was doing something right or wrong. Micah knew that his cock in any woman's mouth, especially a mouth as sweet as Kate's, would feel great. But Kate had special feelings towards Micah and she wanted to convey that. She kissed and sucked it like an ice cream bar and noticed in his eyes the special pleasure she was giving him. The velvety smooth roundness of the head felt so good to play over her tongue, she almost got carried away.
"Ohhhhhhhh Kate, let it rest a bit, you're going to get in deeper than you may want, and that's just what I want to do. Get in you, deeper." Micah said.
Micah extended his hands to her and she took them. She half climbed and he half pulled her up onto him. Their lips met and their kiss was a long loving one. Micah felt the wetness of her pussy knock against him a few times as she would intensify their necking.
"Take it Kate, push yourself over me." He whispered. She looked at him quizzingly.
"With me here?" she wondered aloud.
Micah just smiled at her.
She slid back just a bit and the contact was made. He pushed up a bit while she sought position. The head of his cock slid into her. The look of surprise and the unknown went over her face, so Micah thrust up his hips to fully sheath her.
As if her breath had been knocked from her, Kate gasped and bent to clutch Micah around the neck. That served to pull him from her a bit and he drove home again, over and over, in and out as she clutched his neck.
"uh uh uh uh, yes yes yes yes," she cheered him on.
He held her tight and his hips left the bed as he pumped at her. He was closing in on orgasm when he stopped and pulled her close. He managed to roll over without dislodging himself. He looked down at her face to kiss her and she was red faced and seemingly stopped up. She was having another orgasm. He smiled down at her.
He settled to his knees and lifted his torso from hers, kneeling in front of her, sunk into her pussy. He pumped slowly at her as she put a hand to his abdomen to keep him from pushing too deep.
Tears formed at the corners of her eyes as she flushed red again.
"I can't stop coming, you're making me crazy, I love you so much," she growled grittily through weak voice.
She brought up her knees to rest at his side, but he grabbed her legs and pushed them back resting her calves on his shoulder. He jack-knifed up and began to pound at her pussy deeply with just the slap of his abdomen against her pussy the only sound in the room.
He looked down to see her wide eyed with her mouth open trying to make something come out, as he continued to pound hard at her.
"Unnnnnt, Ooooof, please stop, please stop Micah, let me breath." She was finally able to say.
On his downstroke he stayed buried in her to the hilt.
"Are you OK, my lover?" he asked her.
"Yes, just worn and exhausted from coming, and my legs ache, my hammys are tight." She complained as her muscular legs denied her.
Micah pulled from her, turned her on her stomach and massaged her calves and thighs all the while telling her what a great lover she had been. Once she seemed calm, he reached to her waist and pulled her to her knees. He thread his cock into her as they met.
"Ohhhhh, Oh my God," she said as he went all the way in with one movement.
He put his hands to her hips and stroked into her rapidly over and over, being careful not to go too deep.
"Do you want my come inside of you baby, do you want me to flood you?" Micah said, his breath coming faster.
"Please come in me, let me feel you shoot." Kate said.
That was all Micah had to hear to be spurred on. He pounded at her, knowing how close he was. Going too deep was no longer an issue, the slap of his thighs against her was crisp as she bellowed at, and met each plunge into her.
"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Fuck - ME, Fuck - ME, Fuck -ME," she bellowed into the confines of her room for her lover to hear.
"AH YIIIIIII ARRRRRrrrrrggggggggghhhhh," he growled as he began to explode within her.
He slipped his hands from the sides of her ass up along her body until he was bent over her holding her breasts. He pulled her up until she was almost ear-to- ear with him, her neck craned back to feel his biting mouth as he humped at her violently. Their bodies were molded together with only a thin film of sweat to separate them as he kneeled behind her; his chest pressed to her back, his cock still oozing inside of her.
"Oh my God, Kate. I love you. I've never said that to a woman and really meant it." He said panting in her ear. "It's not just lust that makes me say that so soon after I met you. I feel an electricity when I touch you. I can't describe it."
"I know. I feel it too. It scares me, but I can't control it. You ARE a part of me. I love you Micah, don't ever leave me." She said, her neck craned, kissing, tasting the sweat from his face and neck.
Kate screamed at her sudden loss of balance. Micah was tipping them over. Still inside her, but shrinking away, they laughed as he still held her tightly.
Kate turned a bit in his arms, his cock slipping from her. She wanted to look into his eyes.
"You licked my butt!! You tongued me there!! If it didn't feel so good, I would have stopped you, but I trust you. Where does that come from?" she asked.
"The truth? I've never done that before, I always thought it was a little gross, not knowing... you know. But you cute little butt in my face made me want to kiss and lick those cute cheeks, and then it just seemed the right thing to do. It was nice for me because of the way you responded. I'm not into butt sex or anything, just your little asshole is so cute."
"Those are words I never thought I would hear, my asshole is cute. It's such a private place, well apparently not anymore, but I had a girlfriend in high school that did it there with her boyfriends. It seemed pretty gross at the time." Kate remembered.
"I've never done it there either. Its something that just never came up with anyone I've been with." Micah said. "I knew guys who talked their girlfriends into it to avoid getting pregnant, but..."
"Well, it was nice, everything was spectacular." She said as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I've never been "made love to" before. It was always just sex, this was... God, there are no words!!"
Micah and Kate stayed on as lovers all through the rest of her college. He thought summers would bring them together, but she spent summers with the Olympic training team. He was seeing her once a week, if he could travel back to Massachusetts, during the school year. In the summer she was back in Washington State to be with her father and join with the Olympic training team there. Getting to Washington was very hard for Micah because of time and expense.
Micah felt they were drifting apart, although no words were said to that effect, and when they did get together, it was as good as ever sexually, plus they enjoyed each other's company so much.
He hadn't seen Kate in over 2 months when he got a call from her "seeking serious advice". Although he felt pushed aside by her and from her, the call showed where her heart might really lie.
"Micah!! It's so good to hear your voice." She said. "I just have to talk with you, I have something that has been bothering me for a long time and I have to get it in the open with you."
"Oh no," he thought, "Here's the big brush off. Over a couple years of wishing and hoping for this woman is down the drain. She led me down the garden path and kicked me in the nuts."
"We have to be together more, now." She said surprising him. "I have so many things going on in my life and I need someone to talk to who understands me. My Dad is so sick that he barely knows who he is, let alone me. He's bad Micah. I've said my goodbyes to him, but it's possible he could hang on for a long time like this. I need you. I know that I kind of shut you out at times, tested you at times, and just been a bitch, no, worse,... a cunt, I hate that word, but it fits me right now. I've always thought that you would tire of me and go away and make it easy for me to hate you for being the hound I always thought you were. But, you've been a sweetheart instead. You have proved that you really do want my heart for your own. Micah, I WANT to give it to you, but our lives just don't cross enough right now. But, I have an opportunity to make a lot of money and be in one place for some pretty good stretches at a time, being able to see you for days at a time. However, it means I won't be an Olympian."
Micah was astonished at her words.
"After working all of this time, getting the NCAA championships, diving half the night for months on end, you want to give it up? I'm afraid I don't understand. You aren't quitting are you? The Kate I know is tough and would never quit." He warned her.
"I don't WANT to quit the team, I don't want to quit on YOU. We've experienced some pretty heavy stuff as a couple, even though it seems so long ago. I think the promise of what could be has kept us wanting to be with each other. I shut you out too much. I'm afraid I was unfairly testing you. Although, I think many times we have been close at heart. I enjoy the few times we have for each other, and the phone conversations are always long and uplifting. But, I need more, Micah.
There is an opening on the Divers, Inc. exhibition diving team I trained with. They can pay me well and are booked for the next few years in Vegas and Atlantic City alone. My chances of making the Olympic team are 50-50 at best; they don't like my size as a heat, lane or relay swimmer. But, they have told me that I could make a good coach and they have offered to put me on the teams advisory staff if I give up my eligibility and open a spot for a younger up and comer. My connection to my Dad has not hurt, obviously. Divers Inc. only works 6 months of the year, the performers all coach College and Olympic divers as well. I'm 24 and I should do something about a career. My computer science degree will be good for the future, I suppose, but I can make some serious money here, even though the diving is a bit dangerous." Kate explained.
"These are the guys who do the high dive stunts in front of the Casinos and resorts?" he queried.
"Yes, they do them as public promotions like that, but they do serious shows inside some of the indoor arenas, where they do like boxing and that. Obviously it's the places with high roofs. Actually they tell me its pretty safe inside, no wind." She answered him.
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Diversity by Angela Collins "Ah, come in, Mr Collins. Do take a seat." the attractive middle aged HR lady said. "Well, I have to say that your application, which is one of two hundred and fifty we have had for the job is the best one by far, but unfortunately we cannot employ you." "What do you mean?" I asked anxiously. I had been out of work for six months and this would be my dream job, Director in charge of Manufacturing at a large, well respected, multi-national...
Diversity 2 by Angela Collins Just to show willing, I asked her for the names of her contacts and she said she would e-mail them to me. Though, I had little thought of contacting them. I certainly had something to think about while leaving the office. I really wanted the job. I also needed the job. My redundancy money was not going to last indefinitely and my mortgage payments were eating into it fast. If I did not get a job soon I would have to start thinking about downsizing. ...
I must really thank C.O. And G.S. for inspiring me! Hope you enjoy! Don’t forget to read Diversion — Part 1!! It was getting late as I left the airport and rented a car. I browsed the lot as it was quickly turning to dusk. I turned the corner and saw the car I wanted. Not just any car though, a jet black 2012 Mustang Boss 302! I speed out of the parking lot headed for HWY 863. I was several miles down the highway going a cool 99 mph when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a police car...
I must really thank C.O. And G.S. for inspiring me! Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to read Diversion -- Part 1!! It was getting late as I left the airport and rented a car. I browsed the lot as it was quickly turning to dusk. I turned the corner and saw the car I wanted. Not just any car though, a jet black 2012 Mustang Boss 302! I speed out of the parking lot headed for HWY 863. I was several miles down the highway going a cool 99 mph when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a police car...
Straight SexSitting in a double cubicle Lincoln added a little sign here sticker to some paperwork before putting into a file and tossing into the outgoing stack. Standing stretched his arms to the sides and then above his head, feeling his back pop and releasing some of the tension in his body from sitting at his desk doing paperwork. While standing he was able to take a few seconds to actually see out a window, or even see a window. Outside of the Florida Mega Corp office the sky was azure blue with a...
TranssexualIn the early days of my life, I was as innocent as I could be. I wasn't a guy who'd steal,or masturbate at all. I was born in Greely, Colorado and lived in Boisie, Idaho until 2001. At 19, I moved from Boisie to Seattle, Washington. There, I met the girl of my dreams, and found that she had a boyfriend. She liked me, and I liked her. I broke my virginity with her, but at a price. Her boyfriend saw this, dumped her and got a new girlfriend. She had a past to speak of. She had a boyfriend who she...
Group SexBeep-beep-beep. I reached over and slid my finger across my phone to stop the noise. I looked at the screen, it was Friday August 5th and unfortunately six in the morning. I hated getting up early I thought as I crawled outta bed. The hot water did wonders to calm my nerves that have been building since I got on the plane. I hopped out of the shower and quickly got ready. I spread the contents of my suitcase all over the bed trying to pick out the perfect thing to wear. I settled on a light...
I step out of the shower into the steam filled room. I wipe the fogged mirror so I can see my reflection. My blond hair wet and slightly curly clings to my face. My blue green eyes staring back at me. I look every inch of my body over in careful examination. Have a few pounds I could lose. Other than that I was happy with my appearance. Pale skin, light freckles dusting my nose and cheeks. Beautiful firm breasts, curvy seductive hips and a perfectly shaped butt. Not the sexiest girl out there...
This part has no sex! Please please stay with me! It’s building up to something good! I promise! I check into The Hotel on Collins Ave and jump in the shower. I washed quickly and wrapped my towel around me. I lay on the bed and turn my phone on for the first time since I began this journey. My phone buzzed, I don’t even want to know what it says but I check anyways. Three voicemails all from mom asking where I was. Two texts from dad and one from my brother asking the same thing. A couple...
‘Let’s not think about that yet. I just want to enjoy the time I do have you and don’t want to think about goodbyes yet.’ ‘Me either love. So now what do you want to do?’ he flashed me this childish grin, ‘let me guess… Fish?’ ‘You got it. Good lord baby we know each other pretty well. Are you okay with doing some more fishing my love?’ ‘Yes of course…’ We get minimal clothes on and grab our poles. We throw our lines in and are conversing as we fish, when it happened. It not being entirely bad...
As Leigh Ann sat at the bar sipping her wine, she could feel the eyes of the two men down the bar on her. They were both attractive, businessmen, obviously, and probably were, like her, in town on business. She didn’t particularly like being away from home. She enjoyed having her thing around her, readily available. She caught the two men eyeing her. She smiled briefly, just enough to let them know she’d seen them checking her out. She thought about the long night ahead of her and entertained...
As Leigh Ann sat at the bar sipping her wine, she could feel the eyes of the two men down the bar on her. They were both attractive, businessmen, obviously, and probably were, like her, in town on business. She didn’t particularly like being away from home. She enjoyed having her thing around her, readily available. She caught the two men eyeing her. She smiled briefly, just enough to let them know she’d seen them checking her out. She thought about the long night ahead of her and entertained...
Group Sex"Let's not think about that yet. I just want to enjoy the time I do have you and don't want to think about goodbyes yet." "Me either love. So now what do you want to do?" he flashed me this childish grin, "let me guess... Fish?" "You got it. Good lord baby we know each other pretty well. Are you okay with doing some more fishing my love?" "Yes of course..." We get minimal clothes on and grab our poles. We throw our lines in and are conversing as we fish, when it happened. It not being entirely...
Straight SexBeep-beep-beep. I reached over and slid my finger across my phone to stop the noise. I looked at the screen, it was Friday August 5th and unfortunately six in the morning. I hated getting up early I thought as I crawled outta bed. The hot water did wonders to calm my nerves that have been building since I got on the plane. I hopped out of the shower and quickly got ready. I spread the contents of my suitcase all over the bed trying to pick out the perfect thing to wear. I settled on a light...
Straight SexThis part has no sex! Please please stay with me! It's building up to something good! I promise! I check into The Hotel on Collins Ave and jump in the shower. I washed quickly and wrapped my towel around me. I lay on the bed and turn my phone on for the first time since I began this journey. My phone buzzed, I don't even want to know what it says but I check anyways. Three voicemails all from mom asking where I was. Two texts from dad and one from my brother asking the same thing. A couple...
Straight SexI step out of the shower into the steam filled room. I wipe the fogged mirror so I can see my reflection. My blond hair wet and slightly curly clings to my face. My blue green eyes staring back at me. I look every inch of my body over in careful examination. Have a few pounds I could lose. Other than that I was happy with my appearance. Pale skin, light freckles dusting my nose and cheeks. Beautiful firm breasts, curvy seductive hips and a perfectly shaped butt. Not the sexiest girl out there...
Straight SexChapter 1 Jerome Halleck was a powerful captain of industry, with some 34 companies in his comglomerate of petroleum interests. He even owned some natural gas companies, and was looking ahead, investing in alternative fuels, so that his family would be ready for the change of fuels when oil ran out. He was 76 years old and 4 times divorced, with a track record of womanizing a mile long. Since he had warned the women in advance that he would sleep around, he did not much like their jealous...
Ever since the death of my grandfather, I’ve been visiting my grandmother every week on Thursday. In the beginning, it was really tough for her to be left alone, so after dinner, I would usually stay the night. I didn’t mind because sleeping over at Grandma’s was like getting a mini vacation every week from my family. After a few months, Grandma finally came out of her depression and began to act like her old self again, going out volunteering at the church and visiting friends. Even during her...
This is a story about two people trying to escape a sadistic Human Sex Trafficker. There are some scenes of violence and non consensual sex. If you don’t like this type of erotica please don’t read it. If you do like it, read on. Please enjoy and give feedback, as I am still writing later Chapters and as always I like to incorporate some of your suggestions for what will happen to the characters in to the story. * Alexei sat behind his desk in his study, staring at the stocky man who ran...
My Sister's Wedding Dress A lot of people have asked me why I do what I do. To be honest I can't really explain it. It has just always been a part of me. While I can't explain why, I can only tell my story. This is my true confession and it is nice to be able to say what cannot be spoken. I have to admit I have had this fantasy & deep desire to be a bride since I was little. I'm dying to tell my story! Confession helps bear the secret. Growing up, secretly I loved seeing...
The five riders moved on, and moments later there were only four. Bunched together so that a watcher might have trouble counting them, they kept on for a short distance. Shantar pointed out a spot where spreading trees shaded a grassy knoll, and they stopped where countless others had stopped before them, stretching and bending to loosen muscles pulled tight by long hours in the saddle. Ashaia quickly built a small fire, and Gortai hung a brass pot of water over it to make some of the sweet...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I stared at the woman who entered the Quick household like she belonged. She took two steps before she saw the debauchery before her. The debauchery my new abilities had unleashed. A shiver ran through me as I stared at the shock rippling across the woman’s face. The features were so similar to Dianne Quick, the married mother cooing on the couch as she kneaded her fourteen-year-old daughter’s small tits. Said daughter was the one...
We soon established a pattern. During the week I did my thing with dripping taps, sticking doors and collapsing shelves. In the evening I revisited my youth helping Jenni catch up with studies; the college recommended study materials and she took very seriously her opportunity to get a head start. We read classics and contemporary fiction, studied English, French and Spanish grammar (quite a departure for me. As I think I mentioned before, I speak only English with a smattering of foreign...
Steve Cullis watched the three newcomers enter McHooligans pub. Students, was his initial thought. He finished cleaning a pint glass and put it on the rack above the bar. What were they doing here? Were they lost? Did they pay any attention to the local news at all? The three of them were dressed in fancy dress costumes for Halloween. Well two of them were, the third, a skinny blond kid, looked like any other student. He wore baggy blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a cartoon of a sheep...
Dosto me apni pichali 2 stories me apko bata chukka hu ki kase mummy chacha aur uske dost ravi se chudi thi ab us se age ki kahani aap logo ko batata hu.ab mummy aur chacha ghar me bhi avsar dekh kar chudai ka khel khelne lage the aur mummy ki jawani har roj ki bharpur chudai se aur bhi nikhar rahi thi mummy ko chacha se chudte hue ab ek month ho gaya tha aur chacha ko uki gaand ka ched kuch jyada hi pyara tha ek raat jab chacha umummy ko pet ke bal leta kar unke chutdo ko khol rahe the to...
My father and his friend had set up a company selling houses when they finished university, which soon exploded into a multi-million dollar corporation which meant that money was no issue. My father and his friend settled down and soon became family men, which wasn’t like my father had hoped, from his point of view he got “the short straw”, a girl, whilst his friend Jamie was blessed with a baby boy, Jamie Jr. When dad found out mum couldn’t have any more children he had no choice but to...
MEETING EVERYONE'S EXPECTATIONS-or- I KNEW WHO I WAS THIS MORNING, BUT IVE CHANGED A FEW TIMES SINCE THEN "We're with Don Ferry's party," Ed told the Maitre'd at the posh country club. Ed was looking dashing in his dark blue suit, crisp white shirt and red tie. Behind him, in pretty, flowered dresses, Rose and John looked lovely. "Ah, yes, this way, sir, ladies." The thin, dapper, middle aged man said as he led them into the elaborately decorated dinning room. Dark wood,...
Introduction: This story follows mostly its main writer the only male of the story and thus shows alot of it from his perspective, this is based loosely on a true untold story. READ HERE FIRST This story was written elsewhere and copied over to this website, there maybe parts that should have spaces when they dont, though weve checked, there could still be 1 or 2 mistakes. This story is based loosely on a real familys story, there are parts that have been removed or simply not written, parts...
This is an idea that came to me one day. Ranma, for those who don't know, is the main character in a Japanese comic story. He is a first rate martial artist who has been cursed. While on a ten year long training trip with his father, Ranma accidentally fell (actually was knocked) into the Jusenkyou Spring Nyannichaun, the Spring of the Drown Girl. Now, whenever he gets covered with cold water he turns into a girl, while hot water returns him to his male self. But, what if Ranma's...
HumorTwenty Third Century Sex – Part 2 It was a few days after the experience with Frank, after all, it was Melissa’s and Jenny’s first time as a threesome in E-sex. They both agreed that it was brilliant and that they should branch out and try some more, maybe foursomes and even orgies. Jenny had been viewing some strange entries in the E-sex listings that involved spanking. Melissa wasn’t too sure about that, not yet anyway. At the weekend, Melissa found herself in the library once more. She had...
I got home from Black Friday shopping the next afternoon and found a long florist’s box with a big red bow on the dining room table. I was just about to open it until Brandon ambled down the staircase. ‘That just came for you,’ he said. ‘I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.’ I told him that I didn’t, and then he asked, ‘So what was that weirdness between you and Kellie’s dad about yesterday?’ I couldn’t tell him that we had met and that he was an embarrassing one-night stand. I just told him...
The year was 2006 and I had just recently graduated high school and moved into my first apartment with my girlfriend at the time (also bisexual) and two other roommates. Our first night in the apartment we happened to be attending a local music show. We didn’t have our mattresses or anything moved in yet, however we’d still made plans to meet up with one of my ex-boyfriends and take him back to our place afterwards. My girlfriend, Jenny, really wanted me to have my cock inside her while having...
BisexualAbout 3 weeks after my first introduction to glory-hole sex, I was back at the same toilets looking to get my cock sucked. During these three weeks I had been there most nights indulging in my new found pleasure. This night I went into a cubicle and sat down and started to wank. Next a finger came through the hole gesturing for me to put my cock through. I stood up and pushed it through the hole and immediately I felt a lovely warm succulent mouth around it. I started to push my cock in and...
© Copywrite 2003 by Girl Friday, all rights reserved. Prologue "There she is! That's her, the General!" "Who's the General?" "There - the tall one, long brown hair, perfect breasts. Oh man what I wouldn't give..." I smiled to myself when I heard this whispered exchange on my way out of the dining hall. Two guys, sophomores maybe, were following me with their eyes as I walked by them. "Why is she called the General?" I chuckled quietly and thought, if you only knew......
Having had "Massage of a Lifetime" published about her incredible spa day, Sally began to take more of an interest in my new hobby. She, after all, was the source, so she was able to edit, add nuance and relate her feelings at the time. We have, what I guess is called, an open marriage these days. It's not overboard but we do allow each other the freedom to go our own way on occasion. Part of this is discussing our sexual experiences from before and during our marriage. It was during one of...
InterracialThe Probationer: Ann Winters What was I doing here, being led up a dark and dimly lit staircase to theroom of one of my probationers, a prostitute at that, I blushed at the thoughtsthat were going through my mind? However, Carmel could not see my face reddening,due to the poor lighting. I was fascinated by the way the cheeks of her backsidemoved against the stretch fabric of her very short skirt. Which were only inchesaway from my face as she stepped up the stairs one step in front of me? I...
As I left Bev's, I took the long way back to my house, so that I could think through some of the delicate aspects of the ever expanding complications of my i****tuous life. I had originally acted solely on my desire to seduce my mother, and to have her be my willing slave. It was a great fantasy, and an even better reality. This whole master plan of mine had been sent hurdling down the track at a blazing speed. In the process, it had taken several side trips, and it looked as though it was...
I had ducked out as soon as my last class was over, half afraid that Cathy would try to pick up the conversation where we had left it earlier. After Cathy, I was more determined than ever to talk to Missy. I just had no idea how to make that happen. Lost in thought, I didn't notice a driver blow through a stop sign. He nearly ran me over. I shook my head, and checked both directions before continuing on. I sure as heck didn't need to end up in the hospital again. And just like that, I...
Hello no time to waste .i well started my story…Now bony & my wife straggly on the bed she increased her moaned he smash her both haunch..after 5mins he stopped for a moment & moved her Lags paused her knees in to band position & he slipped his hands under her buttocks, brought her mouth to her pussy..lick & suck deeply or..look her face ferst time she began to quiver i.cant.do.hiyi.i cant.she whispered.now he come quckly speared her thigh & put his cock on to her pussy & push it hardly .she...
The scene was familiar. Ms.Connor barked out the orders and the cheerleaders quickly obeyed. Before long, Tissues was standing again, wrists cuffed and secured with her arms stretched out high over her head. Her long, thick nipples remained hard as rocks. They left the spreader bar on her, keeping her legs spread wide and putting her dangling lips and gigantic clit in perfect view. She had to stay on her toes to keep the pressure off of her wrists. Her juices were clearly running down her...
My Fair Lady My Fair Lady??????????? By Pauly Walnuts It?s hard to believe all the dirty things I?ve done in such a sort time, but if you know this Lady, you?d enjoy every second of her attention. But I?m getting ahead of myself, I think I need to go back few months when I was just your regular, average, porn-surfer, dirty-talker, IM?ing, healthy, horny guy enjoying the game of meeting sexy ladies and playing naughty games with them. Although I met lots of ladies I only approached a level...
“You brought this on yourself,” her Daddy replied. He gripped her wrist gently as they walked abreast. She knew better by now than to force him to tighten his grasp. “But it’s normal, Daddy!” She sounded exasperated. “Normal for a girl to touch herself to dirty smut? Normal for her to gag herself with her own panties while reading about getting molested in the principal’s office for breaking the dress code?” Amanda was silent. She felt her face flush. What if someone overheard her? What if...
Jill returned to the living room half an hour later, still flushed, but I put that down to her shower. She had dressed and was positively buoyant, radiant even and the insidious worm of doubt wriggled a little further under my skin. While she had been gone, Nitro and I had regarded each other silently. I couldn't guess at what his thoughts were, those almost black eyes with their funny brows, gave nothing away. But, it was obvious from his guarded gaze; he was very likely viewing me as a...
She came up behind him as he stepped from the shower and began drying his back kissing each spot as she blotted the water from his back and butt. Taking her tongue and starting at his bag licking and licking up and down his back. Finally turning him around to dry the front she was taken into his arms and held as if she might never be with him again, was it over? had she made him angry? No She thought as she remembered their last time in the shower, how she had come and come again reaching peaks...
ReluctanceIntroduction: pt of my short stories We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and Were on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off. You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers, you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice...
Elisabeth Grey - Part 5: Autumn in New York. By Carmenica Diaz True to her word, Angela rang her music teacher and then gave me her address written on the back of an old envelope. 'Her name is Mrs Robinson and she's not far from here, you can walk if you like. I think it'll be a nice day.' 'Sounds lovely.' 'I'm off to get all the information from Sherry and I'm sure I'll come back with loads of gossip. Bye.' Time for a long bath, I told myself, humming as...
True story! I have been stopping by a particular nutrition store (the sell General Nutrition items) to get some vitamins about once a month. The store clerk always seems a bit bored but perks up everytime I walk in the door. I think the store is slow during the weekdays. It sits in a quiet shopping center. Anywho, the third time I went in, she was rather flirty and I figured...why not flirt right back? I'm a 42 year old divorced male. I work a lot and don't date often with having teenage k**s...
Brooklyn Gray makes her JulesJordan.com debut in this Hot As Fuck scene with Manuel. Brooklyn is dressed as a sexy slave girl with a lace full body stocking, leopard print corset, high heels and a collar with leash. She shows off her curves as Manuel examines every inch of this tight young babes beautiful body then she pulls down her top to expose her perfect perky tits. Brooklyn slides off her panties then Manuel grabs the leash and leads her over to the couch where he has her play with her...
xmoviesforyouPart 1He glanced down at the corner of his computer screen to see that it was almost 1:30. Jordan had been sitting here at his kitchen table since shortly after eight o’clock in the morning. It was Saturday and he was still working. “God,” he said aloud. “All I’ve done for the past year is work. When does it end?”Jordan Barnes was an upwardly mobile, mid-level manager in a large organization. At forty-two years of age, he had outperformed most people in his company and gained an excellent...
MILFBook Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Fourteen: Imagined Will By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty: Choking Air Aingeal – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The Abjuration spirits danced around me, darting through the air, leaving streaks of purple, coated in the aura of my will. They slammed into the magic rippling off Shevoin that was trying to kill us. The wicker body of the feyhound creaked as Ava...
The Timswe people - for they were people in all but details of body, and though they occupied four worlds, not just that of Timswe - had known how to travel to other stars for many generations, yet had never done to. The barrier of light-speed had discouraged them, and the fact that no one could survive such a journey except in hibernation kept them from spending the resources needed. They had sent probes which showed other inhabitable (and some inhabited) worlds and far more...
Lumsden’s pathetic and submissive will had now brought him to the very pinnacle of his perverted lust. Led out on all fours on a leash into the hall which would be the last vista he ever saw, like the much mentioned lamb, his sacrifice had been well advertised, though he was fully aware of his self-inflicted and mutually welcomed departure; his boning cock displaying his lurid and deeply sexual agreement in the matter, and receiving the deserved contempt from spiteful and jubilant feminine...
Mandy By: Rachael Free xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I was like any other guy, going to college and just waiting to graduate in less than a few months. What was I going to do then? I had a lousy major and the job opportunities seemed to really be slim. With the turndown in the economy I didn't have much chance of a good job. That was for sure. I had transferred to Penn State from a Junior college and really didn't have many friends. My old friends from back home...