Linda's PosseChapter 02: Chaos free porn video

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When Linda woke up she walked into the luxury yacht’s en-suite bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Have we become the monsters we hate? Linda asked.

I’m not a monster, Mouse told everyone.

We’re not either, the Twins said together.

If I’m a monster, I want to be a great big nasty one, with claws and teeth and bad breath, Little Tinker Bell added.

Ret told them, We’re Angels. Someone has to be the Angel to protect everyone else. This time around, in this world, it’s us. We’ve no choice now. We’ve gone too far to just stop. The world needs Angels. The real monsters are those four remaining Ancient Ones. Somehow, they have to be stopped.

If we’re not monsters then we must be insane. Anyone with six girls living in one head who flies around in the air and kills hundreds and hundreds of people and feels no remorse must be insane. No, I don’t even know the word I’m looking for, but something is wrong with me. With us, Linda sighed.

Okay, assuming you’re right, some day they’re going to come and lock us all up. Until then I plan to have as much fun as I possibly can! Mouse exclaimed. Now, get Jessie down here. Let’s turn on CNN news and party!

Linda started laughing. She couldn’t help herself. Mouse always had a way of cutting through all the bullshit. When the rest of the gang realized Linda’s immediate crisis was over they began laughing with her. Linda walked over to the ship’s intercom and buzzed Jessie.

“Come on down and talk, I’m awake now, so bring me some food and that Moscato I like so much.”

Linda went into the bathroom, peed, then splashed water on her face. Her mouth tasted like garbage so she brushed her teeth, walked back in her room, and turned on the TV. CNN still had advertisements on when Jessie knocked on the door, and walked in carrying a tray of sandwiches, chips, and glasses while holding a large bottle of chilled Raspberry Moscato under her arm.

Jessie set the tray down beside Linda and poured them both generous glasses of the pinkish colored wine. While Linda ate, Jessie rubbed her hand softly up and down Linda’s arm, comfortingly. The news program on the CNN Special Report resumed.

“Ladies and gentlemen we have a new report in from New York’s Kennedy and La Guardia airports. All flights leaving the city are packed. The airports are full of people presumably trying to escape the wrath of the Burning Angel. The same scene is being repeated at any airport close to the city. Los Angeles is reporting the same phenomena. The airports are madhouses of arrivals who either want to see the Angel or interact with her in some way, and people who want to escape her wrath and leave. Washington is now reporting a mass exodus as well. Interstate highways in all three areas are gridlocked with vehicles going in both directions, into and out of these major metropolitan areas.

“This just in. Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas, San Francisco and almost all major cities in the country are beginning to experience heavy backlogs on any flights leaving the country. Passengers interviewed at airports all around the US will only say they’re afraid the Angel will come for them, but refuse to give explanations about just why they’re worried. We can only guess, and speculate. The rats, ladies and gentlemen, are leaving the ship!”

Linda TK’d the television off, and turned to Jessie. “It’s a mess, isn’t it?”

Jessie started laughing! It took a couple of minutes to compose herself, while Linda watched impatiently.

“It’s glorious, fantastic, wonderful. This is the best mess ever! Linda these are crazy times. Now, for the first time in ages the crooks and criminals are scared. They’re running away! You didn’t see all the reports earlier while you slept. Let me give you the high points!”

“I’ll start with Washington. At first, there was a lot of push-back against what is being called the ‘Wonder Angel’ since she looks so much like Wonder Woman. Politicians from the president right on down to junior members of congress were all pontificating that this ‘Vigilante can’t give orders to the United States.’ I remember one senior well-known Senator specifically stating that ‘She will be hunted down and either captured or killed. The full power of American law enforcement has been given carte-blanche to arrest and subdue this person.’

“It was then reported that he had slipped quietly out of town, after resigning his seat in the Senate. People are leaving Washington DC by any means possible. Planes, trains, buses, and private vehicles are all packed and clogging the roads and airports. They can’t leave fast enough. Even the most conservative estimates say that Congress and the White House have reached a fifty percent or more vacancy rate. The news services can’t keep track of the number of resignations. Lobbyist offices are empty. You can’t find a living lobbyist anywhere in DC. Bureaucrats are also jumping ship. Anyone with something to hide, or some kind of criminal activity is running! Within a week, we may not have a national government left! And get this, the FBI has announced they’re not investigating any Angels. They’re concentrating their investigations into the flood of information released to social media from multiple sources incriminating thousands of public servants, CEO’s, and others. Name someone with power in this country and they are probably under investigation now. No one has a clue where all that will end.”

The flood of information must be the Ancient One’s blackmail files, Ret reminded them, and you can bet the CIA doesn’t share the FBI’s focus.

Jessie continued, “In New York the scene is chaotic. Crooked politicians, criminals, all the scum who have preyed on innocent, hard working people are getting out while they still can. The Burning Angel has them pissing in their pants. The reports of the number of ‘Angel Deaths‘ in New York range from one to ten thousand. Yes, I said Angel Deaths. That’s the new name being used nationwide for anyone killed by an Angel, anywhere. Some on social media and cell phone text-slang are calling them ‘AD’s.’ It’s becoming a new word in the English language. ‘You’ve been AD’d’ has become a popular term in youth culture.”

Linda started to interrupt but Jessie stopped her, and turned the TV back on.

“Wait, listen to this reporter. This part is good. Then you can just sit back and smile,” she said.

“Los Angeles has been processing all this longer than the other two cities. Official estimates have twenty percent of law enforcement resigning, or just not showing up for work. Close to a third of the city and county governments within two hundred miles of LA are missing in action. Known crooks, and I’m talking pimps, drug dealers, and the few gang-bangers and bikers still hanging around are getting lynched on street corners by angry mobs of citizens ‘taking back our city.’ Law enforcement types have watched and done nothing to stop them. In some cases, reports are they have helped identify and lynch the criminals. The White Angel of Los Angeles is, well, I don’t even know how to say this. She’s almost a Goddess there now. Definitely the new Patron Saint of LA. In each of the three cities, the average people are more than just proud of their Angel. They love her. Citizens in other cities are a bit jealous and want their own Angels! There are reports of a slow trickle of former ‘important people’ leaving cities all over the country now,” the harried reporter informed everyone.

“An Angel I know is going to be very busy in the future! Hell, Linda, this is going worldwide. People in other countries are watching the United States, very carefully. Speculation is ripe about just where and when another Angel will appear. And in what country!” Jessie told her.

Linda began to cry. She couldn’t help herself. No, she wasn’t mourning all the dead monsters she had killed. It was the raw emotions she felt about how this crusade of hers was turning out. Who could have guessed that an attempted sexual assault in a dirty alley back in Cauthen would lead to all this? She was just an eighteen year old girl, and she was changing the future of the United States, maybe the entire world. It was just too much to handle. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders now.

Jessie suspected what the problem was. Linda was overwhelmed with all the results and support she was receiving in her little crusade. The fact it wasn’t quite as little as she expected was getting to her. Everything was snowballing downhill. There’s a lot of responsibility leading a crusade. Linda was just starting to feel that pressure.

“Let’s go up on deck and get some sun. We’ll talk about fun stuff, not all these changing the world things. We’re just Southwest of Puerto Rico now. We’ll be stopping off there at a fun port I know called Ensenada. Puerto Rico is a great place, nothing like Haiti at all.”

Linda changed into a bikini, gathered her sun worshiping gear, and headed up to the sundeck. On the way, she walked past the crew lounge and saw four of her off-duty crewmen raptly watching the unfolding national stories. The screen showed pictures of all three Angels, in action at the same time, and the men started cheering. The News video of the White Angel rescuing families from the apartment fire in LA was now the most popular YouTube video of all time. A guilty feeling of pleasure washed through her, but she also realized she was blushing dark red. Linda was definitely not used to this kind of favorable attention, ever. Mouse agreed.

On the sundeck Linda chose a lounger and sat back, slathering on sunscreen and enjoying the view.

Ret reported no dangerous contacts within range, as Jessie joined her wearing her own bikini.

Jessie slipped the top of her bikini off, smeared on her sunscreen and lay back, half naked. Linda noticed her boobs were well tanned.

“So, take off the top, Linda. Relax. The crew won’t mind, I’m positive,” Jessie laughed.

Linda glanced around a bit nervously, then removed her own top, and applied sunscreen to her boobs and nipples. She lay back on her lounger, but face-down, not face-up. Jessie giggled at her.

“Come on girl. Relax. Live it up a bit. Give the guys a show. Just pretend that you don’t notice when they sneak a peek at us.”

“They peek?”

“Well of course they do. They may be crew members but they’re still men.”

Linda glanced around nervously, then asked Jessie, “Hey Jess, I need a favor. Can you order a bunch of Rosetta Stone language thingies for me?”

“I guess so. You mean the language software, right? Why and which languages?”

“Since we’re going to visit the Mediterranean, I want to speak some of those languages. Can’t really identify crooks if we don’t speak the language. Better get me some French, Spanish, Italian, German and Arabic. Oh, and British. I don’t want any government computer snoops checking out what I buy, and making any connections, so I’m going to have you do the ordering.”

“Sure, Linda. You do know the British speak English, right?”

“They do? Then why can’t I understand half of what they say?”

“They do have some different ways of using words than we do. The Irish and Scots are even worse. They mix in Gaelic and Celtic words. I think you can probably understand enough to get by, though.

“You said the Mediterranean? Are the Angels going International then?”

“Yes, I think so. Maybe. Later I’ll need some Asian languages too, and maybe Russian and Indian. Large populations there, so lots of crooks. I have to visit cities all over that have no connection to me as ‘Linda.’ So far, every place I’ve ‘Angelized’ has a remote connection to me. Being here on the Lady Whisper is good cover. I can’t be in two places at once, right? But I need to find a way into, say Chicago for example.”

“I heard a news reporter say that earlier, ‘Angelized.’ Kinda catchy phrase, isn’t it? Anyway, what about jumping into one city and then flying commercial to Chicago or wherever?”

“Well, can’t do that right now from any of Angel’s cities. The airports are too jammed.”

“What about that small city you lived in? What was it, Cauthen, right?”

“That might work. I could go in disguised and buy a ticket with cash, if the overflow from DC hasn’t flooded Cauthen’s airport.”

“Remember though, you have to show valid ID when you buy a ticket so TSA software can verify you’re not on the ‘No Fly’ list.”

“Damn that’s right. I forgot about that. Let me think a second. Work with me on this, Jessie. I can disguise myself to look like an old granny going to visit the grandkids and pay cash for the ticket. Then I can confuse any ticket agent into believing I submitted valid ID for ‘granny.’ I just have to use a name that’s not on that list. Then I can either ‘Ghost’ around TSA checkpoints or teleport to a ladies room near the boarding gate.”

“Sounds like a plan. You can always just go straight to the private charters at any airport too, and ignore TSA. Be sure to dress warm. It’s nice here in the Caribbean, but it’s still winter up North. Once you have Chicago on your jump list, you can add other places, too.”

Ret and Mouse agreed with the plan. This was something they could handle easily.

“Tonight is an unwind and party night. Tomorrow, while we cruise down toward St. Kitts, I’ll do some city jump expanding.”

“Hey girl, time to turn over. Get some sunshine on those boobs! I’ll get the Rosetta Stone software in after lunch, and you can start studying while we cruise.”

Linda looked around to see if she was being observed, saw no one and turned over, covering her boobs with one hand and reaching for her sunglasses with the other. Mouse laughed at her. Tink and the twins didn’t think it was a big deal, and Ret kept searching for possible targets. Pirates. Drug smugglers.

After donning her sunglasses Linda lay back on the lounger and tried to relax. Having her boobs hanging out was, different. Maybe she could flash her boobs with a Chicago Angel. Nah! Too damn cold there. She’d freeze her nipples off. It was just a random thought, she told herself. Mouse snickered, thinking about nipple freezing weather. Tink reminded her they still didn’t have any steel-toed shoes.

“Hey Jess, could you order about ten pairs of different style steel-toed shoes for me, when you get the Rosetta Stone stuff?”

“All purple?”

Linda laughed. ‘No, just one or two purple ones if they even have any. The rest can be any color.”

“No problem. Consider it done. I’ll have them overnighted into St. Kitts for you. We’ll be at sea all day tomorrow and half the next day to get there. Have some nice relaxing fun, then cruise on up to the Bahamas in time for your tournament.”

“Sounds good. Lunch ready yet?”

Jessie got up and walked over to the intercom and told the cook to have lunch delivered to the captain’s private lounge. “Let’s go eat. Cooky is bringing our lunch to my little lounge. After we eat I’ll go do some Captain type stuff while you do some visiting. Get back this evening and we’ll go ashore in Ensenada.

After lunch Linda took a quick shower to wash off all the sunscreen, and put on some warm clothing. Mouse disguised them as an elderly lady. The KK twins teleported them to a dirty alley in Cauthen, Virginia.

Oh fuck! It’s mid-January here. We’re freezing our butts off! Mouse screamed. Kelly and Karen, get us out of here!

A helluva lot colder than I remember, too, added Linda. Must be all the time we’ve spent in Australia, Hawaii, and the Caymans. We’re not used to this!

After a quick scan by Kelly, Karen moved them to the airport. The girls were still shivering as Linda searched the departure listings. The next available flight was leaving in half an hour from Cauthen to Boston for a short layover then on to Dallas with Jet Blue. Perfect. This would add two new cities on Kelly and Karen’s teleport list. And at least inside the airports it wouldn’t be freezing. Just in case, Linda bought a long sleeved sweater from an airport shop. The granny ID plan and then teleport past TSA worked perfectly. Welcome back former blonde trophy wife, Mabel Jones, grandmother now!

In Boston Linda walked around looking for a spot the twins could use for teleporting. They finally decided on a location inside a magazine shop. Not perfect, but if they arrived invisible the first time, then the girls could find better locations in the city proper.

While Mabel Jones waited for the check-in time to board the flight to Dallas, Ret told Linda See those five guys over there? Four of them are friends and bodyguards for the guy in the black pinstripe suit. He’s a major Mafia Don here in Boston. He’s rabbiting the country. Really bad news. He deserves a stroke or something.

Good idea. How’s his blood pressure? Linda asked.

Do I look like a damned nurse or something? How do I know what his blood pressure is? Ret replied, testily.

Okay, okay. You’re right. I just get used to you knowing everything. Tink, shave some blood vessels down in his brain so he’ll have a stroke if he gets upset. In fact do all five of them, Linda decided.

On the flight to Dallas there were no incidents, and the girls napped and rested the entire time. After arriving in Dallas, Linda told Kelly, Find a spot outside that Karen can teleport us to. Some place near the center of the city. Then get that spot locked in for future moves. When we get that done take us back to the Lady Whisper.

Back on the ship Linda punched in the intercom for Jessie and let her know she was back, then ordered something to eat.

“We’re almost to Ensenada. We’ll be docked in about two hours. Now’s your chance to clean up and look pretty. You and I are going ashore to party tonight!”

Are we going to tell Jessie about the rest of us? Mouse asked.

Not a great idea, Ret suggested. It’s hard enough for anyone to accept what Linda can do, let alone dealing with the other five of us in here.

We vote for ice cream, the Twins said.

What? What’s all this about ice cream? Linda asked.

I vote for a boyfriend, Mouse sighed.

Ice cream for me, too, Tink offered.

Voting? Who started all this voting stuff? Ret asked.

We figured if you guys are going to vote about telling Jessie, we could vote, too. Ice cream is our vote. That’s three votes for yummy ice cream, Tink said.

Ice cream is always a good vote, Kelly added.

Okay, Linda told them. We’ll go up to the kitchen and see if we can talk Cooky out of some chocolate ice cream. Then we’ll come down and wash up and get dressed for some serious dancing tonight. Ret, I want you to try something. See if you can learn any Latin dance moves from snooping in ladies minds at the clubs. Maybe we can learn how to do stuff that way.

Sounds like a good idea. I should have thought of it a long time ago, Ret whispered. We may be able to learn all kinds of things by borrowing thoughts and skills.

After eating their chocolate ice cream and washing up Linda changed into her hot red cocktail dress and added her ruby and diamond jewelry.

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Melindas Mountains

Introduction: My wife wants to watch me fuck our sexy neighbor, Melinda. This is a fictional story, but the characters are real people. In this story, Melinda is my next door neighbor. In reality, Melinda is a young woman who writes and reads stories on xnxx. So, the events of this story are fictional, but the story is written for and about a real person, Melinda. My name is Ray, Im a man in my early 40s and my wife Ann is a sexy woman. Ann is 58 tall, 130 lbs., brown hair, blues eyes, small...

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Linda and Miss Helen

Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexualacts of a bdsm nature between two or more women and occasionally men. If thistype of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it. MF/mf, enema, exhibition, toys, BDSM, slavery, chastity belt, humiliation. Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personalreading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to repost them atyour own site, please...

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Linda and the Dog

I first must tell you about my wife Linda, she was 4 years younger than me. She was about 5 foot 4 inches tall. Weighted about 95 pounds soaking wet. And had Red Hair. I met her when I was 27 years old. When my truck that I was driving broke down in Duluth Mn. And I was stuck there for two weeks. I met her at an Army buddies house during this time at a dinner party put on by my friend’s wife. People talk about true love, and I know most people say no such thing exists. But I fell for Linda,...

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Lindas friend Liz

Linda had fallen out of touch with one of her friends Liz, they exchanged texts every now and again but had been more into meeting up for a drink and have a good catch up. Liz had been recently divorced and hadn't been responding to Linda's text for a while, so when Linda received a text from Liz suggesting they meet up Linda was right on it and although it was midweek she agreed to meet up.It had been late when Linda arrived home, but we chatted for a few minutes as she got ready for bed. Liz...

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Linda and SonChapter 2

When he went up to his room, Bill removed his clothes and cleaned himself. The he got into his pajama bottom and lay on the bed. He started to think of his sexy young mother and what they had done earlier. This caused his manhood to leap into arousal. It swelled, lengthened and tented his pajama. He heard a knock on his door. "Yes?" "May we come in, Bill?" That was his grandma's voice. "Yes, please come in... the door's not locked." He got up and stood by the bed. He was nervous...

3 years ago
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Linda and Jon

One summer year, my wife’s step brother needed a place to live for a bit till he got back on his feet. Linda said Jon could stay with us till then. Jon was a few years younger than Linda. Linda is 30 and Jon is 28 years old. Linda’s mom and Jon’s dad been married for almost 15 years. Jon got laid off from his job and had trouble looking for a new one. He told me he lost his job and his girlfriend broke up with him. Jon stayed in the spare bedroom room which was right next to our bedroom. We had...

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Linda and I Hard Times

Linda and I: HARD TIMES By Olivia Evans This was written during a writer's block of two other completely separate stories. As such, it's a little different from my usual tales. There is very little crossdressing, just the wearing of panties near the end of the story. There's no body swaps, French maids or even mildly bad language. There are some explicit names for specific body parts however. Over all, it's just a little tale about a loving couple and how they handle an...

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Linda Wallflower

Linda was a very quite girl with no confidence. She was put down and out by her over bearing mother and father. She was the girl no one ask to dance, no friends to speak of. Her mother drove those away and would never allow her to stay out. Today she was 17 and 364 days old. Tomorrow was her 18th birthday as like every other birthday no party organised. Her parents always celebrated their birthday with big parties and she was expected to stay in her room. Looking at herself in the mirror, her...

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Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch

Introduction: The beginning wasnt enough *** This is the second installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings or the context of the story may be lost to you. Last night, Linda had succumbed to my trickery and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined...

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Linda is Addicted to Her Black Cock

Linda couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda...

2 years ago
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Linda AdventuresChapter 4 Lunch Break Is Over Let the Afternoon Class Begin

Linda stopped in the gymnasium to slip into her clothing before going to lunch. She opened her bag for her student ID and found a note from Auntie Gwen stuffed inside. This she read as she ate an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread and a small side salad of endive, chard and tomato. After drinking a large glass of water she went in search of a ladies room before heading off to class. Doctor Joyce Heath entered room 303 of the Liberal Arts Building on the campus of Philadelphia Fashion...

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Linda8217s domination

This story contains shit & urine consumption by the characters. So those who don’t like these type of hardcore, kinky, fetish stories, please don’t read… By jk It seemed that whenever they were talking about feelings or emotions, Jim was in control. Linda tried to avoid the subject, told Jim that she was too serious with Sam, her “real” boyfriend and that he was the first person she ever really loved. Jim would tell her that she couldn’t love two people at once and that because she couldn’t...

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Linda By Sissie Maid Cuckold " name is Jennifer Dobson; I am 38 years old, 5' 7" tall and 127 pounds. I have long blond hair and get hit on a both guys and gals. I was married once to a jerk for 6 years. He lied to me, cheated on me, ignored me and so I divorced him. I got most all of it and he lost all of it including the girlfriend he was cheating on me with! I got the business, a consulting business and began to systematically replace most of the men with...

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Linda and SonChapter 3

Meanwhile, Linda had an eye on Cathy and her son. By the way Cathy behaved, Linda knew she was having an orgasm. Then Cathy knelt in front of the boy and started to unzip his pants and take out his cock. Obviously, she was going to suck him. Linda didn't want to allow this. She wanted her son's cock juice for herself. So she whispered to her mother for help. While Bob and Linda talked, Julie quietly went and stopped Cathy from taking the boy's cock into her mouth. She told Bill, "Your...

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Linda went to the doctors

Note: This story was made up and it not true.I had to get a new doctor, my doctor retired. This new doctor I have his name is Dr. Jones. He is new, came out of school not to long ago. He is 25 years old, he has dark brown hair, he has glasses on.Dr. Jones been treating me for 3 months now. Linda’s doctor just passed away. She is looking for a new doctor. Just a reminder, Linda is 40 years old, her hair comes down to her shoulders, light brown, she wears glasses, she’s a BBW weigh about 200 lbs....

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Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch

Last night, Linda had succumbed to my 'trickery' and had allowed herself to be mounted and thoroughly fucked by Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever. She had said she liked it and depending on how guilty she felt afterward would determine whether she would allow it to occur again. I was determined to not let a silly thing like guilt stand in the way of us opening up our sexual horizons. Linda was naturally submissive. As I mentioned in Part I she had fantasies of being tied up and used...

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Linda and Bobby First time

“Linda, you look like you are down in the dumps. What is wrong?” “It’s the girls at school. They are really bugging me.” “Keep talking.” “They are always talking about sex and how great it is. They are also talking about how dumb girls are that are still virgins. They are driving me crazy.” “Do they know you are a virgin?” “No and I can’t tell them. They are my friends and they would really put me down if they knew.” Bobby looked at her and said, “I know how you feel. ...

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She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn't want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...

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Linda Part III Boys Night

Introduction: The saga of a committed zoo freak continues This is the third installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings, and Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch, or the context of the story may be lost to you. Linda had started out somewhat reluctantly accepting Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever as her lover and doggie Master, but had adapted to the situation quite well. As I said in Part I, the reason for my introducing her to this was because,...

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Linda and Toms journey Chapter 2

Tom arrived home to find Linda ready and waiting for him. Linda welcomed him home with a kiss and said, Thank you for letting me start the rental letting thing. It's been great to have a day to myself and I wanted to thank you properly. Can I fix you adrink while you relax a little, she suggested. Tom replied, sure why not.Tom went through to their open plan living area, slipped off his shoes and closed his eyes for the few minutes it took Linda to return.Linda had their drinks as promised but...

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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 03

After class on Wednesday Linda finally decided to go to the Bible study as suggested by the Father. She picked out a long grey skirt and a white knit top. She wore her gold cross but skipped most of the make up and settled just for some light red lipstick. She remembered the modest part of her promises. Picking up her Bible she walked towards the church. In front of the education wing was a girl from the college that she recognized. ‘Linda, I am so glad you came to the Bible study,’ said Mary...

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Linda Part 1 Beginnings

Introduction: The Awakening of a Zoo freak This is a total work of fiction, though admittedly it is fiction based loosely on factual events. Enjoy. There are a couple of other installments to Lindas transformation and if this one is received well, I will post the others. Enjoy, vote and comment/criticize. All feedback is appreciated. Linda, Part 1 – Beginnings I had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover...

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Linda and Me

She was lost in a universe of her own making. Gasping and crying out with each shuddering orgasm. I was getting close, but I didn’t want to give it up yet, so I slowed even more. Linda gasped and shuddered as I rolled my hips, gently fucking my stiff prick into her, sinking deep between her softly yielding pussy lips. She was so slick and wet that I could almost have slipped into her, hips and all. Her hot, buttery insides gripped my shafting cock as she came. I leaned forward to kiss her silky...

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LindaMy partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre sister at the local district hospital, and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never got around to fixing the happy day. It was the middle of January when I first met Linda, and from then my whole life began to come apart.. I was walking back from the newsagent having just fetched the morning paper, when I saw the furniture van unloading...

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My partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre Sister at the local district hospital, and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never got around to fixing the happy day. It was the middle of January when I first met Linda, and from then my whole life began to come apart.. I was walking back from the newsagent having just fetched the morning paper, when I saw the furniture van unloading into...

Cheating Wifes
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Linda AdventuresChapter 3 Cafeteria Food on Campus

Friday. The first thing Gwen and I had to do when control was passed from Camille to us was to collar Linda again in a way that her 'jewelry' would be acceptable in her campus settings. To that end I purchased five pieces of anodized aluminum body wear from Camille. A fourteen-inch neck collar, three-quarters of an inch wide and made of plain beaten aluminum with a small chain design in its center, made a simple everyday statement without looking like overtly fetish wear. I added ankle...

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Linda Part III Boys Night

Linda had started out somewhat reluctantly accepting Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever as her lover and doggie Master, but had adapted to the situation quite well. As I said in Part I, the reason for my introducing her to this was because, though from all outward appearances Linda was a lady (and she is), even appearing somewhat frumpish most the time, at the core, she was pure slut. Linda admitted to loving the sexual high. She had been married for 20 years to an uninteresting man...

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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 01

Another lousy tip Linda thought as she scooped it off the table into her pocket. It was a very slow night at the restaurant. Tips like that were not going to pay the rent or keep her in college. She might have to drop out after the term, move home and stay with her mom to save up some money and return later. She was so close to graduating. There was only one more customer, a nicely attired older gentleman lingering over his pie and coffee just before closing time. Bill was looking at his...

1 year ago
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Linda and her cousin

Note : This story is completely fictional! Eighteen year old Linda and her cousin Jimmy didn't go to church because it was raining. Linda was still in her pajamas. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" ask Jimmy. "Not yet" she said. Jimmy could see the outline of her breasts and knew she wasn't wearing a bra. He was getting a hard on looking at the blond beauty. Linda was a tease. She knew her cousin wanted to fuck her. "I bet you have a lot of girlfriends" she said. "I used to, but I don't have...

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Linda and Bobby and Aunt Jen part 2

Bobby said a little defensively, “You said we could come over anytime to play and that is what we are doing.” “Don’t worry. I’m not upset. I was just surprised when I began hearing moaning from my kitchen. Are you two finished now?” “Not even close”, Linda said smiling. “Would you like me to leave you two to your own explorations?” “No. You taught us how to have sex. You could watch and let us know if we are doing anything wrong” Linda suggested with a grin. “I guess...

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Lindas Punishment Golden Night Two

Linda sat back on top of her bed relaxing the glow of her bath. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispered to herself though no one was around to hear. She reached her hand down and started to touch her smoothly shaven hips and legs. “Why was this so exciting,” she wondered.“Linda, wake up, you need to get ready,” she heard her mother but she seemed distant. Suddenly Linda was jostled out of her sleep. “You need to get ready, now.”Linda looked up at her mother. Her mother who had a...

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Lindas Web of Seduction 4 Introducing Henry

Having run into Linda on Wednesday, "hump day" as it's known in these parts, and being completely satisfied sexually by her, I couldn't help but be in awe of not even 72 hours later walking through a woman's house, whom I had just met about two hours before burying my face in her eager pussy, and was now walking through her house naked on the way to her pool. I remember thinking this is what it must be like to be rich and famous.Kathy's house was two story and nearly surrounded by trees and...

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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 05

When Linda went to the Wednesday night Bible study, her friends were not there. She was supposed to meet Evan and she also expected Mary and Fred to attend. So she sat alone and did the lesson. The scripture was about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Eve was weak and was tempted by the devil in the form of a snake thus bringing sin and death into the world. After they ate the forbidden fruit and gained the knowledge of good and evil, God caught up with them and they knew they were naked and...

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Lindas Pants

Linda only week the weekends at this restaurant. So she only has one uniform. She wears them on both days, then washes them on Monday. She had these work pants for a long time about 2 years. There getting worn. I dare Linda when she gets ready for work, don’t put your panties on. She wears panties when she goes to work. She said only if I don’t wear boxers when I go to work. I told her deal.So I watched getting dressed. She left the panties off. She watched me, I left the boxers off. We went to...

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