Devlin's StoryChapter 44 free porn video

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Steve pulled up to the curb just before 10:00.

"Did you call that one, or what?" Devlin asked Krissi as she hurried down the sidewalk. "One minute ahead of schedule."

"Only thanks to Steve," Krissi said as she got out of the car. She was wearing a dark blue, knee-length dress with a high neck and long sleeves. It had a bit of lace at the throat and matching lace at her wrists. "If he hadn't kicked my butt out of bed we probably wouldn't have gotten here until noon." She glanced at the apartment building. "How's your mother holding up?"

"I'll be glad when this is over," Devlin said. "I hope I'm not this bad when it comes to my wedding." She sighed. "We might as well go in."

Devlin's mother, wearing jeans and a tee-shirt, was pacing back and forth in the living room, chain smoking. "It's turned into an absolute disaster," she told Devlin. "While you were outside I made a few phone calls. The flowers are going to be delivered tomorrow, not today, the photographer's car broke down, the caterer is holding out for more money, and they can't find the punch bowl for the reception."

Devlin and Krissi looked at each other. "All right," Devlin said, drawing a deep breath, "let's see what we can do."

"Before we start," Krissi said, "how are you doing?"

"Oh, I'll live, I think. I may end up in jail, though, after shooting a few people."

"Good, that's the important thing. Did the dress arrive?"

"I picked it up yesterday."

"And you tried it on?"

"I did when it arrived. It's a bit looser that I thought, but--"

"Fine," Krissi said, cutting her off. "Where's the photographer?"

"He called from his cell phone. His car broke down on Route 251 about three miles north of town."

"I'll go pick him up," Steve said. "Where's the church?"

Devlin gave him the address and directions. He nodded as he wrote them down, then repeated them back to her. "I'll call your cell phone when I get to him," he added before he left.

"Flowers," Krissi said. "That's next."

"Why are the flowers going to be late?" Devlin asked. She shook her head. "Never mind, I'll deal with the flower people. What's with the catering people?"

"I don't know," her mother said savagely. "Fuck."

Devlin raised her eyebrows. "Mother, that's almost the first time I've heard you swear."

"When you're about to get married, Devlin, you'll understand."

"The caterer we can handle," Krissi said. She smiled softly. "That's not a problem. We'll need you to come along, though."

"That leaves the punch bowl."

"We'll handle that, as well," Krissi said. "Call one of the ladies at the Church; I'm sure one of them has a punch bowl she can loan you."

Devlin nodded. "Let's all get in my car," she said in as practical a tone as she could manage. She glanced at her mother. "And put out that cigarette, all right?"

Her mother ground out the butt and got in the front seat. "Let's go see the caterer, first," Krissi said as she got in back.

The caterer was right next to the dress shop. Krissi walked in with fire in her eyes. "So," she said in a loud voice, "someone's getting married today. You signed the contract, they paid for the food, and at the last second you're holding out for more money." The woman behind the counter shifted evasively. "I'm getting married next year, and I was thinking I'll just avoid using you. And, of course, I'll tell everyone at all of the bridal boutiques in the area what you did. You can imagine how fast that news will get around."

"Umm, well, there was a misunderstanding," the woman said hesitantly.

"Bullshit. You know, Sheryl," Krissi said to Devlin's mom, "I know a restaurant just outside of town that can put this whole thing together in just a couple of hours."

"How much will it cost?" Devlin's mom asked.

"It'll be my wedding present to you," Krissi said. "But first, let's go next door and start telling people about the catering service here." She spun on her heel and let the door bang shut behind her.

"I bet we could take out an ad in the paper," Devlin said. "Mom, do you know anyone who works for the local paper? They're always looking for something like this; trying to stiff a bride on her wedding day, oh, they'll love that."

"The money she paid me doesn't cover the cost of the food," the woman said as she came out the door.

"But that's what you signed the contract for," Krissi said, turning back to her, "and Sheryl paid you. But, don't worry, we'll let the lawyers work it out."

"Wait," the woman said. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of an arrangement."

"Sure," Krissi said. "That's easy. I'll be back here at 1:15 to watch you deliver the food to the reception." She smiled pleasantly. "See how easy that was to work out?" She opened the door to the bridal boutique. "Hi there! Have I got a story for you guys."

"Did you really tell them what happened?" Devlin asked when Krissi got back in the car.

"Of course. Devlin, never make a threat you won't carry out. If that food isn't being loaded at 1:15, I'll be back in the boutique here at 1:20, telling everyone about it. Oh, and in the meantime, we'll contact that restaurant just in case."

"I'd love to be here to see that," Devlin's mother said.

"No, you won't," Krissi said. "You'll be in your wedding dress by then with other things on your mind. The catering is handled. Now, what about the flowers?"

Devlin dialed the number her mother had given her. She got a garbled reply, shrugged, and hung up. "I think we'd better see what's going on."

The flower shop was only a few minutes away. When they turned the corner of the block they saw the fire trucks filling the street. The flower store was just a charred ruin.

"Okay," Krissi said, "this is a problem."

"There she is," Devlin's mother said. "Let's find out what happened."

"I came in this morning and the place was already burning," the owner said a couple of minutes later." She had a basket next to her and pulled a bouquet out of it. "I saved your bouquet, but that was all I could do."

"That's something. All right, what do we do?"

"I'll pay you back after the insurance is settled," the woman said. She turned and looked at the firemen moving through the charred timbers. "Fifteen years."

"You'll be back," Devlin said. "Is there someone you would recommend?"

The woman nodded. She pulled a card out of her jeans. "Here's Jody's number. If anyone can get some floral arrangements put together for your wedding, she's the one. When's the wedding?"

"Two o'clock," Devlin said.

"Ouch. Well, it'll be tight, but give her a call. Like I said, if anyone can pull off a miracle, it's her." She smiled. "She loves challenges."

"Well, take some time off and come to the reception," Devlin said. She waved her hand at the remains of the flower store. "I know this looks bad, but come to the reception. It'll get your mind off of this for a few minutes." She glanced at Krissi out of the corner of her eye. "And I think it'll be good press, too. People will want to know you're going to be back."


"Trust me," Devlin said. "You'll need the break."

"We'll see," the woman said, and turned back to watching the firemen.

Devlin pulled around the corner and pulled out her cell phone. After a brief conversation with Jody, she smiled at her mother. "We'll have to see her, and she'll want some money up front."

"Of course."

"But she's willing to try."

Her mother sighed. "At least I've got my bouquet. Okay, let's go. What else is going to go wrong today?"

"We'll find out when it happens," Krissi said. "What about your wedding cake?"

"That, at least, is taken care of. I checked this morning, and it's already in the refrigerator at the reception hall. The bakery delivered it this morning."

"We'll check it anyway," Krissi said. She pointed dramatically down the street. "On to Jody's!"

Jody, a spare woman with dark hair and lively dark eyes, was almost rubbing her hands. "Ordinarily I'd say it'd take at least a day to get everything ready," she said, "but I heard about Sarah's fire earlier today. She called me and asked me if I could do something for you. We discussed what you'd chosen for flowers, and I have most of what you want in stock. I'd say let's do a minimalist approach at the wedding itself. That will give me more time to do the reception hall."

"How much?" Devlin's mother asked.

Jody gave her a price. "I know it sounds like a lot, but time is rather tight. I'm going to have to do call in some favors."

"Whatever," Devlin said. "The important thing is to get things in place. Is there anything we can take to the church?"

Devlin's mother passed over her credit card. "Here, let's just get going and figure it out afterwards."

Jody nodded as she copied down the numbers. "I have ribbon and mini-bouquets here. Why don't you take those? That'll leave me free to concentrate on the reception hall."

"Here's the address," Devlin said. "It's right around the corner from the church."

Jody nodded. "I should be there about 12:30," she said. "I'll see you then."

"I really appreciate this," Devlin's mother said. "I don't know how to thank you enough."

"Just tell people that I was there for you in a pinch," Jody said, smiling.

"Note," Krissi said as they pulled away. "Let's change the lede on the article: compare the caterer with the flower people."

Devlin could see the tight anger begin to fade slightly in her mother's eyes. "That's out of the way, then," she said. "All right, the photographer. Shouldn't Steve have called by now?"

"I'll call him," Krissi said. "Your job, Devlin, will be the punch bowl, and making sure your mother fits in her dress."

"Works for me," Devlin said as she turned back to her mother's apartment.

"When did you try the dress on?" Devlin asked her mother a few minutes later.

"Tuesday, why?"

"When did you eat last?"

"Oh, maybe Thursday, maybe Tuesday. I don't remember."

Devlin rolled her eyes. "You are not passing out in the middle of the ceremony from lack of food," she said firmly. She saw her mother's hip bones, and could easily count her ribs. "I'm not sure if Tom would appreciate marrying a scarecrow."

"I've been so nervous..." her mother began.

"The wedding's at 2:00, we should be at the church no later than 1:00, though earlier if we have a chance. It's almost 11:30, now. Let's see how the dress fits."

Obediently her mother got into the dress. Devlin called Krissi in, and together they walked around her mother, tugging, checking, finally looking at each other and nodding.

"It hangs a little loose on her," Krissi said. "But it's nothing we can't fix with a few pins."

"My thought exactly," Devlin said. "All right, mom, get back in your regular clothes, we're going to get some food in you."


"And then we'll go directly to the church and get you ready."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Krissi said, nodding.

Reluctantly her mother changed back into her street clothes. With little ceremony Devlin hustled her out to the car and south to the restaurant in the small strip mall where Emma had her lingerie shop. By the time they finished eating, her mother was in a much better frame of mind.

"Now, if only I don't burp during the middle of the ceremony," she said, laughing.

"We'll risk it," Devlin laughed. "When we get back to the apartment, we'll have to get everything you need loaded in the car."

Her mother nodded. "I have things pretty much set. I packed nearly everything I knew I was going to need last night."

Devlin smiled when she saw her mother's suitcase with a large padlock on it. "Didn't trust people, did we?"

Her mother shrugged. "Not really."

They got the car loaded, and then Devlin made her mother recite everything she was going to need for the wedding. Krissi checked them off as they were mentioned.

"That's it, then," Devlin said. "It's 12:45, which gives us time to come back and get anything that you missed."

"I think so," Krissi said. She eyed the pile in the back seat. "But I think that's everything."

When they got to the church Devlin and Krissi made a bee line inside. Devlin saw one of the women she mentally tagged a 'church lady', and mentioned the punch bowl.

"We have a spare here," the woman replied. "It's amazing how many of those things go missing on a wedding day. I think gremlins steal them, or something." She glanced at the dressing room. "How's your mother?"

"Nervous as can be," Devlin said.

"Well, tell her we've got things handled. She needs to take care of herself."

Devlin checked on her mother: she was working on her make-up. Satisfied that things were at least temporarily under control, she returned to the nave.

Krissi had put the guest book at the front of the church, along with an arrangement of flowers. There were more flowers on the pews, but that was it. As Jody had said, this was a minimalist approach.

Devlin went next door to the reception hall. The tables were already covered in white linen. At the front of the room there was a table set aside for the cake. Beside it were plates and silverware framed by a spray of white roses.

"We'll move the roses to either side when the cake comes out," Jody said. "I've got flowers on each table, along with wedding favors."

There were two girls setting the tables. The punch bowl, or its replacement, was on a corner table surrounded by a circle of flowers. In the opposite corner there was another display of flowers, and an empty picture frame.

"I thought we could get one of the pictures from the wedding, print it off, and put it there," Jody said. She smiled. "Might as well try something different."

"I... that... that's a wonderful idea," Devlin said. "I never would have thought of that." She caught Krissi's eye. "Do you want to change before checking with the caterer?"

"I don't have time," Krissi said. "I'll change when I get back." She saw Steve standing at the front door with a middle-aged man festooned with cameras. "The photographer's here. Steve and I will go check on the caterer."

"How are you doing?" Devlin asked her mother when she returned to the dressing room. Her mother had finished her make-up and was just staring at the wedding dress, her hands shaking.

"I think I may throw up," her mother said. her's hands began shaking even harder.

Devlin looked at the other two women in the room. "Suggestions?"

"All brides are nervous," one of them said. She dug into her purse and pulled out a paper bag. "Let's try this."

After a few minutes of sustained breathing in the paper bag, her mother's hands stopped shaking quite so much. Finally she waved it away. "All--all right," she said. "I'll be fine." She pulled off her tee-shirt and began peeling out of her jeans. Twenty minutes later she pulled on her lace gloves. By now her hands were rock steady.

"Have to touch up your make-up and hair," one of the women said as she picked up a brush.

Devlin took this cue to go out to the car and bring back her own dress. She'd searched for several days before finally choosing this one. It was a basic white sheath, knee-length, with a high neck and long sleeves. The dress flared slightly like she had on an underskirt. To complement it she wore white tights with white pumps her mother had bought her for the occasion. After some consideration she went with just earrings; no necklace, no bracelet. The idea was to be simple and effective without upstaging her mother. With her hair pinned and swept off to one side, Devlin decided she looked every inch the proper and demure young lady. The nods from the other women in the room just confirmed that impression.

While waiting, her mother reached for a pack of cigarettes. One of her friends from work gave her a pack of nicotine-less cigarettes, which her mother chain-smoked without seeing or tasting anything. Finally, a breath mint, a couple minutes more with the paper bag, a final check for the ring--Devlin slipped it into the pocket on her dress, and it was nearly time.

Krissi slipped into the room and began shedding clothes. Devlin helped her zip up. "Everything ready?"

"Everything," Krissi said. "But don't look for that caterer's work, either. She had 'difficulties' with the final preparation. So we have mini-burgers and so on from that restaurant." She sighed. "'She'll never work in dis bidness again!'"


"A quote from a Jimmy Buffett song. Never mind. How do I look?"

"Your hair is a mess, but other than that, presentable."

Krissi grabbed her hair brush out of her purse and attacked her hair. "Fortunately I've got a lot of experience with this."

"And your hair is naturally straight."

"That, too." She finished and checked herself in the mirror. "How do I look?"

"Marvelous. Now get out front, things are about to start."

Devlin preceded her mother down the aisle. Everything seemed so nice and proper, it was hard to believe how hectic the last few hours had been. She only hoped her own wedding, whenever it might be, would go a lot smoother.

When her mother stepped up next to Tom, Devlin could see the slightest trembling of the bouquet her mother was carrying. Devlin could feel her mother's trembling subside as the minister started through the vows. And, finally, it was over, Tom was lifting her veil and kissing her, and everyone was clapping.

The reception--Devlin cast a quick look around, checking everything--it looked like everything had been planned down to the last detail. Things went better than Devlin thought they would. There was the opening of the gifts, the toasts, the wedding cake, the food--people loved the mini-burgers--more toasts, and plenty of dancing. Her mother was happy, her eyes sparkling and her smile infectious. She danced as if her feet weren't touching the ground. The photographer had two cameras, and he took pictures from both of them. He also had a boy following him around with a polaroid camera. The boy would take a picture. The photographer would study it, and then take a picture from each camera.

Devlin danced with Tom, but politely turned down dances with some of the others. Krissi and Steve were constantly out on the dance floor, and when Steve took a bathroom break Krissi almost collapsed on a chair.

"Lordy, but he can dance. I'm half-past pooped, and it's only the middle of the afternoon."

"I just had another thought," Devlin said. "What about the limousine?"

"It's here," Krissi said. "I checked. It's waiting out front, and the driver is in the front seat reading a book."

"I guess the only thing left is the bouquet."

"Going to try to catch it?"

"Not on your life! What about you?"


In the end somebody else caught the bouquet. Tom and her mother ran down the front walk while being showered with rice. Amid cheers and wishes for good luck they sped off into the afternoon.

After waving, Devlin headed for her car. "I'll be back in an hour or so," she said, "maybe two. Will you be here?"

"Probably," Krissi said, laughing, "and still dancing, too."

Devlin met Tom and her mother at a restaurant at the hotel where they would be staying the night. After a quiet late afternoon dinner she gave her mother a hug. "I'll see you when you get back."

"Don't forget to water the plants."

"I won't. Have fun, and I'll see you next Sunday."

Devlin drove back to the reception, taking her time. In spite of everything, it had all come together. Her mother had organized this in less than a month. She decided to spend a little more time planning her own wedding.

Sue and Danny were standing on the sidewalk when Devlin pulled up. Devlin caught Sue's eye as she got out of the car, and motioned her over.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Sue looked around. "I wanted to know if you wouldn't mind seeing Danny every week or so like you used to, at least as long as I'm pregnant."

"Sure, no problem." She thought of what Denise O'Connor had told her. "Tell him, though, that he'll have to make the arrangements. We may have someone following me again."

"I thought the police arrested those men."

"This is somebody new."

"I'll tell him. I'm sure he can come up with something." She pressed her hand on Devlin's arm. "I want to thank you for this. You don't know how much it means to me."

"I'm glad to help, but you'll let me know when things are over. There'll come a point where this has to be over."

"I will. I figure it'll be a couple months after the baby is born."

"That'll be, what, next February?"

Sue nodded. "Something like that." She gave Devlin a quick hug. "Thank you so much."

Devlin sighed. Had she just agreed to have sex with Danny for 11 more months? That was funny in a way. Wasn't sex and love supposed to be spontaneous? That was a laugh. Her sex life was as predictable as you could get: Tuesdays at Cindy's, every other weekend at Emma's, and now Danny once or twice a week. Well, she couldn't complain about not getting any. She was getting more than the rest of the girls on her floor put together. She snorted. She was probably getting more than half the girls in her dorm.

She remembered high school. This was sort of like that. In high school she'd had sex nearly every night with Danny, and every other weekend at Emma's. If anything, she'd finished growing up with sex every day. Probably only Amnita could claim something like that. She'd probably had more sex than the fantasies of the boys in her graduating class. That was worth a laugh or two.

Krissi was still inside. She was talking with a couple of the church ladies, and making a few notes on a napkin.

"My feet are killing me," Devlin said as she sat down. She massaged her ankles. "Much better."

"You missed a great party," Krissi said. "It got a little wild after you guys left. How are your nerves?"

"A bit frazzled, but not too bad. It was harder on my mother."

"I've known gals to lay into the sauce right after a wedding," Krissi said. "Especially with so many things trying to go wrong at the same time."

"I can see why." Devlin shifted her legs so she could massage her other ankle. "She's relaxed, now. Tomorrow this will all be just a story, one she can laugh about."

"True. Steve took off about 30 minutes ago, so I'm at loose ends."

"Well, we could head back to campus."

Krissi tugged her to her feet and started toward the parking lot. "We could, but I was thinking of something else." She stopped and looked around the reception hall. "After we clean up, of course."

Devlin nodded. "Let's get busy. It shouldn't take too long." She shifted her weight back and forth, trying to find a way to stand so her feet didn't hurt. "I've got to get out of these shoes. Everything else can wait."

Krissi laughed. "I brought flip-flops just for this moment."

Devlin threw her shoes in the front seat of her car, and then, barefoot, helped clean up from the party. At the end of an hour the place looked like it had the night before.

"So," Krissi said as they walked out to Devlin's car. "What do you want to do? I'm not that keen on going back to campus. I see too much of the place as it is."

"My mother just got married," Devlin said as she got in her car. "She's pregnant. She's expecting a baby. I'm going to be a sister." She shook her head. "I've got this urge to get blind, stinking drunk. I won't, but it's a temptation. She's going to have sex tonight. That's a bit weird. I mean, your mother never has sex. Mothers are asexual creatures, aren't they? But tonight she's going to have sex with her new husband. Like I said, I have this urge to get wasted."

She sighed. "The proper thing to do is to head back to campus. You said your folks are coming down tomorrow; what time do they get in?"

"Their plane arrives in Chicago at 11:00," Krissi said. "It's about a 3-hour trip from Chicago, at least the way my Dad drives, so by the time they get to campus it'll be around 2:00."

"What did you have in mind?"

"It's after 8, now..."

"Yeah... ?"

"How about going to Emma's? I sort of promised her we might show up."

Devlin laughed. "Krissi, as much as I enjoy it, I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to get laid tonight."

"Why not? It's either that or get drunk. Technically speaking, you're too young to get drunk; you have to be 21 in this state to drink. You're not too young to get laid, though."

"I'm too young for a number of things I've done," Devlin said. "But that never stopped me."

"True. Okay, how about this? If you get drunk, you'll end up doing something foolish that you'll regret, and probably with a guy who won't be safe."

"How do you know I'll do that?"

"I remember how horny you got the last time you got drunk."

"Well, okay, you've got me there."

"And if you get drunk, you'll need a place to sleep it off because you're not driving."

"That's true, too."

"Where were you planning on spending the night? On campus?"

"Well, that idea crossed my mind. I do have a room there."

"C'mon, I want to go to Emma's. You can always go sit in the hot tub and relax. I feel the need to get downright raunchy."

"That must be because your mother's coming town."

"Probably," Krissi agreed. "Just the thought of her always seems to make me horny."

"From your stories I have a hard time believing you're her daughter."

Krissi laughed. "Put it this way: when I was younger, I couldn't picture her having sex. Now that I'm older, I still can't picture her having sex. It wouldn't be proper or something. Maybe she objects because really good sex can be messy."

"She's that much of a neat freak?"

"She has a maid service come in once a week. The day before they show up she cleans everything down to the last detail. Says she doesn't want them to think a slob lives there."

"Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a maid service?"

"It's a status thing for her. My parents are too important and too busy to clean. I think that's because on a couple of the foreign posts we had servants."

Devlin shook her head. "Some people."

"C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Emma doesn't like people to show up too late," Devlin said. "By the time we get there, it'll be 9:00, or a little later."

"That's still plenty of time."

Devlin sighed. "You seem set on it," she said. "Sure. Why not?"

"You'll have fun," Krissi said. "You know it."

"I don't know. I'd feel rather conspicuous showing up in this dress."

"I wouldn't worry. You'll be out of it soon enough."

Devlin sat there reluctantly staring at her friend. Finally she sighed and started the car. "Sure," she said in an even voice. "Why not."

They drove past Emma's about 9:15. Cars were parked neatly up and down the street, and the parking lot of the Grange was full. "All right, smarty," Devlin said, looking for a place to park. "Now what?"

"I think there's one up ahead," Krissi said, pointing. They cruised past the spot slowly, staring at the fire hydrant. "I guess not."

Finally they found a parking spot nearly two blocks from Emma's. "I just realized I didn't pack anything for an extra night," Krissi said as they got out of the car.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Devlin said as she pulled out her overnight case. "You've never been keen on underwear."

"If we're late getting back to campus, or my folks show up early, my mother will notice, and I'll hear no end of it."

"It's not too late to back out."

Krissi shook her head. "Come on, we're here, we might as well do it. I'll just have to remember to buy something on the way back to campus."

"So how are we getting in?" Devlin asked. "Emma locks the door at 7:00."

"I called her earlier today," Krissi said. "I told her that we might be late. She was going to leave the gate to the backyard unlocked, but we have to lock it behind us."

The gate was hidden in the shadows between the house and the garage. Krissi tried the latch, opening the gate easily. She felt around, and found the latch that locked it, sliding that home behind them. They walked slowly to the back door, not wanting to interrupt anyone. Their caution was rewarded, they could hear soft grunting and rapid breathing coming from somewhere in the backyard. Krissi flashed Devlin a smile before opening the back door.

Once inside they could hear music and a strange buzzing coming from downstairs, and giggles coming from the living room. There were half a dozen people, all nude, in the kitchen. "Umm, clothed," one woman said. "Kinky."

"Anything to be different," Krissi said gaily to the others in the kitchen, and headed for the front of the house. Devlin gave the others a smile and followed.

One of the guys in the kitchen peeled off and followed them. He tapped Devlin on the shoulder. "Can I look up your dress?" he asked.

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As I like older women it may come as no surprise that I have had some naughty thoughts about the Mother in Law. Margaret is 68 with shoulder length grey hair, slim, with medium sized saggy boobs.Our regular visits to the wife’s parents’ I always look in the laundry basket in the bathroom for a nice stained pair of granny panties that I can sniff as I imagine licking her old grey hairy pussy.Recently however, my fantasies about the Mother in Law came true. The Wife and her Father went for lunch...

2 years ago
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Komal 8211 The Gentle One 8211 Part 1

It was a dream when it all began. Yes, you read that right. I was in a state of trance when I saw her head bobbing up and down, deepthroating and gagging on my 6″ member as I came shot after shot in her mouth. With one last hard suck, she took my dick out her mouth leaving its head glistening with a mix of saliva and semen. She dug her chin on my inner thigh, gripping the base of my penis with quite a bit of strength trying to get a whiff of that musky mixture she just made. Slightly tilting...

3 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 16 Gifts Exchanged

Bethany had my daughter on a changing table when I walked in. She smiled at me. "Don't worry, I don't mind changing babies. Especially when it's the child of my sister." She lifted Madoka up and carried her over to me. With a gentle touch she laid Madoka in my arms. I looked down at the child I had brought into the world. She was now just over two months old and still spent the majority of her time sleeping, but right then she was awake and reached out her tiny hands to grab at my...

4 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 13

I had retreated all the way to the cabin to provide some dressing privacy for the ladies. I was conflicted about the way we were handling this. Both of these women — in fact, all three of these women — had been the victims of a particularly insidious kind of rape, and conventional wisdom suggested that they would benefit from some sort of access to counseling. In my work, I had seen many victims of rape, both in the role of accusers for men I was defending or as defendants themselves, in...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist in me letting brother watch me

So. As i mentioned before how i became an exhibitionist, here iam rubbing my self in the living room on the sofa. My two fingers were deep inside pussy and i was rubbing my clit with my other hand. The sensation started, i was getting sweatier, and my clit started to get very sensitive. I was moaning louder and louder, i was near to cum, when i heard my brother's car sound in the garage. I was nearly there so, i calculated and started rubbing my self faster, i heard the voice of his car...

1 year ago
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School Girl

School Girl By Annie James My mother is a very determined woman who usually finds a way to overcome any obstacle in her path. This story is about how, on one occasion, she accomplished her purpose in spite of the roadblocks, and how her determination affected me, Regan Lee Stevenson. Before they meet me, strangers, unaccustomed to my Christian names, chosen from the paternal surnames of each of my grandmothers, are usually confused about what gender to assign to such an unusual...

3 years ago
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She hooked me part one Blood Rush

It is a Friday night and you’ve come home from work and jump in the shower, thinking about the night ahead. You’re going to have a couple of drinks and pick up some hot girls, or fish as you like to call them, and take them home for a good night of wild passionate sex till the sun comes up. As your thinking about what you’re going to do tonight your body begins to get excited, but you want to keep it down for later. You step out of the shower and choose your clothes carefully. You shave and put...

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the replacement

Chapter 1 This guy has got to show up, I was starting to get that sick stomach, considering what would happen if this guy that we found online to meet us, doesn’t show up. The place was this bar that was connected to the hotel we were staying at located on the outskirts of town. There was only one reason why we got the room and only one reason we were in this town, and that was to hopefully hook my wife up with a black guy for a roll in the hay.. But there was actually a lot more to this...

3 years ago
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Jan was home alone with her step dad as her mom was out of town for a few days. She went in and sat next to him and asked him "Would you take me to get a tattoo?" He replied "Where do you want it?" She smiled and told him "Across the top of my left tit. I want a rose on it." He looked at her tits which were a nice big size like her moms. He grabbed her arm and told her "If you fuck me I will take you." Jan immediately stripped naked without even batting and eye and began kissing him and...

2 years ago
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I Get What I Want

Being a teenager is hard. No one understands you or takes you seriously. Even my parents, who are supposed to be the most understanding people in the world, forget I’m alive sometimes. The best part of my week is when my dad brings over his business partner, Jack. Jack is tall, has beautiful brown eyes, the darkest brown hair, and lips that make me melt. There’s only one problem with him, he’s 35. That’s just over twice my age, but that doesn’t stop the dirty thoughts I have about him. But I...

2 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 5 Sunday

Today being Sunday and all, we have decided to start slow and to sleep in. At least that was the plan. The soft pair of lips that is currently busy bringing my cock to hardness and me to awakeness seems to have different ideas, however. My sister's eyes blink at me from between my legs. Man, she really looks cute with my cock in her mouth ... and voilà, I'm hard. With a grin she rights herself and sits at the foot of my bed. She is naked, of course. Of course, right? What else would she...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 112

Thanks John JOKE OR ANTI-JOKE? A farmer in the field with his cows counted 196 of them, but when he rounded them up he had 200. What’s the best part about living in Switzerland? Not sure, but the flag is a big plus. There was a prison break and I saw a midget climb up the fence. As he jumped down her sneered at me and I thought, well that’s a little condescending. I used to think the brain was the most important organ. Then I thought, look what’s telling me that. The midget fortune...

2 years ago
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Valentine visit in blue jeans and black belt

My favourite friend made much impression last year with her last minute message to my granddadThe slender sexy yummy young blond beauty begged him for his congratuations on Valentine's Day!Not only because of friendship to a favourite female friend but because of her birthday that dayGranddad got very fond of the shy sexy sweetheart but I knew she was mine as we are both lesbiansSoon I sneaked to the laptop of my old man when he was asleep to talk to the tasty fresh friendSoon I sneaked into...

3 years ago
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Linda. Hoofdstuk 1. Om beurten zijn wij binnengeroepen bij de directeur van de school. Ik zit op een school voor automatisering en ben pas naar de hoogste klasse gepromoveerd. Het laatste jaar. Alleen in dit laatste jaar moeten we een half jaar stage lopen en dat krijgen we nu te horen. Ze zijn dit keer achter in het alfabet begonnen. En daarom ben ik zo'n beetje als laatste aan de beurt. Ik heet van Amoren met mijn achternaam, daarom dus. Eigenlijk zie ik er een beetje tegenop...

1 year ago
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Bloody Wednesdays

Well the big day had finally arrived. Almost three months had passed since my sky-diving adventure and 'Those who know' had decided it was time for me to go home. They tried to give the impression that I was well down the path to recovery but I knew that my medical insurance was about all done and it would be hard to get anything from the outfit that had put me in hospital in the first place. I had received one visit from that bastard instructor but he left in a hurry when I managed to throw...

1 year ago
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Finally finished version

My dream was always to have sex with the guy who lives a block away from me. his name was stanley and I knew him for a while. we were friends for a while but we lost touch. but now I wished we didnt lose touch... I began riding my bike around my neighborhood and I kept hinking about his muscles and how masculine his voice is. He has one of the greatest bodies. His chest was massive and showed clearly through his shirts that were see-through. His abs were amazingly hard and his legs were as hard...

4 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 19

The rest of that week and the next were pretty much the same, except that the bears decided to abandon the mountain, at least the part that I worked over, for the upper and lower orchards and vineyards. Mom was taking a rifle with her every day as they worked the two sets of vineyards and orchards on the other side. The new road made it easy to take Millie's truck up and down the mountain and around the side. The ladies had been left alone enough that they picked nearly twenty gallons of...

3 years ago
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Dogs and Cats

CATS & DOGS (c) 2000, Pirategrrl 1. YOU SUBSTITUTE MOVEMENT FOR GROWTH Winston Bartlett enjoyed the Westminster Dog Show, the pre-eminent show in the world, held each year in New York's Madison Square Garden. He saw something that no one else seemed to appreciate. These canines were trained for the regimented world of dog shows, but within that tightly choreographed life they had an intelligence and freedom. Each dog had its own routine, and Bartlett saw the ballerina...

1 year ago
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Looking after the house

Hi readers this is Alex again with a new encounter which happened with me a couple of days ago. And this time I was very lucky to have this experience with a very hot mature lady and I would love your feedback on my story. I’d been asked by my next door neighbors(Mrs. and Mr. Rao) to keep an eye on their house, which is in another locality (they stay as our neighbors in a flat, but they have a very big villa at the outskirts) while they were away on holiday. They where a nice couple, pretty...

1 year ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 28 Tying Up

Friday Afternoon and Evening The search warrants were served after the schools closed for the weekend. A team of police thoroughly searched the auto shop and the coaches' offices and locker rooms at Memorial High School and found nothing. But a second team searched the Bushman house and found plenty. There was a computer set up in the living room, where officers found e-mails between Coach Bushman and Coach O'Chism which expressed his objections to the 'corporal punishment' being used...

1 year ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VIII IX

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to VII Thodi der mein didi laut kar aa gayin, unke chehre ke hav bhav kuch normal nahi the. Maine poocha kya hua didi to wo boli ki tumhaare Jeeju, Anjali aur bachhe so gaye hain, isliye main laut aayi, koi baat nahi ye baaki passengers next station par utar jaayein to main neeche wali seat par aur tum upar wali seat par so jaana. Maine kaha theek hai didi. Thodi der baad next station aa gaya aur jo extra...

1 year ago
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Mums Mature Friend

This happened early 70's when I was 18. I was in disagreement with my Mum as she wanted me to go on holiday with her and my Aunt to a holiday camp for 2 weeks in the summer holidays and spending 2weeks with mum & aunt was something I was going to avoid at all costs and which I won but was informed that mum's friend would pop in to see how I was etc . I had been to the park to have a a kick about with mates as I play football and Rugby for school and was drenched in sweat as was a hot day so got...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...

2 years ago
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Fuck my arse

I woke up; it was just another day that made me shake with anticipation. I knew I would be in for a good fucking that night, a really good fucking. I took my time with my makeup and hair, knowing that I had to look extra good. I chose a short dress, one that fall just under my arse. I felt myself getting wet just by knowing what would happen on the night that lay ahead. He sent me a message, making sure I would come on the night.   “Yeah, I’ll be there”, I confirmed,...

3 years ago
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Hardonis Academy P10

Well cum to the Academy P-10 By Victor Lavay Billy arrived at his dorm room after a great introductory day. This school was a dream come true for any horny young man. Sure there was some bizarre stuff he did not look forward to learning, but overall it was great. So many cute girls and so many chances to see them naked, he was sure he would be getting his cock into some nice hot pussy soon. In particular he thought about the pair of girls he had spent most of the day hanging with; the outgoing...

2 years ago
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Juans day at school Juans Crazy sex Adventures in Puerto Rico

"Good bye thank you for riding with us and have a safe trip" she smile and wave at me as I past her. "Thank you very much. Muy hermosa las cosas que haría que si era su hombre(You very beautiful the things I would do to you if I was your man), I said as I walked off. She just smiled and blushed. As I walked the hall try to find the exit, my phone goes crazy with text messages once I turn it back on. 60 messages from friends saying there sorry for my Grandpas passing. I quickly fall...

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Our First Meeting

As I drive across Virginia, I think about what might lie ahead. I'm finally going to meet my on-line lover, Jan. I feel a little knot in my belly. I'm a little nervous and I keep asking myself the same questions. Will I be what she expects? Will I be able to satisfy her? The wait is almost over as I pull into Roanoke, where we agreed to meet in a hotel just outside of town. We agreed to meet there, so if we didn't hit it off, we could part and go our separate ways, no strings attached. I...

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My nice aunty

Hi guys. I am a fan of this site for some time and am a big fan. I really didn’t have much time to share an experience I had with you people. So finally, here goes… This happened about three years or so back. I was doing my undergrad in Australia back then and was on December vacation. The woman in this scene is a family friend of ours. She has only a son, about 4 years younger than me. Her husband and the son were living in America. The whole family used to live in Jordan, but due to some...

4 years ago
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Mommy Adriana and the Video Booth

Dear Readers, I never imagined to get so far but funnily the more I write the more ideas I get. I hope you still enjoy the ride. ------------------------------------------- Mommy Adriana and the Video Booth By Greta I closed my eyes. Not wanting to see people staring - which I had no doubt they were, especially when we stopped at red light - at the bound and...

1 year ago
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My Aunt My teacher

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been only a month after my aunt came to live in our neighborhood after she had separated from her husband she lived with her daughter,3 years old, she was not yet divorced, only separated . I went to her house quite a few times mostly because she needed some thing to be brought and sometimes because I wanted to see her, she was some thing to be wanted , I had been watching her body hungrily ever since she arrived , also her dressing being casual...

2 years ago
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The Reward

My boyfriend is such a jerk. He and I had never been exclusive, but now he wants me to himself. I want my lovers, so he’s out. I was depressed and wanted some attention so I called my ‘friend’ Alex. He came over right away and held me as I cried over the jerk. After venting and bawling for a few hours I excused myself. I went to my room feeling much better; I looked like a train wreck. My eyes were red and puffy and I looked very tired. In reality I was not even close to tired, I was feeling...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Day Off pt 3

Nacho lay on top of Rocco, as the two men breathed heavily and savored the lingering thrill of Rocco's climax. Rocco moved his hands up from Nacho's firm ass, past his narrow waist, over his strong back and shoulders until he reached his jawline and planted another sloppy tongue kiss on the oversexed Spaniard. Nacho returned the kiss, still a bit unsure how he had so quickly embraced sex with a man, but too horny and happy to question it any further.Still hard as a rock, Nacho suddenly broke...

3 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 13

After their shower Cat and Joel had dried each other lovingly and then, naked, went to bed together in the guest bedroom. As they passed by the open door to Cat's bedroom, Cat looked in at her sleeping sister Tina. She lay naked in the middle of the bed, curled into a tight ball. Joel stood behind Cat and gazed at the buxom woman he'd so lustily fucked. Tina's back was to them and they could see the crusty pussy lips between her legs. In the mirror on the vanity, on the opposite side of...

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First Time Sex

I was in 12th standard when my cousin brother married a beautiful teacher. She had medium sized boobs and I wasn’t much obsessed with her at first. After a year or two, I started developing an intense sexual attraction for her. Now I was in college and one day after we had some electricity issue, me and my brother were told to spend the night at my cousin’s house because my real brother had an exam the very next day. There were total four members of my cousin’s family. My paternal aunt, uncle,...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

4 years ago
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RecoveryChapter 3 April

By the beginning of April Greg's life was busy. He bounced between Bonner and Aspen. It was no secret. He brought Evan, Tyler and Alden along one time or another. Alden made some friends but Evan and Tyler simply tolerated it for Greg's sake. The cousins seemed to tag-team him throughout the rest of the week. They rarely phoned him. Usually he would find one or the other at his door with an invitation to spend a few hours hanging out. It was flattering in its way, but it left Greg slightly...

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Kidnapped Chapter 2

Elwyn quietly opened the first door on the upper landing, if Richie had been awake it would have been like a horrific drama seeing them, but he was dead asleep from the powerful sleeping draught when the three entered the room, Alfred's doctors bag seeming suddenly more menacing now. Elwyn slowly pulled down the duvet, quietly revealing the young man's body, the pink bra and sheer panties that he was wearing, evidence to support his story. Diana's eyes were gleaming brightly now, as...

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BangingBeauties Cali Carter Anal Trophy Wife

In high heels and a slinky black dress, busty blonde trophy wife Cali Carter is ready for a night on the town without her hubby. But when her sneaky step-son Juan El Caballo Loco takes sexy pictures and threatens to send them to his dad, she needs a quick solution to hide her extra-marital activities. Only step-mom sex will keep Juan quiet, so Cali reluctantly seduces him with her big tits. But when his adept ass-eating and pussy-licking brings her to orgasm, Cali realizes she has the perfect...

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The Dream Girl0

I always told myself Chad today you are going to meet that perfect girl and she going to love you for the rest of you’re life. You see I am already 22 living in the great city of Philadelphia by myself. I really do not know what I am going to do once I finish college. Some days I spend my time with my two best friends in the world, or other times I am either at work or on my laptop chatting to random people online. Yeah I really have no life if I am not with my friends; I could spend hours on...

1 year ago
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A Little Reward

I pull you close to me your arms grip tightly around my biceps. I kiss you gently at first, my lips brushing against yours. You press your body against mine. I can feel aching desire building within you. I kiss you harder, more deeply now, I bite your lip gently as I move to kiss your neck. Your heart pounds; your breath comes in staccato bursts. Hands and body tremble with anticipation. I know what you want, but I can’t give into your desires yet. No not yet.My hands move down your body, one...

2 years ago
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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 3

Here I was; a guest at the Club! Just a week ago I was convinced this place didn't even exist. Outside, the surroundings were the standard tropic affair – palms and colorful vegetation everywhere you looked. But what I didn't see were any buildings other than the one I just walked out of and the aircraft hanger. And for that matter, where were all the people? I was expecting to see half naked nymphs walking all over the place! I followed the lovely miss June down a path to a waiting golf...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad Part 2

    My Best Friends Dad   Part 2   It was a Sunday afternoon and I was just coming in from running around with mother, we were looking at some things for me to wear to a dress up thing she was going to and my dad was going to be out of town I was to go as her guest … a work thing. As we come in I see dad at the phone and he hung it up and gave me a stern look. ‘Oh shit what have I done, god someone told him I’m been screwing around, oh fuck I’m grounded.’ ...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For Part 2

Joan looked around the room and shook her head, struggling at the restraints even harder than before after what Suzy had said."No, please Suzy. What did I do to make you do this to me? This can't be happening. Please take these rings off my nipples. They hurt and I don't want them to be stretched out like that.""Well, I think they look good like that. And so perfect for slapping and sucking, along with that little cock you call a clit."Joan had continued looking around the room while she...

Group Sex
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A Summer Beginning

A Marine fresh from the fight and completely without scruples, jumps at easy money and ends up playing body guard for a wealthy woman’s adult daughter on a weeklong inner-tubing trip. It ends up being a week of firsts for all parties involved. Although he takes something from her, she end up taking something from him that leaves him forever changed. * The summer I got out of the Marine Corps was a difficult summer for me. I was wound like an eight day clock and was in love with war which...

2 years ago
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A Dare for Jen

"Hi, you free?" he said, brown eyes twinkling. "I'm studying," she happily replied and motioned him in as she quickly glanced in the mirror to see if she looked okay. She brushed a few strands of her black hair back over her ear and adjusted her ponytail. "Dr. Evans cancelled class at the last second, thought I'd come over and spend some time with you," he said as he dropped off his backpack. "Sure," Jen started, before being cut off by his lips on hers. Jason slowly...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Why do you want me to tell you about a first time, Henry? Typical man. Want a gay girl story to get yourself hard, huh? Oh sure, like it's really going to help your writing. Yeah, that's the ticket. Well, why do you want it to be about her, Henry? There have been several women. Why her? Henry, be serious for a minute. Friend or not, that's pretty personal stuff you're asking about. I know that. A first time is special, and different. It's also the most private. Look, I don't really...

4 years ago
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Uncle ki bahu ke chudai

Mere pyare land valo or chut valiyo. Me gujarat ka rahne vala hun. Ye un dino ki bat hai jab me collage khatam karke apne gaoun me aayatha. Us samay mere uncle ke bete ki shadi ho chuki thi jo ki mujse chhota tha. Uski bivi ka nam tara tha. Dikhne me kuchh khas nahi thi savli thi lekin body dekho to kya gajb ki thi. Me uske sath kayee bar aise hi majak karta rahta tha. Ek din ki bat hai me ghar pe akela tha or so raha tha kyoki mere badan me dard ho raha tha. Or karah raha tha itne me tara...

2 years ago
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My Frat Buddy

Kai and I were hanging out in the frat house watching movies. We were the only ones at home as it was Friday night, and all our bro’s had dates. We had both recently broken up with our girlfriends, and did not feel like hitting the bars, so here we were, getting drunk in front of the TV. The movie we were watching was an oldie but a goody, Wild things. We had just reached the Neve Campbell and Denise Richards swimming pool scene, which was hot. We both kind of looked at each other and laughed,...

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Jay The Gym and Sexercise Ch 3

The more time I spent with Stretch, the more attracted I was to her. Besides her physical beauty and her athleticism, she had the most positive personality of any person I had ever met. She carries an aura around her and anyone within three feet would be sweep into her vortex of happiness.Now that I was dating Stretch, I was spending more time at Harriet’s gym. I would work out with Little John and Bear, while still sneaking in to watch Stretch perform her routine. Having shed her clothes...

1 year ago
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Taming the Beast

Ever since my dog broke me in, the first time, I have been a fan of fucking him whenever I could. I wasn’t always able to get special time with him though due to other factors. Things like people being in the house, having school work, or countless other hassles that come up in everyday life. It was during my 16th year that I felt the need to expand a bit more. My doggy Kintaro was doing very good in terms of keeping my young pussy busy. I also has some people I would turn to when I felt...

3 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 4

Promptly at 20:00 in the old town of Cap d'Agde, the doorbell rang. Sandy Duvin went to the door, let the small, intense woman into the dim entry and closed the door behind her. She stepped into his arms and they embraced. Their kisses were tentative, but sincere and promising. "Got your phone call," he said finally, "what's up?" He led the way into the living room, where the evening light came through the bare windows, scarcely lighting the bare floor. She looked around the empty...

1 year ago
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Rape Video

I awoke with a start with my dream still fresh in my mind. "Shit," I said out loud. My PJ top was wet from my sweat so I took it off leaving me naked. I lay down again but still my dream lingered in my mind. Once again I was ashamed of my body for it was betraying me again. I could feel my pussy was very wet and I had this urge to rub it, to make myself come then I knew I could sleep again. It was 3 years ago now since this nightmare had all started, the night that I was taken off the dark...

2 years ago
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What wicked waysPart 1

I watched out the window as the car sped away and I new it was time to play. The best part of our drive way was you could here someone from a mile away and dust flying everywhere. As mom and dad left Friday to the lake and b*o long since moved out helllllo playtime. Panties I loved panties just saying the word made me fucking horny but wearing them was awesome too. I scrammbled down stairs and grabbed my hiiden stash to play the weekend away. I brought the bag up to my room and poured out...

3 years ago
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Nervous Mikey

        Michael was nervous. Really nervous. His eyes kept darting toward the wall clock above his television—9:57. Zaria was scheduled to arrive in three minutes. She'd probably arrive some time after, though. It'd make her appear less desperate, perhaps. It only made Michael more nervous. His almost didn't notice his knee bouncing. A pang of regret shot through him.        He'd met Zaria through an adult personal website, and after two weeks of talking a good game—and occasional phone...


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