Reginald's WivesChapter 2 free porn video

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Next morning, Simpkins was called into the editor’s office.

“Simpkins, just what did you do, you stupid boy?”

“Pardon, sir? Do about what?”

“This Robertson story. You managed to stir up someone to take action!”

“How do you mean, sir? I simply spoke to a couple of people I met on the university grounds and chatted to them about Robertson and his goings-on.”

“Well, one of them took offence at your questions, and went to his or her lawyer. We have been served with an injunction against publishing anything which identifies Reginald Robertson or his family members. In case you are unaware of it, Simpkins, a legal injunction must be scrupulously observed, or we can be faced with a large fine against the paper AND me AND you.

Whatever you managed to do to piss off someone, you managed to scupper the entire story. Now we have to find some other salacious tale with which to titillate our readers. I am not happy, Simpkins, not happy; take note of that fact.”

Simpkins went back to the newsroom, furious. He had done his best for the paper, at the urging of his editor, and now that same editor was giving him stick for what arose from it. This job sucked at times!

Freda’s phone rang as she was going into one lecture room. She stepped back out to answer it.

“Freda Robertson.”

“Freda, this is Jenny, at your father’s office. I spoke to your father and he did just what you wanted. In fact, he made it specific to the local newspaper, with a wider coverage as an advisory. If the paper tried to get another media outlet to take it on, that would also contravene the injunction. I think what we got you is watertight. Your Dad really loves you, Freda; he seldom goes so far on a short notice deal.”

“That is wonderful, Jenny. Daddy is a darling man. Give him a kiss from me, will you?”

There was a short pause as Jenny absorbed this instruction, then, “I don’t know about that, Freda. I wouldn’t normally. but if you insist, I shall do just that, and make it clear that it is from you, on your instructions.”

“Jenny, just enjoy it. Daddy won’t mind, nor will I; and Mummy doesn’t need to know!”

“You are a terrible tease, Freda. Look after your man, and keep well, dear.”

“Bye, Jenny. Thanks for everything.”

Closing off the call, she phoned the others on a conference call, to announce, “Injunction in place for that paper, and a lesser coverage for everywhere else, it seems.”

Reg was ecstatic. “Wonderful, Freda! That should stop us becoming a media sideshow. We need that like a hole in the head.”

Frances took over. “Right, if that is all, the panic is over. Situation normal at the end of the day. Meet at the car park as usual. Now, everyone back to work; you have subjects to work on, remember. You can’t depend on Reg for everything!”

The Media Centre staff were surprised to see the local reporter back in their office the next day. He explained, “I came to apologise to Mr Robertson. My paper was served with an injunction that cut off the story, but I was not averse to that. I was pushed into it, you see, and I want Mr Robertson to know I don’t bear him a grudge. Just don’t tell my editor, okay?”

The staff were astonished that an injunction had been served. They didn’t think Reginald Robertson could afford that, or even know how to get it done. However, they said nothing about it, and the reporter was reassured that it would be as he asked. “We will pass on your apology to Mr Robertson, sir. It was good of you to do that. We media people don’t need ructions in our careers, we agree.”

The Media Centre passed on the apology, for which Reg was grateful. When they asked how he was able to serve an injunction, he looked sheepish and said, “I am afraid that was the doing of one of my wives. Her father is a lawyer, and he was able to do that for us at short notice. It surprised me, as well.”

That evening, Prudence phoned her parents, for a chat and an update on her new life as Mrs Robertson since the commitment ceremony, but her face fell as she listened. Erika noticed, and as soon as the call was over, spoke to her, placing a comforting arm round her shoulders.

“Prudence, dear, what is the problem in your family? I saw your face, earlier, as you chatted on the phone.”

Prudence slumped a little, and explained, “My Dad has gone off again, Mum says. Mum never knows when he will be off and when he will return.”

Erika was stunned. “He has gone off and left your Mum?”

Prudence shook her head in contradiction, “No, not what you are thinking. It has to do with his work. He gets a phone call and vanishes somewhere, and we may not see him for days or weeks. He never says where he is off to, and Mum gets a bit depressed at the situation. At least we are not short of the readies. Whatever Dad does, it pays well.”

“You mean, you don’t know what his job is? Weird.”

“Oh, we know it is legal employment, not illegal. He is involved in international affairs, as far as we can gather, but he never says exactly what he is doing. He says it is best that we don’t know.”

“He works for the Foreign Office, does he, if it is international affairs? A diplomat?”

“No, he doesn’t seem to be paid by the government. That would be fairly obvious, with a pay cheque to the family account, and so forth. His income seems to be paid into an account at some bank or other. He always has access to cash, if and when he needs it.”

Erika’s eyes lit up with glee,, as she overheard the discussion. “Oh, a Black Ops guy? Deniable? Sent out by a department that doesn’t officially exist, to do tasks that don’t officially happen, in places that we don’t officially know about?”

“Erika, don’t let your imagination run away with you. My Dad is shorter than I am, he is portly, and decidedly unfit, as far as I can see. No way can he be a James Bond type!”

“Maybe he is James Bond’s boss; that sort of thing?”

Prudence laughed, “My Dad, as the illustrious M? You must be joking. He is an adventurous man, but not the type to be involved with physical exercise. He probably has a desk job that he wants to seem important and exotic.”

Erika was not deterred. “In that case, Prudence, what the heck does he do? Have you ever asked him?”

“Oh, yes, but if you ask him right out, you just get the runaround.”

“How do you mean?”

“Things like, ‘Daddy has an important job to do for important people, so I am not allowed to talk about it, my sweet’, or something of that nature. He says he is doing important work, but what that work is, he doesn’t tell you. Mum has learned to live with it, and so have I. It doesn’t make it any easier for us, though, when he is off again.”

Erika told her, “Speak to Reg about it. He might have an inkling, or at least a way of putting your mind at rest. With a bit of luck, he will fuck your mind out when he is at it!”

“That’s not what I want at the moment, Erika. I hanker after a bit of cuddling, and perhaps gentle love-making. A bit of reassurance; that’s what I need.”

“I see what you mean. Perhaps you are right. Tell Reg about it, no matter what.”

Reg was receptive. He had not been given much detail about the parents of his wives; just names, descriptions, and occupations. He inquired further of Prudence.

“Has your father been in this job all your life, Prudence?”

“I suppose not, but ever since I was in my early teens.”

“What did he appear to be, back then? Do you remember?”

“Not terribly much, except that he was wider around the middle than he should have been, almost as if he was wearing something under his jacket.”

“Hmm. Like a bullet-proof vest, or a knife-repellent vest?”

“Could be. I wasn’t thinking in these terms. It might have been just some sort of padding. I can’t think of any reason for him to wear stuff like that at home. The idea is ridiculous.”

“He might have been wearing such a thing, to get used to having it on his body. That’s just my suggestion. Hmm. No idea who employed him at that time?”

“None at all. I never saw any payslip or cheque, or anything like that. This was my Dad, so I wasn’t in that sort of questioning mode Reg. You just don’t do that to the father you love.”

“Okay ... all I can think of is a job in the security industry, but what it might be, who knows? As for now, he may have moved into the administrative ranks of the business. That would make sense, and he would not want his family to have any connection with his job.” He paused to reflect. “In fact, he may even be using an assumed name for his employment tasks.”

“Reg, you make it sound so exciting, but it also appears that it may be dangerous. Do you really think my Dad is in any danger?”

Reg smiled at the thought. “From your description of him, Prudence, the desk job is most likely, and such men are not in the line of fire any more. Come to think of that, has your Dad ever had to stay home because of injuries?”

“Only once, and he said he had been in a car crash at work, so his firm would continue to pay him while he recuperated.” She paused. “Reg, that means he was employed by a company at that time, doesn’t it?”

“Pretty much so,” Reg agreed. “It doesn’t mean he is still with the same firm today, so we mustn’t read too much into that past event, my darling.”

She looked at him admiringly. “Reg, you have become much more self-confident recently. You are much more forceful and direct now. I like it, husband.”

“My lovely wife, it is all down to you and the other ladies. You have made me what I am, and I am exceedingly grateful.” He leaned over to give her a loving kiss. “Thank you, Prudence.”

He went on, “Now, stop worrying about your father. He sounds a competent man to me. He will want you to concentrate on your studies, my girl.”

“You are right, Reg, but at this time of night, I could do with a bit of reassurance in bed.” She looked at him shyly. He grinned. “It is Frances’ turn, as you well know. I’ll ask her if you may join us. That is the socially correct thing to do, I am sure.”

Prudence smiled to herself. She knew that Frances would say yes.

Erika came and had a chat with Reginald next morning, just before they left for the university.

“Reg? I phoned my dad this morning, and wonder of wonders, he was awake. Not having to work, he often sleeps late, but not today, luckily. I asked him if I could have some cash to help our new family to mesh together. He knows you come from a poor family, so I thought he might help. He said ‘Certainly. How about I put some cash into your account, and you can draw on it as you need to?’ I thanked him, and he said he would make it ten thousand, so we didn’t run short.”

Reg’s mouth dropped open, as he took this in. He stuttered, “Ten THOUSAND? M ... m ... m ... my goodness, Erika. I have never seen money like that in my life. Please keep it for emergencies. We should try to work within our normal means, if at all possible. Perhaps you can pay Frances for our accommodation here, even though she says we don’t need to.”

“I’ll try to get her to take the money. I can tell her it is me wanting to show commitment to the family. That should sell it to her; you know how committed she is to you, and to us all.”

Prudence tried, but it didn’t work.

Frances smiled sweetly at the offer, but said, “Thanks, Prudence, but providing a home for our family is my contribution. Please let me do so. Find another outlet for your new assets, dear.”

Prudence bowed to the inevitable. “All right, Frances. It is your call.”

They set off for the university, with Prudence following the car as usual. Students and lecturers were starting to get used to the presence of four Mrs Robertsons. The girls were noticeable enough to start with, so a new name didn’t cause them any hassle. Their new relationship showed in their attitude to life. All four were bright and cheery these days, happy to engage with everyone else as long as they were secure with Reg.

Reg was also noticing he had a new status in the university. He was no longer bypassed as he used to prefer. Now, others spoke to him, involving him in conversations, and he was slowly taking his own part in these conversations. Mostly, he spoke about what he knew of the academic subjects that came up. When it came to interpersonal relations, he normally dropped from the chat, and just listened and learned. This was different from chatting with his girls. Here, Reg was storing away all the responses he was hearing, gathering a database in his own head for future use.

One lad, naming himself Steve Grogan, was a bit odd in the way he spoke to Reg. It was as if he was pumping Reg for information about Reg himself, rather than just socialising. Eventually, the lad asked if he could speak with Reg privately.

Reg agreed, provided one of his wives was with him. “I rely on her to give me good advice on some matters.” He was sure that Erika could defend him, if necessary. They agreed on the next day before classes, in the car park. Most students were rushing to get to their classes then.

Reg and Erika waited behind, when the others left their car, and moved to stand under a convenient tree, hand in hand. Soon, Steve Grogan came along and stood with them. He nodded to Erika, but faced Reg.

Reg said softly, “You wanted a word, Steve?”

“Yes. Only the other day I heard about your commitment ceremony. I was away when it happened. I’d like to know more about it, if I may?”

Reg’s brow furrowed. “Nothing unique about it, Steve. It was forced on us by circumstance. The law won’t let us marry, so we committed to each other instead. We regard that ceremony as wedding-equivalent.”

“That’s what I thought. Nice to have it confirmed. Can anyone do it?”

Reg was puzzled at the question. “Depends. It is only available as an option where the law won’t allow marriage. I wouldn’t think you would be wanting to marry your sister or aunt, would you?”

Steve looked horrified. “Certainly not! Particularly since I am gay.”

Reg brightened up as he started to get a handle on the problem. “Oh. I see. But gays can get married now, in the UK. There is no problem with you marrying your partner.”

Steve suddenly blushed. “Ordinarily, I would agree with you, but, you see ... there are three of us.”

“Oh! So that’s why you cannot marry: the law only accepts couples.”

“Yes. So, I was thinking ... it might be possible for the three of us to have a commitment ceremony, just like you did.”

Reg nodded. “That sounds reasonable,” he agreed. “Best of luck with it. Have you talked about it with the other two?”

“Not yet. I wanted to check out the possibility with you first ... and to ask a favour. Can we use the same or similar wording that you used for your ceremony?”

Reg turned to Erika, “Do we have any issue with that idea? There is no copyright involved, is there, Erika?”

Erika paused, then declared, “I spoke with Freda about this recently. The entire ceremony should remain our copyright, but we can allow it to be used, free of charge, for one occasion as an example. Any future requests, we make a charge in respect of our copyright.”

Reg turned back to Steve. “Steve, it looks like the decision is made, on our part. We’ll give you a transcript to work from. It is now in your hands, to speak with your other partners.

Just a reminder, though: a Commitment Ceremony is just as binding as a wedding ceremony, and must be approached in that light. It is a forever choice. That is what we decided, and you should also.”

“Thanks, Reg, ... and you too, Mrs Robertson. Points noted. I’ll give you my e-mail, for you to send the text to me, o.k.?”

The rest of the day went well, and the happy family went home feeling pleased with themselves. No-one now regarded themselves as not pretty; they had happy instead of pretty. They all seemed to glow with happiness, Reg thought. This made him feel the same inward glow.

Unlocking the front door, they stepped inside carrying the shopping bags of food they had purchased on the way home. Frances led as usual, and Freda bumped into her as she stopped short.

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Every thing had been going well. I picked her up at 6:30 and it was now 9:00. She still had that air of mystery and beauty around her that always aroused me. Whenever we hung out, I would always get a stiff hard on. I never think she noticed but she probably did. Her name was Arya. We had just both turned eighteen and we had gone to the movies and to my disappointment nothing happened. I picked her up on June 17 and she had on tight jeans and a loose...

First Time
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Oil of RosesChapter 11

Harry washed his face, relishing the feel of warm water on his skin. He was so glad it was over now between him and Angie. Oh, he knew that even though the paperwork was filed, the divorce wouldn't be finalized for quite some time, but it was over, nevertheless. It was a relief that it was going so well. In the week since that night, nothing else had. He walked out of the bathroom to see Carol finishing packing her little bag, the one she'd arrived with. She and Margo stood there looking...

3 years ago
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Mom Takes Initiative

You are Sarah Johnson. You've lived most of your life in the city, but a few years back your husband accepted a job where he had to travel a lot, which provides you with a lot more money, but at the same time, left you home with the children quite a bit. Your husband decided to purchase a larger house out in the country, a few miles from the suburbs, where you could live a peaceful existence away from the crime of the inner city. At the same time, you were given a lot more privacy, and between...

4 years ago
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Hot Gay Toilet

After he left it got slow, so I decided to give the place another look. Sure enough, it was just like my man had said. You go to the desk and give the guy behind the counter 6 bucks & tell him it's for the theater. He hits a button that unlocks the door, which you go through and find yourself in the darkened theater. I went in. It was around 11:00 pm. There were only a couple of older guys jerking off in solitude as they watched the movie on the screen. There are about a hundred seats....

2 years ago
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Chicken loving Cuckold

I was fresh out of high school and working as a delivery driver for a major pizza chain. It had only been about a month on the job and I was still getting the hang of it. One of my coworkers, a man born in the "free-love" generation, passed his delivery to me. I figured he was either being generous because I was new, or just didn't feel like taking the call. Either way I figured I was a newbie and should appreciate each chance I got to make tips. I left my store in my Saturn station wagon with...

4 years ago
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The gay nieghbor across the street

That afternoon I had fucked Ana in a wild way after a quick nap.I awoke feeling her red lips wrapped around my dick and I got her on all fours. I grabbed her nice hips and buried myself to the hilt as Ana cried in both pleasure in pain. A while later, as we both were recovering our breath, we heard the ring at the doorbell. Ana looked at me and said it was my turn to open the door. I then jumped off the bed and went downstairs; but I forgot I was fully naked, sporting my semi erect dick covered...

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Amys Big Con

Hi, I am Alex and this is a story I wrote a long time ago. It was originally posted under a different title and pseudonym, but I have been unable to find it (forgot title and name I used back then). I have made some changes (mainly the ending due to some critiques (thank you)) and did some other updates and additions to the story since originally posting it. I have also changed my writing pseudonym and wanted to put this story under my new name and email. The story is a complete work...

3 years ago
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My Son My Lover Part 3

so that night after dinner I told my son that tonight he's in for a bit of play time and he look at and smiled and kiss me and said see “you tonight then mum” and he went to his room and I put the plates in the dishwasher and got ready for tonight and I went in to my son room and he was ready for me with his big hard cock and I told him to stay on the bed and close his eyes and he did and I put a blindfold on him and handcuffed him to the bed and he said “mum what you doing I can’t see” and I...

4 years ago
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A Daring Fuck

Mark is sat at his computer looking at porn and wanking himself off before his wife gets home. Tina has sent him an email thanking him for yesterday and telling him that she can’t wait until he visits her again today and fills her cunt with his cock and semen. The email finishes with ‘See you at 7pm … but here’s a little something in case you can’t wait either …’ A video clip is attached. And that clip, is what Mark is wanking himself off to. His face is getting sweaty and his hand is...

3 years ago
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The Creation of Cheryl

The Creation of Cheryl By Jessica Martin Author's note: The concept of a man buying makeup and women's clothing and 'passing' with no preparation or experience is similar to blindly investing in the stock market and making a killing - it's not going to happen. I considered adding sex to the story, but decided at the end that it was unnecessary. The concept of "forced compliance" won't happen and the actual conversion is (at least for a very long while) a fantasy, too. This story is...

4 years ago
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Hijacking on the Heath

Responding to the wailing siren closing in quickly from behind, I tucked my aging Renault as far into the side of the road as the cars already parked there would allow. The police car, the flashings of its blue emergency lights reflecting off the wet tarmacadam, hurtled past at over fifty miles an hour - far too fast for safety down an Old Kent Road that was now crowded with drunken Saturday night revellers pouring out of the late opening pubs and fast food outlets before heading into the...

4 years ago
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Love Spell

This is a story for the Valentine’s Day contest. I would really appreciate if you would vote at the end of the story. Thank you and enjoy! ————————————————- ‘I am not going to do that!’ Jenny Marshall declared, drawing a number of curious stares from people sitting at nearby tables. ‘Well you said you were desperate,’ her friend Hannah Randall said from across the table. ‘Besides it worked for me.’ ‘I am not going to your herbalist to ask for a love potion,’ Jenny said in a lowered voice....

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 9

Jeff commandeered Jennie to go with him to the garage. They took the handtrucks and moved the boxes of gunbelts and holsters to the classroom. The women were not that much different in size, and with a little help, plus some grumbling, they eventually got the holsters and buckles on the belts, and the belts adjusted to their respective sizes. "Obviously, I could have ordered web belts, or some other type of belts, but I'm partial to leather. After you wear them a few times, a lot of the...

4 years ago
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Bound but not gagged very true story images and

BOUND BUT NOT GAGGEDI’m bent over a cold object but I cannot state what as the blindfold presses my eyes obscuring them to the sight and bringing abnormal levels of assertion to my other senses, I'm merely obeying the master’s commands. His coarse hands roughly stroking the firm buttocks I possess, I bite my lip as he smacks my arse in one motion a subtle burning sensation gathers on my right cheek, my eyes flinched shut which seems a task made pointlessly as the blindfold sits securely....

3 years ago
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Shersquos was willing to try

My husband wanted me to write this story for our friends to enjoy. I told him that I didn't have any problem doing that, but that I thought it would be better told from the husband's perspective. I would have written it much sooner than he did, but he did finally get it done, so here it is for your enjoyment pleasure. This is how we got started.My wife and I had been discussing trying the swing scene for some time. She would listen, but usually in the end, she would just say she wasn’t sure...

2 years ago
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The night that was Chapter 3

The night that was Chapter 3 It’s final Diane Taylor sat aimlessly at the kitchen table. Her long, modest robe had partially come undone to reveal the unpretentious bra and panties she wore underneath. Her body completely drained of any strength, leaving not even the energy to get herself a cup of morning coffee. Her eyes were fixed on the window overlooking the back yard, but she didn’t notice the crystal blue sky, or the left over droplets from last night’s spring rain clinging...

2 years ago
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Rise of a Sith

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away. The SITH EMPIRE tightens its grip on the galaxy. The Galactic Republic and its Jedi defenders lie weakened and venerable after the empire’s successful military campaign. With a fragile peace negotiated, the empire sends all potential Sith to undergo cruel and deadly trials at its Academy on the harsh planet KORRIBAN. The cluster of baron moons lay silently in the endless darkness of space their scorched surfaces laying vast and still. A place in which...

2 years ago
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Awakening My Trans Nature My Fifth Experience Br

The next day I was a bit worried how I would have taken last night’s developments. It had been a shock how deep the feelings ran and the effect on my psyche. However all I felt was slightly euphoric and happy so clearly it was feeding some part of me. Had thought I was the same person as before and was keeping the new me under wraps but the experience a couple of days later made me realise it was not the case. I was in the library looking at the journals when a guy came up and asked where a...

2 years ago
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Recovery of a Hero Ch 09

Chapter 9: The Hero’s Gift This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. Special thanks to Mistress Lynn for her assistance and advice. * The next couple of weeks were a bit of a blur for me, but I remember that Sally’s friends came over just about every day. They took turns helping me around the house, and they would frequently take me places. All their parents helped with rides and such. I had a lot of fun during that time...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 86

Jack, Tom, Kim and Sally sat looking across A1A at the beach and ocean. The small café they chose was crowded, but they were seated after a short wait. After ordering sodas and sandwiches, the four of them began to discuss the yacht. "Jack, I vote we ask Dad and Uncle Marc to get the yacht," Kim said. "I don't know, Kim," her brother responded. "We really don't have any idea what we'd be getting into or how to do it." "Jack, we can learn. How hard can it be?" Tom asked. "Look,...

3 years ago
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Ivy and Lily

"It begins the same way every night. I'm in a caf?, chatting with a bunch of high school girls. My voice is high pitched, and my articulation is on there level. I move my hands about as I speak, and they appear small and dainty. Though I never see my face, it is implied that I'm one of them." "Wait, you mean in this dream you're a girl." "Yes." Robin took a minute to absorb this, and then told him to go on. "I hear this ring tone, and reach into my breast pocket to pick up a p...

1 year ago
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Rough BoyChapter 7

My coworkers were looking at me strangely. The walk to my desk felt longer than normal. I'd finally let Kameron and Elizabeth drive me in. They were quiet for the whole ride. It clued me that everyone I knew probably saw the video postings of my sorority orgy weekend. My desk wasn't my desk! "What happened?" I asked Ana. Ana wasn't where Ana usually was either! "Over here, Michael," I heard Ana say from a couple of rows over. I liked my spot! I walked around until ... Someone had...

3 years ago
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How my Best friend gave me what I always wanted

The day started from me being all alone in the house for a full day. My parents and sister were out and wouldn’t be home until the next day. I decided that I would give my best friend a call and get her to come over to see me, we hadn’t seen each other in quite some time. She was just as eager to see me as I was her and we were both very excited as we really enjoy each other’s company. Now my best friend and I had a very normal friendship. Although I’d always had fantasies about her as she was...

1 year ago
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У каждого из нас есть свои проблемы и от каждого лично зависит их решение, особенно если эти проблемы связанны с личной жизнью, вот у меня как раз проблема на любовном фронте, так сказать. Нет, конечно, сначала было всё хорошо и приятно, а теперь мне придётся расхлёбывать последствия этого приятного. Разобраться сам я пока не могу, поэтому и решил изложить свою историю, может кто-то и даст мне хороший дельный совет.Где-то полгода назад я просто на улице, идя к своей машине, встретил...

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Satans BrideChapter 13

And so the lessons continued. The following night Mioki experienced triple penetration for the first time at the hands of three muscular young men. Although no match for the length and breadth of Darius, each was still well endowed and gave the young woman a reaming she would not soon forget. And again, after the men had filled her body with simultaneous ejaculations for the fourth time and Mioki had experienced multiple orgasm after multiple orgasm, she begged the exhausted men for...

4 years ago
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Happy birthday to Sribardhini

It was her eighteenth birthday, the party had just ended and the floor was littered with wrappings, ribbons and envelopes. She was laying her clothes out on the sofa, deciding what to try on first as her uncle wandered about the room picking up the trash on the floor. Her mood was more than giddy, it was headed towards ecstatic. He smiled as he watched her arranging her gifts. Seeing her this happy made him believe he was the luckiest man alive. He watched as she snatched an outfit off the sofa...

3 years ago
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Lakshmi Boss 8211 Real Time 8211 Part II

Part I – OH…Dear ISS Readers… This is Lakshmi along with my Boss Lover – these many readers for ISS???? This is my Boss’s mail ID .. It is over flowing with your feedback, Greetings, comments, etc… Great ISS! We never thought this sort of feedback… Thanks to all readers responded (& not responded – but did you enjoy?) Hey girls, why there was less numbers from you…?? I’m a hottyyyyyyyy… come on yaaar… join us…. Do you want...

4 years ago
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Whatever Works Chapter 1

Sara Fletcher watched from her front porch as Arnie Harned pushed his wife, Molly, into the house. Molly and Sara have been best friends ever since the Harneds had moved in next door six years ago. Sara is twenty eight years old, five foot six, hundred thirty pounds, short brown hair, dark chocolate eyes and a very pretty woman that draws enough whistles and stares to keep Edward her husband of ten years alert. Ed is thirty years old, five foot ten, hundred sixty pounds, good looking with close...

2 years ago
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A Suite Night Part 1

I look you in the eyes as your hands find both of our legs on either side of you on the hotel suite’s couch. As I lean in to kiss you, I put my right hand on your left breast and feel your heart beating fast, your nipple raised in excitement under your shirt. You give me short soft kisses.A nervous giggle escapes you when he takes his left hand behind your neck, drawing you in for a kiss. His lips lock and overtake yours. His lips move at a slow pace as they encompass yours. Your eyes close and...

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Darjeeling with soni anushree 8211 1

Hey Guys & Gals !!!! I am back in town & found some time to pen down one more of my experience, which I would like to share with you & am sure you will enjoying sharing this with me……this experience is a long one and will tell you in parts… If you like it please send me your comments on Traveling sometimes could be a wonderful experience, as you all know by now, but for the benefit for those who have not read my experiences posted previously on Indian Sex Stories, I am Sandy Kapoor, 35...

1 year ago
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My best friend Shahid

Hi! it was a normal day as every day but Shahid was a little disturbed. He had a break up with his girl friend,so, make him feel little relaxed. I took him in a ladies bar,we both took girls for fucking and had fun ,but still he was no feeling good. We were nearly 40 km away from the city. and the drive was mostly in the jungle on the way we got out of the car for pissing we had been naked in front of each othe several times ,but it never felt such a way as it fell while we were pissing. I...


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