ComrieChapter 26 free porn video

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"James, Clarence," said Lydia of Shannon's Clan, "we think there is an increasing potential for an event at your homes. Recently the gas utility has been working in your neighborhoods. They appear to be making repairs to the distribution system, although it could be upgrades."

"The utility was planning on upgrading the distribution system, but I don't remember the timing," responded James. "Do you think there is more to it?"

"Yes, we do."


"The activity by the utility work crews looks okay, but something just doesn't feel right. The public announcements on the upgrades had the project beginning in a few months. We don't have any indication that the crews are imposters, but it is reasonable to expect those attacking your homes to take advantage of their presence when they make a move."

"Agreed. Look, we aren't going back there," said James. "The security system was set up to record any activity in the house, if certain conditions were met. If no one is home, the video will be sent to my office. So let them do whatever they have planned, so long as no bystander gets hurt. Could you embed the perpetrators with locator transmitters, so we can track them?"

"We were considering infecting them the truth compelling virus, with a long contagious period. We haven't discussed this with Command Staff, yet."

"Sounds like a good choice."

"Lydia," said Clarence, "we don't have any video with our security system; however, we will not be returning there. I agree with the approach on both the locator and the virus."

"Then we will set everything up, presuming Command Staff agrees."

As Alpha1 carried Command Staff to the Mars settlement they monitored Briana's Clan while they were rescuing the three from the ocean. They were pleased with the way they used their psionic abilities.

"Nice job," said the Command Staff to Briana's Clan after they left the medical area on Dóchas.

"Briana, Adam," said Rusty, "once they have been treated and rested, give them the presentations concerning who we are and why we are here. Your clan should discuss with them the best way for them to return to the carrier."

"We have been thinking about that," said Cass.

"Good, talk it over with them, and then let's talk about it," said Tara.

As they finished talking to Briana's Clan, their shuttle began descending toward the Mars settlement. "Alpha1," said Claudette, "show the approach on the monitor. We may want to look around before entering the air lock."


The monitor came to life just as the settlement was coming into view. They were approaching the point for the shuttle to turn for its approach when Aoife said, "Alpha1, please fly a 2000 kilometer circle around the settlement at an altitude of around 7000 meters."

As Alpha1 turned to begin the circle, Aoife shifted the view so they were looking ahead and toward the center, with the horizon close to the top of the screen. The clan watched the passing terrain.

After a few minutes Erin said, "The landscape reminds me of some of the arid regions in Western US."

After they started their second circuit, Aoife said, "Alpha1, now let's circle at 1000 kilometers from the settlement and maintain an altitude of 7000 meters."

"Aye. I'll spiral in to start it."

"Fine. It is an amazing sight."

After they completed a circle at 1000 km, Alpha 1 said, "We are into our second circuit at this distance."

"I think we've seen enough for now," replied Aoife. "When convenient turn on final approach."

While the shuttle had circled the area, they had mind-linked to follow Aoife's lead, while she intently watched the monitor.

"Aine, can you tell what we are sensing?" asked Aoife.

"Not really. The pattern seems to indicate that someone lived here many years ago. Your observation would fit with what Amy's Clan found, when they began construction of the settlement. I don't sense anything that indicates any danger, which is consistent with what I think you feel. Let me share these observations with my sisters and mentors. They may have some clue about what we are sensing."

They turned their attention back to the monitor, just as Alpha1 turned toward the settlement. They could now see the details of the settlement on the monitor. It was an impressive sight. Several thought that the scene was similar to sketches in science fiction books, showing the way settlements would look on other worlds. The settlement was covered by a clear dome, with a connecting tunnel back to the cave entrance. Inside the dome, they could see several Star Fighters setting on the ground near the air lock.

Their shuttle slowly approached the open air-lock and settled onto the cradle. Once they were securely locked on, the exterior air-lock doors closed. After a few moments, the inner doors opened and the cradle began to roll forward, toward the waiting crowd. Once Alpha1 stopped, its door opened.

Sarah was the first to step out of the shuttle and onto Mars. She immediately hugged Amy, while the rest of the Command Staff followed her out. The others mimicked her actions.

"It is good to see all of you again," said Sarah. "Amy, Erica, both of you look really good as expectant mothers." The rest of her clan nodded their agreement.

"Thanks, it feels good as well, especially after waiting so long. Claudette, you look great! I have seen very few able to carry 6 babies as well as you appear to be doing."

"Thanks. There are times when I sense the extra drain on my energy reserves affecting me before fewer babies affects my other pregnant spouses."

Command Staff spent quite a bit of time in the arrival area, getting reacquainted with their friends. Sarah introduced Maeve and Aoife, who most had not met, other than through the video conferences. Once they had spoken to everyone, Sarah clapped her hands and said, "We thank you for coming to greet us. On our approach we took the time to look at the surrounding area. It looks very stark and barren but at the same time very beautiful. I don't think any of us were prepared for the beauty of this site and settlement. You have done a great job in getting us established here. Our thanks go out to everyone. We are pleased to see many swollen tummies, as they are a testament to our growth. Congratulations to all the expecting clans. We will see you at dinner." Her comments were met with applause and thank yous.

Amy's Clan gave them a tour of the settlement. During the tour, they were shown all the different aspects of the settlement, as things now stood. The tour ended in the engineering conference room. Following introductions, the engineering staff began to review the changes they were making to the Star Fighters and shuttles. They had found ways of increasing both spacecraft's capabilities, while making them more efficient in their operation. This had the side benefit of reducing the disturbance in the solar wind as they moved through the universe.

"How are we doing on obtaining raw materials?" asked Rusty.

"Much of what we need we have found on Mars," replied one of the engineering staff. "Our other source is the asteroid belt. The asteroids have provided us with some very unique metals. These were, apparently, unknown to our benefactors, and definitely not found or seen on Earth."

"You are probably wondering about the term unique," added another engineer. Sarah's Clan nodded their heads in agreement. "We are currently trying to quantify their properties. When added to the structural materials we are using, we see an increase in strength with a reduction in mass."

"Sounds too good to be true," responded Erin.

"That's what we thought, but so far testing hasn't found any flaws or shortcoming in their use. In doing those tests, we have found a few more ways to use the materials. Really, only time will tell if we're chasing after a kind of 'fool's gold'."

"This is our design for Dóchas's sister ships," said another engineer, as a holographic image formed. The room was quiet, as they all watched the image rotate, showing them a view of the exterior from all sides.

"Before we go further," said an engineer, "let's review Dóchas' capabilities. Some of these, we hadn't realized existed until we started this project. First, Dóchas can land on a planet, but there is some risk in doing so. The degree of risk is dependent on the planet's gravity. For a planet like Earth, it would be best to land in a body of water. Landing on a planet like Mars would be OK, but there would probably be a need for some structural repair to the section touching the ground. So what we plan to do for Dóchas2 and Dóchas3 is to complete them here, to the point that they can lift themselves into orbit. We will finish them once in orbit.

"An aspect of Dóchas that we took for granted, was her ability to maintain an environmental envelope surrounding her. This is why the hangars work with no air locks, unlike those we have here. When Dóchas is on the surface of a planet with little or now biosphere, she does not have that capability. Once Dóchas2 and Dóchas3 are moved to orbit, they will be able to create an environmental envelope around them.

"The other finding is that she has a very low reflectivity in any spectrum. This is probably why little has been said about her after uncloaking. All the new ships will have an even lower reflectivity."

"So how will we find each other, if one is dead in the water?" asked Claudette.

"Our sensors can detect the presence of our own ships, but there is also a telepathic avenue as well."

"Boy, that was a dumb question!"

"Not really. We are not sure of the distance limit to telepathy or if there is one."

"It is a person or group-dependent ability," said Aine. "A single person can mind-link with someone on Dóchas from here. If a clan did it together, they would have a much stronger connection. If we are talking about reaching someone in another galaxy, then it comes back to individual and clan abilities."

"Thank you."

"Oops, I'm sorry," said Sarah, "this is Aine. She is a special friend of ours."

After everyone greeted Aine, Siobhan asked, "Could we see how you want to lay out the interior?"

"Our benefactors had several interior layouts. We decided to stay with the style that Dóchas has, everyone likes it and thinks it is very functional. The main drawback is that it requires more structural bracing, which translates into an increase in both mass and power to move. It is not a great difference though."

They spent the rest of the day going over the details for the new spaceships. The group had just reached the point of discussing the bridge, when Amy said, "We have an hour until the dinner chime."

"The bridge is an area where we have the least information," said an engineer.

"Star, Breacadh, why is the information for the bridge not available to the engineering group?" asked Maeve.

"It has to do with the rules our benefactors had," replied Breacadh.

"Can we override it?"

"Yes. Command Staff can either allow an exception or remove the restriction completely. My suggestion would be to make this an exception. A Command Staff will need to be on the bridge when the ships lift off."

"You will have access to the information you need no later than tomorrow morning," said Maeve.

"As for the bridge," said Sarah's Clan, together, "we want it to be identical to Dóchas' bridge, with one or two changes. If it can be done, we would like a virtual window so we can see where we are headed. If you have ideas or suggestions for other modifications to the bridge area, please advise us."

"Thanks," said the engineering group.

"Let's expand on the subject of modifications to the bridge. It is not that we don't think that any changes can be made; there probably are additions that would be useful. We do, however, want the three ships to be nearly identical, both in operation and performance. This means that we will need to give Dóchas an overhaul, once these two ships are complete.

"The reason we want them nearly identical is that we believe this makes it easier to enter and exit FTL as a group. There are advantages to traveling as a group."

The discussion went on until the chime sounded for dinner. As the group broke up, the Command Staff, while still allowing themselves enough time to stop by their quarters before dinner, mixed with the engineers as they began leaving. They made sure to complement each of the engineers on their efforts and progress.

"Siobhan, Maureen, Sarah's Clan," said Erica, "we have accommodations next to ours that you can use this evening."

"Great, I hope we can sit and chat for a while after dinner." said Sarah.

"We will make time."

"Will you make sure everyone takes time to relax?"

"We try to, but all of them seem to thrive on creating something, either for the ships, or the settlement. We haven't completed much in the way of a recreational area yet."

"We will see what we can do about that."

Command Staff walked to the front of the dining room at the Mars settlement. "Good evening, we will host our family meeting from here this evening. Afterward, we would like to have a short meeting with only those at this location."

With that, everyone began to put things away and clean up the tables. They had just finished, when the monitors came to life showing the other locations.

"Good evening, we have a clear view of all locations," said Shannon, on Dóchas.

"Good evening all. Reception is good here," said Alice, from Frank's Island.

"Good evening all. We have a clear view of all sites," said Darcy, on Comrie.

"Briana," asked Sally, "how are the three people you rescued? Have they adjusted to their location?"

"They are doing fine on both counts. Medical has cleared them to return to the carrier as early as tomorrow. Chester will be wearing braces on his arms for a while. We think we have a plan for approaching the carrier."

"Can that discussion wait until we return in the morning?"


"Shannon or Danny, what is the response to our being visible?"

"There has not been much more public reaction. There seems to be a lot taking place on the diplomatic front, based upon the increase in communications that reference space. Several smaller telescopes have turned to view us. Three countries have been able to turn their spy satellites to get a better picture of us. We thought about sending the leader of each country a high quality image, via the Internet."

"I don't see why not," said the Command Staff. "Make sure the moon is in the background on some of the shots, and perhaps the International Space Station. Use [email protected] for the return address."

"We'll do it right after our meeting."

"You might send a copy of the images to a few papers as well. Pick which of them based on the stories they are running.

"Does anyone else on Dóchas wish to make a contribution?"

"Looks like everyone is fine," said Briana.

"Alice," said Tara, "does your location have any issues or questions for this evening?"

"Well, Frank is still looking forward to your visit. Everyone has had their physical and medical consultation. Everyone asked for assistance in enabling their telepathic attribute and they all want to visit Comrie, Dóchas and the Mars settlement."

"It is taking us a little longer than we initially anticipated in getting the excursions planned," said Maureen. "Currently it looks like there will be a round robin of excursions to the three destinations. No guarantees, but our intent is for each stop last 2 days."

"YES!" came the outbursts, from both Frank's Island and Comrie. Many at each location were laughing at the way the exchange took place.

"We know many of you want to visit each place. However, none of the locations are set up for visitors, so we needed to do some planning. It shouldn't take much longer. We will try to announce the details tomorrow."

"Command Staff," said Muireann, "could we use the devices we initially had on Dóchas? It was like a little hand held navigator or map. That should make the visitor's stay at Mars and on Dóchas less of a problem."

"An excellent idea."

"Darcy, how are things on Comrie? Are there any issues to address?"

"Well, James and Clarence have been very relaxed since about noon. James, do you have anything?"

"No. The cases are going pretty much as expected, at this stage. We look so relaxed, because we engineered transferring case management to our assistants in the Grand View DA's office. Our roles are now to just monitor them and the 'flesh peddler' cases. It is a nice feeling. In conjunction with the Intelligence group, we began reanalyzing and reorganizing the 'flesh peddler' data."

"James," said Rusty, "would it work better if you moved your office to Dóchas?"

"We will talk about that. I like the idea and by the expressions I see here, others feel that way as well. It does have some advantages."

"Everyone here seems to be very excited about the opportunity to visit the other locations," said Brid.

"Looks like Madeline wants the floor," said Darcy.

"We have had several calls from members of the National Guard MP unit, expressing interest in working for us. Most indicated that they will return to reserve status next week, and several are leaving the Guard as their contract is up. We are thinking of having one of our Security teams give those being discharged a crew presentation. For the others, we will have them either work out of N&R's location or out of the location in Utah. Most likely, it will be the latter."

"Go for it," said Sarah's Clan. "Actually, Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans have both done crew presentations before."

"We know, but we thought the esprit de corps of military service would make them a bit easier to do. Also, nearly all the TTC members from the Afghanistan incident are here now. Several more will come later in the week. On a related note, General Walker and Colonel Gordon have been monitoring the TTC members who are either here or coming here. They will notice that they have disappeared."

"Briana, Cass," said Rusty, "find out when General Walker is in his office, and pay him a visit."


"You will need to schedule an appointment in advance, in order to get a pass through security. To schedule it, just tell his office that the topic is about the TTC members from the Afghanistan incident, in particular, Adam and Todd's unit. If they ask for more information, tell them the line is not secure enough to respond." Everyone could see Adam and Todd grinning, while Briana tried to get her arms around the idea. "If necessary, mention the note that Adam gave him as they left."

"What note? Are there any limits on what to say? What do we wear? I don't think the tactical suit will be appropriate."

"You can tell him as much as you feel comfortable with. You should caution him that there are probably some questions he doesn't want answers to at this time. If you sense an interest, invite him to Comrie, along with his two aides. Block sharing of critical details, if you need to."

"Okay. But clothes?"

"I think we should adopt wearing either a sarong or a Salwar Kameez, consisting of a coat or long shirt and loose pants," said Erin. "Any of us can wear this style. They also fit in with some other styles common on Earth. Best of all, they are loose, so if we need to use our physical abilities, we won't be hindered."

"Good idea," said several.

"If the style is what I think it is," said Amy, "it will be very similar to what was worn on our home planet when they greeted out-world visitors."

"Any other topics for this evening?" asked Sarah's Clan.

"Great, rest well. We will head for Dóchas tomorrow morning."

"How about we take a short break?" asked the Command Staff to the group in the dining room on Mars. It wasn't long until everyone was back in the room.

"Breacadh, how many of the bots here are self-aware?" asked Aoife.

"I don't have a firm number. My guess, based on their activity, is something over 400. On Dóchas, it is likely more than 1200."

"What are the implications of giving them responsibilities, to go along with being self-aware?"

"Based on the historical data, such an action would be forbidden."

"Star, could you please join this discussion?" asked Aoife.

"Thank you," said Star. "Aoife, I sense what you are angling toward, and think it has merit."

"Amy's, Sarah's Clans," said Aoife, "I think we should consider having the self-aware bots as full citizens of our society. I don't think we want to say anything tonight, but let's have Breacadh encourage them to join us this evening, and all future group meetings."

"Wow," said Amy's Clan. "We can see your reasoning, and agree with your idea. We would like to think it over though. As for tonight, we agree that everyone should be included."

"I think that we have already broken the ice in this area, on Comrie," said Judy. "By our actions all the biped bots are virtually indistinguishable from the biological bipeds."

"When did that happen?" said Jim.

"Slowly, I think. We have treated them no differently than anyone else. The confidence and other attributes you associate with self-awareness are most noticeable in those who've worked with James and Clarence."

"So you're saying they are much like children. Give them guidance, coaching, confidence, love, encouragement and soon you will have a productive adult."

"Yes. We need to start as soon as everyone returns," said Sarah. "Breacadh, did you ask the bots to join us?"

"Yes, the stragglers will be along in a moment. Some of them were quite shocked by the invitation."

"Good evening," said Siobhan a few moments later. "It looks like everyone is here, or will be by the time we start. Please find a seat, so everyone can see." As she finished talking, several others came into the room and took seats.

Command Staff then continued with, "This is our first trip of what I expect will be many to our growing settlement here. It would have been nice if we could have come sooner. We could tell from our interactions with the different groups here, and the progress reports, that there is a great team effort behind your accomplishments. Seeing what you have achieved only confirms that information, and the impressions we already had. All of you are gems, and we feel that Amy's Clan is a gem among gems." Amy's Clan blushed on hearing the compliment.

Maureen said, "Some time ago, we talked about naming this settlement. A place to enter name suggestions has been on our community network for a while now. There have been several names put forth by the group in this room. Tonight, we would like to decide on one of those names, as we believe that this group should have the most input. Tomorrow, at breakfast, we will propose the name to everyone, and ask for comments.

"Okay?" The room was quiet, but a few heads nodded their agreement.

Erin, Claudette and Jill said, "The names that have been suggested are: Neidin, Connemare, Cill Airne, An Clochán, and Donegal. These are all names of Irish places, which we seem to favor. Neidin can be written as Kenmare, which means little nest. An Clochán can be written as Clifden. We have found two meanings for An Clochán, one is 'bee hives' and the other is 'stepping stones'. We don't have meanings for the other names."

A woman in the back stood, and Sarah nodded to her. "First, thank you for inviting me to attend this evening. I may be overstepping my bounds, but I sense that the perfect name would be the last one you mentioned. An Clochán as stepping stones really catches the spirit of this group and this place. This is the best group I have ever worked with."

"I would second her suggestion," said Andrew of Jean's Clan. "She is definitely correct, as she almost always is. Both meanings fit this location and this group. We are pleased to be here and with this group."

"Any other comments?" said Sally.

A man stood and said, "As many of you know, my clan was on Dóchas when the accident occurred. For a long time all of us wondered if we would survive. Thankfully, Amy's Clan had the strength to reach out and try to solve our problems. Many of us thought that was a waste of time. Until they found Sarah's Clan, we wouldn't have given a 'plug nickel' for our chances. I hope I used the phrase correctly." Many laughed at his comment. "I know many of you are surprised I am talking for this long, as you know I prefer telepathic sharing. I think the first lady has made an excellent suggestion. We should go with the name 'An Clochán' for our location here. Secondly, Amy's Clan, please accept my apologies for doubting your efforts. We thank the Gods and Goddesses for giving you the strength and persistence to carry them forward."

"Gill, we appreciate the comments, while your apology," said Amy, "is unnecessary. We knew you doubted the effort. We were always pleased to see you still give 100% support whenever it was needed. We should be thanking you. It was some of your clan's initiatives that helped us find ways around the old ship's security and allowed us to survive." As she finished, the two clans rose and gave a formal bow to each other. The others in the room broke into applause.

"So, 'An Clochán' it is," screamed the first woman to speak. With that began a chant, repeating the name over and over again, that lasted for several minutes.

Jill and Janet raised their hands to get everyone's attention. "Breacadh will initiate the system changes this evening."

"Don't get me wrong; I like the name. No, I love the name." said Erica. "But I thought you were going to wait."

"Yes, that was our initial intent, but, at that time, we did not know either the choice or the enthusiasm for a specific choice. We think this name is perfect, and are nearly certain that everyone will feel the way you do about it.", said Madeline. Her comment set off the chanting again.

Sarah's Clan raised their hands in order to get everyone to quiet down. "We have one other issue to raise this evening," said the Command Staff, in perfect harmony. "As we said earlier, we are impressed with what you have accomplished here. You have created a wonderful and growing settlement. We were very pleased with the proposals for the two new spaceships, and construction will begin soon. It appears that the new spacecraft's capabilities will be significantly greater than those we now have on Dóchas. Our only concern is the dark circles under the eyes of many of you. Please, get more rest. Take a day to relax. We don't want you to burn out, or to have you become so narrow in your focus that you lose your perspective. For the next week or so, we hope you will put more effort into finishing the recreational areas here.

"Why focus on the recreational areas?"

"First, you need a place nearby where you can relax," said Erin. "Second, we have an inkling that we may want to pull out of Comrie, or at least reduce our presence there. We may keep it operational, but won't use it as heavily as we have been. A key element in this decision is how we are accepted by those on Earth."

"A recreation area here will not be quite the same as those on Comrie, but it should have many of the most used features," said Siobhan.

"Is there more?" asked a woman.

"Yes. We see ourselves approaching a milestone in our growth," replied Aoife. "The issues regarding the 'flesh peddlers' will abate. Earth will soon know we are here on Mars. Our next milestone will be launching our two new spaceships, and their outfitting. So, in the next week or so, we plan on conferencing to discuss what our next milestones will be. We have done well because of our focus on reaching where we are today. We need to maintain that focus. Success in reaching the milestone is signified by having three Dóchas class spaceships. It is a definite necessity for our survival. At the same time, we need to look ahead. We believe that we should all look ahead as a group."

"You are to be commended," said one of the late arrivals, "for including everyone in this. I see it as unique to us, but, in reality, we are a new culture. I am looking forward to the discussion, and sense that many in this room are as well."

The clan leading the engineering group stood and spoke as one. "Sarah's Clan has just pointed out an issue that a few of us had noticed. There has been a noticeable upsurge in mistakes, by all of us. They are right, it is most likely from fatigue. So tomorrow, first thing, we will discuss how we want to incorporate relaxation and exercise into our schedule." They turned to Sarah's Clan. "Thank you for your observations."

"Does anyone have any questions?" said Maureen.

The room was quiet. "Well then, good night and sleep well."

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I am Roshan, from Bangalore. I’ve been reading sex stories here for a long time now…& here I am with something that happened between me and my biology teacher Jyothi. Hope you liked the sex story. Forgive any mistakes since it’s my first time. College girls or ladies in and around Bangalore who like to get together can mail me. 100% privacy & satisfaction guaranteed Mail id: About me, I am 5.8 ft tall with an average body. But sure to satisfy any woman. So I was told by Jyothi ma’am. Coming...

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How we want a BBC

My wife and I had been married about 5 years when I finally confessed my craving for sucking cock. We were on a long drive and we always talked about sex and fantasies or would visit the sex shops we passed as we traveled. She was taken back at first but wanted to hear about my fantasies. It started like most, in my teens and hanging with a close male family member. One thing lead to another and as horny teens go, we started with touching each others cocks and moved to sucking each other until...

2 years ago
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Hansa Bhen my part time wife Part 2

When I woke she was fully dressed fresh like a daisy and with the sly smile of a cat who has just devoured a mice. Not a word was spoken between us as if nothing happened. She asked if I would want a cup of tea. I said yes and while she was away I dashed to the toilet to freshen up and wear a new set of clothes.It was getting late ,the rain had stopped and my darling Hansa Bhen look leave to return back home. I was in a state of shock. Never could I have imagined this frail woman who was so...

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In August, 1968 I,d just returned from serving five years overseas in Japan, Okinawa, Vietnam and West Germany and had only been working Minuteman Missile Security less than a month. Now and then a colleague and I would buy cigarettes and snacks from a shop in Lakota, North Dakota not that far from my base of Grand Forks during my three days working then three days off. One afternoon while my colleague bought stuff and I remainedin our vehicle to keep an ear out for the radio and any calls we...

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The Sexy Babysitter

When I was 7 my father died and my mom became ending becoming a party all night type of person. We eventually moved to a different city and my mom took her partying to new levels where she would leave me and my little sister for days sometimes. My mom wasn't totally irresponsible because she had hired many babysitters to watch of the years. So at least we were watched and cared for. Several years later when I was 15 I felt like I didn’t need a babysitter to watch me and my sister and I...

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Futa Naked In School 06 Futas Taboo Naked Performance Chapter 3 Juliets Futa Taboo Passion

Chapter Three: Juliet's Futa Taboo Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister's eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my...

1 year ago
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Z and the Truckers

Z’s Walks a Truck Stop   Z came to visit me.   I live in a much smaller town than Z.   We don’t have the theaters like she does but she brought her sexy outfit anyway.   Had a fun warm up at my house.   We haven’t seen each other, since the last Theater visit, which had been a few weeks ago.   I treated her to a great elegant dinner with wine. Z, out of character, had two vodka martinis. She felt and would continue to feel the affect, especially, the strong martinis.   We...

4 years ago
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The following is a short, romantic, non-erotic story that when I started it I thought it would be a quick stroke piece, but the more I wove the characters in my mind the more I saw this as something that was just simply sweet. I hope you like this tiny light read. ~ Red * The house was quiet, the calm before the storm, some would say. For Natalie and Brian though it was more of a controlled silence. It was only the two of them, tomorrow though things would be different. The house would be...

3 years ago
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Office Saga

Hello, indian sex story friends, my name is Sid and I’m from Delhi. I am a normal looking guy with my body being on the heavy side. My tool is of normal size at approx 6 inches (not like others who say that they have 9 inches). I have been an avid reader of ISS for almost 5 years, so today after mustering a lot of courage I am writing this story that happened to me around 2 years back. The story might be bit long but you will not regret reading it with all things explained properly to make it...

2 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Five

I was begging Robert to let me suck my first black cock and I still wasn't sure if he would give me permission or deny me.Finally Robert spoke, "Mark I think I will allow your wife to suck my cock. Would you like to sit here next to me and watch her being a cock slut for me?"Mark said, "Sure, I love watching DeAnn being submissive."As Mark got up he told Suzy to go over to the bar and fix him and Robert another cocktail. While Suzy was doing that, Mark crossed the room and sat down next to...

4 years ago
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A Summer Vacation

Finally it's the first summer of your freshman year in college. Being so far up-state, you didn't get much chance to come home for the holidays, save one weekend for Christmas. Also being that far up means that you really don't have much contact with your old high school friends as you used to. Especially Clarissa.You missed her a lot. You and her were pretty good friends towards the end of both of your Senior years, though you never really saw each other outside of school much. Something...

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Mels Spankings Part 1

My name is Jim and I met Melissa at University. She was 18 when I met her and I was 19. She was about 5 foot 8 with long straight dark hair and a size 8. We lived in the same student house and after a few months started seeing each other. She was a virgin and we didn't have full sex for quite a few months but we talked a lot about it and soon after we did have sex for the first time I confided in her that I liked spanking and wanted to spank her. She was very open to the idea but it was always...

2 years ago
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Georgie GirlChapter 8 Rest Recovery and Reorganization

I was released on Saturday, just before they served lunch. They plunked me in a wheelchair and an orderly pushed me to the elevator and then through the lobby to the main entrance and out into the brilliant sunshine. Waiting for me was Devon and my parents, along with Georgette. Devon was driving the biggest Chev Suburban they made. I was helped into it by my father and Devon and made myself as comfortable as I could. I wasn't keen on the shoulder belt, but I did it up anyway. I was stiff...

4 years ago
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Commuter texting and masturbation

I was feeling sleepy, then again, packed commuter trains will do that, all the Oxygen being used up, still, the warmth and the cozy atmosphere will do that, especially as the cold Winters morning outside adds to the sense of warmth inside.The train clatters across a rail junction causing people to come into contact with each other, strangers to each other, but for this morning, all crushed together, the young and the old, the beautiful and the ugly, my eyes settle on a girl, standing and still...

3 years ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 25 Ally

[Caution: this chapter contains consensual, nonconsensual, and violent sex.] The ache was intolerable. Everything hurt. Even — perhaps especially — her sore inner flesh. Bruised, battered, and violated, there was no specific focus to her misery, only the bitter totality of it. Voices surrounded her. Indistinct. Muttering. Care and fear were beyond her strength. Nor was there much purpose in either, as she still couldn’t move. Could not, in fact, do anything at all except suffer in...

1 year ago
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City Sin Part Three Locker Room Lockdown

They all collapsed in a heap, completely sexually satisfied. “Wow!” said Roger. “That was incredible!” “I know,” responded Yoshiki. “You both should come and meet my boyfriend!” “You’re what?” “Oh, don’t worry. It’s an open relationship. His name is Darrel. He manages the spa downstairs. That means we can get in after hours…” CITY SIN Part Three: Locker Room Lockdown The business meeting went smoothly. Roger and Alejandro were polite, helpful, and fast. Almost too fast. Their clients noticed...

2 years ago
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Sister Bang Again

For the next few weeks sex with my wife was great, we both seemed filled with extra enthusiasm and desire to take risks. We explored different avenues of excitement even to the point where I purchased a ball gag from a sex shop, then we dragged a futon mattress out onto the new pool deck one evening and had sex while our next door neighbours had a family BBQ. While the gag stopped my wife's cries of pleasure attracting any undue attention just the thought that a wandering glance from that...

3 years ago
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Wifes First MFM encounter

This is another true story in the continuing saga of JayBird69 and Sue's sexual exploits BTW posted stories are not chronological. I guess I need to list them in order one day. Those of you that have been keeping up with our stories are aware that Sue beat me to the punch telling about our first MMFF, or swap, encounter. I am taking back control however and am going to tell about the first time she had no other woman competing with her for action from the men. She has told me...

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MommysGirl Brandi Love Elsa Jean Freudian Homework

Psychologist stepmother Brandi Love is helping her stepdaughter Elsa Jean understand the concept of Freud’s Oedipus complex for the teen’s psychology class. Elsa is shocked by the Freudian theory that offspring sexually desire their parents unconsciously. Brandi insists it’s a normal part of human development. Brandi wants to help Elsa ace her exam, and also to process her own Oedipal struggle, so not to encumber her later in life. Elsa looks up at her stepmother with her big...

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Carl McHenry looked up from the textbook spread out on his dorm room desk and out the window at the now dark sky. He had been trying to understand the last economics problem in the review for the last hour and still couldn't get it. Maybe he was just overtired, he told himself. After all, he had been studying non-stop for the last nine hours. Attending the University on a scholarship, Carl needed to maintain at least a B average. It was because he was having problems in a few of his classes...

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Fucked My Friend8217s Hot Wife Divya

Myself Akarsh 25 year old from Chennai. This story is about a beautiful sexual encounter between me and my best friend’s wife Divya. Let me describe her. She looks like a beautiful south Indian actress. So cute, rosy red lips, sexy hips, hottest boobs for 23-year-old and spongy ass. Her weight should be around 60 kg. Altogether she is a tailor-made sex product. I always wanted to fuck her ever since I saw in her marriage. She always wears saree and many times I saw her cleavage. I always wanted...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 10 Sleeping Beauty

Tuesday, June 14th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Southern Oregon My cheeks were warm and my leg throbbed when I woke up. How could a stupid scratch cause so much trouble? My upper thigh ached worse as I sat up. I reached for the pouch of willow bark, pulled out a piece, and chewed on it. It was bitter, but as I swallowed, the fever and ache diminished. "How are you feeling?" Reina whispered as I painfully crawled out of the tent, my bladder full. "Same as yesterday," I lied as I stood up....

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Transformation Rock 3 A New Day

Transformation Rock 3: A New Day - By ZeDD A note from the Author: Looking back, I realize I'd written something about not continuing this particular universe, deciding instead to let those out there pick it up and make something out of it for themselves. Perhaps this universe isn't as exciting to anyone as it is to myself. If there's going to be another chapter written on this 'rock' then I might as well do it again. I'm hoping there are a couple of people out there who do...

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The Plane to Tahiti

Finally after all our chats, our planned trip to Tahiti was finally taking place. We met at the airport and my breath was taken away by your beauty. It was so good to finally meet you in person and to be taking this trip together. Our hands shook as we met and we gently kissed one another. Your lips were so very sweet and your body was so soft. We nervously laughed as we boarded our plane and was settled into First Class. The flight attendant served the chilled wine and delicious fruit from...

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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 5

Unwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 5Before the congregation could finish the last song and benediction, I slipped out of my pew and down the outer aisle and headed to the restroom, hoping that no one would notice the big wet spot in my suit on my crotch and down my right leg -- caused by my daughter masturbating me. I got into the restroom and, seeing no one about, I looked in the mirror while I lifted my right leg. Wow. It was a big, big wet spot. Even through my boxers the semen had soaked...

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what the hell made me jack off

The story below is about diry panties and is true, it happened to me about 6 months ago, the names and location have not been changed. Hi may name is Annette Taylor I’m a 36 year old brunette, divorced and live in the Northern suburbs of Sydney Australia. I’m a sales consultant for an international cosmetic company which takes me all over the state. As you can guess I don’t have a lot of time to do housework so I employ a young girl to come in once a week to do the cleaning, washing &...

2 years ago
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CadeChapter 21 Who Are You

Callie woke up earlier than usual, and began to prepare breakfast and get ready for work. She had been unable to sleep because of Cade's uneasiness. She was grateful her job was only part-time and that she didn't have to work every single day. Whenever Cade punished her, it always hurt, and even though he had only given her ten licks with the belt yesterday, she could still feel it. As Callie tidied up the living room, she stumbled across the letter from the tax commission and realized as...

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Best Friend Ever The End Ch 03

Author’s note, and explanation. This short story is really the end of the ‘Ron and Kelly’ series, and in order for it to be meaningful you really need to read ‘Best Friend Ever! Christmas Ch. 02’, also by me (Tomcatfive). Of course there is also a chapter one, and a preceding series of stories under the title ‘Best Neighbor Ever!’. This chapter is very short, but it’s definitely G rated. Forgive me. Just to be clear, the following is entirely fiction, including Tom Cathers, the ‘author’. But...

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Chriss StepdadPart 6

Take heed of the usual disclaimers.And don't go messing around with u******e k**s.But then in some European countries k**s can have sex as young as 12,so go figure,lol.Walking home with Chris I realised he was one dirty minded k**.But then I'd also realised I realised I was pretty much heading that way myself! We headed into a secluded lane,a short cut to our street.And curiosity,and my stiff cock,got the better of me and I asked Chris to show me his daddy's condom again.Chris threw his head...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend 14 The Surprise Pt 4

“OH FUCK!!!!! That was fun.” Amanda barely let out her comment in between trying to catch her breath. Sam and I waited patiently for Amanda to catch her breath and answer Sam’s question. While I waited for her, I looked at Sam, “What do you mean what should you show me next?” Sam chuckled for a moment before speaking, “I think that is something your girlfriend should answer not me. I’m just obliging what she asked me to do.” I had to ask, “Why are you doing this for Amanda and me?” Sam...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 36

Molly, ever the innocent, hadn't dreamed this would happen. Rosa was surprised, still in the last throes of her climax, she was satisfied with the nights events and had just thought about getting home and looking in on Kathy. Alice reacted with a broad smile, licking her lips as the strange men were being introduced. She always craved cock and new cock was a special delight as far as she was concerned. Big Mitchie was a huge black stud, with a ring through his nose and when he lowered his...

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A male piece of meat

David and his girlfriend Lauren were in the early stages of their relationship. Lauren lived on her own in a flat, whereas David lived with his parents. Whenever the pair of them were both free, they would meet up at Lauren's flat, and be naked as they both admitted to not liking wearing clothes, and their families were not accepting the idea of nudism. When David arrived at Lauren's, he used the key she gave him, she was waiting for him wearing only her dressing gown in the living room. Lauren...

Group Sex
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In flagrante delicto

There's a mixed bunch of men who frequent my local cruising area, young and old, fat and thin, married, single, gay and bi, anything from bin man to banker, all of whom share a common desire for cock, a kind of alfresco cockaholics anonymous, if you like. When spring arrives and the forest floor is a blanket of bluebells my fellow cruisers and I come out of hibernation and start a new season of man on man sucking and sodomy. When I first started to frequent the forbidden forest, to feast upon...

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Fucked Great And Damn Sexy Exgirlfriend Again After Marriage

Hi guys i am a daily visitor of ISS. I love all categories of ISS. After reading so many stories i thought to share my story as well… My name is Kumar and i am 25 year young, i am a sporty person and because of that i am fit and always want energetic. Around 5 year ago i had a girlfriend “Ankita”. We had broken up two years ago. Her parents were not in favor to marry me because we don’t belong to her cast. Although we had sex few times but i found her so shy during our sex. Any way i got news...

3 years ago
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Kindling A Cuckold Part VII

Sara stared down at her coffee cup as she slowly stirred. She was deep in thought and pensive. “Is everything okay?” Brian asked her as he sat down at the kitchen table alongside her. ”Everything is fine,” she responded without looking up. The silence between them remained for a few moments until Sara broke it. “Do you want me to cuckold you, Brian?” His head jolted back. “No of course not,” he responded adamantly. “Why?” This time she looked up at him. “The stories,” she started to say,...

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DentistryChapter 3

The next day while Brad was finishing his house staining he couldn’t help but think about Nancy. Besides being an attractive sexy package she was also quite intelligent. He thought because of her personality she would be a successful attorney after graduating from law school. He also remembered what she said about fishing and made a mental note to purchase some of that bait she had mentioned. At the clinic the patients he was treating ran the gamut of what he had been trained to do. This...

2 years ago
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Friday After Five

"Love in an elevator, Livin' it up when I'm going down Love in an elevator, Lovin' it up 'til I hit the ground..." Aerosmith, 1989 I work in the IT department of a large financial services company in the city, on the 27th floor. It's a long ride up from the lobby, and it's an even longer ride down. Especially when you're in a hurry to get away for the weekend. Most of my work has to do with maintaining the company's computer software systems and managing database integrity....

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 24

Two months after Philip had fucked Beverly there in his office, she came in one morning and gave him a very weak "good morning, Philip" greeting. Philip noticed that his secretary wasn't her normal cheerful self, and he finally asked her, "Beverly, what's the matter?" "You're not going to believe it, Philip," Beverly said in a way that clearly told him she didn't think he was going to like what she was about to tell him, "but you remember our little session here in the office a...

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London Lovers part 1

The trip had been planned for over ten months, ever since the success of the London Olympics, and now finally you’re all here in England. You, your husband, and two of your sons, have been here a week. You caught the last few days of Wimbledon, you’ve seen the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, in fact, you’ve all done the tourist trail together, but today for each of you, is the highlight of the whole trip, but for very different reasons. The guys are off to Lords,...

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Nora Loves Her Cherub Pt 2

As the two men in her life continued to talk in Davin's tiny sleeping quarters beside the laundry room, Nora walked up the stairs to her large bedroom. She was pleased to see that Davin had tidied the room, turned down the bed for her and Scott, and laid out her clothes for tomorrow. The little cherub, she laughed, was such a charm to have around for these kind of things. Her heart swelled with gratitude and joy for the life she was given; good looks and health, great sex...

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dance of sex

***At 30 years old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and want 'friends' of her own age. Well that didn't happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a movie show of...

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James return on Saturday

James' return on Saturday. Saturday morning waking up, I was rather anxious to see James again after a good previous nights visit. My pussy was wet from the moment I woke up and I decided the only way to relax was gonna be to jump into a hot bath. It was just after 8 as I was running the bath for myself when James called. He was already at work and planning his day as he also asked me if we still on for this afternoon. " I cant wait to have you on my bed again, as I woke up extremely wet and...

3 years ago
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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 01

bisexual male – threesome – mmf – creampie – butt plug – virgin – assIt all started the summer after I turned 18. I was a little bi-curious to say the least (actually I was more than curious, I wanted a dick in my ass!) but was always too scared to do anything about it. See I LOVED anal. I mean LOVED it. Honestly, I liked fingering my ass more than "rubbing one out." I got to the point where I could nearly fist my own ass! I felt like a pornstar.A bit about me before I tell you any more. I'm...

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The Neighbor Hot Zone

It was a hundred degrees in the city but it felt like a thousand. A whole week of heated misery was all we needed but I wasn't going to let that bother me. My fan was old and finally gave out so I went over to Cynthia's to cool down a bit. When she opened the door my eyes felt like they were going to pop right out of my head. She stood there naked as a newborn baby. Cynthia noticed the look on my face why sucking on an ice cube and rubbing it on her neck. ...

1 year ago
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Out Of Darkness Chapter 2

The next morning, Carol and Anna were at breakfast trying to decide what they wanted to do that day. "I'd like to do some shopping. I want to hit some of those cute little shops I've seen online and as we drove to the hotel," Anna said. "Well I think I'm just going to go downstairs and maybe sit by the pool and get some sun. Being inside as much as I am anymore, I'm sure I'm as pale as a ghost!" Carol chuckled. "Aww c'mon, Carol... come shopping with me!" Anna whined. "I'll tell you what, you...

Straight Sex
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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch 08

It took Clara a couple of seconds to get her bearings as she stood on the small sandy beach on the edge of the lake. The early morning light was still quite dim and Clara suspected that the sun had not quite risen yet. Even if it had, they would still be in the shadow of the large mountain looming just east of them. ‘Ah, nuts!’ Jeff complained, grabbing Clara’s attention. He quickly ran out of the freezing-cold ankle-deep water in which he’d reappeared and on to the dry bank. Clara smirked....

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JulesJordan Chloe Cherry Dredd8217s Giant BBC Goes Up Chloe Cherry8217s Tiny Asshole

Chloe Cherry attempts to take Dredd’s MONSTER cock in her tiny asshole! Nubile blonde Chloe is looking sexy as ever in baby blue lace lingerie with a pink choker and matching high heels as she shows off her body for the camera. She’s on her knees in the kitchen as Dredd arrives and takes a leash and attaches it to her collar then walks her like a dog into the living room. Chloe can’t contain her excitement as she unbuckles Dredd’s belt to reveal his massive BBC then she wraps her pretty lips...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 42 Battle for Karsakini Part 6 and The Betrayal

Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...

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