Lightning In A BottleChapter 35: Pac-Man Fever free porn video

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May 2, 1983

Life went on. I caught sight of Julia multiple times over the next several days; she said nothing to me, and made it a point to avert her eyes whenever I was in the vicinity. It was next to impossible not to run into her frequently, for every time I entered or exited the dorm, it was necessary to pass by her room. It continued to amaze me how her feelings toward me had changed that much, that fast. And it annoyed me to no end that I'd never really gotten a proper explanation for what she'd done. At any rate, with the semester winding down, these uncomfortable encounters would cease very soon. I still had not seen her with her new boyfriend, but I suspected that I would not make it to semester's end without that happening at least once.

Dennis and I found an apartment, and planned to move in right after finals were over. That would mark the end of dorm life for me. Like so many other upperclassmen, I decided that the privacy and autonomy afforded by off-campus housing would be more to my liking. And Dennis had agreed with me; we'd signed a one-year lease, and planned to stay there not just for the summer, but for the following school year as well.

On another note, Dennis and Mayra had their first date, and it had gone very well. I was happy for them both. Even though my own love life had been blown to pieces, it was nice to see two friends of mine hitting it off, especially since I was the one who had introduced them.

Inez, of course, was now back at the university; her parents were continuing to make good progress. She had told us that she wanted to get right back into the swing of things as far as the band was concerned. We'd had a couple of practices already, although our next live performance would not occur until the much-anticipated St. James prom gig. During the first practice, I discovered that my recent romantic problems had landed me the most unlikely of all sympathizers.

"What Julia did to you, dude?" Dave had said to me. "That was just stone fucking cold."

Yes, right now I was a loser in love, but I was sure getting my share of consolation prizes.

Today, a Monday, began the final week of classes before final exams. I was planning to meet Evie for lunch at the dining hall, since we both had free time in the middle of the day. I was getting ready to head on over, when there was a knock on my door. Figuring Evie had decided to meet me here at my room instead, I opened the door. But it wasn't Evie at all. Rather, it was her roommate, wearing an aren't-you-surprised smile.

"Evie had to go and talk to one of her professors about something," Inez related, "so you got me for a lunch date instead." I realized that this last-minute switch didn't bother me in the least.

At the cafeteria, we sat down to eat, with Inez seated directly across from me. We got to talking about mundane things like the band, and how her parents were coming along. I remembered something she'd said that night when we'd spent a couple of hours on the phone.

"Let's hear about those male groupies," I grinned, inducing a giggle from Inez.

"I want to tell you a few stories, but it will be better if Evie is there too. You'll enjoy it more that way."

"Aah ... I see."

Inez appeared to grow thoughtful for a second, appearing to weigh something over, before finally deciding to speak.

"You know ... Danny was kind of a male groupie."

I looked at her, mustering all the empathy I could summon, my silence inviting her to go on.

"I mean, he wasn't a groupie in the way you might think. He didn't walk up to me and start bragging about his sexual talents, or anything like that. He used to hang around at a lot of our shows early on, before Eileen got involved. I now think his fascination with us was the fact that we had two girls who were front and center most of the time. But I was more receptive to talking with him than Evie was, so he latched on to me."

"Was he a student here? I always was curious about that."

"He was. He was a few years older; he was actually a senior. He was one of the smoothest talkers I've ever met. And I fell for his lines, and pretty quickly, him as well. The thing is, Pat, he was capable of being incredibly nice and thoughtful at times. But when he was bad..."

"I believe I saw the result of that," I told her softly, to perhaps spare her from having to spill the awful details. But she wanted to go on.

"That was the worst time," said Inez, in a voice so low it was barely audible. "But it wasn't the only time. It was the classic pattern of physical abuse ... after he hit me, he would try to compensate by being extra nice to me for a while. And then he would lapse back again. And there was more. The time when you saved me ... I had just confronted him about something. I caught him with another girl. And you saw his response to that."

"On top of everything else, you had to deal with infidelity," I said in disgust.

She let out a sigh before continuing. "Right. Even though I thought Danny loved me, it turned out that he was eyeing other girls the whole time we were together. And I might as well tell you this, Pat. I was in another abusive relationship back in high school. My problem is, I seem to be attracted to 'lost soul' types. I guess that's never a good thing."

I tried not to think about the Inez in the other timeline as I formulated my reply.

"Thanks for trusting me enough to share that story with me. Here's my take on it. I'm probably not going to tell you anything you don't already know, at least intuitively. But I've gotten to know you a little, Inez. You're extremely caring and kindhearted. And don't ever change, okay? It's one thing I really admire about you, and it's one of your biggest assets. But, under certain conditions, it can also be your biggest liability as well. You just need to learn to set limits, that's all."

"If only it were that easy," she sighed. "My aunt and uncle, and Mayra too, never liked Danny. Even Evie used to tell me I needed to be careful around him."

"There you go," I said in reply, hoping to lighten things up a little. "I've known Evie for a little longer than you have. If there's one thing I've come to learn, it's that Evie is pretty much always right."

That drew a smile from Inez. "But she wasn't entirely right when it came to handling the situation with you," she pointed out.

"No one's perfect. But I've found that Evie's judgment is as sound as anyone I've ever met."

Once I got those words out, Inez appeared to be lost in thought for a moment. A vague, dreamy smile appeared on her face. She looked at me affectionately, but maintained her silence.

I was about to ask her what was on her mind, when out of the corner of my eye, I took in the sight I'd been dreading more than any other.

There was Julia, walking into the dining area, hand in hand with her new boyfriend, accompanied by Jeannette and Kevin. Fortunately, the place was fairly crowded, and the four of them took a seat well away from our table.

Inez noticed my reaction, and quickly figured out what was going on. She reached over and placed her cool, soft hand on my forearm. Her touch gave me goose bumps.

"Eyes straight ahead, Pat," she directed me with a soothing voice and a sympathetic smile.

And I took just a second to regard my lunch companion. When I did so, I was startled at how easy it was to forget about Julia sitting not too far away. Inez was sporting a new hair style. In the back, it was still as long as ever. In the front, she was now wearing bangs that partially concealed her forehead. That beautiful hair framed a face that, trite as it may sound, could only be described as angelic, with fine, very feminine facial features. Her gentle yet piercing brown eyes communicated sincere compassion, and were focused one hundred percent on me.

God, she was gorgeous.

At that moment, my mind decided to play a particularly nasty trick on me.

A mental image – so vivid it almost appeared to be real – flashed through my brain for just a split second. I visualized the face of a middle-aged woman with gray-brown hair, wrinkled skin, vacant eyes, a chipped front tooth, and cracked lips formed into an "O" shape, ready to deliver a wad of saliva in my direction.

I guess I must have recoiled briefly, because Inez momentarily tightened her grip on my arm. Thankfully, the vision faded from my mind, restoring to my focus the lovely young lady sitting across from me. It was apparent that Inez had concluded that I'd just been haunted by a Julia-related memory, for she had a few words of gentle encouragement to offer.

"Everything will be okay, Pat. You'll see. Everything will be just fine."

The conversation mercifully moved in another direction. We sat together and chatted about one thing or another, staying put long after our food had been consumed. Then, outside, it began to rain. Hard. It was coming down in sheets.

"Oh shit," I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. "We're gonna get soaked when we go outside! I didn't even bring an umbrella! And I've got a late afternoon class!"

By now, Inez was quite familiar with my tendency to be overly dramatic at times. She looked at me with an exaggerated straight face, and big, sad eyes that were not quite big and sad enough to conceal her humorous intent.

"Oh, Pat," she said, shaking her head slowly. "We are so screwed."

Then, she burst out into that impish, irresistible smile of hers. I started laughing, she started laughing, and before we knew it, we were cracking up to the point where we both were about to fall out of our chairs. When the laughter died down, Inez nodded over in the direction of Julia, who along with her entourage was still in attendance.

"I hope," said Inez, "that a certain silly girl over there noticed you enjoying yourself without her."

After we left the dining hall, Inez pulled me into a video arcade that was located in the same building. She wanted to wait out the rain by playing Pac-Man, and proceeded to thoroughly kick my butt. It was then that I saw a return of that fun competitiveness that I'd seen during my first band practice. By now, I'd realized that it was just her way of letting me know that she liked me. In fact, it was to a large extent flirtatious. And I'd learned to give and take.

"How many quarters have you put into that machine?" I asked her. "I'll bet you had to spend a fortune to get that good."

"Two words: sour grapes," she grinned. "Admit it. I whupped your ass."

That line of conversation continued even as we ventured outside, on the way back to my dorm. The rain had ended, and the sun was out in all its glory.

"I hate to break it to you, Inez," I told her. "But I let you win. And I'm gonna let you win the next time we play, because you're just so damn cute when you're gloating."

May 11, 1983

It was right in the middle of finals week. I certainly had a lot on my plate right now. Besides exams and studying, my fellow band members and I were trying to polish up our act in advance of the St. James prom. We were all attempting to juggle our academic challenges with practices; we were rehearsing about every other day on average. I couldn't wait to put finals behind me.

Today at lunch, my companions at the dining hall were Dennis, Holly, and Annie. That was pretty much what was left of my dorm crew. Jeannette, of course, was loyal to her roommate. Kevin was her boyfriend. And Barry was best buds with Kevin; although he remained friendly to me, he spent more time with Julia's fragment of our little group. I didn't care too much about that, anyway, because the semester was coming to a close. I was grateful for the three loyal friends that I did have.

We got to talking about Lightning in a Bottle. I sensed right away that Annie and Holly had something to discuss. And it turned out that they did.

"Who handles the scheduling of your shows, and all the administrative stuff?" Annie inquired.

"That's Paul's job," I told her. "He's our bassist. But he's always telling us that he'd love to pass that duty on to someone else. It's getting to be too much for him."

Holly and Annie looked at each other and nodded.

"What if we told you," Holly offered, "that we'd like to apply for that job, as co-managers of your band?"

"We've already discussed this," Annie added, "and we both would really enjoy it. You don't even have to pay us, if you don't want to. There's another benefit for us. It will look really good on our resumes when we graduate and enter the job market."

Suffice it to say, this offer caught me completely by surprise.

"I'd have to discuss it with the rest of the gang," I told them, "because understand, I'm just one out of six. But I know you both, and quite honestly, I think you could handle it."

This was the truth. Holly and Annie were both go-getters. They had exactly the right personalities to be effective managers. But would my bandmates go for it? That was a big if.

After lunch, I called the two most open-minded of my cohorts, Inez and Evie, to get their opinion on this.

"We're having practice this evening," Evie noted. "Why not have them meet us at Margarita's afterward? If they really want to do this, I think we should give them a chance. But let's meet them as a group first."

She then handed the phone to Inez, who seconded the motion, and offered some more feedback.

"My only concern is Dave and Paul, as usual," Inez told me. "But Paul, I think, will jump at the chance to let someone else take over. So, it's definitely worth a try."

Eileen was at school right now, and would not be at tonight's practice. But I planned to call her later, and give her a chance to express her opinion. I knew she wouldn't be a problem.

At Margarita's that night, everything appeared to go off beautifully. Annie and Holly made a positive impression on everyone, and by the time our food was finished, we'd taken a vote, and unanimously hired us a couple of co-managers, pending the vote of Eileen.

"She'll make it six out of six," said Dave confidently. "I'll call her myself as soon as I get back to my room."

It all seemed too good to be true. And it was.

Later in the evening, I called my sister. I noticed right away that Eileen was upset about something.

"Pat, for the record," she told me, "I vote we hire your two friends. If you, and Inez, and Evie say they are okay, that's enough for me."

"Uh-oh," I said worriedly. "That doesn't sound so good."

"I just had a big fight with Dave," she related. "It seems that when you guys met for dinner, he and Paul didn't realize that the two girls you hired as managers were your next-door neighbors in the dorm. He told me that he wishes he could take back his vote, and so does Paul. He says it isn't fair that you keep forcing 'your people' on the rest of us. Obviously, I wasn't happy to hear him say that, and I let him know about it."

"My people?" I practically shouted. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"He was talking about Dennis, too," said Eileen. "Which is really, really stupid, because he likes Dennis. They hang out together after just about every show."

"You know what, Eileen?" I went on, becoming more and more agitated. "I'm sick of this shit. When will it end?"

"Oh, believe me, I'm sick of it, too," concurred Eileen, in as bitter of a voice as I'd ever heard coming from her. "Dave's acting like a third-grader. I've just about had it with him. If he doesn't shape up – and soon – I'm breaking things off."

May 20, 1983

Finals were over. Dennis and I moved our stuff out of the dorm, and into our new digs. It was a two-bedroom apartment with a small living area and a kitchen. It was furnished with cheap, second-hand furniture, which at least relieved us from the hassle of having to go out and get our own. The living room had a worn out sofa and a couple of chairs, as well as a small table for eating. Not exactly the most luxurious of dwellings, but for a couple of college students, it was pretty typical, and quite sufficient.

Holly and Annie, blissfully unaware of the internal stress their hiring had caused, took to their new job with enthusiasm. They'd already ferreted out an obvious opportunity that the rest of us had missed. We ate all the time at Margarita's, right? I mean, we were just about their most frequent and loyal customers. Our co-managers spoke with the owners there, and cut an informal deal. We would pass out advertising leaflets for Margarita's at all our local gigs, and make it a point to verbally recommend the restaurant to our audiences at least once during every show. In return, they posted leaflets promoting our shows in conspicuous places in the restaurant, and kept our business cards in ample supply near the cash register.

It was a Friday, exactly one week before the St. James prom. It was a couple of hours before our scheduled practice. Even so, I'd already arrived at the Andrade house. Inez and Evie were there as well, along with of course Mayra and her mother. Ever since the breakup with Julia, I'd taken to hanging out with this group of people as much as possible. They just made me feel better about everything. We all just lounged out in the living room, talking about this and that. It was a nice, stress-free environment, absent of all traces of bad memories. Which was exactly what I needed at that point in time.

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Dear indian sex stories dot net Readers, I’m Anand., a former TV star and now I have my own small business. In my 15 years on TV starting 2002, I made sure that I always look fit and hence I still maintain a muscular lean body with side cuts and an embedded six-pack ab. Swimming and running help me maintain my lean body, along with a short span at the gym for some muscle. So recently we were visiting my wife’s hometown in Uttarakhand, where I had some business related work as well. On the third...

2 years ago
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Absolutely True Episode 1 Fever

Absolutely True: Episode 1: Fever By Irene Lew It wasn't bad enough for me to notice on the way home, but as soon as I stepped out of the car I realized just how woozy I was. Without a doubt, I had the flu... So I turned out the lights and tried to sleep. It could have been a few hours later. I had drifted through hazy dreams, and now came what felt at first like another, in which I was dreaming that I was awake. I could feel tender breasts... running hands over, around them....

3 years ago
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Jungle Fever

Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...

2 years ago
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Jungle Fever

Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...

1 year ago
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Cabin Fever

Susannah had no way of knowing what it was that lay in store for her as the first snow flakes of winter began to fall. It had been a generous spring and summer for her and her father. They were the last survivors of a long journey west that had begun three years ago. It had taken one year to make it to their homestead from Missouri. On the way, Susannah and her family had lost the youngest member of their family, Jonathan. The trip was a rough one for a two year old and he had succumbed to a...

4 years ago
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Me Usman And Surprises

Hai dear friends, this is Asha again with my new story. And thanks for a huge response above my last story. “My brother’s servant made me slave”. This is a secand part of the same story. Please reed and send me your feed back at A heavy sound of metal gate Brock my nap. I open my eyes and watch the time at wall clock. It’s 8.30 OFFFFFFFFF my god it is almost 45 minute before usman and ordered me to “Khana pakana”. I hurriedly go in bath room and wash my face and after pee. i wash my cunt and...

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Samanthas Sex LessonChapter 7 What Samantha Really Learned

"That's not fair. That wasn't the lesson you were teaching me!" "What do you mean that wasn't the lesson I was teaching you? How many times did I tell you that you needed to make me cum in your mouth and that you shouldn't trust me? I shouldn't have put my dick inside you and cum like that, but I was trying to warn you that the lure of your pussy would eventually overwhelm me. I fought it for as long as I could. But after eating you, I just couldn't fight it any longer. "Well,...

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LightningChapter 5

"I never did it on top. Just with Kevin, but we never did anything like this. It's too much. I've never been mindless or just floating in another place for so long. I've had enough," she whispered breathlessly. With that he said, "Lie next to me, precious. I am going to roll over." She stretched out and he rolled on top of her getting on his knees as he put a pillow under her hips. He put both arms around her and covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue in her. Then, he...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 9 Back To School

August 1980 The summer began to wind down, and the countdown until the first day of school began. I found myself a job. I washed dishes at a nearby diner during the dinner shift, which was from 5p.m. to 10p.m. I worked three nights a week, and all day on Saturday. It was a fairly long walk from home, but I got used to it. Many times, either Mom or Dad picked me up at the end of the shift. Not exactly the type of work I'd grown accustomed to in my other life, but I was a teenager now, and I...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 55 The Sunshine State Tour

December 4, 1984 Thanksgiving break came and went. A chain reaction of family obligations resulted in Inez and me not being together on Thanksgiving. Dave's uncle, who lived a couple of hours away in Pennsylvania, was holding an extravagant Thanksgiving bash. Eileen really wanted to go, and Dad and Mom reluctantly agreed to allow her to do so. Meanwhile, there was another large affair planned at the Andrade residence. Naturally, both Inez and I were invited. "You know what my Tio Raul's...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 76 Answers and More Questions

September 1, 2007 (continued) I paused for a minute to collect my wits. Then, I faced George, not at all confrontationally, but seeking answers. "Okay," I began. "It's obvious you know quite a bit about us – about me – and the secret I have. Either you overheard a conversation of ours, or you're a time traveler yourself." "Please excuse me," said a remorseful-sounding George. "I didn't mean to frighten you. But I have some things to share with you that are of vital importance, and...

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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

3 years ago
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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

Straight Sex
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Manya Forbidden Lust 4

For the next two hours Deen simply jerked the life out his dick till he thought it would get disengaged from his crotch. He had seen his sexy Mom getting her breasts sucked and crushed by his younger brother while carrying on a conversation with his Dad. Her naked, well curved body was thoroughly felt and she had squeezed and mashed her dripping cunt to an orgasm in obscene horniness. The last lingering image of his juicy mother for his jerk off was of her heaving, voluptuous, fully exposed...

2 years ago
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Manya Forbidden Lust 3

Her husband’s disgusting behavior last night had left Manya more than just annoyed despite the fact that it facilitated some licentious sex for her neglected body. Now after being subjected to some cursory kisses and gropes he had sped off, leaving her naked and anguished all over again. He never seemed to display the remotest tinge of remorse for having left her high and dry at his boss’ party and now showed absolute callousness in announcing that he was leaving that evening for a week. The...

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Manya Forbidden Lust 2

The four youthful marauders left her door and Manya shut it with a mixed feeling. She was relieved that they left before her husband came out of the bath. Yet she felt a tingling in her loins and an ache in her breasts from all the pawing and mauling that she received with almost her full consent. The simultaneous pressure of four pairs of hands and one dick on her extra wholesome body under the pretext of festivity did its own things to her bodily responses and right now she had lost all the...

3 years ago
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Manya Forbidden Lust

While peeing, she let out a shudder of relief as some of the accumulated horniness found alternate release. But only some of it. Stepping out and in the same scant attire she moved to the main door to collect the morning milk. Opening the door, she bent to pick up the milk and in the process her full breasts spilled out to form a delectable cleavage. From the corner of her eye she saw the milkman’s bicycle parked in the compound and realized that he was still around and was perhaps waiting for...

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MeSwetha Manasa

Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...

1 year ago
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Manya Forbidden lust of an Indian housewife

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya's body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure c***d, his breath carrying the odour of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

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Manya Forbidden Lust 5

Deen’s head was reeling and his heart was pounding. What he had seen shocked him to start with. He saw an unruly man, dark and powerful, manhandle his beautiful mother, pump into her pussy roughly, mash her fleshy body all over and finally spew his hot cum deep inside her belly. And all along she not only liked it but loved and craved for it. The fact that she didn’t mind going through it with her son in the house made his heart beat faster with the realization that his mom was indeed a lusty...

1 year ago
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Thirumanam Aagi Naangu Maatha Manaiviyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil puthithaaga thirumanam aagi naangu maathame aagum pennai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar manikandan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan oru MNC niruvanathil velai paarthu varugiren, en sontha oor salem aanal chennaiyil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu work from home velai thaan paarkiren, en nanbanin thangaiku thirumanam nadaka irupathaal ennai nanban veetirku azhaithaan. Naan avan veetirku 8 varudam munbu...

4 years ago
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Love Making Turned Threesome With Manasa 8211 Part 2

I am one of the reader of iss since many years & fan to iss. Thank you iss for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at: My name is rahul. I’m from hyderabad. As usual a b.Tech graduate. I’m 23 years old. This incident happened last year summer when my 10th class batch has arranged for a reunion 7 years after schooling. We booked a resort and invited all the faculty that taught us during the...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 8

“I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to another. In this case it was father. I thank you father for holding us as long as you have. I know it has taken a supreme effort on your part.” “We?” I almost shouted. “What in the hell do you mean we?” Even as I watched another weaker apparition appeared. “NO!” I almost screamed as I took off running. I felt...

3 years ago
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Manya Forbidden Lust

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

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Randy Mandy and The Postman

There was a knock at the door and I had just slipped out of the shower and had put my stockings and suspender onready for my first appointment. I looked at my watch and wondered who could it be as my first client wasnt due for20 minutes. I quickly put a towell around me and opened the door. It was the postman. Mrs M I have a recorded deliveryfor you can you sign here. I leant forward to sign and my towell slipped revealling my stocking clad body and my large 36Ebreats. "Oh I am sorry" I...

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Toman of the Cherokee 10

  Naci and I had been here almost the whole time after our narrow escape. I had finally started trying to strengthen Naci though it was slow going. She had power there was no doubt about that. It was just that her defenses were so weak. Plus there was the fact that she was so untrained in most defensive tactics.    I sighed as I had Naci again try to stop a bolt I sent at her. Shaking my head I saw that she held it great at first. Then she seemed to lose her resolve a few minutes later. A...

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Manav And Friends

I am Priyansh, a 19-year-old boy with a 5.5-inch uncut black dick. This story happened in my college time when I and my friends were there for a sleepover at my place. Now coming to the friends, we had Manav, the sexy hunk gym enthusiast, and hot guy. Then Shivam, horny fun and skinny guy. Then Ujjaval, not as a hunk as Manav but fair looking and a handsome face and chiseled body. Finally, there was Harshil, a typical single blackish guy with naughtiness stuffed in him. Now, coming to the...

Gay Male
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Peak Performance Orgasmic Remy and Manuel

INTRODUCTION:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn.The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...

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Peak Performance Orgasmic Remy and Manuel

Intorduction:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn. The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...

2 years ago
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Meeting Amanda Amandas Discovers Her Special Talent Chapter 4

Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet breasts. Each time he lightly bit down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair. He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest. Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin. He didn’t care though because right now that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth. But he knew that something better was just a...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 16

Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally we exited the portal landing a lot softer than we had in all the previous landings. Smiling at Naci when we landed she kissed me then went to set up the camp. Waving a hand a chair appeared before me as I stretched out my hands projecting the bubble to hide...

4 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 5

  I stared at the mage with an opened mouth though I wasn't about to drop my defense, no I knew better. I had done that with the only friend I'd had in school when he tried to take what he could from me. This of course seriously pissed me off. The end results being that he was dead I was alive and the entire council was now after me and Pops.   I looked hard at the mage before me, I could actually feel his power damn how in the hell was I keeping him at bay. Shit this one had serious...

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