ComrieChapter 40 free porn video

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The Command Staff and the Beyond the Stars choir of the Golden Amazons were just sitting down to eat lunch in Clifden, when Pat O'Brien stepped out of a shuttle on an SAS base located in England's Midlands region. He looked around for a moment and then walked over to where Calvin stood waiting with Duane. Kaelee and Cathan's clan had followed him out of the shuttle. "Hello Calvin," said Pat, "it is good to meet you."

"Same here," said Calvin as they shook hands. "You must be Pat."

"Yes. The image that Briana provided of you was perfect."


"Yes, it is one of the aspects of our telepathic abilities."

"Pat, this is Duane," replied Calvin.

"It is good to meet you Duane," replied Pat, after which he proceeded to introduce the others on his shuttle. "Is this the group going to Fuda?" he asked, gesturing to the people coming out of the building behind Calvin.

"Yes, there are 40 of us." Calvin replied, and looked worried. "That is more than we would normally involve, but less than I would like to have, considering the number of people to rescue. Briana said you could provide transportation, assistance and some support for us. I don't see how all of us, with our gear, can fit into your aircraft."

"We won't, but our five ships should give us more than enough room for your group and our five teams," said Pat, smiling, as the four additional shuttles and security teams dropped their cloaking. The sudden appearance of another four teams standing next to their shuttles startled the SAS soldiers. "Ladies and gentlemen," said Pat, in a friendly voice that carried through the crowd, "my apologies if you are offended by the way we presented ourselves. We thought it was probably the easiest way to demonstrate one of our capabilities. We only have a short time to review our plans, get acquainted and walk through some simulations. This will be a unique situation for all of us. For us to be successful, we need to trust one another as if we had been working together for years. We are aware of your capabilities by reputation, but suspect you have little knowledge of ours."

After a pause he continued, "We have brought updated information concerning the location where the captives are held, which we will review in a bit. But first, there are several things you should know about us. We can see as well in darkness as we can in daylight, and our vision rapidly adjusts to sudden changes in light level. Our hearing is very sensitive. We can attenuate it so that loud noises are not overwhelming and don't obscure the important sounds. Each of us is now wearing a personal shield, which offers us minimal physical protection. For the operation, we will wear what we call a tactical suit. This suit adds to our capabilities because it provides full body armor, holds our weapons and accentuates our natural abilities. Between now and the time we arrive at the estate in Fuda, we will acquaint all of you with our array of support systems. The appearance of the last of our group was a small demonstration of our cloaking ability. Finally, we are all telepathic and we believe all of you can hear us if we speak this way. Would everyone please raise their hand?"

Everyone in the group raised their hands before realizing how they had processed the request.

"From your expressions, I am sure each of you now realizes that the request to raise your hands was expressed telepathically, not verbally."

"Calvin," said Cathan, "can we go inside. We have an updated 3-D rendering of the estate that we would like to show."

"Yes, but before we do, let me ask a question that is on everyone's mind. Why are you supporting us, rather than just taking care of the problem yourself?"

"For two reasons, first we are outsiders," replied Cathan, "and second, our prime directive governs the way we interact with other worlds. Basically, it tells us not to meddle in another world's cultural and political issues, even though we would not tolerate something like what is going at in Fuda within our own society. If any of our family were threatened, we would respond without hesitation, and probably only ashes would remain. Our prime directive gives us some latitude when aid is requested by the inhabitants of another world. As you know, both the UK Prime Minister and the Irish Prime Minister made such a request."

"Why would being an outsider affect your actions?" asked Duane. "The activities at the estate are objectionable to any civilized society, for many reasons."

"Yes, they are objectionable to us and would not be tolerated in our society." Cathan paused for a moment, and then continued, "We became aware of this group because they had targeted our choir for kidnapping. They had hired a group in Ireland to carry out the kidnapping, but they were arrested yesterday by the Irish National Police."

"Enslavement to satisfy greed and power," said Ciar, "will sow the seeds of a culture's self- destruction. That destruction proceeds like a slow cancer. The end is often violent, resulting in a loss of knowledge which leaves the survivors struggling. Just look at the different regions of Earth and how they flourished and then declined. Who knows the true cause of that self-destruction, since the information was lost."

"Ciar," said Calvin, "that is an interesting way of looking at Earth's history. I am sure many scholars would be quick to disagree. You're right though, every revolution results in a loss of general knowledge which is sometimes never recovered, the more violent the revolution, the greater the loss."

"We should make it clear," said Máiréad, "that we find slavery acceptable when it is voluntary and between consenting adults. What is required in these situations is that those who are in the superior position act in the best interests of those who agree to serve them. Are there gray areas? Nearly always, but these can be resolved by carefully weighing the interests of the parties involved."

"Interesting," said Duane. "Your comments raise many questions in my mind and I would like to continue the discussion, but we have more immediate issues. When all of this is over, can we hear some more about you, your group and your culture?"

"Sure. Just ask."

As they were moving toward the building, a booming voice was heard to say, in a very heavy Irish accent, "Hey Calvin, I brought some of m'lads with me, as I hear you needed some help. Again!"

Calvin jerked around at the sound of the voice with an irritated look on his face. As soon as he saw the individual he laughed, and said, "O'Malley, how the hell did you get here?"

"With these fine folks, and it looks like it's a good thing we came, as you look a bit light on seasoned men." As O'Malley finished his response, the two shook hands and hugged. It was clear from their actions, and the look on their faces, that they thought well of each other.

Seeing the expressions on some of Cathan's team Calvin said, "I think we now have the perfect team for this operation. O'Malley and I have been together on some outings before." As Calvin spoke, O'Malley had his arm on his shoulder. Turning to O'Malley, he continued, "Who did you bring?"

"My core group, plus a few others. We had the good fortune to spend the last several days escorting these people around Dublin, and then to Clifden. Someone was concerned about them being in Dublin. It has been like a vacation. I can tell you these people are top drawer. It is uncanny, the way they sense the activity around them."

"Yea, I heard that from Eric, too."

"Eric's here?" queried O'Malley.

"No. But I understand that he, Cathal and the others in his group have decided to retire. Eric told me that someone outed them after their last assignment, so they opted to disappear. When they did that, they asked these people if they could move to the spaceship. I have the impression that they have joined their crew."

"So they put the intelligence together for this operation?"

Calvin looked at Pat and nodded, indicating that he should answer. "Well, it was really a combined effort," replied Pat. "Our Intelligence group had gathered quite a bit of information regarding threats to us on Earth, but was having trouble separating the potential threats from real ones. When Cathal's group arrived, they told us of their concerns about one of the group's that was on our list. They shared their analysis techniques with us. Combining those techniques with what we had already done, and using our data, enabled us to clearly identify which threats we should concentrate on. Two primary groups were identified. Interestingly, separately, both teams had identified a group of wealthy individuals as being a threat to us. This analysis also identified the group in Fuda. The group in Fuda had planned on capturing some of the choir so they could sell them at their slave auction tomorrow night. The other group wants to kidnap some of our family as a means to gain access to our technology, using both torture and ransom."

"Let's take care of the slavers first," said O'Malley, "then I would like to know more about the other slime balls."

When the group had settled in the large open building, Cathan turned on the holographic display to show the estate in Fuda. Cathan, Ciar and Máiréad went over the details of the estate and its surroundings. Máiréad covered the areas where the captives and the estate's slaves were held in considerable detail.

Lasairfhiona said, "We want to emphasize that we see this as your operation. We are here to provide as much support and assistance as you want, even to the point of participating in the operation. The degree of our participation is your choice. Several days ago we saw a situation developing that would have put some of our people within the grasp of these slavers. In preparation for that possibility, we created a plan for rescuing them. We would like to show you the plan, as we think there are some aspects you may want to include in yours. We think including these aspects will reduce the chances of a firefight or casualties. It also utilizes some of our strengths."

"I'm all for reducing risk," said Calvin, "as we will certainly have our hands full, just rescuing that many people."

"The plan we put together begins with us entering from the dock area," said Cathan. "Our initial effort would be to release all the captives and slaves, and move them all out of the facility as quickly as possible. This leaves the reception hall and auditorium till last, which is where most of the attendees for the auction will be. Just before entering the complex, the monitoring system for the areas where slaves and captives are located will be compromised. The feed to the monitors would change so that the staff monitoring those areas would see recordings made during the last auction, about two weeks ago. This would give the appearance that everything was normal. As we go through the facility, we planned on leaving the primary staff in the dungeon cells, lightly bound and sedated. The captives for the evening's auction are expected to be held in this room. While waiting, they are kept gagged and kneeling with their wrists and ankles bound together. The reason we left the reception hall and auditorium until last is that our information indicates that there will only be a few people monitoring the captives and the slave areas during dinner. By getting the captives and slaves out first, we will be able to focus all of our forces on those in the reception hall and auditorium. Just before entering the reception hall, the lighting would fail, letting us quickly overcome the staff and remove the slaves from that area. The staff in the reception hall would be stripped and left secured in the devices that once held the slaves. At this point, we expected that our presence would be known. Once the reception hall was secured, the lights would come back on and the lights in the auditorium would fail. With the lights out in the auditorium, we will remove the slaves held there. When the auditorium lights come back on, we are not sure what will happen, but we will be gone from view so will not be seen."

"How will you know who the slaves are in the auditorium?" asked a soldier.

"By their dress and adornments, we will also look at their thoughts."

"Why do you think that would work?" said another soldier. "How will we manage in the dark?"

"The estate is laid out as a series of rings. It took us a while to see it, what with all the twists and turns in the corridors. The estate's slaves and the captives reside in separate areas. Those two areas only have one common connection to the outside, which is the loading dock. The estate slave area also connects to the exhibition hall and to a common area. The captive area also connects to the common area and also to the auditorium. The rooms attached to the common area are where medical treatments are given, punishments are administered and the captives are conditioned in preparation for the auction. Just because a captive is sold, doesn't mean they leave immediately. Some are held at the estate for an extended time, so they can receive further medical treatments, or special conditioning, as the buyer requests."

"I am hesitant to ask this," said a soldier, "but what is meant by 'medical treatments'."

"Breasts enlarged. Teeth removed. Tongue lengthened. Addition of body jewelry, such as rings to the nose, nipples, clit or labia, sometimes including a bell. Fingers or hands removed. Feet and legs altered, requiring those altered to walk or stand on their toes. Men are castrated or have their testicles replaced with steel spheres. There is more, but that gives you an idea." As the question was being answered, they could see the soldiers' anger grow by the change in their expressions.

"Don't forget the special private rooms off the exhibition hall," said Enya.

"Right, but we are expecting everyone to be at the banquet, as the host has promised them exceptional entertainment during the meal.

"In answer to an earlier question about seeing in the dark, we will provide each of you with glasses that will let you see with the lights out. By wearing them, it will improve your vision so that it is more or less the same as it is at dusk, but the contrast is better. This effectively brings your vision closer to ours in the darkness we expect to find in the estate."

"Oh, he is going to have an exceptional show alright," said a soldier, causing everyone to chuckle. "But since we are rewriting his script, it's going to be a bit different than he planned." Several chuckled at her comment.

"What about the guy running the estate, and the President?"

"The Master, al-Sharghi, will be in the auditorium and so will President el-Ohssa, along with his personal security force."

"If we can get everyone out before they realize we are there," said Pat, "it should minimize the potential for a firefight. We don't think it will take them very long to determine the extent of their losses, which should add to their rage. When they find our tracks leading away from the site, it is expected that their rage will cause them to follow with all the available staff, rather than wait for help. The tracks will lead them to a watering hole, which is a place where they like to leave people to feed the animals."

"You're kidding," exclaimed a soldier. "They actually put people there for animals to kill?"

"Yes. The victim usually has limited mobility, so they can't run away but can put up a struggle."

"Why are we leaving a trail?" asked a soldier.

"The trail is fake. By the time they begin following it, all of us will already be out of the area. The trail is simply to get them to the watering hole. While all of this is taking place, we expect most of the guests to use the turmoil as an opportunity to leave.

"As for the group going to the watering hole, well things could happen, such as, vehicles quit running and catch on fire. Weapons might explode when used, or fail to fire." Many laughed as they realized the implications. "There has been a shortage of game in the area, except around this watering hole, so the number of large predators is quite large. Considering the number of predators and the terrain, it is likely that few of them, if any, will survive."

"Let's take a break," said Duane, "but before we do, I would like to toss out an idea. First, I like many aspects of this plan. We had considered going in the back door, but we felt that the labyrinth of halls and connecting rooms would unnecessarily increase our risk. Before reworking our plans, I would like to propose that the first thing we consider is for us to pair up. We are pretty evenly matched in numbers. Think about it, while we are on break."

While the group made for the refreshment table, Calvin stepped over closer to Pat. "Pat, I don't think any of us were really offended by the way you arrived. Surprised, yes. Apprehensive, yes."

"Perhaps we could have done it another way, but we really don't have much time to sort things out."

"I like Duane's idea. Think it would work?"

"Dam right it would," said O'Malley, as he joined the group.

"Most likely, it would," replied Pat. "By raising their hands earlier, your entire group indicated that they could hear us telepathically. This fits with Rusty's and Eric's friends' impression, that people in your line of work are partially telepathic, if they survive. It is not an active telepathic ability, but is manifested as a telepathic sense or intuition."

"I think I could agree with that concept, even before your little demonstration." While they were talking, Krystin had brought over cold drinks for them.

"This telepathic connection worked well for us in Dublin," said O'Malley. "It made things easier, since we always felt like we knew where each other was, this let us focus entirely on the crowd and our surroundings."

"Duane, call the base MP CO, and tell him to put this area on full alert," said Calvin. "Also, no one is to enter or leave the base until this operation is over. We don't need anyone going into town and inadvertently talking about space ships and the like, and we don't need unexpected visitors." Then in a loud voice, he said, "Everyone listen up, we will resume in 5 minutes. We will all take our breaks together, so no one misses anything."

Five minutes later, the group quickly reformed their circle around the holographic display. Calvin and Pat noticed immediately that everyone had melded together. They nodded to each other and smiled.

"Troops," said Calvin, "Duane posed a question. Do we pair up?" The room was quiet. "I could tell you 'we will', because that is the military way." Many laughed. "Okay, let's do it this way ... We will pair up. Any team member that doesn't feel comfortable doing that can opt out. If you opt out, your name will be removed from the mission. You will be restricted to base until this is over, since the base just went to full alert."

"Also, you will not remember being here," said Pat firmly, which drew some strange looks.

Two soldiers in the back shouted, "Sir, if you are trying to get rid of us, you need to try harder!" His comment caused many to laugh.

"I really wasn't trying. This is truly a voluntary mission, and we don't get many of those. As such, I thought you should have another opportunity to bail out. Now, I understand that with this holographic display we can run mission simulations?"

"Yes," said Cathan, "while we were on break, our systems merged the two plans together. It will run through the revision, first with minimal detail, as there are some conflicts that need to be resolved. What we have done before is to run through a virtual mission several times, and with each pass add more detail. This is all done in fast time, or at about 6 times normal speed. The last run-through will show where we expect to find the slaves and captives, along with their egress to safety. Now, take the head pieces being handed out and put them on. Through these, you will see the simulation from your own perspective. Each of you may want to move away from those around you, so you have a free range of motion without hitting anyone."

With that, they began to hone the plan for the mission. It took until the third pass before the SAS members were comfortable with the virtual mission concept. Several hours later they had the plan completed and began loading their equipment onto the shuttles.

Calvin said, "After dinner we will finish loading the shuttles. Although we are on alert, this evening is time to relax and rest, unless something changes. Tomorrow morning we will review our plans and practice. Our planned departure is set for tomorrow afternoon shortly after lunch."

"Pat," said Muireann, "we have confirmed that President el-Ohssa will be at the estate this afternoon, rather than at his home."

"What about his head of security?"

"He will also be at the estate, along with a select group of bodyguards."

"Fine, we still need to send a team to Mr. el-Ohssa's home," replied Pat.

"Agreed. Someone will need to get the documents regarding the captives from their legal system's files as well. We have confirmed the locations where they are holding the captives and estate slaves. They will be on the operational displays."


It was on the afternoon of the second day at Abbeyglen Castle Hotel when the shuttles lifted off. Two flew out over the ocean before turning south and then east, then heading toward England, while the others headed for Dóchas.

It was shortly after they turned east that Siobhan contacted Heathrow ATC for approach instructions. Doing it this way made it easier for ATC to work them into the flow of traffic, as it wasn't until they were near the English coast that they approached an air traffic corridor.

"Are you the aircraft from the space ship?" asked the flight controller.

"Affirmative," replied Maureen.

"Radar echo is showing two aircraft, flying in close formation."


"We are going to handle you in a manner similar to helicopters, since Irish ATC indicated that you really don't need a runway."

"Fine. If you give us the direction and altitude you want us to fly, your plan should work very well."

"Good. Now I want to verify your echo. Please turn off your transponder." Then, after a few moments, the controller said, "now on. I have your position confirmed. Come right to a heading of 85 and maintain altitude."

"Turning to 85. Maintaining altitude." With that, they followed the ATC instructions as they brought the two shuttles toward Heathrow, safely outside of normal air traffic corridors. Once they passed the airport perimeter at 200 meters, both Siobhan and Maureen thanked ATC, before switching to Heathrow Ground Control, who guided them to the VIP ramp. Once they were over the VIP ramp they thanked HGC as they followed hand signals from the ramp agent. When they were just above the ramp, the ramp agent gave them a thumbs-up, indicating that they should come to rest.

When the doors to the shuttle opened, Rusty and Sarah stepped out of one, while Cass and Adam stepped out of the other. Both pairs were surprised to see a small honor guard outside the door. While each group was exiting the shuttles, Mr. Bartlet, Briana and Aoife walked across the ramp toward them. Aoife introduced Mr. Bartlet and members of his staff to those from Dóchas.

"Ladies and gentlemen," said Mr. Bartlet, "we have an unusual situation, or perhaps I should say another unusual situation. We will be having a small reception in the VIP lounge, as the Queen and Prince are waiting to meet you."

Sarah linked an arm with one of his as Aoife took the other, and said, "Well let's not keep them waiting."

Adam and some of the Security team went to transfer bags and equipment from the shuttle to their buses. As they were doing this, four British soldiers came over to assist them. When everything was on the bus Cindy drove it up next to the hanger. As they traveled the short distance they each introduced themselves.

One of the soldiers said, "Adam, we have been assigned to assist you, although scuttlebutt has it that you don't need very much help." The sergeant's comment provoked several to chuckle. "We will watch the area until you are ready to leave. So relax, and go meet the Queen and Prince."

Cass looked at each of the soldiers for a minute and then said, "Any time you are with us and think you need assistance, just mentally call for help, directing the thought toward one of us."

"What?" said one soldier.

"Yes, we will hear your mental request," said Anita. "You know we are telepathic? Right?"

"That is what we were told," said another soldier, without much conviction.

"We assure you it's true," said Abaigeal, "and thanks for the compliment about how nice we look."

Adam enjoyed the range of expressions that played over the soldiers faces after Abaigeal's comment. "Now that you believe us," said Adam, "we will go meet the Queen and the Prince."

As the Security team went into the lounge, the two shuttles quietly lifted off, with Siobhan and Maureen, along with Joyce and Maeve, at the controls.

"I really enjoyed the trip to Ireland," said Siobhan, "but now I am ready to go home. Did you notice Claudette's comment?"

"You mean about the shared experience," replied Joyce, who was riding with Siobhan in Alpha1. "I expect that after these trips we will all have a much better understanding of how our mind-link functions when there is a significant distance separating us."

"You know, I didn't sense any difference in our family link while we were here."

"Neither did I," replied the other three.

"I just hadn't thought of it," continued Siobhan, "before Claudette mentioned it. I am so glad we are together and that I'm with all of you. I am really looking forward to seeing and cuddling with my spouses today."

"Have you noticed we lapse more quickly into exchanging our thoughts telepathically," said Maeve. "I wonder how far we will go in that direction."

"Each mode has its strengths," replied Siobhan. "Sometimes we are doing both at the same time."

"Yes. The first time it happened it was confusing, since it seemed like there was an echo in my head. Since then, I have found I like it."

"Guys, it seems to me that circumstances will determine the balance. In many ways, exchanging thoughts telepathically is like conversing in a second language."

"Good point, Joyce. Oh look, we're almost home!" exclaimed Maeve, as Dóchas came into view. "There certainly is a lot of activity around the ship."

"It probably has to do with the mission this evening," said Joyce.

As Maeve and Joyce had made their way back to Dóchas, they had experienced the reception in the Heathrow VIP lounge through their link with their spouses. In many respects, their sense of the reception was as if it was a realistic dream, only better. Being separated from the location let them see all the activity from each spouses' view, without the distraction of physical contact or interaction with others.

"Joyce," said Maeve, "I wonder if the Mentors understand how much clearer our mind-link is now. The strengthening of our family bond, as represented by the collars, has really made our dynamics more intimate. I'm not sure I expressed that very well, but you know what I mean."

"You mean because our mind-link is now in living Technicolor, rather than souped-up monochrome?"

"Yes" replied Maeve, as they both laughed.

"What's so funny, " asked Maureen.

"Maeve and I were sharing how much our bond with our spouses has grown. It is much easier to join them from here, or at any distance."

"I noticed my bond with my spouses seemed to grow on this trip as well, " replied Maureen.

"So did ours, " added Siobhan. "I wonder if that is because the mind-link has been our sole connection."

While they had been talking, their ships had settled into their respective cradles on Dóchas. Maureen's and Siobhan's Clans were waiting to greet them as they exited the shuttles. Joyce and Maeve were surprised to see their children waiting to meet them. Sam, Grace, Kelsey, and Karmen were with the children, assisting the nannies and their spouses.

It was late in the afternoon when the Command Staff, the Choir and Briana's clan gathered in front of the elevators in London's Radisson Edwardian Mountbatten Hotel. "We have about 2 hours to relax before we need to be back down here for dinner," said Claudette. "Does our security detail know the schedule?"

"Yes," replied Cass. "We extended an invitation to join us upstairs, but they thought it would be better to be dispersed down here. They feel we can handle anything on our floor, and all of us are in contact with each other. Apparently, our friends in Ireland have shared some information with them about our abilities."

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Seduced Young WifeChapter 7

Hans Piemmel had gone to bed as soon as Harry relieved him from the watch, and had fallen asleep immediately. But only an hour later he woke, prodded to consciousness by his sailor's ear, an ear that listened to his ship, the wind, and the sea, even while he slept. He lay quietly for a minute, trying to isolate the one sound which had waked him from all the others filtering into the darkness of his cabin. Unable to decide what had disturbed him, he did not go back to sleep, as so many...

2 years ago
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How I Found Out

My wife Susan and I had just returned home from a wedding. It was the remarriage of an old and dear friend whose first husband Matt (another old and dear friend) had been killed by a drunk driver the previous year. Our twin girls had wanted to go with us but they had just started school at a small college upstate. We had just unburdened ourselves of the formal attire, and I was playing my fingertips along the delicate concavity that runs down the middle of her back, from the nape of her neck...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Richelle Ryan Second Appearance

Richelle and her husband have been upping the ante in their sex life lately and have turned to some riskier tactics to hit the spot. When two men come in to have their contracts reviewed, Richelle calls her husband in to make sure things are “agreeable” with the gentlemen. Instead of discussing their contract, she checks to make sure hubby is locked up in his chastity and ready to go. He loves watching his wife take big, black cock, even if it means risking the business and being disbarred for...

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Entries and Exits

April 18, 1996I met Thom at a club in the city. One of those real fancy places with all kinds of silly martinis and such. What did I care about that? I was a gin and tonic man. Always had been. Always will be. Thom was wearing a beautiful grey suit but had on a maroon turtleneck sweater. His physique was great, but you couldn't see it through that silly thing. In any event, I wanted to get him out of it as soon as possible. It took a few more drinks than usual, but he loosened up. Something was...

3 years ago
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The First Noel

Angela sat on her empty bed and did her ritual of missing her husband, who had died a year ago, before bed as she did almost every night since. Everybody said it would be better in time, that time would heal, she'd soon find the will to move on, but it seemed that the only thing time did was make it worse. She found herself missing her husband more every passing week. Dating again was only a thought she flirted with. And for a woman of forty, with signs of how she'd look when she was sixty...

3 years ago
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Helpful House Husband

“Honey, I’ve arranged for a dinner guest tomorrow night. Your calendar said you’d be here.” That was how Henry greeted Wendy as he delivered her favorite drink when she slipped off her shoes and she settled into her favorite chair. “Who is it?” she inquired after her first sip of the Manhattan. “It’s Jeff that you were dating when we first got together. He’s back in town for a couple of days and wanted to catch up with you. I remember how much you liked him.” “That is very sweet of you. I...

4 years ago
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Her Favorite Spanking

Olivia was not surprised when the phone rang at 4:30. Scott often called before he left work. Usually, to ask if she needed something he could pick up on the way home. She checked the caller ID before she answered."Hi, baby," she said sweetly. "How was your day?""Just fine, honey. I'm glad it's Friday. It’s been a long week. Is there anything I need to bring home?""Just yourself. You're all I need tonight." Scott and Olivia had been married for only six months and their love life was...

1 year ago
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Suzie and Cindy are taken to their first gay club

As Cindy walked into the room with the outfit I picked for her, she had a distinct glow of a satisfied girl. Harry and Jack added pink nail polish, matching garter belt, thigh high fishnet stockings, jewelry, high heels and they cut bangs into her hair. She really was pretty. The three of them stood there while I was still riding Joe’s cock, he was in no hurry. I must be becoming a good whore and it was exciting to have them all watch me riding that huge cock. Joe was still fucking me when he...

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Nurse Maid by loyalsock

"Where are we headed," Angie asked, as Petra slipped her car into and pulled smoothly into traffic? "It's a surprise," Petra said with a gleam in her eye, "you'll find out when we get there!!! "We're no going to the stables again today," Angie rejoined, "it's too damn cold out side for riding a horse!!!" "Keep you tits in your bra , girl," Petra replied, "we aren't going horse back riding, but if I remember right, the last time we went, you had about a hundred orgasms!!!" "Oh, phooey on you,"...

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Webmeets Diary Chapter 8

Note to the reader: Each entry in the diary can be read alone or as part of a series, but since I have a wide sexual appetite you may not find everything I've done to be such a turn on, so you may want to skip those chapters. This chapter, chapters 1 to 4 and 6 feature homosexual scenes, while chapters 5 and 7 feature heterosexual scenes. * When I arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai on Thursday evening, I decided fairly quickly that I couldn't afford to stay there long as it was so much more...

4 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC

I' m a 29 year old woman who married right after college. My husband and I both landed good jobs earning well over 100K a year. We decided not to have c***dren right away to build our careers.I am an attractive woman Brunette, 5'7" tall, with a 36C-26-36 athletic build.Six and a half years into the marriage my husband and I decided it was time to start a family. We had substantial savings to cover my maternity leave. I went off the pill but try as we may it was not happening.A week before our...

2 years ago
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Dominated for Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her new husband Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their ninth story. Other stories featuring them include...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Chloe My Boyfriends Not Going To Find Out Sorry Babe LOL

I’m not sure if it’s the conjunction or close approach of the Moon & Saturn that just happened a few days ago. Or maybe it’s the fact that this Tuesday Nov 8th is a total lunar eclipse but something’s causing the wave or rush of hot as fuck 18-year-old strippers to find their way onto the ExCoGi bed and whom do we thank? Well whatever celestial or heavenly body is to be thanked we’re giving this week’s exploit Chloe 5 erect penis’s out of 5 on the good old Swang-O meter for sure. Now...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Madison Morgan 02282023

Madison is having girlfriend problems. Her older lesbian lover is once again running off on her so Madison has taken off to the wine country to get her head on straight and reevaluate her life. It’s at a small bistro somewhere in Napa she starts telling her problems to an empathetic waiter who listens and takes it all in. He offers her the best advice anybody has given her lately. What this chick needs is a good dicking. Not only that he lets her know he is just the man to do it as he...

2 years ago
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Naked in School the Cumming of a LegendChapter 8

Monday Monday morning I drove over to pick up Tiffany before going on to school. By the time we arrived Derek had already come and gone, pissing off half the school in the process, including every one of his former teammates. I'm told it was really quite the spectacle. It was not exactly a surprise that Tiffany and I were called into the principal's office that morning. "Alright the two of you, out with it, how in the hell did you manage to get Derek Brown to drop out of school?"...

3 years ago
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He ate my sweet honeypot

I’ve prepared my black boyfriend his favourite meal. I show him the meal and tell him to sit down so I can serve him. I set the food before him and tell him there is something else want to give him. While he is eating his delicious food, I tell him I want to kneel under the table and suck his cock. He agrees and we begin. I kneel in front of him under the table and unzip his trousers. I reach in and pull out his placid cock and his balls. I take his burning cock in my hands. I tenderly...

2 years ago
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A New Life

It all started when I won the lottery. You decided that the first thing you would do was build the house of your dreams. 3 car garage, 5 bedrooms, 6 1/2 baths, full basement, the works. You've always had a thing for watching women dominate other women, so you had a secure room built in your basement for private shows. There were 2 entrances to the basement, one through the house, the other from outside. The inside entrance was for you only; the other one was for everyone else. The "fun room"...

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The Wizard

A beautiful October evening. Fall is in the air. My bestie, Erica, and I go to the Fall Festival every year and have since we were kids. We go primarily to eat everything that is deep-fried fried and sweetened. Which is practically everything.We enjoy looking at the fall leaves and pumpkins plus the smell of fair food amid the cool, crisp weather. Sometimes we go on the hayrides or some other activity offered. Each year seems a little different and this year was no exception. After marveling at...

3 years ago
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The Change Up Part 3

Sammy looks at us and says, ‘You know that Elsie gets pissed when you tie up the ladies room like that. Then Trish came back and saw that you were all gone and wanted to know why you didn’t invite her along?’ Emily says, ‘You know Trish is working, and it’s too early for Elsie to be at the club.’ The band started to play swing music. I remember the song, Jumping Jack. I danced to it in college and had the lead role for some of the swing songs. I look at Emily and ask her to dance. ‘Honey I...

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EvilAngel Lola Shine Double Anal Troublemakers

Stylish, curly-haired Lola Shine joins studs Charlie Dean and Christian Clay for a filthy anal threesome. The flashy Euro-babe teases and masturbates to start, soon greeting her guys with gagging blowjobs. Both guys drill her wet holes; Christian reams her asshole as she sucks Charlie’s huge dong. Lola enjoys tasty, ass-to-mouth fellatio too. Wild, double-anal penetration — two cocks stuffing her flexible bunghole at once — brings rectal gaping! The crude devil’s...

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Psycho therapy

"Just lie down on the couch and relax, Marcia," Dr. Fagen said easily, "this is just our first session to gether so we'll use it basicly to get to know one and other and create a trust between us, how does that sound to you!?!" "Uh, pretty good, doctor," she replied while getting comfortable on the cool leather sofa that dominated the expanisive office of Dr. Harold Fagen, the resident psychotherapist at County General Hospital who specializes in sexual dysfunction!!! "Dr. Katzman sent over...

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A Little Night MusicChapter 9

“A tumbling through space and through time, the concepts of space and time are combined. Twirling, twisting, through red, blue, and green, the stars, the planets, the nebulae seen. Infinite outward and infinite in. So where did Infinity all begin? In the very same place where Infinity ends: In the conscious minds and dreams of Shamen.” -The Shamen, “Space Time“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione was checking out Susan’s ass in her form-fitting tactical shorts. It wasn’t really Susan’s ass, and...

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First Sex With Anu

Two years back I completed my graduation and joined in a reputed company as s/w engineer in Hyd. The starting days in company are excellent, slowly the days are getting bore because of routine life. It is Monday I am in cafeteria and drinking tea, here I saw a lady with beautiful smile and by seeing her. I felt why can’t she is in my team they are very lucky people having an angel in their team. I left the cafeteria and as deeply involved in my work suddenly I heard a sweet voice calling me by...

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Websites such as Mature Zilla have never left a strong impression on me for a very simple reason: They are way, way too basic! Now, I know that I've praised "basic" websites many times in my reviews, but these things get a little bit boring after a while, which is totally understandable from my perspective. You would get bored looking at a white wall after a while, won't you? You know, just a plain white wall with nothing on it, you don't even get to see bugs crawling on it. Now, imagine...

Porn Aggregators
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Tales From The Academy

Tales from the Academy by Robin Cardinal The Caribbean is home to several small, remote, privately owned islands which appear to the uninitiated to be uninhabited and desolate. One such island is owned by a private corporation whose shares are controlled by a discrete group of aristocratic women who believe in absolute female supremacy and have inherited or acquired enough wealth to put their beliefs into practice. Through clever landscaping, this island conceals a number of...

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When Hubby is Out of Town

My name is Sharon and this story is largely based on what happened in my life when I was 30 years old. At the time, I had been married for about 8 years to Robert, who was 33 at the time. In general, life was good. In fact, our sex life was excellent. My husband was certainly more adventurous than I, but we both had our favorite fantasies. Here’s what he would often tell me while we were making love, “Sharon imagine that you are dressed provocatively and walk into one of the classy nearby...

Wife Lovers
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Sex with neighbour sweta

Hi, i am jitu, aged 26 years and i stay in thane(mumbai). I am a regular reader of I am here to write the best experience of my life that took place with a beautiful lady name sweta. Her age was around 35yrs. Even at this age, she had a good shape and lovely back. To go about with the story, i stay in a bungalow which is in a calm village. There was a construction going on for a multistory building opposite my house and i could easily see the work going on from the...

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Finding Her Master Pt10

Finding Her Master Chapter 14 By: Ropetease ©2012 all rights reserved The day started with Joe at his desk going over the repair orders that were stacked in front of him from yesterday’s work. Glancing up to the calender, Joe saw that it had been a year since Robin came into his life and changed it forever. Joe remembered the day when her car was towed in and how her hand felt in his hand. In the span of a year, Joe’s business increased from the members of the club all bringing in their...

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Dance with the Deacon

My job on that cattle drive had been simple. I was the hired gun. Oh it wasn’t as obvious as the times I had been hired on to kill specific people. Nonetheless it was my position. The scout was an Indian and damned good at his job. My job was to ride along with him and make sure nobody killed him. I was also expected to hunt down rustlers. It would be nice if i returned the cattle in addition to the bodies of the rustlers. I am not sure how many other drives had a man like me on the payroll but...

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Choco Fun Part 1

After a tough day at the office, I pulled up to my girlfriend's house, looking for nice dinner, a blowjob then some good night's sleep. I knocked on the door, as I undid my tie. "Welcome hon.." Megan greeted me with her usual soft, feminine voice and gave me a hug. She looked different. A dark green gown flowed from the shoulders of her petite body up to her knees. A large slit on her chest reveled her tan cleavage, closing just near her nipples. God, she looked sexy! I wanted rip her clothes...

Oral Sex
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The best bitch ever

jen was relaxing in the hottub wearing her favorite red lacey bikini when all of a sudden jake, her neighbor and long time interest jumped in beside her. jen was surprised to say the least, especially since she had never spoken to jake except for the occasional awkward "hi" when passing on the street. she had taken an extreme notice in him since she first laid eyes on his tall, muscled body. she loved the way his eyes and his hair had the same deep brown color, and how, try as he may, he could...

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Shadowsblade Pixie partner

Saturday, March 10 7:05 am Doyle medical center--intensive care center My eyes scrape open in pain, to see a blurry sight before me and when they clear up a little better. I notice a small form sitting on my rising and falling chest, "Hey little one? What happened?" I croak out very tired and in deep pain from my wounds. Violet's small face shoots up, to gaze at me and she starts to cry to me, "You got hurt again and it's my fault!" "No," I groan again, to her small tear covered...

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Simple Pleasure After Work

She smiled back and nodded, "Well shall we?" He nodded and apparated them back to their room. "Saves more time," he said with a smile then kissed her passionately, dipping his tongue into her open mouth to duel with hers. She made a noise of assent while pushing him gently towards their bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and walked backwards and fell as his knees caught on the edge of the bed, bring her down on top of him. She got up and said, "You stay there." She pulled back to the...

Straight Sex
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Neat N Naked 01 Athena

This is one of 26 stories in this series. Each is a standalone story with unique characters and actions. They can be read in any order since they do not have any plot points in common. Warning: This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, CMNF, fellatio, rim jobs, cunnilingus, and vaginal sex If you don't like these activities then please find another story more to your liking. 8========D "Neat ‘n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"...

3 years ago
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The Find Book 3Chapter 37

“Sir, I don’t really care for this man, but he has done nothing but follow orders of an Admiral on your staff! He would have no reason to question dropping Seals on an Island! I’m not sure he even knew what this mission was. Your Admiral Wyatt is dirty! He is feeding information to companies via a Mid-west Senator! Now I have already took one of your boats this week due to the same problem! I’m running out of space to put docks! “Your CIA and NSA is turning your Homeland into a joke! Also...

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The storm had been the most terrifying experience in your life, and you had been convinced it would be the last. Your boat had been capsized in the complete darkness of the early morning hours. You wake up completely disoriented. The last thing you remember is being thrown around in the waves, the storm roaring around you. It takes a few moments for you to register your surroundings. You are lying face down. Your entire body aches and feels as heavy as lead. Your back is burning, but your legs...

2 years ago
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Hollys Decision

I first met the university professor at the library on campus. Her name was Rachel and she was introduced to me by my roommate, Cindy. What struck me right away about Rachel was her beauty and how young she looked. Cindy had met Rachel at a one day seminar two months ago and it was obvious my roommate had a case o hero-worship. "Cindy has told me a great deal about you and it is so nice to finally meet you," Rachel greeted me with a smile, and it was about this time where things turned...

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Wife and BBC Gangbang

Let me start by saying it’s was almost 4 years since we last played , it’s been so hard with the k**s being the age they are and always around . My wife and I decided we need a few days to ourselves so we decided to go to Atlantic City for the weekend , I purchased some party favors but we had no intentions of inviting anyone to join us , I should have known better cause once my wife starts skiing she becomes a sex freak and needs as much cock as possible . So Friday night we did very litttle...

4 years ago
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Wife Sells ShoesAnd More

Recently my wife starting selling clothes online - pants, tops etc. Even some of the kids clothes they grew out of. I told her maybe she should get rid of some of her old shoes and boots too, make room for some new ones. She really had no interest so I told her I would sell them for her. She thought I was just being perverted so she shot me down. After a few weeks of her listing stuff and not really selling, I offered my help again. This time she seemed interested but I told her there would be...

1 year ago
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Redwood Storm

Redwood Storm Irishmik60 It was back in the 70’s. Back when most reading this story weren’t even around. Not a glimpse in their parents imagination. I was living in California. A little town between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Just north of where Highway 1 and Pacific Coast Highway split. A little coastal community of fishermen, and artists, and of course the 2nd industry there, tourists. I lived on a small religious commune. That’s right, I was a single guy living on a commune full of Holy...

2 years ago
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Monaco Univ

My oligarch had gotten me into Monaco University. I was one of several girls who were just there for the fun of saying that we were college grads. I never wore underwear. It was so much warmer that Krasnoyarsk. I was an earlier riser and it gave me something to do early in the morning. Most of the students all but one of the professors only had a little money. Fucking them would not get me further up the international power structure, at the same time, but I was always horny. My oligarch came...

2 years ago
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Bill and Haley and DeenaChapter 36

Haley’s turn: Almost two hours of the blur of that eight-foot propeller in front of me. There’s the airfield. Radio’s on the Unicom frequency. I punched the button, made the call to announce myself at the destination. Now the guy who’s going to give me the test has probably given hundreds of them, but I bet he’s never done one in a Stearman. Compared to our little Cessna 152, this thing is HUGE, but Haley’s got it under control. Landing’s easy, even if it isn’t our grass strip. Besides,...

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The Report from Silver Lake

THE REPORT FROM SILVER LAKE A Classified Document by Jezebel Jade *Shoot Yourself After Reading* From the Brand Group at Silver Lake, California: A Report on the Nation of Janus and its Political and Economic Impact, with recommendations for proactive solutions. On July 23rd, 2043, Attis Projects, a group advertising itself as a resort developer, announced that it had acquired the title to a group of five atolls in the South Pacific, which it intended to isolate and fill in,...

1 year ago
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Dost Ka Gaon Chudaiadda Part 1

Yah yek fanatacy kahani hai .Kisi ke bhi life se judi ho to vo yek istifak hai.Uske bhavanaonko thech pohachaneka koi udesh nahi hai . Mai mumbai ka rahane vala yek ladaka hu.Ye bat tab ki hai jab maine 2016 me apna graduation khatam karake job ko dhundane me lag gaya .Mumbai me to job thaq nhi to maine mere bhai ke yek up vale dost se bat ki .Oo bola mere gaon me hindi teacher ki jarurat hai.Tum chaho to vahi try karo.Maqine socha chalo ghar pe baithne se acha kam bhi milega aur jagah bhi...

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Tinder Chat To Ravaging A Plump Allahabad Lady8217s Married Pussy

Apologies for the long story, but when you express real feelings, it takes more words automatically. Do read on till the end, I hope you all like it. Hi everyone, my name is Aryaman. I am 30 years old, from Delhi but staying in Bangalore. I am decent looking and best in bed. This is a real incident that happened in my life 4 years ago. I was 26 at that time and had recently broken up with my girlfriend. I was looking to meet up with new people and hence was constantly on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge,...

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I heard the shots coming from the principal’s office. I hurried down the hallway and ordered all the teachers and students to get into a classroom and lock the door. Before I got to mine I saw that the special education teacher was having trouble getting her students into her room. I had to chase one down and drag him back. The shooter saw me before I got to my classroom door and fired at me. I didn’t have time to close the door before he got there so I grabbed my fire extinguisher and sprayed...

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Summer School Part 4

They met early the next morning. Despite the visibility to their neighbor’s homes, they shared a quick kiss. Both of them were filled with excitement over what they were about to do together. They were also each a bit worried. They were nervous that one or the other might want to back out. When they got to the library, it was empty except for a couple of older people reading magazines and newspapers at the front. They slowly walked up and down the aisles pretending to look at books until...

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