Lydia and Andrew Chapter One
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Pam walked to the library to continue reading the book on dreams. I gave her cash to pay for lunch and for whatever else she needed then dressed and drove down the mountain to meet with Ron, my general manager. I made a mental note to call my bank and have Pam added to my credit card account.
Walking into our company office, I saw Cheryl, my assistant. After greetings, she expressed surprise. "Tom, you look great. Has something good happened?"
"Why do you ask?" I couldn't help but smile.
"You look different ... happier than normal."
"You mean for normal when I return from the cabin?" I grinned.
"Yeah, I suppose."
"You're right. I had a great week and was able to begin focusing on the future for the first time in a long time."
"I'm thrilled. It's been a really rough time for you."
"And I'm sure I made it rough on you, Ron and a lot of our team. I apologize for that. Cheryl, you're the best staff assistant it's possible to have and I just haven't treated you that way in a long time. Can you forgive me?"
Tears came to her eyes and she reached her hand to me.
"Of course. We all love you Tom and we know your world almost ended when Lydia died. You're a wonderful man but you just haven't been yourself. We understand that."
"Are you available for lunch tomorrow? I'd like to take you and Ron out."
"Sure, I was going to meet my daughter but we can do that some other time."
"Good. Can you call Mandi and see if we can get a table at the Rudder for around noon?"
I walked to Ron's office and waited while he yelled at one of our suppliers. Evidently, this guy had delivered some substandard steaks that our chef refused to serve. He promised to give us credit and deliver a new shipment immediately. I wished all such calls ended that well.
"Hey boss! How's it going?"
"Ron, it's good to be back. What were the numbers for last week?"
"They were good. The Bistro is up 5% over the same week last year; the Place is up nearly 9% and the Rudder is up 3%. We launched the new radio ad spot on Monday and saw a pickup in reservations this past weekend. I got your message about adding rabbit to our menu at Bistro and Tim loved the idea. He's searching for a supplier now and is planning to work up some dishes for you to try. Did you see that in a restaurant at the lake?"
"No, I went up to Greenville for a couple of days and had it for dinner in a restaurant there. It was delicious. I don't know of anyone around here serving it, do you?"
"No, I don't. You know your dad had an idea one time to serve various game dishes in the fall and winter. It didn't go over so well but times have changed. I think people are more adventurous now. Tim said that he would also like to try elk and venison dishes."
"You know, that gives me an idea. Why don't we have a contest between the cooking staffs to come up with the best dish from non-traditional meat or fish?"
"That sounds like fun. What rules do you want?"
"Let all the chefs know that they can order sample sizes of any meat or fish they want and have three-person teams compete to see what they can do. It must be an original dish and contain at least two sides. Each team can do two separate entries. The winning team members will be given two extra days of paid vacation and all the bragging rights they want."
"That's a great idea; also very generous. So your idea would be to put some of these dishes on the menu?"
"Why not. Let's shake things up a bit and have some fun."
"Who would be the judge?"
"My dad plus one other person to be named later."
"Uh, okay. That works for me. Can we announce it during the staff call tomorrow morning?"
"That'd be fine."
"Tom, something's happened with you. I haven't seen you this happy in five years. What gives?"
"I'm finally looking forward and not back. This has been a watershed week for me, Ron, and I've finally been able to come to terms with Lydia's death. I can't give you all the details right now but I will soon."
"Does it involve a new woman?"
I grinned and said, "Maybe."
He paused and then grinned. "Okay, I'll wait until you're ready but I'm very happy for you. It's good to have the old you back."
"Thanks buddy. Now let's talk about my plan to meet with the employees." I handed him a printout of the schedule he had emailed me. "I've marked the individuals I'd like to meet with and a suggested time for each one. It's going to take me a couple of weeks to get to everyone but I think it's well worth me doing."
"What do you want me to tell them? This is going to scare them to death if we don't tell them the reason ahead of time."
"Let's tell them that I've been very impressed with their work and I want to personally thank them."
He smiled. "I think that'll work." Ron quickly looked over the schedule and agreed it was doable.
"You mentioned meeting several of our former employees and taking them to lunch. You want to do that, say, in about three weeks?"
"Yes, or whenever they can be scheduled. I know these folks are more problematic so if they say 'no' then we won't push it. But if that happens, I'd like their home addresses so I can send them a personal note."
"I like that. Let me get Cheryl working on it."
We talked about remodeling that was needed and a few minor things before I left for a quiet lunch at Wendy's. I was in the mood for their chili that was both good and low in calories.
As I drove to the airport, I thought about dinner that evening. I had recently heard about a new place, The Boathouse Rotisserie and Raw Bar. The reviews were very positive. All of us liked seafood so I decided to call there for a reservation.
The plane was on time and I caught up with Mom and Dad in baggage claim. We hugged, of course, and I kissed Mom.
She said, "Your father and I are thrilled that there's a young lady in your life again. How did you meet?"
"Pam and I want to tell that whole story tonight as it takes a while. But let me just give a brief outline. We met two weeks ago over at the cabin. Just wait until you meet her. She's everything I could wish for."
Dad asked, "Did you meet at Susan's Place or a store?"
"No, she was in the cabin when I arrived." I saw a confused look on their faces.
He asked, "Did you know she was there?"
"Only after I turned the lights on. She had found a key I left for Jeremy under a flower pot and had been staying there about a week."
Mom exclaimed, "Oh my! So she just made herself at home?"
"Well, there were a lot of good reasons for it and we'll talk about those tonight."
Dad responded, "This ought to be an interesting evening."
Mom asked, "Is she staying at your house?"
"Yes, for now anyway. She's kind of limited on money."
"You said she's having lunch with Donna?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, that's another part of the story we want to tell you."
Dad replied, "Sarah, we better take a nap. This is going to be a long evening."
We loaded the four large bags in the car and drove to their house on Lookout Mountain. They lived in a 90-year-old restored antebellum-style house that has won many decorator and garden awards over the years.
After carrying the luggage upstairs, we sat and visited a few minutes and talked about their two months in Europe. I told them about the Boathouse and our reservation at 7:00 pm. Dad had also heard about it but had not yet dined there.
I returned to the office to continue catching up from the vacation. I called the bank and asked them to add Pam to my credit card account. The bank officer asked me to stop by and sign a form at my first opportunity. While I was on the phone with him, I asked to speak to Jason.
In a few seconds, he came on, "This is Jason, how can I help you?"
"Hey buddy, this is Tom Sumter."
"Hey man! How you doing? It's been too long since we talked."
"I know. Business is improving and I've been really busy. Hey, I've a friend who's looking for a job. I think she would be wonderful working as a teller. Do you know of any openings?"
"I'm amazed at the timing of your call. Just this morning, one of my most experienced tellers told me her husband was being transferred to Atlanta next month. So I'm going to have an opening and there'll be time to train a new person before the turnover. What's you friend's name?"
"Pamela. Jason, this is going to sound unusual. She made me promise not to help her get a job. She wants to do it herself and not have anyone pulling strings to make it happen. I will tell her you have an opening and will send her down. But please evaluate her just like any other applicant and feel free not to hire her if you don't think she can do the job. Understand?"
"Tom, believe it or not, I understand what she's saying. I like that attitude and I promise I'll not show any favoritism."
"Great, that's very important to her."
"Good, I'll look for her."
I walked back to Ron's office and sat down. He had already bounced my contest idea off the chef at Bistro, and Tim was excited about the opportunity to kick Judy and Bill's butts. They were the chefs at the other two restaurants.
"Tim was satisfied with your dad as a judge but he's concerned about your person to be named later."
"Yeah, I want to have a mystery judge so no one can politic with them prior to the tasting."
"Actually, that's a good idea. These folks will do anything to win. And, of course, no one can sweet talk your dad."
We talked a few minutes about other menu changes I was mulling over before I returned to the office to answer emails and review the various on-line comments about our restaurants. Most of the comments were very positive.
Arriving home later that afternoon, I found Pam in the kitchen, looking through cookbooks.
"Hey sweetheart, how was the office?"
"Good. I had a nice meeting with Ron and things are rolling along."
"Did your mom and dad get in on time?"
"Yep, they were in baggage claim when I arrived. They're excited about meeting you. We're going to a new seafood restaurant at 7:00."
"Do we need to pick them up?"
"No, they're meeting us there. How was your lunch with Donna?"
She smiled, "We had a marvelous time. I really like her. We talked about everything. In fact, she's as easy to talk to as you are."
"She's always been that way. They have a ton of friends."
"I think she's going to be like a second mom to me. We went to the Bistro and the food was fantastic."
"How was the service?"
"Very good. We had a lady named Vivian and this nice young man name Eric but he seemed nervous. He actually dropped the basket of rolls when he first walked over."
"You have that effect on guys."
"You weren't nervous when we first met."
"You're right. I was scared to death with all that screaming."
"Awwww, poor baby. Have I made it up to you yet?"
"I think another 50 or 60 years might do it." She stood and tucked herself in my arms.
"That's a nice thought. Now help me. What should I wear tonight?"
"Pam, don't ask me. Just pick something."
"Seriously Tom, what should I wear? I want to look nice for your parents."
"Sweetheart, this is not a dressy restaurant. I'm going to wear khaki trousers and a long sleeve navy shirt. You're going to look great no matter what you wear."
"Well, you're sweet but I'm a little nervous about meeting your parents."
"Go get a few things and let's pick something together. I need a beer."
While I walked to the kitchen, she walked to her closet and brought several outfits for me to critique. After some debate, she decided on a medium gray wool pants suit with a burgundy blouse and black three-inch spike heels. She also decided to add a colorful silk scarf that was one of Lydia's favorites. Once dressed with glamour makeup, Pam looked amazing. She could have been a cover girl for any magazine.
We decided to drive Angel since the restaurant had valet parking. Valets always put cars like her near the front door so they can keep an eye on them; and it helps advertise the fact that well-to-do people eat there.
My parents walked in a few minutes after we arrived. "Oh there you are," I said.
Mom replied, "Hey Tom, and this young lady must be Pamela." Mom and Dad were all smiles.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sumter."
Dad replied as he approached, "Please call us Jim and Sarah." Pam hugged both and I remember thinking we would never get that smile off his face.
"And please call me Pam."
Dad surprised me when he replied, "I think I want to call you Pamela. You're just too elegant for a Pam."
Aaaaa that dirty old man was starting to emerge.
Pam's face lit up in a flash. "Tom, why don't you have the charm of your dad?" She hugged him once again, kissed him on the cheek and whispered something in his ear that I couldn't hear. Dad roared with laughter. It became their little secret. The only clue was from that moment on, she called him James and he called her Pamela.
Mom glanced at me and whispered, "I think he likes her."
We were seated immediately. Like in all restaurants, the other patrons stared at Pam as she graced the room.
While we studied the menus, a man walked to our table and introduced himself to Dad. "Mr. Sumter, my name is Ray Walker. I'm the owner and I'm honored to have you here tonight."
"Well, thank you Ray." Dad and I stood. "This is my wife Sarah, my son Tom and his friend Pamela."
The two ladies nodded and smiled while Dad and I shook his hand.
I said, "We've been hearing good things about this restaurant so we wanted to experience it in person."
Ray replied, "Thank you very much. I've been to your restaurants and they set the standard for all of us. Unfortunately, I've never had a chance to meet you before now."
Dad asked, "How did you know it was us?"
"One of our servers used to work for you and she told me. I quickly checked the reservations book to make sure."
"Oh, who's the server?" Dad asked.
"Morgan Thompson."
I replied, "Fantastic. She was a very hard worker for us. I hated to lose her." Dad didn't know her since he had retired by the time she was hired.
"She's very good ... I'll ask her to stop by. Well, thanks again for coming. Enjoy your meal."
After we placed our orders, Morgan slipped in behind me and tapped my shoulder. "Morgan! Great to see you again." I stood and we embraced as friends before I introduced her to everyone.
"Tom, it's good to see you. You look great."
"And so do you. How long have you been here?"
"Since it opened about three months ago."
"How's your little one doing?"
"Very good. He's in kindergarten now. I've remarried, by the way."
"That's wonderful, Morgan. Congratulations. I'm very happy for you."
She smiled as Mom and Pam congratulated her.
I continued, "My staff assistant is going to be contacting you soon. I want to take you to lunch and talk through a couple of things that I feel guilty about. I owe you some apologies and I really want to talk it through with you. Okay?"
"I'd love to have lunch with you, Tom, but it's not necessary. I know what you were going through was tough and none of us took it personally."
"But that doesn't excuse it. So would you have lunch with me, please?"
There was a pause but then she said, "Sure. I'll be glad to."
"Good. My assistant's name is Cheryl and she'll give you a call."
"Great, you folks enjoy dinner. It's very nice to meet y'all."
Pam looked at me and smiled. I turned to my parents and explained my plan to meet personally with many of our current and former employees to apologize for being out of sorts with them these past couple of years. Dad said he was proud of me for doing that.
As we dined on very nice scallops, shrimp and oysters, the subject turned to Pam and me and our relationship.
Mom smiled before asking, "Can you tell me how you two met?"
Pam started, "Tom broke in on me late one night and I liked him so much I decided to keep him."
Everyone chuckled.
"Pam, maybe I need to tell my version of the story. I arrived very late at the cabin one night a couple of weeks ago. I knew someone was there for several reasons. When I opened the bedroom door, she screamed like a banshee and scared me to death."
I went on, with Pam's help, telling the whole story complete with the assault, our dreams and the revealing of Lydia's dreams with Donna and Susan. Mom and Dad sat quietly with tears in their eyes and appeared to be totally dumbfounded by what we said. A lot of questions were asked and answered.
Dad, as the problem solver he always was, asked, "Pamela, since you had to leave Charlotte so quickly, is there anything we can do to help tie up any loose ends you have there? I know the owner of the restaurant where you worked. Were you able to leave on good terms with him?"
"Yes, I made sure of that James. I told him about the assault and why I had to leave so quickly. He actually paid me that morning for everything I was owed and gave me a $100 bonus. In return, I promised him that I would come back to work there if an opportunity came."
Dad was very pleased and told her so.
I looked at him and said, "Pam has that book she damaged. The policeman who assaulted her has recently been charged with dealing drugs stolen from the evidence locker. We think that book is important to the prosecutor. What should we do?"
"I would give it to the prosecutor and the sooner the better. If this guy is out on bail, he's going to be looking for Pamela to get that book before she can do anything with it."
"That's what I thought," I replied. "Could we give it to Brett and have him send it to the prosecutor in Charlotte? That would let the guy in Charlotte know that other people in authority know about it."
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CHANGING SIDES by enduringshades "Hello, IT Support." "This is Miss Holden's Personal Assistant. Her computer is not working, can you send somebody up now please?" "Yes, of course. I'll be with you right away." I had only just joined Holdens, a family-run department store in a county town in one the country's more affluent areas. The store had survived financial crises, lockdowns and the onslaught of online shopping because the family owned the business and the building. They...
This week we really get back to our roots, we’ve got a very very very bubbly 20 year old named Lola ready to audition for us. Now from the moment you see her, you’re going to notice those goddamn masterpieces on her chest as well as the revealing fashion choice she made. This girl knows what she’s doing. She knows when she’s at the mall we’re all oogling those big beautiful fun bags. However, little miss Lola is so much more than those gigantic mommy milkers. She’s also got a really awesome...
xmoviesforyouThe Miracle 14 year old Deepu lay in his bed wide awake, scared and sad. His dad was drunk and shouting in the hall while his mom was in her bedroom crying. He wondered how everything went so wrong so quickly. A few weeks ago his mother had given birth to his baby brother. A child that his parents were hoping and trying for, for years. It was like a festival at his home. Unfortunately the baby developed some complications and died. It sent the family in to a deep tailspin. His father was drunk...
IncestTo say that I felt confused by what I'd seen and heard would be an understatement. A big one. I felt like Alice falling into the rabbit hole and if I'd believed in a world beneath our own, if I'd been looking for a doorway into something beyond the realms of reason, I'd found it. Julia had been appointed my keeper, although she was soon joined by Sylvia, Christine, and Wendy. Valentine too remained close by as I sat there on the sofa, trying to understand what my new friends were trying...
Like most anywhere else except way back East, you really can't tell when you go from one state to another, and the Indian Nations were the same way. Somewhere in there, I did cross from the Shawnee Nation to the Cherokee Nation, but it wasn't real obvious when it happened. The Cherokees were the only one of the Nations with a written form of their language, so all the others used English when they had to write something down. The fact that I could not make out hide nor hair of the signs I...
Fiction! After me and my daddy finished I went and took a shower and then fell asleep.I woke up the next day horny as fuck. I went to go look for my daddy."Daddy?" I called out. "Daddy?"There was no answer. I looked outside and saw that his car was gone. "Guess he went to work already." I sighed. I went to get a glass of water and saw my neighbor in his backyard. I smiled remembering yesterday when he was watching me. I went out to the backyard. "Hey Mr. Stevens." I said over the fence.He...
IncestAuthor’s note: This story was inspired by a lady LUSH author. She knows who she is. The facts contained herein are true. However, the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I met Nancy through Lush Stories. We started the relationship as most such involvements begin. I made a private comment on one of her stories and we began corresponding on Lush and eventually moved over to e-mail. We exchanged pictures that neither of us wanted to be public on Lush and our messages became more and...
For Addie, it all began simply enough–a comment overheard when her grandson Jimmy and his friend Joey were staying over at her house three years earlier. They had come to San Francisco to see a rock concert, but stayed at her house the night before; going upstairs to check on them, Addie blushed when she overheard their conversation. “Jimmy, I’m sorry, but your grandma is hot!” “What do you mean?” “What do you mean, ‘what do I mean?’ Have...
In the privacy of my own room I puzzled over all the mixed up feelings that I had inside, concerning the many different girls that I had been with lately. Though mainly I now thought of one in particular, as her beautiful face continued to weave deep into my fantasies, and whenever I slept my dreams as well. I wasn't entirely sure how my sister felt, or if she even thought of me at all, but after getting off of school one day I went to her room just to talk, where I knew we could be alone...
Hello everyone, This is a true sex story of incest between me and my maternal aunt. I was studying engineering at that time and went to my maternal house during vacations about myself- I am 5’11. cock size of around 6 inches. I am currently residing in Chennai and visit Bangalore also often. Any feedback would be appreciated or any discrete relationship with a woman would be appreciated at . This was in the winters of 2014 when I reached my maternal place. I am very pampered there and the...
IncestThis tale was written by a friend at Literotica, enjoy !Slippery Susieby RedHairedandFriendly©The sound of the shower running told Mike that his wife was up andreadying herself for work. He glanced at the clock, noting the time wasfast approaching eight p.m. and Susie would be in a hurry to get herselfready as well as grab a bite to eat. He got up from the couch and made aquick trip to the kitchen where he fixed her a bowl of chili and a coldglass of tea. By the time he was setting her supper...
Chad woke up before the sun rose and quietly slipped out of bed. Reina was still sleeping, likely exhausted from the sex marathon they had enjoyed the day before. He smiled when he thought of how fucking fantastic the whole day had been. He’d always had a high sex drive for as long as he could remember. He’d never met a woman who could satisfy him for more than a few months, until Reina. He had met his match in her.She’d made it very clear yesterday that she intended to be his official Office...
Office SexTracy lazily slid her foot down the Great Dane's flank and under him, rubbing her instep up and down the length of his huge prick. Her dark eyes widened with delight when she felt how hard and hot his cock was. She had been thinking that she had ought to jerk the doggy off to relieve his frustration, but now she realized that playing with such a big, shapely prick would be fun, as well. Major squirmed and wriggled, humping his cock out against the girl's foot. His big head dipped down for...
It was the first time. No, not the first time. She wants to be accurate. It was the first time after they knew they were going to have an affair instead of just an encounter. Long afterward, it remains in place for her, not as narrative, not as full sentences. No, it remains as images and fragments of scenes and isolated words. Was it worth it? It cost her so much. At least there are memories. She still has them. Such as? Such as how she told her husband she was ill and would stay home. Not...
Goeffrey sat at his desk finishing the notes on his last patient when there was a soft knock at the door to his office. It was his nurse Nancy who opened and stuck her head into the office. 'Sorry Doctor, there's one more patient in the lobby, she's got a wound that needs treatment." Geoffrey took a deep breath, and nodded, 'Be there in a minute he said." Nancy nodded and shut the door. He glanced at the clock he would be late for his dinner with his mother, he knew she would be...
Here we are again with a 'true' story this time well maybe some 'fiction' ?Many years ago there was a vey pretty young lady next door who had no ' mum' as such and a 'dad' who was always working or severely drunk.At 16 she was blossing very much so reasonably tall with lovely budding breasts not small but growing and suckable nipples doing their best to make a mark on the world.She used to come in and play cards or learn to play darts> I say to learn to play darts she would get me to stand...
Afton groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the insistent buzzing of her snooze alarm. She glanced at the clock one more time, just to make sure that it really was seven o’clock, but the red glowing digits on the night stand indicated that now it was seven-o-two and counting! She stretched out, trying to get the circulation moving through her body, and felt her white cotton bikini panties pressing hard against her bulging vulva. The mere pressure from the thin material was enough to flood...
Scarlett Sage and Violet Myers are two friends ready to swear off men, though they have no idea how to be lesbians! That’s when they contact Abigail Mac, a renowned lesbian pickup artist, for help. When they meet Abigail, they are intimidated by how intense she is. Abigail doesn’t waste time whipping them into shape so that they can get and eat pussy like pros. Abigail gets them to practice their moves and pick-up lines on each other, although Scarlett and Violet are shy at first....
xmoviesforyouPreface: This document was originally written in February 2002. I decided that I didn?t like the way the story developed, but I liked the premise. So, I decided to rework it a bit. Hope you find this version to be enjoyable. Due to the limitations of plain text, this Fictionmania version will use the accent mark, ', to signify character thoughts. An Unexpected Love By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas The pitcher threw another floater that was happily met with the all too distinctive...
February 1992: Boston The job interview was Saturday as the interviewer was going to be out of town. After a leisurely breakfast at the Four Seasons, Robert left me dressed in his best suit and I went off to do some shopping. Walking down the streets, I was so happy. After we had got to the hotel the night before, we fucked with wild abandon. Robert made me tell him every detail of my encounter in the bathroom of the train. When I did, that drove him crazy and he fucked me until we were...
I’ve just had another great weekend away in the caravan and I ended up fucking another club member when I was there. I arrived at the rugby field at Ambleside in the Lake District just as the rally had opened. While booking in with the steward’s running the weekend, I noticed her friend sitting next to her lean forward and I could not help but get an eyeful down this woman’s strappy top, no bra and suntanned tits all the way down to her nipples. There was just something about her that held my...
Adam pulled his Mustang into the drive at the stone house. He saw a car with a county seal on the door and a man carrying a clipboard walking toward it. Adam headed toward him. “Good morning.” “Good morning,” the man replied. “Are you the owner?” “Yes. Adam Gowan.” “I’m the building inspector. I was just about to leave...” “I’m sorry I’m a little late. Your office was a bit vague as when to expect you. I’ll open it up for you.” Adam unlocked the front door and led the inspector to the...
With the mysteries of the wedding explained but not understood, we all resumed as normal an existence as we could. Hardly a day went by that there was not some form of the unexpected popping up to keep us all on our toes. I was in my den deeply involved in sorting and editing the pictures on my computer, trying to organize the thousands of images into some semblance of order. As I was reviewing the organization of my files I came across a folder I did not remember putting on my computer. It...
WILE E. COYOTE: THE WAY IT SHOULD BE By C. In the western mesa-lands of Mythica, there lives a clever, shrewd, indeedwily Coyote. He has lived long and fairly well by using his wits--plus productsgenerously donated by the Acme Company, for which he is principal spokesbeast. He'll eat almost anything, but his favorite food is female roadrunner. InMythica, this is not the scrawny, ill-tempered bird that you and I know inthe land of Dismal-Realia. Here, she is a beautiful, cinnamon-skinned...
I woke up to that familar tingling feeling, I squeezed my legs together I was already wet. I know you left already I heard the door earlier. You must have been touching me. My lips tasted of dry precum. I wondered if you relieved yourself to me sleeping or if you were doing this on purpose. Yesterday you forbidden me to touch myself. Only your hands were allowed there, only your tongue, only your cock. I got up and started cleaning but I couldn't get the thought of you naked touching my breasts...
Autumn island pt 2 Well, if you’ve read part 1, ( you will know that I`ve bought an island, I`m no millionaire, perhaps fairly well-heeled, but I do love an amount of solitude… I Have a partner visiting at the time that I am writing, a lady that I dearly wanted as a life partner or even wife. Sadly, she, Autumn, although lovely has a mental problem in that she feels at times that she needs to atone for sins, real or imagined, from her...
She was in a grassy field with no recollection of how she got there. The sky was going dark. She was, for some reason, dressed in nothing but a thin white gown that was almost transparent. An enormous willow tree drooped over her head. Nothing was familiar. Yes, it seems like a dream, she thought, but she still wasn't sure. Everything felt solid and tangible. She could hear her heartbeat. The air was so crisp that it stung her throat when she inhaled; had she ever noticed her breathing...
What a difference a week can make. It was around this time last week that my life plummed to its lowest depth in thirty years on earth. Wiped out at the card table the previous Friday and a grand in debt, yesterday the losses had been retrieved with interest - and then some. Not only that, I'd managed to get one over on longtime arch nemesis, Ronnie Carver. Whilst the win was undoubtedly a godsend, it was made so much sweeter by the fact that Ronnie was Debbie's former husband. He'd been...
How is it that seemingly unlikely people end up in unanticipated sexual intimacy? I mean, what are the forces, the precipitating factors that contribute to this improbable union? For instance, how does it happen that an older woman and a younger man - the friend of her son perhaps - end up entangled? Or in-laws? Or, in my case, with a nun? I suppose that some of the necessary predilection would at least include the right temperament. But that's one of those true-but-trivial positions....