DóchasChapter 32 free porn video

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Down the corridor from Leann's and Zoe's groups were Briana, her friends and Jean's group. They had met that afternoon and knew that all of them had had similar experiences. None of them were interested in talking about those, so they took turns telling of growing up, the places they'd been and college. After a while it shifted to their rescuers when Adele said, "Jean, what can you tell us about those who rescued us?"

"How long do you have?" replied Jean with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we've been with them for about 5 months now. It has been the best five months that I can remember. They are currently seeking people to help them bring this ship back to full operational capability. I don't know if Briana has told you what caused them to rescue you all?"

"No, I haven't had a chance, and I am not sure I know all of it."

"Adele, I am not trying to duck your question, I am just not sure where to begin."

Briana said, "Maybe the presentation they made two nights ago."

"Good idea. Two nights ago these people gave a presentation that showed their history, how they came to be in this solar system, their social structure and an anatomy comparison. It contains a lot of information, which is why I hesitate in trying to tell you about them. I can ask Star if it is available."

"Sure. Who gave the presentations and why?"

"Star, can you show the presentations that were given the other night?"

"Yes," she replied startling everyone. "Just tell me when you want to start."

"Okay." Jean gave a quick sketch of the situation and then asked Star to start it.

When the presentations ended Adele said, "Wow. If I wasn't here, I would have a hard time believing it."

"Well it fits with everything we heard today from the medical staff," said Ellie. "They've offered us treatments that will restore our health. We wanted to accept right away but they suggested we wait and think it over very carefully. They showed how to enable and manage our telepathy. We were so busy, I didn't think to ask the questions they answered in the video. I know Adele had. This place is amazing."

"I agree but it is late and I am tired," added Cindy. "We need to get some rest so we will be fresh in the morning, especially if we are going to the resort." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Where are you staying Briana?" asked Adele.

"With you all, if it's okay."

"Absolutely. But we've all been sharing just one bed."

"And your point is?" replied Briana with a smile. "From my perspective nothing has changed, although lying with you will be a new and nice experience."

"We just..." said Cindy.

"I know," said Briana interrupting. "Jean, where are you all staying?"

"Next door. And Cindy is right, it is late. So we will see you in the morning. A chime will sound when it is time to get up. Also, did anyone go over emergency procedures with you?"

"Yes," responded Ellie. They then gave each other hugs before Jean's group left.

In bed Briana and her friends cuddled up next to each other. Briana was startled when Adele said, "Briana, we love you very much. I hope you sensed that."

"I thought I did, but I am just as new to this as you are."

"I think this connection made it much easier to chat with Jean and her friends. They are really nice people."

"That is my impression, but before tonight I had hardly spoken with them."

"Well even before seeing the presentations, we thought staying with these people was a good choice. With that in mind, seeing those presentations was reassuring. Besides we've felt very comfortable around them. Probably more so than any place else we have been."

"True. I love you all. This connection makes it much easier to see our feelings for each other."

"More than anything else, we owe you for being so persistent and not giving up on finding us."

"You don't owe me a thing. I'm very thankful that we are together again."

Then they all said, "Good night. Pleasant dreams."

"They will be, NOW!" said Adele.

When the morning chime sounded on the ship, several of Leann's group groaned. Muriel said with a sleepy voice, "Guess, I won't get to finish that dream."

Star said, "Good morning." Several groaned again. "Betsy or Connie will be there in half an hour. So you have time to shower."

"Showers?" said Maighread.


"Oh, now I remember. I could use one."

"Besides showers and gravity, we have a few other features of planet life here."

The group had just finished their showers and freshening up when another chime sounded. Star said, "That chime is the doorbell."

"Do you always listen?"

"Not usually. This morning I thought I could help."

"You are correct. Thank you. My question wasn't meant the way it sounded."

"Didn't think it was. Enjoy your day at the resort. It is very nice but not nearly as nice as the Enclave."

Kerry opened the door to find Connie with quite a few other people and said, "Good morning all. We are just about ready."

As he was speaking Zoe's group stepped out into the corridor.

Kerry said, "Has the other compartment responded?"


"I'll take care of that." He opened the door and said, "Okay sleepy heads. Bus leaves in 5. You miss it, you walk." He then closed the door.

"But, we are..." said Belinda.

"In space," added Kerry smiling, "so let's see if it registers. Might be a good test to see if they would make good crew members."

A few minutes later the door opened and the group said, "We aren't missing this bus." Then stuck their tongues out.

"Looks like someone slept well," said Leann.

"We did," responded everyone.

"This way," said Connie. "I'll let you all resolve introductions as we head for the hanger."

Connie pointed out different features of the ship on their way. She told them that when they came back for the planned visit they would get to see much more.

Leann's group was amazed by the sights. They stopped at the viewing platform long enough for everyone to get a peak then headed for the hanger.

At the hanger door, Connie said, "Notice the light over the door. When it is green it is safe to go out." She opened the door and pointed to the shuttle they would be using.

Once everyone was on board, Connie boarded and the door closed. The shuttle immediately began moving. Briana said, "AI, please make a loop around the ship so everyone can see it."


While those at the resort slept, Donna and Star finished relocating the lions, bots and drones as agreed to. While in some respects it weakened their security at some locations, it did give them better coverage at all candidate locations. Once they completed the reallocation, Star and Donna together rechecked the assignments to ensure nothing was missed.

Each drone and bot was given a set of revised parameters for monitoring their areas. These parameters gave them greater latitude to act on their own if they detected unusual activity. Donna and Star then set their monitoring systems to closely monitor the data coming from the drones and bots.

The next item was identifying additional bots for activation. With the bots identified they established the activation sequences along with instructions for the crew to carry them out. In reviewing the inventory, they discovered several containers of intrusion sensors. Although these were designed for use in space, Donna and Star both thought their purpose wasn't too different from their current need. After further examination they concluded that they could likely be adapted to supplement their current monitoring resources.

Star asked the Engineering-AI for assistance in changing the programming to meet the new requirements. Star then assigned several bots to begin unpacking the sensors, while other crew members aided the Engineering-AI in revising the software.

Well before dawn they began distributing the intrusion detectors around each location. With the modified programming, the sensors could detect the type of intruder and estimate probable intent. The sensors could also detect a change in atmosphere, but not necessarily define the change.

The crew members were impressed by Star and Donna's discovery and subsequent suggestions. Even though this additional task had stretched their resources, everyone managed to get sufficient rest.

The data feed from the sensors was added gradually due to concerns by the AIs about the volume of additional information. As expected, when each group of sensors was added there was a surge in data before it settled back almost to the initial level. This was due to each sensor only broadcasting changes to its surrounding environment once the baseline was established. Although the data was monitored by both Star and Donna, the Intelligence-AI and Security-AI were the primary monitors. Sensor data was also shared with other drones and bots closest to its location. This not only gave the bots a broader view of their surroundings but also gave an indication on where to focus most of their attention.

It was shortly before dawn when Sarah's clan began to wake. They had slept very well considering the excitement of the day before. Joyce and Judy were the first to wake, but only moments before the rest. They took their time to touch and caress one another, physically expressing their love and care for each other. After Rusty made a dash for the bathroom, his spouses quickly followed him. While expressing their milk and exercising, they utilized their mind-link to review the events of the last several days. They gave careful scrutiny to last night's events. They all agreed that plans for the six meetings had gone very well considering the unknowns and short preparation time. While they agreed that the kidnappers were dealt with appropriately, they thought it should be the exception. This was in part because they thought that if they continued handing out punishment, it would have negative repercussions on them and those around them. They recognized that they couldn't walk away from what the 'flesh merchants' or kidnappers were doing but it would be better if they were exposed so that Earth's governments could deal with them.

"We agree with your assessment," chimed in Maureen, Aoife, Siobhan and Erica. The comment startled Sarah's clan.

"My apologies for inviting myself into the link," said Erica. "I started to reach out to you about this very issue. It is pleasing to know we all feel the same way."

"Perhaps we should apologize for intruding as well," said Maureen, Aoife and Siobhan. "Each of us saw the activity and was curious."

Maureen said, "I think we made the correct choice for that situation. We showed leniency where it appeared to be deserved."

"Please, there is nothing to apologize for from any of you," said Sarah's clan. "We sensed Maureen, Siobhan and Aoife in the bond. We also felt, Erica, Star and Donna participating as well. We also sense a certain amount of excitement from Star and Donna. Hmm, though that doesn't seem to be about last night, but it is about our situation."

"Yes, you picked up on it," Star and Donna replied. Donna continued with, "While we were preparing for today, we found some devices that are used for detecting intruders in space. We are a bit embarrassed that we didn't consider them earlier. However, when we found them, we realized that with some programming changes they could be used to detect intruders on a planet. The ship's Engineering-AI, with the assistance of a few bots and crews, has configured all the devices we need immediately. We were able to place them. The data is being handled by the Intelligence-AI and Security-AI. At each site, the nearby drones and bots also see the data."

"Congratulations," chorused the group. "How well are they working? How are you sharing the data?"

"They seem to be working quite well. When they detect an intruder, they can assess what it is and deduce its intent. They can also detect minute changes in their surrounding environment. We placed them fairly rapidly. The initial data was a bit overwhelming but that quickly settled down. Each unit only sends changes in its surroundings back to us and to the nearest bots or drones. It immediately flags changes it sees as a threat or suspicious."

"Wow. This will really assist us today when the teams to go out to contact the other candidates." The warmth of their appreciation flowed from them to all that were involved. The Intelligence-AI, Security-AI and Engineering-AI were startled by the appreciative comments regarding their efforts. The crew was nearly as surprised as the AIs were.

"Aren't we fortunate to have had them join us," chimed in Jim, Amy, Betsy and Connie. "We would like to take credit for finding them, but I feel others had a hand in it." All of them sensed a confirmation of their comment.

"Thank you," said Sarah's clan. "We sense the number present in this link has grown considerably and we are not sure why. We are as glad that you joined us as we see you are to have found us. We expect to travel many miles together but first we have some urgent work before us. For now we need everyone to focus on resolving those immediate tasks before we can relax very much.

"While we are linked, we should share with you some additional thoughts. We feel that we will have further run-ins with either this group or similar groups. It is likely that some situations will be heart wrenching. We will need to manage our emotions so that we can react appropriately to resolve the situation.

"A pillar of our beliefs is that everyone should have the opportunity to choose how, where and what they do as LONG as it harms no one else. When multiple people interact it must be done within the boundaries, choices and actions each has willingly agreed too. No one should be forced or coerced to do anything against their will. As a society we will endeavor to protect the weak from the strong provided those actions don't conflict with our prime directive.

"We were not intending to make a speech, but we seem to have done so. So, as a final thought, we hope and pray that the Gods and Goddesses will aid and guide us, both in dealing with these vermin and on our path through life." A strong positive feeling reflected through the thoughts of those connected in the link. Sarah's clan felt their friend from the ship tell them 'well said and you have the support of everyone'.

They were close to finishing their exercising when Joyce noticed the time and said, "Hey, we need to hurry a bit as breakfast will start very soon. We should be there to meet the new candidates." With that they hurriedly took their showers and finished freshening up.

Sarah's and Amy's Clans arrived in the dining area to find Ann's Clan setting up the serving line and went to help. Wilma of Ann's Clan said, "We are almost ready, so you can start as soon as you want to. Ann asked that you mention picking up after themselves."

"We will try," responded Jill. "Don't let us forget." As she finished speaking, the three groups from the ship entered the room.

"Good morning," said everyone.

Briana said, "Leann and friends, it is my honor to introduce Sarah's and Amy's Clans. Why don't we each introduce ourselves?"

"Great idea," said Sarah and Leann together. Everyone laughed as Sarah nodded toward Leann indicating she should proceed.

"I am Leann. Thank you so much for arriving in time last night. It was an experience I never want to repeat."

"We are glad we were there in time."

Each of Leann's group introduced themselves, followed by Briana's friends and Sarah's and Amy's Clans. As they were speaking, Siobhan's and Shannon's groups arrived. After greetings were shared, Siobhan guided Shannon's group over to meet other candidates.

When Maureen's group came in there was a loud squeal from Leann as she rushed over to Maureen and wrapped her arms around her. "Maureen we can't thank you, Brandan and Belinda enough for saving us from those people."

"It wasn't just us."

"I know, but to me, and perhaps us, you three were the key. I would like to personally thank all the others as well."

Brandan said, "Leann, we are having a discussion after breakfast. You could do it then."

"But that is kind of impersonal."

"Hugs are great," responded Belinda who had walked over. "All the people you want to thank are telepathic so they will feel the emotional part of your comment."

"Okay. I didn't think of that."

"It takes a while to get used to using it."

Donna said, "Nearly everyone is there, or nearly there."

"Okay," replied Sarah then her clan began tapping a glass with a spoon. The ringing sounds soon brought the talking to an end.

Sarah's Clan together said, "Good morning."

"Good morning," came the reply.

"We trust you all had a good night's rest."

"Well I could have slept longer," responded Danny in a quiet moment. Several chuckled.

"Our chefs tell us breakfast is ready. Please help yourself and have a seat. Once everyone is seated we will make a few announcements."

When everyone was seated Sarah's Clan together said, "We had quite a few arrivals last night. We are glad you could come. After breakfast, we will have a round of introductions then outline today's activities. When we are finished, we ask that all those who arrived yesterday watch three videos. These videos were made two days ago when the first group arrived here. They give you an overview of our history, our biological differences and our goals."

"Sarah, I suggest that seeing them once is not enough," said Carine interrupting Sarah's Clan. "Who am I? Essentially just another candidate. Why my suggestion? Our group has been here several days and even though I saw the original presentation and watched the videos twice, each time I have learned something significant that I missed before. Sorry to interrupt," as she realized what she had done.

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9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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The Medieval Age casual fuck edition

In England, the monarch has decreed that the brothels and nunneries be turned into breeding centres so they can have a bigger army. Many are in approval of this as it is a great honour to have many children. The Nuns in particular love this as they by far love to have kids, which they have sex as well. Many pagan Vikings from the dark age came to the island for some unrestricted sex and orgies that their religion prevented, some had even brought their concubines to join in. This led to mass...

3 years ago
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Late One Evening

One evening late in the summer ... I had a weekend to myself. After supper I went through I huge ritual including renting a Transsexual DVD at a local Adult store (Strictly Adult) ;) I then returned home and collected my things. I don't have a large cock so I'm able to wear a medium size thong. I finally settled on a pair of black silk with pink roses on them. I feel so much sexier with them on. I used Nair to remove the hair from my legs and under arms. I went with a black garter belt and...

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Claire gets totally fucked up

Hi, my name is Claire, I was an average 21 year old student, um, I don't know if I need to tell you what I look like, but I'm small, blonde, pale and until a week ago I was relatively innocent.  Oh my god, I've not been able to speak to anyone about this, but, um, please don't think badly of me...It was Friday night, my flatmates Anne and Emily were out, but I had stayed in to finish some coursework...  I know, right?  Coursework on a Friday night?  Finally bored, I messaged Anne to see where...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 66

The coffee was just finishing when I walked into the kitchen. I needed a cup, desperately. I needed something for my head too; it was pounding this morning. I'd gotten back to the house last night after my ride and gone down stairs and put the suit on and had it out with Bud. "Bottom line," I'd told him. "You need to figure out a way to be in the suit and still be in my head. You need to be with us the way you were before, or Harley and I are likely to kill ourselves with this power you...

4 years ago
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A Black Safari for Sophie Part 2

A couple of hours had passed and Janet's daughter had still not arrived at the falls. Janet became concerned and questioned the two Africans with her."Not to worry, miss Janet. Sometimes the elephants do not come into view right away. I'm sure they are okay.""Well, since I'm paying for this safari, I demand that you drive me to the location so I can see for myself." "Very well, madam. Go ahead and get into the van while I gather up some things." The African did not want to take her because he...

1 year ago
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The Dead Zone

Thanks go out to my editors LadyCibelle and Techsan. Between their editing and their comments, they make my story a much better read. I don't give them near the praise and credit they deserve. My old girlfriend loaned me a television series to watch. It was titled 'The Dead Zone'. A little background on the series: It's about a young teacher who has just gotten his longtime girlfriend pregnant. They are to be wed soon. He leaves her place to go rent a movie for them to watch. He is in a...

2 years ago
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Kyle Describes Himself

Kyle Describes Himself. Hi, its sissy kylie, Today, Mistress Kyren found something Kyle wrote, on his computer and she ordered this sissy to write an introduction to it and post it. Kyle wrote this description of himself dressed as a girl and Mistress Kyren found it going through his computer. Kyle was a crossdresser for many years before college and this is how he saw himself. Hi, my name is Kyle and I am a 19-year-old sophomore, this semester in college. My favorite past time...

3 years ago
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The Night of Living Dangerously

All of us were happy for Zoe. After a couple of tense years, living on an emotional roller coaster, she finally came out to her mother and her step-father the weekend before. And now she invited all her friends, including the straights like Kate and me, to come to this ‘rainbow’ bar, Likkks it was called. Now it was our turn to be nervous in the hours leading up to meeting at Likkks. Kate didn’t know what to wear. She tried getting Zoe on the phone, but it was always busy. Finally she called a...

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Inexplicable Stud

I had called her at her office and gave her and her secretary very specific instructions. This was going to be one of my experiments. I do them every once in a while. I was going to see how far I could push a woman in an attempt to get her to stop being passionately attracted to me. You see, several years earlier, I one day awoke to find myself irresistible to any and every woman. It started with my step-sister, but it quickly moved on to every girl at my school, then every woman I ever spoke...

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An Old Friend

An old friend of my wife’s was back in the country on a business trip. He had contacted us to see if we wanted to meet up before he went back home. We agreed and invited him to join us for dinner and stay over on his last night. He arrived at our house about 5pm, my wife was preparing dinner so we sat and chatted in the living room. “You are a very lucky man, Denise looks amazing” he said . “Thanks, I know she is wonderful and she can cook as well” I joked. We sat laughing when Denise came back...

Straight Sex
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The DefencemanChapter 26

Waking up alone was a real drag I thought, as I shut off the damn alarm. I never slept well when the twins were gone. I reluctantly got up and, after dressing and grabbing a couple of granola bars, left for the arena. Most of us were semi-catatonic as we dressed in silence. The morning people, a group that I usually was one of, kept quiet rather than face the stares and growls of the zombies. We finally got out on the ice and got our bodies and minds going as we skated and shot to warm up....

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Emma the Pig Chapter 3

I squinted, trying to keep the bright light from my phone out of my eyes, looking at every part of the frame I was trapped in, trying to see if there was any kind of emergency release, anything I had missed. I could already feel the ache setting into my wrists and shoulders as my bulk hung, suspended and splayed off the floor. Another experimental squirm resulted in another click as my legs jerked out even further and I froze…I had no idea how much further I might stretch. It really began to...

3 years ago
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Worth ItChapter 6

Topher never understood when people talked about the time before a big event stretching out like Christmas Eve waiting for Santa. He remembered that feeling from childhood, but it was one of the many unpleasant things from childhood he never wanted to feel as an adult because it meant that he was waiting for something to happen to him and had no control and no ability to speed it along. The time between when he dropped Allegra off Sunday and the time she arrived Tuesday night flew by packed...

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Stewardess Cindy Sindy Ch 12 a Frankel Humour story

Original story by Frankel. Ch 11 has been skipped because it was about a Huge ape with a cock the size of a tree bough; the ape was called King Cock! Cindy and Sindy had just finished serving meals on their long distance flight from Los Angeles to Sydney. They moved amongst the passengers chatting amiably when Sindy came to the very fat woman she had seen earlier. "Aren't really fat people supposed to book two seats?" she whispered to Cindy. "She isn't fat, she is...

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Sister and the Bear

Vicky... The phone was ringing. Again. I had shut the ringer off on the phone by my bed but the one on the living room kept up that annoying bleep-bleep- bleep. Why couldn't phones go ding-a-ling like they used to? Why didn't the air conditioner drown out the foolish thing? I just plain didn't care enough to pick up the receiver. That would mean rolling over in bed and I didn't want to move. Eventually the thing stopped nagging me but sleep won't come. Its too bright...

2 years ago
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Blue Balls 2 Tiffany Teases

Summary - Tiffany continues to tease her older brother and discovers her father is affected by her youthful charms as well. Previous Story Summary - Tiffany learned a naughty trick to play on her brother. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships,...

1 year ago
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WhippedAss Chanel Preston Nadya Nabakova Punishes Sleeping Employee

Nadya Nabakova works at her desk, going through papers. The tedious work makes her so sleepy and as much as she tries to stay awake, she cant and falls asleep on her desk. Her boss, Chanel Preston catches her sleeping and wakes her up suddenly by slamming a box down on her desk. Nadya says she’s sorry but Chanel says some punishment is in order. Chanel picks up Nadya out of her chair and bends her over the desk, lifts up her dress and spanks Nadya’s ass until it turns pink. Next,...

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Going Commando Dare

It was a Saturday night, almost 1 am. I was sitting on the subway after meeting a friend for a movie in the city. The cabin was empty except for a guy sitting on the bench next to me, a girl on her own sitting on the bench opposite me and another couple of girls sitting next to her.The girl on her own was dressed in the full clubbing attire. She wore a short, short black cotton dress, which showed off her long tanned, toned legs and thighs. She never had any stockings on but wore black strappy...

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I took the biggest risk of my life, a few months after my eighteenth birthday. I'm older now, and yet, even though that first big risk made me a bold person, who once went up to a beautiful woman on the street and asked her out ... I've never taken as big a risk as I did that day.It was my mother's birthday. She was turning thirty-eight. It had always been just the two of us, and in a way it was us against the world. We were very close--even too close, by most standards. Just a few nights...

2 years ago
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Lyin EyesChapter 7

Mark's Story: "I have a grandson," Carl announced. I glanced at him over the rim of the big mug of coffee. I had a feeling sometimes I was keeping Juan Valdez in business; the main office always had a huge urn of coffee brewed and I drank my share and a little more. Lately, I had to switch to decaf in the afternoon or I went home to Alyssa with my nerves jangling and my fingers dancing on the steering wheel. Carl drank tea. I think he avoided most of my problems with the brew. "Yeah, I...

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Hermpire Society

Some years ago the Hermpire Ring Was discovered or arrived, it was worn and transformed the wearer into a Hermaphroditic Person of inhuman proportions and insatiable sexual desire, this Hermpire queen began spreading her condition to everyone she could and her converts spread the changes even further. The Ring allowed the Queen to command the Hermpires as her servants, but she herself was servant of the ring, the ring was a sentient object and when the ring had confirmed that the conversion of...

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A Typical Highschool Story

It’s a foggy day. You sit on a bench peering into the fog for the yellow paint of your school bus, when a black SUV emerges from the white mist. A friendly looking blonde girl pokes her head out and shouts, “Hey John, get in!” This is Sarah, one of your best and oldest friends. You’ve known each other since the first grade and have been best friends since. You approach the car. “What’s going on?” you ask. “Bus got cancelled today. We’ll give you a lift.” You open the back door and get into the...

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Car Dealership Beauty

There was a site I frequented in the early 2000's called Hot or Not dot com. I am sure it is still around in some form or another. It was a great site for easy hook-ups NSA fun. One night I was clicking women in the Raleigh area, and had a like from one almost immediately. I messaged her and we had the usual banter. She worked at a car dealership in Raleigh, and tomorrow was Friday so I had class until late in the evening. We decided to meet up the next night for a date. The weather was...

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The Study Date

One day, after school, Darryl came up to Rachel. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi," Rachel said shyly. She wasn't in such a good mood. "What's the matter?" Darryl asked. He was kind of concerned. "Nothing," Rachel said. "So, what's up?" "Do you want to go over to my house today?" Darryl asked. "To study. For science." "OK," Rachel smiled. She loved hanging out with Darryl. "Great," Darryl said and they walked home together. *********** They were...

4 years ago
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Employees Must Wash Hands

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before my group showed up for our reservation and checked in with the hostess. She showed me to our table while I waited for my five dining guests to arrive. This was a dinner event to celebrate a friend’s birthday so we chose a special restaurant that happened to be near my apartment downtown. The usual white table cloth, mood lighting, and finely dressed staff type of place in Denver, CO. To my pleasure our waiter arrived to introduce himself to me...

Gay Male
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Katebydarkharbour©The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew...

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Play It Again SamChapter 16 Eddy falls

The three of us arrived at the Hollywood hills house a little before five pm. We were greeted by Kim, Vicky and Jen with happy smiles and hugs, and it was obvious to me that they recognized the change in Maria's demeanor immediately. They spent an inordinate amount of time making sure Maria felt welcome. I assumed they were trying to tell her with actions rather than words that they understood things were different between me and Maria and that they were okay with it. Maria, who had...

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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 12

I had just finished watching my grandfather spank my mother, his daughter, totally nude laying across his lap. He stroked her to orgasm with his fingers before putting his thirty five year old daughter on her knees to suck his large cock, until it spewed his cream into her hot mouth. I had filmed the whole episode and although I had jerked off while watching I was still pretty hard and wanted my mother's hot mouth on my own seven incher. I watched as my mom put on a robe. Grandpa Jack left...

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