Ducan indian porn

1 year ago
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Honorable Discharge

The wheels screeched as the C-130 touched down on the runway. The jolt of the plane pulled Duncan back to reality. He was finally home. After a tour in Iraq and three tours in Afghanistan, he was done. He had decided not to re-enlist. He knew part of him would miss it, but there was a tremendous sense of relief that it was over. Once the plane stopped, he retrieved his things and followed the rest of the unit out the back of the plane. The sunlight warmed him and he took a deep breath of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Miranda Cosgrove and Jennette McCurdy Interview

"Hello?" Miranda answered."Hello, is this Miranda Cosgrove?""Yeah, what do you need?""Great! We're excited to finally get into contact—""Listen," Miranda interrupted. "Could you get to the point? I was just fucking a friend and if you don't mind I'd like to get back to it.""Gladly. You see, we're with a movie studio, and we'd like to make a documentary about the time you had sex for the internet on iCarly.""Cool. What would it cost me?""Nothing at all! We'll pay for you to fly to our movie...

1 year ago
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About Jazz

Look said Cheryl, Jazz is first of all a person and then a skin. He is a man first and a black guy second. I fancy him, but I want to know what you think about sharing me with him? Duncan bit his lip. Back guys, cliches. Black guys good at basketball, dancing and you know what. It was going to be difficult, but Cheryl was adamant. Duncan liked Jazz. The guy was bloody brilliant as a bowler and his athleticism in the cricket out field was legendary. What was that game when he took the catch on...

3 years ago
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Is This What You Want

This one-shot came to me in the middle of Alistair Appreciation Week on Tumblr. My own prompt, which is as follows: Duran Aeducan is the ideal Warden; he will do literally anything to end the Blight. He’s aggressive, ruthless, and without a conscience. He has sided with the werewolves and killed an entire clan of Dalish elves; sided with Branka and allowed her to begin making golems; allowed blood mages and demons to go free if they had anything to offer in return; allowed Jowan to kill...

3 years ago
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Povestea Angelei

Am cunoscut-o pe Angela acum doua luni cand mi-am programat o sedinta de masaj la salonul ei din capitala. M-am lipit de ea si, pana sa-mi vina randul, ne-am imprietenit la toarta. Angela e o fata de o frumusete divina, iar povestea ei este de-a dreptul impresionanta. Dupa multe ezitari si-a dat acordul s-o scriu eu si s-o public pe site-ul asta. Lectura placuta!…………………………. Totul a inceput cu sase ani in urma; aveam 19 ani si eram o fata simpla de la tara, o moldoveanca cu parul auriu ca spicul...

4 years ago
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O mama futacioasa cu fiul

S-a intamplat intr-o zi de vara mai exact intr-o dimineata trezindu-ma pe la ora 10:30 si ca orice persoana(om)cand se trezeste dimineata se duce sa faca un dus asa ca m-am dus sa-mi fac un dus stand in dus mai mult de o ora mama vazand ca nu sunt in camera mea a inceput sa strige prin casa: -Carlos...Carlos...Carlos... -Da mama... -Esti la dus... -Da... -Bine... -Ce doresti... -Pai vreau sa-ti spun ca te astept in bucatarie sa bem cafeaua impreuna... -Da mama asteapta-ma acolo ca vin si eu...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 77 Making Friends

I had entirely forgotten about Leske and the dwarf commoner being in the Carta's dungeon. I'd played the dwarf origins up to Ostagar, but never past; from what I remembered, Brosca should have been dead from self-imposed starvation, and Leske barely hanging on. And at no point was I aware of a problem that would cause one dwarf to actively want the other dead. I wrinkled my brow. "Brosca? That sounds ... like a last name. What's your first name? And why do you want to kill Leske, over...

2 years ago
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amant de meserie capitolul 2

17 ianuarie 2007 – 12 iunie 2007 O lipoveanca de 28 de ani pe care am intalnit-o pe mirc. Era 17 ianuarie. Locuia intr-un satuc din judetul Tulcea, in care comunitatea lipoveneasca era majoritara, Jurilovca. Fizicul sau era bine proportionat, rotund pe alocuri,exact asa cum imi inchipuiam ca poate fi femeia perfecta in viziunea mea. Avea ceva specific, o frumusete pe care o poti intalnii doar la rusoaicele autentice. Rosul pe care il observi in obrajii lor, il avea si Corina. Sanii sai erau...

3 years ago
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Lapte de mama 9 10

Lapte de mama (9). O femeie rasfatata.Autor: Desir Ardent(9.1) Romanta intre o mama si fiul sauDiana avea capul pe pieptul lui Doru si i-a soptit la ureche planul sau despre Costi, care il va ajuta sa se integreze mai bine in grup, sa nu devina invidios, etc, etc. Euforic fiind, chiar de 69 de ori euforic!, in urma terapiei sexuale primite de la Diana, Doru l-a acceptat imediat si a repetat scenariul ca sa probeze ca l-a inteles:- Deci eu imi fac de lucru in bucatarie si dupa ce treceti voi in...

4 years ago
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Sex in trei II

Buna, sunt Denisa si, daca am vazut ca v-a placut atat de mult prima parte a povestii mele voi continua acum cu partea a doua, asa cum v-am promis. Voi incerca sa reiau firul intamplarilor de la momentul in care am incheiat prima parte a povestirii, asa cum mi le amintesc eu acum. Pentru cei care vor fi citit doar aceasta a doua parte, le recomand s-o citeasca neaparat si pe prima, intitulata « Sex in trei », asta pentru intelegerea coerenta a actiunii si pentru integrarea corecta in atmosfera....

4 years ago
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Turbulente II

Am sarutat-o bland pe pleoapele ochilor, i-am lins obrajii incinsi si buzele calde, am coborat pe gat, pe piept, i-am dezmierdat in maini sanii si i-am supt sfarcurile erecte, facand-o sa se infioare si sa geama infundat, cu glas scancit. Am continuat, centimetru cu centimetru, pana la burtica, spalandu-i cu saliva buricul, lingandu-i coapsele, pipaindu-i pubisul. Chilotii leoarca emanau un miros pregnant, imbietor si excitant de pizda uda. I-am lins de cateva ori ca sa ma satur de parfumul ala...

3 years ago
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Mama mea Irina

E o dimineata calduroasa de vara, iar eu cu mama mea Irina, ne pregatim pentru a merge pe plaja. Cu cateva zile in urma am hotarat impreauna cu cei doi tovarasi ai mei, Florin si Adi, ca vom merge Sambata la plaja, impreuna cu mama mea. Florin are 16 ani, iar Adi 15, e de-o seama cu mine. Dupa ce ne-am imbracat, am luat geanta cu prosoape si am coborat in parcare, la masina, acolo unde ce-i doi prieteni ne asteptau. Mi s-a parut ciudat felul in care amundoi imi priveau mama, mai ales Florin se...

3 years ago
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O noapte fierbinte part 1

Eu si Alina suntem casatoriti de 10 ani. Ne iubim foarte tare, dar relatia noastra s-a transformat, in timp, doar intr-una de prietenie. Viata noastra sexuala a intrat intr-un fel de letargie. Am constatat acest fapt impreuna si ne-a cuprins ingrijorarea. Am cazut de acord ca trebuie sa incercam ceva nou, care sa ne aprinda din nou. In doi am incercat cam totul asa ca ne-am gandit la o relatie cu alte cupluri, cu atat mai mult cu cat amandoi aveam fantezii cu mai multe persoane. Am inceput...

2 years ago
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poveste de familie

POVESTE DE FAMILIE Ma numesc Ioan. Am 35 de ani si sunt casatorit de cateva luni cu Aura, o tanara de 24 de ani. Locuim in aceeasi casa cu sora sotiei mele, Daniela. Ea are doar 14 ani si e sora vitrega a Aurei. Trebuie sa va spun ca sunt foarte indragostit de Aura. De aceea, aproape in fiecare noapte imi arat dragostea, futand-o la greu. Are un sex-appeal femeia asta… cum o vad - in camasa de noapte, cu chiloti sau fara - mi se scoala si trebuie s-o am…am facut sex in toate pozitiile, i-am...

2 years ago
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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 49 Untold story

He sprawled onto his back, and I curled up against his broad chest, pulling the covers up over us both. I was shivering slightly, uncertain whether it was just the chill or also the pent up arousal. Alistair rolled towards me, wrapping me in his arms. "So that was ... intense," he started. I laughed. "That was sort of the point, yes." "But I ... we ... why?" "Tonight was about you, love. I can only tell you how overwhelmingly attractive you are so many times; I thought, this time,...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 59 Adjustment

"I'll stay, if that's okay." "Only if you get a bedroll or find another couch and get more comfortable. I won't have you sitting up all night." "Yes, mother." I stuck my tongue out again, and he laughed. Morrigan dropped in to say hello while Aedan was away gathering things. We chatted amiably for a few minutes, and then I managed to work my way around to thanking her for her help. She was embarrassed, I think, and while she looked pleased, her face got red and she left shortly...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 80 Road to Hell

Fourteen of us waited inside the massive dwarven gates which led to the Deep Roads: Aedan, Alistair, Duncan, Jowan, Anders, Gorim, Bel, Oghren, Faren, Sten, Shale, Zevran, Prince, and, of course, me. For a moment I was a little bit concerned about being trapped with eleven men and only Shale for female company, but quickly realized it was silly. Neither Alistair nor my brother, honorary father, or brother-in-law would allow anything untoward to happen to me; the darkspawn were the threat, not...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 82 Confusion and Revelation

I sat near the sleeping Duncan and waited, waited and sat. It was really, incredibly, boring. I had nothing to do, and we didn't want to risk any of the other Wardens being too close when Duncan woke, so I sat mostly alone. Sten and Gorim wandered over to sit for a while, no doubt at Aedan's or Alistair's urging, but making small talk when everyone was clearly stressed and scared was awkward, and talking to Sten was always a bit frustrating, so it didn't really help. After a few minutes,...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 91 Ascent

For the next several days, we relaxed in between going to meetings with Sereda. She had already made sweeping changes, instituting a new 'military' caste that took anyone who could fight regardless of previous caste (or lack thereof). She had the recruits, mostly former casteless, training under the supervision of a few open-minded Warrior caste veterans. She'd opened up the castes to accept the children of a union whether or not the gender lined up with the casted parent, and as a result,...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 134 Inescapable

I spent a while unsuccessfully scouring my cell for anything that would help with an escape. Clearly the Architect had gotten better at holding prisoners since the events of the book “The Calling” – unfortunately. I found a few pebbles, some moss, but nothing that could be used to pick locks, nothing that could even be a credible weapon. I examined the crude padlock in more detail; it was a massive, black, iron contraption that I’d have no chance at breaking. It looked like it would probably...

3 years ago
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Trumped Up Punishments Chapter 9 Fundraiser II

Trumped Up Punishments – Chapter 9: An unusual fund-raiser, Part IIEloise, Ibby, Andrew and Rebecca are being punished in a new format punishment assembly – for the first time, members of the public can pay to attend, and wealthy donors can influence the proceedings, bidding money for the right to set each student’s punishment and even to carry it out. Eloise has already been punished and humiliated severely – Andrew thought he was going to be next, but Ibby has was called forward...

3 years ago
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Lisa n Marks A C repair

Hot Night with Lisa and Mark, Sue too. Nick was the best Boss, I never thought what my new Venture in finding a better paying Job. I did like my job, but worked my butt into the ground, Heating and Air cond. great certain times of the year. Summer was the best me being Bi was great I did service you be surprised when people get hot they do not wear much clothing, well Damn. remember one call it was over 100deg. 4:30 in afternoon after 7 calls fixed most of them. Long day the office called well...

4 years ago
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Sex with my colleague teacher

Hi everybody, its Raj from Dehra Dun. I’m working in a pvt. I’m sharing my sex experience with my neighbor aunty. I’m single n I’ve very friendly relations with my neighbor. She’s sexy woman of 27-30 yrs. I was very attracted 2 her since the day I saw her. Oh sorry! Her name is Mousumi. One day my parents went for a marriage ceremony of our relative and out of town for a week. For those days she looked after me. Whenever I was free, I went 2 bhabhi 2 pass time. I always tried to see her big...

3 years ago
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Lessons in Biology 2

I was working in the city at a health and fitness center. In order to eliminate spending substantial sums of money on rent, I decided to move in with a friend of mine named Leo. Last week, his mother, Trish, gave me a blowjob in the basement while Leo and his sister, Isa, were away. Trish’s husband, Leo’s father, was away working on a cruise ship almost all the time and it was no hidden fact that he was fucking his secretary to pass time. This had crushed Trish and in her moment of weakness, I...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 36 No Problem at All

“So what is it you are actually looking for here?” asked Keith Keith, Gemma and David and had just stepped into a large Mitre 10 hardware store out the north end of Hamilton in a shopping complex called ‘The Base’ because the area had once been a large Airforce Base in the years following World War 2. Once the Base became redundant it was sold off by the NZ Defense Force and redeveloped as this large shopping complex that these three were now standing in. “Oh, just nothing” replied Gemma...

1 year ago
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Training Big Brother

Chapter I Damn him! Thirteen year old Karen looked at the bra she was putting away. One of the hooks was hanging to the material by only a thread or two. It hadn't been like that when she'd taken it off several days ago. It had to be her brother. Again. For the past couple of months she'd been suspecting that Tom had been trying on her underwear. This wasn't the first bra whose hooks looked like they'd been stretched much farther than her 32 A chest was capable. She couldn't...

3 years ago
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the key party III

Hello there, my name is Amber, and just a ordinary girl, who wound up in a special encounter. I stand a little under 5' 6', wear glasses, and best can be described as a dish-blond librarian. (Her words, not mine. I have seen amber "cut loose" once, and was very impressed. It involved myself, amber, and two other girls at one of our parties. This girl outlasted ALL of us.) I got a job as a sales handler overseas for a small shipping company. It was just a job, and some excitement...

1 year ago
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OOOSex! Get ready for this one, guys, cause it’s about to blow your minds to smithereens. Ooo-Sex.com is a site with limitless possibilities, and I mean that when I say it. And why do I say this? It doesn’t take too long to notice as literally the first thing you’ll see when you start browsing Ooo Sex is the fact that they have millions of videos on their website. Well, alright, the videos themselves aren’t on the site, but the links are. But the important part is that all the links lead to...

Porn Aggregators
2 years ago
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TripinChapter 45

When I arrive at the Avery Photo Studio on main street, it was almost 6pm, so I walked into the front door. I heard the buzzer sound even though there was a woman my age sitting behind a vintage desk looking at a computer screen. The woman was about 30 pounds past the perfect weight. Very little of it was in her breasts most was in her stomach with a little in her ass. She also had very red hair way too red to be natural and I think that was the point. She wasn't trying to seem natural but...

3 years ago
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3 wat part 4

3-way part 4 me and CharleneSo, we tie Jake to the chair and gag him over in the corner so that he can watch everything.I tell Charlene she is going to pay for earlier in the day. She says yes mistress Sami. I told her to get the strap-on and strap it to the chair. She does then I tell her to suck it. She kneels and starts to suck the strap-on. I grab the paddle and start to spank Charlene make her ass red. After it is nice and red I tell her to get up and ride the strap-on. She sits on it and...

3 years ago
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Sex on Creton1 Dr Berol Burgess Begins

My exo-biologist BERYL BURGESS is so hot and desirable that she becomes a distractionI am Commander of an exploration team assigned to explore and document the planet of Cretonrecently discovered in orbit around CGS-29a - which is more commonly known as one of the main stars in the Virgo system.My team consists five other scientists and engineers and me. Dr. Beryl Burgess, who is a gorgeous blonde that every man on the team had the hots for, is only woman on my team. She has blue eyes a...

2 years ago
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Fingers drumming on the rough plastic of the steering wheel. Where are they? Shouldn't they be done by now? Check the mirrors. No police cars. Only ordinary pedestrian traffic in front of the bank entrance. Everything looked fine. But she wish they would hurry. It's been five minutes already, hasn't it? Five long, gruelling minutes. Look around. Why did she agree to go along with their stupid game? This was foolish! Nothing to see. Look in the mirrors again. The bank entrance looked as...

4 years ago
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8.15 pm, The Bungalow"That was exquisite," said Prem, smiling approvingly at the panting duo that lay, arms entwined, chests, bellies and pubic regions still in copious contact, on his lavish queen-sized bed. The male was a good-looking athletic young man of 18. More than his body, his youthful face was a dead giveaway that he was significantly younger than the female. This is not to say that the woman looked over the hill -- far from it. Had she looked like most other 41 year-old women, she...

3 years ago
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Some right swipes are magical

After , she left for her hometown in a week as the WFH was declared to be indefinite for the time being. This started the dry phase in my life when I installed Tinder and used Omegle extensively. This part of the series is my encounter with Kyra on Tinder, my first match in the USA. For those who don’t know me, I’m Krish, a 27-year-old guy from Hyderabad. I am living in the united states and having the time of my life in the sexual department. Coming to this incident, the majority of it...

3 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 9

Oscar noticed a plume of dust on the horizon well outside of the training area. He watched it move and then stop. The medallion flared hot against his skin. His stomach clenched as the hairs on the back of his neck rose. As the dust started settling, he shouted, “Georgia, break radio silence. Get everyone back to camp right now.” Without asking any questions, Georgia got on the radio and started broadcasting the message. Once she had told everyone his orders, she called back asking,...

2 years ago
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The Road to Passion

It was raining as I woke up. The smell of summer rain saturated the motel room. As the dark morning light came rushing through the window, I caught a glance of myself in the empty wine bottle next to my bed. Beside the bottle was $350 in 50’s. It was gone in a couple minutes as a busty mature woman got dressed and picked up the money. I didn’t know who she was so I asked ‘Who the fuck are you?’ She laughed as she said ‘You don’t remember me? Figures. Last night was fun. Thanks for the money.’...

1 year ago
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Lisa Ryan Naked in SchoolChapter 5

What a super way to spend lunch. Boffin' Becky beats burgers. HAHA Seriously, I didn't feel so bad about getting fag-attacked. Just because he tried something with me, doesn't rub off on me, anymore than Lisa being gay and in the same room with Becky means that Becky is les. At least, I figure that Lisa must be les. She looks like a boy, for chrissakes. And she hasn't made a pass at Mr. Meat yet, and she's had plenty of chances. That stuff she said in my ear was probably what she was...

3 years ago
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The best pantyhosed sotry my friend has for me I

I have this fantasy that I get a new job and move to a new town. I do not know anyone and being kind of shy, I stick to myself.You come over and introduce yourself and help me get settled in at the office. You show me where things are and introduce me to others. I instantly think you're hot and I'm physically attracted to you. But I do not say anything or let on.After the first week you and a few of the others from the office are going out after work and you invite me along. At first I...

4 years ago
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A Sailors Tale Chapter Four

Chapter 4   I read Sally’s note, I couldn’t understand why she was so desperate to get the coat before picking me up on the docks less than 10 hours away.   A sigh streamed from my lungs as I tried to figure out what I could do to make it happen.   A thought occurred to me that Sally had just done something she hadn’t up to then…another person that she seemed to know, a name and a phone number.   Clicking off the message I dialed the number…they could still be open at the bank.   “Hello,...

2 years ago
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UK Wife Once you go Black

This is a story that happened a few months ago and it is a very true account from what I can remember of a great night ! The only thing that has been changed is1. The 3 names involved Ok I’ll begin. We are a mid 40’s happily married couple with a young family living in the UK our names are Steve & Michelle. Steve is writing this and we hope you enjoy our story. Cut a long story short a few years ago I let slip to my wife that my fantasy was for her to have sex with a Black guy. We’d role...

2 years ago
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My Slave

You sit on the edge of the bed, face turned down slightly, hair hanging over your eyes, afraid to look but listening, desperate for a sign, a signal, a command. Waiting for me to finish my shower, to come to you, to pay attention to you, to worship you. Your legs vibrate with anticipation, your tight jeans rubbing against your smoothly shaved pussy and ass, no panties to protect your sensitive areas from the rough seams. Your nipples are hard, painfully hard, brushing against the white cotton...

2 years ago
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Catching up with cuz part 2

So the next day I woke up to an empty bed. Oh shit what have i done? I have gone too far and now she hates me and will never speak to me again. You know all the normal stupid stuff. Then i stopped for a moment a smelled breakfast cooking, i threw on some shorts and headed to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see my cousin cooking wearing her tshirt she started last night in. "Hey sleepy head! Breakfast is almost ready". So either shes ignoring the whole thing OR it was no big thing to...

3 years ago
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The Outdoor Fun With My Boyfriend

Myself Piya from Delhi, I am 24 and right now married to a businessman. I have tried to put everything in detail to let the readers feel what i felt at that moment. This story is about me when I was 18 years old. It was our last day at school as we had received our admit cards and we went to a mall in Gurgaon in our school uniform. We did a little shopping and once in the changing room we got a chance to kiss deeply and feel each other above our clothes. Later we got out and as it had started...

4 years ago
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I Just Don t Know Chapter 2

I saw the little Cinquecento draw up outside and didn't really think anything of it, apart from wondering if I'd misunderstood my neighbours who I thought had said they'd be away over Christmas. I was reading ... or, rather, sitting in front of an open book, with some Vivaldi playing. I really wasn't in the Christmas mood, and the radio seemed to be dominated by Christmas carols and jingles. A young woman got out, looked round and trotted up to my door. As I hadn't expected that, it...

2 years ago
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Adventures While Losing The Virginity

Hi guys, I am Siddharth (name changed) and this is my first attempt at writing my story. Let me know how you like it. Indian Sex Stories has given me a lot of wonderful moments with myself. I enjoyed the the most. I want to share one of my stories so that people can enjoy the same way I did.   This is a real story of how I lost my virginity. I am 5ft 9” in height and have a slim athletic build. I am smart looking and according to my friends intelligent and a genius. My girlfriend at that time...

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JAG Mac s Witching HourChapter 10

The next morning, Colonel MacKenzie woke herself with a start. Something was wetting her loins and she couldn't remember having company that night. When she looked down on herself she broke out laughing. It was Jingo, her dog. She quickly remembered what had happened the previous evening and didn't try stopping the dog as he began licking her across her pussylips. When Mac looked over to her night-table her eyes bulged. She was late for work. Her always time accurate mind had completely...

3 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 22 Decisions bills and packing

The people went around and learned about the ship. They were each deciding what career choice they wanted. James Woods had decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot once he saw the sleek attack fighter sitting in one of the cradles. Code-named Tomahawk, the fighter carried a miniature rail gun in the nose cone, two lasers on each wing, and a missile bay with sixteen ship-to-ship missiles. The missiles were antimatter warheads for larger ships or 'fire and forget', for enemy fighters. James...

4 years ago
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Quick Flash I May Need To Get Another Job Part 2

Katie, Last night was so frustrating! Jamal finished his last meeting and I waited around for him as he met with all the department heads. As he would pass by on his way to each department heads office, he would look at me and pout, as if to say, “Please get me away from these guys!” It was almost 7:30 and I couldn’t fake anymore work. You know how strict they have become about working overtime. I sent him a message that I had to leave and I gave him my number. I ran home and cleaned my...

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Joan my wife a kennel bitch 1

We have four friends all around my age who I play golf with, all are single, two being divorced. We have them over to our house some weekends for drinks and a meal. Joan always wears a short skirt on these occasions and the lads get an eyeful when she is serving drinks in the lounge after the meal. Sometime back we all had more than our share of drink and everyone was tipsy, and Joan was sat cross legged on the floor giving everyone a good look at her hairy bush, I could see the lads were...

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BreederChapter 3 The Other Side

Rick sat on the couch with Laura at his feet. She was leaning between his thighs occasionally licking his semi erect cock just to watch it twitch. Tracy walked up to and sat down next to them on the couch. She was still naked, her body pert and perfect, but she looked like she was ready to fall asleep on her feet. She snuggled up close to Rick. "Why me?" she asked. "Why you what?" Rick replied, puzzled. "Why did you pick me to be your companion?" She asked " and your fuck...

1 year ago
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Can I Speak to the Manager

Karen’s address was in a gated community with a security booth. The officer at the gate eyed me wearily when I pulled up. “What’s your business here, son?” “I am here to work on Ms. Smith’s computer.” “Oh? She did not leave word. I will have to call.” I waited and could not help laughing when I heard her yell at him over the speaker phone. “Well! Let him in!” “Good luck fella,” He said, rolling his eyes when he opened the gate. I found her address. Whoa, what a big ass house. Not a mansion by...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 5 Band Auction

Peggy was still playing her game of wait and see. We were running in the morning and talking, but she was not ready to commit to dating. I was starting to consider my other options. I decided that this morning I would make one last attempt. If things didn't work out, I was going to move on. I went to Peggy's house to pick her up so we could run. She was looking good in her sweats and t-shirt. Her red hair was pulled back into a pony tail. I really liked her and could not figure out what...

4 years ago
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Who are you part 1 taster

A young girl of only fifteen, years before i'd became sexually active. As a fairly pretty girl with glossy deep brown hair to below my shoulders, promising blue eyes. A well sculpted face, and what someone once described as 'above average lips' my body was well developed, slim and curvy in all the right places. A cup size of a 32D was always a plus in my appearance, after learning i could catch boys eyes i'd often use it to my power. When I was alone, I would long for some attention...

2 years ago
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Sweet Seduction

His eyes couldn't look away. The sight of Rosa's small, delicate tongue,  was just mesmerizing. Her captivating jewel eyes were half-closed, rolling back at times when the satisfying taste of the ice cream dripping down the edges of the cone was sucked into her mouth and over her swirling tongue.Jacob's hips bucked slightly, but luckily for the sweating man, Rosa didn't seem to notice. He pressed his hands gently over the bulge in his pants, tearing his gaze from Rosa's hard-at-work figure.The...

3 years ago
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Black List III Rising TideChapter 4

The door to Spencer’s cell opens, revealing a sliver of light that eventually floods the entire cell. Spencer looks up, but is blinded by the intense light. An uneasy feeling flutters about him. The woman walks in and moves to his side to begin helping him to his feet. Spencer doesn’t pull away and instead he cooperates. “We must move quickly, before anyone notices you are missing,” she says with a comforting voice. “Who are you?” Spencer asks, his voice a bit shaky. A smile comes to her...

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My Girlfriend Mommy

Hello everyone and this is my first story on ISS and I hope you like it. I have had so many instances of sex in life. I will be posting them one by one that is if people like my stories basically I’m from Bangalore doing engineering at a reputed college and this took place almost 2 years ago. I was dating this girl Pooja everything went well and we used to find places in restaurants, cafes, theatres etc to kiss and make out occasionally. I used to go to her place too when her parents were out...

2 years ago
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Meating Emily s Mum

Emily's Mum is ever so hospitable. The young girl's face was scant inches from Rod's own face in the crowded subway car. At first, she was relaxed and lost in some unknown place, thinking some random thought of love or a past pleasure. Rod was surprised to see it change rapidly from sereneness to outraged helplessness. Nothing was apparent on the surface, but he was sure exploring hands were playing a nasty tune on the poor girl's ass. She parted her lips in nervous little trembles of...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 40 A Man of Ideals

(Sanosuke and Kenshin are walking home from the market.) Sanosuke: It's been ten days since the Shinko school attack, and no sign that Raijuuta's coming. Maybe you beat 'em so easy he got scared. Kenshin: It wasn't easy. There were a lot of them, and the one with the twin blade was good. Sanosuke: That's what you say, but it doesn't sound like you mean it. Kenshin (reaching for the dojo door): You think so? Yahiko: Who's a shrimp, you cat-eyed bastard? Sanosuke: Ouch. Kenshin:...

4 years ago
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Jack and I have been best friends since he moved in next door when I was six. My name is Burt and I’m 17 years old and Jack is the same. My story starts when we were both 14.Jacks Mom and my parents are also the best of friends. Jacks mother Faye baby sat me when my parents wanted to go out or attend some function. One Saturday three years ago Mom & Dad were going to a testimonial dinner for my Dads boss. They asked Mrs. Bernard (Faye) if I could stay over night at their house, because they...

2 years ago
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Sex on the couch

Last weekend my brother invited his friend for movies. I have a little crush on him. I was in my room playing xbox. In that while my brother call me and asked me to stay with his friend as he needs to go to drop my parents to the relative's. So his friend came to my room. In that time i was feel so excited to see him. I was not able to focus on my game. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. He saw me playing game and asked me if he can join me. Then i offered him to play with me. Then he started...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Julie Kay Gets An ASS full Of Manuel Meat

Julie Kay opens her backdoor for a hard anal pounding from Manuel! Julie is chilling by the pool in a baby blue bikini before heading in to rinse off in the shower. She cleans off her dirty body and plays with her pretty pussy for a while then dries herself off and meets Manuel in the bedroom. Manuel goes down on Julie and makes her scream as he aggressively licks her pussy and asshole. Julie pulls out his cock and wraps her lips around it as Manuel fucks her face hard, then she slides that...

1 year ago
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A Mistake To Remember Chapter 7

Chapter 7 "Stop this immediately!" my ex-husband shouted. Diana practically leaped between me and the council table and stared down at the female abomination. "What if she's telling the truth? I won't have my daughters condemned to give birth without trying to verify what she says is true or not!" Henrietta bared her teeth and jerked her head towards the side. "Ask her afterwards. Step away!" "I will not!" Diana swung around towards me. "Charlene! Pay no attention to anything...

3 years ago
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Mother s Birthday Present Part III

Mother's Birthday Present, Part III By Bobbi Gold Bobby and I got a last minute reservation at a nice restaurant in town. I left my lunch outfit on, but after I did my little lipstick presentation for Bobby, I freshened up the rest of my makeup. I put a few strokes of mascara on, added a little blush, and added a darker, plummy eye shadow for more of a nighttime look. Dinner was, well, it was a little weird. Because, Bobby and I always had this completely "normal" relationship. ...

1 year ago
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CarolChapter 5

Carol thought about what just happened and it confused her. As she laid in bed, she thought about the orgasms she’s had. For the first time in her life, she went to bed with no clothes on. It seemed villainous and nasty, but why not? This opened her mind to new ideals, but all she could think about was the feelings of Bob’s fingers inside of her, feeling the places that no one has ever felt before. This got her all hot and bothered. She threw off the blankets and started massaging her...

4 years ago
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The Bracelet setup

As he raked leaves he noticed something on the side of the flower beds half hidden by the rose bushes As he raked leaves he noticed something on the side of the flower bed, half-hidden by the rose bushes. Glancing around to make sure he wasn't being watched he quickly bent down then picked it up.It was a ladies bracelet, apparently silver, with the name ?SARAH? engraved on it.Sarah's bracelet, the one she had been storming all over the house looking for these last few days. The same...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Kiara Cole Loves When Cum Gets All Over Her Tits

Kiara Cole has had one exciting month at Cherry Pimps being spoiled by Katya and not about to get spoiled by Justin Hunts hard cock! Kiara is wet before she even gets naked knowing just how great that cock will feel sliding into her tight pussy! She needs no lube as her excitement has her dripping wet! She wraps her lips around his shaft giving a blowjob that someone doesn’t make him cum too soon! Kiara has much more planned for that cock and it includes her pussy and her riding it hard...

4 years ago
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If You Wait Enough you can get what you want 3

It was Sunday morning and Amanda sat across from me in my living room. “She jerked you off?”“Look, I’m not trying to upset you. I just don’t want to lie to you about anything.”“No, I’m not upset. Just surprised.” She said. “I thought she wasn’t supposed to touch you because that would be considered ‘cheating’ on her boyfriend.”“Well, you did ask… You said you wanted to keep things casual right?” I asked.“Yeah, but I didn’t know some other girl was gonna jack you off after we went on a date!”...

2 years ago
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Sally Company Slut 2

Sally Company Slut Gets a Filthy Mouth on her Hi my name is Rob and this is the third account of my wife Sally. You may wish to read these however to recap she is 24, lovely long brown hair, pretty face and clear blue eyes. Her body is amazing and there is a picture of her on the writers profile page. Large firm breasts, slim waste, flat tummy and a very nice tidy pussy. So far Sally has changed from being a shy retiring woman to a liberated sexpot, to be honest. With my full support she is...

3 years ago
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Shaadi Main Tina Ke Saath

Hi, mera naam Siddhu hai aur main Kanpur sahar main rahta hoon pahle main apne baare main kuch bata doon, meri umar 24 years hai aur height 5.10 hai. Main ISS ka regular reader hoon aur iss par ye meri pahli sacchi kahani hai to dosto apka jyada time na lete hue main story par aata hoon ye baat kuch 2 years pahle ki hai jab mere sabse chote chaha ki shaadi ke liye hum pure privaar ke saath apne gaanv gaye the. Hamara program kuch 3 din ka tha hamare vaha pahuchne Tak sabhi ristedaar aa chuke...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Drill Instructor And Her New Recruit

I often look back at my days serving as a Drill Instructor at the U.S. Naval Station, Orlando, Florida. This was long before “don’t ask, don’t tell”. A young recruit, Gretchen was assigned to me for Basic Training. Gretchen was a cute, nineteen year old very physically fit brunette with a firm muscular body, short hair and very small breasts. She had very strong “male” mannerisms, her walk, speech and the way she carried herself spelled out I’m as “butch” as a girl could get. If you weren’t...

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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 3

If you've never experienced nearly seven straight days (and nights) of foreplay, you really should. That's about the only way I can describe the following week, during which Maggie teased me mercilessly without allowing me to even so much as lay a finger on her! On Sunday the day after I had first met Shirley, I barely saw Maggie at all. I remembered she had mentioned something about dinner plans with Gladys. I'd seen her leaving but had been too late to go outside and wave goodbye to...

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Boy to Princess 7 News Leak

Boy to Princess - Part 7 - News Leak By Jennifer Allison For the last year, I have switched sexes every twenty-four hours. With the help of my family, friends and my government, I have been able to keep this little secret of mine. That was, until one day the whole world found out. It all started with one spoiled BRAT, who makes Nellie Olson of Little House on the Prairie look like Laura Ingals, with one big difference: on one critical occasion her dad didn't have the backbone to...

1 year ago
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A Party For Danni

Danni shivered as she felt his hands slide up her sides caressing her skin lightly with his finger tips. She was nervous and wasn't sure this was what she wanted, but it felt so good she couldn't bring herself to stop him. His finger pushed her swim top up slightly and she felt his fingertips lightly drag across the bottom of her sensitive breasts. Her day had started as any other Saturday, other than the dark loom that hung over her since Michael had left months ago. They had been together...

3 years ago
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My fantasy

As I fell onto my knees, four hot and sweaty guys moved in toward me. I reached up and began to caress the outline of their cocks inside their tight pants. I unzip the first guy, and pull his huge, half erect cock out of his underwear. Starting at the head of his throbbing dick, I work my way up with my tongue, staring him in the eyes. I reach to my left, and pull the second guy closer to me as I unbutton his pants, pull out his cock, and start to gently stroke it. Starting off slowly, I take...

4 years ago
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Shooting the MoonChapter 9

“So, Arlen, wasn’t it? Not such bold and brave words, anymore, would you say? Care to see the family jewels? Now that you’re not so ... um ... attached to them, that is? Well, Buddhism teaches that attachment is suffering, but in this case, the case could be said for detachment. The good news is that you won’t be thinking anymore with body parts that you no longer possess,” I dangled Arlen’s testes in front of him in a mason jar. He was strapped to a gurney and need only to look down to see...

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The Neighbor s Boy Chapter 7

The Neighbor's Boy Ch. 07 By lauratmd© Welcome to Chapter 6. Thank you all for the wonderful feedback. Laura's story with Matt continues. Dinner, Ice Cream, and then desert Again, I would appreciate your reviews/comments/suggestions. Friday was a wonderful day at work! I was on cloud nine from the morning's activities with Matt. The whole office was cheery and more productive with Barry out, as was always the case. Barry got results, but at the expensive of a...

2 years ago
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Flashy Pink First Time Naked In An Adult Theater

Flashy Pink First Time Naked In An Adult Theater My husband bought me a pair of PINK ‘stripper’ heels at one of the San Diego adult book stores. They were FABULOUS!! When I got home I modeled them for him wearing just the new heels and my jewelry!!! He loved it. He told me that I looked fantastic standing there in just those high heels and jewelry and said he could just imagine me standing like that in the adult theater at the ABS. He said that would be a super fantasy! I wrote that my...

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SAM Ch 04

I apologize for the delay in getting chapter four to you. In this Chapter Sam returns to the Shelley Resort and her family come into the story. If you want background on the characters then I recommend my previous story The Webber Family Secret. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER FOUR BECCA AND SAM Sam started to wake at five thirty on Tuesday morning. As she lay trying to bring her thoughts into order she noticed the gentle movement of the boat. At first she was confused but then it all began to return....

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A Cruise Ship Fantasy A Cruise to Sexual BlissChapter 4 A Quiet Afternoon Maybe

I left Tammy and Jess to go for a walk around the ship returning some hour and a half later to my cabin. Upon entering I heard voices on the balcony and recalled asking the steward to remove the partition so was not overly surprised. Tammy must have heard me come in as his lithe naked body stood at my balcony door presenting me with a full frontal of his boy charms. I may be old but I am not dead and my cock stood to attention saluting the image in front of me, he however could not see me...

3 years ago
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Short Skirts No Panties

Friend’s is what we are and what we have maintained being…..at least that’s what I thought until last Thursday. When I missed work on Wednesday I thought you would come to my cubicle telling me how boring things were and filling me in on what type of workload corporate was dumping on us because of one of their errors. But when I see that you’re seated at my desk it startle’s me. You jump up and give me the biggest hug; squeezing me tight as you tell me how much you missed me. When I go to...

1 year ago
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Flashes of Lightning

On the surface everything seemed perfect. The four men were wearing black robes and chanting. There was a virgin tied down to the center of the circle. Her ankles were tied down to a hook in the cement floor, and her wrists were tied each to another hook in the floor. It was a nice effect. Her belly shirt, naval tattoos and skirt framed the clear glass saucer nicely. In the candle light her largish breasts and thin face were quite pleasing to the eye. Even the symbols on the floor and the...

1 year ago
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RestorationChapter 8

I awoke to an awesome sight and a fantastic feeling the next morning. Kelly was sucking on my hard cock and staring up at me with her smiling eyes. The first thing I normally do when I wake up is rush to the bathroom. It’s funny how quickly and completely she can take a guy’s mind off of something so mundane. As soon as she saw that I’m awake she paused long enough to say, “I love you.” My first thought was that I should stop her. But I realized that, for whatever reason, I don’t feel a...

1 year ago
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Holiday Fun

Summer of 2011 and it was a family vacation. I was away abroad with my parents and my sister. We had a two bedroom apartment with my parents taking one room and my sister and I taking the other. There were two seperate single beds but they were easy to move together. It was a scorching day and my sister and I went to the beach. She was in a ridiculously tiny shocking pink bikini set. She was barely covered up and was getting alot of attention down at the beach, especially when teh water hit it...

2 years ago
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A Life Accidentally Planned Ch 1 Dancing to Someone Else s Tune

A Life Accidentally Planned Chapter one; Dancing to someone else's tune They say that writing is good for the soul and my soul could use something good. I can't blame anyone else for what happened; I put myself in harm's way and pay the price to this day. At this stage of my life I just need to get something off my chest. Sorry for the bad pun. I guess it all began in 1968. I was entering seventh grade in another new town. My family moved a lot as dad changed parishes or mom went...

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The Holiday Chapter 3

While both being very aroused at our last encounter we were both also in shock and didn’t quite know how to interact with the couple across the way from us. In the end we chose the cowards way out and simply didn’t deal with them. We smiled on those few occasions when we couldn’t help making eye contact as we reached for our bags in preparation to disembark, but somehow that just seemed easiest. Bags, customs and immigration were painless and our taxi ride was uneventful as it was still early...

2 years ago
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A Teacher s Obsession

all of the kids in the school are ages 14-18 years old . A few 18 year olds are here that failed. I am 29 years old and well-built. I played sports all through grade school and college I love that I know many young girls have a crush on me and I constantly hear them giggle with one another when they look at me as I walk by them. I look back at them with a smile because I have always liked young girls. It has always been a fantasy to make love to one. Sasha is a beautiful 16 year old...

4 years ago
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Pain and pleasure

As i grab my chordless phone. I walk over to the computer and connect it too my tv. I turn on some bondage porn. While I am talking to you on the phone I start walking up the stairs to one of my many rooms. To grab my toy box. I open it up and there are butt plugs (different sizes), vibrators, dildos, a bullet and a remote vibrator.I start moving things around looking for the remote. I can't seem to find it. I just disreguard the fact that the remote is not there. Right now it doesn't matter....

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Seva Mein 8211 Part 2

Hi Doston, Mera boss, Sateesh sir 39 yrs ka brown complexion wala banda tha, uska pet thoda bada tha aur thick mustache thi aur uska 8″ ka tagda lauda tha. Ab tak, mere boss Sateesh sir ne mujhse apna lauda chuswaya, apni gaand saaf karwai aur apna cum pila diya tha. Aur yeh sab karne ke baad mera saara disgust jaa chuka tha. Mujhe laga main ab puri randi banne ko taiyar ho gaya tha. Itne me hi Ritesh aur driver dono ek chaddar lekar aaye aur jameen pe bichha di. Sateesh jhadne k baad thoda...

2 years ago
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Coast Watch

I wasn’t sure if I should wear gloves. Maybe they’ll be like the ladies in Charleston, I wondered, but unpacking and buying furniture had left me no chance to find out in advance. Anyway, I stuck them in my purse and could slip them on if I saw they were in season. I’d not be here if Dwight hadn’t received papers to Tongue Point and I’d taken the train all this way and was setting up our apartment when he got diverted to Puerto Rico. Nazi subs dropping Spanish spies, I guess they’re worried...

4 years ago
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ConjunctionChapter 9 Coming Together

Caden awoke to see Kadal peering down at him, the frill that framed her head flushed a vibrant shade of crimson, outlining her eyespots. He felt like he had been sleeping for days, and he couldn’t remember where he was. The blue sky was above him, but he was in the shade, and he was immersed in cool water. “Hey,” he said, giving her a groggy smile. “Why am I all wet?” “C-Caden! You are awake!” she stammered, a blend of relief and what might be embarrassment flashing across her scaly face....

3 years ago
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Please Spank Me I ve Been Good

"Master, may I ask you something?" she asked one morning as we sat eating breakfast. "What is it, pet?" I asked as I sat My fork down. Whenever My girl starts a sentence with, 'May I ask you something?' it's cause for My complete attention. "Well, Master today is Friday... and if we don't have anything planned for this weekend..." she said faltering. "What is it you want to ask, pet. Be quick about it - I have to get to work," I said. "I'm sorry Master. I was just wondering if you would spank...

3 years ago
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Gang Bang Wild Bhabhi

Ye kahani hai mere pehle experience ki mere bhabhi ke saath.mere bhabhi ka introduce nahi kiya hai maine.ok ab bolunga mere bhabhi ki age hai 27 aur naam hai sneha latha, colour saawla,sizes 32, 30, 34. Muje pehle mere bhabhi par interest nahi tha magar woh din khi baath hai tab se mere life ko change kardhiya. Jab shaadhi ke 2mahine ke baadh mere bhaiya australia chale gaye.tab se mera kahani shooru hogayi hai.jab mein college ke baadh ghar lautha maine dekha ghar achi tarah decorate tha.mujhe...

4 years ago
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Maxine s New Life Ch 03

‘Max, this is Jen, how are you?’ The metallic sounding voice came from the phone. ‘I’m fine Jen, I spoke to you yesterday. Not much happens in a day.’ ‘Max, with you god only knows what can happen in a day.’ ‘No matter what you say, you are not calling to check on my health. Even if you were t,here is nothing new to report. You already knew that I am eating real food again. If you were wondering about my sex life, it has been very empty since my little adventure with extreme deep throat.’ ...

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So Jenni was a girl that I knew for quite a few years and she would of course babysit for my family. well Jenni is a young beautiful blonde hair girl with really light blue eyes killer smile I mean at 5ft a gorgeous beautiful ass bubble as that would be so gorgeous she was definitely a 44 double-D. Every time I saw her I just get a huge rock in boner and just later on just jerk off thinking about her. Then one day she was telling me about fundraising event that she was going to do. I'll give...

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What Karen And Milly Did Next

It's the Friday before Christmas and our friends Karl and Milly are holding a party in their home. Karen and I drive over early to help with the preparations. We have not visited since Milly and Karen kissed for the first time, nearly a month ago now.The two girls are preparing a buffet. They work side by side in the kitchen, busy as bees. I sense the electric current of sexual anticipation surging between them as they butter bread for sandwiches, bake pastries, and prepare the salad. They are...

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The Road to Submissionby Onyx (this is a story started by my friend and completed by me) CHAPTER 1 I was tired of sitting in board meetings and phone conferences all day.My name is Brandon Morgan. I'm a 41 year old white accountant for a veryprestigious firm in town. I'm 5-11, 160 lbs, politely built w/shortblondish (slightly receding) hair, blue eyes, thin lips, and a longstraight narrow nose. I'm very average looking and hairy all over. Mycock is fat, and I have huge hairy balls....

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