Reginald's PeopleChapter 5 free porn video

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“An update for you. Our friend Ferguson from the university tripped himself up, and ended in our hands as a criminal suspect. A colleague told him we had a witness to his entering the Chemistry building during the night before the explosion, so we accused him of breaking and entering with intent to cause an explosion. That rocked him back, but he then claimed he had a key, given him by a member of staff, and so he was not breaking in.

He probably thought this would save him, but it actually put him in deeper. The detective demanded to know why he had a key, and which member of staff had given it to him. He claimed it was the department’s technician, so that he could enter and check on his experiments at any time. The detective was well educated and suspicious of the story, so challenged him on the need to enter surreptitiously at dead of night, when there was no evidence of anyone else entering prior to the explosion which conveniently destroyed his experiment. The circumstantial evidence pointed to him as the culprit.

He then claimed that the technician was a friend, and so allowed him to enter at any time, and there were times he needed to know that his experiment was still functioning properly, and that this involved set times. The detective then asked, “Did he also tell you how to disable the intruder alarm system, against all standing instructions?”

Seeing that he was getting in deeper, he clammed up at that point, stating that he had done nothing illegal. He later admitted that he did not know the name of the Chief Technician That is where we now are. I think it unlikely the technician would hand over a key to a student, even if they were friendly. Secret copying of the key is more probable.”

Reg agreed. “His story doesn’t seem to add up, certainly, but you can’t prove he copied the key, either, can you?”

“No. You have to get the key to copy it, and all the keys are kept in a locked key cabinet. It is a bit frustrating. We seem to have half a story, but don’t know what the other half is, or even if the first half is true!”

“Well, thanks for the update, Terence. It is encouraging to know you guys are still working on it.”

The call concluded with pleasantries, and Reg put the phone down. His cup of tea was almost cold, so he asked Jessica to empty his cup in the kitchen sink, and pour him a fresh cup. He returned to the university accounts, running down the list of departmental accounts included. He noticed that one set related to the Chemistry Department, so the recent phone call got him interested and he started browsing the accounts of the Chemistry Department.

He perceived that the accounts were signed off by the Chemistry professor, whom Reg considered to be a bit other-worldly, and not too interested in the nitty-gritty of administration and accounting.

This suggested that the accounts were prepared for him by the Chief Technician, who would handle all the supplies coming in and accounting for their usage in the building.

Taking that into consideration, Reg scanned the figures for chemistry department supplies of all kinds, to see if anything stood out. It didn’t, then he had a thought: what if something had been going on for more than two years? There would be little change between the two years they had here.

Reg went back over the Chemistry department accounts, looking to see what was being purchased, and in what quantities. Needless to say, there were many bills for chemicals, but they were only listed as chemicals, for the use of the department. In the accounts these were simply the date, quantity of chemicals supplied, and the total of the bill. There was nothing to say which chemicals were being purchased, just ‘chemicals’. This was frustrating.

Reg got his phone out, and dialled to the university, asking for the Finance Officer, explaining that he was the Managing Director of Recovery Enterprise Group, who were looking at the university accounts. He was put through fairly quickly.

Reg introduced himself in his business capacity as Robertson the Managing Director, and referred to the two years of accounts. The finance man was familiar with this.

“That is correct. We considered it essential that you see two years, to ensure adequate comparisons.”

“We appreciate that helpful approach, but it has left us with a query that only you can assist with. It pertains to the purchasing of chemicals for the Chemistry Department.”

“A normal set of accounts for a chemistry department. What was your concern about them?”

“Can you provide the figures for several years prior to that? Just the figures for purchase of chemicals. That is our only query so far.”

The Finance Officer saw no problem, and said so.

“The figure for total expenditure on chemicals for each of the previous, what, five years?”

“Five years should be adequate, thank you.”

“Can I email them to you?”

“Certainly. My email is ‘[email protected]’”

“Okay, I’ve got that. You should have the figures later today, sir.”

“Many thanks. Your assistance is invaluable. I shall reference that help in our report to the university.”

“It will be very welcome here.”

They finished the call, and Reg went back to his browsing of accounts, still wondering what he was expecting to find. In part of his mind, he was thinking precursor chemicals for the powerful explosive, if production at the university was higher than expected. On the other hand, the Chief Technician might be a simple embezzler, buying excessive amounts of certain chemicals and reselling them elsewhere at a profit to him; or he could be incompetent, buying too much simply because he was offered a special price if he bought in larger quantities. That used to happen with carbon copying paper, Reg had read, and some organisations ended up with masses of unused carbon paper that was no longer required; all down to pressure selling techniques where a salesman was rated according to his sales.

Reg thought again, and looked for the number of the chemistry student he had spoken to after the blast. Eventually finding him through the admin records, he got him on the phone and asked the relevant question.

“Did you find that during your studies, supplies of necessary chemicals were adequate, or what?”

The student thought back, and replied, “Actually, we always seemed to be low on chemical supplies, but I didn’t query it, as it was nothing to do with me directly. The department staff would look after the supplies question. They were probably waiting for a delayed delivery at the time, I imagined, though why that should be the case is a puzzle. Perhaps they were being late in paying their bills, and that was the supplier’s response: delayed delivery.”

Reg laughed. “That would make sense, I agree. Thanks for your input to a puzzle I am looking at.”

“Glad to help, man. Got to get back to my class now. I came out to answer this call.”

“My apologies. Go now, and thanks again.”

This was another factor for Reg to consider. For the last two years, considerable sums were spent on chemicals, but students were under the impression that there was a shortage. That implied a diversion of chemicals either through embezzlement or misappropriation for other purposes. Could the Chief Technician be working with Fitzgerald to produce explosives for sale to criminals? Alternatively, was the man selling chemicals for his own pocket, and Fitzgerald had discovered this, extorting the building key from the man? There were too many possibilities; Reg needed facts, and he didn’t have enough to derive a solid conclusion.

He moved to the accounts for other departments, to see if anything struck him as unusual. He found himself bored out of his mind, so called the kitchen to suggest it might be time for a lunchtime snack. Holly seemed offended.

“A snack? We have a decent lunch almost ready for you, Mr Robertson!”

“I apologise, Holly; I was not aware that lunch was so advanced. I had lost track of time.”

“That is all right, Mr Robertson. Lunch in twenty minutes, sir.”

“Thank you, Holly; you are good to me!”

He at first wondered at her formality, then guessed that one or both Robsons were with her, so she was being very business-like. He approved. The Robsons were much improved, but good examples never go amiss. He would need to ask Frances about her assessment of the Robsons. He suspected they would be going home soon, to grateful parents.

By the time his wives got home from the university, Reg had at last skimmed all the figures for every department of the university, and was feeling exhausted. All the differences had appeared to be accounted for by normal variation, year by year, except for a puzzling reference to a trust fund that did not appear elsewhere in the summary accounts. He would ask the others to check that out.

He managed to stand up from his chair and walk to the door when Jessica opened it for the others. This got him kisses from everyone, pleased at his effort to show willing. Jessica insisted that she should get to kiss him as well. Prudence was not best pleased.

“Jessica, you had all day to kiss our man. This is our first chance!”

Jessica smiled sweetly and responded, “I have been very restrained towards our husband during the day, Prudence. I did not want to appear too greedy, so now I am allowing myself to join my friends.”

“Oh. Well, in that case, you are forgiven, Jessica.” They exchanged a kiss to show all was well.

All the girls asked about his day; what he had achieved, and how his wound had felt. He surprised them by saying his wound did not bother him much. He had forgotten that this would be an invitation for more strenuous lovemaking thereafter, but would soon find out.

They were just settling down to have their dinner when Freda got a call on her mobile phone. It was Jenny, her father’s secretary.

“Freda, in case you see something on the news, your father is okay!”

Freda blurted out, “Why should he not be okay, Jenny?”

“There was an attempt on his life, but he escaped injury. He is shaken up, but otherwise unharmed. He asked me to let you know before something appears on the news.”

“But what happened, Jenny?”

“We are not sure. He was coming out of the Inns of Court when a man with a knife rushed him. There was an off-duty policeman right behind your father, and he pulled Hubert and pushed him to the side, while he tackled the knife-man. The man dropped the knife, and ran through traffic and got away.”

“The policeman was there by chance?”

“He was. He had been giving evidence in a civil case, so wasn’t in uniform. His quick reactions saved Hubert. As luck would have it, a journalist was coming out from the court a minute later, and saw a little of what happened, so he interviewed your father and got the story. Who knows how far the story will be spread in the media? So that’s why we wanted you to hear that he is okay.”

“Thanks for letting me know, Jenny. Give my love to Daddy, and tell him thanks for letting me know right away.”

She closed the call and sat down at the table with a sigh of relief, but white-faced with shock. The others asked what had happened, and she explained the call.

“The main thing is that Daddy is fine apart from being shaken up from the attack.”

Reg gingerly got up and came round to Freda, to give her a hug and kiss of reassurance.

“It is great that he is unhurt, Freda. Did he recognise the man with the knife? Was it one of the criminals he put behind bars?”

“I never thought to ask, Reg! I was in shock and not thinking straight, sorry.”

“It is all right, my love. It was just an idle thought of mine: you know what I am like.”

“Your idle thoughts can be worth listening to, darling. I will ring Daddy tomorrow and ask him if he has any clues about the attacker. He should be able to say whether he had a beard or not, hair on top or bald; tall or a midget, fat or thin; there are lots of basics that he should be able to tell the police. We can get that from him, so that if such a man appears at our door, we know to be wary.”

“Why should we expect him to come to our door, Freda, when we don’t know who he is? And how would he know anything about us?”

“Reg, we don’t know for sure that Daddy knows the man, or that the man knows Daddy for that matter. I am just thinking of all the possibles, and trying to protect our family. Isn’t our family worth protecting, even if we don’t know anything definite?” Freda sounded distraught, and Reg relented.

“You are quite correct, my darling wife. Family comes first, and protection against the unknown is still protection worth having. What do you suggest we do?”

“I don’t know for certain. This house is well protected now, with the security improvements, but answering the door could still be a risk to consider, plus some of the girls go out running.”

“O.K. As far as the door is concerned, nobody answers the door without checking the spyhole to see who is outside. If in doubt, call others to help. Never open without being sure of what you are risking.

The running is not as dangerous as you might expect. Elizabeth is not known, and the Robson girls will hopefully be ready to go home soon. Sidra is clearly of a darker skin tone, so easier to identify, but why should she be linked to us in anyone’s mind? To put your mind at rest, we will get Sidra to go through the self-defence course run by Tom. If it is for university students only, we’ll get him to visit us and train Sidra and Elizabeth here; we can afford it. How does that sound?”

Freda was mollified by this reply.

“Very well. That seems to cover my concerns. Thank you, darling.”

Erika interrupted, “Well, now that little matter is settled, let’s get to the important topic: who gets to fuck Reg tonight?”

This gained her a raucous laugh from the other wives, but all glances went to Frances, who responded, “Tonight is a repeat of last night, but in reverse order. Reg is still not fit enough to perform as normal.”

This was greeted with nods of understanding, and a few pretend sighs of relief. Prudence whispered loudly, “Thank God! I thought I was going to miss out!”, to a chorus of giggles.

Reg declared to her, “You can miss out if you want, Prudence. I’ll miss you, though.”

She shot back, “No you won’t miss me; I’ll make sure you are on target!”

This caused further merriment and some more ribald remarks at the end of the dinner.

Freda’s father phoned her the next morning. He was aware of her concern for him, he told her, but said not to worry.

“But Daddy, when someone attacks you, we have a right to be concerned. Is there any information about the attacker? Reg suggested that between you and the off-duty policeman, you would have some idea of his description.”

“Quite so, Freda. A uniformed officer was called and took our statements yesterday. He was anxious to get a description of the attacker, and what kind of knife it was. I had no idea about the knife; it all happened so quickly! The policeman who tackled him had a better idea of the knife, but it was not left at the scene. That surprised me, but then one of the passers-by told the police that the fallen knife was grabbed by a teenage boy, who ran away with it and disappeared.

So, we had no knife to go on. However, on our descriptions, we agreed that he had an Asian look to him. That worried the police, in case it was a terrorist attack on the judiciary and not personalised, but the off-duty man said there was no religious yelling to indicate that possibility, and the attacking man was quickly frightened off. His opinion was that a fanatical terrorist would not run away in such a situation.

That reminded Reg of Jessica’s husband, for he was certainly upset at Hubert’s representations on behalf of Jessica, and of course he fit the general description of the attacker, and was not Muslim according to Jessica.

Hubert explained to his daughter, “I had to admit that I did not get a proper look at his face yesterday, so could not identify him specifically, but I did suggest that Sadaf’s whereabouts might be of interest to the police. We shall see what comes of that.”

“I’ll let Jessica and Reg know, Daddy, just in case there is a connection. Keep safe now. Are you at work today?”

“Unfortunately, yes. There are too many court cases that I have prepared for in detail, so cannot pass them to another barrister at short notice. One of the downsides of the job.”

“Daddy, that is all very well, but if you are not feeling at your best, you can’t perform at your best. Be careful with what you say in court, Daddy.”

“My little girl has matured! You are quite right, Freda, so I shall take special care to watch what I am saying. I think you will do well if you get a good legal degree, my girl.”

Freda pouted before telling her father, “I intend to, Daddy! Reg wants all of us girls to gain good degrees, as well as being good mothers of his children. I think we will manage both.”

“You have a good man there, Freda. Now I have to get to work. Goodbye, my sweet.”

Freda reported the full conversation to Reg before dashing off with the others to the university. Reg was left to do his own thinking while Elizabeth and the Robsons went off on their daily run.

He wondered if the attacker might have had some link to the Fitzgerald guy who had been troublesome. Freda’s Dad had been instrumental in tracking down the student and interfering with his attempts to get a manufacturer working on the new explosive. Still, that seemed to be a long shot, for the guy’s own lawyer had willingly volunteered the information, not having had it bludgeoned from him by Hubert Dangerfield.

No, if Hubert was a specific target, then from Reg’s viewpoint Mr Sadaf would be the instigator if not the perpetrator. Some other unhappy victim of Hubert’s legal expertise might be a possibility, but it looked like Mr Dangerfield did not consider other convicted criminals jailed by his activity to be probable.

If one assumed it to be Sadaf, his motive had to be the money he lost to the court. Attacking Hubert would not provide clues as to the whereabouts of Jessica and Sidra, but revenge was a powerful lever to action. He would have known from his own lawyer who was the legal expert working for Jessica. He would have not known why Jessica had such a powerful barrister on her side, but his financial losses could easily be put down to Hubert Dangerfield’s ‘interference’.

Okay, assume it was Sadaf, presumably the police would discover that he was either not at his normal employment, or was ‘on holiday’ and able to get to London. The courts were simple to find, and it was only a matter of recognising Mr Dangerfield. Once he had the name, it would not be difficult to find a photograph of his target. For the moment, it would be best to leave it to the police detectives to track down Sadaf.

He cursed as he recalled that he had failed to get his wives to go over the university accounts last night. It would be back to him again, he thought with regret. What was the trust fund that was mentioned in the accounts? He dug the accounts out and looked until he found it: The Development Fund. Why a Development Fund? That seemed unnecessary, unless there were plans to expand the university in some way. He need information.

He rang the university again, and asked for the Finance Officer. He again had to adopt his MD persona to get through.

“In going through the accounts I came upon a reference to a Development Fund. Would you care to enlighten me about that Fund?”

“The Development Fund? That goes back a bit. It was established to build up a fund that the university could draw on for applying for grants where we would have to provide a matching sum. It is a common arrangement where the external funder wants us to show we can do some of our own funding. Why do you ask? It seems odd.”

“No more odd than it appearing within your annual accounts. There is no statement of the cash sums held in that account. I would have expected to see that. In fact, why didn’t your auditors not ask that very question?”

“Oh, I see. That did come up a few years ago. The Development Fund has a different auditor, so we explained that was why the Development Fund accounts are not included. Our auditors accepted that statement, and so have not queried it since. They just add a note at the end, saying that the Fund is audited separately.”

Reg probed further. “So the nub of it is: you have a separate account for that Fund, audited separately?”

“I presume so; I have not checked on that, myself. I have only been in post a couple of years.”

“So who are the current auditors for that fund? I may need to have a chat with them.”

The Finance Officer paused before replying, “I would need to go look that up, and get back to you.”

“Please do.” Reg gave the man his phone number to return the call.

After about twenty-five minutes the Finance Officer finally rang Reg. He sounded apologetic.

“I regret to say, Mr Robertson, but the auditor’s appointment was not renewed after the first year. It seems that someone decided that an auditor for that one fund was not needed. Presumably the assumption was that the Fund would be covered by our normal accounts. Unfortunately, that assumption was incorrect; the other auditors were under the impression that the Fund continued to have its own auditor. It seems the auditing of the Fund’s accounts slipped through a crack in the system.”

Reg hummed and hawed before suggesting, “It might be a good idea to let me have these accounts for all the years the Fund has existed. Can I leave you to sort that out, and get me a certified copy of the accounts of that Fund.”

The man was apologetic in the extreme. “Certainly. I shall get my staff on to it today. I shall have the university’s Chief Accountant certify the accounts for you.”

Reg stopped him at that point. “Can I make a suggestion? Have the certification done by someone outwith the university’s financial structure. Perhaps a maths professor, or such? It would avoid any question about where this lapse occurred, should there be an investigation.”

“Oh, I see your point, though I trust we can sort this error out without going to that extreme.”

“I am sure you are right, sir. I just want everything to be seen to be done correctly, so that your own position in the matter is secured.”

Reg knew he was pushing the man a little, but felt it was worth it. The Finance Officer agreed to Reg’s ‘wise’ suggestion, and rang off. Reg was left to ponder why things were so lax. He got the impression that the Finance Officer was happy to see things go smoothly, and studiously avoided any sign of unwanted financial concerns. Reg reckoned that if there had been a major slip-up, the Chief Accountant in turn would be anxious to cover over any irregularities that showed up.

This thought brought his mind back to the question of the Chemistry Department purchasing of large quantities of chemicals and the students’ perception of a shortage. They could not both be right; there was indeed something amiss.

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 25 G

Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...

4 years ago
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Your Princess is in this Castle

I think that that was the first time in my life that there was some series of chance circumstances that didn’t turn exactly against me. Before then, I had found that if you want even an opportunity for fun you have to make it for yourself. And I wasn’t that good at that. I suppose I should trace it all from the beginning. A war breaking out between my land of Azuria and the neighboring kingdom of Ortor is not immediately to my advantage. In some ways it was a little annoying. Rationing,...

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B7 Chapter 12 Epilog The Island

Chapter 12: Epilog - The IslandDee Dee was in her quarters, placing an on-line order for a replacement door for her lab, when the phone rang. It was Jordan, and she was with Summer. Either one of them had finally checked a computer and gotten the message, or someone had seen it, and relayed it to her and Summer. Dee Dee tried not to berate them too much over the phone, and had them promise to come to her quarters right away. Dee Dee was still attending to details on her computer, when...

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Denise the submissive mom0

Chapter 1 - The Preparation For Denise's Gangbang Begins Rocky decided he had enough of Denise , after all she was just an old hag with a pervert husband he had met at the mall. So he called 3 of his pals to come over , he told them to bring pot. Denise & Bill had plenty of Beer & liquor in the house. So as he fisted Denise (something new for Denise ) He had Bill set up the bar with booze and beer & told them he was having 3 friends come over "Why" Denise asked curiously . Well...

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Sex with a Stranger in New York

 Yvonne was once again awestruck. Ricky's hard cock was worthy of the Greek gods themselves. It was thick and curved and the tip was flushed a bright red like a juicy berry begging to be placed between her lips She'd been in New York for 2 days now, her feet were sore from walking, it was 40 degrees above - way too hot for comfort and her friend’s flight over had been cancelled at the last minute. She'd exhausted the number of things a single girl can do in New York by themselves and had been...

First Time
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Last year my dad and I ,have a serious talk about mom wanted her pussy licks and eat by by him,but my dad refused. My dad stated that is not healthy . It's dirty. My mom bought a video "How to eat pussy" for dad to watch it and learn, but dad give me the video for me to learn and master it. Dad said,someday you will appreciate it, but I am to old to learn and is not my things.Dad said.My dad is 54 years old and mom 42..It's Thursday Night. My dad called me to come to his Study Room. Dad open...

3 years ago
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The Price of Beauty

Foreword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...

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Milky Adventure 8211 Riyas Compassion Part 2

Hello, it’s the continuation of my last part. Riya just rubbed his palm with her hands to make him feel safe and comfortable. She then continued to ask, “So you remember your parents’ names. I will see if I can get an inquiry about them. They must be worried about you.” He said, “No. I don’t want to go home. They beat me a lot, and they hate me. I won’t go back again.” She said, “That’s ok, dear. You can stay wherever you are comfortable.” Then she placed her arm to check his...

3 years ago
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 23

Gesturing to one of his office chairs, Magus said, “Please have a seat, Calvin Dorfman.” “Hello, Magus,” Calvin said. He sat down and looked at Magus wondering why he had been asked to come into the office. “I’ve been working on your problem,” Magus said. Surprised, Calvin said, “I figured you had given up on it.” It seemed to Magus that everyone expected instant answers to complex problems. Trivial problems were easy to answer quickly, but a hard problem took time to solve. He said, “I...

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Jennifer And Her Daughters II

JENNIFER AND HER DAUGHTERS II By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 3 Steve awoke to pain. "God, I hurt!" he swore. He winced as he got out of bed. He looked down at himself and saw horrible swelling all over. His arms and legs were especially swollen. He was sure that he was swollen in every place that the hair removal gel had been applied. He touched his face and felt a sharp stab of pain. He went over and stood in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom. He saw that his face...

2 years ago
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The Good Guy Finally Wins Chapter One

(This is a novella and, therefore, isn’t going to be an abbreviated bump-and-rush, as stories go. Patience is a wonderful, rare virtue in a reader, rest assured, those with it will be happily rewarded.) They were in the library when she saw him. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d checked a book out and, now, seeing him there felt utterly serendipitous…for, in truth, he could scantly recall his own last sojourn to the stacks. She noticed him first. He was too deeply entrenched to be...

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Sex With Hot Friend8217s Mommy

Hi friends .. I m Sarfaraaz khan working in Bahrain but I m Bangalore, 25 years, slim body, whitish skin, 5.9 inches long face. I had a sex with many of them specially with aunts. If anyone is interested with me u can mail me to sarfaraaz and u can add me in face book.. Hmm let’s go for story my first sex with friend’s mom who was drunk.. Let’s start the horny story. Ye kahani hai jab mein 18 years ka tha. Kaam ke silsile se muje ckm( chickmanglore) jaana pada wo mera birth place hai. Kaam...

1 year ago
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Memoirs of an Evil Genius

(Author's note: Remember to customise your name if you don't want everyone to call you John Doe) (Moderator's note: Please feel free to add chapters to any threads. I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to moderation) As the future ruler of the world it behooves me, John Doe, to write these memoirs of my inevitable rise to power so that those who follow might know the unsurpassed genius of your benevolent lord and master. I therefore begin these notes on the eve of my first test of the device that...

4 years ago
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Will I Live

Introduction: A teenage girl takes for granted the life she has at home and when she runs away, she is thrown into a world of rape and torture. After the birth of my new baby sister, life at home had not really been a life at all. By the time I was sixteen years old, I decided I wanted to run away from home. I was having trouble living my own life at home and no one really paid attention to me anymore. I had started saving money since I was 10 and I now had $500. I also help that the yesterday...

2 years ago
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Humiliation Of Shruti 8211 Part 3

I am an avid reader of ISS. I happened upon the ‘Humiliation of Shruti’ series that somehow manages to turn me on every time I read it. Maybe it catered to my innermost and taboo desires of exploitation. Sadly, after part 1 and 2, the series never continued. I tried contacting the writer, but there was no reply. After almost three years, it is safe to assume that the author has moved on. It is extremely unlikely that further updates will occur under the same title. Therefore, I’ve decided to...

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Wife Loves my Bi Side PT2

"In the meantime," my wife said coyly, "why don't you crawl over here and suck on my finger the way you sucked on Scott's cock?"I did as I was asked, closing my eyes, just imagining his firmness in my mouth. After a few minutes, she said, "I like the way that feels on my finger." He continued, almost giggling, "He must have really enjoyed it."I stopped working my tongue for a minute, looked up at her and said, "By the amount of cum I swallowed, I would say he did." She then told me how good she...

3 years ago
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I Tried Lesbian Sex For The First Time

I started to spend a lot of time with my friend, Susan, she had a lot of information on sex and was teaching me a lot. My dad didn't mind me staying over once in a while, it gave him a break from me.Sue taught me about masturbation and let me try her dildoe. Her dad had some porn videos that she could get access to when he wasn't around. Us girls would get together at her house and she would play the videos, I really liked watching the men's cocks more than anything, but I started to ...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Natasha Nice Thicc Sister Challenge

Natasha Nice and her stepbrother Brad Sterling are bored as they hang out on the couch. Eventually, Natasha asks if Brad has heard of the Sis Challenge that’s going around online. Brad hasn’t, so Natasha explains that they both get naked and if Brad pops a boner then he loses and is a freak. Brad is certain that he can control his impulses, so they get naked together. Indeed, his dick is soft even at the sight of his sister’s lush curves and massive titties. Natasha...

2 years ago
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Home On Liberty

I got home on liberty one hot Friday afternoon in late July of 1977. Billie, my wife, met me at the door wearing nothing but a smile and her wedding ring. She was stunning! Twenty-four years old, five-feet-three-inches tall and weighing one-hundred-and-eight-pounds, her petite body (34B-23-33) was tanned, fit and tight from her exercise routines and long-distance running. Her smallish areolas were puffy and her nipples were hard pebbles.It wasn’t unusual for her to greet me bare-assed naked....

Wife Lovers
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Parthas ParadiseChapter 15

New characters appearing in this and other chapters: Admiral Stanfield Commander of Task Force Franklin, and the Heavy Cruiser Benjamin Franklin, 5’-10’’ tall, 180 pounds, 52 years old, gray hair, hard eyes. CPO Wurst, Klaus Chief Petty Officer, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, 5’-11’’ tall, 170 pounds, 37 years old, dark blond hair, blue eyes PO Asthon, Zawe Petty Officer, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, 5’-8’’ tall, 145 pounds, 36C-24-36, 31 years old, long black hair in...

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My New Step sisters BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I seemed to always be in trouble growing up. It was no surprise that my parents divorced over my bad behavior. When most k**s were going to college, after high school. I was in the back of a bus, going to prison. I was sentenced for stealing a few cars. 25 to be exact. All over one weekend. I got off the prison bus and headed inside. With good behavior, I could get out in a year.1 year later:I walked out of prison, a changed young man. I did not want to go...

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It was my friends car alright, but it wasn’t him driving it. It was his mother, Suzanne. Suzanne was an attractive woman. She had my friend young, and was not as old as some of the other mothers around She was actually only 33. Suzanne had nice long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail today, and sexy blue eyes. Her lips were nice and full, and she wore red lipstick on them. She had nice big tits, which she covered with a white tank top, and a little sexy stomach. Her ass was...

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Lost FoundChapter 50

I pulled back onto Route 322 after finishing my phone calls and headed east for home. The rest of the drive was routine. Traffic was ugly around Harrisburg. I flew down I-283 to Lancaster and got stuck in another traffic jam around Lancaster. I pulled up in front of my house a couple minutes after 5:30 pm. Hopefully Mom wasn't in a hurry to eat. I dropped my overnight bag in the foyer, threw my coat on the living room chair and hurried back to the kitchen so I wouldn't be late for supper....

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Collateral Damage Book I The VengeanceChapter 2

She didn’t stop me. However, it was more than an hour later when she was coming down from her third orgasm, that I finally got naked myself. She had not been a virgin but according to her reactions, she had not been given oral pleasure very often, if ever. Instead of mounting her, I rolled her on top of me and helped her to sit. “Caryn, for the first time, I want you to be on top and make love to me.” I didn’t really wait for her response but instead helped her on top of me and guided my...

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Gluteus Maximus Chapter Five

"Gluteus Maximus" -- Chapter FiveDev moaned in appreciation as he felt my mouth on his dick and I suddenlyhad a strange sensation as I felt the hefty head of his cock move past mylips.Sucking cock didn't really bother me anymore. In fact, dare I say, I kindof liked it!In reality I really liked the idea of pleasing Dev, period. But I foundthat, lying there in bed with him all relaxed after a heavy session, havinghim push me back down on his cock was tremendously hot! I don't know whatit was; the...

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Little tranny for old pervert

Little tranny for old pervertThere is little time I narrated my past adventures on Xhamster, well this time it will be hot at all .. all crisp .. If so sworn. It happened not later that there was 15 days.I do not hide I'm bisexual and love as the amorous jousts with men than women. I also like the transsexuals and trav .. There was a long time that I had not played with one of these wonderful creatures. And this weekend I was lucky. I always trolling on the internet and sometimes it takes me...

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Date Night Eroticas Surprise

“You showed me a new you in Mexico, MK. Let me show you a new Ms. E. I want a date night. Meet me at this club I know. I will send you a text with the details. Let’s say the night is on me. Ms. Erotica’s surprise for My’Kuyah.”MK gets to the arranged destination early. He watches Ms. E walk into the bar. It seems like everyone else in the room does as well. She’s that kind of Erotic Beauty--everyone takes note.Her plan is to pretend they don’t know each other. My’Kuyah is going to seduce her in...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 10

Ally didn't even realize that Jane had left until she returned to continue playing with her again. They pulled the girl off the bed and had her kneel on the floor. Jane squatted in front of her while Ken grabbed some rope from one of the bags. He also pulled out a set of clamps. They were vicious little things. Each was 'U' shaped with a lever on one side that clamped the ends together. They were very strong, but Ken knew the girl would like them. He had Ally put her hands behind her...

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DorcelClub Rebecca Volpetti Rebecca 4 You

Rebecca and Raul, newlyweds, are a happy couple, but Raul spends most of his time at work. One evening, they receive his boss for dinner and the latter makes him the most indecent offer. He will consider giving him a promotion if Raul lets him sleep with his wife. Upset at first, Rebecca will take the lead and accept, her husband has sacrificed too much to see his advancement stopped now. In turn, then together during an intense double penetration, the two men will fill the beautiful Russian...

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Breakfast To Lunch With Neighbor Aunty

Hi. This is Suman from Guntur of Andhra Pradesh. In this story i want to explain you my sexual encounter with a hot aunt who resides in my building down stairs. As it is first time to write a story please excuse for mistakes. First let tell about me and my aunt. I am 30 years old married person with good looks. On the first floor i live with my wife. Hence we are newly married we don’t have children. We are happy couple and have no problems. Recently a family has taken the down portion for...

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Sex with sister in law

Hello readers myself Ravi from Chennai. Let me tell you the real incident that happened with my Sister in law(uncle daughter). We were going around for more than 3 years, but never really got chance to have sex. We both were doing our MBA, hence we have study together. So I would go every week end Sat and Sun to her house to study. It was normal Sat morning I reached her house at 10 AM. I saw my uncle and aunty leaving somewhere out. I met them at the gate and they told me, they are going to...

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Dost Ki Bahan Aarti Ki Chudai

Dosto mera naam rahul hai aur main lucknow ka rahne wala hu mera ek dost hai jiski badi bahan ka naam aarti hai baat aaj se 5saal pahle ki hai main apne dost ke yahan aksar aaya jaya karta tha ghar me sabhi mujhe bahut mante the aarti bhi mujhe bahut manti thi maine kabhi aisa socha bhi nahi tha ki aarti ke saath aisa karuga kyuki wo mere dost ki badi bahan thi aarti ki ek dost thi jo mujhko like karti thi ye baat mujhe pata thi is ko lekar aarti aksar mujhse kahti ki meri dost se tum baat kar...

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Between Neighbors

I pulled my wife Ann’s curly hair away from her face just in time to watch as her lips engulfed the tip of my cock. She gave me a playful wink before sliding her mouth down the shaft until her chin hit my balls. I let out a soft sigh as she began to work my cock with her lips, tongue and throat. While most of my buddies complain that their wives never giving them head, my Ann loves to suck cock. I looked down at her and said, “Baby, I could watch you suck cock all day.” She smiled up while...

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Two Mothers Two Sons Chapter Four

For, Jessica Denver, the week was mostly a blur. Since allowing her son into her bed and his delicious cock into her pussy, she hadn't looked back. The boy hadn't been to school in three days. Every morning she would peck her husband on the cheek, send him off to work and immediately tear into her new teenage fucktoy. The house had become a den of debauchery. Nothing was off limits and nearly everything had been tried. She was sore, and she was tired, and she had never felt better. Over the...

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A Night With Friend8217s Hot Mom

This is Ragav from Chennai age 22. Coming to the story which happened for real in my life when I was in college vacation one year ago.  I was a cricket player back then. My school friends used to play cricket almost everyday. Once the exams are over we started to spend the whole day in ground. We planned to conduct a cricket tournament and am being vice captain I was active in managing things for tournament. My parents planned to go native place to attend some function for three days. I...

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Davids Exotic Family

David sighed and ended the call before placing his phone down on the table. He slumped down onto his sofa while his wife Julia walked into the room, biting into an apple as she joined him on the sofa. “What’s up?” She asked cheerfully. “You’re looking a bit under the weather.” David sighed. “Ugh, it’s not much really.” He said, biting his bottom lip as he turned to meet her gaze. “My aunt just called. You know, the one from India?” Julia smiled exitedly. “Of course I do! Your mother’s...

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Red Dirt Road

This story is lengthy so everyone can see how this event unfolded. I hope everyone enjoys the summer I graduated high school!Ding dong. I heard my phone from the other room."Hey what's up?" The text read from Ashton read."Not much. What about you?" I replied back."Not a whole lot. Just on my way home from the city. I'm really bored." -Ashton"Yeah me too. What are you doing tonight?" -Me"I'm not sure. Probably nothing." -Ashton"Oh okay. Yeah same here." -Me"Do you wanna come over and watch a...

Straight Sex
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Snake Part 5

Snake, Part 5 ? by: Beverly Taff Jack Bentley knew he still had a long way to go. The door from his office loomed like some portal into hell as he plucked up the courage to sally forth in his new female persona. He knew he should step forward with all the confidence of his previous male existence; after all, it was his own office and his own business, his own front door for God's sake! Sadly his feminine personality simply refused to accept the male logic striving to assert...

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Drugged for Dogs and HorsesChapter 7 Onwards to Mexico

I don't recall anything from shortly after my brother was taken to his room, and woke up naked and massively stretched in my room the next morning. Blacky had put me to bed about 6AM when the shire finally finished, exhausted after a marathon 10 hours fucking and pumping session. He had pumped gallons of sperm into my insensible but ecstatic body as I lay doped and happy, in an attempt to get me with foal. I very unsteadily left my room to see my brother being led from the bedroom. His dick...

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