Gift From A God Ch. 04 free porn video

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‘We should have been doing this a long time ago,’ I said to Kristel as she kneeled there, my balls cradled gently in her hand. ‘Why weren’t we?’

‘I don’t know.’ She withdrew her hand and cast her eyes down at the carpet. ‘I mean…it was just…I didn’t think it would have been right. I still don’t know why I’m doing it, but I…I needed you.’

She brought her gaze back to mine and I could see the fire of her passion seething and boiling in the depths of her azure eyes. She had not yet been satisfied. Her thirst for sex could not be quenched by anything so trivial as masturbation now. Kristel was in desperate need of fucking.

‘I can’t explain it but I… I want you to take me now. Please.’ She got to her feet and stood before me. Her body trembled with the strength of her desire. ‘For tonight, I am completely yours.’ She brought her hand up to the thin blue spaghetti strap of the dress and began to slip it over the soft curve of her shoulder.

‘Stop.’ I said.

Kristel’s face took on a panicked look. ‘But I thought–.’

‘Let’s take this into your bedroom,’ I interrupted. Her face instantly relaxed and she put the strap back in place. ‘Okay,’ she said with a relieved smile.

I had more then one reason for doing that. One, I just thought it would be more comfortable, Two, she had a queen size bed, I had only a single and three, the leather couch was making my ass sweat. Plus, I was going to be doing the honor of taking her dress off. I’d been thinking about it for months and I was not about to be denied.

She turned and walked away, her ass jiggling. This time I knew she wasn’t wearing any panties. I stared, I couldn’t help it. Here was a woman who was mine in anyway I desired and all I could do was stare at her ass. Maybe I was an ass-man. Kristel got to her door and glanced back to me. ‘Coming?’ she inquired.

‘On my way.’

I felt like a moron walking around the house half naked. I still had my shirt, socks and shoes on. We hadn’t taken the time remove them, Kristel had just pulled the shorts and boxers off over my shoes. She couldn’t be bothered with such mundane details at a time like that. I kicked the shoes off on the way and started to unbutton my shirt and pull it off as I approached her door.

Kristel gave me a sexy grin and walked just ahead of me into the room. The smell of her exploits still hung heavy in the air. The scent made my dick twitch. I watched her as she approached the bed and turned to face me. Her eyes traversed the length my now nude body. She paused for a moment over my crotch, eyeing my half-hard dick with a look of hunger.

Kristel brought her eyes back up to mine and with a merry twinkle said, ‘I’ve never fucked a guy while he was still wearing his socks. Kinky.’

Shit. Nude except my socks.

‘Oops.’ I said and quickly pulled them off accompanied by her playful giggle.

All playing aside now, I crossed the distance between us and stood just inches from her. Her face grew serious as she stared up at me, need playing across her graceful features. Christ, she was so tiny. She barely came up to my neck. Such a delicate thing, like a flower still heavy with morning dew, the droplets shimmering in the newborn light.

I had an attack of conscience just then, staring into the fierce softness of her eyes. Eyes that looked at me with such longing. Despite what she was asking, it was I who was making her ask. She had absolutely no choice in the matter and she didn’t even know it. She admitted to me in the living room that she didn’t know why she was doing this. Still, here she was offering herself to me. I wanted her. I wanted her so bad it was an ache in the pit of my stomach but I was stung with the realization that if not for my tampering she would never have come to me.

‘Kristel I…’ I didn’t know what to say. What could I say.

She saw the shadow of doubt as it moved over my face and stepped in to close the small gap between us, not saying a word. I was overcome by the smell of her body. The scent of her rolled through me. Sex, flowers and spring mornings after the rain. Pure and overpowering. It invaded my senses, alive with immoral intent, and laid waste to the guilt that was still residing within me. She wasn’t the only one without a choice now.

The smell of a woman has always been so important to me, even before the powers. Not the perfume, or the body washes or lotions, none of that fruity shit, but the pure animal smell that is woman. It’s like a drug. If it’s wrong then it’s a total turn-off and there will never be a chance with whoever it is. I don’t care if Elizabeth Hurley comes crawling on all fours, naked and covered in honey, begging to be fucked. If she smells wrong it will never happen. I inhaled the perfume of her body and my will crumbled to dust.

I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around gently. She cast a questioning look back at me but obeyed without comment. I brought my hands up and placed them on either side of her neck and slowly caressed downward to her shoulders and on down the bare skin of her arms. She let out a sigh. I leaned in and placed a kiss right on the hairline on the back of her neck and felt her body shudder and break out in goose bumps under my hands. I moved down an inch or so and kissed her again, this time licking it with my tongue the instant before closing my lips over her skin. She was like strawberries dipped in lust. I craved her as the addict craves the high.

‘Oh god Stephen…’ she said, barely a whisper.

My hands wrapped her waist and pulled her tight against me, my dick pressed hard and flat against her back, while I took her earlobe in my mouth and nibbled it. Her body shuddered from head to toe and she let out a quivering sigh. I slid my hands serpentine up her stomach and cupped the fullness of her breasts in each hand, squeezing gently as I kissed down her jaw line. Her hands were on my arms and she dug her nails in. She pushed her chest out into my hands and I responded by pinching her nipples lightly through the fabric.

‘Stephen…Mmm…fuck me. Please,’ she pleaded in a breathy voice. ‘Don’t tease me.’

I pulled back from her and brought my hands back to her shoulders, sliding my thumbs over her shoulder blades like I was about to give her a massage. Instead I moved them to the outside of the straps on the dress and, hooking them, began to pull them gently outward and over her shoulders. She let her hands drop to her sides and once the straps were away from her shoulders I released them and watched spellbound as the dress slipped free of her and crumpled to the floor in a circle of blue cloth at her feet.

My eyes traveled the length of her body taking in every detail. From her delicate ankles, up the firm lines of her muscled calves, the hollow at the back of her knees and up her firm thighs. From there over the generous curves of her ass and through the small of her back. I rode the river of her spine to where her shoulder blades moved under her skin and reveled in creamy perfection of her. Her body was lithe and firm, a dancers body.

‘You are…amazing.’ I said, transfixed by the vision before me. She was mine.

I guided her around to face me and brought a hand up to cup her jaw, my thumb tracing a line along her cheek. I could almost do nothing else but look at her. She was like a thing of precious beauty that you don’t want to dirty by touching it. Suddenly she brought her arms up to cover her breasts and looked away, breaking the spell.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked her.

‘The way you’re looking at me,’ she said. ‘I’ve never had anyone look at me like that. It’s like…like you can really see me.’

‘Of course I can see you.’

‘No, that’s not what I mean.’ She sat down on the edge of the bed and put her hands in her lap, clutching them together and turning them over. ‘Most guys, when they look at me, they are seeing my ass, or my tits, but not seein
g me. They think I’m ‘hot’ and just want to get in my pants. But you…the way you’re looking at me now,’ she glanced up and looked down again, ‘I feel exposed. Like you’re looking at my soul. And the way your touching me. It’s almost…reverent.’

‘You don’t like it?’

‘I do like it. It feels wonderful to be noticed and to be touched that way. When I look into your eyes I feel so safe and I’ve never had that before. It scares me.’

‘Scares you how?’

‘That…’ she let out a frustrated sigh. ‘That you’ll stop. That you’ll see something you won’t like and you won’t look at me that way ever again. I’ve never felt like that before and I don’t want it to go away.’

She brought her eyes back to mine and they were moist. She really was frightened. This was an unexpected blow. This had gone way beyond me just wanting to fuck her now. There were real feelings here all of a sudden. Crap. I never intended to hurt her.

‘Kristel, I don’t think I have ever seen something about you I didn’t like. Especially now that you’re not wearing any clothes.’ She let out a laugh and I grinned at her. I kneeled down in front of her and took her hands in mine and said, ‘You are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, body, mind and soul. I know we haven’t ever been close but I’m hoping we can change that after tonight. Who knows, maybe we will find we have a lot more in common then we thought we did. I do know however, that I will always look on you as the thing of beauty that you are.’ Kind of sappy but it worked. And it wasn’t a lie, she was an amazing woman.


‘I promise.’

Kristel sniffled and then smiled down at me. I brought a hand up and kissed it, tasting again that delicious flavor of her.

‘Well okay then.’ She said with finality. ‘Now are you going to fuck me or am I going to have to go start banging on the neighbors’ door?’

‘You’re not going anywhere.’ I stood up and pulled her to me and kissed her for the first time. Our tongues danced that delicate tango and her body melted into mine. I put my arms around her with my hands cupping her sweet ass, and lifted her up and off the ground so her face was even with mine. She let out a little scream of surprise while we were kissing and wrapped her legs around my waist. I could feel the moistness and heat of her pussy against my stomach and when we moved my dick would bounce around and hit her ass. She was so light.

Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, she pulled away smiling and said, ‘You’re a good kisser.’

‘Well, I do what I can.’ I replied.

Kristels arms were resting on my shoulders and her were fingers playing with my hair, her face just centimeters away. I watched as her eyes moved over my face and then into my eyes.

‘You have some of the most amazing blue eyes I’ve ever seen, has anyone ever told you that before?’ she said.

Since I was old enough to open them. One of my earliest memories is of some chunky old woman pinching my cheek in line at a Nationals grocery store and saying what gorgeous blue eyes I had.

‘Why thank you,’ I replied. ‘But I’m afraid the credit goes to my dad. ”That’s why I married that son-of-a-bitch,” my mom always says.’

Kristel chuckled. ‘Why does she say that?’

‘My dad is tall with blue eyes. She said she wanted a tall, blue-eyed baby boy.’

‘Mmm well she certainly got it.’ She leaned in and kissed me again, harder this time, pulling herself tight against me, her thighs squeezing so hard it was almost difficult to breathe.

I stepped towards the bed and placed a knee on it and leaned down carrying Kristel with me. When she was firmly on the bed, she let go of me and allowed her legs to slip free. I rested on my hands and looked upon this dream of luscious flesh laid out before me, legs spread in invitation.

I lowered my head and began to kiss her neck (yes, I’m definitely a neck man), starting just under the earlobe and kissing my way down the muscles and tendons to her collar bone. I placed my tongue in the hollow of her neck and licked up her throat not stopping until I rounded her chin. I brought my mouth to hers and sucked in her lower lip, capturing it between my teeth, gripping it gently and let out a growl of animal lust deep in my chest. I swear my mouth was tingling with the taste of her, my tastebuds writhing in an orgy of flavors, both salty and sweet.

Releasing her I said, ‘I’ve wanted this for so, so long Kristel. You are mine now.’

Kristels eyes were closed and she was lost in a world of need. Her hips were arched up to meet mine, thrusting instinctually at the air trying to capture the head of my cock balancing just out of reach.

‘Yesssss…’ was all she replied and it was more of an expulsion of breath then a real word.

I reached down and grabbed the base of my cock and placed it firmly on her pelvis at the top of her downy-soft landing strip. Her eyes popped open and stared hard into me, pleading, begging, for me to take her. Her body froze, hips still thrust upward as she felt the contact of her long desired cock. I began to slide it down, feeling the tickle of her pubes on the underside of my cock. I reached the top of her slit and didn’t stop. My dick parted the upper folds of her pussy as I pushed down and was greeted by the burning warmth that was overflowing from her. Kristel gasped aloud as my dick rode over the surface of her clit, continuing it’s downward journey.

‘Yesss….hurry. I need it so bad.’ she begged through clenched teeth. She threw her arms around my back and dug her fingernails into my flesh.

I moved my dick in little circles, coating the head with her juices as I prepared to make the final plunge. Kristel was panting hard, her body covered in sweat. She was a woman on the edge. I positioned my dick at the entrance of her pussy and was about to push it in when something stopped me.

‘Kristel, baby, open your eyes. Look at me.’ She didn’t respond at first, she was to preoccupied with her own desire. ‘Kristel, look at me,’ I said with more force.

Her eyes opened, passion and impatience burning there, and drilled into me. That’s it. I shoved my dick deep into the depths of her pussy and at the same time shoved my mind into hers, riding her consciousness like a bucking horse. Kristel screamed her release and her whole body spasmed. Whether it was because she, at long last, had a dick up her cunt or because I was fucking her mind as well as her body, or both, I don’t know.

All I do know is that while my dick fucked her body, I was fucking her mind at the same time. The difference? Imagine all five senses being fucked independently at the same time, your soul being forged in a fire of overwhelming lust and riding the crest of a continuous orgasm to nirvana. If you can possibly imagine that, you might one day sort of get an idea. I doubt it though.

My body pumped on auto-pilot, my dick getting scorched by the napalm flames of her pussy as it spasmed and clenched, trying to pull me inside her. In the mean time I could no longer see her room around me, I was in some sort of dreamscape, my body intertwined with Kristels as we floated through this nothingness. I couldn’t tell where my body ended and hers began. Kristels desire had surpassed words and only communicated itself to me through emotions of intense pleasure. She was drowning in a sea of sexual bliss. I was right along side her, bobbing and thrusting in this other place that wasn’t a place.

Through the haze of passion she became aware of her new surroundings.

‘Stephen…ohhh…..yes..yes… what’s happening? Where are we? OOooo God!’

‘I don’t know. Mmmmm…you’re so hot!’

I struggled to pull my mind out of hers, I don’t know what made me do that or how I did it that first time without realizing it. It was an amazing feeling, beyond what I have ever experienced before, but to be honest, I was as freaked out as she was.

Suddenly I was out a
nd her room snapped back into focus and it was just Kristel and I, sweating and grunting in that age old sexual dance. Kristel looked up, dazed with more then just sex, and her eyes darted around the room and then back at me as she ground her hips against mine, matching me stroke for stroke. Whatever that just was, she put it out of her mind for now.

‘OH GOD! Stephen…fuck me…fuck me MMmmm yes! I’ve waited so long. Uh…uh…uh..that’s it. OOoooo that’s it.’

Her pussy pulled at my dick in ways I didn’t think were possible. It felt like she grew fingers down there and they were massaging and stroking my dick as it pistoned in and out of her.

*Cum for me*

Her nails dug deep into my back. ‘Steve, OH OH, I’m cumming. Don’t stop. Don’t stop! MMmm harder! OOoooooyesyesyes..’ And her body was rocked by an explosive orgasm. A head-thrashing, hip-bucking, muscle-clencher of an orgasm. She almost threw me off.

I did what I could to stay inside her and ride it out. I slowed down on my thrusting letting her body come down off the high and just enjoyed the feeling of her pussy rippling along the length of my shaft. Her breathing eventually became more regular and I started to work my hips into her again.

‘Stephen that was…’ she groaned as my dick pushed slowly back into her pussy. ‘God!’

‘You don’t think we’re finished do you?’

‘Haha. Don’t worry, you’re not getting off that easy. Just let a girl catch her breath. Woo.’

She closed her eyes and moved her hips slowly up to meet mine, each of us finding our rhythm again. I lowered myself down onto her and, wrapping my arms around her back, I rolled us both over so she was now laying on top of me. She let out a little ‘Oh’ of surprise and brought her knees up to either side of my hips.

‘Want to go for a ride?’ I asked her. I moved both of my hands up her back and then brought them down again, raking her skin lightly with my nails.

‘Yippee kyi yay,’ she said said with a devious look and worked her hips slowly around my cock. Kristel was one hell of a fuck, I’ll say that right now. She placed her hands on my chest and sat up slowly, looking me in the eyes the whole way. I allowed my hands to rest around her waist but she grabbed them and brought them up to her breasts.

‘Play with my tits,’ she whispered, her hips beginning to gyrate around my cock. ‘I like that.’

‘You got it babe.’ I grabbed a handful of breast in each hand and began to massage them as our pace increased. ‘Kristel, babe, you are so hot. Uhh’

All I got was a groan in response as her hips undulated up and down and all around my dick. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lower lip, her face contorted in passion. She was fucking me almost without moving her upper body, her hips were doing all the work and it was some of the most intense fucking I’ve ever experienced.

Guys I’ll tell you right now, fuck a dancer. They can do things with their bodies normal women can’t do. Kristel had been taking dance classes since she was little and it showed. Sideways and slantways and any other ways you can think of. If I may borrow briefly from Willy Wonka there.

Her fingers dug into my chest as she grunted her pleasure above me. I made attempts to fuck her back but Kristel was doing her own thing and if I interfered to much it threw her off. I lost myself in the heat of her pussy.

‘Christ woman…how do you do that?’ My breathe was coming in gasps and I new I was going to come soon. There was no way to avoid it with the moves she was putting on me. My dick was spasming at random just from the shock of it. I could feel my balls start to tighten up.

‘MMmmm….you like that Steve?’ she panted. She brought a hand from my chest down to between her legs to where we were joined together and started to rub her clit. I could feel her fingers brushing my cock. ‘You like it when I do that?’ And she did that. ‘Or how about this?’ And then she did that too. She just straight up did me.

‘Shit! Oohh shit. Kristel! I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum. Shit!’

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Gift From A God Ch 08

I appeared down on Mill Avenue, in the parking garage near Harkin’s Movie Theater. He’d got me dressed so that I wasn’t walking around in swimming trunks. Mill Avenue is the main drag where a lot of college kids hang out. It runs right through the middle of campus. There’s several clubs and restaurants and weird little shops and art galleries. It’s a pretty fun place. It’s great for just girl-watching. Unfortunately that was not on our agenda this evening. I was still too weak to put up much...

3 years ago
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Gifts of the Future Ch 01

Megan Richards was in the middle of a dream… at least she thought it was a dream. She was soaring through clouds like a bird, only she couldn’t feel the wind nor see the ground… nothing but clouds and blue, blue sky. Then a haunting guitar melody that she vaguely recognized began to play and she saw scenes from her life being reflected in the clouds. And as they flashed past her, she heard a male voice begin singing with the melody… I close my eyes… only for a moment and the moment’s gone. All...

4 years ago
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Gifted Grifter Ch 14

Chapter 14: Passing the Torch One day Julie was playing around on MySpace. She was doing me a favor, checking all of the pages I had made for myself and every pseudonym I had lived under when I was living the life of the gambler, I wasn’t very good about keeping up on them myself. That was much more Julie’s thing—a reflection, perhaps, of the age/generation gap between us. On my personal page (that is, the one in my real name) Julie noticed that I had gotten a bunch of messages from a girl...

1 year ago
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Gifted Grifter Ch 08

Gifted Grifter #8: The Return of Jessie My ‘sugar daddy’ weekend with Julie changed me. I missed her terribly after seeing her off at the airport. Since the time I had invented the mindreader until that weekend, I my primary objective had been to use my device to seduce as many hot women as possible. But now, when I thought of having sex with a hot woman, I always pictured Julie. Simple fact was, everything I liked to do—which was pretty much everything—she did better than any other woman I...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 22 I Do

The day of the wedding arrived, and Willow had the jitters. She was surprised she was worried, but Grace helped put her at ease, saying that she had felt the same. Prue was going to be her matron of honour and Ulani had agreed to be the maid. Bethany got to be the flower girl again, of course. Ulani felt honoured to be asked. She even received a message from her father saying he was happy with her new choice of friends. He supported her mother in her choice to stay and attend the Academe....

3 years ago
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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 00

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. _________________________ Gifted: Book One Soul Mates Prologue: Moving ...

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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 8 Traveling

There was no good news in the next couple of days. Albert and Frankie had disappeared. Inspector Tyrone came out to tell them they had searched the taverns and dives and couldn’t find them. Apparently, Anne’s boys were looking too, and they hadn’t had any success either. A Constable reported that a carriage had been stolen from one of the Estates and they now believed the men had left the area. Paul decided to head back to Terville with the news. There wasn’t anything left for him to do...

2 years ago
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Gift from a Stranger

As an army brat, moving from state to state was a common occurrence with me and my parents. My dad was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army and my mom did a lot of work around the house that he wasn't able to tend to. I was an only child, so the days got boring and lonely. At 18 years old, I'd been the new kid at school a total of seven times which was equal to the amount of states I'd called home. Our most recent stop on the tour was in Indiana. My first day of school had come, and I...

4 years ago
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My Godmother

I'm a sixteen (nearly seventeen) year old son of farmer parents on an island of the west coast of Scotland. I'm homeschooled and as long as I keep up my studies, I am excused farm work.It's quiet here and most of my friends attend boarding school on the mainland so I don't see much of them. When they come back for holidays, we like to get together and hang out. Some of them steal porn mags or porn novels from their parents and we all take it in turns reading sections out loud to the group. It's...

First Time
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The Dairy Godmother

The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...

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Suzi the pig fromEssex part 1

It was a nice late summers day, getting towards the end of the afternoon. I’d met Suzi a while ago when l moved into the area- it turns out everyone knew Suzi! She’d tried it on with me, but l couldn’t do it, she was mature and saggy in the wrong places- her tits just flopped when she took them out for me. But you know,once a man has an erection, there’s only one way to get rid of it! I let her jerk me off in the pub toilet, at least l could close my eyes and pretend it was a hot young lady and...

1 year ago
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57From cheating housewife to who knows what last

57 From cheating housewife to who knows what? Pt4 Jack appeared at his normal getting home time, he seemed a bit on edge, so after the meal when he went to feed the fish, his pride and joy, I went out and we sat on the bench that only an hour or two before Eddy and I had shared. He said he had been told he was nominated to go to Berlin for a month`s course, however he wanted to talk to me before he agreed to go. We discussed the options and agreed to him going and he brightened up a...

4 years ago
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"Listen to me. No, no, listen", I paused, sighing as the man across the desk opened his mouth to speak. "Larry, for fuck's sake listen to me. You know me, alright? The studio knows me. The people know me. Have I ever let you down? In the ten years I've been with you, in the...nine movies I've been in? No, I haven't, have I? And you know my speciality, my talent, my...mimicry, right? So come on, just tell me what you think" "I don't know, Bob, it's a hell of a risk. What if you get...

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Story frome my fan girl

I know I'm not the best looking girl on the planet. I wasn't back then neither. I was flat chested with boyish looks. I was friends with my crush Kyle and he treated me like one of the boys and not one his girls. Kyle wasn't a pimp but girls seemed to fall head over heels for him and I was one of them. He was gorgeous and resembled Keanu Reeves as the years gone by. Kyle seemed to be drawn to girls with large boobs. I barely fitted into an A cup while growing...

1 year ago
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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 12 Dignitaries

Willow was very nervous at meeting the King. She wore the green striped dress and found a lovely necklace and earbobs in her mother’s jewellery box. She didn’t like wearing powders on her face so she didn’t. She did smear a pink gloss on her lips and darkened her eyelashes. She grabbed her cape and purse and headed out to the sitting room. Ty turned when he heard her door open and he stood transfixed. She was beautiful, that was all he could think. Then she smiled that little smile she gave...

4 years ago
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Gifted Grifter Ch 12

Gifted Grifter #12: Julie Whips Wall Street Our seed money now in hand, we opened up two online stock trading accounts, one in my name and one in Julie’s. To avoid the suspicion two separate accounts doing substantially similar trades might generate if noticed, we set our accounts up with different brokers. For an additional fee, we arranged for the brokers to pay estimated taxes and capital gains out of our accounts as needed, leaving us free to just do day trading. With any luck, they would...

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Gifted Grifter Ch 05

Gifted Grifter #5: Lake Country Girls I decided to go up the lake country area for the weekend again. I put in a call to Erin, my red-haired real estate agent up there, and told her what I was looking for and at what price. The first time I had rented through her, I had seduced her using my mindreading sunglasses, but the second time she had been all business. I guess this time would be the tiebreaker. In order to have any chance at seducing her again, I figured, two things had to happen....

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Gifted Grifter Ch 06

Chapter 6: Julie Pays the Bills, Part I For nearly a year I had been living as the Gifted Grifter, and I was getting into an established routine. I would travel to Vegas or Atlantic City under an assumed name, betting horses and sports during the day, using my mindreading glasses to pick up tips from knowledgeable bettors. At night I would hit the poker rooms, using my glasses to know what everyone else at the table had in their hands when the table stakes got big, with those advantages, I...

2 years ago
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Gift of the Goddess Ch 03

Author’s Note: This story includes mind control and anal sex. Enjoy! ——————————— Jonathon was very pleased with his life… ever since he’d gotten the gift from the Goddess things had been going very well for him. He’d gotten revenge on Dana and Robert, Olivia was no longer bothering him at all – in fact whenever she saw him in the hall she blushed and put her head down. Office gossip said that she was dating one of the interns. And on top of all that, he himself had been dating Kay for the...

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Gift of the Goddess Ch 02

Author’s Note: This story involves male/female regular sex, and mind control. Enjoy! —————————————- Jonathon gritted his teeth as Olivia made another snide comment as she walked out the door of his office. That woman was REALLY getting on his nerves. Ever since he, Dana and Robert had returned from Greece, and the office had found out that Dana and Robert were now together, Olivia had been horrible. Constantly sniping and mocking him for losing his girlfriend – not that he was sensitive...

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Gift of the Goddess Ch 01

Author’s Note: This story involves elements of reluctance/non-consent (since it’s mind control) as well as oral, vaginal and anal sex and group sex. Enjoy! ————————————— Jonathon staggered down the hill, looking delirious and grinning like a complete loon. Although his girlfriend had been cheating on him with his best friend for the entire trip, both of them were still worried about him. He wanted to laugh at the expression on Dana and Robert’s faces as he walked up to them, instead he...

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Gift of the Old Pt 2

When I returned dawn was just starting to brighten the sky, and I was standing in front of my house and saw Madi walking down the driveway. “Hey Madi.” I called to her and waved my arm. “L-Lisa? What're you doing back?” She asked, then added, “And where are your clothes?” I looked down at myself and only then did I realise that I was stark naked. “Come inside and I'll tell you everything.” I told her and gestured towards the house. Once inside I explained the demon, the roses, and my...

2 years ago
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Gift of the Old Pt 1

My name? I cannot really remember, it's like a dark cloud shields it from my mind's eye. If anyone must call me anything then call me Bael. What am I? I cannot answer that either, my mind is unclear and everything related to my personal past seems lost to me, almost as though it were sealed away. What is my gender? This I can answer; I am both, male and female, but not a hermaphrodite; I have the ability to be one or the other. How old am I? I am unsure of this, but I seem to recall having...

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Gift of Eternity

The sun beat down upon Set Maat, ending the relief of the night.  Wind whistled through the valley, carrying the sand of the desert into the village, where it gathered in every nook and cranny.  The cliff faces seemed to dance in the rising heat, taking on a semblance of life in the valley of the dead.Isetnofret smiled as she wished her father farewell, but once he vanished into the morning bustle of artisans and laborers, she sighed.Today, he would finish his painting in the tomb of an...

4 years ago
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Gift of Eternity

The sun beat down upon Set Maat, ending the relief of the night.  Wind whistled through the valley, carrying the sand of the desert into the village, where it gathered in every nook and cranny.  The cliff faces seemed to dance in the rising heat, taking on a semblance of life in the valley of the dead.Isetnofret smiled as she wished her father farewell, but once he vanished into the morning bustle of artisans and laborers, she sighed.Today, he would finish his painting in the tomb of an...

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Gift To A Job Seeker

Hi To all the lovers of sex stories. This is mady and I am a job seeker. I completed my engineering in this current running year and started a deep job search where I had no luck as I was rejected by almost 20 mnc’s and almost all local companies. I almost lost hope in the job and even myself. Then came a twist of lifetime which settled me. Suddenly one fine morning i got a call from the company named PCL(name changed). When i picked up I heard a sweet voice asking me to attend an interview...

3 years ago
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Gift of the Tooth Fairy

Gift of the Tooth Fairy By: Katie Anne, aka, Malissa Madison Hillary rushed into her brothers room in a panic. "Harold you have to help me, please. I, I don't know how I did it but I have two babysitting jobs tonight." "Yeah right, like I know you just want to go out with What's his face," Harold told his sister. "No seriously, I know you wanted to go out tonight. But I have two babysitting jobs. The O'Leary's and Mrs Stanton," she informed her brother. "Look if you fill in on...

2 years ago
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Gift Never Forget

By: Rathna It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200 km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can...

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An Unknown entity has entered the earth looking for someone who will inherit the power this unknown entity have. This entity circled the world to find not the worthy one but the capable one. This entity can neither be good or bad, does not seek peace nor looking for a place to destroy. A month after looking for candidates, he found several possible people to inherit the power. Decided on the candidates, the entity went into a form of an old man. He now uses his omnipresence ability. A soaring...

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It was a week before my husband George's fortieth birthday when Dr. Ward first hypnotized me. I have to wonder if the therapist had ever heard a request like mine, or if any therapist anywhere had, for that matter. The house was covered in white wood siding, and there was a sign on the front lawn, complete with two small spotlights, proclaiming the house to be the office of Dr. Charles Ward. Under his name, happy looking script advertised his services as therapy, couples therapy and...

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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

1 year ago
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Gift Never Forget

It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok. “ Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can you guess?”...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True With Sexy Mature Godmother

The following is a true story however certain details have been omitted for secrecy and protection:I'm a 21 year old man living in Cambridge, 3 years ago i went travelling around australia with my best friend, (let's call him T)anyways we were travelling up the east coast doing the usual tourist spots as well as a few ssmall surfing locals we were recommended.Eventually my friend ran out of money and had to return to England.By this point i was nearing cairns and decided to visit my godmother...

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Fairy Godmother

My girlfriend Lilly and I have been living together for almost a year and in my opinion things are great. Due to this pandemic I have been laid off from work while Lilly has only gotten busier at work. If i'm honest I may have taken advantage of the situation and taken a little vaction from all types of work including all the house work. Normally Lilly would take care of all the cooking and cleaning, and I guess I still expected this. So one day just like any other I was home alone just playing...

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Gift From A God Ch 01

You’ve never heard of me. You don’t know my name, and you have no idea what I look like. Despite all of those things, I am perhaps the most powerful human in the world. That was part of the deal. I get all the power, but I can’t have the fame. And honestly, I was fine with that. Who needs fame when you can do what I can. Fame is a small price to pay. If you were offered practical godhood as long as you didn’t tell anyone your secret would you reject it? How then can I write this story?....

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