Workout_(0) free porn video

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Please help me. They’ve left me alone-for now. But they’ll be back. And they’ll do something even worse, even more horrible. I don’t know how that’s possible, after all they’ve done to me, to my body. But I know they’ll find a way. Find something even more terrible to drive into my pussy, to shove cruelly ups my bleeding ass. Please help me.
I am so ashamed. So humiliated. He seemed so nice, you know? Trainer at the gym, handsome, buff, funny. David. His name is David. Gentle in his guidance, his hand on my waist sending tingles through my body. I wanted him. Oh, dear God, I did, I wanted him. How was I to know he wanted me in this terrible way?
Oh, this hurts so badly! Dildos shoved inside me, filling me, stretching me so painfully. David says I’ll thank him for the stretching. Oh, please help me.
It was just a normal day, you know? I’m a schoolteacher. I was a schoolteacher. I’m a “fuck toy” now. That’s what they tell me. What they laugh as they force their cocks into me. A schoolteacher, 5th grade. I left the school, went to the home to visit my grandma, then came to the gym late to avoid the crowd. I always come in late, leave at closing. A normal day. Did my routine, David there, attentive, so very attractive. Smiling. He always smiled when he looked at me. He still does.
After my workout, I hit the sauna. Towel open, leaning back, eyes closed. So impressed with myself, with my body. Touching my breasts-I’ve always thought they were too big, but others seem to like them. 34D. Touching my pussy just a little-clean shaven, soft. Ready to pull the towel shut should anyone come in, though I knew no one would. I drowsed, drifted.
Time to leave. I stood, pulled my towel around me, and reached for the door. Locked? Oh, no. I began tugging, calling out. Panic rising as my cries went unanswered. Sweating, shaking-what if they’d left for the night? Time passing, feeling faint. Would I die in here? Dear Jesus, I wish I had.
Then the door opening, strong arms lifting me from the floor. Being laid out-massage table? Weight bench? I couldn’t tell. Cool air on my bare skin. David? David. Thank goodness. My arms being pulled above my head, what was he doing? Tying me? Tying me! I struggled weakly, mumbled his name as my arms were securely bound. My head lolled over the edge as I struggled to lift it As he dragged my legs to the sides of the table, pulled my hips to the very edge of the table, commenced binding them, I began to grasp what was going on. Began to struggle. He was silent, focused, forcing my legs, one at a time, down. Securing them. I looked at him for the first time, my vision still blurred. His expression so distant. I screamed thinly.
He didn’t even look at me. Just reached into a drawer and pulled out-what was that? I didn’t know at first. He walked around the table, grasped my head, and forced my jaws open. So strong. Where was everyone, why wasn’t anyone helping me? A metal ring was forced behind my teeth, stretching my mouth open wide. Then a leather strap, something slipping through the ring and into my mouth. I was silenced. I began to cry. But, God forgive me, I was a little aroused, too. His body, so built, tanned muscle moving smoothly as he walked around me, surveying his work, examining me. I thought maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. I actually started to get wet. Oh, I hate myself for that.
He walked away, I couldn’t see him. What was he doing? And then the door opened, and I heard, I realized. More men, many men. Oh, no! I began to struggle wildly, writhing against my bonds. Hands grabbing, squeezing.
“Let’s have some order here,” David spoke with authority, “I told you all how this is going to go down-it’s going to be on film, so let’s do it right.” The men backed off, and David began giving instructions.
“You, Mike-her head. You hard? Good-wait until I tell you take it out. Don’t take your pants off, just slide them down to your thighs when I say go, okay? Remember the camera down there.” The man stood above my face, grinning like a kid in a candy store. I shook my head fiercely. No, this wasn’t happening!
“Steve, you in her cunt, wait for it. Just take your spot-you hard? Okay then. When I say go, unzip, pants around ANKLES, okay? There’s a camera right below you-don’t be nervous, we just want a good shot of you slamming into her, you good with that?” This man moved to stand between my legs, the crotch of his jeans just brushing my smooth pussy. He nodded, smiling.
“Free for all on the tits-who wants to mount up and fuck her tits? Need someone tall with strong legs-goanna be a job staying up there, don’t want any mistakes.” A man stepped forward-black, built. David looked him over, then nodded his approval. “Perfect, take your clothes off–now, I need everyone else to back off a bit, take your dicks out. Stroke ‘em, keep ‘em hard, but don’t cum.”
I moaned, pulled at the straps holding me in place for them. David moved through the room, turning on cameras, aiming, focusing. Then turned them on, one after the other.
Hands on my head, strap being pulled off. I began to scream wildly, whipping my head back and forth. The man wrapped his hands in my hair, held my head still. His cock pushed past my lips, I was helpless to stop it. In my mouth, salty. I shrieked around it, he laughed.
“Deeper, Mike-pull her head down further toward the floor, it’ll open up her throat,” David spoke like a teacher to a student, “I need you all the way in, so your balls are hitting her nose, you’re completely buried in her face, okay? And remember, to pull out almost all the way between strokes so the camera under can catch that full stroke. Vary it-fast, slow. Do some wiggling, the camera loves that. And make sure you come in her mouth, start in the throat then pulls forward so she chokes AND we get a money shot, some cum dribbling out. Got it?”
Mike nodded, yanked my head down toward the floor. He drove his cock deeper into my throat. I couldn’t breath, his pubic hair up my nose, my throat stretched so tight. I fought, gagging, my throat working to push him out. Oh, God, please, let me breathe! He pulled slowly back, and I drew a desperate breath before he pushed back in.
“Okay, Steve, pants down, fuck her. I want this hard, deep, and fast. Bottom out every time, really work her-hard enough that her tits are dancing, okay? Keep your hands on her hips so they don’t block the camera. And don’t get her ready-dry fucks get the best motion.”
And then a huge cock, pressing, forcing. Tearing me, oh, it hurt so bad! I screamed around the cock in my mouth, my back arched, my hips bucked against my will. I knew it was what they wanted, but oh, it hurt!!
And then the fucking. Hard, slamming me, his huge cock grinding in again and again, pummelling my cervix, my breasts jumping up and down with his vicious thrusts. Over and over he ripped into me, driving me forward so my face was fucking the swollen tool in my mouth. I gagged, writhed, choked.
“Okay, slow it down-long, slow strokes, hold inside for a few seconds-this is for both of you. Looking for good stills here,” David was pacing, watching my rape from all angles, analysing. “Okay, you-up on the table. Straddle her, put some of this oil between her tits, and fuck them hard.” He frowned as he handed over the bottle of oil, “Don’t cum until I tell you to-let me know when you are close.” The black man nodded, climbed up on my belly. His cock was giant, uncut. I was actually glad he was on my breasts and not inside me. Hot oil on my breasts, slathered between them. Then forced roughly together, his cock brushing my throat with every stroke.
Triple fucked, breasts, face, and pussy. I kept struggling-there had to be some way out of this. By my count, there were a dozen, at least. I had to escape!
“Okay, one minute!” David called out, looking at his watch, “I want you all to cum in one minute!” The thrusting became frenzied, wild, the men grunting and groaning as they fucked me. The cock in my mouth driving in and out as it fucked my face furiously, balls slapping my nose, belly pushing into my chin. The tool in my pussy slammed into me, bruising my insides with it are hammering. The man on my breasts heaved, moaned loudly as his climax approached. And then the man fucking my face came-my throat constricted as the waves of hot, sour spunk flooded my mouth. I gagged, choked as it threatened to drown me. I worked my throat, struggling to swallow the endless stream of cum. He pulled out, spewing the last of his jizz on my lips, my chin. I began to cry again as it trickled from my mouth, up my nose.
“Clear!” The huge black man laughed as his cum flew, glob after glob of thick, hot juice splattering my throat, my jaw, and my breasts. He kept thrusting, kept cumming. It ran down my chest, puddled at the hollow of my collar bones. I was soaked in his spew. I moaned, my throat rebelling at the heavy, horrible taste of cum.
“Oh, yeah!” I felt the cock in my pussy twitching, swelling. Oh, no, not inside me, please! I began to scream, my hips bucking anew, trying to dislodge him before he could erupt inside me. I don’t want to be pregnant, please, God, please don’t get me pregnant! He exploded, spraying my insides with his cum. Heat spread through me as he emptied, but his thrusts continued until he was limp. He slid out of me, wiped his cock on my thigh. I felt his hot cum oozing out of me, running across my rectum.
“Oh, there we go-sweet.” David’s voice, husky, deep. “Okay, next up!”
I began to struggle blindly. No more, Jesus, no more! My hips wiggled and jumped to avoid the impaling to come, my head whipped back and forth violently. But there was no escape-the man at my head drove brutally into me, I was gagging, choking, filled again.
“Okay, Ron, I’m going to untie her legs now-you need to be quick, grab them behind the knees, force them down toward her chest, okay? No tit fucking this time-I want to get some good cunt shots-you have her legs, you can really slam into her.”
My legs unbound, one at a time, muscles cramping hatefully. I kicked in vain as he forced my legs back, raising my hips, exposing my reddening pussy and cum covered rectum. My skin jumped as I felt him prodding, his swollen cock pushing, seeking, then driving into me. I writhed, my hips moving, back arching. My struggles drove him deep into me, and a low murmur of appreciation spread through the crowd of men waiting their turn. I was NOT going to submit quietly, I was NOT going to go limp and let them fuck on me. Oh, if I’d only known then . . .
“Tom, I want you to push as deep into her throat as you can, then hold it there-I want NO air passing, okay? That’s where the real animalistic writhing is going to come from-folks love that. Don’t worry if she dies-more sluts who’d give their eyeteeth to fuck their trainer out there.” Tears of shame as I listened, knew. “And Ron? She may piss on you, can you handle that? The longer she goes without air, the more likely it is. Looks great on camera. You okay with that?” I can only assume the man nodded. He continued to fuck me, drawing almost completely out, then slamming back into me, making my belly cramp, my pussy lips raw. And then the huge cock in my mouth driving deeper, deeper, all the way into my throat-and holding. Moving side to side a bit to maintain the stimulation, but not pulling out at all. I couldn’t breathe. Oh, God, I couldn’t breathe!
My throat worked madly, constricting, spasming around his distended manhood. The man moaned at the working my throat was giving him. I was dying-please, just let me breathe! I struggled to pull back, to move my head even a little, but his hands tangled in my hair kept my face impaled on his dick, my face crushed against his pubic hairs. My chest tightening, my belly jumping, I began to writhe wildly, hips rising and falling, jerking side to side. I bucked harder and harder-the man in my pussy didn’t even have to move, my body was fucking him on its own. The rising burn in my belly, my bladder, and then I lost control. Urine flowing out of me as my struggles weakened. I was going to pass out, I was going to die. Hot piss squirting with every jerk of my hips, every thrust that drove the cock in my pussy deeper.
“Okay, pull back.”
The hateful tool in my mouth pulled back, resting in my mouth as I dragged air in, gasping, choking.
“Now in again.”
Again, I couldn’t breathe. Again the giant blocked my airway dick. I began to struggle again, but I had no strength. I felt my bladder empty, felt the steaming urine run across my rectum. Oh, God, just kill me if that’s what you’re going to do!
I guess I passed out. When I awoke, I was tied to a hook in the ceiling, my legs held apart by a bar run between them, ankles secured, bar chained to a ring in the floor. I could barely reach the floor, tip toes supporting me, protecting my bruised wrists. Cold water, icy cold, hosing me down. I lifted my head, dragged my eyes up-David. David with a hose, spraying me, washing their cum and my own piss off me. My mouth was bound again, gag in place. My eyes were huge, tear filled, pleading.
“Ah, sweetheart, I don’t feel a damned bit sorry for you, so stop with the doe eyes,” David laughed as he trained the brutal spray on my clit, making my hips jump in pain, pleasure, and surprise. “Funny thing is, you still want me. You whore, you’d fuck me blind right now if I let you.”
Then David stepped in close, a bar of lye soap in his hand. He thrust it between my legs, roughly scrubbing my sore, raw pussy. The pain was beyond intense, It burned, was agonizing. I screamed behind the gag, body jerked and twisted to escape as he used a finger to push some of the caustic suds into my pussy. My cries became animal grunts as he began to fuck me with his burning finger. No escape. No escape.
Then the hose pushed into my pussy, blasting me clean. I was grateful for the violation, as it carried away the burning soap. David laughed at my moans of relief. And then he left me. Hanging.
When he returned, My body was dry. He hummed a tune as he reached into his pocket and pulled out clamps. I struggled as he moved in close, captured first one breast, then the other, affixing the hateful, sharply toothed clamps to my nipples. I screamed, tried to twist away. And then he knelt before me even as I writhed from the nipple torture, affixed another to my clit. Oh, Jesus, oh, it hurt so badly! My hips convulsed, twitching uncontrollably as I grunted and gasped. He stood back, admired his handiwork, then walked away. I struggled, writhed, my feet and calves cramping, agonized as I fought to support my weight. I must have passed out again.
I awoke surrounded, cameras set up, the crowd of men waiting. I moaned as the pain made its way to my brain. David speaking, giving instructions, but I couldn’t understand his words. But I understood the pressure against my ass, the hot, solid cock pushing even as another drove into my angry, raw pussy. I began to struggle, squirming to escape the ass fucking I knew was coming. I had never. Never.
I squealed as my anus was torn open, the gag muffling my cries. Deeper, deeper he thrust, until he was totally buried in my virgin ass, lifting me off the floor. Their thrusts were choreographed, staggered, first one, then the other. The pressure on the thin membrane separating them was agonizing-it felt as though they would split me open. As they approached orgasm, their thrusting became less organized, more frantic. I was bounced between them, thrown back and forth, impaled first in front, then in back. The man in my pussy began twisting the clamps on my breasts, and I tensed, writhed with each tortuous tweak. His slamming into my pussy yanked the clamp on my clit back and forth, and I screamed with it even as my body responded, my pussy began to lubricate.
“Cunt’s getting wet!” He crowed as he drilled into me, faster, faster. My breasted jiggled madly, aching as they rose and fell with the battering strokes. I screamed continuously, not just out of pain, but also out of shame at my body’s betrayal. Oh, I wanted to die. I still do.
And then they came-shouting, laughing as their throbbing cocks began to twitch, swell, and then spew their burning loads into my bleeding holes. Hot spreading through me, pressure as they filled me. Pulling out, they laughed as their spunk mingled in pink rivers down my bruised thighs. I began to cry yet again.
David unhooked the chain holding the leg bar to the floor, and I felt hopeful-for a moment. Then he hoisted the bar up and attached it to the same hook holding my wrists. I was dangling, pussy and ass wide open, dripping with cum. I struggled, hips moving violently. I don’t even know what I thought it would accomplish, only that I had to get away. I had to get away, please . . .
And then I was being lowered-helpless to avoid the elephantine cock that was waiting below. A man, huge, freakish, laying on his back, smiling. Waiting for me to be lowered onto him, impaled by him. I groaned, screamed, grunted as I thrashed in vain. The stiff, unyielding tip pressing against my ass, then ripping into me. Deeper, deeper-he was 12 inches at least, and he was soon buried to the hilt in my bowels. Oh, the agony, I squirmed, trying to dislodge him. I was stuck, literally hung up, unable to escape the stabbing of his tool in my belly. Another knelt before me, thrust viciously into my soaking pussy. Again the clamp tore at my clit, pulled it back and forth hatefully as the men thrust, rammed into me. And then a hand in my hair, yanking my head to the side, gag removed and immediately replaced with another cock. Tears of pain and horror coursed down my cheeks as I was choked, fucked, filled. Cocks twitching, filling me, my throat coated in more cum. I began to drift. It’s mostly a blur, really-gagging, struggling, being shaken with the thrusts of cock after cock.
And now here I am. Hog tied, Freakishly huge dildos in my ass, my pussy. I remember David pushing them into me, telling me I’d be thankful for the stretching, it would help me to accommodate what was to come. What? What are they going to do to me next? Please, help me! Please, just help me. Or kill me. But please, let it end. Oh, God, what’s that? The door, the door opening, the light stabbing my eyes. Who is it? What are they are going to do, please, no, just leave me alone!


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HootersChapter 3

Hoot and the Colonel had been returned to their quarters to freshen up, eat a bite, and relax for a while, when a knock sounded at the door. Answering the door, they found Child, with a goofy smile on his face, humming-not a tune really, just humming. His eyes appeared glazed and they had never seen quite that shade of skin tone before. The Colonel said, "Child, are you all right?" There was no change in Child's appearance or demeanor as he entered. It was if he didn't even hear or see...

3 years ago
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Curious Siblings Part 5 The End

I headed back to the room and suddenly had the realization that Alice was probably going to question me about what happened again. I hated lying to her but I didn’t want her getting mad at me and cutting me off. At the same time, the last time worked in my favor, so maybe I would just tell her the truth. I decided to see if she asked first and based on her tone I would either tell her the truth or just tell her nothing happened. It wasn't that unusual for us to shower with mom either way....

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In The beggining of the year I met Marcus a half black 18 yearold he was a friend of a friend of mine. I played with him for a lil then i got Bored so he made his spare room into a room for his friends to play with me in 1st time i sucked him and a spanish boy named Ricardo then 2 weeks later me and ricardo did foreplayed and fucked then 2 days later he got me to fuck a full out black guy named Khalid. Then I fucked his friend Micheal who was dark as Akon Then i sucked off marcus' dad then i...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Aurora Snow Leads The Sexual Revolution

Dirty girl Aurora Snow and stud Nick Manning are our sexual revolution role models in this seventies throwback Penthouse porn scene. After a flashback intro in their retro attire, the blonde bombshell is on her knees giving a gagging blowjob. Then with all the flower power in her sweet snatch, the all-natural beauty rides his rock hard rod in reverse cowgirl. Watch the horny babe get her trimmed pussy fucked hardcore in doggy style and in missionary until he’s “dropping loads”...

4 years ago
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Sparring Partners

Vanessa had expected Baleville to seem smaller each time she took leave from the Corps. Somehow, it never did. Now, after nine months in the desert, seeing nothing but temporary camps and villages that barely even qualified for the name, it seemed impossibly huge and vaguely opulent. Even stranger, they'd held a parade for her, Jenna Wilkins, and Doug Haley when they'd come back from the Gulf, like they'd done something particularly heroic while there. When her parents had asked if she'd...

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Bimbo Ch 06

It’s Friday night, and she’s getting out of the taxi. She’s very tired, and longs for a hot bath and her bed. The bath will have to wait. She can’t pour a tub in the middle of the night, the neighbors will complain if she wakes them up. She’s gonna straight to bed. Someone’s using the elevator. Oh, good, here it comes! She checks her reflection in the mirror as she’s going up, and makes a face. She’s tired, and she looks tired. Who knew office parties were so tiring? A lot of people getting...

4 years ago
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The Black Seas Ch 18

Sargasso Sea, 1705 Blackbeard’s course took him out of the Caribbean and deep into the Sargasso Sea. The sea itself was a mystery to man and many sailors avoided the region often times sailing days out of their way. It is here where reports of ships lost at sea never to return. Those that are fortunate enough to survive come back with tales of sea monsters and death. It was also here that he could summon forth Davy Jones from his watery prison. The power of the Demon Lord rested in the chest...

2 years ago
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Jungles of AwanilChapter 7

"Lieutenant Dalakis, reporting as ordered," Gavril said with a salute. He was thoroughly unsure of himself at the moment. His fatigues were still warm from the cleaning mech and all of his cuts, scrapes, scratches and punctures had been patched or plugged. Usually small luxuries such as these made him happy, but not today. The colonel was dressed in battle fatigues that had definitely seen service. They showed wear and had been repaired in several strategic places. He hadn't expected to...

3 years ago
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Getting Home Late From Work Part 3

The restraints still held my hands behind my back. But he let me lower myself, so that I was on the bed on my back, which wasn’t nearly as hard for me as kneeling to take his jizz down my throat like his little slut had been.My back was pressing down into my tied down hands. My legs were closed, but he quickly ripped them open, showing his my vulnerable little cunt. And oh, was I dripping wet. I was so embarrassed. I didn’t want to show him how close to cumming jamming his hard cock down my...

Straight Sex
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to drive and we took off in his rental. John did turn out to be an engaging dinner companion. We ordered plate after small plate of the little appetizers and lingered over the bottle of wine I ordered. We learned all there was to learn about each other's families, spouses, college sports and business experience. I was becoming more and more enamored with John and it seemed like there was some attraction from his direction. What was coming over me? I'd been faithful for ten years. But my...

2 years ago
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Beastal Adventures

So, welcome! This story is one of horror, excitement and- who am I kidding- sex! This story will revolve around you, the reader, as you try your best to survive through beasts, demons, humans and the lot as a so-called monster! I have seen quite a few of these stories, some similar that I have taken a few ideas from but not much. At the start, there will be only one or two monsters that you can choose from, but as time goes on I will slowly add more. So, weary monster, what are you?

1 year ago
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Foster care 2 Girls day out spa day

Introduction: Chapter 2 in this saga. I can not remember a time where my biological mother was not using one drug or another. I remember being hungry a lot and learning how to get food from school and other kids and neighbors and even the trash sometimes. Sometimes I think I was more the adult then she was because not only did I manage food for myself but I usually managed to make sure she ate something too. I think part of this is why I was always very small for my age compared to other girls...

2 years ago
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A Hudson Valley Sunday

Living in the New York metropolitan area for many years, and attaining an age where we are comfortable enough to do as we please, my wife Tanya and I decided to find a place away from the smog, congestion, and hustle of the city. We looked for a few years at homes and farms in the Hudson Valley of NY. This area is very old, being first settled by the colonial settlers from England in the 1600's. After a long tiresome search, we finally “hit” on a treasure. A small farm, about 25 acres of...

3 years ago
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Miss Jones Our Substitute Teacher

I’m finally graduating high school. It has been an amazing four years. I’m a senior and will be having my graduation on Tuesday evening. I’ve done really well in high school. I have maintained an A average and have been on the National Honor Society all four years of high school. I also did very well on my SAT’s and received a scholarship to Rutgers University in New Jersey. I’m the quarterback for my football team. A few schools were interested in me, but I chose Rutgers University. Rutgers...

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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 15 FutaTeacher Enjoys her Panties

Athena Pearce The elevators dinged and then opened on the executive floor. I strode out with confidence, my heels whisking on the thin carpet. Behind me, my secretary-slut heeled me. Minako was under the power of my mind-control panties, serving me as my slut and helping me achieve the goals of serving the love of my life, Mildred Dean. Just thinking of the sexy, brown-haired futa sent such a patter through my heart. I was so fortunate to have Mildred’s love and trust. I was the one who...

2 years ago
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Greasing the wheels

This Down Freedom Road thing, this journey of self-discovery, is taking me places I'd never dreamt of going, - porn-wise that is. I know that no-body cares a fuck, but I keep wanting to update my Profile so as to reflect what has been learnt this week...... Perhaps two steps back and a reappraisal are in order. For example, the great leap forward was in joining the world of positive porn, - where one bares the chest (at least), comes out into the open, discusses sex, kinks and perversions...

2 years ago
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Beautiful StrangerChapter 26

Darkness dominated the lowest dungeon, broken at wide intervals by the feeble light of torches burned almost to ash. In that flickering light, the hawk-face of prince Duain Krun glowed in sharp contrast. He smiled. Quickly the men from that first cage moved up and down the rows, turning the locks. Guards, drawn around the corner by the growing noise, were killed before they could raise any kind of alarm; the shock on their faces had been evident as they died: how could an enemy have slipped...

1 year ago
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Bringing Work Home

I put my key in the front door of the house I share with my husband, Rick and call out, “Hey, honey,” as I push it open. My co-worker Helen (I am her boss) follows me as I walk down the hall into the large kitchen diner where Rick is standing behind the counter, looking at the mail.He looks up and smiles at me; his expression changes to surprise when he sees Helen behind me. I walk behind the counter next to him and kiss him on the lips.“Me and Helen need to work on a presentation for tomorrow,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 521

The madam opened the brothel door in Winnipeg and saw a rather dignified, well-dressed, good-looking man in his late fifties. “May I help you sir?” she asked. The man replied, “I want to see Valerie.” “Sir, Valerie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would prefer someone else,” said the madam. He replied, “No, I must see Valerie.” Just then, Valerie appeared and announced to the man she charged $5000 a visit. Without hesitation, the man pulled out five thousand dollars...

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BetrayalChapter 44

Using the flashlight, Liv read the page of the small journal in silence. Several minutes passed before she looked up, her face filled with emotion. "Dad knew he was dying so he wrote me a note." Her hand brushed over the page gently as she showed it to Finn. Dear Liv, I love you very much. I am sorry I cannot be there for you anymore. You are the star of my life and I left you something that will take care of you, if you decide. The fire is dying so I must keep it short. I only wish I...

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User Experience 8211 Part 1 8211 Sex With Boss For Money

Hello friends, this is Soham again writing my 3rd story. Check out my other stories by clicking my name above on ISS. give me your feedback on This story isn’t about my wife. This time I will be updating a story submitted by a stranger to me via mail. I have started this user experience series just to post stories from others who cant write well and need help. Will post only when I get some authentic proof of the story. The following experience is about a 45 year old woman. I met the woman in...

3 years ago
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First Time Fun

I posted this story a couple years ago. A friend asked me to repost it.Mike and I would masturbate together in his family room. We had some old porn magazines and a couple old porn stories to get us going. We were watching some bad 70’s TV movie while we stroked our own dicks. Mike was a year older than me and just as horny. He loved talking about sex and where and who he wanted to put his dick. Mike’s dick was longer than mine, but thinner.We’d been whacking together for about a year. At...

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Penis Dominated

I had been surfing the internet for weeks, looking for a dominant male or couple that wanted to play with a bi curious male. I would describe myself as average looking, in his mid thirties, about average height. I’m a bit overweight, but not hugely fat. I’m very submissive. I work in an office, and don’t make a huge amount of money.There seems to be cliché that all submissive men are powerful executives that turn to femdom to relieve themselves of the daily responsibilities they face. While...

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An Unremarkable DayChapter 15

It was already daylight when Jake awoke. He was lying on his back looking up at an unfamiliar ceiling. He was hot and, when he tried to move, for some reason his left side didn't respond. He felt a moment of panic - where was he? And why couldn't he move his left arm? He tried again, and this time his arm moved slightly. Then something else moved against him, and someone grumbled. Jake blinked a couple of times and looked down. Sue was pressed firmly against him, her left arm over his...

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Halloween Party Femdom

This story is inspired from another One...And part two is on progress                                          Halloween Party Femdom Bobbie was running to get his bus to back home he was late his coach gave him some punishment after a lousy game he ad played.. While sitting in the bus he thought about his Mom compelling him to get a halloween costume for a company party which he had to fill in for his dad.He just turned 18nly 3 months ago.when he got home his mom Brenda a 38yr Mature blonde...

3 years ago
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Part 2 Fucking my Madam

So hello there guys, it’s Rahul again and in this episode, I am gonna discuss what happened the next day and I got to fuck in front of her kid. For those new to this story please read the previous one before reading this. Now, jumping back into the story. I returned back to her house and by then I had made all the confirmations that her husband will return from tomorrow’s flight to mumbai. I have an ample daytime to fuck my goddess. I asked about the kid, she said that “I have let him go out to...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 18

The next morning had a serious dose of deja vu for Dave. Decades before, he'd gotten up and around in the morning, and then walked the three blocks to the same elementary school. Most of the time, after he'd gotten out of kindergarten, he'd done it alone, both going to and from school, since his mother's schedule out at General and the school schedule didn't match up very well. Now, he'd be walking to school again, from just across the street -- but with Tyler and Cameron. How much...

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Leo and the Dragon

Winter was approaching fast in Storm Harbour. The first frost had hit early in the eleventh month and even now, at noon, the air was crisp, with bitingly cold blasts of wind coming in from the rough seas. The Watchmen patrolling the crowded market had their hoods up and made their way slowly along the aisles, stopping longer and longer at each food stall, trying to soak up some of the warmth the grills, ovens and boiling kettles of soup promised. Suddenly commotion erupted, with people jostling...

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Sunny CornerChapter 16

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:16 “Fuck!” I exclaimed. “Sorry Sister.” Jim asked, “It’s for real?” “I have to identify the body.” Agony personified. “Who said?” “Head Nursing Sister.” “Agnes Jenkins,” Jim knew her. He snapped his fingers and held out his hand. Automatically, I put the phone in his hand. “Agnes?” He asked. “Jim? James Mac?” “Yes, Agnes.” He queried, “Abbie’s dead?” “James, while it is tragic, mortality in New South Wales is between six and...

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Between Iraq And A Hard Place

The soldiers moved quickly through the thick dry 110 degree air. Gunnery Sergeant Cole Piermont led his men composed of four new marines and six Iraqi police members that he had trained in the past six months. They moved through the small town 60 miles north of Baghdad looking for an insurgent cell. Military intelligence has reported that they were ones responsible for the latest suicide market detonation killing 20 civilians and took an Iraqi cleric and assistant as hostages. Piermont was 47...

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Office coworker ke Saath

Hello! To all ISS Reader. Mear naam ajay hai aur main 25 yrs ka hoo meri hight 5′.6″ hai aur main Nawab’s City Hyderabad se hoo. Main ISS main post keya har story zaroor padtha hoo. Ek din mujhe laga ke kyou na main bhe apni experience aap ke saath share karo frndzs yeh meri saachi kahani hai jo kuch he maheno pahala ghathe hai aur yeh mera phela true experience. Main ek pvt ltd. Company main job karta hoo as a service engineer, mari company Branch office hone kay karan hamare office main sirf...

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srinlaw sending me signals Help

My wife’s s****r, Michelle (see my first post about her), came down earlier in the week to stay with us for a few days. I am happy to report that yet another voyeuristic occasion happened just yesterday and I am still hard thinking about it but I need to get some input from fellow readers on what I should do. Here goes. My wife was working yesterday and I was home with her s****r. We went out together last night to pick up a few things my wife needed us to get for the house. We had a quick...

4 years ago
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Wifes Night Out Part 3

“Can I help you,” said Eric, looking at them quizzically. The black man spoke first. “I wonder if we might speak with Kimi for a moment.” Eric scrutinized him for a moment, wondering what his connection was with his wife. “She’s in the shower. Does she know you?” The black man laughed. “Yeah, I guess you could say we’re acquainted.” The blonde girl only smiled. “Just tell her it’s DeShawn and Crystal.” Something in the way he said it bothered Eric a little, but he...

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My first with Dave

A man of about 25 answered, who I knew to be Dave. He asked me to come in, so I took a deep breath and walked inside. I tried to keep my composure, but it wasn't working, as I was breathing irregularly. I had no idea what to expect from my first gay encounter. "First time?' He asked, obviously noticing my nervousness. I replied with a small nod, and sat down on the couch nearest to me. "Is there anything special you wanted to do while you have the chance?" Dave asked, and all i...

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Fantasies Coming True With My Bhabi

Hi friends! I am a regular visitor of ISS and I love reading Incest Stories. So I thought I will share my real story here mixed with few fantasies. This story is about my sex goddess, my Bhabi(my elder brother’s wife). She has got an amazing figure of 34 28 36. And I am a young 25 year guy with a gymnastic body and a pretty 6 inch dick.So let’s go to the story. It all started when I was in my 2nd year of My brother marriage got fixed to her long time girl friend ruby. She is a very...


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