Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 07
- 2 years ago
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By the first week of August Elizabeth felt bloated and constantly impatient. She was very tired of being pregnant. The growing baby seemed to weigh down everything she did, and its kicking and turning often kept her awake. Fear of the possible consequences of abortion had turned her from that alternative, but now anticipation of assured pain and of the unknowable aftermath often clouded her mind. Her morning sickness had stopped, but she suffered from a sore back, tender breasts, swollen ankles and from leg cramps that sometimes woke her in startled, gasping agony.
She continued to work in the gardens, hoeing out the weeds with some difficulty and preparing the long rows for second seedings of beans and fall greens. She had raised several herbs that were being used to produce tea substitutes including anise, bergamot and catnip and had grown some medicinal simples new to her such as clary sage and woundwort. The succulent the farmhands called hens and chicks prospered in clumps near the kitchen door for use on burns and the blue flowers of the lambsears had attracted so many bees in the spring that a queen was acquired and a hive was started near the smokehouse. In the early days of July, Mr. Nevers had given her two young slave children to help harvest vegetables.
Thomas and Marcie, both of them skinny-legged and bright-eyed, were not always willing workers and seemed to get "lost" fairly often when she sent them to fetch things on the hottest days, but they did help with the work, especially in hauling water and pulling weeds, and for that she was grateful. They liked pulling up things best of all which was a problem now and then, when they decided to check on how the carrots or onions were doing, which they seemed to do just about once a week. They also enjoyed rubbing her swollen belly and feeling the child within poke at their prying hands.
Several times, as her belly rose and navel all but disappeared, she had been tempted to talk with Mr. Nevers about her baby and the price she might pay for bearing it but had never found the nerve or the right opportunity. Jenny and Miranda both avoided the subject when she raised it, saying they had never heard of such a thing. White slaves simply did not have babies, they told her, shaking their heads in wonder.
For reasons she did not understand, at meals or when she brought baskets of vegetables into the summer kitchen, Miranda had begun asking her to name the father of her unborn child. The questions seemed to come "out of the blue." Elizabeth smiled at her and replied, "Ye know very well," feeling embarrassed at first and truculent later. To that answer Miranda pushed out her lips and looked away, shaking her grizzled head, but she often returned to the annoying question.
From the early days of that hot, dry summer, Andrew was seldom at home, much to Mr. Nevers' relief. He had returned the bartered stallion to his soon-to-be-married friend Walter Cochran, but now he roamed the countryside with a small band of like-minded horsemen who harassed the increasing number of militia groups. At his favorite tavern, Mr. Nevers had heard that perhaps eighteen or twenty Whig companies were training in southern Maryland, including one led by their neighbor Thomas Contee, a signer of the Declaration of Freemen and another by one of the many feisty Magruders in the neighborhood. "A filthy Scot if there ever was one," his drinking companion had stated.
Mr. Nevers never stated his own views on the festering controversy, and no one knew whether or not he had signed the loyalty oath. He never used the words "patriot" or "Tory," when he spoke of the growing dissension or the problems it was producing for him, and he never wore a cockade of any color.
The news of the fighting in Massachusetts made little difference to the activities at M'Kenna's Disappointment. By August the tobacco plants were more than waist high and showed signs of producing a prime crop despite the drier-than-usual growing season. No one knew if there would be any sales this year since the embargo on shipments to England was to go into effect on September first. The factors hedged and began calling in their debts, but Mr. Nevers did not seem worried.
Slave children spent all day prowling the rows of broad-leafed plants picking off the hookworms and other pests while the men hoed out the persistent weeds and the women pinched back the Orinoco plants' stubborn flower buds and suckers. Elizabeth spread rotted horse manure on the roses around the house and cultivated her kitchen and herb gardens as best she could in the summer heat, learning to hoe at her side instead of in front of her.
The overseer often watched her from his office and wondered how long she could continue working with her hugely swollen womb and thick ankles. Slave women often labored until the hour they gave birth and were back in the fields a day or two later, but white women were not thought to have that kind of fortitude. Many ladies in his circle had taken to their beds weeks before their actual confinement.
On August 10, while she stooped to hold aside the wide leaves and pick some yellow squash, Elizabeth's water broke and she fell to her knees, sucked in her breath and went into labor with her long hair tangled in the twisted vines. Miranda brought her into the summer kitchen and kicked a milking stool over near the door. "Set here," she said. "You mought feel the breeze some." She went looking for her mid-wife equipment and called her daughter to come assist. It was time the young girl had this experience, Miranda told the trembling Elizabeth who sat wide-eyed, biting her lower lip, embarrassed by her stained dress and apron. The older slave wanted her daughter to see a white woman bear her first child. When she thought about, Miranda decided she did not really despise whites, but she surely enjoyed seeing them suffer.
Louise tore up an old, muslin sheet for her mother and found her scissors and string while Elizabeth sat on the low stool, pressed her slim back to the adz-hewn wall and waited for the waves of pain and pressure. She had already gone through several false alarms and knew something of what to expect, but these rolling torments surprised her in their depth and duration. Miranda put her big hand on Elizabeth's narrow shoulder. "Now, girl, ah knows you ain't gonna like this," she said, ignoring the sweat dripping from her chin, "but I got t'ast, part a'my job. Who d'daddy a'this here chile?"
"Y'know, Miranda, as well as I do. This's Master Andrew's doing, his child. I swear it."
"No. Nope. Cain't be," Miranda stated, shaking her head, trying to look grim and only appearing peeved. "He done tole me it ain't. Overseer, he say it ain't. Dey say it ain't, chile, it ain't. Now, who's baby is this?"
A crest of dizziness and curl of pain swept over Elizabeth like a huge green wave, burying her, driving her down. Sweat rolled from her face and rivulets ran down her back and belly. She stifled a scream and scratched at the worn logs behind her, tearing her long-cracked fingernails bloody. Her bare feet clutched at the splintered floor. "Damn it," she gasped, teeth clenched, "ye know what 'e did to me. It's Andrew's bastard. Nobody else. Nobody! Tis his, 'is fault" she gulped it out, kicking her heels on the floor, "his fault and mine." She let her mouth hang open, gaping, panting, the top of her head pushed back to the wall.
"You lying, chile," Miranda said patiently, wiping Elizabeth's face and feeling her belly. "You comin' on fine now, wide open, baby's lying jus' right. Now, you tell ol' Randa who the daddy? Who put this baby in you?"
"Oh God, Miranda. Louise, you tell her. Andrew M'Kenna lay with me, 'e did it over and over, right upstairs, night after night. No one else, ever. Not since my 'usband died. Oh Clemence! Damn!" She gasped and almost rose from the stool, thinking of her late-night visit from Walter Cochran and wondering if the slaves knew about that too. Miranda held her down and pursed her lips. From the doorway she saw the overseer near his office window, head bent at his work. Heat shimmered between them.
For the next hour Elizabeth alternately paced the room and sat on the milking stool, impatiently straining to bring about her child's birth. Sweat dripped from her body, but Miranda refused to allow her more than small sips of water flavored with marjoram. Louise fetched Jenny from the quarters at her mother's insistence, and now all three of the black women watched Elizabeth's efforts and sometimes held her hands. Miranda continued her questioning.
"How about dis here Clemence? You done named him t'day. This his chile?"
"No, no, I told you. Poor man's long dead. Master Andrew, damn him, damn 'is eyes!" Elizabeth screeched and almost fell off the stool as rising waves of pain coursed through her. Jenny came and took her hands and then her wrists. Miranda kicked the stool away.
"Maybe you kin do better wifout that," she said. "Hole on to Jenny and squat. We should'a rigged a rope f'you. Dat young Mr. Cochran over dere 'cross the river, mebbe he the daddy? You done went over dere, spent time wif him, week or so."
"No, I pushed 'im off, wouldn't let 'im near me. It's Andrew's sprat. Oh God, Jenny! Jenny!"
"How 'bout dis Mattfew. I hear tell you sweet on him," Miranda said with a conspiratorial smile as she felt for the baby's warm and greasy head.
"No! Wait, 'ow did you - oh God, it's coming - 'ow did ye know about - ahh, I can feel it, feel it move - how did you know 'bout Matt?"
"I knows. It's his, ain't it? Matthew's baby," Miranda said proudly, trying to sound like she believed her lie as the infant's head slowly but steadily emerged, round and slick.
Elizabeth screamed and felt herself being emptied, ripped apart. Something moved between her thighs, something tore, something slid. Jenny clamped her slippery wrists as she dropped almost to her knees with Miranda crouched before her on the stool.
"Here he come," Miranda said. "Jus' fine. Now tell me the daddy's name, please, girl. He gonna beat me if I don' fin' out. He tole me. Push girl, keep pushin'. There she be!"
With her head thrust back, Elizabeth pushed, her hands locked to Jenny's, and produced a bloody, well-formed daughter covered with a cheesy matrix but not a caul. The baby cried out almost at once, a healthy yelp followed by gagging breaths. Miranda clipped and tied the cord with practiced ease, her eyes concentrating on the work. Louise took the tiny child from her mother's hands and washed her as best she could. She placed her in a shallow basin of warm water and cleaned out her eyes, ears, mouth and privates while the infant coughed and wailed and waved her tiny arms, hands clenched.
Miranda encouraged Elizabeth to make one more contraction, one more shuddering, painful push. She took care of the placenta, set that bloody package aside, cleaned up the new mother and began kneading her flaccid belly back toward its normal shape. Elizabeth crouched again on the stool leaning back against the kitchen wall until she was told to pull her dress down and move to Miranda's rocker on the porch. She felt utterly lighheaded, almost numb, barely able to walk, feet and legs full of pins and needles, wrists aching. Louise brought Elizabeth her baby, and she held it tightly, breathing deeply, wanting rest, feeling both spent and happy.
Miranda knelt beside her. "I'se sorry 'bout that business back there, girl, but dat Andrew made me. Mr. Nevers, he said I had to do it. We know the truf, but we slaves. You done good. Thas' a fine chile." Miranda left to bury the placenta as the sun set. Jenny went back to her own youngster, now tottering about on sturdy legs, and Louise brought Elizabeth a basin of water and a cloth so she could finish the job of cleaning up her pink and placid newborn.
Elizabeth's mind churned. She was a mother. She had never thought of herself as a mother. Mothers were strong and patient, mature and diligent, often harried and worry marked. I'm a fool, she thought. I should not be a mother, anybody's mother. I'm a fool. The infant squirmed and waved her tiny hands. Elizabeth bent and kissed her round, veined head. I am a mother, and I don't know how to be one. She wept and slowly rocked. Help, she silently prayed, help me, help me.
About a week later, while she was nursing her daughter and enjoying the still-strange wonder of that oddly stimulating experience, Elizabeth suddenly thought of Matthew. She wondered why and after searching her memory, recalled Miranda's annoying and endless questions. How had Miranda known about him? Elizabeth believed she had never talked about Matt, not even to Jenny. At times she had all but forgotten his existence, especially while she made love to Andrew and fought off Walter's randy attentions. It had been two years since those burials at sea. Who could have told Miranda? Who knew of him at all?
She wrapped her unnamed daughter in the sling Jenny had showed her how to fashion and walked up to the plantation office, barefoot, her brow ridged in worry. Her knock on the open door produced the usual "Come," and she entered the shady room where the overseer worked at his ledgers. She took a deep breath.
"Ah, Elizabeth, good day; how's your baby?"
"Fine, sir, but I 'ave a question maybe y'could 'elp me with. I'd like t'send a letter to Mr. Conroy's daughters. Could I do that?"
"Can't think why not. Fact is, I didn't know you could write. Since you stopped coming to see me for spelling words, I thought you had given it up."
"Oh no, I want t'learn. Andrew g'me a book. 'E's probably forgot. I been usin' that and," she hesitated, not wanting to admit that there were slaves who could read and write. "And I been practicing. Could ye gi'me a sheet a'paper and a lead pencil, please."
Never pulled out a sheet of foolscap and found a fairly sharp pencil stub. "This big enough?" he asked.
Elizabeth nodded. "Thank you. Other thing is, maybe ye don' want t'say, but Miranda, she was asking me a steady stream a'questions 'bout who the father of this nice, little baby might be, back when I was in labor. I been thinking 'bout that some."
"Yes," Nevers said, looking up again, "well, she was doing what she was told. We want to know who fathered your child. He should have to pay for the time your master has lost."
"You mean Andrew, Master Andrew?"
"No, no, Mr. Conroy signed your indenture. Look at your part sometime. You are legally his servant. Um, young Mr. Cochran never recorded ... well, you understand. Mr. Conroy is the one who has the right to ask for additional time and for recompense, if he wishes. He will likely do so when court is in session next month."
"Ye well know this 'ere is Andrew's child," Elizabeth said, trying to hold Nevers' eyes without success, her tone as cold as she could make it, the "sir" she normally gave him swallowed back. She felt her rate of breathing rise, her heartbeat quicken. She remembered her mother accusing her of having a stubborn streak as wide as the river.
Nevers shook his head. "No, I really do not. Master Andrew insists that he did not father your baby. He said that on his word as a gentleman. I have no choice but to believe him, no choice." He looked at the young woman over his spectacles and licked his lips, very uncomfortable.
"But y'know it's a lie, don' you? We lived together over there, in 'is bed, in that 'ouse." Elizabeth demanded, waving the hand holding the pencil. "He mounted me regular like, for weeks, months, like a mare. You know 'e did, everybody knew."
Nevers did not respond. He returned to his work, but Elizabeth did not move. "Do the name 'Matthew' mean ought to you?" she asked.
"Eh? I don't think so unless you mean the evangelist. Why?" He looked puzzled by the question.
"Twas one a'the men Miranda asked about, over there in the kitchen."
"I see. Well, I didn't give her that suggestion."
Back in her cabin, Elizabeth nursed her baby again and then put her down in the small, pine cradle Jenny had used when her Becky was an infant. She took down her slate and wrote out her planned note to the Conroy girls. When Rufe stumped by under his big straw hat, she stopped him. "Do me a favor?" Elizabeth said.
Rufe looked at her sideways. "Depends, " he replied, smiling.
"Look at this." She held up her slate, and Rufe took it. Elizabeth stood so that he could perch on the stool in her doorway. She watched him nervously, ready to be ashamed of her errors.
"Looks right to me 'cept I dunno how them names up top there is. Well 'Ann' I knows, tha's right, but what's this here other one?"
"Priscilla," Elisabeth pronounced slowly.
"Might be P-R-A cilla, P-R-E cilla or S 'stead a' that C."
"But the rest is right?"
"Think so. Don' you fergit, you neber seen me read. Lord, I'd be whipped skinless." Rufe pointed his old pipe at her.
"Why, Rufe?"
"Dangerous, mought learn things. Think too much. Slaves ain't 'sposed to. Hmpf, neither is you." He waved his hat at the pesky flies.
"Thank you. I won't tell." Elizabeth concealed her pride.
"How's y' baby. Sleepin' is it?"
Elizabeth nodded, reading over her short note.
"Wha'chu gonna call her?" Rufe asked, making sure his pipe was still drawing, crushing down the burning shards with his scarred thumb.
"Dunno. Jes' call her baby, I guess."
"My momma, bless her, she called 'Clara.' Now thas' a fine name." Rufe smiled up at the thin, young woman in the shapeless dress.
"Yes," Elizabeth said, "it is. Clara. Hm, my 'usband's name were Clemence. It's like that."
"Didn' know you had no husband," Rufe said. "Where he at?"
"Dead. Died coming over here on the ship. They dropped his body in the sea."
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Summer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...
100% fiction story! Hi my name is boyd, and this is the story me and my sister Summer. Me and my sister both went to the same collage a frw miles away from our house. My sister was one year below me and I was in my final year. Oh by the way I'm 19 almost 20 with light blond hair and blue eyes and my sister Summer is 18 almost 19 and has long, light brown hair and eyes. Anyway back to my story, one Friday afternoon when we got home I was going into my bedroom to get changed to go out for a run...
IncestBecca had a brother. He was sixteen years old, and very sexy. At six foot six inches, he towered over most people. He had long, blonde hair that he would swish out of his face while he played his guitar. Macy ADORED her brother,Avery. Little did she know, he adored her too. One day, Becca had just got home from a track meet. She had just won first place in long distance running, and she was on the high school team! Random pieces of hair stuck out from her previously perfect ponytail. ...
This is a short story about one great night with one horny woman. I was working a fund raiser to fight cancer at a dinner-dance being held at a downtown hotel. I lived about a 30 minute drive from the hotel so had a room to sleep and whatever else in. I was hoping I would find a gal or a guy that was interested in a little after fund raiser fun. My job was to sell tickets to a 50/50 drawing where the winner won half the pot. Sales were going really well so at times I had a lot of money in my...
[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Origins of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerCHAPTER 1 Dave the Fixer carefully he poured the powder mix from the fold of crisp white paper into the neck of the champagne bottle, the powder fizzing as it made contact with the charged contents. He held the bottle up to the light to ensure it was...
It was the best summer in years, for the world, and for me. The weather was fantastic, the fish were biting, i had a good paper route that paid well, all the growing things were thriving, as if to make up for some disappointing years. And Ginnie moved in for the summer. I rode my bike down the street, past the scattered houses in our rural town, to a trim little Cape Cod with a picket fence and a yard full of flowers. I parked my bike and ran throught the gate and up on the...
Camping in Summer Finally! Summer! For me, that has two meanings. School is over, I’m back from college. Finally, I get to lounge by the pool and relax for three months. Also, my baby sister is named Summer. At 19, Summer had perfect long, blonde hair hanging down just past her shoulders. Her body had developed during my first year of college, so my summer break that year was quite a shock. When I left, she was a 5’6” gangly 16 year old girl with a pretty face. When I came back, she was still...
IncestAuthor's note: As with all my stories, this is a fantasy and should be read and understood as such. I would never encourage or condone the type of behaviour described, even though it is non-violent, and would not like to think that any reader believes otherwise. Some of you may find this story long, as much of my work tends to be. I try to create a believable character, within the constraints of an admittedly unlikely fantasy... that a character can be put through gender changes...
This story has been an odyssey. It has stretched me in ways that I would never be stretched as a writer. For that I would like to thank Alan Lockridge, who came up with the idea for this story. He was the high bidder for the entire bake sale. Without his generosity, it would not have been the success that it was. Without contributors like Alan, FM would be just an idea. So, in recognition of that contribution, I wanted to make his story special. Anne approached me with the idea...
And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into a routine of sorts. Every day, before I came home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even after the pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating, Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that he placed in the shower when I was menstruating, and he...
TabooMy name is Jim. I love fucking white femboys and crossdressers with my black dick. I first saw porn when I was way too young, thanks to a step brother. I grew up watching girls scream and moan from hard anal. Soon anal was all I wanted to watch. When I was a teen, we got the internet. I first saw transsexual porn then. I loved to see their big tits and nipples, their made up faces and long hair, their asses and sexy legs, their high heels, and their big cocks. When I was young, I...
I would appreciate a rating and a comment. Your feedback helps me to make my stories better! Summer. Summer was really blown by. I was so excited when summer holidays were finally here. My high school was baking in the hot Arizona sun. We all were sweating like crazy in our school uniforms, and our thoughts were circling around cold lemonade, swimming pools and bikinis, instead of trigonometry and stochastic. My name's Lucy. Lucy Miller. I did just turn eighteen the other week ago, and...
Except for a talkative seatmate, the flight from Atlanta was uneventful. She was making the trip to visit her new granddaughter. By the time the plane landed she knew how I had spent my summer, all about Pontiac College and even that I didn't have a current girlfriend. I helped her with her carry-on luggage and she introduced me to her son-in-law. "I thought you didn't have a girlfriend," she said when she saw Jeannie Baldwin jump into my arms. I guess we got carried away, kissing like...
Sorry it's a little late, I had writer's block. This is the second chapter and it will probably not make sense unless you read the first chapter, so please read the first part first. Please leave comments good or bad.Chapter 2: SummerIt was now summer. Johnny was feeling better after his accident and we confronted our parents after we found out that we were twins. Turns out that the people I’ve been living with are our real parents and the people Johnny were living with were just really good...
IncestHe knew this was his last summer. A year from now he’d be job hunting, so he could work to put money away for college. He was a smart kid and knew that this was important but couldn’t help feeling a bit wistful that these few months would be his last time of pure childhood freedom. John’s story took place in the sweltering Florida heat. Where, before school was even out, the temperatures were almost in triple digits and the humidity made it feel like you were breathing through a hot, damp...
Amy 34: Cruel Summer Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: The Pavements Are Burning When school ended so did our junior year. Summer began and it was time to pretty much just file away everything from the past and enjoy the heat and humidity, playing music together in Gina's...
I wrote this story by request from a friend and I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. J My name is Summer and I am a transsexual. I have a B cup chest and my hips are a size 30 and I have an 8 inch cock and I love to be a naughty little whore. It was the summer after high school for me and I was waiting for my admission letter from college to arrive. Eventually it did but it wasn’t very clear as to if I had gotten accepted or not so I decided to take a visit to the...
My Perfect Summer By Heather Alexander ©2004 I had been looking forward to this summer for almost a year I was to spend the three months of school holidays with my Aunt Heather, who was my mother's sister. The car pulled out of the driveway and I watched it drive away, I turned away form the window and looked at my Aunt Heather, she smiled, "We've got a lot to do before we drive down to the country tomorrow," she said. "Yes," I replied and walked out of the room and went up...
I wrote this story by request from a friend and I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. J My name is Summer and I am a transsexual. I have a B cup chest and my hips are a size 30 and I have an 8 inch cock and I love to be a naughty little whore. It was the summer after high school for me and I was waiting for my admission letter from college to arrive. Eventually it did but it wasn’t very clear as to if I had gotten accepted or not so I decided to take a visit to the...
TransOn the following Tuesday, Carrie Ralston and her mother returned from their summer in Indiana. Carrie had discovered that I was at work when she stopped by the house earlier in the day, and was waiting for me on the porch when I got home. I think that she was way beyond surprised and on her way to shocked at my appearance. "Sammy? Oh my God!" She said before I'd even hit the first step. "Hi Carrie." "What happened to you?" "I had a good summer, grew a little, put on some...
Introduction: A young boy loses his virginity during recess. First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. One day in 5th grade, my friend Summer started flirting heavily with me. Although Id played with her almost every day during recess, shed never acted like that before. I remember being in science class just before recess that day. She was sitting in the seat in front of me and kept...
I spend some time with the internet porn star and fulfill a fantasy. I’m a young guy in my mid 20’s who just happens to have a fetish for mature women. I just think they are much sexier and more desirous when they are 40 and up. Since this is my preference, I scan the internet and look at all the granny and MILF sites. That was how I discovered Stunning Summer. For those that know of her and have the same desire as me, no explanation is required. For those that don’t know of her, she is an...
I hadnt always been interested in young girls. In fact, even now I still found girls my own age attractive, but last summer had changed me. It had been my summer job that had been my undoing. At eighteen years old, I had been about to enter the final year of my studies before heading on to University, and since I had had nothing to do over the summer, my Mum had been going on and on and on at him to find a summer job. I was well built for my age. I had been a swimmer since I was five, my mum...
Chapter 1 Trish was really looking forward to getting her maid back for the summer. Mark was due to return home today, and she was looking forward to picking up where the two of them left off the previous summer. Over the winter she had decided to keep increasing her feminization of the young man, and mentally started ticking off some of the things she had planned for him over the coming months. There were the obvious things such as going lingerie shopping, taking him to her...
Nick's Summer Nick's Summerby Emile Copyright 2007.? This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.? You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. __________ Nick got into his dad's SUV, dreading the next three months of summer holidays.? Only minutes before they'd been in the airport, his dad joking along with his lacrosse teammates, slapping him on the back, but now they were on their own. "Get out of...
I've always considered myself to be a straight man, but that doesn't mean I haven't indulged in sex with other men. In fact, I'd been curious about it early on in my sexual history. My came with my best friend in high school, John. He was a year older than me and it was the summer before my junior year, his senior. His parents were divorced and he lived with his mom, who was out of town on business most of the time. Two sexual teenaged boys and an empty house, of course, was a recipe for...
GayBoth of us had certain routines all through the summer. All we both did was work and work. One night I got home from working, took a shower, and went to bed early. I was exhausted. My mother came into my room wearing her bathrobe. She kisses me on the forehead says goodnight and then says she's going to take a bath. I did not think much of it. I started to doze off but woke after an hour to realize I had not eaten dinner. All of sudden was I was ravenously hungry. So I got up and...
You like nice sexy lingerie and you have a lot of it?Hmm but you like to wear it right?When do you wear it?Never when you go out?Hmmm Gorgeous!!!!Imaging you wearing this with a black short skirt and a dark blouse...High heels and going out for dinner with me...You would be my sexy date we would go to a quiet but nice restaurantcandle lights on the table....and I would place you with your back to the personal and the other visitors...You drink wine ? Red or white?A white one then, I order...