DanicaPart 9B free porn video

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Danica wandered onto the grounds, feeling out of place in the midst of the military order of the place. Everyone but her seemed to be heading somewhere, exactly where they were supposed to be going, in a perfectly coordinated march.

She paused when she found a group of about twenty engaged in a training exercise. One man, obviously of some rank, observed two men dueling with heavily padded staves atop a pair of stumps well-rooted in the ground.

They pummeled each other with the staves, each attempting to dislodge his opponent. The one on the left let his guard slip, and a stunning blow to the head sent him reeling off his stump to the ground. He screamed in pain when he hit.

"How many times have I told you? You keep dropping your left, and..." The trainer admonished, finally noticing the man on the ground paying no attention to him, but instead cradling his broken arm and screaming in terrible pain.

A woman stepped forward from the back ranks of the twenty. "Sir, allow me."

Danica felt her breath catch. The woman was dressed in the same padded armor all the rest wore, but it did little to hide her well-muscled and sensually curved body. She had straight, golden blonde hair, and her beauty quite literally took Danica's breath away.

The woman knelt down next to the man and cradled his arm gently in her hands. She then called for a blessing of healing from Heraklan. The man's screams trailed off as her healing power poured into him.

"Thank you," the man said, rubbing his arm as the woman helped him to rise.

"Thank Heraklan, for it was his power that healed you. I might be willing to let you thank me, if you really think you must," she said with a stunning and incredibly sexy smile.

The man's eyes widened and he smiled, but the trainer broke his thoughts quickly by hollering, "Cut that out Cheron, I'll have none of that. You may pay to train here but that doesn't mean you can break the rules. No trysting between the students."

"I think you need a bit of trysting to take some of the edge off your sour disposition," Cheron cheerily disagreed as she returned to the ranks, her hips swaying sexily.

The trainer sighed and shook his head. He then turned back to the man Cheron had healed. "You're lucky there was a healer on hand, dogbreath. If you'd been on a battlefield, you'd have been sliced from nuts to neck before any healer got to you. I keep telling you — over and over again — trying to pound it into your head through your armor of stupidity..."

Danica walked away, but took another look at the stunning blonde cleric as she passed. The quick and complete healing indicated that the woman surely stood in high favor of her god. The severity of the break and the copious loss of blood certainly would have laid the man up for some time without her timely intervention. Danica found it strange that the woman trained here.

Wandering around the inner wall of the complex, Danica observed the training exercises and the surroundings absently. In truth, she daydreamed about the beautiful cleric more than anything.

Eventually, Danica managed to shake away the daydream long enough to ask for directions to the college. She walked out the Southern gate of the inner wall and past the large stables within the outer wall. She followed the well-trodden road to the college where the War Wizards received their training. Someone quickly led her to Justarius, who sat speaking with Celes.

"We're gonna have to be spendin' some time here, Dearie. Justarius an' t' rest here has found ways ta take shortcuts in their castin' w'out losin' t' power o' their spells. The research they're doin' here is groundbreakin'."

Justarius smiled, and his plain, unremarkable face suddenly appeared handsome — almost boyish. "Not truly groundbreaking — we are simply reviving a nearly lost art. In times long past, wizards were often employed on the field of battle in this way. Those who work the Art have simply become too vain to let themselves be shackled to sword swingers over the years. The methods and teachings have fallen into disuse and obscurity."

"We'll certainly have to learn from you, Justarius," Danica said, thinking that it was sad and ominous that this fascinating research was falling into Zoraster's hands.

"As could we do well to learn from you. We have few who are skilled in the art of enchantment. The prowess in that area that Celes attests to you would be a most welcome instruction to us. Now that you are here, however, we should get down to the business at hand."

"So what're ye thinkin' we're up against?" Celes asked.

"It is my belief — and that of my fellows here — that we face a group of magi. The illusions and phantasmal force creatures are quite powerful spells. Even illusionary dragons have been reported to stalk the woods. To have crafted such grand illusions, the caster must be a master of Illusion.

"Likewise, the sheer number of undead would indicate that a powerful Necromancer is within the shelter of the trees. The demons that stalk the darkened paths are minor entities, but there are, by our estimates, no less than twenty. Only a powerful Summoner could hope to control so many foul denizens of the lower planes at once.

"The gathering of creatures in the woods is far from natural. No leader could hope to keep such a group of creatures that despise each other so greatly intact by natural means. We thus believe there to be a powerful master of Charm magic as well," Justarius explained.

"So ye're thinkin' we're facin' a bunch intent on destroyin' this place — but why?"

"It could be many things. Perhaps the presence of this place and its many skilled warriors stand in the way of some grand scheme they have in the area. Zoraster's backing of this place is not a secret, and it could be an enemy he has made seeks to strike here and weaken his influence. We have a Mystic Well here within the college, and it could be that they seek its power."

Danica and Celes both opened their eyes wide at the mention of the Mystic Well. Only a few were known to exist, the creation of a great Archmage in the forgotten mists of the past. All such wells were carefully hidden and protected by great magic. A wizard who drank of the waters from a Mystic Well found their powers strengthened. A wizard exhausted of their magical strength could take a flask from the well and find their powers to weave the Art restored again. Doing so presented a danger, however, because such taxed the body beyond its natural limits and could have permanent consequences.

"It would probably be a good idea to draw a few flasks from the Well to take with us," Danica pointed out.

"And you shall be given such when you prepare for your journey. As I have mentioned, there are goblin shaman among the creatures. We estimate perhaps eight, which would indicate that at least eight tribes of goblins are within the woods. That should mean no less than four hundred of the smelly creatures abide there. We believe the number or orcs to be approximately the same. As I have mentioned, we believe there to be ogre magi amongst the creatures. Our best guess, as we have not seen them, would be that there are at least three. The magical attacks directed against us provide our only clues to their numbers and powers. We have seen at least forty ogres amongst the attacking creatures. We know of a pair of hill giants, and of late, an ettin amongst the monsters. We can confirm the presence of at least six trolls as well."

"A formidable force," Danica said with a hint of surprise at the numbers. "Do you know anything of their movements or their encampments?"

Justarius pursed his lips and made a dismissive gesture with one long-fingered hand. "Little. There are spells of misdirection about the woods, and it is difficult to scry with any accuracy. The creatures seem to keep to themselves, only interacting with each other when they attack here. We have witnessed skirmishes breaking out between the various races at the edges of their patrols, though these are short lived."

"Och — but the madman's sent us inta a nightmare. We're to be walkin' inta a nest of vicious beasties backed by powerful magics."

Danica crossed her arms in front of her and pursed her lips into a slight pout. "But, not a cooperative group. It seems there's a bit of trouble keeping the forces in line. Surely, monsters in those numbers could have overwhelmed the place if they continued to press their attacks. Do the demons or undead ever venture from the woods?"

"No. We have observed that the undead lumber about only in the extreme Southern recesses of the wood. The demons only roam in the West. The creatures there stay far away from both groups."

Danica smiled, looking at Celes. "I believe I may have an idea. We'll talk about it once we figure out who will journey with us, but I believe I may have at least a rough plan."

"Yer thinkin' o harryin' the critters an' tryin' to turn 'em against each other — draw out them what controls 'em," Celes said with a crooked knowing smile, guessing Danica's intentions.

Danica nodded and matched Celes' smile. "If the undead and demons are so separated, it would stand to reason that the wizards who control the creatures might not be so terribly fond of each other either. Those creatures would stay near their masters to make it easier to keep them under reign."

"Such was our own surmising," Justarius agreed. "We were prepared to mount an expedition of the exact sort you plan ourselves, before we were ordered to halt our preparations and await your coming."

"I'm fer thinkin' Zoraster thought Danica's skills o' enchantin' could make some trinkets what would protect those wit'out magic from the spells about t' place. Ye said yer havin' few with such skills here, an' I'm thinkin' he's meanin' to test the two of us as well." Celes gave a glance full of warning to Danica when she said the last.

"We'll prove equal to the test," Danica said with a scowl. Thinking of the smelly goblins that she so detested in the woods, she was actually looking forward to destroying those creatures, as well as the other foul beasts that stalked the woods.

Celes gave Danica a curious look, but her expression indicated that she planned to wait until another time to ask her question. "Is there anythin' more ye can tell us?"

Justarius shook his head in the negative and stroked his chin. "Not presently. We continue to divine what we may with our magic. We shall pass along any information we might acquire."

"Well, I'm for learnin' about yer teachings here. Ye've sparked me interest most hotly with what ye've told me."

"Please, do come and we shall share our knowledge. Such is the purpose of the college, to the benefit of all," Justarius said with a smile.

"Danica?" Celes inquired as they rose.

"I'll go find Brandon. I'd like to see what he thinks. He seems to have good common sense, and he's a trusted warrior that we can consult about any martial matters."

"Good luck findin' 'im. He's been marchin' all straight backed an' proper since t' moment we got here. 'Es likely to be blendin' in so well ye'll not be able to tell him from the rest o' the men here unless ye're right up on 'em."

"I believe I may know where to find him," Danica disagreed, remembering his thoughts when he left.

"Well, good luck ta ye then," Celes said and followed Justarius from the room. Danica went with them, but separated and left the college instead of proceeding deeper inside.

It didn't take Danica long to discover where the women who provided release for the warriors of the place resided. She followed the road to the East of the main complex, to what locals referred to as the House of Women.

She found Brandon lounging on a simple bed with a fairly attractive young woman who had long, dark hair — both spent from their lovemaking.

Brandon started when he noticed Danica standing over him, a crooked smile on her face. "Danica," he sputtered, pulling his trousers from the floor and covering his body with them. "What are you doing here?"

Danica laughed and answered, "Looking for you. I want your ideas as to how we should go about the task we've been assigned."

"Ohhh poo — don't you want to play some more?" The woman on the bed purred, stroking Brandon's chest with her hand.

Brandon didn't answer, but instead got up to pull on his clothes, his face still red with embarrassment.

The woman eyed Danica with a sultry look. "What about you?" The prostitute asked and licked her lips with the tip of her tongue.

The thought made Danica shiver. "I have business to attend to," she replied in a way that didn't really sound too dismissive.

The woman purred and stretched out on the bed seductively. "Well, I'll be here if either of you want to come play."

Brandon finished dressing a minute or so later, and the two walked from the house, assaulted from all directions by the sounds of passion.

"Oh, do relax," Danica said and elbowed Brandon. "It's not as if I haven't seen you after lovemaking before."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, first, how did the House of Women come to be here?"

"It's been there as long as I've known of the Training Grounds. Apparently the women have always come, seeking company and coin from the gathering here. The Commander simply put up the building to keep the rain off their heads and those of their..." Brandon paused and shrugged, "Customers."

"It's in no way controlled by the Commander?"

"Nope. The women come, and the women go. The house is there for their use and maintained by the Grounds. The students have be on leave to go to the house, but other than that there's no other involvement by the Commander."

Danica revealed what she had learned at the College as they walked, continuing the narrative as she and Brandon settled into chairs in her room. They spoke for a long time, Brandon agreeing with her estimation of the course they should take. He made some suggestions as to the type of warriors they should take with them. Danica found his counsel just as welcome and insightful as she had hoped while they continued to discuss it through the hours.

The Commander invited Brandon to dine that evening, so he bid Danica farewell and went to engage in his spit-shine ritual again. Danica went back out onto the grounds to continue her explorations.

She saw the group she had previously observed dueling with staves come in the Southern gate at a double time march. Once again, Danica found it hard to breathe when she saw the striking cleric — sweat glistening on her body despite the chill in the air — running at the head of the group.

The group slowed and then stopped nearby. The trainer then shouted, "Dismissed! Freedom for tomorrow — I'll be busy." With that, he turned to leave.

The blonde cleric noticed Danica and turned toward her. Danica blushed, realizing she'd been staring, as the cleric approached. "You're staring," the blonde said with a warm and knowing smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm just surprised to see a Heraklan training here. I guess I was lost in thought," Danica lied, and she winced inwardly. The weakness of the excuse echoed loudly in her head.

The woman's knowing smile twitched even wider for a moment. "When I attained the rank of Thunder Bringer, there was little more that I could learn from my brethren. I heard of this place and hoped I might learn skills which would make me even more effective in battle."

Danica's eyes widened. "Thunder Bringer," she quietly repeated in surprise. The rank was the highest one could achieve without entering the few positions of cloistered service within the ranks of the Heraklans. "You must be beloved of your god indeed, to have attained the rank of Thunder Bringer so young."

"Heraklan guides me, I am but his tool upon this earth," the cleric responded. "You are one of those who will lead into the forest, are you not?"

Danica nodded. "Yes. Celes and I are beginning to make our plans now, and we'll choose those who will accompany us soon."

"My God has come to me in a vision. In this vision, I travel into the woods with you and use my skills to aid you in vanquishing the darkness of the wood. I should like to be chosen, but I shall likely follow anyway if I am not. My God has spoken, and I shall heed his call."

"Your skills as a healer and fighter would certainly be welcome," Danica admitted. "I'll certainly suggest you be included in our party."

"Well then, let us talk of the undertaking, and partake of some wine." The cleric produced a bottle from a small sack hanging at her hip — the sack far too small to have held the large bottle without the aid of magic.

Danica's felt the tingling of wetness building between her legs when the cleric put the bottle on her hip and tilted her head, waiting for an answer. The position showed off her curvy, muscled body quite well. Danica nodded her agreement, blushing when she realized she was staring again. "Yes, let's talk."

The knowing smile spread wide again. "I should imagine your quarters are much more comfortable and private than mine. The better to discuss our coming adventures away from listening ears."

Danica nodded her head, and Cheron fell into step beside her. They returned to the main building, and then to Danica's room. A note there from Celes said that she would likely not return this night, because she planned to stay at the college until very late.

The two women sat down and discussed what Danica had learned at the college, drinking Cheron's wine from two large goblets the cleric pulled from the bag, also too large to have ever fit inside it naturally.

Cheron scowled when they spoke of the undead and Necromancy. Danica knew the overwhelming hatred the Heraklans shared of those foul things, and she had no doubt that the woman's stated intention to destroy them all utterly was heartfelt. Danica also deemed it likely Cheron didn't overstate her abilities against the foul creatures.

They continued to talk and drink, Cheron making some suggestions about the type of warriors they should take with them into the wood. Something slowly emerged in Cheron's eyes and her mannerisms, increasing every moment. The subtle signals held Danica like a fly trapped in amber.

When Cheron leaned across the table and kissed her, Danica responded with the needful passion that had blossomed within her the moment she had first noticed the gorgeous cleric.

Cheron undressed Danica, caressing her body as she did so. Danica shuddered under the woman's touches and kisses, her nipples stiffening and her sex growing wetter by the moment.

Cheron then led Danica to the bed and stood near the edge to undress. Danica's eyes drank in the play of the woman's defined muscles as she stripped off her clothing. Danica's breath came in quick bursts as Cheron revealed her body.

Cheron had firm, round breasts, the nipples and areoles both dark. The hair adorning her mound was trimmed short, and somewhat darker than her blonde hair. Her bare-shaven nether lips caused Danica's mouth to water as she looked at the cleric's perfect folds. To Danica's eyes, Cheron's sex appeared almost more like an artist's rendition of perfection than reality. Wetness glistening between Cheron's slightly parted lips.

Cheron leaned over the bed and lay atop Danica, kissing her passionately. Danica matched the blonde's passion, their hands roaming over each other's bodies.

For long minutes, they kissed and caressed, taking each other's nipples into their mouths and suckling. Cheron then traced kisses down Danica's body and slipped between her now widely parted legs.

Danica loudly moaned in pleasure as Cheron lapped with broad strokes of her tongue, looking up with a sensual, hungry expression, as she tasted Danica's bittersweet juices. She slipped her tongue between Danica's labia, waggling it back and forth the length of Danica's wet lips. She then stabbed her tongue deep inside to lap at the redhead's walls, gathering up the abundant wetness within.

Danica gasped and moaned in pleasure, her hips gyrating, as Cheron lapped and sucked her. She quickly climbed her mountain of pleasure as Cheron slid a finger inside Danica, to spin it in slow tight circles while the fingers of her other hand rubbed Danica's clit with the same slow circling. All the while, her lips and tongue tantalized every inch of Danica's sex.

Danica came in a gushing flood, bringing a wide-eyed expression of surprise and delight to Cheron's face as she drank up Danica's warm flood. Danica writhed and screamed her pleasure as waves of release gripped her body. Cheron slowly eased off the pressure and let Danica settle back down to earth.

Once Danica relaxed, Cheron picked up the intensity of her talented lips and tongue once again. As Danica ground her pussy into Cheron's face, nearing another orgasm, Cheron locked her lips around Danica's clit. She sucked and flicked Danica's throbbing bud with her tongue, quickly stroking two fingers in and out of Danica's depths. Danica exploded into another gushing orgasm only a few moments later.

Cheron slid up Danica's body, and Danica kissed her hungrily, sucking her juices from Cheron's tongue and lapping them from the blonde's face. Their tongues wrangled as they kissed, their breasts pressed together and their legs entwining.

Cheron slid up even farther, and rose up on her knees above Danica. She then lowered her folds to Danica's waiting mouth.

Desire overwhelmed Danica. She devoured Cheron's perfect pussy, moaning in delight as she lapped and sucked. Cheron moaned and rocked her hips over Danica's face. Cheron's perfectly pink inner lips resisted Danica's tongue with delightful pressure and stiffness.

Danica kept devouring Cheron, and the cleric soon came with a warbling scream of pleasure, flooding Danica's face with her juices. Danica lapped and sucked hungrily for Cheron's nectar, which flowed from her like a river.

They came many more times on each other's tongues that evening before Cheron finally left to return to her own quarters. Danica drifted off to sleep, still nude and sticky from their lovemaking, and dreamed all night that she continued to share her body with the stunning blonde cleric.

Danica awakened aroused from her dreams, and used her toy to bring on a pair of strong orgasms. She then went and drew a bath, washing away the sticky evidence of her night of passion with Cheron.

Same as Danica
Part 9B Videos

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The Twins, The Riverlands Three hours past dusk I laughed as we entered the dining hall and saw Lord Walder Frey on the dais, looking down upon everyone else. It was a feast of some kind, though I wasn’t sure what for this time. The Late Lord Frey (how fitting a name for him!) seemed very fond of throwing banquets, at any rate. A good way to show off his wealth and splendor and flaunt his growing power in the face of old rivals and foes, I thought, even as I pulled out my shotgun and aimed...

3 years ago
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Foot Clerks Down Fall

                       FOOT CLERK'S DOWN FALLI was an unfortunate, 26 year old, clerk in a large footwear firm,earning a meager salary for arduous work. My sanity was onlymaintained as I had a ravishing beauty of a wife, Sandra, who was 21and already a secretary to, Jason, a director of the same company.Sandra had long elegant legs with a curvaceous body which she likedto show off by wearing skimpy figure hugging tops and shortminiskirts. She always wore 6" stilletoed shoes with self...

1 year ago
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What Mom Knows Fucks Her in The Air

WHAT MOM KNOWS FUCKS HER IN THE AIR This is part 4 of the What Mom series...The rest of the days until the wedding was the best rerun of all time. I lived my own sexual Groundhog Day. I was usually wakened by Mom with her superb cocksucking lips. This was followed by a lengthy fuck session, where I blasted my first load of the day into Mom...usually her eager mouth; I then went to school and tried to learn, my mind preoccupied with my wild sex life...except in philosophy class where Professor...

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Sister Brother Lover 4

Chapter Four My sister Pat seemed to be handling her condition OK. I, on the other hand was a bit confused. On the one hand I had spent last night enjoying a nice set of tits and getting a double blow job. I was feeling pretty good about that. But too much good luck makes a person wonder if it will suddenly turn as bad as it was good. My sister might go bonkers. My parents might catch us. The entire school might find out that I had been fooling around with my sister who was really...

2 years ago
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House Party1

Hi. I'm Julia. Julia isn't my real name. The story you are about to read is one of mine, from a few years ago. My brother thought I should tell it instead of him, but he did help me with some of the details. Bryan thinks I'll do it justice. So, here goes nothing. It all started one night at a party my brother Bryan was hosting at his house. All of our friends were invited and he of course invited me since we shared the place. I put aside my studies, got dressed in something I was...

4 years ago
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The Stunning Rebecca

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Im gonna be late.” As I hurried down the hallway, the echoes of my 5-inch, black stilettos rang loudly causing me greater anxiety than I had anticipated. My white sleeveless dress fluttered as I scurried along. Nearly dropping my bejeweled clutch, I composed myself and walked into the Grand Ballroom. Brilliant hues of light projected themselves onto my face. My eyes focused after a long minute, and I took in my surroundings. The Annual Company Ball was an event full of...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 1

The blackness owned me. For an eternity, I drifted in a silent, lightless void. The only sound was silence. With only my memories for company, I began to reconstruct my life – both lives. As Carl, my earliest memories surrounded me as little more than impressions, so I embraced the impressions and concentrated on them, seeking truth. There were flashes of still pictures that slipped away almost instantly. My mother. Leaning over to lift me up, so she could tend to a skinned knee. Her...

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JulesJordan Kira Noir Opens Her Ass For Manuel

Kira Noir is long and strong and throws in some grace in this scene from Jules Jordan video. Primped in long white fishnets and neon bikini our luscious lovely teases on a big white shag carpet. She drops down to do the splits showcasing a bubble butt with a little girth. She moves to a plexiglass chair and spreads that ass. Then she points her toes to the sky, holding her legs together. We get a neat treat of something good to eat…Moving to the living room Manuel appears and they begin to kiss...

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Triple Teen fun with Lianne Pt 1 IDs changed

My second experience happened a bit earlier in the year than with Denise...….I wasn't earning much at the time, being unemployed when this surreal thing occurred earlier in 1988.My pal Gaz had moved to a town in a house shared by three others about 4miles away, so getting there would involve a fair amount of walking. Anyway, a GF of another pal of ours called Jenny had a 16, going on for 17YO single pal called Lianne & was also the sister of her mate Mick. Jenny was about 19 & seeing a...

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The girl with the blond ponytail D1

The flow of people going down the sidewalk in the evening sun is something special. He could just sit on this bench forever and watch the crowd. But there is so much input. He wouldn’t be able to keep up and maybe that’s what he likes about the idea. Well who knows, he certainly doesn’t but that isn’t why he’s here today. Karen is walking down the street. Her day at work was pretty stressful and the only thing she wants to do now is going home and take a relaxing bath with a good book to...

2 years ago
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After My Night Out Continues

I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee. Mike is already up and in the kitchen, I hear him talking to Lisa. As I enter, I say, “Good morning, everyone. Sorry I slept so late.” Mike laughs and responds, “I knew you were tired, you were snoring when I got up.” I laugh and say, “Well I did have a workout last night.” With that, Lisa busts out laughing, “Yes, I think we all did. I’ll bet we have another session before this day is over.” I wink at her and say, “I can guarantee that.” As we sit down...

Group Sex
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The Punishment of the Babysitter Chapter 2

Introduction: This is the continuing story of Rose, her husband Ron and the babysitter Jenny. Rose had just recently found the opportunity to dominate another and to even punish and be sadistic. She found it a rush and it was changing her life. Jenny lived with so much guilt because of an over religious mother. Their story continues. Rose woke up first and realized it hadnt been a dream. Here she was in the bed with the 16 year old babysitter Jenny and her husband. She could hardly believe the...

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The Invasion

Introduction: In the future two brothers find a lost record of an alien invasion where large men like creatures take over the women population to control the earth. This story is only fiction. This author does not condone in anyway the actions of rape or non-consensual sex. The Invasion – What have you got there? Luke asked his older brother John. I just finished cleaning out grandpas house that he left us in the Will. I found this large box tucked away in the attic marked Top Secret. I...

3 years ago
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The Deckhand Saturday Cruise Part 1

I slept well Thursday night into Friday morning and woke feeling ready to tackle the day.  I showered and ate before heading to the hardware store for a little physical labor.  I walked in the door about fifteen minutes early, and Mr. Solyst approached me right away.  "Good morning Mr. Solyst.  How are you today," broached my lips before he had a chance to speak."I'm good. In fact, I'm very good," he answered as he led me back to his office.  Once inside, he continued, "Your work at Mrs....

2 years ago
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I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacks

I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacksmiths AnvilThis is an individual story but might be easier to understand after reading Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThe next week Julia came in to the quarry for the coal with the car and stopped me in the carpark “I’ve been talking to a friend about daydreams, the one we had last week, she wants the same one”“What with me”“Yes but it has to be two weeks today”“That’s very precise,” I Said“Yes it is, do you want to do...

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SG69 Mission 1Chapter 3

By the time they made their way back to the ridge, it was full dark. It was pretty hard to see what was going on in the camp below, but it was clear there were a lot of people having sex. They couldn't spot Reed, and settled down to wait for a few hours. Once it looked like things were in full swing, and boy, thought Finn, were they in full swing, the team made their way down to the temple. They'd decided to approach it from the rear, in hopes that they'd be able to find a way in. Despite...

1 year ago
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Hardware shop

Friday afternoon need Ironmongers before they shut !!! On way there in the van a notice one very tidy woman going in size 14 who knows size 5 shoe with 5" heels fu**ing super sexy fashion tights and fluffy jacket long dark hair nice , hanging about couple mins let her go first. On entering a find her trying to explain what she needed, young Sean behind the desk ( head less chicken ) trying to figure out what she means looks as confused as she explains, making way round the shelf's so I get...

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Deciding MomentChapter 63

It had been three weeks since she'd received the second 'love letter' that I'd written some time ago. It hadn't been delivered before the house burnt, and we had been carted off. Jeannie, who had come home after I'd called Theresa to tell her that Jessica was home early from school, couldn't understand why Jessica was in her bedroom with the door closed. Jeanie came out of the bedroom, after talking to Jessica, and she just shook her head at me. It had taken Jessica hours to recover...

2 years ago
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With Cousin In Shimla

Hi.  This story is about me and my cousin (Sonia) name changed. She is my maternal cousin and 5 years elder to me. We both used to study in Chandigarh. While I was doing my engineering, she was pursuing home science course. We both used to stay in our respective hostels and meet often since we were very close since our childhood. I used to find her hot since school days, but never thought of telling this to her since I was scared because we were cousins and she might tell my family. Once we had...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 18

Chapter Eighteen - Girls Shop, I Clean In the morning, I awoke to find Grace still cuddled behind me, one hand cupping my entrapment device. I carefully removed her hand and slid from the bed. I went into the bathroom to take a shower. I wanted to get dressed and then prepare breakfast for everyone before their planned shopping adventure. My image in the bathroom mirror made me pause. I saw before me a creature that was not altogether unattractive. I mean, I could see the male me...

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Shes My WingmanChapter 7

The original plan was to bring Jim into the fold then move on to bigger and better, but I was starting to question that. The problem I faced was that once Sara moved beyond the planning stage, Sara did not like changing the plans. It's one thing to roll with what's thrown at you. But to just change things up midstream was not her way. So I had to convince her. And the only way to do that was to get my wife to do it. Fortunately, Lisa has welcomed Keri and her kids into our home. Really,...

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The Naughty Neighbour

Melissa had always been a tease. She had learned that if she batted her eyes a certain way, or pouted, or played the ‘I need help card’, she was able to get her father to give in to most things. When she was little she would get him to buy her candy at the store, or that special new toy she wanted, or got to stay up that extra hour past her bedtime to watch her favourite show. As she got older it was extra money to go out with friends, or shopping for that new dress, or the use of the car. She...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Spencer Bradley Savors Anal Flavor

Blue-eyed sweetheart Spencer Bradley rubs her pink pussy with manicured nails. Heavily hung porn stud Jason Moody slides a butt plug into her eager asshole, and she quakes in delight. Spencer masturbates as Jason pounds her sweet butthole from behind. He teases her sphincter playfully, and Spencer’s pulsing butthole gapes! She moans in orgasm as Jason’s thick tool thrusts in her rectum. Spencer cums hard on his throbbing rod, and she gives him a tantalizing, ass-to-mouth blowjob....

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One Small Moment

I was window-shopping in a small town on Cape Cod when I heard, “Sarah, is that you?”I turned and was unexpectedly face-to-face with an old classmate of mine from almost three decades ago.“Jeremy?” My face must have looked flabbergasted.“Yeah, I almost didn’t recognize you, it’s been so long! But your long red hair gave you away,” he inched closer, “What are you doing here?”“I’m on vacation. I live here for a month every summer,” I shared, trying to nonchalantly smooth my unruly red curls and...

Love Stories
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My First REAL Lesbian Experience

I am 22 and in college, I had flirted with women my whole life and had even done some stuff like kissing and tit sucking on a dare, but this was the real thing and I was sooo fucking hot. She was one of my girlfriend's roommates. We had all gone out to a club and were having a good time getting a little bit drunk, and dancing and flirting with guys. None of them really appealed to me or Holly, so we wanted to split. My friend Jessica was picking up a guy and didn't want to leave. I told Holly,...

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Seduction Of My Aunt

By : Sateesh2348 Hi to all ISS readers, his is Satish again. My introduction to the new readers I am Satish with fair skin, 5’11” tall having a strong body other descriptions can be found out personally. It was great feeling to get lovely remarks from ladies for my earlier submissions please feel free to send your remarks on my e-mail Id please meet me on Read my earlier submissions mission and Seduction of Young Lady in the train and please comment on the incidents I enjoy the sex with ladies...

2 years ago
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Ridden Hard and Put Up Wet

The first time we met was in a smoke filled lounge. Stefan and I had been chatting on messenger for several weeks. We'd tried to meet once, but a rash of small dramas on my end kept me from keeping our coffee date. Now, face to face, I was stunned. My reaction was instant and surprising he was adorable and definitely interested in me. We chatted over a few drinks and a couple of dances later we snuck outside for a quick smoke. Before I knew it, I was plastered against the wall. Taken aback,...

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Stranger in the DarkChapter 5 Out of the Dark

After my shower, I grabbed my backpack, my favorite Texans ballcap, and headed downstairs. I needed coffee, pain pills, and breakfast, in that order. My first class wasn’t until 11:00 am and it was only 8:00 so I had time to catch up on email and everything else I ignored yesterday. I made some toast, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the island with my laptop. I had to give up and turn my phone off yesterday because it wouldn’t stop ringing. I plugged it in to charge and checked email...

3 years ago
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The Girl in the Window

As she made her way from her bathroom into her bedroom she looked out at the view she had, mostly of various empty balconies. But there also was Guesseppe, the retired electrician across the street who was ending his day the same way he always did: a beer and a cigar. Guesseppe sheepishly averted his gaze when their eyes locked. Gabby bushed a little, but her eyes lingered. It was only expected that such a man would look away when caught ogling at the young broad in nothing but a towel. This...

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Red Penis Rising Ch 02 More punishment for the Pink

He took her roughly by the hair again and put his dick in front of her. It was still glistening with her saliva and a bit of cum was dripping off the end. As she watched, she could actually see it slowly getting longer and wider. At first, she thought she was imagining it. Then she thought it was just getting closer, but no it was actually growing in front of her eyes. “When I got this implant, I wanted to try it out. That was how I accidentally killed that Pink. But don’t worry, this isn’t...

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The GiftedChapter 23 Kayla

The alarm started beeping and George Macintyre reached over and pressed the button to shut it off. Looking to his left, he looked at his wife Shannon and kissed her on her head. Rolling over he sat up, and stretched and yawned. Scratching his nuts, he stood up and walked into the bathroom to take his morning piss. Standing at the toilet, as he peed, he looked out the window and saw the thick fog in the back yard, and said, "Shit, another morning of heavy fog." "What's that dear?"...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 60 Dave and Julia

August, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Monday, Mario Gage arrived for his first day of work and sat in on our staff meeting. Julia reminded everyone that she and Dave would be gone for their wedding and honeymoon from the 8th until the 22nd, and that in the interim that I would be running things. I got some good natured ribbing about not letting the company go down the tubes, but we had our laughs and carried on. When that meeting ended, Dave pulled Dany, Penny, and me into a short development...

2 years ago
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Frankie prepares to be filmed

A few days after Frankie had had the most amazing sex with her friends ex husband Adam, he started to text her suggestive texts. Frankie went along with it and had fun telling him what she wanted to do to him, while he told her what he wanted to do to her.Frankie was getting turned on by all this texting and on more than one occasion had felt the need to make herself cum while the texts went between them.One night they started to discuss fantasies and Frankie was surprised when Adam said his...

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Venki and fantastic group thriller

Gupta, Ram and Venki were thick friends. They got married. They were childhood friends. They used to enjoy dining and freak-outs together. They were inseparable friends. Gupta’s wife’s name is Rathna. She was very buxom with huge breasts and big buttocks. Ram’s wife name is Lalitha, equally buxom and round faced with thick lips and Venki’s wife is Sita – voluptuous beauty. Rathna, Lalitha and Sita became very close friends. They used to go to shopping and other places together. One day when the...

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Who knew Physics could be Fun

Chapter 1 I’d been out of high school for 10 years when I finally decided to go back to school so I could get my degree and get out of this weird employment rut I seemed to be in. Being a 28 year old freshman didn’t make me the life of the college. I felt so old being around these kids in their late teens and early 20’s. It also didn’t help that I was also one of the shift supervisors in the security office of the college I attended. My experience happened during my spring semester of my...

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Shemale maid

Colleen rushed through the mansion’s open gate and headed towards the main door. She opened her mini leather bag and searched frantically for her keys, although she knew she was hopelessly late. Was it her third or fourth unsuccessful attempt in a row to get there on time? Or had there been more? Oh, how could she answer that question when she had been at a complete loss for more than a month? Her boyfriend, Tom, who was a marine, had been sent to Iraq, as a member of an elite force...

2 years ago
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The girls and the boys next doorMy generous friend is repaidMarie’s exercises and punishmentsJulies appetite for knowledge and correctionThe nasty games Julie and Samantha had/do play/edMarie’s descentChapter 1I run a small import/export business. Nothing fancy but successful and I’d been expanding so I needed help. I was often out of the office at the airport or with customers and it was time to get someone to answer the phones and handle the scheduling. I’d mentioned this to my sometime...

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Angela Gets a Mistress Part 4 of the Angela series

Chapter 1 After soaking in a tub of hot water, Angela felt much better. She had had a long day and was tired, so she fell asleep quickly and slept in. When she woke up on Tuesday morning, she took a shower, then used the cream on her sore cheeks. She used the alcohol swabs to clean around her tattoo and nipples and twirled them around as she had been instructed. Then, she went out to her car to retrieve her purchases. She selected one of the new bras, a garter belt and one of the new pairs of...

2 years ago
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Amandas Fantasy0

She was almost oblivious as he finished. He didn’t bother pulling out. Why would he? He took his hand from around her neck and her small frame sunk to the ground in a heap. She had blocked out what was happening to cope with the attack. Her tears had dried and her throat was raw from her cries and his forced attentions. He reached down and slapped her hard across her face, bringing her back to reality. Her eyes slowly opened and they were rimmed with red. Once he knew she was focusing back on...

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