Terminal LoveChapter 2 free porn video

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"Well?" asked Sandy.

"Well what?" responded Mandy.

"You know darned well what. Tell me what's going through that mind of yours."

"I was just thinking about Pete, Sandy."

"What!! If your evening was so bad, what took you so long to get home?"

"I was just wondering what I ever saw in Pete, now I realize how happy I am knowing he'll never be in my life again."

"That good?"

"No ... better ... much better ... the best." With that, Mandy flew into Sandy's arms, squeezing the breath right out of her. "Sandy, I'll never be able to thank you enough. I don't know how you managed to do it, but you did it ... and then some. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a big sister like you." Tears flowed from both, though their smiles showed their true meaning.

"Hi Natalie, sorry I didn't bring the veggies by the other night. When would you like me to bring them by?"

"That bad?"

"What bad?" answered Ed. Have I ever given you bad veggies?"

"Edward Thomas, stop messing with me and spill the beans."

"You want beans, too? OK, I'll add them to your list."

"Has anyone ever told you how impossible you are?"

"Oh, many times over the past 60 years, my dear big sister."

"OK, what do I need to do?

"Natalie, after all these years of you drumming it into my head, have you forgotten the magic word?"

"OK, Ed, please tell me about your date."

"Oh, you want me to bring dates, too?"

"Edward, you're driving me crazy!"

"But it's so much fun."

"I'm going to come over there and squeeze it out of you, you big tease. Tell me about Mandy."

"She's perfect."

"She's what?"

"You heard me big sister. She's an angel. You can't get any more perfect than that."


"See, that's the reason I don't give you the facts; you don't believe them when I say them."

"I believe you; I believe you. I just can't imagine this worked, and you finally have someone you like."

"Nope, wrong again, it's gone way beyond like, already."

"Ed, get yourself over here, right now."

"You want your veggies tonight?"

"Ed, you're terrible. I don't know why I love you so much."

"Maybe because I keep you on your toes and young."

"Are you going to come over here, or do I need to come over there to give my baby brother a big hug?"

"I'm coming, Sis."


Mandy and Ed were happy they didn't have to play all the courtship games and jump through ridiculous hoops to prove anything. They did what they chose to do, not what they felt needed to be done to impress the other. They couldn't believe how smooth and comfortable their relationship was. They did activities when they felt like doing activities; they went out to eat when they felt like going out to eat; and they pleasured each other when they felt like pleasuring each other. The last item seemed to hold their attention the best.

Mandy wanted to keep working as long as possible, as she couldn't picture herself just sitting around waiting for the inevitable. She needed to feel productive and alive. Work schedules limited their time together, but Ed and Mandy definitely made the most of whatever time was available. Ed was conscientious enough to make sure Mandy got the sleep she needed, so always left her by 10pm.

One Saturday morning, Sandy asked Mandy what her plans were. "Sandy, I appreciate your understanding. I know you want to spend time with me, and I promise to schedule time for you tomorrow afternoon. I love you and want to be with you, but I adore Ed and need to be with him. He gives me the energy I need to keep going. I know you're torn, as you understand my needs but also want to make the most of whatever time you can share with me. We're both torn, but realize you are very special to me and always in my heart. Ed and I are planning to go to the beach, today. Don't wait up for me, and don't be surprised if I'm not here when you wake in the morning."

"Does Ed know about the after beach plans?"

"Not yet, but I believe I'm learning how to influence his plans and decisions," she answered with a smile.

"Mandy, I know you think of me, and that's all I need. I just want you to be happy and fulfilled, and I can tell Ed is the perfect solution. Though I look forward to being filled in on all the juicy gossip, I am happy for you and don't want you to limit any opportunities with Ed to be with me. We still have our time when he has to work and you are off. I don't need a lot of time from you. I just like knowing we remain connected."

"Sandy, there is nothing that could ever disconnect us from each other."

"I know. That's what makes you so special to me. Can I help you pack?"

"I've got all I need right here," holding up her purse.

"OK, I won't ask."

"You can do me a big favor, though, Sandy. Could you tell me your thoughts on my new bathing suit?" as she pulled her cover-up over her head."

Walking around Mandy, Sandy eyed her from all angles. "OK, Mandy, you want my honest thoughts, I recommend putting your cover-up back on."

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No, I just want you to get to the beach in one piece, and that's probably the most distracting suit I've ever seen, not to mention what it's barely covering up. Remember, he has to keep his eyes on the road. Seeing you like this makes it hard for me to continue to see you as my baby sister. You're all woman, girl."

"Thanks, Sandy. You're sweet. It sure is nice to truly feel like a woman. I must admit I feel more like a woman than ever before. I've been a daughter, sister, professional and wife, and all felt good, but this is a whole different dimension, and I love it."

"And I love how you are glowing. You'll never know how happy it makes me to see you like this, though I admit maybe I'm seeing a bit more than I need to see, so here's your cover-up."

After the cover-up returned to Mandy's body, the doorbell rang. "Hi Ed," said Mandy, as she threw her arms around him and gave him a big kiss.

"Someone looks happy, today," he smiled.

"Is it that obvious?" Mandy asked.

"If it were more obvious, it would be front page headline of the New York Times, tomorrow."

"Thanks, Ed. You're sweet."

"Sandy, I apologize for stealing your sister away from you again, but I can't say I'm sorry for the opportunity. I have a job tomorrow afternoon, so she'll be all yours, then."

"Ed, just keep her happy, and I'll place no limits on you."

"That's the tough part, Sandy, for every time I attempt to make her happy, she keeps handing it back to me. I'll keep putting forth my best effort, though."

"Well, just enjoy yourselves at the beach, and don't rush home." To Mandy, she added, "and remember my warning, little sister."

On their way out to the car, Ed asked, "What was Sandy's warning?"

"It was nothing, Ed. You know about overprotective older sisters. Let's get going."

The drive to the beach was filled with smiles, laughter and tender touches, though, in the back of her mind, Mandy did think of Sandy's warning and did her best to not distract him ... too much. The beach was beautiful. Mandy felt like a little kid as she got out of the car and ran to feel the sand between her toes. "Ed, I promised I wouldn't withhold anything from you, yet I didn't tell you about Sandy's warning." As she removed her cover-up, she said, "She told me to not distract you while you were driving."

Ed swallowed hard and then asked, "Did she by chance see that bathing suit?"

"Ah ... yes."

"Thank you Sandy; you just saved our lives. Mandy, you look unbelievable. I've had a hint of a very appealing body, but I never anticipated this type of perfection. If I knew that was sitting next to me, I don't think I could have been able to focus on my driving."

"And what would you have been focusing on, my dear Ed?" Mandy asked as she sidled up to him and gave him a little kiss. Looking down, she enjoyed the inability of Ed's trunks to hide the truth.

The day was ideal. Mandy felt like a kid again, making sand castles, digging for sand crabs, running in and out of the waves and finally just walking hand-in-hand down the beach. She focused intently on everything, as if engraving each experience deep in her mind. They shared stories about beach experiences while growing up. They laughed and played, as if they hadn't a care in the world.

As the day progressed, Ed suggested they go to a restaurant and feed their stomachs, though their hearts and souls felt nourished all day. He found a nice beachside restaurant, and they sat down to eat. While eating, they never broke contact. Some body part was always in contact with some part of the other's body. Mandy said, "Ed, I told Sandy not to wait up for me, tonight."

"Don't you need your sleep?"

"We all need our sleep, but there are many ways to get that sleep."

"Did you have something specific in mind, Mandy?"

"Tonight, I want to sleep with my lover."

"Mandy, I won't ask if you're sure, as I know you'd never suggest anything you didn't feel desirous of and ready for. I'm sure we've both felt voids in our beds, since we entered each other's life. Every night, in bed, all I think about is wanting to hold you close, feel your warmth, inhale your sweet scent, taste your sweet lips, hear your erotic love sounds, and after today, I know the delicious sights I want to see. Mandy, I've had an STD panel run on me, but the lab said the results won't be in till Monday."

"Ed, you're so sweet. I know you care, but even if you were contagious, nothing would change for me, plus I can't get pregnant. I have no desire to wait. If you do bring something, it's already a part of you, and I want all of you, no barriers and no limits. Earlier today, I told Sandy I've never before felt more like a woman, and tonight, I want you to make me your woman. I want you to enter me and remain with me. I want you to fill my void. I want to feel your sperm swim through my womb, so I can fantasize about them meeting up with my egg and creating new love. I have nothing but dreams left, and I love your eagerness to partner me in my dreams. Ed, in a way, I say to myself I don't care about reality, but then I realize you are my reality, and I love you. Let's blend the best of reality and fantasy and live a lifetime together. Time and space can only be experienced by comparing it to a static point in time and space. If we don't have that starting point, time and space become infinite, and our love will live forever. All I want is to focus on the moment at hand and enjoy that moment to the fullest. You'll never know how much I appreciate your sharing these moments with me, loving me, fulfilling me and helping me to see beyond the confines that have previously limited my perspective. I've never seen my femininity or love with all the depth and dimensions you've opened my eyes to. You already fill my soul, and tonight I want you to fill my body and hold me in your embrace all night long."

"Yes, Mandy. Tonight is ours, no restrictions or limits, just unlimited love. Though I was always jealous of the love Natalie and Chuck have, I now realize their love is a mere shadow of what I feel for you. Never did I imagine connecting with a more perfect woman: your thoughts, your feelings and your delicious physical package. You have freely shared your thoughts and feelings with me, and tonight we will share a physical connection that will take us beyond any limitations of time and space. Though very little was hidden on the beach, today, I look forward to what remains, as I know how eager you are to share yourself with me fully and completely. We'll introduce my little sperm to your inviting egg, creating an entity of love that will endure forever. Every experience we share is engraved in my soul, as I'm sure it's equally engraved in yours, giving these experiences a depth that couldn't be comprehended by others. Thank you for welcoming me into your remarkable love. I feel honored to share the beauty of your life with you."

"Mandy, I've come to a realization. I always knew energy couldn't be destroyed, so though the volume of energy may change shape, the whole doesn't diminish. By reducing the X axis, the Y axis can grow. Maybe, when people don't open themselves to that depth, the energy grows on the Z axis, leading their lives to be flat like a pancake. Shortening time just pushes that energy in another direction. It looks like we have the ability to choose what direction that energy goes. When we lose one of our senses, the other senses become heightened. I had no idea the depth that could result from our circumstances. All we had to do was open ourselves up to that depth, and there it was. I don't think unlimited lifespans would allow for people to experience what we experience. It may be people are merely living a diluted form of what we experience. We're the lucky ones; we're the winners. Who wants to live a diluted life, when this can exist? Life would be terrible, if we lived forever. Quality is definitely more valuable than quantity."

"Ed, I've never thought about it that way, but when I compare the life I lived to the life I'm living, after a taste of this, I could never go back to what I had, no matter how much time was added. My old life was diluted. I was living that pancake. This is amazing. Without even realizing it, we end up with the grand prize, though I probably would have continued living that pancake if you didn't open my eyes and my mind. You thank me, yet I am the one who is most thankful. It's strange, as in the face of death you have given me a life, and I love this life I'm living. Now we've filled our bellies, let's go home and fill everything else."

"Home, my love ... to love ... for love ... for I am in love with the most amazing woman on this earth."

The ride home was filled with tender touches, and sweet erotic music from Mandy's lips. "Ed, I never expected anyone could love touching me as much as I love to be touched. Knowing you gain pleasure from that touch makes the touch more meaningful to me. Other than my own fingers and you, I've never felt truly loving touches. I questioned whether men were capable of touching like this, but I now know this one man is beyond capable. Your touch doesn't stop at the surface, and I'm already addicted to it."

"Mandy, I can't imagine how you could enjoy this touch more than I do. You are so soft, smooth, warm and responsive. I can't get enough of you." Mandy snuggled against Ed and kissed his arm.

When they arrived at Ed's place, he suggested they start with a shower, to get rid of the hidden sand. "Let's leave our suits on, till we're in the shower, so we don't have to waste time cleaning up sand from the floor." They removed their cover-ups and together entered the shower in their suits. Ed put his hands on Mandy's hips and just looked at her, obviously enjoying the close-up sight.

"Since you obviously are enjoying the sight, how would it be if I make a slight adjustment to my bikini top?" Mandy offered, while sliding the tiny pieces of material outward and revealing her erect nipples.

"Now that's what makes the sundae, the cherry on top," Ed added with a smile. He hugged her closely, while she enjoyed his roaming hands.

"Ed, I love the way you pay attention to all of me, not just focusing on body parts. This is new for me, so help me to understand your thoughts and feelings."

"Mandy, I can't see limiting myself to a narrow geographic area. My touch isn't about sex, but about enjoying your sensual responses. Your sweet songs invite me to various locations. How can I ignore your cheek or neck or shoulders or back or any other part of you, which sing those sweet siren songs? You lure me in, and I can't escape, not that I'd ever want to. How would you enjoy a symphony, if all the instruments were limited to only playing the same two notes? I love the melodies, the harmonies and the interplay between them. Though I love these inviting nipples, I could never live on a diet of only one food. You have so many unique delicacies built right into you; you're like a buffet created by the best chefs in the world. My challenge is determining what I want to taste first."

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Desi Sex Stories Kirayedarmi Aur Mre Vch Me

Hello dosto, this is my first story.Mera name Ramesh hain(name changed) mai Gujarat (place changed) ka rehne vala hu.Mujhe married aunties bahut achi lagri hain or mai unko patane me lagha h rehta hu.Aur mai is story me batana chata hu kaise mne. Apni kirayedarni reshma ko choda.Reshma bahut hi sexy married aunty hain.Uska figure36-34-36 hain.Ab mai jyada bore na karte hue story par ata hu. Je baat us time ki hain jab main +2 standard me padha karta tha.Mai humesha married aunties ko chodne k...

2 years ago
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The illicit embrace

I wander outside for some fresh air, to get away from the loud music, the smoke, the incessant chatter of the party guests. I stroll through the long garden, past one or two others who’ve also sought their escape, some to take a smoke, others to couple off and canoodle in some quiet corner. And then I spot them. They’re both married - but not to each other - and are heading down to the very bottom of the garden together, to where the lawn gradually gives way to the wood and the dark gloom...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend Brother and Me Part 5

What the hell was mom and dad going to say was all I could think as I quickly picked up the towel and wrapped myself in it. The towel was heavy at the end due to my gushing orgasm and it wanted to slip off of me. I had to hold it up.Missy was literally shaking as she tried to wrap the other one around her. She was also scared to see what my and Brantley’s parents would do.Poor Brantley did not have anything to wrap himself in; he had to just go back naked to the house since his clothes were in...

2 years ago
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Professors Tale

The Lab was bursting with students. The Lab was always bursting with students when Professor Doe was teaching. Enrollment for his class locked so quickly that students often had to bribe their way into his class rosters. Still others showed up without receiving credit on the roll. Professor Doe was a professor of Biology at the University, but the subject wasn't the reason for his popularity. Nor was it the reason that some 50 young girls had crammed themselves into a Lab designed for 20. The...

4 years ago
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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 30

Apologies to regular readers for the delay. ... Although quite naturally missing her young baby child Peter, Catherine Dixon was at least content in the knowledge her son was by now in the strong caring hands of the otherwise fearsome Olga up at the Manor House of Peter Harris, the grandfather of her youngest son and now apparently half a world away, after having left the running of his ‘Business’ in the hands of his teenage son David Harris, along with Sean Brady. Sean Brady, whom...

4 years ago
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Rita Experiences Sexual Pleasure Before Marriage With Her Bhabhi

Rita came home from college late at 7 in evening and went to the kitchen directly for a cup of tea as she was having headache. She found her Bhabhi, her brother’s wife making some pakoris. Rita bhabhi ye kiske liye banaa rahi ho she asked as she ate one. Bhabhi said ye papaji ke liye banaa rahi hoon, unke kuchh puraane dost aaye hue hain. Upar baatein kar rahe hain. Rita was 25 years and was working as economics lecturer in a college in Lucknow and living with her father who was a retired...

1 year ago
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Wife goes wild

We added a third man to our sex lives and the odd thing was how much closer it makes us. My wife was reluctant at the idea, until one night at a local luxury hotel, I arranged a staycation, and got as nice suite. We spent the evening in the hotel lounge with live music. She wore her short denim shirt and black stay ups, as requested, and my favorite black silky top. I arranged a couple bulls from craigslist (the good ol days) and I asked them to hang in the lounge and wait til I pryed her with...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 36

I did some advance work for my plan. I called his house when I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be in. I spoke to Sunny and asked her to tell Jeff I would be by for him around 7:30, maybe a few minutes later. ‘Is everything okay?’ she asked. ‘You sound a little funny.’ ‘No, everything’s great.’ In that moment I learned a key lesson about lying. I had practiced lying all my life and I considered myself quite good at it. Pick the emotion, the stress level, the sincerity you want to portray, feel...

3 years ago
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Hot Tub for Six

Emily here. Boy, this story just keeps getting better and better! I've told you about Paul and Sara, and how they've shared their home and bed with me. I've told you about their son Jeff, who I'm pretty sure will be my future husband (although he doesn't know that yet!). And I've told you about Elly, the woman who shared Paul and Sara's bed ten years ago and who now shares theirs and mine. They've all given me all the sex I need, which I appreciate, but they've also given me love and...

3 years ago
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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 8

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER EIGHT As I opened my eyes, I realised something was wrong. Blinking, I looked around the bedroom. A grey light was leaking in through the gaps in the curtain. An alarm clock on the dresser just beside my head told me that it was still early, though dawn was well past. The room was unfamiliar, for the simple reason that it wasn't my own. It belonged to Justin, who was fast asleep behind me, his light snores a counterpoint to the pitter of rain against the...

1 year ago
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Belfast RulesChapter 10

BELFAST – 1968 1968 was a year of dying in many places around the globe. It was the year of the "Tet Offensive" and the casualty figures from Southeast Asia drove a wedge into the hearts and minds of the American people as sharp and painful as the division between Irish Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The business of dying in Belfast was often an unexpected thing. It didn't come just in bed after a long life of struggle to make ends meet. It didn't come only in an...

2 years ago
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Late Night Movies chapter 13

I woke up with my lil peter hard and throbbing. I had to pee sooo bad. The sun was already high and I knew I had slept in to at least ten. The smell of bacon and pancakes wafted through my nose and my mouth filled with saliva. I made a beeline to the bathroom and relieved myself before heading out to the living room still rubbing my eyes. “I was JUST gonna wake you” mommy said, “Good timing!” as she laid the fourth plate onto the table. She was completely naked and I blushed seeing her casually...

1 year ago
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HijabMylfs Evie Ling Liberation Through Penetration

Nicky is having a hard time concentrating with Evie Ling, his hijab-wearing private tutor. She reminds him of his girlfriend, who just broke up with him, and her expressions are very similar to Nicky’s ex. In fact, the boy remembers a time when she pulled his cock in a car and swallowed it, something that Evie does as well to make his student feel better. A couple of days later, Nicky goes to Evie’s place desperate to try it again. Evie is a married woman and regrets what happened the other...

3 years ago
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My Sissy Rules

I love being a sissy. I have been in permanent chastity since 27 Sep 2016, and am loving it.I have sissy training rules that are focused on keeping me doing the household chores and training me to be rented out as a cheap sissy whore/maid, a list of sissy motivational sayings which I listen to on repeat whilst doing nightly chores, and service rules for the rare occasions when I am rented out to others. This is my sissy life, and it makes me happy.Sissy's Training Rules- Sissy must wear...

1 year ago
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The Player PlayedChapter 6

For the next week I was rushed off my feet, out most of the time trying to tie up the loose ends of our previous existence. We had moved all our clothing and had gone through all the paperwork and personal effects, and then moved a lot of the furniture and things like that into an empty barn. There was a hell of a lot of it and I had had a couple of men to help me. I had moved my computer and stuff at the beginning and got it set up in the small room I now used as a study. A lot of stuff...

1 year ago
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Cassidy The Working Girl

By the time Cassidy gets home from work, her legs feel weak. Opening the door to her flat, she ascends the stairs, her heels clattering on the golden wood. Her hand slides up along the rail and Cas can almost feel the soft skin of a hot and hard cock there instead. She sucks her bottom lip in between her teeth and hurries more so. By the time she has entered her bedroom, he cunt aches. It's a deep dull throb, uneasy slick fire running down to wet her panties. She throws herself back onto her...

2 years ago
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Converting the Family 1 MindControlled CumSluts

Chapter One: Mind-Controlled Cum-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: An anonymous fan commissioned this story and allowed it to be shared. I merely penned this individual's outline. Billy Purvis I gripped the modified remote in my hand. Weeks of being closeted in my hot, stuffy bedroom had finally paid off. I was ready to use it. I'd resisted busting out my device all day, struggling through college, suffering. I wanted to use it so badly, my dick hard, begging for satisfaction....

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My Hot Mom

Hi friends this is Kumar writing my first story i have been a regular reader here in ISS so i have planned to pen down my fantasy story about my incest mom. My moms name is Stella and she is a typical south indian women who will always be found in saree with a well groomed figure 5’2″ feet tall with vital status of 34′ 30′ 34′. She is on the brighter side of completion and has a round face she will be a bit plump compared to the women of her age but she is the heart robe of our area many men...

3 years ago
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English Lane

English Lane************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2018The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I am walking slowly along the lane. The signs of Spring are clear. The sun is shining through the...

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written to me

I imagined one night you were going out on the town to a dinner party a friend of ours was having to celebrate her promotion for landing a big account earning her employer millions. You were wearing an elegant blue dress that showed off your shoulders,back and it accentuated your beautiful firm breasts and covered your waist and hips just right. After a night of mingling, eating and dancing we return home where you promptly remove your shoes and dress slowly as if you were teasing me. I run...

2 years ago
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Seducing Virgin CousinSister

Hello, I’m Russell from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I’m a regular reader of ISS. Today i’ve decided to narrate my very own personal sexperience for my fellow ISS readers. Then I had seen few explicit-vulgar movies & read some cheap sex-story books (Choti). My experience was pressing & licking young maid’s boobs which I was forced by that maid when I was just 8yrs old. From then I became a great fan of Boobs, I used to caress girls’ boobs whenever I had chance. I did it with my cousin sisters & other...

3 years ago
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Isabels Fantasy

I sit before the small mirror, running a brush through mylong hair and dreaming about tomorrow night. Our holiday ball. Mother and Father have been planning it for months, and the neighborhood is all abuzz with talk. The invitations were sent a month ago, the replies have all been received, seating charts have been made. We are expecting 160 guests, a very respectable number for a ball. Fewer than 100 and it would just be considered a dance. Fewer than 50 and it would be considered nothing more...

1 year ago
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‘Bite down! Now suck!’ she demands. As I follow her command she tilts her head back and throws back the shot quickly, grabs the back of my head and mashes her lips to mine. She spills half the tequila into my mouth quickly followed by her tongue. Her tongue probes, savoring the last of the lime as it sits on my tongue, on my teeth, on my gums. With a last playful flick of her tongue, she forcefully pulls my head back by the handful of hair in her grasp. Her eyes are twinkling. She holds it for...

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 06

Chief Cave Lion’s dwelling was by far the largest in the village. It was a huge lattice of fallen tree trunks, tied together by cord and covered by sewn-together aurochs and rhinoceros hide. It was as large as five or six tepees meshed together. Although the harshness of the winter snow was usually enough to wreck most habitations in the village, the chief’s weathered the conditions best and was reassembled on the same spot each spring with, if anything, more splendour than in the previous...

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Harold Plays The Hero

Copyright Oggbashan June 2001/July 2002 Minor revisions July 2015. The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. None of this story has any relevance to a historical India. It is a fiction based in a mythical country which is one character’s imagination of what India might seem to...

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Rough Sex With My Girlfriend Shruti In Nagpur

Myself Ankit, I am 25 years of age. I am an avid reader of ISS. This is my first attempt to write and I hope you like it. I am going to share with you this true story of mine. I have a girlfriend and her name is Shruti. We recently entered into a relationship. I used to share a flat in Nagpur with two of my friends. As it was Diwali, both of them went home for their holidays. I stayed back and so did Shruti. We told our parents that we had some work and couldn’t come for Diwali this time. We...

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My Frist time with a tranny

My Frist time it was back when AOL frist came out. I was in a miami chatroom and I met a tranylicous. We Started to chat. I remember going to the profile on the side of the message window and I found out throu pics what a tranny was. I must of been 13 at the time or so. She gave me her address. it was not to far from Downtown so I head over to meet her as I smoked a joint. She had a nice apt, pretty empty She had just moved from Ny. After a little chat we had that helped me relax She came...

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Tight choot mota lund

Hi i m sunny, 24 good looking guy, i read all stories iss. I would like to share my exp. With all desipapa viewer female kyu ki har hot female ko mere storie pasand aayegi or mere lund apni chut may lay nay ka intezar karegi. Yeh story padne ke baad ager kisi ko mere se chudwane ka mann kare toh firker mat kariyega bass ek no ghumaiyega mera cell no hai (zero-nine-nine-zero-six-two-one-zero-zero-six-zero).may ek high sexula urge and i mostly releive it by mastrubating let me come to my...

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Sister8217s Public Fun

For the last month, an itch has built between my thighs. Ever since my younger half-sister, Alicia, rode our brother's cock in the middle of the cafeteria, hiding her activity by looking like a cute, little girl sitting innocently on her big brother's lap, my lusts were inflamed. I always had an exhibitionist streak. I enjoyed showing off my body, flashing my tits, my pussy, and my cute ass to strangers. I savored my brother and sisters fucking me in public. But I never did it...

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My first encounters with my friendscwife

This story starts on Valentine's Day 3 years ago. A bunch of our friends had got together to hang out, drink etc. Sometime during the party someone initiated taking some clothes off. Surprisingly, 2 of girls there were fine with this (this isn’t something that had ever happened before in my group of friends). The 2 girls got topless for us, and one of them was one of our friend’s wife. He was drunk and openly encouraged her, so no one felt bad when she took off her top, even if the first...

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