Terminal Farm
- 4 years ago
- 33
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"Well?" asked Sandy.
"Well what?" responded Mandy.
"You know darned well what. Tell me what's going through that mind of yours."
"I was just thinking about Pete, Sandy."
"What!! If your evening was so bad, what took you so long to get home?"
"I was just wondering what I ever saw in Pete, now I realize how happy I am knowing he'll never be in my life again."
"That good?"
"No ... better ... much better ... the best." With that, Mandy flew into Sandy's arms, squeezing the breath right out of her. "Sandy, I'll never be able to thank you enough. I don't know how you managed to do it, but you did it ... and then some. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a big sister like you." Tears flowed from both, though their smiles showed their true meaning.
"Hi Natalie, sorry I didn't bring the veggies by the other night. When would you like me to bring them by?"
"That bad?"
"What bad?" answered Ed. Have I ever given you bad veggies?"
"Edward Thomas, stop messing with me and spill the beans."
"You want beans, too? OK, I'll add them to your list."
"Has anyone ever told you how impossible you are?"
"Oh, many times over the past 60 years, my dear big sister."
"OK, what do I need to do?
"Natalie, after all these years of you drumming it into my head, have you forgotten the magic word?"
"OK, Ed, please tell me about your date."
"Oh, you want me to bring dates, too?"
"Edward, you're driving me crazy!"
"But it's so much fun."
"I'm going to come over there and squeeze it out of you, you big tease. Tell me about Mandy."
"She's perfect."
"She's what?"
"You heard me big sister. She's an angel. You can't get any more perfect than that."
"See, that's the reason I don't give you the facts; you don't believe them when I say them."
"I believe you; I believe you. I just can't imagine this worked, and you finally have someone you like."
"Nope, wrong again, it's gone way beyond like, already."
"Ed, get yourself over here, right now."
"You want your veggies tonight?"
"Ed, you're terrible. I don't know why I love you so much."
"Maybe because I keep you on your toes and young."
"Are you going to come over here, or do I need to come over there to give my baby brother a big hug?"
"I'm coming, Sis."
Mandy and Ed were happy they didn't have to play all the courtship games and jump through ridiculous hoops to prove anything. They did what they chose to do, not what they felt needed to be done to impress the other. They couldn't believe how smooth and comfortable their relationship was. They did activities when they felt like doing activities; they went out to eat when they felt like going out to eat; and they pleasured each other when they felt like pleasuring each other. The last item seemed to hold their attention the best.
Mandy wanted to keep working as long as possible, as she couldn't picture herself just sitting around waiting for the inevitable. She needed to feel productive and alive. Work schedules limited their time together, but Ed and Mandy definitely made the most of whatever time was available. Ed was conscientious enough to make sure Mandy got the sleep she needed, so always left her by 10pm.
One Saturday morning, Sandy asked Mandy what her plans were. "Sandy, I appreciate your understanding. I know you want to spend time with me, and I promise to schedule time for you tomorrow afternoon. I love you and want to be with you, but I adore Ed and need to be with him. He gives me the energy I need to keep going. I know you're torn, as you understand my needs but also want to make the most of whatever time you can share with me. We're both torn, but realize you are very special to me and always in my heart. Ed and I are planning to go to the beach, today. Don't wait up for me, and don't be surprised if I'm not here when you wake in the morning."
"Does Ed know about the after beach plans?"
"Not yet, but I believe I'm learning how to influence his plans and decisions," she answered with a smile.
"Mandy, I know you think of me, and that's all I need. I just want you to be happy and fulfilled, and I can tell Ed is the perfect solution. Though I look forward to being filled in on all the juicy gossip, I am happy for you and don't want you to limit any opportunities with Ed to be with me. We still have our time when he has to work and you are off. I don't need a lot of time from you. I just like knowing we remain connected."
"Sandy, there is nothing that could ever disconnect us from each other."
"I know. That's what makes you so special to me. Can I help you pack?"
"I've got all I need right here," holding up her purse.
"OK, I won't ask."
"You can do me a big favor, though, Sandy. Could you tell me your thoughts on my new bathing suit?" as she pulled her cover-up over her head."
Walking around Mandy, Sandy eyed her from all angles. "OK, Mandy, you want my honest thoughts, I recommend putting your cover-up back on."
"Is there something wrong with it?"
"No, I just want you to get to the beach in one piece, and that's probably the most distracting suit I've ever seen, not to mention what it's barely covering up. Remember, he has to keep his eyes on the road. Seeing you like this makes it hard for me to continue to see you as my baby sister. You're all woman, girl."
"Thanks, Sandy. You're sweet. It sure is nice to truly feel like a woman. I must admit I feel more like a woman than ever before. I've been a daughter, sister, professional and wife, and all felt good, but this is a whole different dimension, and I love it."
"And I love how you are glowing. You'll never know how happy it makes me to see you like this, though I admit maybe I'm seeing a bit more than I need to see, so here's your cover-up."
After the cover-up returned to Mandy's body, the doorbell rang. "Hi Ed," said Mandy, as she threw her arms around him and gave him a big kiss.
"Someone looks happy, today," he smiled.
"Is it that obvious?" Mandy asked.
"If it were more obvious, it would be front page headline of the New York Times, tomorrow."
"Thanks, Ed. You're sweet."
"Sandy, I apologize for stealing your sister away from you again, but I can't say I'm sorry for the opportunity. I have a job tomorrow afternoon, so she'll be all yours, then."
"Ed, just keep her happy, and I'll place no limits on you."
"That's the tough part, Sandy, for every time I attempt to make her happy, she keeps handing it back to me. I'll keep putting forth my best effort, though."
"Well, just enjoy yourselves at the beach, and don't rush home." To Mandy, she added, "and remember my warning, little sister."
On their way out to the car, Ed asked, "What was Sandy's warning?"
"It was nothing, Ed. You know about overprotective older sisters. Let's get going."
The drive to the beach was filled with smiles, laughter and tender touches, though, in the back of her mind, Mandy did think of Sandy's warning and did her best to not distract him ... too much. The beach was beautiful. Mandy felt like a little kid as she got out of the car and ran to feel the sand between her toes. "Ed, I promised I wouldn't withhold anything from you, yet I didn't tell you about Sandy's warning." As she removed her cover-up, she said, "She told me to not distract you while you were driving."
Ed swallowed hard and then asked, "Did she by chance see that bathing suit?"
"Ah ... yes."
"Thank you Sandy; you just saved our lives. Mandy, you look unbelievable. I've had a hint of a very appealing body, but I never anticipated this type of perfection. If I knew that was sitting next to me, I don't think I could have been able to focus on my driving."
"And what would you have been focusing on, my dear Ed?" Mandy asked as she sidled up to him and gave him a little kiss. Looking down, she enjoyed the inability of Ed's trunks to hide the truth.
The day was ideal. Mandy felt like a kid again, making sand castles, digging for sand crabs, running in and out of the waves and finally just walking hand-in-hand down the beach. She focused intently on everything, as if engraving each experience deep in her mind. They shared stories about beach experiences while growing up. They laughed and played, as if they hadn't a care in the world.
As the day progressed, Ed suggested they go to a restaurant and feed their stomachs, though their hearts and souls felt nourished all day. He found a nice beachside restaurant, and they sat down to eat. While eating, they never broke contact. Some body part was always in contact with some part of the other's body. Mandy said, "Ed, I told Sandy not to wait up for me, tonight."
"Don't you need your sleep?"
"We all need our sleep, but there are many ways to get that sleep."
"Did you have something specific in mind, Mandy?"
"Tonight, I want to sleep with my lover."
"Mandy, I won't ask if you're sure, as I know you'd never suggest anything you didn't feel desirous of and ready for. I'm sure we've both felt voids in our beds, since we entered each other's life. Every night, in bed, all I think about is wanting to hold you close, feel your warmth, inhale your sweet scent, taste your sweet lips, hear your erotic love sounds, and after today, I know the delicious sights I want to see. Mandy, I've had an STD panel run on me, but the lab said the results won't be in till Monday."
"Ed, you're so sweet. I know you care, but even if you were contagious, nothing would change for me, plus I can't get pregnant. I have no desire to wait. If you do bring something, it's already a part of you, and I want all of you, no barriers and no limits. Earlier today, I told Sandy I've never before felt more like a woman, and tonight, I want you to make me your woman. I want you to enter me and remain with me. I want you to fill my void. I want to feel your sperm swim through my womb, so I can fantasize about them meeting up with my egg and creating new love. I have nothing but dreams left, and I love your eagerness to partner me in my dreams. Ed, in a way, I say to myself I don't care about reality, but then I realize you are my reality, and I love you. Let's blend the best of reality and fantasy and live a lifetime together. Time and space can only be experienced by comparing it to a static point in time and space. If we don't have that starting point, time and space become infinite, and our love will live forever. All I want is to focus on the moment at hand and enjoy that moment to the fullest. You'll never know how much I appreciate your sharing these moments with me, loving me, fulfilling me and helping me to see beyond the confines that have previously limited my perspective. I've never seen my femininity or love with all the depth and dimensions you've opened my eyes to. You already fill my soul, and tonight I want you to fill my body and hold me in your embrace all night long."
"Yes, Mandy. Tonight is ours, no restrictions or limits, just unlimited love. Though I was always jealous of the love Natalie and Chuck have, I now realize their love is a mere shadow of what I feel for you. Never did I imagine connecting with a more perfect woman: your thoughts, your feelings and your delicious physical package. You have freely shared your thoughts and feelings with me, and tonight we will share a physical connection that will take us beyond any limitations of time and space. Though very little was hidden on the beach, today, I look forward to what remains, as I know how eager you are to share yourself with me fully and completely. We'll introduce my little sperm to your inviting egg, creating an entity of love that will endure forever. Every experience we share is engraved in my soul, as I'm sure it's equally engraved in yours, giving these experiences a depth that couldn't be comprehended by others. Thank you for welcoming me into your remarkable love. I feel honored to share the beauty of your life with you."
"Mandy, I've come to a realization. I always knew energy couldn't be destroyed, so though the volume of energy may change shape, the whole doesn't diminish. By reducing the X axis, the Y axis can grow. Maybe, when people don't open themselves to that depth, the energy grows on the Z axis, leading their lives to be flat like a pancake. Shortening time just pushes that energy in another direction. It looks like we have the ability to choose what direction that energy goes. When we lose one of our senses, the other senses become heightened. I had no idea the depth that could result from our circumstances. All we had to do was open ourselves up to that depth, and there it was. I don't think unlimited lifespans would allow for people to experience what we experience. It may be people are merely living a diluted form of what we experience. We're the lucky ones; we're the winners. Who wants to live a diluted life, when this can exist? Life would be terrible, if we lived forever. Quality is definitely more valuable than quantity."
"Ed, I've never thought about it that way, but when I compare the life I lived to the life I'm living, after a taste of this, I could never go back to what I had, no matter how much time was added. My old life was diluted. I was living that pancake. This is amazing. Without even realizing it, we end up with the grand prize, though I probably would have continued living that pancake if you didn't open my eyes and my mind. You thank me, yet I am the one who is most thankful. It's strange, as in the face of death you have given me a life, and I love this life I'm living. Now we've filled our bellies, let's go home and fill everything else."
"Home, my love ... to love ... for love ... for I am in love with the most amazing woman on this earth."
The ride home was filled with tender touches, and sweet erotic music from Mandy's lips. "Ed, I never expected anyone could love touching me as much as I love to be touched. Knowing you gain pleasure from that touch makes the touch more meaningful to me. Other than my own fingers and you, I've never felt truly loving touches. I questioned whether men were capable of touching like this, but I now know this one man is beyond capable. Your touch doesn't stop at the surface, and I'm already addicted to it."
"Mandy, I can't imagine how you could enjoy this touch more than I do. You are so soft, smooth, warm and responsive. I can't get enough of you." Mandy snuggled against Ed and kissed his arm.
When they arrived at Ed's place, he suggested they start with a shower, to get rid of the hidden sand. "Let's leave our suits on, till we're in the shower, so we don't have to waste time cleaning up sand from the floor." They removed their cover-ups and together entered the shower in their suits. Ed put his hands on Mandy's hips and just looked at her, obviously enjoying the close-up sight.
"Since you obviously are enjoying the sight, how would it be if I make a slight adjustment to my bikini top?" Mandy offered, while sliding the tiny pieces of material outward and revealing her erect nipples.
"Now that's what makes the sundae, the cherry on top," Ed added with a smile. He hugged her closely, while she enjoyed his roaming hands.
"Ed, I love the way you pay attention to all of me, not just focusing on body parts. This is new for me, so help me to understand your thoughts and feelings."
"Mandy, I can't see limiting myself to a narrow geographic area. My touch isn't about sex, but about enjoying your sensual responses. Your sweet songs invite me to various locations. How can I ignore your cheek or neck or shoulders or back or any other part of you, which sing those sweet siren songs? You lure me in, and I can't escape, not that I'd ever want to. How would you enjoy a symphony, if all the instruments were limited to only playing the same two notes? I love the melodies, the harmonies and the interplay between them. Though I love these inviting nipples, I could never live on a diet of only one food. You have so many unique delicacies built right into you; you're like a buffet created by the best chefs in the world. My challenge is determining what I want to taste first."
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Desiree woke the next morning to the sound of pots banging and the smell of bacon frying. She stretched in the bed and stumbled to the bathroom before going into the kitchen. She refused to look at her cell phone. When she was finished in the bathroom, she shuffled into the kitchen where she watched her brother cook. She sat down at the table and thought how amazing Scott was. Candy, his ex, was missing out on a lot. The woman her brother decided to marry would be the happiest woman on the...
TESSA A week later Tessa was wondering about recent events. Why was Danny taking so many pictures of her lately? Was he putting them on the internet? And why was Margie, after having refused to pose for so long, now posing with a frequency that alarmed Tessa. Margie had confided to Tessa that Vince had her doing poses Tessa refused to do for Danny. I have let him video me doing things, she thought and recalled several times how he had arranged the camera on a tripod to video them in bed;...
Introduction: This is a repost, complete in its entirety My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed to make...
Hello every1 this is my 1st real life story dat how I fucked my gf at her home in ranchi ,myself aryan 26 age, slim smart white complexion Now coming to d story…..I’m going to narrate in hindi as eng. Is nt so interested… Baat h pichle saal ki feb 21 ki mai ranchi m hi rahta hu or mri gf v yae ki thi ,nayi nayi bni thi ,ab uske bare m bata du,c jst look like disha patani,patli kamar thi average boobs gaad bdi tall heighted,dikhne m aisi kki kisi ka v dil uspe aajay,to hmare relesn ko...
It all began one Sunday afternoon. He was looking through his Facebook account when he came across her in his friend’s profile. He was immediately attracted by her everyday beauty but most of all he was captivated by her smile. The picture showed her sitting on a balcony in a beach outfit her toned legs resting on another chair with a drink in her hand smiling directly at the camera.His pulse and heartbeat quickened as he clicked on her profile for information but little was gained due to the...
When the explosion went off in my brain I’d thought I was going to die, or at least pass out. That had been the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. My mind spun and twisted as I’d groaned and panted, chuffing like an old steam locomotive as the orgasm consumed me. Thrusting up, raising my ass as high as I could get it, just to be deeper in her throat. I was on my back, and she was on top with my cock buried in her throat and her pussy pressed hard into my face. She had puffy outer lips, shaved,...
It started with my wife coming home from the doctor's and telling me that she had to have a hysterectomy. No biggie, happens to women all the time, right? Emotionally, it was of no concern for either of us because she was long past the age for having children and beside, I'd already had a vasectomy. My major concern was what the operation was going to do to our sex life. Ashton and I, even in our mid-forties, had a very active sex life and she told me that the doctor had assured her that the...
We gingerly walked out the door, and heard it close behind us. I was in a hurry for us to get home, so I could fuck my wife fully for the first time in over two weeks. We walked as fast as we could, we didn't run as per Master's instructions. Even walking, we could both feel the signs' weight bouncing up and down our sore nipples. When we got a few doors away from home, and just as I thought we were home free, a car drove by. I hoped that whoever was driving was preoccupied or something,...
"Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and halted the boy. "How many of them are there, Jasper?" He asked. "About six, sir. They came in asking about Angelina and Bert sent me to find you!" "Buck, find us some...
I was more than a little surprised to see a small crowd gathered that afternoon, glad I had hit my buddies up for any excess they might have, just in case. I think I may have overloaded my phone, and I was sold out by four. As I was packing up to leave a cop car rolled in, and two cops, a huge Hispanic guy and a shorter black guy getting out. Grandma Greely was still there, waiting for her promised trip home, and she greeted them by name. “Officer Jose, Officer Dan, how ya’ll...
Joe Ambles "Hey Joe, I just hired a kid that looks just like you. Younger, of course, but your spitting image. I didn't know you had any family. You didn't spread your seed around about nineteen years ago, did you?" "Nope, never happen, Pete. What's the kid's name and where is he from?" "John Midden, and he comes from upstate near Bright Springs." "Do you have a next of kin listed in his records?" "Mother, a Mrs. Jonathan Midden. According to what he says, he also has a sister...
ANOTHER "MY FIRST DRESS" STORY BY JANICE I was about ten years old when I wore my first dress. My sister, Alice, who is one year older than me, was away at Girl Scout camp, it was raining and I was bored. My mother was in the basement doing laundry. I went into my sister's room to see if she had something to play with, maybe I could find a coloring book or something. I could not find anything and as I turned to...
It was an uncharacteristically warm evening. I stared out the window across the grounds, the moonlight filtered through the high wisps of clouds, casting flitting shadows through the trees and inky black shadows behind the hedges. The guests would arrive soon. How I hated these functions, but it kept me in good graces with the townspeople. I loved the people and I wanted them to have a good time, I just didn’t want to be there for it. Idle chit-chat for hours, the good-natured drunken brawl...
He is a foreigner while I am an Asian Indian girl. On his various travels, we both swiped right on Tinder and had a good first date. Normally I wouldn't put out on the first date but his kisses were really good and he knew just how to touch me. But he was an asshole that only cared about himself and getting laid, pretty much like every other guy. But still, I had to see him one last time just to say goodbye before he left the country. Little did I expect how the night might end.Let me say a few...
Straight SexBrian watched patiently as his roommate got ready to walk out the door, heading off to work once more. It was the middle of the week and Diane had worked 10 hours overtime already and she was in no mood to go back. Her heels clanked on the floor as she hurried out the door and off to grind. He wasnt glad that she was so stressed about work, but he was glad she wasnt spending so much time with him. Their relationship was pure friendship and neither of them had ever thought of making it more...
Be Careful What You Say ? by" Serena Lawhead This story takes a slight detour from my previous styles and into the realms of magic, I hope you like it :-) Chapter 1: Be Careful What You Say. Eryk was a history teacher at his local school and was quite easy going on his students, this method he found encouraged his students more that the usual teaching methods. He was well liked by the school staff and a number of the students also. However as always is the case there were...
Hi . I am rahul, 29yrs, from mumbai .thanks a lot for all the mails and appreciation you sent..i wished to narrate my experience before i got a good job.this happened few years back. I have a friend named pooja who is from a rich family whom i met at party. We share a good friendship . One day she invited me for her b’day party . The day was sunday and as i didn’t have any work in the morning i just rang her to ask whether she needs any help from me for the party’s arrangements. She said none...
What’s up, Team Skeet fans? It’s time for another Labs update, and this time, we’re bringing back a previous experiment with some modifications. Porn fans worldwide love creampies and seeing hot babes who love creampies is even better. In this episode, Scarlett just wants to be bad, and all she can think about is taking a massive load in her tight innocent pussy. She calls Donnie to assist her in making the fantasy become a reality. She passionately grinds and rides Donnie until he busts all...
xmoviesforyouHe hears the door close behind him and the key twist in the lock. He turns around. He watches as she places the key on the small table by the door, she smiles at him, then walks toward the bed that occupies most of the far side of the room. He follows her voluptuous figure with his eyes as she moves.She wears a white loose fitting blouse above a knee length black skirt. Her legs are covered in skintight black nylon and he wonders if they are tights or stockings, he studies the way her skirt...
Izzy Lush is desperate for money, and she does not know who to turn to. That is when she gets the idea to do some nude modeling. She knows her moms best friend, Alix Lynx, has been doing it for years, so she asks for help getting started. Alix is unsure if she should help the hot young girl out, but feels super turned on by the idea of seeing her naked. When she finally agrees to help Izzy, the two babes head up to the bedroom so Alix can teach her a thing or two. Izzy strips, and soon Alix is...
xmoviesforyouThe next few years were much the same, with my mother as my lover, while my sister enjoyed a quick nocturnal meeting. Even Mrs. Youb became an object of my affections frequently. Puberty caused me to become quite a large young man, both in body, and cock. I towered over mother, and my sister swore that my cock would split her in half if she allowed me to do what I most wanted to her. My latter teen years were a time of experimenting, while my early years were more for discovering. It was also...
Sara and Jim were just as surprised as Mike to see Janet run away from the group in tears. She had seemed so sexually well adjusted that the coaches had not expected any problems from her. They had been more concerned that Mike would be unprepared for the open sexuality of the Institute. "Sara, keep Mike occupied. I'll find her and bring her back to the bungalow." Jim hurried off in the direction that Janet had taken. She had headed towards the beach, so she would not be hard to...
Kristy was my direct supervisor at my previous work placement through school. She wrote me a glowing reference letter for my next employer, and she definitely took a liking to me. She took the college route and wound up being a coordinator, landing a job quickly. I was actually a year older than her.At first glance I thought she was hot; brunette, 5'4" with D-cup breasts, blue eyes and a sweet body. She'd wear 5-inch shoes all the time, which made her deceptively tall. She confided to a guy...
Straight Sex(This story contains scenes of v******e and has been written to satisfy a particular fetish of a particular individual. Some of what is depicted is not indicative of either mine or the protagonist's fetishes, but merely to convey the depravity and "perviness" of Uncle John. Reader discretion is advised)I was bored. It was always the same with these kind of things. Family weddings were ok for an hour or so, catching up with relatives you hadn't seen for years was nice but the novelty soon wore...