Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 7 Partings
- 4 years ago
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We slept until after ten A.M. on the first of January, 1991, and would have stayed in bed longer if it hadn't been for Jeannie's telephone call. She first berated me for being a poor lookout to which I replied that I blamed her parents for being so quiet. "They must have been trying to catch us in the act."
"What made Shirley scream like a banshee?" Jeannie asked.
"I'll let her tell you," I answered, handing the phone to Shirley.
I dressed quickly and left the room, but not before hearing Shirley repeat what she had said about me earlier that morning, "That's what I love about Sammy. He's so fucking predictable."
The house was deserted. I made a pot of coffee, scrambled eggs with toast for myself and had finished eating by the time Shirley came downstairs. She drained a glass of orange juice before proceeding to tell me what she and Jeannie had talked about.
"Jeannie heard my first scream, went to the window and saw her parents getting out of the car. She ran back to the bed and woke up the others. They made the bed, dressed quickly and came downstairs just in time."
"Back up. What was that about Jeannie running back to the bed and waking the others?"
Shirley turned from the toaster and smiled, knowingly. "I'm glad to hear you were paying attention. Yes, all four of them were in Jeannie's bed."
"All four of them were under the covers?"
Shirley grinned. "Why don't you ask what you really want to know, Sammy? Yes, they had sex, first with Celia on top of Eddie and then with Josh on top of Jeannie and yes, they watched each other."
"Celia was on top?"
"Jeannie said it was the hottest thing she's ever seen. She said Celia was already sucking Eddie's cock before Jeannie and Josh finished. She blames you."
"What does she blame me for?"
"Is someone blaming you, Sammy? What did you do?"
I looked behind me to see Suzanne heading for the coffeemaker. "Nothing, Suz, I didn't do anything."
"He was dancing with a girl and they got carried away," Shirley said, making Suzanne stop pouring coffee and look at us in dismay.
"Really? Tell me more."
I backed out of the kitchen, saying I needed to use the bathroom, but as I walked out I heard Shirley, "The girl had her legs wrapped around his waist and they were..."
I didn't care how much Shirley told Suzanne about the party, she could even exaggerate for all I cared as long as I didn't have to hear it. This was my chance to talk to Marcie.
"Hi, did Santa bring you everything you wanted?"
"Don't you want to hear about Atlanta?"
"Is Shirley there?"
"She's downstairs, talking to Suzanne."
"Then tell me. How did you make out in Atlanta?"
"I 'made out' really well. Everything went as planned."
"Ah! I heard you followed my suggestion and Shirley was okay with it."
"She's surprisingly okay with it, except that she's making me wear a condom."
"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."
"Condoms? You haven't forgotten how to put them on, have you?"
"No, not condoms, she's a little too okay with it. In fact, she wants to hear all the details and reenact everything. It's getting kind of scary."
I heard a long sigh.
"Sammy, you're so fucking self-centered it makes me sick. You have a girlfriend who not only understands, but she lets you screw around and then wants to do it the very same way with you. Don't you ever think of anyone but yourself?"
"What's wrong, sweetheart? What did I do?"
"It's what you didn't do. You called me from Atlanta to ask for my advice and you never thought to thank me. It's all about you, Sammy. You never ask how I am."
This wasn't like Marcie. She never complained, not to me. "I didn't thank you because I didn't think it would work and when it did work I guess I forgot. Thank you for the advice, but as you may recall, I told you I loved you when we hung up. Doesn't that count for something?"
"I guess it does."
"How are you?"
"I'm getting fat. Thanks for asking."
"Marcie, are you all right? Do you need a hug?"
"I need you to ask me to dance."
"I'll be there in an hour," I said, hanging up before she could object.
It was a quarter to twelve as I passed through the kitchen. Suzanne and Shirley were laughing so hard that they hardly noticed as I said I was going out for awhile.
I was in the car before I realized that I hadn't bothered to shave or change clothes. I had, however, worn my boots and leather jacket over the same corduroy slacks and sweater that I had worn to the party the night before.
It was nearing one P.M. when I arrived at the stone fortress the Cochran family called home. Marcie opened the door, looking wistfully anxious, like she couldn't believe it was me. If she had gained weight it was well concealed under the pink running outfit she was wearing. Even her sneakers were pink.
"You're really here," she whispered as I wrapped my arms around her and drew her close.
"You feel good." Actually, what I was feeling was the soft material on her back. She felt small and if I wasn't mistaken, she was trembling.
Marcie stiffened and pulled back. "Are you... alone?"
"Yes," I answered and felt her settle back into my arms.
"Is this the hero we're waiting for? Introduce us, Marcie, and let's have lunch. I'm starving."
I opened my eyes to see an older version of Marcie. She was holding a small boy. Marcie turned and without releasing her grip on my shoulder, "Sammy, this is Margo, my sister and the little tyke is Tobias. Margo, this is Sammy Oldham, my best friend in the whole world."
"I'm glad to meet you, Sammy. Can we eat now?" Margo asked.
The atmosphere in the dining room was different than it had been during my last visit to the Cochran home. I attributed the change to the absence of Benjamin, Marcie's over-protective older brother.
It soon became apparent that Marcie had briefed her parents on my course of study at Pontiac and my involvement in my dad's business. After they reviewed what their daughter had told them about me, the conversation turned to the United Nations arms build up in the Middle East and the likelihood that we would soon be at war with Iraq. I was reminded that the Cochran family business was mainly related to defense although they also had a line of recreational camping gear.
I had eaten eggs and toast only a couple of hours earlier so I wasn't very hungry. When I declined dessert, cheesecake topped with fresh strawberries, Marcie turned it down too. "Sammy can't stay long," she said as she took me by the hand and led me toward the door. There was no objection from her parents as we left the room.
Upstairs, in her room, she first pushed a button to start a tape and then pointed to the open door, explaining that it was expected. I followed her lead, removed my shoes and took my place on her bed. We lay on our sides, facing each other.
"Pretend there's a wall of glass between us," she said, placing her open hand on the imaginary glass.
"How thick is the glass?" I asked, wanting to know how much distance to leave between our hands.
"It's very thin," she whispered as her fingers barely touched mine.
We lay that way, on our sides, facing each other with our open hands touching. I tried to match her smiling eyes, but I was in a somber mood and couldn't. I concentrated on the moment, felt her small finger pulse against mine, heard the music play from across the room, felt her ring finger pulse, and watched her eyes twinkle.
I was consumed with the love I felt for her and would have taken her in my arms if it had not been for the imaginary glass wall that separated us. "Would you like to dance?"
"You must ask me properly."
She giggled as I jumped off the bed and stood at attention. "Miss Cochran, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"
"I would be delighted to dance with you, Cadet Oldham."
We danced for the next hour, moving to the music in our stocking feet, smiling at each other from a respectable distance.
"This is the last dance. I have to leave soon," I said, pulling her close as was permitted by CromwellMilitaryAcademy rules.
Our bodies became one, except for our hearts, which beat loudly, but separately. I ran my hands over her back, down to her ass, satisfying myself that she was indeed, thin.
"You're not fat."
"I had to see you."
"It may be a long time before we see each other again."
"It's okay. I'll have this dance to remember us together."
The music came to an end, as if to signal it was time for me to leave. I didn't kiss her. I think she understood why; a kiss would have broken the glass.
"Sammy's leaving," Marcie called to anyone who was within earshot. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran came to the entrance, followed by Margo. I thanked Mrs. Cochran for the lunch and shook hands with everyone, including Marcie. She smiled, but didn't walk out to the car with me. As I drove home I thought about our time together; we didn't really talk. We had been together and that was enough.
I had to volunteer to Shirley where I had been because she didn't ask. My attempt to explain precisely what had taken place between Marcie and me was met with disinterest. She said she was glad Marcie and I had had the short time together.
The next morning Suzanne surprised us. She got up early to see us off. I believe the two women knew this was the last time they would see each other. They hugged goodbye. It stuck me that, just when Shirley was saying farewell to me, Suzanne had accepted her and they had become friends.
"We'll see you in March, Honey," Suzanne said to me as she gave me a final hug.
On our return trip to school Shirley used the time to quiz me about Holly, to which I supplied every detail of the day and two nights we had cavorted throughout her house.
"Does she have any identifying marks, you know, warts between her toes or scars on her backside?"
"No," I responded and saw sadness come into Shirley's eyes that made me want to please her. "She has a tattoo though."
"Really? Where is it?"
"Her breast."
"Which one?"
"It's on her left tit? Where, exactly? What kind of tattoo is it?" Shirley asked, excitedly. I wondered if she really believed me or if she merely wanted to add another dimension to the reenactment.
"'I K' is almost centered, about an inch above her nipple."
"'I K'? Is that all? What does I K stand for?"
"She was doing it for her first husband, but it was so painful that she couldn't let the tattooist finish. That's why it's not quite centered. She wouldn't let him add the E."
It would be the following Monday night before we were able to do Holly and Darien because it took that long for Shirley to make a short red skirt and for me to get the lab results proving that I was clean and free of STDs.
We did the hotel scene first and I nearly lost my composure when I spotted a paper tattoo taped to her left breast. Shirley admitted later that she knew I was making up the story and we never used the fake tattoo again.
"Was Holly's first husband really named Ike?"
"I don't know. We never discussed his name, only that he was poor and she didn't like poor."
"Thank you for trying, sweetheart. Holly and I have a lot in common; we don't like tattoos and we don't like poor."
I resumed the same schedule as before, classes, working out three afternoons, running twice a week, pizza on Friday nights, and working for Luke on Saturdays. Shirley attended class, had breakfast with her group and we did Holly and Darien often. She ate dinner with us before going to the library; otherwise, I hardly ever saw her. She said it was too cold to run.
I talked to her about her obsession with the library, told her I was concerned that she was losing weight and urged her to relax a bit. As a concession to me, she didn't rush off to the library on Friday nights, seemingly having a good time with me and the other three couples.
But giving up her Friday nights at the library meant canceling our Saturday night dates, seeing a movie or going to a party. I refused to go to the movies with Charlie and Tammy, but I didn't mind going to a party alone. I encouraged Shirley to join me at the parties after the library closed and sometimes she did. Other times I would leave the party early and find her slumped over her study-desk, too sleepy to find her own way to bed.
There was a lot of talk around the campus about Kuwait being liberated. The invasion of Iraq seemed so far away, yet brought so near by television. Marcie sounded ashamed when she told me her family was profiting from the war.
"The war was the reason Benny and Margo's husband weren't at home the day you came to my house. They were planning how they could rush all the new orders through the plant."
"Margo's husband is involved in the business? Is that a pre-requisite to marry a Cochran girl? Is your husband going to have to work for Benjamin?"
"If I marry my husband will work for Benny. If I don't marry I'll probably end up working for him."
Was there more to it that what she was telling me? What if she married a medical doctor or a politician? Would he be expected to work for Benny? It was none of my business so I didn't ask.
February the twentieth came and went without celebrating our birthdays as planned. Shirley said we would go to Stella's for dinner on March the twentieth, my birthday.
"You're not having much fun," I would say.
"After you come back from Atlanta we'll have a new game to play. That will be fun," she answered.
"Come with me," I practically begged, but to no avail. She was staying in Pontiac to work on a paper.
We finished the second quarter and Shirley drove me to the airport to catch my flight on Sunday afternoon. "Pay attention. I want to hear every detail," were her parting words.
Holly's house was exactly like I remembered from two months ago, except that she wasn't there. I called home to say I had arrived safely and to give them the phone number. We arranged for me to pick them up at the airport the next morning.
I dialed the number Patti had written on the back of her business card. There was no answer so I called the Fenton home, hoping to speak to Cassie. Neill answered and invited me to come to their house for dinner, jokingly saying that he would be doing the cooking, outside.
Next, I called the apartment to tell Shirley that the flight had gone smoothly. There was no answer so I had to leave a message. I didn't really expect her to be there. Charlie and Tammy had left for home the day before so she would be spending spring break alone in the apartment.
The Fenton apartment was on the third floor, overlooking a sports complex. Neill had set up a charcoal grill on the balcony. He and Doris looked the same as when I had seen them last, and Claudia, now eighteen, hadn't changed much either, but Cassie, Wow! I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.
After putting away two hamburgers, corn or the cob and a gallon of iced tea, Cassie and I took a walk. She said she wanted to show me the soccer field and for appearance sake, we took a ball.
"Claudia has a new boyfriend," she said as soon as we were outside the building.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
Cassie shot me a look that was half-disgust, half-blush. "No."
She was trying hard to maintain her tomboy status, but her budding breasts were betraying her. They weren't exactly exploding, but there was no hiding them any longer.
"I didn't mean to embarrass you, Cass."
"I know you didn't," she said as she dropped the ball and tapped it with her toe, sending it rolling toward a telephone pole.
"Are you playing on a team?"
"I'm on two teams, one at school and one sponsored by a business. They're older kids and we play at night. Will you come see me play?"
"Sure, when is your next game?"
"Tomorrow night, right here," she said, pointing to the soccer field.
We kicked the ball around until it became too dark to see it and then walked back to the apartment building. She looked up, startled at first when I took her hand, but smiled to her self and walked beside me, silently enjoying the evening air.
I didn't go back upstairs with her, saying goodnight at the door. When I got back to Holly's house and started my computer there were three emails waiting. I opened Cassie's first.
I liked it when you called me Cass. Thanks.
Brenda's message was even shorter than Cassie's.
Dear Sammy,
I'm getting a baby sister.
I tried Patti's number again before opening Marcie's email. There was still no answer.
Hi, sweetie-
What's new in my life? I'm glad you asked. My roommate, Saber, (that's what I call her because she's thin, like a blade) and I went to a party the other night and we both got hit on. Wouldn't you know, hers weighs two hundred and forty pounds and fat girl gets a weakling with a pony-tail? Wayne (pony-tail) got mad when I wouldn't put out, but not half as mad as Saber got. She was really pissed.
Shirley says she expects big things from you when you come back from Atlanta. Which one are you going to make it with, Patti or Dianna?
Hint: use a condom this time.
Love you, always,
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Once again, the weather had been idyllic all day long, so the group collectively decided to camp out on the lakeshore. Things got off to a rocky start right from the get-go, when Bert showed up at the beach still carrying his rifle, as he’d spent the afternoon hunting squirrels again. Nobody else wanted it around, especially if they were all going to get as wasted as they had been last night. Adding a loaded gun to that kind of anarchy seemed like crossing the line from stupid to downright...
Elspeth Grant sat at her dressing table, staring into the mirror. It had been a busy few weeks. She looked out through her bedroom window and across Kensington Gardens on a cold crisp morning. It was time to go. Behind her, the woman in Elly's bed stretched with a contented sigh. Elly looked across at Angela Parsons and then at the telegram delivered the previous evening that meant it was time to bring their short but mutually enjoyable relationship to a close. Angela had proved a far more...
Sunday, July 4, 1993 Josh, Jeannie, Eddie and Celia were the first to arrive. They quickly changed into swimwear, and I introduced Megan. She took Jeannie and Celia inside to see Suzanne and Penelope, and I offered the guys a beer. An ancient Chevrolet backfired as it stopped in front of the house, and a young lady wearing a white miniskirt and apron got out. "What's that?" Josh asked. "She must be the server," I said, and Josh corrected me. "I was talking about the shit box. A...
Later, in the early evening, the effects of the aphrodisiacs that Jeremy had been giving to Kate had begun to wear off, but the lust that flowed in her veins still remained. She began to remember the things that she had done with him, and with the Princess, and with the slaves, while under the influence of the drugs, and came to realise that she had enjoyed everything and wanted more. With her husband away in Venice, Kate was lost; the sexual appetite that he had roused was throbbing within...
July, 1988 I think my hormones must have been catching up with me because I had never found anyone so gorgeous in my life. Lars Johannes Dieter Magnus was dressed in an elegant, if a little foppish, baggy white shirt with billowy sleeves and frilly cuffs tucked into skin tight silk pants the same color as his dark blue eyes which were in turn tucked into a pair of over-the-knee boots of black leather. A tight, blue silk vest a shade or two lighter than the pants was buttoned over the shirt....
Derrick and Eric sat in the back of a bar in a corner booth huddled together like two gossiping. “Man I can’t believe what just happened, I wouldn’t dreamt of anything close to that or at least not with you” Eric whispered to his friend. Derrick took a long sip of his Hennessey before answering. “Well things are about to change my friend, and I won’t you along for the ride, are you with me?” Derrick had a serious aura about him, not something that you’d expect after fucking his secretary with...
Group SexDerrick was a gentle man who loved his wife , it wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, this would soon change. As Derrick sat in his office after a meeting, his heart felt as if someone had ripped it out of his chest and sat on the desk in front of him so he could slowly see it beat no more. It was end of the business day and he continued to stare into space totally oblivious to his phone ringing, Tisha is secretary quickly knocked on his door then opened it hoping one day to catch him...
Group SexSitting on the plane heading home, her mind drifted back over the events of the last three days. Fate had smiled upon them. They had managed to spend a few precious days together over the weekend. He met her at the airport and whisked her to his secluded lake house. She lost count of how many times they had made love. She remembered that they had christened every single room and every flat surface in the house. So consumed by their passion on the back deck, they slowly and tenderly made love...
Vlad woke well before dawn. It had been many hours since he had fed and the hunger now pained him. Drawing in a deep breath he felt the dryness in his mouth, he was thirsty too. Carefully folding back the satin bed linens he climbed from his bed, walked to the window and lifted the blackout shade to peek outside. Beneath some distant clouds he saw the horizon as a silhouette against a faint light. He was glad to be safely inside. He was the first one to awaken so he took a moment to enjoy the...
Harry can feel himself smile reassuringly, "How can I help?"Cho's heart skips a beat as she sees Harry's smile, one so loving, so compassionate, so unlike the bastard who had made her publicly humiliate herself. "I was wondering if you would mind me not sleeping with you tonight."Harry chuckles and says, "Tonks talk got through huh?"Surprisingly, Cho doesn't take offence at Harry's laughter nor his question. "To a degree, at the minimum it got me thinking. I need to process this more...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) To my valued readers - - There is quite a bit more to my diary. Here is what you may read thus far. Let me know if you want to read even more. (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) (Part Four starts at Chapter 13.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be...
I first Read this story 3 days ago here on this page but it was not completed, so my OCD kicked in and i looked for the rest. So i am in no way a writer and this is not my story, however i though it would be nice to post it here for those like me who go crazy with unfinished workl can sleep easy. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did.Thanks you OldWolf who is the first person i see post it and from what i can see is the original writer.Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his...
"Playing the Part" How far would you go to "stay in character" in order to play a part? How far is it acceptable for others to go in "helping" you to "stay in character" in order to play a part? Jake Stevens is a down on his luck aspiring actor and model. His best friend and roommate comes up with a part which could really help Jake make it big. Problem is, the part involves modeling women's clothes for an upcoming major new fashion line. Jake accepts the "gig" as he needs the...
The next day was a rare treat for the kids as Taylor drove them to school while Betty slept in. Riley was driven in by Alexis' mother as she trusted them to be chaste during school hours. Taylor explained to her that they knew their limits and wouldn't push them in school, it was more of a Ginny thing anyway which only caused Alexis' mother to smile and nod in agreement as Rose did get frisky at home. Outside Vinny and Davis' school, she got a shock as they were met by the family from...
The Restaurant Part Seven Publishing date - - about 270 years in your future. (In the recent past) We have learned that The Restaurant always delivers satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. But, those goals are just the first rung of a very tall ladder. The Restaurant always strives to go another rung higher, no matter how many rungs you have already reached. (In the past few months) Monique (formerly Jack) has climbed the first few rungs of that ladder, serving in The...
Wishing and Hoping - Part Two By: Light Clark Synopsis: Vali's greatest wish has been granted, but it wasn't her only wish. Hoping to achieve another, she has confessed the feelings that she has long kept secret, but will she get the answer that she was hoping for? Chapter 29 What was I thinking? What had I done? Those two questions echoed in my brain, crowding out every other thought, and yet, I could not convince myself to do anything to resolve them. I just stood there...
Mars Needs Sissies: Part 1 Players: Steve Adams as John Hanson; Patricia Hays Steve's Aunt Pat; Susan Parker, Marketing and Promotions for Jack Slammer Films, Inc.; Cindy Prince, Independent hiring agent for Jack Slammer Films Synopsis: Steve is in LA to play. He's got three months of West Coast Summer, and a beach full of California girls he's only seen in movies till now. His aunt thinks he's there to become an actor or try to. He's not and, before long, she begins to realize that....
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first...
Matt was taken aback by Vince's offer, it was almost like a dream to him. There was no warning, no way to alert him that he was going to be promoted, no indication that his hard work was paying off. Vince was Vince and his word was law, Matt Simpson had been promoted from the Next Evolution Wrestling roster to Global Championship Wrestling main roster. He thanked Vince and walked off, needing time to comprehend how his life had just changed with the stroke of a pen from Vince. He got...
-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first person to second person to third, then...
Tanya, Anya, and Ara?a hugged and kissed Taylor as she entered the backstage area, with most of the roster coming out to greet her triumphant return to the GCW after two years away. The fact that they were in wrestling in her hometown or that she hadn't done much that evening hadn't clicked with any of them yet but when they saw her hug and kiss her family it finally dawned on them that this was all planned and was big for the company. She went through the gathered men and women and ac...
HOW IT ALL STARTED Part IV Marie It is the first day of the new school year. I've recently turned 18, and am in Year 13 - the year when I apply for college, take some pretty serious exams, and start my adult life. It is a year of promise and opportunity; but on this day, it also seems likely to be a year when I will have to navigate through a pretty difficult phase of my personal development. I've recently exposed my alter ego Katie to the world during the eighteenth birthday...
The next morning saw Chloe Daniels telling Daria that she had Jenna Daniels handle the case so that it was out of the hands of anyone who could do anything against Cat while giving it someone with years of experience with transgender kids. Daria asked about that, Chloe happily told her, "She has it through my niece and Jaimie. My maiden name is Miller, you've met my sister and brother-in-law. He took her name as his own as it's the same translation. Jenna is far enough away to know...
Percy introduced the couple as Francesca and Donald Bollinger, with Francesca happily telling Taylor, "I don't use my married name because I don't want Donald harassed so I'm billed as my maiden name of 'Herman' for all things." Taylor nodded as she recognized the names from the boys. She was so lost in thought that Francesca added, "Don't think too much into it, you'd never believe the intricate web that makes up our family. Few can without consulting an index." The group moved into...
The trio arrived at the Boston offices of Inferno Productions, with John meeting them outside to take the boys upstairs. Kelly drove off to which John explained, "I'm overseeing the dates tonight so I'm the one stuck with you. Reed and Ian are busy, Jessie has to travel to New York for an emergency PT session, Pierre is in New York meeting with record company executives, and I can guarantee that Scott is forced to stay home by Stacy and his parents. That leaves me to supervise. Kelly is a...
The gravity of having two people that she had wished were her own parents want to do exactly as she had wished hit her hard. Anita had a mother and a father to love her, a brother to talk to and be there for when things were tough, and a husband who was infatuated with her. She had everything that she ever wanted and was feeling like she had won the lottery in life. Anita needed a while to recover so the Marshalls moved on to Pierre and his gift. He just laughed at the gift they were...