Reginald's DisasterChapter 10 free porn video

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“I see what you mean. I should be able to do that, Frances. Keep an eye on Rex for me, dear?”

Jessica took the printed draft to her room to peruse it, accepting that most of the board would be middle-aged, middle-class, men of various educational standards, and she should read it with them in mind.

Hearing about the draft report, the other wives came to Reg and asked for a company meeting to review it.

“Why?” he asked, uncertain of what they were after.

“We each saw our own stores, but we haven’t had an overview of the whole set of grocery store targets, Reg.” said Fiona, fronting the group. “There may be similarities we haven’t yet spotted.”

He was at first taken aback, then saw their point.

“Yes, we do need an overview, even if it is only in case we do a similar contract in the future. I’ll get Frances to call the meeting and print out a copy of the draft report for each of you to look at in advance. Jessica has a copy to look over as an outsider.”

He caught Frances after she had prepared Jessica to examine the report. He explained what the other ladies intended, and why he saw it as warranted. She swiftly assented, and told him, “I’ll get a meeting room arranged with the hotel manager, and copies printed for examining before the meeting. I should have thought of that myself: too inward-looking, I’m afraid. I’ll ask Jessica to join us when she has gone through the draft.”

A room was available, so the meeting was soon in session, the girls still browsing their copies of the draft report. Fiona was first to comment when she was ready.

“Shouldn’t we have a section for our modus operandi, rather than a bland ‘Observations’? We should let them know what parameters we were using as guidelines when we examined the stores.”

Frances exclaimed, “Dammit. That is right, and we forgot it. It is important in a professional matter such as this, telling them how we proceeded with our thinking: our operational method. Thanks, Fiona.”

She looked around the room. “Main points, please?”

Prudence put in, “Location, location, location. We looked not just at an actual site of the store, but its relevance to the community of today. Some stores were appropriately positioned when first opened, but what with one thing and another, some of them were no longer conveniently sited. The group should have been looking at relocation before now, and sell the old site for a different type of store that customers would drive to: furniture centre, car showroom or a high-tech store are examples.”

“A valid criticism, Prudence. Anything else?”

Freda suggested, “Changes of manager every few years. That keeps them on their toes, expands their experience, and prevents them setting up scams that will probably be revealed and closed down when a new manager comes in.”

Jemima was more interested in staffing.

“I would like to suggest that they pay more attention to staff development. By that I mean giving the staff a chance of learning a more responsible job, such as assistant to the manager in organising locally-sourced supplies. If senior, more experienced, store staff get a shot at such a task, the chances of scams being successful will be minimised. You could have an advanced placement in another store for a week or so, to see how things were done elsewhere. One store may have introduced a good idea and they can pick it up, or conversely she or he can tell them what they are doing unwisely, from her own experience.”

Erika commented, “Someone should be doing training on financial aspects of running a store. Things like negotiating a new deal for local supplies of potatoes. Such a deal should for example have a flexibility clause to allow for bad harvests or bumper harvests, reflecting the price paid to the supplier and passed to the store’s customers. Customers tend to be aware of harvest variability.”

Frances said, “You would think the head office would have such a flexibility clause as standard, and could pass on that pattern for the local store to use in local contracts.”

Reg agreed with this thinking. “I would expect that to be the case, but that is on the basis of good commonsense thinking. We know from past experience that ‘it ain’t necessarily so’.

A knock came at the door, and Jessica peeped in. “Okay to come in, Frances?”

“Please do, Jessica. You can tell us what, if anything, you saw.”


“Yes, we have come to a natural break in our discussion, so now is fine.”

Jessics gestured with the printout. “Apart from several typos that I circled on this copy, I wondered if you intended to tell them how you embarked on the checks: what you were looking for; but you may have wanted to keep that to yourselves.”

Frances chuckled, “No, that was an error that we have now realised, Jessica: well spotted. Anything more?”

“Only on the fees chargeable. I know it is in the contract, but board members do not always read a contract. They expect the lawyers to do that and tell them what they need to be aware of. I think it would be wise to spell out again the fees payable on succesful work by you.”

“Most insightful, Jessica. Do you go along with Jessica on that point, ladies?”

Enough murmers of approval came that Frances announced, “We will insert that from the contract, word for word. Then they can’t say they didn’t know or didn’t understand, when it comes to paying us. They have lawyers to tell them the meaning. I just love contracts that your Dad writes for us, Freda!”

Freda smiled sweetly. “I can always depend on Daddy to know how to word a contract to get the best out of it. He confirmed what you assumed, Frances, regarding capital costs making changes we recommend. The contract stipulates that the contract relates solely to our recommendations for action, and savings that result from these. All legal, social and commercial outcomes during implementation are solely a matter for the client, and have no direct relationship to the investigating company’s proposals. That is why fees are only payable if the client decides to go down the recommended route and improved profitability arises. That is what we expect to happen, so we will be well paid in the end.”

“Is that the wording, Freda?” asked an uncertain Reg, to which she responded, “Of course not; nothing so simple. Daddy put it in legal terminology that they can’t get out of, even if they fully understand what they signed up to.”

“I expected as much,” chortled Reginald.

Frances now asked the meeting, “Has anyone any other observations to make? I would like to get this document rewritten, ready to send out tomorrow.”

The others seemed to be satisfied that enough alterations had been made to their satisfaction. They would be happy to leave Frances to do the rewrite job with the assistance of Freda.

“Fine. In that case, the meeting is adjourned. Thank you, ladies. Your contributions were excellent.”

Everyone got a good sleep that night, after all the travelling and the seperation from their offspring who now got lots of cuddles and other mummy treatment. Hermione and Jemima phoned their mother before going to bed, to satisfy themselves that their babies were comfortable.

In the morning, Sandra got a frantic text from Bobby, so she showed it to Frances at breakfast, while Sidra and Elizabeth filled in for her at the nursery.

“Please read this, Frances: it is from Bobby.”

Frances converted the minimal-spelling text to English in her mind: “Mummy has gone to the press! I don’t know what she was telling them, but a reporter phoned me to ask about you and the Robertsons.”

Sandra’s reply: “Oh God. What did you say?”

“I told her – it was a woman – that I only knew that you worked for the Robertson family, with a lot of women and their babies. She asked: “Your mother said it was polygamy but the police wouldn’t listen to her. What do you know about it?”

I said, “It is not polygamy, as Mr Robertson is not married to any of them according to my girlfriend”: I thought it was easier to not go into what happened between us.

She said to me, “Is it white slavery, then?” and I asked, “What do you mean, white slavery?” and she said, “Women acting under duress: forced to submit to sex.”

That didn’t seem right, so I told her, “Well, they all appear to be happy, and Sandra says they work for the company as well, getting well paid. There doesn’t appear to be any pressure on them.”

“What company is that?” and I said I didn’t know, so she asked where they lived. I had to admit to knowing where you worked for them normally, so she took a note of the address. Tell the Robertsons to expect some pressure from a popular daily, probably at their home address. Sorry about all this, Sandra. I didn’t think Mummy would go this far.”

Sandra then told Frances that she had informed Bobby that his mother’s actions had forced her to refuse to go out with him ever again. He said he accepted this as final and the call ended.

Frances said, in a kindly manner, “It is probably all to the good, Sandra. You have done your best. It is now up to us Robertsons to fend off the media. We have done it before and we will do it again.”

“Thanks, Frances. I’ll get back to the children now.”

After a moment, Frances phoned home, seeking Holly and Carol, not bothered which one answered the phone. It was Holly again.

“Holly, Frances here. Beware the press, lovey. Some daft woman has set them on us, claiming we were in a polygamous marriage, which we are not. Stall them in any way you can, from downright refusal to speak to them, to claiming you know nothing. The main thing is to admit nothing at all, no matter what they ask you. These journalists will try to twist anything you say into something you didn’t mean, so say nothing at all with any meaning.

‘I am merely an employee of the Robertsons’ could be a good ploy. Imply that you don’t ask anything personal, and so don’t have any useful information at all. You can agree to phoning them if you find anything interesting. We’ll find something we can tell them to mislead them.”

Holly laughed delightedly. “I know you, Frances; you’ll confuse them utterly!”

“We’ll see. Just be prepared. As word of warning: the journalist may not say they are a journalist. They may say that they are a friend, looking for one of us. If you get something like that, ask what you can pass on to the person concerned; look for detail and don’t be fobbed off with vague assurances. If necessary, act daft, as if you are less intelligent then you are. I have seen you do that before, so I know you can manage to put on a good act.”

“Damn: I thought I was good, trying to confuse you!” admitted Holly.

“Mostly because I knew you were trying to get out of doing something, Holly dear. Keep me posted if you get a bite from the popular press.”

Frances then informed Reg of developments. He was not happy. “I don’t like it, Frances, when outsiders take an interest in us like this.”

“We take things as they come, my darling. We can always get Freda’s Dad to slap an injunction on them if they get too intrusive.”

“The trouble with that is you either get to know what they are about to publish; and that’s not easy. Or, you try to stop them continuing afterwards, which is again unsatisfactory.”

“Well, I have done what I can. Holly and Carol have been briefed to say as little as possible to the media. We can do no more, so let’s get back to the submission to our client.”

After breakfast, Jemima came over to Frances to say, “We need to go back to the farm to our babies, Frances. Do you need us today or can we stay wih Mum and Dad or a while?”

“I understand that desire for your babies. I have nothing in my mind today for you girls, so go and enjoy yourselves at the farm with your parents. Check with Reg as well, but if he is fine with it, on you go; I’ll phone for our minibus, in case Reg wants to visit them as well. In fact, stay over with your folks tonight; we’ll keep in touch by phone. I don’t believe we have any other business to conduct here.”

Reginald’s phone rang again. He was surprised to be so popular, but answered with his number. A male voice asked, “Reginald Robertson?”


“We spoke before. This is Tom Freeman, of the Scarborough News; You recall?”

“Yes, Mr Freeman. What do you want to say now?”

“A delicate matter. I got a call from a national newspaper. They have an allegation that you are a polygamist, but at the same time the police say it is not true. They want me to clarify the situation for them. Are you able to help?”

“Ah, I understand. This arises from an overactive middle-aged woman who objected to her son being the boyfriend of our babysitter. He broke it off, but something was said about our living arrangements and she threatened to go to the police. Our babysitter rightly said ‘go ahead if you want to appear foolish’, and stupidly she did. When the police informed her that there was no case to answer, she decided to take things farther and phoned the popular press.

Naturally any hint of scandal interests them, as it sells newspapers. That is why you have become embroiled in the story.”

“Let me get this straight. You were accused of being in a polygamous marriage, but the police confirmed it was not so. Where is the story?” He halted, then went on, “Oh, wait: these ladies on your company staff; they live with you, don’t they?”

“Yes. We all live and work in a large building owned by Frances’ father. It works for us.”

“Right. You are not married to any of them, but they live in your home with you?”

“Well, we all live in our combined business premises and accomodation. Is that a crime?”

“Not as far as I am aware, but to read some of the tabloids, they will make it sound as if it is!”

“So there is the situation. We have a legal address for our business, and our staff living accomodation is within the same building as it is a sizeable structure.”

“That is clear enough, Reginald. What is not clear to me is the bunch of babies that you have with your staff. Do any of them have a recognised father?”

“Of course they do: me.”

“Eh? You admit to fathering all these babies?”

“That is not what I said, Tom. I am the father of each, according to their birth certificates. That is much better for them than a blank for the father. I regard it as a social duty towards my girls and it makes for a cohesive staff for the Company. The Company funds a creche for the children, making their work/home life less complicated.”

“Ah, yes, the Company. Remind me of it’s name; I failed to note it previously.”

“The Company is registered as ‘Recovery Enterprise Group’. The name states our business: recovering assets lost, mislaid or misappropriated in large organisations such as companies, local authorities, and national charities; that sort of thing. We can conduct operations that are awkward for an in-house investigatory section to do without alerting wrongdoers.”

“Recovery Enterprise Group? Doesn’t that abbreviate to R.E.G.? Reg?”

“Why, so it does! The name was devised by our staff before we applied to register the business. They wanted something memorable. We have our formal legal representation for the business and a qualified company accountant. It is all regularly done according to business law, and we are gathering some useful clients. In fact, we are currently concluding a contract for a grocery chain.”

“So the story is less of a scandal and more of a feel-good approach to life?”

“You could say that. Several of the ladies are fellow students at my university, one is an older lady fleeing an abusive ex-husband, and two are Scarborough natives, former layabouts who now have responsible jobs in our oganisation. They are just back from visiting two grocery stores as part of our wider team investigation. They made excellent reports on their research, and these have been incorporated into our overall report. Everyone contributed to that report.”

Tom Freeman asked again, “Reginald: can I be assured that you did not father some of these babies?”

“Tom, that is a question that only a dna analysis could prove, for definite. I am not going to make such a claim of fatherhood for any of these babes, but I gave them my name on registration, and I will act as if they are my children, and love them as such. They deserve no less.”

“Therefore you are not claiming that these women are your wives?”

“That is so. I do not make such a claim, but the ladies are determined to declare to me that they are my wives. There is a great difference.”

“You do not claim they are your wives, but they claim that you are their husband. That sounds odd to me. This is without any duress, I presume.”

“Certainly. They didn’t put me under duress.”

“Pardon me, but I meant that the ladies were under no duress, not you!”

“No duress on anyone’s part, Tom. At one point, about a year ago, they decided that they would be my wives, and informed me of that decision. They told me that to allow one to legally marry me would be unfair on the others, so they elected to forego a formal marriage. Instead, they organisaed a commitment ceremony, where we all pledged ourselves to each other.”

“So, effectively a marriage, but not a legal one?”

“That would cover it. We all intend to remain together for the forseeable future. That may be more of a positive outcome than most legal marriages, would you say?”

“What has this to do with your company?”

“Oh. We encountered a few financial oddities, starting with one at the university. We worked on it as a team, and solved it satisfactorily, and that spurred us think in terms of a business opportunity, and it snowballed from there. Having a team of undergraduates to hand, we involved them all and recruited them into the company structure.”

“You did this, yourself?”

“Gosh, no; I am a relative simpleton when it comes to finance. The ladies organised themselves and involved their parents as well. It made the whole operation simpler, especially when students wanted to set up a company. Their parents stepped in and in no time it was all done and dusted.”

“You didn’t take charge?”

“Good Lord, no. I am from a poor working class background. I have no experience in such matters.”

“Poor background? But you appear to be affluent now!”

“Serendipity, Tom. Sheer luck. I was donated a metal detector and managed to find a silver hoard on a local farm near our home. Even with half going to the landowner by law, I ended up with a lot of cash. Last time I went back there, for another try, all I found was unexploded German bombs!”

“You do live an interesting life, Mr Robertson. This is not the story you gave to me previously.”

“Different questions result in different answers, Mr Freeman. Two reporters could write completely different stories from the same facts, as I am sure you are aware.”

“True. Can I speak to one of your self-procliamed wives, Reginald?”

“Sure. Frances! Come speak to the editor of the Scarborough News.”

He left it up to her as to what she told him.

“Hello, sir. What can I do for you?”

“My name? Mrs Frances Robertson.”

“It is my legal name, sir.”

She listened then declared, “You ought to know something about the law of England, to edit a newspaper. I changed my name by deed poll, and that is what it now is.”

“Wife? Yes, I am Reg’s wife, though there is no marriage certificate to say so. We don’t need that piece of paper.”

He asked a few more questions, but the answers merely corroborated what Reginald had told him, and he gave up.

“Thank you, Mrs Robertson, and goodbye.”’ He sat back at his desk, and pondered what he had heard. Their voices held the timbre of reality, and it all held together as a tale, despite its weirdness.

But what could he tell the national daily? He would expect a fee for supplying the information, but they would expect a usable set of data in return. He didn’t want to make things awkward for the Robertsons, and he certainly didn’t want to impact their Company. He could imagine being sued for defamation of the company’s officers, so he didn’t want that to come his way.

Thinking for a while, he decided to go with a simple statement of facts, adding at frequent intervals the phrase ‘I understand’’ or ‘I was told’ and other get-out phrases where he could show that he did not make unsubstantiated claims, but merely passed on second-hand information. He did not get to be an editor without learning to avoid the pitfalls of stating as fact what you can’t back up with evidence. The national dailies had lawyers to tell them what they could get away with, and even then, they often got it wrong.

He wrote his story details, looked it over, then started revising it over and over until he was certain he had said nothing that could traced back to him as inaccurate. Before sending it by email, he read it over again to make himself certain that he was covered.

After sending it off, he send a second copy to Reginald Robertson for his information, so that they could see what was actually sent, with a covering note, ‘This is what I passed to the national daily, so that you can see that I made no unwarranted claims about you or your family or your business. I would recommend you pass it to your company lawyer for him to compare it with whatever the daily prints’. He added the email address for the daily.

On receiving the email, Reginald showed it to Frances to read and comment. She was quick to say, “Thre is nothing salacious or actionable there. He has worded it very well, but I would take his advice and give it to Hubert Dangerfield to have him see what actually appears.”

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It would have been so easy just to run away, Yvoine thought, just never come back, never answer the next call. But that would have been dishonest, it was one matter to break a slave’s agreement, it was another entirely to lie and flee. She lay on her back, on the broad expanse of the bed in Sara and Travis’s room. Her legs were spread wide and Sara’s face was buried in her slave’s pussy. They were alone, Travis wasn’t expected to the house for another hour at least. He didn’t like to see Sara...

1 year ago
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TMWPOV Amanda Estela Stay at home to play dirty

Amanda Estela wants to go out with her boyfriend, but the boyfriend is in a bad mood today and doesn’t want to go anywhere. Fortunately, this is not an issue for her, and she is not very upset, since she has a few interesting ideas for how to pass the time at home. She starts to undress slowly showing off her lovely body and arousing the boyfriend. When Amanda realizes that the time has come, she kneels down to take his cock out and give him the sloppiest blowjob she’s ever given. After...

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How I Found Out

My wife Susan and I had just returned home from a wedding. It was the remarriage of an old and dear friend whose first husband Matt (another old and dear friend) had been killed by a drunk driver the previous year. Our twin girls had wanted to go with us but they had just started school at a small college upstate. We had just unburdened ourselves of the formal attire, and I was playing my fingertips along the delicate concavity that runs down the middle of her back, from the nape of her neck...

3 years ago
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Blackmail Karke Teenage Ladki Ko Choda

Hello Dosto Kaise ho Mai apka Pyara Rajeev, Meri Pichli 2no story ‘Kaise wechat se patai ladki ko choda’ and ‘Wechat se room tak with stranger’ pe aap sab logo ke ne itna respose dia iske lie thanks. Aaj mai aapko ek new story sunane jaa ra hu. Jo ki ek dum new hai and ek Teenage Girl ki hai jo ki just abhi abhi jawan hui aur usko jawan hote hi new new lund ka shauk pad gya uski umar abhi keval 18 hai aur vo class 12 me padhti hai, Magar dikhne me vo kisi college student se kam nai hai. Meri...

2 years ago
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Hobsons Choice continued

Nicole can see I am distracted the next morning when I barely glance in her direction as she holds the door open for me. Truth be told, I do run my eye up her perfectly sculpted leg. The needy slut is trying too hard to please wearing the pencil skirt and stockings. If I hadn’t my mind set on Hobson, I think I would have had to punish her for her public neediness.As the car pulls up at the factory, I can see a couple of the staff looking out the window. A return visit is bound to cause panic....

1 year ago
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Orally Fixated

Sherri and Quita were a little early as they returned to school from lunch and a lot of kids were still milling around the hall, just killing time until fifth period started. Sherri turned to Quita and said, "Ya know, I'm still hungry, how about you?" Quita looked at Sherri and saw that look in her eyes! "Now wait a minute Sherri, we gotta be in class in less then fifteen minutes, and we don't have time for that right now," Quita pleaded! "There's always time for Jell-o babe," shot back Sherri,...

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Black RepublicChapter 2 The Death Of The Black Republic

Tim Patton was a Marine and Piling Contractor. He had been born and raised in Pritchard a city adjoining Mobile Alabama. His father had been the owner of the business before he was killed by a senseless drive by shooting on the main street of the city. Witnesses said that it was done by a car load of blacks. One of them had pointed a gun at Tim's father and fired it five times into his chest. Tim's Father had been waiting for the traffic light to change. It was just another "Drive by...

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A chance1

I am 26 years old, a little bit thin and have nice looking for ladies(it is said by ladies I have ever fucked). As culture is strongly restricted, I cannot try directly as in Western countries. So, I just send signals with eyes contact. I send signals to every lady I have met. Some response with good but mostly bad. Here, I was attracted by a lady who lives near my home. She is about 5 feet and 7 inches tall, fair skin, sharp eyes, straight black hair, big thigh, especially big ass but with...

1 year ago
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Tammy loves some nigga cock

thank you cindy once again for the help!!checkout my profile once finished with the story!!15 years you know when something just isn?t right. I couldn?t put my finger on it, but Tammy just seemed a little distant or preoccupied with something other than her family. At 5?2? and 38 years old she still looked good. She?d gained a few pounds but I liked a full booty on a women. I on the other hand, was the same weight as when we got married. Being a long distance runner, I had almost no body fat on...

3 years ago
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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt2

Pt 2We sorted ourselves out a bit, after the hot introduction. Mich re-arranged her dressing gown and Doug dressed in his shirt and pants. Doug then showed Dee and I to our bedroom. We flopped our suitcase on the bed and turned to each other, hugging and once again kissing. Our tongues duelled, we could smell the fresh sex on our mouths and bodies. “Have you any idea what is planned for the weekend?” Dee whispered.“Sex.” I smiled and laughed. “Doug suggested that we, or should I say you and...

1 year ago
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The Best Hotel Wakeup Call Ever

It was so fucking early she dreaded the hotel wake up call. All the traveling, the time change was killing her. Singapore to London was too fucking far. Rizza just wanted to hug her pillow and sleep some more. Was she dreaming? She thought of last night. Her mind filled with sexy images. Cuddling on the sofa had been fun. The way she had straddled John on the sofa, the feeling of his rock hard boner inside, filling her completely, had been amazing. She began to feel tingles. She hugged the...

3 years ago
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whole fam ily fucks

The incident which is happened when I finished my xii standard during the summer holiday. We lived in the Bangalore . My family consists of 4 members dad(Raghav,48) mom(Radha 45) sister(priya24) and me(Raghul18) . My father working in the MNC company and having the flat in the apartment . My mother was the house wife . My sister pursuing the final year M.B.A .Next me waiting for xii std result and going to join in the college . We have 3 bedroom in the flat me and sister have separate room and...

2 years ago
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A Brady 3some

Greg was deep in Marcia's pussy, enjoying the quiet ofthe house and the warmth of her cunt. Group fucks were fun,but Greg really liked boning Marcia one-on-one. The otherswould be home later, but for now it was his cock, her cuntand plenty of time. Carol entered the house through the kitchen. They hadclosed a major deal at work, and to celebrate they had giveneverybody the rest of the day off. She was headed for thestairs and a shower when she heard a groan coming from the TVroom. She...

1 year ago
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Mom Caught me

My older brother Tommy called me. He was looking for a specific baseball card he was hoping to sell and he could not find it in his collection, so he wanted me to search my stash and see if I had it. I hung up and climbed the stairs to the attic where I kept my sizable collection of cards. I was on a search for an old Ernie Banks rookie card, framed in plastic and in mint condition.I dug around a bit to no avail. As I was giving up the search to go back to my room I saw a box in the back,...

2 years ago
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Betty my unknown kissing cousin

I never realized it or even thought about it before but I came from a large family on both sides. My mom had 7 siblings in her family 4 brothers and three sisters , My dad had 6 three sisters and three brothers. Their parents had close to the same amount and now the B****t name is quite prominent in the area. I have written a story before about a sexual adventure I had when younger and didn’t find out she was my cousin until months later. We were just lucky we didn't make any babies from...

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Debauchery of my wife 8211 Part 2

I was tense about the maid. The next day, Sarika told me that she had settled with the maid and she won’t spill the beans. I relaxed a bit and resumed my job, which has started now. Offices were open, and Sarika and I started to go to the office. Around a month after Reddy’s visit, I came home in the evening. Sarika was in the bathroom having a bath. Her bridal dress was lying on the bed with all ornaments. I was confused a lot by this sudden event. I yelled at Sarika about it. She calmly...

3 years ago
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The Scar Part 2

Unfettered waves of heat rolled through my body in a strengthening tide, and I trembled as he pressed himself harder and harder against me. Why Mr. Werner, I thought, you do know how to get a girl turned on. The clothes, though… they were beginning to get on my nerves… My mind flicked back to the memory of him locking the door, and I knew that his mind must be on the same track as mine. The kiss that locked us together was as intense and lusty as I’d ever experienced, and I knew he was just as...

Love Stories
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Chosen by the Phoenix2

Many years later in present day Canada ours "hero" dean is in a room tied up with five men who are "asking" were his friend is hiding. "he is hiding under there" dean said "under were" the first man yelled And dean just laughed In his face and said " haha I just made you say under were. That one definitely never gets old" the first man looked at one of the other men and tells him to refill the jug "yes monkey" and he runs out the back door and dean can hear the water running....

4 years ago
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Master returns

Driving to the airport she was glad it was a bright, sunny day Driving to the airport she was glad it was a bright, sunny day.  The kind of day the Master liked.  A curious coil of fear tempered her joy as she turned into the terminal, looking for His beloved form.  She knew she faced an incredible love clouded with a terrible anger.  She was equally excited and terrified by both.   There he is.  A tremendous surge of emotion and arousal flooded her mind and body, and a brilliant smile...

1 year ago
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Caleb 25 Ness

The jet sat looking sleek and impressive on the apron at the local airstrip. I didn’t really know anything about private jets, but I’d at least heard the name ‘Gulfstream.’ The G500 emblazoned on the tail of the Steadmans’ gave me a likely model number, but beyond that, I was in the dark. Jules had said that it cost more than fifty thousand a month just to run. Those kinds of numbers were staggering to me. Not for the first time, I wondered just how rich the Steadman family was. We unloaded...

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Elven Heart

Vor achtzehn Jahren erblickte eine Elfe das Licht der Welt. Geboren durch das erste Lachen eines Kindes begann ihre Reise. Nie hätte sie ahnen können, wohin ihr achtzehnter Geburtstag sie führen würde. Tabitha erwachte, als die Sonnenstrahlen durch ihr Fenster drangen und in ihr Gesicht und auf ihr zart lilanes Haar fielen. Sie blinzelte mit ihren meerblauen Puppenaugen der Sonne entgegen, ihre spitzen Ohren zuckten leicht. Ihre Pflegeeltern hatten ihr bereits das Geburtstagsfrühstück ans Bett...

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Hello readers, hope this story finds you in perfect horny mood. Even otherwise JJ is all set to take you into the extreme realms of worldly pleasure. The world is full of pleasure & it is for you to choose unfortunately we seek pain than pleasure. We sacrifice all, what is abundantly filled in this world and instead seek an unknown treasure which we are not even sure if it really exists. This is a journey into the blissful love making the only pleasure which is at most that we can experience....

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Fionas Video

I was at a party with my current girlfriend when I heard a name across the noisy room. You know how it is, you can hear your name whispered amongst all the noise, this name had the same effect on me; it was the name of an old love of my life, perhaps the only love of my life. I wondered over to the small group to listen to the story. It appeared that our host had been at a party where late in the evening, he had videoed a young lady being gang banged. As well as her name her description...

2 years ago
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Botany Collection By Me And My College Friend

This is a true story and this had happened way back in 1995 when I was studying in college. We were doing our graduation in Biology and one of our lecturer had indulge us the habit of collecting various specimen in Botany. We had a gang of 4 boys and one girl and we used to move around in surrounding village in bicycle in search of good specimen. One day, we have seen a big water body which would be good habitat of Volvox (one kind of algae), but the problem was the water was not clear, though...

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Betrayed by Those I Love Book One Part Two

You can't trust anybody... This story edited by Aardvark for me. Thank you so much Aardvark! Betrayed by Those I love Book One - Part Two By Angel O'Hare Bill walked into the kitchen and gasped. He stopped dead in his tracks as his mouth hung wide open staring at Karen, then at Rob and Rich. "Julia, why do we have three naked children in our kitchen?" "Does it bother you dear? You know the Bears are nudists, Bill. I think you should just grin and get used to it,...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 8

We drove far enough up on the shore to escape the edge of the water at high tide. We thought to take a day to rest in place since we got almost no sleep the previous night. We ate breakfast and went to bed. Even the children did not complain about having to go to bed, they were so tired. That afternoon, Trudy stirred around restlessly and finally got up. She was not sleepy, but she was a bit groggy, so she did not notice that the children were missing. Eventually, she woke up fully and...

1 year ago
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And Dresses for All

And Dresses for All... By Rosie "This one's from your mother-in-law," my mom says, handing me a neatly wrapped parcel. I kneel down to the Christmas tree and start unwrapping. Clothes, I think, as I feel the soft contents. Suddenly, I spot a flash of purple-toned floral print satin underneath the wrapped paper. As if struck by lightning, I stop. Panicking, I look at my wife. "You told her?" I whisper to her. Janice shrugs dismissingly, as if she had done nothing at all, but...

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Commitment A Diologue

Author's Note: The following is written as a conversation between the owner of a transformation salon and a first time client. "It's really quite simple. I'll handle all the details." "I appreciate that. This is something I've always wanted to do." "You need to know there is one thing ... I wouldn't call it a catch. But it is a condition." "What's that?" "You have to do one simple thing to your body." Piercing? Tattoos? Surgery? "None of that. It's actually quite...

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Ayesha Banu

 1. “I’d like to see something old,” said the customer, a good-looking foreigner with salt-and-pepper hair. “I’m in India, after all. I’m after something that has a provenance. My wife is the daughter of a billionaire and I need something unique.”I was watching the scene from my viewport in the back office and I could see that the salesgirl looked disappointed. She was on commission and she could see that this well-heeled American customer wanted something that she could not sell. The American...

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Strangers on a Train part 6 Yasmins Visit

The intense heat of the New York summer was now a distant memory; a fresh blanket of snow covered the city. Christmas decorations adorned businesses and city streets signifying the season. The city, of course, was busy as usual—children in oversized puffer coats and backpacks heading to school and gearing up for the upcoming holiday break; shoppers darting in and out of boutiques and department stores; cars honking as they crawled through slushy streets. It had been seven months since...

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Little IndiansChapter 1 New Visitors at Mrs Beales House

It was Penn Fillis' last year at school. It was high summer, and he was keen to get back. He knew that his work was exceptional, and he thought he had a good chance of being accepted into university. The whole world was opening to him, his sister was proud of him, and his schoolmates impressed. His twin sister Dee had Penn's brains, but enjoyed life far too much to want to be a bookworm like he was. She was always up to some kind of mischief. She climbed the huge oak trees around town, she...

2 years ago
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The Desert One Project How we secret

Wy wife is pretty hot. She is 48 now but still has a bitchin body. She has never been with another man except for me. We were married about 7 years. She was 29 years old and weighed about 90 pounds. I started sceretly filming my wife having sex with me. I would hide the camera in my closet or on a dresser.I accumulated several VHS tapes over a years or so. One day, we were going to the movies and my best fiend offered to watch my two young sons. We went out and left him at our house at aboy 6...

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White SlaveChapter 9

At that moment Chris despised her friend, hated her for getting her into this loathsome situation. As always, it was Sandy who talked her into it. She leapt to her feet, backing away from the man cautiously, intent only on making it to the closed door a dozen feet away. One of the men jumped and blocked the door. He grinned down at her. "Oh, no you don't, bitch... you ain't running out on us now. You're paid for this... you're a whore... a whore!" he spat. The words stung more than her...

2 years ago
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Backdoor Justice

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov You can talk about the courtroom dramas on TV all you want. They're crap, I tell you, utter crap. Listen. I know a story that tops it all. New York has this peculiar institution known as the Sanitation Court. That's where you report if you get a summons for littering or maybe if you're a contractor who's tried to sneak a couple of bags of renovation debris into the regular municipal trash pickup. And it's where young judges start their career, and...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 277

I listened to the rest of the pony show then made my way out, first stop the main entrance. The bodies were gone; chalk marks still marked the spots where the gunmen fell and to add to the mess and a ton of debris from the investigators could be found every where. The college lockdown had long been lifted, most classes were cancelled those students still left on campus were in various classes, or had gone to their dorm rooms. I met Richard Whitehead from maintenance when I turned to walk...

3 years ago
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Family Trip to Jamaica Part 4 Fixed

“I’m going to take your father to the room to unpack and settle him down a bit. Why don’t you kids get comfortable and look for that class. We’ll meet back together for dinner.” And with that my wife Diane pushed me through the adjoining room door and left the kids to their own devices. I slumped onto the couch. My daughter Lily's voice teasing me about all the nude people on the beach rang threw my head. What have I exposed my sweet little girl to? "It's going to be fine, John," Diane...

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My Kind of Southern Hospitality pt 2

‘Alice there’s a phone call for you!’ yelled my mother from her study room downstairs. ‘I’ll be right down,’ I yelled back. I was standing in front of my mirror admiring myself a skintight strapless emerald dress I had borrowed from my mother’s closet. Sine I couldn’t find my strapless bras, I had decided not to wear a bra at all. My hardened nipples were slightly visible, but I didn’t care. I had been trying on dresses all evening. Not only because I wanted to find a dress that would impress...

3 years ago
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Working Girl 6

Working Girl 6 By Susan Brown Kindly edited by Angel O'Hare I was still sitting on the bed, half an hour later. I was in shock. I still could not believe what I said to that effing creep, Davis. I had actually batted my eyelids at him like a call girl on heat. OK, if he was a hunking male with a body to die for, a face to match and muscles in the right places, but Davis! He was the original creepy and dirty old man. Then I realised what I had just thought and I broke out into...

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