Kimberly 2.0Chapter 7 free porn video

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Kim knocked on her aunt's door. We heard "Come in!" shouted from inside, so we walked in, finding Jen and Laci in the kitchen in their trademark nightshirts.

The odor was the welcome smell of bacon cooking. I saw hash browns. I saw my waistline expanding and said so.

"Nuh-uh, Timmy," Kim said. "We're gonna go for a walk in this beautiful weather, so enjoy your breakfast."

We were seated around the table, breakfast plates empty, coffee before us, talking.

"I need to talk serious with you two," Jen said.

"Serious? How serious, Aunt Jen?" Kim asked.

"Really, really serious. Kim, baby, I know you've kind of gone gaga over Timmy here. I know that you and him, y'all have talked about where this is going. Are you SURE you're ready for that commitment?"

Kim looked a little shocked. "Aunt Jen! I TOLD you! Yes, I'm ready. I love Tim. He loves me." She looked at me, as if for affirmation.

"She loves me, Jen," I said.

"Yeah, okay, Mister 'I had a teenager drop out of the sky into my lap' Duncan. Are YOU ready for..."

"Jen," I said, "we already have the date circled on the calendar."

"Yeah," Kim asserted. She got up and stood behind me, wrapping me in her arms. "What brought this on, Aunt Jen?"

I looked at Laci. She had an enigmatic look on her face. "Laci? You been giving Jen drugs?"

"No," Laci said. "Jen, stop upsetting people. I told you things would work out. Just tell 'em."

"Tell 'em what, Aunt Jen?" Kim asked.

"Hangover aside," Jen said, "Laci an' I have sort of figured out something."

"What?" I asked.

Jen took a breath. "Well, last night Laci and I were talkin'..." Kim let a giggle loose.

"Uh, get your mind out of the gutter, little Miss 'Spending the night with my guy', Jen said. "But that does have some bearing on the conversation. Laci and I," and she gave Kim a stare, "Have sort of decided that if YOU two are at YOUR place, then Laci is gonna move in over here. But, Little Kimmy, if this is some kind of teenage phase you're going through, then..."

Kim huffed. "Aunt Jen, YOU know I'm not the standard airheaded teenaged girl."

"Yeah, okay," Kim said, "but look at Tim. He doesn't need to be hurt. You two don't need to hurt one another. So! Are you serious?"

Kim swung around and kissed me. Got a devilish glint in her eyes. "Okay, Tim Duncan, now that we've slept together, have you decided that it's all a big mistake?"

"No, I think you're perfect..."

"Deluded," Laci said. "The boy's deluded."

I continued, "although your family may be a stretch..."

"Be nice to Aunt Jen, baby," Kim said.

"I think I'll keep 'er," I said. "Are you gonna sign so we can get married?"

Kim has trouble stifling sounds. This time it was a happy squeal.

"I suppose so. Sort of like you have a title to 'er then," Jen said.

"Title?" Laci blurted. "You're setting women's rights back a century, Jen!"

Jen laughed. "Look at them, Laci. Who owns who?"

Owned. Possessed. And I liked it.

Kim didn't let the comment by, though. "Uh, we OWN each other."

"See!" Laci said. "He's deluded. All he needs is a leash."

"Oooooo, kinky," Kim laughed.

Laci looked shocked. "Jen! Where'd this CHILD learn about 'kinky'?"

"Uh, probably listening to my aunt and her mate, when they thought I wasn't paying' attention," Kim retorted. "And what's a little bit of leather between friends, right?"

Jen snorted. I think Laci was gonna have a meltdown. Me, I barely avoided blowing coffee out of my nose.

"We have to kill 'er," Laci said. "The world does NOT need another smartass."

"Oh, don't kill 'er," I said. "Let me take her home with me and teach her to be respectful and obedient."

"Yes, Master," Kim played. "I shall be most obedient. I await your instructions. Shall I retrieve my leash, Master?" And she flashed laughing eyes at Laci.

"I don't know what you did to deserve this imp," Jen said.

"Rescued puppies. Lots and lots of puppies. With big, soulful eyes," I said.

"Forget it, Jen," Lacie said. "they deserve each other."

We finished breakfast and walked to our apartment. Yes, 'our' apartment. Inside, Kim turned to me. "You ARE serious, aren't you?"

"I do believe words like 'forever' have been exchanged, little doll. And you? Serious?"

Kiss. "Very much. You're too easy to fall in love with. Nobody else made a click in my head, and since you, the clicker's turned off." Kiss. "Other things turn on, but they're all yours."

"Still a bit scary, Kim," I said.

"Yeah. So what? You should know about guarantees, Tim love. Age has nought to do with it. People do."

"And YOU circled Thanksgiving week. Wrote 'honeymoon'." She did, in a neat, workmanlike block lettering. "So where do we go for honeymoon?"

She smiled. "Isn't that something we can discuss at the park? It's a pretty day. We can stop at the store on the way there and get some chips and dip and just go sit under the trees."

"And walk that breakfast off," I added.

"Oh, we go sit at the park for a while, enjoy the day. Come back, swim. There's your exercise."

"I dunno about swimming. You know what you catch at a pool."

"Some things are more permanent than athlete's foot, huh?" Giggle.

"Yeah. And a lot smarter. Let's go."

"Wait," she said. "We have the morning to ourselves, and there's no hurry, and you know, I'm new at this and I'd kinda like to play." Fingertips on the fly of my jeans indicated the range of her playfulness. "Do you..."

"Oh, God, yes, baby," I said. "But I didn't want to make you think this is just about sex."

"Sex," she smiled. " And love. Always love. But it's fun, Tim. And it's new to me and I like it and d'ya really mind?"

I laughed. "Angel face, you make me terribly happy. I..."

She was unbuttoning her blouse, looking over her shoulder as she walked into the bedroom. Naked, I joined her in the bed. "It's all new, Tim."

"You're all new, angel," I replied. "I get a naked Kimmy, don't I?"

Indeed I did, bowled over onto my back by an agile and very enthusiastically nude female teen. What started out as giggly explorations changed quickly to breathless sighs as we explored each other. Playing with Kim was like I only dreamed sex could be.

Started out exploring, satisfying her natural intelligence and curiosity, then the intelligence stayed as she learned, and we got really happy knowing what sort of kisses and pinches and nips and touches just really lifted each other off the bed to new heights.

That's a little bit of what went on this bright blue morning. Naked, happy, and in love, we played with each other.

Kim's turn:

Okay, so if Tim can talk about us, I can talk about us, too.

And make no mistake about it, Tim and I, we ARE an US. I talked with Aunt Jen about it. Love at first sight. The fodder of fairy tales and romance novels and she said, "Looks like Kimmy's got it!"

I tried to think this through. Analyze it. Reason it out. I do that with a lot of the subject matter at school. It works then and it works very well. I skipped two grades and I run almost a 4.0 average in high school.

So I lay there the second night that I knew Tim and I asked myself why. "Why not?" is not the answer one expects from one's analytical mind, but I kept getting that.

My Tim. I saw him bare-chested in swim trunks the first day I met him. Blew my skirt up. Floated my boat. Rang my bell. Not one of those guys you see on the front cover of a romance novel. His muscles don't bulge, but he's not fat, he's just fit-looking. And the short hair and blue eyes. And when he smiles, he gets these little crinkles in the corners of his eyes. And he smiles a lot. And brings me right along with him. So that's the physical attraction. Not one of those wormy faux-poet/musician types. Not one of those 'full of himself' jock types. Just MY Tim. Knows who he is. And comfortable with it.

The guy's an engineer. KNOWS things. First time we talked, it was like sitting next to a powerful engine while it idled. I could tell from the way he turned a phrase that he was no dummy. And when I jabbed, he jabbed back. Sense of humor. And not 'fart joke' humor. Nope! Puns. Plays on words. I used to ('used to'? I STILL) get looks about the way I play with the language, and here's this guy that matches me move for move.

Okay, there's a 'geek' part in my brain and a smart guy who's NOT trying to show how cool smart guys are by looking like every loser in high school, that's a rare thing. Finding Tim ... He wasn't sleazy-looking. He was intelligent. He didn't leer or stare. And the first time I brought him home to see Aunt Jen, I grabbed his hand. At first I thought 'big mistake, Kim!' but he just sort of looked at me and didn't pull back, and it was like electricity making a connection. At least to me.

Another thing: Guy's fit. That was obvious to me the first day we swam together. He didn't know that I was a pretty competitive swimmer and I let him do his best to try to beat me. He did make me use most of what I have, and then laughed about it.

He talked to me. Not AT me. Okay, let's be fair to Aunt Jenny. She's been good to me, too, but part of that was HER sister (MY mom) was a problem we had in common. When Mom ended up in jail, if Aunt Jen hadn't stepped up, I'd've ended up in a foster home. I know some kids who had that going, and I'm glad I don't.

Aunt Jen is six years younger than Mom, so she's like a combination of surrogate mom and big sister, and we worked out how we fit together. I stopped getting scared at night. School turned around (again). Life was a lot easier with Aunt Jen. She had friends, many of them gay, and her companion or significant other or whatever, Laci. I stopped getting hit on by the guys in Mom's life. I saw people being happy and interacting in legal ways, and when I was in the room I got treated like a human being, not a piece of meat or some sort of obstacle.

They talked TO me. But my Tim started out like that from the first time that we spoke to each other, like 'here's a human being. I shall converse with her.' I dunno. I just kept seeing 'solid' and 'decent'.

When Aunt Jen led him to the door after okaying him and me going out to dinner together, she asked him if I'd told him about her being lesbian. "DID Kim tell you..." she started.

He did that sort of lopsided grin thing. "Yeah, so?"

"Some guys get freaked out," she said.

"Nuh-uh," he said. "I'm me. You're you. Kim's Kim. Kumbayah an' all that. It's a wonderful world."

And that's when lightning went off in my head. Little voice said, "Kimmy? See that one? He's IT. If you don't snag 'im, you'll regret it the rest of your life."

Okay, Aunt Jen let Tim take me to dinner with him. In retrospect, she must've seen something in him (and maybe me, too) that made that seem like a safe idea. I know some people who wouldn't think that it's a good idea for a teen girl to go out the door with a forty year old guy she just met, but there's something about Tim...

We went to a NICE Italian restaurant. I'd heard about the place but had never been there. Tim made the choice for me and kind of put his foot down when I talked about the expense. "My treat," he said. "I can afford it and the food's a LOT better than Olive Garden."

We talked all the way through dinner. He ordered linguine with white clam sauce. I HAD to try it. And then tiramisu. I love good coffee. One of Aunt Jen's friends keeps us supplied with good stuff at the apartment, and finding this wonderful dessert with coffee undertones, wow. So the guy knows how to take a girl to dinner.

We get back in his truck. Yeah, big pickup truck. Normally when you see one like this, you start your tape of 'redneck' jokes, but Tim's was clean as a whistle, and after dinner, when I got in, I asked to play some music.

"Go ahead," he said. And I noted that he watched as I punched the 'on' button. Classical music came out. The darker side of my mind had expected country and western or some variety of rock. I got Boccherini, a favorite piece, at that.

"Boccherini! Sting Quintet in E-major. Aunt Jen questions my sanity about loving this stuff," I said. And that sparkle in his eyes got brighter.

During the dinner conversation, Tim had told me what his experiences with dating were. Said he was looking for somebody who didn't think 'People' magazine was literature and had a vocabulary that held words with more than two syllables. I listened. Because when I saw his eyes light up with my comment about the music, I said, "Antidisestablishmentarianism."

"Huh?" he said.

"Twelve syllables, thankyouverymuch," I giggled. "Tim, you shouldn't just give up. I'm sure there's somebody out here that's perfect for you." And I smiled, because deep down inside, where I wasn't supposed to be harboring any such thought at the tender age of sixteen, I knew that the 'someone' was me.

"I'm not complainin', Miss Kim," he said. "I have a pretty good life, actually"

"I know," I said, "but don't you think that somewhere out there is a lady who's looking for the same things and between the two of you, you change 'pretty good' into a fairy tale?"

"I guess so," he said, "but I'm not going to kill myself in the search. And I get to make my own rules."

Sometimes I can be devious. Like now. Tim was talking about making the rules and didn't even know that he was already in the game.

That first night, after dinner I brought him in to meet Aunt Jen and Mizz Laci. Laci and Jen have been together for longer than I have lived with Aunt Jen. "Coupla bull dykes," Mom explained to one of her guys. I knew what that term meant when Mom said it. It was just ugly, like somehow heterosexual sex, especially the way SHE practiced it, was somehow pure and morally superior. At about a new man every two or three weeks.

Then when I moved in with Aunt Jen, I saw two people who exhibited NONE of the nastiness that seemed to characterize Mom's relationships. Yes, they did reinforce some stereotypes because Laci was active in the local arts scene and they had some friends, both male and female, who were also of non-traditional sexual orientation, as I learned Tim would say.

I learned that these were human beings and I learned that Aunt Jen's circle of friends was a lot more decent and genteel than Mom's. And I could go to my own bedroom at night without worrying that the door would open and some 'gamma minus' (don't you LOVE Aldous Huxley?) would come in my room thinking that I would just turn into a quivering lusty animal at the sight of him.

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Kimberly Steeles Horror OrdealChapter 4

TWO NIGHTS LATER It was evening, somewhere after 7PM. Kim was inside the laundry room, taking her unwashed clothes from her laundry bag and dumping them inside one of the washing machines!! As she had been dumping her clothes her mind was still on her old friends, the same ones who broke contact with her after Craig's death!! She hated this feeling of being ostracised but at least she still was able to talk to her relatives!! They did not like her decision but still forgave her and still...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 3

Venice. City of canals. Home to one of the most influential and wealthy merchants in human history, whose investment in the arts had created works that still lit the imagination of the world aflame. A city of beauty and history and... “Jesus Christ, look at the titties on her,” I whispered as I leaned against the wall of a building that was part of the University of Venice. The building looked as if it had stepped from the ancient past, save for the few modern touches that accented the...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 17

Kimmy's turn: Of course you realize that life has some imperfect moments. That's one of the downsides of having a man who's got a 'history'. My Tim's been married before. Ex-wife. Eight year old daughter. Both in California. It's so cliché, I know... And in the middle of the week, us, marriage license in hand, looking at the weekend: I just get home after school and I get a phone call. I don't immediately recognize the number on the display, so I answer, "Tim Duncan's home. This...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 22

Kim's turn: Let me tell you about Aunt Jenn's wedding. It was an adventure. Getting to California for the wedding was my first time flying off somewhere. Aunt Jenn, before Tim, was my rescuer, my rock. Mom's younger sister, the one who went to college, got a degree, became a schoolteacher. Decent person, and according to Mom, "One a'them bull dykes" like Mom's heterosexual alternative was somehow superior. When Mom went to jail, Aunt Jenn took me in without batting an eye and opened...

3 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 6

When she returned to her apartment, Kim didn’t know what to do. Moving almost in a daze, she stripped off her clothes, entered her bathroom and took a cold shower. With her head somewhat cleared, she warmed the water but then had a different idea. Running hot water into the bathtub — it was as hot as she thought she could stand — she went to her medicine cabinet and opened a bottle that had been sitting there for months. It was a bottle of musk oil that had never been opened. Pouring half...

4 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 13

On Monday morning at 9:30 Kim appeared at the Orange County courthouse accompanied by Brad. She was puzzled because she had been unable to communicate with Katherine McCarthy, her attorney. For weeks she had been trying to reach her to tell her she was ending her lawsuit but to no avail. So there she was. Entering the courtroom, she took a seat at the plaintiffs table to the right as she faced the judge’s bench. To her interest and surprise, at the defendants table to the left she saw Sandy...

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KimberlyChapter 18

“What was that all about?” Kim asked when they were finally on the San Diego Freeway headed south. “What about the training we’re supposed to be doing?” “Remember Jenny Clark?” Brad asked. Kim slowly shook her head. “No. Should I?” “She’s the girl who sold her body parts. Remember?” Kim looked sick. “Now I do! Ugh! But what about Jenny Clark?” “Surprise, surprise! It turns out that Jenny’s an engineer, too. Furthermore, she says that your notes and documentation on the new tooling are...

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KimberlyChapter 21

Lying on the bed, Brad kissed Kimberly’s lips. Instantly she was awake and returning his kiss with mounting passion. It was like no kiss they had ever exchanged before. “I love you, Kimberly Kramer,” he whispered. “So that’s the answer...” she replied with a loving smile. “What answer?” “Why you’ve been referring to me as Kimberly Kramer for so many months. You were just wearing me down, weren’t you?” Instead of answering, Brad kissed her again. It was even better than the one before....

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KimberlyChapter 24

The Lufthansa trans-polar flight from Los Angeles to Frankfurt was on time. Kim was awakened in first class with an announcement made loudly over the plane’s PA system: “It is now 0600 hours, local time. We will be landing in about one hour. It is time for morning exercise!” Kim looked at Brad who just shook his head. “Yes, darling,” she said, “we’re flying Lufthansa. ‘Unt ve know vats best for you!’” Brad just grinned. Going through Customs & Immigration in Frankfurt, they hit their...

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KimberlyChapter 29

The Army band marched proudly down the parade ground at Fort Benning. On the reviewing stand were the Carlsons, but also the Kramers and the Christians. Ken, Brad and Bill were all in uniform, Ken as a major, while Brad and Bill were both captains. All were wearing the Rangers’ black berets. Kim was also in uniform, but wearing her Special Forces green beret. The band doubled back on itself, then took position facing the reviewing stand. A moment later, the presidential limousine drew up...

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“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Kate Cornwall announced. She was sitting in a director’s chair and was back-lighted. All the viewers of the TV show could see was her silhouette. A rising star at WNBC, NBC’s owned and operated station in New York, Kate was an anomaly. At a time when every on-air personality wanted to maximize face time, Kate shunned it. Even while in journalism school, she had decided that reporter-as-celebrity got in the way of the story she was covering. “For those...

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Kimberly Meets Psycho Pink

Kimberly is walking down the pathway of Angel Grove. It has been a long while sense Rita had lefted and its been quite Peaceful so Kim didn't even see the point in bringing her Power Morpher. That Peaskey Pink Ranger sees no danger ill show her Danger Remarked Psycho Pink as she watch on from above. Psycho Pink watches on as Kimberly just walks done the Park No Friends No Power and a bunch of Witnesses a Perfect Opportunity for Psycho Pink to Strike!

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ch 02

(My thanks again go to CambriaRose for her editing and advice. It’s made these two chapters go much smoother with her help. To the reader, I truly hope you enjoy. It’s been fun writing it.) * She would phone Kimberly on a daily basis and I tried where I could to give her as much privacy when she did. Karen would watch me sneak away and giggle, occasionally she would throw a cushion at me when I did. I would just throw it back and then went and sat on the porch until she was done. Jenna...

2 years ago
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Kimberly Nicole Part 2

KIMBERLY NICOLE Part 2: A Dark Chapter Our two girls have just returned home from a visit to the Wizard. Where Kim had learned, that because of her getting a nipple pierced on one of her the breast forms while she was wearing it, that she is stuck as a she-male. But, everyone, except Amanda, has no memory of her ever being a man. The Wizard had given Amanda a box, a box that he said was part of the she-male items that he had forgotten to give her on her first visit. When she opened...

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Kimberly Nicole Part 3

Kimberly Nicole Part 3: Kim Finds Herself Amanda and Beth Ann had followed Kim to a BD/SM club and watched her being trusted up in front of an audience. Beth Ann was shocked to see Kim with a vagina and not a penis as she had at the hotel with Jeff. And, Amanda had to tell Beth Ann the full story of Ted and Kim. It turns out, that Kim was also trying, even though in the wrong way, to find herself like Amanda was. During a talk, after Kim returned from the BD/SM club, Amanda told Kim,...

3 years ago
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Kimberly and the Giant Prick

©Copyright 2002 I prowled the hotel lobby like a jungle cat, nerves a-tingle and senses alert, waiting impatiently for the moment to come that had been so long awaited. The moment when all the promises of the past two months would either be realized or abandoned. Would she show? Would she have the guts to go through with it? Only time would tell, and time was running out. The hotel staff watched me cautiously out of the corners of their eyes, their inability to challenge my right to be...

3 years ago
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Kimberly might not have been drunk

Kimberly might not have been drunk, but she certainly wasn't sober. Stumbling from the car with her bag in one hand, and her coat in the other, she stopped, directly in front of the headlights. Lifting her skirt up, she wiggled her ass at me. Giggling loudly, as only the slightly tipsy can, she ran off to the side of the road, and did it again. I was torn. I could sit there and stare at her long legs, black panties carelessly uncovered, smile almost painted on her face. I could. For hours....

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Kimberly 20Chapter 4

"You're sweet," she said, still holding my dick, but moving up to kiss me. She looked at her hand, fingers covered with semen. "It's slick," she said, fondling my softening dick. I could barely stand the intensity of the feelings caused by her slippery fingers. She kissed me again, a quick peck, one I would come to know as a precursor to a question. "Blowjobs..." she said. "Blowjobs?" I asked. "Yeah, I've heard about 'em. Lots of girls do 'em. Seems like something guys...

2 years ago
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Kimberly 20Chapter 8

Okay, I'm back. Actually, I'm awake in my own bed in the wee hours of the morning. Well, it WAS my own bed until two days ago when I agreed that I was indeed in love with this nutcase lying next to me. Nutcase? In the best possible way. She loves me. Says she loves me. She's right here next to me and any sane man would be thinking about how wonderful it was for the opportunity to have sex with a virginal but eager and athletic teen. And said random man would be thinking that he'd be...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 11

"Wow!" Zoë exclaimed. "Graduating at sixteen. What about college?" Kim smiled. We'd had some talks. "I'm still working on it. I think I have a few months to think about it. Might be able to squeeze out a scholarship or two." She looked at me. "And I can cover college for her easy enough," I said. "I'm thinking of mass communications," Zoë said. "Do you have even a hint?" Kim's eyes twinkled. I pretty much knew what would come out of that sassy mouth. "Engineering? I know...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 12

Kim's turn: Sunday morning. There is no finer Sunday morning that I can recall. I cuddled in closer to Tim, pushing under his arm, fully intending to drift back off to sleep, but then I noticed something. It was rigid. And when I touch it he purrs. Euphoria. I know what it is. It weighs a hundred and eighty-five pounds and has a hairy chest. And loves me. And he's semi-awake because his breathing is irregular. His nose is at the crown of my head. I feel and hear him breathe deep so I...

1 year ago
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Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 5

Author’s note: Kimberly is in the hands of a perverted supervillainess (whose also her Dad slash Aunt) and things seem grim. So, be ready for some wickedness – but also be ready for Kimmy’s daring escape! Also, some incest. I was like a kitten being petted by a dog. I squirmed and shifted and tried to be annoyed, but it was fucking hard to be upset while those silky fingers were caressing through my hair. So, as a catch up, I was still naked, still in the grasp of Dr. Chaos – aka my own aunt...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 16

Tim's turn: So I walk in to find my love sitting at my workstation with her friend, working on wedding invitations. Casey, her friend, is a nice looking young lady, and if she's friends to my Kim, then she's not the normal gum-popping mall rat. She was eye-ball deep in Photoshop, too, talking about typefaces and gradients. I was introduced, said "Hi", then showered and took Kim and Casey to dinner. I kept having a tickle of an idea that Casey looked vaguely familiar. Kim explained to...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 20

Tim's turn: It's done. After the first marriage went off the tracks there was a time when I told myself that never again would I put my heart in the care and control of another woman. That lasted, too, helped along by the quality of the available women I was set up with or who found me on their own. Then one day I moved here. She's lying there. The light of a full moon is streaming in the window, illuminating what was only a few hours ago a Celtic goddess, clad in natural linen,...

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Kimberly V10Chapter 4

"You're sweet," she said, still holding my dick, but moving up to kiss me. She looked at her hand, fingers covered with semen. "It's slick," she said, fondling my softening dick. I could barely stand the intensity of the feelings caused by her slippery fingers. She kissed me again, a quick peck, one I would come to know as a precursor to a question. "Blowjobs..." she said. "Blowjobs?" I asked. "Yeah, I've heard about 'em. Lots of girls do 'em. Seems like something guys...

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KimberlyChapter 10

Early Saturday morning, the young couple got into Kim’s car for the drive down to the Christians. Because the directions to reach their place were very complex, once they exited the freeway Kim gave Brad the job of navigating. By this time, Brad realized they were about 30 miles southeast of LA, but in the valley, not on the coast. Although it was supposed to be farming country, the land looked parched. Then Brad remembered something he had read awhile back. There had been water problems...

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KimberlyChapter 11

On Monday morning, Brad left on a sales trip and Kim felt lost. In no time flat, she had cleaned the apartment but then had nothing to do except to feel lonely. Brad wasn’t due back until Friday, but he had warned her that he might not even be back for the weekend. His trip would take him to northern California and into Oregon. As she sat nursing a cup of coffee, Kim’s feeling of loss quickly morphed into a feeling of misery. Then the phone rang. It was George Harrison, chairman of Aerospace...

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KimberlyChapter 17

Promptly at ten o’clock a Rolls limousine rolled up the drive. By that time, Dan Douglas’s car had been garaged, and Kim had pulled hers off to the side to clear the circle. She went to the door to welcome their guests. The chauffeur had jumped out of the car and was holding the rear door as an elderly gentleman alighted followed by a much younger man. The younger appeared to be under 30 while the older appeared to be in his 70s. In spite of his age, the older man stood up very straight. He...

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KimberlyChapter 22

At 10:30 the next morning the trio appeared at the golf pro shop. There they met a very youthful-looking Jim Conroy, his wife, Hank, and their daughter, Samantha. Kim and Brad were delighted to meet the Conroys — Hank Wellington had explained their relationship to the Carlsons and Carlson’s Rangers — and particularly pleased to see the way Lisa and Samantha took to one another. They were there to play golf, but it was apparent that Lisa was not planning on playing nor was Sam. “Lise, you...

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