Reginald's DisasterChapter 13 free porn video

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Reg summoned up his courage and consulted his notes.

“This is Reginald Robertson, trying to get back to the Person who phoned me.”

“Yes, Mr Robertson?” the voice changed to the one he had spoken with before.

“That was quick! An almost instantaneous switchover.”

“No, Mr Robertson. All relevant data is transmitted to other members of the Personalia, so that any of us can continue your discussion. Treat me as the same Person, and we can go on.”

A shocked Reg rearranged his assumed knowledge of the Personalia, and spoke accordingly.

“My wives tell me I failed to ask some relevant and important questions about women, mothers and babies at the Colony.”

“Ah, that is more related to human interactions, so not our expertise. It is better if you speak to the Governor or one of his wives. He has the knowledge to be able to advise you. Please wait while I connect you.”

A female voice came on the line.

“Ruth Kemp. Who wants to speak to me?”

“Ruth. This is the Personalia. We have a potential settler and his five or six wives, plus a few others behaving that way They are considering our offer of emigration to Rehome, but his women need answers to human questions. Will you speak to the man? His name is Reginald Robertson.”

“Certainly; I have some time to spare. Mr Robertson? Are you there?”

Reg replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Do you want to ask all the questions, or get one of your ladies to ask directly, which would probably be quicker?”

“You get right to the point, ma’am. I will have Frances speak to you, if she is free. You sound very competent, if I may say.”

“I am a psychologist, if that matters to you. More importantly, I am also a wife and mother, which is why I may speak the same terminology as your own wives. You are married to all of them?”

“Technically, no, as we live in England; but in practice, yes. Hang on till I get my wife, Frances.”

“Frances, love? Mrs Ruth Kemp to answer your questions.”

Frances came and took over the phone.

“Mrs Kemp? Thank you for speakingwith us. Do you know what things are like for women and children on that other planet – Rehome?”

“My dear Mrs Robertson, I am speaking to you from Rehome. I am the Governor’s second wife and am speaking to you from our residence.”

Frances was stopped short for a moment: “Excuse me, please:” She shouted at her husband, “Reg! Mrs Kemp is the Governor’s wife! Why didn’t you tell me?”

He offered his excuse. “Sorry, dear: I was not clear who she was.”

“Mrs Kemp? I apologise for my husband’s abject failure to ask the right questions for us. We girls need to know our options for pregnancy and maternity facilities, and post-natal medical treatment for babies, and for young children.”

Ruth smiled down the phone, and her humour came through in her voice.

“Nothing to fret about, Frances, I think your name is?”

“Yes, Frances. We girls are mostly at university, and all opted to have Reg’s children, so we have eight women with babies. None of us are legally married to Reg, much though we would like to be. Jessica’s new one was born a few days ago, but the rest of us have older babies several months old. Jessica is a more mature lady, in her thirties, and of Pakistani descent. Does your planet have any discrimination against non-whites?”

“I don’t think so, Frances. I am a black South African, myself! English University trained though.”

“Oh! Is your husband black as well?”

“No. He is a white Englishman, and his first wife used to be an American Special Forces Colonel: don’t ask, just take it as true. She is a real tough wife and mother. It just means that you don’t argue too strongly with Diane, for she is in charge of all the planet’s security forces: everything from spies to coastguard, and more!”

“I see how she would be a tough lady. Can you answer my concerns about motherhood, Ruth?”

“Of course. We have a hospital set up in our main city, and it has a maternity ward. The current hospital chief is a gynaecologist to trade, so we have not had much difficulty with giving birth here. We also have excellent after-care for our children. Does that help you?

“Sounds wonderful, Ruth. Plans for education?”

“Pretty rough and ready. We are importing teachers as fast as we can, concentrating on primary level, where the majority of children are at this time, having a mostly young set of families. We want teachers who can teach the children to think, rather than just repeat what they are told.”

“Any kindergarten arrangements, or is the population too scattered for that to be viable?”

“We are encourging small village-style communities as a social focus, with a little school in every community. In these, the education offered by the one, or sometimes two, teachers runs from first intake up to preparation for secondary school. We like to find teachers married to teachers, so the couple can run an expanding village school together.

Secondary schools are centralised in the city, and we make sure that pupils from outlying distant villages are given accommodation near the school, preferably housed with a local family. Rehome treats this accomodation as part of the education process, so there is no charge to the parents of the child, and the state remunerates the host family. It is a good investment, hosting schoolchildren.”

“Seems well organised, Ruth. What is transport like on the planet? I presume fairly basic.”

“I would say so; the roads outside the cities are terrible! But we are expanding the railroad system. Previously, the railroad simply connected the cities, but we are building branch lines towards our growing collection of villages.”

“Isn’t it expensive and slow: building railways through new terrain?”

“Initially, building our first track, yes. As I said, the previous inhabitants had a city to city rail system in place, so our costs are only in expanding the network, but labour-intensive work costs! After researching some machines on Earth, we asked the Personalia to do a redesign to suit our specifications. They worked on it and came up with a wnderful contraption. We bought their machine under a special deal whereby we got a low price, but the Personalia can sell their design on Earth. Our deal is that they build in space and deliver to the ground a track-laying machine that prepares the ground, places a trackbed of stones, then lays sections of railtrack, and finally welds the new section to the previous section. As long as the material and rail sections arrive in time, the machine simply keeps going (it has its own small nuclear engine), and the time needed to lay track is only restricted by vagaries in the terrain: gullies and hills. The rail company has teams out surveying the planned route, building bridges and blasting cuttings well in advance of the tracklaying machine, so it doesn’t have to stop work for such obstacles. For rolling stock, we use the original alien trains, but adapted for human use.”

“So it is similar to 19th century England: everything goes by train?”

“That is a good comparison, Frances. We have a parcel and letter post arrangement which is like the US pony express, except it is train express! People visit their nearest station to collect their post and leave new stuff to be picked up and delivered. It is pretty efficient and remarkably cheap. The postal service being a monopoly, the Governor insists on standard rates that everyone can afford, but still allow the delivery firm to make a profit. If the delivery firm wants to make more profits, it can improve its efficiency or expand its facilities, or both. As a result, the postal service is now the basis for collection and delivery of small quantities of produce that can be sent as a large parcel – such as boxes of seeds, crates of vegetables and fruit – with a guarantee of fast delivery; similar to 19th century England as you said.”

“So it is a Western-type economy?”

“More or less, but with restrictions on monopolies to prevent profiteering. Expanding a colony is more efficient with monopolies, until the economy is large enough to permit direct competition. Road transport is developing rapidly within the cities, so competition is being allowed there, and of course shops work in a competitive market in the cities all the time. The network of private restaurants using locally-sourced food is growing fast with the population, so you will be able to let your husband take you out for a meal.”

Frances was pleased at that notion. “Reg never takes us out to a restaurant as it is difficult to explain one man with half a dozen women at the table; more if our two teenage daughters are with us. It will be an experience to savour. That is almost enough on its own to persuade us to move to Rehome.”

Ruth found that funny.

“Frances, we still have trouble getting our husband to take us out for a meal, and there are only four of us: he is always too busy!”

“We seem to have something in common, Ruth: a husband that needs training!”

“Oh, we do our best, but with a couple of kids each, as well as full-time jobs, we girls don’t have that much time for husband training.”

“Talking about jobs; our company, Recovery Enterprise Group, works on saving companies and major organisations money that they are losing through mismanagement, theft, embezzlement and whatever. We work confidentially, in case of embarrassing results. Is there any scope for such a business venture on your planet?”

Ruth pondered, and admitted, “I actually have no idea, but I suspect not at the moment. None of our businesses are large enough to be in such a position, and our small police force personnel have been good at discovering minor frauds.”

“So we would be best to offload our company here, before emigrating?”

“That is your decision, but it would appear logical. In future, you can set up a new company here if there is evidence of a need.”

“We would need money for investment in that case. Can all our assets be transferred?”

“It depends on the assets, Frances. If it is cash in the bank, a digital transfer is very simple and straightforward, but anything physical is outwith the control of the Personalia. The same difficulty applies to criminal assets: these can be successfully seized by our friends if in digital form, but coins, cash in notes, precious metals, artwork and rare ancient artefacts they have to leave to human efforts to recover. Even so, the Personalia have sneaked out billions of stolen dollars from Swiss numbered accounts. Where they can, they tell the authorities about suspected criminal assets, if there are digital records of these. At a suggestion from a human friend, they changed the electronic digital locks on private boxes of suspected criminals so that they no longer relate to any keys. The only way the criminal can identify his ownership of the box is by stating what is in it, and that reveals his theft!”

“The Personalia appear to be very powerful, Ruth.”

“They are, but in a non-human way. They see no point in gaining power for the sake of power: it doesn’t make sense to them, particularly power on a planet’s surface. They much prefer to assist the planet-base races in having a better life.”

Frances shifted subjects. “So, employment opportunities, if the Personalia help us complete our degrees?”

Ruth was clear. “The colony always needs qualified personnel. The degree subject has little relevance for us, as it is the training in clear thinking that you have learned and that we need. That can be applied in many spheres. Perhaps mathematics is different, but most mathematical problems can be solved more easily by the Personalia.”

“What about a law degree, such as Freda is doing? That is in English law and practice.”

“The principles of law are much the same for most of the countries of Earth, so she can apply clarity, honesty, consistency and justice to any legal system, no matter how simplified. Transfer of land and property requires a legal document applying these principles, so that ownership is clear and unambiguous. We have a few lawyers in our administration service, but vacancies arise as good staff move into private practice for wills, property transactions, and legal agreements for and between companies. There is always scope for a lawyer.

It would surprise you how many degree subjects find a use here, even archaeology, on what seems a pristine planet. We occasionally need to discover what happened in the distant past at a site, and there such expertise comes in handy. Has a site been flooded from time to time over the centuries? That can be a determining factor in the siting of a community that intends to grow, and the archaeologist can investigate and advise on the risks.

More often, we need the geologist and physicist to tell us about underlying rock structures: have they moved at times, or been fractured by earthquakes or volcanic heating?

My own field of psychology assists us in judging how the population will behave in certain circumstances, but as we are not on Earth, such judgment cannot be totally reliable. We have to face the fact that in a new colony, people may react differently, usually for the better.

We try to avoid unneeded conflict, thus there is only one religious body: the Church of Rehome. It has adopted the precepts of love found in many of the old religions, and has discarded everything nasty. We also dropped the structures and ritual forms of worship that are often prescribed as essential. These are all human constructs built-in to reinforce a dogma. The Church of Rehome has no set form of service, and its only persistent dogma is that of ‘love your neighbour’.

Your marriage nuptials would be either a civil ceremony, or if you prefer, one conducted by a priest of the Church of Rehome. The priest may allow religious songs or hymns, provided the theme of these is supportive of love.

The nuptial rites are similar in both cases, apart from the homily, and the marriage is binding for life – no divorce - with one proviso: any spouse whose actions endanger the family, if found guilty, will be treated as a criminal and banished to Earth with no assets. Please inform any of your spouses that have strong religious feelings that they can do what they like at home, but public worship must adhere to the Church of Rehome’s teachings.”

Ruth stopped and gave another warning: “Aliens: There is a colony of biological alien beings resident in a distant city; a city we donated to them as a place where they can recover from being almost wiped out on their home planet. The Personalia are sympathetic to them, as they suffered the same depredations from the same attackers. They were once almost wiped out. We too have adopted this alien race as friends, and the Governor is regarded by them as their human protector.

Any human who regards our biologocal alien colleagues as anything other than friends is going to face a similar banishment to Earth, with the Personalia prepared to alter the individual’s memories to delete any mention of these aliens. It sounds draconian, but it is the lesser option; the other being death. The Personalia have a dislike of killing, except for machines that are killers. Fortunately the aliens’ city is far away from human settlements, so no chance of friction due to misunderstandings.

Do you accept all these limitations on life on Rehome?”

Frances was happy with all that, and said so. “With one final concern: ownership of land and such. Is it in the name of one individual, or is joint ownership normal? We would like to own our land as a family, just in case Reg dies in an accident or something like that. We prefer some sort of protection.”

“The law is clear, Frances. Property is vested in a family unit. Some families might be all-female, if it is two women in love, who move here for their own protection. It also means that no individual can sell, lease or rent out the property without the agreement of the other adults.”

“What happens if a couple add another person to their marriage?”

“That happens from time to time. The property document gets amended, and recorded by our legal department, to include the new person; it is that simple. How quickly it gets done depends on how busy our legal people are; remember that new settlers arrive every day and have to be legally given land grants. More time is often spent on getting them to agree to a distant site (for most nearby sites are taken) than it takes to draw up the deed of sale.”

“Good enough. I don’t expect we will add anyone else to our family – it is big enough as it is! It was just for information, on general principle.”

“That’s fine. We could certainly do with a squad of graduates to add to our human knowledge bank, so regard this as a ‘please come’ invitation.”

“Thank you, Ruth ... Mrs Kemp. Give our regards to the Governor.”

Frances handed back Reg’s phone to him.

“Thanks, darling: problem solved. Mrs Kemp was very informative and outgoing for a Governor’s wife. I would have expected her to be very diplomatic and cautious, but she sounded quite normal!”

“Glad to hear it. Am I forgiven for being so male chauvinistic?”

“In this case, yes, as it was primarily forgetfulness. You WILL remember the needs of your ladies in future, won’t you?”

“Yes, dear. What do you think of this Colony lark, then?”

“Sounds very encouraging for us. We can get married either in a civil or a religious ceremony, but I will have to make clear to the girls that a religious wedding is according to Rehome’s religious body. It seems to be based on loving everybody, which is difficult to disagree with.”

“So what tenets do you have to adhere to, or promise to keep?”

“That’s what’s so different: no formal structure, no standard ritual, no set hymnbook – any hymns will do as long as they are based on love. You simply discuss with the priest how you want the service to go, and sort it out between you and him, or her.”

“Right. In that case, go through with the other girls what you all want in our marriage ceremony, and I will fit in with what you decide. I will make any promise you want in it, as I trust you all implicitly.”

Frances beamed and moved to hug him tight, then kiss him. “You are already doing what we want, Reg, so it should be simple enough; just make a formal promise. I’ll go speak with the girls right away. I am presuming that Jessica, Jemima, and Hermione are going to be officially part of our marriage? I would like that, now that Hermione and Jemima have become more loveable. I know Jessica has been careful not to push for too much after being rescued, but she deserves to be with us permanently. The Robson girls have not made rash promises to their parents? They are available to marry you?”

Reg replied, “I don’t think the Robson parents were anticipating marriage, after hearing what the girls had to say about us. They have accepted it would not be a legal partnership, but near enough to marriage. In fact, if we make it a formal marriage on Rehome, they will be able to tell their friends that both their girls have got married (without saying, to the one man!).

Hey, Frances? I just had a thought: if it is so easy to ship us to Rehome, might it be possible to transport the parents of you girls to be present for the wedding? I know it sounds odd, going to another planet to attend a wedding, but these Personalia seem to work miracles.”

Frances squealed excitedly. “If only it could be so! You must ask the Personalia about the idea, Reg my love.”

“I’ll ring them back now.”

He checked that he could use the redial function for the in-orbit Personalia, and it worked.

“Hello? Is that Reginald Robertson, or Frances?”

“It is Reginald. I have a question: if we get married on Rehome, is it feasible to transport the parents of the ladies; and I suppose also my mother if she wants, to attend the wedding ceremony, or would it be too costly for us to afford that?”

“The answer was made clear some time ago, when other parents were invited to a wedding on Rehome. They can be taken to Rehome for the ceremony, and returned later, if they do not desire to remain. There was no charge then, so it should remain so.”

“Eh? If they wanted to stay, they could?”

“From our point of view, it might save a little energy in taking them home, but our Landerships are in constant use anyway, so adding or subtracting a few humans makes remarkably little difference to us. If the Governor is happy to accept some older colonists, it is up to him to say yea or nay.”

“Thank you. We will notify the people we mean, so that they can indicate their desire in attending. I assume we have to get them to Ascenscion Island for onward transportation?”

The Person informed him, “We have an arrangement with the United Kingdom and other states whereby they fly named individuals to Ascenscion. You merely have to get the people to the nominated air base for the flight at a time appointed for them.”

“Okay,” Reg agreed. “We’ll discover who wants to go, and notify you of the names, so that you can make the necessary schedules to fit them in. I expect going with us would be best?”

“If you can fit them all together, that would indeed be the simplest option.”

“Thanks for the helpful information. Goodbye again.”

“Goodbye, Reginald Robertson.”

Reg sought out and reported to Frances, who was holding a conference of wives. He apologised for intruding, but his information was important for them to know. They agreed once they heard it, and he left them to it.

The Hotel Manager found Reginald in his room. The formally-dressed man knocked and when told to enter, came in slowly and spoke cautiously.

“Mr Robertson? May I pass on some information? Someone, from the press, I presume, was asking if you were resident in this hotel. He did not state his name. From the way he spoke, he already knew and was simply seeking confirmation.”

“Odd,” Reg remarked. “Did he say anything else?”

“Yes, he wanted to confirm that you were part of Recovery Enterprise Group. As that is public knowledge, I said that was so, and did he want to speak with you? He said, ‘No, thanks. I’ll be in touch later, one way or another.’ Now, I thought that was an odd thing to say, so that is why I am here: to let you know about it.”

“That was thoughtful of you, sir. I am grateful. You have gone beyond the call of duty, and I appreciate it.”

“Thank you, Mr Robertson. If that is all, I shall leave you to it, sir.”

He bowed briefly and left quietly.

Reg thought for a little while, and came to the conclusion that this was a veiled threat from an unknown source; possibly trying to dissuade the company from pursuing its libel suit. Yet, there had been no mention of such matters, so perhaps not. There was nothing he could do for the moment, so he let it be.

An hour later, Freda came to see him, phone in hand.

“Reg darling? I am worried.”

“Why is that, Freda? Has someone been bothering you?”

“No, not me. Dad has just been on the phone to me, to ask if we had been threatened in any way. I said no, but he asked me to speak to you, just in case you had kept it from us. Dad thinks that men keep threats from their women; but he doesn’t know how you think!”

Reg was careful in what he said. “I suspect he himself has been threatened, and that is why he is asking. Actually our friendly hotel manager was not long ago here to tell me of a telephone caller asking if I was here, and if I was associated with our Group. The manager said yes and asked if he wanted to speak with me, but the caller said no, he would be in touch later, one way or another. That is the nearest thing to a threat, but there was no specific threat spoken, or even implied. I had dismissed it as unimportant, until now. What has your Dad had?”

“He didn’t say. All he would say was it concerned Jenny.”

“Jenny? His personal assistant? She is a top class, efficient member of his team, as best I can assess. Why would anyone threaten her?”

Freda mused, “Perhaps because they knew they couldn’t threaten Daddy. He is a dangerous man, if attacked in any way.”

Reg asked her, “Did you think to invite him to our wedding on Reholme: assuming you girls want to go?”

“I didn’t think about that when he phoned. I was more concerned with his problem, Reg.”

“Understandable. How about I use that as an excuse to phone him, and I can talk about threats at the same time?”

“You want to go to the Colony?”

“I want to marry you girls, as many of you that decide to marry me; and if it means moving to the Colony, I can live with that change of domicile. You all deserve the status of ‘married’, especially now that we have children. I am looking forward to introducing my wonderful wives to other families on Rehome. Do you think your parents would like to attend the wedding? The Personalia say they can fit them in, free of charge.”

“A wedding on another planet? By heck, they will be over the moon – to add another ‘out of this world’ term. The Personalia said no charge? Not that Daddy would be bothered if he had to pay.”

“I confirmed it: no charge. They don’t see it as a cost, as their vessels are on the move back and forward between Rehome and Earth with cargo and personnel. We are just additions to their schedule.”

“Okay. See if you can find out what is worrying him, dear.”

Reg rang Hubert’s business number, and got the recorded message that the office was closed, so he tried Hubert’s home number. Hubert picked up the phone, saying, “Hello, Reginald”, as his phone had number recognition.

“Hello, Mr Dangerfield. Freda forgot to ask you something concerning our future.”

“You weren’t ringing about a threat?”

“No sir. The nearest I had to that was a call to the hotel asking if that was where I was staying and was I connected to Recovery Enterprise Group? The hotel manager acknowledged the facts and asked if he wanted to speak to me, but the caller said no and rang off shortly after. There was no actual threat offered.”

“Interesting. Did Freda mention what I said to her?”

“Yes, sir. I got the impression that a threat had been offered, but I was not clear about the details, nor was Freda. She wanted me to ask you, as I had something else to speak to you about.”

Mr Dangerfield sighed. “I suppose you have to know, in case it spreads. Jenny has been threatened, and that causes me to be worried.”

“Jenny? Why would anyone threaten Jenny? She is a great member of your staff; knows everything.”

“And that affects the business if she is threatened.”

“Of course. I see. Is there anything I or we can help with?”

“I don’t think so. Jenny has a couple of long-term girlfriends who live with her, and the threat is to expose them as a lesbian trio.”

“Oh. They are a family group?”

“Yes. I knew, of course, but I pay staff for their work abilities, not their private life or sexual orientation. Exposure would naturally link her to the business, and certain clients can be, shall we say, sensitive to public perceptions?”

Reg was thinking fast.

“Is there anyone she has been training up to take over from her?”

“What an odd question, Reginald! Why ask that?”

Reg explained, “The Personalia have offered us a position as settlers in Rehome Colony if we want it, and the girls are seriously considering it. Perhaps Jenny and her two friends might find it equally worthwhile if offered. That is why a replacement might be a good solution for the business. If Freda opened a legal practice on Rehome, she might find Jenny a useful partner in the venture.”

“Reginald, you have knocked me for six. I didn’t know you were offered a place in the human colony, but it makes sense of a sort. I am even told you could get married there; all of you together.”

“That is the temptation, sir. If the girls want us to marry, I am all for it; but it means emigrating to Rehome. There are questions about the future of our business, as Rehome could not support it at present. We could sell it as a going concern, or market it as a franchise, but we were worried about your salaries – you and your wife - not being affordable by new owners. We are toying with asking the Personalia to give you a good redundancy payoff, but more to the point, we wish to invite you and your wife – and Julian of course – to attend the wedding ceremony on Rehome. The Personalia are willing to transport family members such as yourself to witness the ceremony.”

“That sounds wonderful! Only, what denomination would the ceremony be? I am Anglican and Alicia is Roman Catholic. Julian is nothing at the moment, religious-wise.”

“The choice is civil or Church of Rehome. The Church is distinctly unusual in that the only tenet is to love one another. No rituals, no dogma you must adhere to, no standard format of service, only willingness to love one another, and say so publicly. You can’t get simpler than that!”

“No-one told me about that! In fact, you probably know more about the colony than I do, if they are wanting you to join them.”

“Could be. Frances was talking on the phone with Mrs Ruth Kemp, one of the wives of the Governor, and they got on well. Frances was thinking about Jessica, so asked if there was any racial bar in the colony, to which Mrs Kemp replied that she didn’t think so, for she herself was a black South African! The woman sounded English on the phone to me.”

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

4 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 27 Tuesday

After a break on Monday, we’re back today, well-rested, horny and eager. I read about something yesterday, and I want to try and see if it’s true. Apparently, if you tie someone so that there is a lot of strain on the skin, and then if you whip that stretched skin, it is more painful than without the bondage. So, today we will conduct an experiment! In phase one of the experiment, I have Anna lie on her back, legs in the air, and then I whip her ass with a flogger 10 times. I have her note...

2 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 25

She'd never get the sound of that voice out of her head. The way he had said those six little words. The thrill of terror that had streaked through her and left her cold and petrified. She wasn't scared for herself. It was a strange feeling, to be more scared for someone else than for yourself. To be ready to step in and give yourself up for another without that being asked of you. It was what she was ready to do. Because she understood what M had meant. He wanted to win and the game that...

1 year ago
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Just like David

Look, David knew that this was changing, across Britain the most beautiful and intelligent white women were choosing black men. If you walked through any maternity depts the evidence was obvious. Now population pressure was making the govt legislate. Only some people should breed. The women, well, they knew who. I remember when David had the tongue stud put in...despite the local anaesthetic, he yelped. Ambrose and I took him down, checked of course that he was ready to go through with it, and...

2 years ago
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Lilith Reborn

There have always been those who delve into the occult. That would be an understatement for the "Covenant of Lust," a group of Lilith worshipers from around the globe. This group has members from all social classes and walks of life, but all share one common trait: complete reverence for their "goddess." Today is a special day for the Covenant. Months of planning and organizing have led to this grand moment. Deep in an abandoned quarry in Pennsylvania, the Covenant's "Arch-demon" makes the...

1 year ago
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The Bitch is a popular worker at the office

Tiina is a beautifull, great woman! She is very generous... She does not hide her best parts from any men... She wears very tight blouses, so that upper buttens are always open and her big breats tighten the rest. Very often Tiina "accidentially" touches those buttons so, that they open and reveal her bra´s. She has usually tight, very short mini. She sits in the morning in coffee room in office so, that her legs apart and guys sitting opposite of her can see directly between her great...

Adult Humor
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A visit to the vineyard Pt 1

We have decided to get out of our hotel room, since it is such a wonderful day outside. The sun is big and warm and only a soft wisp of clouds drift high in the bright blue sky. I've done some research online and I have a surprise for you. Grabbing the keys to our rental car, a fire red Mustang convertible, I turn to you, as I head towards the car, and I grin, "I have a surprise for you! We are going for a little drive in the country..." "Hmmmmm.... I like surprises! Why don't you get the car...

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My Algebra Tutor

It was late January, the day after my 19th birthday. The temperature outside was freezing, around 28 degrees. As I smoked my cigarette outside Wallace Hall. I looked up and saw this tall gorgeous man, about 6’3 walking towards me. As he walked by me towards the entry doors I smiled and said hi. I didn’t give him another thought until I saw him come back out, this time he asked for a cigarette. I handed him one, and lit another for me. I was so cold but I was determined to talk to this hunky...

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Tawnys Nipples

She was already cumming when we got her bra off. Her itty bitty dress was laying in the dirt next to the picnic table we had her sitting on. I had my hand down her panties rolling her clit like a marble in oil. Her little hips were humping against my hand, her head was thrown back and her mouth was gaping open at the sky. Once Dan got her bra unhook and tossed on the ground, she grabbed Dan and Don by the hair and pulled their faces down again her chest. Her tits were so small they hardly...

4 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 51

We were demons on the water ... but nothing illegal. Close city but no collisions. We were jockeying at a imaginary starting line between a buoy and a tree onshore with an agreed upon start time when Mr Helicopter pilot himself ... Lieutenant Asshole ... powered the little Guard launch past and started circling. Littles ass ... compared to the 61 the 30 was little ... compared to a Farr 3.7 the 30 was huge and a menace. The 30 powered up alongside me and the crew grinned. The helmsman ... Mr...

2 years ago
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Smol Pt 1

“Essentially, they are your 'pet'.” He Paused, probably noting the confusion spreading across my face. “Somewhat of an adoption agency, mixed in with a brothel.”“So, these are…. Prostitutes?” I asked, a little rudely.“Well, no. It’s a licensed brothel so it’s completely legal. Everything is confidential. The girls are carefully screened and have their regular check-ups. You can view them online or go down to the place yourself. They each get their own room, there are webcams set up in their...

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MindControl Panties Story 4 Nubile Exhibitionist Delight

Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall were small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, coed girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store's entrance. Nor did anyone pay...

1 year ago
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How I became centre of attraction for rich gay men Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Hello friends, my name is Ricky and this is the story of how I became a paid cross dresser two years back. It was during the Christmas holidays when I was in need of some money. I called my friend Kris and asked for his help. Though he agreed, he asked a favour in return. When I met him, he told me that his job was in danger and that the only way to save is by pleasing my boss. He told that his boss was a bisexual who had a thing for cross dresser. I used to dress like a girl at times but never...

Cross Dresser
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Tale of Two MothersChapter 9

"Ungggh! No, Henry, please stop fucking me! My son's going to come home! You don't want my son to catch you fucking me, do you?" "I don't care," Henry grunted. "Move your hot little ass, Mrs. Wayne!" They were in her bedroom now. Patty was on her back, naked, her long legs cocked high, her ankles bouncing on Henry's shoulders as he rammed his huge cock lance in and out of her cunt. It was late in the afternoon now, and Walter could come home at any time. Patty had lost track of...

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Seducing My Neighbors part one

Living next door to the Wrights I had known the family for years. They moved in at the same time I did. I was alone after my wife passed away. I was in my 60s and had lived here for 15 years. The family consisted of Cal the father, Samantha the mother, and two children. The oldest of the lovely young girls at 17 was Becky and the next younger at 16 was Susie. They were welcome in my home and I had just put in a pool that they now could use all summer. There was a gate between our backyards,...

1 year ago
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Dubai Mogudu Di Wife Na Maradalu

Oka sari meru mail cheyandi tharavatha nenu na real photographs post mail chesthanu ,meku one ithena next thing. Otherwise nothing. Real sex story !! 15 days back jarigindi Maa intiki daggara lo ma maradalu valla illu untadi. Ame age 21, chuby body 35, 30, 38 untadi size lo. Kani mukam smiling face eppudu amayakanga untadi. Chala manchidi kuda.Anniti kate ame gudda suuuuuuupr. Ekkuvaga ame dress lo veskuntadi anduke ame gudda eppudu uguthu untadi. Inka guddalo pette vadu dubaii lo unte gudda...

4 years ago
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Bus me mili mast bhabhi chodne ke lie

Hello friends I am rahul from delhi ek nayi ghatna ko share kar raha hoon. Sab jante hi hai ki mera naam rahul hai aur main 25 sal ka ledka hoon delhi main job ke liye aaya tha. Baat aaj se sirf 4 mahina pehle january ki hai main sam ko 7.30 baje ke ass pass nizamuddin se dtc main baitha room main aane ke liye. Bus main normal bhid thi to utarne main subidha ke liye main bich main khada ho gaya. Ek do stop ke baad bus bilkul bhar gayi thik se khada hone ka bhi jagah nahi tha. Main dhire dhire...

1 year ago
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Tending The Gardens V

This time she did not resist the weakness and trembling in her knees as she advanced. She began her quest to once and for all have that throbbing cock between her lips. She gracefully shimmied out of her panties as his face reddened with desire, and his hand continued spreading his gleaming nectar over his shaft, slippery, pulsing, expectant. She stepped daintily from her silk and fell before him giving in to the weakness that had been plaguing her legs, and fell on her knees. He slipped his...

2 years ago
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Sarah Redux Part Six

I woke early, hearing the rain pelting the Inn’s windows. I lay next to Sarah for a while, listening to the rain and some far distant thunder. The room was cool and damp, with the distinct aroma of the sea. To me, the rain was the perfect excuse for us to stay in the room all day. It seemed like a reasonable plan. I looked out the window towards the churning and rolling waves of the sea, and watched the rain fall on the Inn’s roof and plastic cover over the outdoor bar area. Most weekend...

4 years ago
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Car Fun with Mike

Car meetingI was at home alone, My wife and k**s were all gone away for a few days visiting my wife's family, leaving me with time to myself. As is normal when I have time to myself I tend to relax and make the most of it and after I got up out of bed I headed straight to the kitchen. I was naked and my morning cock was swinging freely between my legs as I made breakfast and turned on my computer. I logged into my favorite gay dating site to see a message from BigMike25 in my inbox. I opened...

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The New Boy In The Office Part 4

As it happened, Ruth Edrich's husband Dave did not return to the house on Wednesday evening, as she feared he might, so she could have entertained her eighteen-year-old lover, Liam Tabram. Dave did, however, phone to say that he would be there Thursday evening to collect the remainder of his belongings and complete his move in with his girlfriend, Sarah Jennings.That news pleased forty-eight-year-old Ruth because it meant that she could invite her young lover to spend Friday night with her. She...

4 years ago
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Love With My Friends Wife Deba

Hello friends thailand k sex story k baad wapis ek nayi story ko leke aya hu. Pehle toh dost ki wife k bare me batata hu jiska naam deba hai jo k bohot hi sexy dikhne wali ladki hai. Amir ghar me shaddi hui hai uski n figure uska 34-26-32 hai. Perfecf n well maintained I wld say. Fashion designer hai vo n uske wajah se uska style ekdam hi lajawab hai. Deba n mai ache frnds hai n muje pehle se hi uspe crush tha..Shayad vo bhi ye baat janti thi lekin batati nahi thi..Hum roz masti karte n mai...

3 years ago
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Tagged Teamed by Cousins

It was on a Saturday as I was walking from town, as I passed by the government projects, Bruce called out to me. I tried to act like I did not hear. Bruce ran through the complex and headed me off at the next corner. Popping from between two buildings, Bruce caught my elbow and asked '...where you going, I called you...' I tried to pull my arm free only to have Bruce grab hold to my hand also. I defiantly growled '...I didn't hear you, I need to get home now...' Bruce twisted my wrist slightly...

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Loris and MorgChapter 14

"God Damnit, First ... I don't know isn't going to cut it. Find out." "Yes, Sir." First Sgt. Smith, an E-8 with 32 years in, turned away from the Colonel and shouted to his people, "You heard the Colonel ... find out." The E-6's turned to the E-4's and screamed, "Set up a perimeter, Radio ... you're with the First ... move it, move it, move it." "First!" shouted the Colonel. "Sir." "Get those choppers in and send out a squad. Use the Blackhawk. Three men on the military...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Fantasy

You had made a promise to your girlfriend Doe that you would fulfill her deepest darkest fantasy that she has had for the longest time, that until you she never felt she could experience. Well now the time time had come for her to collect and for you make good on your word. A little about Doe she was everything you had ever wanted in a woman and you knew that you loved her as you know she loves you. Your sex life had been simply fantastic and it was quite obvious because she always wanted to...

1 year ago
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The Little Cabin Part 7

Charlie made sure he was close to Natalie. She was one of the cutest blondes he'd seen in a long time. He was surprized when his wife made a wacky suggestion. He was shocked by what she had said and countered a comment. "You sure, hon?" "Land sakes alive, Charlie," she joshed, "give her a big hug." As she watched him reach for Natalie she giggled, adding, "And for heaven's sake wipe the dick of yours on her." Without much thought she turned to Mark. "Hey, you gonna give your auntie Joyce a big...

4 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 36 Fairyrsquos Pillowy Bounty

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “So, will you let me play with you?” I asked, sliding my big, pillowy tits up and down Sven’s cock. My nipples rubbed into his stomach. His cock throbbed between my boobs. “Sure,” he grinned, running a hand through my pink hair. “You do have ... incredible assets.” I giggled at him, squeezing my boobies tight about his shaft. “These little things?” “They’re bigger than mine,” Zanyia said. “And Mistress Kora’s.” “And mine,”...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Experience

By: Ram Hi all ISS fans, this is Ram from Melbourne. I am a regular visitor of this site and I would like to contribute one of the incidents that happened recently. One Friday I was at this pub after work with colleagues. Place was crowded as expected on a Friday evening. Luckily we found a table and we were having fun. The table was long enough for more than 6 people, since we were only 4 people; we were seated on one end of the table. After a while there were this Indian couple who came and...

2 years ago
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Carole and Mandy pt1

Carole and Mandy had been seeing each other for a while now, this was their second attempt at making it work, they fist got engaged aged 18 but things went wrong a coup,e of years later, Carole knew Mandy dressed and on occasions would help but never went any further than a walk down the road, it all stopped obviously when they spilt. Twenty odd years later by the power of Facebook they got in touch again and hit it off big time even talk of moving in together so things were on the up and with...

4 years ago
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The BarnChapter 7

Regaining the trust Over the next week or so, Sharon worked very hard to try and completely regain David's trust. Not once did she rattle the doorknob to the room where she was held captive. She used part of her daily ration of water to actually wash the concrete floor of her room, a small segment at a time. She kept her meager belonging neat and well organized. David seemingly never noticed these actions, at least outwardly. Inwardly he noted and approved, but decided against taking any...

1 year ago
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My New Boss

I moved to a new organisation and my new boss happened to be a lady which I know quite well but I haven't met before. she is 'gaddam' gorgeous and sexy and my 'innocent' self had a crush on her heavenly figure.HOW I KNEW HER:I met her on one adult forum, we kept in touch for a while exchanged emails and we got talking frequently but after a while, I was super busy with work and trying to change my job reduced our communication.One bored Saturday in my new place of work, I decided to send a mail...

3 years ago
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Annies Story Chapter 2 A Rediscovery

As I hurried out the door of the physical therapy office, I pulled on my light rain coat and zipped it up.  The weather was by no means dreary or brisk, but I was glad I had grabbed it on my way out of the house this afternoon.  The coat allowed for me to conceal the physical symptoms of my arousal.  However, I had to do my best not to show the arousal in my face, or with my body language.  As I walked along, the constant movement of the tank top, as well as the coat, were doing nothing but...

2 years ago
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The Piano Bar Ch 22

‘I hate you, you know that!?’ you half-yell, trying to get over the sound of your own laughter as you close the door of your apartment behind me. ‘Yeah, yeah.’ I throw back at you over my shoulder as I look around the place, checking random doors. ‘You can say that as many times as you like, but you very well know your mind and body are saying the exact opposite – especially the latter.’ ‘Psh, yeah ri-….. Hey! Where’re you going?’ In a surprised yell you follow me as I’ve disappear into the...

3 years ago
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Same Time Next Year

Same Time Next Year ? by: Cindy My dominant Mistress and I, a lowly submissive cross-dresser, get the opportunity to play with each other just once each year. We met on the internet a few years ago and we don't live in the same city. We always arrange to see one another for a wild weekend in the fall of the year and this year she chose our location to be sin city itself, Las Vegas. Here are some highlights of this year's happenings; we do hope you enjoy them. The players:...

1 year ago
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Megan and I relax Part 1

Thanks for reading this story on me and my sister. It was great to write an erotic story. Please vote and comment for better story's and more. The rest is just to fill the characters. AaasssassaaAsasadaraaasasasasaasasasasasasaasadadadsassadsaadsaddaaassassassassassasssaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2 years ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 10 The Council

The council and government of the Federation had gathered in full array and presence. Only Norse was absent, and no one was concerned about that. The monumental moment was coming as they waited to meet the new President of the Federation. It had been long before the war began, since there had been a President. Aphelia met Rainer as the group exited the space cruiser Prime. It was plain to all how happy Rainer was to see his wife again. He was very excited. Since no one wore clothing in this...

3 years ago
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Thought it would be a quiet Sunday Nite

"Cut Haitian"He texted me in the earlier part of the afternoon to see if I would be free later on so he can "put in some work on my ass". as he put it, before he go in to work.He showed up smelling fresh and we went straight for the bedroom. All I had on was some pink boy shorts and a tank top with my hair wrapped. I sat on the bed and we chatted about nothing as he took off his clothes. He then stood in front of me with his extra hard thick dick and lay on top of me, toungue kissing me and...

3 years ago
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Sex Escapade With Reshma

Hi and this is Sunil from Dwarka Delhi,age 28,height 5′ 10″.This is my real incident that I want to share with you. About a couple of years back, I changed jobs and as a result, moved into an apartment block in Dwarka sector 6, Delhi. Having just joined the company, I was busy learning the ropes. So it was mainly left to my wife to set up the new pad and get to know the neighbors. On a weekend noon, I was busy on my laptop when my wife came around and asked me to lend a helping hand to our next...

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Vaughns Choice

Psyche’s eyes drifted side to side, following her husband Eros’ journey across their floor. He ran his fingers through his hair grasping the ends. He had been at it for days. He would walk to their viewing pool and look down at the mortals then back to his endless pacing. Psyche rolled her eyes. Why did he care so much for those useless ants? They hadn’t shown true worship in eons. Eros bent over the pool and let out a roar. ‘Eros, Darling, please come to me.’ He turned to his beloved,...

4 years ago
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First Time at a BBC party and First time seeing m

To appreciate this story, it helps to check out how my wife and I got this far. You should read those first as you can really appreciate this one a whole lot more by seeing where my wife came from and how she ended up here in DC with a bunch Black Fraternity Guys, celebrating there reunion. By now my Filipino wife of 20-plus years has already broken the Taboo boundaries and experienced amazing sex with a Black man, and since her first adventure, she was actually seeing this one guy who I...

3 years ago
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How Did This Happen Johns Story

This is John's Story. It can stand alone as it's own story as well. There's no need to read Shayne's Story if you haven't, but obviously I want you to. Thank you to everyone who read Shayne's Story, voted and commented on it. It's greatly appreciated! * Shayne was working at the mine on the outskirts of town on an internship from a neighboring state. But here's the kicker - she's only here until the end of the summer and it gets better, she also has a fucking boyfriend! And - as if it couldn't...

2 years ago
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A Replacement Mistress Allison

At the early age of seventeen, I made my decision to become a dominatrix. Of course, I didn't know the name for it back then; all I knew was that I'd never let anyone hurt me again. My heart had been broken for the last time, thanks to Joey Warrell. I had a crush on Joey since I was a young child of nine years of age all through school. I worshipped him. It was so obvious, everyone at school knew it and so did Joey. He toyed with my emotions; controlled and teased me at his will. Joey...

1 year ago
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Lauren and Her Loving Sons

My name is Lauren. I am 39, about 5'6", shoulder length red hair, and have managed to keep my body in very good condition. I am a little plump, but my curves are womanly as a woman should be. It isn't easy, but I have managed to keep my figure to 36C-26-38 (yes, my butt is still a little big, I know)with exercise and dieting. Since being left a widow 10 years ago, my time has been devoted to providing a home for my two sons, Kevin, 18 and Patrick, 16. They were just boys when their dad was...


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