ShawnChapter 5 free porn video

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Air travel was expensive but the only way to make the long trip feasible. We flew directly to Pretoria and dad registered for the symposium that would be held in five days. Through his connections we rented a hard to find car and enough ration coupons to get us to Bloemfontein and back again. An exhausting six-hour drive later we pulled into the judicial capital. It was getting dark and we managed to find room at a small inn.

The local restaurants were segregated as they were in Salisbury and dad decided to just order the food and eat it in our room. That night mom refrained from making love because we were in the same room with them. After all this time and all the intimate knowledge we had of each other, mother persisted in a certain amount of modesty.

The next day we left the small inn and took the borrowed car and drove as I directed. My eye was far overhead and I was able to see where the roads went and what condition they were in. After a few hours we stopped and had a picnic as mom had an uncomfortable time doing her business in the bush and not on a toilet. Japera and Lusa we used to this from their time in a small village. Dad held me in his arms and aimed me at some bushes and I propelled a yellow stream to irrigate the area.

At our next stop we found a publicly run roadside picnic area. I was almost four months old now and starting to walk fairly well. There was a very odorous outhouse and dad held my hands as I added to the accumulation a few feet down.

While everybody but me lay back in the shade of a large tree I scouted around for the geologic pipes that could contain diamonds. I knew that there was a little over a hundred of these stone columns. Not all had diamonds. There were two close by. One was barren, while the other had many small diamonds but at least a hundred feet down and extending almost three miles into the earth. There was no mining activity here and it was not known even if this deposit was registered. If it wasn't then this could make us rich but the majority of the diamonds were almost 500 feet down.

The top of the formation had been eroded when the surrounding land settled after an earthquake. A small river flowed right across the area and eventually joined a much larger river almost fifty miles away. Instead of searching the formation in detail now I checked the stream bottom and almost immediately found a rough stone about 12 carats.

It was only ten feet in the mud and I pulled it out and brought it to me. It was only about ten miles away and it came quickly. Nobody saw it fly through the air and land in the car and slide under the back seat. In the next hour I found three more of about the same size and they joined the first.

Lusa was getting restless and mom wanted to see more of South Africa. If we were to get enough bobbles for a gift we would have to stay for a while yet. I told dad about the success and he suggested that I let the air out of a tire on the other side of the car and he would have to change it.

By the time he was done changing the tire I had three more and a large stone of about 550 carats. We drove back to the inn and stayed the night. Dad was very excited over the stones, especially the largest. I had studied the way diamonds were cut and worked on one before dad's eyes while we sat in the car. The girls had the room to themselves for a while and knew nothing of my activities. A rough 13 carat stone yielded a beautiful seven carat stone and quite a few small pieces. One would be almost 2 carats. The rest of the stones I left until we got home. We would now have to fabricate machines to polish and lap the stones to give them the final touches they needed.

"Son, I don't know what to think of this. That large diamond is worth a fortune and even the small stones would buy enough medicine to keep the clinic open for years."

"The small stones I want for our family and the large has a flaw in it. I can only get a 250 carat stone and another of about a 100. The remaining 200 carats will have to be much smaller stones and diamond dust. These small pieces, we can sell to finance the clinic and some of the other stones can go as well. The other two large stones I think we should save for a rainy day. We will get much more if the stones are already cut."

"Do you think we should make another trip to get a few more? I think we can do it without getting the girls to wonder."

"If we need more diamonds dad we can come back another time. If I am four or so then we can go alone."

Dad did a lot of thinking. The prospect of getting more wealth was almost too good to pass up. The diamonds we did have were worth so much that it would even be too much to count. "I see your point and I guess we will have to be happy with what we've got."

We travelled throughout the area and stayed at outlying inns till the day before the symposium and then we headed back to Pretoria and registered in a large hotel. The only way they would accept Japera and Lusa was if they were our maids. Lusa was looked on as dad's illegitimate daughter.

There were quite a few doctors and researchers in the dining room and dad ate a meal with mom and me only. Natives were not allowed in this room. I scanned the room and picked out some of the more interesting people and found what they were doing and saw a lot of difference to the way dad approached medicine. Dad treated people and these people experimented with the disease in a laboratory.

I could see rows of glass tubing in their minds and different antibiotics used to isolate the elusive virus. The fact that the virus did not respond was no shock but they were trying everything they knew to try to find a cure. Much of the problem was growing enough of the virus to work upon.

That night we brought food up to Japera and Lusa. They were used to the idea of being segregated but it offended me to have to do this to gain more information. In a bid to ease my conscience I started to make love to Lusa and soon her mother started on dad. Mom was not far behind and as a result we woke up very tired the next morning.

Dad ate breakfast and sent room service up with a large breakfast for us. When the knock came to the door I was walking to the bathroom. I had to propel myself to the bed to look like an ordinary baby before mom opened the door. The native boy came in and looked at mom and Japera with the usual thoughts that males have. To play a joke I told the women exactly what he was thinking and Japera bent over to flash her backside. Mom not wanting to be outdone got me and started to open her blouse to feed me. Japera was exasperated and pushed the boy out before he could see anything more.

After we ate, mom took us out and explored the town. It was not much different than Salisbury. I checked in many times with dad as he tried to meet researchers that would further my education. Some of them were of no use and dad went on at the next opportunity. Sometimes there was enough new data to warrant further study but it became apparent that the law of diminishing returns was at work.

By the time the symposium was over we had all bought dad a Christmas present each. With gold at 35 American dollars an ounce, I bought a troy pound ingot of 18 carat gold to make some of the parts I needed for the jewellery. Mom did the buying and wondered at the quantity and felt that she and the rest were getting gold necklaces and/or rings.

We flew home that night and were in our own beds. I had decided on the way home that I would have to start on the bottle soon. My system was not up to too much solid food yet. At my suggestion mom took some medicine at the house to stop her flow and I warmed up my own milk from the refrigerator when I needed it. Mom was in some discomfort but it only lasted a few days.

The next day dad went back to work and I sorted all the knowledge I had gained. After the noon meal I examined the large diamond in great detail. I could see the existing fracture and tried many different patterns to see what would get me the best stones. With the best course decided I put the large stone down and worked on the remaining six stones for practice. Within three hours I had all of them rough cut and even the little pieces cut. Dad would be coming home soon and I didn't want him to cringe as I did the work so I split the large diamond and found that the largest stone was 168 carats. There were a 97, 60, 42, 21 and a few stones 10 carats or less. When they were polished they would be slightly smaller. All had a rich amber colour that most people would like.

I would clean up the smaller fragments tomorrow and just left the gems in dad's desk drawer.

After our meal dad and I went to his drawer and he opened it. His mouth opened then closed as he looked at the glittering gems. He took them out one at a time and placed them on his green blotter. Each was inspected in great detail. He looked at them all together and could only think of a crown where they would fit. His mind formed the image and could see it on his wife. It was still in his mind when he had seen King George VI once wearing his crown at a proclamation.

"Shawn, they are beautiful but are not as bright as I thought they would be." dad said.

"Yes they need polishing. Was it worth the trip?"

"It sure was. You better take the stones you want to work on and I would like to put the rest in the safe. It is difficult to even look at them."

I picked out four stones around five carats and many smaller ones. "These are enough for me. Save the two largest and sell the rest. I think the best place would be in Europe though. We are going to have to make some a small lathe to polish the stones and some copper to put the final touches on them."

"I think Europe is the answer too but some of the smaller stones can be sold here. With the money I can even hire a few young doctors and get them to do a stint in the native villages."

Dad was very preoccupied when we sat around the piano and listened to Lusa and then mom play a few songs. Mom was going to comment about it but saw that he was not worried or sad so she let it ride. Later I concentrated on the smaller fragments of diamonds and cut those up until there was only coarse sand left.

Dad was home late after going to some industrial supply shops to find a small precision lathe. It was delivered the next day and mom wanted to know what was going on. The word 'secret' was as good as waving a flag in front of an enraged bull but I refused to answer. The lathe was set up and I pictured the crystalline structure of each diamond and ground one against the other till all the facets were as polished as I could get them. A large piece of copper was rubbed against the diamonds with diamond dust added. Soon the diamond started to wear away and supply its own dust until the stones were finished.

The next morning after dad left, I pictured the jewellery I wanted and cut the gold to suit. After shearing diamonds the effort for the gold was minimal. The small block of ductile gold was stretched then holes punched in it then the holes stretched again. A chain was formed from a solid piece and no welding was necessary. Clasps were formed and a locking mechanism at the ends. Finally the diamonds were secured and the necklace put away. After making two more I used my eye to find one of dad's rings and with the size in mind I made a ring for him with a four-carat diamond surrounded by six one carat stones. My Christmas presents were now complete.

Mom, Japera and Lusa were wracking their minds for something for me. I politely stayed out of their thoughts and let them have their fun. It was only a few days before Christmas and it was difficult to not see the surprise so I told them I would only use the basic senses for the next few days. On Christmas Eve Lusa was very excited and after her lessons had her reward but even that did not calm her enough. She was almost boiling over with excitement.

When the house had calmed down I moved the one and a half ton statue to the place planned for it and set it into place facing the house. The large family of gnomes was placed throughout the garden to be found later.

Dad had bought a few yards of black velvet and I placed it inside boxes I made out of a solid blocks of rough wood.

Lusa was the first up and she went running to the music room door to peek in. Going in was not cricket but a peek was harmless. She saw gaily-coloured packages all in a pile. She ran back then to the nursery to get me so that she could go in more legally. I groaned and pretended to want to sleep more. She whined and complained and completely disregarded my wishes till I floated up and then to the floor beside her.

"We have to wait sweetie. The adults want to see us opening presents and I want to see them do the same thing."

"That is not fair. They want to sleep in when this is such an important day."

"Life is unfair sometimes. Let's go to your room and I will do something to keep you mind off the time."

"Ok." She took my hand and I had to propel myself or she would pull my arm from the socket.

With only a few minutes of foreplay she was demanding to be satisfied. I picked her up and made two phantom phalli to enter her lower orifices. It wasn't more than a minute before she was contorting all over trying to come to terms with the sensations flowing through her body. When she thought it was over I began again and this time it was even more satisfying for both of us and she collapsed, knowing she was safe. I floated onto the bed and pulled the covers up over both of us and lay down beside her where I planned to be for the rest of my life.

A half-hour later I heard the toilet flush so I got up to start breakfast. Lusa continued to sleep while I left her to it. I made sausage, potatoes, bread, sliced fruit and the obligatory pot of tea.

Dad came out freshly showered and shaved and said, "Good morning and merry Christmas son."

"Merry Christmas to you too dad. Did you sleep well?"

"As well as one poor male could with two insatiable women."

"I know what you mean. One is enough for me and she is quite demanding. I guess it will be different when I have the same types of hormones flowing through me but until then I will consider myself lucky."

The shower started again and I heard a little giggling. Dad heard it too and smiled. The women came out soon after and sat at the table. Mom said, "Where is Lusa on a morning like this?"

"She got up earlier and I had to calm her down so she would not get all upset looking at the wrapped presents."

The adults looked at one another and I stayed out of their minds. A few minutes later Lusa came out and sat at the table. She was happy it was Christmas but angry at me for not getting her up a little sooner so she could get at her presents sooner.

Japera said to her daughter, "Is that the way you greet your family on Christmas?"

"I'm sorry. Good morning everybody, oh and a merry Christmas too."

After breakfast I wanted to start the dishes but Japera said to leave them. Lusa took my small hand and pulled me to the music room. I had to elevate myself and float beside her or I would have been dragged, she was in that much of a hurry. I heard the adults laughing behind us. Lusa was given a paper wrapped package by mom and we all waited for her to open it. The girl untied the string and then carefully unwrapped the paper before opening the wooden box. It had many small pieces that formed different games.

She put it down and said, "Get Shawn's now." She liked her present but was still bubbling about mine. Mom took me aside and behind a corner stood a brass five-inch telescope. It was aimed out the open window into the garden with the new statue. Mom had her back to the view and could only see my telescope and me.

"Oh mom, this is great. I will now be able to study astronomy." I floated up and put my small arms around her neck and gave her a kiss.

"Japera and Lusa contributed toward this too."

I kissed mom again and floated to the floor and went over to kiss both of my other benefactresses. Before I could look through the telescope Lusa was at it and trying to see what she could. Looking in her mind I knew she didn't have it focussed and they looked out the window to see why the image wasn't clear. She stared for a while then turned to us and said, "Why is that woman in our garden?"

Dad got up quickly and looked out. He just stared himself and said nothing. His mouth did open a bit and stay that way. Mom came next and pulled the curtain back and looked out then squinted her eyes as if to clear them. She stood up straight then ran to the French doors to the garden. Japera was undecided whether to run to the window or follow mom. Mom won out and she ran outside. Dad was careful and walked around Lusa and I but quickly went outside too.

I took Lusa's hand and walked slowly outside in the warm weather. The adults were just staring at the image of the naked warrior woman with a spear in her hand. The face was mom's as well as the long hair but now it was tied behind the stone head with leather thongs.

Dad looked up and down the statue and he looked at the pubic region and saw hair as good as I could get it considering the medium I was working with.

Japera saw the stone breasts and the hand not holding the spear to be shading the eyes to see better.

Lusa was like dad and just had her mouth open trying to think of how this stone woman got here.

"Shawn... Shawn," mom said, "how did this get here?"

"I dug up a large stone and made it. It was hidden till last night. Do you like it?"

"Do I like it! It's fantastic. Any art gallery would love to have it. But what will the people think that see it?"

"I think that they will know even more how much of a beautiful woman you are."

Dad walked up to the statue and was about to put his hand on it to know it was real but stopped and brought his hand back. "It is very remarkable Shawn. I doubt if there ever was an equal to you in all history."

Lusa walked around the statue and stubbed her foot on one of the gnomes. This one stood almost twenty inches tall. She looked down and said, "Mom look there's more."

The spell was broken and the adults looked at what was before Lusa. After a moment Japera said, "There is another one by the roses."

Mom ran over to that one too and then she started to run through the garden in her housecoat looking for more. Japera and Lusa followed their own paths and looked too. When one was spotted she would call out and everybody would look at the location for later.

Dad said, "You never cease to amaze me. Even the gnomes look like they are real living creatures made of stone. If you can do this sort of thing you will be rich."

"Thanks dad but I can't do that yet. A four-month-old cannot carve stone. You could be my representative but even that will be too risky. Better it be a one time deal where the person left and wanted to remain anonymous."

"It will be difficult. Anybody that sees your work will want some for themselves and pester me until they get it."

"Let's say a native lived in the back of our property to do the work and after he was paid he left. You don't know where he went or where he came from."

We watched the girls running around the garden for almost thirty more minutes looking at all they had found. "Shawn!" came from mother.

She was standing in a thicker section of growth and looking at the small gnome that had remained hidden till now. Japera and Lusa came running too. Dad bent over and picked me up as he too walked over to see. Lusa was smiling and had her hand over her face to stifle a laugh. "What will the ladies think when they run through the garden finding your stone family?"

"It's natural. Even your ladies need to go to the bathroom occasionally. The small one looks like Lusa as a baby."

"It does not," Lusa said because she didn't want people to make fun of her.

"No it doesn't sweetie. But I am sure you must have looked even more beautiful even when you were relieving yourself."

Lusa was still a little put out and Japera bent over and picked her seven-year-old daughter up and said, "He is only joking honey. Shawn would never hurt you."

Dad came through as always and said, "Let's go back in. I want to see my surprise packages of socks, underwear and a tie."

We did go back in but mom kept turning around and looking at the woman in the garden and hope the gardeners would not make too much of it.

When we got in mom handed him a box containing a tie and he expressed his instant love for it. He did get some expensive shirts and pants though and these he did like better. Mom looked at the rough blocks of wood on the floor and wisely thought to ignore them for the moment. Lusa and Japera reached in and gave us more pieces of clothing. Mom got a new fluffy housecoat from Japera and a nice watch from dad.

When everything was unwrapped and everybody but dad thought we were done I said, "I have something more for you." I got down and picked up the appropriate box for each and put them in front of the recipient.

Mom bent down to the rough piece of a plank about 12 by 16 inches and saw the fine line around the sides close to the top. "Don't flip it mom. Just put it in your lap and work off the top." Dad had a much smaller one and he knew the women were getting diamonds and wondered why he was getting a box too. His opened easily and inside the hollowed our area sat a piece of black velvet and a large man's ring with a total of ten carats in diamonds. His eyes almost popped and he hesitantly put his fingers in and extracted the ring and looked at it between his two fingers.

Mom was busy and didn't see dad's present. Her fingers found enough purchase and the top came up one side then the other. She put the top down beside her leg and then saw the contents of the box. Her eyes were the same as dad's. Japera helped Lusa open her box and both looked at the necklace within. Japera remembered her own and frantically tried to open her box so fast that she broke two of her short nails.

The entire house was quiet for almost five minutes. Each wanted to talk but each decided against it when they heard no other talking.

Dad finally said, "Shawn... this is beautiful. I know you can cut diamonds but this gold work is fantastic. Something like this could only be worn at a very rich gathering and I would cast the image of a very rich person."

Mom added, "Are these real diamonds honey?"

Turning to look at her I said, "Yes they are. When we were in South Africa I searched and found some stones and then used my mind to shear them. The gold we bought there too and I just used the same methods to work the gold and form clasps around the stones. I copied some of the patterns in the jewellery stores but most of it is my own designs."

Mom and Japera put their new jewellery on and I went to Lusa and helped her with her piece. It did not look its best with her present clothing so I took off her pyjama top and it hung against her young naked chest. Though mom and Japera came close I thought my girl looked the best.

That night as I sat in the highchair at the table and fed myself a puree of turkey. I said to everybody at the table, "I think it is time I moved in with Lusa now. I have been directly fed by mom since she has taken the medicine to stop her milk and I think I am old enough to stay beside the woman I plan to stay with for the rest of my life."

Mom was choked at the thought of losing her baby but then thought a while and knew I would be here with her in any case. Lusa was young and only understood that I would be more hers now. Dad felt bad for a moment too but intellectually knew that I was not a baby in my thinking and that I had to make my own way. He was comforted by the realisation that at least now I would stay within the family. Japera was the only one that had predicted the event, even if I was still younger than she would have preferred.

That night we played more Christmas songs and then went to bed. Lusa did not want to part with her necklace but understood when I put it in her box on the table. We both had a bath and were squeaky clean for bed. This time I would try to inspire my woman with only my physical abilities. I crawled over the bed to my mate and started with out some of the preliminaries by licking he tiny nipple. She shivered at the touch but remained still otherwise. I started sucking now but found myself doing it the same way I did when I wanted milk and changed a little by using my hand to reach over and pinch her other nipple with my small fingers.

Lusa let out a moan and spread her legs for her fingers to start working on her clit. I could smell the scent coming from her and it seemed to do odd things to me. Before being born the smell was only a piece of data to be considered, now it seemed to work with some unknown mechanism to make me... I tried to think of the word and the only one was 'horny'.

I checked my penis and it was still quiescent but my brain was very active and wanted more of something but I did not know exactly what. The smell still intrigued me and I started kissing my way down Lusa's abdomen until I came to her mons. I climbed over her leg and continued to kiss her soft abdomen. "Pick up your legs Honey and hold them to your chest."

The legs came up and Lusa saw a baby use his strong but small hands to spread the outer lips and get close to smell the intoxicating lubricant coming from her interior. The head went lower and a small tongue came out and caressed the tiny button for the first time. This was too much and the familiar convulsions ran through her young body and she let out a loud moan.

I could taste the essence coming from her and could feel the shape of the small clit hidden amongst the folds on her small mons. My tongue stopped its attack and went lower and travelled into her depths. Lusa shook and shook from the intensity of the sensations coming from her mons. Always my probings before were delicate but never this personal as it was now.

I moved a bit and used my thumb to stroke her little button while my fingers stroked into her time after time. Eventually I added more and more but my fingers were still too short to reach her still intact hymen. This did not bother her for she started to throw herself all over the bed not knowing what to do with herself or the feelings running through her small body.

Lusa needed a rest so I crawled up beside her and held her to me. It felt right somehow as if this was my destined place. Moments later she came more awake and found a small hand holding her non-existent breast and small nipple. She came to one of her decisions and slid away from me and slid partway down the bed and looked at my small penis and empty scrotum. It would be quite a while till they even descended to the small now empty sack. Lusa gave my penis a few licks and started to suck the small organ into her mouth. For the first time I felt it stiffen as blood flooded in. Lusa was very pleased with what she had accomplished and sucked harder to see what would happen. My small cock got a lot bigger and looking at it I knew it was larger than normal and quite pleasing to my woman. Soon she opened wider and sucked my small sack into her mouth and ran her tongue all over trying to get me to have the same enjoyment I gave her.

After a few minutes I knew she was getting tired and I also knew that I would not be able to have that special feeling for perhaps years to come.

Two days after Christmas mom had a seamstress over to our house. The necklace she was given would be hidden or not complement any of the dresses she already had. Time was too short to get a new dress for the New Year's party she and dad were going to. She went like a whirlwind through her wardrobe to find something that could be altered and settled on a low cut dress that now would be cut lower. The fact that her breasts were temporarily larger made her think that the other women would just turn green.

Dad was dressed up in his best suit and of course his new tie. Mom had her newly altered dress accompanied by the necklace with a large stone and two smaller companion stones nearby which all shone on her skin. As dad was leaving he turned to see Japera holding me needlessly in her arms and was about to say that I should watch what Japera said, but he already knew that I could handle any problem better than she could. "Lusa I want you to watch out for these two. I am sure they will get into trouble." Lusa stood straighter at the responsibility put on her and tried to think of what she could do to help matters.

I told Japera privately and she laughed in her mind to not hurt her daughter's feelings.

The night was quieter than usual and we played with the games Lusa was given a few days earlier. As it got later Lusa went to bed and I stayed with her until she went to sleep then I got up. The night was very clear and I took my new telescope out and observed the moon. For a moment I wondered if I could make a suit with enough air so I could walk upon our celestial companion. When I started to get sleepy I put the scope away and crawled into bed with Lusa and she just shifted her body and held me to her.

Same as Shawn
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This follows on from my two previous stories, so if you haven’t already done so you might want to read them first.The Unexpected WelcomeI walked through the front door and shouted out the normal homecoming welcome “Hi Honey, I’m home”, trying to act as normal as possible so as not to betray the fact that I had just had the best sex of my life with Sam and Jackie.Sharon came running out of the kitchen, wearing a nice red miniskirt and a tight t-shirt, threw her arms around me and gave me a big...

1 year ago
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Making more than just a friend

She got out of the shower, picked up her towel and patted herself dry. She left the wash room, and went to her bed room to get changed. Today she would be meeting a new friend whom she had never met before. They had chatted over text and on line but never met in person. She looked through her drawers for an outfit that accentuation her best features. She had a really nice shirt that made her 32 C cups look like D's, and a pair of pants that made her ass look really nice. She found what she was...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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Sex With Mami In Tirupati 8211 Part I

My name is Manu. Doing my B.Tech in Tirupati. I’m a huge fan of iss. I want to share my real life experience this happened few months back. Coming to story her name is Lalitha (name changed) a perfect figure with hot body, big round boobs n round sexy ass. I first saw her on the day of my mama’s marriage. I immediately started to admire her beauty. Initially i just want to be in her presence n always talking to her. Gradually it became love. She is a conservative women. Always wears saree at...

4 years ago
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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl

Part 1 Fathers love their daughters. They will do anything to protect them and keep them safe, and that is how I ended up walking my 18 year old Ashlynn, on a leash haft naked, into a room full of horny men. Ashlynn is 4’ 11 3/4” about 89 pounds, with hair the color of milk tea, green eyes with little sparkles of Gold, her measurements are 33D 20 33 with a size 4 shoes. I tease her that nothing grows in the shade. Ash was growing into a beautiful young woman. Not super model pretty, but, she...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 467 Barcelona

Time to move on. The flight to Barcelona took longer than expected due to bad weather and air traffic delays. We still made it to the hotel in time to get lunch and change into lighter-weight clothes than we had in Belgium. “Can we go see a bullfight,” one of the kids asked. In Basque, one of the staff came over to say, “I’m sorry, but Barcelona banned bullfighting back in twenty-ten. Even when the ruling was overturned, we didn’t resume the practice. There is a lot more to see in Spain...

1 year ago
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A broken horse

tired and worn out after working the doors again in south east jolly old i wanna go home to my good woman.. and there she is stood in the most sexiest laced red and black silk line lingerie iv'e ever seen her wear in the hall way. My eyes scanning her up and down and i feel something move in my pantsShe looks at me and says "your not going to sleep yet!". so i was intrigued as to what little plan she had come up with she turned the lights down and slid between my legs and starts kissing them...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Panties Peril of the Dark DamselChapter 5

Clyde leaned forward and gently kissed Batgirl on her full red lips. Then kissed her again, more aggressively this time. His left hang grabbed her bare breast while his right reached round to seize her butt-cheek. Batgirl could feel his slimy tongue running along her mouth, eager to get inside. “AHH!” she gasped as Clyde grabbed her hair and yanked it down, the sudden shock causing her to give an involuntary opening to that invasive tongue. He was inside her mouth now, his hot tongue...

2 years ago
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Summer job

I am teen girl and get a summer job with my black neighbor, and he and other black fuck me.The bad economy over the past several years has been devastating to many families. It has also made it hard for high school students to get decent summer jobs. My father told me that he would buy me a good, used car, but I needed to work to pay for the insurance and upkeep. I started looking for a job in March, hoping to be able to start at the beginning of June.My name is Katy, and I live with my parents...

3 years ago
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I was going to fail biology. It hadn't happened yet, and I normally was an outstanding student, but a third of the way through the semester I could sense how things were going to turn out. So when the first low grade notice arrived in the mail, I was speechless but not surprised. There was just no way I could articulate the problem. "Well Mom, it's all Ms. Cortez's fault. If she wasn't such a slut I'd be able to concentrate." Even if it were true, I couldn't say it -- and I wasn't...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend and strangers

Hi guys…this is samar….i wrote the last story in which my sister simran is fucked by stranger sardarji’s in the market….she after the whole orgy she got pregnant with a stranger’s baby… This story is an incident bout my girlfriend nimer…she’s 21…and 5’6 tall…wid the best lean figure u can imagine…she’s cute..has smooth hair reaching her firm upright pointing soft round boobs….her waist makes a curve to that shapely apple shaped ass and a clean smooth edible pussy…we knew each other since 2...

3 years ago
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Me My Friends Fianceacute Part one

This is a true storyThis all started when I was 24 years old. I received a call from my friend’s fiancé, early one Saturday morning. She told me that she had split up with James. She wanted to know if I could help her move her belongings from their house to her parents’, where she was planning on staying for a few weeks. She explained that she had a few other people helping and what time they were planning on starting.I called my friend to see how he was feeling, I also explained that I was on...

3 years ago
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MexicoBefore Ms. Erotica knows it, she and MK are in Mexico, a small town south of Ensenada. Off season and off the beaten path, it feels like they have the humble resort to themselves. Their room opens to a balcony overlooking the ocean and a long sandy beach where they’ve just returned from a leisurely walk; just them, the waves and a plethora of shells that she delights in picking up and showing him.“This is amazing MK, I’m learning to not doubt you when you come up with suggestions that at...

2 years ago
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My Own Scarlet Letter

My Own Scarlet Letter By Couture I glanced down at my watch. Threeo' five. Katie was supposed to have been here five minutes ago. I checkedmy desk to make sure I had everything. Yes, it was all there. My grade bookand copies of her old tests. Three o' six. She was now six minutes late, but it felt like thirty. I felta drop of perspiration make its way from my underarm down my side. Okay, whenshe gets here, make sure she doesn't close the door, I reminded myself. Whywas I worried? She might not...

3 years ago
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Tales Of Yahoo Days

I am Sunny. The stories I will share here are of me and my erotic girlfriend. She was always ready to stuff her pink and salty cunt with my thick dick. This story is dated back to 2007. I was a regular user of Yahoo Messenger and Orkut back then. I was 25 then and was fond of yahoo messenger as it was my savior in difficult times. After completing engineering I came to Pune for a job and started working with a German company. As a salesman, I had to prepare and submit the reports quite...

4 years ago
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Mom8217s Bus Journey

Hello friends I’m not going to introduce myself this is just a fantasy story if you like my story then comment and please mail me at My first story was “Mom having sex in a marriage function” Well coming to the story it’s about my mom. Well the incident happened during a bus journey. Coming to my mom she is 38 years old 5’4 height 36 30 36 figure every one love to see her. So coming to story me and my mom were going to a relative marriage but we missed our bus so we were at bus stop with...

1 year ago
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From the dawn of time, Lustania has been a world of passionate beings, vigorous cravings, and unscrupulous hedonism. In its current age a time of peace has fallen upon most of the worlds Kingdoms, Empires, or City-States. People of every race are mingling and while racism is on the downfall it can still be pretty rampant in the Outer territories, or the newly discovered Outlands on the dark Continent to the east across the Blood sea. It the sky above Lustania on most days can be seen a world of...

3 years ago
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Erin and Jenny threesome

Erin and JennyPart 1When I heard Jenny coming up to your bedroom after we had been fucking I was horrified, I though oh shit the game is up and my head was spinning but when she opened the door and walked in I was astonished. Jenny is slightly taller than you at about 5’8’’ and she certainly looked older than sixteen she has gorgeous short blonde hair and striking blue eyes with a full bust that pushed out filling her shirt. Her legs were long and the denims she had on were so tight they...

1 year ago
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Its mid-October, here I am at Samatha's Exclusive Boutique, the best top of the line in all clothing. Anything you like from undergarment to any knock off from your favorite celebrity's red carpet special dress to even some crazy custom you saw on the newest action superhero movie she can make it, create it and in a few days you can have it. One of my friends Mark who is in the know of it all, informed me about her. I'm Vee, I am currently standing at about 5'2 at 160 lbs I am bulked and leaned...

2 years ago
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Best Served Cold Chapter 11 Return to the Excelsior

It was Linda's idea that the three of us go out together now and then. We'd travel a few hours to nearby cities on some weekends where there were new restaurants to discover, art galleries to visit, and outdoor festivals where she could show complete strangers how much she loved the company of her two men. I'm sure there were times when some might have tried to guess which of us was her lover after she put her hands on us, alternating her attention between us. I often wondered what they thought...

Wife Lovers
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Mommys Maid of Honor Part II

Mommy's Maid of Honor, Part II By Sandy Brown I sent Mother a text and told her I would be arriving home at around 3. I don't know why I rang the doorbell instead of using my key, but after having been gone for a year, it somehow seemed the right thing to do. Mother answered the door, looking radiant, beautiful, and happy to see me. It looked as if she had spent the whole day putting herself together. Everything about her look was flawless. The cute coeds at my college had nothing...

4 years ago
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Training CentreChapter 12

Friday morning. Exercise time, and the women were working with various exercise equipment. Mirosa Beeton was walking steadily, watching her monitor. It was less than three weeks from her admission, but her fitness was already improving and she wasn’t obviously short of breath or staggering. Bert Wood, supervising the exercise session walked round her, considering. Because she was concentrating and he was behind her, it was a shock when he grabbed her ample buttock and squeezed; she squeaked...

4 years ago
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The Conservative Poster Girl

This story is set in Hong Kong about a bunch of Year 4 High Schoolers, but has been translated and roughed up for your viewing pleasure.The story is told in first person but the characters are purely fictional :) It's about real rape and what not, so none of that 'victim likes it' crap. If you can't take it, don't read it. Cooked this one up within 3 hours, so apologies for any mistakes. Constructive comments well appreciated. Enjoy! “…it doesn’t matter! He friendzones all the...

4 years ago
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Our First Time

Nick was a virgin, as was I, but on that night we spent together you would have thought he’d had years of experience. I was a pretty young sophomore in high school, at the tender and sexually-peaking age of sixteen. He was a junior and seventeen. We’d been dating for several months and had spoken about sex a few times, agreeing we’d wait until we both felt ready for it. It was a Saturday night. We were sitting on his bed holding hands and watching a movie, and his parents were out for the...

1 year ago
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Covid Gloryhole Ch1

To make matters worse i lost my job but still had the payments to make on my new car. My parents helped me out but they’re struggling and I don’t want to have to sell it. I’d applied for hundreds of jobs and been rejected from hundreds of jobs. There was only one that I had instantly ruled out!! Sales assistant in a sex shop on the industrial park. As much as I needed money there was no way I was going to sell sex magazines and videos to dirty old men and have to look at them. The thought...

3 years ago
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StacieChapter 9

The next week two things happened on the same day. Stacie made a new friend, and we had an unexpected visit. First, the friend. Stacie returned from a shopping expedition. I was working upstairs in the office as was often the case when Stacie was out. I heard her cheerful voice on the intercom. "Darling, come down here, please. There's someone I want you to meet. Actually two someones." I came down the stairs. There was a baby stroller in the entry hall. Stacie called me from the living...

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Power Granny meets She Hulk

Power Granny Meets She HulkBy lilguy [email protected] Granny meets She Hulk on a beach..smut and muscle follows.Note- This was a commission I did Granny meets She HulkThere was a beach that every now and then was rented out where Super heroes, could relax privately after battle. It was an Inland that floated between dimensions, floating in and out of reality. This way character from multiple realities could go there to relax. It had a force field...

1 year ago
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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 22

When Curt called Molly on Saturday, after two days of school resuming, she had mixed feelings. Part of her loved to hear his voice, but part of her wished that the torment would just stop. "Molly, now that the Program is dead, there are quite a few families that are busted up because of it. There are kids here in Hooverton who don't feel they can go home because of the disrespect their parents showed by not exempting them. I suspect that around the country, there are even more. "You've...

1 year ago
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Change of TasteChapter 4

Sherry, Mary and I left for a resturant with Sherry driving. I rode shotgun with Mary in the middle of the wide Lincoln front seat. The girls picked the Texas Angus Steak House. Pretty exclusive. They said we didn't have to be members but the girls were recognized and ushered in while others seemed to being queried at the front desk. This was a nice place. There were individual private dining areas. Each one a very high 3/4 round plush booth with a rounded lattis work in front of the booth...

2 years ago
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Asian Invasion

Asian InvasionRecently, I was in the mid west on a business trip.  I stayed at a hotel chain that I thought was reliable but the first night turned out to be a complete disaster.  My room was like a sauna and there was no way to turn the heat down.  To complicate matters, my room faced the inside of the building where the swimming pool was.  Opening the door only caused the place to smell like chlorine.The next night, I was determined to change rooms.  I approached the counter where I was...

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Walking the Dog

Devin Dixon walked outside of his townhouse apartment. It was a nearing dusk on this particular March Saturday and the temperature was just a hair above 70-degrees. He was out walking his black and tan Manchester Terrier, named Duke. The dental hygienist wore a red tank top and a pair of black women's Canari Cycling shorts. The skin-tight bottoms showed off his gigantic booty. Devin had received his third round of ass injections four months ago. And, his derriere was something serious. He...

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Modern Mage A Hunters Dilemma

Gabriel Roarke had been a Hunter for over a decade, ever since he recovered after his family was attacked by a Vampire. To be more precise after that creature had killed his parents and then turned his sisters forcing Roarke to kill them if he wanted to live. He had spent six months in a hospital recovering from physical injuries he’d received from surviving that night and cleaning up the mess so that he didn’t go to jail for murder. He didn’t tell the police or the doctors, nurses and...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 10

Jake stood on the tarmac, waving both arms in wide goodbye sweeps as the small jet taxied out to the runway. Damn, he was going to miss every single passenger on that plane. He was happy though, that they would all be moving back to Palmdale within the next few months. Jake watched until the plane took off, and then walked through the hanger back to his car. While in the hanger, Jake recalled a conversation he had had with Erika when she told him how much she enjoyed flying in the copilot’s...

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Dr NoooChapter 8

He was rutting hard against her ass his cock sliding deep to her limits. Jenny was grunting with each thrust biting her lip clenching her eyes closed. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Smith appearing to be wrestling more with his chair. The doc was taking her doggie style on the floor his hands around her waist he wasn't looking over his shoulder instead concentrating on angling his cock high up against her virginal wall. Jenny coughed and grunted his fucking making her all fours...

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Dress Conservatively

“You’ll have a great time! With a presentation and two poster sessions your visibility is going to sky rocket and you should have no problem swinging a postdoc at a good lab.” Sarah sat on Chloe’s bed, chatting as Chloe packed for the conference. “You’re the star of the lab and everyone keeps saying that your latest results will get into Science, so you’ve got it made. You should be able to get time to relax - you’ve had your nose to the grind stone for four years.” Sarah continued to babble...

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Unexpected stranger at the door

Unexpected stranger at the door(fantasy)I had been secretly been cross dressing for about a year back then. I would go to Walmart or order clothes on line. I had my own place after military and college and was getting use to my new job. I was still single at the time and was able to buy a few outfits, wigs, heels, and lingerie for me to wear. I loved the feeling of wearing women's clothes but I was not very experienced with the feelings it brought out in me.One Friday afternoon I had got out of...

3 years ago
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The Apartment Part 1

Preface  This story is based partially on a true event. Someone very close to me found my profile on Prodigy (remember that early ISP?) and used it as a way to come out to me that he was gay. Of course I already knew that about this person. I just didn’t know that he was also posing as a woman in a bisexual chat room at 1200 baud… So this story starts with lots of exposition on that theme. It also explores a favorite fantasy of mine, but we’ll just let you guess about that. For those of you in...

Gay Male
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Wendy K

WendySome people might call me a sex addict, while others might just call me a slut. I don’t object to either of those labels, because both are fairly accurate.My introduction to sex came when I was just eighteen and a little naïve about sex. I thought I was in the house alone, so I walked into the bathroom without knocking, even though the door was closed. What I saw shocked the hell out of me. My older cousin, Robert, was standing in front of the mirror masturbating with a pair of my...

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Teenage Boys Part 3

The bell just rang and Jackson was excited about lacrosse practice. Not only did he love playing the game but he also got to see Owen in the locker room. After his interesting encounter with his friend Tom, he was even more excited to see if he could experience something like that with Owen. He packed his things and after saying good bye to his friends he went down to the locker rooms to get changed. He was hoping that he would happen to see Owen in there since he wanted to see his hot body...

Gay Male
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Battle Scars Ch 05

I was pretty surprised when I got to the house and opened the garage door that the girls did not wake up. I had a chance to unload Gabby’s meager pile of stuff along with her wheelchair, before a head popped up in the back of the Range Rover. It was Gabby, and she pushed up with her right hand as she held her floppy hand up near her lips and made a ‘shhh’ sound quietly, looking down at Annie, and then back at me. I slid Annie out and into my arms, with only a mild complaint from her. ‘I’ll be...

1 year ago
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Galaxy Porn! Do you want your cum to be in the outer banks of the galaxy? Well, do you punk? Do you?Look, I can’t help you with launching your semen into orbit. But one thing that I can help you with is helping you to find sexy fucking pornography that will have you cumming every time you visit. For that, you need to visit Galaxy Porn.This is where you will find a whole fuck ton of content that will have you erect and ready to get off in no time at all. So what are you waiting for mother...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Happy Birthday Stud

In preparing to slip into the body suit and shoes, her senses awaken at the mere thought of feeling them grip her; the vision of how it will look on her; and mostly - at his reaction. There is no doubt that she will be more critical than he will be, so she must like it herself before she'll show it to him. Of course, when that time comes, she will be concerned also with everything else about her appearance in addition to the clothing. She'll make sure she’s tanned and shaven very close on all...

2 years ago
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Sabrinas request1

"Hey Sam, thanks so much for coming over. How have you been?" She said stepping back allowing me into her home. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "It's no problem, what do you need help with?" I said looking at her and she flashed me a smile. "This is going to sound crazy, but first can we head down to the basement?" She said, and I'm slightly confused but just said sure and she turned around to guide me to the basement and I snuck a glance at her ass, and it was nice and...

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Two Nights Of Sex Showers In Otherwise Dry Boring Sharjah

Hi Friends. This is Arun. I’m 27 years old and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable experience on bed with a mallu babe Jiphy at Sharjah, which is otherwise a dry and boring business trip. I wanted to share this for the last 7 months but for want of time and to convince Jiphy to share our relationship in public rolled 7 months over.   So this incident between me and Jiphy happened back in February 2016 where me and my colleague were on a business trip to work with a company in Sharjah....

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The Every Day Life of James 3

Pop! Pop! Pop! I heard a window break and a car drive off. I grabbed my grip and ran outside.  The car from which the shots had come from did a 360 and shot at me, I wasn't hit but I heard screaming after the adrenaline had calmed down.  I looked behind me and saw that Mac's kid, who was about 6 had been shot in the stomach. I heard sirens coming so I ditched the gun over a fence behind the house.  When they arrived Mac's kid, Aaron had bleed out. They went around asking...

2 years ago
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The Widow and Her StepDaughter Getting Reacquainted

Brad sat on the couch, angry that he had to be here at this wake. He wanted to be with his high school buddies at the swimming hole. Yes, he thought it was horrible that his father’s co-worker died in that accident, but he only met the guy and his wife once.The only saving grace to this was getting to look at Cindy, the daughter of the deceased. He hadn’t seen or even thought of her since she graduated two years ago. Although she didn’t even know he existed, he remembered her from when he was a...

3 years ago
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Mundo Futanari

Jhon es un chico de 18 años que vive en una sociedad donde existen solo los futanaris y los hombres. El genero dominante es el futanari que son la mayor poblacion que hay entre los dos generos. Jhon tendra que cuidarse de las futanaris bien dotadas que buscaran cogerselo. Pov autor Pueden escribir lo que quieran pero cada capitulo tiene que tener futa en hombre. Disfruten y escriban porfavor soy nuevo en esto asi que si hay algun error avisenme. Hasta la proxima

1 year ago
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Horny Wife Horny Life 8211 Part 5

Hey Guys! I am back with the next episode of this series. The true start of what the title actually says ‘Horny Wife, Horny Life’. I hope you will love the sex adventures of shy but now bold Madhu. Madhu came back home after having sex with Om. Vijay came back home in the evening. Madhu did not talk to Vijay about the incident she saw. She had decided to keep it a secret and enjoy her life. She decided to be independent and not being shy any longer. Vijay went to sleep early that night. Madhu...

3 years ago
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Haleys BunchChapter 13

Haley’s turn: I have a strong suspicion that us and the Johnsons are no longer tied in the number of participants in our marriages. Camila Luna – that’s what her official name is, making her Carlita’s sister – is blossoming. She’s determined that nobody here is going to put her down for her halting attempts at English and we’ll all work with her, coming away with a dual benefit – we learn Spanish, she learns English. Now that she has an ‘official’ passport and student visa, she’s happy to...

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Blackmail Aur Femdom 8211 Part 3 8211 Girlfriend Ke Samen Humiliation

To get continuation please read previous parts of blackmail aur femdom. Unn do dinoke baad meri life tabah ho chuki thi. Divya didi ko pata nahi tha ki maine sakshi ki susu pi hai. Roj raat aur subah sakshi muze dhamkakar apni susu pilati. Roj subah jaldi utha divya didi aur sakshi ke kamre aur toilet saaf karta. Unkeliye breakfast karke unki punishment le ke office jata aur syam ko aa ke phir se unka doggy bankar unki gaand aur chute chatta. Wo dono bhi muze punish karne ke liye alag alag...

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