Confidence ManChapter 5 free porn video

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Dennis Gilbert was probably the most "sensitive," reserved soul at Brooksville High. Jenny Kennedy was about the most outgoing and brash. Who would have thought that their stories would be connected?

A sophomore, Dennis was slight and pale, one of those kids for whom the rough-and-tumble of high school was sure to be strewn with mishaps. And I just missed this one.

As I walked along the main drag of our campus I heard a thump, a few words and a burst of vulgar laughter. A few more strides and I came upon the scene: Dennis laying on his back, his books scattered, the knees of his pants scuffed and his face red.

"You OK, man?" I said, offering him a hand up, which he took.

"What happened?" I inquired, once we had recovered the spilled texts and other effects.

"Oh, the usual," said the blond-haired boy, brushing some dirt from his shirt. "Some of the local adolescent hoi polloi think that tripping me is tres amusement."

I didn't say it, but it occurred to me that using terms like "hoi polloi" and "tres amusement" -- French, right? -- were contributing to his problem. He was regarded as the sophomore class wimp. His appearance, his speech, the mystery behind why he never dressed for physical education classes all put a big metaphorical "kick me" sign on his back for those blockheads who wouldn't know a metaphor from a machine gun.

It troubled me that man -- that, is, boy -- could be so indifferent to the sufferings of his fellow man, er, boy, but I have to say that my attention was a little big distracted.

The school day was over and it was Wednesday, which meant it if it were a month later, it would have been time to meet Jenny Kennedy, the head cheerleader and a special friend of the most intimate sort. My pants always got tight just thinking about what lay ahead.

How I hooked up with Jenny, a gorgeous senior, was more than a story; it was more like a case history in psychology, maybe abnormal psychology.

Jenny, vibrant Jenny, was not only head cheerleader, she was president of the pep club, which consisted -- this year -- entirely of girls. I'm not trying to make any kind of social statement here, but the club decided that it needed some help -- preferably male -- in climbing ladders, hauling paint cans and otherwise decorating the campus for the big homecoming football game.

"You, you and you," said my basketball coach, one day at practice, pointing at me and two other poor souls. "You just volunteered to be the work detail to help out the pep club."

As conscription went, it wasn't bad duty. We got to associate -- "hang out" would be too strong a term -- with some of the minor queens and princesses of our high school while we tried our best to impress them with our sweaty masculinity. Not that it worked.

We did hang a spitload of signs and such, and Jenny -- as a reward -- offered to give us three boys a ride home in her cool convertible Mustang. By luck of the draw, the other two boys were shuttled home first.

Not a word passed between Jenny and I for the first long minute; she seemed lost in thought. I broke the silence.

"This is such a great car," I said. "Your parents must be really cool to get it for you."

Jenny sort of curled her pretty lip. "My parents are divorced. I live with my mom. My dad's a big jerk. I made him buy this for me."

"Well, he can't be that big of a jerk if he bought you such a fine automobile," I said, taking a position in which I did not really believe.

"Well, he is. Of course, he had help," she said, cryptically.

That was all the conversation until she dropped me off. "Thanks for the lift," I said. "Anytime you need help, just give me a yell."

Her face softened. "Well, thank you," she said. "Hey, I'm sorry if I've been kind of grumpy. I have a lot on my mind."

"Well, you look prettier grumpy than most girls do when they're smiling," I said, laying it on a little. "Don't forget my offer."

She nodded and put the car in gear, driving oh, about, 15 feet before braking. "What time do you get to school?" she asked, turning to me.

"Uh, I usually leave here about 7," I said. "I like to kind of clear my head in the morning and look over my homework and such when I'm fresh."

"Hmm," she said. Then "Bye" as her Mustang sped away.

"And what's on YOUR mind?" asked my Uncle Mike that evening, as I sat on my basketball in the driveway instead of tossing it at the hoop. "Gonna miracle the ball up with your ass?"

I cleared my throat, which I often did when cooking up some B.S. answer to an authority figure. Before I started my sentence, he waved me off.

"Don't try to snow me," he said, popping open a beer. "I've been bullshitted by doctors, lawyers, judges, hookers, shoe salesmen. I've been lied to by experts, me boy."

"Well," I said, "it's like this. There's this real sensitive, real smart kid at school. But the other kids treat him like a freak because he's got a big vocabulary, and he knows all about Shakespeare and Steinbeck and he doesn't play any sports or anything. He gets roughed up and pushed around a lot, and I was wondering if I should try to do anything about it."

"Oh, so now you're the new sheriff in town. You think you can go around righting all wrongs and avenging all evil," he said. taking a drink and wiping his mouth. "If you try to redress every grievance at your school you'll be at it 24 hours a day and still be backlogged."

"I guess," I admitted. 'I thought maybe there was something I could do for him. Maybe if I caught one of those jerks that bully him I could kick the jerk's ass and he'd lay off."

Uncle Mike drained the bottle and gestured with the empty. "I'm sure you could. But that'd be worse than nothing, because now he's the little faggot who needs to have some freshman do all his fighting for him."

I stood up and shrugged. "Well, then I don't know what to do," I said.

Uncle Mike was silent for a moment -- rare for him -- and then he spoke up. "Your friend, there, Mr. Gilbert. You said he was well-schooled in Shakespeare?"

I nodded.

"Well, Clark, me lad, have you ever considered the benefits of getting YOUR ass kicked?"


I bopped out of the house just as the clock showed "7:00" and began my walk to school. I was kind of pumped because Uncle Mike and I had worked out what seemed like a great scheme to strike a blow for justice on behalf of the downtrodden, i.e., Dennis Gilbert.

I hadn't gone a block when a sleek blue convertible Mustang pulled up. "Got any experience making cheerleading posters, fella?" came a voice.

It was Jenny, looking a lot happier than she had the night before.

"A little," I said. "I studied under the great Jenny Kennedy," I said, arching my eyebrows suggestively.

"Ha! You wish!" she said. "You wanna lift to school?"

A block passed. She hummed and tapped her hands on the steering wheel.

"You're in a good mood today," I said. "I'm sure it's the company."

She turned and gave me a slow smile. "You are the strangest boy. Most boys at this school think one of three things about me. They either are too scared to talk to me, or they think I'm a slut or they think I'm a frigid bitch," she said.

"Gosh," I said, "I can see why someone might be too shy to approach the head cheerleader, but those last two seem a little harsh."

She shook her head ruefully. "Actually, truth to tell, they're both right on." She looked at me. "What do you think of that?"

A beat. I looked her right in the eye, the way Uncle Mike had taught me. "I think you're the strangest girl. Most girls at this school think one of three things about boys. They're either too scared to speak honestly to them, or they think they're pigs ... or ... or ... oh, shit!" I said laughing, "I forget what the third thing was going to be."

She laughed back. You could feel the ice cracking. "Say, you wanna go for a drive before class starts?" she said. "We've got half-an-hour."

I was silent for a few blocks. It seemed like the smart thing to do. "So, you're a basketball player," she said, finally.

"Well, I'm a kid," I said, smiling. "Sometimes I play basketball, but that's not how I think of myself."

She nodded. "Yes, yes, that's how I feel, too. I'm a girl who happens to do cheerleading a few hours a week. I mean, your identity isn't defined by something you do, even something you did years ago... " she trailed off.

"Jenny," I said, "since we have been friends for, what, two days, I feel I can ask you this: what are so churned up about? And why are you so mad at your dad?"

She shook her head. Then, "Oh, what the hell. I've gotta tell somebody. For some reason ... Well, here goes..."

I listened with sober sympathy to her story. which she interrupted every minute or so with "I can't believe I'm telling you this."

Her father and her had been very close, all her life, maybe too close. It pushed her mother to the outskirts of the family, but what blew it apart was the night -- and the nights that followed -- when her father moved from a hug to a kiss on the forehead to a kiss on the lips.

She was 12, and she worshipped her daddy. His tongue in her mouth tasted good, and she felt herself get slick and itchy down between her legs as he drew the kiss out.

In a few minutes her tiny panties were dangling from one ankle, and she was groaning and mewling with pleasure as her father pushed down his shorts and slowly stroked his gnarly member into her preteen vagina.

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I make a pretty good living just from my normal job and I do pretty good flipping houses. I will, on occasion, do some remodeling too, but prefer not doing that. When I was married, I did flip a few homes, but the ex got pissed because I did not make enough to suit her. She was a bitch on wheels and very self centered. Somehow we lasted 8 years, lord knows how, I know it wasn’t because of the sex, because she could care less about sex and was usually one and done, with no...

1 year ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 12

Chapter 26 – MondayThis Monday is a working day for all of us. At seven Masha and I return from university after a long and difficult exam and sink down on our sofas. Ten Minutes later I hear the key at our front door and I know the boys come home. Home? In two days they will leave us. We had a lot of fun and I pity. This evening we decide to massage each other. 26.1 Preparation and Who with WhomWe take both mattresses of our beds to the living room and cover them with some towels. Masha has...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Eveline Dellai On My Way

Eveline Dellai has gone for lace over leather as she dolls herself up in lingerie, sheer thigh highs, and high heels for Renato. She puts a trench coat over the sexy getup, then heads out to meet her lover. When Renato answers the door, Eveline is instantly all over him. Locking lips with Renato’s, Eveline pushes him backwards into his apartment and onto the couch. Then she opens her coat to reveal her sexy surprise. Renato pulls Eveline close as his hands explore the sweet curves that...

3 years ago
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Rocky And Me

ROCKY AND ME BY JANICE My name is Mathew, I am fifteen and a cross dresser, I have an older sister, Joyce, by 2 years, which should tell you why I cross dress, Joyce knows but neither of my parents know I cross dress, at least I don't think they do. It was supposed to be one of those weekends when I had the entire house to myself as Karol, my name when dressing up. My sister, Joyce, had gotten a new dress a few weeks ago that I was dying to wear but we had a pact, I could wear...

4 years ago
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My Dad8217s Dark Side With Girls

My dad was good respected personality in our area.He was 45 years old but looks younger than his age because of his extraordinary personality.He is good friend to gangstar in our area.My dad does his job for 5 days that is from Monday to Friday.He does some odd job under gangstar on Saturday and Sunday.My dad stays with us only 5 days and that 2 days he complete doesnt comes to home.I used to miss time to spend with him as he never stays at home on Sundays.One day my friends planned to go for a...

4 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 3

I could feel someone shaking me. "Jonathan ... Jonathan ... wake up, you have got to wake up." The shaking continued. Why couldn't everyone just leave me in peace? Suddenly I felt an icy splash. I started to cough. Someone had just poured a glass of water on my head. I blearily cracked my eyes open. I was on the floor of my office, staring up at a little crack in the ceiling. I could see Jim's wispy blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. Jim was holding an empty glass, and wore an...

2 years ago
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Bus Me Hot Aunty Part 8211 3

Hii friends myself is back with the 3rd part of the story. (bus me hot aunty 3) . Guys, please don’t ask her number . Please, I can’t give you as they are from business family and have a good reputation in society. To jaise hi darwaza khula hum shock ho gaye . Uski devrani samne khadi thi . Uske hath me uska 1 saal ka baccha tha jo ki soya hua tha .Hum use dekhkar waise k waise hi khade rahe . Humme bahut darr lag raha tha . Phir kya tha mera lund sikud gay darr k mareee . Uski devrani aunty...

3 years ago
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Cupids Revenge Pt 02

by DG Hear and Jake Rivers This is a continuation from part 1. It should be read before reading this part. Again, we want to thank Lady Cibelle and Techsan for editing our story. * When I got back to the station, Charlie said she found something interesting. The pimp that was killed the second year was also a drug runner. He didn’t sell drugs per se, but he did pick up money for one of the mob bosses. I asked her where she got the information and she told me she went out and located the...

3 years ago
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Say Ahhhhhhhh

I began seeing my new dentist Pam about a year ago. She was a good looking older woman which made it more enjoyable to go to the dentist. She also used gas to put you under and since I didn’t particularly care for going to the dentist, this made it tolerable. During my last three visits I had the most incredible dreams. Although I couldn’t completely remember the dreams, I knew they were sexual in nature. After my last appointment I had to use the restroom before I left. While taking my cock...

1 year ago
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Cumming Clean With Cassie by loyalsock

I didn't always like oral sex. Don't get me wrong - Ilike to eat pussy, and the ladies tell me that I'mreally good at it. What I mean is that I wasn't muchturned on by a blow job. It felt good, yes, but itwasn't something that would float my boat, so to speak.Until I met Cassie.The way Cassie does it just drives me wild. One thingthat helps is that Cassie has braces on her teeth. Ihave always thought braces were sexy. The other thingis that she doesn't just jump right in and expect me tocum in...

2 years ago
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End Of The World

End Of The World By Maximillian Excaliber Introduction Have you ever wondered how you would spend your last hours on Earth? Now imagine that the world is going to be destroyed it's everyone's last hours on Earth. Where would you be when it happened? Who would you be with? What would you do? This is the story of one man and what he did when he found out that the 'End Of The World' was coming. I hope you enjoy it. Chapter One - "Restaurants" "Bruce, can you see that couple sitting in the...

Straight Sex
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How Do You Scratch A Seven Year Itch

"Do you want to wrestle?" a soft spoken voice whispered in my ear, while I sat absently swirling my drink with my straw.I felt a shiver run up my spine, recognizing that voice instantly, I spun my chair around and right into Shawn's chest. I did everything I could to stop myself from practically beaming at him.It had been seven years since I'd seen him last, and I could still remember the first and the last time we'd been together. He was the guy that I compared all men to in bed. So far, no...

3 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 4

Chapter 25 I awoke to the music of the alarm again. I stretched and wiggled my toes, taking in all the softness that was my wonderful bed. I loved the feel of the bra still on me and the weight of my breasts. The softness of the nightie on my skin and the panties I knew I still wore. I closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep, waiting for Lidia's arrival. Less than a minute went by and she quietly entered the room. I listened for her to rush the bed. A half second...

2 years ago
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Housekeeper moms best friend

As a k** growing up, I would often go with my mom as she visited her lady friends. At some point I began always needing to use the restroom while we visited so I could search for the ladies dirty panties. I loved to sniff them while jacking off.One lady in particular was my moms very close friend and we use to visit her often, both at her and her husbands house and their lake house. This lady was always very hot and I was checking her out all the time growing up to the point where I use to...

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AntonioChapter 5 Martha

“Rest here a little bit,” Martha said, “and I’ll tell you about my Larry.” And this is the story she told: “Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jennings.” Larry passed the newly inked marriage license to the desk clerk, He barely glanced at it. “Hardly need to see this.” He gave them their key. “Welcome to San Francisco.” They had more than six years of separation to talk about, but neither could find anything to say in front of the elevator operator. Being in the room with only Larry tied Martha’s...

3 years ago
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FACE FULL OF COCK An Erotic TaleI liked to swim. After my divorce, I had to sell my house with the pool andspa. The apartment into which I had moved didn't have a communal pool. Ijoined a health club with an indoor pool, but during the summer, I stillliked to go to the municipal plunge with its outdoor Olympic style pool. Theoutdoor pool seemed to attract a different type of person, people not sointerested in being champion swimmers. The people seemed to be there tosocialize and have a good...

1 year ago
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Federal Astral Transfer Agency

Federal Astral Transfer Assistance Agency I got in the elevator, pushed the button, and then flexed my toes inside my shoes while taking the ride up. For the upteenth time I cursed the dress code that meant I was stuck in heels. I managed to put on my "pleasant professional" face on before the elevator door opened. Mary the receptionist gave me a wave as I came in, and said, "Morning, Director." "Morning," I replied and headed for my office. Today was going to be a busy...

1 year ago
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Family friends wife

I have a few stories of a family freinds wife that I have a huge sock fetish for.her name is valerie she is in her mid 30's.she is blonde and about 5'8 with a 8.5 size foot. I am 20 now and since I was younger I have stayed at her house many many times.somtimes for weekends and somtimes for weeks at a was a place to hang out,I would watch the house or do whatever.I have seen her wear many different pairs of socks over the are some of the styles,they were either ankle socks or...

2 years ago
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My Son is Addicted to Me

I won’t waste time telling you how I caught my son spying on me taking shower or whenever I was trying to relax myself by fingering my pussy. I won’t tell you about how I once found my panties covered in thick cum in his room. I won’t tell you how I started getting aroused thinking about having my own son fucking me in my bed. I won’t tell you how one night I heard him moaning my name when he shot his cum in my stockings. I won’t tell about that one night I just went to his room, and in the...


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