Project: PrometheusChapter 26 free porn video

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Captain Joseph Briggs sat in the captain’s chair aboard the Dominant. It was a Federation battleship, Arbiter class, which had been slated for decommission. It was because of Briggs’ contacts within the Federation, which allowed him to purchase the frame of the ship. It was mostly panels and old wiring when he had acquired it. But he had the time and resources to refit the ship into a fearsome vessel once more.

Briggs listened to the voice who had told them to fuck off. She had refused to identify herself, but he knew who it was, as he’d heard her dulcet tones many times before. It was Inari Sunara, who was once his Wing Commander aboard the carrier, Maelstrom. He hadn’t seen her since the day she had nearly beaten him to death.

“Communications?” he called out, getting the officer’s attention.

“Yes, sir?”

“Triangulate where that transmission came from. I want to keep a lookout for the ship that told us to ‘fuck off’!” the pot-bellied man growled.

“Aye, aye, sir!” the comms officer replied.

The rotund man thought about how he’d nearly had that woman once. She’d taken much of the drink she’d offered, and she was feeling the effects of the drugs. But the batch of Devil’s Kiss hadn’t dissolved fast enough, so instead of talking her into doing what he wanted, he tried to force her. That was a horrible idea, because him getting physical had woken her up, kicking the effects of the drugs.

She’d fought back fiercely, showing the man who’d been her commanding officer no mercy. Inari had stopped shy of killing him, which he was thankful for, but he’d made that woman pay. More than half the ship was in his pocket and they’d done an admirable job of dancing as he told them to. It had been a bit of a stretch in some ways, but he’d fabricated enough falsified evidence to have Inari dishonorably discharged from the Federation Navy.

If he hadn’t acted as quickly as he’d did, she might have caught onto the fact that she wasn’t the first. Inari wasn’t the last either, but he had to be careful right after her discharge. It was a while before he felt safe enough to start up with his games again. He used drugs to seduce women in his command, turning them into doped up sexual playthings of his. It was something he’d done since his days at the academy. That was before he’d caught wind of a Federation investigator sniffing around.

He would have tried to do something about the investigator, but removing her would have been a dangerous move. Especially since his latest plaything was a senator’s daughter, which he didn’t know about until after he’d broken her. The girl had used her mother’s maiden name, wanting to get ahead on her own merits, rather than her father’s laurels. He knew that getting out while he still could, was his only option.

Briggs hated to leave behind his cushy life, but he hadn’t gotten to where he was by taking risks. There was no way he’d be going to a Federation prison colony, especially not when he had important work to do. His employers had been generous and had moved him to his new command early. It wasn’t ideal, but he still had many of the comforts he was afforded under the Federation.

Briggs turned his attention to the rest of the ship and how the crew were handling their stations. Many of them were former military, disgraced and thrown out of an organization they had served with pride. Just because they wanted some fun on their own terms is what got them thrown out. Many had turned to piracy and criminal activities to get by, after being ejected.

Like him, they were men who would make those who spurned them, pay dearly. This place, Veldhern, was just the first step. It was risky, but they had timed things perfectly, and had their own little game going. The first fleet which was the most powerful and well-seasoned group, was in drydock for repairs and maintenance, several systems away.

The second fleet, under Commodore Williams, was busy chasing a squad of decoys. Williams was a formidable and strong-willed commander but had an incessant hatred for pirates. That didn’t mean that she was an utter fool though, as she required confirmation of a pirate settlement or base before acting. The squad was playing things up, doing what they could to keep her occupied, while his fleet slipped into the Veldhern system.

Ana Williams was the kind of woman Briggs would have loved to have made into one of his playthings. That was before he’d learned of how she dealt with anyone who tried to take ‘liberties’ with her. Last guy who’d put his hand on her uninvited, nearly had his arm torn off. She broke the arm in several places and destroyed his tendons. The officer required several surgeries just to use it again.

Afterwards, there had been a court martial and witnesses came to her defense, stating that the officer acted in an untoward manner. He was her direct superior and as a result, because of overwhelming evidence, they acquitted her of all charges. The officer, however, was prosecuted and stripped of both his command and his rank. By the time the Federation was done with him, he was shipped off to penal colonies.

Such a fate was one that Briggs had wanted to avoid, which was why he’d been careful. He wasn’t careful enough though, as he recently heard that there was a bounty on his head. Briggs had checked back and saw that it had been posted by the senator and someone had smeared his name because of what the investigator had unearthed.

That wasn’t the worst of it, as many other officers, all women who had been his playthings at one point, had come forward. It was a complete media scandal, one which the Federation had done an admirable job of containing. They had got out in front of the media frenzy and downplayed the scandal. That didn’t mean that they abandoned the victims, though.

The ramifications of this resulted in a complete reorganization of the Federation Navy and Army. Briggs hadn’t been the only who had slipped through the cracks and fooled the psychologists and psychiatrists. There had been dozens more, many of whom were in positions of command. The Federation quietly had those individuals removed, making it appear as though they’d taken early retirement.

In truth, they’d all been sent to one of the worst hellholes humanity could have conjured up. One of the worlds in question was called Tartarus, which was a hellscape, and that was putting things mildly. The world had once been a mining colony of humanity until the war between the Federation and Confederacy flared up again. It was called Phaeron back then and was on loan to the Federation from the UCW.

The Confederacy, seeing how well the Federation prospered from the resources of it, decided to take it for itself. What resulted was one of the longest and bloodiest battles in their histories. It was an even fight to begin with, but once the UCW got involved, the Confederacy executed one of the worst crimes in living memory. On orders, the entire fleet was to ram the planet’s surface.

Ordinarily, that would have done little to the planet, but each ship made for active volcanoes. They fired upon them, sending every piece of ordinance they could into them, trying to make them erupt. It worked and once the ships were close enough; they dove straight into them. The resulting explosions set off a chain reaction in the planet itself, forcing every dormant volcano to become active in a matter of hours.

The amount of ash and toxic gas that was spewed into the air killed thousands before the world could be evacuated. That was well over seventy years ago and much of the ash and volcanic activity had settled since. But the world, which was being terraformed into a Gaia class planet, hadn’t recovered. Since reclaiming it, it had become a prison world and a forced labour camp for prisoners.

To this day, it was the single greatest atrocity the Confederacy had ever committed. The Confederacy was required to cede at least ten percent of the territory they owned to the Federation. They initially balked at the idea, but violating a world in this fashion had not only attracted the ire of the UCW, but every member and empire in the galactic community. Reluctantly, they did as they were asked, and since then, relations with them have been strained.

“Captain?” the comms tech asked, breaking Briggs out of his thoughts.

“Yes?” the round man replied.

“We have a location on that signal. It came from a ship known as the Darkstrider, a registered merchant vessel,” the tech told him, handing him a tablet.

“Excellent!” Briggs responded.

He looked over the pad, and a pensive look overtook his features. The Darkstrider, which had been an old Pioneer class exploration vessel, had been upgraded. It was more like a military frigate, with substantial upgrades made to it as a whole. Inari must have been doing well for herself as a merchant, if she was capable of affording such upgrades.

He’d have to question her directly once he had her begging for his mercy. The round man grinned, as he relished the thought of finally snatching the one that got away. He stroked his goatee, with lascivious thoughts running through his head, about what he’d do to her, once he had her. Briggs then started barking orders left and right, getting the fleet into attack position.

“You going to answer that?” Priya asked, looking Inari’s way, as the comms system beeped.

“I guess I’d better,” the middle eastern woman mused. “Hello?”

“Pilot of unidentified frigate, identify yourself and state your business!” a deep and slightly raspy voice demanded over the comms.

“Captain Inari Sunara of the merchant vessel Darkstrider. We were here on business to purchase supplies and goods for trade on Veldhern when this fleet showed up. We are here in our vessel, ready to render assistance. To whom am I speaking?”

“Commodore Arcan Saubath, of the Third Veldhern Defense fleet. Any assistance you could lend us would be welcome, captain. Fall into formation and standby for your orders,” the Commodore told her.

“Acknowledged, Commodore. Falling in!” Inari replied, committing them to the battle. “Is help on the way? That’s a damn big fleet!”

“We’re trying to send a signal out to reach the second fleet, but they’re jamming all communications!” the commodore replied.

“Jaesa, can you confirm the comms lines are being jammed?” Alex asked the AI once the line was dead.

“Checking now, sir. Wait one!” the AI replied. Her eyelids vibrated as she was scanning all available frequencies. “Confirmed sir. All available lines of communication are jammed. There is no way we are getting a transmission out.”

“Fuck!” Inari cursed. “Is there any way you can find a signal that they’re not using, so we can send a distress call?”

“Even with our advanced systems and protocols, we won’t be able to get a signal out. Though I have identified two possible ways for the comms lines to be opened,” Jaesa replied.

“What’s option one?” Priya wondered.

“That would require us to get close enough to the enemy fleet to bring down or disable the enemy communications ship. Sensors indicate the jamming signal is coming from there,” Stanley stated, focusing on the bulky frigate festooned with receiver dishes.

“Unless we get lucky, or an opportunity presents itself, no way we’ll get close enough to bring that thing down. It’s too well protected,” Alex told everyone, as he zoomed out from the ship and focused on the phalanx of frigates, cruisers and destroyers surrounding it. “What’s option two?”

“Option two requires both Stanley and I to find a workaround to disrupt the jamming signal. If we can disrupt it long enough for the lines to clear, we might be able to get a transmission out before the pirates can intercept it,” Jaesa replied.

“That’s our best option, unless we get a shot at that comms frigate. Get on it! Alex, you have the Darkstrider. I’m getting into the Banshee. Jaesa, prep the drones and ready them for lethal combat! Everyone else, battle stations!” Inari ordered.

Everyone exploded into action, with Alex taking the pilot’s seat, while Korsa and Priya rushed for the drone control nodes. Natalya charged to engineering while Kasumi hopped into the copilot’s chair, handling the tactical aspect of the engagement.

“Where are you two headed?” Inari asked as they raced for the elevator.

“Drone control. We can help in dealing with those bastards,” Priya replied, saluting.

Korsa was right behind her, saluting with both right hands. It looked a little odd, but Inari nodded, saluting both women back. The elevator deposited her on the first deck in seconds and not even ten seconds later; it opened on deck three. Korsa and Priya raced for the pods and booted them up, before getting their headsets on. They then stepped into the pods, adjusting their seats to be ready for combat.

“I also will help during combat,” Jaesa replied, surprising both Korsa, Inari and Priya.

“Aren’t you going to need every bit of focus to find a way through the jamming field?” Inari questioned over the comms.

“No, because on top of the drone programs, I also wrote a subroutine into my programming. I will be able to control the drones better than the programs I wrote, and in doing so, the programs will learn and adapt the new tactics and directives I will employ,” Jaesa responded.

“We need all the help we can get love! If Jaesa can do both, I say let her do both!” Priya vocalized.

“I agree. It’s a sizable fleet we’re up against, so we need to pull out every stop if we’re going to walk away from this,” Inari replied. “Finishing preflight checks and getting ready to detach from the Darkstrider.”

“Standing by on your mark, Captain,” Alex’s baritone voice came in over the line.

“Bulkheads sealed and cabin pressure is stable. Detaching in three ... two ... one ... initiate!” the Iranian woman stated.

The detachment could be felt, but only as a tiny reverberation through the ship. Inari had cleared the Darkstrider and powered up her engines, coming up on the ship’s port side.

“Drones, form up on my wing!” Inari called out of the comms.

“We’re on your port side,” Korsa replied.

“I’m on your starboard side. Ready to engage on your mark!” Jaesa replied, her drones taking position.

The pirate fleet launched its main offensive of frigates and destroyers, backed up by corvettes and fighters. The initial exchange saw some casualties on both sides, with multiple fighters and corvettes exploding. The Third Veldhern Defense fleet shifted its position, taking a higher point in the battle, making it easier to spot errant ships.

“Veldhern Defense fleet, we have incoming! A group of fighters are making a beeline for the station,” a frantic voice crackled over the comms lines.

The Commodore checked tactical and saw that an additional threat had jumped in, separate from the fleet. It was a carrier, with a small frigate and destroyer escort, that snuck in while they were busy with the main attack fleet. They had already launched their whole compliment of fighters and corvettes for the station. The Takharian soldier cursed as he replied to the call for help.

“Can you get your defensive shielding online before they reach you?” Commodore Saubath responded.

“Negative sir! Four waves are coming at us, two of which are corvettes and bombers!” the man on the other end shouted out.

“Damn it! Theta squad, break off from the main attack and intercept those fighter waves!” the commodore ordered.

“We’ll do what we can, sir, but we won’t make it there before those bombers do!” the commander of the small squadron of ships responded.

“Commodore sir, we might be able to catch them,” Inari’s voice broke in over the line.

“Captain Sunara? How did you break in on our channel?” Saubath growled.

“Worry about that later, sir! The point is, we can reach the station before those bombers do! Let us try to reach them, at least!” Inari begged.

“Do what you can, Captain!” the commodore stated.

“Aye, aye, sir!”

“Pedal to the metal, Alex!” Inari called out, as their small group changed course.

“Already there, Inari! Speed’s at Flank!” Alex responded, cranking the Darkstrider to maximum power.

“Jaesa, what’s the composition of the fighter waves?” Priya asked, readying the Darkstrider’s weapons.

“Scanning ... the first two waves are composed of Interceptor and Scout class fighters. The station’s defenses will be lucky enough to hit a few of them, much less all. The third wave is mainly light corvettes, with a few heavier ones mixed in for reinforcement. The last wave lagging behind them is nothing but bombers,” Jaesa replied.

“Bog down the station’s defenses with hard to hit targets and heavily armored ones. Then break said defenses with torpedo strikes, with no genuine threat to the bombers,” Alex growled, seeing that the commander of this pirate fleet was no idiot.

“The first wave has hit the station, sir! They are taking damage, but it’s minimal, as the fighters aren’t making any real concentrated effort to hit them,” Stanley reported.

“How long before those bombers are in range?” Alex demanded.

“Fifty seconds, sir!” Jaesa replied.

“How long before we’re in range?” Inari called out.

“Thirty-five seconds!”

“Think you can decimate the entire bomber wing in fifteen seconds?” Priya asked, hoping that they could.

“Let’s find out!” Inari stated over the comms as they closed in with their targets. Their group had left Theta Squad behind, as there was no way they could reach the station before the bombers completed their attack run.

“Almost in range...” Alex said a few seconds later. “Open fire!”

The Darkstrider opened up all its batteries and fired its torpedo tubes, laying into the squadron of bombers. There were twenty bombers total, more than enough to cripple the station with one pass. In ten seconds, half their number were smoldering wrecks, drifting slowly in space. The other ten tried to scatter, but Inari and the drones cut through another four, while Alex vaped three others.

“Seventeen bombers in fifteen seconds! That must be a new record!” Korsa enthused, happy to have brought them down.

“We need to down the last three before we can celebrate!” Alex reminded her.

“Damn it! We have incoming!” Inari cried out.

“Confirmed! Half the corvette wave has broken off their attack run and are coming for us!” Jaesa stated.

“I see them! They’re trying to cover those bombers!” Kasumi growled, angered that their prize was being stolen from under them.

“Nats, full power to forward shields! Kas, target those bombers! I’ll get us through this mess! Inari, you and everyone else, keep those corvettes busy!”

“On it!” came the harried reply.

Alex kept his speed at maximum, focusing on catching those bombers. A corvette tried to get in his way, but he just flew right at it, not caring what tried to stop him.

“Sir?!?” Kasumi called out in fear.

The corvette then saw that the Darkstrider wasn’t changing its flightpath and tried to get out of its way. It wasn’t fast enough and was clipped by the frigate, the force of the blow enough to send it colliding with another nearby corvette. Both ships went up in a spectacular explosion which rocked the attacking ships.

“Are they in range?!?” Alex shouted.

Kasumi then jumped and turned her attention to the bombers, which were trying to avoid the firefight around them. They had finally escaped the melee of ships and were targeting the station. One of them fired a few torpedoes, which raced for the station, but the bomber was annihilated seconds later. Its compatriots tried to pull evasive maneuvers, but didn’t move fast enough, as they joined their wing mates in oblivion.

“Veldhern station, you have incoming torpedoes! Brace for impact!” Alex called out over the comms.

“We see them, Darkstrider! Concentrating fire!” came the reply.

Several defensive cannons broke off from trying to shoot down the pesky fighters and focused on the incoming torpedoes. The shots weren’t precise, but the volley of laser fire was more than enough to detonate the projectiles before they reached the station. A whoop of triumph sounded over the line as the cannons went back to going after the fighter wing.

“Thanks for the assist, Darkstrider! We could use a hand with these bastards harassing us!” the station called back.

“Already on it! Dealing with the wing of corvettes!” Alex called out, moving the ship to assist Inari. She was deftly dipping and dodging some incoming fire while shooting back. Four more corvettes lay wrecked on top of the two Alex had smashed, which was a testament to Inari’s piloting skills.

“Darkstrider, we could use an assist right about now!” Inari shouted, as three corvettes were on her tail.

“Keep leading them along, I’ve got them!” Kasumi replied, as she focused the Darkstrider’s batteries on the closest ship. Laser fire lanced out and punched through the corvette’s shields in a matter of seconds. A few seconds more and it was a fiery ruin, joining the flotilla of wreckage that was filling up their sector of space.

“Still got two more back there!” Inari growled.

“I’ve got a lock! Firing!” Jaesa’s voice called out.

After a few seconds, two of the fighter drones screamed in, firing torpedoes and pulsar cannons. Their shields had dropped seconds before the torpedoes hit, further damaging the corvette’s armor. The explosive blasts of the ordinance threw the ships off their pursuit long enough for Kasumi to lock on and finish the job.

“Thanks, Jaesa!” Inari replied thankfully. “I appreciate the assist!”

“Not a problem, Captain, but we should finish off what we can!” the AI reminded her.

“Aye! Let’s finish these bastards!” Kasumi agreed over the comms.

The ships turned their focus to the remaining fighters, which were still harassing the station. Some fighters had enough sense to bug out when the Darkstrider and Banshee approached. Those fighters turned tail and put full power to their engines, regrouping with the carrier and its escorts. Between the defense cannons, the Darkstrider, the Banshee and her drone wing, the remaining fighters were soon reduced to scrap.

“Not so brave now, are they?” Priya cackled gleefully.

“No, they are not. But when behind those guys, they’ll be much bolder,” Alex pointed out, gesturing to the holograms of its escort group. The fighters and few corvettes that remained moved to dock with the carrier. The carrier and its escorts, consisting of six frigates, three destroyers and one cruiser, fired up their engines.

“Looks like we pissed them off!” Inari groaned.

“Theta squad have taken up defensive position around Veldhern station!” Kasumi grinned.

“We should withdraw and reinforce Theta squad,” Priya suggested.

“No,” Alex stated.

“Alex, it’s the one move we have! We can’t fight those bastards! We’re outgunned!” Kasumi implored.

“Yes, we can! Nats, how’s our power levels look?”

“The reactor’s stable and power drain so far is minimal!” Natalya reported.

“Time to break out the new toy!” Alex grinned.

“New toy? What new toy?” Inari asked, both concerned and curious.

“Kas, you see that console right next to you that is dormant? Wake it up,” Alex told his co-pilot. Kasumi looked confused but did as she was ordered and booted up the console. It took a matter of seconds before it powered up and the moment it did, the woman’s confusion was wiped away.

“Is this...” Kasumi gasped; her face awed by what she was seeing.

“Yup! Had it installed in case we ever found ourselves in a situation like this!” Alex told her. Kasumi’s hands flew across the console as she initiated the sequences to ready the weapon.

“Stanley! Bring the Hades Cannon systems online!” Kasumi called out.

“Hades Cannon?” Priya yipped.

“Routing power to the dormant subsystems ... Hades Cannon, online!” Stanley reported.

“Nats, full power to thrusters!” Alex ordered.

“You got it!”

“Inari, ladies, on me! I need to you to watch my wing while I line up the shot!” Alex told them.

“We’re on it!” Inari shouted, which was echoed by the others who were flying the drones.

“Target, sir?” Kasumi queried.

“The nearest destroyer. Stanley, how long before we’re in range?” Alex asked.

“Thirty seconds, sir!”

“OK everyone, buckle up! This is going to get bumpy!” Alex told them.

“Are they ... attacking us?” Captain Lourdes scoffed, thinking the pilot of the frigate was out of his mind.

“Looks like it, sir! Should be easy enough to bring down, with our battle group reinforcing us,” the Falchion’s tactical officer replied.

“They still could do considerable damage, if we let them get too close, sir,” the XO told him.

“Why do you think I have three of our frigate’s forming a defensive line in front of us? You worry too much, Raymond!” the captain told him.

The XO stared at the incoming ship and had an uneasy feeling in his gut. Logic dictated that the ship was no real trouble and would be summarily destroyed. Yet, something else was niggling at the back of his head. It was almost like it was something was warning him about ... something. The man left the bridge and headed down to an escape pod.

The last time he’d had a feeling like this was when he decided against doing a job running a shipment of Neurocaine. The drug was a top shelf psychoactive stimulant, easily three times more powerful than cocaine. It looked like everything would go easy, both shipment and delivery, as his friend had told him. Ray thought better of it and turned his friend down, despite repeated pleas to go with him.

It turned out that Raymond’s instincts were correct on the matter. He’d heard later that the gang the Neurocaine was delivered to, had taken the shipment, kept the money and enslaved his friend. The gang themselves were hunted down, as it was a Takharian war band they’d crossed. They were not pleased when they’d learned they were double crossed and they were not kind to them.

The war band made it their personal mission to break this gang for their transgressions against them. Not only was the power of the gang broken, but the war band had gone and made an example of them. They tore the bastards to pieces, literally, as the Takharians were supremely pissed. They not only broke the gang but also assumed all their possessions and contracts.

Of the slaves they had taken, Raymond had heard nothing about their fate. At least not for a while. He ran into his friend, Harold, nearly a year after the incident. The poor guy wasn’t the same as he used to be. The way he moved, the way he spoke and the light that was in his eyes every time Ray would talk to him, it was gone. Since that incident, Raymond learned to trust his instincts and always would.

“Five seconds, sir!” Stanley told Alex.

“Kasumi, is the Hades Cannon charged?” Alex asked.

“Aye, sir!” she replied as the Darkstrider vibrated against the oncoming fire. “Cannon is charged and ready on your order, sir!”

“Stanley, effective damage range?” Alex called out.

“Eighty-three percent effectiveness, sir!” Stanley responded.

“Destroyer sighted in! It’s now or never, sir!” Kasumi told him.


A loud thrumming sound built up just beneath the ship, before a brilliant yellow-white beam shot out from beneath the Darkstrider. The incandescent beam moved fast, faster than anyone could track, and it hammered into the destroyer, less than twenty kilometers away. The destroyer’s shields held, for all of three seconds, before they wilted away, overwhelmed by the sheer power of the Hades cannon.

The bow of the ship melted almost instantly, the beam coring right through it. Not even ten seconds later, the beam exited out of the rear of the ship. The remaining vessels stopped firing for a split second, awed by the raw power they had witnessed. No one there knew that such weapons existed and were staring in disbelief at the destroyer which had been effectively, skewered.

“Inari, drop a pair of torpedoes in there and pull up hard!” Alex told her, already bringing the Darkstrider into a vertical climb.

Inari snapped out of her daze and locked onto her target, before launching a pair of torpedoes. The projectiles flew true and sought the central point of the destroyer before detonating. Inari was already in her climb by that point, not even five seconds behind the Darkstrider.

“Inari, ladies, pull ahead of me! Your shields won’t hold!” Alex called out.

Seeing what the man was getting at, they did as he asked, pulling in front of him just seconds before the derelict destroyer’s reactor went critical. The resulting explosion rocked the surrounding vessels, sending several of them off course. The Darkstrider, Banshee and drones were far enough away where the explosion buffeted them some but did minimal damage to their shields.

“Kas, scan the pirate ships, tell me which ones have their shields knocked out!” Alex called out, reversing half the engines, so he literally turned on the spot. Inari was right behind him, familiar with the maneuver.

Same as Project: Prometheus
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Project Epsilon A Sexual Fantasy

30th October, 2012 22:05Prague Centre for Astro Surveillance, Czech Republic For Tomáš Dusek his shift at the PCAS started normally enough. The bank of lights and screens, which monitored the night sky were on stand by. No UFOs had been reported for over two weeks. A meteor shower at the end of September had caused some interest, but that was about it. Tomáš was enjoying a cup of coffee when his phone rang. It was the information desk. “Tomáš, you might want to check this out. It could be...

Straight Sex
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Project ManagerChapter 4

When Carley picked Scott up later he told her kiddingly that she cleaned up well. He could see her blush when he said that. He honestly thought she did look good in the dress she was wearing. He told her that she was going to attract a number of men with her good looks. With no hesitation on her part she said, “It’s not men that I want to attract.” That remark told Scott he should keep his mouth shut and if he was going to be lucky to find some female companionship tonight it wasn’t going...

2 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 2

“Are you serious?” came Natalya’s incredulous voice over the intercom. “Come on up and see for yourself,” Inari replied, her voice still quiet. The clamor of movement from behind her let her know everyone had left their posts to get a good look. “Oh, my God!” Priya and Natalya said at the same time. The lights were still flashing across the hull from their position, but the name of the ship was clear as day. “Looks like those legends you told me about are true Nats,” Korsa said. “Yeah,”...

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Project World Pen

Matt walked along the sidewalk trying to forget how much his life sucked. His overbearing mother and three sisters were making him miserable. Thinking back on it he should have gone to college out of state instead of attending the local university to save money. Looking at his watch he realized he was running late for work and started to move faster as he cursed his sister for taking his car without asking. Getting to the lab he tried to catch his breath as he rode the elevator down to the...

Mind Control
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Project NERD Chapter 3

The next day in school Kimberly was talking with Melissa and Heather while she got her books out of her locker for her next class."I went over to Theodore's house last night. I told him it was to work on the project, but I didn't tell him WHICH project! He just assumed it was the biology project for Grody Brody's class!"The girls all giggled knowing what she meant. "Yeah, I got all dolled up and I wore my slinky red minidress and my black CFM's.""You didn't!" Heather gasped. They...

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Project 13

Welcome to Project 13 For those who have fallowed my clues, i thank you for taking the time to decode my challenge, it is good to know i have such loyal fans, after reading so many story's on this site, it has giving me so many idea's, so i have desided to mash 2 story's of mine together....a challenge if you will.... anyway, Welcome to Project 13 Project 13 is now open for writers

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Project BND

Pain Your muscles ache and your mind throbs. Its difficult to collect your thoughts in the agony that rends your brain. You feel weightless and with a form only defined by what hurts. Accompaning this is that of something covering your mouth and nose. You gather the strength to open your eyes. Everything is blurred and difficult to make out. Your eyes begin to sting from chemicals and the surrounding light. After you see a stream of bubbles pass by your face you come to the conclusion that your...

3 years ago
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Project Phoenix 2 Chapter 1

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. The story meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my earlier story, Project Phoenix. Readers who are unfamiliar with it may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my earlier two stories. I really appreciate them. Project Phoenix Part 2 By...

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Project Lucifer

"The deadline's too close," I snarled. "I don't have the time to listen to your inane babbling..." "Time is just what keeps everything from happening at once." Ginger arose, laughing, from the poolside lounge. Her skin, a brighter green than even her miniscule bikini, faded to aqua, then almost to pink as she stretched lazily and moved deeper into the shade of the cabana. Outside of our shaded area, the grass and trees glistened under a hard blue sky. "You're the one who taught me...

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Project Pussy

It was a cold winter night in the Chi-Town!! December 25 1994 Marry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Me and a couple of my home boys decided to go to the then Cliff Levingston Rivera for the Christmas celebration of hip. Me a young k** at the time age 25 nice looking short and stature but hansome and always on the look out for some good pussy. When the music came on I look for some one to dance with. On the floor was this fine thick big booty girl dance by herself. I thought to myself...

4 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 8

Alexander Tomisic could do nothing but gape at the sheer volume of ships that lay entombed within the ice. Craft of various designs from many species stuck out of the landscape, like the icy fingers of corpses. There had to be dozens of vessels, possibly even hundreds. Alex could only imagine what sort of fate that the crews had met, if any had survived the crash. “Are you ladies seeing this?” he called out over the comm line. “Affirmative sir! I guess that the Dead Snows is a fitting name...

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Project NERD Chapter 2

The one thing that Kim hadn't counted on was that Theo might have weapons of his own in his aresenal. And one of those weapons was his kiss.You see, Theodore Franklin wasn't a good kisser–he was a GREAT kisser! Although he had no experience and certainly no one had taught him how to kiss, he just seemed to inherently know how to make a girl's heart skip a beat and her pussy dampen with just a kiss.Theo brought his lips to bear on this seductress now and suddenly the predator was the prey!...

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Project 3some

Then I met my boyfriend, Paul. He was just as sexually adventurous as me, & made me feel comfortable with my sexuality. It all started with a random conversation about bisexual women. I held back from telling him about my fantasies, until he told me he loves bisexual women. I asked had he ever had a threesome & he said no, but he wanted to, really badly. I told him I would consider it, but we had to find a girl. That seemed to be no problem for him, considering he knew A LOT of women, &...

2 years ago
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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

3 years ago
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Project Worker 2

Introduction: Continuing my life history working in the Supported Housing sector Project Worker Part 2 Shirley asked me to sit down, as she had some important news. She was older than me, and had an eventful life which meant that she was well experienced to handle the supported housing project and all the people in it. David in Room 3 has a younger sister, and I have heard from the Police this morning that they are looking for her. Did you see any females in his flat this morning? No, I lied....

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Project Rebirth

"This is your second chance at life" You have just been arrested for multiple offences and have been sentenced to 5 years in prison, but on the day you were supposed to be incarcerated you have instead been escorted to what had looked like an abandoned warehouse from the outside. Inside you were led through several winding corridors, into what looks like a futuristic hospital room. There was bed in the middle and and a strange transparent pod in the corner. "My name is Dr. Emmett Carlson, and...

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Project G

Welcome, in this story you will be reading about the events that transpire after taking apart of project G. What is project G? Well that is for me to know and you to find out. So lets start with the basics...

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Project Sexpionage

It was 8 am in London, the beginning of yet another dreary day. And there is nothing drearier than a government building on a rainy day. This ran through the mind of Andy, the fat, 29 year old security guard at the SIS building at Vauxhall Cross. But, Andy didn’t tell his friends and family that he worked at the SIS building. He told them he worked at the MI6 building. A much sexier name, that, he thought. His friends at the pub didn’t quite believe that he worked at the building of Britain’s...

2 years ago
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Project Phoenix Part 2 Chapter 2

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and forced feminization. It is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you're below 18. This story is a direct continuation of my two earlier stories set in the universe of Project Phoenix. Both of them are available here on FictionMania. Readers who are unfamiliar with them might want to read them first to get a better grasp of what's happening. I also would like to thank the readers who left reviews of my...

4 years ago
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Project Se Sex

Hi guys and girls mera naam sandy hai aur mei punjab ke amritsar ka rehne wala hoon. Mei koi hatta katta ya gym jane wala nhi hoonbas 21yrs ka average dikhne wala ladka hoon. Mere lund ka size 6 inch hai lekin kaafi motta hai. Yeh jo incident jo mein apke sath share karne ja rha hoon mera pehla exprnc hai Baat feb 2013 ki hai mei admission krvane k liye ek bahut hi badi university gaya tha waha mujhe meri sis ki room mate sheetal mili jo ki 25 years ki ekdam slim aur gori ladki thi mei yeh toh...

3 years ago
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Project Super Soldier Part 5

Chapter 34 After changing, Kat and Becky explained that they had some things they had to pick up for gym class after dinner, Kat also gave her mother the permission slip and had her sign it. While they were cleaning up after dinner Becky's phone rang. Her caller ID showed that it was May, so she answered and placed her on speaker phone. "Hi May, I was just getting ready to call you and tell you we are on our way." "Cool, I told my mother our plans for tonight and she wants to...

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project partners

She looked at the clock as she stepped into the shower. The warm water running down her shoulders was just what she needed after a long day in college, and tempted as she was to soak in a bit longer, tonight there was no time to waste. John will be here any minute, she thought as she hurried out of the shower, wrapping her wet, dripping hair in the towel. She walked around her bedroom in her lingerie, trying to figure out what she should wear. Damn it, I don’t have enough clothes, and I went...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Project Zone 3

The Characters and situations in the story are ficticious and author cautions that the situations depicted may upset some readers.  Bomatsu Msingu waved happily as he saw my Land Rover sweep round to the check point."Very good to see you Bwana, welcome" he shouted."How are we doing," I enquired as I stopped and climbed from the ageing vehicle."Very well Bwana, on target, your friends will be very happy."Oxbridge Greening, my charity, bringing a sustainable future for farming in an area of...

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Project ManagerChapter 5

Isabel and Scott were sitting at the end of the long table in the dining room drinking coffee and eating the breakfast they had selected from the variety of both hot and cold foods that were there. They weren’t saying much but the looks they were exchanging with each other were saying a lot. Each of them could see an occasional smile appearing on the other’s face as they were doing this exchanging. Isabel asked Scott what were his plans for today. “I am going to find a guide with a car to...

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Project ManagerChapter 8

After some minor problems were worked out and the initial briefing done with the three assistants the Doctor had selected the physical therapy program started. The Doctor sent to Sandi a list of the patients along with what he thought there problems were. The nine patients the Doctor initially referred had the types of illnesses and injuries that Sandi had worked with in the States. The assistants were females, all in their mid-twenties who were quick learners and had caring personalities....

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Project PrometheusChapter 21

Korsa and Shazza were puttering around, monitoring the time as they minded the trio plugged into the Spock. Alex, Kasumi and Natalya had plugged themselves in, going off on a mental jaunt through Alex’s mind. The search for answers was a constant one, but the ones they needed lay locked in the man’s mind. Somehow, he’d been left a clue about this new energy they had access to, and it lie in his past. More specifically, a memory of his past, which involved looking through each memory one by...

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Project PrometheusChapter 24

Tahral screamed and moaned at the wound that had clipped his shoulder. The man had experienced pain before, but this was his first time being shot. It was both a new and painful experience for him, one he did not wish to repeat. Korsa had placed him on the ground inside the Darkstrider and was checking his wound. She sighed in relief at what she found and picked Tahral up in her arms. “Is he going to be OK?” Taal’ani worried, fear creasing her beautiful features. “He’ll be all right. It’s...

2 years ago
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Project Eldest SonChapter 3

Names at the top, and definitions at the end. Thanks for reading. Helena Wagner- DeniseGiselle Chevalier- Hannah Markus Kovalev- RobertCamila Garcia- Laura Ishmael Suarez- Steven Ludmilla had had a very relaxing time at the safe house with the group that rescued her. She’d tasted cooking from all four of the people from the organization. They were all excellent cooks. She was still waiting for the mysterious Helena to call and talk to her. It had been 4 days since her arrival here and she...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 16

(Note: If you haven’t read the story “Calm like a Bomb” yet, the protagonists from that story are crossing over to this one.) Directors Richards and Haspel sat in MI6’s executive conference room along with Director Younger and MI5 Director Sir Andrew Parker watching Republican guard Colonel Rostamifir answer questions from his interrogators. The video had been dubbed in English since the interrogators were questioning him in his native Persian. “Tell us about the rest of the safe houses...

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Project Worker 2

Shirley asked me to sit down, as she had some important news. She was older than me, and had an eventful life which meant that she was well experienced to handle the supported housing project and all the people in it. “David in Room 3 has a younger sister, and I have heard from the Police this morning that they are looking for her. Did you see any females in his flat this morning?” “No”, I lied. “Is she a criminal?” “Oh no nothing like that,” said Shirley, “It’s just she didn’t show up at...

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Project Phaggot

“Shortcake,” the woman with the squawking crow voice shrieked as she burst into the secondary bedroom.“Yes, Auntie,” asked the rising the seventh-grader.“I’m gettin’ ready to go to work. Reggie is comin’ in tonight. He’ll be here in a couple hours.”“Okay!”“Don’t be going out. Stay in the house.”“Yes, ma’am!”“See you in the mornin’!”“Bye bye!”Shortcake, whose government name was Rylan Lewis, went back to playing Fortnite on the second hand all-in-one computer. He shot a rival and grinned. He was...

4 years ago
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Project 138

================================================ Project 138 - by Crystalline ================================================ -------------------------------- Chapter 1: What A Man Will Do... -------------------------------- I walked into our apartment after a day of dealing with insensitive assholes at my work. I got denied a raise for the third time in 4 months since I learned I was going to be a father. So, naturally, I wasn't in the mood for what I saw. Beer bottles all...

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Project Boyfriend Part 1

I've always had feelings for my best friend Chris. At exactly 6 feet and an athlete's body, he's the kind of guy that every girl and guy would fawn for. We've been friends for a long time now and you have no idea how much I want to fuck him. As for me, I can say that I'm pretty good looking myself. At 5'9" with blonde hair and a toned body, I'm not what you would call ugly by all means. A lot of guys and girls have their eyes on me but my eyes are all on him. Too bad he's straight as an...

2 years ago
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Project Super Solider part 2

Chapter 9 "So I'm officially Kathleen Elizabeth Marlete now?" Kat continued thumbing through folder she had been handed. Picking up the new driver's license and inspecting it. "This shows I'm only seventeen? I thought you said we were going to make my age older?" "All things considered," Matt cautioned. "We thought it best to give you more time to get used to the new you. We have a house just off base being set up for you and your mom to move into." "My MOM!" Kat exclaimed. "Who...

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Project Super Solider part 3

Chapter 18 Kat had spotted the old out building a few days after they had moved into the new house. At first Deb had not liked the idea of Kat messing around with a work shop, it being not at all something most girls would be interested in, but did listen to Kat's arguments and saw that Kat made several valid points, and agreed that Kat could start restoring the old building to suit her tinkering need as long as no explosives ever became involved. Being one of the few who knew of...

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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 1

Project Girlfriend: Veronika Part 1 (June 10-July 8 2019) Oh man, another day, another boring lecture...... Lew noted as he sat in a small English Composition classroom, listening to the professor drone on. Granted to be a college freshman shouldn't been this dull Lew had figured, but often he had found the days slowly drifting by and by. The lecture was, like this week, being over mythic stories and while some of them were interesting, Lew found some to be quite drab. He scratched his...

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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 2

Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 2 December 28 2019, Jan 2-3 2020 The morning sun peeked out into Lew's room, rousing him from his uneasy sleep. He got up, stretching and taking a moment to wipe the dust from his sullen eyes. Ugh what a night, he noted mentally, as he got up to get ready for his day of college. As he gathered clothes and his book bag, he suddenly realized what he recalled last time. Oh my.... Veronika.... was uh, playing with herself. He wasn't sure whether or not to...

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Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 3

Project Girlfriend Veronika Part 3 "Quick, I will stall her, get that back on you," Lew whispered to the being sitting there, with the Veronika skin suit split out on the top. He walked over to the door and replied back to Maddy Jo, "Yeah just a moment Maddy, please hold on!" desperation seeping into his voice. He needed to get through this, and that required whoever this person was in this strange outfit to cooperate. The mysterious being looked at him briefly, then nodded and began...

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Project Epic

You know it’s ironic. I have spent almost a decade perfecting a singular chemical. It was the key to all that I wanted and more. I knew that, but I hadn’t quite figured out how to get it to work as intended. I lived for a singular purpose, to perfect my chemical. But we will get back to that. You see I was a nerd. Like a nerd to the extreme. I had been in high school, and I continued that legacy all the way through to the end of my doctorate. You see I wanted to make drugs. I wanted to make the...

Mind Control
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I was only fourteen when I became a high school junior. I had all the math and science credits I needed to graduate and if I took an English course in summer school, as I intended, would finish by August and could enter the university that had already offered me a full scholarship, a college freshman at fifteen. I had everything a kid my age needed except two, a driver’s license and pussy. I was a 100% virgin and most high school girls wouldn’t even look at me. I masturbated regularly and...

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Project ManagerChapter 6

Scott thought long and hard about what to tell Ray if he would or wouldn’t take the offered assignment to replace Carley. He was not overly anxious to go to Central America because he enjoyed being back in the States. There were a number of thoughts that ran through his mind as he pondered about what he should do. One of these thoughts had to do with Isabel. He wondered if she still would be available for Scott to be with since the seriousness of her involvement with this Army man was...

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Project ManagerChapter 7

Standing at the airport watching people coming out of the customs area Scott couldn’t help but feel excited. It was close to three weeks since he had last seen Sandi. He still was amazed that she had offered to come here and live with him. To say he had an itch that Sandi could help scratch was a nice way of saying he was anxious to make love with her. They had exchanged phone calls, text messages and some emails but they only served to increase the feelings he had of missing her. He saw her...

2 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 14

Alex looked over the hologram of the plans for the dome in front of him. Though a lot had been done in these past two weeks, there was still more to do. Since the night of the Artucian’s entry into the Unified Systems Alliance, both them and the crew of the Perseus had been working around the clock. Salvaging the wrecks of the Dead Snows was well under way, as was the rebuild of the dome behind him. One of the first things to be done was to clear away all the ice surrounding the dome. Once...

3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 17

Inari woke up, stretching languidly as she came back to consciousness. Sleep was always good, but she knew that she needed to be awake. It had been a bit of a pain, readjusting to a more military lifestyle again, but she was glad for the routine. Despite her constant workout sessions, Inari felt herself getting fat and lazy, Well, maybe not fat, but lazy for sure. She slipped out of bed and saw Priya stirring next to her. Inari knew that the East Indian woman would soon be awake and decided...

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Project PrometheusChapter 20

Jaesa sat in her sanctum, going over the various data streams that came to her from all over the ship. It was just a little past two AM, and the whole crew was asleep. She grinned to herself, as she had taken some good guesses about what each crew member was up to in their spare time. Especially with what Inari and Priya had just been doing, which was quite ... stimulating. Although they had activated privacy mode, Jaesa could slip past such protocols should she wish to. It was one of the...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 2

Cover names are listed at the top and glossary is at the end... Samar Ivanov- TalithaHelena Wagner- Denise Giselle Chevalier- Hannah Markus Kovalev- RobertCamila Garcia- Laura Ishmael Suarez- Steven Sitting in le Vin Coeur near the Arc de Triomphe, Hannah sat listening to the chatter on the wireless earpiece from Denise, Talitha, and Robert about their favorite recipes. Robert is talking about how he makes Strawberry cheesecake bites. The only redeeming factor about this part of the job...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 11

Two hours after Denise had told them that they were leaving, the team was sitting at the Gettysburg Airport waiting for the gulf stream to pick them up. Hank Richards had told them to stay undercover and not conduct any operations until he could ascertain the damage that had been done by the Assistant Attorney-general. After the team had everything packed, Hank was giving Denise and Talitha some final instructions. “Haspel was calling Director Wray as soon as she hung up with me to set up a...

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Project Blue Birds

A lot of female characters from movies, TV, comics, and anime are transported to a land between space and time called Tierra. When going back looked impossible, all of them decided to make it their home and formed the Kingdom of Frieden. They tried to make peace with the existing kingdom, the Kingdom of Carduelis, but they were only interested in making them their cum dumpsters. The Kingdom of Frieden and the Kingdom of Carduelis have been fighting over Tierra. For decades, but especially in...

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Project Voyeur

ProjectVoyeur! Finally, a decent place for all the like-minded voyeurs; here you can “meet” and share your biggest secrets and desires, through images and videos. That sounds quite fucking lovely, right? Well, not everything is so peachy on, but this place is still worth the visit, and I am sure that you guys could already tell what the fuck the site has to offer just by reading the title.The first thing that confused me a bit is the fact that their content is not really full...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Project Report

I am Anjali and am a University student in anthropology. My professor gave me an assignment to work in the field and prepare project report on the subject of 'primus noctis'. I selected an agency tract interior of central India and set up my camp in a remote village. There are no tribals here but there is a community which practices this old custom of 'primus noctis'. The custom goes that when a girl first menstruated, eveil spirits occupy her vulva and vagina and do not allow her to conceive....


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