Jaden Submits
- 2 years ago
- 42
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When I left Chantelle standing on the pavement in front of the Domina Flagrante, I started turning over all the things running through my mind. First there were the death threats, and now this scandal business. At least Chantelle seemed to know what she was doing. Adrian knew too; he just did as he was told. Even Annie, despite her innocence, seemed to know what she was doing. Not me, though. I still felt like an outsider looking in. I hoped I wasn't getting ahead of myself. I'd known these people less than a week, except Annie, of course. As I trudged my way along the dimly lit street towards Josephine's apartment with my toy box in hand, my mind wandered...
Goodness, what a rare gem was Annie. Just delightful. I liked the way she blushed so strongly and so readily. I could feel myself hardening just thinking about her and I smiled to myself. I mean, Annie might have even known I was going to see Josephine again, and still she seemed pleased that I'd be calling on her. I hoped she realised this was a learning exercise. Unless I got the whole thing wrong, I knew people didn't usually just grab a subbie and fuck her. I mean, I liked Josephine, but it felt really physical, and not... hmmm... right? In any case, I figured Annie and Claudio were just friends.
"Hmmmm," I said aloud. Where did Claudio fit into all this? He seemed the one most likely to have left the envelope in my jacket pocket. Or perhaps his father did at his request. If I checked what is in it, I might find positive proof that Sylvia Harper was forced. Or "fucked and fucked" as Annie had so succinctly put it.
I don't know what made me put it in Chantelle's safe. It could have been something else entirely. I thought for a moment. But it fit so well. There weren't too many other things I could imagine it would be, other than a picture of Sylvia Harper. But then, why did Claudio have it? Maybe knowing what was in that envelope would be a good thing. Or maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me. It was probably free movie tickets!
I sighed. Well, Annie would have to wait. It was clear to me I felt something for her. That's for sure. It was something deeper than skin. But I also wanted to know what I was doing when I had her. If I had her. No. When I had her. I smiled to myself again until I remembered what she'd said about Sylvia.
Something didn't make sense and I just couldn't put my finger on it. I thought back... "Sylvia is convinced Gardner is behind it. But she has no proof. As well as another shadowy person. She has been manipulated by him ever since, driving her crazy with his taunts and innuendo, but nothing concrete. Threats and things too. She even slept with him to try to get him off her back but she said it only made things worse."
Who was the 'shadowy person'? She hadn't said 'shadowy man'. Was it a woman? Now that I thought about what she had said, was it Gardner doing the manipulating and threatening, or the shadowy person, who would then be a man?
"Arghhh... dammit," I thought, "I'll have to ask her..." Then I remembered I hadn't asked her what the partners might expect at the party, either. "God, okay, I'll call her tomorrow." I picked up the pace, in case I'd been dawdling.
I would never have guessed Chantelle would be one to involve herself with politicians, let alone write a cheque out to one. I had to ask her about that. It seemed so out of character. One thing in particular stuck in my mind. "Sometimes circumstances are at fault Roger. That's all you can blame. Just circumstances."
What did that mean? I didn't know, but I wondered if it was important. Questions, questions... I turned up the collar of my suit and pulled the lapels together with my right hand. It was getting cold and I was leaning into a light breeze. "It's been a strange day," I thought finally.
I limbered my neck as I walked into the light at the corner of Maple and 14th. One more block. One more step in the right direction. I smiled to myself. Josephine will be anxious by now. I checked my watch and walked briskly. I'd be right on time. I was pleased.
"Sir!" Josephine squealed. She jumped into my arms and held me tight. "I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this."
"Hello to you too, Josephine," I said quietly in her ear, hugging her warmly. I'd made my way up the elevator to her apartment and we were standing in her open doorway.
"Please, kiss me, Sir."
"Let me look at you first."
She grinned and took a step back. "With pleasure, Sir." I smiled again when she pirouetted in her doorway. I could only shake my head and thank the Lord for touching her. Josephine was the kind of girl you would catch yourself staring at. She was dressed in a very tight, very short, little black party dress with spaghetti straps. Her honey-coloured skin shone like silk and her dark brown eyes were alive. She was barefoot again, standing on tiptoes like the last time I was here. I felt myself stir just looking at her.
"I'm glad you like what you see, Sir."
"How about inviting me in."
"Yes, sorry. Please come in, Sir." She stepped aside and invited me in with a sweep of her hand. I took one step and stopped. I turned to face her and put down my wooden case. I took her hands in mine and she looked up into my eyes. I smiled at her and whispered.
"You look magical tonight." Her eyes sparkled. I kissed her softly, barely brushing my lips against hers, before leaning back a little. "How about a drink?" I asked.
"I have champagne." She batted her eyelashes at me.
I couldn't stop smiling. "Champagne would be perfect." With my case in hand, I entered her apartment and stood waiting for her. She locked the door and walked past me, guiding me to the middle of her comfortable dark green fabric couch. I took a seat and carefully placed my case in the centre of the coffee table in front of me. Josephine took a large black cushion from one end of the couch and placed it on the floor by my right foot. She knelt on it before handing me the bottle of champagne.
"Oh! Glasses!" she yelped. After opening the bottle with a resounding 'pop', I poured the two glasses Josephine had fetched and placed the bottle back on the table. I waited until the bubbles receded and passed one to her. We sipped as a momentary silence settled over us. Before it became uncomfortable, I turned to her and hesitated just a moment before I spoke.
"I want to be good at this Josephine. Really good. I'll need you to tell me what I'm doing right and wrong, what is not enough and what is too much. I'll need information from you, anything you think I should know, and anything you would like to tell me." She sipped at her champagne, waiting to see if I was done. I noticed and chuckled, thinking I'd finished the speech I'd hastily prepared.
"Whaaat?" she asked in a whiney, playful tone. "Do I have something stuck in my teeth?"
"Ah, no." I laughed softly. "It's just that... I don't know, I can't believe I have so much to learn... and I really can't believe a gorgeous 25 year old is going to teach me."
She giggled and almost spilled her champagne. "Your honesty is so refreshing, Sir." I winked and she continued. "Let's see... first off, I want to tell you how honoured I feel. I feel like I have an enormous responsibility, Sir."
"To make sure I start off on the right foot?"
"In a manner of speaking, yes Sir."
"Where should we start?"
"We should start by talking about safety and safe words."
"Safe words?"
"Yes, like 'green' for 'good' or 'more'."
" 'Amber' for 'approaching my limit'."
"Makes sense."
"And 'red' for 'stop'."
"Okay, but you said like?"
"Yes, well it could be apples, grapes and oranges couldn't it, Sir," she giggled. I could tell she was nervous. So was I!
I chuckled with her. "Yes, of course. You could also just say, 'more, more!' or 'stop, stop!' "
"Yes, Sir, that's true. I always smile at safe words. I mean, who thinks of the word 'red' when you just want something to stop?"
"Yes," I said, thinking.
"Unless it's like a game," she continued, putting down her champagne glass and becoming animated. "If it's a game or a scene where the Dominant only responds to the safe word, and ignores a protest of 'no' or 'stop', the safe words become incredibly important."
"Okay, I understand that," I said, nodding.
"Um, a couple of other things too if I may?"
"Of course."
"Have you been drinking? I mean..."
"It's okay, Josephine. Apart from one scotch and one glass of wine earlier this afternoon, I am as sober as a judge... and this champagne of course. Very good it is too." I took another sip.
She nodded and did the same before putting her glass down again. "Okay, it's just... you know... not a good idea if either of us has been drinking too much."
"Yes, Sir."
She nodded. "Sir, may I speak freely for a minute?"
"Of course. I hoped you would, Josephine."
She looked down at her hands as she spoke. "Well Sir, a submissive is like a vulnerable flower. One that needs to be nurtured, looked after and helped to grow within a relationship. Stories of us enjoying being abused are highly exaggerated, if not a complete fabrication. Just because I am in a sub/Dom relationship, doesn't mean I don't expect to be treated with common decency and respect. In fact, it's more likely that I would expect to be treated with the utmost respect in company, attentiveness to my needs in public and in private, and with an expectation that you will stand up for me and save me if need be, to defend my honour and to cherish and adore me."
"Sounds like a wish list."
She looked up at me seriously. "I am so not kidding."
I could tell. "I'm sorry, Josephine. Please, go on."
"A conversation like this, regarding limits and expec-"
"Um, I'll come back to limits if that's okay, Sir."
"All right, do go on..."
"A conversation regarding limits and expectations is utterly mandatory. With respect, this is no joke Sir. I wouldn't let you swing a feather duster at me without having this conversation with you. It is expected and it is binding. Some even prefer to make it a written contract."
"For good reason," I offered.
"Oh that's right, I forgot you were studying to become a lawyer. Yes, because it can be completely devastating for a submissive to find herself in an abusive scene or relationship. Especially when trust has been broken, and then the police don't believe you... and... um..."
I reached out and brushed her cheek with the back of my fingers. "It's all right Josephine."
She looked up into my eyes and whispered, "Thank you for your kindness Sir, but honestly, most submissives have endured similar situations at some point in their lives." She leaned into my hand a little before continuing. "Or they will. It's only natural that we would go out of our way to try to protect ourselves."
"Okay, so a conversation resembling this one is mandatory, to let each party know the general outline of what is expected of the other."
"Yes Sir, and of course the conversation may stretch over weeks, or months, as the parties get to know one another."
I was contemplating the scenario where the sub gets dumped and cries assault. It would definitely pay not to rush into anything. "Yes, I can see how it could. One would not want to make a mistake."
"Exactly. Of course, um," she giggled. "This situation is a little different."
I winked at her. "Okay, I got it. Now what were you saying about limits?"
"Well Sir, obviously it depends upon the parties involved, and what has been previously agreed to, but basically one can divide limits into two categories, 'hard' and 'soft'. Take me for example: I won't do animals, kids, poo or pee. I won't be cut or asphyxiated. No needles. I won't have bruises that people can see on my arms, legs, neck or face. I won't have my face slapped; I really hate that. I won't have drugs in my house. I won't be worked on by a drunk Dominant. And um, I can't think of any more at the moment..." She grinned and giggled.
I smiled at her. "So are they 'hard' limits?"
"Yes, Sir. That's right. Whereas things like how hard, how many, how often, group situations, public situations... things like that I have soft limits on."
"Hmmmm... Okay, so depending on what was going on, and if you consented, a limit like those you mentioned could be pushed?"
"Yes, exactly."
"Hmmm. Okay, do I get a turn at this?"
"Of course you do Sir!" she grinned.
"Well I don't want to do any of those things either," I smiled back. "I just want to stick to the basics."
She grinned. "You are just adorable, Sir."
"Okay enough of that, I can't have you going around calling me adorable. What would people think?"
Josephine rose up high on her knees and clasped her hands behind her back. She twisted back and forth in a shimmying motion and looked at me through her bangs as she grinned and spoke. "What would you like them to think Sir?"
I smiled at her. I hadn't seen her this playful before. I thought this would be mostly 'business'. This was going to be fun. I changed the subject. "Are you wearing panties under that dress?"
"Why don't you spank me and find out?"
"That is a very good idea."
"Well," she blushed, "that way you can um, warm me up for whatever else you have in mind, Sir."
"Will you be able to concentrate enough to guide me through it?"
"I'll sure try, Sir."
"Good girl."
"You make me wet, Sir."
"And I get hard at the thought of you, Josephine." The tip of her tongue slowly licked her lips as she looked right into my eyes. I don't think she even knew she was doing it. "How are we going to do this?"
Josephine's breath had discernibly quickened. "You mean, spanking me, Sir?" I nodded. "The best way is over your lap, Sir. Um," she swallowed. "It's best because you are close enough to really see my skin to see how it is responding." She started that little twisting motion again. "And also to be able to comfortably restrain me without using anything but your own body. I'm comfortable but off balance, if you know what I mean." I smiled at her and she stood up. "Like this..."
I leaned back a little, holding my hands up and out of the way while she laid her body over my thighs. With my legs only slightly apart, her ass was presented nicely. She placed her hands palms down about a foot apart on the floor. Her knees were bent a little and her toes were bent under.
"Of course you could have me over one thigh and lock the other one over my legs to keep me in place, but that's probably better if you wanted to really spank me."
"You mean like a proper punishment instead of playing." I playfully slapped her upturned ass through her tight dress.
"Yes!" she gasped. "Or... Or you could have me over the back of the ah... couch or over a table or something... but it's... um... it's not the same..."
"Why not?"
"It's not as... intimate, really."
I let my eyes wander over the curves of her ass. "Well, I like it this way."
"Me too."
"Do you like being spanked, Josephine?"
"Yes, Sir." She whimpered softly as I ran my right hand over the tightly stretched fabric covering her ass. "Mmmmm... It's one of my favourite things, Sir."
"You have a lovely ass, Josephine."
"Th... Thank you, Sir." Her voice trembled a little as she spoke. "Um, also, of course, you could restrain my hands behind my back, but then it's harder to breathe so I have to be more limp in your lap... like this..." She clasped her hands together behind her back and slumped over my legs. "The blood rushes to my head this way though, so don't keep me here too long." I slid my fingers into her short black hair, took a firm grip, and slowly raised her head. "Mmmmmm yesss... or you... you... you could do that..."
"Keep your hands clasped together."
"You could use your cuffs, Sir," she said.
"How do you know I have cuffs?" I slapped her ass again and it jiggled tightly.
"Ohhhh... I mean... Chantelle told me, Sir."
"You mean, Mistress Chantelle." Slap!
"Mmmmmm... Y... Yes, Sir. Mistress Chantelle. Sorry, Sir. Um, Sir?" She was almost panting. "Sir... the best way of course, is um, is directly on the skin, panties down... that way you can see... see... exactly what you are doing."
"You mean just pull up the hem of your dress, and pull down your panties?"
"If I'm wearing any, Sir," she giggled.
"This is great fun. I always wanted to do this." As much as I was enjoying this situation, and never wanted it to end, I could barely contain my desire to carry her into her bedroom and fuck her. My cock was rock hard and bent uncomfortably in my pants. I found the whole scene incredibly arousing. I cleared my throat. "Okay, well this is a two-handed job, so you can put your hands on the floor again."
"Yes, Sir."
I slowly let her down and she caught herself, then straightened her elbows with her palms flat on the floor again. "I bet you like this part the best... showing off your ass..." I slid my hand slowly up the inside of her left thigh. God... so smooth.
"For me, it's kind of intoxicatingly humiliating, Sir... mmmm..."
I was caressing her panty-clad ass up under the short hem of her tight black dress when I felt lace trim. "Nice, Josephine..."
"Mmmmmm... I remembered you liked them..."
I slid my hand back out from under the stretchy fabric and picked up the hem between the fingers and thumbs of my hands. I slowly peeled it up to reveal the bottom of her ass cheeks. Her thighs were tightly together and I thought I saw her rub them against each other. "Are you feeling horny, Josephine?"
"God, yesss..." she whispered.
I moved the hem up to the top of her ass. My breath caught in my chest. "What kind of panties are these again, Josephine?"
"They're Tanga style panties, Sir."
"They are very sexy." Slap!
"Mmmmmm... Thank you, Sir," she breathed hoarsely.
"What are you thanking me for, Josephine?"
"I'm... um... I'm thanking you for spanking my ass, Sir."
"I thought so." Slap!
"Ohhh... mmmmm... I'm thanking... thanking..." Slap!
"It's time to peel these down, isn't it, Josephine?"
"Ye... Yes. Yes, Sir. It's... it's t... time."
I took the dainty fabric again between fingers and thumbs and peeled it down over the twin globes of her ass. I slid her flimsy panties to her knees and told her to spread her legs to hold them there. "That way you have something to think about," I said.
Damn. What an ass. I plucked at the fabric to make sure the panties were taut while trying to keep my jaw from dropping. Her tan lines accentuated the smooth shape of her ass and I couldn't help myself from admiring it and reaching up and caressing it. Nothing was hidden. In the position I had her in, her entire crotch was exposed to my gaze. It was an ass that was made for spanking. I swallowed and refrained from touching her pouting pussy. "I can see the outline of my handprints on your skin," I said, squirming and trying to relieve the pressure in my pants.
"It... It's... just... um... delicious, Sir. It, um..." Slap! "Ohhhhh!"
"So how hard can I spank you Josephine? How much are you prepared to take..." Slap!
"Well, uhhhh..." Slap! "Ooohhh... ohh God... I mean, I um," she shuddered and moaned. Slap! "Ohhhhhhh..."
"I bet you like getting this when you don't even have to be bad..."
Slap! Slap!
"Mmmmmm... Goddddd... I... God, Sir... this is too good..." Slap! "Mmmmm... Feel me, Sir. Feel how wet this makes me..."
I slipped my fingers between her parted thighs and ran them over her pussy. "Jesus," I murmured, feeling her lips part and the scalding wet heat within.
"Mmmm... yes..."
"How much more?"
"N... Not much, Sir... I... Ohhh, god. I need to cum I think..."
"Don't you fucking dare..." Slap!! She jolted.
"Ohhh... fuck..." She shuddered. "That was... hard, Sir."
"Too hard?"
"J... Just a little..."
"Mmmmm... Ooooo... That's... That's better... S... Sir."
I felt like I woke from a dream. I stopped for a moment and leaned down, looking closely at Josephine's ass. It had blushed pink all over and was quite warm to the touch. I could still make out a couple of handprints. I lightly caressed her cheeks with the fingertips of one hand while the other still rested in the middle of her back. "Wow, look at that," I whispered to myself. I slowly made my way around her whole ass very lightly, touching every hollow and curve. I slid my other hand slowly up between her shoulder blades where the skin was cooler. The contrast was intoxicating. "It warms up nicely, doesn't it?"
"God... your hands feel so good, Sir."
"It looks really good you know... can you feel how hard my cock is?"
"I can... it's against my hip... and it makes me crazy, knowing you are pleased with me."
"Okay, I can see the enjoyment derived from spanking. But now I'd like to try something else."
"But I was just starting to warm up, Sir," she whined playfully.
"Let's finish warming you up... with a crop. Come on. Hop up."
She trembled. "Y... Yes, Sir." Josephine raised herself up until she was standing before me. She started to pull down the hem of her dress.
"Stop. Take it off." She grinned and grasped the hem of her tight dress in her hands and slipped it off over her head. As she did, her panties fell to the floor and she giggled again. I smiled at her as she kicked them aside. She was such a show off. "Pinch your nipples for me."
"Mmmmmm." She did and then let go of them.
"Don't let go."
"Y... yes Sir."
"Turn around."
As she slowly turned around, she spoke. "You know Sir, you have to start off very softly with a crop..." Her ass was a lovely pink colour, contrasting nicely with her golden skin.
"I'm listening."
"Because a crop is a stinging toy, and it can really sting."
"And um, that's why it's good to be very gentle with um, sensitive spots, okay?"
"Yes, I think I understand... you mean if I choose to crop your breasts or pussy then I should do it gently and be guided by your reactions."
"Yes, Sir." I watched as her left thigh started shaking. "That's r... right."
"Are you okay, Josephine?"
"Yes, just um... very excited is all."
"Is this situation getting to you?"
"God, yes. My pussy is throbbing, Sir. I'll be okay though."
"Your can release your nipples now."
"Thank you, Sir."
"They are very hard."
"Yes Sir."
"Your clit is hard too, isn't it?"
"Y... Yes, Sir."
"Hands behind your head Josephine." I marvelled at her acquiescence. She brought her hands behind her head, lacing her fingers together. "Elbows out Josephine."
"Yes Sir."
"Feet eighteen inches apart." She moved them apart.
"Good girl. Just stand there."
"You are good at this, Sir."
"Did I say you could talk?"
"No Sir. Shutting up, Sir." She stifled a giggle. I picked up my champagne and sat back in the couch. I could definitely get used to this. I looked her up and down. That telltale glisten of perspiration had appeared on her top lip again. She was so beautiful, I swore she could have been a model. Actually, something wasn't quite right. Maybe music. The lights were bright too.
"Do you have some music that is appropriate for this situation Josephine?"
"Maybe something heavy Sir?"
"Hmmm..." Heavy? I shrugged. "Whatever you choose is fine by me. Do you think we could afford another glass of champagne?" She stood comfortably, understanding my silent permission to relax.
"I would love one more glass Sir, or maybe just a half a glass."
"Put on some music, and are you able to turn the lights down a little? It's very bright in here."
"Yes Sir. Right away." She moved straight to one wall and fiddled with a switch and the lights came down. Then she trotted into her room.
I picked up the bottle and poured a half glass for Josephine and a full glass for myself. I was going to enjoy this as much as I could. The adrenaline pumping in my veins had me so clear-headed, I could allow myself another glass. It was intense, being able to do just about whatever I wanted. The weirdest thing was, I wasn't thinking ahead. I was just winging it. No, that's not right. It felt comfortable. I really liked the timing aspect. Most of the 'couplings' in my life had been either frantic, or 'get it over with' type scenarios. I liked setting the pace or changing it. And it was quite amazing to be fully clothed while she was completely naked and vulnerable. It made me even harder.
Josephine came around the coffee table and stood before me, taking up exactly the same stance as before. Just then, AC/DC came on through the speakers and she grinned. I smiled up at her and nodded. AC/DC had been one of my favourite bands when I was a kid. I had to stop myself from tapping my foot as 'Highway to Hell' started its thumping beat. Fortunately it wasn't too loud to talk over. I picked up Josephine's glass and nodded as I passed it up to her. She relaxed again and took the offered glass, standing before me with one arm across her stomach.
"Thank you, Sir," she said, sipping her champagne. I took my own glass and sat back in the couch, admiring her. I looked her up and down. She was freshly shaved and seemed to push her hips forward as my eyes passed over her pussy. Sure enough, when my eyes flicked up at hers, she was watching me intently. I looked back down. Her pussy was one of those tucked in ones. Almost nothing showing but the lips of it.
"Come here." She moved towards me. I reached out for her and slid my fingers along her cute pussy. She moaned softly.
"You have a pretty pussy."
"Thank you S... Sir..."
She tipped back her last sip of champagne and put the glass down on the table. She stood a little back from me and took up her original stance, hands behind her head, elbows out. My fingers continued to play over her slick little cunt. I looked up into her eyes. "You are such a fucking show-off."
"I know," she grinned. She pushed her hips forward once more, but I withdrew my hand. I sat back in the couch again and finished my champagne. She whimpered, "Ohhh..."
"You might be the teacher Josephine, but you are not the boss, okay?"
"Y... Yes, Sir."
"Good girl." She smiled at me and blushed strongly. I wondered what was going through her mind. I finished my champagne and moved back to the edge of the couch. I put the glass aside and moved my case in front of me and opened it. I looked up at Josephine and she was rocking back and forth on her heels, clearly impatient. "Stay still. And I mean, still." She nodded and made like a statue. I looked over all my choices and stuck with my original plan. I picked out the crop and held it across my hands. "This is a beautifully crafted thing, isn't it?" I looked up at her.
"A little Dubbin from the shoe store will keep it supple, Sir."
"Anything else I should know?"
"Only that it should be disinfected now and again, Sir. To keep it clean."
"Understood. Something from the drug store?"
"Yes, even rubbing alcohol would do the trick."
"You said I should start gently." I looked into her eyes as I took hold of the handle and slapped the crop in my palm. I wondered if Josephine would flinch like Annie had. She didn't. She just smiled and nodded. "Step back into the centre of the room... can I move this table?"
"Yes Sir," she replied. "Whatever you want, Sir." She moved into the centre of the room, once more taking up the position I'd originally asked her to take, while I quickly dragged the coffee table over to one side of the room. I stood up straight and turned around. It was surreal. The crop hung stiffly from my hand but I wasn't really aware of it in any sense except as a means of touching her. I walked toward Josephine until I was a couple of feet in front of her. She held her position but her chest was heaving. I raised the crop and watched her eyes as I ran the tip of it down her side.
Josephine clenched her teeth and moaned over the music. "Mmmmmm..."
She moved her hip away from the crop as though it tickled and I struck her softly with it right on her hip. Well, I'd told her not to move.
Tap! "Uhhh..." She shuddered. "I'm sorry!"
I smiled. "Try not to move, Josephine."
"Y... Yes, Sir."
I walked over to the table and leaned down to pick the handcuffs out of the case. Noticing the small key sticking out, I unlocked them and slipped the key into my pocket before turning to face her.
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16th January, 2007 I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...
16th January, 2007 I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...
16th January, 2007I’d just completed a tour in Iraq serving in the Marine Corp. I arrived at the airport and made my way home. The cooler weather blasted me, used to the warm heat of the Middle East. Grabbing a cab, I instructed him to my home. Having little personal belongings I hauled them into the trunk and sat quietly as the driver babbled incessantly. Getting home, I found an envelope on the kitchen desk with a small box beneath it. Opening up the envelope I noticed the handwriting...
Ring! Ring! My dream bent to incorporate a ringing telephone. While I was looking around for the phone in my dream it dawned on me that there actually was a ringing phone and I roused myself from sleep. Ring! Ring! Sitting up in bed, I pulled the spare pillow between my back and the headboard and yawned widely. I grabbed my cell phone from the bedside table, pressed the green button and brought it to my ear, briefly wondering who might be calling me at this hour. After glancing at the alarm...
BDSMWhat the fuck was I doing? I liked my life. Simple, straightforward. No mess, no fuss. "Work hard, keep your nose clean," my Dad always said. God rest his soul. I hadn't been out at night in months. Work, study, work, study. Get the job done. Prove my ex-wife wrong. I towelled off my hair and flossed. I shaved. It was unlike me to be doing something like this. Who was I kidding? The place I lived in looked like a motel. Half my clothes were still in a suitcase for God's sake. It was actually a...
BDSMFew days before Seema's birthday Mala, Sudha, Reema, Arti and me sat discussing how to achieve our goal of deflowering Seema on her birthday. We all agreed that the MD would be on his guard this time and would never agree to us throwing Seema's birthday party. 'Sudha do you think we have to be careful about Kala also?' Arti asked. 'No not in my opinion. Kala is very pragmatic about this. She knows that one day her daughters are going to be fucked. It hardly matters to her if it is...
It had been a successful season for Heroes, and the series had been renewed for the next season, so Kristen Bell couldn’t figure out why she was so depressed. She watched from the far end of the room as the rest of the cast and crew drank and caroused, or split into small, intimate groups, bragging about past conquests and future plans. Kristen pulled her arm around herself more tightly. She excused the action by telling herself that she was cold, which might have been only a slight...
It had been a successful season for Heroes, and the series had been renewed for the next season, so Kristen Bell couldn’t figure out why she was so depressed. She watched from the far end of the room as the rest of the cast and crew drank and caroused, or split into small, intimate groups, bragging about past conquests and future plans. Kristen pulled her arm around herself more tightly. She excused the action by telling herself that she was cold, which might have been only a slight...
It had been a successful season for Heroes, and the series had been renewed for the next season, so Kristen Bell couldn’t figure out why she was so depressed. She watched from the far end of the room as the rest of the cast and crew drank and caroused, or split into small, intimate groups, bragging about past conquests and future plans. Kristen pulled her arm around herself more tightly. She excused the action by telling herself that she was cold, which might have been only a slight...
“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...
“Hey Megan.” “Hey sweetie. How are you?” “Great. And you my love?” “Hanging in Hayden, just like always.” “Well I’m changing that tonight. We are going on a double date and I don’t care how hard you protest its happening.” “But Hayden…” “Not another word Foxy. I’m picking you up in an hour and we’re meeting our dates at the restaurant. It’ll be fun. You’re date is gorgeous.” “I’m not looking for a boyfriend though.” “I know you’re not babe. Let’s just go out and have fun. More importantly just...
Wednesday The next morning Amy insisted that Gloria do pottery with her, and then laughed when clay got all over both of them. Amy secretly made the rough likeness of an erect penis, and laughed as she showed the slick, wet thing to Gloria. "That's terrible!" squealed Gloria. "They're not terrible at all," said Amy, her voice low. "You should try it. It's fantastic." "Not on your life!" yipped Gloria. "You shouldn't be doing it either, you slut!" "I'm not a slut," said...
Judy caught Amy and Mike, sneaking off after another campfire. Thankfully, she caught them before they were naked, and fucking like crazy. She threatened to send them home if it happened again. Amy sulked, and, for some reason, took it out on Gloria. But that only lasted a couple of days, and then she was herself again. Gloria wondered if she'd found some other way to risk getting pregnant. There were two dances, during camp. One was the second Wednesday night, and the other was the last...
2nd Saturday At breakfast, Gloria happened to sit at the same table with Judy again. That wasn’t unusual. She liked her counselor a lot, and being both excited and worried about what might happen with Arden may have nudged her toward sitting with someone she felt comfortable with. It was for that reason that she happened to be there when the camp director came to the table to talk to Judy. “I’ve got the shopping list for the supplies we’re running low on,” said the director. “It’s not too...
Walking into the bedroom of his place, Hayden thought about what had just taken place, the role play they’d indulged in, him really taking control and dominating her, spanking and screwing her hard. As she contemplated it, she realised just how much she’d enjoyed it, so turned on her pussy was deliciously slippery for him to enjoy along with her youthful tightness. He followed closely behind her, focussing his gaze on her tightly toned arse as she swayed into the room, stopping to undress,...
Part One: The Arrival Gillian stopped at the counter inside the small, dark adult novelty store and presented the shiny access card to the woman attending the register. Wordlessly, the clerk nodded and held up a finger indicating to wait a moment. She opened the register and, from the back of the cash box removed a key before closing the drawer and motioning Gillian to follow her. Gillian picked up her small gym bag, tossed her brown hair over one shoulder sneaking a glance around the...
Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...
Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...
Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought. She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...
Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought.She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...
Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought.She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...
Brownie, Coop and I met in fourth grade and had been friends ever since. Ms. Zimmerman was unconventional and arranged the students alphabetically by first name instead of last name like all the other teachers, so we three boys named Matthew got put at the same table. For a while, we tried calling ourselves "Matt," "Matty" and "Matthew," but that didn't stick. For the most part we were "Matt B.," "Matt C." and "Matt R." I kind of liked that, because my name came out sounding like...
"Finally another boring school day is over!" Natalie Morton exclaimed as we walked home together after school that one afternoon. I normally wouldn't talk around her. She was always so pretty tossing her beautiful long dark silky hair back and decorating it with shiny barrettes. I guess in a way you could say I wanted to be like her. Almost all the boys in seventh grade would be drooling over her and the short little dresses she wore. As for me, I was the total opposite. Always wore my...
Prudence@Wolf Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Wolf, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure...
Ella sat around at the party, examining the many people that came in through the doors. There was only one reason she was at the party, and that was to see Denny Olvarios. She had loved him since she was in eighth grade, when she was more awkward. Ella had sat next to Denny for a few months in her English and Reading class, but her teacher had moved her to the back. Since then they had grown disnant, unless you counted the occasional texting for class work. But today was the day when he would...
Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...
The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. Posting this story transfers no license or property. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this material. I had a very vivid dream about this one last night. It...
Why had I ever thought that I could borrow money from the petty cash fund and not get caught? I sat at my desk and wondered what he would do for the umpteenth time! I needed this job and couldn?t afford to lose it. Damn, I was in big trouble! Would he call the police? ?Miss Stone, come in here NOW!? His voice, booming over the speaker, made me jump ten feet in the air. I didn?t bother to respond, but ran into his office instead. There was no need to delay it and anger him more. I knew,...
Decadence, Population 74by [email protected] 1This had been the best idea she had in quite a while. She had been going crazy. It was almost like cabin fever. While she loved New York and felt herself very fortunate for finding a job there right out of college, there was only so much of the Big Apple that she could take. It was time for a break.Sophie had taken Friday off and rented a car. Then she drove to her parents’ house in New Jersey to pick up her dog. Duke was a...
Info: Aiden Moore, 18, of Daytona Beach Florida stars in his first of three gay bukkake films "50 Dicks, 1 Boy". Filming takes place at a privately owned Denny's restaurant in Tampa Bay Florida, with casting having taken nearly 3 months to complete due to strict STD testing. While the title claims to have 50 participants for the bukkake, only 48 arrived for the filming. A secret spilled by one of the participants was that even with 48 men, the producer did not feel there was enough semen in the...
GayDennis the Menace Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 02) The Other Girl ?You?re back sooner than I expected,? Alice Mitchell said to her little boy, as she browned the meat for that evening?s stew. She blond hair was in a somewhat short perm around the sides; she wore a lavender shirt with the first buttons unbuttoned, and women?s jeans. ?I didn?t want to play with Margaret any more. And Joey?s taking a nap. He? s still a little kid,? Dennis said, closing, rather...
HumorDennis the Menace I Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 Margaret?s Magic Words In the part of a once small town that was now a part of suburbia, a small boy in a purple shirt (with a blue O) and black shorts, baggy socks and sneakers ran to play with his friend. "What have you got, Dennis?"Joey MacDonald asked the blonde with the cowlick in the blue-and-black striped shirt, red overalls, and running-and-jumping shoes coming out of his walkway to the...
Dennis The Menace: Part 5 - The sleep Overby Sniper32One Thursday evening, Alice was in her bedroom getting ready for bed, she had just got out of the shower and was sitting naked at her make up table putting on moisturizer, when her son Dennis walked into the room and sat on the end of her bed. He watched her apply the lotion to her elbows and knees. "Mom come over here and lay down and let me do that for you" he said.So she got up and went over to the bed an laid down on it. Dennis took the...
No fair reading this if you lack an 18 year old's ability to read about sex and yet remain virtuous. Or whatever the age, if the law requires it. Correspondent By Vickie Tern It worked out beautifully. Better than we'd hoped, better than we'd planned, way better than we'd imagined. Jeffrey was easy, just as Janice said he'd be. And the rest was easier still! I mean, I do love Ron, very dearly, he's my husband and my whole life I hope forever. I want everything he wants, and I...
Eden turned the faucet knob, and the water from the showerhead came to an abrupt stop. The last splash drizzled down the creamy skin of her neck, gliding between ample breasts, and snaking down long taut legs to the drain where it gurgled away into the pipes below. The last of the sweat and cum lingering on her body went along with it. She sighed as large hands slid around her tiny waist from behind and pinched her supple flesh, warm fingers digging into her skin seething with burning lust....
the characters in this story are copyrighted but the story is mine. depending on the responce to this story i have 5 more parts i will post.Dennis The Menace: Part 1 - A Mother's Love by Sniper32Dennis was in his bedroom one afternoon, doing what young men do, when hismother Alice stuck her head in and told him that she was going to the storeand would be back in about an hour. Now Dennis was home alone and being thecurious type decided to snoop around in his mom and dads room and see whathe...
Dennis The Menace: Part 2 - A Mother's Love by Sniper32A couple of days after Dennis and his mother had sex for the first time,Alice was laying in her bed pondering her current situation. She couldn'tbelieve what was happening between her and her son. She could not get thepicture of her son with his huge cock plunging in and out of her orthe thought of her on her knees with his cock lodged down her throat shootingloads of his hot warm jism in her mouth."God this is turning me on," she said to...
Why had I ever thought that I could borrow money from the petty cash fund and not get caught? I sat at my desk and wondered what he would do for the umpteenth time! I needed this job and couldn't afford to lose it. Damn, I was in big trouble! Would he call the police? "Miss Stone, come in here NOW!" His voice, booming over the speaker, made me jump ten feet in the air. I didn't bother to respond, but ran into his office instead. There was no need to delay it and anger him more. I knew, by...
When Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt that...
Group SexDennis Peck was absolutely livid as he looked at his watch. Sarah, his new girlfriend, was 45 minutes late! That does it, he thought. I am dumping her sorry ass today! He walked out of the bookstore, got into his pickup, and drove back to his apartment, quite ready to dump his detestable girlfriend. When he got there, he saw Sarah, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. "Where the hell were you, Sarah?", Dennis asked her. "Not at that stupid bookstore of yours, that's for sure! I'm sick and...
Group SexTheGasman came yesterday to mend a fault with the boiler. I showed himto the utility room where the boiler is and he noticed my cask ofhome brew beer. He said he brewed his own as well. I offered him aglass and he said he shouldn’t because he is working but we werehis last job so it should be ok. I poured a couple of glasses and hesaid, “Isn’t your wife having any, I don’t feel right if...
The next week found Dennis and the others busy with classes, of course. Final exams were up soon, so they had to study as hard as ever. They had a few quickies, but nothing serious until after finals were over. Thankfully, they were all likely to pass, although Jake would have a C average overall. There was also the matter of finding jobs after they graduated. However, when Friday night arrived and the finals were completed, the four of them were quite prepared for some extracurricular fun...
Dennis The Menace: Part 3 - Joey's Mom by Sniper32One morning at Dennis's friend Joey's house, Joey woke up and went downstairs to make some breakfast for himself. He then went into the living roomto watch his Saturday morning cartoons and to eat his cereal. He found hismother Rita passed out on the couch. This was quite common as Rita was theneighborhood drunk. Joey found her passed out some where in the house 2-3times a week, so this did not surprise him. What did surprise him was thismorning...
Until I graduated from college, my life was pretty normal, maybe even a little dull. I did fairly well in school, was athletically competent, and had my fair share of sexual encounters with coeds. I had planned to graduate with my degree in architectural engineering and get a job at a firm in the city like just about everyone else. Those were my plans… until I got the news that my aunt had died. My Aunt Emily was my mother’s younger sister and being beautiful, funny, and exciting, she was...
FetishDennis came back to his room after breakfast to find Janelle still lying in his bed. She had put on her bra by now but her dark legs were still bare. They were crossed over each other as she lay on top of his mattress with the sheets thrown on the side. She looked at him like she’d expected him to bring back food. “I should really leave soon,” she said. “Whatever,” said Dennis. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer. He opened up World of Warcraft. “Um, Dennis? Did anybody ever teach you...
College SexI was weeks away from my first teen birthday and Dennis had promised me something special before my celebration, I visited him on a Saturday morning and was shaking with anticipation. He led me into the living room where he'd previously fucked me and I was greeted by two middle aged men. Dennis introduced them as Guy and Tom, He said they'd been told all about me and couldn't wait to meet.Dennis switched on the TV and put some porno on, a woman on her knees three men around her with stiff cocks...
Amy nervously twirled her hair in the back of lecture hall. Though she was typically an attentive student, her mind was consumed by the head full of auburn hair in front of her. She had had her eyes on Blake for the last few weeks, though they were little more than casual acquaintances at this point. But she had finally made up her mind that she was going to put herself out there and ask him out on a date. She knew it wasn't going to work. In her mind she was fat and generally unattractive, as...
BDSMWhen Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt...
Denise’s Promotion Denise & her immediate bosses. Our story begins in Birmingham UK at a large public transport organisation, Denise was part of the Project Support for the teams. In her late twenties she was petite with a hint of Amber Rayne or Riley Reid the well known adult stars. She would normally wear trousers around the office and had an excellent pert tight bum and small breasts almost teenager like. Her dress would change to varying circumstances and a shortish skirt would appear...
Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...
Part 1 The Funeral By Docker5000 Introductory. A Mother and her two drunk son’s bond in a Hotel room after a family funeral. Denise huddled closer to her husband Tony she was trying to keep under his umbrella as the rain was now coming down hard. Her two sons Gary 15 and James 17 both shared an umbrella. However, even this did not stop them both from getting wet-through. Everyone at the grave side was now wet-through the vicar was trying his best to read the funeral service, but the...
Part 2 The Long Drive Home By Docker5000 Introductory. It’s the next day after Denise and her two teen son’s had sex in the Pub bedroom. And Denise is filled with anger and shame over her actions. Denise takes Gary home and James goes with his dad to help his widow auntie. The next morning Denise awoke to the full horror of what she and her two son’s had done last night. She couldn’t believe she had allowed them to have sex with her and she was so ashamed that she had really enjoyed...
Denise Gets Caught, chapter 1 Dennis Radcliff had it made. His wife was a real MILF, and she was constantly horny. A fact that he took advantage of almost every night. Dennis worked from home Tuesday through Friday in his home office, going into work on Mondays and Fridays for the weekly meetings. Angela worked in an office full of other women and run by other successful men like Dennis. Men who constantly praised her looks, often making advances. Advances that she would share...