FidèleChapter 12 free porn video

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“Luke? Luke? Please wake up, Luke.”

The urgent whispering and the fingers gently prodding his exposed shoulder registered long before he was able to emerge from his REM-sleep fog and grasp that there was someone else in the room. Someone sitting on his bed, cautiously but persistently trying to rouse him to full consciousness. The apartment was close to pitch black — the downpour that began around sunset had only grown heavier, and the dim glow of the microwave’s digital clock was all the way across the room — but he didn’t need to see to know who it was. Her touch, her scent, her voice ... he’d been dreaming about all three before he woke. And now she was here.

“Kathryn? What... ?” Still groggy and more than a bit bewildered, he slid backward to lean against the headboard, trying to shake free of the cobwebs. “What time is it? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know. It’s late. I’m ... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be here, and I shouldn’t have woken you up. I’ll leave.”

“No, wait,” he said, tugging at her waist. Concern over her obvious distress helped him shed the lingering shackles of sleep. “There’s no need to apologize, and you’re here for a reason. What can I do?”

“You’re going to think I’m being ridiculous.”

His first inclination was to offer lighthearted agreement that he usually did, but he sensed that it wasn’t the right time for jokes. “I won’t, I promise. Tell me.”

“I ... I don’t want to sleep alone.”

“ ... okay?” I don’t understand. Why would she be alone?

“Bill’s spending the night in the city. After we left the party, he had some calls to make. They were only supposed to last for an hour, and so I waited at the apartment, but then ... well, to make a long story short, he didn’t come home with me.” With a heavy sigh, she continued. “I was lying in bed listening to the rain on the roof, and all I could think about was how romantic I’ve always thought that sound was. The longer I listened, the lonelier I got, until ... until...” Taking his hand in hers she willed herself to continue. “Until I had an incredibly selfish urge to come over here and interrupt your sleep. Which I shouldn’t have done. Never mind, I am being foolish. I’ll go.”

I remember Bill saying that his calls were postponed by a day. He didn’t seem happy about it, either; maybe he knew that this might happen. “You’re not being foolish at all, and of course you can stay here. But ... do you, I mean, do you want me to... ?” Be a gentleman. She’s conflicted, and one of the reasons is that this is a difficult, even risky, position to put both of us in. “I’ll move to the couch.”

“No, please don’t. I’d like to sleep here in the bed, with you. But will you just hold me? Not to ... I mean, we can’t have sex. I hope that’s okay. I just ... I need...”

Rather than answering, Luke pulled back the bedding, his invitation clear. His eyes were gradually adjusting to the darkness, and she watched her silhouette as she stood, silently disrobed, and slipped under the covers, facing away from him and shuffling backward until her body was nestled against his. Oh god, she’s completely naked! How am I supposed to put my arm around her without this turning at least a little bit sexual? He held himself still, trying to figure out the best way to give her what she wanted without escalating towards something she didn’t.

Kathryn solved his problem for him, reaching back to grab his hand and wrap it around her body until it was tucked against her neck. His forearm was trapped between the soft interior curves of her breasts, just as it always was when they slept in this position, and their fingers were tightly intertwined as if he was her only anchor in a turbulent sea.

“I’m truly sorry,” she whispered. “I know this isn’t very easy on you. Me being here at all, but especially me being naked, I mean. But I feel safer and more comforted this way, if that makes any sense. Don’t worry about whatever goes on ... down there. I’m going to try to get some sleep because I have another early start tomorrow, and I hope you will too. Goodnight, Luke. Thank you ... for taking ... care ... of me...”

She drifted off, her breath slowing to the rhythmic cadence of sleep. To his surprise, and despite the encumbrance of an entirely inevitable erection as her buttocks pressed against the front of his boxers, he followed her into the blessed embrace of dreams only moments later.

Waves of pleasure crashed through his body as every nerve’s electrical impulse and every last ounce of blood raced towards the erupting volcano in his cock. Elevating his hips from the bed as if trying to penetrate all the way to her heart, he cried out her name and released a flood of semen straight into her throat. She gulped it down, moaning with happiness as she fed on his life-giving essence, a hand cradling and squeezing his balls in the hope of nursing forth even more of his delicious ejaculate.

Finally spent, he relaxed his muscles and fell back to the bed. A stray hair caught underneath her fingernail, yanking it free of his flesh. Though the pain was momentary and minor, he yelped and instinctively reached between his legs to protect his vulnerable testicles from additional harm...

... only to find his motion stalled by a thicket of hair. In an instant, he snapped awake, staring in shock at the unkempt red tangle obscuring his midsection.

“Kathryn! Oh my god, that wasn’t a dream ... but ... why are you... ?” Memories of last night came rushing back, and hard on their heels the realization that this was an unquestioned breach of their agreement. Was this my fault? Did I do something in my dream to force her into this?

With a wet smack, she pulled her lips from his pulsating shaft, swallowed the last of his cream, and moved her hair out of the way so they could look each other in the eyes. Her usual blissful satiety was absent, in its place a half pleased, half guilty expression accompanied by more than a little anxiety.

“I know, Luke. I know. I just ... I wanted to thank you somehow for what you did for me last night. I woke up, and it felt so natural to take you into my mouth that I didn’t even really think about what I was doing until you were close to coming. Please don’t be upset.”

Upset? Dazed, shocked, and confused, maybe ... but upset? “What could I possibly have to be upset about?” Her hand was still wrapped around his rod, which showed no immediate signs of flagging.

“I guess from your perspective there wouldn’t be, would there? I do give great head.” Sighing, she released her hold on his manhood and sat up. “I guess maybe I was hoping you’d be upset enough to give me a reason to feel bad about what I just did. And I’m sure I’ll feel plenty guilty about this later. But right now, I’d like to spend a few more minutes in your arms. My phone alarm’s going to go off pretty soon, anyway.”

Still in a post-orgasmic haze, he reflexively embraced her, caressing her hair, her back, and other less dangerous curves as she snuggled against him, face-to-face this time. “I really mean it: thank you. Last night, I stood at the side of your bed for the longest time, listening to you sleep and trying to talk myself out of staying. But I knew that, if I left, I’d either fall asleep crying or be unable to sleep at all. You made me feel needed and protected when I felt anything but.” For the first time all morning, there was the faint hint of a smile on her lips. “I’m not quite sure why I thought a blowjob was the only way to express my gratitude, but ... well, you got one anyway.”

“Like I said, you’re unlikely to hear any complaints from me.”

“I feel like I should explain what happened, but the full story might have to wait until we have more time. Especially as I’m not even sure I completely understand it myself.”

“You told me last night. Don’t you remember?”

“I only told you enough to talk myself into your bed. I thought you might wonder why I didn’t just spend the night in the city, for example.”

“Well, I admit the question did occur, but we both fell asleep so quickly I didn’t really have time to think about it.”

“Part of it was logistical, because either way I’d have to come back here to get my clothes for tonight’s gala, and driving back and forth early this morning would mean getting even less sleep. Though since I spent well over an hour tossing and turning in my own bed before fleeing to yours, I guess it didn’t matter, in the end. And part of it was that I knew...” She seemed to be struggling to speak her husband’s name.

“Go ahead. It won’t bother me.”

“That’s not the ... well, anyway, I knew that Bill would take a while to calm down before being able to sleep. His calls weren’t going very well, and he was just about as angry as I’ve ever heard him. I knew that, even when he was done, he’d be pacing and fuming and knocking back glasses of bourbon for a while, which was more or less a guarantee that I wouldn’t be able sleep until he could, and that moment seemed a really long way off.”

“That all makes sense.”

“I’m glad it does, because while it’s all perfectly logical, reasonable, and true, none of it is really why I came home alone. While he was ranting at the folks in Hong Kong, I did something I don’t usually do during his business calls: I listened. And while it was mostly just the usual bickering about numbers, contracts, and such, I was also hearing between the lines. I realized that he wasn’t furious about the details of their current dispute as much as he was furious because he’s going to have to be there to fix it. Which means he’s going to be away even more than he already has been.”

Shit. Now I feel even guiltier, because I knew this was coming. Should I tell her? No, I can’t. For one thing, it’s not my story to tell. And for another, me telling her that Bill confided in me before her couldn’t possibly seem like anything other than manipulation. I’m not overly proud of all my choices, of late, but that’s a bridge too far.

“At that point, a lot of other clues that I’d missed or ignored started clicking into place. Why he’s been almost parodically solicitous all week. Why he’s been so ... well, uh, never mind.” Luke caught the faint blush that colored her cheeks; it wasn’t hard to guess the reason, and for the first time in a while he found himself oddly free of his usual jealousy at the thought of the two of them having sex. “Why he’s been vague and evasive about his travel plans. And especially why he was so angry on the phone. He’s almost certainly known this was going to happen for a while, but he didn’t tell me because he didn’t want to upset me until all my charitable responsibilities were over.”

“I figured all this out while he was still bellowing into the phone, and the first thing that struck me was that I wasn’t mad. Waiting until this week is over is a truly considerate thing to do; me being exhausted and angry all week could’ve been disastrous in any number of ways. But the next thing that struck me was that I wasn’t mad. I didn’t feel any inclination towards anger, or upset, or resentment. Nor am I going to feel them tonight, tomorrow, or whenever he finally tells me the unfortunate truth. I think that, last night, I experienced a a change of heart, or maybe even revelation of sorts, because I’m no longer interested in being angry at him about this. That doesn’t mean I won’t at some point in the future, but right now I’m not.”

Suddenly, she reached out to tease and caress his cheekbones with her fingers. The places where she touched him burned like fire, and not just from his rising body temperature. “Your thoughts are entirely transparent, you know. You’re trying to figure out what this means for the two of us. If you do figure it out let me know, because I don’t have the faintest idea. But I’m about to make it more difficult for you: it’s probably not the most obvious thing, because nothing is going quite the way I expected. Aside from that, I really don’t know what to think.”

Abruptly, she turned to grab her phone. The alarm started sounding at the exact moment she raised a finger to shut it off. Her moment of revelation and her strange reference to expectation was too much for him to handle before coffee, so instead he chose to concentrate on what he’d just witnessed. “Please tell me that was a coincidence.”

“I could tell you that, but I’d be lying. Some people are born with perfect pitch, some people are born with an eidetic memory, and apparently I was born with a clock implanted in my brain. Though I suppose there are worse places it could’ve been lodged. Anyway...” Flinging back the covers, she leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek, stood, dressed, and disappeared into the bathroom in an attempt to make sure she was presentable enough to cross the courtyard. A few minutes later, she was back at his bedside.

“Thank you again for last night, Luke. Seriously. You rescued me from my insanity, you were a comfort when I needed it, and you were ... well, you were kind. If you were paying attention to my ramblings a few minutes ago, you know how much I value kindness, especially when it comes at a cost.”

She was poised at the top of the stairs when she delivered a salacious coda. “And since you already know that I’m inclined to reward kindness with blowjobs, just imagine what sort of reward you could earn by bending me over a table and fucking me until even I don’t know what time it is.”

Though it was very early, even for him, Luke soon accepted that additional sleep had just been rendered impossible.

This has been an incredibly strange week. Luke’s hands hovered over his keyboard, poised to type words he’d forgotten many minutes ago. Actually, “incredibly strange” is a massive understatement. If someone else recounted the week I’ve just had, I’d probably laugh them off as an unusually creative liar. Accepting that whatever task he’d been trying to complete needed to be restarted from the beginning, he stopped pretending to work and leaned back in his chair. The low hum of the cellar’s cooling units was no match for the cacophony in his brain.

I thought this would be a week filled with work and routine, sexless except for my nightly abuse of the local tissue supply. And then Irina walks in to confront me about my relationship with Kathryn, which is exactly the sort of confrontation I’ve most feared. But instead of it ending in anger, recrimination, and dire warnings, it ends with us fucking each other silly. I keep trying to feel used or manipulated, and I keep looking for dark motivations in Kathryn’s encouragement, but the truth is that I can’t manage either. Even if it never happens again, it was a hell of an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. Better yet, Kathryn finally has a coconspirator, as I do with Wendy. Granted, both of them are wary coconspirators — Wendy very much so — but it’s good to know that, if Kathryn actually needs to talk to someone about us, there’s a person who could listen and advise without being shocked.

Admittedly, learning about their relationship was surprising, but the more I think about it, the more it gives me confidence that things will be alright no matter how they end for us. She and Kathryn were able to remain friends even though they had to break off their romantic and sexual partnership. Maybe that’s something I can hope for as well ... with Kathryn and with Bill ... if our physical relationship comes to an end.

I still wouldn’t say I’m entirely comfortable pretending to be Bill’s close friend while I’m secretly fucking his wife, but I’m surprised how easy our “bachelor night” was for me. The guilt never went away — if it ever does, I’ll have to reevaluate who I am as a person — but I feel like I can go back to acting normally around him. No matter what happens, I’m going to have to spend at least some time with him. That’s a positive step forward for me. It also helps me empathize with his frustration over being away so much. At first I thought that he didn’t understand what he was doing to his marriage, but now I know better. I admit to being surprised that he keeps doing it anyway, but I suppose his contractual obligations are a web he can’t easily escape anymore; he’s playing in the biggest of the big leagues, and simply walking away could cost him his reputation and his career. Still, is any job worth losing Kathryn?

On the other hand, perhaps it’s me who doesn’t see the situation clearly enough because of how I feel about her. Maybe he has good reason to be confident that, while they might be in a bit of a bad place right now, in the end she won’t leave him. That’s a possibility I haven’t confronted, and I really should.

The more immediate question, at least from my perspective, is what last night and this morning actually meant. Kathryn’s story — at least the longer-form version — made sense, but I feel like she left some important things out. There were several moments when she seemed about to say one thing, then changed her mind and said something else. She broke her own rules, too; last night by crawling into bed with me, and in even more dramatic fashion this morning. I know she doesn’t like to call what we’re doing an affair, but to me it was a much more visceral form of sneaking around than anything we’ve done so far. Nor was there any real guarantee of secrecy or safety; Bill could have come back at any moment — in fact, given that he’s apparently spent the week attempting to make amends, I’m almost surprised he didn’t — and if he had while his wife was in my bed, we’d be in the middle of a really ugly conflagration right now. Despite that, it seemed like she either didn’t consider the danger or didn’t care about the danger. Along the same lines: when she revealed that she wasn’t angry about Bill being away anymore, did that mean that she’d decided to give up on the anger, or did it mean that she no longer cares enough to be angry about his absences? That seems like a really important distinction, and from a selfish point of view it has a pretty significant impact on my own relationship with Kathryn.

Also, I’d really like to know what she meant by nothing going the way she expected. Was that a confirmation or a refutation of what Wendy’s been suggesting all along: that Kathryn desired this outcome from the beginning? The morning after we first had sex, she rather pointedly avoided saying that it was a surprise, only that she hadn’t wanted to drunkenly stumble into it the way we did. But again, this seems like something I really need to know. If she was planning for this situation the moment she handed my card to Bill, then she’s been thinking about “us” far longer than I’ve realized, which might mean that it’ll be less risky to tell her how I feel. Even before we started having sex she was affectionate and open with me, but last night and this morning it seemed like we’ve reached a new plateau. She deliberately chose to leave her husband’s side and her own bed. She reached out to me when she needed comfort. And she did something else she said she wouldn’t do again: talk to me in detail about her relationship with Bill, as if we’re suddenly more than just lovers. I admit that, were the roles reversed, I’d have a hard time having that conversation. Maybe she really does see us as “separate,” and that’s how she can compartmentalize her relationships.

Well, even if I don’t know what all of it means, I know I’m riding a hell of a rollercoaster. I just hope that telling her I love her isn’t the moment the wheels fly off the track. Anyway, I should get back to work. Once Bill’s gone, and if this morning’s promise is any indication, I’m not going to get much done. At least not for a while.

Luke was grudge-watching an abysmal cooking show, yelling exasperated corrections and criticisms at the screen while trying to drag his mind away from the headier topics that had roiled it all day, when he heard the now-familiar thud of car doors. They were followed, only moments later, by a sharp series of raps on his own. Based on the weight behind them, I’m guessing it’s Bill. He scrambled from the sofa and raced downstairs, hoping to catch a brief glimpse of Kathryn in her formalwear before she escaped to the house, but it turned out there was no need. Both of them were at his door.

A moment passed.

Then another.

And another.

Eventually, Kathryn smiled and looked down. Even in the relative darkness, he could see the blush coloring her cheeks.

“I’m not sure, but I think that was supposed to be a compliment.”

“As I’ve learned while working with him, he’s not always particularly good with words.”

“Well, in this case I can’t say that I blame him.”

Finally, Luke managed to find his voice. “Uh ... Bill, Kathryn, hi! I ... uh, I mean...”


“I do. I wonder if that was meant to be the same compliment or a different one?”

“His eyes moved, so I’d guess the latter.”

“Oh? Which part of your body is he staring at now?”

“Bill!” She swatted him in the back. “Behave.”

Rocking back and forth on shoes so highly polished that they reflected light like a mirror, he chuckled with self-satisfied amusement. “I still can’t say that I blame him.”

Finally, the target of their gentle mockery regained his grip on language. “I’m ... geez, I’m sorry. That was rude. I’m not usually like this.”

“So ... the other day by the pool, while she was wearing that sexy little red handkerchief, you weren’t checking her out?”

“Bill!” she hissed, punctuating it with another swat.

Luke’s blush quickly surpassed hers. “I, uh...”

Resting a hand on his shoulder, Bill spared him additional humiliation. “Son, I can’t honestly blame you for that either. Anyway, let me be candid: while she’s set some pretty high bars in the past, she really outdid herself this evening.”

Indeed, her skin-hugging cobalt blue dress — a bold and potentially risky color for a redhead — was tantalizingly revealing, but in unexpected ways. Most of her midriff was exposed, save for three blatantly suggestive small-link chains that draped across her stomach, around her side, and up her back. Below that was yet another asymmetrical skirt, with gaps that showed off her long legs to fantastic effect. Though the upper portion of the dress concealed most of her neck and all of her cleavage (though its tightness didn’t exactly downplay her assets), the partition below her breasts went all the way up to the lower edge of their swells, teasing and promising but remaining (just barely) on the safe side of delivering. She’d swept her long hair to one side, showing off a glittering ... and enormous ... sapphire earring that matched a rather lavish bracelet and several elegant rings.

“Kathryn, I ... okay, I surrender. You look stunning. I mean, of course you do, but... wow!”

“You know, son, that’s exactly what I said.”

A third swat to the back. “That’s not even close to what you said!”

“I admit to a clumsy attempt to molest you while you protested that I was sullying your makeup.”

A fourth swat, measurably harder this time. “Why are you the only one who gets to stand here without being repeatedly embarrassed?”

Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he shrugged. “Because it’s well established that I’m very, very lucky, and also because I’m an outrageously successful lawyer, which means that I lost the ability to be embarrassed a long time ago.” Their shared laughter broke any lingering tension, though Luke still had to force himself not to consume the luscious Kathryn with his roving eyes. “Anyway, as usual we come bearing invitations. Would you join us for dinner tomorrow night? I’m told Sev’s whipping up something special.”

He was on the verge of accepting when he remembered all the revelations and secrets of the past few days. Since they just left her final gala and they’re both in a great mood, he probably hasn’t told her about his travel plans. He’s going to have to do it soon, though, and the more I’m with them, the fewer opportunities he’ll have. Even if she’s not upset about it — and I don’t know if I’m convinced she won’t be — he will be. I don’t really want to walk into that minefield, either. Also, they deserve their time together. I, of all people, shouldn’t be trying to take it away from them.

“That’s very kind of you, as always, but with a great deal of regret I’m going to decline.”

Luke’s peripheral vision caught Kathryn’s brief nod of approval. Bill looked surprised, but he managed to cover it with a joke. “Was it something I said? It was the crack about the bikini, wasn’t it? But seriously, Luke, how can I change your mind?”

He’s unlikely to give up easily, but I obviously can’t tell him the real reason. So let me try a different tack. “This time, you can’t. Instead, let me propose a compromise: I’ll come over for an apéro. Our dinners together don’t tend to end early or in anything remotely resembling sobriety, and after the week you two have had, I think you deserve a quiet night alone.”

Nodding thoughtfully, as if gradually arriving at the same conclusion as Luke, Bill was about to respond when he was interrupted by Kathryn’s withering sarcasm. “As long as you promise that our meal isn’t going to be completely vegetable-free.”

Bill and Luke’s attention snapped to her. “That was supposed to be our little secret, Luke,” Bill groused.

“I didn’t tell her!”

“Boys,” she snorted, “you think you’re so clever, and yet you so rarely are. As if there isn’t someone who’s aware of every single ingredient that enters or leaves the kitchen.”

Slapping his forehead, Bill groaned. “Sevinay’s the traitor. She sold us out!”

Kathryn patted his stomach. “You’d better hope she doesn’t get back on the phone with Dr. Loring.”

“I’ve been betrayed to a totalitarian overlord!”

“Yes, because refusing to endorse an all-meat diet is indistinguishable from a fascist dictatorship. Now, let’s go home before I’m forced to reveal everything else Sev’s told me about how you eat when I’m away.”

Raising his hands in surrender, he turned and walked towards the house, still muttering about being sold out. Remaining behind for a moment, Kathryn gave him a weary smile and said, “Thank you. That was yet another extremely kind thing you just did.” Leaning closer, she whispered, “Keep thinking about how I reward kindness.”

By the time Luke managed to swallow, she was already walking away. He admired her retreating form until it disappeared behind their door, then walked back up the stairs, turned off the television, and reached for the box of tissues.

Watching Bill fidget and pace about the room made it clear, at least to Luke, that he still hadn’t told her about the escalating demands for his presence. Kathryn was pointedly ignoring the theatrics, placidly sipping her Champagne and offering occasional half-shrugs in Luke’s direction, as if to suggest that she’d giving up trying to assuage his tension. Luke couldn’t bear it any more, and attempted a diversion.

“What do you think of the Champagne, Bill? Laval is a...”

Like a punctured balloon Bill stopped, deflated, and turned an apologetic face to the others. “I’m sorry for bouncing around like a pigeon on amphetamines. I’ve got a lot on my mind.” Kathryn managed a quick but pointed glance at Luke before returning her attention to her husband, which Luke took as a clue to begin his departure. But before he could go, Bill drew close and grabbed his arm. “Kathryn, would you mind if we had a quick word?”

“Not at all. Should I tell Sevinay we’ll be ready to eat soon?”

“Give me ten minutes. Anytime after that is fine.” Quickly downing his glass and setting it on a nearby table, he urged Luke through the front door and into the courtyard. Luke was still holding on to his glass of bubbly, and despite his distraction Bill couldn’t help but notice.

“Just bring the glass back whenever. Open another for yourself if you’d like, since I’m afraid my behavior cut our social gathering short. Listen: you remember what I asked you to do, right?”

He seems almost desperate, like he’s trapped and doesn’t know how to escape. I feel even more badly for him, and as a result even worse about myself. “Yes, of course. I...” Go ahead. You’ve already decided. Just tell him. “If she’s up for it, I’m going to do as you asked. Or at least offer. It would be fun to get out of the apartment now and again. But I’m sure she’ll be wishing that y...”

“Never mind that. I’m glad to hear it, Luke. You two have fun. Someone needs to. And speaking of which, you know the clause in your contract about your weekly wine rations?”

“You mean the one that wasn’t in the version you sent me and to which I never agreed, yet somehow magically appeared in your version in all its absurd generosity?”

Same as Fidèle
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The sun is sinking low when I awake. You are already up sitting on the porch watching the waves roll onto the beach. "Jill is still asleep. Let's not wake her. It's a beautiful evening, Monique, let's go for a stroll," you suggest. "Great idea, I love long walks on the beach. It's so romantic," I respond."It's a full moon, as well," you say, "Perfect for a beach walk.""I'll change into my bathing suit," I say excitedly, eager for a chance to display my chest plate."Me, too," you reply. "I'd...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub 3some BiMMF

I was in Raleigh, NC and went to an upscale BBQ place. Being by myself I sat at the bar and was soon joined by this beautiful Hispanic woman. She had long brown hair with blonde highlights. Being only 5-2 I am sure she weighted right around 100lbs. We started to talk and after I while I excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I came back, she had unbuttoned the top of her blouse showing nice firm b cup breasts in a push up bra. This girl was sexy and she knew it. We talked a bit...

3 years ago
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Breaking in the new girl

Which brings me to the here and now. I am sitting in a cheap hotel waiting with a friend of mine, for a girl to show up. Richie explained that this particular girl was a ‘newbie’ and although she’d been working for him for a few months, and had gotten into the swing of things, there were a few things she wouldn’t do for the customers. That’s where I came in. In school I had a rep for being able to get any girl I wanted and for knowing how far to push them. He wanted me to ‘expand the...

4 years ago
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Last days in Negril

During our stay in Negril I took great pleasure in stripping out of my bikini top to sunbathe on the beach, pretending not to notice the looks I was getting from guys and girls as they checked out my large breasts.Of course because of the heat my partner had to put plenty of sun cream on for me and I’m sure he was the envy of several guys as they discreetly watched him massage the cream into my back and my tits, paying special attention to my nipples, which, despite the heat, seemed to be...

1 year ago
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DeceptionsChapter 1

I'm usually not a nosy person. Really, I swear. Although I only turned eighteen last week I am starting college now, and I think I've already developed a pretty mature attitude about not judging people. I bet it comes from my theater background. My parents met while working together on a play. I've been around actors my whole life, so that's probably where I got my laid-back attitude. What people do in private is their own business, right? So why was I sneaking out in the middle of the...

2 years ago
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Lisa part2

Lisa woke up. She didn´t feel as bad as earlier. She didn´t felt so bad but she knew she was still sick. Her anal-opening was „wet“. It was because of the lubrication on the thermometer and of course the suppositories. It always happend when she was little and her mother took her temp, of course in the ass. She started thinking about when she was little and got her temp taken. At that time, it always hurt a little. That was just because she didn't ever relax so of course it hurted a little. Her...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Maria Ono Maria Ono is a kind nurse that sucks each one of her patients cocks

This is every man’s fantasy. You are stuck in the hospital. You are so sick you can not even get out of bed. That is not the fantasy part this is. Your nurse is named Maria Ono and she is sweet and kind and will do anything to alleviate the discomfort the patients in her charge are feeling. She will make sure that they get whatever they need and a bit more. The patients are her main priority and when one of them asks for something, she delivers. That is the kind of nurse she is. She also...

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From Candace to CandyPrologue

Jim Jones is an 18 year old senior in high school. His step-sister Candace, is a 14 year old freshman. Their parents are very wealthy and also very rarely at home. To compensate for their long distance love the parents have given their children unlimited credit cards and run of the house. Jim and Candace have shouldered the responsibility and have never betrayed their parents trust. The two siblings are not blood related; Jims' mother did not give birth to Candace. His father died when he...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 27 Christmas Part 1

The first family tradition that we had established when we first got our foursome together, was that we put up our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, with the intent of taking it down on New Years Day. This went back you my youth in Wisconsin, we would go out and cut down our tree and drag it home. The air in our house was so dry and lacking in humidity that the tree would dry out to the point where it could spontaneously combust. However, that was not the case here in Boise. Yes, we had dry...

1 year ago
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His Fantasy

Still buried deep inside Kimberly, Johnathon looked into her blue eyes. Both were feeling a bit confused. She had no idea that he wanted her sexually, and he was worried that he had crossed the line. “What was your fantasy, Johnathon?” she whispered. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. He brushed a strand of her silky, red hair from her face. Johnathon marveled at how beautiful she looked laying there with a rosy flush across her cheeks and a sheen of perspiration glittering over her body....

Straight Sex
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Spizoo Kit Mercer MILF Blonde Sex Bondage

The blonde slave Kit Mercer in a cage, shows us her spectacular body, her big tits, she is willing to please all the sexual desires of her master. She attends to all the orders of her master who orders her to first suck and lick his cock and put that cock to the bottom of her throat, she moans and screams while that cock comes in the mouth again and again. to continue stimulating that cock with her big tits, stimulate your cock with her hands and her mouth at the same time, now she stands on...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy of Mine

Coming home from work I find my wife Laura and her friend Izzy home alone. Coming in and hanging up my coat Laura smiles her sexy smile at me but says nothing. Izzy is playing the role of wife. She comes gives me a kiss and a hug and tell me to go have a shower and dinner will be in half an hour. Heading up the stairs I strip off and head into the shower. A couple of minutes later I hear the door open and close then the shower curtain opens. Thinking its Laura I grab her and kiss her when...

4 years ago
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A Letter from a Broken Toy

A letter from a broken toy To whom it may concern: I really don't even know what to call you. I have done such a masterful job of blocking your name from my conscious mind that I am not sure of it anymore, and you might not even remember mine, but I was one of your toys, all those years ago. Only God and you know how many of us there were. I do not know if I can do justice to the havoc you have created in your search for self gratification. But I must try, if only for my own peace...

4 years ago
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Change of Focus

Change of Focus, by Rajah Dodger, Copyright (c) 2001. All rights reserved, except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights only are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and permission note must remain attached. * * * * * ‘There once was a girl from Nantucket / whose clit was so big she could…’ ‘Nawww…’ Jack said, and viciously crumpled the piece of notepaper before flinging it across his dorm room. ‘I’m never going to pass this flippin’ writing course!’ His...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Ariana Aimes The Daddy Swap Pt2

Ariana Aimes and Shae Celestine were trying their hardest to lose their virginity before college. It was only a few days before school was supposed to start and all they accomplished were sucking a few dicks! How the heck are they gonna get deflowered with only a few days to spare? By swapping their handsome fathers of course! In part two Ariana pleaded her case to Shae?s dad, and he was totally willing to help her out. He shows her sweet brown pussy and mouth how to handle some real cock,...

4 years ago
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The Magicians Wife Makes Her Own Magic

It hasn’t always been easy. There were times when we had more than enough but generally we’ve been scrappers. In spite of our best efforts we often just make it from week to week by the skin of our teeth. We’re okay with that. It makes for a bit of excitement and we actually find ourselves thankful that we’ve always had a roof over our heads and plenty to eat. We also consider it a blessing that we get to work together. Jack has been in the entertainment business for all of his adult life. I...

2 years ago
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Friend visits me at Uni

It had been several months since my last sexual encounter with a guy, my previous buddy had moved away in the middle of the summer. I was at Uni now. I was lucky enough to be at Uni with several other friends, and this particular friend, Joe, had come to visit all of us, but stayed in my room. I’d fancied him for ages. He had dark hair, slightly tanned skin and a muscular frame, not stupidly muscled, but toned enough to drive me wild. Me, Joe and some friends had gone out clubbing for the night...

3 years ago
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I dare you Not to get Hard reading this Story

This is coming from a woman, it is a true account of a part of my life that really happened, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.I would love to say in my defence that I was going through a stressful part in my life, but somehow that plea does appear weak, so I have to be honest with you readers, I am a pervert, and only this can excite me, let me start at the beginning, and tell you like it happened, and you will be my judge, and perhaps say something in the comments...

4 years ago
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two weeks apart

This is our first story and it's more of a test really but is 100% true. Having spent the last two weeks on a training course 300 miles from home, the only way i (mat) could relieve my frustration was to wank furiously, leaving many, many spunk stains on my bed clothes...luckily for me, my amazing wife Fran, kept me visually stimulated with some amazing pictures.I got pictures of her pussy, her pussy with a rampant rabbit deep inside it, a retro white dildo deep inside her awesome wet hole, the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Gia Milana 12172019

Gia’s Fiance has a gambling problem. He owes a shit ton of money to some shady people. They came to Gia’s house to collect, but her Fiance wasn’t home. They wanted the money right then and there. You know her man’s got an addiction…well, lucky for him, so does Gia! Her addiction is COCK! She makes a deal with the collector’s…she fucks them, they give her man an extra week to come up with the money. That’s a win, win for everyone! So there she is...

1 year ago
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Strict Mom Converts Son Into Toilet

Without TV or computers Jon and his sister Sarah spent much of their free time with their mother, weather reading books, or sitting by the pool as a family, they were close. By the pool, the closest Jon ever got to seeing a female body was by stealing quick glances at his sister and his mother. Once, Jennifer had jumped into the pool and the top of her swimsuit was slipped below her breast. The sight of his mom's disc like areola which was dark and almost maroon with raised bumps...

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Max loves Married Mature Women

Max & Sage took a shower together & then Sage stayed nude except for a pair of spiked heels ,now he also collared & leashed his mature sexslut & brought her upstairs to the den where she sat on his sofa , then she was ballgagged and told to be quiet. The doorbell rang , Max went & answered it , well hello Sheila Max said , the 56year old , gray haired, long legged & fake giant tit amazon was his oldest & longest serving submissive . It had been almost a year since he had met Sheila ....

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kristy May Car Trouble Cooch Pounding

Innocent babe Kristy May is in a bit of a pickle when her car breaks down in the middle of the street. She knocks on our studs door in the middle of a rainstorm and asks if he can help her out. When he sees how cute Kristy is, he is more than happy to lend a hand. He invites her inside, and after some warm hospitality, Kristy starts to get horny. Before her parents come pick her up, our stud whips out his thick boner and offers her a ride. Kristy happily accepts, sitting on his member and...

2 years ago
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Maria Training a Slut Pt 2

It’s after eight o’clock and we’re finally on the road to the beach. Maria is sitting next to me, with her short black dress showing me a ton of milky white thigh. I can see she is trying to lean a little, the butt plug still wedged firmly in her ass. The trip is about three and a half hours, but it won’t be in her that long, because we are going to make a stop on the way… a stop about which she has no idea.The first part of the trip is pretty quiet. She can sense this isn’t going to be an...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Carlita Ray Big Ass Spicy Stepmom Carlita Keeps It Open

Sexually starved big ass Latina milf stepmom Carlita meant business when she slipped on her sexy leopard lingerie and masturbated waiting for her big cock stepson Milan to find the key on the floor and cum to the room and open her hot moist pussy. Milan was not sure about going thru with this but he could not deny her huge appetite for cock nor her huge sweet big juicy ass spread wide for eating and his hard cock pounding her balls deep. Carlita on her knees feasted on his big cock for his...

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The Neighbors in 3BChapter 1

I'd arrived home only minutes before, the traffic on the 91 Fwy being about as bad as any in the Southern California area. I was very hot, the air conditioning in my old car was on the fritz again and the electric window motors were all permenently broken as well. All in all, a lovely 45 minute drive home. I had my central air running at full blast from the second I walked into my little condo, and the cool breezes were just beginning to waft through the air ducts. I had polished off that...

4 years ago
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Delightful Diane

It was more than a surprise when an email dropped into my inbox the other day, totally out of the blue as they say and it come from someone who I hardly knew. You see I had been working on a project and had made contact with Diane who was an area supervisor, it did not work out so I knocked it on the head so to speak. That was four years ago. Well, surprise, surprise, an email from Diane popped into my Inbox with a very formal message enquiring how I was etc. We passed the rest of the day in...

2 years ago
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Giving Retired Guy His First BJ In 10 Years

Alan's knobby, smooth penis slid into my mouth easily, the veins in his shaft passing slowly across my tongue as I took the time to lavish his cock with the warm wetness I knew he craved. It had been 10 years since his wife had been open to having sex with him. I didn't judge. I just thought, "This guy deserves an epic blow job for staying married to this woman." So, I invited him over, watched as he pulled his shorts and undies down to his ankles, sat on my couch, then went down on...

3 years ago
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Once Upon In Mumbai

Hi am a guy with fair complexion.. With average body structure and had a penis of 7.5 inches and now I am going to share one more sex incident of my past. I am working with a pvt. ltd. co in sales and frequently travel to places. I had posted some stories on ISS and some time back received a mail from a girl who wanted to build up a relationship with me. For quite some time I ignored the same but she was very much adamant to have her way which forced me to relent later on. We were chatting for...

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Milf Prime

What’s so prime about MILF Prime? Are they claiming to be the very first free MILF tube, or just the best one? Maybe the Prime designation is referring to the women, which certainly suits me as a connoisseur of top-quality cougar meat. Perhaps they mean Prime in the sense that we’re living in what just might be the golden age of dirty movies starring Mothers I’d Love to Fuck. Honestly, give me any or all of the above and I’m bound to show up with my dick out and a bottle of lube at the ready.I...

Mature Porn Sites
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I have seen this woman, a massage ther****t for some time, on this occasion it was not just a regular massage. I was laying on my back near the end of my 90 minute massage when she asked me if there were any area's I wanted further attention to. I just somehow got the nerve up and asked her that if she new the Thailand testicle massage that would be great. She looked me square in the eyes and one word came from her, REALLY? I replied, well it doesn't hurt to ask. She then smiled and looked...

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Hidden desires finally exposed

I had found a swingers group on the web in a nearby town that met monthly at a local hotel. For many years I have wanted to attend an adult party with my wife but she wasn't hearing any of that. I emailed the leaders and over time became familiar with them on line.I had mentioned it to my wife quite a few more times and she continued to be reluctant about it. Finally after me bringing it up enough times she agreed to go. She remarked that she didn't want to be caught up in a lewd party with a...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 16 Ildernass

all characters are over the age of eighteen. Smythe knew he was running out of time. After Elaina had spoken to him on the Plane urging him to find Jeira and Hamlin before the Druids did, he’d spent the rest of that night and most of the next day searching Ironshire high and low. Finally, he’d found someone who’d seen them, only to be told that the couple had left several days ago, bound for their farm. Smythe was still amazed that any Druids had survived the Purging. He knew a little of...

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“You know I love to have a second man around once a month while you watch and masturbate. “Would you like to fuck me just like this with your huge, thick cock, from being with your hands holding my big ass while you watch me sucking another much younger, pretty man’s erection? “Does the thought of that turn you on baby. It turns me on,” I whisper as he increases the tempo of his fucking. “Yes, you know it does.” “Good, I am fantasizing about blowing a bi-sex man at least ten years younger...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 528

... Morales had been standing with his back to the plains as they were talking, the thick evergreen they were standing under having shielded them when the light snow began. As Jasmine again looked toward the plains, she realized what was happening, “Uh, looks like we have another complication,” she said as she motioned behind her husband. “It’s beginning to snow again.” Morales turned to look. “Shit, I suppose I picked the wrong day.” Walking closer to the plains so he could see the sky...

2 years ago
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James Cheating Styory

So I am sitting outside this meeting. Sean just went in, and already my mind is racing. What is my slutty wife up to? I can just imagine the truck had barely left the driveway and I know you were looking for some "strange". I can see this guy on the porch and you already know he has what you need. He grabs you and shoves you to your knees with the door wide open. You love being this cheating slut. You gasp as he takes out his cock. Fully ready to go standing out at ten inches, you laugh to...

4 years ago
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Raising RocChapter 6

Sergeant Kelley and Corporal Roc are credited with starting the sexual revolution for the P'OTP. Experts have long disputed the wisdom and responsibility for starting such radical changes in another species social climate. Some experts have argued that the event would have happened anyway; however, as Shakespeare wrote, ""What's done cannot be undone." Contact, itself, with the P'OTP by both the Rics and humanity caused changes in the P'OTP and no one can say that they would have been...

1 year ago
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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 02

Chapter 2A pounding noise reverberated through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, I wonder who might be at the door. I soon realize that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn't alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices.In shock, I look around and find three other women in my bed, one of them is... This is too much for my extremely hung-over mind to fathom, and oblivion takes me. When I wake again, I am all alone. I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 10 Hes BAAAACCCKKKK

September 23, 1995, San Diego, California I had, once again, managed to get myself into one of those situations, and it was purely my fault. I KNEW it would happen when I agreed to play chess with her, and yet I had still invited Meredith back to the hotel, or, rather, accepted her invitation to come to the hotel. Bethany would tell me that subconsciously I WANTED to play ‘strip chess’ with Meredith, complete with the rewards for winning, and I was pretty sure Bethany would be right. Of...

4 years ago
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The Flight of the Ugly Swan Chapter 6

‘Ummmm, your turn?’ I couldn’t believe that I was asking my sister if she would like me to lick her pussy, but the best guess I have is that the events of the day triggered something in me. For maybe the first time in my life, I felt completely accepted for who I was and for that I was grateful. But my offer wasn’t strictly from gratitude. Other than myself, I had never seen naked women except in movies. Their bodies always affected me much the same as male bodies did. They aroused me. I think...

4 years ago
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Bracelet submissionthe second bracelet

After a first session using a bracelet and having control ,our sex life over the next months proved to be hot. It seemed as though there was a lingering excitement left over from our first encounter using submission.   A few months after our first session we had the opportunity to go to the country and rent a cabin with spa, log fire ,entertainment system and plenty of privacy. The only problem was that I had to tell my wife that I would give her a bracelet and I wanted her to take certain...

2 years ago
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Fringe BenefitsChapter 5

When I open my eyes in the morning, it takes me a few moments to recognize my surroundings. The geometry of the room is unfamiliar, and for a few seconds I have no recollection of my whereabouts. Then the memory of last night comes back, and I blink a few times and take a look around through squinted eyes. The radio clock on the night stand shows 7:33am, and there is nobody in bed next to me, only ruffled sheets and a crumpled pillow where Nicole fell asleep last night after our wine-fueled...

3 years ago
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Olivias Encore

I woke up and looked at the clock, 3:30 AM, my usual time to get up to answer nature’s call. Getting older sucks. I eased out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t want to disturb the little angel next to me. I got a drink of water and eased back into bed trying not to disturb Olivia. Regardless of my efforts, Olivia stirred. She opened one eye, asked me what time it was. I told her it was 3:45 and to go back to sleep. She snuggled up to me, put her head on my chest and we drifted...

4 years ago
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Indu The School Girl 2

We lay like this for about 10 minutes till our breathing returned to normal. She kissed me again and got up to get dressed.”Can I come at night again”, she asked.”Any time my sweet darling” I replied.That evening I placed a number of scented candles around the bed and put on some soft porn music I had bought in Amsterdam on one of my visits. It had the moaning and panting sounds of a woman with a piano and clarinet plating in the background. At around 10 o clock my door bell rang. I opened the...

3 years ago
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A Little Place To Sit

“Sybilla! Sybilla, come here!”The door opened and in she walked. I loved the way her house dress curved up at the front, lined with lace, hinting at her knees and what may lay beyond. Some may have thought she looked like a bob-tail or hedge whore, but she had on a pair of house boots that made sure she wasn't indecently exposing her ankles.“What is it, Clarence?"“I think I’ve completed it, dear.”She clasped her hands together in excitement, “Ooh you did it? That’s wonderful! What is it?”“Oh,...

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My Girlfriend Michelle

I met this girl where I was working. I was a hotel Dj and I used to host parties there and supplied the music. While I was there I noticed this girl also who worked the front desk. her name was Michelle. She was very attractive looking in her early 20,s I couldn,t help noticeing her and the way she looked dressed up in her hotel uniform. That tight dress was an eye catcher. Her hair was jet black that went with her gothic white skin which I admired, she had an average body with a nice large...

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The Adventures of Charles and I ch2

Chapter 2 After our camping trip and the session with my sister Charles and I spent a lot of time jacking-off together or sucking each others cock. We were looking forward too my sister “making” us eat her pussy again and maybe letting us fuck her. Mr. Jones had been hurt in a fire so he was not able to have sex with us either. We did visit him at least every other day; he liked to watch us suck each other which we did when his wife was gone. He even showed us the video he had made on our...

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Catching Mom and Dad

Chapter 1 Have your parents ever caught you having sex? Oh, I've had friends tell me their stories, one guy about his mom walking in on him masturbating, another friend who had his girlfriend's mother catch them, then stayed and had him begin taking care of her as well. That's the wildest one I've heard, well, except for my own. Actually, it's a bit different ... I caught Mom and Dad at it. It happened when I was twenty-one and a senior in college. My parents had rented a ski lodge for...

4 years ago
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Sex with Jack Frost A Short Story

Also available on Kindle Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the creators or producers of the actual film Rise of the Guardians. Pitch had been vanquished. And for a time, all was well. Jamie grew up over the years. He always maintained his belief in Easter Bunny, Santa, Sandy, Tooth Fairy, and most importantly, Jack Frost. His friends, the ones who were not present for the rise of the guardians, laughed and scoffed at his ridiculous love for the things that they themselves...

3 years ago
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Maid to Order

Not for the first time, she swished her ass as she walked by him. It was an ongoing temptation that he could no longer resist. Steve had decided that he was going to teach this little tease a lesson, and have his way with her whether she wanted it or not. This beautiful cockteaser had been taunting him long enough. He grabbed her from behind, pushed aside her blazer, and cupped the soft mounds of her breasts through the thin material of her white blouse. He smiled to himself as he realized that...

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Alexa Chapter 5 The Saturday Night Confession

Alexa Chapter 5: The Saturday Night Confession I don't know what was worse, the sudden blast of sunlight that seemed to hit me or Katie's saccharine voice telling me to get up. "Leave me alone Katie." I can't believe how bad I feel. My head is pounding from the worst hangover I have ever had in my entire life. I'm blaming Jenny for the condition I find myself in. I'm sure I had no hand in how bad I feel. "Get up Alexa," Katie says to me. "You are the one who thought...

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