Not What I Wanted Chapter 2
- 3 years ago
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I made the mistake of opening Dad’s latest chapter while enjoying a cup of Costa Rican blend down at the local coffee house ... a BIG mistake! There I was with a raging hard the whole time, and when I tried to get away to the bathroom, I noticed that a huge wet spot had materialized very conspicuously on the front on my khakis. Just my luck!
Using my computer bag as a strategically-placed shield, I was able to make it to the restroom, but all attempts to expunge the mark of indecency were for naught. The best I could do was carry my bag awkwardly in front of me the few blocks home, where I could enjoy the remaining part of Dad’s addition in unencumbered naked bliss.
As expected, the resultant load produced by edging for a full hour and a half was both copious and physically draining. As I lazily cleaned spunk off my torso in a post-orgasmic stupor, I was suddenly startled by the electronic beeps of an incoming Skype call. Quickly noticing that it was from the person who was to blame for my current state, I instinctively accepted, prepared to give props to the instigator.
Instead of being greeted by Dad’s familiar mug, I was shocked when it instantly became clear that he wasn’t the one placing the call. Rather, Mom’s smiling, and then very confused, face stared back on the glowing screen in front of me.
Time slowed to a crawl as I stared at her, unspeaking and slack-mouthed for at least a few heartbeats ... my tissue-holding hand in mid-wipe of my cum-streaked chest. I could feel the blood of embarrassment rushing to my cheeks, reddening them as darkly as hers were also becoming.
“Oh! ... Looks like you at a bad time,” she apologized ... her expression eventually changing from one of shocked surprise to bemused understanding.
“Whoa! I ... I ... Wasn’t expecting you to be calling,” I finally blurted out.
“Well, your Dad said that I could use his computer to ring you up, so I took him up on the offer ... But maybe I should have just emailed, huh.”
“No ... no ... I was just...”
“I know what you were doing, dear...” she said knowingly. “And by the way ... ummm ... you missed a spot,” she coyly observed, pointing to her collar bone.
Sure enough, a pearlescent droplet had escaped my feverish (and feeble) attempt at a coverup. All I could do was roll my eyes, feel the sting of a deepening redness on my cheeks, and wish that I could evaporate into thin air.
Mom compassionately broke the palpable air of shame with one of her famous chuckles. “Don’t worry, darlin’. We’ve all been there, done that ... I mean, during our little get together a few months ago, I’m sure you’d agree we all got to see each other in a completely new light, right?”
“Sure.” I replied, wiping the offending spot and letting my mind wander through some of the more memorable scenes of that experience. “I guess it was just the shock of seeing your face instead of Dad’s that sent me into panic mode.”
Her brow furrowed a bit. “So it’s not embarrassing for your Dad to see you in this condition?”
She had me. Why would it have been OK for Dad to see me like this? “I guess it’s a guy thing,” I finally explained.
She just shook her head. “Hmph ... I’ll never understand you boys,” she confessed with a rye grin, trying to wrap her feminine sensibilities around the crude morality of male bonding.
“Anyway, darlin’ ... the reason I’m calling is related to an embarrassing situation of my own connected to our trip down to the Padre Islands,” she began, with a shift in tone.
“What’s that?” I replied, feigning no knowledge of the incident.
She smiled. “It’s sweet of you to pretend not to know, Charlie ... but your Dad told me that he already spilled the beans.”
The problem was I didn’t know how many of the beans he’d spilled. Specifically, had he mentioned showing me the video of Mom and his best friend Jack getting it on? Just to be safe, I went with the assumption that she didn’t know.
“OK, ya got me,” I confessed. “He told me that you guys ran into Mr. Jack and Ms. Kitty while y’all were down there and things got pretty hot and heavy.” As that sentence left my lips, I recalled the video image of Mom on all fours being serviced by Jack’s horsecock. My own spent tool instinctively throbbed to life under my desk.
“Yeah, you could definitely say THAT ... The thing is, darlin’, I’m not exactly sure what your father told you, but I just wanted you to know that it was just a fling ... nothing serious ... Just two old married couples enjoying something on our bucket lists.”
“Well ... from what I heard,” I began with a chuckle, “it sounded like Dad may have to update that bucket list. It sounded like Ms. Kitty couldn’t hold a candle to you.”
She smiled. “So he told you that, huh.”
“Yeah ... I seem to recall the phase ‘fucks like a dead fish’ somewhere in his description of the experience,” I assured her, slightly embarrassed by the language I used.
She giggled uncontrollably. “Well, at least now I know he won’t be looking to whet his whistle at that trough anymore,” she beamed.
“And how was your experience,” I asked, finding the courage to press her for details that I hoped would be explicit in nature.
Mom smiled coyly sensing that. “Well, I’d have to say that things were definitely more pleasurable on my end.”
“And what end would that have been?” I asked, surprised that I had mustered the courage to pop the question, which dripped with double entendre.
“BOTH ends, if you must be nosey,” she snapped back with a broad smile.
“Way to go Mom!” I croaked huskily, as my heart thumped in my throat hearing her honest reply.
“Sugar, I may be old,” she grinned, “but I’ve still got needs ... and talents, if you’ll recall.”
“Oh, trust me ... I can attest to that.”
“Your father certainly does a hell of a job keeping those needs satisfied, but just for once, I wanted to cut loose a little after 50 years of marriage.”
“So was it worth it?” I asked intimately.
“Well, let’s just say that Mr. Jack had quite a bit to offer,” she said, holding up her hands to indicate Jack’s degree of endowment. “It definitely took some getting used to, but after that ... I’m happy to report that I was able to enjoy ALL that he had to offer.”
“Should I be expecting any half-brothers or sisters in the coming months?” I teased.
That got her laughing. “Let’s just say that your father would insist on a paternity test should I start getting morning sickness,” she retorted, indirectly confirming that she had indeed been seeded by Jack.
“And how did Dad take seeing you in that compromising situation with his best friend?” I asked, my mind still fixated on the video image of Mom’s sacred hole dripping with another man’s load.
“Well ... once he got past the excitement of the whole thing ... I think he felt a bit jealous,” she confessed. “And just to keep him honest, I intend to use that to my advantage every now and again ... especially when he gets too full of himself or takes me for granted. I’m sure a few well-timed comments about my experience with Jack will knock him down a peg or two,” she laughed.
“Yeah,” I agreed, “it’s good to have that in your back pocket.”
It was great being open and honest with Mom like this. It was our first “real” conversation since my visit with Erika to the farm, where things got VERY intimate. Unfortunately, that intimateness soon transformed into awkwardness after that visit ended, and Mom and I seemed to find every opportunity to avoid talking deeply about it. I thought maybe this might be a good time to discuss it once and for all.
“Mom...” I began hesitatingly, not knowing exactly where to start, “I’m sorry that I haven’t done a good job of communicating with you since our visit to Texas. I guess ... I guess I really didn’t know how to talk about that experience with you ... But I just want you to know now that it was great being so open and close with you guys. I’m glad we had that chance to see each other in a new light, and I hope you feel the same way ... I mean, it was pretty raw, but...”
“Definitely raw...” interrupted Mom, “but also real ... and honest. And I feel the same way about it that you do, darlin’. No regrets ... no regrets at all,” she said, smiling warmly. “Feel free to talk with me about anything ... and I mean ANYTHING, Charlie ... Take it from me ... you’re father is not the only ‘sexpert’ in the family,” she said with a wink.
My cock throbbed once again, releasing a droplet of warm precum, and my mind raced, thinking how wonderful it would be to talk with her in the same way I’d been doing with Dad.
“Well ... since we’re being honest, Charlie... , “ she continued, looking somewhat embarrassed, “I thought it would also be a good chance to let you know about something else.”
“What could it be?” I wondered excitedly. “Could she be sleeping around with other guys? Did she finally realize that she’s really a lesbian? Was she really pregnant with Jack’s baby? ... OK, maybe not that last one, but WHAT?”
“The thing is... , “ she began, “I’ve been following that story that you and your Dad are working on.”
My mind froze for a minute. So ... so ... it wasn’t just between Dad and me? She was in on it, too?
“From ... From the beginning?” I asked.
“From the beginning,” she confirmed. “I hope you’re not upset dear ... It wasn’t your Dad’s idea ... I caught him working on his first chapter one night and asked him about it. At first, he just said he was working on a story of his own, but I could tell he wasn’t being completely honest with me. After a bit of persuasion, told me what you guys were working on ... Like I said, it wasn’t him ... I kinda dragged it outta him.”
Knowing that Mom was privy to everything that Dad and I had put together was instantly shocking ... but as I dwelled on it ... also intensely arousing. She had been an intimate spectator in the fantasy world that we had created from the get go.
“So you read all of the chapters?”
“Well ... your father and I have this thing where he writes something and then reads it back to me for feedback. And then when yours comes in, he shares that one with me, too. Let me tell you, darling ... those are bedtime stories that I ALWAYS look forward to.”
Hearing this, my mind raced trying to recall exactly what I had written, but it was all a blank. The only thing I could focus on was the fact that my mother knew exactly the depth of my sexual perversity ... and that was a mind-numbing revelation. I guess the blank look on my face made this known all too well.
“Sugar, before you say anything, I just want you to know that I think you boys did a wonderful job putting that story together ... It is what it is, and you shouldn’t feel a bit ashamed about it ... Like I said,” she continued, “hearing it straight from you Dad’s mouth is something I look forward to every time. It never fails to light a fire...”
“Well, I’m sure Dad has been reaping the benefits of that, eh...” I retorted. “Have you tried your hand at being a contributing editor at all?” I queried, curious about the depth of her involvement.
“Well, since it’s all about fantasy ... I’ve been adding my two cents when I feel something can be improved ... In fact, you may be surprised ... but it was my idea to have fictional Charlie ... How did your Dad put it?... ‘mark up’ fictional Mom before having them finally consummate their relationship ... I thought it would put the two men on equal footing, seeing how your fictional Dad had done the same thing earlier ... You know, I just wanted to show Charlie as Dad’s equal ... and to show that the two had similar sexual predilections ... Did that work for you, darlin’?”
The words came haltingly. “Yeah ... yeah ... that was really ... It definitely had the desired effect.”
“Oh ... and that dialogue between Charlie and Mom while they’re going at it ... that was all me, too ... Your Dad thought it would be more authentic if I put it together.”
My mind quickly raced back to that scene, trying desperately to recall exactly what was said, but it was all a blur. All I could remember was that it was so real ... so smoking hot ... that my cock had leaked a precum fountain as I read it.
“Really?! ... You put wrote that?! ... That part almost had me shooting my load before the grand finale,” I blurted out.
She smiled warmly. “Glad to know it had that effect on you, darlin’ ... To be honest, it had the same effect on your father ... We ended up doing a bit of roleplay to get the feeling just right as I typed ... Dad sat here at his desk and I was able to enjoy a little lap time. Let me tell you ... it made it hard to concentrate,” she laughed, “but we finally got it done ... And when fictional Charlie finally reached his orgasm, it wasn’t long before your Dad followed suit.”
The image of Mom typing away as she rocked on Dad’s stiff prick flooded my mind. I couldn’t help but stroke my own fully-revived cock under the desk as the thought lingered.
“Man, you guys really throw yourself into your writing, don’t you,” I finally croaked.
“I think we make a pretty good team,” she replied proudly. “Too bad the other half of YOUR team isn’t here to help you with that...” she added, glancing downward and grinning. “Has our little conversation put new life into your little man?”
“Yeah, you could say that,” I admitted somewhat bashfully.
“Mind if I get a peek for old time’s sake?”
I guess it was the way she said it, but I didn’t hesitate a bit ... I stood up, revealing what I had been playing with out of sight during the majority of our conversation.
“Well would you look at him! ... Long time, no see ... It’s definitely been a while since I’ve seen you in full form like this,” she observed, as my taut, purpled head glistened and the shaft ticked with each beat of my heart. “Oh look, and he’s even crying for me.”
Anxious to show her the full extent of my excitement, I wrapped my hand firmly around the base and pulled up, causing a veritable rivulet of clear, warm precum to spill from my puckered tip.
“Wow! Just like your Daddy!” she complemented. “Well, I bet I know someone else who would like to see this,” she announced unexpectedly ... and with a push of a button on her keyboard, I was greeted by my wife’s face sharing the screen with hers!
“Hey baby!” Erika announced with a huge smile. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”
I was dumbfounded as both of the women began to giggle hysterically. I sat down as quickly as I could with my cock in “automatic emergency deflation” mode. “Wha ... What’s going on? ... Erika ... Have you been on the whole time?”
“Sorry to surprise you, babe ... Yeah, I’ve been here the whole time ... Your Mom and I thought it would be a fun gag to play on you...”
“Oh reaaalllly ... So wait...” I said, mind racing a mile a minute, “so ... so you know about ... everything?”
“Your secret little story, you mean?” she replied with a smug smile beaming from her face. “ ... I sure do.”
“So you’ve known from the beginning, too?”
“Well, almost...” she confessed. “Your Mom told me about it a little later, but I’ve read the whole thing ... You guys are doing a great job, Charlie. I’ve definitely been enjoying each chapter as much as your Mom has ... Reading through each one reminds me of our time at your parents’ place ... and, of course, the wonderful gift you gave me then,” she added, rubbing her pregnant belly. “Sorry I can’t be there to help you out like your Mom has been doing with your Dad, though,” she said, mugging for the camera with a little girl pout.
“Yeah, that IS too bad, darlin’,” Mom agreed. “With you in your fifth month, I’m sure your hormones are raging and ready for some playtime with Charlie, right.”
“Oh definitely! I can’t WAIT until next month, when I go to Seattle to stay for good ... This separation has been killing me!!”
“Me, too, babe,” I chimed in, still in shock with the whole situation unfolding across my computer screen. “Believe me ... next month can’t come soon enough.”
“So why don’t you show me just how ready your are, sweet,” teased Erika. “It sounded like you were right on the edge before I interrupted you. Didn’t it, Mable?”
“Well, his juices were definitely flowing pretty good there, darlin’,” Mom beamed proudly. “Go ahead ... be a gentleman and stand up and show your pretty wife here what’s she’s been missing these last couple of months.”
Looking at both of them eagerly staring back at me, it didn’t take me long to relent. “Alright ... alright ... whatever I can do to appease to horny ladies,” I teased, standing erect, even if my cock now wasn’t.
“Hey! That’s not what I remember seeing a minute ago,” Mom crowed, as my cock dangled in front of me. “Where’s that fighting form, soldier? ... Hey Erika, maybe he needs a little encouragement. Why don’t you show him what HE’S been missing these last couple of months.”
“Good idea ... Maybe this’ll help,” she replied, seductively unbuttoning the front of her shirt. “You’ll be happy to know they’ re getting bigger everyday, baby.”
A definite pulse shook my cock as more and more of Erika’s newfound bounty was revealed with the uncoupling of each button. To my surprise, she wasn’t encumbered by a bra
“Looks like he noticed,” Mom chimed in, as I began fondling my balls.
After what seemed like an eternity, Erika finally asked, “Are you ready to see the twins?”
And with that, she slowly peeled away her shirt entirely to reveal her full breasts in all of their glory of pregnancy. She smiled as she wiggled her torso, causing them to jiggle for my enjoyment.
“Oh my, dear! They are looking magnificent,” Mom complemented. “It looks like Charlie’s eyes are about to bulge out of his head!”
It was true ... I just couldn’t stop staring at her beautiful tits, which had grown considerably. Even her dark brown nipples had changed ... her areolae increasing in size and her nipples plumping as well.
“Are they are large as yours yet, Mable?” asked Erika unexpectedly.
Without skipping a beat, Mom answered, “Well, let’s see, darlin’” And she nonchalantly began unbuttoning her own blouse. In a flash, her pink bra was the only thing standing between her bosom and my riveted eyes.
“Just a second dear, Papa Bob is almost more of an expert at unleashing these puppies than I am,” she laughed as she fiddled for a moment with the center clasp. “There!”
The final gate opened, and her large motherly breasts, capped by two petal-pink nipples spilled forward from their confines.
Another pulse rocked my tool, and I was well on my way to a full raging hardon.
“Looks like you’ve still got me beat,” conceded Erika, examining my mother’s ample bosom.
“Oh darlin, don’t you worry ... Just wait until your milk comes in ... You’ll have a rack that you won’t believe,” Mom assured her. “And then you’ll have a hell of a time keeping this guy away from them.”
“What a view!” I said huskily as two pair of gorgeous breasts filled the screen in front of me. As I ogled, the women took the opportunity to give me a bit of a show ... collecting the soft flesh in their hands, caressing them, squeezing them together, and tweaking their nipples until they stood at full attention ... just like my straining cock.
“There! Looks like his little soldier’s finally joined the party, Erika.” Mom observed.
My hand migrated up from my balls to the base of my cock and I gave it a good squeeze. As my tip flared taut, a clear jewel of precum gathered at its lips. I swirled it around the head with my thumb until the whole thing glistened.
“I sure wish I could be there to take care of that for you, babe,” Erika cooed, stretching her nipples as she did. She let out a deep, wanton sigh.
“Get undressed, babe,” I ordered firmly, as I slowly stroked my cock for both women to see. “Mom ... you too.”
Both women smiled at their respective screens and wasted no time heading the request. I watched them intently as they peeled away their clothing piece by piece, until they both stood before me in all their naked glory.
“Oh Erika ... you look wonderful,” Mom exclaimed. “I wish I could be there to rub that big tummy just once.”
“I’ll give it a rub for you, Mama Mable,” smiled Erika, caressing her large, smooth stomach.
“Hard to believe that Charlie was right here, just like that, all those years ago,” Mom reminisced, rubbing her own taut stomach, “ ... such a strapping young man, now.”
“Well ... I’m pretty sure the milk from those beautiful tits got me off to a good start,” I winked.
Mom chuckled, holding each breast as she puffed her chest out, presenting them to Erika and me. “The way your father goes at them, you’d think they were still producing.”
“I think he goes at them like that because they’re gorgeous, Mom.”
She smiled at the complement.
“I agree, Mable,” Erika chimed in. “I sure hope I look as good when I’m your age,” It was clear that both women were thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to ogle the beauty of the other and play the role of exhibitionist.
“And speaking of beautiful ... I can’t wait to enjoy yours, babe,” I said, turning my attention back to Erika. “Those nipples look so delicious ... The baby’s gonna have to fight me for them,” I laughed.
“Don’t worry, love ... I’ll be sure to give you your fill,” she assured me. “And of course ... I’m expecting to get my fill of that thick toy in your hand, “ she growled. “Why don’t you bring him a little closer?”
I quickly obliged by dragging the computer monitor closer to the edge of the desk and angling it as best I could to fulfill her wish.
“Oh yes ... There he is ... That’s much better.”
I gripped the base tighter, causing the precum droplet at my slit to grow and slowly spill down the underside of my shaft.
“Oh and look at him crying so much,” Erika cooed.
“It’s all for you, babe,” I assured her, knowing full well that my mother certainly had a significant role to play in my current condition.
“Well then ... Why don’t you remind me just what my sexy toy can do. It’s been soooo long,” she suggested, caressing her full tits seductively as she said it.
“You heard the little lady, Charlie ... Give a couple of horny ladies a little show, darlin’,” Mom concurred, subtly tweaking a pert pink nipple between her thumb and forefinger.
I couldn’t help but smile at the invitation, and my cock grew even more rigid in my hand.
“I’m all for it,” I announced, “but I think a little reciprocation is definitely in order.”
The women both smiled. “What did you have in mind, love?” asked Erika.
“I’ll play with mine, if I can watch you play with yours,” I said succinctly.
Mom chuckled loudly, “Hell ... I was planning on doing that anyway!” Wasting no time, she seductively raised her right leg and slowly placed it over the desk chair armrest. She did the same with the other leg, until she was spread-eagle before the camera. For the first time since our encounter at the farm, I had a full unobstructed view of Mom’s smooth, blushing slit.
“Long time, no see, eh Charlie?” she teased, slowly caressing it and using the fingers of one hand to open her meaty labial doors to give me a view of her swollen clit and the already-moist treasures behind them.
“Still looking good,” I managed to croak, as I instinctively stroked my cock.
“Definitely looking sexy, Mable,” I heard Erika concur. “Looks like your little girl already enjoyed some playtime today ... Am I right?”
I hadn’t initially noticed the ruddy, swollen “used” look of Mom’s pussy, but being a girl, I guess it was pretty obvious to Erika.
Mom laughed. “Well, you sure do have good eyes, little lady ... Yeah, Papa Bob was feeling pretty frisky this morning, so he took good care of her,” she confessed, running her middle finger up and down her trough, moaning slightly as she recalled her morning romp.
“Ooooh, I’m soooo jealous!” Erika conceded. By this time, she had reclined her desk chair slightly to provide more space for her pregnant belly and placed her feet atop the computer desk, giving us a fine view of the smooth pouty lips at the juncture of her thighs. “I guess my little girl will have to wait another month to enjoy that kind of attention,” she sighed, her hand drifting down to her own hairless crotch to play with the chestnut brown petals framing her unsatisfied quim.
“Poor darlin’” I heard Mom say consolingly, as my eyes darted back and forth between the two enticing images side by side on my computer screen. What a lucky dog I was!
“Well,” I heard her continue, “at least she can enjoy a little long-distance playtime now, honey ... Why don’t you go on and show Charlie just what he’s missing.”
“I’d be happy to,” she cooed, and began to squeeze her tit with one hand while the hand at her pussy began circling her hooded clit. “Aaaahhhhhh,” she moaned in clear relief.
“That’s it darlin’ ... warm that little bud up good,” Mom encouraged, mimicking Erika’s movements and finding her own clit just as sensitive as her daughter-in-law’s. A deep purr vibrated in her chest.
“Feels soooo good, doesn’t it, Mable ... Did Papa Bob take good care of that for you this morning?”
“Oh, he sure did, darlin’ ... Licked this little bud real good,” she confessed, as she washboarded it quickly and then slowly rubbed it in firm circles. “That man sure knows how to eat pussy.”
Mom’s blunt critique of Dad’s oral skills echoed in my mind as I began fondling my balls.
On the other side of the screen, Erika had begun to earnestly milk her tits as she diddled her clit ... pinching and pulling her nipples to what seemed like their limits.
“That’s it, babe ... stretch ‘em out good ... get ‘em nice and hard,” I encouraged while increasing the pace of my strokes.
“Mmmmm ... it feels so good, Charlie ... I wish you were here to enjoy them, baby,” she cooed.
“Oh, I’d suck ‘em so good for you, babe ... Then I’d get down between those fine legs ... down to that sweet pussy and eat you out good.”
Erika smiled. “That would be sooooo gooood,” she whispered. “Oh baby ... can I finger myself?”
Hearing her ask for permission was so sexy. “Sure baby ... Is she good and wet?”
“Oooh ... she’s plenty wet,” she assured me, swirling her juices across her labia to prove it.
“Then show me what you can do with that tight pussy,” I growled.
I watched spellbound as she slowly slipped her two middle fingers past her vaginal ring and buried them past the first knuckle, then the second, until she bottomed out at the third. A deep moan escaped her upturned mouth.
“That’s the way to swallow them whole, darlin’,” chimed in Mom. “Mind if I give it a try?”
My heart, already racing, was now beating in my throat as my own mother asked my permission to finger herself.
“Show us how it’s done.”
She smiled, collected both breasts in her left arm, squeezing them tight, and proceeded to slowly plunge two fingers of her right hand into her well-primed cunt. “Mmmmmmm” she hummed as her fingers slid further inside and she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling completely.
“That’s it, Mom ... work ‘em in there ... now show us how you play with that g-spot,” I suggested.
A wicked smile grew across her face. “Ooooh ... that’s momma’s specialty, darlin’,” And with that, she wasted no time rubbing her embedded fingertips quickly over that magical fleshy area of her pussy wall. A look of complete ecstasy crept across her face as slow, delicate movements eventually morphed into a wanton stroking of her aching inner node. Within a few minutes, she was doubled over, brow furrowed, mouth agape ... jabbing at her quim at a jackhammer pace. All the while, I was treated to the moans of an older woman in heat overlapping with sloshing sound of a very wet cunt dripping through my computer speakers.
“That’s it, Mable ... Get that cum out of there,” encouraged Erika, who had stopped pleasuring herself to watch the show being put on by Mom.
Instead of stopping, I continued fisting myself as I watched Mom writhe under her own stimulation. “Thattta girl, Mom ... Show me how you make that pussy sing,”
“Oh shit, darlin!” she grimaced as her fingers continued to work their magic. “Your daddy ... he fucked me good this morning ... hhhh ... hhhh ... but your old mom still has a cum to give ... watch her sing, baby ... watch her sing ... OOOOHHHHHHH FUUUUCCCKKK!”
Erika and I watched in amazement as the orgasm that had been building finally erupted inside her. As it did, her legs shook uncontrollably and her stomach muscles contracted in synchronized spasms. She continued to howl and whine as she bucked and rode out the relentless waves of orgasm that crashed through her body. All the while, I noticed her fingers remained embedded, gently teasing her spent g-spot of the last of its addictive sensations ... each hidden movement causing her body to twitch a bit more.
Panting for breath, Mom threw back her head and rested a minute ... then, slowly ... reluctantly ... she withdrew her talented digits, clearly glistening with her warm juices. She began petting the outer mons of her satisfied snatch in large circles, painting her entire crotch with her musky perfume.
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Part 1 It was the first night we were in our new place we made love by the fire on this fake fur rug I had purchased just for that night. The rug was snow white and Barb’s dark body laying on it, wet from the shower she just took or from her passion of fucking me long and hard was unbelievably sexy! We lay there drinking wine and made love for hours! We did everything in every position we could think of and still her lust for sex didn’t slow down! We ever got one of those Asian books with...
InterracialA Daddy's Discovery By: Malissa Madison I sat watching my son playing in the back yard with the other kids in the neighborhood. 'Hmmm,' I thought to myself, "at seven years old he sure has a lot more girls for friends than I had.' There were five of them and they were playing with their Barbie's like they were dating his G I Joe's or something. Then I noticed he wasn't the least bit shy about playing with the Barbie's, at his age you couldn't have gotten me near one. But I...
Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...
Jerry is a 24 year old guy. He have had a foot fetish all of his life. He have always found his Aunt Amanda's feet to be exceptionally sexy. She is in 42's but looks to be mid 35's, a COMPLETE MILF! She's 5'7, average sized body, always well dressed and pampered. She's kind of a flirt as well and feeds into him obsession with her sexy feet.He went to visit her one weekend at her house to stay for a few days. She came into the living room where he was hanging out, watching TV."ouhhh my feet,all...
You know how fishermen keep their best spots to themselves? Well, this is kind of the same thing. I will never tell you where this happened, just say it took place in an Eastern European country. Just like fishermen, my friend Kelly and I might go back again to see what’s lurking under the seemingly calm surface. But, enough foreplay, let’s get to what happened.Kelly lit a cigarette with her brass Zippo and inhaled deeply. “That was one of the best and cheapest dinners I have ever had.”I...
LesbianWhen a smash and grab robbery goes wrong and Mr. Pete is pressured to take Lisey Sweet as a hostage, the doomed pair escape the scene to negotiate a dirty deal for Lisey’s release. Mr Pete ties his hostage up tight, gags her and threatens to expose her if she tells anyone about what happened. Blond cutie Lisey is scared as hell so she complies and agrees to give Pete a blow job. His hard cock slides down Lisey’s throat as she tries to please her captor. After a hot and sloppy throat...
xmoviesforyouShelley and I awakened to Greta. She was in her favorite bright green, although a more casual version of her usual suit. She wore a short flaring skirt and a crop top, with suntan rather than green hose. “Ah! Is it my leprechaun, or perhaps Maid Marian?” She giggled. “Maid Marian fits, but Robin Hood, female variety, works even better. Did you know that I enjoy the bow?” “Perhaps, then, you’ll enjoy pulling my arrows. Or should you be Little John and play with my staff?” “That’s general...
When I arrived on the set, I saw there was a new trailer on the lot. That could only mean one thing: Kate Upton was either here or about to arrive! Fritz looked at me as though I’d lost my mind when I began to dance in the parking lot. “Kate Upton,” I said, and pointed at the trailer. Of course I went straight there and knocked. How could they have a trailer for her if she wasn’t even here yet? That didn’t curb my enthusiasm, though. I was a bundle of happy energy all morning. Jessup even...
Audrey Royal, Sophia Leone, and Monica Sage are smoking hot muslim besties getting ready for their first ever bachelorette party. Even though their religion is quite conservative, they still think this will be a fun event. Little did they know that a built male stripper would soon be tempting them with his body. As soon as he arrived the girls practically pulled him in by his cock. He started dancing seductively and the girls were a bit shy and inexperienced at first, but when they saw how much...
xmoviesforyou"If you have an itch you cannot scratch, If you have a fantasy you cannot achieve, If you want the Sex Experience of your darkest dreams, and If you can afford them, call the Aaah-Team."Elizabeth noticed the advert tucked away in the lower corner of the magazine she was browsing, while sat in the dentist's waiting room for her routine check-up. 'Routine,' she thought, that summed up her life in one single word.Forty years old and stuck in a routine. A routine check-up, then back to her...
ExhibitionismCopyright© "I want you to go and help Mrs Smallwood, she needs some things done that a man can only do, and since Samuel died she is lost. You are on a month's holiday so you can spare her some time. I like that old woman and I don't like seeing her struggle." These were the instructions I was given by my 33-year old wife the first day of my holiday. I didn't know Mrs Smallwood that well, I used to speak to the old man Samuel and he was always helpful. "Right I will go over right...
Game Set & Match by Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult tale of female domination. ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012.Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win or lose that counts,' probably lost. Martina Navratilova No one rejoices more in revenge than a woman. JuvenalThe character ?Sheikha Tasnim? was used with permission from Clare Penne and her wonderful stories ?My Passage To Womanhood?. This story is dedicated to Clare without reservation! -...
Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHighway in Heels By Sabrina G. Langton This story is autobiographical. When I was 20 years old I used to drive a van for my parents from Brooklyn to Tarrytown New York once a week to drop off merchandise for retail shops in the area. I always had a full van on the way up, but on the way down the van was almost empty. It was the summer of 1985 and I was given twenty to forty dollars to make the drive. I did this for the entire summer while I was home from college. I was a...
Precisely at 7:30 am, Tim was at my door to pick me up; Tom hadn't left for work yet, so he invited Tim in for a cup of coffee while I finished getting dressed, as it were. "Tim", Tom asked him, "Jane tells me that you went through something similar to what she and the rest of the girls went through, is that right?" Tim told him yes, but not in the "trading" sense; his was strictly beating by his father and servicing his mother. "If you ever need to talk to someone, just let me...
Alex Harper is having a tough time with her piano practice. No matter how hard she tries it just doesn’t sound good. ‘Surely there must be something this girl is good at’ thinks her Stepdad Karlo. Alex catches a glimpse of Karlo’s tightening pants while he sits there helping with her lesson. “Well it’s now or nothing” she thinks. Alex straight up tells Karlo that she is really good at sucking cock and wants to show her Stepdad just how great she is!!...
xmoviesforyouI have always been inquisitive where sex is concerned even from an early age. I am now a grown woman of 27 and enjoying a very varied and healthy sex life, the sky is the limit. When I was younger, like all young girls I guess, I always had fantasies about meeting this man who would show me how to be fucked properly in every position and show me the right way to enjoy every aspect of sex. I just love it. My early days were very naughty to say the least, but my inquisitive mind never seems to...
Lucian and his lovers were lying on cold, hard floor; talking animatedly; they did not seem to mind as their bodies accustomed to the cold surface, their thoughts drifted further and further away. Lucian was still feeling Liza’s teeth on the head of his member, dazed by the dull pain, he would momentarily come back when one of the girls would kiss his neck; gently dissuading any pain from coming back; both of them could only imagine how he felt. Both women had adoration in their eyes and for...
The DST Agent By Malissa Madison Spring of 1980 was a very rough time, fresh out of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Private Don Madison was met at the DC Greyhound station by two Agents of the army's CID, Criminal Investigations Division. He was secreted on post in the dead of night, where the Post AG handled all the in-processing himself while no one was around to see what was going on, or who was being assigned as the newest Joint Drug...
The team was scheduled to take a bus down to the University campus, where the playoffs would continue, on Thursday morning. Our semifinal game would be played Friday night, and the winners of Friday's games would meet for the championships on Sunday afternoon. After practice on Wednesday, Kayla and I were sprawled in my family room. On this last evening before I had to leave for a few days, Jake was being uncharacteristically sensitive, making himself scarce and allowing us a little alone...
In the morning I went to the Christmas Market. It was St. Lucy’s Day and quite crowded. I bought small gifts for Louise’s (my) children and several for my servants/servants’ children. I then walked past the Rathaus and across the Ring to Neustiftgasse and the shop of the Wiener Werkstaette. There were many, many beautiful things, ranging from rings to furniture. I bought a small stainless steel box with a lid for my step-mother and a pair of earrings with pale blue stones for Louise. I felt...
Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 2 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beams of afternoon sunlight slanted through the narrow windows built into the steel doors at the far end of the hall. Even though I could barely see the head mistress's shoes because her dark gray dress was so long, I could hear the heels of her shoes clicking on the polished floorboards as we walked towards the doors. Something told me the riding crop she carried should seem...
DEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, MAY 7th (LATER IN THE DAY) Dear Diary, My life is over. I realize that I'm not writing this where I said I'd be, and I realize that things did not progress quite the way I said they would (Well, THAT'S an understatement!), but here I am, as promised, writing my last entry. I still can't believe what happened... in fact, I'm not sure just what DID happen. But here it is, for what it's worth. After getting the prescription refilled, I drove to Fred and Brenda's...
As I sat engrossed in writing my newest story with music blaring in my ears I caught a glimpse of you walking toward me. I hurriedly typed the rest of my sentence thinking that you would try to distract me, but you walked past without even so much as a glance at me or kiss to my head. I shook my head and watched you walk away and return to my story. I didn’t even notice you were back until I took a break from my typing. I stopped my music, did a quick save and turned to you as I rose and...
I didn’t have an older brother to give me any pointers when it came to matters of sex. I engaged in banter with my friends but none of it was very instructional. I just went along with it, pretending I understood what was being said. But I was pretty naïve. When I started to get erections I knew what they were but I didn’t know exactly how it all worked. I knew guys put their hard penis inside a girl’s vagina but that was about it. I certainly knew nothing about masturbation. I’d had a couple...
Hi this is Ravi from Kolkata. I am a great fan of ISS. I have already submitted two stories in this site and received many mails. Thank to the readers. This time I am sending my story how I fucked my landlady. This happened 6 months ago. I had married and with my wife shifted to a new house with 2-bed room flat in the ground floor. This is a two-storied building and the land owned lives on the first floor. Our passage was one. We have to enter through the main gate and there we entered into our...
"I don't know what to tell you, Ben." Maury said apologetically. "Your bike is a piece of shit." It was the next morning. Despite the fact that he'd had almost no sleep last night, Ben hadn't felt this well rested in years. Spending the night with Lara had been ... He frowned. No time for that now. There were more important things at stake. Ben groaned. The last time his bike had been trashed, Mo had been able to fix it right up, better than before. Hmm. On second thought, Ben...
So after I had so much fun the first time I decided to head back again. I got there at night and my cock was throbbing the whole ride there. I got there and made my way immediately to the back. As I walked in I noticed several grayvdaddies hanging by the front. I walked past and felt them eye fuck me as I walked past. I made my way to a booth and immediately stripped naked. Sitting naked was so exhilarating because I felt so vulnerable and Slutty. I began to slowly stroke my cock and...
Introduction: A group of brothers decide to punish their young sisters by raping them…. Yes, I know someone started this story, but I figured I could make it better!!!! Chapter Six As Thomas entered the abandoned house, Veronicas screams filled his ears. She was naked on the table, Joey and Ethan fucking the shit out of her ass and cunt. Blood was smeared across her face from where Chad, her brother, had broken her nose. Thomas took of his clothes and glared at her. You are the last sister to...
Estrella's conversion -- or betrayal, from the Earth First perspective -- turned a corner at the school. The Earth Firsters did not back down, but other students were willing to admit their fear and do what they could to be chosen by a sponsor. Stephen recruited the other football player sponsors and patrolled the hallways to keep the peace. After a week, a quarter of the available concubine slots were taken. It would have driven the remaining candidates to some extremes if some new kids had...
Lipstick By nobadge123 The following story is a work of pure fiction depicting no known person, if you are under 21 years or offended by material of this type then please read no further. Part One: PrologueOver the months her rejection festered inside him like a growing...
Abigail scampered into the bedroom to put something on. ‘Don’t put on any panties,’ Gabriel called out as he sauntered toward the kitchen. Her eyes widened and her face grew hot. Rushing to her closet, she debated as to what to wear. Her eyes fell upon the pretty floral maxi dress Gabriel had bought her on Rodeo Drive. With a grin, she grabbed it off the hangar and slipped it on. The cool gauzy material slid over her body down to her ankles. Rushing to her dresser, she unpinned her hair and...
Actually, Jeff was great friends with his fat cock. Whatever his cock needed, mouth, pussy, ass, whatever, Jeff would do anything to keep him pleased and satisfied. Jeff was very proud of himself, and he though every little thing about him was perfect. He was pleased to have those big fake muscles, mixed with fat, and covered with hairy thick skin, more than anything. He even loved his own nasty smell, and always loved taking sniffs of his funky armpits, especially when they were sweaty -...
Alina Ali, the diminutive darling with dimples, takes on Manuel Ferrara in this scene from Jules Jordan Video. Ali has a wholesome, beautiful face and then a scorcher of a bod. What a wonderful combo! The scene begins in tease mode, outdoors. A smiling Ali in white sheer lingerie. Once naked we see that she is packing heat. Big, beautiful boobs and a weighty ass. Oh and an unshaved, meaty twat. Alina is scrumptious. Indoors Manuel creeps in and begins licking said twat. Ali volleys and sucks...
xmoviesforyouThis story has a basis in fact, but it has to be said is rather embellished! Big Bend Games – Part 1 The sun was hot, the breeze light, as I set off from the Hot Springs to walk along the Rio Grande to the Cottonwood campground in Rio Grande Village. I love this part of Texas, right down on the border, with glorious mountains as well as such a variety of plant, bird and animal life, and had met up with Jim, a mate from when he worked with me in London, though now back in his home town of...
BisexualReverse Rings II: Jamie's Story A Spells R Us story by Morpheus 22 Jan 98 This is the second of my Spells R Us mini series that I call Reverse Rings. It carries on the tale from the first one, with more of the characters and rings from the first story. It probably shouldn't be read without reading Weird Wednesday first. There isn't any appearance of the Old Man or the store in this story, though he started the mess in the last one. Any comments can be sent to...
SLUT ASHLEY 5That evening, a Monday, just six days after she first had sexual intercourse with Keenum behind O.J.'s back, Ashley was at a club with Holly and John. She was drunk, having been drinking for a couple hours. It was 10pm, and John was going to join them any minute. Ashley was looking incredible. She was wearing a brown corduroy skirt (yes, she was wearing panties this time – red ones), and a tight black shirt. She was wearing nice black shoes with heals, with two thin straps over her...
We are still getting mileage out of the Chasity Belt, here is one from Smokeyjoe King Arthur went to visit His people, before he left he installed Guinevere with a special chastity belt made by Merlin. This belt had a hidden blade the would castrate any male who tried to ‘enter the gates of heaven’. When he returned Arthur had all the knights line up and drop their pants, every one was missing their meat and two veg, except Lancelot. “My good and faithful Lancelot, you are the only one not...
"Captain," said Candy. "We're coming up on something. Something large." But before I could have a look the speaker blasted out. "Unidentified ship," said a female voice we both new so well. "Stand clear. Any unauthorized ship coming within 10 klick of us will be blasted. You've been warned." "That's Rachelle," said Candy. "It certainly is," I said. "Hi," I replied. "This is Starlight 299." "Captain is that you," Rachelle screeched. "Sure is Rachelle," I...
Becoming Candi Rachel The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren. "Rach, will you get that?" I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...
Five years ago my inner gay crept out to say. I admire these dream girls, I do in modern anime. Their breasts they were shown & I paid no mind. It was for my own kind & what I would find. My own mother had known. I trembled & shook with the ice I might break. No way, there was so much, there was too much at stake. My mom knew already. Before this my shallow heart & darkness, I was empty. I told her my secret & from then-on, the warmth of my affections were unleashed &...
The voice of the female officer of the law sounded loudly and roughly in the bedroom. “Mother, are you all right?” The gun focused on Dave’s forehead as she moved even closer to the bed.” Dave felt Mariah jerk in front of him. The gorgeous leg she’d tossed over his as they’d fucked snapped away, and her body yanked away from his, leaving his flaccid shaft in the cold air of the room. He was wilting rather rapidly in any case. Mariah spoke loudly, “Skye, I’m fine. Put that goddamn gun away...
Jeri said she had spent two weeks sleeping on the floor near a kerosene heater wrapped in a quilt with a thick pad of glued together newspapers over and under her. She said she was wearing three suits of jersey sweats all the time. Crystal explaned that her man Pat had another houseboat at that time. It had been heated with a coal burning fireplace and two gas heaters. They had used kerosene lamps for light and the water had never gone off as it did in parts of the city. Crystal said they...
Hi everyone. I am Amaan here. I am a photographer and Freelancing Model by profession. I am 24 and travel all over India during my photograph and modeling shots. I am 6.1 in height with a thick rock hard horny 9-inch cock. I have been reading a few stories here and thought that I will share a real story of the first fuck through here. For everyone to enjoy and to bring a horny flavor to it I am writing the story in desi language from here on. Ek din mein ghar se nikla or road per pedal walk ker...
My husband does have to be a human being most of the time. His job is the one that pays most of the bills. He’s a contract mediator, but if you ask him he’ll sigh and say that he’s a ketchup popsicle salesman. Degrees in psychology, philosophy and business. He doesn’t talk a lot, but if you spend half an hour talking to him? At the end of it, he’ll give you two sentences that make everything he wants sound reasonable.He likes people. He likes to listen to them. But he does seem a little lost at...
BDSMSpecial Holiday We arrived at the camp site in the early evening and it seemed quite busy but the weather was wonderful and the sun was shinning bright. This was going to be a special holiday for us as we had not had one for awhile owing to the pressures at work, so we looked forward to enjoying every minute of it for the full week ahead. We soon settled in and got everything into the caravan from the car and was already looking forward to a meal in either the camp restaurant or the local...
Browsing ASSM, I found the following challenge match under way (no prizes), calling for mini stories not unlike the Drabbles many of us wrote a few years ago. Here're the official rules: Now through November 27, 2003 write one or more flash stories and post to ASSM with the subject line prefix [BSFSF]. The stories should be text only, maximum of 18 lines including title and blanks,maximum of 70 characters per line including spaces. So I wrote one. Not TG but femdom and...
I was beginning to get used to prison life. I was actually getting laid more often here than I ever was outside of . Prison opened me to new experiences I never would have tried elsewhere. Most of my first sexual encounters in prison had been because of more dominating males forcing me to do things for them, but I never put up too much of a fight and soon I got to the point where I made the moves. My large black cellmate Anton was looking better and better every day, as I was sure he had a nice...
GayI followed Tracey out of the movie theater, watching her sexy butt sway in her short skirt. Anyone looking would have noticed the big bulge in the front of my pants, and probably notice the flush on her face as well. We walked out to my truck and I opened her door for her. As she climbed into the seat, I reached up and slid my hand up between her legs, nudging her pussy. It only took a second, and I did it just to make her jump. When my fingers touched her, she was still wet enough that they...
Leaving my house after the close call with my mother-in-law, I headed toward the highway. I lived in the high desert, just under five thousand feet in altitude. Kelly wanted to show me where her extended family had camped every year for many years. She gave me directions down various dirt roads until we reached her turn off.She pointed out places where each family of her clan camped. She explained some of the more scandalous family happenings over the years, more like her reminiscing than...
TrueHey Guys, I am Amit and This is the first time I am posting a story out here and i have been reading this site for a long time and eventually got tempted to share my own personal experience with you. The incident that I am narrating occured not very long ago rather just a couple of months ago. I was recently transfered to Bhatinda punjab due to my job and got a house on rent. I have been happily married for the last 6 years with a beautiful punjabi girl. My wife Meenu is a wonderful lady, a...
It had been a good day. It had been exciting with something new happening at almost every moment, so when they lay down to go to sleep for the night it was with anticipation of the morrow that would, perhaps, have even more exciting adventures awaiting them. They lay on their backs on their leaf bed with their feet toward the shore line so they could see the stars fairly high up on the western horizon even though the raft leaned over their heads. They could hear the sound of the waves out...
Tender Trap By Amanda More Would the gamble work? I was sure it would but I was still so nervous. Here I was a 22 year old transvestite with a growing interest in the male sex, about to reveal myself to a male friend. Why, was I going insane? I had only gone out to meet others, strangers, on a handful of occasions at specialist bars. But on a couple of those outings I had been pampered and chased sufficiently by guys to let them have what they wanted and I had loved it. I...
New TG: "JayCee" by Vickie Tern, teen femdom This story contains no unnatural acts only because nothing in nature is unnatural. But various characters here do uncommon things with each other, as well as the usual things, always considerate of each other's feelings. If this offends you, read no further. If you're under whatever the age of consent where you live, read no further. You might learn to do uncommon things while being considerate, as well as the usual things, and we...