Culture Shock Ch 19
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Initial conditioning and transformations have proceeded slightly better than expected. Subjects first “playtime” revealed extensive adoption of personality and sexuality modifications, even more rapidly than normal. Clearly the theories about utilizing the subjects’ own fears and dislikes to drive adoption are accurate. Physical changes have also begun, completing their first stages overnight.
Proceeding with Phase 2. Subjects have been prepared during sleep and left in Pen 14 to acquire accelerants from subject 314.
Also - the additional subjects requested by client are en route. Further details to follow. Client has generously requested/permitted us to attempt some of our prototype transformations for these subjects. Preparations underway.
Claire rolled over with a groan. Her body ached from the hours of sex, and she had no idea how long she’d been sleeping. As she struggled to a sitting position, strange sensations wracked her body and she opened her eyes.
A choked sob escaped her lips as she took in the new situation she was in.
She appeared to be in a barn of some sort, sitting on a hay-covered floor. Stacks of hay were piled in the corner, sunlight streaming in from a high window.
She looked down, and found that she was still naked, and worse - her hands were now bound to her waist by some sort of leather strap, with cuffs around her wrists hooked to the strap preventing her from moving them more than an inch or so. As she moved her head, a jingle at her neck made her realize she was wearing some sort of collar, obviously with a bell of some kind dangling from it.
Tears welling up, she opened her mouth to scream for help, though she knew it would be futile...
... and was cut off by a loud, pitiful wail from her left.
She turned to see Lisa staring at her in horror, eyes wide as she choked back sobs. Next to her, Jen sat, trembling, staring at her as well.
“Wh-what?” Claire stuttered, horrified, “What’s wrong?”
She felt a swishing against her leg, and jumped. She looked down to see her long tail swishing back and forth in agitation, the tuft of reddish hair brushing against her thigh and thumping in the hay on the ground.
Her ... tail...
Claire screamed.
“Oh god! Oh god!” she sobbed, watching the tail that she could now clearly feel poking from just above her ass sway behind her, “This can’t be ... this can’t be real!”
She turned back to the other girls and realized with horror that each of them sported long cow’s tails of their own - Lisa’s topped with a tuft of her light brown hair, Jen’s with dark, almost black hair matching her own.
As they stared at each other, Claire realized the tails weren’t the only changes. Each of the other girl’s noses sported a large, gold ring, and Claire could now feel that she had one of her own. Around each of their necks hung a small cowbell, attached to a leather collar, and they both sported the same strap and cuffs around their stomachs, keeping their hands shackled to their sides.
And poking out of each of their hair, on either side of their heads, were tiny curved horns, like those of a calf.
“Wwwhuh whuh what’s huhhhhappening to us?” Jen moaned, then her eyes went wide at the difficulty she was having speaking.
“Oh god,” Lisa moaned, staring at her sister-in-law, “wh-what’s wrong with your voice?”
“I duuuhhhh don’t kn-knooooooow!” Jen sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her words slurred together as she spoke, and she grunted around each word oddly, “I cuhhhhh-cannn’t tahrrrrrk rrroooooight!”
Claire opened her mouth to speak, but then stopped as a sound came from behind them. A jingling sound, followed by a quiet moan.
They looked at each other, all of their eyes red-rimmed from crying in humiliation and fear, and turned to look at the sound.
They were so overwhelmed with horror at what they saw that none of them could even make a sound.
Chained to a beam in the middle of the room was a woman. Or what had once been a woman. Now, the creature that sat there was something else ... something which they were obviously starting to become.
She had deep red hair, hanging to her shoulders, and her feet were strapped into black very high-heel shoes, but those were the last normal things about her. From her head sprouted longer horns than those that the girls had, each capped with a small metal ball, obviously for decoration. Her ears poked out from beneath her hair - curving cow’s ears, twitching periodically. Her skin was a light tan and had patches of brown, like that of a cow. But the thing that stood out above all else...
Her breasts, if they could even be called that any more, were monstrous. Huge, dangling, soft tits that fell down over her belly, hanging heavily down to either side. Her nipples were dark, and several inches long. The massive tits were clearly real, and veins lined them, blue streaks curving over them.
The only reason they couldn’t be termed “udders” was that the poor creature had real udders! From the former woman’s belly sprouted the pouch of a cow, and from that four udders sprouted, looking just like the huge nipples hanging from her massive tits.
And all six of the long pink udders or nipples dripped milk.
The girls were still to shocked and horrified to speak when the cow-woman looked up at them. Her eyes were filled with humiliation and horror at her predicament, making it clear she was aware of her situation. She looked at the three girls, and an expression came over her of need. Her hands ... no - Claire was horrified to see that her hands had been replaced by cow’s hooves, taking away any ability to manipulate anything.
The cow-woman reached under her huge breasts with her hooves and lifted them up slightly, pointing her dripping nipples towards the girls. Her mouth opened.
“Mmmmmoooooooo!!! MMmmmmmooooo!!!”
Loud moos were all that came out, as the woman stared at them, begging. It was obvious what she needed.
She desperately needed to be milked.
Claire licked her lips, and then stopped, horrified.
She realized she had been thinking how much she wanted that milk! That was ... disgusting! She couldn’t ... she wouldn’t...
A rustling sound next to her combined with a sob, and she looked over to see that Jen, eyes wide with horror at what she was doing, was struggling to her feet clumsily, since she had no use of her hands. Her long tail swished behind her in a movement that Claire instinctively recognized as excitement.
“Jen! No!” sobbed Claire, “You can’t!”
Her friend looked down at her, tears streaming down her cheeks, and clearly struggled for words as she stood there trembling. Then, with a strangled moan, she turned and began to stumble towards the cow woman.
Jen stopped a foot away as the cow woman looked up at her pitifully, mooing desperately. With another sob, Jen fell to one knee and closed her mouth over the cow woman’s large nipple, and began to suck, making sounds of happiness and pleasure.
The cow woman began to moo loudly, clearly in pleasure.
“Jen,” Claire sobbed, “p-please ... stop...”
Claire’s words trailed off, as Lisa suddenly levered herself to her feet and stood directly in front of Claire. Though Lisa’s attention was entirely on the cow woman, she was standing with her legs slightly spread ... so that Claire could see her wet, dripping, pussy. Claire could no longer think straight. All she could think about was how much she had to lick Lisa’s wet cunt. She leaned forward to taste her.
And Lisa began to stumble forward as well.
Claire sobbed and wrenched herself upward, following the glorious smell of Lisa’s pussy. She stumbled after her friend, her cowbell jingling in concert with Lisa’s as they walked.
And stopped in horror as she found herself standing in front of the cow woman as Lisa fell to her knees, and began using her tongue and lips to coax milk from one of the cow woman’s lower udders.
The desperate need to lick Lisa’s pussy started to fade as she smelled the milk. Claire began to shiver as she tried to resist it, looking down at Jen, gulping loudly at one nipple, milk dribbling down her chin, Lisa suckling at another, desperately.
Claire sobbed in humiliation, her mind raging against what she was doing. She wouldn’t give in to this! She was more than just some ... some piece of sexual livestock! She was a woman, she wasn’t going to be used like...
It was her own moan of pleasure that brought her to the awareness of the long, thick nipple that was penetrating her mouth, between her suckling lips. As the cow-girl’s milk flowed down her throat, Claire’s whole body had erupted in pleasurable tingling, and nowhere more than her own dangling nipples and between her thighs. The milk was so wonderful ... it was the most glorious thing she had ever tasted.
She slurped and sucked at the enormous nipple, so large that it pressed against her throat like a cock. But no male’s cum had ever tasted so good as the milk coming from the teat. The room filled with the sounds of pleasure - hers, Jen’s, Lisa’s ... and the cow girls as her teats were suckled and milked.
Suddenly the cow-girl let out a loud moo of pleasure, even beyond what had been coming from her before, startling Claire for a moment out of her suckling reverie. With a sob, she began to pull her mouth off of the nipple she had been so lovingly sucking, with a strain that made her feel nauseous. But somehow she managed to pull away for a moment, and the cow-girl’s huge tit fell back against her body, large nipple dripping.
Claire looked across to see her friend, Jen, moaning as she suckled the other large teat with her eyes closed in pleasure. Claire whimpered as she felt a rush of arousal go through her at the sight of her naked friend, crouched and suckling on the cow-tit, milk dribbling down her chin...
Claire ripped her eyes away from Jen only to find herself looking down at Lisa. Lisa had been suckling at the lower udder of the cow-girl for a while, but had clearly found the scent of the cow-girl’s pussy (so close) irresistible. The smaller woman had lowered her mouth and began to slurp at the wet pussy between the cow-girl’s legs, eliciting loud moos of pleasure from her as her udders dripped milk onto Lisa’s chest, running between her small breasts...
Once again, Claire pulled her eyes away from the smaller girl’s lovely body with great difficulty, and then sobbed as her eyes lighted on the camera that was filming the scene. Claire cried quietly as she realized that once again, her and her friends’ humiliation was on display.
She shivered suddenly as she licked her lips, the flavor of that glorious milk once again filling her mouth. Whimpering pathetically, she lowered her lips once again to the cow-girl’s teat and began to suck.
As she suckled, her eyes drifted up to stare at Jen, suckling on the thick nipple opposite her. Claire’s eyes wandered over Jen’s lovely, dark-skinned body, as milk ran down Jen’s chin, the other girl moaning in pleasure as she slurped it down. Jen was so gorgeous ... her beautiful smooth skin, her long black hair ... her gorgeous pink slit betwen her legs, so very wet ... her dark nipples topping her jiggling tits...
Some part of that struck Claire as odd, even through her arousal and pleasure. Jen’s jiggling tits? Jen’s little A-cups shouldn’t jiggle ... wait, Jen didn’t have A-cups! The tits dangling from the moaning girl’s body were C-cups, at least! They swayed in time with Jen’s moans...
Claire’s eyes widened. Jen’s tits were growing! It had to be from the milk!
Claire moaned loudly. They had to stop! She realized now that the tingling throughout her body - particularly her tits, and hands, and feet, and belly - wasn’t right at all! She had to pull her mouth off of this cow-girl’s nipple! She couldn’t do this!
Try though she might, though, she couldn’t do it. Tears ran down her cheeks as she sucked, and sucked, and sucked ... the pleasure rolling through her. She could feel her body changing, and she couldn’t even bring herself to stop doing the thing causing the change.
She sobbed as she looked over at Jen ... she could almost see her friend’s tits growing. They were rapidly approaching a D-cup ... and Claire bet they wouldn’t stop there. What was happening to her own body ... starting out at a C-cup?
Claire kept suckling, tears running down her cheeks.
The phase 1 transformations are now complete - quite successfully, as expected. The second set of subjects have arrived, and we are prepping them for the upcoming demonstration. The Client will be on hand as well to witness the state of the initial subjects, as well as the testing of our new prototypes on the second set.
Claire awoke to the sudden sound of voices, blinking against the light. She realized slowly that she was once again back in the lab, although seemingly in a new cell. As her vision cleared, she could see that the floor and walls were reflective. She sat up with a groan, and felt her body shift oddly as she did so. She looked down, and choked out a sob of horror.
Her beautiful body, which she had worked so hard to keep trim and fit since her heavy days as a young girl, had been grossly distorted by her hours of feeding.
Her belly was huge ... obviously fat, although it stuck out in front of her almost like she was pregnant, disproportionately large relative to her legs and arms, which looked a little heavier, but otherwise normal.
Of course, the enormous, saggy tits laying on top of her large belly were even worse.
They were ridiculously huge - massive, jiggling tits, that fell on either side of her big belly like the udders they now obviously were. They must have been JJs at least - even with her large belly, they dangled almost to her bellybutton. Each of them was topped with a huge, thick nipple - still human-sized, unlike the cow-girl who had turned her into this, but only barely. From each nipple slowly dribbled creamy white liquid. Her tits ached with a need to be milked.
Sobbing in disbelief, she reached up to touch the massive jugs, to prove that they weren’t real, weren’t hers ... and then stopped in shock, staring at her hands. Or what used to be her hands. and now were two slender, completely useless cow hooves.
Claire screamed.
The loud moo that was all that came out threw Claire into a hysterical panic. She tried to scramble to her feet, but neither her front hooves nor (as she discovered) her rear hooves, as her feet had become, were able to get purchase on the slick floor. That combined with the massive shift in balance from her belly and her enormous tits to pitch her immediately over onto her side, thrashing and mooing loudly in abject terror.
“MOOOO!! NNNNOOOOOO!! PLURRRHHH ... Plurrrhease! Hurrrooooolp mmmmooooooeee!”
She sobbed, forcing the words out around the moos, as her monstrous tits flopped onto the floor, her hooves clattering as she tried to get purchase. She could barely speak, only able to form words around her mooing with extreme difficulty. Finally, she gave up, collapsing in a sobbing, mooing heap, lying on her side on the floor of her cell.
She lay, sobbing and terrified, as she realized the voices were growing in number, somewhere beyond the mirrored wall of her room. The mirror...
Somehow seeing herself lying there in the mirror, her huge tits jiggling and dripping next to her new belly, her hooves lying on the floor, her horns and flickering cow-like ears, her swishing tail ... something in her broke. She realized that she was nothing more than another cow now. She lay there, mooing and sobbing pathetically, while she listened to the voices and movement beyond the horrific reflection of what she’d become.
Suddenly, with a hissing noise, a door opened in the wall. Claire lifted her head to look with fright at who could be entering her cell.
The man that stepped into the room was rail thin, and very tall. He was impeccably dressed in a crisp suit. His expensive black shoes clattered on the slick floor much like Claire’s hooves had done a few moments ago. His eyes were adorned with round glasses, which he pushed up as he turned to face the mirror, lifting a device in his hand. At the push of a button, the glass suddenly went from reflective to merely cloudy, revealing what was obviously a large group of people seated in rows beyond.
From the sudden quieting of the voices it was clear they could now see in to witness Claire’s new form. Claire let out a low, despairing moo of humiliation at being on display ... and tried desperately to ignore the tingling wetness she felt between her legs at the thought of being watched.
The man cleared his throat.
“Welcome to our little demonstration today, everyone. As you know, the Bovinization Farm is one of the most profitable arms of our little company, and we have developed some new techniques that should not only improve our yield, but also offers some exciting new opportunities for our clients.”
He turned and pointed down at the whimpering, mooing Claire-cow.
“Here we have our first specimen of the day. Our customer for today’s specimens has graciously allowed us to demonstrate these newest techniques using his new livestock.”
The man nodded towards a figure sitting off to the side beyond the window, clearly in a separate area. Claire and craned her head, trying to make out any details about the man, but could only see an indeterminate male silhouette that nodded back. Claire mooed pathetically at him ... who could he be? How could he do this to her?
The thin man continued.
“Each of the cases you’ll see today has been treated slightly differently, tuned to the optimal requirements for our client. This cow, you can see from the picture on the screen, was only yesterday an athletic young woman ... and as you can see, she is now quite the heifer.”
Claire sobbed at the humiliating laugh from beyond the mirror.
“Her large udders will produce a significant amount of milk, and as with most of our cows, has additional affects that we will demonstrate shortly. In addition, in this one’s case, she has had her body somewhat ... expanded, into her new full figure.”
This understatement drew another laugh.
“But of course, that is not all. Her vocal apparatus has been significantly modified, to produce the pleasing moos that you can now hear ... she still has some limited capacity for speech, but only with great difficulty, though her intellect has remained largely unaffected. Indeed the more excited or stressed she is, the less she will be able to speak, only moo like the bovine she is.”
Claire involuntarily stressed this, attempting to beg this horror to end, but only producing loud, incomprehensible moos.
“As you can see, her hands and feet are much more appealing hooves now, even if they are essentially useless to her. Even further, her mental modifications have worked out excellently, and, as we shall demonstrate, tie nicely into her greatly heightened arousal.”
The man walked around the mooing Claire, and grabbed one of her hooves, lifting her leg up so that the audience could have a clear view of her pussy. Claire sobbed, and desperately wanted to kick, to fight, but found herself unable to do so.
“As you can see, where only yesterday she was incredibly strong-willed, she is now a nice, docile little - well, not so little - farm animal. In addition, as is certainly quite obvious, though her situation is intensely humiliating for her, and though she formerly detested being on display in this manner, you can now see her intense arousal at the situation. Note how exceptionally wet the cow is, ready for breeding or other more ... recreational uses.”
Claire sobbed in humiliation, and yet knew it was true - she could feel cool air blowing across her cunt and wet thighs, showing how aroused she was.
“Now, let us show some additional mental adjustments that have been made at the request of our client. Kevin?”
Claire choked back a sob and lifted her head to look at the opening door. Through the door stepped a man ... stark naked. He was incredibly fit - muscles rippling and oiled - and Claire supposed he was handsome as well. Most striking was his large, incredibly hard cock, poking out in front of him.
Claire’s eyes wandered over him disinterestedly, and then moved to the second figure coming through the door. Her whole body suddenly began to burn with arousal, and she let out an involuntary moo of excitement.
Kevin was holding a leash, and after him was stumbling another woman. She was completely naked other than the leather sheath that held her arms trapped behind her, and the leather hood that completely covered her face, other than room for her nose so she could breathe, and a hole in the top from which raven-black hair was pulled out into a pony-tail, dangling down to her back. The girl stumbled forward, blind, at the end of Kevin’s leash.
Claire began to drool as she stared at the girl’s body.
She was of moderate height and very trim, with smallish breasts topped with dark pink nipples. Her skin was white and flawless. Her pussy was cleanly shaven - as she came closer, Claire found herself staring at it - it looked as though she had never had hair there to begin with (and certainly would never again).
The girl moaned loudly, clearly gagged under the hood as well, and tried weakly to fight Kevin’s leash, but her blindness kept her from being able to resist significantly, even despite her terrified groans of protest.
There was something familiar about the girl, but not being able to see her face, Claire couldn’t place it. And she was too aroused as she stared at the girl stumbling towards her to really think about it deeply.
“You will notice that our cow is somewhat taken with the lovely young specimen who is to be part of our second set of demonstrations today, in spite of the very attractive Kevin who is leading her. Until yesterday, our cow was quite heterosexual - in fact was repulsed by the idea of being with another woman. And yet now, she is stricken with uncontrolled lust at the sight of a naked girl ... and completely uninterested in the man with her.”
Claire realized slowly through her haze of lust what the man was saying ... and that it was true. She desperately looked over at the naked Kevin, realizing now that until recently she would have been quite appreciative of him ... and now felt nothing. She could barely even bother to look at him, and instead her eyes were drawn to the luscious creature he was leading in her direction...
“How much has she been modified in this manner? Well, let’s find out...”
Another man entered the room with a strange chair that flared out into a v-shaped front. As he set it down, Kevin settled the sobbing, gagged girl down onto it a few feet away from Claire, and the purpose of the shape quickly revealed itself. Kevin grabbed one slender ankle, and then the other, strapping them to the legs of the chair with the attached leather straps. The girl sat, sobbing, her legs spread wide to reveal the pink, hairless slit of her pussy.
Claire stared at it. The man was speaking, but she couldn’t hear him, her ears ringing with her overwhelming need to lick the pretty slit so close. Her breathing came out in mooing huffs and snorts.
Suddenly, with a loud moo, she began to try to climb to all fours again. This time, she had a better idea what to expect with her new hooves, and the man who had brought the chair in helped her up. Snorting and mooing desperately, she crawled forward, her huge tits dragging along the ground, sending shudders of pleasure through her as her nipples rubbed against the floor. Claire braced her hooves against the legs of the chair, and dove her mouth over the exposed cunt of the bound girl.
The girl let out a loud moan of protest and then a moan that was quite unlike protest at all as Claire’s tongue found her slit and her clit and began to slurp desperately at her. Though the girl was obviously trying to resist it, and kept attempting to pull her legs together, she was just as obviously enjoying it ... quite a bit, in fact. Her hairless cunt quickly became quite wet. Claire had always heard that girls tasted very different (and indeed, Jen and Lisa’s cunts had tasted quite different from her own) and was surprised to find that this girl’s delicious pussy tasted remarkably like hers.
Suddenly the girl screamed in pleasure, and her slender body bucked against the chair as she came from Claire’s slurping tongue. Her orgasm was obviously incredibly intense, and her juices squirted out of her as she came, splattering Claire’s massive tits. When she finally stopped cumming, muffled sobs came from behind her mask, which sounded like a combination of humiliation and being overwhelmed by the pleasure coming from between her legs. She weakly tried to close them, but to no avail as Claire continued hungrily licking her.
“As you can see, our little cow is quite the enthused pussy-licker now. And is largely indifferent to her normal male preference. Which isn’t to say that she isn’t breedable - far from it. In fact ... Kevin, why don’t you enjoy the cow’s other end while she continues warming up our friend there for the second set of demonstrations, while I continue with the first set.”
Claire was so focused on the pussy in her mouth that she only vaguely noticed as someone (presumably Kevin), lifted her swishing tail. A moment later, she let out a mooing grunt as a very large cock slid smoothly into her sopping cunt from behind, and began to glide in and out of her. She mooed in pleasure - it still felt good, even if it wasn’t what she really craved now - and continued her progress towards the girl’s second orgasm.
“So, continuing with our first set of specimens, why don’t we move along to our next cow...”
Claire managed to pull her eyes from the cunt in front of her to look up as the door opened yet again, to see another man leading Jen into the room, also on a leash. Claire’s arousal ratcheted up another notch even as she moaned in horror to see what had become of her friend.
Jen clattered into the room on very high heels, walking very carefully even though she had obviously retained her feet (unlike Claire), as she was obviously thrown tremendously off-balance by the enormous tits dangling from her chest. They were almost as big as Claire’s, but where Claire’s were huge, drooping things that could hardly be considered anything but udders, Jen’s were shockingly firm. They were obviously real from the way they jiggled, but they hung down to her bellybutton, swaying massively in front of her, her large, dark nipples pointing outward, and also dribbling milk though in smaller quantities than Claire’s (which were creating a puddle beneath her on the floor as Kevin pounded into her and the girl came again).
Jen stumbled forward as the man pulled on her leash, and the expression on her face horrified Claire. Jen’s large brown eyes were vacant, dull ... it was clear that she barely understood what was going on. Jen’s hands were hooves just like Claire’s, and she held them in front of her, periodically looking at them in confusion as though she knew something was wrong with them but she couldn’t quite figure out what. Her long tail swished behind her as she walked. Other than that, she was physically mostly the same - slender and petite other than her monstrous tits.
“Moooooooooo? Mooooooooo...”
Jen’s tongue lolled out as she mooed dumbly, clearly not even trying to form words.
“Now, as you can see, though Jen here has been slightly less physically altered than poor Claire over there, the mental changes are somewhat more significant. Jen? Jen ... look here Jen...”
Jen mooed as she looked around in confusion.
Meanwhile, the girl Claire was licking had jumped as their actual names had been mentioned, and had let out a moaning squeal, trying to pull away from Claire’s desperate tongue again. Claire was too distracted by the sudden rush of cum inside her from Kevin’s cock, and the lovely taste of the girl’s cunt as she approached a third orgasm to really think about it much.
“As you can see, the poor creature has lost any comprehension of language, even her ability to recognize her own name. Her intellect has been vastly reduced ... she definitely has moments of clarity where she realized what has been done to her, but most of the time, her mind remains only slightly above that of the cow she has become.”
At a nod from the speaker, the man who had led Jen into the room dropped her leash and began to disrobe.
“Jen is the perfect breeding or milking cow now. She will produce copious milk, and has very little on her mind other than typical animal pursuits, though the one set of skills that she has been left with is a remarkable array of entertainment-related skills, and the intense desire to use them.”
The man wasn’t particularly good looking - if anything he was somewhat ugly - fat and balding. However, when he finished taking his clothes off and his moderately large cock sprang free, Jen’s eyes siezed on it immediately, and she began to snort in obvious arousal. Letting out a loud moo of excitement, she stumbled towards him, and fell to her knees, her humongous tits leading the way. She plunged forward, her eyes rolling back as her mouth wrapped around the cock in front of her. She let out muffled moos of pleasure as she slurped at the man’s cock. The man let out a very human groan of pleasure of his own.
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She could not, Allison decided, put it off any longer. She had decided that she would like things to progress. That meant one thing. A discussion with Lionel was needed. He, it seemed to Allison, had been very patient but now it was time to settle things between them. She stood in the corridor outside his office gathering her thoughts. Portraits of earlier partners in the firm peered down from the walls. Serious looking men in serious suits seemed to gaze down at Allison as if taking a dim...
IT STARTED WITH AN APRON by Monica Graz Episode 4 It was 6.30am on Friday morning. Betty switched off her alarm and got out of bed immediately, as she had done on the previous mornings it had called her. But this morning she felt somehow different. Something was missing and she felt very strange. Nevertheless she enjoyed preparing herself for work, taking morning tea to her Mistress and serving her as personal maid until she...
I was new to the city when I started using tinder for fun, after few matches I finally got a match with a lady I was actually looking for. Hot divorce lady, more like a cougar. She was in her 35, and bit strange while talking may be because she had a bad past, with all divorce and issues but now wanted to live fun life. We chatted for half an hour or so, and she asked me to meet in the evening. It was bit shocking at first and I thought this is just a prank but when she gave me her number and I...
(A calm day on the deserted island. Enishi slowly pulls himself into stance, then strikes a tree with his sword, knocking it into splinters.) Kaoru (from a window, behind him): I'm surprised you can already move like that. I suppose you're not the kind to send your enemies salt. Enishi: It's no thanks to your bad cooking. Kaoru: What! Don't eat it then! You only ever eat about half of it anyway! (Heishin, with his four massive bodyguards, approaches.) Heishin: I'm sorry to...
Mom! I Can't Help Myself - Surprises By Jennifer Allison Chapter 4 - Dearest Mother: It's Friday already. This last week has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. To me it is still Monday morning and I just left Miss Lynne's office for the first time. I want to thank you again for this wonderful surprise. I never dreamt that being a girl could be so much fun, and work at the same time. School is tough, I mean the instructors are strict but with a gentle...
Sept. 16th, 2018 Today, we’re going to another place that’s fairly dark. But Darian, you’re sick, your mind could be gone in a few years. You have a right to be angry. You say that, but do you really mean that? I don’t think you do for the simple reason I don’t think a lot of people have ever been angry. True anger is dark bloody emotion that most people won’t admit to feeling. I do. Even if they admit to feeling it to themselves they won’t explore it or share it with others. Part of my...
The knock startled Linda out of her day dreams, and she jumped up from her chair to hurry to the door. She hadn't noticed that it was dark outside, and she felt like a fool when she opened the door to see Valerie Boyd standing there in the dark. She immediately switched on the light. "Goodness, I wasn't watching the time... Please come in," Linda said sheepishly, completely forgetting about Valerie's wanton activities by the firelight last night. "It does get dark early here... How...
Glenn pulled into the driveway of a mid-century modern house on a wooded lot. Jackie accompanied him to the door and he rang the bell. A slender woman in her mid thirties answered the door. “Hi Wendy,” he said. “Carla is expecting us. I hope we’re not interrupting anything.” “Not at all, Glenn. You must be Jackson.” “Jackie. I like to be called Jackie.” “Pleased to meet you, Jackie. Come in.” Carla stepped in from a back hallway. “Please, come and sit.” Glenn and Jackie sat on a sofa...
-"Ma, gde bre, jesi li normalna!?" *****U ulici D, u klubu L., sakuplja se vesela družina, uvijek raspoložena za Party. Neku noć, tematski Party - CECA, biće u kojem je opredmećena sama erotika, u tijelu, koje uprkos svemu lagano stari (kakva li će ona biti Grany :). Stao sam za bar. Na podiju je već naelektrisano - polugola, znojna tijela uvijaju se i upliću u ritmu nadolazeće orgazmičke eksplozije. -Džin i tonik, molim.Muzila je obuzimala sva moja čula, zanosila i uvlačila u svoje neobično...
Mere uncle jabalpur me rehate the, unki ek ladaki hai, jo ki mujhse 3 sal badi hai, vo bahut hi smart aru sexy hai, usaki sundarta ka bayan mai aap logo se kaise karun, usake goure aur chikane chehare par ek dag bhi nahi hai, vo really bahut sunder, aur puri hindustani ladaki ki tarah rahati hai, Uncle ka transfer indore hone wala tha, unhone indore me aakar ghar rent par le liya, lekin jab tak unhe ghar nahi mila, ve humare ghar par hi ruk ( lagbhag 12-13 din ). Maine uncle ki ladaki ko karib...
“Actually, I was doing a special class tonight,” Lissa says. “You working on a Christmas Eve?” “I know it sounds odd, but I wanted to do one more class before the new year,” Lissa defends. “This is going to be a special one.” “Christmas is always a good time for one of those,” Cherise teases. “Remember the ones mom and dad had at their work?” “How could I not?” Lissa counters. “Oh man, they guys we used to fuck.” “And don’t forget about mom’s secretary,” she reminds her big sister. “I...
She unzipped him slowly, and his rock-hard prick literally jumped out into the open. It was her turn to bug her eyes out, since he wasn’t wearing anything underneath his jeans. “What happened to your suit?” “It’s in my backpack over there,” Kirk replied, motioning over to the chair near the stairs. “Good thinking,” she said, as she helped him wriggle the jeans past his hips, to gain better access to his stiff prick. Karen tentatively touched the tip, which made it jump. She giggled at her...
First TimeHi Folks, I'm glad you liked last week's Halloween story. That one was meant to be scary but funny. This time alround it's more myeterious and actiony (is that a word?) Anyway as usual it's only meant in fun so don't take it too seriously. Thanks as usual to the incredible mikothebaby for her great skill in editing, Happy Halloween! SS06. I sat down at the kitchen table, barely awake as she set the plate down in front of me. She leaned over and kissed me, her tongue probing my mouth...
I'd always wondered if I was gay, but I'd never had the nerves to find out. I didn't know any gay people, and where I grew up most people were homophobic, so I never had a chance to experiment. I'd tried getting with girls but something always felt empty about it, like I was just going through the motions.But every time I slept with someone I couldn't help but imagine what it was like to be on the bottom, or on my knees sucking cock. And every time I watched porn I found myself imagining...
Gay MaleHi folks. We haven't taken a trip to the dark side in a while. Those of you wh don't like violence or extreme revenge might want to pass on this one. Thanks twice as much as usual to Mikotthebaby who served as my muse on this one besides doing her usual editing magic. Note from mikothebaby – Man in the Box by Alice in Chains is my favorite song. I urge you to go to you tube and listen to it before reading this story. I made Stang write a story about the song. I wanted a dark story so blame...
After supper, I was downstairs working on homework when Mary yelled down, "Mike and Terry are here." I went up to collect them and led them to the basement. Mike was carrying a guitar case, and Terry had an amplifier that looked to be about knee high. Mary came with us. Puff, who seemed to like Mike a lot, followed him downstairs and proceeded to rub against his legs. We pulled chairs over to the chord organ. Mike handed me "his" guitar, and Ursus began tuning it unplugged while Mike and...
Well isn’t this romantic! One brunette Janice Griffith gyrates sexily in the sunlight wearing black gothic lingerie whilst waiting for her dark prince Xander Corvus to come find and fuck her. Simply the thought of getting his nice fat cock makes her pussy drip with antici…pation! That trickle of cunt juice turns into streams upon streams of girl cum once Xander starts pounding away at her precious twat! All squirts and smiles, Janice is the human equivalent of a waterfall, having...
xmoviesforyouAnother very good view that i had with my sister in that period that i am recounting from my previouses stories :-P. It was a late morning before the lunch, we were in autumn and not did more much hot it was started the cold but, in the house ... and when you have the sister hottie :-P (but anyway a good girl :-P), at a certain point i hear the voice of my sister from inside her room that she talks to the cellular and i don't know of who it was or a friend or a bf or a lover :-P, anyway seemed...
Bob went bounding off at full speed. Ned, too busy running to hear anything but his own pounding heart and slapping feet, was headed to the same spot. He saw a dark and quickly growing shadow and looked up just as Bob leapt, paws wide and tongue ready for a hello slobber. Before Ned could do anything, Bob knocked him onto the grassy yard of the house on the corner, and was licking Ned’s head, face, arms and neck, his tail wagging madly. Ned tried to wrestle Bob away but gave up as he started...
It was a warm Friday night in early June, and though I hated associating with my girlfriend Pam’s daughter, I had little choice. Piper had just graduated high school, and her eighteenth birthday had been this same week. So, Pam decided to throw a birthday/graduation party for her and her friends.Now, Pam and I began dating about two years ago, just a year after husband had met a tragic death in an auto accident. She is a beautiful tall woman, blonde hair, five-eight, slender, and if her late...
TabooMera nam Ali ha mujah sex stories parhnay ka buhat shook ha buhat arsa bad akher soocha apni zindgi ka ek wakiya sab ko byan kar doon ma 25 sal ka hoon is kahani ma likhi gaya nam farzi hen lakin ya kahani sachi ha bacpan sa movies dekhna ka shook ur sexy khaniyan parh ka jawan hua lakin ajj tak kisi ka sath sex karna k amuka nahi mila tha lakin bateen karna ma sher tha jis ko bolna doston ma bateen huni ya kiya ha wo kiya ha Matric F.A ka bad meri ami na mujah meri mamu khala ka pass uk bhijwa...
Amy is a very simple girl. She's 20 years old, she has brown hair, works as a cashier at Rite Aid, and has always been a kind and sweet girl to most people in her life. She lives alone in a apartment in the outskirts of Chicago and prefers it that way. Near the big city able to get from place to place from walking or taking the bus. Very...simple.
Mind ControlThe next day was Laura's wedding. Randi was surprised to find that she could barely look her sister in the face. She was afraid it was written all over her own features: He fucked me. The guy you're going to marry, Laura. He fucked me, last night. Not once, but twice. And the second time he caught me like an animal on the floor and fucked me from behind! And I loved it, Laura, each time. Randi could feel her pulse quickening even as the words appeared in her head. She tried to avoid her...
I tried to open my eyes but they were so caked with dried tears it was difficult to do. I rubbed away some of the crusty residue from my lids and blinked several times trying wash the dried film from my vision. I was still dressed but my body felt cold and clammy; I could feel the damp pillow case under my cheek as I tried to get my bearings. I looked at the clock beside the bed and saw it was four in the morning; I lay there, trying to remember what day it was, it ... it was Saturday;...
Hi every all. This is Rana from Mumbai. Main apko bachpan ki ek kahani batatahu. Main jab 20 saal ka tha. To mere baju mein ek family rahte the .usme do ladkiyaan rehthe the. Unka naam badi ka kala(21) our choti ka tanya(18) thi. Main our tanya roz kelthe the. Ek din unke ghar mein koi nahi the. Hum log kelthe khelte main ne tanya se pucha ki kyon na hum doctor ka khel kele to vo boli tik hain. Our mein doctor ka role kiya. Mein ne tanya se kaha ki kya hua to unhe pet ki taklif bataya. Our mein...
Introduction: This is the third chapter of the second series. Im not quite sure yet if there will be 6 chapters to this series or not, but it will most likely be in that ballpark. This is also more of a buildup episode, but hopefully it doesnt dissapoint. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. Ughh sweetie! This is why mommy told you to pack last night! I screamed frustratingly at my daughter. Now here I was, sifting through her little suitcase at 7 in the morning, trying to find and...
The warehouse in question was not a large building as such things usually go. It was about the equivalent of two-storeys tall and had a couple of large doors on each of its long sides. Normal doors could be found at either of the short ends. There were a few windows up high for light, but none at ground level. The roof had four large skylights and hardly sloped at all, only the minimum necessary for rain to drain off. As soon as it was dark enough, The Ghost went up on the roof and looked...
Jake left the science lab hungry and exhausted. It had been four months, and he knew he was getting into trouble. In the past few weeks, he had been neglecting his classes, and his marks were starting to suffer. As usual, these sort of thoughts only occurred to him after he had spent about thirty six hours straight in the lab. The student union was closed, and the only place that had food this time of night was Chico's, a sort-of combination fast food and drinking hangout near the...
My name is Jackson Shaw. I’m a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago. Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...
Hi, I would like to share with you a real life experience. I use to live in the ground floor of the building. On the first floor of the same building there was the woman who made my life so beautiful. She is a 54 yrs beautiful widow who was living with her daughter. I use to call her aunty and she use to behave normally with me. then her daughter got married and went to Bangalore. I use to help her out whenever she wanted me to then suddenly after a month her attitude started shifting...
Nailing a job at the big fishery in town was a good way to start off the summer of 2010. I didn’t know much about the fish, but that wasn’t my job. My job was the chemistry of the business, and that’s the way I liked it to be. Throughout high school, my chemistry and physics teachers would make jokes about the other side of the science wing, where the biologists kept what one of my teachers called ‘bullshit.’ I guess I kept that thinking, and throughout college I took the biology classes but...
I decided to head to town while Joe was away and happened to bump into a man while shopping. He looked really great and he smiled at me as I slowly walked around him. I decided to take a chance and see if he might be interested in some afternoon delight. "Hi' I said softly "My names Carmen" I added "Calvin's mine" he replied "You're looking mighty good to me" I then told him. "You're not so bad yourself" he answered back. I was dressed in a short black dress with black hose and ankle strap...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It is an afternoon just like any other afternoon however this one is going to be different, very different. The two of you are home and since you where not expecting company, Mommy is wearing a pair of dark sheer stockings, pumps and a sheer body suit possibly see through. Beneath it, Mommy is wearing nothing, no panties, no bra, nothing and the moisture that is escaping her beautiful pussy lips is evident of the activities that have just taken place....
IncestPretty Misha Cross is a long-haired brunette with fair skin, blue eyes, braces and a floral tattoo sleeve; playful blonde Cherry Kiss has tan skin, brown eyes and an excitingly sexy demeanor. Both flaunt natural breasts. Toned, bearded, super-hung Vince Karter brings them to his ‘sex room’ for a threesome. They nude up, revealing hot asses. Cherry eats Misha, leaving lipstick all over Misha’s thighs and twat! They French kiss as Vince laps snatches and rims buttholes. In a...
xmoviesforyouI went to supper at Mary O'Connor's, and it was the usual thing. The O'Connors were nice enough people, but it seemed to me that all Mary really wanted was a reliable source for sex. That was not the only thing I was looking for in a wife, so she was stricken from the list before we got to dessert. Martha did a good job of compressing the visits to the long list of potential brides by pushing them to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. At least, we were through the first pass in a reasonable...
Footfalls dance along the walls as the tall lithe woman walks steadily down the alleyway. She has her arms wrapped tightly around her body and her breaths come out quickly. Every single bit of noise, other than her steps makes her look over her shoulder. She realizes that it was a mistake to take the short cut through the alley, but her pride won’t let her turn back. Besides, she is nearly to the other side and then from there it will be straight home. The woman feels a gush of wind behind...
A big problem for those who are young, single, hot, rich and kinky is finding an outlet for their sexual appetites but not end up in the National Enquirer, messy relationships or in secret government databases for later coercion or fundraising. The word is that well connected elites have worked with Concierge Healthcare providers who already serve them with high-end sports injury and other therapies to develop private sexual clinics that can cater to those appetites. It is true but you won't...
Last weekend I was surprised by my niece Leeza, as she opened the shower curtain and stepped into the shower with me. Her firm tight little tanned body glistening under the hot spray of water caused my rod to thicken instantly. We made hot passionate love, which was her first time with a man. It was one of the most erotic moments of my life. Yesterday, Friday, she asked if I could give her driving lessons. She just turned 16 and has her learners permit. We decided that on Saturday, we would...
IncestEdited by: Sixty-nine My brother and I never had gotten along, so when he and his wife of ten years argued, as they often did, there was no doubt as to who had my sympathies. Still, I hadn’t expected her to show up at my doorstep that night. ‘He’s locked me out of the house this time,’ my red headed sister in-law started in even before she stepped inside the door. ‘That bastard locked me out of my own house! It’s too much this time, even for him!’ ‘Calm down, Kathleen,’ I said, trying to...
The next morning, after another romp with Maria riding him, Jack rolled out of the bed. “I need to be going.” He looked around the sleazy room and decided against using the shower; he would go home and clean up. Maria pouted at him. “I was hoping for more.” He smiled. “Maria, I believe that making you one of my concubines was a terrible mistake.” “Lord?” “One night with you and I’m in worse shape than when we started! If I spent a weekend with you, I’d probably have to be hospitalized!”...
I was driving north on Interstate 35 as fast as the governor on the blue Mack would let me, the 8 inch dual open exhaust pipes snarling with the Cummins powered song in my ears as I crossed the south Texas prairie land trying to make San Antonio to stop for the night. The air conditioner was doing its best to keep me cool in the 100 plus degree late July evening, and failing at its task. I’m John Murphy, and I have made the Chicago to Laredo run once a week for the past six months, and...
It was a very dark night, lit by the stars and occasional flashes of lightening on the horizon. The sound of the Gulf soothing as the waves hiss ashore, cresting and breaking, setting a rhythm for your footsteps. The gentle breeze is blowing softly through your hair. Your long flowing dress caressing your thighs as you walk, sandals in hand, to meet me. The seductive sway of your hips, your swollen lips and proud nipples showing through your blouse excite me. I catch the scent of your perfume. ...
Alexis Crystal is undoubtedly our number one girl at, a true blonde superstar who today returns in Private Gold, Drive into the Night for a hot threesome with studs Alberto Blanco and Marc Rose. But that’s not all, watching along with you is the horny voyeur Gabi Gold who can’t help but masturbate as she enjoys the spectacle unfolding in front of her… A stunning threesome that has Alexis get down and dirty for some deepthroat blowjobs before enjoying some quality anal action,...
xmoviesforyou--I know the story is long. I started this back in 2007 and never finished it. Maybe some day I will, and I'll condense it down for this site, but here is what I have for now. Enjoy!--Kristine was the biggest slut in high school. Though she was only a month away from being promoted to the 12th grade – after being held back once – she had earned a reputation as being a "succubus" to all the guys on campus. Every girl in every grade hated and abhorred her, calling her "an insatiable thriving...
Representative Sidney Smith walked to his office pleased that he had an entire afternoon without a single appointment. Between public speeches, committee meetings, time spent on the floor of the House of Representatives, and smooching with businessmen for funding, he felt that he never had time to think through the issues. It was his standing order that no appointments were to be scheduled Friday afternoons. That was his time to catch up on the issues of the day. Entering his office, Sidney...
The rest of our winter vacation that was not spent in bed was devoted to house hunting. We thought at first about buying one huge house big enough for the five of us and our families, but practicality reined us in finally. We decided instead for two large houses that were right next of each other on this lovely bay near Mano, and close to the nearby shopping in Sawata, and of course the harbor and airport both quite nearby at Ryotsu. The homes were on a very large tract of unspoiled land in...
Hello All, myself Honey (not my real name) from Delhi. Myself 27 and Single. You can mail me at I love married ladies specially who are wild in bed. This story is all about my experience with my neighbor. This story I am posting only after her consent. To maintain her dignity, I would not reveal her real name. Let’s call her Nisha. Her stats are 35D-30-36 (got to know later from her). She is mother of one girl child who is 5 years old. She is a typical housewife with her husband having his own...
It was a cloudy night with forecasts of thunder showers. Distant lightning could be seen from the southern horizon. I lay awfully frustrated on the bed, my overtly rich husband lying on one side of the king sized bed, fully sated after his 2 minutes fuck session with me. An impotent male chauvinist, whose money bags lured me in his trap and now I am stuck with him. I know some of you are thinking ‘why not divorce him?’ It’s true the thought also entered my mind, but then, I am the sole...
Hey all, I’m Archana here. Telling you about myself, i’m 25yrs old now, kinda fair and just another normal looking girl. I got introduced to online sex-chat and roleplaying a few years ago since then I’ve been addicted to role-playing. This story is about what happened when i personally met one of my roleplay partners a few months ago. There is a guy named Karan who works in Hyderabad with whom i roleplay very often. He is my favorite partner. We both always had a wonderful understanding and...
“It’s your first million dollars you two what are you gonna do?” “Go to Vegas and rent a room.” Meredith deadpanned. That was the exact plan they had since watching their IPO take off. Their COO raised a brow at her answer. “…and make a million more!” Victor jumped in. They took a short trip to an Indian casino instead. Victor paid cash for their best suite and it was still empowering. The casino enabled them not be seen again for four days by comping their room service...
"OK Jay, everything's gonna be OK. I know the first time is alittle intimidating, and especially when it's gonna be with a dick likeDarrells' but you gotta trust me man, once you've had it, you're gonna bebegging for it all the time. Come on Darrell, get a good coating of KY onthat thing and Jay, just lay down there and relax. He ain't gonna hurt youany!" Stan was of course acting like the coach, and he definitely had hishands full in getting Jay to realize that getting Darrell's oversized...