Abby Abby s Alone Time with the Horny Teena
- 4 years ago
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"Vickie! Talk to me, Sweetheart ... talk to me," I thought back immediately as I sprang to my feet and began running towards the restrooms. Tommy, who was the only security person still with me, looked at me and knew something was wrong, so he followed.
I could feel Vickie's panic, so I quickly scanned for the others.
"It's them, Michael. The guys from this morning! They took Abby and Vickie!" Ileana told me.
Her words chilled me. I realized that I had made a bad mistake. After sensing no danger for the last couple of hours, I had gotten lax and failed to continue scanning as frequently as I should have. But I didn't have time for self-recrimination at this point.
"Where? Which way did they take them?" I asked in a panicked voice.
"They were waiting on us. They busted into the women's restroom, snatched Vickie and Abby, and ran down the hall towards the side of the building. I think they had a car waiting on them," Penny supplied.
I changed direction and headed for the front doors. Coming to a halt outside the front doors, I began looking for a car to borrow. Tommy, still on my heels, had figured out what I was doing.
"Follow me," he said, leading me to the closest Sheriff's car.
"Get in!" he said, jumping behind the wheel.
"Which way?" he asked as I closed the door.
"I think they ran out the side door. They must have had a car waiting." I told him.
Tommy started for the corner as several Agents and deputies, their guns drawn, followed us on foot. Someone recognized Tommy and told the others. Several thought he had gone mad, and was retaliating for this morning's suspension. However, one of them realized that something must be wrong and headed for his own patrol car.
"Michael, can you hear me?" Vickie asked in a panic.
"I'm here, sweetheart. Take a deep breath and tell me where you are," I thought to her.
I made a snap decision and immediately tied Tommy in.
"What the fuck!" Tommy cried, swerving as he heard Penny in the background giving orders.
"Stay calm, Deputy Clark. You've just been sworn in to a very elite agency. We use special communications and I don't have time to explain," I told him.
Then to Vickie and Abby, I said, "Girls, say hello to Tommy. He just got initiated into our little troop."
I was right. Vickie and Abby both calmed down as they began to welcome Tommy to the family. Abby actually giggled a little.
"Where are you now," I asked.
"I don't know Michael. They have us in the back seat, but I don't know where we are. Hang on a minute, there's a street sign..." she paused. She was trying to see the sign. "We're getting on the interstate. I-610 going north," Vickie told us.
"Hang on, I gotta make a U-turn," Tommy said. I was glad he was driving. Even with his red lights flashing, it was harrowing.
"Okay, Vickie. We're coming. Hang in there!" I told her.
"Kip, you and Karla make sure the others are protected, especially Deedee. Penny, get me some back up. We're following them north on I-610," I told everyone.
"Help's on the way, Michael," Penny said.
"Michael, we're getting off. No, we're getting on I-10 now. Headed west. They're taking us to an airport, to take us back to New Orleans. It's Abby they want," Vickie said in a rush.
"You get that?" I asked Tommy. He just grunted in reply, focusing on weaving in and out of the Friday night downtown traffic.
"Okay, Vickie, stay calm. We're about a mile behind you. I need you to stay calm," I told her.
"That'll be West Houston. It's a private strip and the runway is long enough for small jets," Tommy said.
"You don't have to talk, Mr. Tommy. You can just think and we'll hear you," Abby explained.
Tommy smiled and shuddered. "This is gonna take some getting used to," he thought to himself.
"That's okay. We'll all be glad to help you," Abby thought back to him.
"Oh, no. They're ... they're ... discussing what they are going to do to me!" I felt Vickie shudder.
"Vickie!" I shouted. "Listen to me!" but she was really beginning to panic as they discussed what they were going to enjoy doing to her once they got them on the plane.
"Victoria!" I commanded sternly.
"Yes, Master," she replied weakly. "I'm sorry. I just got scared for a moment. Talk to Abby. She's scared to death too, and I can barely focus on your voice right now."
"I'm all right. Michael is coming," she thought to Vickie with surprising confidence. Vickie seemed to calm down a little.
"What kind of car are you in?" I asked, trying to get her communicating.
"I don't know. It's big. And it looks like its black, but its dark out and I can't tell for sure," Vickie said.
"It says Impala on the dash," Abby added.
"Good girl, Abby. Just stay calm. We're coming," I told her. Her description fit with the car Kip didn't destroy this morning.
"Okay, Abby. How many men are there?" I asked her.
"There's three, Michael. The two that grabbed us and one driving the car," Abby explained.
"We're passing mile marker 761. Where are you Michael?" Vickie asked with a quivering voice.
"They're less than a mile in front of us," Tommy said, still speaking out loud.
"Hurry, Michael," Vickie thought.
"Penny has already notified the airport, Sweetie. The plane will never get off the ground," I told her.
"Okay, but be careful, Michael. They've got guns," Abby added.
"Tommy, kill the lights. I've got an idea," I said suddenly.
As Tommy killed the emergency lights on the roof, a voice on the police radio, which we had been largely ignoring, said "Looks like I'm covering for your sorry ass again, Clark."
Tommy looked in his rear view mirror as he reached for the mike.
"Then kill the revolvers, Smitty. We got a kidnapping in progress and we don't want to spook the bad guys. They're in a black Impala about four hundred yards in front of me. They're headed for West Houston Airport."
"Roger that. What do you need?" Smitty asked.
"My guess is they'll take Barker Cypress and go in the front door," Tommy spoke into the radio. "Why don't you take Texas Six, and head in the back way. I'll stay with the girls."
"Roger that," Smitty said. "Smitty to the rescue!"
Abby giggled again at Smitty's sign-off.
"The airport only has one wrangler and a security guard on duty. They've been warned and have locked themselves in the office. The wrangler reported a King Air landing right at sunset, got refueled and appeared to be waiting on someone. The pilot and another man have been standing by the plane for the last hour," Penny reported. "We're maybe five minutes behind you."
"They're going in the front way," Tommy said as the black Impala sped past the exit for Texas Route Six. Then he relayed everything to Smitty.
"Please, Michael. Be careful," came Catherine's unbidden thought.
"Okay, here's the drill, everybody. Tommy will close up and follow them in. When the car stops, I'll take care of the kidnappers." I thought to everyone. "I can't do anything to risk Vickie and Abby getting hurt, so we have to wait until he puts the car in park."
"You do realize that they'll probably try to force a standoff, using the girls as hostages," Tommy said.
"Did you get the firing pin fixed in your gun yet?" I asked him, changing the subject.
"No. But I have my spare with me. That was the weirdest thing, too. When I cleaned it last night, it was fine. Now, I have to take it in to be repaired. Thank god, you said something, or I might have been carrying it tonight. How did you know?" Tommy asked.
"Do you think that if the same thing happened to their guns today, that they would have them repaired by now?" I asked without answering him.
Tommy considered my question for a long moment. I could tell that it was dawning on him that it had not happened accidentally, nor only to his gun.
"Why do I get the feeling that they are suddenly outgunned?" Tommy asked with a grin.
"Welcome to the family, Tommy!" quipped Vickie. I could tell she was feeling much better now that she thought things were going to be all right.
We reached the West Houston Airport only a hundred yards behind the Impala. When we turned in behind them, they sped up, heading for the waiting plane. The propellers suddenly came to life on the aircraft as the Impala ground to a halt next to the extended stairs. I could now sense all four of the thugs from this morning as well as a fifth man, who appeared to be the pilot. This was the moment I was waiting for. I tapped the three kidnappers, then their accomplice next to the plane. I couldn't do anything about the pilot with the propellers turning, because I couldn't be sure what would happen with the airplane if I paralyzed him.
Smitty pulled to a halt directly in front of the King Air 100 only seconds later, and by the time Tommy and Smitty were out of their cars, it was all over.
"Cuff 'em Tommy and then search 'em. I know a couple of them are carrying spares," I yelled in his ear over the roar of the propellers. "And check on the pilot." The pilot decided he didn't need this complication and shut down the engines, before making his way out of the plane with his hands in the air.
Meanwhile, I ran to the Impala and threw open the rear door. Vickie and Abby scrambled quickly out of the back seat, and into my arms. I stood there hugging two very relieved girls.
"I've got to nip this in the bud before someone gets hurt," I thought as I made up my mind. "It looks like I need to pay a visit to Mr. Sam Dewey."
"Are you sure they aren't dead?" Tommy asked as he looked at the unmoving bodies.
"Yeah. I don't want them dead just yet," I replied. He just stared at me. A bulletproof train car, the firing pins, the talking in his head, and now four guys lying on the ground and unable to move, I could see that Tommy was having trouble digesting everything his eyes were feeding him.
Adapt and overcome. That's what he had been taught. "Well, this may take some adapting!" he thought, as he went back to the patrol car to see how many sets of handcuffs he could find.
Smitty brought him some of the new plastic kind that came in the riot kits that the deputy's all carried now. So while Tommy and Smitty secured the prisoners, I simply held Vickie and Abby. I overheard Smitty asking Tommy what had happened to the prisoners.
"Tell him its voodoo," I thought to Tommy. "And it becomes a very deadly kind of voodoo, when someone messes with my family!" I added, mostly to myself.
I began to release the thugs when I heard the sirens in the distance. By the time the first police cars arrived, they were all stirring. At least as much as they could while lying face down on the tarmac with their hands cuffed behind their backs.
I don't know which one arrived on the scene first, FBI Special Agent in Charge, Cecil Turner, or Harris County blowhard in charge, Sheriff Otis Stottlemeyer. But it was Stottlemeyer's voice that I heard first.
"You have fucked up big time boy! Your ass is grass and I'm the lawnmower," he said to Tommy, as he walked right by the five prisoners. "What do you mean taking Peterson's squad car? Besides, you're on suspension and shouldn't even have been at that place tonight," Sheriff Stottlemeyer screamed.
The news people who had followed from the hotel were crowding around us, so Agent Turner barked at the deputies to keep them back, but that didn't stop the flashbulbs from popping.
I kept waiting for Agent Turner to step in and stop the Sheriff since the press was able to hear him now, but he was enjoying this a little too much. Suspicious, I decided to scan Turner. I found that he was just giving the stupid Sheriff enough rope to hang himself. So I kept my mouth shut.
"Be cool, Tommy," I thought. "The FBI guy has plans for your Sheriff. He's just letting him dig his grave a little deeper first."
Tommy grinned, as he informed the Sheriff that he had placed his resignation from the Harris County Sheriff's Department on his desk, just this afternoon. This seemed to make the Sheriff even angrier. "Your sorry ass will never work in Texas again, boy," the sheriff threatened. "I'll make sure..."
"Excuse me Sheriff," I said, interrupting his tirade. I just couldn't resist yanking the asshole's chain. "That's not exactly true. You see, I'm in Texas. And Tommy here is in Texas. And well, Tommy works for me now, so technically, he's working in Texas. So even you can see that what you said is not accurate."
Stottlemeyer's face was almost as red as the flashing lights on top his car as he stared at me.
"Just thought you'd want to know," I added with a teenaged shrug, like it didn't matter to me.
"Why you little snot nosed..." began the sheriff's rant. Fortunately, we couldn't hear the rest of it as he was drowned out by a small Gulfstream that was landing on the runway right next to us. I could sense Anna had just arrived. I made a mental note to be sure to ask her about the sick vet that she had just escorted to San Antonio.
By the time the roar of the engines had passed, even the sheriff had stopped, unable to hear himself. After it passed, he looked at me and said, "I've a good mind to run you in. We'll just see what a night in the Harris County lock-up will do for that smart assed attitude of yours."
"I don't know if that would be a wise move on your part, Sheriff," I told him. "I have over a hundred attorneys working for me, and I don't think you'd really want a hundred lawyers sniffing around your back yard. They might just uncover that little black book you keep with all the names of the people who keep making contributions to your nonexistent campaign. You know. The money you used to buy that piece of hunting property out in West Texas? Or how about the fact that you're hiring out prisoners for labor and pocketing the cash? Come to mention it, what would Mrs. Sheriff say if she knew where you were Tuesday night? Do you think she'd understand you having to interrogate that witness every Tuesday night for the last two months? In her bed?"
He was too close to me to take a good swing, so he just charged me. I could have dropped him, but there were too many witnesses to be using my powers. So I took the charge, just like they taught me to back when I played basketball in high school.
Fortunately ... well, for me anyway, he knocked me to the ground, right on top of the bound prisoners. I heard the grunts as we fell, and I appreciated them breaking our fall like that. Somehow, I don't think they appreciated it, though. The camera flashes blinded us and I found myself wondering if one of them was actually filming this.
"Forty years from now, this would have been on YouTube before we could get home!" I thought.
The attack was what the AIC was waiting for. "Read him his rights," Agent Turner said as an FBI agent cuffed the sheriff.
The Sheriff was really ranting as the agents cuffed his hands behind his back.
"You have the right to remain silent..." he started.
"I sure wished he would," I thought as I stood and brushed myself off.
"You shouldn't have spoken to him like that, Michael," Anna said as she walked up.
"It's about time you showed up," I said as I hugged her.
"I was on my way back from San Antonio when Daddy had us diverted here. I got some of it from him. Can you fill me in on the rest?" Anna asked.
I connected and shared my memories of the last half hour.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
I nodded.
Anna then hugged Vickie and then Abby. "Looks like you girls have had some excitement tonight. Is it okay if they go now, Agent Turner?" she asked the AIC.
"We'll need to get statements from them, but we can do that tomorrow, I guess," he replied.
"Why don't you girls go get on the bus? Michael and I need to talk to Agent Turner for a few minutes," Anna told Penny and Kip. "And keep them away from the press. Michael will have to talk to them in a minute, I guess."
I looked around. I had been so busy with the sheriff, that I hadn't noticed our tour bus had arrived. Everyone was looking out the windows on this side, so I waved to them as a couple of the agents escorted Vickie and Abby to them.
"It's good to see you again, Anna," Agent Turner said. "How's your dad? Still chasing ghosts?"
Anna smiled as she gave Agent Turner a friendly hug. "He's doing fine. And yes, he's still chasing ... ghosts," Anna told him. "How's Janet?"
I figured out from the conversation that Janet was his wife, and that Cecil and Anna had worked on another case together a few years ago. I also found out that 'chasing ghosts' was Cecil's way of asking if her dad was still with the CIA. Finally, they got down to discussing what was going to happen to the prisoners.
"You can have them Cecil, but I need them for a couple of minutes first. We have to ask them some questions that deal with an unrelated but possibly connected matter. Then you can't let them near a phone for a few hours. Daddy said to say please," Anna told him. It was her polite way of telling him the CIA had an interest in them.
Cecil grinned. He got her point. Besides, the General had just done him a favor with the Sheriff.
"Sure. I don't think that will be a problem. Tell your dad we appreciate him putting us on to the sheriff like he did," Agent Turner replied. "We've had our suspicions for some time now, but your information, and well, what this young man added tonight, should be plenty."
"You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse us?" she asked.
"Do you need help with them? They haven't been read their rights yet," he said.
"No, we're fine. You can read them their rights in a minute. For what I'm going to ask, they have no rights," Anna said loud enough for the five bound men to hear.
The FBI Special Agent backed everyone else about fifty feet away. Finally, it was just Anna and I, and the five handcuffed prisoners that were still lying on the asphalt.
"I hope you understand what you're doing, Michael," Anna said. She was referring to my plan to go after whoever sent the kidnappers.
"You know I have to do it. And tonight is the best time," I said.
"I know," she said quietly.
"C'mon," I said. "Let's get this over with."
Anna made a signal with her hand and another CIA operative came walking towards us, out of the darkness. I arched my eyebrows at her, but said nothing aloud.
"He's a company pilot. He was flying me back to Houston when this came up. He volunteered to fly us to New Orleans," she thought to me.
"What's his name?" I asked.
"I don't know. He's never given it and I know better than to ask," she replied.
As Anna walked up to the first bound thug, I connected them. She politely asked him his name and then listened as he refused to reply. She repeated the seemingly futile gesture with each of the others before finally getting to the pilot. When Anna reached the bound King Air pilot, she placed the toe of her designer shoe that I had paid one hundred dollars for this afternoon, right in his face, as she asked him, "I don't suppose you'll tell us where you were going tonight, will you?"
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Claire and Abby were good friends of mine. In our fifth year at school we would spend a lot of time hanging out between exams and study periods. Sometimes it would just be me and Claire, Abby and I were friends but she was always a little shy and didn’t really spend time with me if Claire wasn’t around. That suited me fine though, Claire was fun to be with and when we were on our own we usually ended up exploring each other. We were never boyfriend and girlfriend but we had this kind of...
It had been a couple of years since the Meyers had moved in next door to me – Jim, Karen, and their teenaged daughter, Abigail. They were decent, friendly folks, for the most part. After the blizzard last winter, Jim and Abby had taken pity on their older neighbor and helped me shovel out my driveway. In return, when they bought their daughter her first car, an old Honda Civic, I helped Jim fix it up when it broke down a few months later.All of us worked at Clinton State University. Karen and I...
MaturePassion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter eight Albert Williams, a nurse who worked at University Hospital, stopped at a video rental store on his way home from work to pick up a couple of movies he could watch to make his evening home alone more bearable. When he walked into in the shop, he saw Abby Marklin, a nurse he’d worked with several years earlier, standing at the counter, her head down. Abby didn’t look up when he came in. Albert found two films that looked interesting...
Aunt Abby Makes Sex Fun... and Funny!Here is Part III of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message: you haven't read Part I and Part II yet, I suggest you do so. If you have, then on with the show... and there will be a final chapter, Part IV 'Aunt Abby and the...
1. Abby wiped the steam from her mirror. A Britney Spears hit blared from her cell phone, bouncing off the bathroom walls. Abby sang along into her hairbrush, biting her lip and shimmying her shoulders, whipping her wet hair from side to side, twisting her hips to the floor and back. Then the phone rang, interrupting her first private concert in her brand new apartment. She checked the caller ID and took a deep breath before answering. ‘Hi, Mom…’ She let her towel fall to the floor and...
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The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday Part 2(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story is the sequel to Abby’s Birthday, right after Abby’s daddy had fun with her in her room.[SEXY COMMENTS are HIGHLY APPRECIATED] “Where are you going?” asked Jim while sitting on the sofa, watching TV. “I’m going over to Abby’s to get some…… Ugh……, Ugh……, Ugh……,” said Jeff while arching his butt forward and backward thrice, imitating that he’s fucking a pussy. “Hmmm……, Didn’t you just finished...
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Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter eleven Abby sat in her living room, staring at the TV, wishing she knew some way to make things different in her life. Her husband and Carol Burke, his scrub nurse, who she now knew he was having an affair with, were attending a week-long convention in Las Vegas. Now that she had confirmed that Lee was having an affair, Abby knew in her heart of hearts that her marriage was over. Just the same, that knowledge didn’t keep her from hoping...
CHAPTER 6: PROMOTIONS“Ladies, how are you each doing this morning?” It was 9:00 and Jacob had just arrived to the office. As he walked briskly past their desks, he asked them to come to his office. They sat in guest chairs opposite him across his desk as properly as possible in very short, tight skirts and blouses unbuttoned just below the nipples. As had become common for the office, they didn’t have underwear on, though some days that was all they wore for the day.“Good, sir,” they both...
CHAPTER 8: DARK KNIGHTSOnce arriving back in town and pulling their carry-on bags through the airport, Jacob suggested, instructed really, Jean and Abby take the afternoon off. They arrived shortly after noon so their was an entire afternoon left.“Take the afternoon off. Spend more of my money at ForePlay or in bed with each other … you deserve it.” He looked down at Abby as they exited the airport building and waited for the chance to cross to the parking structure and their cars. “And, no,...
The front door to Lyney House was open when Abby got there. She had driven up preferring not to arrive hot and clammy from the walk up the hill. ‘Hello!’ She called stepping forward just across the threshold. She was uncertain whether to proceed further. A door twenty feet away directly in line with the front door opened and a tall, slim, grey-haired lady, dressed in jodhpurs and blouse smiled at her. ‘Hello, Abby. Do come through, I have just put the kettle on.’ Abby advanced down the hall....
This is the continuing saga of Abby and her nephew. While it is a work of fiction, it has been inspired by and dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes, in case you haven't already figured that out. I had intended on uploading some of her pictures with her permission, but they wouldn't upload, so if you would like to see more of the incredible woman who inspired this piece of reality-based fiction, here is her page. you haven't read Part I yet, I suggest...
CHAPTER 4: OFFICE TRAININGSomething woke Abby up. It was still early but not too early. The light outside the window was showing the early signs of the new day, the birds were just rousting the night and beginning their calls and songs. It was that, though, and it was the weekend so a longer sleep would be normal for her. She fully opened her eyes and turned onto her back.“What are you doing?” Her mom. Her mom was lying next to her with her head braced with her bent arm. She was just looking at...
Abby had expected a third degree cross examination upon arrival back at the Combe Inn. But all Mary asked was. ‘Did you enjoy your few days away, the sea air must have been nice.’ Alerting Abby to the fact that James must have told at least one person where she was. In the bar that evening she saw Sam, who surreptitiously winked. Abby discreetly nodded, acknowledging his part in the conspiracy. She then gave her attention to Mr. Brasher who had arrived that day. She and Mr. Brasher went to the...
The next day dawned with high cloud, through which the Sun would break frequently, it was warm, and Mary considered that it would stay this way all day. Abby had considered going over to the West Somerset Railway again, but Sam’s words last night had given her a lot to think about, and after breakfast her footsteps, as if with a mind of their own, took her to the station. The peace and solace that she would normally find here escaped her today. Perhaps she was wrong to think that she could put...
Later that week Abby took a day off to drive over to Coolton Grange. She wanted to pick Richard’s brains a little, and felt that time with Maggie would give her some relaxation. Richard was a mine of information about many things, but what gave Abby great hope was his mention of refrigerated transport. The slaughter house in Paverton could do the transport, but at a huge cost as Abby would be using the lorry for a whole day with only a small load. Richard mentioned that he was using transport...
CHAPTER 9: DARK KNIGHTS BANG“Wall of fame? I don’t get it. Doesn’t look very honored.” Jean and Abby had been escorted through the Dark Knights club to the manager’s office behind the bar area. This was the third visit to the club for Jean and Abby. This time with just Caleb and Terrell. Each time they came to the club they felt more comfortable in the environment. They continued to meet other men who had invested like Caleb and Terrell and continued to find themselves on the dance floor with...
The Chronicles of Abby: Davis and Madelyn Part 2(Madelyn’s Perspective)Synopsis: This story is the continuation of the episode ‘Davis and Madelyn Part 1’.[SEXY COMMENTS ARE REALLY APPRECIATED!!!] A week later, Madelyn waited for everyone to leave the classroom including Abby before asking her teacher, Davis for the gaming device that he had promised to get her. “Mr. Davis, has it arrived yet,” asked Madelyn in an especially sweet voice, feeling hopeful. “Hey, Maddie. Guess what? I think it’s...
A new city, a new job, a new life. It all sounded so good, starting over. But she'd tried to save some money by going with a cheaper moving company. Now very few of the boxes were in the rooms they'd been labeled for and neither of the beds had been reassembled. The four men had dumped things pretty willy-nilly and left, grumbling, because she had rightfully declined to tip them. It was a good thing her job didn't start for another two weeks. It was summer vacation and Tyler was out of...
0042 Milking Machine Abby (Repost)Abby had her sweet little tongue buried inside a tight hole... her tongue tip alternately thrusting and spinning in circles. The taste and smell of warm honey flooded her mouth and nose. Her hands were sliding loose skin up and down a large shaft, milking it. The staff throbbed so hard it seemed to quiver. Vibrations from the special seat she was straddling sent shock waves all the way to her cute toes. Abby and her dad both panted. They both felt so...
Abby drove Mr. Brasher down to the station the next day, leaving him to wander around at his own pace. It was some time before he returned to her with a smile on his face. ‘I always get emotional when I see a place such as this. It looks so forlorn and neglected now, its purpose forgotten. But it was once an essential part of an economy that boosted this Country’s wealth and social standards to be the envy of the World. Knowing that it will be restored is a source of great happiness for me.’...
The Chronicles of Abby: Abby and Her New Friend(Abby and the new girl’s Perspective)Synopsis: Finally, Abby has a new neighbor, a new friend. Abby’s really happy but Jeff on the other hand was extremely frustrated! [APPRECIATE SOME HORNY COMMENTS as I get off by reading your comments!] The doorbell rang …… “Hold on a second, I’ll be right there,’ said Matt and he walked towards the front door while wondering who would visit him during this time of the day. He opened the door and saw a really...
Synopsis: This event took place when Abby was alone with her dad since her mom was away for work. And this was the first time ever Abby’s dad masturbated in front of her while looking at her sweet sexy panties in a really short mini skirt. She showed him her panties to get out of trouble. [Note: This part connects with the story: Abby, the 1st Grade Panty Tease and Her Perverted Teacher] When Abby turned seven, she’s ready for elementary school. Abby’s mom had previously turned down her chance...
The is a story about a life changing experience that my wife and I had a couple of years ago. Abby and I had planned a celebration after she lost a considerable amount of weight. She had reduced down to 110 pounds and looked great. I should describe Abby. She has long brown hair and big brown eyes. She has the cutest face and her smile is contagious. She stands five and a half feet tall and has a body that won't quit. Abby's petite figure measures 34D-21-33. Despite her awesome assets Abby is...
The Chronicles of Abby: PART 3 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part reveals how Abby teased her teacher, Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties and what happened when she went home with her daddy after that. It was the day Abby would tease Mr. Davis with her newly bought yellow panties. Abby was standing in front of her full size mirror, lifting up her extremely short denim skirt that was picked by her daddy, Matt to wear to Mr....
Abby had gone to the station to think and was surprised to find Sam and Harry who had cleared off all the scrub and weeds around the house, and also erected many of the posts. Sam greeted her heartily. ‘Hello Abby, how are you today?’ ‘I’m fine thanks, Sam. I didn’t think you would be down here so quickly.’ ‘Yes, we thought it best to get the ground cleared before George comes in. He will only dump everything all over, and we would have to wait until goodness knows when to get the scrub...
CHAPTER 1: HOW IT STARTEDJean Evans suddenly pulled her white Honda Accord sedan to the curb in front of a dark strip mall on the quiet avenue leaving the downtown area to the eastern suburbs and home. She turned in her seat belt and reached across the center console to a surprised young woman in the passenger seat, her daughter, Abby Evans.Abby looked around outside the car, even checking the car’s dashboard for some sign of trouble. “What’s wrong, mom?”Jean just stared at her daughter. Her...
The Chronicles of Abby: Daddy Came Back(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This is the continuation of Part 3 of The Chronicles of Abby: He’s So Heavy. What is He Doing to Me? ‘Jeff, wake up! Hurry! Wake up now!’ urged his dad, Jim while making sure not to wake little Abby while she was still asleep beside Jeff. ‘What’s wrong, Dad?’ asked Jeff who had just awoken and feeling slightly dizzy and exhausted. ‘Quickly, wake Abby. Get her cleaned. Her dad will be arriving in about 10 minutes’ time or less....
When Mavis and Sam came into the Combe that Saturday night, Mavis immediately looked around for Abby. She looked enquiringly at Mary, who had a very smug look. ‘Abby?’ she asked Mary. ‘Gone up to the House.’ ‘Will she be back a bit later?’ ‘Don’t think so,’ replied Mary, ‘had an overnight case with her.’ ‘Oh!’ In that exclamation, Mavis had invested more meaning than a sentence fifty words long could have described. Mary nodded as if she had understood every word of that sentence. Sam...
The Chronicles of Abby: PART 4 - Went for Davis's Class with Just Panties Underneath(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, Davis kept his lust in his pants until one day. Right after Abby’s dad threatened Davis, he hasn’t done anything risky with Abby. For the past few lessons, he had seen all sorts of panties color underneath her skirts and dresses whenever Abby sat with both her feet on the edge of the chair, hugging her legs. Sometimes, she’ll even sat with...
CHAPTER 5: BBQ & BBC“Jean and Abby … what will it be today, ladies?”“Hi, Wendy.” Jean and Abby called out at the same time as they entered ForePlay, the erotic women’s shop. They had been in enough lately, especially since Jacob had provided them with an account there, that they were on first name basis with the shop owner. “We’re undecided. We’ll look around for a bit.”Ten minutes later Wendy found them, again. “Anything I can maybe help with? Do you think you are interested in intimate,...
Passion In James County XI Abby By D.C. Roi Chapter thirty When Greg woke in the morning, he was alone in bed. Afraid Abby had left, he sat up, then he heard his bathroom door open. Moments later, she appeared in the bedroom, wearing one of his shirts, which dangled almost to her knees. Her hair was a bit tousled, and when she saw that he was awake, she smiled and flushed a little. Greg thought the blushing only made her look more beautiful. ‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘Good morning,’ Abby...
The turnaround for me came when I was handed a multi-million dollar class action suit against Abbott Chemical. The basis of the case is that Abbott Chemical had been dumping toxic chemicals near a low income residential neighborhood and over the years several people in the community had become very ill with cancers and liver problems. The case looked like it would be a slam dunk for us and would put several million dollars into the firms account and about $200,000 in mine. The problem was...
Abby had met Ray at the mall when he was the substitute Santa. He had eaten her pussy and brought her to a screaming orgasm, and fucked her as no high school boy had done before. But still, she was nervous about visiting Ray, as he was basically a dirty old man. And Abby's mom had always warned her about dirty old men. But after going out with another unsatisfying high school kid, who was hung but came within minutes, she kept thinking about Ray and his big cock, and how long he had stroked...
TeenIn my previous life, I was Darren Peter Hornsby. I was a forty-two year old American History professor at a small, private college near Annapolis, Maryland. I was married with three kids. I drove a seven-year-old Hyundai that was too small to fit my six-foot tall, nearly three hundred pound frame but my wife bought it for me as a gift so I was required to drive it until the wheels fell off. It was a gift all right, a gift to her. The damn thing got me to work and back for two weeks without...
CHAPTER 7: THE SWANSON AFTER PARTYAfter servicing the Swanson team from under the table while they ate, Jean and Abby stood flushed with unsatisfied arousal. Between the two of them they had taken seven loads of cum and the orgasmic juices of two pussies. They had received applause that added to the awkwardness for them. Jacob came with their coats just before the door of the room was opened to cover their bodies. Their mouths and cheeks glistened with the mixture of cum, pussy juice and...
Chapter 1 I saw her again....walking the two beautiful animals, the male was a Bouvier des Flanders and the female was a boxer...and her...she was beautiful. She had that innocent look to her...young, shoulder length blonde hair flowing gently in the breeze. She had that "girl next door" look. In fact, she was my neighbor and while we didn't know each other well, I'd said "Hello" to Abby several times when we see each other outside. Man, she was hot. As I worked in my yard she...
Abby wondered if she had overstepped the bounds, until James suddenly began to speak. ‘In many ways I was only playing at being an Officer, I viewed it as part of my training really to become Landlord here. Oh it was fun and I enjoyed it, that is until the Falklands happened. You know it is rather exciting to enjoy that sort of life, believing that you will never have to put into practice the skills you are being taught. Many officers can go through their entire Army career and never hear a...
After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...
TeenAbbyT-Girl, Dick Girl, Trio, Anal/Oral, Multiple partners, Flashing, Fist, Creampie Abbygale had stopped to check on her ole friend Hudson. The rain had poured days prior to the approaching Hurricane Miriam. Hudson was a small town farmer, producing natural grown, clean vegetables. A solitary spirit with few needs and tough as iron, he had never married. She had met him when she was “Albert”, a college educated, agricultural agent. They remained close, even through her transition into a...