Mack's ProgressChapter 2 free porn video

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I wasn't at all sure where I was going to, when I loaded my car. I was well aware that I didn't need to stay local; actually that was the last thing I wanted to do, what with all the family thinking I was some kind of a pervert for one thing. And when my friends discovered that I was no longer with Lindsey they would want to know why we'd broken up. What do I tell them? That she'd kept her legs crossed for me, but was shagging some squaddy behind my back? Shit, that story was going to get out sometime anyway and I was going to look a prize prick.

I thought of going down to the coast and maybe finding a full time job with one of the fishing charter companies. But I scrapped that idea because most of my friends went sea fishing, someone was bound to spot me on one of their trips before very long and word would get around on where I'd sneaked off to.

Then the idea of Norfolk came into my head. There were plenty of holiday sailing and cruiser hire companies up there. I wondered it I could get a job in one of those hire boatyards. That would mean I was working around boats at least, even if they were only Broads' Holiday Cruisers.

Cutting across town I made my way up the A12 past Ipswich and on up to Lowestoft on the coast of East Anglia. Once there I was in Norfolk's Broads region and I began driving from one small Broadland town or village to the next, looking for... ? Oh, shit, I had no idea what I was looking for. A bloody great sign outside a boatyard that said 'Help Wanted, preferably a pissed off big city teenager' maybe. I had no idea what I was looking for or how I expected to find it.

I'm not sure what time I pulled into the riverside pub car park. I didn't have much choice really - I'd run out of road. I'd thought there might be a boatyard at the end of the little lane but the road terminated at a waterside pub called "The Willow's Ferry". As I hadn't eaten all day I thought I might as well see if they did food and possibly they might do B&B so I could find a bed for the night there.

The pubs low ceiling made the bar fairly dark inside. There were a few lights on behind the bar itself, I gathered so that the staff could see what they were doing when pulling pints. Not that there were any staff in sight, I assumed that they were out in the riverside garden, which was pretty crowded with patrons, in contrast to the deserted bar.

Taking a seat on one of the stools by the bar I made myself comfortable until someone decided to put in an appearance. I'd been sitting there for about five minutes before a pair of Bristols walked in from the garden carrying a tray of empty glasses. I had to mention them now because ... well, they were not something that any male of our species would not notice first about her; they must have come through the door a good half a second before the rest of the young woman did.

"Oh, where did you spring from, luvver?" the broad Norfolk accent, attached to the Bristols asked. And, no, I hadn't got around to looking at her face yet.

I gestured to the door that led in from the car park.

"Well, I'll be, kind of took me by surprise. Most customers come by boat or along the towpath at this time of year. What can I get you?" she asked, making her way behind the bar. Ditching the empty glasses, she began filling half a dozen or so more.

"Pint of best. And do you do food?" I replied, finally forcing myself to look up from those ginormous tits, to her face. It was an extremely pretty face that was wearing a grin that told me she was well aware of where my concentration had been since she'd entered the room.

Actually it is possible that those Bristols weren't quite as large as they first appeared. The young woman couldn't have stood more than four foot ten or eleven. Her short height seemed to accentuate the size of those breasts. She looked like she needed a counterbalance on her back to support the damned things. Whatever, they were large by any normal standards and to be honest they looked not far short of comical on her. Although I doubted that most hot-blooded young men would have been laughing in quite the way you would imagine if they could get their hands on the damned things.

Where was I? See, I was soon to discover that's the affect those Bristols of Millie's had on most guys.

The barmaid, who I rapidly was to learn was called Millie, pulled my pint as she was pulling the order she'd obviously taken from outside and placed it in front of me.

"I'll send Martha in to get your order, as she's doing food!" she said looking me straight in the eye. Then she looked down at her appendages, then back up into my eyes, grinned, winked and then left for the garden again carrying a tray laden with beer.

A few seconds later a much older woman appeared who I gathered was Martha. Efficiently but in a manner that told me the last thing she wanted was another food order she listed what was available and I chose sandwiches. That brought an unwarranted look of disgust from Martha, before she retreated to wherever she'd been hiding when I'd arrived.

Shortly those Bristols returned attempting to hide behind another tray full of empty glasses and Millie set about filling another tray full of pints, half pints and assorted shorts.

"On holiday?" she threw in my direction.

"Nope, looking for a job and some digs for the night. Do you do B&B here?" I replied.

Millie fixed me with a sideways look. "Doing what?"

"Dunno, thought I might find work in one of the boat hire places."

"You'll be lucky! You're not a boat builder; I can see that by the look of your hands. All the boat yards around here want fully skilled men to keep the boats up to scratch during the season," she commented.

'Well, there goes that idea out the bloody window, ' I thought to myself.

"What about B&B?" I asked her.

"I'll have a word with the landlady," she replied, hoisting the fully loaded tray and heading for the garden again.

Martha returned just long enough to place my cheese and tomato sandwiches on the bar beside me.

"You looking for work?" A definitely no nonsense and commanding female voice said from behind me as I started tucking into the first sandwich.

I glanced around to see an attractive woman, possibly in her late thirties or early forties had entered from the garden. I figured that the tray of empties she was carrying marked her out as the landlady that Millie had mentioned.

"Yeah." I nodded in reply to her.

"Can you change a barrel?" she asked, moving behind the bar and starting to fill up glasses as Millie had done before her.

"Changed a few in my time, but that's all," I replied.

"How about washing out the pipes? Have you ever worked in a public house?"

"No, can't say I have. I've changed the odd barrel at parties and the like, but I've never worked in a pub."

"There's only Millie, my two girls and myself here most of the time. I did have a bar come cellar man but I got rid of him. He took a little too much interest in my girls; you'd better think about that before you accept the job. I can offer you room, full board and all the beer you can handle, providing you don't overdo things. The money ain't good and the hours are worse, but at the end of the season we have a divvy up on how well the season's gone. You interested?"

She'd taken me completely by surprise and for a moment I didn't know how to answer.

"Well, what do you say? I haven't got all day," she demanded.

"But you know nothing about me!" I stumbled out eventually, feeling that I had to say something.

"No, I don't, but you look clean enough, and I've got about a hundred thirsty people out by the river and there's just Millie and me to serve them. From today until after the school holidays finish it only gets worse. So what do you say?"

I made a quick decision off the top of my head. "My name's Mack," I offered by way of reply.

"Right, Mack, finish your sarnie and then get behind the bar. Millie and I will take the orders and look after the cash; you pull the pints and mix the drinks for the time being. Oh, if you get any time, get out there and collect some empties when you can. Do you know how to use that glass washer?

I shook my head in the negative.

"Millie will show when she comes in. Oh, I'm Beverly - Bev to most folks!"

Then she was gone out into the garden again and I began a crash course in bartending in a country pub during the busy season.

The next couple of hours flew by with Millie showing me how to use the glass washer and where the cellar was. There were bottles to be brought up and shelves to refill besides changing several barrels during the afternoon. The old arm was aching a bit from pulling all those pints as well.

A couple of times - well, a lot of times really - Millie came behind the bar with me and I'm damned sure she rubbed those Bristols across my lower back on purpose. Although to be fair there wasn't much room behind that bar, so I could have been reading more into that than there was.

It must have been about half five when two very good-looking young ladies entered by the car park entrance. One look told me that they were Beverly's girls that she'd mentioned earlier.

"Ooh wee, Pat, look what mother's found!" one of them said when she saw me loading the glass washer.

"Lay off, you two!" Bev's voice came from the garden door. "Mack, these are my daughters Patricia and Michelle. That's Mack and he's helping us out for a few weeks. Now, Pat, get into the kitchen and help Martha out; she's been snowed under all afternoon. And Michelle you'd better give Millie a break, the poor girls been on her feet since ten o'clock. Old Bert never turned in and we've been running about like blue arsed flies all day. Then you'd better spell Mack here for a while, he hasn't sat down since he walked in the door either."

Both girls called, "Hi, Mack, catch you later!" then ran upstairs where I think they must have just changed their shoes, because they were down again in minutes and working like a couple of beavers.

Millie came in and hoisted herself onto one of the bar stools just after Michelle went out into the garden.

"It ain't always as bad as this!" she said in her Norfolk accent. "But bank holidays are always pretty bad. Surprising what difference it makes not having Bert here to pick up the empties."

"Bert?" I asked wondering who the hell he was.

"He's the pot-man. Just an old boy from the village, collects the empties for his beer. Nice old boy, but he's getting on a bit and has funny turns some days. We certainly miss him when he ain't here."

I had my break and then the evening was more of the same, although more folks moved into the bar as the light began to fade and the evening got cooler. Some customers began to turn up in cars as well. With Bev's daughters there, it became easier for everyone and Beverly took time to show me where I was going to sleep. She explained that it had been a brew house at one time but her husband had it converted into a little self-contained cottage.

It consisted of one large room with a sofa, a four-foot bed and a little kitchenette (reminded me of Lindsey's place but smaller) and a separate toilet and shower. The main point was it was accessible from outside the pub, so I wasn't sleeping in the same building as the women. Could be that I felt a little disappointment in that. But later it was to prove a real boon.

To be honest the rest of the weekend was a bit of a blur. I must have been dog tired when I finally got to bed that night and it seemed only a minute or two later that Millie was banging on the door telling me that breakfast was on the table in the kitchen. After a hurried breakfast, punctuated by people knocking on the kitchen door asking for Sunday papers, milk, eggs butter and the like.

Bev sold those things during the summer. "Out here, if there's a captive market you have to tap into it," Bev explained. "I've got an arrangement with the nearest village store."

Then it was all hands down to cleaning the pub and restocking the bar for "Sunday's bash" as Bev termed opening hours. I was introduced to old Bert when he turned up; it was surprising, he recovered a great number of glasses that we'd missed the day before. Amazing just where people will put empty glasses, considering there are tables about ten feet away.

Some of the boats out on the river moved on and others arrived to take their place, some obviously planning to stop overnight while others moored just for an hour or so. Whatever, once twelve o'clock came along we were back in full swing again. The intricacies of the till were explained to me and for just some of the time I was aware of Bev and Millie mentally checking my calculations. But they appeared satisfied. I was pretty well shattered when I hit the hay on the Sunday evening.

The bank holiday Monday seemed to be worse than the Saturday had been, but thinking about it I'd worked less than a third of the Saturday. That Monday was a real killer. Damn. I was working so hard, I don't remember much of the day. So it was the third evening on the trot that I collapsed into bed exhausted. Only I didn't go straight off to sleep that night, I lay there thinking about what had happened in the last couple of weeks. When I did finally get to sleep, I dreamt about Lindsey being with that bleeding squaddy again.

"Christ, you look shattered this morning," Millie said as I joined the four ladies at the table for breakfast.

"Yeah, didn't sleep as well as I could have," I replied.

"Leave it out, Millie. You're used to this work; Mack will get into the swing of things in a few days," Bev said. "Right, Mack, I'm off to the cash and carry this morning, you'd better come with me so you know where it is and you can carry the heavy stuff for me."

The two girls and Millie looked at Bev when she'd made that statement, and then at each other. Something passed between them; I know not what?

"So what's your story, Mack?" Beverley asked as we pulled onto the lane from the pub car park.

"Sorry?" I replied, feigning ignorance about what she was asking.

"Come off it, young man. What are you running away from and why?"

I didn't answer her.

"Come on, what is it? A girl or a wife? No, I don't think you're the type to run out on a wife, bit young for kids anyway. So it's got to be a girl, but why haven't you been in touch with your family since you've been up here? I know it's only three days but you haven't called a soul."

Shit, if I didn't tell Bev she'd have written her own scenario by the time we got to the cash and carry.

"It was a girl, Beverley. I discovered that she's been sleeping with a squaddy behind my back. To be honest, I get the feeling that I was the diversion whilst he's been stationed overseas."

"Oh, nasty of her. Stringing you along, was she?"

"Yeah, you could say that!"

"But why haven't you been in touch with your family though?"

"They took her side. To their mind, I was at fault!"

"How do they work that one out?"

"Please don't ask, Bev. It's all too damned complicated for me to think about."

"Fine, as you wish, Mack. I'll not ask any more. But we'll need to get the legal side of things sorted out; I'm going to need your P45 before too long."

"I'll call my old boss and have it sen..." I stopped speaking as I realised that I didn't want to let Peters know where I was living. There was a chance he'd tell Lindsey or even my family. Okay I was probably being bloody minded, but for the time being at least I wanted to have disappeared off the face of the earth as far as everyone was concerned. Beverley must have realised what I was thinking.

"Don't worry about it, Mack. I'll give you the address of a pub in Norwich and they can forward it on from there. My sister and her husband are the landlords there; they won't tell anyone where you are if they can help it."

We filled Bev's car up with all kinds of stock that she needed for the pub and then returned. She told me that she might need me to run down there on my own sometimes, mentioning that Millie didn't drive and that her daughters were at college a lot of the time.

We hadn't been back at the pub long when the brewery dray arrived. For the next hour or so I was down in the cellar with Millie swinging barrels and beer crates around. I was surprised that, for her size, Millie could handle a full barrel of beer better than I could. Mind, she had had the practice and she had some extra weight, if you understand me.

I think it was during that afternoon that I realised that Millie's Bristols rubbing against my back hadn't been as accidental as I'd thought it had. I knew Millie's appendages were somewhat larger than most. But none of the other women - Beverley, Patricia or Michelle - seemed to find it necessary when they passed behind me. Well, to the extent that I felt Millie's tits on my back anyway.

Although I was damned sure that both Michelle and Patricia backed into me - supposedly accidentally - more than once. Michelle commented, "Oh, I see you enjoyed that!" on one occasion, then giggling to herself as she carried the drinks she'd been pouring out into the garden.

Yeah, well, all four women had damned fine figures and both Patricia and Michelle wore rather short cut off denims and blouses tied just below their breasts, leaving a large area of bare midriff showing. "Does wonders for the tips from the dirty old men!" Patricia said when I complimented her on her appearance one day. "But keep your hands to yourself or mother will castrate you. Either that, or Millie will scratch my eyes out. She's after sampling your wares, you know?"

I didn't reply, figuring it was better to feign ignorance again. But Millie was to prove Pat correct the following morning. Bev had gone off somewhere; I assumed that the girls had left for college early. I was down in the cellar with Millie where she was showing me how to clean out the pipes when it happened.

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Tracy Dad Part Three

She was not too far down the hall when she heard giggling. So the twins were up. As she was about to knock on the partially open door she looked through the opening and saw the old dresser across the room and her hand stopped. The dresser had a large mirror attached to it and in the reflection Tracy could see the twins. Cassie was laying on her bed only wearing a small pink t-shirt and between her legs was Chris’s head. He was laying on his stomach in just his underwear. Tracy lowered her hand...

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Descent into depravity Part 3

The next Saturday Billy came over again and they couldn’t wait to accompany me to the bathroom when I said I had to pee. This time though, I felt thoroughly nasty and decided they could pleasure me more directly so I instructed them to take off their clothes and sit on the floor while I crouched on the toilet seat with my feet on either side and gave them a really good look at my pee stream which seemed to go on forever. When I was finished I told them that I didn’t want to waste toilet...

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Schwules Internat 0910

„Kannst Du nicht, denn Du hast morgen wieder Unterricht, da musst Du fit sein.“Murrend stimmte er zu.Ich ging zurück zu meiner Wohnung und hörte, dass eine SMS angekommen war.Erol hatte geschrieben >hier tut sich einiges ich werde Dir später berichten

4 years ago
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A Poem By Mantis Eliot

Five years ago, my inner gay crept out to say. I admire these dream girls, I do in modern anime. Their breasts they were shown & I paid no mind. It was for my own kind & what I would find. My own mother had known. I trembled & shook with the ice I might break. No way, there was so much, there was too much at stake. My mom knew already. Before this my shallow heart & darkness, I was empty. I told her my secret & from then-on, the warmth of my affections were unleashed &...

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Danish Grandma

Danish Grandma Ch. 01by Jena121© All characters in this story are 18 years and over. This is Gran story that was sent to me --I am going to try and tell it from Gran's view -- I have been asked to do this on a few occasions. As I don't personally have any experience with this -- it will be a bit difficult. - Please let me know how you like it and don't forget to VOTE and post a public comment. This is a story about a Danish Gran and her grandson Dan -- Hi, my name is Elise, I am a Grandma who...

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Skipper Licked Me Daddy 3

Introduction: The last in a three part series. Skipper Licked Me, Daddy 3 I measured off a 10-foot log with my 10-foot pole, then began sawing. The chain saw made light work of the 30-inch log. I delimbed my way up the tree, surveyed the next length of log and decided I could get a straight 14 footer out of it, without losing much width. I changed to the longer pole and cut the last log of the day. As the sound of the chainsaw died, I looked around the small clearing. It was churned up mud and...

2 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or A DevilPart 12

Hi, guys this is deepthi. Thank you so much for your support. I receive a lot of emails and the feedbacks from you guys. I am very happy for that too. It keeps me to write my experiences. Well coming back to the story directly. We become more and closer day by day. He seemed to talk about a lot of things, especially about his private life. As I said I could understand that he is longing for sex from his talks. I too liked to have an affair with him but waited for him to make the first move and...

1 year ago
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AtlantaChapter 3 Three on One

The bet was a draw, but Annie now had three lovers all to herself. Joe seemed surprised at this turn of events. He glanced at Perry Dunlap, caught his eye and said, "Who wants to do a line?" "I do," Bea replied immediately. "Good idea," Perry quickly followed. "It's fine with me," Annie said, making it unanimous. Joe pulled a small silver case from a secret drawer built into the fireplace. The two women kissing on the other couch stopped what they were doing and looked up. Bea...

3 years ago
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My First Sex Partner

After my father committed suicide when I was ten years old, I was raised by my mother. I attended an all-male military high school. During this time I never dated nor had any girl friends. When I was nineteen and a sophomore in college, my mother was concerned about my lack of experience dating or interacting with girls. She felt that I might get some girl pregnant, have to marry her and leave school. In order to give me knowledge of what sex was about, she arranged with her twenty-eight year...

4 years ago
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ShawnChapter 17

The supplies came and I went through them. A branch I took and broke with my knee to get it the length I wanted. Then picked out what I wanted from a chest. Two penny nails were surreptitiously formed into small chisels. With everything now ready I asked Sean, "You want to try out for a vet or a dentist with me? I am going to put the cat out and try to treat it. I would like you to help." His eyes sparkled and he said, "Sure," but it sounded remarkably like, "Aye aye sir." I could...

3 years ago
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The SaviorsChapter 2 The first day

When Troy awoke he found himself lying on sand with the sound of waves crashing nearby. He sat up just as the other members of the team did the same. Suzie stood up and looked around. "Is this some kind of sick fucking joke?" she asked. "Just look at me!" she cried. Some type of dark brown leg armor covered both of her feet and legs ending just above her knees. She wore a belt that circled her just below her navel, four chains dangled from this and suspended a short dark blue pleated...

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written on 2015-08-08Maybe one of my best experience.To refresh the context. On this period, with my best friend we have try some things. My last acquisition was a magic wand and a full lycra hood (total obscur).She love playing with me. And I'm in total trust with herWe have not play again since some month (I was on couple in the meantimeWe are at my flat in the evening.The deal is if I refuse to do whatever, I will not have the right to cum tonight.Nothing to eat, so we order pizza.Waiting,...

2 years ago
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Got Beer

or Harping with Kenny © 2000 Mistake number one, answering the door. There was one of each outside my apartment. The blonde was blonde (Do I have to spell out what I mean?) with largish tits that were crowned with nipples the size of a sewing thimble. The brunette wore her hair short around her shoulders and pushed back behind her earlobes. The redhead was tall and thin, with freckles in all the important places freckles like to hang out. The black girl was the colour of fine dark...

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Nap Time Remembrance

Chapter 1 We lived quite close to the schools that we went to and always walked to and from together. The we is my brother, Joey, and me, Lacey. He's a year older and what I want to tell you about happened when he was in the eighth grade and I was in seventh. Joey and I always got along great, never really had fights and arguments like some siblings, in fact, we actually liked each other. Our mom was a stay-at-home mom, something that was getting to be less common every year and she would...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 57 An Angel in Hell

Sara and Audrey, knowing the lay of the land, arrived on the newly renamed Stacy’s Cay ahead of the guests to begin preparations. They were joined by Audrey’s new boyfriend, Thomas (he of the horse-cock), Master PC maestro Chuck Arnovsky and his wife, Joanie. “I’ve never seen such a beautiful place,” she said, resplendent in shorts, sunglasses and nothing else. “No wonder your dad bought it as soon as he was able.” “Real fluke of timing,” Stacy agreed. “He’s already having blueprints drawn...

1 year ago
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Do you think freckled chicks are exceptionally hot? Well, I think the same, and that is why I am here to share an amazing place dedicated to all kinds of sluts with freckles. The subreddit is pretty self-explanatory, and it is called r/SexyFrex/. I am sure some of you might have been confused with just that name, but lucky for all of you; I am here to make this shit much easier for everyone.Of course, Reddit is a free site, and it will always have a soft spot in my heart as well as in my pants....

Reddit NSFW List
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The ride that did not

It was about 14 30 that Jane found herself alsone in the office. Originally she had cursed her colleagues for taking a sicky when they knew she would have to manage on her own…. but the she realized that she would have the place to herself. All sorts of naughty things started to play on her mind. A customer came in, he was in his late forties and wearing the type of suit only well heeled businessmen do. He needed a ride to the terminal but there was a 15 minute wait. She offered him a cup of...

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The WolvesChapter 17

Earth Underneath Jarvis Island, South Pacific August 14, 2019 04:48 HST (10:48 EDT) We turned left upon leaving the egg chamber, continuing down the tunnel we were in. We came across a few dragons on our way, but there weren’t too many. Soon, we arrived at another set of doors. When they opened, I was afforded a view of a very large cavern, with a lot of buildings below us, as well as around the edges. There were even a couple of relatively small dragons flying around. Not all of them were...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 362

Chastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous How the Internet Started In ancient Israel, it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a healthy young wife by the name of Dorothy, who went by the name of Dot. And Dot Com was a comely woman, large of breast, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called, slangly, Amazon Dot Com. And she said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods...

2 years ago
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Part 2 of the Forbidden Sex

Friday arrived and I was full of nervous anticipation, Annie and I had spoken at length last night, and she was excited, as she had witnessed the Shetland Pony take one of the stable girls against the stable door.He was raised on his hind legs and leaning against her, with his penis in between her open legs.She was being crushed by his weight and his humping was lifting her of her feet, but his penis was in-between her ass cheeks and the door, so she was riding his shaft while clinging to his...

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Winter nights in Moscow

This was during my second business trip to Moscow in 2005. I had been there a few months ago. Most adjectives known to man in any language fall inadequately short of fully describing the beauty and appeal of Russian women. Walking down the streets of Moscow, one has to try hard to find a woman – young or old – who is not a sex goddess or a supermodel incarnate. Discount my personal bias and you still have a steamy lot. Well, back to my story, before leaving home in Dubai, I was checking out...

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Mothers Animal LoverChapter 6

The lights in the Double-X Theater flickered on uncertainly at the end of the passionate full-length film. The three squinty-eyed young college students sat numbed for several seconds, the same thought flashing through their minds. They had all actually seen young Cecilia LaFruta in person, before the movie had begun... They had seen the girl who let herself be ass-fucked by a dog! What was that dainty but voluptuously proportioned teenager doing now? Had she brought the German Shepherd with...

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I never heard of queen of spades until

Have you heard of the queen of spades? I hadn't until I become one. A little bit about me to start. I'm 27 blond with blue eyes and a up turned nose, my husband says that he thinks I'm every man's dream but I don't, but I do I think he's full of shit about that cause for one think I only have a B cup and most men seem to like double D's. I do have a firm ass plus I do keep my pussy bare of hair, more so I can see the cock going in and out of me. I find that a huge turn on. A year ago I had my...

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Accept A Bull

Peter Morton had the perfect life. He was an annuities manager at an investment firm on Wall Street making more money than most people could ever dream of making. He’d made a few sound investments and done some trading that wasn’t really above board but he didn’t get caught and he made a bundle in the process so debt wasn’t a huge issue. He and his wife were empty nesters; their two boys were in college and staying relatively out of trouble, at least not the sort of trouble that would get...

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my sister in laws boyfriends secret

I had know idea my sister-in laws new boyfriend was bi,untill the night he and her stayed over mine and my wifes house,both my wife and her sister had gone to bed,but we both stayed up drinking beer and watching porn,i had never kept my bi-sexuality a secret from my wife,and she was ok with it,well as we sat watchin,i kept glancing at the bulge in his jeans,so i began too make risky comments,coz my cock was hard as rock,i said to him,i bet your cock is bursting,too my surprise,he said yeah it...

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Gifts Given and Received

Gifts Given and Received By Cal Y. Pygia From the beginning, when my breasts first began to bud--that was my true beginning --men accepted my offer of them, pleased to receive such gifts. My admirers, admiring them, circled their soft, tender areolas with the tips of their forefingers, as delicately as though they were outlining the circle of an angel's halo. They pressed their lips to their nipples, as if my breasts were mouths to be kissed, and, oh! how my nipples responded,...

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Pacific Penal ColonyChapter 7

Rico's mind was in turmoil as he was whipped forward to the elevated auction gantry by a huge woman, her large breasts, ass and thick thighs bulging in a tight black leather cat-suit. She smiled with spiteful pleasure as her bulbous fleshy arms rippled in her application of the stinging whip; her taunts and the pain were becoming almost routine to Rico now, his spirit being slowly and inevitably eroded as each woman he encountered played her part in breaking him. His cock almost conceding...

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Marcy and holly ldquoThe secret lesbian loversrdquo

Marcy is 5ft3 and had a big butt and nice tit’s with blonde hair since I've met her a couple of years ago. Holly on the other hand was an average girl with great tit’s and a nice ass as well as black hair. One day I was at the mall browsing and I came across the two girls but holly seemed pre occupied on following marcy around, Marcy was wearing a plaid miniskirt and white dress shirt and her big ass looked so inviting as she bent over exposing her black french lace thong. Holly could not...

1 year ago
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Barrack Room BettyChapter 16 Barrack Room Bettys

The voyage back to Portsmouth was via Fremantle Western Australia, Colombo Sri Lanka, with a final fuelling stop at Gibraltar. It was uneventful until the last night at sea. Barrack Room Bettys had been filled to capacity every night as the ports on the return voyage were not particularly conductive to the sort of carousing that the sailors liked to get up to. The girls of BRB literally worked their arses off but they made a fortune. But all good things must come to an end and Michele and...

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Kareens BBC Prison Cock PT4

ANOTHER SURPRISE A couple days later, we ended up at Dele's where surprise after surprise hit me. The first one happened the minute the front door was opened. The woman looked at me and smiled. A smile as if she knew I was coming. I looked at her and my jaw dropped... I imagine if I were a cartoon it would have literally hit the floor. The woman standing in front of me was the lawyer I'd first watched Kareem fuck. I couldn't recall her name at first, but there was no doubt it was the same...

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The SongbirdChapter 11

Jack The new designs were going very well and by the time I had finished my travelling in South Wales I was assured that I would get at least ten designs in the show. There were many manufacturers of quality upholstery in the London area, but only a few that were worth my calling on. Although I hated taking my car to the metropolis I had little choice as the number and weight of my samples was too much to carry by hand. Cate had told me that I could use her parking space in the basement of...

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