Rush JobChapter 2: Leave-taking free porn video

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Ahmad al-Haytham tried to relax in the crowded pod. The Confederacy was treating them like cattle! They had locked four families into this pod and there were too many children running around making too much noise. Things would be better on the Salah al-Din, the crew there would recognise his importance and give him the necessary respect. These ignorant infidels had no proper idea how to treat someone as important as himself.

His uncle Tareq had helped get him a place on the Salah al-Din, but now he was having to suffer through the indignities the Confederacy was heaping upon him while getting there. He was glad to leave Earth and get away from the Sa'arm, but leaving Noor behind was a disappointment; a disappointment he could feel in his groin. She was his uncle's youngest wife and, with his uncle's health deteriorating, he'd had hopes of marrying her himself after she became a widow. It was not to be. Instead, as a favour, he'd taken on Reema, the fourteen-year-old granddaughter of his uncle's Chief Secretary, together with her young school friend Yamina. He already had two older wives, Hamida and Adala, who could teach the two younger ones what they needed to know. If they didn't learn quickly enough then he would take a hand himself.

This pod the infidels had locked them in didn't even have enough beds for everyone! There were only six beds allocated to each of the four families. His family needed seven beds for himself, his four wives and two children: Omar and Bahiya. Two-year-old Bahiya had to share with her mother Adala. There wasn't any real privacy either. The beds were on the upper level in four bays, each holding six bunk beds, with only a curtain for a door. He expected far better facilities for his family. The Confederacy was treating him with gross disrespect.

As soon as he'd arrived on this ship they'd started ordering him around: "Go to your pod and stay there. You will not be allowed out except in an emergency." It was almost as bad as a prison, except that he had his wives with him. That was another thing; they'd told him he couldn't have sex with Yamina because she was too young. How dare they! She was thirteen and of legal age. He wasn't going to let some infidel computer tell him what he could or couldn't do with his own wives.

Hamida could sense her husband's mood and made sure that she and his other three wives stayed quiet and out of his way. When he was in a mood like this he could lash out and it was better not to be nearby when he did. Adala was playing quietly with Bahiya, making sure that the little girl didn't annoy her father. Omar was playing with two other eight-year-old boys nearby. Having finished his game, Omar returned to his family. Unfortunately, one of the boys had left a toy car on the floor, which caused Omar to trip and bump into his father.

Exploding with anger, Ahmad leapt out of his chair, grabbed Omar by a convenient wrist and slapped him hard in the face. "Behave yourself boy!" he told his son. Since he was already standing, he turned to his youngest wife and ordered her, "Come with me, Yamina." He led her towards the grav-lift to the upper level and the family's bunks.

Behind Ahmad, unnoticed by him, Omar was lying on the floor holding his wrist. "It hurts, mama," he told Hamida when she rushed over to him.

Private Philipson was monitoring the Red ring that shift. The AI highlighted the feed from Ahmad's pod, «There has been an incident in pod Red Twelve. A medical team has been alerted and is on its way.» He could see a boy lying on the floor with a woman, presumably his mother, kneeling by him. Two other women and a young girl were looking on. He switched to the corridor view in time to see the two-man Fleet Auxiliary medical team approaching.

For Ahmad anger and sex were almost the same thing. His rage at the Confederacy and at his clumsy son had focused on his cock, which was now stiff under his robes. He pulled Yamina after him into the family's bay and closed the curtain behind them. "Strip!" he told his young wife.

"I'm only thirteen. That voice said..." she started to say.

He slapped her angrily; "I am not some slave to follow orders from a computer. I will do what I want with my wives. Now strip."

Yamina saw that he would not be dissuaded. Two weeks ago she had been abruptly taken out of school and handed to this man as his wife. He was perpetually angry and had never been gentle with her. The only good things she could see about her situation were escaping the aliens and the company of her fellow wives. She had been friends with Reema at school, so she had a familiar face to talk to. Adala was nice and Hamida, while too old to be a friend, was a lot more reasonable than Ahmad. The four of them tried to work together to divert his rages as much as possible. Here and now though, none of the others could help her, so she complied and started to undress.

Private Phillipson was keeping a general eye on all the pods in his monitoring group, while occasionally checking the two medics in Red Twelve tending to the fallen boy. From the look of things his injury wasn't too serious. He couldn't let the one incident distract him from his other work. Instead it was the AI that distracted him, «Rape imminent! Prepare to stun perpetrator. Marine team dispatched.»

The red stinger button lit on his console as the display showed a naked man climbing onto a bunk with a young-looking woman. The cross-hairs centred on the man's head. "She isn't struggling," he told the AI.

«She is thirteen.»

He hit the button immediately and saw the man fall, stunned, over the young woman.

Yamina screamed as Ahmad collapsed onto her. What had happened to him? She was still trying to shift his unresponsive body off her when two huge soldiers burst through the curtain.

Lena took in the situation at a glance. She turned to her fellow Marine, "Ben, get out and keep anyone else out until she's dressed. I'll bring her down when she's ready. You can drag out lover-boy once she's clear. Better call in the Sub-Decurion as well if he's not already on his way."

As soon as Nick arrived, responding to the Marine's call, he did a swift triage. Ahmad would be held pending review and execution, the injured eight-year-old boy and the attacked wife would go to medical for checks while the others would have to wait until he'd sorted something out for them.

He ordered one of the Marines to remove the unconscious Ahmad. Not wanting to alarm the other families in the pod, he used his AI link to pass detailed instructions, «Don't recycle him yet, Private. We need to review things first. Leave him in the ship's brig for the moment.»

«Yes, sir.»

Nick was glad that Mohammed was with him to help translate. He hardly spoke any Arabic, and he wasn't sure that the AI could convey all the precise nuances. Mohammed's explanation seemed to calm things down enough that they could remove the two casualties. Hamida, Omar's mother, insisted on staying with her injured son, so she followed the female Marine carrying Omar to medical, along with Nick, Mohammed and Yamina. Before he left, Nick told the other husbands in the pod to carry on as normal. Not wanting any more problems, he emphasised that they were to leave Ahmad's other two wives and young daughter alone. He warned them, "We are watching you, just as we were watching Ahmad." They seemed to get the message.

Nick called ahead to tell medical that there were now two patients and an anxious mother on their way. When they arrived, the two Arab women were obviously shocked at the nurse's uniform: a very short white concubine smock with a gold-coloured Rod of Asclepius and her name, Ivy, on her right breast. Even Mohammed was a little shaken, though he'd seen more of the West. That was pre-Swarm, and Ivy was very definitely dressed in a post-Swarm style. Arab women in public would never show so much of their arms or legs. He barely noticed her long blonde hair since his eyes went straight to her barely covered crotch. There weren't any concubines in the pod he shared with Nick, so Ivy was the first Confederacy concubine he'd set eyes on. Naturally she'd been enhanced and, judging by the way she filled the upper part of her shift, her owner was a breast man.

Whatever her appearance, Ivy knew her job and quickly had the Marine lay Omar in the tube she'd prepared for him. Her calm, professional manner, together with the AI's translation, reassured Hamida that her son would soon be well. Both the men turned their backs as the blonde nurse helped Yamina undress; the young wife was still in shock after what had happened and neither of them wanted to add to her distress.

Hamida had turned away as well, though that was more to show her disapproval of the way the concubine was dressed, or scandalously undressed. She sat by Omar's pod with her back very definitely turned to the Confederacy nurse, radiating disapproval.

Ivy checked the readouts on Yamina's med-tube. She advised Nick, "Sir, we don't have a CAP estimate for Yamina. She's thirteen, so she should have one. Shall I run one while she's in the tube?"

"How much time will it add?"

"About five minutes extra, sir. We can run it along with her general checkup. Even with that, she'll be out before the boy. She isn't really injured, just shock. He's got a broken radius."

"Do that, Ivy," Nick told the blonde nurse.

"If his father was hitting the boy, sir, then he was probably hitting his other children as well. We should check them to make sure."

"Good idea, Ivy. He has a two-year-old girl as well as Omar. I'll bring her along once things have settled down a bit." The efficient way Ivy handled things impressed Nick. «AI, pass a message to Ivy's sponsor commending her for her work.»

«Yes, sir.»

Leaving Ivy to her work, Nick took Mohammed to meet the Captain. They would need to decide what to do with Ahmad, and Nick expected that Mohammed would want to play his part.

Mohammed felt some relief as they left medical. He'd known that female concubines didn't wear many clothes, but seeing it in the flesh, literally, for the first time was disturbing. He was glad that his wives didn't dress like that. Showing that much bare leg in public would cause a riot back home on Escardis.

The Captain and Sergeant Cole were both waiting in the Captain's office when Nick and Mohammed arrived. Once they were all seated, the Captain explained, "Lieutenant al-Umawi, the three of us are here as ship's Captain, senior Marine and senior Civil Service Officer to review Ahmad's actions and to decide what we do with him. We've invited you as an observer, since you have an interest in this case. You may speak but you will not have any input into the final decision."

"Thank you, Captain." Mohammed had anticipated a trial, but not this quickly. Confederacy justice was obviously faster than on either Earth or Escardis. He settled in his seat and watched proceedings. The evidence was the video footage provided by the AI monitoring Ahmad's pod. The first clip showed his pod getting the general warning about under age wives. The AI had trimmed the other announcements, just leaving the relevant part. The second clip was of Ahmad negligently waving a hand to acknowledge that he had heard the AI give him his own individual orders, specifically naming Yamina. The final, and longest, clip was of Ahmad taking Yamina to the upper level, slapping her in response to her complaint, making her undress and removing his own clothes. It ended as he collapsed after being stung.

"Any comments, Lieutenant?" the Captain asked Mohammed.

"Under your law the man is obviously guilty of attempted child-rape. I cannot see any extenuating circumstances. He was clearly warned, he acknowledged the warning and he had three other wives to choose from. Yamina even reminded him again at the end and he deliberately ignored her. This is your ship, so your law applies."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," the Captain replied. "As you say, he is obviously guilty. I say we execute him." Nick and the Sergeant both agreed.

"AI, please record that as the result of this review."

"Yes, Captain. So recorded."

"One point, Mohammed," Nick asked, "I assume that human flesh is haraam, forbidden."

"Absolutely, yes. Very definitely haraam."

Nick turned to the Captain, "Perhaps we should delay recycling Ahmad's body until after Mohammed and the other passengers have disembarked, sir. It's less than two hours now so we won't have to keep it for long."

"Very well," the Captain agreed. "Sergeant, order whoever you send to execute him not to recycle the body until after we've disembarked our passengers."

"Yes, sir."

Mohammed was silent as he and Nick left the captain's office. He realised that most things on a spaceship would eventually be recycled -- the Salah al-Din certainly did so. He had not realised that the Confederacy recycled things so directly, with a turnaround time of less than two hours. It was as well that Nick had foreseen the potential problem and avoided it.

While Mohammed was thinking, Nick asked the AI, «Where are Hamida, Yamina and Omar now?»

«They are back in pod Red Twelve, sir, having completed treatment in medical. For your further information, sir, Ahmad al-Haytham has now been executed and his body is being held pending the offloading of the passengers before being recycled.»

«Thank you, AI. Notify Lieutenant al-Umawi if you haven't already done so.» The AI obviously hadn't since Nick noticed Mohammed pause slightly in his step.

For Mohammed the surprise was not so much at the execution, but that it had happened so quickly. Confederacy justice moved very fast indeed. Ahmad probably hadn't even recovered consciousness after being stunned. Now he never would.

Nick stopped outside Red Twelve, "Mohammed," he explained, "I don't want to give them the news in public. I'd rather do it in my pod away from everyone else. This place is too crowded."

"Yes, that would be far better. I suppose you'll need me there as well?"

"I'm afraid so. I think I'll need you to help with translation and so on."

The four women were still a little shaken by events, but they followed the two men quietly enough. They were nervous; they knew that things were going on around them, but there was little else they could do besides follow.

Nick had arranged for one of the crew's concubines to babysit the two children. As instructed, Fleur wasn't wearing a smock, but had on a grey overall covering everything from her neck to her wrists and ankles, with a headscarf concealing her hair. He was going to shock these women enough without adding more on top -- the reaction to Ivy in medical had been enough. The four women sat down while Fleur organised coffee. Once they were all served, she took the two children off to another room so the adults could talk. The pause gave Nick time to organise his thoughts.

"Did you all hear the talk we gave you at the start, when you arrived in your pod?" he asked. The four of them nodded. "Did you hear the part about under age wives?" Again they acknowledged. "Was Ahmad specifically told about Yamina?" Four more nods. "Yamina, what do you think has happened to Ahmad?"

She started at his question being directed to her. "Erm ... The computer voice said you would execute anyone who tried to do that."

"So what has happened to Ahmad?"

"Oh..." She paused as the implication struck her. "You mean you've executed him?"

Nick could see Yamina's eyes go wide as she realised. "Yes. We executed him a few minutes ago, after we'd reviewed his case."

Nick thought their reaction was completely over the top: loud wailing and moaning. Mohammed didn't seem surprised, so it was obviously expected in Arab culture. Once he got used to the sight, Nick found their different reactions interesting. The two youngest wives, widows now, were doing the correct thing for appearances' sake, but were probably glad at Ahmad's death. Hamida's grief was genuine. She wasn't completely distraught, but was obviously very unhappy about the death of her husband and the father of her child. Adala was much harder to read. Possibly she didn't know herself what to think about the news, or else she was a better actress than the two younger widows. Nick left it to Mohammed when to step in and quieten the women down; he was far better able to judge the cultural nuances of how long to let them continue.

Once they'd settled down, it was Adala who spoke first, "What happens to us now?"

This was an unforeseen situation, so Nick was going to have to play it mostly by ear. It was lucky that between them, Mohammed and the AI could handle any translation problems. This would be more complex than simply, 'Go to your pod and stay there.'

"We have an unusual situation here," Nick started, stating the obvious. "I don't have any precedents to work on, but I do want to get the best outcome for everyone involved: you four women, your two children, Escardis and the Confederacy." He was glad to see Mohammed nodding as well as the four widows. He had deliberately included Escardis in his list of players so Mohammed did not feel that he was ignoring the Arabs' interests.

"So where are we now? When the four of you came on board the AI treated you as concubines, sponsored by your husband. He is dead, so he can no longer sponsor you. Under Confederacy law you are now unattached concubines, owned by the ship's senior Civil Service Officer, myself."

The four women looked worried at that, "Will we have to dress like that harlot in the infirmary?" Hamida asked.

"No, you won't. You will stay dressed as you are now until we have unloaded our passengers onto the Salah al-Din. What happens then is up to you."

Nick's attention was on the women, who were listening attentively. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Mohammed sit up as well.

"As I see it, you have three options. Your first option is to board the Salah al-Din, as you had intended, and travel to Escardis. Obviously you won't have your husband with you, but I'm sure Captain al-Basri can find new husbands for you, or set up some sort of guardianship."

Nick turned to Mohammed for confirmation, but Hamida broke in first. "I'm not an unmarried girl to need a guardian! I'm a widow and I can look after myself."

Nick raised an eyebrow at Mohammed, who shrugged, "Well, there are precedents both ways for widows. I don't see it as an insoluble problem. If they join us on the Salah al-Din, I'm sure we can make the necessary arrangements."

Nick decided to leave that problem for Mohammed and his Captain to resolve. Turning back to the women, he continued. "Your second option is to join the Confederacy. We'll test you for Capacity, Aptitude and Potential, what we call a CAP test, and depending on your score you will become either a concubine or a sponsor."

"Will we have to dress like... ?" Hamida waved her hand to indicate Ivy, the concubine in medical. The prospect was obviously worrying her.

"If you're a concubine, then you have to dress the way your sponsor tells you," Nick told her, honestly. He didn't want to misrepresent what she might be letting herself in for, and besides, Mohammed was listening. "It could be something like what Fleur is wearing. It could be something like what the nurse in medical is wearing. It could be even less. It is entirely up to your sponsor. Concubines don't get a choice."

That obviously shocked the four of them.

"And if we're not a concubine?" Adala asked.

"If you're a sponsor then you'll wear military uniform when on duty, like myself." Nick indicated his Civil Service greys. "Off duty, sponsors can wear what they want. As an off duty sponsor you could continue to dress in an abaya and headscarf, as you are now."

"How do we know if we would be a concubine or a sponsor?"

"That depends on the result of your CAP test. A score of 6.5 or better makes you a sponsor; less than that and you are a concubine."

Reema spoke up for the first time, "You said three options."

"Your third option is for us to return you to Earth, though I don't recommend that one.

"That makes it two options really, doesn't it?"

"Yes, but we can return you if you really insist." Reema and the other three shook their heads at that.

"What about our children?" Adala enquired.

"The children will go with their mothers, so Omar will stay with Hamida and Bahiya will stay with you, Adala. Yamina, if you join the Confederacy you will be a dependent for a short time, until you turn fourteen. We'll find you a sponsor to act as temporary guardian if you join us. We did a quick CAP estimate for you while you were in medical, so you're expected to score between 6.0 and 6.3."

Nick explained to her that it was a very difficult score. She would almost certainly be a concubine at fourteen and, though she could retest every year, there was no guarantee that she would ever improve enough to make it to 6.5 and become a sponsor.

"Can I get CAP tested?" Adala asked, abruptly.

Hamida erupted at Adala, "You're not thinking of going with these non-Muslims!"

Nick was pretty sure that the word the AI had translated as 'non-Muslims' was a lot stronger than that. It certainly sounded like it from the way the oldest widow had spat out the Arabic.

Mohammed stepped in to calm them down. "Thank you, Mohammed," Nick acknowledged. He rebuked the women, "You can discuss things between yourselves, but you will please do it quietly and politely." Hamida and Adala continued their discussion a lot less vigorously. As far as Nick could tell, Reema and Yamina had already made up their minds; they had whispered briefly to each other and were now waiting quietly. Looking at the two young women, Nick thought that Yamina was the more attractive; Reema's nose was rather too large to suit the rest of her features.

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Shall we check out Rush Porn? Usually, I don't get too excited over websites such as this one for a very simple reason: They are very, very basic! However, this does not always have to be a bad thing, it's just not that exciting, and that's about it...I mean, who the hell would get excited over a website filled with a ton of vanilla videos where nothing too interesting happens, right? Well..a lot of men would. In fact, most men would get off to such a thing, seeing a whole lot of dudes really...

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Do you sick fucks want to see some daddy daughter porn at Dad Crush? Yet another "incest" porn site in line that crosses that border that shouldn't be crossed. It seems as if there are plenty of people who actually want to fuck their "step-daughters". I understand that there are no blood connections in these relationships but still, there is something deranged about it. Perhaps, it is that deranged feeling that's drawing people into these kinds of niches. Who am I to judge, I've seen worse. So,...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Looking for a chocolate hookup at Black Crush? Attention all seekers of ebony pussies; if you believe that the darker the berry the sweeter the juice, today The Porn Dude is the bearer of excellent news in the way of a site that allows you to hook up with hot, horny ebony girls looking to get nasty with someone like you. I’m talking about Black Crush and anyone with a secret desire to grab a round, bubbly butt or some perky boobs and probably bury your head into their creamy thighs would be...

Hookup Sites
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Do you have Lucky Crush on anyone, or are you looking to find one? Perhaps you’re just looking for a quick wank with a stranger or even just a friendly conversation with a pretty girl. Fuck, how long have we been social distancing? I’ve lost track, but this next website promises at least a temporary solution to your loneliness, isolation and ball-aching horniness without forcing you to breach the respiratory safety of your dank, weed-and-BO-scented basement is a video chat...

Live Sex Cam Sites
2 years ago
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Toothbrush Part V

TOOTHBRUSH PART V Tonight was a special night. It was several weeks after Dr. Grant (Tina) had examined both John and Anna, and John was busy setting the dinner table for three. Tina informed John and Anna that she had the preliminary results of her examinations. Anna suggested that all three of them would have dinner together at Anna's apartment and Tina would make her report. Tina at first balked at this suggestion, but on the basis that she did have a long standing social...

4 years ago
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Rush Hour for nadia877

“Ready for the ride of your life?” he said, as Nadia stood there in the garage, staring at the tiny two seater convertible.”I can’t believe you talked me into this”, Nadia said, reluctantly. “I can’t even believe I agreed to show up this morning, I was so drunk last night.””Well, the bar was a lot of fun for sure, but I think what you’re about to experience is going to be a lot more fun than the bar”, he said. What Nadia didn’t know is that he planned this. He didn’t drink at all last night,...

3 years ago
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Rush Mm

RushI’m just inside my door, a cool late summer early morning touching my body. I feel an anticipatory tingling down below that teases my mind. I love doing this but it’s hard to explain. Around midnight I rose out of bed and went downstairs into what I call “the man cave” and stripped off my sparse bedclothes, getting naked - a state of being I wished I could be in all the time. If only society would allow it, I would do it 24/7. I love being naked and don’t mind being seen.As soon as I...

4 years ago
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Rush Hour Rigamortis

As anyone who commutes too, from and within a large city will tell you rush hour is somethig everyone wishes they could avoid. Whether it be the long drive home where the only thing touching medal is the brake pedal or weathering the upstream effect as you walk the crowded sidewalks to and from the office. As a new yorker I take the subway to and from work so you can imagine my pain. The situation in question happened a few months ago on a Thursday evening. It had been a long day and grimaced...

4 years ago
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Rush Time

Rush Time By Bea The phone rang. "I'll get it!" I called down to mom. "Got an idea it'll be John." "Don't forget that your sister's here too," she called back. "Nah!" I said, getting to the phone. Truthfully I'd forgotten she was back in the house for a great moment or so. "Al Here!" I said into the phone. "Hello Al," John said. His voice carried his excitement. "Counting the days, huh?" "Got THAT right!" I laughed and let out a sigh of...

2 years ago
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Upon entering the home, on the kitchen table a single burning candle in an old-fashioned brass holder greeted her with a note saying, ‘Walk with me.’ The home was completely dark and the air was warm and still. She heard the faint sounds of a jazz piano drifting down the hall from the direction of the bedroom. She lay her purse and keys down on the table and began her journey down the hall, candle in hand. She reached the bedroom door, which was just ajar. She held the candle in her left hand...

4 years ago
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Aidan needed a hobby, so he bought a metal detector. It was supposed to help him deal with the stress of caring for his parish in the north of England, but straightaway he developed an obsession with Vikings. "They were all through here, you know," he told his wife Edie. "Absolute hordes of them. And they buried their gold and silver, all sorts of valuable things. People have discovered caches all over the countryside with metal detectors." He was convinced there was Viking gold buried in...

4 years ago
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Puddle of Leaves

Dennis slid open the glass door of his quiet home and stepped into the heavily wooded backyard. It was a crisp fall Saturday as Dennis surveyed the many layers of fallen leaves that covered his yard. The chilly air cooled his lungs as he took a deep breath, examining the work in front of him. He had been putting off raking for weeks now, but as all the trees were almost bare, he had talked himself into getting it done this weekend.Dennis trudged across his lawn through the leaves to the shed....

3 years ago
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Puddles of Leaves

Dennis trudged across his lawn through the leaves to the shed. He flipped the latch and retrieved the rake he had bought his first year in this house when he was faced with his first fall. He had moved into this, his first house, a few years ago, that autumn had been quite the surprise for him as he realized the true cost to owning your own house. His backyard was littered with trees, which were great in the summer because the yard was shady, keeping it pleasantly cool even when the...

2 years ago
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The Leaves

Patrick Arthur Chimney had a silly name and had never forgotten the taunts he had endured throughout his school days, which weren’t very originally wrought, but had stung him deep nevertheless. Those old words rang in his ears as he took his customary shortcut from the day’s university lectures, across a patch of wasteland that had become overgrown with wildflower, and adrift in its gentle undulations with dry autumn leaves.“Sweep,” had been an especially common choice of his tormentors. “Been...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Rush Ch 04

Less than four hours remained until his dinner date with his ex-wife, Katrina, at her favorite Manhattan restaurant: Sardi’s. In less than five minutes his mistress would emerge from the ladies’ restroom with freshly scrubbed hands, ready to pry open a three-pound lobster across from him at a ramshackle diner. As the wisecracking waitress Janine approached their table, adjusting her apron and popping open one button too close to her mountainous cleavage, adman Antoine wondered aloud, ‘How in...

4 years ago
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Rush Hour Surprise

'One more day to go until I can get the fuck out of this city for the weekend' I thought to myself as I waited for the next T. It was only Thursday but it had already been an incredibly long week. It seemed like I had a deadline for every hour of the day and had reached the point where I caught myself rushing to finish dinner before some imaginary clock struck zero on me and I'd have to move on to the next task. The proverbial carrot on the stick in front of me was a nice long weekend down on...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Toothbrush Part I

TOOTHBRUSH by Gloria John was parking at the Mall he usually went to for lunch. It was a bit foggy, but no problem for driving. He was looking forward to his usual fries and a soda pop. Anna, too, liked to lunch at the mall. There was a yummy salad bar at the grocery store, which was tasty, and light on calories. Neither John nor Anna had met the other but, by coincidence, they both were looking for a parking spot in the same area at the same time. No problem; though the Mall...

4 years ago
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Toothbrush Part II

TOOTHBRUSH PART II Both Anna and John were feeling increasingly turned on as John, with steadily increasing pace and force, sucked up and down the full length of Anna's large stiff penis. The pliancy, the texture, the strength of Anna' s penis in John's mouth, sliding up and down his throat was deeply exciting and wonderful to John. At one point he looked up with his brown eyes and saw Anna's blue ones, half closed. Anna was biting her lips and breathing heavier by the second. She...

2 years ago
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Toothbrush Part III

TOOTHBRUSH PART III After a deep, dreamless sleep, John awoke on the sofa. He became aware of the crampy feeling he had felt the day before, but it was stronger now. He sat up, and pulled the front of his panties down a bit. "Woah" John said; he saw he needed to put some of the hygiene lessons Anna had taught him to good use. He softly padded off to the washroom to get a fresh maxi pad and properly dispose of the old very much used one. On the way he passed Anna's door, slightly...

3 years ago
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Toothbrush Part IV

TOOTHBRUSH PART IV As John sipped on his coffee, he could half hear little snippets of Anna on the phone ."...personal situation...won't be in for a coupla can call me at....", etc. Silence for a few seconds, then the faint beepings of Anna punching in another phone number.. "Dr. Grant., please....need to see you ASAP...urgent personal difficulty...this aft at 1? - great....will introduce you to my new boyfriend....yes, thank you." Silence again as the call ended. Anna...

4 years ago
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Toothbrush Part 6

TOOTHBRUSH PART VI Tina sipped the last bit of yummy wine in her glass and gently leaned back in her chair. She and Anna and John had just finished dinner, a dinner both delicious and sensual. All three of the lovelies had been relaxed by the wine and the warm, convivial company. All three were also experiencing a slow, steady buildup of sexual arousal, from the tops of their heads to the tips of their pretty toenails. Almost imperceptibly, Tina stilled herself. "Ladies" she...

2 years ago
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Cleave gag

I open wide and a soft, silk scarf is put in, gently pulled to the corners of my mouth. I bite down, the scarf over my tongue,press up against it,my small and pink tonguecan't move over it.Thepressure begins as Ifeel the knot on the back of my neck.The silkhissing as the knot is pulled tighter and tighter. My eyes roll back and my eyelids come down, eyebrows arching, chin lefting slightly and a moan comes out of me as the scarf pushes against the corners of my lips.The knot is suddenly and...

4 years ago
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Cleave it to Beaver

When the alarm clock went off, June Cleaver stretched beneath to covers and rolled onto her side, nuzzling up to husband Ward. He reached across and slapped at the alarm clock one time, silencing it. “Morning, June,” he mumbled. “Mmmmmm,” June said, entwining her arms around her husband. In a low, sleep husky voice she purred, “Ward, I think you were a little rough on the beaver last night.” Ward looked stern as he always did when delivering a moral or lesson. “Sorry, June. But when a man...

2 years ago
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Rush Ch 03

Inez braced herself for the onslaught of a hot platter of soft-scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries and toast as waitress Janine seemed to be perfecting her flying disc toss to an imaginary canine seated at the table. Blessed with quick reflexes, Inez unfolded her white napkin and used it to shield her face and prevent first-degree burns from the greasy strips of bacon and home fries performing sizzling somersaults before her eyes. ‘Damn, now that’s a sure sign I should’ve worn my eyeglasses!’ she...

3 years ago
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Glancing at her watch, the woman sighed. Like the last time, she was five minutes late. In midflight from the elevator to the lobby of the Apex Building, where she temped for the law firm of Greed, Avarice & Corruption LLP, modesty was briefly hijacked by vanity in one act: pressing the buttons to all of the floors in order to increase the time to apply fresh coats of velvet-black mascara and midnight-blue eyeliner. By the time the rickety car squeaked to a jolt and the ‘L’ lighted in green on...

3 years ago
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Rush Hour Surprise

‘One more day to go until I can get the fuck out of this city for the weekend’ I thought to myself as I waited for the next T. It was only Thursday but it had already been an incredibly long week. It seemed like I had a deadline for every hour of the day and had reached the point where I caught myself rushing to finish dinner before some imaginary clock struck zero on me and I’d have to move on to the next task. The proverbial carrot on the stick in front of me was a nice long weekend down on...

3 years ago
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Rush Hour Adventure

After a long day of classes all I wanted to do was get home. I ran down the steps to the crowded subway platform and waited for the next train to arrive. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a tall, dark and handsome man reading a financial magazine. He looked about 25 and looked incredible in his fitted suit. I turned away as the train pulled into the station. My hair was blowing in my face and when I looked back to see if he was still standing there he was gone. There was something about...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Rush Hour

I often enjoy taking public transit, even though most people don't. I like people-watching, trying to imagine what everyone's lives are like, and what they're doing that day. The only time I don't particularly enjoy it is during the early evening. In a crowded city like mine, the downtown trains and buses are packed like sardines as everyone rushes to get home after a long day's work. I held my purse tighter to my side as I stepped on board the bus, and sighed, realizing I wasn't going to find...

4 years ago
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Step Sibling Encounters Autumn leaves

Why Teens don’t rake up autumn leavesStep parents Delia and Ted; like any adults maintaining a home and trying to keep its interior and backyard and lawns presentable and tidy: insisted that the young college offspring under their roof occasionally pulled their weight with the basics and took their turn at raking up the goddamn endless autumn leaves from the screen of silver birch trees at the back of the property. All that remained of the original garden on the rebuilt block.Seriously not too...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14 Are you part of the Solution or part of the Problem Said by Eldridge Cleaver

At one of the meetings John was holding up a twenty-dollar silver coin when a man stood up, “Question?” he announced, “Can you protect us?” “Yes, I can gather a thousand men and women who can stop anything an attacking force can throw at us. I can move them anywhere within a few minutes.” John shared. The man continued to stand and looked around at his fellow delegates, “I move that this meeting becomes our convention to establish a Constitutional Congress. I, Stennis Smith of California,...

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Scenes from a Kids life Group2 Crystal Leaves Ribbon

Scenes from a Kid's Life Group 2: Crystal, Leaves, Ribbon Copyright © 2006 by Jan S Crystal: Ally was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet so fast that the head of the black horse, carried lamb-style around his neck, kept hitting his arm. This was exciting - he was being included! T.K. yelled, "Don't give him any clues!" Jim was getting annoyed with his other little brother, "Come out and listen. I'm going to use the same words I said to you! But he won't...

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Crush By Cassandra Morgan Charlie was coming over. Good old Charlie. He was the long-lost brother that we never knew we had. One weekend, he had started hanging around, and he seemed to always be there. Charlie had a loopy grin, and a great sense of humor, and he was smart. He told a good joke, and he would help with whatever project that we had going on. He came to dinner. He went to movies with us. Hell, he spent holidays with us. And why wouldn't he? He was Charlie. Good old...

3 years ago
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Rush Ch 02

Inez curled her unkissed lips and hurled the box into the street, where it and the bracelet met their fate beneath the front wheel of a medallion taxi. She snarled in Antoine’s direction but could only drop her head in defeat to his ex-wife’s indelible presence. He had not attempted to retrieve the gift, only followed the arc of its route from her hand to the pothole-scarred street. When he turned toward her to lift her chin and apologize again, she slapped him. Her hand, which left a red...

4 years ago
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Rush Hour

It had been a long day. My feet were killing me and the summer heat left trails of sweat running down my back as I pushed my way through the crowds. The press of bodies made me feel uncomfortable at first but as I felt the pressure of a woman's breast pressing against my arm things suddenly began to change. Looking around I suddenly became aware of just how many women there were around me. In fact I could barely see any other men as I made my way down the stairs and onto the station platform. I...

4 years ago
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Back and forth, back and forth... Each stroke edged me closer to Rick. Sweat trickled between my breasts, dampening my shirt. The temperature in the station house felt warm and almost uncomfortable, whetting my desire for a spray of water from a hose. Maybe Rick could relieve me. His broad, broad back was to me. I leered at each flex of muscle, each ripple beneath his taut skin and tight shirt. I needed to stroke each swell of flesh on this man. I continued to study him unnoticed as he...

3 years ago
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Rush To Judgement

"You've been with her again, damn you!" Susan Walters all but screamed at her husband. "For the one-hundredth time, I have NO fuc... no clue what or whom you are talking about." Dennis Walters shot back. He made an effort to control himself. "And for God's sake, keep your voice down. If you want to wake up the neighborhood, again, that's up to you. But the kids are asleep." "I don't care," she went on loudly. "Let them wake up. Let them know what an asshole of a supposed man they...

1 year ago
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Crush Crush

Nutaku's Crush Crush! Yet another absolutely amazing adult game that I'm going to talk about in this review. You are already used to play awesome games provided by me, don't you? Well, if you got bored of all the others, go ahead and read the following. Crush Crush - Moist and Uncensored has a good gameplay, walkthrough sections, an epic storyline and so many other goodies that are waiting for you. But, what's going on ingame, brother? Let me tell you ...After some instructions, the game will...

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Crushbyhammertime©Carol watched from the side as her husband Gene, and his eighteen year old brother, Ray, horsed around in the pool. She was glad to see that Ray seemed to be enjoying himself. It was the first time she had really seen him laugh since he had moved in with them back in the spring. His and Gene's parents were killed in and automobile accident and he had come to live with them as Gene was his only living relative. Back in his old school he was an outstanding athletic with a...

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