Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexChapter 8: Culture, Kiss, Bread And Fries And Don't Forget The Maid free porn video

DoubleD looked out the bus window as it sped past the scenery of many French cities and towns on the way to the tour groups next major stop; Paris, France. Pam, who was as usual behind the wheel, had already informed everyone that they were still around 2 1⁄2 hours away from their destination so had made a quick stop to refill the gas tank and let anyone that wanted to take a break from their present activities stretch their legs and eat something; however since the present activities for most of those in the second section already include stretching their legs (well spreading them at least) and eating something (though probably not something as filling as actual food) no one bothered to take the break. Pam decided to buy several snacks, sandwiches and refreshments in the rest area's deli anyway and take them to section two ("if they can't come to the food then the food will just have to go to them", she thought); she didn't want anyone starving or dehydrating (they were all losing a lot of body fluid you know). DoubleD, being the only other person in section one (not to mention the only other person still in clothes) helped her carry the large trays of food to the back. Playing waiter and having something to do, even something minor, had helped take his mind off his worries a while, but as soon as they had hit the road again his worries flooded back and were bordering on total depression.
DD didn't need Hannah's incredible I.Q. to know that something major was happening back home in Riverdale, something not good; plus he knew that his girl and soon to be wife Elizabeth (Lizzy) Baxter was a part of whatever was happening; "she wouldn't have agreed to stay incommunicado (so to speak) if she wasn't. DD therefore could not help the string of negative scenarios (each one worse than the previous) that kept flying through his very imaginative mind. DoubleD may have been staring at the beautiful French scenery speeding by therefore, but he couldn't see any beauty.
Closing his eyes and lying back in an attempt to sleep DoubleD was faintly aware of the door just behind him (he was in the last row of section one) opening up and someone plopping down in the seat next to him.
He wasn't really in a mood to listen to any more talks about how he should not worry, how everything would be okay and how he should just try to have some fun, so he didn't bother opening his eyes; however not having his sense of sight only strengthened all of his other senses; for example: his sense of hearing, he could clearly hear the person next to him breathing strongly, he could hear her heart beating quickly and he could hear her gentle sighs and moans as she clearly tried to survive the effects of what was either a major orgasm in the back room or a series of minor aftershocks triggered on her sitting down (probably both); his sense of smell was also heightened and he could clearly smell the erotic strawberry scent on the girl next to him (scented lubing no doubt) as well as the scent of her sweat, her arousal and most dominating of all, the scent of cunt juice, lots and lots of cunt juice it was as if the girl next to him were literally bathed in it. DoubleD was trying very hard to stay in his gloomy depressed mood (don't ask me why) but unfortunately the scents and sounds of the girl next to him were making his second head very happy, very fast and when the girl next to him put her hand on his thigh (either on purpose or by accident) his strengthened sense of touch transmitted the heat emitting from the females hand like an electrical shock that bolted throughout his whole body and ended at the tip of his suddenly fully erect cock. DD knew that the front of his shorts must have been clearly tented, but what could he do about it?
"Wow, you want me to help you with that," he heard someone say and he smiled as he suddenly recognized the voice.
Slowly opening his eyes and turning he said, "hi Carol; I haven't seen you in a while." He looked at her and realized that his suspicions about her being totally bathed in cunt juice were not an exaggeration, "and I can see why; you've obviously been busy."
"If you haven't seen me or anyone else it's only because you're insisting on staying away from us; we could use you in there you know."
Smiling wryly DD said, "You can use me, or you can use my cock?"
Without warning Jen shot her hand under DD's shorts and pulled out the aforementioned cock and before DD could protest she started masturbating him with her soft hands. "I won't deny that with 9 hungry and needy cunts back there denying us your cock is almost criminal; but just denying us your company is even worse."
DD smiled a true smile for a second, not to mention gave a happy groan, as Jen's masturbation of his penis started feeling very, very good; however, he quickly frowned saying, "I don't really think I'd be good company right now"
"Are you still worried about your girlfriend?"
"Shouldn't I be; not to mention my babies, Uncle Stan, Aunt Laura, Ruth—,"
"—Ruth," Jen questioned, "that's the nanny right?"
"Well she was, but of course she won't be our nanny anymore when we get back, but that doesn't mean we don't love her anymore and don't worry about her!"
"Isn't she only a year or two older than you... but—umm—no, you're right, it certainly doesn't mean that; but you know I'm sure—"
"—please don't tell me everything is alright; you're almost as smart as Hannah; you know everything isn't alright."
Jen sighed and said, "No, no it's not alright; but you have to believe it's not all bad either," feeling DD's cock tense up a little and seeing he was close to cumming she asked almost begging, "Hey, mind if I have a drink?"
He gave her a rolling eyes look and said finally in feigned exasperation, "Sure, go right ahead."
Jen instantly bent her head over his lap and started to fellate him; swallowing him whole at first, but then focusing on the head, sucking it with total abandon occasionally licking it totally to capture all pre-cum; she once more wrapped her hand around the shaft and pumped as she sucked. As her lips suctioned the engorged glans head she gave it a gentle nibble and he could hold back no more; with her full mouth and soft hand working his cock who could. He exploded strongly in her mouth and as blast after blast of hot cum filled her Jen swallowed quickly and greedily. Even when he'd finally finished cumming Jen continued sucking strongly at his still very erect cock for several minutes until sure she'd gotten everything she could.
"Yummy;" Jen said as she separated her mouth from the stiff penis, "that was good; and look, he still wants to play!" She indicated DD's dick as she said this.
DD smiled blissfully at her and said, "It likes you; it only stays that hard for Lizzy and sometimes Han—umm—the Mistress of Pain."
"Well," Jen said, suddenly getting up and turning to sit side-saddle on DD's lap, "as long as he still wants to play," she grabbed the erect tool and positioning it at her wet opening lowered herself onto it in one rapid move.
DD groaned as he felt the heat of the velvet glove warm his manhood. He realized suddenly that he had forgotten to feel worried and depressed; well who could feel depressed in the middle of total bliss? Smiling he started licking at Jen's neck, boobs, arms, boobs, stomach and oh yeah did I mention boobs (these he licked and sucked for a long time); all the while Jen moved herself up and down on his cock fucking herself gently with it (she knew his head was probably still a little sensitive after that powerful cum).
"How did you get so much cunt juice all over your body," DD asked as he realized that there wasn't a spot he didn't lick that wasn't bathed in tangy sweet nectar (though he could tell there were varying—much varying—flavors).
"Oh," Jen said smiling, I sort of made a deal for when we get to Paris, my price was that I had to be the floor mat for every single couple as they fucked themselves to orgasm, I couldn't participate though, I could only watch the girls cum all over me."
"Wow," DD said suddenly starting to do a bit of the pumping himself, meeting Jen's thrusts with his own strong ones, "what could have been worth the frustration that must have been?"
"I get a full night alone with Patty one day this week."
"And Ana agreed to that?
"Well the next full night I have to play Ana's total love slave. Pa—Shirley will be sleeping with the other person on those nights."
"You really like Patty don't you," DD said smiling.
"I like all of you," Jen said avoiding the question.
"Right," DD said once more leaning over and capturing one of her nipples in his mouth as he sped up his fucking of her.
After two strong orgasms for Jen and another one for him (DD filled her cunt with his seed) they took a break and DD noticed they'd been fucking for 45 minutes and he smiled.
"What are you thinking," Jen asked with a smile.
"Just that it feels good not to worry. When Uncle Stan and Aunt Laura missed the family conference I could only think of the worse possible reasons; but maybe everyone is alright, maybe what's happening isn't that bad."
"Oh believe me it is," Jen said solemnly and DD gave her a serious look.
"Well thanks for suddenly pulling me out of heaven," DD said a little annoyed.
"You can't act like you're not going to get some bad news," Jen said in explanation, "you are; but it's bad news that can have a good ending; Stan and Laura have just been delaying telling all of you the news until they can give you all that good ending as well."
"What do you mean," DD asked.
"Well think about it; there's bad news that's just final; for example: let's say that someone has died; if the bad news is final nothing can be done about it except pass the news on. But there's bad news that can end joyously; for example: someone is very ill in the hospital but is quickly recuperating. It's sad that they're ill, but in the end it's joyous that they will be totally fine; understand?"
DD gave her a pensive look and then smiling said, "Yeah, I guess I can understand that," but then frowning he questioned, "But what if someone is very ill and quickly heading in the direction of the final bad news?"
"Then they'd immediately get in contact with all that love that person so they could spend some final time with them before the end."
Giving another smile DD said, "Yeah, they would, wouldn't they?" Suddenly feeling very confident he said, "I wish you could really be my sister; I can tell you'd make an incredible older sister, not to mention a horny hot one." He giggled suddenly truly feeling good.
"Well careful what you wish for; if, when we meet your Dad, he likes me as much as your Mom, he may just adopt me too." She smiled and then closing her eyes leaned back in the chair to rest.
DoubleD, who had been smiling at Jen's comment also closed his eyes and leaned back, however, something was suddenly troubling his mind; he wasn't sure what it was so he tried replaying the last conversation in his mind and when he finally reached the point he realized had troubled him he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the girl next to him suspiciously wondering who she really was.
"Not another one," Lana shouted, rolling her eyes at the 'Sound of Music' DVD in Ana's hands. The DVD was handed to Ana with her keys and as usual she was instructed to return it on checking out. "Seriously Sis; I don't think I can watch it again. It will probably always be my favorite movie but too much of a good thing can start turning your stomach; If I even have to think of Austria again I think I'm going to barf!"
Smiling Ana said, "I think I'm the one that is going to be barfing in a few days."
As Hannah and Ron came up to Ana Ron asked, "What's wrong with Queen?"
Smiling Ana said, "It's almost here," she then added frowning worriedly, "They do sell Midol in France don't they?"
"I hope so," Hannah said, "but what had our little sister so upset?"
"I think she wants to declare war on Austria or at least never here about it again."
"Well that's going to be a little hard since we'll be there for a week," Ron said.
"Yeah," Ana said, "but I think she'll be calm by then."
"Come on Honey," Ron said following Lana up a set of stairs, "let's give our new room a good initiation (well the bed anyway)."
As Ron and Hannah walked up the stairs Ana suddenly looked down at the DVD in her hand as a thought suddenly entered her head. Quickly running up the stairs herself and going to her room where Patty was already unpacking a few things Ana hunted in one of her own bags for the complete tour schedule; on finding it, she studied it intensely and finally looked at Patty with a 'well that's obvious' look in her eye.
Looking at her puzzled Patty asked, "Are you okay Sugar?"
"I know; I know where Dr. Lewis is going to meet us."
As Ron began pumping his 8 1⁄2 inches into Hannah she gave a happy moan. She was on her arms and knees on the bed and Ron was standing at the edge of the bed giving her deep thrusts in and out of her almost smoking cunt. Every time he reached her deepest depth he'd take a minute to give her ass cheeks each a hard spanking with his hands.
"Oh YEEESSSSS, Master Yes!"
"You like that don't you my naughty little slave?"
"Yes I am naughty, very naughty; teach your bitch slut slave some manners, Master!"
He continued pumping into her hot tunnel for 15 minutes until he felt her start to cum as she reached the peak of her orgasm he suddenly pulled out of her pussy, spread her red and sensitive ass cheeks and plunged his hard tool deep in her ass where he continued to pump for another 15 minutes until he just couldn't hold off cumming anymore himself. Pulling out he screamed, "Now slave, turn and get your just desserts!"
Hannah instantly turned, captured her Master's cock in her mouth and almost came for a third or fourth time just from the taste of the pre-cum and cunt juice soaked organ. It didn't take Ron long to start shooting at which point Hannah did actually cum on feeling and tasting the mouthfuls of hot Ron cream her Master served her.
"Ohhhh," Hannah moaned, "that's not 'just dessert' that's a whole wonderful fucking meal!"
As they both came down from their sexual highs Ron said, "Welcome to Paris, the City of Love!"
"Oh I feel very well-cummed Master."
Ron then got on the bed and lying down hugged Hannah tight against him; after a while of just feeling one another's heat Ron finally said, "So Honey, have you found anything out in your cyber-investigation?"
Hannah gave him a worried look and said, "Maybe; first, both Rita and Lizzy are definitely in the STD ward of Riverdale Medical; I can't seem to get into their medical records to find out exactly what's wrong with them. It's as if those records have been specifically protected against snoopers."
"Hmm, you're Dad probably, biological Dad I mean." Hannah threw him a strange look and he suddenly said, "Sister! Your biological Dad's sister I meant to say."
"Aunt Joyce probably expected us to try and hack in," Hannah agreed. Then, however, getting truly serious she added, "But I don't think Rita and Lizzy are the true reason for Mom and Dad's silence." Ron threw her a 'please explain' look and getting up and fishing for something in one of her bags she handed Ron two sheets of paper saying, "I downloaded these from the Riverdale Daily's web site."
Ron took them and read the first sheet which said:
A fire that completely destroyed a home in the lower section of town in the early hours has been pegged suspicious by both the Sheriff's Department and the Fire Marshall's office.
The fire, in the home of a Riverdale High music teacher, is under strong investigation but the authorities will say no more.
Ron creased his forehead and frowned as he read, he said nothing however until he had read the second article which stated:
Four different rooms were totally destroyed by suspicious fires in Riverdale High during the early hours of today.
The fires which occurred in random locations throughout the school may well be related to the suspicious fire yesterday at a music teacher's home. The authorities won't confirm this but they do admit that the music teacher's class room was one of the rooms destroyed. Also destroyed were a little used room in the AtriumBuilding (Room 69), the cheerleader's locker and dressing room in the basement and the Principal's office.
Ron turned questioning but serious eyes to Hannah and said, "Ana's in trouble."
"Ana's in trouble," Hannah agreed, "and they'd rather not mention it to her yet."
"What do you suggest we do Pet?"
"We talk to Ana and let her know what's going on, and then we find a way to connect to Mom and Dad and let them know they no longer have to avoid us."
"What about the Rita and Lizzy news," Ron asked.
"We'll leave that up to them, there's no need to worry DD any more than he already is."
Just then there was a knock on their door and getting up Ron went over and answered it, when he did a worried looking DD stepped in and Ron threw Hannah a 'don't say a word' look.
"Ron hi," DD said nervously, "sorry to bust in on you and your pet but I've been worried about something and I was wondering if Hannah could check something out for me."
"Umm—DD," Ron said, "we're all worried about what may be happening at home but—"
"—I'm not worried about that," DD said, then added, "well not much anyway. I think Lizzy is sick, maybe even in the hospital, but I think she's okay and getting better so I'm not worried."
Ron gave him a shocked look and unsure what to say simply nodded and said, "Umm—good, you shouldn't worry."
"So what did you want me to check out," Hannah asked.
"Carol," DD said seriously, "I don't think she's who she says she is and I'm worried because Mom and the rest of the Non-Children like her a lot and I don't want them to get hurt if my suspicions are right."
"Why do you think she's not who she says she is?"
"She knows about our mission; why we're really here I mean and I doubt any of us have told her."
"Well I'll check her out," Hannah said, "but you have to be mistaken."
"Then why would she know about Dad," DD asked.
Smiling Ron said, "You wouldn't believe what one might say in the middle of orgasmic heaven."
Smiling DD said, "Actually that's where Carol was when she let slip that she knew about Dad."
"See what I mean," Ron said.
"Yeah," DD said feeling a little calmer and as he prepared to step out he added, "and anyway, she seems a lot more interested in Patty and Ana than in Dad." He turned and left not noticing the serious and worried looks Ron and Hannah suddenly shared.
In her and Pam's room Jen was staring at a pink paper in her hand, she was once more wearing a 'should I or shouldn't I' look and was obviously nervous.
"What do you have there lover," Pam asked a little amused by the look on Jen's face.
"The ticket to getting in contact with a good number of people in Riverdale; the Andersons included."
Pam looked surprised and said, "What do you mean, what is it?"
"It's just an old IM ID that probably most of them have forgotten about; it's Dad's, Stan set it up for Dad himself during the tour TXLT2 made last summer."
"The bands Dad set it up," Pam said.
"Yeah; Stan set up several at once including his sister's, his brother-in-law's, Patty's and this one for Dad; It was for them to stay in contact during the rode trip. He gave this one to Dad so that Lana and the Wild Kat could get in contact with him."
"How do you know all that?"
"Dad told me of course; can you imagine how shocked I was when Dad first IMed me here in Paris."
"I remember now," Pam said giggling, "you were convinced the world was ending."
"Anyway," Jen said throwing Pam a sour look, "It's still active and most important it has most of the Anderson household and the OHPF members on the buddy list."
"So are you going to give it to Hannah," Pam said excitedly, "I'm sure she could use it in a second to set up that family conference they want."
"My problem is how to get it into her hands without letting her know who I really am. I mean anyone can know an IM ID name, but not everyone will have the password. I was going to give it to either Patty or Ana but them knowing the password is what would raise questions."
"Well what about Esther, it might not be so unusual for a wife to have her husband's password."
Smiling Jen said, "That's a good idea, I'll give this to her later." She went over to the bedside table and putting the paper down giggled as she saw what else was on the table, "Don't you think it's time we return Hannah's Ron-sized cyberskin-cock?"
"I don't know," Pam said with a twinkle in her eye, "I kind of like it, and since she got back Ron's real cock, she sort of forgot she left this one with us."
"Still," Jen said, "we better return it; we don't want the Mistress of Pain upset with us if we lose her private property." Jen then turned to her suitcase to finish unpacking when she heard a knock on the door and went to open it.
Hannah stepped in saying, "Hi; everyone okay?"
"Oh," Jen said laughing, "did we call you here with our minds?" Hannah gave her a questioning look and Jen explained, "We were just talking about you," Jen went back to the suitcase she was unpacking and continued explaining saying, "there's something on the bedside table that belongs to you?"
"Though if you no longer need it," Pam said, "I don't mind taking it off your hands."
Hannah spotted her vibrator and said, "That's okay Ronny is actually what I came to get."
"Ronny," Jen said giggling in her mind as Hannah walked over to the bedside table and picked up her property. As she took it Hannah took a moment to look oddly at the piece of paper next to it, the word 'RANDLEW' was written above a series of letters and numbers 'SEXED101'.
Something about the paper seemed to ring a bell in Hannah's head but she shook off the feeling for now and turning simply said, "I also wanted to thank the two of you for all your help in Spain."
"Believe me when I tell you it was our pleasure to help," Pam said giggling.
"Yeah," Jen agreed also giggling, "Definitely our pleasure!"
"I'm pretty excited about being here in Paris, "Hannah suddenly said, "I can't wait to start touring it."
"Well we'll go on a regular tour of the most important sites tomorrow," Pam said, "but you should all get individual three day or even five day passes to visit all the different museums. I know not everyone will be interested in walking the museum trail so the best thing is to get the passes individually and just visit the different museums on your own as couples or small groups everyone spending the most times at the museums that interest them personally."
"The bands are meeting with Ana later for an update; I'll be sure to mention that to them." Heading toward the door she said one last time over her shoulder, "and thanks again," as she finally stepped out.
On arriving to their room, Lana had felt an immediate need for calming and grabbing Katrina without saying a word pulled her into bed into a 69; Katrina was still working hard to keep the Queen somewhat calm. She dug her long tongue deep in the Queen's slit and playfully teased her labia; gently running her tongue up and down Lana's outer labia and blowing softly at Lana's clit and inner labia. The Queen gave a moan and quickly wrapped her own lips around Katrina's super-clit (which always seemed to protrude from under its hood). The Queen had dubbed Katrina's clit her 'pacifier'; she sucked it strongly instantly feeling as calm as a baby. Katrina began pushing her tongue into Lana's slit and holding the outer lips open with her fingers started licking the sensitive area between Lana's inner and outer labia and at times flicked her tongue at Lana's clit which instantly peeked out at her from under it's hood. Lana began running two fingers up and down her Katy's pussy lips (but never let Katrina's clit out from between her mouth's lips); eventually Lana pushed the fingers passed Katrina's puffy outer lips and finding the opening of her moist love tunnel started pumping the fingers in and out of Katrina's dripping hole as she continued sucking her pacifier. Katrina moaned loudly into Lana's pussy and began more rapidly licking and sucking at the Lana's inner lips which by now had folded over the outer lips revealing the red and juicy interior of the Queen's cunt. Pumping her tongue rapidly in and out Katrina began truly fucking the Queen lovingly with her tongue, swirling it around in the Queen's pussy as she pumped and curved it up inside to lick the Queen's G-spot. Lana whimpered and sighed around her pacifier and flicked the tip of her own tongue to rub gently against the tip of Katrina's clit; she also added a third finger to the ones already pumping in Katrina's twat. After several more minutes Katrina tensed up as she felt the heat and blissful release of her orgasm approaching; she locked her mouth around Lana's pussy to stifle the screams that usually accompanied those orgasms; Lana, sensing Katrina was near began pumping more rapidly in and out of her Katy's pussy and finally gently nibbling the clit she was sucking. That did the trick of sending Katrina over the edge and as she shook and as she screamed into Lana's pussy Lana couldn't hold back any more herself and she too started to cum, and cum and cum. Finally after several aftershocks the two just collapsed on top of one another and remained that way for a few more minutes. Lana's lips were still wrapped around Katrina's super-sensitive clit and Katrina finally had to pull it away from Lana, turning quickly to lock lips with her Queen and keep her calm.
"I don't care how many people worship Hannah," Katrina said, "you'll always be the Orgasm Queen to me. So are you feeling better my Queen?"
Lana smiled at her and said, "A little; God I love French Culture; it's a lot more calming than Midol. Who needs Midol when I have you?"
"Umm—yeah," Katrina said nervously, "Well we'll still unpack the Midol and have it ready for you anyway," Katrina said smiling, "your teeth don't touch my clit again until you take a good dose."
"So are you going to fuck me now," Lana asked bringing her hand between them and gently rubbing Katrina's clit. Katrina trembled with another small aftershock and moaned loudly.
"Umm," she said a little nervous about denying any request from her Queen during this time of month," why don't we give my clit a few minutes to rest," she said lovingly, "in the meantime I'll work on keeping these calm," and she began sucking one of Lana's boobs while kneading and squeezing the other.
"Oh yes," Lana moaned and repeated excitedly, "God I love French Culture!"
Later that day, after all couples had gotten a chance to inaugurate their rooms for several hours Ana held a meeting with all in the group to go over their schedule while in Paris; their concerts there would be held in the concert auditorium of a well know music college only two blocks away from the Inn they were at. "Carol and Shirley seem very familiar with the college," Ana said. The first of the three day concert would be in three days giving them ample time to explore Paris for a few days first and get some pictures.
Hannah took the opportunity to mention Pam's suggestion regarding multi-day museum passes and all except for the Non-Children, Don and Jason signed up to get some. They would all be on the first tour the next day to see such sights as the EiffelTower, the Arc of Triumph and Champs-Élysées.
When the meeting broke up Hannah asked Patty and Ana if they could stay when everyone left, Ron was also with them.
"So what's up," Ana asked when Hannah didn't seem to know where to start.
"Umm—listen," Ron said, "I think my pet here has found out why everyone has cut off communications with us."
"You have," Ana said surprised (though inside wondering why she would be surprised Hannah could do it); suddenly though looking suspiciously at the two Ana said, "so why are you telling me and Patty, we should be talking to everyone?"
"We—well we wanted to show the two of you first," Hannah said pulling the folded news reports from her pocket and passing them to Ana. "Read this."
Ana read the reports and just looked horrified for a few minutes then shocked and finally like she wanted to cry.
"What is it," Patty said nervously and Ana passed her the reports to read. After several minutes Patty folded up the papers with a confused and teary look herself and said, "So what does this mean?"
"It means someone's after me," Ana said as evenly as possible, "it's just like with that crazy kid Shai that was after Lana last year!"
"This is nothing like that," Ron said, "one major difference being that you're nowhere near home right now so this isn't a stalker; another difference being that whoever is doing this is a lot more destructive than Shai ever was."

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