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I cant say how exactly we became such good friends, but in my junior year I took her (a freshman) under my wing, and our relationship developed rapidly. We stayed great friends through out school…having sleep-overs, going to parties…in the end I might even say that in those two years as friends, I went on more “dates” with her than with all of my boyfriends combined. It was only natural that when I left for college we would keep in touch.

I saw her every time I went home, and we carried on as if the time and distance had not. Some things did change however…she was becoming a more defined, stunning and independent individual. Her company was much more alluring and her appearance… it alone was enough to make me question my sexuality.

Her curves were defined, but more strung out. She was taller—still a good five inches shorter than me—and her hair was long and curly, enticing me to run my fingers through it. She had also started wearing dark eyeliner around her engaging ice blue eyes. Everything about her was enhanced in some way, and I wanted it—to touch kiss and lick. I ached for her in the weirdest of ways. Then, while hanging out at her house on Christmas break during my sophomore year of college, I finally came out to her.

We had been hanging out all day, baking and talking…her parents weren’t home, so we had the whole place to ourselves. We were making frosted ginger cookies and she playfully forced my finger into the bowl of icing. After staring at her in shock, I held my frosted index finger up to her and said “You made this mess…now you have to clean it up…” I was expecting her to wipe it off with the rag sitting next to her on the counter, but instead she grabbed my hand, put my finger in her mouth and sucked the frosting off. I can’t imagine what my face looked like, but I’m sure it was full of awe and shock. She didn’t really seem to notice…then I took a frosted cookie and smeared it on her jaw. She froze open mouthed and looked at me with her enchanting eyes.

“Are you going to take care of this?” she asked, pointing at the frosted line of her jaw. I stepped closer to her and held her chin in my hand, then proceeded to slowly lick the frosting from her face. I stepped back and looked into her eyes as her face turned a shocking scarlet. It became a war. For an hour we frosted and licked each other—always playful and innocent. Then, when the cookies were finished, I turned to walk out of the kitchen and up to her room, but she blocked the exit—forcing her arms and feet against the panels of the doorway, making an “X” with her body. I asked if I could slip by and she told me that I could only if I gave her the password…

I started spewing out word after word…phrase after phrase, but apparently I never guessed right. Annoyed, I decided to force my way through her. I pushed and pulled, but as it turns out, she is a lot stronger than she looks. I then wrapped my arms around her chest in a friendly hug, but after realizing that there was no way she was going to hug me back and let me through, I turned my head into her neck and bit her. It worked. Weather by shock or disgust, she fell backwards and I was able to pass through the doorway and run up to her room.

She followed me up and we sprawled on her bed and continued talking…mostly about college. All day I had been pushing her to apply for the college I was attending. She just kept saying “You’re the one that left me…why should I follow you…” and I would give her reason after reason…but in her room, when she asked me again I simply stated, “Because I love you.” Now she and I have been the best of friends for so long, so it was never odd for us to say that we loved each other. This time however, I meant it in a different context, so when she said “I love you too” all I could say is “it’s different with me.”

We didn’t get to delve much deeper than that because her brother knocked on the door, informing us that he and her parents were home. I stayed for a little while longer, and then I left.

On the second day back to school from the break, Emily gave me a call…We talked about this and that, just like we always did and then she said that she wanted me to tell her something and she wanted me to be honest…

“I’m always honest with you,” I replied, “Just ask me.”

“Are you a lesbian?”

“No...I’m straight…I just like girls.”

“So your bisexual?”

“I wouldn’t call myself that…It’s weird…why do you wanna know?” I asked, feeling slightly flustered. Then to even things up I asked, “Are you?”

There was a pause on the other end, and then…”I don’t know”

“Well are you attracted to girls?”

“Yeah, but I’m attracted to guys too. It’s hard to say since I have never been with either.”

“Yeah, that poses a problem…well have you ever had a crush on a girl the way that you have had a crush on a guy?”

“Just one.” She replied shakily.

At this point I was starting to get excited and nervous. “Do I know her?” I asked, trying to keep my cool.

“Actually…it’s you…”

I held my breath for what seemed like a whole minute, so excited I could have screamed. I had almost forgot that I was still on the phone when Emily’s voice came through again from the other end.

“Mina?...Say something…”

“How long have you felt this way?”

“Almost four years…”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I was afraid…but after you were here this last time, I just figured ‘what the hell’”

“Emily…there are so many things I want to say right now…”

“It’s okay Mina. You don’t have to say anything, I have to go anyways, but are you still willing to let me stay with you if I come up to check out the school?”

“Yeah of coarse! You are more than welcome to stay here any time.”

“Okay, well I will talk to you later then…”

She hung up and we didn’t talk for a while. After a few weeks, she sent me an email saying that she would be coming to visit and see the school in a month.

The day I went to pick her up at the airport I couldn’t keep calm. My body and mind were screaming. I was going to see Emily in less than an hour! When I got to the airport I couldn’t sit still…so I paced in the baggage claim, waiting for her to let me know that that the plane had landed. The cell in my pant pocked began to buzz. She was here. I can’t say why, but I didn’t want her to see me at first, so I hid behind a pillar. I watched as she walked down the moving escalator and onto the crowded floor, she was looking for me, but I didn’t come out from my hiding place. Then when her back was turned the other way I ran up behind her, cupped my hand around her perfect ass and squeezed. She turned around and her shocked face turned into a blushing smile. I pulled her into my arms and held her tight against my body, reveling in the feel and smell of her.

Needless to say I couldn’t hold her forever. I let her go and we made our way back to my car. We talked the entire ride home…about school, work, her new lip piercing (which was so incredibly sexy), my new tattoo, everything…accept the conversation that we had had a month earlier.

That first night I fell asleep looking at her, stroking her forearm, content to just touch and see her. I wanted to kiss her and taste her so bad, but it was too soon. The next morning she woke up when I held her hand to my face and brushed my lips against it. She didn’t pull away, but watched as I nuzzled her, then as if nothing was happening she started talking to me. We went over our schedule, and all in all the day seemed to play out normally.

On the third night of her stay, we settled down on the couch and started watching movies. She was leaning against me, and I couldn’t stop looking at her. A few times she looked over and caught me staring.

“What?” she would ask, and I would just smile and tell her to watch the movie. When I got up to change the movies out, she left to use the restroom. My heart was pounding. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I knew that she had never been kissed and I was afraid that she wouldn’t like it. I couldn’t expect her to make the first move though because I knew she was more nervous than I.

“So what are we watching next?” she asked, stepping out of the bathroom.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked turning from my crouched position in front of the TV.

“It doesn’t matter…we have a whole list to go through” I couldn’t take my eyes off her. After quickly putting the new DVD into the TV I got up and went to stand just in front of her. “So what are we watching?”

I placed my hand on her cheek, cradling her jaw, and leaned in…When my lips closed over hers I thought my heart was going to break through my chest. She was so soft and sweet. It must have only been a second, but it seemed like that kiss lasted forever. I then pulled away to look at her blushing face, and felt the color rise in mine. “It’s a surprise.” I stated and took my place on the couch. She came and sat next to me, curling up and leaning on me. I put my arm around her, holding her close. I didn’t watch any of that second movie that I put in…truth be told I don’t even remember what it was. I do remember that Emily tasted like peppermint and cloves. I remember the way her hand felt when she reached out and took mine from my lap. I remember her smell being exotic and mouth watering, and I remember the wet feeling between my legs after that kiss.

The following evening I took Emily out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, and then to a movie. In the darkness of the theatre I put my hand on her knee and rubbed my nails slowly along the inside of her leg. I could tell she was enjoying it because she slid down farther on the seat and spread her legs wider. I traced my nails along the seam of her pants all the way up and lightly stroked the crotch of them. She started breathing heavily, and I became a little worried that the other people in the theatre would hear her and know what was going on, so I decided to stop. As I pulled my hand away however, she caught it and pressed it between her legs, grinding on it. When she started to moan I pulled my hand away hard then took her chin in my hand and kissed her, allowing my tongue to slide between her lips and mingle with hers. “Wait” I whispered, “just wait.” She did, but I can’t say she was happy about it.

I held her hand for the rest of the movie, and when we got out of the theatre neither one of us said anything. The car ride home was in tense silence, and when we got home it took everything to keep control long enough to unlock and open the door to my apartment. After letting her through and locking the door behind me, I turned around and kissed her. I ran my fingers into her hair and grabbed a handful while my tongue danced with hers. I then slowed down and allowed my fingers to trace along either side of her spine down to the small of her back. I kissed her lightly on her lips, and when I grabbed her ass and pulled her against me I put her lip ring between my lips and sucked hard. She moaned and I felt a rush flow through me. Cupping her ass, I hoisted her onto my pelvis. She wrapped her legs around me and I walked her from the hall to my room, gently laying her on my bed.

She held her arms over her head so I could slide her shirt off. She hadn’t been wearing a bra and her small pink nipples were standing erect from her sweet tits. Placing my hand over one and twisting the nipple lightly I leaned down and kissed her, slowly making my way down her jaw and her neck, he collarbone, and finally to her hard little nipps. I kissed it and licked it, flicking it with my tongue then I let my teeth squeeze it and she moaned loud, raising her hands to clutch my hair. I then licked between the valley of her chest and to her other nipple. Again I sucked and bit. Her breathing was getting harder and I pulled back to look at her beautiful body. It was so perfect. I put my arms on either side of her and leaned in for a kiss. She obliged me, sliding her hands up the back of my shirt and pulling it off. She sucked on my tongue as she undid my bra and slid it down my arms. Pulling me forward, she let my nipple slip into her mouth and she began to suck hard. I moaned loud and my body shuddered. I looked down then between my tits and saw her hand make its way under her pants.

I pulled my nipple out of her mouth and kissed her, then I made my way once again down her body, pausing to suck on her hard nipples, and going farther down, licking her belly button. When I got to the edge of her pants I felt her sick in and hold her breath. I unbuttoned them and slid them off of her. There as a wet spot on her white cotton panties. I bent down and licked it. As soon as I did she let out the breath she was holding in a loud moan. I pulled her underwear off and looked at her sweet, wet pussy. She had it trimmed but there was still a fair amount of dark curly hair though. Through it I could see her tiny pink slit, wet and waiting. I leaned down and kissed her, running my hand down the curve of her body to the small patch of hair between her legs. I spread her nether lips and touched her, stroking the wet center. Biting her lip, I slid my middle finger into her dripping pussy. She was so tight and so wet, I was almost afraid that I was hurting her, but she never told me to stop. I leaned back from her then and watched my finger slide in and out of her. I pulled it out and licked her wet juice from my finger. I spit on my middle and index finger and centered them at the entrance of her hole, then I started to slide them in. It was much harder and tighter with two fingers, and when she winced in pain I immediately pulled back.

“No, its okay…do it” she whispered. I didn’t want to hurt her though, so I slid one finger back inside of her. I wanted to feel that pressure though. I wanted to feel the tightness of her on my fingers. Again I placed the pair at the center of her hole. I leaned down and kissed her again, hard and ravenous, biting and sucking on her lips, and as she moaned I shoved my fingers inside of her. It was so wet that they slid in without catching, but it was tight and the pressure on my fingers was incredible. She arched her back and then raised her hips, hiving me better access. I rammed my fingers in and out of her pussy hard and fast, turned on by her little cries of pleasure and pain. I then lowered myself and spread her lips with my other hand, so I could get a better view of my fingers sliding in and out of her. And when her swollen little clit peeked out from under its hood, I couldn’t help myself. I dropped my head down and began to suck it. At this, Emily screamed…

“FUCK!” she grabbed the back of my head and pressed it to her. I flicked my tongue over her clit and even pinched it with my teeth a little. She just kept screaming. I then broke through her hands and watched her buck as I rammed my fingers in her harder and faster. With my free hand I played with her clit, pinching it and slapping it and rubbing it hard.

“Yeah yeah yeah yeah” she cried, raising her ass from the bed trying to force my fingers deeper. With one last moaning, “Fuck” she hit her limit and warm juice squirted from her pussy, soaking my tits and neck and arms. I kept my fingers in her as the squirting subsided, wiggling them against the spongy inside of her pussy.

Finally, feeling kind of bad for teasing her more, I pulled them out and kissed her softly. “I’m sorry,” she gasped, short of breath.

“What for?”

“For…that” she said, looking at my chest. I looked down and saw her cum dripping off my still hard nipples.

“For squirting?” I asked, shocked. She nodded. “Babe I have never seen anything so sex in my life. I want to make you squirt.” I told her. She turned her head away and I cupped her cheek and brought her back, then kissed her once more. She rolled over and I scooted closer to her, wrapping my arm around her torso and holding her to me. She pulled my hand to her breast and laid it over top, allowing me to feel the goose bumps that covered her pale flesh and made her nipples hard. I pulled her closer and kissed her shoulder.

“I love you Emily”

“I love you too Mina” and we fell asleep.


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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

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A Bus Ride

I was riding the Greyhound Bus to visit a friend of mine. It was a long eighteen hour ride and I was bored out of my skull. My iPod was dead and I hated to read on a bus. This bus was filled with old people shuttling between stops on the back roads of Wisconsin and points south. We stopped at small towns and at one stop a man about my age boarded the bus. He moved his lanky frame to the rear of the bus, to the vacant seat next to me. It was the last two seats in the bus and they had the most...

2 years ago
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The Green Heron

"It was a green heron. I'm sure of it. I was strolling along towards the embankment and then saw it standing in the water. I stopped to look. It was having none of that. It flew away. But I'm certain it was a green heron. It must be lost. They live over in the Americas not in Spain. I read that last year, in 2018, one was seen over in Wales. That was only the second time they could remember it there. I've never heard of one here in Andalusia."Lorenzo wasn't a birder. He just happened to...

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Daddy And His Nymph Daughter

Waking to the quiet sounds of a sleeping household, the refrigerator humming to itself in the pre-dawn stillness he rises groggily to pee, absently pondering this mis-feature in human design, the eight-hour sleep cycle coupled with a seven-hour water tank. It is nearly time to rise and start the day and his mind wanders back to the empty spot where his wife had lain until she disappeared nine or so months ago; half hoping her body will eventually turn up in a ditch somewhere so that he can be...

2 years ago
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Winds of ChangeEpilogue

August 20, 2010 the Perseid meteor shower began its annual display in the night sky. Included in with the thousands of small meteors were hundreds of small probes which quickly covered the Earth sampling the air, water, population and Internet. No one on the planet was aware of their presence, nor heard the information transmitted back into space. A flagship of a fleet of several hundred ships hiding behind Jupiter received the transmission, and many hours were spent reading and interpreting...

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The Librarian

I walk into the vast library at around noon, prepared for a long day's hard study. As I walk past the front desk my eyes are drawn to a beautiful young lady who I've never seen before, sat busily stamping a huge pile of returned books. Long jet black hair, bright emerald green eyes, full pouting lips, slender neck and firm pert breasts hidden under a light floral dress, she is by far the most beautiful lady to ever work in the library. She looks up at me as I pass and for an instance our eyes...

3 years ago
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AllisonChapter 20

It was the following Friday and Ali was working on her investment portfolio in her office when her phone buzzed. Kathy said, "Ali, I need to see you. May I come in?" Ali agreed instantly and Kathy came in and sat down. She said, "There's a girl outside I think you will be interested in. Her name is Dolores Martinez. She goes by Debbie. She just walked in off the street looking for a job. I tested her and her secretarial and computer skills are outstanding. I think you'll like her. Will...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 10 Daughter MindControls Herself

Eve “Dusk” Michaels I had the best day at church. It was something I never thought I would think. Fun? At church? Those were places and concepts that did not go together. Unless you made love to your daddy in the nursing room while your mother and little sister were having lezzie sex nearby. Then church was fun. Hot. Exciting. My pussy ached in memory of losing my virginity to daddy’s cock. I sat beside him on the bench seat of his truck as we were driving to the computer part store. He...

1 year ago
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Seducing A Teenager

Hi guys here I’m narrating my first gay experience, I’m not a gay but the circumstances forced to make love with a teenager when I was at 25 years I was working a in middle east in a oil project, my company was big with more than 7000 man power, I was in staff category all our accommodation provided in camps because we are working in a remote area city is very far about 250 km truly we are working in the desert. Company provided bachelor accommodation for me accompanied by a mechanical...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Classy ConversionsEpilogue

The ringing phone interrupted her thoughts. Looking at the number, she smiled and picked it up and heard "Hey girl friend, how you doing?" "Sitting down here at the old plant. Going down memory lane." The blonde replied. The caller, a very successful attorney who was her life partner, replied "Don't' be getting all morbid and morose on me again." "I won't. Just sitting here and thanking god that this is over and we were both lucky. Heard from the boy yet today?" "He is...

4 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 56

Brock spent three hours before the last preseason game with John Milton in left field. Milton gave him a crash course on fielding balls that hit the wall and caromed back – something Brock had never considered. A player had to take a different route depending upon where the ball was hit. The angles of the wall produced deflections in varying directions and the outfielder had to be aware of them. The first hour was spent with a batting coach slapping balls off the wall at various points so his...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Roxy Lips Hardcore Office Romp

Sex craving secretary Roxy Lips can’t seem to concentrate on her work today. She has other things on her mind, namely a hardcore office romp with Raul Costa. He’s definitely down for the pussy licking occasion and dives his head down between the brunette babe’s tanned thighs to prime her for the pussy fucking to come. After a blowjob down on her knees, the Russian beauty gets her asshole turned out with deep anal penetration. Watch them fuck in 2D 4K or enjoy the immersive...

3 years ago
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Pirates of the Crimson Nebula

Looking out of your cabin's window, you marvel at the beauty and ever-changing tunnel of supra-light speed. Colors and shapes pass by and disappear behind the ship as it speeds closer and closer to home. The voyage aboard the Royal Saturn could not have been better. Three weeks sailing the star ways on the most luxurious cruise ship in the known galaxy was the best graduation present your fathers could have given you. With ports of call like Sevag 7, Rollad 3 and the Straeb Cluster, you've been...

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CadeChapter 15 Errands

Callie paced back and forth until the kids got home from school. She smoked one cigarette after another until only one cigarette remained in the pack and she realized that she had no way to buy more. The kids didn't immediately realize that Cade was gone. They went about their usual after school routine, putting their things away and doing their homework until supper time and then they noticed that Cade didn't come home and they began to sense there was a problem. Callie hadn't bothered to...

1 year ago
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Shatabdi Express And Seductive Pooja 8211 Pt 2 Thinking About Her All Day

I wanted to seriously attempt to try my luck with Pooja as she was alone. The ice between us was broken in the morning. Any discussion or conversation about that would certainly be exciting. I was taking care of her grandmother as of now. I had 2 mobiles. I offered 1 to grandmother to listen to devotional music. At first, she was reluctant. But once I placed an earphone on her ear with devotional songs of MS Subbalakshmi she was very happy. As she was listening to music, I kept digging...

2 years ago
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Sex games 5 part 1

Introduction: beach boy yacht club games I apologize to my readers. I renamed this series sex games after already naming the first three our sexy adventure. After our time with Mary we stuck around the cottage making breakfast and talking. Around noon we headed to the yacht club for lunch. We had burgers and fries and rested at our table . After lunch we headed for the club beach. We got towels from the beach boy and spread out on the sand. When you took off your T shirt you had a new white...

4 years ago
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Politics Prejudice Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

1 year ago
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NightfallChapter 17

Her father died a week later without waking up. John insisted that he knew she had visited him but she suspected that he was trying to make her feel better. Alex was there for her the whole time. He provided support and comfort without asking for anything back. She had to admit that she needed a baby-sitter and Alex had applied for the job. The funeral was the worst part. Everybody was looking at her as if she was an alien but they didn't speak to her. Her aunts stared at Alex trying to...

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The Electricians HaremChapter 18

Amanda and Jayne walked up the hill from Dr. Craig’s bungalow at 1PM. I had told them to wear bikinis, and we went out by the pool. We played in the pool and talked. I was non-threatening and not overtly sexual. When I could tell they were completely relaxed with me I started talking about why I hired women, and the kind of place I was trying to build. After I finished that I started to get specific. “How did things go for you guys last night?” I asked. “I thought your suggestion was good,...

3 years ago
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Max Level Benefits

It's been a long, hard life - killing basically anything you see in your path while adventuring, doing odd jobs for farmers, important missions for the military, hell, you've even saved Azeroth once! You've decided to retire from the adventuring life, and you wake up to a red envelope... 'Dear John Doe,' 'Due to your impressive accomplishments and service record, the Circle of Narzira would like to invite to to join our organization, including immediate access to all the privileges and benefits...

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How High a Price Contributed Conclusionsthe Troubador

My friends, this is not my usual story, which is a somewhat neat capsule of an incident in the life of a couple. This is about couples, choices, emotions. It has no sex, but is about sex. Be forewarned, there is no real ending in this story. There are precious few descriptions of the two characters. Gentle Readers, how you picture them is up to you. They are attractive people, keep that in mind. They are highly intelligent, caring and feeling individuals. Keep that in mind also. It will be...

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Jewelry Store

"Well," "I'm kinda hungry..." I reached up and slid one of the straps off of her shoulder. "...you know, for some nice soft breast." "Ohhh no please!" wailed Jolie as I slid the other strap down. You'll be fine. Just take off your dress," I said. I unzipped her dress and pulled it down exposing her breasts. I turned her around to face me as I pushed aganist the wall. Standing in front of her, I leaned over and licked her right nipple. Jolie whimpered " please no..please" as I...

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A Trip to Woodstock

The year was 1969 and there was all this talk in the news about a music festival that was going to be happening on a dairy farm in Sullivan County. Max Yasgur was going to be opening up his quiet dairy farm for what many were already calling one of the greatest festivals to ever be thrown. Not only was this festival the most ambitious to date, this was a weekend that would change the state of music and define a generation. This would be known as "Woodstock." An Aquarian exposition of three...

4 years ago
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Suckloving MotherChapter 10

Debra knew she was falling into a depraved state with her son, but she didn’t care. It was the way she had always wanted to be. It felt good to act depraved and wanton with Jerry. The lewder she could be with him, the more delicious it felt. Inside the house, she was totally without inhibitions, more than happy to assume any position her son wanted, and even some ideas she came up with herself. Jerry seemed to particularly enjoy seeing her on her back, with her ass lifted and her knees drawn...

3 years ago
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Jills Day OutChapter 2

The Instructions. Now, sitting alone in the café, she fought to remain calm. The note was typewritten; the previous ones had been scrawled, almost illegible. The instructions were clear; she must wear a dress, no bra. Suspenders and stockings, but not panties. High heel shoes with ankle straps. Jill was surprised by the "no panties" rule; he had seemed to like tugging them down her legs, then ordering her to step from them. Perhaps he just wanted some variety this time. She found herself...

1 year ago
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Mature German Red Head In Singapore

Hi, my name is Ruso. I am 23 years old and 6 feet tall. Am from Bangalore and went to study my Bachelor’s in Singapore. I currently reside in Singapore but I do often visit Bangalore. I used to be a professional athlete and used to represent India. Am quite fit and athletic. I am told that am quite blessed with a tool size of 8.4 inches long and 3 fingers thick. I take 2-3 hours to cum and hence usually prefer Older women who can handle my size and long hours of sex. So, this story happened in...

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Ann Gets Back

My now ex-wife and I met in college in the early 1970’s. Her name was Ann and she was beautiful: about 5’3”, long dark hair, nice tits that rode high on her chest. She had a way of looking at me that totally melted my heart and tickled my cock.  She oozed sexuality.We quickly became a couple. After our first sexual episode she was in love with my cock and I was in love with her slutty attitude and lack of sexual boundaries. She didn’t dress slutty, acted very innocent; but when the right...

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Christina Part 1

Christina was relatively new to the office. She had worked there for just shy of a year when it all started. She was a gorgeous 27-year-old. Her dark brown eyes would trap you in them forever if you weren't careful. Her long blond hair was always perfectly straightened and fell just below her shoulder blades. She had a girl next door quality to her, innocent and sexier than she knew. Christina was tall, about 5'7" without her heels on, so she had long legs that went to her absolutely perfect...

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Laura groggily wakes up, mentally trying to take stock of the situation around her. It takes only a second to wake up completely after she does that when she realizes just how bad it looks. She's just off of a park jogging trail and had been laying down on leaves and twigs, all of her clothes except her jogging shoes and some tatters of her shirt around her shoulders have been ripped away, and her pussy protests with soreness every time she moves. It's pretty hard to not come to the conclusion...

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Horny for Mum part 1

This is a first story. Some is true, some is fiction.Hey there. My Name is Robert. Some brief background: my older s*****r Wendy and I were raised by our mom, our dad having passed away when were young. Mom and Dad's f******s were longtime friends. They grew up together but Dad was f**e years older than mom. They started dating when mom was f******n and was n******n. Mom's parents weren't happy with the relationship but it was tempered by knowing dad all his life. Things soured though...

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