Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexChapter 18: Austrian Bait And Switch And Daddy's Counsel free porn video

Natalia Dumont hugged an upset looking Caitlin Dublin (AKA Heather) and pulled Caitlin down with her onto some soft mattresses; Natalia started kissing Caitlin and sucking her tongue fervently. Rolling onto her back Natalia pulled Caitlin on top of her and as they continued to kiss as they frantically rubbed their pussies and tits together and Natalia ran her fingers up and down the crack to Caitlin's ass until penetrating the lips and starting to apply pressure to Caitlin's pale rosebud. As the mutual pussy rubbing relaxed them both Natalia's finger was able to pop through Caitlin's very happy 'dirty hole' and start pumping feverishly bringing loud and erotic moans to Caitlin's mouth as the two continued their kissing. Natalia stretched out her free hand trying to reach something she knew was somewhere at her side however, since Caitlin didn't seem to ever want to separate from Natalia's mouth, Natalia couldn't turn to more easily find what she was looking for; she felt someone put something in her hand and for a second a slight memory that her and Caitlin weren't exactly alone beamed into her head, but on closing her hand on the double-sided dildo that had been placed in it that thought vanished once more. Pulling her finger from Caitlin's ass Natalia got her to sit up a second and she then sat herself quickly working one half of the dildo into her pussy with no great effort and then with a bit more love and caution she placed the tip of the other end at Caitlin's flowing opening and with their eyes locked she lifted one leg over one of Caitlin's (leaving the other leg under Caitlin's) and started to inch forward watching the dildo penetrate Caitlin's bare twat; seeing first the lips (outer and inner) separated to accept their guest and then observing Caitlin's number one love hole open and stretching as Natalia inched forward more and more bringing their twats right next to each other until they were kissing as passionately as she once more began kissing Caitlin in the mouth. When sure they had both truly adjusted to the size of the visiting members Natalia began pumping forward and back feeling the dildo that connected them inserted and extracted in both their pussies with each thrust.
Caitlin gave a sigh and reaching up grabbed one of Natalia's breasts and began to massage it tenderly. She giggled inside a little as she remembered how less than a month ago she was still freaked out by the mere thought of sex, regular as much as same gender, yet now she felt so comfortable with it; well with certain people anyway. DoubleD's cock pumping in her still calmed her more than anything, but the heat of Natalia's pussy kissing hers was something she lived for, Natalia's breasts, her ass her lips; Caitlin giggled internally once more as she wondered if there could be any chance she was turning gay; locking lips with Natalia once more she thought, "Nah, no chance of that, but I am definitely 100% bi-sexual!" She wondered for a second how she would survive when the tour was over and they reached Ireland, would she be able to find someone to satisfy her obvious needs there? She shook those thoughts from her mind, that was still a way off and there was no need to think about that now, not when she was having such a great time. She wrapped her arms around Natalia tightly as if never wanting to let her go (though she knew that now that they had crossed into Austria the little princess would not be with her much longer) this thought almost brought tears to her eyes once more and she began rubbing her twat once more into Natalia's (the dildo that connected them nowhere to be seen but very much felt in both of them) their tits also rubbed fiercely together and she could feel some milk dripping and squirting from her tits so strongly was she rubbing them with Natalia's; Natalia obviously felt it too and breaking their kiss she moved her mouth down and captured one of Caitlin's boobs between her lips and sucked, and sucked away looking to empty it of it's warm treat. Caitlin gave a loud yell as she suddenly felt herself cumming and cumming around the dildo that connected her and her friend ("her lover," she thought happily) she could feel Natalia cumming as well and once more filled a hand with one of Natalia's lovely orbs to knead it and pinch and stretch the nipple.
As they both began to return from their sexual highs they looked determined to continue connected and continue fucking a very long while longer when suddenly someone gave a strong and angry cough startling them both truly back to this reality looking around at the giant circle of Anderson-Wilson-Lewis-Dumas tour members they gave an embarrassed gulp but then giving Caitlin one more smile Natalia said, "So do you have any doubt that our friendship is and always has been real?"
Caitlin smiled back and after giving her another kiss said, "I'm sorry I freaked out; I don't even know why I did it, I mean it's not like either of us are gay and we're supposed to be soul-mates or anything; but anyway, I know we're really friends and we always will be even with you here in Austria and me in Ireland."
"Well that's great," Lana said somewhat cross, "so do you think you can continue the story now," she said to Natalia.
Natalia smiled and pulling separate from Caitlin pulled out the double-sided dildo and sat Indian style once more in the center of the circle; she however pulled Caitlin onto her lap and hugging her from behind dropped a hand to Caitlin's pussy and rubbing it gently said, "Right, my story; so where was I?"
"You and Dr. Lewis decided to change the rules in mid-play to throw Harris and Crawford off but you decided you needed an ally," Ron said smiling, his 8 1⁄2 inch cock fully erect (like the cock of all the other boys there).
"Right," Natalia agreed, "so like I said; I'd been watching Heather, Caitlin I mean—" (Heather had asked everyone to start calling her Caitlin as she felt she had to start getting used to the name and Caitlin was not only her name, it had been her mother's name and she wanted to wear it proudly), "—for some time; I knew that she would be perfect: she was my age, she spoke French (and since I was going to be pretending not to speak English that was very important), she had no previous ties to any of you (anybody with longer ties might have been more difficult to pass off as betraying you) and she was pregnant and having a future baby to think of gave her a good reason to want the world she was bringing that baby into safe." She now pinched Caitlin's clit and semi-whispered in her ears, "Not to mention that she was beautiful and I wouldn't mind fucking her any day not to mention getting some of that warm milk everyone seemed to be enjoying." Caitlin who had started to frown a little as she once more wondered if anything she and Caitlin had shared was real or if she had been nothing more than a convenient tool now smiled blissfully once more.
"So what exactly was this whole new plan about," John asked confused and then added, "and don't forget to show us this web log of our tour later," he threw Jen Lewis an angry look.
"Just to get Harris and Crawford to hand me an open-ended ticket with a federal visa that we will now give to Randy and which he will use to get easily back home," Natalia said in a 'I should think that part is obvious' tone.
"Hea-umm-Caitlin I just want to know," DoubleD said, "how did you know Natalia was on the up-and-up and you could truly trust her?"
"Your father told me," Caitlin said, "he contacted us while we were monitoring Crawford and Harris' inn room."
"You spoke to Dad;" Vixen said excitedly, "how did he look?!?"
"Like he's been living in the house of a multi-billionaire for 2 months," Caitlin said giggling, "I think he's put on some weight."
"He has not," Natalia said angrily, "if anything fucking Richard, Janet and me three to four times a day has left him a little thinner."
"I have question," Don said trying to get back to their information hunt, "how did you two know that Harris and Crawford's guns were full of nothing but empty shells?"
"Because we substituted the real ones and we knew there was no way they could have replaced them yet," Caitlin said smiling.
"You replaced them," Lana said shocked, "where?"
"At that last rest spot we stopped in while driving to the cabin," Natalia said, "we asked them to meet us there for an update on any plan changes; while there we drugged them and quickly replaced the mags in their guns as well as the extra ones they were carrying with the empty shell ones. When we revived them they had no idea what had happened."
"How did they not know they had been unconscious?"
"I didn't say they didn't know they were unconscious," Natalia said, "they just had no idea what really knocked them out."
"Weren't they curious as to what knocked them out," Lana said, "I don't understand that."
Giggling as she remembered her own encounter with Crawford at the Italian Strip bar Ana said, "I understand," and deciding to change the subject said, "So will we be meeting Dr. Lewis at the music festival to give him that ticket as well as the other things we brought?"
"No," Natalia said, "we can't be sure Crawford and Harris are out of our hair yet. They may have escaped the Cantons and if they have they are going to be extra angry and determined to get what they wanted. That's why we're using a little advertising strategy called bait and switch."
"Bait and switch," Debbie said, "that's illegal and it's not fair!"
Several of the people gave her a 'you're kidding right' look but Esther who wasn't very familiar with business tactics asked, "What's a 'bait and switch'?"
"Advertising gimmick to get customers to go somewhere expecting to find one thing only to find what was advertised wasn't there but the store is offering something else (usually of less quality in it's place)."
"And we're going to do this, how," Esther asked.
"All the music festival programs still have TXLT2, The Non-Children and Concert Soloist Jennifer Lewis among this years entries," Natalia explained, "unfortunately at the last minute neither the Non-Children nor Jen will be able to make this concert; luckily for the festival programmers they'll have some last minute replacements for them; The Dumas Family String Quartet and Concert Soloist Pamela Baker."
"And while Pam and the Dumases are at the festival," Ron said questionably, "the Lewises will be—"
"—partying," Natalia said smiling and getting up to walk over to the desk, get something from the drawer and return to hand it to Ron.
After reading the flyer out loud to everyone Ron said smiling, "I take it this is the only flyer that actually mentions the Lewises by name?"
"Not only that," Natalia said smiling, "it's the only one in English, all the ones pinned up around Salzburg are in German. Any last questions because I am getting tired of talking to tell you the truth."
"I have one," Jen said, "what happened to the data from the disk? I mean did Dad finally just decide to destroy it? That was the original disk I handed Harris; but if all it had was an Algebra text book then—"
"—the data is safe," Natalia said in a 'that's all I'll say about that' tone.
"I have one final question," Ron said standing up and pointing his erection at Natalia and Caitlin, "are you ready to be unconscious?" As he said this the other boys all stood up aiming their very hard cocks at the two girls also, "I ask because you seem to have gotten all of those in the testosterone league somewhat excited and we demand satisfaction!" He said this last part with a very evil grin.
"Well be sure to leave some of them conscious for us in the estrogen league," Lana said smiling somewhat wickedly herself, "you're not the only one these two hussies have excited," she looked down at the large moist circle under where she was sitting and looking over at most of the other girls found just as moist a circle under them.
"Sorry Ronny," Natalia said smiling, "but I never lose consciousness during sex, it's a bit hard to enjoy that way."
"Brother," John said smiling, "I think she's challenging us."
"I think so too," Ron said smiling, he then said to Lana, "Queen why don't you and the other girls start working on Princess Dublin there while me and the boys teach Princess Dumont here a lesson; a long lesson maybe."
"Cool," Lana said looking hungrily at Caitlin's boobs, "CUM on girls," she said to all the others, "WE'VE GOT MILK!" She quickly went over and extending her hand to Caitlin's helped her up and led her to another corner of the mattresses followed by all the females except for Vixen and Harlot. Ron instantly went over to Natalia and pulling her onto himself stuck his very hard cock up her hot box and without giving a thought to letting her adjust much (not that she needed adjusting since she was still somewhat open from her dildo action with Caitlin) started forcing his cock in and out of her strongly; Natalia immediately felt blissfully dazed but had hardly started getting use to the feeling when she felt John's cock at the opening of the butt forcing it's way through her rosebud and driving deep into her ass, pile driving in and out of her in rhythm with the cock in her twat; Natalia gave a happy yelp only to find a cock (Don's) forced down her throat; she was able to get a look around and saw Jack and Andrew Dumas on either side of her, their mouths looking to claim one of her boobs, she noticed however that DoubleD and Hustler had gone over to meet Vixen and Harlot and were now turning away from her; she also noticed Jason Wilson coming over with a powerful vibrator and soon as well as the cocks in her holes and mouths on her boobs she started feeling powerful and erotic vibrations throughout her body: her head, ears, neck, clit etc. No erogenous zone was left unattended, even her perineum between the cock pumping in her twat and the one pumping in her ass was constantly attacked. Natalia was not about to let anyone knock her out during sex, but she could sure let herself get lost in it. However, every now and then Natalia made sure to show the cocks around her who was really in control by controlling and flexing her vaginal, anal and throat muscles and making the cocks squirm joyously. As soon as one of the guys came (Don was the first not to be able to resist cumming any more) another of the boys replaced him (Jason was quickly pumping his cock in Natalia's mouth) while the one that had just cum gave his cock some rest (Don enjoyed taking over the vibrator attack of Natalia's erogenous zones as his penis looked to jump back to life).
On the other side of the Mattresses Caitlin was getting pretty much the exact same treatment except that it was tongues fingers and faux cocks pumping in all her holes and she always had a girl sitting on her face while two others sucked her boobs dry as they ran vibrators up and down her tits. Three of the other girls kept her pussy, ass, clit and labia on fire with non-stop vibrator attacks. Every time Caitlin would cum the girls in her pubic area would move out and the girl that had currently been at work in Natalia's cunt hole claim some good hot juice. When the drink was over they'd return to their attacks with another girl taking possession of the love cup. Everyone seemed determined to fuck these two girls into true unconsciousness, but these girls were actually pretty good fuckers and handled themselves very well.
"I can't believe we're going to miss trying to fuck those two out," Harlot said a little upset.
"Don't worry," DD said, "I have a feeling that soon we'll be among the only ones trying to fuck them out."
"What do you mean," Vixen asked confused.
"Just that that Dumont Masquerade we'll be playing at is nowhere near the inn we were supposed to be at. I don't think we're going to be going to the inn at all."
"Wait a minute;" Harlot said excitedly, "you think we're instantly going to where Dad is and stay with him while in Salzburg don't you?!?"
"I'm sure of it," as he said this he took a seat at the computer chair and booting it on quickly began to work with the IM program.
Pointing Harlot said, "Look she's on already; I hope she doesn't think we're late."
"Yeah, she almost bit our heads off right through the screen last time," Hustler said smiling.
"I asked Tammy to make sure she stays blissfully patient until we get on this time," DD said smiling.
"You don't worry about how close Tammy and Liz have been getting while you've been away," Vixen asked worriedly.
"Not at all," DD said, "hey, if when we get back Liz wants me to allow her to keep Tammy in our bed with her, who am I to upset her?" He said this with a bit of a smirk and Harlot and Vixen each punched one of his shoulders.
"Well if Lizzy wants to keep Tammy as a pet you just better share her," Vixen said.
DoubleD clicked Lizzy's IM ID and a window opened where they saw Carmen and Tommy kneeling on the bed with their asses pointed right at the camera; standing on either side on the bed, holding paddles, were Lizzy and Tammy and you could here a loud WHACK every time one of the two girls connected her paddle to an already very red butt cheek.
Smiling DD said, "Having fun girls," he noticed everyone in the room (obviously his old room) was overflowing with vibrators; he also now took note of the strings of medium sized anal beads being pulled every now and then from the Reyes kids butts.
Smiling Lizzy looked over to the camera and said, "Hi Love; you're late."
"You don't sound too mad," DD said smiling, "I take it you've been enjoying the wait."
"Someone," she said throwing an angry look at Tammy "has had me draining my aggressive feelings and I suddenly realize why." She then said to Tammy, "When this meeting is over I continue connecting this paddle to someone's ass," she went up to Tammy and locking lips with her began running a finger up and down Tammy's ass crack and kneading her butt cheeks a few minutes before breaking the kiss and saying, "guess who's butt will become as red as her hair."
"I can't wait to find out," Tammy said a little excitedly, but then added, "but we'll keep the Little Mistress' pets away from that okay?" She gave Lizzy another smile and kissed her again.
"Sounds fair," Lizzy said quickly turning her attention back to the Non-Children on screen. "I got the last of those Switzerland pictures; didn't you four get cold fucking in that ski lift like that?"
"Actually we were very hot," Vixen said smiling and throwing everyone on screen a quick kiss.
"Yeah," Harlot agreed, "a large cock pumping in a small cunt can cause a lot of beautiful heat bringing friction."
"I have to agree with you there," Tammy said suddenly turning Tommy around to lay on his back while she mounted him in a reverse cowgirl position and grabbing his cock directed it to her leaking cunt hole to quickly disappear in it as she started jumping up and down to feel him deeper and deeper in her. Every now and then she'd pull out one of the beads still in Tommy's ass.
Lizzy looked a little jealous and getting Carmen to turn around mounted her face and as she felt Carmen's tongue start exploring her pussy she said, "By the way, DD, have you noticed how big your son and daughter have gotten?" She ran one hand over her large tummy while grabbing the string of anal beads in Carmen's ass with the other.
"You're pretty close to your last trimester now," DD said proudly, "What does Dr. Livingston say about the babies?"
"She says they still appear to be a lot healthier than I am; she increased my medication a little though to make sure they stay that way during this last trimester."
"That's good," DD said smiling happily.
Lizzy, in the meantime, suddenly got extra excited again, but it wasn't from the tongue in her pussy; she had just caught sight of something in the background. "Are those Lisel and Heather getting full body treatments on the mattresses?"
"Umm—yeah Hon, though they're sort of called Natalia and Caitlin now," seeing Lizzy's confused stare he said, "never mind, long story. The important thing is that we've just crossed into Austria and we're heading for Salzburg now. I'll contact you as soon as we get to where we'll be staying in Salzburg since our—umm—sleeping arrangements might change."
"What do you mean by that," Lizzy asked looking at DD in a 'what's going on' way and violently pulling a bead from Carmen's ass (making her scream in Lizzy's pussy by the way).
"It's part of that same long story, I'll tell you when we get there," DD said suddenly nervous about giving too much information over the computer; the fact that several people had proven capable of tapping into their conversations in the past worried him a little; he didn't think either Harris or Crawford (if they had escaped) were anywhere near the Hannah, John, Jen or Natalia computer level necessary to break through an IM program's non-hacking defenses, but there were suddenly too many people able to do it for him to feel comfortable.
"What's wrong Honey," Lizzy said nervously as she noticed the worried look on DD's face.
"Nothing," he said smiling, "I was just worried because I haven't even tried to cum for you." He suddenly pulled the desk chair out a bit so his hard-on was visible and grabbing it started masturbating for Lizzy.
"Hey," Harlot said angrily, "how about you let one of us take care of that," and kneeling between his legs she started sucking DD's cock deep into her mouth occasionally letting it completely out so that Lizzy could enjoy a good viewing of the pre-cum and saliva drenched glans as Harlot licked around the shaft down to DD's balls.
Vixen instantly got extra hot (with the action behind her on the mattresses, the action on screen and now this fantastic blowjob right in front of her can you blame her) and dropping to her knees in a doggy-style position next to the desk chair she said desperately, "Hustler, what are you waiting for, stick that tool of yours in me now!"
Everyone on screen giggled at the relieved look on Vixen's face when Hustler quickly stepped behind her and plunged his cock deep in her twat pumping rapidly and forcefully.
Lizzy noticed that no one was about to talk again for a little while and, bending forward, started sucking Carmen's clit and running her tongue up and down Carmen's open and swollen labia as she continued extracting anal beads from her ass.
As they continued fucking until everyone on both sides of the screen had cum DD suddenly said, "While in Switzerland I learned a German name, a German boys name you might consider love," and smiling at Lizzy as she pulled her cunt juice bathed face out of Carmen's cunt he said, "the name is Reto."
"Reto," Tammy who was starting to come down from her own blissful heaven suddenly said, "What kind of a name is that?"
"It means 'of Rhaetia'. Rhaetia is a region in eastern Switzerland which got its name from the Rhaeti, a Celtic tribe who originally inhabited the area." Suddenly wondering why he was bothering explaining this to Tammy he said, "what do you think Love?"
"Reto," Lizzy said frowning, then thinking a little said, "Reto and Rita;" she suddenly smiled and said excitedly, "Honey, Reto could be a masculine version of Rita. Honey I love it!"
"I thought you might like it," he then said, "but they still get those middle names!"
"David and Elizabeth;" Lizzy said smiling, "I got you love. I better sign off now I think I'm near passing out." Looking behind the Non-Children she said, "Are those two still conscious?"
Looking around and smiling DD said, "Yeah, though it looks like everyone except for the Mistress, the Orgasm Queen and the Master have passed out."
"God why can't you bring me one of those girls as a baby shower present," Lizzy said in an 'I'm allowed to dream' tone.
"Actually they're a little too rich for our taste," DD said frowning.
"And Debbie and Katrina aren't," Lizzy argued but then quickly said, "anyway, I love you;" to the other Non-Children she added, "and thanks for cumming all of you."
"Bye Love," DD said, "I'll send you an email as soon as we get settled in at Salzburg to let you know when to meet us." He blew her a kiss and saying a quick goodbye to everyone else cut the connection. He then looked back at the mattresses and said to the other Non-Children. "I think it's time to teach those two girls who the only true Non-Children here are," and getting up he led the other Lewises back to the mattresses.
Three hours later as everyone rested and recuperated their strengths Ron said to Natalia, "So you're saying that you'll be getting off in about an hour and we won't be seeing you again, EVER?"
"I don't know about 'EVER'," Natalia said smiling, "but definitely not for a good long while, I mean when after this trip do you plan to pass by Austria again?"
Ron looked away from her with a sort of 'I'm getting gypped' look and he whispered something to Hannah who was lying right next to him. Hannah's eyes flashed and, nodding, she quickly got up and ran over to the desk to fetch something and hurry back. "You know Natalia you can't just leave us like this?"
"Like how," Natalia asked looking at him suspiciously.
Hannah who had sat back down on the mattresses on Natalia's other side said strongly, "With a need to settle a score!" Before Natalia could ask what that meant she found a mace like bottle shoved in front of her face and quickly sprayed.
Everyone else in the room (except for Caitlin) started to applaud on finally seeing Natalia as knocked out as most of them had eventually ended up.
Worried Caitlin said, "Umm, what are you going to do with her?"
Smiling Ron said, "Everything you saw her do to us, and a lot more."
"Okay," Hannah said strongly, "Into section one everybody, this is just between us;" and she looked down wickedly at Natalia.
"Hey," Lana said angrily, "I get to stay right; I mean I owe her a little something also."
"What do you think Honey," Ron asked Hannah.
"Those thumb cuffs were a bit unfair," Hannah said smiling, "okay sister, you can join us; everyone else though go now!"
"I suddenly feel very, very sorry for Natalia," John said as he led the way out.
When everyone was out except for Hannah, Lana and Ron, Ron went over and locking the door said, "What say we all dress up for this occasion, get Natalia's suitcase also."
Natalia started to regain consciousness very slowly; she was feeling strange (to say the least) and couldn't understand what was happening. She couldn't remember where she had been, less where she was now, all she knew was that her ankles seemed under a lot of pressure. She fought to open her eyes and after a great struggle finally accomplished the task only to wish she hadn't because she suddenly got a little dizzy as she realized the world was upside down (well that's what she thought at first until she came to her senses and noted she was the one upside down). Natalia was suspended from the roof of the tour bus and only chains connected to ankle restraints kept her from crashing on her head; her arms were tied behind her back and there was a ball gag in her mouth. Natalia also noticed that on looking down (that is up) to her legs that she was clothed in the uniform of the Erotic Ninja. "Oh, oh," she thought, "someone isn't letting me go without a little payback."
Hearing a door at her side open she turned her head towards the portable restrooms and caught sight of the Mistress of Pain stepping out of one of them and she looked pissed.
"Good, you're awake," the Mistress said on catching sight of the Ninja's open eyes, "that means we can start playing." Two of the other restrooms opened and the Orgasm Queen stepped out of one of them while the Master of Love (not looking very loving) stepped out of the other. "So are you two ready to share this toy," the Mistress asked putting a hand in the pouch that hung at the side of her belt and pulling something out.
"Absolutely Sis," the Queen said evilly, "this toy has no owner; it's for everyone to enjoy!"
"I'll have to agree with the Queen there," the Master said grinning wryly; then added, "and how often does that happen?" He was of course talking about him and the Queen actually being on the same page since they usually just wanted to kill one another.
They all walked up to the hanging toy and the Master stood right in front of her smiling, showing off his missing and deformed teeth as well as his macabre body art. Natalia trembled a little looking into the eyeless sockets of his executioner's mask and thought that if she hadn't seen the pictures of his battle on the Aphrodite's Pleasure with the Angel of Pain she would never have believed this was Ron, "I have to admit," She thought, "that is one scary get up!"
"What say we start getting her ready girls," the Master said laughing loudly and pulling something out of his own pouch; he then let the Ninja see that what he was holding was a clamp but it seemed to have a strong metal wire with loops on both sides of it. The Ninja decided to show no fear and simply threw the Master a defying, yet questioning glance.
Smiling the Master simply clipped one of the Ninja's nipples painfully.

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