Hardware & HarmonyChapter 14: Once Upon A Time free porn video

I realized as we sat there that we had finally made physical contact with each other. Both of us had recovered from her earlier melt-down and could once again carry on a conversation like old friends. She didn’t show any signs of being anxious to leave, so we continued to talk, trying to connect once more I suppose. I spent some time filling in the blanks on my activities for the years that she was away. I told her of my brief relationship with Rhonda Carter, but nothing more than vague generalities about any other liaisons I had.
We stood together in the kitchen, making some sandwiches for our lunch, still talking about the ordinary everyday things in our lives. I was interested to hear that her daughters were taught English and some Spanish, but she let them pick up as much Italian as they did on their own. Since Roberto and his mother paid little or no attention to the girls, there was no arguing about their education.
Anna Marie was a bright little girl, well ahead of a typical four year old. Marianna had been teaching her to read and write and do sums, and the youngster enjoyed the challenge of learning. It was a little too soon for Nicole to catch on, but Marianna was confident she was just as quick at learning as her sister. Both girls were excited to be here now with their grandparents and nieces and nephews. Why not? They were being showered with love and affection, not to mention being spoiled as well.
Marianna admitted that Nicole was named as a tribute to me. I kind of guessed that might be the case when I thought about it. “Her actual name is Nicola Angelica Alvarez. I never gave up my maiden name, and so the girls are also Alvarez,” she smiled.
“So ... I’ve heard about the ‘terrible two’s’,” I chuckled. “You seem to have survived them.”
“I was lucky. I guess because I was away so much that they didn’t have the same relationship with me that they might have had in a normal household. They were just relieved to see me home each time I returned from a trip. Not long ago, Anna Marie told me she worried each time I went away that I might not come back. I have no idea why she thought that, but I could understand her fear. I won’t let that happen again.”
“Yeah ... that would be hard on them at that age. No friends beside you and you were gone usually more than once a month,” I noted.
“We did have a housekeeper who was good to them,” Marianna explained. “Signora Tambellini was very good and the girls liked her. That also kept Signora Botelli and Roberto at a distance, not that they wanted anything to do with the young ones.”
“What a strange way to live,” I said, shaking my head. “You’re lucky it didn’t have a really negative affect on the girls.”
“It might have if it had gone on much longer. Anna Marie was aware of my arguments with Roberto, and I think she suspected the bruise on my face was a result of one of those arguments. I did my best to keep them insulated from my problems with Roberto, but I guess I wasn’t as careful as I thought I was.”
“But it’s over now,” I sighed. “That must be a tremendous relief to you. The girls are safe and surrounded by a loving family. You can still create your own career and earn a living. I guess, not considering all the money he stole from you, things aren’t as bad as they could have been.”
She nodded. “No, they are not as bad as all that. We’ll survive,” she smiled weakly.
Marianna left just before three that afternoon, promising to stay in touch, provided I promised the same. She was obviously worried that she had been severed from any relationship with me. As far as I was concerned, I didn’t know where I stood. I couldn’t seem to come to terms with her being back and being a part of my life in any fashion. We had been lovers, and I still had more than fond feelings for those days, but they were over six years in the past and the wounds of her abrupt departure still lingered.
I know what Mama Alvarez wanted. She wanted Marianna and I back together as we were then. I didn’t have any idea of what Marianna herself wanted. On top of that, I didn’t know what I wanted either. I was only just getting over the shock of her reappearance. The story of her life in Italy was not a happy one, to be sure. She had married Roberto for the wrong reasons and she paid the price for that in more ways than one. On the other hand, she had two beautiful daughters and that was a big plus. But what about me? What did I want? That was going to take some time to figure out.
Life went on almost as it had for the past couple of years. I had my duties at the store and my little projects of one kind or another. Our ukulele group was thriving and we had a couple of potential “graduates” to other instruments. Sam was progressing very nicely on his downsized guitar, while Randy was fascinated by a bass guitar that he heard me playing one day. I checked the Internet and found a number of smaller size units from half to three-quarter scale. They would be ideal for Randy if he was serious. Better still, they looked just like an electric rock guitar or bass, and that would go over well with him. On a hunch, I ordered one three-quarter sized bass in a burnt orange color with white trim. It wasn’t terribly expensive at $175, so I felt it was worth the risk.
There was something else I wanted to do as well.
“Hi Mama, can I speak to Marianna, please,” I said.
“Of course you can, Nico. She’s right here.” I could hear the smile in her voice. I had no illusions about her wish for her daughter.
“Hi, Nick. How are you?” she asked, her voice quite upbeat.
“I’m fine, thanks. I was wondering if you and the girls would like to come down to the store on Saturday morning. We have our ukulele jam session then and I was hoping I could entice you to maybe play a couple of numbers for the kids. It would be something for them to see a professional musician playing the guitar.”
“Yes ... I can do that. I’d be happy to,” she said.
“Great ... thank you Marianna. I think Anna Marie and Nicole will enjoy being with the kids too.”
“I’m sure they will. Shall I bring my own guitars?” she wondered.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” I said. “I’ve got amps available that you can use.”
“What time?” she asked.
“We start around nine and go to around ten-thirty. Don’t feel you have to stay for the whole session.”
“No ... I mean ... I’d like to see how you’re progressing with the youngsters. It sounds like such a good idea,” she said.
“Yeah, these kids don’t miss many sessions, so that tells me they’re enjoying it,” I said with some pride.
“Well, you can count on me and the girls for Saturday morning,” she confirmed.
“That’s great, Marianna. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”
“Thank you for the invitation, Nick. I’m looking forward to Saturday,” she said with that once again familiar smile in her voice.
We hung up and I had a smile myself at her easy acceptance of my request. I had an idea of something that would keep Anna Marie and Nicole interested. I hoped it would turn into a fun morning for everyone.

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