Campaign Of Poltergeist's MaraudersChapter 4 free porn video

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Mission 13

Planet: Lyreton
Base Defence

Poltergeist – Shadow Hawk
Dekker – Vindicator
Behemoth – Blackjack
Medusa – Centurion

Well this contract is going to be different. Capellan raiders have been detected making a raid on a research base so we have been asked to defend it and ensure that the researchers are safe and so is their valuable research and projects. The base is in an arid area so our mechs will heat up faster if we don’t watch our fire.

We were dropped off just to the west of the base and scans showed the enemy moving in from the west. We couldn’t put the dropship in danger so dropping away from the threat was the best.

We quickly moved through the base and set up a firing line just on the eastern outskirts. We had Behemoth in the Blackjack and Medusa in the Centurion on the northern end while Dekker in the Vindicator and I in the Shadow Hawk were on the south. I kept us a little bit further south because we got a report that they might try a flanking attack from this direction.

First contact was from the east consisting of a light fast moving mech and 3 vehicles keeping up with it. Behemoth moved into position and got a lock on a Galleon and destroyed it with a salvo of withering fire that opened it up like a cardboard box. Medusa opened up on another Galleon taking it out while a Firestarter that moved into the open got some damage to it’s paint job.

While that fight was happening to the north, Dekker detected the suspected flanking attack consisting of two fast moving mechs that appeared from around an outcropping of rock on the far side of the lake. I moved up to support him.

Up north, Behemoth killed a third Galleon and damaged the Firestarter as well. Medusa damaged the Firestarter again but couldn’t destroy it. Tough buggers. And nasty if they get close. Dekker in the south damaged a Commando and I took my shots at it but we just didn’t do enough damage to kill it.

I said the Firestarter’s are a nasty mech and Behemoth found that out when the Firestarter pilot jumped in close and opened up on her Blackjack with 2 medium lasers, 2 MGs and 4 Flamers. This was not good for Behemoth as her mech was heated up significantly. Too much more firing and she could overheat and damage the mech or even shutdown.

At this time, we saw a dropship come in and land just to the north of the base. It was not ours and we had not been notified of any reinforcements so this was a third set of enemies we have to deal with. This was only reinforced by a couple flights of missiles coming in and damaging some bade buildings. Things got a bit more complicated.

Behemoth was forced to try and cool down by firing a single medium laser at the Firestarter which of course was not a golden BB shot killing it. A bit of paint and armour melted away. Medusa moved up and got scans on the new enemy lance coming in and using multi-shot was able to damage the Firestarter, damage a missile Locust and kill a Galleon tank.

Down south Dekker killed a Locust while I killed the Commando. Hopefully we can get some salvage from them. But to the north, Behemoth in her Blackjack is taking more damage from the Firestarter as well as heat damage from overheating when it walked up and punched her mech. Those flamers and MGs also attack when it punched and makes it a very nasty melee mech.

I was moving back north to reinforce them and I got a nice target lock on the Firestarter and using my targeting computer I could pin point the centre torso of it and was able to destroy it. All that training paid off big time. Dekker was able to lock on and fire his missiles at a Spider indirectly.

Behemoth was still dealing with high heat so could only damage the Spider with her AC5’s. Medusa using his training in multi-targeting was able to fire at and damage the Spider, Locust and Galleon. His luck was amazing as he destroyed the left arm and torso on the Locust as well as the left arm and torso on the Spider.

Dekker kept moving and fired missiles at the Galleon indirectly. I kept on moving up as well and fired on the Spider with some indirect missile fire but it only damaged it. The Galleon crew moved up and got a lock on the Blackjack and ripped the left torso and arm off the mech. That took out half of her firepower in one salvo. Yang will not be happy as it will be a expensive repair and long one at that. Behemoth aimed at the Galleon and returned fire killing it but she still lost that torso and arm.

Medusa couldn’t get a good lock on the Spider or Locust so could only fire at the Locust indirectly. I also fired at the Locust indirectly as it had moved close to a cliff. Dekker also joined in with trying to kill the Locust with missiles but it kept standing. The Spider moved into position to fire at my Shadow Hawk but it was just minor damage.

I returned fire on the Spider and then the damned Locust fired at me as well. Medusa got a good lock on the Locust and killed it with some good shots and damaged the Spider who was trying to run away. Behemoth was the one to finally kill the Spider and we were finished with this battle.

Time to call in the dropship and let the salvage teams pore over the wrecks to see what they can find for Yang to use.

Back at base we found out that our success was even better than we had believed because we were given a bonus for protecting all the base buildings and wiping out all the enemy mechs. A 40% bonus in money is always good.

Salvage from this was good in that we got a piece of the Commando, part of the Locust and 2 pieces of the Firestarter. Yang says that will be enough for him to rebuild the Firestarter and add it to our line up.

Unfortunately, Behemoth will be in the med-bay for 20 days while she heals. Her Blackjack will be in the mechbays even longer as Yang and his techs have to rebuild the left torso and arm and replace all the weapon system in them. It will be in there for 37 days. Damn.

While that is happening, Yang will get his techs to rebuild the Firestarter so they can then work on fitting it out with a range of weapons to suit. Lots of fun.

Mission 14

Planet: Weldry
Capture Directorate warehouse

Poltergeist – Panther
Dekker – Vindicator
Behemoth – Shadow Hawk
Glitch – Centurion

Well while we are repairing and rebuilding our mechs, we decided that a change of planet would be good so we accepted a contract on Weldry. It was a 15 day trip so we could focus on helping Yang and his techs with repairs and relaxing between training sessions.

We dropped into a forest just outside the detection range of the base defences. As we moved in, we started to detect a range of turrets set up to defend against a raid like this. Behemoth got a good lock on a sniper turret armed with 4 x AC2’s and 2 x MGs. A very long range turret but not very well armoured. Dekker got a target lock and fired, destroying it in a cloud of debris as the ammo cooked off.

I moved up and fired on a Light Laser turret which was only armed with 2 x Medium Lasers and 2 x MGs. I only did armour damage and Dekker had to finish it off with a salvo. Glitch was still moving in and hadn’t had any fun yet as we picked off the defences.

Behemoth killed another Lt Laser turret while I damaged a Shredder turret that looks nasty with it’s 2 x SRM6 launchers and 2 x Flamers. We really don’t want to get in close to those. We didn’t keep an eye on our scanners so the two Locusts who appeared out of the forest were a surprise and they opened up on Behemoth’s Shadow Hawk doing damage.

Glitch was in just the right position to open up on the turret damaging it and a lucky shot drilled a Locust and killed it. Behemoth tried to do the same and killed the turret but completely missing the Locust she aimed at. She’s not going to like the teasing she gets for that one. Dekker used a precision shot and kill the Locust. I think he was just showing off with that one.

A enemy Jenner came running out of the deep forest and opened up on Behemoth and damaged her mech. I did a precision shot at the Jenner but it was still combat effective and it took Behemoth getting a bit of revenge with a precise shot into it’s centre torso to take it down.

There were no more enemies on our scanners and the factory signalled surrender since we took out all their defences. Success.

Salvage teams and dropship came in and we walked away with a nice bit of salvage in weapons and mech pieces. We picked up 2 x Locust pieces and 1 x Jenner piece and Yang will be able to rebuild it if we need to.

Mission 15

Planet: Weldry
First Strike

Poltergeist – Centurion
Dekker – Shadow Hawk
Behemoth – Blackjack
Medusa – Vindicator

This mission was a lot harder than we expected but it wasn’t because of who and what we had to fight, it was because of what we were attacking. On Weldry the Directorate has a prison, the Ice Box, and they are keeping a lot of nobles and commoners here for re-education purposes. But we didn’t know what they were really doing here until after the battle.

The prison was in the tundra area of the planet and this will be good as it helps to dissipate the heat our mechs will generate by moving and firing. It will also help the enemy but that’s the breaks. The poor foot soldiers will have a further danger to worry about in the large biting insects that swarm all over the planet. They are the size of an adult’s thumb so could even be of a size to threaten a battlemech.

While here on planet, Yang went shopping at the local stores looking for interesting equipment and weapons and possibly any mech pieces. He found one woman who was selling 2 sections of a BJ-1 Blackjack and with those pieces, we had another Blackjack for our company. It will be a very welcome addition to our firepower since our other Blackjack is still being repaired.

This is our first strike against Lady Arano’s traitorous uncle and cousin who have been ruling the Aurigen Directorate since usurping the throne of the Aurigen Coalition on Lady Arano’s coronation day. They have been running rough shod over all opposition and today we strike back in a way that will start removing any support he is forcing.

We got dropped off in a pass leading towards the prison. This was chosen because it was close to some power generators for the prison fixed defences and taking them out will be our first priority. Then we have to deal with any mobile forces guarding the outside of the prison before we can break in and deal with any guards inside.

As I moved around to the west of the hill with the generators, Dekker, Behemoth and Medusa used their jump jets to jump to the top of the hill and getting locks on the power generators. Once we have line of sight on them, we can get this battle started.

As I moved on the western road, I got scan returns on vehicles and a couple turrets. I saw a Scorpion light tank moving into position to fire with two unknowns behind it. I also saw a quartet of power generators tucked in close to the prison walls so we will have to deal with them as well.

The trio on the hill all took aim at the power generators and with salvos of cannon shells, lasers blasts and missiles they destroyed both of them and left them burning.

As I moved towards the prison, I was able to see that one of the unknown vehicles was a Bulldog tank and the turret was a sniper turret with quad AC2’s. The turret was my first priority because I knew I could kill it. And that is what happened, I got a lock and fired and all my shots went home, blowing it up when the ammo was set off.

Medusa took some missiles from the distance but couldn’t see who fired them at him. He jumped closer and spotted a Striker but he couldn’t get a lock on, so fired at the Bulldog and damaged it. Behemoth used her training in being able to aim at multiple targets and split her fire between the Bulldog and Striker and her aiming was spot on when both vehicles were destroyed in explosions.

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Queen of ThievesChapter 10

Brena took a deep breath and prepared herself to enter a true unknown. At the door, she waited a few seconds then carefully studied the handles, looking for anything that might be a trap. She didn’t see anything so carefully grasped the handle and pulled. The door opened smoothly and silently, not a squeak or groan to be heard. When it was open enough for her to slip inside, she un-shouldered her bag, slid in the narrow gap, then pulled the door shut behind her, shutting out the night. She...

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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt2

After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt's house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me; he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child.From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you; black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large; set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 112

The trouble started right away, the Secret Service decided they were in control of my security. They went through a whole list of demands and orders like I was a child. They even wanted an agent to accompany me in the bathroom. When they finished, I started speaking. ‘‘First, this is how it’s going to be. My personal security is going to be my JBG security. We train together and know what to expect from each other and what our limitations are.” ‘‘They trust me and I trust them - they have...

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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 24

"You didn't seem very surprised that I was still in the building," I told Fred when I finally was sitting in his front seat with him. For the first ten minutes or so he'd had me crouched down on the passenger-side floor, where I couldn't be seen, just on the off-chance that Cesar and his guys were still around. It seemed sensible; I'd go through a good deal more than that to avoid meeting them again. "No," he said briefly. "Was it that obvious that I hadn't gone out?" I asked...

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"Anyway, I talked to a Michael Andrews, who seemed very shaken by this ordeal." "Who can blame him?" Margret asked. "Wait until you hear about his sister," Detective Miller pitched in. "Look, this Michael reported seeing a flashing light before everything happened, did anyone else get that?" "Yes," Christine answered, "Heather... Heather Andrews, Michael's sister also reported seeing a light, she also said she saw someone running away afterwards." "You think a...

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Another pussy for Christmas

Another pussy for Christmas ***** In "A pussy for Christmas," Paul asked for a pussy for Christmas, without realising that "pussy" has a double meaning. In this sequel Paul, now Paula, visits her cousin Joseph, who turns out to have a very similar wish. (You don't really need to read "A pussy for Christmas," but it helps. If you want to, just click the author link at the top of this page and it should be easy to find). ***** Paula looked into the bathroom mirror and...

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Masturbating With High School Pal

"Are you sure," I whispered to my best friend Cristal whose face was inches from mine on my bed on a sunny Texas winter afternoon after school. We had the house to ourselves as a cold wind blew outside. We were warm and comfortable laying face to face. I could smell her lip gloss and her makeup. My vagina was gurgling urgently as I felt her slip her fingers inside her jeans."Yes, I'm sure," she said as her eyes diverted down to my mouth where my fingers were entering. I liked to lick them...

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Not sure how true some of these stories on here are! But I assure you this is a true story about my X wife and her crazy masturbation habits. That I must say that I miss getting to see. But the sex is about all I miss about her! Being that we were married for over 20 some years. And she ends up turning into a crack cocaine addict! To make along story short. That's what ended our marriage. But any how she is now a very small blonde milf with blue eyes. That's about 45 years old. She still looks...

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I have my Mothers Genes and love for Men

They say the answer is in your genetic code and I inherited my looks and sexual drive from my mother.She was also a tall blond, with slim figure and typical Swedish attributes, blue to grey eyed, small breasts and alabaster skin, that turned golden, when tanned.Mummy had other attributes, perhaps an abnormal level of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for both our high sex drive, yes I also inherited the need for men, more tellingly, groups of men, at the same time.I was introduced to...

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MylfDom Becky Bandini Submissive Stress Free Snatch

Powerful MILF Becky Bandini has had a tough week at work. Everything seems to be going wrong, and the stress has been building up. To get some relief, she needs to let loose and submit to a strong guys sexual will. She shows up at our studs house ready to let him have her. He wraps his fingers around her throat and makes her crawl into the living room. She pulls down her bra and exposes her lush tits. Then, he sticks his fingers in her MILF cunt and makes her cum until her eyes roll back in her...

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Mistress is Pregnant

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Watching my best friend fuck my mum

This is a true story About a month back I went on holiday with my mum debbie and I took my mate kyle with me.We went to turkey for a week , the hotel was really nice and because I had kyle with me I wouldn't get boredThe first 2 days we just had a good look round the hotel and just chilled out reallyMy mum would just go down to the pool and read her books all day working on her already dark tan My Mum Is 48 and looks quite good for her age she is around 5 ft 8 , a little chubby but not big she...

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The Library

As Cora neared the library, she felt heart beat a little quicker than usual. Immediately, she knew why and was not surprised. She was hoping he would be there again, sitting alone at his table, surrounded by his regular pile of art books, wearing his worn blue turtleneck sweater. Cora always did like visiting the library; she loved the smell of the books, the feeling of being surrounded by so much knowledge, so much inspiration. But ever since she saw him for the first time, last Friday, her...

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There’s more to life than blowjob movies and lesbian films. A well-rounded daily routine also includes jerking off to airtight orgies and cosplay girls spreading their buttholes. That’s just some of the perverted shit I see on the front page of is a new contender in the battleground for your free masturbatory time. The free tube wasn’t even registered until the very end of 2019, but has been picking up a fair amount of steam lately. I am The Porn Dude, so naturally, I’m...

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One Girl Two Guys Pt 01

Nina’s phone vibrated in her pocket as she grabbed her bag and clocked out of work. She worked at a pastry shop, and although she loved pastries, she couldn’t stand the scent for another second. She stumbled out the door and sprinted to her car. It was Friday night and she had never been more excited to get off work. She remembered her phone had vibrated and gleefully pulled it out. She knew it would be Aiden. ‘Are you still coming over tonight? :)’ She smiled to herself. Aiden was a star...

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Nicoles sweet secret with the teacher

Note : This story is completely fictional! At age 42 I had been teaching high school PE for 21 years. When I started my teaching profession I always enjoyed teaching the young ladies in my physical education classes. As I grew older my interest in the girls had turned from enjoyment into a sort of perverted attraction. For years I had admired their youthfulness and charming smiles. But now my desires as a man had turned, and my admiration was now more of a lust. I never let on to even a single...

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Thumper Ch 03

Previously… With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors. **** George drove his rusted pickup past the university campus where he’d been chasing tenure for the last several years. It was Friday evening and students wandered the lamp lit paths, hurrying to their dorms or to some club or another. As for George, he had a date. No,...

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First Time Fuck With the Family Dog

Cody, being of legal drinking age, offered me one of his beers to ease my nerves in preparation of finally losing my virginity -- to the family pet! He turned on the big-screen living room TV and soon a porno was playing, porn actresses' moans echoing through the house. My brother cheered as a huge-titted porn star's face was nutted on by one of the male porn stars. I watched from the kitchen, sipping my beer and petting Bones on the head. He sniffed under my short flowered dress,...

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About my new master

Hello my name is Mika and I am 18 almost 19 years old. I have large breats with a small waist, apealing to any man. I recently applied to a advertising agency for women seeking men, and I got about a million replies but there was one that tickled my fancy. He says his name is Eric but his screen name says master4u. When i opened the email i was immediately attracted to the detailed way he described our first encounter. I decided to meet him that afternoon. I ran to my bedroom tingling with...

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The Courtesan 2The Monster Within

 I stood in the glass enclosure as streams of hot water caressed my shoulders. I kept thinking about that phone conversation I'd had with my husband. Sometimes when I'm stressed, a bath or hot shower brings clarity to my thoughts. Everything that happened these past few days had brought me to this critical crossroads in my life. I knew whatever I decided from this point on would profoundly determine the future of my marriage, family, and life in general. Undeniably I was attracted to Kurt, but...

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Ski VacationChapter 2

They made their way to the kitchen with Laura throwing an extra wiggle into her step. She was starting to get into this exhibitionism. It was as if watching Roger walk across the sunroom of that chalet with his hard dick bouncing back and forth had turned on some kind of switch in her. They had never gone out of their way to hide their nudity from each other, but neither had they obviously walked around nude the way Roger did by the hot tub earlier. Now that Laura had watched Roger walk...

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Weekend Chores 7

I woke up with my cock in her mouth.  I looked down and couldn't see the action.  Her hair was spread out all around her head, hiding the incredible things she was doing to me.  Her robe was also open and spread across the bed like a blanket.  She was nude underneath.  "Mom..." I moaned.She popped her head up, a smile on her face, lips slightly swollen from working my cock."Hey baby!  Good morning!" she said with a huge grin, and then went back to sucking my cock."Mom, I'm close!" I warned...

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Grand dadChapter 6

There were an awful lot of grins around the dining table that night. But only Pop and Kathy and Peggy seemed to notice. Polly kept talking about school and Paul was talking about work. Peggy smiled and said, "Do you guys realize I will actually graduate from High School in a few weeks. Granddad promised me he would take me to Los Vegas for the weekend as a graduation present." Everyone looked at Pop and he nodded. He had asked Kathy if it would be OK and she had quickly agreed but only for...

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