Reginald's FamilyChapter 10 free porn video

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Reg returned to answer a barrage of questions, but each answer reduced the questions coming from all sides, until he had given enough answers to prevent any more. He took a deep breath as he finished.

“I shall take it that you all understand what we have to do, and why. For those of you who have not taken any self-defence classes, we shall arrange for these shortly. My four wives and I have all done the short course, so we will be your designated bodyguards for the moment.” Fiona, standing in the background, felt her face crumple, by not being described as a wife. Reg noticed, and added, “You will all have noted that I referred to those people who have done the course.” Fiona, who had not done such a course, suddenly cheered up and smiled brightly again. It was the twins who were now demanding answers.

“Reg, we have to go out regularly to do shopping for the family, and we normally go for a constitutional walk several times a week. Can we still do these things?”

“Girls, there is no restriction in WHAT you can do. The new rules basically mean that someone with self-defence training has to go with you, and you follow their instructions for your own protection. Is that clear enough?” They both smiled at him. Holly asked, “Fine, Reg. Does that mean that sometimes YOU will be coming with us?” She grinned even wider. He admitted, “It depends on who is available at the time, but that is a distinct possibility, Holly.” He was surprised at being able to tell them apart, knowing that it was Holly who had spoken; it must be experience, spotting tiny differences, how each did things, he surmised. Being able to tell them apart might prove useful in future. Frances now chipped in, as spokeswoman for the rest.

“Darling, do you want a timetable drawn up for outings? What about once we are back to our classes, and Carol and Holly on their own? Do they have to stay indoors while we are away?”

“A valid question, Frances. Taking the Sergeant at his word, I am afraid that will be the case. We shall have to get our shopping done after we get home. That makes sense in other ways, as neither of them has a car, and the shops are a fair bit distant. Someone loaded with shopping bags is more at risk than a person not so encumbered. The other possibility is to order the shopping online, and have it delivered, except ... the twins would be vulnerable when they came to the door to collect it. Ideas, anyone?” There was a short silence, then Erika ventured, “A cat flap?” Reg queried, “How do you mean, Erika?”

“I was thinking that somewhere, front or back door, we fitted a hinged flap, with a couple of bolts to make it secure when not in use. Our delivery instructions could be, ‘go to the back door and identify yourself, then the delivery flap will be opened, and you push all the goods through the flap to the person on the inside.’ When the delivery is complete, the girls bolt it shut again. That way, they never have to open the door to anyone.” Frances mused, “Good plan, Erika. What about the dimensions? They would probably be large enough for a man to crawl through, wouldn’t they?” Reg was not fussed.

“We could fit a metal cage onto the back door where the flap is going to be. It would hold the delivery, but not permit a man to get fully into the house. The cage could be padlocked in place, so not difficult for us to take it off to collect the delivery, but secure enough from the point of view of entry.” Frances was happy to agree. “I can get Daddy to order the alterations, dear. Are you sure you don’t want a vestibule to be built on, instead?”

“God, no. That is an unnecessarily greater expense, Frances. I don’t mind your Dad spending money where it is needed, but in this case, little is better; believe me.” Fiona came up to Frances to ask, “What was all that the policeman asked about Aitchisons? The policeman wanted to know if I knew them, but I hadn’t the faintest. Who are they, Frances?”

“You don’t want to know them, Fiona. That lot are a bunch of criminally-oriented nuisances. The boss of the family was a Squadron Leader in the RAF’s bomb disposal arm, but came from a landed family short of cash. He conned his way to a medal that should have gone to another guy; he has a grandson who is a burglar, and a nephew who is a bully and a car thief. We had a run-in with some of the family, and later they tried to bribe us to refuse to testify in court. This is the bunch that have disappeared, and the police suspect MIGHT have us in their sights. You have joined us, which makes you an additional target, Fiona. Sorry for that, but it was not our choice.” Freda had a question.

“Reg, when we go back to the university, what sort of personal protection will we have there? I don’t think the police have a remit on the campus, do they?”

“That is a matter worth investigating, Freda my love. I shall put it to Sergeant Phillips that some sort of protective measures should be put in place. After all, one of the perpetrators is a student there, even if he has disappeared for the present.” Prudence suggested, “Why don’t we also speak to the university security team, and ask them to liaise with the police force; sort of belt and braces?”

“Another good idea, Prudence. You girls are much better then merely pretty faces: you are clever as well as sensible and loving. I love it!” The girls all giggled at this praise, and Carol came out with, “Do we get included in this, Reg? Holly and I reckon we are good-looking and sensible; probably also clever and loving, even if your wonderful wives are your primary loves.” Reg made a quick calculation. “ALL of you girls are worth loving; it is up to you two and my wives how far that goes. Being naturally comely or naturally plain is not a person’s choice, so is immaterial when it comes to love and loving. Your personality is what determines whether you are lovable or not; and you all have great personalities, in my humble opinion.” Frances grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek. “Reg, your talent as a speaker has exceeded our tuition! That was a very political speech indeed, darling.” Quietly, he confided, “I had to do some quick thinking, my love!” She turned his face round and kissed him soundly on the lips. He responded in kind, and in moments found his other wives wanting the same. After Fiona had at last been kissed, he found that Carol and Holly had joined the queue. Accepting the inevitable, he granted them the same loving kisses. They were delighted. He turned them both away from him, and patted their bottoms to push them away, saying, “Now get on with your work, girls.” They giggled as they did so, having made their point. Reg now got to the phone, and first rang the university admin. Asking for the security team, when he got through and identified himself, he explained the police’s concern for him and his family, and asked if they would work with the police force to keep a protective eye on the Robertsons. Reg added, “Please include Fiona Prentiss, as she is now resident at the same address. The local police have suggested she may also be vulnerable.” He was told, “We will have a quiet word with the local bobbies, and come to an agreement. Who is your contact there?”

“Sergeant Terence Phillips. He knows everyone staying here.”

“Terry? I know him; reliable guy. I’ll speak to him myself and get the low-down. Leave it with us, sir. I presume you will be starting on Monday as usual?”

“Yes. I don’t think any of us needs to be there earlier. Thanks for any help you can provide. Oh, by the way, do you know if Jim Fitzgerald is coming back on Monday?”

“Jim Fitzgerald? Now, that name rings a bell. Hang on a mo,” he vanished from the phone for about thirty seconds, then was back on the line. “Jim Fitzgerald sent us a message yesterday, saying that due to a family bereavement, he would be delayed in returning. That was to ensure he would not officially be marked as absent from classes until he returns. You know about these things. The time can vary depending on who the relative is, and where the funeral is. It might be in Alaska, so the time away can be considerable; a week or more.” Reg agreed. “Yes, I quite understand. Where did Jim send his message from? Do you know?”

“It was a phone call, but it would be logged automatically on our call computer, with the number that he was calling from.”

“Excellent. I hope he will not be gone long. Thanks again. Bye.” Next, Reg called the Sergeant, and got him almost immediately.

“Mr. Robertson? I have only just arrived at the station, and you are calling me already? What has happened?”

“Nothing directly, sir. I was speaking to the university, to ask for cooperation with yourselves in protecting us at the university, and happened to find that Jim Fitzgerald made a call yesterday to be excused for a while, due to, quote, a family bereavement. I understand the university’s computer that controls the telephone system logs every call, including the number an incoming call comes from. I thought that fact may interest you.”

“Good God, yes! I’ll get in touch with them right away.”

“The chap I spoke with in security seemed to know you: called you Terry. He said he would contact you about cooperation.”

“Oh, that would be Gerald. I’ll speak to him as my first contact. Thanks for the heads up, Mr Robertson ... sorry ... Reg.”

“That’s all right. See you again, sir. Bye for now.” Reg put the phone down and pondered. He had done as much as he could to protect his flock, except get the others the same self-defence training from Tom Hancock, but that would have to wait until university classes resumed. Fiona would be simple to get trained there, but Carol and Holly? Perhaps Tom could be persuaded to come to the house to train the twins? Prudence was passing as he was thinking this, so he called to her. “Prudence, dear, can I have some input?” She smiled at him and said, I can give you input any time, my love, and I just LOVE your input, but I presume this is business?”

“It is. Do you think we could persuade Tom Hancock to come to this house and give self-defence training to the twins, and probably to Fiona as well?” She pursed her lips, then nodded. “I don’t see why not, Reg. Tom is pretty cool with the things we have asked him for. If we included an evening meal with the deal, I expect he would be happy to oblige. We can afford his fees for the training, so don’t concern yourself about that aspect, darling.” Reg grinned at her. “I’m much more solvent now, but my concern is more about my girls. That means you, my gorgeous wife. Come here for a cuddle. I want to feel your lovely breasts again. You have put on the amount of weight you needed. You become more attractive every day, my love.” Prudence gladly came into his arms and did her own cuddling.

“This is nice, Reg. If I didn’t have to share you, we could do this a lot more often.”

“True, but you are happy to share, aren’t you, my darling Prudence?”

“With these girls, yes. I have no idea how I could be so happy with them, Reg. They are so loving; but I was surprised how readily they – and I, for that matter – took Fiona to our hearts. It must be your influence: you have such a big heart, big enough for us all, even the twins if it comes to that.”

“Ah, yes. The twins. I was so much expecting them to treat me as a temporary infatuation, and find young men of their own, but so far it doesn’t look like going that way. Should we give them a bit more time to settle down before we seriously consider them for joining our family?” Prudence took another look at her husband, and noted how serious he was.

“Darling, you continue to amaze me. Another two girls throwing themselves at you, and your worry is about what is best for them? Seriously, I am sure that a delay would be a good thing, to allow them some more thought about their future. At the same time, we mustn’t let them imagine we are rejecting them. They have to know that at the end of a period of reflection, it will be their own decision to marry us or not, given that we regard it as for life. If they have the reassurance that they are still in our sights as possible wives, they may be able to see the delay as an encouraging sign.”

“I agree, but the restrictions put on us all by this exterior threat may prevent them from meeting eligible boys or men. Is there any way we can have them visit the university to meet some of the eligible young men there?”

“Interesting thought, Reg. Does the university’s outreach programme have a short course that might appeal to them?”

“I’ll go online and check that possibility out, Prudence.” His first search proved too broad, covering all the universities, so he had to use the single university’s name, and look for both short courses and outreach courses. Most proved to be about six months long, or were not much more than taster visits for prospective students, but he managed to locate a couple of three-week courses that might suffice. One was intended to be an add-on for midwives, doctors and nurses. It was about the problems which can arise during pregnancy and birth. Reg thought the twins would find that useful for the future. The other was a brief managerial course, intended for employees who expected to become managers in the near future. Managing a household the size of theirs was a tough ask in itself, so that learning how to manage might give the twins pointers in how best to manage their team duties. He noted that both courses cost nearly four hundred pounds, so he reckoned a discussion with Frances was his next task. Either course would mean them spending three weeks concentrating on that learning, to end up with a certificate indicating their competence in that field. It would be good for the girls to possess, should they at some time decide to work for another employer. He needn’t have worried, for Frances immediately told him, “Of course, darling! A course like that will benefit the girls and probably benefit us as well. Let me have a word with my Dad. I think he would like to see his nieces get some extra education. Have you spoken to Carol and Holly yet?”

“Good God, no! I needed to find out the possibles and the likely costs covered before I broached the subject with them.” Frances leaned forward to kiss him tenderly. “That’s my man. So considerate of others; one of the many reasons why I love you, Reg.” Reg blushed, saying, “I was just being practical, my love. I had to know what was possible before I made the suggestion to the twins. My longer-term plan was to have them meet eligible young men away from the house, rather than them being faced with me as the only man around.”

“I know. Prudence came to tell me, so I knew that in advance. It doesn’t stop me admiring your concern for others, darling.” “My main concern is for my wives, as you know, Frances. Everyone else is secondary. I don’t want to draw others into our ambit unnecessarily,” he told her passionately, almost apologetically. Frances shushed him. “Reg, I know. It is not your fault that so many girls now find you attractive. Your simple honesty and determination, your desire to help others, your natural feelings of love towards other people, it all has an unintentional impact on folk you meet, especially girls. Fiona was as much a surprise to me as she was to you, but there, your reputation had preceded you. The twins now, them I can understand. I can see their viewpoint, and more or less sympathise with it, but also see that you would never want to persuade them into anything that might possibly be detrimental to their future lives as young women. I am happy to give them the opportunity of seeing an alternative option for their futures. It will be of worth, no matter what the outcome.”

“Thanks, Frances. I’ll try and get the twins into my study, to have a quiet word with them. Are they free at the moment?”

“Last I saw, they were heading into the kitchen to start the preparations for our next meal. I suppose that once the food is ready for cooking, and it is in the oven, they will be free for about half an hour. Would that do you?”

“Yes, that would be ample time, assuming I don’t get blasted with questions!” Reg grinned. “Would you ask them if they can come and see me then? I can do some sociology research in the meantime: I want to catch up with Fiona’s subject matter.” When later the two girls entered his study, they looked unsure of themselves. Frances had not explained why they were wanted, leaving that to Reg. He told them, “Please sit down, girls. We must have a chat about your future.” They did so, still appearing uncertain about what that might entail. He decided to settle them first of all.

“Girls, I have been considering what might be best for you, in the short term, and in the longer term. All decisions remain yours. I am only exploring ideas.” They relaxed somewhat, and waited for him to go on with his explanation.

“I feel that you two need to take a short course at the university; a course that will first of all add to your abilities, and also give you a useful certificate, should you wish to move to another employment.” A gasp was followed by both of them insisting they did not intend to move, ever. Reg waved his hand for them to settle down, and told them his reasoning.

“There are several strands to this idea. One is the educational advantage for your CV; second is the opportunity you will get to be out of this house for a while; and third is the opportunity you will have to meet other young people, one or more of whom may invite you on a date. I want you to have this experience, so that you have something to contrast with a domestic future in this household.” The girls were calmer now, and Carol asked, “What are the courses you referred to, Reg?” He said, “They are both three weeks long. One is a short course in managerial techniques. It is aimed at young professionals who hope to gain a managerial position. I was thinking that you already have a household to manage, so it may be helpful. The other is an add-on for health professionals. It is about problems that can arise with pregnancy and maternity situations. If you stay with us for long enough, it would be handy to have that knowledge available, I thought.” He got smiles from both, and Holly suggested, “What if one of us took one course, and the other took the other course?” His eyes widened. “I had not considered that possibility, Holly, but that would indeed be a common sense approach. Brilliant!” Holly’s eyes lit up at the praise. Carol, was more practical about the future.

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Neel With House Owner8217s Hot Wife 8211 Part 2

Hello all you ISS readers. I am back with another part of my sex escapes. People who have not read my previous stories. I would request you to read them to know about me and how many sex escapes I had already. People who have read my stories and people who wrote to me, thank you all people. Your responses are the actual reason which inspires me to write about all the escapes of my life. Lets get in to the story guys. I will start from where I left the last time on Neel with house owner’s hot...

3 years ago
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Girls Wrestling Boys

CONFESSIONS OF A SCISSOR GIRLMy name is Diana. Since I was about ten years old I have had an interest in, not to say passion for, wrapping my legs around men and squeezing them.The whole thing began at a very early age when I started wrapping my legs around various things. I don’t know why I started doing it, but I loved placing a pillow between my thighs and hold it there tightly. It soon became a part of my nightly ritual, as I couldn’t fall asleep without a pillow (or something else) between...

1 year ago
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Friday Afternoon Delight

Friday Afternoon DelightAnother Keyhole Adventure… It had been about 3 weeks since Mom and my paths converged and the veil of sex had been raised for me. My time in school was no longer taken up checking out girls my age…I now had experienced a mature woman. From late summer until now, late fall, our exploration of each other escalated. No longer did I have to wonder what a soft, warm woman felt and looked like. I tried to keep my mind on my final year of high school and get good...

2 years ago
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The little Priness

The Little Princess.Part One.Julie had always liked to be the centre of attention even as a little girl and due to the fact she was a pretty c***d and an extrovert she more than often was just that. Growing up the only c***d to a mother and father several years older than her friend’s parent often were, in a nice little house on a nice estate not quite up market but with pretentions to be, Julie had all the inclinations to be a brat. If she wasn’t a brat she was most defiantly a snob as were...

1 year ago
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As soon as i see him i run into his arms nearly knocking him over and placing kisses all over his face, holding him tightly. We collect his bags and head to the car. I slip behind the wheel and he sits in the passenger seat. I lean over placing my hand on his cheek and kiss him deeply, passionately. I feel so loved, so special. After a few min i break the kiss. He is tired after his long flight and i want to get him back to my place so he can rest.   We arrive at my place and i show him...

Straight Sex
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Keeping Ice On The Wound

Special thanks of course goes out to my friend PennLady for her help with editing this one. You rock! And, although it was anonymous – and a comment from PennLady’s last story – there was at least one person out there who wanted this gentleman to be featured in a story. So here he is, #52, all for you, whoever you are! Happy Reading! M. ,) *** Unsure of why he’d come all this way when he knew they weren’t here, Mark Gaines stood outside the main entrance to the Verizon Center, leaning on...

2 years ago
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TwinsChapter 3 The Party

Now it's the night of the big party, and time for Tracy's plan to go into action. Will Willy get the girl? Read on. Clifford was standing naked in the twin's bedroom. Normally he would be delighted to be in this position but this was bordering on embarrassing. He stood perfectly still as the two young blondes circled him, inspecting his body and making comments on what they saw. "Well that will have to go," said Stacy. "Yes I agree." Tracy reached up and took Clifford's thick...

3 years ago
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Rajaji8217s challenge

When I entered Rajaji’s office after 30 minutes (to allow Suvarna to leave) he was sitting on the takiya and smoking. I walked in smiling and touched his feet and sat near his feet on the floor. “Come Prema,” He said and pulled me in his embrace. I went willingly enough but I was surprised how he was horny so soon again. Our lips were locked in a kiss as Rajaji made me sit in his lap and stroked my round ass. “what a piece you are,” he said and pulled my saree pallu down. I looked at my...

2 years ago
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Final Adventure with Amy

Amy had left Phillip and me in bed together after a night of fun. It was intentional, hoping that her two boyfriends would have sex without her. She knew I would give her all the details later. And there were details. After an initial handjob round, Phillip had gotten me into his skimpiest bikini underwear and both of us were amazingly turned on. Later that evening I was on my way to put on a fashion show for Amy.“So...?” she asked as soon as I arrived. “Did my two lovers have fun after I...

1 year ago
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Corporate Ladder

"How do I get a raise around here, sleep with the boss?" I dropped my pen. I had been filling out numerous invoices, head in the books, eyes weary from a full day's work, when I looked up into the delectable cleavage of the young blond secretary leaning over my oak desk. I peered up from my glasses and my mouth dropped. It was my daughter Kara. "A raise?" I sputtered. I leaned back, away from her dangerously close feminine scent. "Yes. What do you have to do to climb the corporate...

3 years ago
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The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 4

By now Philadelphia was cold, really cold, Christmas decorations were up and everyone was preparing for finals. But most importantly the end of year parties were in full swing. Some were your regular college party, some were easy to go to, while others were exclusive and invite only.It had taken nearly all of my first semester but finally I had a lead on the girl, that girl, my girl. That wonderful Susan had come through for me and we’d finally tracked Emily down and even managed to wrangle...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Panty fetish

100% fiction! I think it started when my hairy sister and her friend left their panties in the room so they could go swimming. I knew this was my chance.Touching those panties gave me a feeling like no other, I went into the room and saw those panties on the floor, instantly I got a tingle so I picked up a pair and started to rub them on my crotch, wow did it ever feel good. I jerked nice and slow, what an incredible feeling I knew there was going to be a lot more of this in the future. I would...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable With My Aunt

Hi to everyone. My name is Punith m 26 year old male staying near Mumbai. I have read hundreds of stories in ISS which inspired me to write this one. Since for the first time m narrating my story pls forgive my mistakes. It happened 9 years back when I was 18 year old and I was in my 14th. We are a family of four me my father, my mother and my younger sister. My aunt (mothers sister) stayed in our house for 4 years for study purpose when I was in my primary school days. She was good looking...

3 years ago
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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

2 years ago
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Finalizing the Code Genetics Contract A Little Winter Tail Part 6

The beginning of my week was surprisingly uneventful. Work, in general, was very slow, and I hadn't heard anything from John or Anthony. I guess they did have lives also and needed to take care of work too. I'm not really sure if I was disappointed or relieved, maybe a little of both. The end of last week was quite the whirlwind.Wednesday morning I came into work, dressed as I had been instructed for my presentation at Code Genetics.I was wearing a dark grey suit: a single black button jacket...

Office Sex
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CollegeChapter 9 Freshman Sharing the Bathroom

It was ten-thirty-seven and I was dashing out the door when Mr. Oldham called my name. Shit! I was going to be late getting to Karen's house. "Yes, Sir," I said, when I saw Mr. Oldham and Judge Clausen coming toward me. They just wanted to walk out to the garage with me. Well, Cool! That's where I was headed anyway. I was not going to be late after all. That's what I thought until I got to the other side of the garage and saw Ned, his four friends and a stranger, all huddled around a...

2 years ago
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All About Me Sequel to All About You

You really know how to get to me like no man ever has.You’re proving it again right now, cuddling my very aroused nude body draped lazily across yours on our bed, stroking my long brown curls and back with a strong loving hand. Still gently lifting my chin with your other hand and looking adoringly into my blue-green eyes, you crane your neck to softly kiss my lips, tasting the last remaining salty remnants of your intense orgasm on them. It reminds you of how you intend to please me as I just...

Oral Sex
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Fucked Friends HOT BUSTY Wife in Dark

Yes Guys Even I am same as u all are I used to read sex stories on different websites and used to download porn videos from and masturbate. I would like to share my real and superb incidence that happened with me. Let me introduce myself, My name is Ankur Sexena From Bangalore, India age 25 years and 6 ft height and a 9 inch cock. Me and my friend Jagmeet had many things in common like same height, almost similar voice and thinking. Jagmeet loved a girl named Pratima from...

First Time
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Movie Night 9

Summary –Samantha invites her friend Brittany for a sleepover. Previous Chapter Summary – Mom and Samantha. Dad and Samantha. Isn’t it time for the whole family to have some fun together? Note - This is a work of fiction. You must be 18 or over to read this story. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is involved with a parent or adult, often causes deep psychological damage. This story is provided for entertainment purposes only. The author does...

3 years ago
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The Student Body

I need to open my eyes. Come on, wake up. I blearily blink my eyes. I’m lying on my back; naked in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. How long have I been asleep? Why am I still wearing my watch? I turn my head to the right and see her. She’s lying in the bed on her side with her back to me, propped up on one elbow. Naked as well, from what I can see. The rhythmic tapping telling me she’s working on her laptop, maybe that’s what woke me. What’s she doing? An essay? Her dissertation?...

College Sex
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Chandlers RideChapter 6

Posted: October 31, 2005 - 12:02:20 am Malcolm climbed out of the healing chamber ready for an afternoon with Alice and then Lilly. He knew that he’d experience the women in the opposite order. A very naked Alice grabbed him by the hand and said, “I think you’ll only want to take a shower.” “Oh?” asked Malcolm wondering why she wasn’t suggesting a bath. “You’ve been watching that delectable body for a month. If you aren’t horny enough right now to have your way with a knothole in the...

4 years ago
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SOSChapter 8

Jacob. I sat watching as the old woman went digging through her things, she would grab something look at it and toss it aside, eventually she found what she was looking for, She walked to me handing me two scrolls, one was an ancient map, the other was some kind of binary code, I tried to make sense of it but I couldn't, I went back to looking at the map, if I was reading it right it led no where near the signal, I frowned at that, I only had so much time, I couldn't waste it on fools...

2 years ago
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The Best Woman Weve Ever Had

//////////////////// Lila smiles and downs another shot with her friends. She needed this after, not only working what felt like 24/7 but, not having gotten laid in 2 months. The alcohol is running through her body like crazy and putting her in one of her most turned on moods since she can remember. Josslyn smiles and leans in to whisper in her wife, Riley's, ear. "That's the one." Josslyn whispers in her sexy Spanish accent. Riley smiles and runs her fingers lightly over...

2 years ago
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First LoveChapter 42

Jen was depressed still, hating her life and every aspect of it. She felt so alone. Dana didn't call her anymore, well, Jen had been rude to her when she had. Dana's solution to all Jen's problems was : "Get back together with Ryan!" Not, thought Jen. I'd rather go out with fucking Kasey than Ryan. Kasey was such a prick, she thought. She couldn't believe what a fool she had been. He had called her, but she had gathered up her self-esteem and refused to associate with him anymore. She...

3 years ago
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At The Farm Part One

Lisa nervously adjusted her skirt as she waited in her new patron's dining room. She had traveled for three days in a horse-drawn carriage to get here and had never met the great farmer Karlsson herself, for whom she would now work. Her father and two sisters were currently on their way across the sea to the New Land, defying wind and water for the chance at a new life. But the money had not been enough for the whole family, so her father had written to Sigvard Karlsson, a friend since...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Office Colleague

Hi friends this Sam from Chennai. I have lots of sex experience in my life, it’s been kept secretly in my heart, didn’t even enclosed to my friends, am going to tell one of my real sex experience with my office colleague I have a co-worker, a very beautiful and she is modern girl, young lady by the name of Jeyanthi (name change). She has been working with me for about six months. Jeyanthi is a tall, shapely red head about twenty-three years old, with a sharp sense of humor. Often we joke with...

4 years ago
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LiXin und Familie Schmitt

Flughafen Frankfurt, 14.11.2005, 8 Uhr morgens. Völlig geschafft nach dem langen Flug aus Shanghai steht Li-Xin am Gepäckband und wartet auf ihren Koffer. Sie hat sich schon monatelang auf diesen Tag gefreut. Endlich mal raus aus der Volksrepublik ins ferne, aufregende Europa. Alles kommt ihr so fremd vor. Sie versteht nur Bruchstücke der Sprache, die sie sich so mühsam selbst beigebracht hat um sich mit ihrer Gastfamilie verständigen zu können. Die Menschen kommen ihr größer vor als in ihrer...

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One in A Million Chapter 9

I looked around and sighed in relief as I realize that I was back in my room and I was not a bloody puddle on the ground. I felt something stir in my crotch and realized that I was not alone in my bed. I flipped the covers off of me and saw Jo sleeping on my or more accurately, in my lap, completely naked. I stared at her for a while and smiled rubbing her head softly trying not to wake her up. She turned her head and blew a sigh of comfort which was a bit of a problem. Her blowing had...

3 years ago
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Personal secretary

My self JK..Hi all, Here is my another story…I am 27 years old and was in search of a job. I had sent many applications for job and was waiting for an interview call from any of the firms to which I had sent my job application. One day I got a call from a company to attend an interview at their office. The post that I had applied for was of Personal Secretary. Now I went to attend the interview. When I reached their office I came to know that the company was into manufacturing & distribution of...

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Growing up on a farm in Wisconsin Linda learned two important skills: how to repair any piece of machinery and sex. She learned about sex from one of the farm hands behind the old barn a few hundred feet from her parent’s house. When he left, she learned from other workers on the farm, most times in the barn, but other times out in a field, in the woods, or the backseat of a car. College expanded her interests in and experiences with sex. She experiment with other women; had multiple...

3 years ago
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AmyChapter 6

When September came round, it was strange not having Amy around during the day. Not that she'd been at home all the time, but knowing she'd be out of the house most of the day during the week ... well, the house felt empty. I had things to occupy me; I had Serenity out of the water and the work under way to get her up to scratch in every respect. I actually spent much of my spare time on that. Large areas of paintwork I tackled with a heavy-duty random orbital sander. It dealt with large...

4 years ago
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Your Sister And Her Money Problem

You lived at home with your mum and dad while your sister had recently moved out to live with her boyfriend. She now had to start paying rent in order to stay there along with her normal outgoings such as makeup and clothes. Lily is about five foot with brown hair and C cup tits, and nice ass and cute face. *message to find out how to get pics of her* About three months had passed since Lily had moved out and you could see she was struggling financially... One day you were hanging out with your...

2 years ago
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To the Deans Office

You broke the rules. You violated the Student Code of Conduct. Worst of all, you got caught, and now you must face justice. Looking around at the rolling hills of rural Connecticut you take one last deep breath before entering into the Neocolonial brick administration building of Cambria College. Shuffling your feet like a condemned prisoner you make your way up a marble staircase to the second floor to stand before a large mahogany door behind which your fate will be decided. With your stomach...

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