ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
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Next, there was a phone call for Reg. Frances handed the phone over to him. “Your farmer friend,” she said.
Reg took it and said, “Hi, this is Reg Robertson.”
“Nice to speak to you, Mr Robertson. I had a call from the Finds guy. It appears we are tens of thousands richer.”
“So I hear, sir. No exact number as yet, but a satisfactory sum, if I may say so.”
“Indeed so. He claims there is more due on your second discovery – the two pots.”
“Bronze pots with silver coins inside, and these slightly corroded, so not as valuable as the other collection. “But, the pots have some value as well, I am told.”
“So he said. We’ll wait and see, but you have done rather well, for a beginner at metal detecting, Mr Robertson.”
“Reg, please. I told you before to call me Reg.”
“Very well, Reg. I thought that for this call, I should be a bit more formal.”
“You are forgiven. You weren’t just calling to confirm what I have been told?”
“No. I wanted to offer you the run of the farm, exclusive to you, for metal detecting. You deserve that, but we must be clear that there must be no animals in the field, or crops growing. This means mostly available to you in the winter, but there should be plenty of dry days.”
“With my university course, I am tied up most weekdays, so it would be more likely weekends, provided my wives allow me to come detecting.”
“I understand your restrictions, or rather, distractions. My wife would like you to bring a wife, or perhaps two, along with you, and they can sit and chat with her while you do your searching outside. My lady is fascinated by your family life.”
“That sounds admirable, sir. Your wife is a delightful lady.”
“I will tell her you said that!”
They concluded the call and Reg reported the gist of it to his girls.
Frances was interested in going. “I’d like to meet this woman and her husband. After all, they are getting half of what you found, so I want to be sure the cash is going to worthy recipients.”
Reg told her, “He has invited me to prospect all over his farm, outside of the time his fields are being cropped or have animals grazing. He is a nice guy, in my opinion; well educated too. I haven’t spoken much with his wife, but she seemed nice, as well.”
Frances told him, “Even so, I want to make my own judgement of them. You are still not 100 per cent savvy about people. You may be great with us girls, but outsiders ... maybe not.”
Fiona intruded angrily, “Hey, I was an outsider, Frances!”
“Sorry, Fiona. I didn’t mean you, for you were an exception. You came to us, and made your own pitch. We got to assess you on our own territory, and you passed muster, didn’t you?”
“I suppose you are right, Frances. Yes, it was that way. I apologise for my outburst. I am the new one here, and you very kindly let me have my share of Reg. It is appreciated, Frances dear, I assure you. I hope to hear from my father about my finances in the next few days, and then we can become more settled.”
By the end of classes the next day, there was still no word from Freda’s father, so she rang her mother at home,
“Mum, has Dad got anywhere with Reg’s compensation claim for his father’s death by road accident? Do you know about it?”
“He did mention it before he went off to work today, dear. He said he was going to court ‘to get the legal aspects out of the way’. What that meant, I have no idea. I’ll get him to ring you once he is home.”
“Thanks, Mum. It would be nice to have my Reg with some financial resources of his own.” She didn’t mention the coin hoards, as that still had to be processed before there was anything definite.
Three-quarters of an hour later, her father rang back.
“Hi, Freda. Good news, but I had best speak to Reg directly, as his lawyer.”
“Right, I’ll get him, Dad.”
Shortly thereafter, Reg was on the line.
“You have news for me, sir?”
“Yes, Reg. The court formally confirmed your entitlement to compensation, so the insurers have to pay you, at a minimum, in accordance with the rate of entitlement laid down by law, minus costs as laid down by the court. We should have an exact figure within a day or two, once I have jogged the company’s elbow about the many years of non-payment, and what that says about their customer service.
These firms prefer to delay making their payouts as much as possible, to save them lost interest, but I asked the court to insist that the insurers pay your costs in the matter, and I shall also remind them of interest due on the payment for every day they fail to pay out to you. Check your bank account every day, please, and report to me when the cash appears there.”
“But I don’t have a bank account, sir.”
“Yes, you do. I told Freda to open one for you, if you did not already have one. That is the account number I used for the compensation claim to be paid into.”
“Oh. I see. I must thank Freda, then.”
“She is a good girl, is Freda. You are lucky to have her as a wife, Reg.”
“I know, sir. She is wonderful girl, and very loving; a great helpmate as well. Thanks for all your invaluable assistance.”
“Think nothing of it, my boy. The insurers will be paying my fees; I won’t be out of pocket.”
Reginald was tired at university next day. For some reason, Frances had allowed Freda to join her and Prudence for lovemaking last night, and their enthusiasm had worn him out.
His attention was not as it should be, so he was disturbed by a tap on his shoulder in the lecture hall as he dozed, only half taking in the words as the lecturer droned on.
“Robertson?” It was another student from the back of the class.
“There is a guy at the door asking for you. You’d better go and see what he wants.”
“Right. Thanks, John.”
The other student was impressed that Reg recognised him. That wouldn’t have happened a few months ago when they first started. Reg at that time ignored practically everyone, and knew no-one’s name.
Reg made his way quietly up to the back, where he recognised the man as Frank Dawson, whom he had met with the Special Branch policeman. Dawson gestured to Reg to come with him. Reg followed him down the corridor and Dawson showed him into an office, then locked the door behind him. Sitting at the desk inside was the same policeman as before, who pointed Reg to a chair in front of the desk.
Reg sat mutely and waited.
The policeman frowned, and spoke.
“Mr Robertson, it appears you ignored my instructions.”
“I did? In what way, sir?”
“You spoke about what we discussed last time.”
“No, sir. That is most definitely not correct. I told no-one what was said in our meeting.”
“Then tell me why a policeman of your acquaintance has been making enquiries of my department about James Fitzgerald?”
“Well of course Sergeant Phillips is making these enquiries. He told me he was going to widen the scope of his search for the missing Ferguson and Aitchison family members. I had no idea what sources he was going to consult.”
“You claim you didn’t tell him anything? I find that hard to believe.”
“You mean you don’t think our British policemen know how to do their jobs? I find THAT hard to believe, sir.”
“He came to your home, to speak to you.”
“He did, to ask if I, or any of my household, had heard anything about Jim Fitzgerald’s whereabouts. I had no idea of the missing student’s movements, and I told him so. He had heard, somehow, that I was at a meeting with Frank Dawson and an unnamed other person, but I told him I couldn’t comment on that; in fact I had been asked specifically to not comment, and I would adhere to that instruction.
The sergeant insisted that any real policeman would not take that attitude towards a member of the public, and perhaps he drew his own conclusion from that fact. As I said, I told him nothing about the content of our talk. Sergeant Phillips is a fine policeman, with a good brain and the talent to use it.”
The man frowned again.
“You know anything about a private enquiry agency that is looking for James Fitzgerald?”
“What ARE you talking about, sir? I am in no position to hire a private enquiry agency, nor would I want to. What is this agency up to, anyway?”
“That is none of your business, Mr Robertson. Leave it be.”
“You have left me puzzled, sir. You quiz me about things I know nothing about, and you accuse me of doing things that I did not do. Is there some point to all this?”
“There is, but it has nothing to do with you, Mr Robertson.”
“In that case, I might as well go back to my class. I am missing part of a lecture.”
“Before you go, Mr Robertson, should you HAPPEN to come across any information relating to James Fitzgerald, you will report it to Mr Dawson here, and he will pass it to me. Is that clear?”
“It is clear all right, but is it an instruction or a request? If it is an instruction, I would like to know by whose authority such an instruction is being made.”
The other man was quiet for a few seconds, then said, “It is a request, but the request is related to national security, so we would appreciate THE REQUEST being treated seriously. Understood?”
“Ah, yes. Jim Fitzgerald. Explosives knowledge. National security. It all hangs together now. You are from an unnamed department of the state. Okay, I agree.”
“Thank you, Mr Robertson. In return, I can tell you that Mrs Dora Prentiss is not to be trusted.”
It was Reg’s turn to go wide-eyed.
“Really. I can say no more.”
“Thank you. Can I assume that Fiona Prentiss and her father do not fit into that category?”
“You can. Keep Fiona Prentiss well away from her stepmother.”
“I intended doing that anyway. Fiona hates her.”
“Our discussion is ended. Good day, Mr Robertson.”
The Special Branch man got up, walked to the door, and got Dawson to unlock it for him to leave.
Reg was left to sit, thinking.
How did the man know about the Prentiss family? In fact, how come he knew that Fiona was now resident with him and his ladies? How did he know that Sergeant Phillips had visited him? Even an outside observation of the building would not give all that information. The only logical solution is that he had read Sergeant Phillips’ file on the disappearances. There was no sign that the sergeant knew his reports were being scrutinised by people outside his local police hierarchy.
What to do?
Reg got up, thanked Frank Dawson for calling and getting him to the meeting, and went back to his class. He crept in to a vacant seat near the end of the top row, hoping to be unnoticed. No such luck.
“Ah, you have returned, Mr Robertson? Kind of you to think of hearing at least some of my words of wisdom. If we can return to the subject, to which I hope the remainder of the class has been listening, I trust you now understand that world history in ancient times was much more inter-connected than we used to imagine. Trade was the key.
How else would certain paint samples from the Forbidden Palace in Beijing prove to have ingredients only available in western Europe at the time? Trade routes ran all over the world, no matter whether there was any diplomatic contact between the civilisations or not. The civilisations tended to ignore trade when it came to recording life. Officials see life in their own terms, and people engaging in trade were only of interest for taxation purposes. Objects are often the only indication of such links.
Can anyone point to an example, where an object seems out of place for its period, apart from the more obvious such as Cleopatra’s Needle on the London Embankment?”
There was a period of silence, as everyone feared to stick their neck out, so finally Reg put his hand up.
“Well, now! Mr Robertson is going to contribute to our class. Let’s see what he produces. Well, Mr Robertson?”
“Sir, I recently uncovered a metal concretion in a local farmer’s field, and the Finds Liaison Officer tells me that the round things I found are two ancient Greek Hydriae – water jugs, you might say. What would an ancient Greek bronze vessel be doing in an English field in Roman times? I say Roman, as they had Roman coins inside them.”
“Now that IS unusual, Mr Robertson. Have you any ideas, yourself, of their travels?”
“The only way I could imagine these being there is if the guy who hid them with coins inside was a collector of sorts, and the Greek Hydriae were his prized possessions. I am assuming he was a Roman, or at least Romano-British.”
“A dangerous word – assumption. When there is more than one possible explanation, it is wise not to assume anything. You don’t know when the items were placed in the ground, do you?”
“No, sir, but when the coins are in a state to be identified, the most recent one in date will suggest that the find was placed there after that date.”
“Yes, Mr Robertson, but not how long after that date. It may have been buried, later dug up and centuries later stolen and reburied. Is that not so?”
“That is so, sir, but the latter option is highly unlikely, whereas the former has a high probability of being correct. The Finds official is of the opinion that the find has been there since it was buried, probably not long before, or just after, the end of the Roman occupation of Britain. He bases that conclusion on the condition of the finds. It may be an assumption, but an expert assumption with a degree of veracity about it.”
“A useful riposte, Mr Robertson. It is wise to assess the probabilities when looking at dating. We tend to make all kinds of unwarranted assumptions about historical matters. For example, when did we start calling the Renaissance by that name? Anyone?”
One of the girls ventured, “The century afterwards?”
The lecturer nodded, “That would be what one would expect, but it was first of all known as the ‘Revival of Letters’ period, and only in 1840 was the term Renaissance coined by a French historian, Michelet. That also explains why it is a French word that we utilise.
The phrase, ‘Revival of Letters’ is also of passing interest. It comes about through renewed interest in Greek literature and other Greek subjects, stimulated when a number of well-educated Greeks arrived in Italy as fugitives, after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453. Combine that interest with the slightly earlier invention of printing with moveable type in Germany in 1439, which also soon spread to Italy, and you have the seeds of an academic revolution. Once again, the stimulus was not local, but the arrival of fugitives from the later Imperial capital over 2,000 kilometres away which helped to kick-start what we know as the Renaissance.
It appears to have soon been a Europe-wide phenomenon, probably because Latin was the academic language of all Europe. There was no stumbling block of national languages to get in the way of any intellectual advance. You might also observe that it was immigrants fleeing disaster who were the stimulus to cultural and scientific advancement.
History, you have to appreciate, is not as simple as reading textbooks, ladies and gentlemen. Textbooks, even history textbooks, go out of date remarkably fast. Our view of history keeps changing as we learn more background to what happened in the past, and more importantly, why.
Another important facet of history is, which side is telling the story? If it us about the British in India, is it a Brit or an Indian who is relating the story? You will get differing viewpoints about the same basic facts. Think of it as the Red Indian wars in the United States. Seldom is the tale told by the Red Indians. That is why you must read widely about any subject, as all subjects are affected by this same problem of viewpoint.”
Reg and his fellow students took in this wise advice, and decided to view the works of former great historians with a degree of scepticism. Reg was conscious of how the view of Stonehenge had changed radically in the last two decades, through new archaeological investigations in the vicinity of Stonehenge. He went home thoughtfully.
Once the rest of the family were home, welcomed by the twins with a glass of sherry each, they all sat down to relax. Prudence said, “One of my friends said you left her class in the middle of a lecture, Reg, then came back later. What was up?”
“Oh, nothing much. I was asked about something which was none of my doing, and I made that clear. It was over quickly.”
Frances demanded, “The university can’t do that to you, or any other student, Reg. Pulling you out of a lecture for no good reason is not on. You missed part of a lecture through that. You should complain to the proctors!”
Reg admitted, “Frances, while it was the student services manager who brought me out of the lecture, it was at the behest of the guy from Intelligence who had asked me questions before. You don’t turn down these people when ‘invited’ to an interview.”
“Why does he impose on you like that, Reg? The Intelligence guy, I mean. What is he up to? What is he trying to achieve?”
“I reckon they aren’t getting very far with their normal enquiries, so they are scraping the barrel by asking me. I know nothing that can help them directly, and they ought to understand that, but they keep hoping the facts have changed.”
“Did he have the grace to apologise, Reg?”
“No, he didn’t; but he said a peculiar thing: ‘Don’t trust Dora Prentiss: Fiona’s step-mother.’”
“What did he mean by that?” asked Frances.
“I have no idea. He told me he could say no more; just ‘don’t trust her’.”
Frances turned to Fiona.
“Fiona, dear, do you have any inkling to shed light on that provocative statement?”
Fiona frowned, replying, “I have never liked her, but I have heard nothing that would imply she was untrustworthy. Of course, I would never trust her with anything at all; I can tell you that!”
Reg was pensive, then said speculatively, “Fiona, try to discover as much as you can about her, without making any direct contact. Maybe there is some stuff online about her: a profile or similar. Just be careful how you go about it. Perhaps ask some friend to do the online searching. On your own, you could ask your father for some more information about her. Suggest that if you knew more about her and her interests, you might not see her in such a bad light.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
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Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
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It is no secret that a lot of people really, really like living in Colorado. Karen Carrigan, who met Doug Yanevich while attending the University of Colorado, Denver, certainly was happy that Doug was able to get a job in Denver, shortly before she married him. They are somewhat of an odd couple. She is a tiny five foot, one inch, and weights one hundred and five pounds. He, who was a second string lineman on the football team, is six foot five, and weights in at two hundred, fifty-five...
[Sandy writes] I opened the door to a very happy Gretchen and Mack. I said, "Come in." Gretchen grabbed me and pulled me tightly to her. After a kiss, she pulled Mack with her to Jack. She pushed a bemused Mack into Jack's big chair. She bent over to kiss Jack. I noticed two things. One was that she really laid one on him and second was that she was wearing panties. I thought that, just perhaps, that skirt was too short! She released a rather breathless Jack and stood. I moved over to...
This is a true story about my first time. Even though I consider myself to be 100% straight, my first experience was having oral sex with my best male friend when we were teens. This is a true story about my first time. Even though I consider myself to be 100% straight, my first experience was having oral sex with my best male friend when we were teens.I laid there on my stomach totally naked. It was a hot, steamy and sultry summer night. Even with the fan blowing it was hard to stay cool. My...
First TimeThe Geek Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was a geeky, smart, and skinny nerd, a loner by any definition. I didn't fit in with the kids that defined the "in" crowd, and was just smart enough that most of the others left me alone. My one and only outlet for my needs were the few moments that I was able to get all dressed up as a girl. I knew how most people would react if they found out, since I had first hand knowledge. My mom caught me dressed, told my dad, who then...
Chapter oneTo lovely young Faith Prudeaux, the well furnished foyer of Vanessa Fairc***d's notorious Clinic of Torment gives a deceiving impression. Little does she know of its bizarre and terrifying reality. The Clinic is a place where the treatment is worse than the affliction. Because she is carrying a suitcase, it is clear that Faith anticipates a long stay.„I've read about your program, Doctor,“ she says to the tall, handsome brunette, as Doctor Fairc***d arrives to greet her. „And your...
Raja was a man who used to work at our house, he used to take care of almost all the household chores including groceries, cooking, washing, driving, odd jobs etc. He used to live nearby. He was about 26 ears of age and was big and strong guy towering over me at about 6 feet. He was quite a plump fellow who was very genial and almost like a gentle giant. I liked him a lot, mabe because he provided me special attention. He used to talk to me and would do most of my work like cleaning up m room...
While it was a long time ago I still remember waiting every day for the ending school bell to ring while in high school. Why? Because that’s when I would rush like hell to the “dead zone” behind the gymnasium to get a chance to pay to either get blown by or actually fuck little petite Vicki. A simple BJ (she sucked and spit most of the time) cost only $10. And if you were bold enough to fuck her it only set you back $25. I was a little apprehensive about fucking her, especially when you aren’t...
Amy 35: As Loud as Hell Copyright 2016 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: A Ringing Bell Emily's big art opening got pushed back until after July because the person having a show at the same place before her couldn't be bothered to come in and get her stuff without a big stink. That was...
Margo and Cindy were closest friends. They were working together on John, a well-hung black man they had just met in the parking lot while cruising the bars for dick. John was over 9 inches long and almost 7 inches around, but the girls were experts. Margo and Cindy had gone slumming tonight, knowing that what they wanted wasn't likely to be found in the blue chip yuppie joints of Columbus, Ohio. Fortunately, the seamy side of the city had its advantages. Cindy had danced with several of the...
InterracialEmily Willis is the girl next-door that you never have the courage to talk to. She is so hot and seems sexually ravaged, day and night. What is she thinking? Well, what she’s thinking is that she is the one who is not a hypocrite. In her interview with director Dana Vespoli, Emily exposes her natural self, not holding back on criticisms of real hypocrites. She makes bold statements about her right to perversion, and also confronts unpleasant experiences. Then in a full hardcore scene,...
xmoviesforyouLucy loved having sex. She had had nights with her boyfriend and his mates and had behaved like a real slut. One night he told her that they needed to talk. Lucy thought that sounded a bit ominous and sat there in nervous anticipation.“Lucy. You are really good in bed. Me and my mates were talking last night and we agreed that it is selfish for just us to have the pleasure of you. There would be loads of guys who would probably love to watch you do your thing and wank. I have a friend who makes...
TransMark, a professor at Elle’s university, shares with her the secret to getting anything you might want – inflate the truth about who you are. Seem more important and people will believe you’re more important. A skeptical Elle tells Mark it’s ultimately lying and would never work out. But Mark is quick to share his story about how it worked with him and his wife, Cherie. Apparently on Mark’s first date with Cherie, he pretended to be a successful Hollywood producer...
xmoviesforyouHe's making you... with frequent Pimp beatings... slightly cross one eye... or both eyes... always... while you're attempting to address... speak to... or even respond to a question or remark from certain Men... the crossed eye(s)... makes you look slightly stupid... somewhat clueless... and decidedly... intellectually disenfranchised... even bimboish... which makes it even easier for Men... to lean in... much sooner... and more quickly... and take advantage of you... you're forced to...
"Dear, she's about to come!" "So am I!" her husband grunted. "I am too!" Said Sylvia with a smile. The trio were all caught up in the same orgasm. She told her husband "I love you so much! this is the best thing ever, let's never stop doing it like this! I'll help you find any girl you want just let me come along." He realized that all the years of cheating had not been necessary. His wife was more than a willing accomplice, and a happy active participant. They were closer...
Living the Dream, part 14 By: Malissa Madison After cleaning and doctoring her forearms, I started getting to know Florence. She really was sweet, and loveable, and just like a cat she loved to chase things. She was wearing a collar with her tags and other information. And when Rachel got her leash off the back of the door Florence came running excitedly. As we all stood waiting at the Airport, people gave us a wide berth, Sophie snickered every time. When we saw them coming,...
It was dusk, and the darkness was crawling through the woods rapidly with no hesitation. So swift did the darkness come, we were enveloped in its embrace within minutes. It was just the few of us, Laura, Steve, Bill, Mike, Dmitri, and I wondering through the woods at that point, lost and out of energy to think of a way out. I never knew how cold it could have gotten, with forceful chills running down my spine. It was unbearable, and I can tell that the others were feeling the same cold...
VIXEN, TUSHY, and BLACKED bring you, Lottie Magne, like you’ve never seen her before. You won’t want to miss a moment of her eye-opening, erotic adventure: catch Episode 1 on VIXEN, then follow her bottom over to TUSHY for Episode 2 and finally see how far she goes in Episode 3 on BLACKED. The adventure of a lifetime continues as redheaded backpacker Lottie lets a wealthy older man show her around Ibiza. Dresses, jewelry, public sex: it’s all part of the package. And if Lottie is up for a...
xmoviesforyouThis was back in the summer. I split up from my ex and was free and single. My friend was chatting to me one night via text and we did a bit of flirting. He was gay and I told him that I was Bi during the conversation. Basically I wanted some cock to spunk on me with no strings attached. Rich was up for it.Rich arrived two days later. He had with him some gay 'soft porn' movies to watch with him. We went up to the bedroom where I put the TV on. We sat and watched a couple of episodes as I...
“Dad ... Dad Are you up yet?” It was Rebecca, knocking on his door. “Dad ... come on ... we want to get the mirror in my room.” “Huh ... ok ... ok. I’m up. Go down and get some breakfast and I’ll be down.” The girls hurried downstairs. Tom looked at his clock. “7:30 am? You have got to be kidding.” Tom got up and got dressed. Looking himself in the mirror, wondering if last night was a dream, he half hardily said “Tom? Are you there?” Immediately his image spoke “Yes Tom, it’s me. You look...
When we returned from Aunt Susan’s, in late August of 1978, we arrived at a house that hadn’t been lived in for almost three months. Our neighbors checked on things for us and watered Mom’s plants, and we had a service to mow the lawn, but other than that, the house sat dormant. So Erin and I, Mom and Dad, engaged in several whirlwind days of cleaning, shopping, and dealing with mundane things. I suppose the routine was what I needed, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I missed Susan more in those...
There were three agents with me. From the top of the warehouse, we had clear line of sight for three miles east and south. The river was north of our position and, while we didn't have a completely clear line of sight intervening, we could see most of the dock itself and the water for a good five miles out. The west was blocked by other warehouses, but we had two-man units deployed on every other roof. With radar set up on the areas we were reasonably sure would not be at issue, I felt...
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Tuesday, January 5th, 1932 The next morning, Bethany Rose stood by the car, nervously waiting for him to come out. He saw her standing there, watching through his library window. ‘Well, how about that?’ He finished dressing and went downstairs. He grabbed a doughnut from the plate and now found both women next outside, Bethany still at the car and Eliza waiting in the doorway. ‘Who’s going to watch the children? Can’t just leave them...
The captain tried to hit on Jack a few times to which Jack was completely oblivious to as he had his eyes set on something else. True to his word Jack did give Lucie back her bow and even asked her to explain the weapon to her as he never found arrows with it, of course she told him how the bow work and even asked him if he wanted to fire the bow, he said that he pulled the string once when he found it but nothing happened even when he let the sting go. Lucie was surprised by this as whenever...
Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 2 - Moving Day A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'adoption facilitators'. In chapter 2, he moves from the men's dorm to his new home - the women's dorm. [email protected] ***************************************************************** Tom was pulling the last of his clothes out of his dresser when Bill came in. ...
I woke up and smiled to myself when Ashley was cuddled into me with her arm resting on my chest, I kissed her forehead and turned to my side to face her. I placed a hand on her ass and pulled her even closer to me. We were both naked and she still had my cum in his ass from last night. She looked so fucking cute sleeping, I knew what we were doing was so wrong but I couldn’t care less. No one would find out, and if you felt the way my sister felt you’d say the same thing. Growing up I had...
I put this one under noncon, but there are also some elements of domination, like impact play and bondage. I hope you enjoy and have fun! Sophie - The Cabin Ethan had been my boyfriend for a few years and we had been talking about our potential engagement in increasing amounts for months now. The cabin got brought up when we were cuddled on our love seat together and he paused the Netflix show we were watching to kiss me, these long, slow romantic kisses. He only pulled back to stroke my...
Earlier, like two weeks before the girls flew to New Orleans, but still before Megan bought the Beechcraft and had it delivered, Mina finally got over the green farts and could stand being in the same room with herself. Alum pickles are a great bar favorite in the North Texas area. So are pickled eggs. The combination of the two, pickles and eggs, along with green Lone Star beer produces the most spectacular gas ... a contest winner in any self respecting Fart competition. Mina was used to...
Jay Smooth walks into the house, announcing that he’s home. Allie Nicole, his step-sister, calls out from the living room that she’s in there. He joins her, seeing her sitting on the couch with her bare feet against a coffee table, lotioning her long legs near the thigh… Jay’s a little taken aback, teasing her about how short her short-shorts are. Allie giggles and says she likes to let her skin breathe! It’s not like he hasn’t seen her skin before —...
xmoviesforyouAfter months of reaching new heights of sexual adventure and new lows of emotional self-destruction, I found myself once more at their event site. Luckily this trip went without event. The group’s king, Tim, was there, as well as maybe a couple dozen others. When we arrived, Glade’s pavilion was pitched, but he was nowhere to be seen. We were greeted by some people but mostly left to ourselves. This was a far cry from the pulsating hustle and bustle that I usually saw.“Let’s get ourselves...
Group Sex