Reginald's FamilyChapter 18 free porn video

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Fiona gave a laugh at this exposition, but put in her own thought.

“Everyone, I would like to go to church this Sunday, if you are all O.K. with me sloping off.”

Frances told her, “No problem, Fiona. Would you like some the rest of to join you? What church is it?”

“The local Parish church will do me fine: Anglican, not R.C. Church gives me some comfort when I get angry, such as with my stepmother’s actions. I know I shouldn’t wish her ill, so I want a quiet chat with God during the service, to ask forgiveness.”

Frances gave her a hug. “A very human frailty, that. I would be happy to accompany you, if it would be helpful, Fiona.”

“It would, Frances. It would,” she repeated.

Frances passed on this item to the other girls. This resulted in all the other girls and Reg offering to come along too. Fiona looked surprised, and said, “I didn’t expect you all to join me, but I won’t refuse the offer.”

Reg told her, “Fiona, if one of us needs any sort of help, we all cooperate to ensure that she gets help. We are a FAMILY, and we act accordingly.”

“Wow. I keep learning more about this unique family. I even more want to join you,” she admitted.

Frances declared, “We made a decision some time ago, to allow you to join, Fiona. That decision is unlikely to be rescinded, but remember: when you do finally commit to us, you commit to us for life!”

“I will pray for guidance, Frances, but my heart says yes.”

“Okay, Fiona. Get the details of church location and time of service, and we can organise the visit.”

Reg glanced at his phone to check the time, having noticed other students leaving, “Girls, it is time we were off to our next lectures.”

The afternoon was uneventful, in that nothing unusual happened, except that the police released the Chemistry building for normal use, under pressure from the university authorities. A memo was then sent around the university, announcing that Chemistry lectures and other meetings in the Chemistry building would resume first thing tomorrow. It ended by saying that some experiments would have to be reconsidered, if damaged by the explosion.

The Robertson tribe gathered at the car park and drove home, chattering about their day. Frances handed her door key to Reg. “Reg darling, it is time you acted as head of household, and opened the front door for your family to enter.”

Reg smiled wearily, and accepted the key and the instruction, fitting it in the lock and opening the door with a flourish.

“Ladies, your home awaits.” He bowed and gestured towards the open doorway. Standing there now was Carol, looking bemused. “What the hell is going on here?”

Frances gave a nonchalant wave of her hand. “Nothing of concern, Carol. Merely a new ritual for the family: Reg opening the front door for us, indicating his place as head of our household.”

Carol frowned. “But I thought you, as Chief Wife, were head of the household, Frances?”

Frances admonished her, “Head of the female household, yes, Carol, but Reg is overall head of the family, so we should give him his place.”

Reg patted Carol on the shoulder and whispered to her, “She is giving me permission to be titular head, Carol. Let her get away with it.”

Carol giggled at these words, and Frances glared over at her, suspecting that she was the butt of the joke.

Holly appeared, demanding, “All of you get inside, quick, before Sidra comes through here. We need to get the door closed.”

Frances was puzzled at the way Holly was acting. “Are you trying to take my place, Holly?”

“No, Frances. We have talked with Sidra, and agree that she needs to be out of sight from the world. Her father beat her up regularly, and her mother got hit for protecting her. The father seems to have absorbed the Pakistani male controlling attitude, whereby women are second or third-class citizens, and beating them is normal. A really horrible approach to life!”

Frances was pleased that the twins had got through to Sidra. “Well done, girls. You can advise us on how we should help Sidra to cope.”

“Someone mentioned my name?” Sidra appeared from the dining room, where she had been laying the table for the evening meal.

Frances told her, “Of course, Sidra. We were discussing how to help you. The twins appear to have made a start, so you should use them as a sounding-board if you want to talk about your problems.”

Reg added, “And Sidra? If you let us know where your father can be found, we might be able to let him feel what being beaten is like!”

Sidra recoiled, “He is my father, Reg! I cannot do that to him.”

“But it was all right for him to do that to you, was it?”

“No. But, ... he is still my father, and so should be respected.”

“And you are still his daughter, and should equally be respected, but you were NOT being respected, were you?”

“No.” She appealed, desperately, “Reg, can you not explain to him that beating people is wrong?”

Reg explained his thoughts. “Sidra, to a man like him, other people, particularly females, are not on a level worthy of his respect, because they are subservient in his social philosophy. He probably does not think of them being hurt; but being merely chastised, in his mind’s eye. He probably believes that this is only way to get females to behave as they should. This the way men like that think. You can ask Fiona about that, and she will tell you. Until he realises that females are just as important as males, his behaviour will be difficult to alter.”

“But how do you do that, Reg? How can he change, without your beating-up plan?”

“I don’t know, Sidra. In some ways, he may never change, inside, but he might be persuaded to hold back on striking out at his family. My impression is that some major impact on him is necessary for that to happen. That is why I spoke about him learning what a beating is like; being on the receiving end for once.”

“But who do you imagine as delivering such a beating? Would the person who did that not be participating in the very thing that you object to?”

Reg looked at Sidra with considerably more respect. “You have a strong point there, young lady. Would you rather abandon your family entirely? Remember that your mother remains in that abusive relationship.”

“I can tell you this: I don’t ever want to go back there!”

“What about your mother? Would she want out as well?”

“Oh.” She stopped to think. “I don’t know. She might have had enough of him, but I am not certain. I would have to ask her, and I can’t do that now.”

“Why not? We could get you a throw-away mobile phone, then you could use it to make the call. If necessary, we could take you in a car to another town for you to call her, so that even if someone traced the GPS location, it would not tell them anything. You would still be safe, provided that phone was not used again.”

She mulled this over, clearly concerned for her mother, while anxious about her own hidden location. At last, she responded.

“I like the idea of contacting my mother in a way that does not lead back to me. Can you fix it up?”

Frances told her, “We can try, Sidra. Give us a day or two to look into the question of such phones.”

Holly reappeared to say, “Can you folk get yourselves properly inside and prepare yourselves for dinner? We had a hotpot organised, on the assumption that you might be late, but as you are here sharpish, we can dish out the meal earlier; just give us time to heat up the soup that Carol made. Ten or fifteen minutes should be enough, unless you want it whirred?”

“Whirred?” questioned Prudence.

“Sorry. That means liquidised, in our family. The liquidiser makes a whirring sound, so I call it whirring. It only takes a minute or so. I prefer the lumps, though. What do you all want? Hands up for whirred.”

“O.K. that’s three. Can I assume non-whirred for the rest? Fine. I’ll tell Carol it is three portions for whirring.” she vanished towards the kitchen.

Sidra commented, “The twins are very efficient; well organised. Their mother has trained them well.”

Freda nudged Frances. “Can I have a quiet word, Frances?”

Frances agreed, and the pair went off to the living room to be alone.

Frances then asked, “What do you want, that needs privacy, Freda?”

“I was thinking: perhaps my big brother can borrow a phone from his bank; one that belongs to the bank and not to an individual. He could send it to us by courier, then we take Sidra to a neutral venue to make the call. Even if it could be traced, the phone’s ownership would simply be the bank’s headquarters, with no provable link to anyone. These phones get passed around for business use, Julian told me. He was bragging at the time.”

Frances was pleased. “That sounds a great idea, Freda! Go ahead and see if it is practical, dear. And, thanks.” She gave Freda a kiss on the cheek to show her pleasure.

Freda checked the time. “I might have time to catch Julian at his work, so I’ll do it now. Keep the soup hot for me!”

She took her phone off to her bedroom to make the call.

While all the others were partaking of their soup, she sidled into the dining room and took her seat. The soup tureen was covered, and Frances gestured for her to help herself, so Freda did so, finding it still nice and hot.

As she tasted her soup, her eye caught Frances’ raised eyebrow, Frances asking the inevitable question. Freda simply nodded, and followed it with a ‘thumbs up’ signal with her free hand.

After their evening meal was concluded; the twins having brought coffee and biscuits to the table; they dispersed to their own interests for the evening.

Despite the evening drawing in, Reg took his metal detector and a plastic bag out to the back garden and scanned as much as he could. He was able to return with some very old tin cans, nails of various lengths, and a few unidentified small lumps of metal. There was still more to be scanned, but he was happy with a step in the right direction.

Frances had motioned Freda to wait behind as the others left the dining room, and when they were alone, asked, “What is happening with your brother, Freda?”

“He told me he would pick up a business phone and parcel it up, addressed to here, marked Robertson & Co., accountants. That makes it appear a business delivery. He told the firm’s courier service to pick it up at the front desk – some staff work late, you see – and he has a promise of delivery tomorrow. I’ll warn the twins that a parcel is due.”

“Sounds good, Freda. Your Julian appears to have turned over a new leaf, being so cooperative to his little sister.”

Freda snorted, “His MARRIED little sister, Frances! I am one up on him, in his eyes, but I do believe this girl he has started going out with will snaffle him into wedlock before long. She has her head screwed on right, and will make him a good wife.”

Frances nodded, “I am sure you are correct, Freda. It is not just the beauties that know how to get a man!”

“Yes, even if we have to do it by teamwork.” She smiled. “Talking of teams, Sidra seems to have teamed up with the twins.”

“I noticed. Being of similar ages, they have a lot in common, and they know about child abuse: they had a project about it in their final year at school.”

“Ah, so that’s how they knew how to approach Sidra. Good for them. The twins have a lot going for them, Frances. Your cousins are good cooks, and they seem to know their way around housework.”

Frances told Freda, “Their mother was like mine: Prepare them for either feeding a husband, or feeding themselves if they didn’t find a suitable man. The same goes for housework. She intended them to keep their house or flat clean, neat and tidy. Nothing puts off a man more quickly than a slovenly-looking home.”

“Yes. Our parents were keen on these abilities too, but that was because our looks did not give them expectations of us ever marrying. Boy, were they SO wrong, thanks to Reg!”

Frances smiled gently. “Life is never what we expect it to be. We just have to hope that it becomes BETTER than expected, and not worse.”

“Yeah. I think Reg comes under the category of ‘better’!”

“Agreed, but that doesn’t give you priority with him tonight, girl.”

Freda gave her a pretend scowl, but gave up and smiled. “I’m not bothered. I can wait a day or two until it is my turn again. Reg never leaves me unsatisfied.”

“Again, agreed; despite adding Fiona to the pack. One of these days we may have to get Reg onto these penile erection pills, if he wilts under much more pressure. But perhaps he will get better at staying hard, with practice; and he gets plenty of practice as it is.”

“Hmm ... Is it true what I heard, that when you are pregnant you get more horny?”

“As with most questions, the answer is both yes and no. From my reading, the general conclusion is less desire for sex in the first trimester, more desire in the second, and tailing off again in the third trimester, but as every woman is different, so are the effects.”

“Should I read up on it as well, Frances?”

“If you want, but I intend to consult the maternity services and get them to examine me and tell me what to expect, based on my own body’s reaction to pregnancy.”

“That sounds sensible. Should we all aim to have the same doctor or midwife?”

“Good suggestion, if we can arrange it that way. If Fiona is first, we can broach the idea with her medical professionals, and get their reaction. I certainly think if there are several of us pregnant in the same house, one medical visit could be more efficient if checking us all over. That reminds me: I’d better arrange for Reg to get a medical, so we know he is fit and well. Fatherhood can be stressful to a man, you know.”

The following day, with the twins briefed to expect a parcel, the others left them to look after Sidra, and set off for their classes. The only unexpected occurrence was when the Reverend Professor phoned Frances, asking to speak to Reg. Frances reminded her that Reg now had his own phone, and gave her the number.

Shortly, Reg got the call, and welcomed her call.

“Glad to hear you, Professor. What can I do for you?”

“I just wanted to let you know that a rather officious policeman wanted to know about the stowaway in the Chemistry building basement, on the grounds that the person could be witness to the break-in.

I told the man that, first of all, as the break-in was during the night, the chances of anyone being able to identify the intruder was pretty well nil, and secondly, as the trespasser was a young person in need of care, I would not be passing on any information that could harm the child in any way.

He tried to browbeat me, saying that he only wanted to ask questions, but I said that might be traumatic for the child. If he had specific questions he would like answers to, I might be able to pass them on – IF I still had a location for the child, who was being placed into a safe place of protection.

He then suggested that if a crime had been committed on the person of the child, it was his duty to investigate it and bring the perpetrator to justice. I asked him, What if the child did not want the perpetrator arrested, for example if a family member was responsible?

That stopped him, so I think we have got off safely. I just thought you ought to know.”

“Pity,” murmured Reg.

The Reverend gasped, “Pity? Do you not care, Mr Robertson?”

“Sorry. You misunderstand me. I meant it was a pity you rang me. If he checks your phone records, he will know that you rang me, and draw his own conclusions.”

“Oh. You mean it might lead him to you?”

“Yes. It would be better if we had another reason for you speaking to me. How about that Fiona Prentiss wants to join our Commitment, and you were phoning me to give me feedback?”

“Are you serious, Mr Robertson? Fiona Prentiss, in the year ahead of you?”

“That’s her. She volunteered, as she is looking for a stable partnership. She has a new stepmother who is pushing her out of her father’s family. We all warned her about our Commitment being just as permanent as a marriage, so she thought it over and decided she wanted to commit to us and our love. She is possibly pregnant now, by her own choice I have to say.”

“Good Grief, Robertson; you don’t do things by halves, do you? What did you do to this girl, to make her willing to throw her life away on you and your tribe?”

“That is the thing, Reverend Professor. I did nothing. She approached Frances, who tried to put her off, then told her she had to be approved by all the wives in advance. That failed to deter her, and after a long discussion with my ladies, they approved her application and insisted she had to discover whether she could put up with me and my love-making.”

“Does that mean what I think, Mr Robertson?”

“Yes, I am afraid so. She volunteered to be deflowered – she was still a virgin – and only afterwards did she tell me that she had no birth control measures in place, and wanted none.”

“So that is why you think she might be pregnant?”

“Indeed so. Now she has bought a number pregnancy test kits for use by herself and my wives.”

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You’d intrigued me in so many ways for so many months. You’d think if I’d waited that long, I could have waited just a bit longer until our first date. Perhaps it was knowing you were buzzed. Perhaps it was knowing you’d been out with someone else earlier. Perhaps it was a desire to set the tone for our first dinner. But most likely it was you texting me that you had just crawled into bed with your Hitachi, vibrator, and teddy bear. The teddy bear you grind against to cum harder than anything...

3 years ago
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Meteor shower

It was dark and the stars were burning brightly, Lucy had her head against the glass of the truck peering out at the night sky with longing. “How breath taking would it be to go to outer space?” She says with a happy sigh. Harry peered over with a smile. He always loved how she talked about the galaxies and everything beyond Earth but one complaint of hers was that the stars were “never truly shining with all their glory because of all that light pollution” So Harry was taking her for a night...

4 years ago
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Virginia virginity

Introduction: My sister started to wear bulky clothing so that the boys would stop hitting on her. Once I saw what she had under those clothes I hit on her myself. Up until my sister Virginia turned thirteen and started to develop she wore nothing but tight sexy clothing and I enjoyed watching her sweet little boobs develop. When Virginia turned thirteen though she started wearing dad’s shirts and baggy pants all of the time. It wasn’t until she turned fifteen that I found out why.When...

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Rose The Great Educator

I couldn’t get enough of Rose, we spent a lot of our alone time in Rose’s car. I lived at home with my parents and Rose rented an apartment from my aunt. I spent a lot of time at my aunt’s house but not alone with Rose. It was frustrating for the both of us. To be in the same house and control emotions and desires to just kiss or touch Rose being denied was living hell. So Rose would pick me up and we would go to a local park and make out, always wanting to do more than the much needed kiss or...

3 years ago
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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 5

Hugh woke up at 5AM the next morning, the unwilling victim of jet lag. He looked over at Erin, sleeping soundly. "How can he sleep so soundly?" he wondered. With a start, Hugh realized that he had just referred to Erin as 'he'. Unable to get back to sleep as the morning light began to filter in, Hugh decided to get dressed and walk to the local bagel shop to fetch some breakfast. After slipping into some old jeans, Hugh looked at Erin's bra on the chair. He had not worn it since they...

4 years ago
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Gym Teacher 5

My wife’s sister Kim, was also very close to us. She is 4 years younger than Carol, my wife. And, if you read the last installment, you will know that Carol passed away over 8 years ago now, when she was 60, from cancer. When she and I met, Carol was 30, and I was 22. For me, and Kim alike, that was the hardest day I have ever lived through. But, we were strong for each other, and have remained very close, to this day. Kim met a guy about a year after Carol and I got engaged. His name was...

3 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part 13

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Thirteen By Danielle J I must thank Puddin for her help with this story. ***** Hideichi Ishimoto was shown into the study of Keiji Wantanabe. The elderly Oyabun was waiting for the shareigashira. "What can I get you to drink?" Keiji asked at the same time he waved with his right hand to tell Hideichi to sit down. The Oyabun had on a kimono, one he usually wore when going to bed. "Scotch and water," Hideichi replied. One of Keiji's bodyguards...

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A night in a slaves life

A Night in a Slave's LifeA full moon rises on this cool spring night.While an icy breeze blows through the trees in the pale moon light.A blond haired woman is bound naked in the forest.Wrists crossed behind her back, helpless, vulnerable, surrounded by the crickets chorus.Slave’s purple high heels reflecting the full moons beams.A purple ball gag, clinched between slave’s red, pout lips, silences any possible screams.The icy breeze dances across her perfectly smooth flesh causing goose...

3 years ago
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Getting What I Want Part 1

Hello Mr. Davis,The school year is already wrapping up and I hope it has treated you well. It feels like I was presenting my final senior project to you just yesterday! I'm now almost finished with my first year of college English and a requirement is the completion of a final essay.  I understand you are highly busy but was wondering if I could come by and you could edit what I have written. It would mean so much to me and I would appreciate your time.Thank you,Jenna MurphyOne hour later I got...

4 years ago
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Sonali become Panchali

I was in the library early one evening and as I finished my paper I noticed one of the girls working there was getting ready to leave. I had talked to Sonali before, during her break, but felt she was not attracted to me except as a friend. She was great looking with tremendous tits. Ever since the first time I had laid eyes on her I knew she was someone I needed to know better, if you catch the drift. She impressed me as being somewhat prudish but smart and had a relaxed personality. As she...

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Childhood Friends1

As far as friends and girls go Amanda was the best. There was no game or sport that she could not participate in. We liked all the same music, movies, TV, she we always managed to make each other laugh. Our bond was so close there were times when we could communicate with our minds. All we had to do was look at each other and we knew what the other was thinking. We interrupted a lot of classes with our laughing because someone would say something and when we looked at each other we were...

3 years ago
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Hot Neighbour And Myself Seduce Each Other

Hi friends, this is Aryan Khanna from Kolkata. My E-Mail ID: “” This story is about my sex life with my hot neighbour around 6 months ago. Coming to the story, I am working in a reputed company. Earlier I was posted in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I used to stay as a paying guest in a duplex. The land lord mostly stays out of town. So, me and the land lady used to stay alone most of the time. She wears nighty at home. We used to talk freely like friends and watch TV together. Many times I saw her...

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Carol and I no 3

Story 4 Chapter 1I was a warm early morning in May, Carol was resting in her bed, drifting in and out of sleep. Rudeolph was flat out next to her and both were naked having spent the previous evening in yet another sexual encounter that had left both of them spent and exhausted. Carol had an additional twinkle in her eyes this morning, she lay there recalling her shopping trip the other day, she had eventually built up the courage to go and purchase the items she had spent weeks thinking about,...

3 years ago
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A Dancers Story

Movement has been my life.  Even as a young boy, all I wanted to do was to jump around, to leap, to express myself with my body.  So it was natural that my parents enrolled me for dance lessons.  I was one of few boys among a lot of girls.  And as I matured, my rarity became even more pronounced.  I was straight, in a calling that attracts many gay men.  Sort of an ugly duckling I suppose. It’s just that I like women’s bodies, their curves, and the flirtatious way they interact with men.  I...

4 years ago
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The Passion of the PossessedChapter 3

Saturday night came around a lot quicker than Debbie thought possible. She had accidently bumped into Alicia at the mailboxes in mid-afternoon and she had kissed in the French way with her tongue invading the girl’s wet and wonderful throat. She moved her hand patting her neighbor’s nicely curved buttocks up slightly because another person had just entered from the outside. The woman’s umbrella was soaking wet and the silly cow was shedding her wetness all over them as they untangled their...

3 years ago
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a very hot encounter

I've had been feeling way too horny for days; masturbating every night to shemale porn. I've always loved transexuals. There's nothing better than a very hot body with a fairly large cock to be sucked and drained of hot cum. There's something even kinkier for me about a top shemale. I imagine that cock being inside of me, drilling my little tight ass while I go crazy kissing whoever is fucking me. The weekend arrived and that friday y decided I was not going to go out and just tend to my...

3 years ago
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Bust In Cars 8211 Part I

This is divya with another story of my friend. This is story of my friend Rahul with his mom. I will narrate the story for his mommy. Story: I was a single mother divorced from my husband after my 5 years of marriage life; I got to do various jobs to get money meanwhile I went to so many places allover India. I was 36 years old but will look like 25 year old girl because of my care about my body. My son was now 20 year old boy with good physic. I used to do heavy makeup and as I was a manager I...

2 years ago
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Alex Coal Sophia West Housewife8217s Awakening

Alex Coal, a massage therapist, welcomes her next client, Sophia West, a lovely housewife, into the massage parlor. Sophia made an appointment that day to get some help with her sore back, which is really bothering her. Alex is pleased to help her and the massage soon gets underway. But as Alex glides her hands along Sophia’s naked body, working out the knots, Sophia admits that her back is so sore because her husband makes her do all the housework. Although Alex tries to be professional,...

4 years ago
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The Ten of Them Chapter 21

For whatever reason, Sam hadn’t experienced a Christmas in her life. Most parents love the excuse to spoil their kids that Christmas gives them. After Sam’s visit to her grandmother’s home I think I understand why Sam hasn’t had a Christmas. Her grandmother appeared to barely make ends meet and had for a very long time judging from the poor condition the home was in. During the last chapter Ron and Reese return and both separated from the military. George and Alyssa return from...

1 year ago
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Dyked Liv Revamped Simone Garza Live In Sex Toy

Liv Revamped is one hot piece of ass who doesn‘t pay the rent on time. Simone Garza is a rich and sexy power women. Simone is tired of her deadbeat tenant not making rent on time. This month, she finally hangs and eviction notice on the door. When Liv returns to see this, she is freaked out and tries to sneak in to collect some of her possessions. Just then, her rich slave driving landlord returns. Simone knows that lazy slacker Liv is somewhere in the house and demands that she come out and...

2 years ago
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A Shared HalloweenBirthday Party I

This story is inspired by my experience at a Halloween/Birthday Party in 2014. For those of you here on Lush that know me and have been friends since day one, I have come a long way. Lush has opened me up to new experiences and self-exploration, as I hope it does to many of you reading this. I always knew about my nudist side and “possible” exhibitionist side from an early age. I remember being at the beach as a teenager and having to, or better yet, wanting to leave the locker room with just...

Straight Sex
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I Finally Seduced My Beautiful Chachi

Hello lovely people I am an ardent fan of ISS. I have been reading the stories from class 10. I have finished my graduation and currently running a startup. I always wanted to have the thrill of experiencing vivid sexual pleasures like the writers of ISS but never had a chance. Although I fucked a lot of girls in my college and tuitions, it wasn’t that interesting to write a story about it. I always wanted to have a wild, weird sexual experience. I tried to seduce my teacher, didn’t work. My...

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Altered Fates The Wife

Altered Fates: The Wife By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 "Santiago Airlines Flight 2 is now arriving at Gate A. Santiago Airlines Flight 2 from Guatemala City and Mexico City now arriving at Gate A." The amplified voice echoed through the small rural airport. Edward Lassiter ran towards the gate. A large man, dressed in the new blue and gold Federal Airline Security Agency uniform, stopped him at the outer glass door. "I'm sorry, sir," the guard said. "You'll have to wait until the...

1 year ago
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Recognition chapter 2

When I got into work that morning I was very excited and more than a little nervous.  I would be seeing Kat, my co-worker and also the woman whose pictures I had so enjoyed viewing the previous night.  Kat had posted her pictures on an amateur sex web site, and I had gone through her pics one by one as she slowly and invitingly removed her pajamas, then pleasured herself with her fingers.  Kat had no idea that I had seen her photos, and while I really wanted to tell her how much they had...

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Sex Bomb

Groggily you raise your head, feeling a slight pressure under your ribs. You run your fingers over it and find stitches there. "Funny." you think, "you do not remember having an operation or visiting the hospital." Raising up from the bed, you see you are in a small room, there is a mirror over a sink and a door leading out. It is hot and as you stand you recall this to be a storage area of some kind. Going over to the sink you see you are in your underwear, and there are some stitches just...

3 years ago
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The FacilitatorChapter 5

I wore my MP uniform again and patrolled Holsworthy on eight hourly shifts accompanied by Sal as a female MP. We took up digs in vacant married quarters using orders directly from Higher Up, which Sal was the author of, due to a need for improved security after the explosion. It appears we were the first team of eight brought especially in, so were quite expected. I did think it was odd that we are the first here so management may not be giving it the highest priority; or they knew what...

1 year ago
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Megan the Nanny

“Great, she’s asleep, maybe I can make some dinner now” I think to myself as I rock my baby daughter in my arms. Just then, I hear the doorbell. “Now what?” I mutter to myself. I glance at the security camera and see a teenage girl at the front door with some papers. Against my better judgment, I find myself heading to the door to answer it. “Hi, I’m Megan” she says quickly lowering her voice upon seeing the sleeping baby, “and I am letting people in the neighborhood know that I am available to...

2 years ago
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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahEpilogue

They waited for sunrise before beginning the ceremony. Wind whipped through the gathering, sending the white wedding gown built by her mother high enough to reveal Melissa's red and black silk garters on her white stocking covered thighs. Even Zelda's heavy, low cut, black velvet dress adorned with silver moons, one for each phase except the new moon, rose from ankle length to her knees. Her black lace scarf fluttered, but glistening five pointed silver and gold star pins in her hair kept...

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Nikki part 27

I take several deep breaths to clear my head as the smartly-dressed man looks at me with serious eyes. In all my life, I don't think I've ever been as terrified as I am now... "It'll be okay," dad whispers, squeezing my hand for support. I wish I shared your optimism, dad... "Nicola Christine Thomas," the man says, making me shiver with nerves. "You officially charged with one account of assault and battery. All relevant information is provided on the charge sheet I've given you,...

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The House Boy Part 2 continuation

The next day came and I had to go to school and get my schedule from my advisor and teaching assignment. He had the day off but would have to do the same on Tuesday. He noticed my schedule on the kitchen counter and took it to my room and put it on my night stand which I did not think much about other than he was doing what he thought was his job. Again, we went to bed early and made love a couple of times before we drifted off to sleep. The next day I went to the office and settled in for...

4 years ago
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How I enjoyed with my dusky beauty

Hi, this is a real story about me and my childhood friend, who grew to become a sex bombshell (ready to explode). I am 28 and live in Bangalore and Ratna (not real name) she lives in Noida. Since both our families were known to each other, she came over stayed with us for writing some competitive exams. Ratna was a child hood friend but now has grown up to be a dusky beauty with ample assets to make any dick hard and salute. When I received her I didn’t have any idea she was sexy since, I am...

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