Reginald's FamilyChapter 19 free porn video

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Getting through, he told the police Sergeant, “Her daughter is on her way to a neutral site, to make a call to the family home, to try and speak to her mother. The phone used will not be traceable to us, and Frances will start the call in case there are problems at the other end.”

“You seem to be well organised, Reg. I have cleared my schedule for tomorrow morning, and I have a bright shiny and colourful police car allocated to me.”

“Sergeant, we are willing to pay your petrol and other costs for this trip to Banbury.”

“No, we can’t do that. It will show up in the records. I can officially be over at Banbury to have a look at a prospective constable for here. If you want to make a contribution, my suggestion is a donation to COPS – ‘Care of Police Survivors’ set up to help police with trauma and other problems.”

“Good idea, sergeant. You can give us the details later, and we can kick in a contribution. I’ll ring you to confirm our plan is going ahead, once I hear.”

Then it was waiting time. Reg paced around the house, and the other wives failed to gain his attention as he worried. After an hour, his phone rang and he grabbed it quickly.

“Yes?” he demanded.

Frances spoke. “Fixed. She said yes, so should be at Banbury police station before lunchtime tomorrow. Sidra spoke well. The girl is much cleverer than she gives herself credit for. She should be easy to educate at home, Reg.”

“Agreed. She is a bright girl. Get yourselves home now, but take care in the dark, my darling.”

Closing his phone, Reg allowed himself a punch in the air. “Yes!”

The other wives heard this exclamation and came to hear his news.

“Sidra’s mother agreed, so she should be here some time tomorrow, depending on when the Sergeant can get here. Should we do anything for Sidra’s mum, girls?”

They couldn’t think of anything until they met the woman. Freda asked, “Will she share Sidra’s bedroom with her, or should she have her own room, Reg?”

“Again, best wait until she gets here, but please have another room ready for occupancy if she wants her own room. I can move another bed into Sidra’s room if that’s what she prefers. Dammit, I nearly forgot to phone the Sergeant. I’ll do it now.”

He fished out his phone again, and range the policeman.

“Sergeant? Reg Robertson. We are GO for tomorrow. Sidra’s Mum – Mrs Sadaf – agreed to leave her husband.”

“Sidra, is it? That the teenager who was found in the Chemistry basement?”

“Yes, but she is in hiding. We are a place of safety for her, and her mother will be in the same boat when she gets here. Still O.K. for Banbury tomorrow?”

“Yes. I have the car, the policewoman’s uniform, and the time for this special protection duty tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Sergeant. Someone will be here when you arrive; the LeBrun twins – our cook and housekeeper. Sidra will stay out of sight until her mother is inside.”

“Reg, I may have to interview her informally on the way to your place, but I will not put any pressure on her. I just need to confirm she is a battered wife seeking sanctuary. That will cover my back if I am asked about my protection duties at Banbury.”

“I fully take that on board, Sergeant. You are being very helpful and you must make sure you are doing the correct thing by her. Hope it all goes well tomorrow.”

“It had better.” he laughed shortly. “I will make it so.”

Reg recognised the military phrase, and joined in the laugh. “Good for you, sir. Goodnight. I have to wait now for Frances to get back with Sidra, from wherever they made the call. Bye.”

Reg resumed his pacing, but this time there was no worry; merely anxious for Frances and Sidra to be home safe with him. He felt his responsibility for them, keenly. It was only now that his mind came to the realisation that as a husband, he had accepted far more than the love of these girls. He had accepted responsibility for their welfare and well-being: looking after them and their needs; taking care of them; protecting them from harm; being everything that a wife should expect from her husband. He had accepted his four wives in this way, and with Fiona, five.

It was an onerous task, but one which he was happy to take on.

His anxiety persisted for another half-hour, until he heard the car draw up outside. Reg was at the door to welcome them. He ushered Sidra inside, then stopped Frances, to instead gave her a strong cuddle and a passionate kiss.

Frances happily accepted this demonstration of love, then queried Reg with a look.

He explained, “I found myself worried about you until you phoned, and even then I was anxious until you got back safely. It seems I love you a great deal, Frances.”

She heaved a sigh of relief at this confession. “Long may it continue, Reg my love. I do hope you feel the same way about your other wives?”

Reg thought a moment. “Now that you mention it, I really do! Thank you for reminding me, Frances. Let’s get inside now, for it is cold outside.”

They went through to the living room, where Sidra was excitedly telling the other ladies what her mother had said.

“So, she is coming tomorrow! My ammi will be free!”

Prudence admonished her, “Sidra, don’t celebrate too soon. There might be some slip-up on the way, or your father might not go to work, or your mum might take sick, or whatever. Wait until she is actually here, before you celebrate.”

Sidra calmed down. “I get you, Prudence. I will wait.”

Erika asked Sidra, “As we are going to have your Mum here, what does she look like? Height, colouring, etc.?”

Sidra had to think. Her mum had always just been her Mum, so she had not really looked at her. She brought up her mother in her mind, and told the Robertsons, “She is taller than me; about 5 foot 5ive or six, I think. Brown hair, complexion similar to me; eyes, I am not clear what colour they are: I just see them as loving. Looks ... um ... do you mind if I say this, girls?”

Prudence told her: “Go ahead, Sidra. We can take it.”

“Well, I think she is beautiful! My view may be coloured by her being my ammi, but that is how I see her. Apologies for seeming to compare her with you girls; it is not meant harshly.”

“Sidra, don’t worry about it. When we have had to put up with insults such as ‘the ugly ducklings’ and the ‘plain Janes’, we have developed tough exteriors. Reg made us forget about our faces entirely. He loves the rest of our bodies quite intensely, and we love the way he acts towards us; he is such a loving man.”

“I wish my father had been like your Reg. Instead, he thinks nothing of beating us to keep us in line. I can never remember a time when he praised me, cuddled me, or even thanked me for something I had done well.”

Freda told her sympathetically, “That is terrible, Sidra. A youngster needs encouragement, even when doing well. My parents never commented on my looks, just concentrated on what I could achieve. I did really well at school, despite the jibes of some other children. My parents told me, ‘If they criticise your looks, it means they are not secure in their own looks, and have to attack someone else instead. You should pity them for their own insecurity.’ It was great advice.”

Reg intruded, “We have been waiting up for you two girls, so it is about time we got to bed. We all have a busy day tomorrow.”

The others grumbled a little, but recognised the truth of what Reg was saying, and got ready for bed. Reg knew he had to satisfy at least two of his wives before he could get to sleep, so he got to bed first, leaving them to rouse him if he was almost sleeping.

Next morning was Friday, so they knew that it would be a short day at university. Everyone was gearing themselves up for the weekend, so the lecturers did not want excessive intensity during their lectures, and Reg refrained from his often bothersome questions, such as ‘what will happen to the planet if Yellowstone blows its top?’ or ‘how can you stop American Crayfish from wiping out the local species?’. Instead, he calmly listed to the lectures and said nothing. Curiously, this unsettled his lecturers even more, and at the end one of them asked him if he was unwell.

“No, sir. I just have a lot on my mind at the moment.”

It was nearly two o’clock before he got a call from home. It was Holly, to say that the Sergeant had phoned to say he would be arriving in about fifteen minutes, with Mrs “Sadaf, and that all was well. Reg relaxed.

At the house, the doorbell was eventually rung, and Carol went to answer it. There on the doorstep stood two people in police uniform, and she invited them inside, then closed the door.

Sergeant Phillips introduced Mrs Sadaf, and explained he was going back to the car to collect her bag. Carol took Mrs Sadaf though to the living room and invited her to take off the police uniform, for the sergeant to take it back.

Looking apprehensive, the attractive Asian woman peeled off her equipment belt, the hi-vis jacket, then the uniform jacket, revealing a thin top over her bra. Mrs Sadaf explained, “My outer wear is in my bag that Sergeant Phillips is collecting from the car.”

Carol had a dressing-gown handy, and offered it to her temporarily. The lady gladly put it on and tied the belt, waiting for the policeman to return.

The door bell rang again, and this time Holly answered. She escorted the policeman through to the room where the visitor was waiting, and Sergeant Phillips handed over the woman’s bag. He regarded her robe with approval.

He told the girls, “I have done my bit, ladies, and will be off now. As far as the records are concerned, I merely escorted an unnamed abused woman to a place of safety, and left her with her sponsors. Farewell, all of you.”

He quickly left again, and Mrs Sadaf proceeded to dress herself in her own clothes. When she had completed that task, ad felt she was now decently dressed, she asked, “Where is my daughter? Is she here, or someplace else?”

“I am here, mother,” Sidra said from the doorway. “How are you, ammi?”

Her mother squealed happily, and opened her arms to receive her daughter. Sidra flew into her welcoming arms, and hugged her tightly.

After giving them time to go through this ritual, Carol invited them to sit down for a chat, while she and Holly brought them tea or coffee, whichever they preferred. Both plumped for tea, so Carol went to prepare that. She knew the kettle was just off the boil, in preparation.

When she got back, both Sidra and her mother were still rabbiting on about how each had been coping since Sidra had vanished. Carol asked if Mrs Sadaf needed a meal, but the lady explained that the Sergeant had taken her to a cafe, she did not know where it was, and they had eaten a snack lunch there, at his expense. She had been too tense to be really hungry.

“Perhaps I will be able to eat tonight, if that is possible,” she said shyly.

Carol was quick to tell here she was now at home. “You should regard yourself as at your daughter’s home now. You will be treated as one of the family; won’t she, Sidra?”

Sidra was wide-eyed as she told her mother, “These are wonderful people, ammi. They have made me welcome, and my presence here is completely secret. Carol and Holly are looking after me very well, and the rest of the family are at the university, so you will meet them when they get back.”

She paused, and told her mother, “Most of the ladies here have very plain faces, so please don’t say anything about that; they are clever and capable girls, and so is their husband, Reg.”

Her mother blinked, and asked, “THEIR husband, Sidra?”

“Sorry, ammi; I will explain. They are Christian, but several girls wanted the same man, so they had a commitment Ceremony, and regard themselves as married to him. As you know, in this country, officially a man can only marry one woman. That is the law.”

Mrs Sadaf looked worried. “Are you safe around this man, my daughter?”

“Yes, ammi, he is a nice man; not like Father. The girls told me I would have no fears from him, and they were right. He treats me with respect.”

“But how can he be like that, if he takes several women as wives?”

“That is the point, ammi. He was not the instigator of all this. It was the girls who decided, just as they control everything else here. They seem to run everything. Reg just fits in with what they want; it is amazing.”

“What happened to your fear of men, child?”

“It is still there, ammi, but I do not see Reg as other men I have met. He acts so differently from what I expected. His women all love him; even the staff.”

“What staff is that, Sidra my child? Where are they?”

“You have just met them, ammi. Carol and Holly are identical twins. They are the cook and housekeeper here, and they look after me so well.”

“So this man and his so-called wives are all students at the university?”

“Yes, ammi, but don’t use such terms when you speak to his wives. They will object strongly to any suggestion that they are not his wives in any way. They are proud to be married to Reg.”

“I see. Does this Reg have a surname?”

“Robertson. Mostly he is just called Reg, which is short for Reginald.”

“So is he rich, this Reg Robertson, to be able to afford this house?”

“I have no idea, mother. The building is owned by a company run by Frances’ father – that I have been told. The wives also told me that Reg came from a family that is very poor. He was brought up by his widowed mother.”

“But he lives in this large house, has several wives, and has two staff – it is just two, is it?”

“Just two,” Sidra agreed. “I have not asked how they are paid. It did not seem good manners to ask such a question.”

“Quite so. I was puzzled at first, when the one girl seemed to be so busy, but it is two!”

Sidra explained to her mother, “They are cousins of Frances, who is Reg’s Chief Wife. They have the hots for him as well, believe it or not!”

“But they are young girls, are they not?”

Yes, just eighteen. This is their first job, and they are enthusiastic about their work. The girls at university are not much older, except for the Fiona lady, who is an older woman; a graduate doing another degree.”

“What is she doing here? Is she a boarder?”

“Yes, I suppose you could call her that, but she acts as if she is another of Reg’s wives.”

“Sidra, what you keep telling me sounds weird, as if this Reg is some sort of Svengali character.”


“A character from an old and famous novel, who hypnotises and seduces a young girl.”

“No, he is not like that at all, mother. He is kind and generous and loving.”

“Loving, eh? Not TOO loving, I hope?”

“Muuum! He is not like that. He is just nice to be around, and he knows how to treat women. The girls say they taught him, from scratch, how to act among other people. They say he was a loner in his childhood, with no idea of what to say or do around other people, unless it had to do with education. His mother almost ignored him.”

The door opened and one of the twins entered.

“That’s the boss told that you are here safe and well, Mrs Sadaf.”

“The boss? That would be Mr Robertson, eh?”

“Reg? God, no. Frances is the boss of the family. The others gave her that title, as she was the first to fall for Reg.”

Sidra’s mother asked, for clarification, “So she was his first wife?”

Carol blinked at the thought, and laughed.

“Good golly, no! They all made a commitment to Reg at the one time, and in a public ceremony. They committed to him, and he to them. Every last one of them is devoted to the others.”

“Even this older woman I was hearing about?”

“Well, she’s new. She hasn’t had the commitment ceremony yet, but effectively she is one of them. The way she talks, she is likely to be first getting pregnant, lucky sod.”

“But they are students! Surely they don’t want to get pregnant while at their studies?”

“It used to be that way, but when we took on our jobs here, it was made plain to us that future tasks would include baby-sitting while the mother or mothers studied. Reg is a great believer in education.”

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This past weekend my friend and I went to New York for the night. On our way home we stopped at a rest stop to stretch and use the bathroom. While i was in there i got really horny from the thought of being at a sort of shady older rest stop where there was the possibility of having a glory hole in the bath room. I was in the stall and immediately got rock hard at the thought of being sucked off by a random person and was stroking my hard cock wishing it was a random strangers mouth instead. ...

2 years ago
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No Incest in Tamil

I am Thangam (Gold In Tamil). I had a taste of mother’s love. Strangely enough it is from my mother-in-law. This is strange, for in our culture the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is mostly strained. My Athai (Tamil for mother-in-law) is like my mother to me, and often we are more like friends. I will describe my sexual life for it is relevant to the story I am about to relate. I am married for a little more than a year and a half, but that does not prevent me from...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 116 Lust for Life

Katherine was the last person in the Plummer house to wake up. She woke to what she thought was the sound of screaming coming through her window, but it took her a while to fully wake and investigate. Since her room overlooked the Plummer backyard, she got a good eyeful of Alan, Amy, and Xania lying naked beside the pool. However, by the time she'd gone to the window their role-play sex romp was over, and they were just resting. She rushed through her morning rituals and went downstairs...

2 years ago
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Unbridled Evil Winter JenningsChapter 4

Bulldog Bannerman, fixer extraordinaire, came by my office. This time one of his three assistants, all 60-something ladies who were tougher than shoe leather, called to alert me. Bulldog, thick white hair cropped short, a sinewy body that still calls to mind the Golden Gloves fighter he had been in his teens, has an air of quiet competence. He gave me a small smile, “Favor.” “Of course.” I didn’t know him that well, not with 40 years difference in our ages. But we knew each other through...

4 years ago
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My association with Angel Adams like most good things in life had to end, but we made the most of a much varied sex life first As graduation day in 1962 neared most of us were celebrating surviving the so near nuclear threat of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the fact Russian President Nikita Kruschev had backed down from John F. Kennedy. Angel and I had fucked, sucked and played round as often as possible. As much as I tried to keep the back seat of my old 51 Chevy clean and fresh with air spray...

1 year ago
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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 8 A Change in Plans

Two figures hurried along the main road toward the docks. One was loping along, an unnatural gait if there ever was one. The second figure's way of walking was much smoother. A closer look revealed why the first person was loping along. It was the only way she could move faster than a walk without her abundant breasts bouncing wildly about. That's right, it is Tamarilla trying to get over to the bazaar before it closed. The second figure, one Alice, was moving smoothly along next to Tammi....

3 years ago
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Light of HellfireChapter 7

Upon sensing Abaddon’s raised energy levels, the four stationed-Archangels took flight, rushing to the scene. Flying in formation, they zoomed towards the site but were suddenly stopped as Baltoh appeared before them with a stony expression on his face and sword in hand. Raphael drew his claymore and pointed it at him. “What the Hell are you doing, Baltoh?” “I’m sorry, but I cannot let you pass,” he said softly, raising his arm and holding his sword to his side. Growling, Michael...

4 years ago
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He ejaculated in my ass on the train

I was on E train during the morning rush… it was probably the most humiliating and degrading moment of my life. That day the platform was extra crowded because of delays, and so to avoid being late, I had to squeeze on behind this large lady. I barely made it on myself, so I was irritated when, as the doors were whooshing shut, this young man shoe-horns himself in behind me. His body was plastered against mine, and I could feel his junk crushed against my behind. But I thought it was an...

2 years ago
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Can I Count On Your Vote

You know, I’d heard about this kind of thing before but never, and I mean never, did I expect to see it firsthand!It was voting day and I was on my way to the polling station in my neighborhood. As I approached the building, a local school that was giving up their gymnasium for the occasion, I saw a few people wandering in and out of the building. Some were headed for their cars; others, like me, were walking toward the gym door.In a back corner of the parking lot, there was a white and blue...

Oral Sex
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Duty Honor Country Family Part 18

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part Eighteen by Danielle J Synopsis- Ripley makes some vital decisions as tensions rise between rival Yakuzas. This chapter is probably the closest I have ever come to something X- rated. There is a very violent scene below but also more importantly a long scene with two people getting very intimate. I must thank Puddin for her helping me prepare this story for publication. ***** Police detectives Yeijiro Mazaki and Juri Hayakawa reported in...

4 years ago
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happy new year momy 2

"You can get dressed now."She and Eritrea go to her office and I get dressed and follow them."You're a very beautiful young lady, Jayden. I can see why your aunt wants you protected. There'll be lot of young boys trying to date you.""Thank you, doctor. Aunt Eritrea is very good to me."We leave the office with a six-month prescription for birth control pills. Eritrea has it filled and we return to her apartment."Here, you have to start taking them today; so, that by the end of the month you will...

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Finding Your Way Back

This is not a stroke piece. I had planned a modest grind or two but in the end deleted the sex because I felt it detracted from the story. There is love. My story ideas tend to flow from a single memorable incident and then I expand that incident or encounter into a story—a fictional story. I sat down next to an icy blond whose name I don’t recall, if I ever knew it, at a bar in Atlanta many years ago. I listened as a couple on business types tried to pick her up and laughed when she shot...

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The day had finally arrived, my daughter, Joyce’s 15th birthday. My wife and I had planned a small party for her including a trip to the mall. This included a $200.00 gift card for her to spend, as she desired. It also included a day where she was relieved from her family chores and had planned to invite a friend or two over. I am employed at a well-known national chain and my wife has a great job as a head nurse at the local hospital. We had both arranged the day off so we could spend...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 76 Answers and More Questions

September 1, 2007 (continued) I paused for a minute to collect my wits. Then, I faced George, not at all confrontationally, but seeking answers. "Okay," I began. "It's obvious you know quite a bit about us – about me – and the secret I have. Either you overheard a conversation of ours, or you're a time traveler yourself." "Please excuse me," said a remorseful-sounding George. "I didn't mean to frighten you. But I have some things to share with you that are of vital importance, and...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 12

Joey was incredibly surprised to discover just how attractive and sexy Cassaundra’s thirty-seven-year-old mother was. He would find out later that she had given birth to her first child, Cassaundra’s half-sister, when she was only sixteen, and had Cassaundra when she was eighteen. He could see her large breasts pushing out against her robe. He could even see the imprint of her nipples and knew she did not have on a bra under the robe. Joey strongly suspected that she was nude underneath the...

2 years ago
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Warm Day at the Walla Walla River

It was a warm day at the Walla Walla River; I figured it was discrete enough to take off my clothes and just skinny dip. I walked along a rocky area and slowly took my clothes off feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. It was quiet and peaceful, the river was running slow, I could even see the rocks at the bottom, and if I look hard, I could see the fish moving through the current. The water was refreshing soothing the heat off of my body as I slipped in. It was shallow enough just to sit in...

3 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 23

While they were eating and drinking, Sara was happily telling Ivy what their city life was like, telling even some of Charles's personal details to her. I am going to be sick, Charles told himself. When everyone finished eating, his mom looked at him and also at Ivy. "Dear why don't you and Eva go the lounge and put on a film. We have some Blue Ray disc movies. Hey Eva, do you like Twilight? I got all three movies in blue-ray. I have the first film Twilight. I have the second film new...

1 year ago
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Nancys FindChapter 2

Grossmont's the oldest school in the district. In fact, it's called the Grossmont High School District. The second school to come around was Helix High School. We have a big rivalry in all sports but it shows up the most in football. We always have our homecoming game against Helix. I usually eat out on the quad, my back to a tree, a good book in my hand. Les came over to me during lunch on the Tuesday of homecoming week. She wanted to go to the football game on Friday and didn't have...

4 years ago
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Lindas Punishment Golden Night Two

Linda sat back on top of her bed relaxing the glow of her bath. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she whispered to herself though no one was around to hear. She reached her hand down and started to touch her smoothly shaven hips and legs. “Why was this so exciting,” she wondered.“Linda, wake up, you need to get ready,” she heard her mother but she seemed distant. Suddenly Linda was jostled out of her sleep. “You need to get ready, now.”Linda looked up at her mother. Her mother who had a...

3 years ago
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Kara at the gloryhole

My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if we're lucky, we'll pick up a chick or two and bring them back to our place and fuck for hours. My wife loves sex with other women, she says its more intimate. Either way, at 5'6" with long blonde hair, 36D tits, tiny waist and amazing ass, my wife is a total knockout. I'm a pretty decent looking guy, did 4 years in the Army as a Cav Scout, and yes, if You ain't Cav, You...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 78

The meeting started out bad right from the beginning. The participants didn't like the seating, then the room was too hot. Finally the real work started with the architect, who at first could do no wrong. After four hours with Mr. Bozman he agreed to redraw the blueprints. He also agreed to them being reviewed by our committee before a final printing for the construction team. The architect was the easy part. I took lunch orders from the group to have it delivered. There was a local...

1 year ago
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Meri Jindgi Ki Pahli Or Sub Se Hasin Chudai

Dosto aj mai ap sub ko apne zindgi ke hun haseen lamho ke bare mai batane jaa raha hu jo sayad ap sabhi ko kafi pasand aayege….. Pahle mai apko apne bare mai kuch bata du mera nam Raj Manhotra hai or mai eak lumbha or smarty look vala eak handsome sa Punjabi lardka hum mera toll 6.5” hai or meri age 24 saal hai mai eak retail manager hu is waqt mai dehradun mai rahta hu or mai Delhi se belong kerta hu. Ap mai apko sidhe apne hun haseen palo ke bare mai bataya hu jinhai sub ker ap subhi apne...

1 year ago
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My slave wife

Author's note: Please note that the following story contains some non-con and mind control fantasies. This story is completely fictional. I get off the phone and a huge smile appears on my face. I just got a call from a lawyer that a relative of mine passed away. I mean, I know, you shouldn't be happy that someone died. But I was listed as his only heir. Surprisingly as I never met him but who cares. My mom told me about him a long time ago and said that he was rich. But not just rich. Scrooge...

Mind Control
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Living in cockington part 14

I stood out side the house and peered in through the front window, inside I could see my teen daughter Milly she was stood between two young hansom boys as they leant in to kiss her.Their tongues explored each others mouths and I watched as the boys hands started to caress her petite body through her T-shirt and skirt."Oh god" I said staring in disbelief."I told you, you wouldn't want to see" said Bridget standing next to me watching as well.Then I watched the two boys lift her top off over her...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next Door

My neighbor, Sam, washes her car every Saturday. I know because watching her spread the sudsy water over the classic lines of her Chevelle is a highlight of my week. The car was left to her by her dying father. It was his pride and joy, outside of his only daughter. So, naturally, the car means everything to her. She treats it like it's her baby. You don't see that often in women, like you do men, but damn is it hot. Caring for that car is like a religion for her and she is extremely devoted....

4 years ago
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Sue the whore 8211 The visit

I had at this point discovered Sue was rather submissive. She would do anything I asked of her sexually. The second guy, Dennis, that had shared Sue, figured it out also, and days after our first sexual encounter with him had come back to take advantage of his knowledge. Sue was unable to refuse him and had been worried as she told me what had happened. Clearly she had quickly become accustomed to his outsized cock and told him and me how much she loved being fucked with it. Not wanting...

4 years ago
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Glass Coffin

GLASS COFFIN   GLASS COFFIN PART ONE It was a landmark, really. The old place had been there since the thirties, white and palatial with long, tall windows and big pillars that stretched higher than the roof. It was typical of many old cinemas that had long since been turned into bingo halls or bulldozed to make way for supermarkets. But the place had clung on and lived another incarnation as a nightclub for a few years in the mid 1980s before it was finally closed down, locked up,...

3 years ago
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Family Bonding

Five years. That’s how long it has been since your world ended. That’s how long it has been since your lovely and vibrant wife, Lisa, died. A not-insignificant part of you died when Lisa did. Married for ten years, it’s not an exaggeration to say that they were the happiest years of your life. You hadn’t known what you were missing before meeting her. She took you into her life in her gentle and eager way, making you feel like the center of her universe. You’re not stupid, you were not, but she...

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The Smell of SexChapter 16

"Put you pink outfit in your bag dear, and let's get you to your sorority house, before you are late." Dr. Adams told Laura. While Laura rushed to pack up her old clothes, Dr. Adams stood fingering the button on the remote control in her pocket, while thinking, 'Oh my, I didn't plan on this. Not only does my little joy buzzer give Laura's cunt pleasure; it makes me hot watching her squirm. This can be highly addictive.' "Follow me to the car, sweetie," said the teacher, while she...

3 years ago
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Sexy teacher and her student

From the moment I entered high school I saw her. Mrs. Jaymes. She was a vision. Unfortunately I would have to wait until junior and senior year to possibly have her as my English teacher. All of the guys at school would talk about how good she looked, and of course she knew it. Not that she flirted with any of us or teased us in anyway. She was actually very strict in her class when she wanted to be, but also knew how to make you laugh. I would go home almost every day after school and think...

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