DreamweaverChapter 69: Car Shopping free porn video

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I stopped at a local diner to have lunch and check out the car ads. I was looking for something fairly nondescript, but with good performance and handling. You would be surprised how big that category is. We're not talking road racing machines, but if you had to run, in traffic, low end torque and horsepower were much more important than being able to do a ninety degree corner at a hundred and ten. Freeway was another story, but then, you can't lose a chopper on a long straight road either.

I had three strong possibilities, all mid 90's with low mileage. As long as they had been driven enough to keep the seals from drying out they would serve my purpose. Larger domestic cars being as hot on the market as they always were they should also be cheap. I called for directions while I was finishing lunch and hit the road.

The first one was a Buick like the one Rod had loaned me, but without the supercharged engine and other trick toys the FBI had installed. It had a significant knock in the engine and was leaking transmission fluid so I quickly moved to number two. The second car was out on the north end off of Hwy 95 where the lots were considerably larger. After being in and around the Strip for three days it was nice to be somewhere quiet for a change. I was surprised when I rolled up in front of an older, ranch style house on a half acre parcel, with desert landscaping and a very wide porch running the entire length of the house. There was a 'For Sale' sign in the front yard and an elderly black woman was rocking on the front porch. A tall boy in baggy UNLV basketball shorts was shooting baskets and listening to his I-pod in the driveway. He looked to be about my age, but he had to be six-three at least; tall and gangly, if he kept growing he was going to be a big boy. The height always seemed to come first but by the time he graduated ... The car itself was on the extreme edge of the upper limit I had set myself but the listed mileage made up for it. The thing I most wanted to avoid was paying for a car I was going to have to walk away from on short notice again. Damn, I missed my truck.

The ad was for a ninety-six Chevrolet Caprice sedan. I checked the address to verify I was in the right place, parked in front and walked up the driveway toward the house. The kid ignored me as I walked toward the house. As I hit the sidewalk the old woman got up to meet me.

"Hello," I said. "My name is David, I called and spoke to a young lady a while ago about the car in the paper." I knew this was the woman I had spoken to without even asking. Her voice hadn't really been young, but you can never go wrong referring to a woman that way. Except the early teens; Allison's fourteen and she would hurt you if you tried it on her.

She laughed, a rich and musical sound. "Young man, a lie like that is no way to say hello."

I feigned my surprise, "That was you? Get out of town."

She laughed again and I stepped in and extended my hand, "David Malcolm, nice to meet you Mrs..."

The kid hollered over from the driveway, "Grandma, what time is it?"

"Bobby! Where are your manners? Can't you see I have company?"

He glanced at me, rolled his eyes, mumbled something, and turned back to his shooting.

"Doreen Willets, you can call me Doreen. It's nice to meet you too, David. Please excuse my grandson. You know how kids are these days. The car is in the garage; let me get the key for you." She started toward the door. I stepped ahead of her and held the screen open for her.

As she crossed the threshold the boy called out, "Bring me a soda when you come back out."

She turned and yelled back, "You can't ask me better than that you can drink from the hose."

"I ain't drinkin' from no damn hose!"

"You watch your language boy! Don't you be cursin' round me; I will wash your foul mouth out with soap, so help me." She turned back to me and said softly, "Thank you, David, come on in, everything is for sale, it's not much but if you see something you like, just speak up."

"I take it you're moving?"

"I'm afraid so. My husband, Theotis, up and died on me about six months ago."

"I'm sorry to hear that; didn't he have any life insurance?"

"Oh yeah, just enough to plant his tired old bones in a hole. Two weeks later, come to find out he mortgaged my house to pay for his gambling. Thirty years to pay off this house and he went and sold it all down the devil's highway. I love that man, God rest his soul I do, but if he were here right now, I swear to Gawd I would kill him myself. Now I got to sell everything I own and move in with my daughter and that heathen son of hers."

"I'm sorry to hear that Mrs. Willets."

"Nothing for you to be sorry for, and didn't I tell you to call me Doreen?"

"Yes ma'am." I said. I had been looking around as we passed through the living room. It was spacious and neat, the hardwood floors polished to a high shine, and I doubted if a Marine drill sergeant could find dust.

"You have a lovely home Mrs. Wi ... Doreen."

"Thank you, David. Now, where are those keys? Would you like some lemonade?"

"I would love some lemonade, thank you."

The front screen opened and Bobby walked in, letting the door slam behind him, and began dribbling toward the kitchen.

"Don't you be bouncing that ball in my house!" Doreen called from the kitchen.

"It ain't yo house anymore," he yelled back, then mumbled, "old bat." But he did stop dribbling the ball. Ignoring me he went straight to the refrigerator and started looking over her shoulder. "Where the soda at?"

"Would you get off of me, please? You don't need another soda, I'm making some fresh lemonade and you can have some of that or you can have water."

He waited for her to turn away, grabbed a soda, popped the top and headed back toward the door.

"Bobby Caldwell, what did I just tell you?"

Ignoring her he headed for the door. About half way there, he started dribbling again.


He shouldered the door open and never looked back.

"I'm sorry, David. I swear, if I were thirty years younger I would put that boy over my knee and whale his behind!"

"Well, when you get ready to do it, give me a couple days notice and I'll sell out Caesar's Palace for the show."

She laughed her musical laugh again, "Oh, Lordy, wouldn't people line up to see that?"

"Yes ma'am, I think they would."

She opened a drawer and handed me a set of keys. "Here, David, you go look at that car and I'll be along shortly with the lemonade."

I took the keys and headed out the front door to the garage. Her grandson saw me coming but pretty much ignored me until I unlocked the garage and the open door interfered with his shooting. At which point he took his ball over to the porch and sat in his grandmother's rocker.

Sweet! The 'Caprice' turned out to a '96 Chevrolet Impala SS. I checked the mileage and couldn't believe it only had 24000 on it. I barely turned the key and the engine roared to life, racing for a moment before settling into a throaty rumble. The engine was a detuned version of the one they used in the Corvette the same year. It was a little dusty but there were no signs of leaks under the car. According to Wheels Omstead this was one of the most undervalued cars in recent history. It was only the second domestic vehicle in history to ever go up in value, meaning that it was valued higher as a year old used car than it was brand new. As I was closing the hood another car pulled up in front.

A younger black woman got out and opened the trunk and called, "Bobby, come help me with this."

She was struggling with something in the trunk and since young Bobby was showing no signs of moving I walked down the driveway to help her.

"Let me help you with that," I offered.

She turned, surprised at my voice and stepped back as I approached. "Why, thank you."

That turned out to be a sewing machine. It was an older model and a little heavier that I expected but it was still pretty easy to manage. "Where would you like it?" I asked.

"Anywhere in the living room is fine," she said. "May I ask who you are?"

"Oh! Sorry. David Malcolm, I'd shake your hand but ... could you get that door for me please?"

"Bobby, get the door."

Again he ignored her and she yelled, "Bobby, get off your butt and get the door, now!"

He rolled his eyes at her but he did get the door; releasing it as soon as I was past him so that it hit me in the back as I crossed the threshold.

"I'm getting a little tired of Mr. Attitude," Jamie said.

I let it go and made my way across the room and sat the sewing machine on the coffee table. Out on the porch the woman I assumed was young Bobby's mother was having words with him. He was pretty much ignoring her, passing his ball back and forth between his hands. As I was waiting for them to finish, Doreen came out of the kitchen with a tray loaded down with a big glass pitcher of lemonade and four glasses of ice.

"Let me take that for you, Doreen." I said, stepping in front of her and taking the tray.

"Thank you, David. Did you get a look at the car?"

"Yes, and I was surprised at how you had it listed, I can't see too many people paying what you're asking for a Caprice, but an Impala in that condition is worth every penny."

"If I put it in as an Impala I'd have every thug, wanna-be-gangsta in Clark County over here trying to talk me down. This way I only get serious buyers. So, are you interested?"

"Are you kidding, I'll take it."

"Oh, thank you Jesus! Regina! David is going buy Daddy's car."

"He is? Well, hallelujah! I was afraid the bank was going to come take it away! Bobby, the door."

"Get it yourself, you ain't doing nothin'," he answered.

"What did you say?" She demanded. "Young man, you better watch your mouth! Now, get out of my way." She shouldered him out of the way and opened the door for me.

Bobby stumbled backward toward the yard, dropping his ball and mumbling, "Bitch."

That was it for me. As soon as I was clear of the door I set the tray on Doreen's chair, walked into the yard and slapped him hard across the face.

"You have five seconds to apologize to your mother."

"What the fu..."

Smack! I slapped him again. "And your grandmother."

He backed away spitting blood; apparently that last slap had caused him to bite his cheek.

"Who the hell you think you are? You can't tell me..."

"Me? I'm the guy who's about to kick your sorry black ass up and down this street if you don't apologize to these two ladies right now."

I'd read in a book long ago that if you slap a woman, she'll cry. If you punch a man, he may cry or he may attack, or he may just ask you why. But if you slap a man, you better be ready because it's an insult to his manhood and he's going to come at you. I had counted on Bobby's apparent age and brash manner, pegging him as not having developed quite that level of testosterone yet. Apparently, I was right. Ever see teenage boys get into it? It generally starts as a shoving match and escalates from there. I had skipped the shoving step, not to mention I wasn't fighting like a man. Men hit with their fists. Unless they considered you too weak; that's where the whole ego thing comes in.

Young Bobby was still back at square one trying to gear up for the shoving match and apparently he had finally gotten there. He stepped forward obviously intending to shove me. Did I mention I was fighting like a girl? As he stepped forward I kicked him hard in the shin. He screamed in pain, dancing back and reaching for his injured leg, and when he did, I stepped in and slapped him again, this time catching him off balance, knocking him to the ground, and skinning the knee of the already injured leg. He didn't even try to get up, just lay there crying and clutching at his leg like it was going to fall off.

"You know, Bobby, you really disappoint me," I said. "When I got here I saw a young black man minding his own business, quietly working on his future, I saw a young man with potential! Now all I see is a stupid nigger about to get his ass kicked because he's too dumb to know when to shut up, and too damn proud to admit when he's wrong. Do you know who these two ladies behind me are? Do you? Let me tell you, these are the two people in this world who care the most about you. You think the rest of this world gives a damn about you? Hell no it doesn't! They do, they want to see you make something of yourself. Your mother wants to see you grow into a man she can be proud of. Now you've got two choices: You can stand up and apologize for being a punk ass ghetto rat, or I can keep slapping you until the black comes off? Now, what's it going to be?"

I stepped forward and raised my hand again. He cringed away, his hands immediately coming up to ward off another blow, and he mumbled something that sounded like, "Isorrymama."

"What was that?" I asked. "I don't think I caught that, say it again."

"I said I'm sorry," he repeated.

"What are you apologizing to me for, I'm the one smacking you around." I grabbed his hand and held it tight as he tried to pull it away. "Now stand up like a man, and tell your mother you're sorry." I pulled on his arm and he scrambled to his feet. I was half worried he might try to take a swing at me so I was ready for it, but he just stood and gave me a half angry, half scared to death look, then turned to face his mother.

The two women in question had been standing slack-jawed behind me since I first left the porch. Judging from the way Doreen was holding her arm, I think his mom may have started to intervene once, but Doreen had held her back.

"Stand up straight," I barked, and then continued in a softer voice, "Bobby, I understand you're angry. Just in the short time I've been here it's obvious your mother is raising you by herself. Where's your father?"

"He left."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said. "I know you miss your dad, and that part of you blames your mom for him leaving because you think she must have done something to drive him away. Bobby, I don't care what problems your parents had, the important thing to remember is that she's the one who loved you enough to stay and take care of you. She's the one who works and puts food on the table. She's the one who worries about you every time you step out that door, whether it's to go to school or just hanging out with your friends. I'm not saying this to talk down on your father. But the fact is you need to give your mom a little more credit for taking on the job of raising you. You need to show a little more appreciation and the simplest way to do that is treat her with exactly the kind of respect that you want others to show you. What I just did to you physically is exactly what you've been doing to her verbally, ever since she got here. Cut her some slack, Bobby. A boy like you is going to be a handful for any woman to raise, especially alone."

As I was speaking more tears had started flowing down his face. Not from the pain in his leg or stinging of his cheek, but from the painful truth I was telling him.

"Momma," he said, choking on the word. "Momma, I'm sorry."

Doreen released her grip on her daughter's arm and Regina rushed to hug her son. Hugging him and pulling his head down where he could hug her back and cry on her shoulder. From that position he saw his grandmother with tears running down her cheeks as well and he tried to pull away but Regina was having none of that, so instead he just held out his long arm toward her and said, "Gramma, I'm sorry I sassed you and..." His words were cut off as Doreen joined the pile. I stepped back onto the porch and poured lemonade into the glasses, then took the small pile of napkins Doreen had brought out and started handing them out.

Doreen took off her glasses and started dabbing at her eyes. "Oh my, David, you are just a wonder. Come here, she moved forward and almost crushed me in a hug. Thank you."

"Yes, thank you," Regina said. "Thank you for giving me my baby back."

"I didn't give him back, he was always there. I just woke him up."

"But how did you know... ?"

"You might say I'm a student of human nature. In the absence of a strong role model, the male looks to the culture for guidance. I don't mean to sound prejudiced but popular black culture is a pretty sorry example. I say popular black culture because I've met enough real black men in my life to know the difference. Bobby wants what all kids want. From the time we are born we are looking for boundaries, and when we find them, we push on them, test them to see if their real. A big part of a father's job is to draw boundaries for his kids, to make sure they know there are limits and to enforce those limits so that the child knows that they are real. Being a single parent, especially a single mother, it's difficult to enforce that all the time. Without the help and support from a strong partner, kids will test and push and look for weakness constantly, and I mean constantly, relentlessly, and if they find a weakness they push even harder to see if they can exploit it. You're his mom; you're the nurturer by design. You just can't be that tough all the time; you're not wired that way. The worst thing I think a parent can do is back down when a child pushes. It lessens you in their eyes, they lose respect for you and once that starts, it snowballs quickly.

"Does that sound right to you, Bobby?" I asked.

"How do I know, I'm sixteen?" he asked. While I had been talking he had pulled out of his mom's bear hug and was just standing, rubbing his face. "Damn, how many sisters you got? You don't learn to slap like that 'less you got sisters you can't hit back."

"If you only knew" I thought. "Just be glad my sister wasn't here, she would have hurt you."

"Damn straight," Jamie said with a laugh.

"And watch your language in front of the ladies," I added. "How long has your dad been gone?"

"He left me two years ago," Regina said. "He said..."

I held up my hand to cut her off. "It doesn't matter what he said, that's between you and him. Does he still live around here?"

"No," she said. "Or if he does no one knows where."

I turned back to Bobby, "You were angry at your dad for leaving but he's not here so you take it out on your mom. That's not fair. You're lucky she didn't do the same to you. You need someone to talk to? About the things you can't talk to your mom about?" The suddenly panicked look in his eyes made me laugh. "No, I don't mean me. It would be best if it was someone you knew, but if you don't have someone, I can make a few calls, and if nothing else I can arrange for you to talk to some of those men I was talking about. But you have to stop listening to whoever it is you've been listening to. That's just others pushing their anger and misery off on you, and you have enough of your own." I looked at his face for a moment and turned to his grandmother.

Same as Dreamweaver
Chapter 69: Car Shopping Videos

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CarleyChapter 4 Milan

The Tuesday morning after Carley’s party, I gave her a call. “I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, I have to go to Houston for ten days. I’m leaving tomorrow. The good news is, my sister Lora and I have family business in Milan and I’d like you to go with us. I’ll pay for everything. “Milan? Italy? When are you going?” “Two weeks from this Friday. We’re catching the Air France redeye to Paris and a connecting flight to Milan. We’ll be there through the next Tuesday, and then...

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Carlis Ordeal

So is it nice where we're going? Carli for the last time gurl it's exactly like you asked. We're on our way to upscale resort to cross off a bucket list item for you. For weeks I had been looking at big cocks for you. Nothing under 10 inches were your instructions. Knowing I couldn't show you all of them, or you'd want them all, I took the six best looking 10 inch plus cocks and put them the counter and had you toss a penny. The one the penny landed on or closest to was the winner. I made the...

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Carley Ch 11 Original Version

Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, Carley snorted. ‘That’s what you always say. That’s what you’ve said at least a hundred times. It never works. You two geniuses promised to take me to the Mango Tree for dinner tonight and it’s time to get dressed. Leave that damned thing until...

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Jeanette The Very Very Caring Carer

Before I continued with this story of mine, I originally wrote this story of mine as an entry in a competition held by a fellow member on a website, which I have joined and regularly visited. Actual Story: A number of years ago, I was invited by my case worker to go on a trip to a conference regarding issues for people with disabilities. Now the catch was that I was not able to go by myself, hence the reason why I was provided with a carer. This conference was in Adelaide South...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 4

"How are you coming on reconciling Carly and your parents?" I asked Jody the next morning as she was dressing for work. She stopped with her blouse in her hand, leaving her truly spectacular breasts encased in nothing but a bra. A front-opening bra I noted for future reference. "Well, I'm working on it, but it's going slow. Pa's stubborn, Momma's worried and neither one of them can see any other solution." "You mean they still both want her to have an abortion and be...

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CarleyChapter 5 The Sex Club and Marja

Carley and I ate dinner in a restaurant I knew well. Afterwards, we walked through the nightclub district of Milan, people-watching and enjoying the street performers who worked the crowds. We drank wine sitting outside a couple of bars. Carley was happy and talkative. As we walked into one of the many plazas, I glanced to my right at a particularly ugly statue. Suddenly, a hand appeared, reaching for my right side at about belt level. At home, I always carry a handgun right there and I’ve...

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Carmela Spanish

Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 244 Carols Cuties Carol Manages Them Wonderfully Well

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 11

‘So,’ Hannah said as we reached the outskirts of the city, ‘How did you enjoy your first time dogging?’ ‘Is that what it was?’ I asked incredulously. ‘Well, sort of, yes. What did you think it was?’ she laughed. ‘And the bloke who was watching thought you were a girl as well!’ ‘I know,’ I said, proudly. ‘Hey, does that mean that the bet’s already won, a week early?’ I asked half-hopefully. ‘Not by a long chalk,’ she sniggered. ‘No, when I said ‘pass as a girl’, I didn’t mean just look like one....

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CarleyChapter 9 Marja and the Finns come to Florida

“Oh, look, he caught a fish!” Marja pointed excitedly to an osprey, zooming up from the surface of the Banana River with a mullet in its talons. The fish struggled futilely. “The nest is in the tall tree on the point of that island,” I told her, pointing it out. As we watched, the eagle flapped its way to a landing. “I think they have chicks. It’s the right time of year.” Marja smiled at me. “I love the view, Jack. I didn’t know Florida was like this.” Marja’s friend, Thor, was sitting...

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Carley Ch 12

The Soft Hammer Carley, Chapter 12 This story takes place in the universe of Carley and Jack some time after chapter 9 and was written as a stand-alone story. It starts the way a couple of others do, but goes in a different direction. I wrote this during the spring love bug season of 2015. Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’...

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Carley Ch 11 Alternate Version

Chapter 9 in this series was the last one to have any sex in it. The last few are more science fiction than anything else. I had some ideas that I wanted to explore and the Jack-and-Carley universe seemed like the correct setting. ***** Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. ‘It should work now,’ he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, my...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 8

As we drove to work the next morning, Hannah told me to meet her in reception at twelve so we could go shopping. Because the office ran a flexi-time approach to lunch hours, and provided the time was made up, staff were allowed to lunch between twelve and two. So, at one minute past twelve we met and headed out into town. The cool air round my legs felt different through the tights, but by now I was fairly confident that no one would give me a second glance, especially with Hannah beside me....

3 years ago
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Caring for CarlyChapter 5

Two minutes later I was on the phone to my conniving wife. She was in a meeting, but I persuaded the hotel to pull her out. "Is something wrong?" "You might say that," I told her. "I finally lost it and fucked Carly's brains out." "Oh." "She also told me," my voice rising in anger, "that you told her the Bible approved of sisters sharing the same man." Jody snorted. "I told her not to tell you that. But that's Carly. That woman can't keep a secret to save her...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 23

There was two weeks to go before Hannah and I would become man and wife. And then, although nobody else knew, we planned to live as wife and wife. In the meantime, the final touches were being made to prepare for the big day. I decided to have my stag night a couple of weeks before the wedding, and I included Tom and one of his friends in the party. Graham, like Tom, was bisexual, but it wasn’t something that many people knew about. Tom had known him for some time, and they had ‘got together’...

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Darnell and CarmelaChapter two

The job was cook's assistant: ten bucks an hour. I learned the ins and outs of the kitchen fairly quickly and the rest of the business piecemeal as I went along. I was determined to do a good job and not embarrass myself. Plus I wanted to more than earn the $400 a week the job paid me. I got a small cut of the tips on my shift too; that added another twenty to thirty a week extra to my check. The apartment she'd set me up in was small. It reminded me of the old place I'd had when I'd found her...

Love Stories
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Caring for CarlyChapter 3

Jody stayed home for a couple of days to make sure Carly was settling in. But her project at the Institute was approaching a critical point and she couldn't stay away too long. I do contract software development from my home office, so I was home during the day to watch my sister-in-law. We quickly settled into a routine. I discovered Carly liked to watch cartoons — as long as they weren't too mature. Ren and Stimpy lost her completely and she didn't really get the idea behind Pepe le...

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CarleyChapter 3 After the Party

Carley and I stood in the shade, holding each other and talking quietly for a while. We kissed and pressed together. I held her ass and pushed my erection between her legs. “Do you want to fuck right now?” she asked. “I’m hungry and I need to clean up this mess.” “No hurry. We have all night. Kiss me a little more and stroke me. I love your touch.” She kissed me and stroked my cock and balls. I’d had quite a few orgasms, but I had no trouble getting hard in her hand. “Ooookay! You’d...

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Carissa at Camp

Introduction: Being a Youth Camp mentor to city kids had been a rewarding task over the years. These kids had parents with money or grandparents that had money. They had money but not enough time with their kids. I had my fun with some of the other mentors over the years with after hour parties and sex sessions. But having given up three weeks a year every summer for over 20 years and getting older the sex fun had dwindled to an occasional roll in the sack with one of the butter...

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CarleyChapter 2

I’d brought a steak marinated in olive oil and a pre-baked potato, both wrapped in foil. The grill was hot. I unwrapped the steak, set it where it would cook and set the potato where it would get hot. I refilled our wine glasses and Carley and I sat at the picnic table. More people had arrived. The stocky black guy, George, and two other guys whose names I didn’t catch were sitting at the table along with Dianne and a girl named Ruth who would have been ordinary looking if not for her...

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Caring for CarlyChapter 6

What was sitting on the couch was scrawny, buck-toothed, beady eyed and chinless. Since rats don't wear clothes, I realized it had to be human. After a second I sort of recognized Eddy Ray, Carly's boyfriend. Rats don't carry shotguns either and this Eddie Ray had one pointed directly at all three of us. If it had just been me, I would have dodged out of the doorway. But shotguns are indiscriminate. We were all close enough together that if Eddy Ray fired, Carly and or Jody would...

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Carrington Mansion Ch 01

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who’d exceeded their expectations. Chapter 1 In late spring the Mornington Daily News reported at length the death of the Duke of Beaulieu in the county of Hampshire, England, aged eighty-seven. The obituary was noted with considerable relief in the small city of Mornington-on-Test...

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Carissa is Born

The day started like any other, a cold wind covering the city, and at 7:30 am, Tim is getting ready for his day off. Like any smart addict, he does the important things first and then reveals his true self. Like many days off Tim has predicted this was going to be filled with sissy ass fucking, The event is even better since; Tim has been locked up since Feb 1st and gets released on Valentines Day, making today a boundary pusher. Tim had it under control, well as much as a sissy cross...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Carlie Came Through

The dusty wood shelf in the town grocery store always bothered me. Staring at it, I couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone might have cleaned it, if ever.I blinked and awoke from my daze, having no clear idea how long I'd been standing in the aisle, staring at bags of flour on that dull, unchanging shelf.Every Friday, I walked into town to get things my Mother needed for the coming week. I guess I didn't mind too much, since it gave me a break from being in the field, picking...

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My YouthChapter 10 Caroline Part 2 Carolines house

“So you’re the guy my daughter has been creaming her jeans about” asked Mary, Caroline’s mom. WTF? ‘creaming her jeans’ and this out of her mother. “Don’t mind her. She doesn’t have much in the way of MOUTH FILTERS, do you, mom?” All I could do was stand there and turn red. MY mother would have asked nosy questions from any girl I’d ever brought home, not RUDE questions. Caroline disappeared into another room and figured it was about time to make my exit. “Caroline, thanks for coming...

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Picard Show Concept Idea Star Trek Galaxyqu

Recently I watched my favorite movie reviewer upload about what he think the new Picard Show should be about. Alot of his ideas where almost exactly like the once I thought about. Some differences here and there. So i figured I'd write it down. Don't really have a place other than here to write it so I might as well do it here. Just to get it down. First off this is not a script really just a concept. Some dialog. Some quick jumps, some long lingering scenes that stick in my head. I’m just free...

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A STORY FOR CARINBy Dawn1958Email [email protected] story is a request from Carin. For many years she was not happy with what she was or who she was, but today Carin wants the world to know she is very content with the young woman she has become.A Story For Carin - Chapter OneCarin was a beautiful young woman who was puzzled by her inner feelings. She was 19 and desperately wanted to understand her most intimate emotions. All through her teenage years, Carin faithfully followed...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e20 Carin 60 retired school head teacher from Birmingham

Series 3, Episode 20: Carin Basham Pan around a large public park – grassed areas stretch away on either side of a concrete pathway. Dogs are running around together whilst owners watch on. It’s a brisk autumn day and the trees have already lost most of their leaves. The wind is whipping everything around. We focus on an older woman standing on the path and watching the dogs running around. Her blonde hair (turning to grey) blows in the wind. Her friendly face is warm and approachable....

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A Discovery for CarinChapter 2

Dawn had just turned 30 and she was a happily married woman. She had two wonderful daughters who were now in school and a husband who was a great provider. Dawn's husband traveled at least one day a week to his company's satellite office and he was going for two days this time. He left Thursday and wouldn't be back until late Friday, which meant Dawn had to get a babysitter when she attended a bachelorette party for one of her dear friends from work. Carin was their normal babysitter and...

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Carmella Cahes In

7-4-17 - Smackdown Live - Phoenix Arizona Smackdown is airing live from the Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix Arizona on Independence Day. The show kicks off with the return of Free Agent John Cena but Cena gets interrupted by Rusev who is also returning. The confrontation ends with John Cena challenging Rusev to a “good old fashioned Flag Match”. Rusev accepts but not for tonight. He wants the match on his terms. This opening segment is followed by a backstage segment where Smackdown Live...

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Taken Chapter Four Hannah Carli Lucia Nicolette

Introduction: Karls horde of pregnant girls is growing quickly. Taken (Chapter Four): Hannah, Carli, Lucia, Nicolette Six months went past. There were now seven girls in Karls basement. Dasha was eight months pregnant, her belly protruding in a firm round ball. Karl had stopped raping her for fear it would hurt the baby. Instead he made her suck his dick and then drink his sperm while he massaged her breasts. Every day he sucked on her nipples to see if she was producing milk yet. When she...

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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 9

The rest of the week followed a similar pattern to the last couple of days. Get up, work, back home, then change into Clara and feminine training. The only difference was that on Thursday, when we got back home after the weekly shop, Hannah suggested I try speaking a little more like a woman. We looked on the net and found loads of helpful videos, hints and tips, so after that, I practised whenever I could to find my female voice. However, on Friday, as we drove to work, Hannah informed me that...

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Carrington Mansion Ch 02

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty and Hayden finally meet and do a bit of verbal fencing. * Chapter 2 When heading to Mornington City in the Midwest, Hayden Carrington called on close kin in New York for three hours. His aunts and female cousins were agog that...

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Helping Cari 1

“Hello?” Cari answered the phone, mildly annoyed at being interrupted. She was in the middle of trying to pack up her apartment in preparation of moving to a different place next week. As a result, she was on her second drink, music blaring, with half-filled boxes strewn throughout the apartment. “Hey,” answered Drew, Cari’s on-again-off-again boyfriend and consistent fuck buddy. “Me and Jen are downstairs. Come let us in, will you?” Jen was Drew’s friend and coworker, whom Cari had met a few...

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Carmella Ramirez A High School StoryChapter 2

Carmella couldn't wait until the next season. She wanted to be on the field again and feel the excitement of the game. Carmella helped her father as a volunteer over the summer. To help out in the community he coached Pop Warner football for little kids. That year he asked her to be his assistant coach. It was no secret that many of the plays on his team were given to him by the high school that Carmella went to. As far as he was concerned it not only gave her something to do but allowed...

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