- 4 years ago
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“Hail, the conquering hero!” Mr. Hugo was a bit goofy as he greeted me coming in, but I could tell that he somewhat meant it.
It felt more and more as if the attention was all on me, just as I felt as weak as possible right then. I needed to feed and to get out of sunlight, but neither seemed possible right then. I would just have to somehow last until lunchtime and see if I could find my sisters to feed off them. They were sophomores, after all, and they seemed willing to let me dine off them so far. Their high-iron lunch would come in rather handy for them at that point, wouldn’t it?
“Charles, you look rather faint. Do you need some of my blood?” Maria Mazzini, my first cousin, now offered me.
“I offered the same thing earlier today, but Coach Brown said no biting in class. I wasn’t sure if that was a new school policy, or what it was, to be honest. What do you think, Mr. Hugo?” my Lindsay (wait, MY Lindsay?) now told Mr. Hugo.
“I have heard of no such policy and I doubt that one would be adopted here, let alone that quickly. That was probably just Coach Brown being squeamish about vampirism. It is a big adjustment, learning that there is a literal vampire in our school, after all. If you need to feed in my class, go ahead. I don’t want you dying on me. An undead student I can still teach. A dead one I can’t,” Adam Hugo announced with a wink at me.
The next thing that I knew, several students shoved their wrists into my personal space, all urging me to drink their blood. While a bit embarrassing, as I didn’t wish to distract my classmates from their lessons, it was useful in some ways. I could take more blood without draining any single person too much. This would also give Heather and Natasha more time to recover before I had to feed off them.
I sank my fangs into Lindsay first, drinking a bit of her blood, which was rather salty, and then I bit Maria, who licked her lips as she felt me feeding from her veins. I started to feel a bit more normal, especially in shop class which had less exposure to sunlight than other parts of the school. Within ten minutes or so, I drank from enough different students to feel as normal as any vampire forced to go to school in daylight might be. This allowed us all to focus on pneumatics again, even if everyone around me seemed to stare at me or even ogle me.
As I started to leave shop class at the bell, Adam Hugo gestured for me to join him at his desk.
“Look ... I couldn’t offer you my blood in class. That would be ... inappropriate in my book. I won’t lie. I’m attracted to you. Very much so, physically speaking. We both know that I’m gay and you’re not. I will not have an inappropriate sexual relationship with you as long as you’re my student, no matter how much I desire you. I will not feed you, either.
“But the moment that you graduate, if you ever want to ... drink my blood ... or fuck me ... or both, just give me a call, okay? Word of warning. I’m a bottom. Strictly a bottom. I’ll need a reach around. Call me Adam, in any case,” he told me, clearly fighting the urge to kiss me right on the lips.
“Thanks, Adam. I’ll bear that in mind,” I winked at him as I left, feeling very flustered now that my shop teacher basically confessed a serious gay crush on me.
“Woah, holy smokes, man!” I heard Natasha say as she rushed to my side, as did Heather, joining Lindsay and Maria that way.
“Wow, here comes the bloodsucking ghoul himself, the freak, and his vampire groupies! Wait, isn’t she your cousin and those two are your stepsisters? Are you doing the incest, man? Or should I call you ‘Count’ now?” Starfish Wilson now mocked me for vampirism.
“Hey, Starfish, I gotta ask, did you get that nickname for licking buttholes, ramming them, fingering them, or having any or all of the above done to you? And if so, who did it? Principal Hogan would be my guess. You were enough of a suck-up to him, just like your stupid sister!” I deliberately goaded him.
I felt annoyed that the sunlight showing into the lunch room already started to sap anything that I gained from feeding. It was a real and consistent problem. I would feed ... and then the damn exposure to daylight would drain me of much of my recovered strength. I figured that if I could provoke Starfish or someone else to attack me, I would have an excuse to bite them and take some of their blood, too. It worked in a way with Lewis Hogan, though not intentionally at all yesterday.
“You asshole! How dare you say such things about my brother!” Melinda rushed at me at the same time that her brother did.
“This from the bitch who called me an incel? Not so much fun on the other end of the bullying, especially now that your protector, Lewis Hogan, is gone, is it?” I taunted her some more, just daring her to assault me.
My fangs were quite visible by now and this made the Wilsons, David Schuyler, Oliver Manson, and the Horne sisters extremely nervous around me. They all backed off a bit, fearing that perhaps they had antagonized me too much. That was a heady wine, sensing their growing panic at the realization that I could possibly drain their blood and kill them. They could tell that I hated them, after all.
“Mind if I sit with you, too?” Amber Dumont shocked me by planting herself nearby at my table, to be followed by Kat Summers.
Both ladies were usually on good terms with the likes of Melinda Wilson and the Horne sisters, yet now they stared daggers at each other. It got worse when Addy Swearingen and Trevor Barker both wanted to sit with me. Things only intensified when it became clear that everyone sitting at my table was there mainly because of lust ... for me. When not glaring at their former friends, each person at the table sent off heat waves of desire that I could almost see. When Addy and Trevor both offered me their blood, followed by all of the ladies, I was truly stunned.
You may have been wondering why I haven’t written anything much lately, though in truth, I doubt whether many have even noticed. There’s a reason! I’ve read about it and written about it but never at my age ever expected to find myself in a similar position to the poor chaps that I feature in so many of my stories. Yes, my wife has … There’s someone else. The biter bit, or perhaps the writer hit indeed! His name is Joss, and no despite the name he is quite white as white could be though...
The search bar on Hubite’s front page looks innocuous enough, but I wouldn’t recommend typing in any names unless you’ve got time to kill. I’ve been meaning to write this review for a few days now, but every time I got started, I end up falling down a rabbit hole full of naked internet chicks. I just filled up yet another old gym sock with sperm, and I’m hoping the post-nut clarity helps power me through this thing. Fap-testing pornography ain’t just my hobby—it’s my job!You don’t have to be a...
Porn Search EnginesGive me your comments at for more stories and photo of my mom .My Amma pallavi got divorced when I was 8 years old, I am just eighteen now. She is a petite lady with short hairs and likes to wear mostly jeans. That’s what she wears to work too, she looks kind of sweet. She worked hard and took good care of me, though she had to let me do quite a bit of the house work, I didn’t mind and I loved her so, I wanted to touch her and feel her but all I could go for were long hugs that she allowed me...
Bill heard screams coming from close by. It was a beautiful woman screaming that she had just been bitten by a poisonous snake. He rushed over to see what he could do. She yelled. "Oh, thank God someone is around." He asked. "Is there a Doctor close by?" She said. "There's no time for a Doctor right now, just listen to me closely and I will tell you what to do." Quickly unbuttoning her blouse, she reached back and unhooked her bra and slid it off. He couldn't help but stare at her...
“How did he get out of jail?” I asked with considerable surprise about former principal Lewis Hogan. “That’s easy. I bailed him out ... just so that we could do this! Boy, did he fall straight into the trap!” Samantha Roth snickered, even as I noticed the look of abject terror on Mr. Hogan’s face. I also saw that he had a ball gag in his mouth, as did the others. Yeah, this could really be some lit fun, couldn’t it? I turned him over and sank my fangs into his neck just for the fun of it,...
“How good of you guys to join us, Mr. Mazzini and Ms. Bevan. If you hadn’t already aced this class by now, I might be inclined to give you detention or something. However, as you’re not typically tardy and you’re two of my best students, I’ll cut you both some slack,” Adam Hugo singled us out before moving back on topic. Pneumatics ... fascinating as ever, even if I was somewhat lacking in breath or air myself. I still felt as if the air had been kicked or knocked out of my lungs, in fact. I...
Tori's POV:It was dark. I had lost track of time a long time ago. There were people all around, loud music pounding in my head. Orange flames flickered in the distance, probably the center of the craziness. I stumbled into something hard and groaned. It was a tree. And it was the only thing really helping me to stand right now.Where was I? What was going on?I pushed myself off of the tree and staggered away from the madness. There was a structure; I couldn't really see it from here. Fuck. What...
Special Thanks to Spirit02 for the editing. Those of you who are fans of ‘A Gift From his Father’, Chapter 22 is coming along nicely, but I had to get this final chapter ‘Bite of the Bimbo’ written to clear my head. Enjoy and thanks for all your feedback! ***** For the last two months Officer Sarah Penn had followed Dr. Karen Murphy’s instructions to the letter. While on duty she was a model patrol officer, but when off duty she was what could only be described as a nymphomaniac. She had as...
“He’s an asshole and we both know this,” Stella said with a disapproving look. I sniffled, taking another tissue from her. “If you came here for a lecture, I really cannot deal with it tonight,” I warned. I looked down at my short pj’s and thin tank top smeared with tears and chocolate ice cream from earlier. I almost laughed at my cliché way of dealing with this break up. “Okay, I’m sorry. I talked to your Mom, she’s okay with me staying the night. Are you?” she asked. She was in her pj’s too,...
Oral SexTime for Spanish class, of course, and there I met with a major lip lock from Sadie Turner, of all people. Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher, raised an eyebrow playfully as she saw that, and then winked at both of us. She also made a point of showing me no small amount of her cleavage by virtue of no fucking bra under her blouse. Nor was said blouse fully buttoned, either. When she caught noticing these facts, she gave me a coy smile and another wink before running her tongue...
“Well, first, I want to reward Anne here with a victim of her own. She deserves a chance to feed. Take your pick, my lady,” I pointed to the captives. Anne Fairfax, a succubus born in the seventeenth century who had lived through the English Civil War and been a secret Royalist while married to a Parliamentary commander, seized Oliver Manson and began to suck his cock in front of his girlfriend. Then again, Melinda hadn’t exactly been the poster girl for fidelity, had she? What had Oliver...
The twins not being vampires, they fell asleep a lot faster than Mom or me, of course. Still, I got a little action out of them, as did Mom, for that matter. We snuggled up together on the master bed now, the wooden stake now on the nightstand next to us just in case. The rest of the bat was in the trash with the dust, of course. I could feel Mom’s sleek skin against mine, her hair on my chest as she lay there in my arms. She was naked and I could see where she had indeed shaved her twat...
In 1979, I was stationed at a military base in Virginia--where I spent the next two years. My favorite hobby was metal detecting, and, due to the abundance of Civil War relics and old coins to be found, I pursued this endeavor at every opportunity. During the colder weather months (winters are relatively mild, around Hampton/Newport News), it was a coin/relic hunters dream; this was largely due to the absence of flying pests--mosquitoes, in particular. However, when spring rolled around, the...
FetishI made it home, still in bat form though very sentient, only to find that Jerry was home, too. And he wasn’t alone. Mom and he were in the midst of a real knock-down drag-out quarrel over something. I just couldn’t tell which. It was strange that they were both home, but my sister and stepsisters weren’t. I never got along with any of those, of course, and they were atrociously spoiled. Then again, the orange tabby cats, Felicia and Colleen, never seemed hostile to me. They didn’t even hiss...
It was one of those days when I felt frisky as soon as I awoke. I rolled over in bed to be greeted by bright sunlight seeping through the curtains. It poured through the gap between them and formed a beam across the muscular contours of your body, which highlighted your tanned skin against the white sheet that was rumpled around your navel. You were still asleep and looked so relaxed lying there naked on your back, with a look of content on your face and one arm resting above your head. I...
“Well, well, you actually made it to class today, in spite of it being daylight! I applaud your resolve and resourcefulness, my new vampire student! Class, let’s give Charles here a hand! This can’t be easy. He has a major handicap here, having to deal with the sun’s light sapping his strength. I’m just glad that it doesn’t fry him as the legends claim. I kinda like having him around,” Mrs. Barker, who had NEVER shown any interest in me, sexual or otherwise, stunned me by flirting with me in...
Jessica and I never made it home before she arose a vampire. It didn’t take long to realize this, as well as the fact that we needed to get to my place and reassure my worried mother and sisters. By now, Chelsea would be back from her sleepover, and she likely freaked out over the changes in Mom, if nothing else. I just hoped that she didn’t stake Mom in anger or panic. Just then, my cell phone rang as Jessica and I took stock of our situation. It was Mom, of course. She was more than a...
The next morning, a Wednesday I believe, I went to school with Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher who also drove Natasha and Heather with us. The whole time she kept any free hands busy caressing my flesh. She made it clear that she adored me, and she wasn’t alone. Natasha and Heather each surrounded me and insisted upon accompanying me right until I was called into the principal’s office. Again. Yeah, it happened again. I wondered why, until Samantha Roth greeted me with her...
When I felt my cousin Maria riding me, I was even more excited over the fact that she was flesh and blood to me, just like Chelsea and Mom. I could get used to this, couldn’t I? Banging my first cousin was just one example of the glories of incest that greatly appealed to me. I just plain enjoyed pounding such luscious ladies who were attracted to vampires, but especially those of my own kith and kin. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to really shake up society and transform it...
“Damn, you’re pretty tight for a pretty boy, guess you just never bottomed before, but that will change if you live with us, won’t it, David?” I teased David Schuyler as I pounded his ass for a little longer and finally came inside him. “Well, it hurts like hell, but it also feels pretty good ... I guess that there’s something to that ‘prostate’ thing after all. I could get used to threesomes with you and Amber, no doubt of that. Among other things,” David blushed as he admitted that he...
Anne’s classroom was a bit wild, too, since she chose to show up as her true demoness self, naked with her horns and pointed tail on full display. It was mere seconds before she grabbed me and pushed me onto her desk to start riding me in front of my classmates. She didn’t even try to hide her intention to get fucked by me. She wanted her sweet piece of vampire ass ... and cock, and she was eager to get it. She didn’t even try to stop the others from doing what they wanted, and so Lindsay...
“So, folks, in case there’s any doubt, I want it clear that a certain, soon-to-be graduate here, Charles Mazzini, is among my lovers. As of today, or was that last night? How about it, man? I know what I said about screwing a student, but your grades are basically final now. It’s all a formality and after Friday, you’ll never be a student again. Something tells me that the life lesson will help more than anything related to shop work today,” Adam Hugo told me as he bent over in front of me...
Mom now approached me on her knees, a strange gleam in her eyes as she took me into her mouth. It was a very sudden epiphany on her part ... and it seemed to put a bit more spring into her step, a little more life into her soul. I pulled her closer, caressing her face and stroking her hair as she started sucking my cock in earnest. Something in her eyes ... what was it, anyway? I had to know. “Victoria Diane Larson, what is going on in that sneaky human mind of yours?” I demanded to know of...
“Oh ... damn ... I’ve never felt so alive ... and yet I’m undead ... God ... fuck, yes!” Mom screamed as I pounded her thick, plush bottom good and hard from behind. “So, a vampire’s life for you?” I teased Mom as I slapped her booty and she moaned in pure bliss. “I’m yours ... forever! Forever! I’ve always dreamed of belonging to a man ... forever! I wanted it, but feared it ... because it would mean that I was ... helpless, weak, and submissive ... but, oh, fuck me! I craved it so much!...
“I wouldn’t think that you wanted to be with someone as ... aggressive as me, given how Jerry was,” I commented while pounding the fuck out of Natasha in the missionary position. “There’s aggressive ... and abusive, bro. You know how abusive is ... God knows that we were that way to you at times and so was Mom, too! You ... you’re just what the doctor ordered, what we’ve both craved and didn’t know it. Besides, we really need to atone, too, for being such bitches to you. Just like Mom, we...
“Oh, fuck ... oh ... my ... fuck ... ing ... GOD!” Samantha Roth bit hard down on her lower lip as I began reaming her in earnest. “You like?” I teased the principal as we kept up our quickie. I had to admit that I enjoyed the sight of Samantha’s ass while I plowed her, too, my thick vampire cock thrusting repeatedly inside her juicy, slippery twat. The way that I played with her asshole didn’t hurt, either. She really started cussing and moaning as I fucked her within an inch of her life...
“Welcome back to my English class, Count. It has a nice ring to it, right? Count Charles? That’s your new name in my class at least. It’s traditional in the Gothic horror genre and pop culture in general to call vampires ‘Count this or that,’ right? Blame Bram Stoker and Hollywood for that! So, anyway, Lindsay, I’m going to ask you a question, right here in front of the class. Then your honesty, if you are honest, will count in place of that essay that you dreaded so much,” Anne Fairfax...
We sat opposite each other on the settee in our living room. We had silently made coffee and put two large whiskeys in each cup. At first, we just looked at each other not knowing what to say, where to start.‘Talk to me, Ali, tell me everything. I need to know, everything.’‘Are you sure?’‘Yes. I believe you both that you haven’t been shagging behind my back for months, years but there’s been a, you and Liam for a long time, I know there has.’I told Pete everything. I tried my best to find a...
CheatingThe kids had been far too excited to hear we were going out and they were fending for themselves. It had been hard walking up to the local pub, we instinctively kept going to grab each other’s hands. We were sat in the beer garden, late spring sun on our backs by four, eagerly awaiting the very late lunch we had ordered. Liam did buy me lunch and I bought him a pint. I allowed him to mock me for ordering lime and soda and refusing to drink with him, but I am a bit of a lightweight and without...
Cheating‘I need to see you, can we meet?’A text I was not expecting pinged on my phone Friday morning. Last time I spoke to Liam, almost a week ago, we decided enough was enough. We had taken too many risks already, we had to cool it before it got too out of hand and people got hurt. We agreed we didn’t want to hurt anyone. We hadn’t messaged each other as we had started to, all our messages had been on our mutual friends' group chat, the chat that contains our respective spouses. Everything back to...
Cheating"I have another idea," Lizzie said. "But first, I know Alexa will always be your little girl, Daddy S. But am I your little girl too?" Lizzie got to her feet and looked up into Nate's eyes as she spoke. Alexa soon stood up as well. "Of course you are, Lizzie," Nate replied, leaning down to kiss Lizzie. "You know that. You're both my little girls." He followed with a kiss for Alexa. "Goodie!" Lizzie said enthusiastically. "Then I think maybe Daddy S would like to fuck his first...
I met Jeff and Lori thru a swingers site. I live in Phoenix and they had two homes, with one in Phoenix and another in Albuquerque. We had met a few times before and I had stayed at their house a couple times. We met for drinks Thursday night and I told them I had Friday off so we had all weekend free. Lori and I were drinking a lot and Jeff was driving so he wasn’t. They went to the bathroom and Lori handed me her underwear and bra when she sat down. “I want to take you home now,” she said....
Group SexBOY JOY Sean phones Roxanne. “Hello.” “Hi Roxanne. This is Sean.” “Hi Sean. Waaazzup?” “I have some time before heading out to the ball field.” “People are impressed with your coaching.” “Oh really. Must be beginners luck.” “You’re too modest…. Well, you were before Black’s Beach.” Feeling daring, “I miss you Roxanne. Why don’t you come with us Saturday?” Laughing uncomfortably, “Are you out of your mind!?” “Obviously. I’m not surprised by your reaction. It’s...
I was at most semi-conscious, but I could hear whispering, and could feel bodies shifting around me. I felt like I was dreaming, but if so it was a strange dream. Something moved over my skin, sliding from my chest to my toes. My body registered it as sheets and blankets, but my eyes weren't open to be able to tell. A moment later, impulses from a thousand nerves began flooding my senses. It seemed that there was a tongue ... no, make that two tongues, working along the length of my cock....
In The Beginning Chapter 6 @Brenda 2018 Thursday morning Sandra woke me from my sleep around 10 am, and removed my earbuds. Handing me a hot cup of coffee, she said breakfast was ready she helped me up. I waddled in my wet diaper to the kitchen. As I ate Lori told me I could shower after and told me how to care for my new piercings. She wanted me to know that they were different from the ear piercings and required special care, instructing me to turn them regularly. As we finished...
You sprint excitedly from your Chevy to the door of your log cabin in the woods. Finally, the gift from your archaeologist friend, Cassandra, came, just like every month for the past 2 years. You quickly enter and shut the door, eager to see what she sent this month. You set the package on the table in the center of the room and then glance at the mirror. Your bright emerald eyes appraise yourself in the mirror. You're wearing a white tank-top, no bra, a blue skirt, your mid-back length hair...
For the next few months, I was forever expecting Professor Pemberton to suddenly appear out of the woodwork, but she didn't show. To be honest, I could not understand why she would want to visit me anyway. Eventually though -- probably because she didn't put in an appearance -- I all-but forgot about Professor Pemberton's prophesied visit. A good five years were to pass -- two more daughters and one son (by Chaise) had been added to our family – before we had another visitor from the...
I was staring at the fan moving at a lethargic speed. I wanted to get up and stop the fan as it was making me irritated by its annoying noise. But, I was exhausted. It was the third time in the last five hours and hell, I was exhausted to my whole body and mind. I gazed on my right. There she was in deep sleep like a baby girl. Her hair all curled up and her face showing a smile of satisfaction. The moonlight coming in from the window lit her bare breasts and the mole on her right breast....
As I mentioned in a previous story, I came from a village where a lot of the population knew each other / were related / friends of friends etc. Well trying to find out about sex was a hit and miss affair. Way back when I was a young teen I was a randy little bugger always trying to get a look up a skirt or down a loose top anything that could trigger a wanking fantasy.The local den for ilicit youthful smoking was a disused male/female toilet block which was gutted to leave just a shell. It was...
Linda Parker, Julie's twin sister, was not like Julie. First, both girls were beautiful, but they were not identical. Both had dark hair, blue eyes, big tits and a fantastic ass, but that was all. The truth must be told, and Julie was the most beautiful. But that didn't mean that Linda was not something to see. And kiss. And lick, and... You know! Linda was beautiful, too. And, like her sister, Linda loved sex. Since her second time, Linda knew it. Her first time, when she was fifteen,...
It was just a test.” my wife said.“And you failed terribly.”a week ago Angie (my wife) left to go shopping leaving me alone. I hurried upstairs to our spare bedroom window just in time to see our divorced neighbor Jill strip down to her skimpiest bikini near her pool in her back yard. my cock was in my hand in a second. She was a gorgeous 32 yer old woman and I just couldn’t get enough of fantasizing about her.Suddenly the phone rang. It was Angie asking me to take some sunscreen to Jill next...
Copyright© 2005 Liz Bradshaw prowled around her spacious apartment, a double shot of vodka in hand. Her angular face bare of any makeup, revealed a good-looking woman just shy of forty who was both lonely and depressed. Mr. Bradshaw had left with no warning some five months back. Liz later learned he'd run off with a twenty year old, leaving Liz with all the bills. Fortunately, she had a decent job as administrator for the Catholic Church in the New Orleans diocese and made do with what she...
"Well," Jim said aloud. "The good news is that we made it out of that and no one was hurt. The bad news is you can never go back home." He was addressing JJ and her girls but could see in their minds that they really didn't care. They would all miss some of the keepsakes in their home. JJ wished she could keep some of the mementos of her dead husband. She wished she could get some of the pictures of the girls when they were little too. The girls would miss some of their 'things'. They...
I’m just a regular 21 year old girl, I’m 5’6″, slim and quite top heavy. But then that doesn’t really matter as you are going to imagine your own fantasy girl as you are reading this. I would like to say now this story is based on truth. So allow me to begin to tell you all on how it came about me becoming Casper’s little slut. As I was growing up as a little girl I have always had an affinity towards dogs, they just seem to get me if you can understand that...
Last month, Ana went to a far city to visit her niece and I had to stay at work; but on Friday I had the afternoon off.As I felt home alone, I decided to go to the beach as the spring weather was nice, but a bit warm.When I got there, I found a bunch of surfers at the beach, showing her tanned bodies as they waited for some higher waves…I kept walking on the warm sand and finally found a real secluded spot, where I could tan myself totally naked. I stripped off and lay onto a big towel on the...
Her revelation aroused me to a pitch I had never before achieved. I pulled her closer against me, pressing the little nubbins of her nipples into my chest. My cock throbbed, down where it pushed against her thigh, and more of my pre-come gushed out, making her leg even more slippery from my hot flow. I groaned and whispered, "Oh, God, baby, I had no idea." "That's why I got upset about Barbie--she got to live out my fantasy, my fantasy of making love with you." I held her closer to me...
J-List! Do you want to buy some hentai shit at J List? Sometimes it is not enough to simply watch hours and hours of porn. Sometimes you need a little more than that. A little something special. Something to really step your self-pleasure game up a notch. Hey, there ain’t nothing wrong with using a tool every now and then right? No judgment here.Plus, with Christmas right around the corner, why not treat yourself to something nice? Splurge a little. Splurge on your splooge, that’s what I say....
Online Sex Toys ShopsI woke up the next morning, sliding myself from underneath my sisters hugging arm while she still slept. She was beautiful. I watched her sleep for a moment taking in her beauty, her soft lips which even now seemed to draw me in. I wanted to kiss her but I let her sleep. We were both still naked from the night before. I had truly fallen in love with her. I guess I had loved her for a long time but never considered taking it as far as we did that night. Rachel was definitely the only girl I...
IncestIt all started one Friday when my friend, Kip, who I met a short time ago, asked me to take care of his animals as he was going to be out of town for over a week during Christmas break. Kip left me the key to his house so I could get in and said for me to make myself at home. Well Friday came, so I got all bundled up and went over to make sure everything was in order. There were two dogs, Furface and Nugget, and some tropical fish and a few gerbils. Now when I arrived, Furface started jumping...
Picture this: I'm 18 years old, and graduated high school a few months ago. I live with my step-mother, Isabel, and her daughter, my older step-sister, Rebecca. My mother passed away when young, and my father disappeared when I was 13, leaving us with a lot of his fortune. Isabel has been incredible, taking me in and helping me in spite of not having to. She was my dad's trophy wife before he disappeared, but she's very capable in her own rite, being able to start and run one of the more...
Mind ControlThe arrangement with Rebecca worked well. In fact, it worked in an outstanding manner. Marty was surprised how well they worked together and how fast Rebecca caught on to the work. It appeared as if they were getting about two and a half times the work done that Marty could accomplish alone. Marty and Rebecca spent the mornings doing the harder physical work on both places. They tended the gardens, the crops and livestock then after lunch they worked in the mill or on Marty’s projects trying...
My exwife was interested in having sex with other women and men. On our first date she told me how she wanted to be in a orgy. So I should of known we would be having lots of different sex escapades after we got married. It was not until a few years into the marriage that we tried to swing.First couple was not going to happen. We decided to try to just meet with a man or woman. Well things ended up with a man.We are close to a military base and the first guy was from the base. We chatted online...
A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part XII - A Toast at the End Jocelyn took Tuesday off. Sharon pampered her all day and made her a sumptuous dinner that night. Then she sent her to bed by 9:00. On Wednesday, Jocelyn met with all of her direct reports and told them that she would meet with all of the managers in her division on Friday. When she did, she made very clear where they were as an organization. "We've just seen what can happen when one person runs rampant...
Sabko mera hi, hello. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Last ke kuch episode mein aap logo ne Shobha aur Akash ka sham ke liye plan banate dekha. Aur wahi teena aur Swati ka lesbian pyar dekha. Mujhe maloom hai ki aap sab Shobha k eagle hisse ka besabri se intzaar kar rahe hai. Par aaj ka episode bhi Shobha ka nahi hai. Niraash na hoyiye aaj ke episode mein aap ek nayi bhabhi se milne wale...
Dan Harris couldn’t sleep well, and the reason wasn’t the June Missouri heat and humidity. He’d just survived a day when he thought the woman of his dreams was going to cut off their friendship. For weeks, he had snuck off to a hidden spot in the woods to watch his idol, ’70 sitcom star Brenda Keans, go skinny dipping in Peachtree Lake, the pond below his trailer park, admiring her middle aged body from afar and sneaking back just before she came up to catch him. When she asked to speak with...
There I was standing in his doorway just staring at him in the buff. He was tan all over, in good shape for someone in their late 40's. His cock was swinging between his legs as he shifted around. I was in a daze just looking at the amount of hair that crowned his meat stick. I couldn't believe that I was there and what I was going to happen next.Just a few hours earlier, I was delivering pizzas on a Friday night. I wasn't initially scheduled but was called in. I needed the money. I was finding...
I have a big dick. It's 11 inches long, 6 inches wide, cut so that the big head is always exposed. There are good things and bad things about having a big dick (yes, really, there ARE disadvantages despite what you've thought.). In the realm of sex, mostly it's good things. In the area of personality, though, it took some time to work through things. Let's start with women. Just having a big dick didn't automatically take away my nervousness or my hesitancy around them. Asking one on a date was...
100% fiction! well lets see she was younger like 5 years younger then me (23), we always played around like wrestle and video games, well we started to text and what not and joking around and both her parents worked mornings and she would skip school sometimes and one day she asked me to come down because she was bored. so I did I though her parents would be home and they were not.. i was playing on the computer and she needed to check her email so she said can i use it for a sec i said sure...