RoomersChapter 5 free porn video

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When I woke, my morning experience turned out to be real uncomfortable, mostly because one arm was trapped under Ellen. Hell, a hundred thirty pounds is fine when it's vertical, but when it's completely relaxed and playing sleeping beauty all over you, different story. Why I don't usually encourage overnighters. That and sharing a bathroom before I'm functioning properly. Still, she looked cute. Not as cute as the night before, all fired up and sparkling eyes, working on gratitude with energy and due diligence, but still kinda nice to watch.

The arm was another matter. I eased it out from under, slid out of bed. Good God above, only six-thirty. Put a good face on it, I thought. She's got work to do, you don't want her to be running late all day, feeling resentful. Would be kinda nice if she thought the next piece of 'thank you, Doug' could be penciled in for next week, maybe.

Morning necessities: you gotta visitor, so try not to splash, juice, coffee. Full consciousness returned and I took a cup through to her and shook her gently. She mumbled sleepily and sipped, then saw the clock and went into frenzy mode.

'Shit, good job I gotta car, ' she called from the bathroom. 'Doug, you are a prince. Wanna go someplace and party, next week maybe?' Bingo. She zoomed into the front room to fetch her clothes, and I stayed out of the way, remembering the times when I had to get up early and start moving almost immediately. Jesus, how I'd hated it. She erupted into the kitchen again, kissed me cheerfully, brandished her car keys with a goofy smile on her face, and was gone. I poured more coffee and felt pretty good.

I was still busy doing that, when there was a knock on the door. I looked at the clock: not eight o'clock yet. There were obviously more fools about than I thought, but the knock said "Susan", so I opened.

'Uh, Good morning, Doug.'

'Hi to you, Susan. You couldn't sleep either, huh? Want some coffee?' She looked puzzled.

'Oh, no thanks. I've been up for ages. I saw your light and wanted to ask you something.'

'So shoot.' Now she colored up. I was astonished all over again that someone who looked so fucking hot could be so timid. In her summer shorts and T-shirt, hair loose, spraying good health and sex-appeal every which way, she was a pleasure to look at. She took a deep breath, which distracted me some.

'Uh, I was wondering if I can use the garden, now that summer's nearly here. Would that be alright?'

'You wanna plant something?' She stared, then almost laughed.

'Oh no, not at all. I mean, would it be OK if I sunbathed there at weekends? If I could study out there it'd be so neat. I might even get a little tan.' My kitchen and bedroom overlook the garden.

'Sure, Susan, no problem. Every year there's someone who's a sun-bunny. Nothin' too provocative though: Timmy's third floor back, remember, and he's kinda susceptible. Don't want to hafta resuscitate him twice a week.' This time she did laugh.

'I think you're teasing me now, uh, Doug. Just an ordinary, decent bikini, I promise.' She spotted the clock and gasped. 'Oh, heavens. I must run. Thank you so much.'

She disappeared like the White Rabbit and I poured more coffee. Seemed like the world was full of cuties in a hurry today. I wondered what an ordinary, decent bikini would look like on that firm young body. Might as well hit the gym early, I thought, seeing as was awake already.

Later I stood and looked out of the bay window. Early rising, early gym. Shit. I shuddered as I remembered what that reminded me of: those last four months of my junior year, trying to save Judy from the consequences of me. Jeez, I'd been so glad when that bomb went off in my head and I knew the talent was going to kick in. Later I wasn't so sure.

I'd woken up in hospital. Turned out that the gym director couldn't rouse me, thought I'd ruptured something vital and called a fleet of ambulances, all the usual overreactions. A doctor came, told me I was fine, lay off the weights for a while, and I started dressing. I knew the next day or two were gonna be tense, but hell, if all that awful effort was gonna pay off, I was good with it. No gym today though, nor ever again, if I could help it, I thought as I strolled back to the apartment.

The campus had that end of year feeling. People looking wiped out after partying, happy people who'd done OK, depressed people who'd flunked; an air of finality washing over everything. I went looking for Judy, like a good thoughtful guy should.

She was sitting in the wreckage of her room, projecting glum.

'I have to pack stuff I'd forgotten I had. Look, there's photos of us.' She showed me Polaroids. Our first proper date, the morning after an overnighter, with her looking well-fucked and happy and me looking like the cat that ate the canary, goofy pictures of college kids doing dumb things. Kinda bought a lump to my throat.

'They look like two younger people. You wanna let me have some of those? Something to take me through the next coupla weeks.' She was going home for a while, catch up with family, kick back, do some thinking she said. I knew she had a proper internship arranged, and that it was three states away. We'd talked about that some. She kissed me.

'Of course you can. I've got others. You really think we look younger?' She sounded a little wistful, but I nodded. Pointing out that we'd changed was gonna be important, I hoped.

'We've both grown up some since I broke your leg.' She always smiled when I reminded her of that .8

'Two days Doug. What are we going to do with them?' I didn't have a clue. I was waiting for something to happen, for the clicks to butt in.

'Whatever you want, girl. Didn't you get an invitation to some party? We could go show off some, or we could go be private somewhere, or... ' She interrupted me.

'Can we do both? The party's tonight, at Shania's sorority, and then we can go to the apartment, and then tomorrow go off somewhere for the day.' I'd done my bit, I thought. What was gonna happen was gonna happen through her, same as it had with Patty and Annie. I was there to listen for the clicks, let them prompt me.

'Sure. How formal?' She rolled her eyes.

'Formals are all done, Doug. How long have you been here? Not Levis, though.' She hopped up and kissed me. 'Stop looking as if you're going to ask me if I want help with the packing: you're so sweet, but the answer's no. You'd drive me crazy. There's things that girls need to do without help. Go play Frisbee or something, and pick me up here at eight. OK?' She kissed me again and made shooing noises.

Six-thirty, I was looking at pants and wondering what to wear when the phone rang.


'Who else? What's happening? You think I should wear dark pants, light shirt, or the other way round? What you wearing?' When she spoke her voice was hesitant.

'Uh, Doug, I feel so bad saying this, but can we call tonight off? All that packing kinda killed me dead; I don't think I can manage anything loud.' Click. And about time too.

'No problem, Judy. What you wanna do? Quiet meal, come watch TV, massage your neck if you want, promise not to hit on you.' Weak laugh.

'Uh, Doug, I feel real wobbly. I'm gonna take a Tylenol, go to bed. I feel so bad about this... ' Click.

'Shit, Judy, if you're sick, you're sick. You want me to bring you anything?'

'You're so sweet, but no. I'll just try to sleep and call you in the morning, OK?' I was sympathetic and we talked foolishness for another minute, and she said she loved me and hung up. I looked at the phone. Judy Olsen just lied to me. Never shit a shitter, Ms Judy. We know evasion when we hear it. I wondered for half a second whether to go see Annie, then turned the idea down flat. I was gonna be upset but loyal, stay at home, watch reruns of MASH. Something was moving for sure. Maybe I'd say a little prayer of gratitude.

What I did instead was read some. History, not trash. Reading's a soothing thing to do, and for slackers it's the best. You can put the book down any time, no need to wait for a commercial break, take a leak, fetch a beer, go away for a week, anything. The book's still there when you get back, waiting patiently. Books are not time-sensitive.

I was outa bed at nine next morning, shaved, dressed for a summer picnic, wondering what was gonna happen.

There was a ring on the doorbell and I picked up the basket of goodies I'd bought and hit the stairs. She wasn't dressed for a picnic, not at all, and looked as if she hadn't slept any. I examined her closely. Her eyes were shifting and she looked nervous, and at the back of them was something I recognized. Judy Olsen, I thought, you got laid last night.

'Hi, Doug. Uh, we need to talk.' Her voice was small and flat, like a little kid who's been ordered to apologize. Click.

'Sure, Judy. Shit, what's the matter? Ya look terrible.' I tried to kiss her but she twisted away.

'Can we go up?'

'What's wrong, Judy? How come you're dressed like that? I kinda thought it was picnic time.' When we got into the apartment she sat down in an armchair, not on the couch like always, and gulped twice, then started.

Shit, it was terrible. I mean terrible. I'd been concentrating like a fucking maniac on not hurting her, trying for a civilized break-up, one where I wasn't gonna cause her pain. And my fucking talent had said OK, let her hurt herself instead, and think she's hurting you as well. Won't be you hurting her, boy, and you can sleep easy.

Shania had come round, she said in that dead little voice, and her brother and cousin were with her, and they'd been excited about the party, and Shania had persuaded her to go out for lunch, leave the packing for an hour, and she'd agreed.

The cousin's name was Mitch. He'd just graduated from med. school, was doing a first year internship, starting in September. They'd talked. His internship was in the same city as hers. Wow, they were gonna be neighbors. He was real confident, good-looking, intelligent, dedicated, a fucking saint. She sounded as if she thought he could walk on water, and as if every word she said was a self-inflicted wound.

They'd spent the whole afternoon talking, and he was so fascinating. He'd suggested they go to the sorority party together, and she'd said no, and he'd kinda smiled and said sure you will, and she'd finally agreed, because he was so interesting, she didn't mean it to be anything more. And this and that, and that and this, upshot was she called me and begged off, went to the party with him, they finished up in her empty room at three in the morning, fucking like maniacs; well, what she said was, "we ended up in bed". Then it was oh Doug, she didn't know what to say, it was like a bolt from the blue, but she loved him. She'd never felt like this before, and she was so sorry, lots more stuff like that. I didn't ask if she'd blown him first.

I have to say that I was pissed. Didn't need any clicks to react right. Looking back, I can't say for sure if I was pissed with her or with what I'd fuckin' done. Suddenly she was the most precious thing in the world, and she was walking away from me of her own free will.

Of her own free will? Bullshit. I knew that she didn't understand either, was confused and unhappy, didn't know why her heart was telling her to do this. She didn't know it was me that had twisted it. I was angry with her, with myself, with my ability. What's the point of having a fuckin' talent if it don't treat people right?

So I stomped and shouted and begged, and she looked sadder and sadder and kept shaking her head, and I made an effort and calmed down some. Pissed or not, did I really want her to change her mind?

'Shit, Judy, if that's the way it is, then I hope you'll be real happy. You think you could go now, please?' She got up and left, didn't say a word. I looked outa the window and there was a Mercedes convertible a little way down the street. She climbed in the passenger seat and put her head on the driver's chest. I knew she was crying. He held her and stroked her hair some and I turned away from the window.

Problem solved.

I spent the rest of the day in the apartment. Hardly moved off the couch. Didn't go out, didn't do anything, just like it had come as a real shock. About six, I went up to the dorm. Her room was empty, and I stood and looked at it. A couple of girls stood in the doorway of another room across the hall, watching me kinda pityingly. I turned to them.

'She left already?' One of them nodded. 'With him?' She nodded again. I turned round and left.

Good thing people were packing and leaving. I don't think I coulda stood too much sympathy. News got out about what had happened with Doug and Judy, and I got embarrassed words of condolence, people feeling sorry for me. Shit, I hated it.

Gary was a prince.

'Whaddya gonna do, dude?' he asked the next evening. 'Anything you want, you got it. You want company or not? Wanna go get drunk?'

'Hell, Gary, I don't have a fuckin' clue. I never felt like this before.' That was for sure true. He shook his head.

'Shit, dude, I seen ya workin' on it, seen her being pleased, seen you together. Can't imagine what changed in her head.'

'Shit happens, Gary.'

He worked summers in his Dad's business but put off going back home to his family and his fiancée, so as not to leave me by myself, and I felt guiltier and guiltier, and he thought I was depressed and I couldn't fucking bear it. After three days I had to say I was beginning to feel better, and he looked at me kinda strange, but relieved. We agreed the same deal as last year: he'd keep on paying his half of the rent, I'd stay in town, earn some money, heal up a little, fresh start next year: all the clichés. He looked happy, went off home to get laid, first time in weeks.

Economics being a fucking soul-burning fact, I did for real have to find work. I guess I lucked out some, because I got last summer's job back, as team leader yet, except they called it "Promoter of Excellence". Bullshit of course, but it meant more dough, less physical stuff, the chance to order people around; more responsibility as well, but shit, stacking shelves ain't exactly rocket-science. I was pretty sure I could do it excellently.

One week later I stepped into Annie's dad's shop. He was sitting looking at nothing, dreaming of Hawkwind, I guess, Annie dusting stuff and humming. She looked round, put the duster down. examined me closely.

'Some hurt, some experience, some decisions, mebbe a little guilt, ' she said, and smiled. 'Whaddya wanna do, Doug?' No pity. Thank God for that.

'Early dinner, tell you thank you. You done more for me than you know.' She looked pleased.

'You OK to say thank you properly? It's been a while.' My heart lifted and I began to understand in like better.

'My place, call for pizza? I got chocolate ice-cream too.' She went over to her dad and shook him gently.

'Gonna go out, Dad. You're on your own.' She picked up an old alarm clock and set it. 'Close the shop when the clock goes, OK?' He beamed and nodded and we left.

As we walked to the apartment I just told her that Judy and I had split up, she'd gone off with another guy, I was still feeling kinda upset. She nodded wisely.

'Sure, Doug. That's what happened. But you ain't upset enough. You did somethin' to make it happen: somethin' smart or somethin' stupid. Smart, probably. Told you a long time ago you'd be dangerous one day. I don't wanna know too much, tell the truth. Am I the first person you talked to?'

'No-one else knows who I am, Annie.' She looked pleased again.

In the apartment we lasted about ten seconds before we were undressing each other. Two minutes after that we were naked on my bed, late afternoon sun streaming in through the window. I'd forgotten how small she was, fragile even, and how she looked so vulnerable and was really so tough. She crawled into the crook of my arm and wriggled.

'Shit, Doug, I'd kinda forgotten how you feel. It's like openin' a good book you read a hundred times before. Better than grass, even.' Who'da thought that a skinny little hippy could be so comforting?

'Missed you some too, Annie, and I got no plans to do that again.' That was all I said, and she didn't ask for more, just reached down and stroked my cock.

'We got a lot of catchin' up ta do, so we better think about this. I oughta go first, by rights, seein' as I been neglected, but I get such a fuckin' kick outa seein' you hard for me, I'll be patient. Don't expect too patient though. Here.' She let go of my cock and pulled my hand down to her crotch, opening her legs wide. I cupped my palm over her tangled curls and she snorted.

'Way too fuckin' polite, Doug. This is Annie, remember? I ain't a college kid.' She pushed my hand away and curved a finger inside herself, withdrew it and held it to my mouth. I sniffed, then licked it clean. It was sharp and aromatic and moist, and my cock began to firm up.

'Annie, you be as impatient as you like. You gotta starvin' man here.' Her hand slipped to my cock again and squeezed it.

'One little whiff of pussy and you got a fuckin' boner?'

'Your pussy, Annie.' She squirmed upright and leaned over and kissed me hard, catching my tongue, twining hers round it. Then she trailed her lips down my neck and chest, slowly over my belly, and drew me into her mouth. She shifted slightly to get a better angle, and made a little sound of contentment. Her eyes were closed and she parted her thighs slightly, lifted her mouth for a moment.

'Just tease for now, Doug, and don't bite your tongue. I don't want you chewin' on my first course.' Judy had never been so upfront. Bawdy in her own way, but only afterwards: she never came out, said exactly what she wanted. I reached out gently and slid my fingers through the soft fleece and ran them slowly along the damp lips. Annie shivered and dropped over my cock again, her mouth working in that good way, the sorta way that lets you know you can come real fast and she won't care, because she's doin' this for you. Hell, for her too, I guess. Nobody wants a two minute main course. Pleasure bolts raced through me as she took me along the always new, still familiar route, and a heavy liquid sensation began to pool in the pit of my belly. My balls stirred and churned, and she cupped them gently with her free hand. I thought I felt her smiling to herself, but that can't have been true. She did something behind my balls, a twisting kinda pressure, and it all came flooding out hard into her, while my body tensed and arched with the flashing sparks of release.

One thing about Annie, she never choked or spilled. One of her talents was sucking and swallowing at the same time. When I'd finished she stayed quiet, letting me soften in her mouth, then cleaned me with her tongue and scooted back up into my arms.

'Jeez, Doug, how long you been savin' that load? Ever since she split?' She chuckled to herself, then reached up and tugged my ear. 'Didn't mean to be unkind. You probably done your best, and sometimes there's no way to avoid shit. She get hurt bad?'

'Hell, Annie, she'll recover. You want your first course?'

'Thought you'd never ask. I wanna be on my back though.' So I knelt at the foot of the bed, her skinny thighs beckoning me, worked through the bushes, slid my tongue once along her warm center.

'Annie, you gotta start cuttin' this stuff back again. It's like the Brazilian fuckin' jungle down here.' I felt her stomach flutter as she suppressed a giggle.

'You want it trimmed, you can trim it yourself. Now do that stuff I been missin'.' She was urgent, her folds slippery with desire, and I lost myself in her, savoring her texture and flavor, loving her thin thighs squeezing my head as she began to respond. Truth to tell, once I started the party trick I kinda forgot about anything else, and was surprised when her hand pushed at my head.

'Shit, stop that. Twice is enough. You want me to die in your goddam arms? Get your ass up here and kiss me where I can see ya.' She hugged me hard, and kissed me like she'd said she would, arms and legs wrapped round me tight. For the first time in a fortnight I felt peaceful. She unwound herself and patted my cheek.

'Pitstop, then food. You wanna call while I repair the damage?' I reached for the phone, a lightness of heart washing through me.

One thing about being shallow: you heal easy if you get the right medication.

Later we were back in bed, my cock deep in her. She was breathing hard, sprawled across my chest, and the tiny aftershocks that I loved feeling were squeezing me in an irregular rhythm. I wasn't through and I tightened my ass and made myself swell; she craned her neck and bit my shoulder.

'Don't you start doing that again till I tell ya. Jeez, Doug, that was the best time since the last time. Better, tell the truth. I've kinda marked you up though. I kinda forgot myself, but I sure as hell love chewin' on a man while he's workin'.

'Proud to wear your scars, Annie.' No point in fussing.

Summer passed and I was pretty good. There were a coupla messages from Judy on my answering-machine, hesitant and wanting to be in touch. There were a coupla letters too. I erased the messages, tossed the letters without even opening them. Don't open that box again. I did some thinking about how I love regular pussy and fresh pussy as well, what was I gonna do about that. Spent time wondering how I was gonna get to live easy. Only one more year of college, then the big bad world was gonna come knocking. I figured that now I knew my limitations I could handle stuff a lot better.

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Chaturbate Latina

You betas should know that I love fucking Latina babes by now. No, I’m not simping for these whores like you are. There’s a difference. I actually take these babes back to my place and fuck their brains out. That’s a lot different than sitting alone in a dark basement fapping to their fresh OnlyFans releases. But I have a happy middle-ground for you guys this time around. I know most of you bastards are too shy to get out there in the real world and try to talk to a woman anyway. But if there’s...

Live Latina Sex Cams
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   A few months ago I accompanied a friend while she visited a relative in an assisted living house. While they visited, I began talking to an older man. Learning that I wrote, he grinned and said that he had a story that deserved to be written but he shouldn't tell it to, 'a nice girl like you'. It's been a few years since anyone has called me a girl but to a man his age I suppose I was... It didn’t take much to get him to relate the story he was so obviously eager to tell. Not writing from...

4 years ago
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Orb and Prophecy Completion Part 2 of about 13

(Note: asterisks around a section indicate the character's thoughts.) In an unfamiliar city, in an unfamiliar body, I raced blindly through streets and markets, past small homes, in and around small market crowds, little noticing the stares that followed me. My only impulse was to hide, to be safe, to find a place to escape this sudden nightmare. Navigating unfamiliar territory had been my strength as a warrior, but nothing had prepared me for this. I felt acutely the height of my...

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Bumfelt kissed her. Their lips met. Slow and then eager. Bumfelt pulled her close. Put one hand around her slender waist and slid the other across her skirt, down her stocking leg.“We shouldn’t……we can’t….,” she gasped, pulling her head away from Bumfelt’s. “It’s not appropriate and-““No. You’re right,” said Bumfelt, stepping back, running a hand across his two day stubble, glancing away. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry, Roxy. I should-““I want to.”“What?”“I want to,”...

2 years ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Five

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Friday: After-school Activities Chapter 22 I have a spring in my step and a bounce in my stride as I go into school the next morning. The soft curls of my long hair jump and twist around my face in rhythm with the wiggle of my hips and the increasingly familiar jiggles of my body. Today's dress swishes around my ankles, with a loose flare at the skirt and a tight-fitting top, long sleeves and a keyhole back fastening. It's light blue...

4 years ago
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A trip to France

As well as delivering furniture all over Spain, when the need arises, I do the odd house to house removal to help pay the bills. Normally I only do local moves, but this one day, I was approached by a customer who was moving from the Costa Blanca in Spain, to the south of France. I didn´t really fancy doing this job, as he said that he would be riding with me in the van, along with his dog. I normally preferred my own company, so I quoted him a higher than usual. This was a trick a builder...

4 years ago
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We Need to Talk Part 3

Emma was just coming out of the shower, naked and dripping wet when her phone buzzed with a text message. It was from Charlotte. It said, “Hi Emma. Good news, I’ve spoken to Gary and I think he has agreed. But, can you please come and see me before you go home to him?”She sat on the bed, after wrapping herself in a towel, and typed her reply. Her busty breasts made a bulge in her towel. After she sent her confirmation that she would call over to Charlotte she sent a message to Gary to say that...

3 years ago
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Feminized By My Mother

My mom was staying in as were Jen's parents so we parked on a dark road and made out while I fingered her. Her panties were absolutely drenched when I was finished, and she rubbed her hand inside them and used her pussy juice to jerk me off, I spurted all over my pants and she laughed."I hope your mom doesn't see." She said."Actually she probably wouldn't care." I said."Oh yeah? In that case we should just have fucked in your house then.""I wouldn't push it." I said jokingly, but she may have...

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Auld Langsyne

(Author’s note: This story is dedicated to singer/songwriter Dan Fogelberg, who passed away on December 16th, 2007, due to prostate cancer. He was 56. The song ‘Same Old Lang Syne’ has always been a favorite of mine, and it is upon this song that the following story is based. I hope you enjoy.) *** For the first time in my life, I was not looking forward to Christmas. Jaclyn and I had separated five months before, following almost a decade of marriage. We didn’t split because of infidelity,...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Slave Part One

My house. 20:30. Wear nothing underneath your coat except corset, stockings and high heels.  Be ready to suffer, and expect the unexpected. If you let me down tonight, you will be punished severely. Xxx    Emi read the text message carefully, several times.  Expect the unexpected. She was used to getting orders like this from Birch, there was nothing he required that she hadn’t done before, but those few words filled her with a sense of anxiety. That was probably what he wanted, he knew she...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 25

"Are you ever going to ask me to marry you?" Bonnie suddenly asked. It wasn't an accusatory or challenging tone, it was a quiet question, but one that had come with no preamble. Brent turned toward her in the bed. His hand stroked her belly and breasts beneath the covers as she lay naked beside him. His initial surprise at the question had dissolved, and a smile formed on his lips. "Yes." "When?" "Uhmmm ... I don't know ... maybe tonight, maybe next week ... sometime ... I...

3 years ago
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Bravo ForceChapter 21 Survey Results

When Pru and Terry settled in the conference room at the Neo-Tantra home office, Solly was with them. They had timed the meeting so that the people on the scene would have had a night's rest after a hard day's work. Zahlman's face was the first to appear on the com, followed shortly by Isabella's. Solly began the review. "We sent a high-level surveillance device over the area of Isabella's coordinates. We also sent in, under cover of night, a miniature eye that can give us good,...

2 years ago
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Kim blackmailed part 5

Bonnie: ok bitch, time to take that skirt up a bit (with an evil grin) Kim waited some seconds before she did what Bonnie had asked for. Bonnie: not like that whore, I want it up so you are sitting on your ass, and everyone trying to peak will see what they want. Kim took a deep breath before she stood slightly up to take her skirt up. As she did that she knew that she was dripping wet and that anyone who would look down under her desk would see her naked, shaved cunt. Bonnie then turned up...

4 years ago
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Dark Desires

She lay back on the elegantly upholstered, exquisitely comfortable, chaise. The thought of that weekend stirred Servalan, her hand moved down to her crotch. She needed something, a quick orgasm would be perfect for her now. She was ready, she thought of her favorite fantasy. Torturing political prisoners in a dungeon, that one always got her there in a hurry. She hadn't had that pleasure for real, for years, during the revolution was the last time. It hadn't been long before the new regime...

2 years ago
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No FutureChapter 83 Home is Where the Heart is

Iris 2060 It would never have been Iris' ideal choice of career, but there weren't many choices still available to her. Though there'd been an evident expansion in employment opportunities as the White Death receded, this brief boom vanished at almost the same rate as the last bodies were being incinerating. The jobs that appeared to address the need to clean up after the pandemic vanished all too soon. The Government's policy of dissuading foreign influence had also destroyed any...

3 years ago
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Creation of a Male Slave Part 1

I married my high school sweetheart in 1969. She was a cheerleader, named Kay, and I was on the football team, my name is Tom. We were the perfect mid-western vanilla couple, young, innocent and in love. I was still in college when we were married but graduated the following year. I took a job with a major advertising agency and began working my way up the corporate ladder. Kay graduated nursing school the following year and went to work for a nearby hospital. For a while we were like a pair of...

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The Perfect Valentines Gift

The Perfect Valentines Gift Part 1-Weekend at the Cabin Megan began to awaken as Ryan moved about the room getting ready for work.She opened her eyes, squinting against the lights. "Happy Valentines Day, sweetheart," he said to her as he saw her naked bodybegin to stir underneath the covers. She sat up and brushed her tousled hair from her face as Ryan looked towardsher. He smiled and wondered if she knew how attractive she was like that, withoutthe makeup and the jewelry. Megan stretched and...

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Ednas Beauty Shop and Chain Saw Repair

Pam came in over an hour late, not that it mattered, it was pouring outside and we didn't have the first customer in the bar. She came in the front door, employees usually park in the lot in back and come in the back door. This girl was soaked, her hair was plastered to her head. She was bare foot with her shoes in one hand and her purse in the other. Her stockings ended at her ankles in a frayed roll. One of her shoes was minus the heel and she must have walked the bottoms out of her...

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Idylls of the Lady Ch 12

Heather dressed carefully and took her carriage to Northleigh Hall. Cameron himself answered the door and was dressed to go riding. His look of displeasure almost caused Heather to falter. ‘What do you want, my love?’ he said sarcastically. She held out a hand. ‘Cameron, darling, our baby —‘ ‘Our baby? Ha. It could be anybody’s.’ ‘I’m expecting in April. I’m very sure that it’s yours.’ ‘Well, we shall see when the baby comes who it favors. If it looks like me, I may concede to accept it.’ ...

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SacrificesChapter 7

“Sonia!” Maya hissed in class. “Stop it!” That morning, Sonia had made Maya put the vibrating egg inside her, and since then she had been entertaining herself by activating it to tease her, bringing her to the edge of climax and keeping her there for minutes, while she had to pretend nothing was happening. Looking at Maya’s tormented expression, Sonia giggled. If she’d been a good girl and called her Miss, maybe she would have turned it off. Maybe. As it was, she’d have to put up with it...

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Ryouichi and Akira

A storm rages outside a large log cabin. Thunder rumbles loudly and vibrates the weak glass windows of the silent house. Lightning strikes quickly, illuminating the dense forest for a brief second before dissipating. Inside the wooden abode, a boy of 16 is sleeping in a small bed. The blanket is made of a soft cloth and the mattress is cotton lined with feathers. The boy tosses about in his bed, still asleep, not paying any attention to the torrent and light show that is occurring not a few...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter Spanks Jack and Jill

Brandi had been a babysitter, like, forever. Her Dad was a Gynecologist. He had his own private practice in a Doctor's office park not far from their home. All of Brandi's friends told her she was lucky to have a Doctor for a Father and Brandi knew it was true. Her Daddy had a library of books loaded with pictures of female and male private parts that made her feel all tingly down below between her legs. Whenever she visited his office Brandi snuck one of the books from the top shelf and...

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Die 22jährige Carol, eine junge Wärterin im Gefängnis, bildhübsch, mit dunklen, gut schulterlangen, glatten Haaren und einer zauberhaften Figur ausgestattet mußte an jenem Tag, entgegen allen Vorschriften, einen Serienvergewaltiger alleine zu einem 600 km entfernten Gefängnis für Schwerverbrecher bringen. Er saß zwar mit gespreizten Armen und Beinen, gefesselt, mit Ketten gesichert und an den Fußholmen und Haken am Autodach befestigt sicher im Auto, doch es gab ja auch Bedürfnisse. Genau als...

1 year ago
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Beauty 3 in a first time

He lied down beside her and held her in his arms. He wanted this moment never to last. All he knew is that he loved this woman and that he never wanted to let go of her. She was nervous. He was madly in love with her . She was madly in love with him. She never wanted him to hurt her. "You know that I love you more than life itself, right dear," the man said to his love as he looked lovingly into her eyes. "Of course , and I love you more than the earth and the universe and everything that we...

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Jacks Education Ch 08

Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

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Jenny and I3

I had plenty of time to rest and eat some lunch before Jenny showed up from work. She was a little bit tired, so we sat on the sofa in the family room to talk for a few minutes while she rested. For no reason other than just making conversation, I told her what had happened at Mrs. Jackson's house that morning. With practically anybody else, I would have been better off keeping my mouth shut about Mrs. Jackson and the fucking episode.However, Jenny and I had always shared our secrets. I guess I...

2 years ago
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Love your Neighbour Part I

Hey friends! This is ranju panda from Bhubaneswar again. I have already replied to the emails sent to me commenting on my previous stories published in this site. I am writing another story for the esteemed readers of this popular ISS network. During my service period I was staying in a two storied government quarter of 3BHK which is of Type 3 flat. One room of each quarter was projected forward in such a way that the inner portion of the said room was clearly visible to the projected room of...

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Tailor Aunty Ko Choda

Hello friends this is my first story mera naam husndeep hai or main punjab (bathinda ) se hu.Main handsome hu my age is 19 year my dick is satisfied to every woman or girl .Meri j story 6 months phle start huyi thi mere pados main ik aunty rhti hai unka naam pooja hai or wo tailor hai main unke barre main bta du unka figure 36-28-38 hai unki gaand bht mast hai gol gol or boobs v bht mst hai jaise k Punjabi aunties mast hoti hai wo agg lgati thi hmare gali k ldko ko.Main aksar unke ghr jaaya...

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My Teaching Sexcapades Part 2

Hello all you good people of ISS! I am Kishan from Bangalore, and this is my . After a long time, I have the pleasure of narrating a story that is 100% true narration of how things unfolded. I know it is exciting, so let us get into it. I live in Bangalore, and I do various jobs to earn my living. One of those jobs is teaching in a college here. As I told in my previous story, I have a bit of a fan following in college wherein I keep getting messages from students of all kinds. This is the...

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X Is for X Marks the Spot

Megan had a new nickname at school, CATNIP: Caught And Taped Naked In Public. Her sorority pledge tasks this past month had her at various stages of undress in and around campus. Both boys and girls would get a night-time glimpse of some mysterious girl in her panties and bra, or just her panties dashing this way and that, from cover to cover in what Sigma Theta Chi called 'sneak-streaking'. Not that Megan was allowed to cover herself up, but she did manage to duck between parked cars or hide...

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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapter 10 11

The next day Colin and Alisha met Mr. Butler at the title company and closed the purchase. That morning, they had gone to the bank and opened a new bank account for “P.A. Swine Ranch”, a name that they thought would be appropriate……it stood for Pleasure Acres Swine Ranch, a name they decided to keep to themselves. They both funded the account with enough money to completely purchase it and fund the operations for six months, till the changes they wanted were made and it could start making...

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Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 05

I’m not a stranger No I am yours With crippled anger And tears that still drip sore A fragile frame aged With misery And when our eyes meet I know you see I do not want to be afraid I do not want to die inside just to breathe in I’m tired of feeling so numb Relief exists I find it when I am cut -Plumb ‘Cut’ ‘Which door is yours?’ Miranda asked. Grey pointed down the hallway, ‘Last on the left.’ Miranda peered down the corridor, it was made up of blue and white speckled tile, clean but...

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Grandmother AstridChapter 5

Sandra and I spent the night with Astrid, but didn't disturbed her or do anything ourselves. Sandra was still shocked at what had happened to Astrid and just couldn't understand it. How could Astrid have been married to a man like that? How could he do those terrible things to her? Sandra was very frightened by this event. We cared for Astrid over the next week, as she recovered. There were twice daily soaks in the hot water of the Jacuzzi, and us just being there for her when she needed...

2 years ago
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LIttle Girl down the Street

She lives down the block from you. Her name is Kara and she lives with her younger brother and sister. She must be around 10 years old now and her sister and brother are 8 and 6. Her family moved in to the neighborhood about 5 years ago. Her dad is a salesman for a Dodge dealer across the river and her mother is a nurse for a nursing home on the other side of town. I knew her parents from seeing them as I drive by and we wave at each other or when I walk my dog. We chat about the weather...

4 years ago
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 2 The Kitchen

After the Bolero orgy, Mark, me and Anna thought we’d play the good guys and clear up in the kitchen. We forgot about any clothes except that Anna put on her dress but left it unbuttoned at the front. Our good intentions quickly evaporated when we saw Anna bending over to load the dishwasher. Mark and I simultaneously reached forward and stroked each bum cheek and parted them. This caused an appreciative wiggle and Anna opened her legs slightly so both her wet holes were visible. “You can’t...

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The Gardener

I love plants. Flowers, trees, bushes. All of them. I really enjoy working on them. Smelling them. Feeling their different textures. Taking care of them. I’m a gardener and it’s the job of my dreams. It doesn’t pay very well, but I enjoy it. I enjoy working outside. I enjoy the manual labor. I enjoy my life. And that’s what’s important, isn’t it? But I also have a problem. One that most men probably envy me for. Because they don’t know how it is. I’m a hunk. I’m 6’7” and built like the...

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I Married a Stranger

Story of a girl - "I Married a Stranger.."I was on the bed, feeling terrified. I opened my diary and wrote, 'I married a stranger' and quickly hid it under the bed. My whole body was shaking."What do I do?" I questioned myself."Do I act like a virgin?""But what if he finds out? Do I tell him to wait for it for a few days? But what if it makes him angry?"The front door opened and my heart jumped in my neck. I was breathing heavily. The sound of his footsteps gave me goosebumps. I looked down and...

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First Day

My first story, hope you enjoy it. It was my first day of class and to be quite honest I wasn’t really looking forward to it either. I didn’t know any of the people in the room with me and that made me a little nervous. The desks were set in pairs of two at each. I got there early to watch the others file in after me. I watched as one by one all my peers walked through the door and avoided the seat next to me. As the last person filed in he had no option but to sit next to me. We sat there in...

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Cum when I tell you to

     It all started the day when I decided to have a combined Birthday party with a friend. A lot of planning went into this party..we worked for months to work out all of the details…you know like the who to invite and who not to invite list! One name crossed my mind a couple of times, her name was Carmen, she was 5’5 shoulder length black hair and green eyes.. oh and she happened to be one of my lesbian friends that had a major crush on me in high school. I decided to invite, the only problem...

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You wake up in your apartment and notice something sinister. You are not exactly sure what's going on, but your window is open and with a quick glance you notice that the security system is offline. You have your weapon at the desk drawer and you are pretty sure there's plenty of ways to deal with this situation.

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