RoomersChapter 5 free porn video

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When I woke, my morning experience turned out to be real uncomfortable, mostly because one arm was trapped under Ellen. Hell, a hundred thirty pounds is fine when it's vertical, but when it's completely relaxed and playing sleeping beauty all over you, different story. Why I don't usually encourage overnighters. That and sharing a bathroom before I'm functioning properly. Still, she looked cute. Not as cute as the night before, all fired up and sparkling eyes, working on gratitude with energy and due diligence, but still kinda nice to watch.

The arm was another matter. I eased it out from under, slid out of bed. Good God above, only six-thirty. Put a good face on it, I thought. She's got work to do, you don't want her to be running late all day, feeling resentful. Would be kinda nice if she thought the next piece of 'thank you, Doug' could be penciled in for next week, maybe.

Morning necessities: you gotta visitor, so try not to splash, juice, coffee. Full consciousness returned and I took a cup through to her and shook her gently. She mumbled sleepily and sipped, then saw the clock and went into frenzy mode.

'Shit, good job I gotta car, ' she called from the bathroom. 'Doug, you are a prince. Wanna go someplace and party, next week maybe?' Bingo. She zoomed into the front room to fetch her clothes, and I stayed out of the way, remembering the times when I had to get up early and start moving almost immediately. Jesus, how I'd hated it. She erupted into the kitchen again, kissed me cheerfully, brandished her car keys with a goofy smile on her face, and was gone. I poured more coffee and felt pretty good.

I was still busy doing that, when there was a knock on the door. I looked at the clock: not eight o'clock yet. There were obviously more fools about than I thought, but the knock said "Susan", so I opened.

'Uh, Good morning, Doug.'

'Hi to you, Susan. You couldn't sleep either, huh? Want some coffee?' She looked puzzled.

'Oh, no thanks. I've been up for ages. I saw your light and wanted to ask you something.'

'So shoot.' Now she colored up. I was astonished all over again that someone who looked so fucking hot could be so timid. In her summer shorts and T-shirt, hair loose, spraying good health and sex-appeal every which way, she was a pleasure to look at. She took a deep breath, which distracted me some.

'Uh, I was wondering if I can use the garden, now that summer's nearly here. Would that be alright?'

'You wanna plant something?' She stared, then almost laughed.

'Oh no, not at all. I mean, would it be OK if I sunbathed there at weekends? If I could study out there it'd be so neat. I might even get a little tan.' My kitchen and bedroom overlook the garden.

'Sure, Susan, no problem. Every year there's someone who's a sun-bunny. Nothin' too provocative though: Timmy's third floor back, remember, and he's kinda susceptible. Don't want to hafta resuscitate him twice a week.' This time she did laugh.

'I think you're teasing me now, uh, Doug. Just an ordinary, decent bikini, I promise.' She spotted the clock and gasped. 'Oh, heavens. I must run. Thank you so much.'

She disappeared like the White Rabbit and I poured more coffee. Seemed like the world was full of cuties in a hurry today. I wondered what an ordinary, decent bikini would look like on that firm young body. Might as well hit the gym early, I thought, seeing as was awake already.

Later I stood and looked out of the bay window. Early rising, early gym. Shit. I shuddered as I remembered what that reminded me of: those last four months of my junior year, trying to save Judy from the consequences of me. Jeez, I'd been so glad when that bomb went off in my head and I knew the talent was going to kick in. Later I wasn't so sure.

I'd woken up in hospital. Turned out that the gym director couldn't rouse me, thought I'd ruptured something vital and called a fleet of ambulances, all the usual overreactions. A doctor came, told me I was fine, lay off the weights for a while, and I started dressing. I knew the next day or two were gonna be tense, but hell, if all that awful effort was gonna pay off, I was good with it. No gym today though, nor ever again, if I could help it, I thought as I strolled back to the apartment.

The campus had that end of year feeling. People looking wiped out after partying, happy people who'd done OK, depressed people who'd flunked; an air of finality washing over everything. I went looking for Judy, like a good thoughtful guy should.

She was sitting in the wreckage of her room, projecting glum.

'I have to pack stuff I'd forgotten I had. Look, there's photos of us.' She showed me Polaroids. Our first proper date, the morning after an overnighter, with her looking well-fucked and happy and me looking like the cat that ate the canary, goofy pictures of college kids doing dumb things. Kinda bought a lump to my throat.

'They look like two younger people. You wanna let me have some of those? Something to take me through the next coupla weeks.' She was going home for a while, catch up with family, kick back, do some thinking she said. I knew she had a proper internship arranged, and that it was three states away. We'd talked about that some. She kissed me.

'Of course you can. I've got others. You really think we look younger?' She sounded a little wistful, but I nodded. Pointing out that we'd changed was gonna be important, I hoped.

'We've both grown up some since I broke your leg.' She always smiled when I reminded her of that .8

'Two days Doug. What are we going to do with them?' I didn't have a clue. I was waiting for something to happen, for the clicks to butt in.

'Whatever you want, girl. Didn't you get an invitation to some party? We could go show off some, or we could go be private somewhere, or... ' She interrupted me.

'Can we do both? The party's tonight, at Shania's sorority, and then we can go to the apartment, and then tomorrow go off somewhere for the day.' I'd done my bit, I thought. What was gonna happen was gonna happen through her, same as it had with Patty and Annie. I was there to listen for the clicks, let them prompt me.

'Sure. How formal?' She rolled her eyes.

'Formals are all done, Doug. How long have you been here? Not Levis, though.' She hopped up and kissed me. 'Stop looking as if you're going to ask me if I want help with the packing: you're so sweet, but the answer's no. You'd drive me crazy. There's things that girls need to do without help. Go play Frisbee or something, and pick me up here at eight. OK?' She kissed me again and made shooing noises.

Six-thirty, I was looking at pants and wondering what to wear when the phone rang.


'Who else? What's happening? You think I should wear dark pants, light shirt, or the other way round? What you wearing?' When she spoke her voice was hesitant.

'Uh, Doug, I feel so bad saying this, but can we call tonight off? All that packing kinda killed me dead; I don't think I can manage anything loud.' Click. And about time too.

'No problem, Judy. What you wanna do? Quiet meal, come watch TV, massage your neck if you want, promise not to hit on you.' Weak laugh.

'Uh, Doug, I feel real wobbly. I'm gonna take a Tylenol, go to bed. I feel so bad about this... ' Click.

'Shit, Judy, if you're sick, you're sick. You want me to bring you anything?'

'You're so sweet, but no. I'll just try to sleep and call you in the morning, OK?' I was sympathetic and we talked foolishness for another minute, and she said she loved me and hung up. I looked at the phone. Judy Olsen just lied to me. Never shit a shitter, Ms Judy. We know evasion when we hear it. I wondered for half a second whether to go see Annie, then turned the idea down flat. I was gonna be upset but loyal, stay at home, watch reruns of MASH. Something was moving for sure. Maybe I'd say a little prayer of gratitude.

What I did instead was read some. History, not trash. Reading's a soothing thing to do, and for slackers it's the best. You can put the book down any time, no need to wait for a commercial break, take a leak, fetch a beer, go away for a week, anything. The book's still there when you get back, waiting patiently. Books are not time-sensitive.

I was outa bed at nine next morning, shaved, dressed for a summer picnic, wondering what was gonna happen.

There was a ring on the doorbell and I picked up the basket of goodies I'd bought and hit the stairs. She wasn't dressed for a picnic, not at all, and looked as if she hadn't slept any. I examined her closely. Her eyes were shifting and she looked nervous, and at the back of them was something I recognized. Judy Olsen, I thought, you got laid last night.

'Hi, Doug. Uh, we need to talk.' Her voice was small and flat, like a little kid who's been ordered to apologize. Click.

'Sure, Judy. Shit, what's the matter? Ya look terrible.' I tried to kiss her but she twisted away.

'Can we go up?'

'What's wrong, Judy? How come you're dressed like that? I kinda thought it was picnic time.' When we got into the apartment she sat down in an armchair, not on the couch like always, and gulped twice, then started.

Shit, it was terrible. I mean terrible. I'd been concentrating like a fucking maniac on not hurting her, trying for a civilized break-up, one where I wasn't gonna cause her pain. And my fucking talent had said OK, let her hurt herself instead, and think she's hurting you as well. Won't be you hurting her, boy, and you can sleep easy.

Shania had come round, she said in that dead little voice, and her brother and cousin were with her, and they'd been excited about the party, and Shania had persuaded her to go out for lunch, leave the packing for an hour, and she'd agreed.

The cousin's name was Mitch. He'd just graduated from med. school, was doing a first year internship, starting in September. They'd talked. His internship was in the same city as hers. Wow, they were gonna be neighbors. He was real confident, good-looking, intelligent, dedicated, a fucking saint. She sounded as if she thought he could walk on water, and as if every word she said was a self-inflicted wound.

They'd spent the whole afternoon talking, and he was so fascinating. He'd suggested they go to the sorority party together, and she'd said no, and he'd kinda smiled and said sure you will, and she'd finally agreed, because he was so interesting, she didn't mean it to be anything more. And this and that, and that and this, upshot was she called me and begged off, went to the party with him, they finished up in her empty room at three in the morning, fucking like maniacs; well, what she said was, "we ended up in bed". Then it was oh Doug, she didn't know what to say, it was like a bolt from the blue, but she loved him. She'd never felt like this before, and she was so sorry, lots more stuff like that. I didn't ask if she'd blown him first.

I have to say that I was pissed. Didn't need any clicks to react right. Looking back, I can't say for sure if I was pissed with her or with what I'd fuckin' done. Suddenly she was the most precious thing in the world, and she was walking away from me of her own free will.

Of her own free will? Bullshit. I knew that she didn't understand either, was confused and unhappy, didn't know why her heart was telling her to do this. She didn't know it was me that had twisted it. I was angry with her, with myself, with my ability. What's the point of having a fuckin' talent if it don't treat people right?

So I stomped and shouted and begged, and she looked sadder and sadder and kept shaking her head, and I made an effort and calmed down some. Pissed or not, did I really want her to change her mind?

'Shit, Judy, if that's the way it is, then I hope you'll be real happy. You think you could go now, please?' She got up and left, didn't say a word. I looked outa the window and there was a Mercedes convertible a little way down the street. She climbed in the passenger seat and put her head on the driver's chest. I knew she was crying. He held her and stroked her hair some and I turned away from the window.

Problem solved.

I spent the rest of the day in the apartment. Hardly moved off the couch. Didn't go out, didn't do anything, just like it had come as a real shock. About six, I went up to the dorm. Her room was empty, and I stood and looked at it. A couple of girls stood in the doorway of another room across the hall, watching me kinda pityingly. I turned to them.

'She left already?' One of them nodded. 'With him?' She nodded again. I turned round and left.

Good thing people were packing and leaving. I don't think I coulda stood too much sympathy. News got out about what had happened with Doug and Judy, and I got embarrassed words of condolence, people feeling sorry for me. Shit, I hated it.

Gary was a prince.

'Whaddya gonna do, dude?' he asked the next evening. 'Anything you want, you got it. You want company or not? Wanna go get drunk?'

'Hell, Gary, I don't have a fuckin' clue. I never felt like this before.' That was for sure true. He shook his head.

'Shit, dude, I seen ya workin' on it, seen her being pleased, seen you together. Can't imagine what changed in her head.'

'Shit happens, Gary.'

He worked summers in his Dad's business but put off going back home to his family and his fiancée, so as not to leave me by myself, and I felt guiltier and guiltier, and he thought I was depressed and I couldn't fucking bear it. After three days I had to say I was beginning to feel better, and he looked at me kinda strange, but relieved. We agreed the same deal as last year: he'd keep on paying his half of the rent, I'd stay in town, earn some money, heal up a little, fresh start next year: all the clichés. He looked happy, went off home to get laid, first time in weeks.

Economics being a fucking soul-burning fact, I did for real have to find work. I guess I lucked out some, because I got last summer's job back, as team leader yet, except they called it "Promoter of Excellence". Bullshit of course, but it meant more dough, less physical stuff, the chance to order people around; more responsibility as well, but shit, stacking shelves ain't exactly rocket-science. I was pretty sure I could do it excellently.

One week later I stepped into Annie's dad's shop. He was sitting looking at nothing, dreaming of Hawkwind, I guess, Annie dusting stuff and humming. She looked round, put the duster down. examined me closely.

'Some hurt, some experience, some decisions, mebbe a little guilt, ' she said, and smiled. 'Whaddya wanna do, Doug?' No pity. Thank God for that.

'Early dinner, tell you thank you. You done more for me than you know.' She looked pleased.

'You OK to say thank you properly? It's been a while.' My heart lifted and I began to understand in like better.

'My place, call for pizza? I got chocolate ice-cream too.' She went over to her dad and shook him gently.

'Gonna go out, Dad. You're on your own.' She picked up an old alarm clock and set it. 'Close the shop when the clock goes, OK?' He beamed and nodded and we left.

As we walked to the apartment I just told her that Judy and I had split up, she'd gone off with another guy, I was still feeling kinda upset. She nodded wisely.

'Sure, Doug. That's what happened. But you ain't upset enough. You did somethin' to make it happen: somethin' smart or somethin' stupid. Smart, probably. Told you a long time ago you'd be dangerous one day. I don't wanna know too much, tell the truth. Am I the first person you talked to?'

'No-one else knows who I am, Annie.' She looked pleased again.

In the apartment we lasted about ten seconds before we were undressing each other. Two minutes after that we were naked on my bed, late afternoon sun streaming in through the window. I'd forgotten how small she was, fragile even, and how she looked so vulnerable and was really so tough. She crawled into the crook of my arm and wriggled.

'Shit, Doug, I'd kinda forgotten how you feel. It's like openin' a good book you read a hundred times before. Better than grass, even.' Who'da thought that a skinny little hippy could be so comforting?

'Missed you some too, Annie, and I got no plans to do that again.' That was all I said, and she didn't ask for more, just reached down and stroked my cock.

'We got a lot of catchin' up ta do, so we better think about this. I oughta go first, by rights, seein' as I been neglected, but I get such a fuckin' kick outa seein' you hard for me, I'll be patient. Don't expect too patient though. Here.' She let go of my cock and pulled my hand down to her crotch, opening her legs wide. I cupped my palm over her tangled curls and she snorted.

'Way too fuckin' polite, Doug. This is Annie, remember? I ain't a college kid.' She pushed my hand away and curved a finger inside herself, withdrew it and held it to my mouth. I sniffed, then licked it clean. It was sharp and aromatic and moist, and my cock began to firm up.

'Annie, you be as impatient as you like. You gotta starvin' man here.' Her hand slipped to my cock again and squeezed it.

'One little whiff of pussy and you got a fuckin' boner?'

'Your pussy, Annie.' She squirmed upright and leaned over and kissed me hard, catching my tongue, twining hers round it. Then she trailed her lips down my neck and chest, slowly over my belly, and drew me into her mouth. She shifted slightly to get a better angle, and made a little sound of contentment. Her eyes were closed and she parted her thighs slightly, lifted her mouth for a moment.

'Just tease for now, Doug, and don't bite your tongue. I don't want you chewin' on my first course.' Judy had never been so upfront. Bawdy in her own way, but only afterwards: she never came out, said exactly what she wanted. I reached out gently and slid my fingers through the soft fleece and ran them slowly along the damp lips. Annie shivered and dropped over my cock again, her mouth working in that good way, the sorta way that lets you know you can come real fast and she won't care, because she's doin' this for you. Hell, for her too, I guess. Nobody wants a two minute main course. Pleasure bolts raced through me as she took me along the always new, still familiar route, and a heavy liquid sensation began to pool in the pit of my belly. My balls stirred and churned, and she cupped them gently with her free hand. I thought I felt her smiling to herself, but that can't have been true. She did something behind my balls, a twisting kinda pressure, and it all came flooding out hard into her, while my body tensed and arched with the flashing sparks of release.

One thing about Annie, she never choked or spilled. One of her talents was sucking and swallowing at the same time. When I'd finished she stayed quiet, letting me soften in her mouth, then cleaned me with her tongue and scooted back up into my arms.

'Jeez, Doug, how long you been savin' that load? Ever since she split?' She chuckled to herself, then reached up and tugged my ear. 'Didn't mean to be unkind. You probably done your best, and sometimes there's no way to avoid shit. She get hurt bad?'

'Hell, Annie, she'll recover. You want your first course?'

'Thought you'd never ask. I wanna be on my back though.' So I knelt at the foot of the bed, her skinny thighs beckoning me, worked through the bushes, slid my tongue once along her warm center.

'Annie, you gotta start cuttin' this stuff back again. It's like the Brazilian fuckin' jungle down here.' I felt her stomach flutter as she suppressed a giggle.

'You want it trimmed, you can trim it yourself. Now do that stuff I been missin'.' She was urgent, her folds slippery with desire, and I lost myself in her, savoring her texture and flavor, loving her thin thighs squeezing my head as she began to respond. Truth to tell, once I started the party trick I kinda forgot about anything else, and was surprised when her hand pushed at my head.

'Shit, stop that. Twice is enough. You want me to die in your goddam arms? Get your ass up here and kiss me where I can see ya.' She hugged me hard, and kissed me like she'd said she would, arms and legs wrapped round me tight. For the first time in a fortnight I felt peaceful. She unwound herself and patted my cheek.

'Pitstop, then food. You wanna call while I repair the damage?' I reached for the phone, a lightness of heart washing through me.

One thing about being shallow: you heal easy if you get the right medication.

Later we were back in bed, my cock deep in her. She was breathing hard, sprawled across my chest, and the tiny aftershocks that I loved feeling were squeezing me in an irregular rhythm. I wasn't through and I tightened my ass and made myself swell; she craned her neck and bit my shoulder.

'Don't you start doing that again till I tell ya. Jeez, Doug, that was the best time since the last time. Better, tell the truth. I've kinda marked you up though. I kinda forgot myself, but I sure as hell love chewin' on a man while he's workin'.

'Proud to wear your scars, Annie.' No point in fussing.

Summer passed and I was pretty good. There were a coupla messages from Judy on my answering-machine, hesitant and wanting to be in touch. There were a coupla letters too. I erased the messages, tossed the letters without even opening them. Don't open that box again. I did some thinking about how I love regular pussy and fresh pussy as well, what was I gonna do about that. Spent time wondering how I was gonna get to live easy. Only one more year of college, then the big bad world was gonna come knocking. I figured that now I knew my limitations I could handle stuff a lot better.

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Municipal BlondesChapter 27 Homesick

I’M NOT SURE WHERE I AM. I woke up about seven and we’re still on the train. I know we changed trains someplace in Switzerland last night, so I suppose we’re in France. Angel said she booked us home from Amsterdam. Home. That’s all I care about right now. I just want to go curl up in my very own bed and sleep for about a month. Christmas gifts We rolled into Paris about nine to change trains to Amsterdam. I’m glad I’m traveling with Angel. She knows where everything is and where to get...

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The Rich Bitch Part 2

Chapter 2: Temptation Takes OverAdam took of his cum soaked speedos and washed them off, then put them in his dirty clothes basket in his room. Adam decided he should go for a swim to cool off after that intense dream he had about Kyle. After the dream sequence and his awkward run in with Kyle he felt guilty about thinking of Kyle that way. After all he loved Corey..... Or so he thought.... Kyle put his tools down and spoke in spanish to his Uncle about needing to use the bathroom. Kyle took...

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Forever 7

I know its Ali’s turn to talk, but this time, I will. It had been six weeks since I gazed on her face. Weeks of sorting through my father’s estate after his death. Weeks of isolation from Alisandrea. We’d spent hours on the phone every night talking, but it was the smell of her, the feel of her I missed. Hell, I craved everything about her. I was back in the city. My loft smelled unused, the myriad of boxes of my father’s belongings tucked away in a corner of the spare room. I was restless and...

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Becoming Her my story Chapter 1 hellip confused

Chapter 1 … confused feelings …. Hey all, I just wanted to open my hart and talk to somebody, but I don't have anybody I could talk to freely, so I thought I could talk to you allThis is my real life story … all is what I had to face in my long miserable life … no need to lie As I remember …I was a normal k**, in normal family with normal friendsBut there was a little thing, weird feelings...There was that boy (*), a teenager lives in my block, and goes to the same schoolHe was the alpha;...

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Wifes first gangbang repost

For a long time now I've been obsessed with having my wife have sex with someone else. She wasn't interested when I tried to discuss it so I tried to arrange for her to be seduced. Three attempts later and nothing happened so I gave up. Then this year on holiday in Spain a mixture of alcohol and the adventure of being away had her perform beyond my wildest dreams. We took our holidays in a little village in Spain but we really missed the beach. So one particular day we drove to a resort. It was...

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Because of the Night

Leif knew he was a lucky man as he looked over the companions before him. Sir Glen, his host tonight, allowed him first selection for his evening companion. Initially he narrowed the choices down to three. He didn’t have to question their abilities, Sir Glen was renown in his circles for his training. All the women waited patiently as they waited to hear from Leif’s lips which among them would be selected by him to serve as his companion tonight. They had brought in, asked to kneel in front of...

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Famous Internet Girls Galleries! When you’re browsing the 18+ web for some hardcore pics of nude women in sexual situations, you usually have a choice to make beforehand. You gotta choose whether you’re in the mood for pornstars, camgirls, random Reddit nudes, or celebrity content. This kind of sucks because hotness transcends careers – all hot women are worth fapping to, no matter how famous they are or where their nudes cropped up. That’s why I’m glad that FamousInternetGirlsGalleries exists....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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slave to my lust

I decided to take you away for the weekend, the city of choice Amsterdam the museums, canals and cafes had been a favourite of mine as a c***d."Hurry up darling or we will be late" I shouted as you came rushing down the stairs, before long we were speeding along the motorway to the airport.It was a short flight and before long we were settling into our hotel. It was mid afternoon but the winter sun was already setting."Going to have a quick shower and then we will go out, ok" I said as I made...

2 years ago
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Brendan FallsChapter 12

"What is you doin' in here, girl?" Mercy asked me in her lyrical voice, frowning as I picked up a peeler and started skinning potatoes. "Cooking." I smiled at her. She was preparing some stuffing for the chicken sitting near a big roasting pan. "No, you aint. Put them taters down and gone take a bath." She leaned close, wrinkling her nose at me. "You smell like finger puddin'." "I do not!" I laughed at her. "I'll take a bath later. I've got time." "Hmph." She shook her...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Nia Nacci My Party Hook Up

I was at my girlfriend’s party where I met this guy, Bill. He was handsome and nice to talk to. After a few drinks, the horny girl in me wanted to come out. The more we were hanging out, the more sure I was I wanted to fuck him. And preferably sooner than later! I’m glad we were on the same page because a few minutes later he invited me to his house for another drink. Once there, we sat down in his living room and he brought a bottle of champagne with two glasses. We started to make...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 126

I walked across the street with Wilson in tow. "So guys, I'm back to see how you are doing without me?" I asked. "Hi Sylvia, want to help us pack a few knock up kits?" the oldest of them asked. "Sure Wilson here will help too," I said. I began assembling the boxes and Wilson packed the kits and put them into the packing. When we had all 14 kits in the boxes, I glued the shipping labels onto the boxes. The postman would be by for them the next day. "So since you aren't talking...

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Abby and AmberChapter 2

Morning found the girls touching hands in their sleep. Both had tear tracks down their faces. The nurses let them sleep as long as they needed. The IVs had been changed as required without waking them. Finally at 10 AM, the nurses woke them to prepare them for the doctors rounds. Even though the level of pain they felt had been reduced by the medication they had received, their bodies were still stiff and unwilling to move from the abuse that had been inflicted on them. The nurses were...

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Fucking Trip From Ernakulam To Trivandrum

Hello, I’m back again with my stories. Yeah, I’ll be writing about my experience with one of my readers whom I fucked in Trivandrum. I work as a call boy and also do escort service. So ping me ladies and forget everything and enjoy it. So the story is about a lady named Reshma who works for an MNC in Kochi. Speaking of her, she is good looking and is just 29. Her husband is working abroad. She needed someone to satisfy her and needed privacy. She, after seeing my ad in Locanto contacted me for...

1 year ago
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Private Carollina Cherry Martina Smeraldi Hot Anal Threesome

The best gonzo action can only be found on and we’re here to prove it in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 where Martina Smeraldi is joined by debutant Carollina Cherry for an incredible threesome you won’t want to miss! These teens waste no time getting horny as they masturbate and play with their dildos, getting warmed up and ready for the arrival of Nick Moreno. Then watch almost one hour of pulsating action as these girls show off their skills in a smashing...

2 years ago
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Getting Away With It

Getting Away With It. By Tanya H. "Bad one, Chelsea?" Purity asked, washing up her breakfast pots as I shuffled into our kitchen, pulling a dressing gown's belt tight around my waist. "They're all bad. Isn't that the point?" "I'll get some arnica." The blacked eye would be gone by lunchtime, the cut lip and hand prints on my breasts and thighs would have faded by mid-morning, while my sore, abused vulva would be fine in an hour or so, but the injuries never faded from...

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Summer With My Busty Mallu Vallyemma 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I hope you liked the first part of my fantasy story. Please check it out if you haven’t read it as yet. So, I was stroking my dick, smelling and chewing my mallu Vallyemma’s sweaty panties, and yelling out her name unconsciously. I came suddenly and at that moment, I heard her asking, “What happened son, why are you calling me..?” Suddenly, I came back to my senses. What the fuck I’ve done! I might’ve whispered her name loudly. I told in an artificial panic tone, “Spider.” She...

3 years ago
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The Horse Farm

Disclaimer: this story is not at all realistic, it contains beastiality and watersports! First a little about me: I’m 22, 6’1″, very good bulky build, lightly tanned skin, forest tattoo up left bicep, long dark light brown hair (usually in a bun), light stubble, brownish-green eyes, neatly trimmed pubes, fat 8in cut cock, kiwi sized balls. My buddy owns a huge horse farm out in the country, and he happens to be going away for a month on his honeymoon, and guess who he asked to...

4 years ago
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Another porncinema adventure

Yesterday was one of those days, no work due to a bank holiday, and no one around to help me out of my pants for some fun....Therefore it looked like it was time to make my way to a porn theater.... I was horny and willing to go the extra mile.... so I made my way to The Hague, a sextheater called Maze with a labyrint of small cabins behind it and a sling for the ultimate fucking experience.... thinking about being in that sling and being fucked made my cock hard already.... When I came in, I...

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Chinese Selfie

If the very thought of Chinese pussy makes you want to take out your cock and start rubbing one out right where you sit, then fuck me sideways do I have the perfect porn site for you! You know, don’t actually fuck me sideways. Don’t put your cock anywhere near me!But what I do want you to go near – specifically if you love Chinese beauties – is ChineseSelfie. Here, you will find a fuck load of videos that are sure to make you cum in your pants – right before you whip that little cock of yours...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Sex With Friend8217s Cousin 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, this is Aman here. I am back with another story. This happened just two days after my first story did. So as i mentioned in my 1st story i had sex with my friend’s cousin on his reception night. It was one of the best sex i have ever had. Please read my first story “sex with friend’s cousin” and let me know what you guys think. So after we had sex i dropped her at her home. We went in and she gave me a glass of water and had one herself. I was looking at her eyes while she was...

1 year ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 01

Nothing Gets Through Ch 1 © 2009 All rights reserved. Thonk. Pahk. Clack. Dom moved smoothly from shot to shot, deflecting pucks with his blocker pad, his glove, his leg pads, his stick—whatever was in the right place. He ignored the ones that got through. He just gritted his teeth and tried harder to stop the rest. The bars of his facemask disappeared, and his teammates were blurs out by the blue line. The pucks were sharp black circles that came ripping towards him at all angles and...

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Fishing with Mom

100% fiction! My name is Mike and when I was 38, I returned to my hometown in Tennessee and stayed with my widowed mom. She was 55 but still looked pretty good with a slightly plump ass and nice tits. She had always been attractive to me, even when I was young. When I was boy, I drilled a small hole from my closet through to the bathroom so I could see her. I would watch her take a bath and sometimes she would play with herself. Her tits were very nice with big brown nipples and her pussy was...

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The Preachers DaughterChapter 11 Acceptance

Three days later... Time: January 22, 9570 2:50 PM UCT "Thanks for the help cleaning up Basel," Eliana said as she put away the last of the dishes. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for helping me prepare dinner." They had a custom of keeping their dinner time free of shop talk, but now it was time to discuss today's progress, and Basel was eager to get started. "You sure you don't want some help with the CAT?" "Oh, I find the work therapeutic. And I've got the...

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Making Mindy Mine

"I'm telling you Hank, that girl is a slut! She runs around like a wild animal, staying out all hours of the night, and always with different men! Older men, Hank! I swear, I think some of them are even giving her money! She's completely out of control! I just can't take it anymore!" The screeching sound of Gloria's voice was like a hot wire on my nerves, and instantly brought back unwanted memories of our past marriage. Feeling the instinctive urge to yell back rise in my throat, I pulled the...

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lanas story

Introduction: i posted this once but it got deleted anyway hope u enjoy this is a story how my life changed forever Im Lana . Im 10 Im going to tell you how i was changed into a death angel in other words i am a vampire this happened 2 years ago part 1 the day started out so nice it was a mid summer day and i was tanning out by the pool in my bikini. then i heard my mom calling me in the house for lunch but what i didnt know was in the shadows a creature was watching me. i went to my room...

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Cum eating found online not ours but HOT

My husband stood naked in the kitchen. He had a hard cock, of course, and his pubic hair was shaved. There was lubricant dripping from the end of his cock.I was dressed and ready to go out the door for most of the day. I walked over to him, reached down and grabbed his sperm filled balls and gave them a firm squeeze. I gave him a soft kiss and said see you later. We both looked down at his cock as I slid my hand up its length and wiped a large drop of pre-cum off the end of his prick and onto...

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Brain SauceChapter 2

On the way out the door, Megan was pulled aside by a petite, pony-tailed cheerleader that looked almost nothing like her mother. "Here," Marie said, pressing something small and hard in her daughter's hand. "I don't think I'll be needing this tonight. Consider this your wedding night." It wasn't until Megan was seating, legs crossed elegantly, in her family's BMW that she dared to peek into her hand. It was her mother's large and beautiful wedding ring combination. With a small...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 165

Monday seemed to start with a relief. The college was like a ghost town. There were a few people in the administration building and the dorms for the most part were deserted. There were a few dozen students loading family cars with bags of clothes and other possessions. The only thing that was moving was construction on the last dorm and correcting flaws in the first one that the inspectors had found. Next fall the college would grow by an additional 250 students. Patti had several weeks of...

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Do You Believe Me

She had been making small talk with me every time we ran into each other in the restroom in the office building where we both worked. At first, it was a casual smile into the mirror when we both looked up simultaneously while washing our hands. It proceeded into the typical ‘thank God the week is almost over’ to more ‘how was your weekend?’ type of conversation. I gave typical one word answers (‘Yes.’ ‘Fine.’), but she persisted. I’m a private person and I do not make friends easily, in fact,...

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1 March 2008Chapter 2

Brad sat in the Falcons dressing room drinking a bottle of water and retaping his hockey stick. “Hey Brad, Abby sure has got the better of you today!” Hans teased. “Even covered by hockey pants, I can’t help looking at her cute, tiny ass!” he joked. “She isn’t too bad a player,” Randy offered. “Yes, she is quite good. I’ll have to talk to her about joining the women’s rec league.” Before returning for the third period, Brad talked to Joel and Coach Benson. The horn sounded and the...

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Stephanie my cum slut 04

As the two sluts showered and I suspect played with each others bodies, I prepared my little surprise for them both. I had designed and built a shock machine, a machine to give a small electric shock with out any amps being present. After all it’s not the voltage that kills you in an electric shock but just one quarter of a mille-amp. The wooden case style box contained a step down transformer from 240 volts AC to 110 volts DC, a sliding resistor to vary the strength of the shock and two banks...

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A Night at OMalleys

A Night at O’Malley’sHey, Hun…wanna play tonight? Just your text got my blood pumping fast.Sure, handsome…what did you have in mind?Head over to O’Malley’s tonight…10…and get a drink at the bar. Wear your black bustier, that gauzy red top and your little black skirt…NO panties!Where will you be?Oh…I’ll be nearby…watching…picking you up…playing with you on the dance floor.OMG…I’m wet already…see you there!I dressed to thrill that night. Smokey eyes…scarlet lips to match the top he commanded I...

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rich boys love 470

when i got off the floor i went into the living area and got the bottle of jack daniels and drank the whole bottle i got to my feet and went into are/my bedroom and got dressed i got my keys and walked to my parents house when i got there i knocked on the door and my dad answered he looked at me and said "why are you knocking leonardo" i just looked at my dad and said "hes left me o my god hes left me" crying again my dad cuddled me and kept saying "its okay son your be okay" my dad...

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WildOnCam Judy Jolie Judy Loves Fucking In Her Sexy Black Lingerie

Judy Jolie is one fine bauty and loves how you adore her long legs in her black thigh high stockings. She can not wait for Codey Steele to fuck her while she wears only them! Codey runs his hands all over her legs while penetrating that wet pussy with his cock! Judy just wants to feel that cock thrust harder and harder into her! She gets on top and makes that ass shake while grinding on his shaft! Judy so badly wants to taste that cum and feel it splatter all over her tits! She will do whatever...

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I was only a twelve year old curious boy when I stumbled upon lush stories. Every night I would come to my computer and masturbate to stories people wrote. Not I am 16 and still enjoy the habit of going to this website to read some stories and to jack off at the same time. In your comment, please write if you think its ok for a 16 year old to read stories on this website.

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Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black Neig

Wife Is Tricked Into Having Sex With My Black NeighborOne of my biggest fantasies was to watch my wife have sex with my neighbor who is black but my wife is a bit prudish and doesn’t believe in having sex outside the marriage. So there I am stuck with a fantasy that will never happen. Until the day I came up with the perfect plan.First let me describe my wife Sandy is 31 years old and only 5 foot 2 but built like a brickhouse. Long blond hair 34 d breasts not the upright kind like fakes but...

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Becoming Melissas Cuckold Pt 09

I spent the next few days trying to get anything at all out of Melissa. I had so many questions about what she and Diana had discussed in private, but it didn’t take long before I realized that I was pushing my luck. Melissa was was losing patience with me so I backed off.Instead I moved on to trying to find out more about this party that we’d be going to on the weekend. I didn’t want to anger her after pressing her about the other things, so I made it sound like I was trying to prepare myself...

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Cuckolded Slowly She Taunts Me In My Dreams

The unexpected weekend romp with my ex-wife disturbed my sleep for a couple of nights. I dreamt bizarre sexual dreams. I don’t remember them all, of course, but one in particular left me shaken: simply put, in the dream I sucked another man’s cock. Now I don’t care if you’re gay, I couldn’t care less. But I don’t want to roll that way myself. But there I was, in the dream, with a big fat cock in my mouth. The man probed my cheeks with his oversized cockhead and tested my gag reflex with his...

4 years ago
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The Colonis Project

This story is inspired by June Cleaver's 'home economics' on TGFA. The bus slowly drove us round the buildings. Showing the think tank, and the labs surrounding it. Grinning we watched. It seemed too wonderful. Here it was. The restart of space, and we were in on the ground floor. Shaking our heads eagerly... we watched as the bus came to a stop. And we were let off. Just to think, a stupid game in a magazine, led to this. Hurrying along we came to the front door. The people here...

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