Tomahawk Towing and Recovery
- 2 years ago
- 36
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I slowly climbed back to consciousness. Fog seemed to cloud my head, clearing briefly as a loud hiss broke through my muddled thoughts. I tried to sit up, but a firm hand on my left shoulder kept me lying flat.
"Don't move yet," Shawna's voice instructed me. "Open your eyes and look at me."
Bright almost blinding light caused me to gasp, but I held them open and turned my head towards the voice.
Shawna stood next to me. My position put me about her waist level. Glancing down I could see that I was in an opened medical pod.
"You should be fine, but I want you to sit up slowly," Shawna said. "That acid proved to be rather nasty. The last scan in the pod says you are fully recovered, but you will probably be a bit dizzy. You need to eat."
"How long?" I gasped out as I struggled to sit up. My arms were very weak. I realized I was pressing my right hand against the pad I lay on and felt no pain. "How long was I in the pod?"
"Angel hour is now starting," the AI called out.
I turned my head back to Shawna as she shook her head. "Over twelve hours," she informed me. "The acid had destroyed most of the flesh on your palm. There were even traces of the acid in your bloodstream. Don't worry; you will make a full recovery."
I was sitting up now, although I swayed a bit. Putting a hand on the side of the pod to steady myself I looked around. Immediately I noticed that all the other pods were in use. "Amanda?" I asked. "The others?"
Shawna sighed. "Amanda was hurt worse than you, but the actions of the armor kept her alive. She's going to be another two days in a pod though. A large amount of acid got into her bloodstream and caused some rather severe damage to her heart and lungs. The pod needs to finish fixing those before I can work on her leg. The other pods have crew from Cancun."
"We saved the ship?" I asked.
"You did at that," a female voice called out. I heard high heels clicking on the floor as someone entered and turned to look.
The woman who had just entered appeared to be in her mid-twenties. However, the first thing that stood out was that she was dressed in a professional blouse and skirt, complete with a ribbon around her neck. Her hair was up in a bun, much like Bethany wore. She looked like a lawyer entering a courtroom for a trial rather than a citizen of the Confederacy.
I held out my right hand. "Hello, I'm Meiko."
The woman smiled and reached out to take my hand. "Captain Jennifer Gates, commander of the Cancun." She turned to Shawna. "I believe you said that Ambrogio should be healed. I thought I'd stop by and be here when the medical pod released him."
Shawna smiled. "He is the crewman with the shattered shoulder correct?"
Jennifer nodded. "Yes, he was performing some repairs on a damaged coil for the rail gun when we took a hit from a Sa'arm rail gun."
"He'll be about ten more minutes," Shawna said with a yawn.
"Long day at the office?" I asked as I got out of the pod.
"I got a little sleep after the initial excitement," Shawna muttered. "Donna volunteered for the first shift. But we have every pod full, and half are for extensive work."
"Anyone from Ishtar? Other than Amanda?" I asked.
Shawna smiled. "Tina needed to have her hands treated. They weren't as bad as your right hand, but some acid had eaten through the towels she was using. From what I can gather the fact that it was raining on the surface must have concentrated the acid somehow."
"How does that work?" Jennifer asked. "I realize that you are underground here, and that we were teleported directly to the planet, but no one really explained why."
Shawna looked ready to respond, but one of the medical pods started sounding an alarm. "Shit!" she screamed. "Allison's going into shock again! Give me a moment."
"What's wrong?' Jennifer asked calmly.
Shawna had dashed over to one of the pods. She was checking something on the side. She said nothing as she worked.
Jennifer turned to look at me. "You're from Ishtar. Can you explain this acid rain?"
I shrugged as I carefully climbed out of the pod and stood up. "I'm not the best to explain. What I understand is that this is a young planet. The atmosphere still has a high concentration of acidic compounds. I've seen what it can do to a person."
I shivered remembering the young woman who had died when the ceiling collapsed. Her legs had been stripped to bones after a few seconds of contract with the green mist that had invaded the halls.
Jennifer was looking over at Shawna. "Will she recover?"
Shawna sighed. "She should. What was she standing near when her suit got burned?"
Jennifer sighed. "She is part of the portside engine crew. Why?"
"She's having some kind of allergic reaction to something that was burned into her skin. The medical pod is having trouble isolating it and removing all of it. That's the third time she's had an attack. But she should recover fully. I've set the pod to do a full filtration of her blood and to use a nanite restructure on the burned skin to remove any more contamination. Unfortunately, she'll be in the pod for another day." Shawna said.
Jennifer sighed in relief. "Thank God. I'd hate to have someone die on my watch. Especially on this planet."
"Why?" I asked. "We like Ishtar."
"What?" Jennifer screamed. "You like being here? That makes no sense. I heard this was some death world that was used as a dumping ground."
Shawna giggled. "Well, I don't remember who said it, but one of our citizens observed. 'Be it dank, dark and mysterious, Ishtar is our home."
I looked at Jennifer. "How is it you know about Ishtar?" I asked. "The other captains just know that we exist."
Jennifer blushed and looked at the floor. "Your being here is my fault."
"What?" Shawna screamed. "How can it be your fault?"
Jennifer looked up and stared Shawna in the eye. "Because I wasn't always a ship captain. Less than a year ago I was one of the executives in DECO and part of my duties was to monitor colony creation and citizen allocation."
Shawna shrugged. "Did you order us placed here?"
"No," Jennifer said as she walked over to the wall. She leaned against it and closed her eyes. "I was not directly involved. The problem was I should have noticed it and stopped it. The person who placed the orders that sent you here did it at the behest of a few training commanders who didn't want to have to have to train marginal recruits. But she did it because I had rejected her advances."
Shawna's jaw dropped. "You mean we ended up here because of an unrequited love affair?"
Jennifer frowned as she nodded. "I hate to call it that, but that's about what happened."
I had a thought. "Jennifer, how much do you know about the politics of Central Command?"
She looked at me and shrugged. "Not as much as I should. Miles doesn't like his people to associate much with the military, and I was lost in my own personal troubles while I was in DECO. But I know some. You couldn't attend one of Miles regular dinners without hearing a lot of gossip about what the military was doing, or failing to do. It was mostly about their failures."
I looked over at Shawna and then back at Jennifer. "Shawna? Do you think you can help Ambrogio on your own? I think James needs to meet with Jennifer as soon as possible."
Shawna shrugged. "Is Jennifer willing to go with you? I won't force her to leave if she wants to stay."
Jennifer just smiled. "He'll understand if I can't be here. I want to be here for my crew, but if I can help you in some way, I feel I must."
Shawna nodded. "James is probably in the command post. You might have trouble finding it, the doors been concealed behind Tina's gift to the colony."
I giggled realizing what that meant. Then with wobbly legs I made my way to the door. In the doorway I turned to watch Jennifer push away from the wall and start to follow.
We stepped into the hallway. Despite the healing I found that I was unsteady on my feet. Jennifer noticed and moved next to me to offer her arm as support. "What happened to you?" she asked.
"I was helping remove the armor from one of our gunners who had a seal fail on her armor. The acid collected on the protection I was using and burned through it. I ended up with acid all over the palm of my hand," I said.
"You seem remarkably calm about it," Jennifer observed as I led her through the hallway. We found that we had to step aside occasionally as concubines and citizens were scurrying through the corridors. A few paused long enough to wave at me.
I said nothing until I noticed the tapestry hanging on the wall. At first the angle made it impossible to make out, but as we approached I could see the deep blue pond that dominated the lower section. Jennifer stopped with a gasp as I walked up to the tapestry and lifted the left side away from the wall.
"Don't touch it," she commanded.
"The command post is behind the tapestry," I told her as a section of the revealed wall slid away to the right. I stepped away so Jennifer could see the doorway.
She paused for a moment and then stepped inside. I followed her through. As I took a third step inside I was pushed back against the wall by a fierce hug. "Meiko! You're alive!" I heard Janice shout.
"I just got out of the medical pod," I admitted. "And I found out something from Jennifer that James should know. I haven't even had time to get some food or see Madoka."
"Madoka is fine," Janice said. "We put her in the same crib as Joy and the two appeared to get along fine. James is in the briefing room, but they are relaxing. Take Jennifer to him. I'll bring some food for you."
I nodded and reached out to touch Jennifer's hand. She was looking around. I saw her stare closely at Tamara and Tiffany as they set at their stations. "Come," I said. "James has time to see you."
"This is your command post?" Jennifer whispered. "It seems very professional considering the people I heard were selected for Ishtar."
I saw the twins whirl to look at Jennifer as we entered the briefing room. James and Yvette were both lounging in chairs. Brad was standing over by the wall, holding Candi.
"Well, the good news is that laser one is usable," James said. 'We are down to one person with ready armor though. Fred, Amanda, Brad, Barbara, Xavier and I all went up and every suit of armor is damaged and needs repair."
"We expected that," Brad began, looking around Candi. "Meiko! What are you doing up and who do you have with you?"
I heard feet hitting the floor as James and Yvette sat up. Blushing, I turned to towards my master. "Master, Jennifer met me when I was released from medical. She has a bit of insight into Central Command and I thought you'd like to talk to her."
CHAPTER 23: RECOVERYThe feeling of blackness coming over me certainly wasn’t a new experience. I hoped it would not continue to be familiar to me in the future.The first sensation to return was sound. It was difficult at first to distinguish and identify the sounds that came to me. The sounds and my place in the world relative to those sounds were confused. My mind wanted me to be waking in a richly appointed room secure within an estate in modern society of the well-to-do. I wasn’t in such a...
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Brittany and Kitty relaxed slightly once James had disappeared from the viewscreen. Kitty looked a bit frustrated. "I want to help him, but I can't move fast right now," she moaned as she put a hand on her very pregnant belly. "I felt the same the last weeks before giving birth," I admitted. "James understands." Kitty nodded sadly as she claimed an empty chair and sat down. She quickly rolled the chair next to mine and threw her arms around me as I continued to watch the viewscreen...
James waved at the ceiling. "End this call," he muttered. "The communication has ended," the AI replied. "Please note that Major Bonham is looking for ways to conduct surveillance of this side of the colony. Do you wish to block his attempts?" "I should," James replied with a snarl. "But if he only sees rooms and not the hallways it shouldn't matter too much. Just make sure he doesn't find out about our little hold out tunnel. I'm beginning to fear we might have to use it...
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"Go ahead," I said, putting my left hand up next to my ear. "Meiko," Maggie's voice said. "We have a teleport unit near Morrigan, but we are going to have a problem. The gunner is barely conscious and won't be able to get out of the pod without help." "Can someone from Morrigan do it?" I asked. "No," Maggie said. "I already asked. The grid is charged so anyone setting foot on it would be killed." I considered the situation. "We've done that kind of teleport before, but...
I’m going to tell you a true story, or at least as true as I can remember it. Let’s be honest here and concede that when we’re in the middle of something, we don’t stop to write down the exact detail, we don’t have a voice recorder to capture every aspect of who said what and when. So even in stories like this, we use writing skills and some imagination. As a writer, I’ve always thought that imagination is borne of experience, sometimes it’s our experience, sometimes it’s that of others. This...
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Authors Note: I write to tell myself stories. Sometimes you get an idea and cannot let it go until you key in the final sentence. A rare few of these ideas come out like pearls, an irritant which produces a thing which can amuse or give pleasure. Sometimes it is like worrying out an abscessed tooth. This one is a reaction to abuse which comes in many forms, and it is a strictly personal reaction. It may be different from other stories, I certainly hope so. It is not meant to challenge any...
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"How are they?" Hoshi asked, when she met Malcolm on their way to the airlock. "And who's that mysterious healer?" "Well," Malcolm answered with a sigh and a shrug. "They're still in a coma, but Phlox thinks that the healer will bring them back out, quickly. Who it is? Your guess is as good as mine. The Vulcans are making a complete secret of it. Heaven knows, why. Maybe it's some of their clan business again." "Guess, we'll find out in a minute then," she replied with a sad...
I glanced over at her for the fiftieth time. Two rows ahead of me, two machines to the left. I quickly forced myself to look back at the row of TVs hanging from the ceiling, not wanting her to catch me looking at her again. Not that she had any idea I was even alive, mind you, maybe I was more afraid of being embarrassed by someone else catching me ogling the ultra-fit redhead with the ponytail effortless gliding away on the elliptical machine. So instead I kept sneaking peeks every 30 seconds....
The next morning James woke us up for the final time. Madoka had fussed during the night when she was hungry, but each time I managed to fall back to sleep. Beside me, I could hear Kitty and Brittany complain mildly about the movement. James, however, would not be denied. "Sorry my loves, but the AI just said that Bethany is awake, and I thought I'd collect her. Janice, I'm sorry I couldn't come and collect you when you woke," he said as he left the room at a near run. "Hey, I woke up...
The brief baby boom ended eight days later and the population of our colony had increased by forty-eight children. Every one of the original thirty-seven female concubines gave birth although only Madison, one of Linus Van Stern's concubines, gave birth to twins. She was thrilled to have her third and fourth children and was soon offering to set up a day care and baby-raising clinic for any concubines needing a break. Her master simply glowed that he now had two sons and a new daughter to go...
Whitney was still hugging Tamara when a man entered the command post from the teleport room's passageway. "Hey! It's the unattached slut! Are you giving it out now! You refused me on the ship! You're unattached and can't do that!" The man reached out to grab Whitney. His hand had barely touched her when James burst from his chair and in a flying tackle slammed the man against the wall of the room. "Tamara, get her out of here. Xavier! Get me whoever is in charge of the Tintagel...
Tina and I made our way to the doorway and headed out. It was clear that the conversation had turned to technical matters regarding the repairs and James would be tied up for some time. He waved as we left but was quickly pulled back to one of the panels to start reviewing the damage and suggested repairs to Tintagel Castle. In the hallway we found Alexis walking with a couple of the concubines from Tintagel. Both were wearing splints and bandages obviously created by tearing up a shift. She...
The next week it seemed I spent much of my time finding excuses to hide in the household pod or the Concubine's refuge. James had locked William in an otherwise unused habitat pod near the original command center, but the crew of Tintagel Castle proved to include nine more men who refused to keep their hands to themselves. Most of the concubines figured that out the first night when these men spent much of the welcome party drunkenly calling for Lindsay, Bonnie and Cleo to perform lap...
Life settled down again once Tintagel Castle left for home. As expected, Brent's retest scored him as a five nine and James quickly ordered him thrown in a recycler. After that, the citizens appeared to be concentrating on the slow expansion of the colony and setting up the new living area for visiting crews. The musical practice was now all about perfecting the dances and singing. As we could all see it coming together there was a contagious enthusiasm creeping into the concubines. Anytime...
Just then the AI started to sound an alert. "We have ship entry jump points forming." "One or two," James shouted as he stood up, carefully lifting me up and setting me down as he did. "Three," the AI stated. "One is along the vector leading to Borneo. The other two ships jumped from within Sa'arm controlled space." My master barely paused. "Tyson, Linus, to the gun controls. I'll take laser one, gunners, get to the laser chambers and suit up. Tam, Tif, get to the command center...
James shook his head and looked up. "Terrence, start bringing all the injured from Freya over. Coordinate with their staff and bring the hurt ones over when gurneys are available. Let's get them medical attention quickly." "We're already on it," Donna said. "David, Elle and Robert are standing by with gurneys. Lindsay and Ed have headed to our multi-use room and are going to set up to treat the non-critical cases there. Craig and Tom are setting things up there." "Maggie has the...
"Bit of a walk isn't it?" Tanya said with a smile. "It's outside the citizen zone," I admitted. "But you had wounded so we teleported you in at our command post. I'm not sure we have a teleport near here yet. This is new." "Will all my crew be here?" Tanya asked. "Probably not," I said. "The walking wounded you had were directed to one of the rooms we have near our medical center. If there are free pods they'll rotate the people through." Tanya nodded. "On that note, how...
Bethany had my daughter on a changing table when I walked in. She smiled at me. "Don't worry, I don't mind changing babies. Especially when it's the child of my sister." She lifted Madoka up and carried her over to me. With a gentle touch she laid Madoka in my arms. I looked down at the child I had brought into the world. She was now just over two months old and still spent the majority of her time sleeping, but right then she was awake and reached out her tiny hands to grab at my...
The departure of Freya brought peace to Ishtar. Janice continued to lead rehearsals of the musical. We now had a complete show that lasted just over seventy minutes. It was almost ready, and we were becoming increasingly worried that the secret would be revealed. Janice insisted that conversations about our work be kept to the Concubine's Refuge to prevent accidentally revealing our plans. The citizens seemed rather distracted though. James and Yvette seemed to spend hours in the command...
My master appeared to shake himself awake. "Damn, we don't need more trouble here. Michelle try to contact Borneo, we need to see if Admiral Himmel knows anything about this Chief Scientist." "Is that even a rank?" Tiffany asked. "Who knows," Yvette responded while massaging her temples. "But from the attitude on that man, he believes it means quite a bit." Janice looked around. "Are these alien artifacts really that important." I heard a snort. I turned to see where it came...
For the next three days, the colony was bustling with activity. Under the direction of Marina, who proved to have been a hotel maid back on Earth before becoming Shawna's concubine, thirty pods were organized, cleaned and prepared for occupation. Most were set up so they had multiple dwellings each set up like a hotel suite with a central meeting and relaxation room and two separate sleeping areas. Others were organized more like barracks with enough beds to handle one of the squads the vice...
Nightmares caused Janice to toss and turn most of the night. I held her close and tried to kiss the dreams away, but her mumbled words made it clear she was worried about the musical. During the first part of the night she woke me four times, before finally settling down sometime during Devil hour. After the dreams faded she was sleeping so peacefully that when Joy woke up hungry early in the morning I fed her myself rather than wake my friend. I ended up having to go downstairs to wake...
Madoka was hungry. Once I offered her a meal, she drank it down. Afterwards she fidgeted for only a moment before closing her eyes again. I was not completely surprised, as she had been awake for the last hour as I memorized the seating chart. Once she was slumbering in one of the cribs set up in the backstage nursery, I hurried back to the theater, prepared to lead the citizens to their seats. Janice met me at the curtain. She seemed a bit distracted, but held up a hand for me to pause. I...
James was bringing Tina's lips to his when a voice I did not recognize started shouting. "Oh God! Oh God! James! James! We have a visitor! We have a visitor!" James paused and looked over at Bethany. She mouthed a name and he nodded. "Give me a report," he called out. "We have a jump point opening," the voice cried nervously. "The instruments say it's on a direct line with the Ursus system. One of the notes said that the last ship to arrive from that system was Nassau." James set...
James looked over at Janice and me. "Are you sure you can perform?" he asked. Janice giggled. "Why wouldn't we be able to perform? It should be easier the second time. We won't have as many first performance jitters." "And we won't worry about disappointing you," I whispered. "I missed so many notes while I was playing." Janice looked at me. "I thought the orchestra was struggling a bit. What was going on?" I shrugged. "Rather than using the sheet music, the AI was...
The next morning I woke slowly. Arms were draped over my body, pressing me into the mattress. Raising my head, I found that Kitty was snuggled in tight to my right side while Bethany was on my left side. My motion caused Kitty to shift in her sleep and I was able to crawl out of the intertwined limbs. The door to the bedroom was open and I could hear a baby stirring in our living room. Taking soft steps to avoid waking my family, I eased my way to the door. In the living room, I found all...
After we finished feeding our children, Mickey, Cleo and I took them back to the cribs before we each grabbed some lunch. During our meal we talked a bit about the music we were playing. "I knew music like this existed, but this is more fun than I ever imagined," Mickey said. "And last night was ... wow! I could feel the way the audience reacted." Cleo nodded. "It is powerful. We need to be feeding that by playing our best." I blew out a raspberry. "More practice." The others...
Mickey, Cleo and I were the last three to leave the theater. We exited the airlock to find our sister concubines waiting. I found myself showered with hugs and kisses. "That was so much fun!" Tina squealed. "We have to do that again." "It was definitely fun," Bethany said calmly. "And there is no question that James and the others liked watching it." "Totally" Kitty said. "You realize that every citizen snuck in to watch it a second time." "Every one?" I asked. "Who was in...
I left the teleport room and headed back to the command post. When I reached the doors we once used to keep Ruth and Manuel away from our homes, they were shut tight. Each set remained closed until I was no more than ten yards away and then opened, allowing me into the colony. Once I passed the third door, I ran to the command post. The tapestry had moved to conceal the door, and I had to lift it away from the wall in order to enter. Inside I found that Candi and Randi had relieved my...
"You need to get that fire out!" I heard Timothy shout. "It's too close to your missile magazine." "The magazine is empty!" a female voice called back. "We shot everything during our breakout from Ursus!" "I'm not worried about an explosion," Timothy called back. "The smoke from that fire will be poisonous if it reaches the loading tubes. Those tubes contain heavy metals that you really don't want to breathe." "Everyone here is in suits!" the voice cried back. "We...
I returned to our home hallways in time to catch James coming out of the command post. With Diana and Ingrid's help I cornered him in the hallway and ordered him to throw me over his shoulder and take me back to our home to ravish me. He did after telling the AI to order Bethany home. James did not really ravish me though. He jumped into the shower while Bethany and I fed our daughters and then pulled us into the hot tub for an hour of playful fun. Bethany held onto him at the end of that...
The next four weeks passed peacefully. We saw visits from several ships, but none were heavily damaged. The longest stay was the corvette Aspen, which arrived with a missile jammed in its starboard tube. Terrence and Louis spent four hours with the AI carefully manipulating the missile until they could pull it free from the launcher. My tapestry was completed, and now hanging near the first door separating the enclave from the visitors part of the colony. Janice had claimed the loom and was...
Kitty staggered one time when a powerful contraction wracked her body, but otherwise we were able to reach the medical bay without problems. The door slid opened as we approached and Shawna dashed out. "It's nice to have some good news," she cried as she gave Kitty a quick hug before taking my friend's right arm and offering support. "How bad are the contractions?" "I've only had one," Kitty moaned. "At least only one I felt. Ooooh." "Two," Brittany chirped with a...
We raced up the hallway. Ahead, I could see smoke and hear shouts. The shouts were filled with panic. The smoke quickly got thicker and I nearly ran into Patty when she stopped. "Patty!" I heard Reggie shout. "What happened to Craig and Robert?" "The AI reported that a section of the ceiling collapsed and trapped them," Patty said as she pushed the gurney against the wall. "Meiko and I brought gurneys though." Reggie nodded and seemed about to say more when the AI spoke....
It seemed to take forever to make our way to the passage that used to separate our home from the maniacs who had been dropped on Ishtar with us. When we arrived, the informal guard kiosk stood empty in front of a closed pressure door. We paused to wait for the doors to open when a young female cried out. "Wait!" We turned to find Lily, the ten year old daughter of Linus, pushing a double stroller. I tried to figure out what the issue was as she came to a stop in front of us. "Esther...
My master seemed exhausted as we left the command post and began to make our way through the passages. The halls were largely empty and I was going to ask why when the AI called out, "Devil hour has just begun." "More than half a day spent dealing with this," James said quietly. "I shouldn't be too surprised." "I just hope we can get some rest," I said. "That scientist seems..." I paused, trying to think of a good adjective to describe the man we had watched walk out. James said...
I wanted to speak up once we were past the marines, but before I could gather my courage James turned to Yvette. "It's clear that our friend the governor is out to cause trouble. We should not let him know about the fact that we have access to the three common rooms just yet. However, make sure that all citizens use the ice rink to move back and forth for now. I don't want us confronting his goon squad just yet." Yvette nodded. "In fact, I'd take that further and stop all transit...
The statement from Governor Johanes lowered the temperature in the room even as James shifted his weight. My master seemed ready to lunge forward across the table and I held him tighter, trying to keep him from getting in trouble. It seemed he was not going to calm down and I was starting to lose my grip. "Excuse me, James?" a feminine voice said. I had my eyes closed as I strained to keep James in his chair and had not seen anyone approach. James tensed one more time and then seemed to...
I held Brittany in my arms as the door to the skating rink opened. Esther and the male concubine Petey stepped into the hallway. Kitty immediately noticed the young man. "Oh, a loincloth. I like the look." Petey blushed and stepped a little away from Kitty, who immediately turned to Esther. "The AI suggested that Brit and I be here now. What's happening?" Esther sighed. "Let's just say that Governor Johanes offered us an extremely clear example of the kind of leadership he offers....
Janice and I arrived home to find Bethany, Tina and Kitty sitting around the table. Bethany looked up from the game they were playing and waved us over. "We'll deal you in next game," she told us. "James is right now giving Brittany..." "Four hours of bliss!" Kitty shouted. Bethany smiled at the interruption. Tina ignored the interplay and began moving cards on the table. The game they were playing was an elaborate card game where cards on the table were purchased with cards held in...
I woke back up slowly. Around me I could hear the gentle breathing of my sister concubines. I peeked around to find them slumbering with me in the bed. Rising further, I was disturbed that James was not sharing the bed. Immediately I started to climb over Tina, who was lying by the edge of the bed. My left foot was about to touch the floor when Tina suddenly rose up and grabbed me around the waist. I sucked in my breath to scream only to find a hand slapped over my mouth. "Don't," Tina...
James jumped away from the laser and waved to Tina and me. "Head to the briefing room," he ordered us. Tina dashed off, but I waited among the hanging fabric panels that shielded the ready room from the spray designed to counteract the acid atmosphere as James walked toward the exit. "Who was that?" the major snapped as James approached the exit. I slipped a bit deeper but remained close enough to hear the conversation. "Sounded like Ulla," James said. "I've looked over the list of...
I ran from the command post. Behind me, I could hear that the conversations had definitely calmed down. Ahead, the hallways were silent. My progress to my home was uninterrupted as I rushed to Janice and Bethany. I arrived to find Janice laying Madoka on the couch. My sister concubine looked at me and laughed. "Great timing. I just changed Madoka and was going to bring her to you so you could feed her." "Where are Kitty, Brittany and Bethany?" I asked as I walked over to pick up my...
In the command post, everyone continued their frantic work to help save the ships and their crews. I could hear Ulla and Tiffany talking with Captain Travis and Captain Gates. Ulla was a bit confused at one point, but Tiffany's quiet confidence kept her at her post. James had finally dragged Janice and me over to a padded chair. He flopped into the chair and I quickly pushed Janice into his lap. My sister concubine quietly held on to our master. I was looking around for another chair when...
Bethany walked forward once Brad had left the room. I was puzzled by her action until she reached down to pick up something. It took just a moment for me to recognize that it was the uniform Captain Gates had been wearing when she first arrived. "We definitely should return that to her soon," I said. Bethany nodded, but made no move to exit the transporter room. Instead, she walked over to stand next to me at the control panel. I turned to ask her a question as the speakers started to...
During that quick dash back to our home, I was sure that we'd see open fighting in the colony within hours. However, we arrived home to find James holding Kristi in his arms. The newborn was sleeping peacefully as my master rocked her. Brittany knelt beside him. She had Jamie in her arms. I expected to find Kitty as well, but she and Tina were over by one of the tables we had set up to make diaper changing go a bit more smoothly. I could see Jerome squirming on the table. James just nodded...
"Perhaps that is the problem with the research," Major Bonham replied sweetly. "The good scientist is rather stressed due to the importance of his mission and needs a bit of relief." "Tell him to take two Rolaids and call me in the morning," James growled. I looked over at the twins in confusion. Their faces showed equal confusion. Janet was hunched over. I noticed her shoulders twitching and moved to comfort her, but before I could arrive she threw her head back. Howls of near...
It must have been the fact that we knew the acting governor would hear about our performance. The intensity of Cleo, Mickey and me was palpable as we provided the music for the actors. There were a few sections and songs that had changed, but I barely heard the words as I played. The audience was silent throughout the performance. At one break, I risked a quick glance at them and found that everyone was gazing raptly towards the stage. Alexis noticed that I had turned my head and flashed me...
As Captain Entman vanished from the screen, Janice bounced out of her chair and threw her arms around me. "Oh my god!" she squealed. "You were perfect!" "But Brad was right," Lindsay said. "You have always been the quietest concubine on the planet. However, you were like a mother bear protecting her cub." I blushed. "Those men won't leave James alone. He's always so tired. I just want him to have time for us." "Well, you said what all of us think," Lindsay whispered. "Donna...
Bright lights welcomed me. I was not sure how long it had been. I raised a hand to shade my eyes and looked around. I discovered that I was lying with my head in James lap. He was stroking my hair and gazing down at me. "Meiko," he said quietly. "No!" I said sharply. "I'm not hurt. In fact, I'm as far from being hurt as you can get. James, I have heard that women can pass out if they cum hard enough. I don't know how you did it, but I was perfectly primed when someone started...
The next morning I woke up still wrapped up in Bethany's arms. I could hear someone over by the food replicator and carefully sat up, trying to leave Bethany undisturbed. I found Kitty trying to balance four trays on her arms. I was lying on the outside of the couch, so I rolled away from Bethany and stood up. Kitty was trying to turn away from the replicator and two of the trays looked like they were about to fall to the floor when I dashed in and grabbed them. "Thanks," Kitty...