Cletus Tucker(4)Chapter 7 free porn video

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Colorado Territory, September, 1871

It was time for the big fall buffalo hunt. Cletus was looking forward to this, since he had missed out on the Yankton hunt. He had talked to Howling-Wolf, the leader of the hunt, about having Cletus shoot a number of animals with his Henry. Cletus proposed that he and one other man sneak up on the buffalo herd and Cletus would shoot those animals picked out by his spotter. As an experiment, they would kill up to 10 animals. Howling-Wolf agreed.

On the first day of the hunt, Cletus and Big-Foot set out for the herd. Big-Foot was noted for his ability to select prime animals quickly and Cletus was counting on him to point out the best targets. Cletus felt that his inexperience might keep him from selecting the best animals during the heat of the hunt. The two men crept to within 100 yards of the herd and Big-Foot quickly scanned the available animals. He pointed out the prime animals and Cletus began to shoot. The buffalo stood around for a minute or so as their companions began to fall, but they started to move off as the sound of the rifle begin to register as a possible danger.

The shift in position of the animals within the herd caused Cletus to lose his targets and Big-Foot had to point out new targets. Cletus resumed shooting until he had downed 10 animals. He stopped shooting and signaled the rest of the Indians that they could approach safely. The women came up and began to dress the animals while the men stood around and watched. The women were expert at dressing the buffalo and in ignoring the suggestions offered by the men. In a short time, the meat was ready for final treatment. The smoking fires were prepared and the processing began. Cletus did his best to stay out of the way!

Howling-Wolf pronounced Cletus' experiment a resounding success, but the other men had to be given an opportunity to bring down buffalo, too. Cletus yielded the field to the rest of the tribe and they prepared to begin their more conventional hunt the next day.

The next morning, the herd was located and the men loaded their guns and mounted their horses. The rode up to the buffalo in single file and began circling the small herd. On signal, each man rode toward his chosen target and shot the buffalo at very close range. This way, it made very little difference whether the man had a musket or a rifle. It was the skill of the rider and not the nature of the weapon that determined the quality of the kill. One shot was all they got, so it had to be right.

The remaining buffalo ran off and, again, the women moved in to do their job. That night, Cletus conceded to one and all that their method of hunting required the most skill, but his method produced the most meat with the least amount of work. They all agreed, but none wanted to give up their current method; it was just too much fun! Cletus laughed and shook his head.

Four more days of hunting yielded all of the meat they wanted, so they returned to the main camp for a big celebration. There was a lot of feasting and a lot of singing and dancing. Many stories of skill and bravery were told and none raised the slightest question, no matter how tall the tale.

The party lasted until everybody was ready to go home.

When they returned home, the women began preparing the winter lodges. This wasn't too difficult, except when more than two hands were required. Everybody, including Laughing-Eyes, was surprised when Cletus offered to help. Laughing-Eyes let Cletus help, even when he was more of a hindrance than a help, but she balked at some of the more critical stages. Those, she insisted on doing herself. Finally, the job was done, and it only took twice as long as it should have. But the fun and laughter more than made up for the trouble. They stayed in the tipi while the weather was still warm, but struck the tipi and moved into the winter lodge when the cold weather finally got there.

Most of the winter passed without hardship, but Cletus wound up providing much of the food when the prey got scarce. Cletus always took another man with him on his hunts to make up for Cletus' lesser hunting skills. However, Cletus learned fast, and really did not need help by the end of cold weather. Nobody went hungry, since food was shared on a need basis, and Cletus' Henry provided all the firepower needed. Even in the worst weather, Cletus went out when the need arose with no more than good-natured grumbling, and his help was appreciated by the whole tribe. By the end of the winter, Cletus was accepted as a full-fledged member of the tribe.

In February, Laughing-Eyes announced, to Cletus' great delight, that she was pregnant! It was during this time that Cletus realized just how much he had come to love Laughing-Eyes.

This winter was also the time that Laughing-Eyes acquired a new name. They talked back and forth in Cheyenne and English to help each other improve in fluency. When they were speaking English, Cletus started calling Laughing-Eyes "LE," more in fun than anything else. However this eventually turned into Ellie and stuck as her English name. Ellie adored the name because it had been given to her by Cletus.

Colorado Territory, April, 1872

Spring finally came and it was time for the first great buffalo hunt of the year. Scouts were sent out to locate the herds. Meanwhile, the winter lodges were struck and the tipis erected. Everyone got ready to move to the site of the best herd. Finally, the scouts reported back and the trek was on.

This time, Howling-Wolf decreed that all hunting would be done in the traditional manner, with Cletus joining in. They would save Cletus' slaughter method for dire need. Cletus was agreeable and looked forward to participating. The tribe spent two weeks in work and fun before holding the closing celebration.

The celebration took place with even more dancing and singing than the previous fall. More and taller tales were told, some contributed by Cletus. A wonderfully joyous time was had by all!

The tribe returned to their home and life resumed its languid pace. Peace could never last very long, it seemed. Word came that the Utes were on the warpath. They wanted revenge for the massacre of their youth the previous year. They were expected in a few weeks, so preparations had to be made. Cletus was elected supreme war chief, based on his successful strategy in the previous battle with the Utes. The Utes were rumored to have overwhelming numbers in the war party and Cletus was concerned about the firepower of his own men. Thus, he asked the chiefs' council for permission to buy repeating rifles for the tribe. His request was granted, and Cletus found that he had nearly $700 in gold to work with. Furthermore, the previous fur season had been good, so they had some prime furs to trade for guns.

Cletus gathered up the money and the furs into a pack train and headed to Denver. It wasn't the closest town, but it was the largest, and was most likely to have the most guns available. He took six braves with him to provide security for the treasury and the furs. They made good time and sold the furs for more than Cletus had expected to get. With Cletus' own money, they had nearly $1000 to spend on rifles and ammunition.

They only had enough money for 23 Henry rifles, which would not be enough to equip the entire tribe. But he could get 47 surplus Spencers, with ammunition, for the money he had. The Henry was a better rifle for his needs, but the added quantity of Spencers would justify them. The main difference between the two was that the Spencer's hammer had to be cocked as a separate operation by the shooter, while the Henry reloaded and cocked the hammer as a single operation. This meant that the Henry could be fired faster than the Spencer, but Cletus figured that he could forgo that luxury in exchange for more rifles.

Cletus knew that training would be necessary before he could rely on his men to handle adequately the Spencer rifles. Therefore, they hurried back to the tribe to get started.

There were 66 warriors, but only 47 rifles, so a culling process would have to be undertaken. Cletus knew that his prestige would be hard pressed to cover accepting some men and rejecting others for the new guns. Thus, he called on the chiefs' council for advice and help.

The warriors of the tribe were called together and the situation was explained. Time was short and they did not have enough rifles for everybody, therefore, a competition would be held and the best shooters would be issued the new rifles. Everybody would get a chance to try out for a new rifle, but the tribe would have to wait for more money before they could get more rifles.

Cletus would be in charge and it would be his decision, only, who got the new rifles. Cletus divided the men into four groups so that he could be sure that everyone got enough individual attention. Several men had made a trip to a popular wagon train camp ground and picked up as many tin cans from the rubbish heap as they could carry to be used as targets. Meanwhile, the women had cleared a flat area to be use as a shooting range. The idea of a range where everybody would shoot was a novelty; previously, each man had gone out on his own and taught himself to shoot by firing off as much ammunition as he wanted to and could afford.

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When Brian was about 35 years old, his best friend and his best friend’s wife both had a tragic accident in which they lost their lives. Charles and Charlotte had a young daughter named Kathleen. Both of them being only children themselves, they had no living family that would be able to finish raising Kathleen who was 16 at the time of their death. Brian was more than a little surprised to find out that his friends had decided to make him Kathleen’s godfather in their will. Brian had never had...

4 years ago
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Encounter on Foreign Land

This is my account of a sweet sexual encounter I have had in Aussie. It occurred between me and a ‘meri wantok’. Let’s call her Lovey in this narration. We went together for training couple of years ago at the same university in Australia. She’s a mother of one from NGI with a smooth and light complexion. She’s voluptuous with firm, wide, swaying buttocks and hips, and stands at a height of 1.70m. She has pretty sexy eyes with soft lips and a sweet voice (damn! all that recollection just gave...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams! Do you want to see a fucking huge library of 18+ teen pornography that will make your cock huge and your balls swollen? Oh shit, did you get bit by a spider in those balls? Is that why they are so fucking swollen?Fuck bro! You need to see a doctor! But before you do that, head over to Teendreams and see what kind of lovely pornography that they have on the menu for your fucking ass. You are going to have so much fucking content to get off to on Teendreams that you may not know...

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The Whole Business With Jackie

I had just had a fight with Arlene, my on-and-off girlfriend of a couple of years, except that I didn't know there was a fight until I knocked on her door to take her to the party that night. Sometime between the time I left home that afternoon, which was a while before I headed to her place, she had gotten a call from Bill Blackstone, who asked her what she was doing that night. Bill had been trying to make moves on her for a while and I don't know if he even knew she...

3 years ago
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Janice shows her kinky side

Janice Shows Her Kinky Side Shortly after we were married we decided to have a date night. We had gone to a pub for dinner and drinks, One of our favorite places to go as the food was good and so was the service and we always had fun. We had quite a bit to drink, and we had a lot of fun. Janice had been flirting with the waitress some, saying how hot she was. But it was time to go, we called a cab and got in. I told the driver where we going. With Janice sitting beside me we kissed and I sat...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 11

Wednesday was similar to the day before. I told Mr. Peterson how long she’d tentatively be out and he asked me if I was okay. I told him honestly that I wasn’t. With my parents separated, I didn’t know how long I had before children’s services tried to intervene even though we had plenty of support and supervision. “Your father can’t take you?” he asked, concerned. “He has two bedrooms. Me or my sister. When that decision comes, she needs to go with him.” “Any other relatives?” “None...

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Hot Summer Day0

So, anyway, aunt Jennifer has a house and a pool. In the summer mom and I don't have much to do so she invites us to her house to have dinner, talk, hang out by the pool, and have some beer or wine. Whenever we come to her house for one of these nights we may bring some food of our own and my aunt will cook something in addition to that. It was June nineteenth and, as expected, aunt invites me and mom to her house because it is Sunday. In addition to that, it was excruciatingly hot and it...

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Finding My Hot Wife Who Loves Foot Fetishes By Hap

I wanted to write about my beautiful, sexy wife. We have been together for 10 years now. Prior to meeting her, I was much like most of you who have foot fetishes. I was self aware of my foot fetish since I was 5 year old. It did not foster in to something more sexual for me until I was a teenager. I never told anyone about my foot fetish or expressed it in any way until I was about 19. When I did finally express it to girlfriends, they would entertain it to a degree, but it never had the same...

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That One Night in Vegas

That One Night in Vegas By Brindle Chase It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we? Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three? Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot....

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Hot Monkey Sex

Generally, when Will left on his runs, Ann went with him. But since they were expecting some deliveries she stayed behind. After all, it was only two weeks. When he got into the yard on Friday, he was offered a great run to the west coast with a guaranteed return trip. Instead of asking Ann if she wanted to join him, he accepted the load and headed right back out. Finally, he texted her from the road saying that he was offered a great load he could not pass up and he was headed to the west...

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Bless Me Father 5 Prodigal

Bless Me Father 5: Prodigal By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink "So, what gives? Have you had a change of heart?" Gabriella asked the former Catholic priest as the two of them went about the task of preparing dinner at the halfway house. "Have I had a change of heart about what?" Karen quizzically responded. "About informing the Millers that you're pregnant. I mean, even though you're only their daughter in a physical sense, there's no getting around the fact that...

2 years ago
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My wife and I decide to be naked on the weekend

My wife and I had been looking forward to this weekend for some considerable time. We had the house to ourselves and planned to spend our time completely naked and without interruption from the outside world. Our weekend started with my wife and I cooking breakfast. Surprisingly, given our plans, she had dressed in just a single item of clothing adorning her voluptuous body, a rather small pink lacy thong. Without prior warning she slipped the thong off and spreading her legs apart managed to...

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Craigslist Hott encounter

Although I have played with guys alot in my time and enjoy the thrill of stranger sex. I found myself surfing CL one day and answered a ad that was titled " Motel room door cracked and ass up and lights out" Well sounded hot to me so I answered and got the reply with room number. 20 minutes later i found myself at the door and it was cracked. I knocked lightly and opened the door and to my surprise there was the most lovely little smooth ass arched up in the air for my enjoyment. There was...

3 years ago
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Private Dancer An Adult Story

I just got done remodeling my basement. I already had a full bar. Some nice video games. A big pool table. A huge flat screen and some leather couches on one side. I put in some new carpeting. Made the small bathroom much larger. Add a huge bathtub and glass shower to make it nicer. I even built a better entrance from the back yard. I put in a poker table and some nice chairs and bar stools for the roomI had seen a movie last week. That made me think I needed to add something more to my man...

3 years ago
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Sex in the City Chapter 11

It was a couple of weeks before Catherine could arrange a suitable date for everybody to get together again.Charles and Alice were fashionably late, arriving about ten minutes after the other two couples.Catherine showed them inside and asked them if they wanted a drink before they joined the rest in the main room.Charles took a beer whilst Alice asked for a white wine before they moved into the living room where Alice sat in the last remaining chair and Charles perched on the arm.Everybody...

Group Sex
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Chudai Ka Asli Sukh Ghar Me

Hello folks this is priyanka with my real story .Mera naam priyanka hai mai buxar bihar ki rehne wali hoon.Meri umra 25 hai aur mera boobs real shaped hai bilkul attractive .Na jyada bade na jyada chote .Mera rang gora hieght 5 feet ki hai .Ab mai suru karti hoon apni kahani .Mai 18 saal ki thi jab meri shaadi ho gayi .Lekin meri bidai 3 saal ke baad hui kyuki hamare yahan gawana ki parampara hai jisme shaadi k kuchh dino k baad bidai hoti hai . Ab main 21 saal ki ho chuki thi. Mujhe sex k bare...

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