The Apprentice
- 3 years ago
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I explained to Mr. Armitage why I had to take a few days off. He was definitely unhappy because I had been having so much success; however, he did understand that I was wounded too badly to chase bad guys right now. In any case, he would really be in trouble if I just quit, so he backed down when he received my promise to return to work as soon as I could.
As it turned out, I had a good use for the time that I was home. I had a chance, now, to learn my part of the wedding ceremony, and I set to it with a will. Oh, Man, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for! There was a tremendous amount of stuff I had to learn, and a few days was too short a time for me to become comfortable.
Therefore, when the actual wedding took place, I was a nervous wreck. Fortunately, all of the guests knew that I was a gentile and I was trying to get through this thing without messing it up for Leah. You cannot imagine the relief I felt when I finally stepped on that glass and broke it! Later I was told that I had done as well as most Jewish grooms in keeping straight to my part of the wedding process. Leah was happy, and that was what I really was interested in. She was also very happy with the ring that I had slipped on her finger, so it was worth every penny!
We had only a few minutes to ourselves before the post-wedding meal. I am sure that 99% of the time, I had no idea what I was eating, but it all tasted so good that I was not reluctant to eat anything set before me. I found out later that each of the women had contributed a dish, and I could not understand how all of those Jewish men managed to stay so slim! That day and night seemed to be as joyous for Leah as our first night together, and that was all it took for me to feel the same way.
There was no honeymoon as we knew of them in the 21st century, so I was expected to return to work the day after the wedding. That was a Saturday, but the Sabbath customs did not really apply to me, and I was mindful of the promise that I had made to Mr. Armitage. The robberies that usually occurred on Saturday were close enough to Tucson that I was able to spend all of Friday at home. I was especially happy with that so that I could celebrate our wedding with Leah.
I had to leave Tucson very early and hurry to the probable ambush site, but I managed to get there in time to be waiting for the bandits. This time, only four men were involved in the robbery, and I wondered where the other men were. I was to find out!
The bandits went through their usual routine of blocking the road and getting into their firing positions, but I did note that the bandits did a better job than usual in protecting their backs with rocks or small hillocks. I had to wait until they rose to shoot at the stagecoach before I could get in a good shot at them. I suspected that something was different, but I could not figure out what it was.
The stagecoach arrived and the shooting started. I had made three shots with my Winchester and had hit one man when I was seemingly inundated with bullets coming from my rear. I did not hesitate to roll to my left to another, better protected shooting position. From the first, prompted from all of those "training films" that I had seen, I had always made sure that I had a safe line of retreat planned before I fired my first shot. I was not sure whether it was a case of poor sights on the rifles or limited practice with the rifles, but I was grateful that the Mexicans were not as good a shot as I was!
I guessed from the very limited information that I had that there were at least three-five men behind me who were shooting in my direction. I could see some of their powder smoke, which was how they had spotted me, so I quickly saw that there were four plumes from recently fired rifles. Those plumes also told me that the men behind me were close enough for my shotgun, so I switched immediately.
I was going to keep my rifle with me as long as possible in case the range lengthened, but I was prepared to drop it if it got in my way. Nevertheless, I felt that it behooved me to keep my options open as long as possible in this unexpected situation. With this many people attacking me and from two different directions, I had no idea how the situation was going to play out.
Now that I had some idea of where the men behind me were hiding, I decided to attack them first because I deemed them to be the most dangerous. I slithered out of my current hiding place while bullets were still raining down on my original firing position. I figured that I needed to get to one side, even if I could not get behind the men to my rear, so I wormed my way to my left. My intention was to try to take out the guy at that end of the line and to work my way across as the opportunity presented itself. The thought of protecting the stagecoach was now wiped clean from my mind—my main purpose at the moment was to save my own life!
Fortunately for me, this area was littered with rocks of all sizes. I moved from one rock to another without drawing fire. The attackers had no idea where I was, and I hoped to keep them confused for as long as possible. I was helped by finding a small arroyo running in the direction I wanted to go, so I was able to use that to make considerable progress toward my first target. Ah, at last! I saw a pair of legs extending out from a clump of rocks, so I knew that I had found my first man. I had the choice of putting several rounds into his legs or moving farther to try to find an immediately killing shot. I decided on the latter, and that was almost my undoing!
I have no idea what I had done to give myself away, but as I moved farther down the arroyo, the man whose legs I saw whipped around and snapped off a shot at me. That was his last shot because I shot him in the chest with two rounds from my shotgun, and he was converted to a pile of bloody rags in a moment.
Okay, I had announced my presence, so I had to be even more watchful if I did not want to collect a very inconvenient hole somewhere in my body. At this point, I decided that the rifle was not doing me any good, so I left it in the arroyo and switched my undivided attention to my shotgun.
I slid over the edge of the arroyo on my belly the way I had seen the actors do it many times on TV. Apparently, that was the proper way to act, because I collected another bullet fired in my direction. It went over my head, which was perfectly all right with me.
This shooter also had to expose too much of his body to get off his shot at me with his rifle. That was what I needed, but this time my shot was a little high. As a result, this time the shooter lost his head. I could not have placed the load of buckshot more accurately if I had been given minutes to aim. I breathed a sigh of relief as it looked like my luck was holding.
Now I had only two more men to account for, provided my original count had been accurate. I had to keep telling myself to keep that thought in mind. If there were a fifth man whom I was unaware of, I could wind up very dead at any moment! I was in something like the same position as the fighter pilots who had to look in all directions for an enemy.
My situation was possibly even more precarious because the two men I was after had been given plenty of time to move. They had not fired, so I had no hint where they were if they had done so. At least, there were no hills around so that I did not have to look up as well as side to side—my neck was already getting tired with what I had to do at this point.
What was that!?! I realized that I had heard the click-clack of a cartridge being jacked into a Henry rifle chamber. The man with the rifle had to be pretty damned close for me to hear that noise so clearly. That pushed me to even more awareness of my surroundings, if that could be possible! I do not know what made me do it, but I flicked the fire selector into full automatic mode. I could spare shotgun shells better than I could spare skin!
I'm a gunsmith and have been one for three years. Oh, I have been a lover of guns for as long as I can remember, and my ambition was to be an accomplished gunsmith when I grew up. I was fortunate that I lived in Arizona where the gun laws were not as restrictive as they are in most parts of the country. I started out with a repair business in my garage while I was still in high school. Of course, I was too young to get a license to operate a normal gun repair business, but I was kept busy...
I spent the night in a decent hotel, but the bed cost me two-bits (25¢). That made it look like I was going to need $1 per day just to live reasonably comfortably in this time. In that case, I had better start looking for crooks to capture. There did not seem like much chance of finding crooks wandering around in downtown Phoenix, so I was going to need a horse. I needed one to move around the countryside and to get from town to town. I would not classify myself as a very good judge of...
I spent a lot of time in Mr. Schwartz's firing range practicing a quick draw with my shoulder holster. He let me use his range because I bought a lot of ammunition from him. I have been at it for three weeks, and Mr. Schwartz said that I was the fastest he had ever seen at drawing a gun. That made me feel good, but I knew that there was surely somebody around who was faster than me. I worked on making up for that flaw with my accuracy. I got to the point that I could draw and hit my target...
The five crooks had ducked behind partially overturned tables. I could see that I had wounded one or more of them because of the spattered blood on the floor. Shit! I had really blown the whole thing! I was stuck behind this damned bar while the crooks were closer to the door than I was. One or more could escape if I let my concentration wander even a little. I had to come up with a plan very damned soon or I was going to lose the chance for this capture and for the recovery of the bank...
Leah joined us after we had finished our cigars, and Mrs. Schwartz came out very shortly thereafter. We talked for about an hour before it was time for bed. I left for my hotel room and walked on air the whole way! WOW!!! I became a fixture at the Schwartz home over the next week. I was invited to dinner every night except Saturday for the next eight days. I did not think about the missing Saturday invitation—I just assumed that Mrs. Schwartz was tired of fixing enough food for a freeloader....
That first night with Leah was all that I had hoped for. She was enthusiastic, but totally inexperienced. I had fun teaching, and Leah demonstrated that she had fun learning. Yes, we were noisy, but we heard no complaints from our elders. We "slept" until nearly noon, and Anna had a big grin on her face that turned into a laugh when she saw Leah walk into the room. Anna assured Leah that her pain between her legs would soon pass, and she would probably never be bothered by it again. We ate...
The next three weeks were a joy such as I had never before experienced. During the day, I worked on guns, but, at night, I worked on Leah! Both of us were pushing hard (pun intended) for her to become pregnant. Leah was no longer sore the next morning, but I was showing signs of aching muscles. Thank God, I had time to recover at my day job. During the fourth week of my new job as an apprentice, the trouble started. Somebody tossed a rock through a front window of the shop. The rock had a...
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Chapter 11 Even with Lexie trying her best to hide not being in the best of moods, both Sarah and Audrey knew their friend was not in a good place. Then again, there was no way the girl sitting on the couch could cover up how her hopes for the night were elevated enough to be majorly let down by her boyfriend. Lexie might had been a great actress, but she was not that great. The Gord actually thought that his girlfriend running to be president of a social group she was not active in...
Becoming Bambi Synopsis: A chauvinistic womanizer inadvertently makes a wish to wake up every morning and see they type of women he desires. His wish comes true, just not the way he expects it to. What changes are in store for this once alpha male? What becomes of his friendship with his wingman Sean? Monday: I woke up feeling lightheaded and groggy. My boy and I had gone out the night before and I got stupid drunk. It was a hell of a night but one I knew I regret in the...
The following story is written from different points of view of the various characters. To find out what happened to a different character check out their story on my profile (when written). IntroductionJohn is a 52 year old man living in Newcastle in the UK. He resides with his wife of 12 years, Anne 43 years old, her daughter Saria who has just turned 18, and his son Daniel who is 19. They belong to a little known religion called Darmanian which has a few churches around the country, although...
Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...
Chrissy's Journey to Becoming a Woman - Chapter 2 By Scott Wilson As I was approaching my twelfth birthday and puberty, I started to panic. We had talked with Dr. Brown about me starting hormone blockers so I wouldn't start puberty and develop the masculine characteristics associated with it. Her thinking was that I would start them around the age of 12. Unfortunately, she retired and I was referred to a Dr. John Anderson. Dr. Anderson had dealt with several Trans children over...