Jokes and GigglesChapter 411
- 2 years ago
- 28
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August 10, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written August 13]
Practice today was mostly nominal, except for two items of interest, plus Heather missing practice because of her meeting at the school with Dad. At the initial gather, during stretching, Coach announced that Alex, our backup left wing, had had her appendix removed yesterday evening (she had missed practice yesterday morning due to a “stomachache.”)
“Padme,” Coach said, “what does that mean for you?”
“Umm, I get to play both right and left wings at the same time?”
There was much chuckling.
Coach smiled, then said, “Maybe not. Care to try again?”
Padme smiled, then answered, “I’m guessing, but on Saturday, I might get to play most of the game at left wing, unless Perrytown is better than expected. I will give one or both starting wings breathers in the second game.”
“Got it in one. Today, you’ll practice at left wing most of the time. Since we won’t have Alex for the tournament,” continued Coach, “we’ll be a little short-handed. Lissa, that could mean that, in our second game, should we reach it, you could see some time spelling Heather. I know that you’ll probably have played most of the first game, but you’ll get a lengthy breather after that game.”
“Okay, Coach.”
“The other item I have is a reminder about Saturday night. We will be going to dinner regardless of success or failure in our games. The restaurant to which we’ll be going is very nice, so bring a very nice outfit to wear. It does not need to be a dress, but dresses, particularly somewhat elegant dresses, would be appropriate. Civia, that invitation extends to you and your parents.”
Coach seemed to look for someone, then found her. “Liya.”
Though obviously surprised by the call, Liya said, “Yes, Coach?”
“Because you have been helpful to the team on quite a few occasions, you and your mother are also invited.
“I am? We are?”
“Yes, you are. Please pass on to your mother the importance of dress for the occasion.”
I cut out of the initial calisthenics to intercept Liya. As I expected, she had pulled her phone out.
“Liya, stop.”
She looked up at me with a questioning look.
“While I doubt that your mother is unaware of the invitation, she may not be aware that you do not need a dress.”
“But Coach just said...”
“Yes, I know. But there is a dress waiting for you, and one for Gracey, at the house.”
“My Mom, of course. I suspect the parents of underwriting the dinner. Even if they’re not paying for or contributing to the cost of dinner, they obviously knew about it. We went shopping for clothes for Heather last night, because she wasn’t expecting a 10-day stay. While we were there, Mom picked out dresses for each of us.”
Liya, at first, looked somewhat aghast, but then obviously remembered who we were discussing. “Oh. If it was Sandy, then they’ll be fine. Actually, they’ll probably be really nice.”
I nodded emphatically and said, “I think that Gracey and Heather got the two nicest ones, but all the others are lovely. Well, except for Rhee’s. Rhee’s is ... Rhee will look ... incredibly fucking sexy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns all the mens heads in that restaurant. I’m pretty sure you’ll like yours. It’s very nice. You could call your mom just to make sure that she’s aware of the dress ... code and that you’ve got a dress waiting.”
When she nodded, I returned to calisthenics, sidling over to Gracey’s vicinity to make sure that she was not panicking. Practice ran long, so the five of us didn’t arrive at the back door until shortly after noon. We went through the mud room, divesting ourselves of footwear. In the enclosed space, I could smell that four of us were in dire need of showers. We then walked into a living room that I did not recognize.
Firstly, that living room held Dad and Heather, which was not a surprise. It also held my mom who, I thought, was supposed to be at work today. Secondly, there was old and new furniture placed willy-nilly; obviously, my parents were not done with their apparent re-arranging task.
“Hi girls, welcome home,” exclaimed Mom. “Civia, it’s nice to have you visit, again.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Williams.”
“Civia, this may seem forward of me, but all the other girls call me ‘Mom’ or call me by my first name. It seems silly to have six girls here, but only one being so formal. My name is Sandy. Do you think that you could use that rather than ‘Mrs. Williams?’”
Civia’s chin had dropped at the beginning, but she pulled herself together by the end. “My parents would object, but I see your point. For today, I will try to honor your request, but I’ve been taught very differently; I will probably forget at times. I will have to talk with my parents about this, and they may wish me not to be so ... familiar.”
“Thank you, Civia; I understand. My husband’s name is ‘Charlie,’ but you will probably hear the other girls calling him, ‘Dad.’”
I said, “Hi, Mom, Dad. It’s hot and practice was grueling; we’re heading for the shower.”
“Okay. We will probably need a few of your backs to help us deal with one of the new pieces, but not until this evening.”
“Dad, Mom,” Liya said, “After I put my bag upstairs, I can start working on lunch. Did you have any particular plan, or will sandwiches do?”
“We’d appreciate that, Liya,” responded Dad, “and sandwiches are fine. There is quite a variety of sandwich fixings. Feel free to pull them all out.”
Once we’d all taken our respective bags upstairs, Liya had headed to the kitchen.
“I’m hungry,” I said, “and I imagine that all of you are, too. How are we going to expedite showers?”
“I could use the ... master shower.”
I held up the “wait” sign to Gracey and turned to Civia.
“What do you want to do? We can all fit in the upstairs shower. It would be a little snug, but not bad. Or two of us could use my parents’ shower.”
“You would all shower together if I weren’t here, right?” When I nodded, she said, “I would still feel uncomfortable using your parents’ shower, particularly by myself.”
“I fully understand.”
Civia obviously was heading somewhere, but I wasn’t quite sure where. She clenched her jaw, then relaxed it.
“Would you consider me to be not a friend, not a good friend, if I showered by myself?”
“Oh, not at all, Civia,” Rhee answered. “You’re our friend. Period. If you’re uncomfortable showering with any of us here at the house, that’s fine, as long as you don’t mind us showering together.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s ... I just ... I really appreciate all of you willing to spend time with a girl who’s so much younger than you. I really appreciate you five being my friends. Since the last time I was here, I’ve thought a bit about you girls showering together here. It’s ... it’s a ... something of a bonding thing, isn’t it?”
“I hadn’t thought about it in just that way,” I said, “but it is one way, one of many ways, that we express our friendship with each other. You don’t need to shower with us. We can express our friendship with you in other ways, like inviting you to spend the day with us.”
“No. No. I really want to be part of this group. I want to do what you girls do. I ... I want to be comfortable with you; all of you.”
Civia was sniffling by the end of that.
“We want you to be comfortable with us, too, but you’re obviously not comfortable, and we don’t want you to feel pressure to do anything about which you’re uncomfortable,” Rhee said.
“No ... I’m sorry, Rhee.” She inhaled deeply, exhaled, and continued. “Thank you, Rhee, Beth, Gracey, but comfort starts with acceptance and becomes possible with experience. May I shower with you three?”
Her request surprised me, but I recovered and said, “Sure. You should know that we usually wash each other’s backs.”
Civia looked wide-eyed at me, collected herself, then said, “That’s fine. I ... I ... That’s fine. I will be fine.”
“Okay,” I said as I began divesting myself of clothing.
Rhee and Gracey quickly followed suit. We studiously kept our eyes from Civia so that she might feel less self-conscious as she started disrobing.
“Oh,” she suddenly said in a surprised manner. Before I could ask her about that, she said, “Oh. There’s no one else on this floor, so you’re fine with walking across the hall naked. But, what about the return? We won’t be able to know that no one else is up here, then.”
“Dad and Mom treat this floor as mine ... actually, as ours. We jokingly refer to it as our gang headquarters. They don’t come up here very often and they certainly won’t do so when there are guests and showers are being taken.”
“Oh. Okay. Thanks, Beth. I’m a bit nervous, but I’ll get over it.”
“I’m glad, Civia. We really like you and we’d like you to be comfortable here.”
“Thanks, all of you. I will get there.”
I slid my panty down my legs, then busied myself with setting out clothing to climb into when we got out of the shower, so that I wouldn’t make Civia nervous ... more nervous by watching her disrobe. When we were all naked, I led us to the shower, opening the door, and turning on both shower heads, letting the water get up to temp.
Gracey said, “You’re doing fine, Civia. I note that you didn’t bring the clothes that you’re going to wear with you.”
“Yes. I’m doing ... going to do exactly what you girls do. I want to have your comfort level with ... all this. While I’m nervous, I also find it amazing that you five are so comfortable being ... uh ... naked with each other. I will get there.”
That made me think of loofahs, of which there were only two in the shower. I grabbed two from the closet. Rhee led us into the shower. Civia watched as Rhee and Gracey began wetting their hair preparatory to washing it. I put a bunch of shampoo in my hand and when Rhee’s hair was all wet, I began washing it.
“Oh,” Civia said loudly to be heard over the two shower heads, “I ... I can do that for you, Gracey, if that would be okay.”
“I’d like that, Civia. It feels wonderful when someone else, someone I care about, washes my hair.”
“Y ... you care ... No, I know you care about me. I appreciate that. I’m sorry, Gracey, I’m not used to having real friends. I’ll wash your hair.”
While Civia was putting shampoo in her hand, Gracey said, “We can trade once mine is washed and rinsed.”
Though I was washing Rhee’s hair, I was paying attention to that conversation. Civia looked at the back of Gracey’s head for a while, then a smile crept across her face.
“I think I’d like that. Thanks, Gracey.”
“No prob. No problem at all.”
After finishing the lathering process, I pulled Rhee backward and into the water stream in which I’d been standing. When my back smacked softly into the wall, I began the long, thorough rinsing process. When completed, Rhee and I switched places and she washed my hair.
When Civia got to the mirror-image of my position, I asked her, “What do you think about someone else washing your hair?”
With Gracey’s hands scratching in her hair and with her eyes closed, Civia responded, “It feels really nice. I understand, now. This really helps in ... my comfort level with all this. You all ... you are really good friends, aren’t you? I’ve never heard of friends doing this for each other. But I wonder why. Now that it’s happening with me, it seems like something really good friends would share.”
“That’s exactly right,” Gracey answered. “However, the five of us didn’t get to this stage of friendship until this spring. Beth and Rhee shared this before then, as did Liya and I. Heather joining our gang provided much of the impetus to share ... all around, so to speak. I really like having friendships this ... strong, this deep.”
“I think I understand that. I hope that I can be considered part of your ‘gang’ someday. I like the idea of friendships like that.”
“We’ll keep inviting you, Civia. In fact, Liya and I need to invite you to join us when it’s just the two of us, since you live so close.”
“I’d really like that, Gracey, particularly with even my extended soccer season nearly over. I’m going to miss hanging with the team. This team is so much more ... dedicated. I guess that’s what you get with select or premier teams. It’s been so much more fulfilling, so much fun!”
Rhee finished rinsing my hair and handed me a loofah, already lathered. She and I began our usual body-washing method. I saw Gracey finish with Civia’s hair and she copied Rhee’s actions, handing a soaped-up loofah to Civia.
“Civia, if you’re okay with it, I can wash your back while you wash your front. If you’re not, we can wash ourselves,” Gracey said.
Civia looked at Rhee and me, then turned to look at Gracey.
“I will do whatever you girls do. I don’t want to be a drag and I want to be comfortable like you are.”
“Okay. I’ll do your back. When you’re finished with your front, we’ll both turn around so I can do my front and you can do my back.”
Civia looked at me and had to see that Rhee was also washing the backs of my legs. I bent over, avoiding Civia, who was right in front of me, and washed the fronts of my legs.
Civia spoke over her shoulder at Gracey, “We’ll do it just like Beth and Rhee, right?”
“If you’re okay with that,” came back over her shoulder.
“Yes. Yes, Gracey. We’ll do it right.”
Upon completion of showering, we exited and each of us dried our own bodies and performed a quick-and-dirty towel drying of our hair. After that, Civia volunteered to help me with the long, long process of getting Rhee’s hair dry, with Civia using a second hair dryer and brush. While Civia helped, Gracey dried her own, much-shorter hair and then began drying Civia’s hair. After we got Rhee’s hair to the barely damp stage, I left Civia to finish it up while I dried my hair, which takes much less time because of its thinness.
When all hair was as dry as we were going to get it – and we left Rhee’s hair free, unbraided, we returned to the bedroom. As I was climbing into my panty, I noticed that Civia was just standing there. I pulled my panty on, made adjustments, and was reaching for my shirt when Civia looked at the three of us in turn.
“Thanks, Gracey, Rhee, Beth. I ... I enjoyed that. I haven’t had anyone wash my back in years. It felt good, like it did when Mom washed my back. Thanks, Gracey, for drying my hair. That was also enjoyable, and I really liked doing Rhee’s hair. It’s so beautiful.”
“Thanks, Civia. It’s such a pain to keep clean, but I have to say it’s very pleasurable when two of my friends help me with it. Thanks for helping”
“You’re welcome. I’d be happy to help anytime I’m here after ... Oh. There’s only one more practice day. That’s ... um ... sad. I’ve greatly enjoyed having another few weeks’ practice after my season was over. I always miss soccer so much when the season is over. It’s just me in the back yard after that.”
I glanced at Rhee, who looked at me. Obviously, Coach still had not broached the high-school team with Civia. Also obviously, it wasn’t our task to do that. Coach better hurry.
“There might be other opportunities. We’ll certainly have you over again. Perhaps you can spend the night sometime.”
Civia looked at me, then said, “I’d like that. Oh. Here you three are getting dressed and I’m just standing around in ... in my skin.”
“So, hanging around naked must not be too bad for you,” Gracey commented.
“Yeah, I guess not. At least, when something else takes my attention away from it. Maybe I’ll practice in my room.”
I smiled at her. She proceeded to begin dressing. After we were all dressed, we galumphed downstairs for lunch. The six of us had a good time joking around, Civia getting to know us better, us getting to know her better. Civia seems like Heather might have been had she had two dedicated parents, though a bit more constrained. Of course, Heather was much more ... constrained at the beginning, too, so...
At one point when we were playing a multi-player game on our phones, I got a text from Coach. That caused me to pause, wondering what that might be about.
“If okay, will be at your house when Civia’s parents arrive.”
When I kept staring at my phone, Rhee asked what was going on.
“Coach wants to visit when Civia’s parents are here.”
While Rhee got an understanding look on her face, Civia asked, “Why? What’s up?”
“I’m not ... sure,” I answered. “Although I have a suspicion or two, I’m not sure.”
“What are your suspicions?”
“I don’t think I should say, as I could be very wrong. Either way, it’s obviously Coach’s idea, so we’ll just have to wait for her to say what she’ll say.”
Civia looked at me hard for a bit, then nodded her head. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“No need at all to apologize. Let’s get back to the game as soon as I respond to Coach. I think that we should go back a couple rooms and try that door we didn’t open.”
We kept at the game, though a piece of my brain kept working at what Coach’s plan was. We played for another half-hour, then quit as Civia’s parents, and Coach, were due in about ten minutes. Civia ran upstairs and grabbed her bag and met us back in the kitchen.
“Everyone, thanks for today. I’ve never had so much fun with other girls ... with ... friends. Thanks for being so nice to a young girl.”
“You’re not a young girl, you’re our friend. Age doesn’t matter with friends.”
“Th-thanks, Liya. I particularly value that coming from you, because you’re not just putting up with me because I’m your teammate. Just ... thanks.”
The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it, Beth,” said Dad as he walked by us. Obviously, Dad was in the know.
Civia’s parents and Coach were walking in the door as we girls entered the living room.
“It’s good to see you, again, Kalina, Jeff.”
“Thank you for hosting this impromptu meeting.”
“Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom. Hi, Coach. Today was great! Practice was so fun, and I had a great time here with ... with my friends.”
That last bit was said with quite a bit more solemnity than the first part. Civia is a lot like Heather. The Gang was her first set of real friends, too.
“Please, all, come sit. I’m afraid that we’ve just had a couple pieces of furniture delivered today and we’ve not had a chance to get things organized in here, but the seating should be comfortable enough.”
Rhee and Gracey turned toward the kitchen, with Liya and Heather catching on and following them.
I said, “I assume, Coach, that your presence means that we’ll be discussing soccer and Civia’s future. Yes?”
“Indeed.” As she sat in the love seat and the Paleceks sat on the new couch, she continued, speaking to Civia. “I appreciate all the help you’ve been to the team during games and practices. I’ve been working on something that involves you and that process has finally completed. I wanted to talk to both you and your parents about it, hence this surprise meeting.” To her parents, she said, “I thank you for this opportunity to meet you and discuss your incredible daughter.”
The Gang came in with kitchen chairs enough to seat them. I sat with Dad on the old couch.
Coach retained the floor. “First off, I want to ask you, Civia, and you, Mr. and Mrs. Palecek...”
“Please,” said Mr. Palecek, “We’re Kalina and Jeff.”
“Thank you. I wish to ask you three if you are okay with discussing Civia’s soccer future with, essentially, strangers.”
Mr. Palecek looked down at Civia, who nodded, then over at his wife, who also nodded.
“Since these people are not strangers to Civia and since she and her mother are willing, please continue.
“The next task is to be sure that you, Kalina and Jeff, know who these young women are. I know that you two know Beth and her father and Gracey, at least, but I’d like to go a little formal and introduce everyone. Actually, why don’t we have Civia introduce them? Would that be okay, Civia?”
She stood immediately, saying, “Yes. Mom, Dad, you recall Beth Williams and her father, Mr. Williams...”
“Please,” Dad interrupted, “Everyone else here knows me as ‘Charlie’ or ‘Dad,’ and I’m not very formal. I understand that Civia was hesitant to use either term to address me, but I assure you, that I am more than comfortable with such informality from both very bright girls and soccer stars. Since Civia is both...”
“We are both from the Old World, though Jeff’s family has been here a generation longer than mine. My parents are the emigres and they are quite formal outside the family and that is what I have learned. Jeff has said that most Americans are much less formal, and I am slowly becoming accustomed to that. While Civia’s grandmother would be displeased with such informality for people she’s known for such a short time, I am very aware that this family and ... the team has been very good to and for our Civia. If you are comfortable with informal address from her in private situations like this, I will not object ... nor tell her grandmother.” Mrs. Palecek then smiled brightly. “Thank you for being so nice to our girl. All of you. Civia, please continue.”
“You recall Beth Williams and her father Charlie Williams. Beth’s mom, Sandy Williams, is running errands. Charlie is a Mathematics professor at the university, Sandy is a manager of a bank branch. Beth is the captain of the team and the starting offensive sweeper, the quarterback of the offense. At the left end of the chairs, Heather Wilkerson is the starting right wing. Heather just finished taking the summer-session Introduction to Calculus class at the university.”
With that, I quickly looked up from Civia to her parents, seeing raised eyebrows on both.
“To Heather’s left is Rhee Devlin, the starting center forward. At the right end, you may recall Gracey García. She is the starting right fullback. On Gracey’s right is everyone’s friend, Liya Nadhi, who does not play soccer, but who occasionally helps out at practice and is something of a software expert.”
Liya blushed at that one. Dad backed her up.
“She is. She and Gracey, who is more of a hardware expert, set up our home’s wireless and security systems. I’m working with both of them to install some new hardware and to upgrade our security system. They’re both quite talented. In fact, the whole lot of them, even Rhee, who doesn’t have a ... specialization, are quite bright and all have multiple talents. I consider all five as daughters, natural or otherwise, and am very proud of all of them.
“Civia seems to fit well with this Gang of Five, as we call them. Certainly, her love of soccer doesn’t hurt with most of the gang, but the main connector, I think, is that Civia seems incredibly bright, herself. I know that that level of intelligence can be off putting for other children. She seems happy and ... relieved to be in a situation in which she can be intelligent with like-minded girls.
“I’m sorry, Pam. I’ve just highjacked your meeting. I’ll shut up, now.”
Coach chuckled and said, “That’s not a problem. In fact, I’m glad that you elaborated on that subject, as it is a minor point in my explanation of what I am bringing to the table.”
Coach turned back to the Paleceks.
“Thank you, Civia, for providing the introductions, and for doing a good job of it.”
Civia returned to her seat between her parents.
“Kalina and Jeff, I and the whole team have been very impressed with Civia, both with her skill set and, particularly, her work ethic. I’ve never seen a girl of her age this far along in both understanding of the game and technical ability on the field. I would really have liked to have had her on the team all season.”
Mr. Palecek looked down at Civia, then back at Coach.
“You sound like you mean that, that you’d have liked for her to be on your team this season.”
“Absolutely. She would have been good for the team and the team would have been good for her. I don’t know if she’s told you, but Civia has been teaching a number of our players a particular dribbling move. In fact, three of her students are in this room.”
Mr. Palecek looked back down at Civia in amazement.
“You didn’t say anything, Civia.”
“Dad ... I didn’t want to be seen as bragging. Besides, unlike all the other teams I’ve been on, this team often has players teaching other players various skills. Heather has been teaching the whole team how to shoot and pass with the outside of the foot, both left and right. I’ve learned a lot from her. Rhee has taught a couple of moves to many of us, and Gracey showed some of us younger offense players some basics about defense. My teaching a skill to others just seemed ... for this team ... normal, not exceptional, certainly nothing about which to brag.”
“But you weren’t actually on the team.”
“But, Dad, don’t you see? I am on the team. I just don’t get to play in the games. This team...”
Civia started to lose it but inhaled and bucked up.
“This team likes me. They all help me. They’ve been so nice to me. I had to help them.”
She then hid her face on her dad’s chest, his arms immediately wrapping around her, while she quietly sobbed.
“I’m sorry for this,” Mrs. Palecek said.
“No, Mrs. Palecek. There’s no reason to apologize. Civia is like I was the first few times I was in this house, and that was only a couple months ago. I, too, had had little experience with friends or friendship. This team, particularly this gang of girls here, a gang that I am incredibly proud to be a part, were the first real friends that I’d ever had. The first girls with whom I could exercise my intelligence and knowledge without fear of ridicule. Over the many, many wonderful days that I’ve spent in this house, the happiness, the ... elation that I’ve felt because I was accepted, accepted for who I am, caused me to cry on Beth’s or Rhee’s or the others’ shoulders a dozen times or more. Like me, Civia is happy to have peers, both in soccer skills and intelligence, peers that like her, that appreciate her, that treat her as the friend that she is. Unless she were a lot more stoic than I am, she cannot help but cry. The relief at finally having friends is too much to hold in.”
No one said anything for quite a while, some of us waiting for Civia to attain control, some not really knowing what to say. Mrs. Palecek simply stared at Heather, until she turned and looked down at Civia.
“Oh, Civia,” she said, then rubbed her daughter’s back around her husband’s arms.
Liya stood, went to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth, presumably wet with cold water. She carried it to the new couch, squatted, and got Civia to sit up and take the washcloth from her. Civia, no longer crying, wiped her face, particularly her eyes. Liya said something to her that I couldn’t quite make out, but they both stood, Civia following her to the bathroom.
“Okay, I’m about to cry, now,” Mrs. Palecek said.
“Kalina, Jeff,” Coach said. “The team members in this house are most of the heart and soul of the team. As soon as Civia began spending time with the team, this group of girls took it upon themselves to take her under their wings, figuring correctly that such a young girl with exceptional field skills might well have little experience with friendship unless there was at least one other girl that had learned those skills along with Civia. As we got to know her, it became apparent that she had learned most of what she knows on her own, and the time required would have virtually negated any chance of serious friendships.
“Civia spoke truthfully. The whole team likes her. Yesterday, she stood in front of the team and thanked them for being so helpful, so friendly to her. She has impressed the team, and this is a team with no real peer in our local league. This team is the cream of this level’s crop in our corner of the state. Civia could have challenged for a starting job this year had she been on the team. As I said, she would have been good for this team, though we wouldn’t really have needed her to win the local tournament. We would, however, have a real use for her in the state tournament, if only she were a playing member. Regardless, it’s obvious that the team has been very good for Civia. She has many friends on the team and those not friends are, at least, friendly acquaintances.”
Civia and Liya returned then. Once Civia was seated with her parents, Coach continued.
“Civia. Kalina. Jeff. I am the new girls’ soccer coach at Central High. All the older girls in this room will be starting there next month. That team’s offense last year was comprised almost entirely of seniors. Beth, Rhee, and Heather will probably make up most of the starting offense this fall on the school team, as there is almost no one else. However, despite their relative youth for a varsity high school team, I still expect the team to be competitive. This is why I have asked to speak to you three today.”
Civia’s eyes went very wide in surprise; her parents’ foreheads both furrowed in concern.
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Escort SitesHere are the next two chapters of Sandy’s adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...
A meeting with everyone involved, and that meant just about everyone, was held the next day. Tony deferred to Bea and Alice to run the meeting. "OK," Bea started off. "We have arrangements with Bell Tone studios in Nashville beginning this Saturday morning at seven o'clock. Twelve hours on Saturday and starting again at seven on Sunday mornings and running until four PM. Should we need them they are prepared to do a few hours of work on Fridays as well, but they advise, and we tend to...
After she told me where to find her, I loaded my 2012 Coachmen Concord 31’ motorhome and crossed several states to get near her. I located an RV park and set up camp. I went to several stores and gathered the supplies I needed to make this an unforgettable experience for her. She sent me a picture of the woman she coveted and the address of their work. I drove my pull car over to the area and located a coffee shop they both frequented. I waited at that coffee shop until her friend Jenny...
Hi ISS reader, my name is Sanjay. I am a regular reader of ISS for past 8 years.. Thanks ISS for providing a platform to share our experiences. I am going to share a story which happened about a year back. I was a software engineer in Bangalore. After attending my friend’s brother marriage near Salem I was coming back to Bangalore in bus. The bus was up to Hosur only. From Hosur I took one local KSRTC bus to Bangalore. It was around 10pm and the bus was full. But only one seat was vacant next...
The best thing about Delhi is that this place is so awesome….Lot of Clubs to party…Lot of broad minded People to get to know to…and so much more things… This incident is about one bored after-work evening. I came back from my work, and was just browsing through my facebook profile…suddenly, I got a friend request from a girl…On first view only, it looked like it was some fake profile…with a Display Pic of Anushka Sharma …I just laughed, and messaged her… “do we know each other?” She just...
The lounge was crowded. It was Saturday night, and the barflies were out in swarms. We took the booth at the end of the room, hidden slightly from the crowd in a corner recess that hinted at false privacy. Exactly two drinks later he settled in next to her, drooling at my wife as he would a juicy steak. "My God, you look delicious tonight, Linda." My wife stared at him with wide, hungry eyes. She had finished her second of two drinks in the time it took me to finish one. Drinking was...
This is my first attempt at publishing any of my writing. This is also my first attempt at writing anything of an erotic nature. Comments and helpful criticism are greatly appreciated. This story is not quite completed, but I would like some feedback before publishing the rest. Thank you, Angel. * I was always attracted to the preppy, athletic look. I had this requirement growing up that all the men I dated had to be at least four inches taller than me, meaning they had to be at least six...
It had been three weeks since the last time I saw the Italian. He canceled on me once because of work and when he came home there was so much going on for the weekend he just couldn’t get away. A few nights ago, I got a text from the Italian asking if he could see me. I always enjoy “seeing” the Italian. Not only because he’s a generous sugar daddy and a wonderful lover, but conversations with him is stimulating and I have a great time just being around him. It was 12:30 when I walked in to...
Time for another gay gangbang with a couple of twinks, more double anal & first time fisting fun. In my last adventure I had the pleasure of Tim & John, the gay landlords of the local pub, double fucking me, whilst Simon, my first bi-lover, throat fucked me, and it was the most amazing & special experience for me. But, it turned-out not just for me, the other three also seriously enjoyed themselves, and it was decided we would have another party in a few weeks time.A couple of weeks...
Date Night 1 by Emile, 2010Usual caveats apply.---Penn was right, Trent's date was gorgeous. Not just a muscle himbo, but a blonde chiselled rugged Abercrombie type. He had turned up in a loose 80's tank and satin shorts, gym bag slung over his shoulder, and introduced himself as Nico, or "Nick" to his friends. Despite the winning smile and firm handshake, that made his tanned pumped skin flex erotically, Trent could see it made him a little uncomfortable offering that intimacy up. But this...
Some years back when I was 21 and back home at Jammu I had recently broke up with my girl friend and was starving for the lovely passionate kisses I used to get, one morning when I woke up and was on the balcony, I suddenly noticed a glaring ye from the moving curtain of a neighbour’s window. It must have happened many times but I hardly used to notice that before but this time I became interested in investigating the matter and enquired about the house from my friends and found that the...
Hello dosto! Namste! Main Yuvan ek bar fir apni kahani leke hajir hu aapki seva mein. Pichali 3 stories ke basis par mujhe bahot sare reply mile uske liye shukriya. Ab main sidha story pe aata hoon. Pichli story mein aapne padha kaise maine Priti bhabhi ko rat ko chat se uske gar jake jam ke chudai ki. Aur unko itna khush kiya ki dusre din gift mein apni bahen Shweta se chudai karvai. Continue karte hai wahi chudai ke seen sehi. Maine Shweta bhabhi ko bed se uthaya aur kissing karne laga. Itne...
My daughter and 4 of her hot friends are taking a small 6 person motor home to a big pot fest for 3 days. She knows that I have not been out with a female and convienced me to go! At first I declined, but her friends were hot and I was hoping if they fucked up enough on drugs or alcohol, that I might get lucky! So the 2nd day we were there, one girl named lisa was wicked fucked up and making nasty commets about getting laid and I heard she was flashing guys, changed in the woods and...
A blonde gets a job as a physical education teacher of 16 year olds. She notices a boy at the end of the field standing alone, while all the other kids are running around having fun kicking a ball. She takes pity on him and decides to speak to him. 'You ok?' she says. 'Yes.' he says. 'You can go and play with the other kids you know' she says. 'It's best I stay here.' he says. 'Why's that sweetie?' says the blonde. The boy looks at her incredulously and says, "Because...
While their respective spouses (Nicole and Tom) were in the foyer/sitting room of the suite, Pru and Charles took advantage of the situation.Pru marveled, “When Tom reserved this suite, I was not in favor of renting a whole suite. He argued that the upgrade was part of the whole travel package. We should be picking up our rental car tomorrow, but if that doesn’t happen because of the weather, I could stay here another night.”Charles echoed the sentiment, answering, “Yeah. We already notified...
Wife LoversWe walk out to the car park, my husband and the stranger move to far side of his car; I can’t quite hear what they are saying. My husband walks back to our car as the stranger is getting in his. My husband unlocks our car and we both get in. I ask him what is happening he smiles and says “You’ll see, were going to follow his car, it’s about fifteen minutes drive, is that O.K.”I answer in the affirmative although I’m a little nervous of where we are going and what may be in store when we...
So I'm not sure what exactly got into her today haha but she is still with Ben. He has come to see her late at night on the weekend quite a bit recently, usually on Friday nights once we're already home, but this is new. Recently when he's come over, they've started texting late and he comes over, fucks her mouth and her pussy, they both cum and then he sleeps on our couch and we sleep in bed together. Then, they'll usually fuck again in the morning and he will leave and we'll start our weekend...
The walls were cold and wet hard metal in texture. No light or sounds it was sealed buried deep and never seen. The one small trap door was through the ceiling. A single floor drain in the center of the room. A single bulb hung from a crude junction box on the ceiling. Too tight or high for any use. The trap door opened outward no latches on inside of it. The small area around the door was the clean room . White brightly lit and sanitary. A small cabinet had everything that would be “ used” on...
FantasyAfter some years in New York, my beloved hubby and I moved to Atlanta, where a white woman can find a black man to fulfill her wildest fantasies.I had never told Victor about my hidden wishes, but started to investigate some places in the net where well hung black men offered their “services”.One afternoon, as I was at my office, I checked my mail to find one reply from a guy; a black guy."I read your advice. I'm a black male, well hung, looking for white women”.My first thought was not sending...
Pt2 A few days passed, life returned to what passed as normal in the little flat, strangely Tim found that any mid age fit male who he knew had even spoken briefly to his lady, and were local, he regarded with not suspicion, that’s not the right word, but perhaps curiosity was more apt. His mind wondering if this was the anonymous chappy who was her chosen bull, the man who she had said that she was going to allow to secure her and use her in any fashion that he felt was appropriate. He also...
A free day. Are there any better words than those three to the ears of a closet crossdresser? For Sam Simons, the answer was no. A free day to take his time with his make up. A free day to pick out the perfect outfit, wear it, take it off and pick out three more that are just as good. A free day to relax, chill out and take a break from himself. This is what stretched out far in front of him. Hours of uninterrupted crossdressing. A free day. Sam woke up earlier than he usually ever...
Rahul had a chat with Praveen and Milton to increase the amount they had to pay for Dona’s one-night service with both the men. They agreed to pay an extra 10k for the hot bitch. Once that was sorted out, the four people gathered around the living room. They started to talk and relax as they continued to drink wine. The effect of the wine took its toll as everyone relaxed, and the mood lightened. Dona’s nervousness was replaced by confidence and hornyness. Rahul liked how the men complimented...
Realizing he just saved her life, on her own, she went back to his cock and took it in her mouth. She licked the shaft from the base to the tip, wetting him, preparing to take him deep into her throat. He placed a hand on top of her head, not to force her, but to lightly run his fingers through her blond hair. She moaned around his cock, sending her vocal vibrations through his shaft to his balls. She was good, as most whores go he thought. She took him back into her lips, sliding them down...
Hi i m sunny, 24years, 5.9” tall male and with 8” machine gun(dick), mujhe bohot se mail mile meri pichli stories ke liye, aur mai chahta hu ke meri aur bhi stories ko pad ker aap apna feed back de, mujhe kuch ladies ne kaha ke aap ne stories ke liye website bnayi hai toh mms scandals ke liye bhi ek bna dijiye, toh doston maine mms scandals ke liye bhi ek website bna di hai umeed hai ke aap uska poora faaida uthayenge. Website ka link meri story wali website ke right side per diya hua hai use...
IncestHellow dosto me priyesh meri pehle likhi kahani ka mujhe acha reponce mila hai facebook pe nd gmail pe isliye me 3rd story likhne ja raha hu me 24 ka mumbai me rehnewala simple dikhnewala ladka hu mera mail id hai nd facebook ka bi ager apko story pasnd aye toh pleas reply dena yeh id sirf ap logo ke liye hai khas kar ladkiya nd bhabi pls mere ofice me ek prianka nam ki ladki hai dikhne me itni sundar toh nai hai woh par uska fiqure mujhe pagal kardeta hai 34 26 36 socho uske boobs Kadak hai...
My name is Richard Jennings. My friends call me Rick. My family calls me Richie. I'm a sophomore in college majoring in Business Administration. I carry a 3.7 average. I'm also on the wrestling team. I'm six feet three inches tall and weigh around two hundred twenty pounds. My record is 19 wins and 2 losses. I've never been pinned.I say in good shape, because of my wrestling and from helping my Dad. He's a master carpenter. As soon as I could walk I was helping him with all of his home...
About ten years ago I had a job in one of the smaller offices in an office building in town. The building had over 125 people who worked there. It had its own 'morning only' coffee shop-convenience store, and a cleaning and maintenance staff that served all of the tenants. It was normal for me to stay overtime during the week to finish up on projects. My boss would let me leave early on Friday, so, he didn’t have to worry about any overtime. On most nights, the cleaning crew’s end-of-day trash...
"Well?" Miles Sloane asked somewhat impatiently, as his daughter Angie and his wife Pamela left the bathroom at the Sloane house, where they decided to gather this time. "It's official. You're a grandpa!" Angie shouted excitedly, kissing her own father on the lips with more than a hint of tongue. "How does that feel, baby, to know that this might be your child as well as your grandchild?" Pamela, herself pregnant now with Sven's baby, teased her hubby, "I frankly hope that it is....
They never expect pillowtalk to lead anywhere, do they? When my beautiful wife Katrina Colt confides in me that she’s fantasized about being ‘taken’ by 2 strangers, tall dark men – she gets my Spidey senses tingling. I’m a man of means & I can make this happen. So a few days later, when 2 big masked strangers (Jay Bangher and Jonathan Jordan) ‘break in’ to our house and grab Katrina, she is shocked but ready for them. They grab her from the kitchen,...
xmoviesforyouআমার বিয়ে হল আজ প্রায় দুই মাস। ভালোমন্দ মিলিয়ে বেশ ভালই আছি- মধ্যবিত্ত পরিবারের মেয়ের যেমন থাকা উচিত প্রায় তেমনই আছি। যদিও বছর দুই আগেও অন্যরকম স্বপ্ন দেখতাম। দেখতাম বলা ভুল, আসলে আমাকে স্বপ্ন দেখানো হয়েছিল। সেই স্বপ্ন ভঙ্গের বেদনা আমার নেই বরং আমি খুশি এরকম একটা এডভেঞ্চারাস সময়ের মাঝখান দিয়ে আমি গিয়েছি বলে। আমি কৃতজ্ঞ তার প্রতি আমাকে ওই রকম উত্তেজনাকর সময় উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য। হয়ত যে কেউ মুষড়ে পরত অথবা তাকে অভিশাপ দিত। কিন্তু আমি হিসাবের খাতায় নিপুন ভাবে হিসাব করে দেখেছি তাকে দোষ তো দেওয়াই যায় না...
Glynn caught his sister coming out of the bathroom on Sunday morning. She was still glowing, but looked a little mussed, as if she had gone through a long and grueling night. "Hey, sis--how did it go? He locked the door, and I couldn't ease into your room to watch from the closet, but I wanted to." She smiled. "It's a good thing dad and mom sleep in different rooms; he's still in there all wrapped around Jean. Now he's fucked all three of us women, just as you have." "All...
The auditorium was packed with parents and students, the football team (well some of them) were acting as ushers guiding the groups to their seats and making sure all were accounted for. Steven looked over the check list. "Hmm only about five not here," he thought. "Well here goes nothing." Mr. Jones, the principal, started the assembly with a speech Steven had written for him calling for a return to family values, the end of which he introduced the head of the school faith club...
“Explain to me, again, why I have to go on this camping trip with you?” Kat asked her boyfriend, Quinn. “Because I want to spend more time with you…,” he replied. “You know how much I detest camping, and what am I going to do while you and Scott are fishing?” she complained. “I already told you that Scott is bring Raven. You guys can keep each other company,” he said. “You know it is going to rain….this sucks,” she bitched. “Please?” Quinn asked. “Ok. Ok. I’ll go, but you owe me big time,...
Chapter 1. Professor Peterson[/b] I teach at one of those fancy New England small colleges. It is a good gig, with enough money, nice scenery, no heavy lifting, etc. But, frankly, it has been a little lonely since my wife ran off with the Athletic Director. I’ll be honest, I love ogling the young female students, and I am a fan of the “less is more” trend in women’s clothing. But, you have to be careful with the students because you will get in big trouble when a student files an action...
So this is a story that happened some 4 years back. I had shifted to Mumbai 2 years before then and had broken up with my first girlfriend of 7 years. I met Maleeka on Facebook. She had also broken up recently and was making new contacts for her work and to deviate herself from her ex. We were both in a state where we did not want anything serious. About myself, I am Aady, 26 yrs, 5’8″ tall and 6″ long. More on the thin side, by my stamina makes up for everything else. Coming back to Maleeka....
Next two weeks were probably the best days of my life. Sheila visited me daily with Mansi. After the lunch Mansi would disappear for about an hour giving us ample opportunity to fuck our minds out. I was worried on the first day as what Mansi would be thinking about me. But when she pretended to be ignorant of things happening between Sheila and me, I got bolder. Mansi and I developed a silent understanding, and she never talked about Sheila in my presence, even at the home. One day, when...
Apologies. Dear Readers, I would like to profoundly apologize for not having come back and produce another story or the continuation. But I am back with the hunt for the woman of my dreams. Disclaimer: The stories that I write here and which I might continue to write are mostly first-hand experiences of real-life stories of my close circle. Some learned ones may speculate that these may not really happen in India. Well, it does and mostly in urban areas. Now to the story. The next day...
LesbianLouise is a shy slender black-haired beauty in her early twenties with firm tiny tits as a young teenLouise is desperate to break her block, finish her MA thesis before the end of Summer as time runs outLouise is accepting my final offer of help and my condition of complete obedience to her new ProfessorLouise is to learn a lot from him, not only in academic skills, but also as a submissive sexy servantLouise is desperate to demonstrate her dedication as a sex slave of her Master Professor...
They say that God suspended the laws of incest in the early days so that man could spread on the earth. In the words of the commentators of the Douay Rheims Bible: "God [dispensed] with such marriages in the beginning of the world, as mankind could not otherwise be propagated.". Cain and his Wife "And Cain went out from the face of the Lord, and dwelt as a fugitive on the earth, at the east side of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a...
Hi guys this story happened when i was 21 years old. I used to live in Mumbai as i was studying there but my home town was in Delhi and i used to go there on every vacation. My family consisted of my mom dad and one brother, and there used to be a maid who was working at our place for like 8 years now. She was around 28 that time and married but she still used to work at our place. So it was like i actually didn’t see her for past six to seven years as i was in college and she never showed up...
“Don’t forget to pack your underwear, George.” Julie opened the top drawer of George’s dresser and took out his white briefs. She hadn’t ever thought much about them, but she held one up. She couldn’t help comparing it to the underwear she’d helped Daniel purchase. Daniel’s had that sexy pouch for all that junk he carried around. It hugged his body to accentuate his manhood. George’s underwear looked like it was made for a child. She tossed several pairs into George’s suitcase. “You sure...
It was early afternoon in May in the mountain town. The three of them were lying on an exquisitely ornate upholstered bed. The room was bathed in warm sunshine. They’d been lucky with their choice for a rendezvous.Nothing unusual to the casual observer, perhaps. But if the casual observer had looked around the room a tad more, he would have seen that all three were butt naked. Excepting maybe Rita. Rita was dressed in red thigh-high lace-up high-heeled boots and red fishnet stockings She knew...
ExhibitionismHer name is Kathy; I met Kathy while I was working at 7-11 Food Store, as an assistant Manager. She came in to my store one day, I noticed her rite off. Just cute as a button. Kathy is about 4'8" tall, shoulder length Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, nice smile, I swear this girl has C+ tits all hers, all real, not too much butt, but her tits made up for the lack of that. She is older than me by a few years but not many, I think about 3 if my memory serves me correctly. We had a...
Kappa Convict By Kachakali Read this story and have a picture too. See my other works on my other site: I can feel the wet drizzle on my soft, slimy skin. I'm smelling things that I could never have done as a human. I can sense the fading scent of Guards and their dogs in the distance, but I'm so far enough away that they can never catch up. Plus, my own scent is no longer of the prisoner Clyde. But of the creature I've become. Am I some...
Chapter Two: Sister's Futa Shower Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! This was such a wild day. I knelt between my little sister's thighs, licking her eighteen-year-old deflowered twat clean of my futa-cum. I shuddered, my new clit-dick throbbing, hard and aching as it swung between my thighs. My pussy cream dribbled down it while I feasted on Allie's fresh cunt. Her light fuzz of fiery pubic hair tickled my lips as she...
Early the next evening, Melanie and Tony were unpacking in their assigned bedroom at the Sunshine Spa, located about fifty miles north of Flagstaff. One of the first goals in Slim's private little party had been the serving of drinks, and by the time Melanie and Tony had found the "recreation room" the laughter had grown more raucous and more relaxed as the excitement of a "healthy" weekend at the spa combined with the stimulation of the alcohol that was being served in exotic fresh...
Hi ISS Readers, I am waseem and my nickname is wasi. I am 23 years old and I belong to Hyderabad. Aaj mai aapko apne pahle sex ke baare me batane jaa raha hoon. Jab mai 12th class me tha aur summer holidays me apne mama ke yahan rahane ke liye gaya hua tha. Mere mama ke 3 ladke hai jinme se bade do ladko ki shadi ho chuki hai aur tisara un dino kawanra tha aur mere bich wale bhai ki saali bhi aai hue thi. Wo mujhase 2 saal badi thi.Hight 5’3″ and mast mote boobs, mast figure badi badi aankhe...
Lupe Fuentes looked terrified when she walked into the guidance counselor's office. She saw a well-dressed Latina woman sitting at the desk – definitely not the 22-year-old woman the school district had hired directly out of college at the first of the year. "Come in, Lupe," Anita Lopez said with a smile. "I think you already know Andy and Elizabeth." Lupe saw Andy sitting along the wall and relaxed. She gave him a small wave and he smiled back at her. The girl from the car this...
Marie walked into the club, casting her eyes around to assess the place. Hot, dark,crowded, the music playing just too loudly for comfort. Perfect. She felt the firststirrings of excitement at the thought of the adventure she was about to embark on. Sheconsidered herself a predator, and this was an ideal hunting ground. She drew no shortage of stares as she made her way to the bar. As a rule Mariedidn't consider herself to be an especially beautiful woman - she had no real troubleattracting...
An "innocent" neighborhood gardener is a HOT exhibitionistThe Meeting*Damn! She is so fucking HOT!* I thought as I rode my bike past the neighborhood's exhibitionist...again. For a couple of months I had noticed her diligently working her yard: weeding, messing with her trees, and mowing with an ancient reel-type push mower...always dressed in the briefest of garments.*I wonder if she knows that her shorts have a tear in the crotch?* I mused coasting slowly past the long-legged silver-haired...
The Slavering, Chapter 12 Tesla had seen people arrested on 3D. Nothing went to script that day. "Tesla Lorraine Huling-Glas?" "Yes?" They'd used her birth name, the name on her ROC passport. Not the name on her Federal paperwork, here in the States. One of the men said, "May we see ID?" When Tesla hesitated, he said, "Don't make this difficult." Tesla showed him her student ID. "You are under arrest. If you cooperate, you may walk with us to our transportation without...
Previously She also included in this bundle of sissy goodies, sheer black thigh high stocking and black three-inch wedges. My legs were so high and my body so curvaceous, my soft red lipstick tied in with the red baby doll. She had placed a blonde wavy wig which I tied into my hair with grips and styled with a middle part-in. Marie also supplied red nail varnish and some very sensuous perfume. My eyes glistened with black eye liner, mascara and feint eye shadow. I looked and felt so amazing....
CrossdressingMy sister Amy and I have been screwing for a little over a month before our k** sister sister Cindy discovered our little secret and wanted to join us. We were a little hesitant at first so we decided to put her through an initiation that might cool her off. We told her that she to first have sex with Amy. She looked at us for a few momennts and said : "Okay". She had called our bluff. Amy had only one previous sexual esperience with another girl, but she couldn't show her own awkwardness as...