Jokes and GigglesChapter 411
- 2 years ago
- 28
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August 10, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written August 13]
Practice today was mostly nominal, except for two items of interest, plus Heather missing practice because of her meeting at the school with Dad. At the initial gather, during stretching, Coach announced that Alex, our backup left wing, had had her appendix removed yesterday evening (she had missed practice yesterday morning due to a “stomachache.”)
“Padme,” Coach said, “what does that mean for you?”
“Umm, I get to play both right and left wings at the same time?”
There was much chuckling.
Coach smiled, then said, “Maybe not. Care to try again?”
Padme smiled, then answered, “I’m guessing, but on Saturday, I might get to play most of the game at left wing, unless Perrytown is better than expected. I will give one or both starting wings breathers in the second game.”
“Got it in one. Today, you’ll practice at left wing most of the time. Since we won’t have Alex for the tournament,” continued Coach, “we’ll be a little short-handed. Lissa, that could mean that, in our second game, should we reach it, you could see some time spelling Heather. I know that you’ll probably have played most of the first game, but you’ll get a lengthy breather after that game.”
“Okay, Coach.”
“The other item I have is a reminder about Saturday night. We will be going to dinner regardless of success or failure in our games. The restaurant to which we’ll be going is very nice, so bring a very nice outfit to wear. It does not need to be a dress, but dresses, particularly somewhat elegant dresses, would be appropriate. Civia, that invitation extends to you and your parents.”
Coach seemed to look for someone, then found her. “Liya.”
Though obviously surprised by the call, Liya said, “Yes, Coach?”
“Because you have been helpful to the team on quite a few occasions, you and your mother are also invited.
“I am? We are?”
“Yes, you are. Please pass on to your mother the importance of dress for the occasion.”
I cut out of the initial calisthenics to intercept Liya. As I expected, she had pulled her phone out.
“Liya, stop.”
She looked up at me with a questioning look.
“While I doubt that your mother is unaware of the invitation, she may not be aware that you do not need a dress.”
“But Coach just said...”
“Yes, I know. But there is a dress waiting for you, and one for Gracey, at the house.”
“My Mom, of course. I suspect the parents of underwriting the dinner. Even if they’re not paying for or contributing to the cost of dinner, they obviously knew about it. We went shopping for clothes for Heather last night, because she wasn’t expecting a 10-day stay. While we were there, Mom picked out dresses for each of us.”
Liya, at first, looked somewhat aghast, but then obviously remembered who we were discussing. “Oh. If it was Sandy, then they’ll be fine. Actually, they’ll probably be really nice.”
I nodded emphatically and said, “I think that Gracey and Heather got the two nicest ones, but all the others are lovely. Well, except for Rhee’s. Rhee’s is ... Rhee will look ... incredibly fucking sexy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns all the mens heads in that restaurant. I’m pretty sure you’ll like yours. It’s very nice. You could call your mom just to make sure that she’s aware of the dress ... code and that you’ve got a dress waiting.”
When she nodded, I returned to calisthenics, sidling over to Gracey’s vicinity to make sure that she was not panicking. Practice ran long, so the five of us didn’t arrive at the back door until shortly after noon. We went through the mud room, divesting ourselves of footwear. In the enclosed space, I could smell that four of us were in dire need of showers. We then walked into a living room that I did not recognize.
Firstly, that living room held Dad and Heather, which was not a surprise. It also held my mom who, I thought, was supposed to be at work today. Secondly, there was old and new furniture placed willy-nilly; obviously, my parents were not done with their apparent re-arranging task.
“Hi girls, welcome home,” exclaimed Mom. “Civia, it’s nice to have you visit, again.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Williams.”
“Civia, this may seem forward of me, but all the other girls call me ‘Mom’ or call me by my first name. It seems silly to have six girls here, but only one being so formal. My name is Sandy. Do you think that you could use that rather than ‘Mrs. Williams?’”
Civia’s chin had dropped at the beginning, but she pulled herself together by the end. “My parents would object, but I see your point. For today, I will try to honor your request, but I’ve been taught very differently; I will probably forget at times. I will have to talk with my parents about this, and they may wish me not to be so ... familiar.”
“Thank you, Civia; I understand. My husband’s name is ‘Charlie,’ but you will probably hear the other girls calling him, ‘Dad.’”
I said, “Hi, Mom, Dad. It’s hot and practice was grueling; we’re heading for the shower.”
“Okay. We will probably need a few of your backs to help us deal with one of the new pieces, but not until this evening.”
“Dad, Mom,” Liya said, “After I put my bag upstairs, I can start working on lunch. Did you have any particular plan, or will sandwiches do?”
“We’d appreciate that, Liya,” responded Dad, “and sandwiches are fine. There is quite a variety of sandwich fixings. Feel free to pull them all out.”
Once we’d all taken our respective bags upstairs, Liya had headed to the kitchen.
“I’m hungry,” I said, “and I imagine that all of you are, too. How are we going to expedite showers?”
“I could use the ... master shower.”
I held up the “wait” sign to Gracey and turned to Civia.
“What do you want to do? We can all fit in the upstairs shower. It would be a little snug, but not bad. Or two of us could use my parents’ shower.”
“You would all shower together if I weren’t here, right?” When I nodded, she said, “I would still feel uncomfortable using your parents’ shower, particularly by myself.”
“I fully understand.”
Civia obviously was heading somewhere, but I wasn’t quite sure where. She clenched her jaw, then relaxed it.
“Would you consider me to be not a friend, not a good friend, if I showered by myself?”
“Oh, not at all, Civia,” Rhee answered. “You’re our friend. Period. If you’re uncomfortable showering with any of us here at the house, that’s fine, as long as you don’t mind us showering together.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s ... I just ... I really appreciate all of you willing to spend time with a girl who’s so much younger than you. I really appreciate you five being my friends. Since the last time I was here, I’ve thought a bit about you girls showering together here. It’s ... it’s a ... something of a bonding thing, isn’t it?”
“I hadn’t thought about it in just that way,” I said, “but it is one way, one of many ways, that we express our friendship with each other. You don’t need to shower with us. We can express our friendship with you in other ways, like inviting you to spend the day with us.”
“No. No. I really want to be part of this group. I want to do what you girls do. I ... I want to be comfortable with you; all of you.”
Civia was sniffling by the end of that.
“We want you to be comfortable with us, too, but you’re obviously not comfortable, and we don’t want you to feel pressure to do anything about which you’re uncomfortable,” Rhee said.
“No ... I’m sorry, Rhee.” She inhaled deeply, exhaled, and continued. “Thank you, Rhee, Beth, Gracey, but comfort starts with acceptance and becomes possible with experience. May I shower with you three?”
Her request surprised me, but I recovered and said, “Sure. You should know that we usually wash each other’s backs.”
Civia looked wide-eyed at me, collected herself, then said, “That’s fine. I ... I ... That’s fine. I will be fine.”
“Okay,” I said as I began divesting myself of clothing.
Rhee and Gracey quickly followed suit. We studiously kept our eyes from Civia so that she might feel less self-conscious as she started disrobing.
“Oh,” she suddenly said in a surprised manner. Before I could ask her about that, she said, “Oh. There’s no one else on this floor, so you’re fine with walking across the hall naked. But, what about the return? We won’t be able to know that no one else is up here, then.”
“Dad and Mom treat this floor as mine ... actually, as ours. We jokingly refer to it as our gang headquarters. They don’t come up here very often and they certainly won’t do so when there are guests and showers are being taken.”
“Oh. Okay. Thanks, Beth. I’m a bit nervous, but I’ll get over it.”
“I’m glad, Civia. We really like you and we’d like you to be comfortable here.”
“Thanks, all of you. I will get there.”
I slid my panty down my legs, then busied myself with setting out clothing to climb into when we got out of the shower, so that I wouldn’t make Civia nervous ... more nervous by watching her disrobe. When we were all naked, I led us to the shower, opening the door, and turning on both shower heads, letting the water get up to temp.
Gracey said, “You’re doing fine, Civia. I note that you didn’t bring the clothes that you’re going to wear with you.”
“Yes. I’m doing ... going to do exactly what you girls do. I want to have your comfort level with ... all this. While I’m nervous, I also find it amazing that you five are so comfortable being ... uh ... naked with each other. I will get there.”
That made me think of loofahs, of which there were only two in the shower. I grabbed two from the closet. Rhee led us into the shower. Civia watched as Rhee and Gracey began wetting their hair preparatory to washing it. I put a bunch of shampoo in my hand and when Rhee’s hair was all wet, I began washing it.
“Oh,” Civia said loudly to be heard over the two shower heads, “I ... I can do that for you, Gracey, if that would be okay.”
“I’d like that, Civia. It feels wonderful when someone else, someone I care about, washes my hair.”
“Y ... you care ... No, I know you care about me. I appreciate that. I’m sorry, Gracey, I’m not used to having real friends. I’ll wash your hair.”
While Civia was putting shampoo in her hand, Gracey said, “We can trade once mine is washed and rinsed.”
Though I was washing Rhee’s hair, I was paying attention to that conversation. Civia looked at the back of Gracey’s head for a while, then a smile crept across her face.
“I think I’d like that. Thanks, Gracey.”
“No prob. No problem at all.”
After finishing the lathering process, I pulled Rhee backward and into the water stream in which I’d been standing. When my back smacked softly into the wall, I began the long, thorough rinsing process. When completed, Rhee and I switched places and she washed my hair.
When Civia got to the mirror-image of my position, I asked her, “What do you think about someone else washing your hair?”
With Gracey’s hands scratching in her hair and with her eyes closed, Civia responded, “It feels really nice. I understand, now. This really helps in ... my comfort level with all this. You all ... you are really good friends, aren’t you? I’ve never heard of friends doing this for each other. But I wonder why. Now that it’s happening with me, it seems like something really good friends would share.”
“That’s exactly right,” Gracey answered. “However, the five of us didn’t get to this stage of friendship until this spring. Beth and Rhee shared this before then, as did Liya and I. Heather joining our gang provided much of the impetus to share ... all around, so to speak. I really like having friendships this ... strong, this deep.”
“I think I understand that. I hope that I can be considered part of your ‘gang’ someday. I like the idea of friendships like that.”
“We’ll keep inviting you, Civia. In fact, Liya and I need to invite you to join us when it’s just the two of us, since you live so close.”
“I’d really like that, Gracey, particularly with even my extended soccer season nearly over. I’m going to miss hanging with the team. This team is so much more ... dedicated. I guess that’s what you get with select or premier teams. It’s been so much more fulfilling, so much fun!”
Rhee finished rinsing my hair and handed me a loofah, already lathered. She and I began our usual body-washing method. I saw Gracey finish with Civia’s hair and she copied Rhee’s actions, handing a soaped-up loofah to Civia.
“Civia, if you’re okay with it, I can wash your back while you wash your front. If you’re not, we can wash ourselves,” Gracey said.
Civia looked at Rhee and me, then turned to look at Gracey.
“I will do whatever you girls do. I don’t want to be a drag and I want to be comfortable like you are.”
“Okay. I’ll do your back. When you’re finished with your front, we’ll both turn around so I can do my front and you can do my back.”
Civia looked at me and had to see that Rhee was also washing the backs of my legs. I bent over, avoiding Civia, who was right in front of me, and washed the fronts of my legs.
Civia spoke over her shoulder at Gracey, “We’ll do it just like Beth and Rhee, right?”
“If you’re okay with that,” came back over her shoulder.
“Yes. Yes, Gracey. We’ll do it right.”
Upon completion of showering, we exited and each of us dried our own bodies and performed a quick-and-dirty towel drying of our hair. After that, Civia volunteered to help me with the long, long process of getting Rhee’s hair dry, with Civia using a second hair dryer and brush. While Civia helped, Gracey dried her own, much-shorter hair and then began drying Civia’s hair. After we got Rhee’s hair to the barely damp stage, I left Civia to finish it up while I dried my hair, which takes much less time because of its thinness.
When all hair was as dry as we were going to get it – and we left Rhee’s hair free, unbraided, we returned to the bedroom. As I was climbing into my panty, I noticed that Civia was just standing there. I pulled my panty on, made adjustments, and was reaching for my shirt when Civia looked at the three of us in turn.
“Thanks, Gracey, Rhee, Beth. I ... I enjoyed that. I haven’t had anyone wash my back in years. It felt good, like it did when Mom washed my back. Thanks, Gracey, for drying my hair. That was also enjoyable, and I really liked doing Rhee’s hair. It’s so beautiful.”
“Thanks, Civia. It’s such a pain to keep clean, but I have to say it’s very pleasurable when two of my friends help me with it. Thanks for helping”
“You’re welcome. I’d be happy to help anytime I’m here after ... Oh. There’s only one more practice day. That’s ... um ... sad. I’ve greatly enjoyed having another few weeks’ practice after my season was over. I always miss soccer so much when the season is over. It’s just me in the back yard after that.”
I glanced at Rhee, who looked at me. Obviously, Coach still had not broached the high-school team with Civia. Also obviously, it wasn’t our task to do that. Coach better hurry.
“There might be other opportunities. We’ll certainly have you over again. Perhaps you can spend the night sometime.”
Civia looked at me, then said, “I’d like that. Oh. Here you three are getting dressed and I’m just standing around in ... in my skin.”
“So, hanging around naked must not be too bad for you,” Gracey commented.
“Yeah, I guess not. At least, when something else takes my attention away from it. Maybe I’ll practice in my room.”
I smiled at her. She proceeded to begin dressing. After we were all dressed, we galumphed downstairs for lunch. The six of us had a good time joking around, Civia getting to know us better, us getting to know her better. Civia seems like Heather might have been had she had two dedicated parents, though a bit more constrained. Of course, Heather was much more ... constrained at the beginning, too, so...
At one point when we were playing a multi-player game on our phones, I got a text from Coach. That caused me to pause, wondering what that might be about.
“If okay, will be at your house when Civia’s parents arrive.”
When I kept staring at my phone, Rhee asked what was going on.
“Coach wants to visit when Civia’s parents are here.”
While Rhee got an understanding look on her face, Civia asked, “Why? What’s up?”
“I’m not ... sure,” I answered. “Although I have a suspicion or two, I’m not sure.”
“What are your suspicions?”
“I don’t think I should say, as I could be very wrong. Either way, it’s obviously Coach’s idea, so we’ll just have to wait for her to say what she’ll say.”
Civia looked at me hard for a bit, then nodded her head. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“No need at all to apologize. Let’s get back to the game as soon as I respond to Coach. I think that we should go back a couple rooms and try that door we didn’t open.”
We kept at the game, though a piece of my brain kept working at what Coach’s plan was. We played for another half-hour, then quit as Civia’s parents, and Coach, were due in about ten minutes. Civia ran upstairs and grabbed her bag and met us back in the kitchen.
“Everyone, thanks for today. I’ve never had so much fun with other girls ... with ... friends. Thanks for being so nice to a young girl.”
“You’re not a young girl, you’re our friend. Age doesn’t matter with friends.”
“Th-thanks, Liya. I particularly value that coming from you, because you’re not just putting up with me because I’m your teammate. Just ... thanks.”
The doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it, Beth,” said Dad as he walked by us. Obviously, Dad was in the know.
Civia’s parents and Coach were walking in the door as we girls entered the living room.
“It’s good to see you, again, Kalina, Jeff.”
“Thank you for hosting this impromptu meeting.”
“Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom. Hi, Coach. Today was great! Practice was so fun, and I had a great time here with ... with my friends.”
That last bit was said with quite a bit more solemnity than the first part. Civia is a lot like Heather. The Gang was her first set of real friends, too.
“Please, all, come sit. I’m afraid that we’ve just had a couple pieces of furniture delivered today and we’ve not had a chance to get things organized in here, but the seating should be comfortable enough.”
Rhee and Gracey turned toward the kitchen, with Liya and Heather catching on and following them.
I said, “I assume, Coach, that your presence means that we’ll be discussing soccer and Civia’s future. Yes?”
“Indeed.” As she sat in the love seat and the Paleceks sat on the new couch, she continued, speaking to Civia. “I appreciate all the help you’ve been to the team during games and practices. I’ve been working on something that involves you and that process has finally completed. I wanted to talk to both you and your parents about it, hence this surprise meeting.” To her parents, she said, “I thank you for this opportunity to meet you and discuss your incredible daughter.”
The Gang came in with kitchen chairs enough to seat them. I sat with Dad on the old couch.
Coach retained the floor. “First off, I want to ask you, Civia, and you, Mr. and Mrs. Palecek...”
“Please,” said Mr. Palecek, “We’re Kalina and Jeff.”
“Thank you. I wish to ask you three if you are okay with discussing Civia’s soccer future with, essentially, strangers.”
Mr. Palecek looked down at Civia, who nodded, then over at his wife, who also nodded.
“Since these people are not strangers to Civia and since she and her mother are willing, please continue.
“The next task is to be sure that you, Kalina and Jeff, know who these young women are. I know that you two know Beth and her father and Gracey, at least, but I’d like to go a little formal and introduce everyone. Actually, why don’t we have Civia introduce them? Would that be okay, Civia?”
She stood immediately, saying, “Yes. Mom, Dad, you recall Beth Williams and her father, Mr. Williams...”
“Please,” Dad interrupted, “Everyone else here knows me as ‘Charlie’ or ‘Dad,’ and I’m not very formal. I understand that Civia was hesitant to use either term to address me, but I assure you, that I am more than comfortable with such informality from both very bright girls and soccer stars. Since Civia is both...”
“We are both from the Old World, though Jeff’s family has been here a generation longer than mine. My parents are the emigres and they are quite formal outside the family and that is what I have learned. Jeff has said that most Americans are much less formal, and I am slowly becoming accustomed to that. While Civia’s grandmother would be displeased with such informality for people she’s known for such a short time, I am very aware that this family and ... the team has been very good to and for our Civia. If you are comfortable with informal address from her in private situations like this, I will not object ... nor tell her grandmother.” Mrs. Palecek then smiled brightly. “Thank you for being so nice to our girl. All of you. Civia, please continue.”
“You recall Beth Williams and her father Charlie Williams. Beth’s mom, Sandy Williams, is running errands. Charlie is a Mathematics professor at the university, Sandy is a manager of a bank branch. Beth is the captain of the team and the starting offensive sweeper, the quarterback of the offense. At the left end of the chairs, Heather Wilkerson is the starting right wing. Heather just finished taking the summer-session Introduction to Calculus class at the university.”
With that, I quickly looked up from Civia to her parents, seeing raised eyebrows on both.
“To Heather’s left is Rhee Devlin, the starting center forward. At the right end, you may recall Gracey García. She is the starting right fullback. On Gracey’s right is everyone’s friend, Liya Nadhi, who does not play soccer, but who occasionally helps out at practice and is something of a software expert.”
Liya blushed at that one. Dad backed her up.
“She is. She and Gracey, who is more of a hardware expert, set up our home’s wireless and security systems. I’m working with both of them to install some new hardware and to upgrade our security system. They’re both quite talented. In fact, the whole lot of them, even Rhee, who doesn’t have a ... specialization, are quite bright and all have multiple talents. I consider all five as daughters, natural or otherwise, and am very proud of all of them.
“Civia seems to fit well with this Gang of Five, as we call them. Certainly, her love of soccer doesn’t hurt with most of the gang, but the main connector, I think, is that Civia seems incredibly bright, herself. I know that that level of intelligence can be off putting for other children. She seems happy and ... relieved to be in a situation in which she can be intelligent with like-minded girls.
“I’m sorry, Pam. I’ve just highjacked your meeting. I’ll shut up, now.”
Coach chuckled and said, “That’s not a problem. In fact, I’m glad that you elaborated on that subject, as it is a minor point in my explanation of what I am bringing to the table.”
Coach turned back to the Paleceks.
“Thank you, Civia, for providing the introductions, and for doing a good job of it.”
Civia returned to her seat between her parents.
“Kalina and Jeff, I and the whole team have been very impressed with Civia, both with her skill set and, particularly, her work ethic. I’ve never seen a girl of her age this far along in both understanding of the game and technical ability on the field. I would really have liked to have had her on the team all season.”
Mr. Palecek looked down at Civia, then back at Coach.
“You sound like you mean that, that you’d have liked for her to be on your team this season.”
“Absolutely. She would have been good for the team and the team would have been good for her. I don’t know if she’s told you, but Civia has been teaching a number of our players a particular dribbling move. In fact, three of her students are in this room.”
Mr. Palecek looked back down at Civia in amazement.
“You didn’t say anything, Civia.”
“Dad ... I didn’t want to be seen as bragging. Besides, unlike all the other teams I’ve been on, this team often has players teaching other players various skills. Heather has been teaching the whole team how to shoot and pass with the outside of the foot, both left and right. I’ve learned a lot from her. Rhee has taught a couple of moves to many of us, and Gracey showed some of us younger offense players some basics about defense. My teaching a skill to others just seemed ... for this team ... normal, not exceptional, certainly nothing about which to brag.”
“But you weren’t actually on the team.”
“But, Dad, don’t you see? I am on the team. I just don’t get to play in the games. This team...”
Civia started to lose it but inhaled and bucked up.
“This team likes me. They all help me. They’ve been so nice to me. I had to help them.”
She then hid her face on her dad’s chest, his arms immediately wrapping around her, while she quietly sobbed.
“I’m sorry for this,” Mrs. Palecek said.
“No, Mrs. Palecek. There’s no reason to apologize. Civia is like I was the first few times I was in this house, and that was only a couple months ago. I, too, had had little experience with friends or friendship. This team, particularly this gang of girls here, a gang that I am incredibly proud to be a part, were the first real friends that I’d ever had. The first girls with whom I could exercise my intelligence and knowledge without fear of ridicule. Over the many, many wonderful days that I’ve spent in this house, the happiness, the ... elation that I’ve felt because I was accepted, accepted for who I am, caused me to cry on Beth’s or Rhee’s or the others’ shoulders a dozen times or more. Like me, Civia is happy to have peers, both in soccer skills and intelligence, peers that like her, that appreciate her, that treat her as the friend that she is. Unless she were a lot more stoic than I am, she cannot help but cry. The relief at finally having friends is too much to hold in.”
No one said anything for quite a while, some of us waiting for Civia to attain control, some not really knowing what to say. Mrs. Palecek simply stared at Heather, until she turned and looked down at Civia.
“Oh, Civia,” she said, then rubbed her daughter’s back around her husband’s arms.
Liya stood, went to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth, presumably wet with cold water. She carried it to the new couch, squatted, and got Civia to sit up and take the washcloth from her. Civia, no longer crying, wiped her face, particularly her eyes. Liya said something to her that I couldn’t quite make out, but they both stood, Civia following her to the bathroom.
“Okay, I’m about to cry, now,” Mrs. Palecek said.
“Kalina, Jeff,” Coach said. “The team members in this house are most of the heart and soul of the team. As soon as Civia began spending time with the team, this group of girls took it upon themselves to take her under their wings, figuring correctly that such a young girl with exceptional field skills might well have little experience with friendship unless there was at least one other girl that had learned those skills along with Civia. As we got to know her, it became apparent that she had learned most of what she knows on her own, and the time required would have virtually negated any chance of serious friendships.
“Civia spoke truthfully. The whole team likes her. Yesterday, she stood in front of the team and thanked them for being so helpful, so friendly to her. She has impressed the team, and this is a team with no real peer in our local league. This team is the cream of this level’s crop in our corner of the state. Civia could have challenged for a starting job this year had she been on the team. As I said, she would have been good for this team, though we wouldn’t really have needed her to win the local tournament. We would, however, have a real use for her in the state tournament, if only she were a playing member. Regardless, it’s obvious that the team has been very good for Civia. She has many friends on the team and those not friends are, at least, friendly acquaintances.”
Civia and Liya returned then. Once Civia was seated with her parents, Coach continued.
“Civia. Kalina. Jeff. I am the new girls’ soccer coach at Central High. All the older girls in this room will be starting there next month. That team’s offense last year was comprised almost entirely of seniors. Beth, Rhee, and Heather will probably make up most of the starting offense this fall on the school team, as there is almost no one else. However, despite their relative youth for a varsity high school team, I still expect the team to be competitive. This is why I have asked to speak to you three today.”
Civia’s eyes went very wide in surprise; her parents’ foreheads both furrowed in concern.
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My weekend passed quickly. Not from a time perspective, but from a feeling that I never was able to give Ashley, Lenore, Angelique, Kelsey and my friends all the attention and time they deserved. A huge part of me was feeling a bit frustrated when we returned to school on Monday for Homecoming week. We had heard that the freshman were going to have a float for the homecoming parade and game on Friday, but Jessica and I had been unable to find out who was organizing the efforts. Jason...
Mary Part Five, Spanked at Mary's Apartment (FF/M) By [email protected] (OTK-F/M-E) My wife went out of town on a business trip for a week. I thought since she was gone, that I wouldn't be spanked and that I would be free to do whatever I wanted to. But I was wrong. On Saturday, about ten o'clock, she called me and said, “I have been talking to Mary about me being gone. I told her that you would be at her apartment at one-thirty today. Be sure to bring the spanking Implements with...
SpankingWhitaker looked at the file Taylor handed back, and waited. “And?” she said, when he didn’t say anything else. “And, ‘yes, ‘ you guys made a mistake.” “What exactly did we make a mistake on?” “When you jumped to the conclusion that this was terrorism related.” “Ohh, and you think someone blowing up a government building was, what, an accident?” “I don’t know why the building blew up, yet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t of a terrorist origination.” “Let me guess, Islam is a religion of...
Jake and Lacy race to be the first one to use their shared shower. She gets through the bathroom door first, but he forces his way inside and refuses to leave. She always takes an hour showering and he doesn’t have time to wait. Lacy gets naked and tells him to leave or she will yell for her dad and tell him Jake is trying to watch her shower. Jake isn’t intimidated. He calls her bluff. He gets naked too and decides to get in the shower with her. Lacy is surprised by how ballsy he...
xmoviesforyouJohn leaned against a boulder watching the evergreens sway in the breeze. Occasionally, handfuls of snow would cascade down from a tree. The snow in the area was over two feet deep and powdery. The footprints that Rover made when he had charged into the woods were visible as dark spots in the snow. He could hear the few birds left in the woods singing. It was peaceful and as quiet as nature allowed. It was never perfectly silent in the woods. Leaves rustled, birds sang, the wind blew, and...
Baltimore, three years ago: It had been a long week, and I was looking forward to having a few drinks after work at the local watering hole, a favorite place for the employees of DynaTech, the company I programmed for. I entered O’Mally’s Pub and took a stool at the bar, Sam the bartender sliding a glass of tap beer in front of me without asking. He didn’t look for money and I didn’t offer. We would settle before I left, and I trusted him to keep an honest count of the beer I...
It was the grandfather of all rugby tackles. I was running like hell, the ball tucked firmly under my arm – I glanced over my shoulder, to see a pursuer dangerously close, and then it happened. It was like the business about an irresistible force meeting an immovable object, except that it was more like one irresistible force meeting another.He appeared from nowhere, head down, arms widespread, and we must have collided at a combined speed of about forty miles an hour. He bounced me into the...
This story will make a little more sense if you read CHARLIE'S PAIN AND HEALING first as this is a continuation of that short story. The wedding went off without a hitch and throughout the reception Charlie and Amanda were constantly together. They were always touching, giving each other gentle kisses and staring soulfully into each other's eyes. Every time he looked at Amanda Charlie felt his heart swell with love. At times he wondered just how he could have been so lucky to win her for his...
“Do you really believe that he wasn’t admiring your ass in that shot? You do have one of the world’s greatest asses you know.” She laughed. “You’re so kind – and so classy, I might add.” “Yeah, well, it just bugs me to think of him with a big old hardon while he was ogling my wife’s tits and ass.” “Oh David, it wasn’t like that at all! He was too busy to notice! The entire time we were in the studio he was either taking pictures or talking to me, giving me encouragement and saying stuff like...
We were spending some vacation days at a Caribbean beach.The previous afternoon Ana and I had arrived to the resort and had spent the rest of the day there; since it was a bit cloudy.We had enjoyed a nice meal for dinner and had fucked like wild rabbits until late night in our room.But now a new morning had come and we set off for the beach. We went by walking, until we arrived a nice secluded spot among some sandy dunes. Anita soon was lying on her stomach over a big towel, reading a book.I...
Hi guys I am Rishi this is my first Indian sex story so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.This happened to me when I was in tenth std. Mai us time par bhi football team me tha to meri body shape me hi rehti thi aur mera lollipop us time par bhi 6 inches ka ho jata tha.Now starting with the story.,.. Baat nov- dec ke time ki thi. Mujhe niharika( name changed) par 2 years se crush tha par gaand me itni dum nhi thi ki jaa ke use propose kar pata…..Bilkul sex goddess jaisi...
I walked up to her and angrily said, “What the fuck are you doing here?”She pouted, a little surprised at my hostile reaction.She explained, “After I left you, I quickly made up my mind and followed you. I had such a great time in the motel and I was looking for some more of the same. You seem pissed off to see me, though.”“I should have told you I was married. Night before last was just a fling. I was too horny to think straight.”“I see.”“What about your job?”“I phoned in and said I had an...
Oral SexI woke up to the sound of Bud's laughter in my ears. His laugh sounded as giddy as I had been feeling just before Harley pulled me back from the rush I'd lost myself in. "Uhh," I groaned. "Ahh, Cooper, you're awake?" Bud asked. "I think so," I groaned. "What happened?" "You figured out how to power the suit," Bud said. "And more importantly, you survived the experience." "Thanks to Harley." "So he has been telling me," Bud laughed again, a little less giddily this...
We begin with Lyra stripping away her clothes and showing us her magnificent body. It’s flawless, so we sit back and take it all in as she exposes her flesh to us. She leaves the socks and boots on, as too not give us everything at once. Now that her pussy is exposed she can’t help but touch it. Then Lyra picks up the magic wand and starts to masturbate and give us multiple orgasms. Once her pussy is primed and ready to fuck we set up the first machine. She is in a missionary...
xmoviesforyouAll the porn stars listed below are REAL porn stars EXCEPT for the main character, Kianii. I encourage you to look them up if you don’t know of them already. Doing this is not essential to enjoy the story, but I figured it would help a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please leave PLENTY of honest feedback and ratings. I love to see what you have to say. Thanks again... -Kitty_Labella Yes, I know – I’m not the next Jenna Jameson, nor do I aspire to be. My...
We get back from the restaurant to your home in the mountains. I don't bother to get dressed again & walk in wearing just my thigh highs & heels. You grab my ass & then come up behind me & grab my tits. I can feel your now hard cock against my ass. We walk to the door & I hear you unzip your pants. The sound makes my pussy instantly wet again. You push me against the wall & shove your cock forcefully inside me from behind. I bend forward a little as you grab my hair...
Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Five: Good Vibes, Big Apple After two nights without sleep, Sandy was having trouble keeping his eyes open as he drove down Santa Monica Boulevard towards the Hollywood Hills. The evening rush was thinning out, but the surface streets were still a better bet than the freeways, and he tried to unwind with his favorite shock jock as he coped with the stop-and-go traffic. His cell phone rang. It was Ashley, asking him what time she...
There are many wrong ideas about squirting. For example, some people think that it involves urine, but the truth is it has nothing to do with urine. Female ejaculation, also called squirting or gushing, is an expulsion of fluid through the female urethra, but also around the urethra. The source of the fluid is not yet exactly known, but scientists think it comes from the G-spot, which is for women similar to prostate for men. During the ejaculation, the female fluid is similar to the one of...
Sitting in the kitchen while playing on her phone, Jill Kassidy gets questioned by her step-father about why she didn’t go to school today. When there’s someone at the door, Jill’s surprised to see that her principal and one of her teachers have come to check to see if she has an excuse for her absence. Without a good reason for skipping school, her principal, Steve, recommends that Jill gets a spanking as her punishment. They make Jill stick her ass out as she grabs onto the table and when she...
xmoviesforyouThe first time I saw Lynne, was at a bar a group of friends and I started to frequent after our weekly workout. Yeah, nothing like losing all those pounds and get it all back in beer and chicken wings. Anyway, I first saw Lynne, she stood about 5′ 2′, shoulder length, silken, honey blond hair, dark green eyes, full lips and huge breasts. They must have been at least D-cups (I’m terrible estimating size). Lynne was also about 175 pounds. But there was something that immediately attracted me to...
Hi!! Everything in life goes as surprise as we bond with it many changes. This is what happened in my life as all it started in months… I won’t say this is a sex story, this is what happened and still happening with us within the society. So let me start by my introduction myself dinesh from a small village near to gulbarga, my age is 24 years 5.10″ height normal gym body and I’m done with my degree. Then all turn in my life started when I started to hunt the job, many times I given interview...
IncestIt is suggested to the readers to read my experiences in Part 22A before you read this. In the closing notes of 22A, I had written that Vani was excited to read that I was trying to post my experiences with her. She wanted to contribute too and I invited her to put in her perspective of our time and life together. What follows is what she felt about the whole experiences. Also it appears that I may have missed some events; she has chosen to include it. Vani’s perspective: I first saw my...
When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...
Mature**Just to let you people know! All my stories are 100% real except the names! (but scarlet’s (star’s) name is actually her name! and this was before I met Star! Stories about her and I will be up soon! Not my best story it’s a different layout than I did the last one in. so email me at [email protected] and tell me if you liked it!** ****There is like 3 parts to this! And I PROMISE! That I will post the rest this time!!**** *** PART 1 “Let’s get out of here” I said with a wink to my boyfriend...
BisexualNote: This is a three part story if you want me to continue please let me know with your comments. This is a story about a mom who wanted to spice up her sex life but got in way over her head. Rita and Josh were you average couple she was 32 he was 39, he was a salesman for a large chemical company which took him out of town at least two weeks a month. Rita worked part time in the school cafeteria. They had two sons both in middle school. Rita was a small woman just 5’, she had a great set...
“So you like the benefits package available to you here Christie?” “Honestly, most are what I have come to expect from any employer Edward, but I must admit that I am particularly impressed by the benefits that you deliver in an, oh, so personal way! In actuality, benefit packages have never really excited me before. However, because my boss delivers the most exciting benefits in such a personal manner, I have to say your package is substantially more enticing than any I've ever run across. But...
Office SexWelcome to the Centre Bell arena in Montreal, Canada. Where we have the oil wrestling league.The BWL wil have their 2008 wrestling tournament. To see who is the best sexfighter, male or female (and which gender is the better sexfighter), we'll host the BWL sex fight tournament 2008. It is a local tradition that the girls will enter, piggyback riding on her boyfriend’s shoulders. And if a girl wins, she’ll be carried outside the ring, sitting on her boyfriend’s shoulders. A man will enter the...
This is sex story about the sex with my co-worker in Delhi; the name has been changed to protect the identity. It was when I started working with a multinational company, I met Riya, from the very first meeting, I found her to be an open minded hot girl who liked to joke and flirt. In some time our flirting reached the next level and we were talking about sex and other things and one day she surprised me by asking me if I would watch an erotic movie with her, I happily agreed and we ended up...
I suppose I've been fascinated by voyeurism since my late teens.We lived in a house which backed onto woods. At evening times in spring and summer I would walk our dog there - though the real reason was to spy on the lovers who went there for sex. Whether they were stretched out naked, fucking in the grass, or fondling each other up against a tree, it never failed to get me hard. Once back home in bed, I would masturbate over the sights I'd witnessed. On one memorable occasion I spied a young...
VoyeurLasco woke as the sun streamed through the window. Woke to the sound of the birds chirping. Woke entangled in the sheets. Woke alone. He lay there for a moment, trying to work out how surprised he was. Before he was able to figure out an acceptable answer, his thoughts were interrupted by her entrance. "Oh good, you're awake." She grinned her nicest smile as she strolled over to the bed, carrying a breakfast tray, stark naked. Her dark body looked gorgeous in the daylight, and he...
Chapter 1-Bill comes over to watch . Eat my cunt slut Cindy was now Denise 's mistress, the 56 year old fuckpig was on all fours with a bitch stamp that read "OWNED BY ROCKY" on her backside. Denise also wore a halter top that Rocky had Bill order specially made that said "Rockys Cumpig " Denise wore the pink halter top & her 7 inch spiked heels and nothing else as she continued munching away on her mistress pussy. Bill was invited to only watch today he hadnt seen Denise for four...
Wieder einmal muss ich meiner unbeliebtesten Arbeit dem Einkaufen nachgehen. Und dass erst noch an einem Samstag. Ohne recht zu wissen, gehe ich missmutig durch die Regale. In Gedanken versunken stehe ich plötzlich vor einer süssen kleine Thai Frau. Mit einem zusammengewürfeltem Satz aus Englisch und Deutsch, fragt sie mich ob ich Ihr den Reis aus dem Obersten Regal geben könnte. Mit Ihren 140 cm kam sie nicht bis zum Regal hoch. Sie sagte mir, das Sie neu in der Stadt ist und sich hier im...
Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....
Non-consensual Sex, Future = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [i]WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference...
I love having my tits sucked. Some one that would suck my thick nipples for hours. I want to hold the naked man in my arms like a baby and let him suck and expand the nipples, stretching them. I would always be without a shirt at home so he can attach to me and suck.The perfect fantasy is to have a female with nice full tits join us and I would suck her nipples as he sucks mine. Then I would fondle her tits and we both are topless to suck nipples any time we like. Maybe they would both suck me,...
Tuesday came round, and I collected Sian for our trip to the cinema. It was still raining. She kissed me on the lips as she let me in. "Jon, would you mind very much if Vee came with us - she'd like to see 'Cabaret' too?" "Of course not! I've heard that it's an amazing film." Sian nipped back upstairs to fetch Vee. I realised that my hand-holding activities would be curtailed, and sure enough, we walked down to the cinema as three friends would. But Sian did hold my hand...
Copyright 2004 Rachael Ross all right reserved. Intended for adults only. This text may be archived/reposted to free public access provided the author's name, email [email protected] and this notice appear in the message body. This story may or may not be fictional in portion or entirety; any resemblance to persons and events are subject to discretionary interpretation by the reader. No fee or service has ever been provided to the author for this document, or for product placement. No...
"When will I see you again?" she murmurs, as he holds her face close to hers. "I have some notes to catch up on so I'll have to let you know. It won't be too long though - I promise," he says, brushing his lips against hers. He is rewarded with a soft smile from Susie. Matthew is fully dressed and she is only in an oversized shirt with panties. Her lips swollen, her hair slightly dishevelled and wild. The two hold each other for several long moments by the doorway of Susie's dorm, sweetly...
Love StoriesSally and I sat at the kitchen table, and I excitedly told her about the way I had presented her nude pictures in an album."It's ever so sexy, you look great," I enthused, causing Sally to smile in anticipation."I can't wait to see it, make sure you don't spill any of your seed on it before I get a look at it," she joked. She was referencing my pornographic magazines she had seen where excitement affected my timing and aim and soiled the pictures of many a sultry model."Sally!""Don't tell me...
Incest(Please iss story ko padne s pehle iske previous 3 parts bhi pad len. thanks! )( ye story mainly meri real life p based hai jisme 30% mera imagination bhi shamil hai. since , meri English weak hai, so me stories hindi me likha karti hu jisme thora sa english bhi hota h. hope you will enjoy it like its previous parts. ) Now The story: Mom k village s aa jane k bad didi ekdum shant rahti thi. Bas hamesha books khol k padne ka dikhawa karti thi ya shayad padti bhi thi kyunki use padna bahut pasand...
My sister (Bel) and I are twins. Sort of. I’m Alan. We celebrate the same birthday. We are in the same grade in school – right now, that’s Junior Year of Waltrup High. Our Moms insist we were born at the same moment. Right. We don’t really look alike; of course – she’s a woman. She has rich, chestnut brown hair, a turned-up nose. She stands 5 feet 11 inches tall, as opposed to my 6 feet zero. My hair is lighter than hers. We keep our hair short because we swim 50 laps every morning and long...
Cindy Shine is in the shower while her girlfriend Leanne Lace waits on the couch. Cindy takes her time, rinsing off her firm tanned ass and her flat belly with great care. Eventually Leanne begins to wonder what’s taking Cindy so long, so she makes her way upstairs to join Cindy in the bathroom. Grabbing a towel, Leanne entices her girlfriend out of the tub with a kiss. The girls take each other’s hands and relocate to the bedroom. Since Cindy is already nude she takes her time...
xmoviesforyou8:30 PM, you have been at the airport for over three hours waiting for your girlfriend. Her flight from the United States has been delayed four times already. Every time you look at the arrival board, they post another delay. She has been traveling in the U.S. for a month, visiting all the major cities Los Angles, Chicago , New York , Philadelphia , and finally Washington DC . She sent you pictures from her camera phone everywhere she went and they all were nice, but you were getting tired of...
After waiting for 20 minutes the receptionist finally gives me permission to go in to see Oliver Belmont. After I got the call this morning to come and see him I had been worried sick as to what it was about. I push down on the heavy door handle and enter his office. It is big and modern with windows stretching from the floor to the ceiling. In the far corner to the door is a large dark wooden desk, behind the desk is a swivel chair. In the chair sits He. Oliver Belmont, handsome in his dark...
‘Max, I’m going for a coffee want me to bring you one?’ Ed Martin, aka the bondsman, asked as he walked toward the door of our small office. ‘No thanks Ed,’ I replied. ‘The coffee from my Mr. Coffee is fine with me. I’m not really a big fan of designer coffee. Too many years of bad coffee.’ I replied. ‘Yeah, you haven’t been out long enough to develop a taste for the finer things in life.’ Finer things in life I wasn’t sure about, but I hadn’t been out of the Air Force very long, that was...
Last summer my girlfriend Sarah and I were driving home from the lake, we had both had a little bit to drink, but I felt good enough to drive. It was a warm summer evening and we were excited to get home, her parents were gone so I was going to spend the night at her house. Seeing her in a bikini all day had gotten me really horny, I would’ve fucked her at the lake if my friends weren’t there. We were flying down the highway her hand rubbing my bulge, my 5” cock was rock hard in my swim shorts....
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 The trip to Seattle was fun and exciting. It’s not that I wanted to get the three district managers to quit, but I was very glad to have plan B ready to go at a moment’s notice. Now, I’m going to head to Dallas once again. Plan B needs to be ready as their numbers have not improved since Jill and I were there before. I also checked the Pinetree that we stayed in, the one that I had met the President of that division. I don’t see very many district...
“Then I remembered I’d been here in other dreams. But usually, there was a water polo game. And a girl who could talk with her eyes. And she’d say ‘Can you see what I’m saying?’ Then the horns kicked in. And my shoes began to squeak.” -2NU, “Ponderous“ Lady Maria Louisa Francesca de San Finzione paced around her Great-Grandmama’s study. Once Capitan Ortega had brought her and Stavro back to the castle, it was decided that it was the most secure room in the castle since the dungeons...
Julien sighed as he stepped out of the shower. He always found it difficultjerking off in the shower, he didn't know why. Guys always seemed to bedoing it on TV but he never managed to get to climax aside from twice whenhe had spent about twenty minutes at it both times and had sat down on thefloor of the shower wanking madly. His dick was still hard now however and he hadn't managed to getoff. Towelling his shaggy black hair furiously he made his way into hisbedroom. His parents were out for...
Qex'Ull's unused limbs coiled with anticipation in its home dimension. It could feel the crack closing slowly, but was completely unconcerned. There was plenty of time for it to complete its work and enjoy the immediate results. Still, it didn't hurt to hurry things along a little bit. Never could be too careful when it came to great art. Tracy's clothing again underwent a big shift that left an increasing amount of skin showing. Tracy was suddenly sporting a low-cut midriff length belly...
"I want you to write that letter," Margret said confronting Marlin as he finished a repair on the old militia tent he used for his trips. What with him now having company for all of them there was a lot less staying on the spare cot in some farmer's house although haylofts were always welcome. "I want to do the interview," she finished taking a deep breath. "I thought you might," he replied calmly packing the tent away. "Mandy's right. You are one tricky son-of-a-bitch," she...
Introduction: Belles new Master works out a deal with her husband Belle – or it as John called her now – squirmed uncomfortably in her seat and slid herself closer to the car door. Even that slight movement sent a rush of desire through her belly. She closed her eyes and slid her hand up the inside of her right thigh. John turned his head and watched. A smile broke slowly across his face. The skirt – short and diaphanous – slid upward and he saw the naked skin between the top of her stocking...