BethChapter 41.1 free porn video

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August 10, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 13]

Practice today was mostly nominal, except for two items of interest, plus Heather missing practice because of her meeting at the school with Dad. At the initial gather, during stretching, Coach announced that Alex, our backup left wing, had had her appendix removed yesterday evening (she had missed practice yesterday morning due to a “stomachache.”)

“Padme,” Coach said, “what does that mean for you?”

“Umm, I get to play both right and left wings at the same time?”

There was much chuckling.

Coach smiled, then said, “Maybe not. Care to try again?”

Padme smiled, then answered, “I’m guessing, but on Saturday, I might get to play most of the game at left wing, unless Perrytown is better than expected. I will give one or both starting wings breathers in the second game.”

“Got it in one. Today, you’ll practice at left wing most of the time. Since we won’t have Alex for the tournament,” continued Coach, “we’ll be a little short-handed. Lissa, that could mean that, in our second game, should we reach it, you could see some time spelling Heather. I know that you’ll probably have played most of the first game, but you’ll get a lengthy breather after that game.”

“Okay, Coach.”

“The other item I have is a reminder about Saturday night. We will be going to dinner regardless of success or failure in our games. The restaurant to which we’ll be going is very nice, so bring a very nice outfit to wear. It does not need to be a dress, but dresses, particularly somewhat elegant dresses, would be appropriate. Civia, that invitation extends to you and your parents.”

Coach seemed to look for someone, then found her. “Liya.”

Though obviously surprised by the call, Liya said, “Yes, Coach?”

“Because you have been helpful to the team on quite a few occasions, you and your mother are also invited.

“I am? We are?”

“Yes, you are. Please pass on to your mother the importance of dress for the occasion.”

I cut out of the initial calisthenics to intercept Liya. As I expected, she had pulled her phone out.

“Liya, stop.”

She looked up at me with a questioning look.

“While I doubt that your mother is unaware of the invitation, she may not be aware that you do not need a dress.”

“But Coach just said...”

“Yes, I know. But there is a dress waiting for you, and one for Gracey, at the house.”


“My Mom, of course. I suspect the parents of underwriting the dinner. Even if they’re not paying for or contributing to the cost of dinner, they obviously knew about it. We went shopping for clothes for Heather last night, because she wasn’t expecting a 10-day stay. While we were there, Mom picked out dresses for each of us.”

Liya, at first, looked somewhat aghast, but then obviously remembered who we were discussing. “Oh. If it was Sandy, then they’ll be fine. Actually, they’ll probably be really nice.”

I nodded emphatically and said, “I think that Gracey and Heather got the two nicest ones, but all the others are lovely. Well, except for Rhee’s. Rhee’s is ... Rhee will look ... incredibly fucking sexy. I wouldn’t be surprised if she turns all the mens heads in that restaurant. I’m pretty sure you’ll like yours. It’s very nice. You could call your mom just to make sure that she’s aware of the dress ... code and that you’ve got a dress waiting.”

When she nodded, I returned to calisthenics, sidling over to Gracey’s vicinity to make sure that she was not panicking. Practice ran long, so the five of us didn’t arrive at the back door until shortly after noon. We went through the mud room, divesting ourselves of footwear. In the enclosed space, I could smell that four of us were in dire need of showers. We then walked into a living room that I did not recognize.

Firstly, that living room held Dad and Heather, which was not a surprise. It also held my mom who, I thought, was supposed to be at work today. Secondly, there was old and new furniture placed willy-nilly; obviously, my parents were not done with their apparent re-arranging task.

“Hi girls, welcome home,” exclaimed Mom. “Civia, it’s nice to have you visit, again.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Williams.”

“Civia, this may seem forward of me, but all the other girls call me ‘Mom’ or call me by my first name. It seems silly to have six girls here, but only one being so formal. My name is Sandy. Do you think that you could use that rather than ‘Mrs. Williams?’”

Civia’s chin had dropped at the beginning, but she pulled herself together by the end. “My parents would object, but I see your point. For today, I will try to honor your request, but I’ve been taught very differently; I will probably forget at times. I will have to talk with my parents about this, and they may wish me not to be so ... familiar.”

“Thank you, Civia; I understand. My husband’s name is ‘Charlie,’ but you will probably hear the other girls calling him, ‘Dad.’”

I said, “Hi, Mom, Dad. It’s hot and practice was grueling; we’re heading for the shower.”

“Okay. We will probably need a few of your backs to help us deal with one of the new pieces, but not until this evening.”

“Dad, Mom,” Liya said, “After I put my bag upstairs, I can start working on lunch. Did you have any particular plan, or will sandwiches do?”

“We’d appreciate that, Liya,” responded Dad, “and sandwiches are fine. There is quite a variety of sandwich fixings. Feel free to pull them all out.”

Once we’d all taken our respective bags upstairs, Liya had headed to the kitchen.

“I’m hungry,” I said, “and I imagine that all of you are, too. How are we going to expedite showers?”

“I could use the ... master shower.”

I held up the “wait” sign to Gracey and turned to Civia.

“What do you want to do? We can all fit in the upstairs shower. It would be a little snug, but not bad. Or two of us could use my parents’ shower.”

“You would all shower together if I weren’t here, right?” When I nodded, she said, “I would still feel uncomfortable using your parents’ shower, particularly by myself.”

“I fully understand.”

Civia obviously was heading somewhere, but I wasn’t quite sure where. She clenched her jaw, then relaxed it.

“Would you consider me to be not a friend, not a good friend, if I showered by myself?”

“Oh, not at all, Civia,” Rhee answered. “You’re our friend. Period. If you’re uncomfortable showering with any of us here at the house, that’s fine, as long as you don’t mind us showering together.”

“No, it’s not that. It’s ... I just ... I really appreciate all of you willing to spend time with a girl who’s so much younger than you. I really appreciate you five being my friends. Since the last time I was here, I’ve thought a bit about you girls showering together here. It’s ... it’s a ... something of a bonding thing, isn’t it?”

“I hadn’t thought about it in just that way,” I said, “but it is one way, one of many ways, that we express our friendship with each other. You don’t need to shower with us. We can express our friendship with you in other ways, like inviting you to spend the day with us.”

“No. No. I really want to be part of this group. I want to do what you girls do. I ... I want to be comfortable with you; all of you.”

Civia was sniffling by the end of that.

“We want you to be comfortable with us, too, but you’re obviously not comfortable, and we don’t want you to feel pressure to do anything about which you’re uncomfortable,” Rhee said.

“No ... I’m sorry, Rhee.” She inhaled deeply, exhaled, and continued. “Thank you, Rhee, Beth, Gracey, but comfort starts with acceptance and becomes possible with experience. May I shower with you three?”

Her request surprised me, but I recovered and said, “Sure. You should know that we usually wash each other’s backs.”

Civia looked wide-eyed at me, collected herself, then said, “That’s fine. I ... I ... That’s fine. I will be fine.”

“Okay,” I said as I began divesting myself of clothing.

Rhee and Gracey quickly followed suit. We studiously kept our eyes from Civia so that she might feel less self-conscious as she started disrobing.

“Oh,” she suddenly said in a surprised manner. Before I could ask her about that, she said, “Oh. There’s no one else on this floor, so you’re fine with walking across the hall naked. But, what about the return? We won’t be able to know that no one else is up here, then.”

“Dad and Mom treat this floor as mine ... actually, as ours. We jokingly refer to it as our gang headquarters. They don’t come up here very often and they certainly won’t do so when there are guests and showers are being taken.”

“Oh. Okay. Thanks, Beth. I’m a bit nervous, but I’ll get over it.”

“I’m glad, Civia. We really like you and we’d like you to be comfortable here.”

“Thanks, all of you. I will get there.”

I slid my panty down my legs, then busied myself with setting out clothing to climb into when we got out of the shower, so that I wouldn’t make Civia nervous ... more nervous by watching her disrobe. When we were all naked, I led us to the shower, opening the door, and turning on both shower heads, letting the water get up to temp.

Gracey said, “You’re doing fine, Civia. I note that you didn’t bring the clothes that you’re going to wear with you.”

“Yes. I’m doing ... going to do exactly what you girls do. I want to have your comfort level with ... all this. While I’m nervous, I also find it amazing that you five are so comfortable being ... uh ... naked with each other. I will get there.”

That made me think of loofahs, of which there were only two in the shower. I grabbed two from the closet. Rhee led us into the shower. Civia watched as Rhee and Gracey began wetting their hair preparatory to washing it. I put a bunch of shampoo in my hand and when Rhee’s hair was all wet, I began washing it.

“Oh,” Civia said loudly to be heard over the two shower heads, “I ... I can do that for you, Gracey, if that would be okay.”

“I’d like that, Civia. It feels wonderful when someone else, someone I care about, washes my hair.”

“Y ... you care ... No, I know you care about me. I appreciate that. I’m sorry, Gracey, I’m not used to having real friends. I’ll wash your hair.”

While Civia was putting shampoo in her hand, Gracey said, “We can trade once mine is washed and rinsed.”

Though I was washing Rhee’s hair, I was paying attention to that conversation. Civia looked at the back of Gracey’s head for a while, then a smile crept across her face.

“I think I’d like that. Thanks, Gracey.”

“No prob. No problem at all.”

After finishing the lathering process, I pulled Rhee backward and into the water stream in which I’d been standing. When my back smacked softly into the wall, I began the long, thorough rinsing process. When completed, Rhee and I switched places and she washed my hair.

When Civia got to the mirror-image of my position, I asked her, “What do you think about someone else washing your hair?”

With Gracey’s hands scratching in her hair and with her eyes closed, Civia responded, “It feels really nice. I understand, now. This really helps in ... my comfort level with all this. You all ... you are really good friends, aren’t you? I’ve never heard of friends doing this for each other. But I wonder why. Now that it’s happening with me, it seems like something really good friends would share.”

“That’s exactly right,” Gracey answered. “However, the five of us didn’t get to this stage of friendship until this spring. Beth and Rhee shared this before then, as did Liya and I. Heather joining our gang provided much of the impetus to share ... all around, so to speak. I really like having friendships this ... strong, this deep.”

“I think I understand that. I hope that I can be considered part of your ‘gang’ someday. I like the idea of friendships like that.”

“We’ll keep inviting you, Civia. In fact, Liya and I need to invite you to join us when it’s just the two of us, since you live so close.”

“I’d really like that, Gracey, particularly with even my extended soccer season nearly over. I’m going to miss hanging with the team. This team is so much more ... dedicated. I guess that’s what you get with select or premier teams. It’s been so much more fulfilling, so much fun!”

Rhee finished rinsing my hair and handed me a loofah, already lathered. She and I began our usual body-washing method. I saw Gracey finish with Civia’s hair and she copied Rhee’s actions, handing a soaped-up loofah to Civia.

“Civia, if you’re okay with it, I can wash your back while you wash your front. If you’re not, we can wash ourselves,” Gracey said.

Civia looked at Rhee and me, then turned to look at Gracey.

“I will do whatever you girls do. I don’t want to be a drag and I want to be comfortable like you are.”

“Okay. I’ll do your back. When you’re finished with your front, we’ll both turn around so I can do my front and you can do my back.”

Civia looked at me and had to see that Rhee was also washing the backs of my legs. I bent over, avoiding Civia, who was right in front of me, and washed the fronts of my legs.

Civia spoke over her shoulder at Gracey, “We’ll do it just like Beth and Rhee, right?”

“If you’re okay with that,” came back over her shoulder.

“Yes. Yes, Gracey. We’ll do it right.”

Upon completion of showering, we exited and each of us dried our own bodies and performed a quick-and-dirty towel drying of our hair. After that, Civia volunteered to help me with the long, long process of getting Rhee’s hair dry, with Civia using a second hair dryer and brush. While Civia helped, Gracey dried her own, much-shorter hair and then began drying Civia’s hair. After we got Rhee’s hair to the barely damp stage, I left Civia to finish it up while I dried my hair, which takes much less time because of its thinness.

When all hair was as dry as we were going to get it – and we left Rhee’s hair free, unbraided, we returned to the bedroom. As I was climbing into my panty, I noticed that Civia was just standing there. I pulled my panty on, made adjustments, and was reaching for my shirt when Civia looked at the three of us in turn.

“Thanks, Gracey, Rhee, Beth. I ... I enjoyed that. I haven’t had anyone wash my back in years. It felt good, like it did when Mom washed my back. Thanks, Gracey, for drying my hair. That was also enjoyable, and I really liked doing Rhee’s hair. It’s so beautiful.”

“Thanks, Civia. It’s such a pain to keep clean, but I have to say it’s very pleasurable when two of my friends help me with it. Thanks for helping”

“You’re welcome. I’d be happy to help anytime I’m here after ... Oh. There’s only one more practice day. That’s ... um ... sad. I’ve greatly enjoyed having another few weeks’ practice after my season was over. I always miss soccer so much when the season is over. It’s just me in the back yard after that.”

I glanced at Rhee, who looked at me. Obviously, Coach still had not broached the high-school team with Civia. Also obviously, it wasn’t our task to do that. Coach better hurry.

“There might be other opportunities. We’ll certainly have you over again. Perhaps you can spend the night sometime.”

Civia looked at me, then said, “I’d like that. Oh. Here you three are getting dressed and I’m just standing around in ... in my skin.”

“So, hanging around naked must not be too bad for you,” Gracey commented.

“Yeah, I guess not. At least, when something else takes my attention away from it. Maybe I’ll practice in my room.”

I smiled at her. She proceeded to begin dressing. After we were all dressed, we galumphed downstairs for lunch. The six of us had a good time joking around, Civia getting to know us better, us getting to know her better. Civia seems like Heather might have been had she had two dedicated parents, though a bit more constrained. Of course, Heather was much more ... constrained at the beginning, too, so...

At one point when we were playing a multi-player game on our phones, I got a text from Coach. That caused me to pause, wondering what that might be about.

“If okay, will be at your house when Civia’s parents arrive.”

When I kept staring at my phone, Rhee asked what was going on.

“Coach wants to visit when Civia’s parents are here.”

While Rhee got an understanding look on her face, Civia asked, “Why? What’s up?”

“I’m not ... sure,” I answered. “Although I have a suspicion or two, I’m not sure.”

“What are your suspicions?”

“I don’t think I should say, as I could be very wrong. Either way, it’s obviously Coach’s idea, so we’ll just have to wait for her to say what she’ll say.”

Civia looked at me hard for a bit, then nodded her head. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“No need at all to apologize. Let’s get back to the game as soon as I respond to Coach. I think that we should go back a couple rooms and try that door we didn’t open.”

We kept at the game, though a piece of my brain kept working at what Coach’s plan was. We played for another half-hour, then quit as Civia’s parents, and Coach, were due in about ten minutes. Civia ran upstairs and grabbed her bag and met us back in the kitchen.

“Everyone, thanks for today. I’ve never had so much fun with other girls ... with ... friends. Thanks for being so nice to a young girl.”

“You’re not a young girl, you’re our friend. Age doesn’t matter with friends.”

“Th-thanks, Liya. I particularly value that coming from you, because you’re not just putting up with me because I’m your teammate. Just ... thanks.”

The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it, Beth,” said Dad as he walked by us. Obviously, Dad was in the know.

Civia’s parents and Coach were walking in the door as we girls entered the living room.

“It’s good to see you, again, Kalina, Jeff.”

“Thank you for hosting this impromptu meeting.”

“Hi, Dad. Hi, Mom. Hi, Coach. Today was great! Practice was so fun, and I had a great time here with ... with my friends.”

That last bit was said with quite a bit more solemnity than the first part. Civia is a lot like Heather. The Gang was her first set of real friends, too.

“Please, all, come sit. I’m afraid that we’ve just had a couple pieces of furniture delivered today and we’ve not had a chance to get things organized in here, but the seating should be comfortable enough.”

Rhee and Gracey turned toward the kitchen, with Liya and Heather catching on and following them.

I said, “I assume, Coach, that your presence means that we’ll be discussing soccer and Civia’s future. Yes?”

“Indeed.” As she sat in the love seat and the Paleceks sat on the new couch, she continued, speaking to Civia. “I appreciate all the help you’ve been to the team during games and practices. I’ve been working on something that involves you and that process has finally completed. I wanted to talk to both you and your parents about it, hence this surprise meeting.” To her parents, she said, “I thank you for this opportunity to meet you and discuss your incredible daughter.”

The Gang came in with kitchen chairs enough to seat them. I sat with Dad on the old couch.

Coach retained the floor. “First off, I want to ask you, Civia, and you, Mr. and Mrs. Palecek...”

“Please,” said Mr. Palecek, “We’re Kalina and Jeff.”

“Thank you. I wish to ask you three if you are okay with discussing Civia’s soccer future with, essentially, strangers.”

Mr. Palecek looked down at Civia, who nodded, then over at his wife, who also nodded.

“Since these people are not strangers to Civia and since she and her mother are willing, please continue.

“The next task is to be sure that you, Kalina and Jeff, know who these young women are. I know that you two know Beth and her father and Gracey, at least, but I’d like to go a little formal and introduce everyone. Actually, why don’t we have Civia introduce them? Would that be okay, Civia?”

She stood immediately, saying, “Yes. Mom, Dad, you recall Beth Williams and her father, Mr. Williams...”

“Please,” Dad interrupted, “Everyone else here knows me as ‘Charlie’ or ‘Dad,’ and I’m not very formal. I understand that Civia was hesitant to use either term to address me, but I assure you, that I am more than comfortable with such informality from both very bright girls and soccer stars. Since Civia is both...”

“We are both from the Old World, though Jeff’s family has been here a generation longer than mine. My parents are the emigres and they are quite formal outside the family and that is what I have learned. Jeff has said that most Americans are much less formal, and I am slowly becoming accustomed to that. While Civia’s grandmother would be displeased with such informality for people she’s known for such a short time, I am very aware that this family and ... the team has been very good to and for our Civia. If you are comfortable with informal address from her in private situations like this, I will not object ... nor tell her grandmother.” Mrs. Palecek then smiled brightly. “Thank you for being so nice to our girl. All of you. Civia, please continue.”

“You recall Beth Williams and her father Charlie Williams. Beth’s mom, Sandy Williams, is running errands. Charlie is a Mathematics professor at the university, Sandy is a manager of a bank branch. Beth is the captain of the team and the starting offensive sweeper, the quarterback of the offense. At the left end of the chairs, Heather Wilkerson is the starting right wing. Heather just finished taking the summer-session Introduction to Calculus class at the university.”

With that, I quickly looked up from Civia to her parents, seeing raised eyebrows on both.

“To Heather’s left is Rhee Devlin, the starting center forward. At the right end, you may recall Gracey García. She is the starting right fullback. On Gracey’s right is everyone’s friend, Liya Nadhi, who does not play soccer, but who occasionally helps out at practice and is something of a software expert.”

Liya blushed at that one. Dad backed her up.

“She is. She and Gracey, who is more of a hardware expert, set up our home’s wireless and security systems. I’m working with both of them to install some new hardware and to upgrade our security system. They’re both quite talented. In fact, the whole lot of them, even Rhee, who doesn’t have a ... specialization, are quite bright and all have multiple talents. I consider all five as daughters, natural or otherwise, and am very proud of all of them.

“Civia seems to fit well with this Gang of Five, as we call them. Certainly, her love of soccer doesn’t hurt with most of the gang, but the main connector, I think, is that Civia seems incredibly bright, herself. I know that that level of intelligence can be off putting for other children. She seems happy and ... relieved to be in a situation in which she can be intelligent with like-minded girls.

“I’m sorry, Pam. I’ve just highjacked your meeting. I’ll shut up, now.”

Coach chuckled and said, “That’s not a problem. In fact, I’m glad that you elaborated on that subject, as it is a minor point in my explanation of what I am bringing to the table.”

Coach turned back to the Paleceks.

“Thank you, Civia, for providing the introductions, and for doing a good job of it.”

Civia returned to her seat between her parents.

“Kalina and Jeff, I and the whole team have been very impressed with Civia, both with her skill set and, particularly, her work ethic. I’ve never seen a girl of her age this far along in both understanding of the game and technical ability on the field. I would really have liked to have had her on the team all season.”

Mr. Palecek looked down at Civia, then back at Coach.

“You sound like you mean that, that you’d have liked for her to be on your team this season.”

“Absolutely. She would have been good for the team and the team would have been good for her. I don’t know if she’s told you, but Civia has been teaching a number of our players a particular dribbling move. In fact, three of her students are in this room.”

Mr. Palecek looked back down at Civia in amazement.

“You didn’t say anything, Civia.”

“Dad ... I didn’t want to be seen as bragging. Besides, unlike all the other teams I’ve been on, this team often has players teaching other players various skills. Heather has been teaching the whole team how to shoot and pass with the outside of the foot, both left and right. I’ve learned a lot from her. Rhee has taught a couple of moves to many of us, and Gracey showed some of us younger offense players some basics about defense. My teaching a skill to others just seemed ... for this team ... normal, not exceptional, certainly nothing about which to brag.”

“But you weren’t actually on the team.”

“But, Dad, don’t you see? I am on the team. I just don’t get to play in the games. This team...”

Civia started to lose it but inhaled and bucked up.

“This team likes me. They all help me. They’ve been so nice to me. I had to help them.”

She then hid her face on her dad’s chest, his arms immediately wrapping around her, while she quietly sobbed.

“I’m sorry for this,” Mrs. Palecek said.

“No, Mrs. Palecek. There’s no reason to apologize. Civia is like I was the first few times I was in this house, and that was only a couple months ago. I, too, had had little experience with friends or friendship. This team, particularly this gang of girls here, a gang that I am incredibly proud to be a part, were the first real friends that I’d ever had. The first girls with whom I could exercise my intelligence and knowledge without fear of ridicule. Over the many, many wonderful days that I’ve spent in this house, the happiness, the ... elation that I’ve felt because I was accepted, accepted for who I am, caused me to cry on Beth’s or Rhee’s or the others’ shoulders a dozen times or more. Like me, Civia is happy to have peers, both in soccer skills and intelligence, peers that like her, that appreciate her, that treat her as the friend that she is. Unless she were a lot more stoic than I am, she cannot help but cry. The relief at finally having friends is too much to hold in.”

No one said anything for quite a while, some of us waiting for Civia to attain control, some not really knowing what to say. Mrs. Palecek simply stared at Heather, until she turned and looked down at Civia.

“Oh, Civia,” she said, then rubbed her daughter’s back around her husband’s arms.

Liya stood, went to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth, presumably wet with cold water. She carried it to the new couch, squatted, and got Civia to sit up and take the washcloth from her. Civia, no longer crying, wiped her face, particularly her eyes. Liya said something to her that I couldn’t quite make out, but they both stood, Civia following her to the bathroom.

“Okay, I’m about to cry, now,” Mrs. Palecek said.

“Kalina, Jeff,” Coach said. “The team members in this house are most of the heart and soul of the team. As soon as Civia began spending time with the team, this group of girls took it upon themselves to take her under their wings, figuring correctly that such a young girl with exceptional field skills might well have little experience with friendship unless there was at least one other girl that had learned those skills along with Civia. As we got to know her, it became apparent that she had learned most of what she knows on her own, and the time required would have virtually negated any chance of serious friendships.

“Civia spoke truthfully. The whole team likes her. Yesterday, she stood in front of the team and thanked them for being so helpful, so friendly to her. She has impressed the team, and this is a team with no real peer in our local league. This team is the cream of this level’s crop in our corner of the state. Civia could have challenged for a starting job this year had she been on the team. As I said, she would have been good for this team, though we wouldn’t really have needed her to win the local tournament. We would, however, have a real use for her in the state tournament, if only she were a playing member. Regardless, it’s obvious that the team has been very good for Civia. She has many friends on the team and those not friends are, at least, friendly acquaintances.”

Civia and Liya returned then. Once Civia was seated with her parents, Coach continued.

“Civia. Kalina. Jeff. I am the new girls’ soccer coach at Central High. All the older girls in this room will be starting there next month. That team’s offense last year was comprised almost entirely of seniors. Beth, Rhee, and Heather will probably make up most of the starting offense this fall on the school team, as there is almost no one else. However, despite their relative youth for a varsity high school team, I still expect the team to be competitive. This is why I have asked to speak to you three today.”

Civia’s eyes went very wide in surprise; her parents’ foreheads both furrowed in concern.

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A Genny Story Prudence

  Here is another adventure that Melly and I had while on vacation. It isthe only threesome that we have ever had (together). I don't know why wehaven't done it again, we just haven't. As always I would love to hearfrom anyone that would like to write. If you do write I promise that Ialways return e-mails,A Genny story.... PrudenceI am Genny.It was the second winter that Melly and I lived together. We were lookingto escape the Michigan cold, and Melly has a cousin Joe that works in DisneyWorld...

2 years ago
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Behen Ko Choda

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston mera naam aki hai, main peheli baar mein apni kahani yaha post kar raha hu umid hai aap logo ko pasand aayegi, Main padhai k wahaj se bahar rehta hu. Ye kahani aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai tab main chutti pe ghar gaya huwa tha. Jab mein ghar pohocha toh pata chala ki meri cousin behen v chutti pe mere ghar aarahi hai kyun ki uske parents working hain aur kaam k silsile se bahar jate rehte hain. Main apni cousin se 2 saal baad milne wala tha. Uski age 21 saal...

2 years ago
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A Teachers Fantasy Part3

The pictures Sara sent me were quite graphic. Close up shots of my cock sliding in and out of Sara’s cunt; my cock spitting its contents on her clit; her face as she was coming. But the worst of all was the picture of me licking the sperm from her slit. There was no mistaking who’s face was in who’s crotch.After class that day, I asked Sara to stay after class for a moment. I asked if there were some way that the pictures could be destroyed so my career wouldn’t be. She smiled and said I had...

2 years ago
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My bold and beautiful aunt part 1

I was happy to be staying with my Aunt Betty for a couple of weeks last summer while my parents went on a long anticipated cruise to the Caribbean. I was a sixteen year-old then, with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a nicely developing figure. . .at least I thought so! I loved to display my budding blessings in my string bikinis. I wore a different one every day, and they seemed to be getting skimpier and skimpier--or was I just a "growing girl"? In any case, I enjoyed strutting around...

2 years ago
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Fun with Kevin

I got the papers served to me.     It was official, I was going through a divorce.   It was going on about 6 months without have sex with someone other than myself.  And quite frankly, I was physically satisfied, but not mentally satisfied.    I had discovered porn, naughty chat, and occasional phone call, was not giving me what I needed - the interaction with someone.     My best friend at work, Christi who is 10 years my junior and very sexually progressive, encouraged me to find some one to...

2 years ago
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The Swap ClubChapter 4 Party Time

“So, what’s the dress code for an orgy?” I asked Debby. “I haven’t talked to Jerry since we had that dinner.” The next day, Jerry had gone for a week to a convention. An accountant’s convention, now that must be real fun. Then again, maybe I didn’t know Jerry or accountants as well as I thought I had. And then the day he came back, I had a sales trip downstate, for a week. I had left it up to Debby to sort things out. I was shaving as I asked, dressed in my bathrobe. Debby was taking a...

3 years ago
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Wife gets wild

This is one of my favourite stories, I found it on a website years ago and had been looking for it again ever since. I recently found a copy of it on the hard drive of an old computer so I thought I would share it with everyone.I did not write this story and have no idea who did. If the authour would like to claim credit please do!WIFE GETS WILDWe went to my company party a few nights back. Lisa, my wife was by far the hottest babe there. She works out and has always had a hot body. She is...

2 years ago
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Best Cyber Ever Guys Monologue

Maybe we were watching TV next to each other or something My hand would just be resting on your leg But being a naughty horny fellow, I think it would probably start wandering Rubbing down the inside of your thigh I suppose at some point it had gone down your tracksuit Maybe you didn't notice Feeling the soft tender inside of your thigh, running my fingers up to the edge of your panties And tugging at them a bit Letting the fabric pull across you Running my hand down over the front of...

1 year ago
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My friend Louis

I am 49 years old at this writing.. I was 14 years old when I met Louis, he is ( always has been) a sharp dresser and always had one or two hot girlfriends hanging around, whenever we hung out. The previous year (when I was 13) an older girl from my swim team ( she was 18) took my virginity, while I was c***d sitting for the couple next door. Louis was the first of my friends to know, that I was having sex with the older girl, and it was then that he told me, that he had only ever liked...

4 years ago
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The Cursed Board Game

Stories have been heard throughout the years of the cursed board game. It's origin was a mystery. Some believed it to have been crafted by witches and cursed. Others thought it had been conjured by a demon to test or break humans. Still others believed that it had simply always existed, and that there was no rhyme or reason to it. The game is deceptively simple in appearance. A board with indiscriminate spaces and a flat, black stone in the center. A pair of ebony dice and 4 player tokens were...

1 year ago
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Hot Night

I had just graduated from high school, and it was summer. I had dated a few times in high school, but nothing major, and i had never gotten past first base. I had just started a job at the local drive-in, working in the concession stand. There were several girls working there that summer, but Muskaan was by far the best looking. She had long dark black hair, beautiful black eyes, a gorgeous smile that lit up the room, very pretty facial features, and a very, VERY sexy body. She was also one of...

2 years ago
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Just a Little Lie

The year was 2006, June 2006 to be precise, which is pretty damn important. I was sitting in my Colorado home having a drink and looking at the view and it is a magnificent view. It should have looked better to me but it didn't; but it was still ok. It was a nice time of day and the sun would be setting soon. I did not spend enough time here I thought. Actually I hardly spent any time here at all since the divorce. My name is Franklin Collins and I am a twenty eight year old rich kid. I just...

3 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 6

Rolly looked at the contents of the big bank box and pulled out what he would need: pack, bedroll, belt with the sword he had taken off of Martus, dagger, eating knife, fire kit, various ropes, cords, and thongs, Debora's bronze shackle and chain, her iron slave collar, his slungshot, leather mitt with bolo shoulder strap, beggar's clothes, good boots, and a purse with a two conchs and twenty shells. His first stop was the nearest blacksmith where he asked to have the shackle made into...

1 year ago
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The Assignment

The Assignment By RogerGirl Melvin and Ambrose were at their makeup stations goofing off as usual. The assignment for the class was to give the girls in the chairs glamour makeovers, but the two guys had no interest in the assignment. While they were both very talented makeup artists and could very easily complete the assignment, they had only taken the course for the movie makeup portion. They had both completed their other assignments with great enthusiasm, impressing their...

2 years ago
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The Strange Death of David Parmenter 7 Summation

Author's note: This is an original work of transgender fiction. Any similarity between any person, living or dead, is strictly coincidental. I.The Strange Death of David Parmenter by Erin Shoemaker, Jr. 7. Summation It was now nearing the end of the fourth week since David Parmenter had entered the LRP program. He had been cocooned inside a state of the art body suit which had, by then, bonded with his skin, and following its programmed instructions, had shaped him into young...

3 years ago
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Her real name was Ophelia, but there was no way in the world any of these people were ever going to know that. Leah is a marvelous name, and it’s not a total bastardization of her given name, so she gets to have her cake (not being called Ophelia) and eat it too (not having parents that hand out guilt trips left and right about something as simple as a name). Leah, right now, was sitting on a bar stool. At a bar. A dirty one, actually, she thought as she sneered down at the counter. Running her...

3 years ago
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Engineer Launde Ke Pehla Threesome

Do pariyan aap ke laude par ek sath toot padein .Aisa sapno me to dekha suna hoga, par agar asliyat bankar apke samne ho baat kuch aur ho jati ha. Kuch aisi he kahani ha mere pehle threesome ki. Pehle apko dono pariyon se introduce kara dun. Pehli thi himachali . Naam tha aashi . Age 28 . Rang to himachali ladkiyon ka kehna he kya. Us ki skin pahadiyon ki subah ki tarah suhani aur smooth . Wo mere sath office me kaam karti thi . Dusri thi sonali . Proper delhi wali patola. Age 24 . Ye mere...

2 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 26

The rest of the trip to the Dive was quiet. I didn’t have anything to say for the time, my thoughts filled with what I would do about my House and its members. Chloe seemed content with the silence. We pulled into the parking lot for the Dive. She pulled up beside the entrance and killed the engine. She looked over at me. “Well, it’s good to know violence doesn’t get your engines going,” she said. I frowned. “What do you mean?” She reached over and rubbed my thigh. “We have to get you...

2 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 2 Priestly Predation

Father Murphy's vow lasted an even shorter time than Jill's resolution, and it was less than a week before he for the first time plucked a young parishioner's cherry. And he knew from the moment that he began the seduction, if such it could be called, that he was committing a terrible sin. Not only was he once again breaking his vow of celibacy but he was doing it with a pure and innocent young girl and taking advantage of his trusted position to achieve her seduction. Her name was Ann...

3 years ago
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Dee Does High SchoolChapter 22

With a good bit of giggling and tickling and poking and pushing all three of us crammed in the front of Kathy's beloved old minivan, better known for its exotic paint job as the Art Mobile. I hiked up my dress and crawled to the center, mooning everyone in the parking lot in the process, and planted my naked butt on the center console, straddling the stick-shift. Greg took shotgun, thoughtfully draping his left arm around my shoulders so his hand could keep my tit warm. Then he got all...

4 years ago
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My Trip Continued

Once we got dressed we went down to the restaurant to have breakfast. It was still early, just 8 o'clock so we had lots of time before she had to leave for her meeting. As I said she had asked me if we could stay a bit later in the evening before we left to return home. I told her I was sure that wouldn't be a problem, but that I should phone Catherine to let her know, as she would be worrying about me. Lillian smiled at that and reaching over and laid a hand on my arm. "I know she smiled,...

2 years ago
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A Hook Up In A Small Town Pt 3

Monday morning, the rain fell as Genevieve finished up what she was in the middle of before Danny had walked in the afternoon before. Her first trip down to the storeroom caused her to pause - she wasn’t expecting to be haunted by flashbacks of her interlude with the fireman, but there she was, standing on the bottom step, gripping the railing, and remembering the echos of his moaning.She skipped the corn roast all together - not wanting to run into him again. It was just so awkward: she didn’t...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Rent a Man BluesChapter 4

Akio was in trouble. They were out of view of land, and Hiroto had told the captain to stop the boat, so that the passengers could swim. Sinho, as it turned out, had a one piece suit that made her look like an Olympic swimmer who was a bit over the hill. But as much as she had satisfied Akio over the years, he had no eyes for his actual lover. Instead, they flitted from Hamako, to Raleigh to Megan, constantly shifting. The loose cloth of his trunks was tented out, something that didn't seem...

2 years ago
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Helping Mrs Schwarz

An easy-going soft-porn story of seduction written sometime ago for an American friend. Enjoy the slow pace and build up.On his way home from high school, he saw her pull in to their drive way, and his heart began to beat faster. At the entrance to the Schwarz’s secluded home, he stopped, half hidden behind a conifer. She had parked in front of the garage. He watched her from behind as she began unloading the shopping, the grey pencil skirt rising up over her long legs as she bent into the...

3 years ago
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my first time

I placed an add in Craigslist in my area describing that I was a very curious closet CD looking for my first experience. After MANY replies (all of them were either from freak-kind of guys, or someone that quit right away), I got in contact with a guy that seemed to be the right one. I was interested in meeting in the woods in one of the many parks around this area and he agreed on that (after we exchange some pics to “known each other” a little and be OK with what we were looking for). I...

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Doesnt Hurt to Look

My wife Paula and I (Dave Williams) were planning on spending the weekend at our summer cottage at the shore, which usually means we spend at least one day on our boat fishing. I knew it was time to replace some gear so I was going to go online and see what the local stores may have on sale. I really needed some additional smaller jigs as the mackerel was running and I used that for bait for larger fish like stripers. My wife Paula had her laptop out on the table as she had been looking up a...

2 years ago
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Just A Girl

"Just A Girl" by Katie Risita My name is Frank. OK, it WAS Frank, until recently, when things...changed. Now, more often than not, I answer to Katie. I know, I know. Yes, I am a guy, technically, but, explain, it's gonna take a story, a loooong story...but not a boring one, I promise! I am a 33-year-old white male from Long Island, New York. I have always been overweight, unattractive, short, and very insecure, especially about my looks and desirability to the...

1 year ago
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Just an Older Dude Ch 03

We didn’t bother with a shower, just hopped onto the bed and I lay on my back and Janice knelt between my legs and started sucking my cock. Her tongue was everywhere, up and down the shaft, licking the knob even kissing and licking my balls. I was quick to harden, and just when I thought she was going to finally swallow my dick, she went low again, tickling and sucking on my balls. ‘I think I’ll return the favor,’ she said as she placed my legs up onto her shoulders. A moment later she was...

3 years ago
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Havoc I was pissed yesterday

Wreaking havoc in my skin Setting green veins red ablaze Warping my warm thoughts to sin And turning my kind eyes to glaze This process is almost complete The poison stings my very soul Give me coffee with deceit So that I too, my eyes, may roll May I roll my eyes at all my friends! Every kind soul in my lustrous path! May I, like you, use you for ends! Just to walk away and coldly laugh Why must you mock my kindness? Why must you be so cruel? Almighty, tell me why I signed this contract to...

2 years ago
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Annas Magic Ch 07

Beth and I had just finished straightening our clothes when Anna came into the kitchen, carrying a basket filled with an array of toys and bottles of baby oil. I grinned sheepishly as she walked past, the whole time smirking wickedly. “So I see you’re making our guests feel at home, sweetie?” She started sarcastically, reaching down and zipping up my open fly. Before I could answer she handed me the basket to hold and turned to address the gathering. “Okay ladies and gentlemen, for the next...

3 years ago
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An Engagement Ch 01

St. Evies―An Engagement Introduction: Ruminations Pedro de la Garza had a problem. He was a young man, posing as a girl, which could not last forever. Every day brought new challenges and some had almost tripped him. He was also living on charity, which offended his sense of dignity. Even if he could, Pedro did not want to continue posing. Now that he had a steady job, with improving prospects, it was not necessary. Other living arrangements could be found. If it were not for Angela, Pedro...

3 years ago
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I gave a blowjob to the taxi driver TRUE STORY

It's a 100% true story like the rest of my stories (Although it took 2-3 hours to seduce the young repairman *see: Airconditioner repairman laid some pipe*)I never really liked clubbing unlike my best friend B. but she was really into that and therefore, i did accompany her several times despite enjoying the scene myself.I went to clubbing on a Saturday night as usual with my best mate B., it was almost 23.30 when we arrived due to heavy rain that hit the region. Although it was rainy, the club...

3 years ago
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Baby Candy chap 4

Chapter 4. Bedwetting Baby Candy Mandy switched off the overhead light on her way out, but she left her bedroom door open a crack, so the room was partially lit from the landing. As I lay there alone in the semi-darkness dressed in my feminine finery, I felt the familiar erotic feelings wash over me. The ruffled little-girl panties and slippery nylon nightie were really turning me on, especially after having been dressed and treated like little girl all day! My arms and legs felt...

3 years ago
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Plumbers Mate

I knocked on the door and waited. The woman that answered was sexy in the classical way. Black patent leather eight inch stilettos. Smoke seamed stockings encasing shapely legs. Yes I knew they were stockings because I could see the outline of her suspenders under the black figure hugging hobble skirt she was wearing. Wide hips suggesting an ample bottom, her waist narrow, encircle by a black patent leather belt. Tucked into the belt was a pale cream blouse, I could see the outline of a...

2 years ago
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Fender Bender

Lainey’s fingers dashed across the phone screen. She hit send on her message and began to type out another lengthy response before Dylan could reply. That bastard had spent the better part of her shift at the coffee shop arguing with her over text. The fact that she was now driving home did not stop the argument. It was now in full swing now.Lainey had called him out for flirting with his coworker. She found the text messages to prove it. Of course, she should not have been snooping in his...

1 year ago
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Truth About Cotillions

I am Richard King, now the author of nearly 100 stories on, but that isn’t what I always did. When I was younger, I mean not yet a teenager, maybe sixth grade – I didn’t even think about girls. I had two sisters, but they’re my sisters ... and were nothing special to me. Kinda cute! I also had an older brother, but this isn’t about any of them. The first time I met a girl whom I thought was pretty, it was the initial night that I went to Cotillion. Yeah, that’s where I got...

2 years ago
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Frankie Chocolate Part 1

Frankie was beginning to wonder what else she could try, when she was online and a message flashed up from a guy called Kai.As she opened his profile, the biggest chocolate cock she had ever seen popped up on the screen in front of her eyes, the picture having been taken just after he had cum was covered with his juice.Her eyes nearly popped out at the sight and her pussy began to throb instantly, she read his details and she was quite disappointed to see he wasn’t close to her.She felt her...

1 year ago
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Helping with college preperations

“Keith, Keith Zane” the nursed called as I sat waiting in the doctor’s office. “The doctor will see you now” she said pointing to room number 2. The one with the sign “DR V. Edwards” on its door. I got up and started walking over to it. I opened the door, walked in and closed the door behind me. Inside the office, sitting at her desk was a very attractive blonde who I assumed was doctor V. Edwards. “Please sit down” She said while looking over at her computer screen. I sat down in...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 52 WETMOUTH

Wetmouth ran towards the tall man standing next to the Ultra Lux Flyer and he scooped her up. “Missed you, girl!” “I missed you too, Dad.” She climbed into the Flyer on the pilot’s side and Rex Schwartz took the passenger seat. Wetmouth gunned the 25 million credit Lumina Lamborghini RS exclusive edition through the energy curtain accelerating faster than a Loki torpedo. “Where are we going, Dad?” “Linda waits for us at our Pluribus Penthouse.” She let go of the controls and said to the...

2 years ago
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A Sissies Tale Pretty in Pink

A long week and a half and i finally had the house to my self.I had no "personal" time or sexy adult meetings due to being busy or room mates were home (Bummer right?).I grabbed the chance for some much needed girl time.After a long shower and a date with my razor it felt sooo good to be sissy smooth again.From the bathroom i walked to my room completely naked,hair still dripping wet and my little cocklette bouncing as i walked.In my room i was deciding on what to wear (Takes awhile..girls...

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Girls Night In Ch 06

I could feel the three women moving around above me. ‘Now spread your legs and put your left foot over here,’ Lori continued and I felt Betsy’s foot brush across my thighs, ‘there you go. Now you’re just going to lower yourself down onto your knees. There you go Bets.’ I could feel Betsy’s knees pressing along the outside of my thighs as she was positioned straddling my waist. ‘Umm Lori, I can’t do this. I’m so fucking excited but I can’t cheat on Michael,’ Betsy protested. ‘I seem to recall...

2 years ago
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Mera Pahla Pyar And How We Attached Physically At Yamuna Expressway

So first of all hello to all the girls and bhabhi …Me delhi ka rahne vala hu and meri gf bhi Delhi se belong karti h me 23 year old hu and meri gf ki age 24 thi mera name navneet h and meri gf ka name tanya tha ( name changed ) because of secrecy ..Me 1 avg ladka hu dikhne me and meri gf bhi avg thi dikhne me if any girl from delhi and aunty want to have fun can contact me. I will keep all that secret.. Ab aapko jyada bor na karte hue story pe aata hu toh yeh story November ki h…By d way hum...

1 year ago
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84 Avis The next stage

84 Avis The next stage After my experience with sucking dad's cock and mom's tits, I couldn't help but think about what I had not only done, but just how much I actually enjoyed what I had experienced. It proved to be a while before the three of us were alone again and dad made the most of it as he next had me try another aspect of sex that was new to me. Dad was feeling particularly horny one afternoon and after my brother and sister had gone off for the day, he came into the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 07

Chapter VII   ‘Well how are you two getting along?’ Carol asked, walking up and standing next to Don and Terri’s table.   ‘Just fine, Carol.’ Terri replied. ‘We’ve been sitting here listening to the music and talking about different things. How about you and Mike?’   ‘Mike and I are getting along great,’ Carol replied. ‘He was telling me all about you and himself and what you all do when you come down here on vacation. It sounds like this place can be a lot of fun if you know where to go...

3 years ago
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She Feels A Little Guilty Sometimes

Sherry is an outgoing fun-loving person with an infectious smile that always seems to have a hint of mischief in it. She was even pretty wild back in the day. These days, she is happily married to her third husband, of fifteen plus years, and they love spending as much time as they can with her grandchildren. But since her car accident several years ago, she has lived with the daily grind of unexplainable pain. A sharp, burning, radiating pain that pulses through her hips and legs.Sherry has...

Wife Lovers
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EMBARRASSING By Brian Houlihan Copyright @2003 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved She got off on embarrassing me. In fact it runs in her family. I found out the hard way. We had been engaged for about three months. Martha and I were out having drinks at a local college bar when she ran into an old boyfriend. Now let me just preface things here by telling you that Martha is extremely attractive. Tall, good looking All American Girl kind of look, sort of like Cindy...

2 years ago
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With Her And Him 8211 Story Of A Romantic Threesome

We were walking blissfully enjoying the cloudy romantic weather. She held my hand on her right and him on left playfully reveling the mood. He seemed a bit startled by the ongoing events, but the nice guy he is, tried to not show it. I went closer to her and planted a kiss on her cheeks and whispered in her ears, “Kiss him”. She looked at me sheepishly and then turned around pulling him closer. She caressed his hair as he nervously looked into her naughty and romantic eyes. And she slowly went...

1 year ago
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Music To My Ears

Jean and I had known each other since senior School, and we had partied on and off over the years. She was very attractive, slim, statuesque, with bright emerald eyes and long, luscious, copper-red hair. She had been known to take lovers of both genders; however, in recent years she had declared herself a lesbian.  Jean had never made a move in my direction which both relieved, and offended me in some small way. To be honest, at that time I didn't know what I would have done if she ever...

2 years ago
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A Journey of PassionChapter 9

Gabriela had been living with Seth for a few weeks and loved it. He was everything she thought and more. Her apartment in Indiana still had a couple of months to go on the lease and she decided dealing with it could wait. Now she only wanted to learn more about the gorgeous man that was sharing her life. Back home she'd worked but here so far she didn't. Gabriela felt a bit odd letting Seth take care of her even though he liked having her home. He reminded her he could afford to support...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy And Horny Housemaid Chetna

Hello friends, myself Sanju, from Surat and this story is the real-life experience that I am sharing with you all. Please share your views on this story with the comment and likes you can also give your suggestion on The incident took place 2 years ago when I was in college. I used to live in a rented house with 2 of my college friends. We hired a maid to do household work. Her name was Chetna. Chetna was in her mid-30s with fair skin with average height. She had 36 size breasts and wear 38...

1 year ago
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Maa Er Special Mishti

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends ami abhik Aj apnader akta chotto ghotonar golpo bolbo Apnara nischoi amar ar amar maa er sexual relationship er baparey janen e tai er kotha na barey suru korlam Akdin ami college thekey ferey maa bollo jey babar office colleague er cheler beye tai amra invited jano ami er bairey kothao na beroi, -son kotao bairey jas na tor baba firley aksathey jabo -amakeo jetey hobey -ha bhoddrolok bolechen sobbai key astey na geley kharap bhabben -okaney to ami...

2 years ago
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College Mates Ended As Friends With Benefits

Hello, this is Rohit. This is my first story that I’m posting here. I’m working for a software firm and my job needs a lot of travel. This took place when I was new to Bangalore. I and one of my friends got a job in Bangalore (in a different organization) from the campus placements. Let me tell you about my friend. She has dusky skin. She is around 5 feet tall and has curves at the right places, 32D boobs, which anyone would notice. When she moved to Bangalore, she was given a hotel for the...

1 year ago
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Thot Tok! Porn is an ever-changing landscape. You need to keep up with the times if you want to jerk your dick to the newest and hottest videos out there. No, I’m not talking about any crazy developments like VR or a pocket pussy that automatically gets you off. I’m talking about the newest and best sluts. We’re in a goddamn porn renaissance where any whore can spread her legs and go viral. Who gives a shit about the newest fake-ass pornstar when I can rub myself raw to an amateur slut fucking...

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